Safe working conditions in the railway transport industry. Occupational safety instructions for a station worker at a railway station of JSC Russian Railways. II. Dispatch and operator group workers


Labor Law Standards

The main direction of state policy in the field of labor protection is to ensure the priority of preserving the life and health of workers. None

production performance should not be prioritized over human safety.

A person entering the work area of ​​railway transport is exposed to an increased risk of mechanical injury, electrical injury, harmful effects noise, vibrations, electromagnetic fields, negative microclimatic factors, polluted atmospheric air, etc.

Worker safety in any modern production environment is ensured Labor protection- a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process labor activity, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

Working conditions- a set of environmental factors and the labor process that influence the performance and health of the employee.

Harmful production factor- a factor whose impact on an employee can lead to illness.

Hazardous production factor- a factor whose impact on a worker can lead to injury.

Safe working conditions- working conditions under which the impact on

working harmful and (or) dangerous factors are excluded or their exposure levels do not exceed established standards.

Workplace- a place where the employee must be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

Personal and collective defense workers - technical means used to prevent or reduce exposure of workers to harmful and (or) dangerous factors, as well as to protect against pollution.

Experience shows that in any human activity, especially in production, the possibility of injury, illness, disability, death, or damage to health cannot be excluded.

Enterprises and organizations incur large financial costs and moral losses when occupational diseases occur, as well as in cases of occupational injuries to workers.

Industrial safety is ensured by knowledge about the dangers and harmful factors that threaten people in transport. The worker needs to know the influence of these factors on the human body, protective equipment, and be able to anticipate and prevent dangers.

Every employee should be well aware that absolutely safe production facilities do not exist. . In ensuring the safety of life and health of workers during their work activities, a significant role belongs to regulatory and legal documents on the protection. On railways, the safety of the working environment is ensured by a complex legal documents mandatory.

Minimizing the possibility of injury and occupational disease depends on a person’s compliance with the norms and rules regulated by these documents. You must have sufficient awareness of the contents of such documents and be able to use them competently.

There are also complexes of economic, organizational, technical and sanitary measures.

Economic events- proactive costs for protecting human life and health by normalizing the parameters of harmful production factors. In addition, these methods include costs for restoring the health of workers in cases where normalization of the parameters of harmful and dangerous factors is impossible for technical or other reasons, as well as in cases where an accident or catastrophe has already caused harm to the life or health of the worker.

Organizational events action based administrative measures to prevent harmful effects on humans of hazardous factors. Organizational measures, for example, include: professional selection; conducting briefings and technical training; rationalization of the labor regime under the influence of negative factors; organization, development and implementation of technical security measures; certification of workplaces.

Legal measures are established by laws, norms, hygiene standards, rules, regulations, certificates, etc.




I. General provisions

Discipline of employees consists in their compliance with the order, rules and norms established by law Russian Federation, regulations applied in railway transport, in the implementation of orders and instructions from the heads of enterprises and organizations of railway transport, as well as duties stipulated by employment agreements (contracts).

The employee is obliged:

a) ensure the safety of train traffic and shunting work, timely delivery of goods and passengers, adhere to train schedules;

b) take care of technical means of railway transport, equipment, materials and objects of railway transport, ensure the safety of transported goods, luggage and other entrusted property;

c) comply with the rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and environmental protection;

d) take care of passengers, providing a high level of service to them.

The manager is obliged:

a) correctly organize the work of subordinates, clearly give orders and instructions and check their accurate and timely execution, paying special attention to the issues of organizing the safety of train traffic and shunting work, ensure the introduction of scientific organization of labor and management;

b) ensure compliance with the economy regime, compliance with financial discipline and fulfillment of financial obligations, rational and efficient use of material resources, safety of transported cargo, luggage and other entrusted property, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to their loss, damage and theft;

c) pay attention to increasing the level of state and labor discipline, strive to reduce losses of working time and staff turnover, encourage employees who have distinguished themselves in their service and strictly punish violators of discipline;

Management personnel and employees involved in servicing passengers, shippers and consignees, train movement and shunting work, who receive uniforms on preferential terms, must be dressed in uniform when performing their job duties, unless special industrial clothing is provided for them.

II. Incentives

Employees are encouraged for conscientious performance of work duties, improving the quality of work, increasing labor productivity, innovation, initiative, ensuring the safety of transported goods and luggage, long-term and impeccable work.

The following types of incentives are applied to employees:

a) declaration of gratitude;

b) issuing a bonus;

c) rewarding with a valuable gift;

d) awarding a Certificate of Honor;

e) awarding the title of best worker by profession or other titles for success in work with the presentation of a memorial sign and payment of monetary compensation;

f) incentives provided for by the collective agreement;

g) awarding the badge “Honorary Railway Worker”.

For special labor merits, employees are nominated in the prescribed manner for state awards of the Russian Federation.

Several types of incentives may be used simultaneously. Incentives are announced in the order and entered into work book employee.

III. Disciplinary responsibility

Violation of discipline by an employee is a disciplinary offense. A disciplinary offense is also recognized as a violation of the established rules of behavior in office premises, trains, on the territory of enterprises, institutions and organizations of railway transport, if it was committed not while performing job duties.

For each disciplinary offense, only one disciplinary sanction can be imposed.

For the commission of a disciplinary offense by an employee, the following types may be applied to him, in addition to those provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor: disciplinary sanctions:

a) deprivation of the driver’s certificate for the right to drive a locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock, the driver’s certificate for the right to drive a trolley, the assistant driver of a locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock - the certificate of an assistant driver, the assistant driver of a trolley - the driver’s assistant’s certificate for a period of up to three months or up to one year, with transfer with the consent of the employee to another job for the same period for the commission of an offense by the driver, driver, assistant driver, assistant driver, which created a threat of a crash or accident, the life and health of people.

It is not permitted to transfer an employee as a disciplinary sanction to a job that is contraindicated for him for health reasons according to a medical report.

If the employee does not agree to continue working under new conditions arising in connection with the application of disciplinary sanctions against him, provided for in subparagraph a), the employment agreement (contract) with him is terminated.

A disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal may be imposed, except in cases provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, also for an employee committing a gross violation of discipline that creates a threat to the safety of train traffic, shunting work, the life and health of people, or leads to a violation of the safety of cargo, luggage and entrusted property. .

A disciplinary sanction may be imposed by a manager who has the right to hire an employee who has committed a disciplinary offense.

Not a single disciplinary offense should remain without appropriate influence from the manager.

A manager who does not use or exceeds the disciplinary rights granted to him bears responsibility for this in the prescribed manner.

An employee who has committed an offense security threatening the movement of trains and shunting work, the life and health of people, is suspended from work for this working day (shift) by the official exercising administrative or control and inspection functions at this site, with immediate notification of this to the relevant manager. The notice must detail the reasons and circumstances that led to the removal from work.

Suspension from work without sufficient grounds entails liability for the guilty official in accordance with the established procedure.

Before applying a disciplinary sanction, the manager is obliged to comprehensively and objectively understand the reasons and motives for the misconduct, having previously requested a written explanation from the employee who committed it.

Refusal to give an explanation does not exempt the guilty employee from disciplinary liability.

The disciplinary sanction must correspond to the severity of the offense committed, the circumstances under which it was committed, and the degree of guilt of the employee.

When determining the type of disciplinary sanction, the manager must take into account the nature of the offense, the harm caused by it, the circumstances under which it was committed, as well as the previous service of the employee who committed the offense.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the manager must comply with the rules of official ethics and not allow the personal dignity of a subordinate to be humiliated.

Disciplinary action may be combined with deprivation in the prescribed manner of bonuses, remuneration based on the results of work for the year and other measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the collective agreement.

A disciplinary sanction is imposed no later than one month from the date of discovery of the misconduct, not counting the time the employee spent en route on passenger or freight trains, time of illness, time on vacation, as well as the time the employee used accumulated rest days.

In all cases, disciplinary sanctions cannot be imposed later than six months.

A superior manager, within the limits of the powers granted to him, has the right to cancel, mitigate or strengthen a disciplinary sanction imposed by a subordinate manager if he finds sufficient grounds for such a decision.

An employee, within three months from the date of familiarization with the order imposing a disciplinary sanction on him and within a month from the date of delivery of the dismissal order, may appeal such orders in the prescribed manner.

If the employee has not committed a new violation of labor discipline and has shown a conscientious attitude to work, the disciplinary sanction imposed on him can be lifted before the end of the year.

Before reinstating an employee to work related to train movement and shunting work, he must pass the established tests. If the employee fails to pass these tests twice, he is transferred with his consent to another job, and if he refuses the transfer, he may be fired. Tests are not carried out if the break in work related to train movement and shunting work does not exceed three months.

Labor disputes between employees regarding the imposition of disciplinary sanctions are considered by labor dispute commissions and district (city) people's courts.


about the peculiarities of working hours and rest time,

working conditions of certain categories of railway workers

transport directly related to train traffic

1. The regulation on the peculiarities of working hours and rest time, working conditions for certain categories of railway transport workers directly related to the movement of trains was developed in accordance with Article 329 of the Federal Law "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" and Article 25 of the Federal Law "On Railway Transport of the Russian Federation ".

The provision applies to railway transport workers whose work is directly related to the movement of trains, carrying out their labor duties on the way or within the serviced sections of the railway transport infrastructure, carrying out work on the transportation of goods and providing passenger services, as well as workers ensuring the continuity of the transportation process and train traffic safety.

2. In accordance with Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the length of the working week, work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers, the duration of daily work (shift), the start and end time of work (shift), the time of breaks in work, the number of shifts per day , alternation of workers and non-working days are established by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations.

3. For workers engaged in round-the-clock continuous work, as well as in other types of work where, due to production (work) conditions, the established daily or weekly working hours cannot be observed, in accordance with Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the introduction of summarized accounting is allowed working hours with an accounting period - month, quarter and others, but not more than a year. In this case, the sum of hours worked during this period cannot exceed the normal number of working hours in the accounting period.

4. Duration of working hours at shift work is established by the employer taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees, but not more than 12 hours.

Working more than two calendar days in a row during the night period (from 10 pm to 6 am) is not allowed.

Time uninterrupted rest There must be at least 12 hours between shifts. Attracting an employee to work, regardless of the duration of rest used during the previous work (shift), is permitted in cases of performing work necessary for the defense of the country, as well as to prevent an industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of an industrial accident or natural disaster with written consent employee.

Requirements for labor protection and labor protection organization

Article 210 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of state policy in the field of labor protection , which are:

ensuring the priority of preserving the life and health of workers;

adoption and implementation of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, as well as targeted programs for improving working conditions and labor protection;

public administration labor protection;

state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements;

promoting public control over compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of workers in the field of labor protection;

investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

protection of the legitimate interests of workers affected by accidents

cases at work and occupational diseases, as well as members of their families on the basis of compulsory social insurance;

establishing compensation for hard work and work under harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign work experience

to improve working conditions and safety;

state participation in financing labor protection measures;

training and advanced training of labor protection specialists;

organization of state statistical reporting on working conditions, as well as on industrial injuries, occupational morbidity and their material consequences;

ensuring the functioning of a unified information system security

Occupational safety requirements are mandatory for legal and individuals when carrying out any type of activity.

Safety and Hygiene

The employee’s right to work is determined by Article 219 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Every employee has the right to:

workplace, meeting labor protection requirements;

compulsory social insurance against accidents and occupational diseases;

obtaining reliable information about labor safety conditions in the workplace;

refusal to perform work in the event of a danger to his life and health, except for cases provided for federal laws, until such danger is eliminated;

provision of protective equipment in accordance with labor protection requirements;

training in safe work methods and techniques;

professional retraining at the expense of the employer in the event of liquidation of a workplace due to violation of labor protection requirements;

a request for an inspection of labor conditions and safety at his workplace by state supervision and control authorities;

personal participation in the consideration of issues related to ensuring safe working conditions and in the investigation of an accident or occupational disease;

an extraordinary medical examination (examination) in accordance with medical recommendations, with retention of his place of work (position) and average earnings during the said medical examination (examination);

compensation established by law, collective agreement, agreement, employment contract.

The state guarantees workers the protection of their right to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements (Article 220 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Working conditions must comply with labor protection requirements.

If work is suspended by supervisory authorities due to a violation of labor protection requirements through no fault of the employee, the employee retains his place of work and average earnings for the duration of the suspension. If an employee refuses to work in the event of a danger to his life and health, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with another job while the danger is eliminated. If the employee is not provided with protective equipment, the employer does not have the right to require the employee to perform work duties and is obliged to pay for any downtime that occurs. The employee’s refusal, in such cases, does not entail bringing him to disciplinary liability.

In the event of harm to the life and health of an employee during the performance of his work duties, compensation for harm is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases” dated July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ.

The state establishes the responsibility of the employer and officials for violation of labor protection requirements.

At work with hazardous working conditions or associated with pollution, employees are given free of charge certified products personal protection and workwear(Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in accordance with established standards, collective agreement or tariff agreement. Their acquisition, storage, repair, washing, and decontamination are carried out at the expense of the employer.

In order to provide sanitary, household, medical and preventive services to employees, the organization equips sanitary facilities (for eating, providing medical care, resting in working hours and psychological relief). Sanitary posts with first aid kits are being created, equipped with medicines and first aid medications. Transportation of workers affected by accidents and occupational diseases to medical institutions is carried out using the organization’s vehicles or at its expense (Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In order to prevent and eliminate violations of labor protection legislation, the state ensures the organization and implementation of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements and establishes the responsibility of the employer and officials for violation of these requirements.

Labor safety instructions

The legislation provides for liability for violation of regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection: disciplinary, administrative, material and criminal. Disciplinary – in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal.

Administrative - in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Material – in the form of compensation for losses in a voluntary or judicial manner.

Moral damage - only by mutual agreement or through the court.

Criminal liability - in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 143 - Violation of labor safety rules, 113 - causing grievous or moderate harm to health through negligence, 216 - violation of safety regulations when conducting mining, construction and other work, 217 - violation of safety regulations at explosive sites, 219 - violation of rules fire safety, 350 – violation of the rules of driving or operating machines.

Responsibility for violation of regulations on labor protection is determined by Article 362 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 23...26 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Labor Safety, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 143, 238,263, 266, 268), the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses(chapters 5, 6, 8...13). Officials guilty of violating legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection are held accountable.

For example, Article 11.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses provides for a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of up to one minimum wage for passage along railway tracks in unspecified places.

In accordance with Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for violation of labor protection rules by a person responsible for compliance with these rules, if this resulted in serious harm to human health, this person is punished with a fine of 200 to 500 minimum sizes wages (minimum wage) or imprisonment for up to two years; if this entailed the death of a person - imprisonment for a term of up to five years. Violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules, which through negligence resulted in mass disease or poisoning of people, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 100-200 minimum wages or imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Labor safety instructions

The labor safety instruction is a regulatory document that establishes safety requirements when workers and employees perform the work assigned to them.

Instructions for workers are developed based on standard instructions, safety requirements set out in the manufacturer’s documentation, as well as on the basis of the technological documentation of the enterprise, taking into account specific production conditions.

The labor protection instructions are developed by the head of the department (workshop, site); approved by: occupational safety engineer, Ch. technologist, ch. energy worker, according to the trade union committee and the head of the enterprise.

The labor protection instructions must contain:

1. General labor protection requirements

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

3. Labor protection requirements during work

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

The employer organizes the verification and revision of labor safety instructions for employees. The instructions must be reviewed at least once every 5 years.

Labor safety instructions for workers may be revised ahead of schedule:

a) when revising intersectoral and sectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection;

b) changes in the working conditions of workers;

c) implementation new technology and technology;

d) based on the results of the analysis of materials from the investigation of accidents, industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

e) at the request of representatives of labor authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or federal labor inspection authorities.

If during the period of validity of the labor protection instructions for the employee, his working conditions have not changed, then its validity is extended for the next period.

Labor safety instructions for workers can be handed out to them for study during the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or areas, or stored in another place accessible to workers.


When hiring (transferring) to permanent, temporary or seasonal work, employees must be provided with: introductory, initial training at the workplace, occupational safety training, initial knowledge testing, and internship. Periodically, during permanent, temporary or seasonal work, instructions should be carried out with employees: repeated, unscheduled and targeted; occupational safety training during technical studies; periodic, unscheduled testing of knowledge on labor protection.

Primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings should be completed by checking the assimilation of the content of the briefing through oral questioning or using technical training tools. All briefings are noted in the registration log of form TNU-19 with the signature of the instructing and instructing workers.

1. Introductory briefing- upon hiring, everyone is conducted by a labor protection engineer or an employee who is assigned these responsibilities by order of the employer in the labor protection office using technical means with an entry in the introductory briefing logbook and in a personal card. Conducting and receiving introductory training is confirmed by the signatures of the person being instructed and the person instructing in the journal and personal card.

The introductory briefing registration log is kept and stored after its completion by a labor protection specialist. Magazine shelf life is 25 years .

Purpose: familiarization with working conditions, internal regulations, general position on labor protection. Conducted before work begins.

2 . Primary briefing is carried out at the workplace after induction before the start of production activities for all newly hired employees.

Goal: familiarization with the specific production environment and safe work practices in the workplace. The head of the unit conducts it individually with each employee with a practical demonstration of safe work practices directly at the workplace, with a note about the conduct of the section (column) briefings in the log and in the employment order.

3. Repeated briefing – at least once every 3 months.

Goal: increasing the level, repetition and consolidation of knowledge on labor protection. Direct supervisors of work (foremen, foremen, instructors) carry out the initial briefing program at the workplace in full in the form of a conversation with an entry in the briefing log of the section, column (TNU-19) with instructions.

4. Unscheduled briefing - carried out in the following cases:

· When introducing new regulatory documents on labor protection (standards, instructions and amendments to them);

· When replacing equipment, rolling stock, tools, as well as changing technological processes affecting labor safety;

· In case of safety violations that led or could lead to injury, accident, crash, explosion, fire, the following occurred:

· a) at this enterprise; b) at other enterprises (telegrams, orders, instructions);

· At the request of supervisory authorities – government inspector labor protection, other inspectors;

· During a break in work related to train traffic for more than 30 calendar days.

Instructions are carried out no later than three days after a violation of safety regulations at the enterprise and receipt of a telegram, orders, instructions. Instruction after a break in work is carried out according to the initial instruction program. Entry in the site briefing log, column form TNU-19. It is allowed to record on special sheets of instructions related to familiarization with telegrams and orders.

5. Target briefing – carried out in the following cases:

· When performing one-time work for which a work order is issued - admission, permit and other similar documents.

· It is carried out by the person who issues the document together with the work manager with an entry in the briefing log.

· When performing work not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading and unloading, cleaning the territory of the enterprise and outside it, etc.)

· When eliminating the consequences of a wreck, accident, snow drifts, floods and other natural disasters.

· When conducting excursions around the enterprise.

· When the operational situation and weather conditions change (fog, thunderstorm).

Instructions before performing work on the railway tracks and near them are carried out by foremen and foremen with an entry in the unit’s instruction log of the TNU-19 form.

The procedure for organizing and registering targeted instruction is determined by the relevant document of the enterprise.

Internship - All new hires must take it.

Goal: acquisition of practical safe work skills by employees. During the internship, work is performed under the supervision of an experienced mentor with at least 3 years of experience, or the head of a site, area with the attachment of no more than 2 people. The duration of the internship is from 2 to 14 shifts (working days). The internship supervisor must make an appropriate entry in the TNU-19 journal of the production site and in the employment order.

Basic documents on labor protection at the enterprise.

INTRODUCTORY INSTRUCTION JOURNAL - form TNU-19 is maintained by the enterprise's labor protection engineer.

INSTRUCTION JOURNAL FOR A SITE, COLUMN, SHOP, SHIFT - form TNU-19 is kept by the head of the department, each type of instruction is on separate numbered pages.


The concept of labor physiology.

The main indicator of human reliability in the “man-machine-production environment” system is considered to be performance.

Performance depends on individual qualities, readiness for work, the general condition of the body and the degree of restoration of body functions as a result of rest adequate to the work performed.

The profession sets the work regime, determines its severity and tension. Processes in the body determine the possibilities individual person perform a specific job - his professional suitability.

Daily biorhythms have a significant impact on performance

person. For most people, the daily biorhythm has two maximums: from 10 to 12 noon and from 16 to 18 hours. The lowest performance is observed from 1 to 3 am.

Fatigue - a condition of the body characterized by decreased performance as a result of excessive stress. Fatigue is accompanied by a feeling of tiredness that stops after rest.

For locomotive operators, drivers vehicles, dispatchers and other workers involved in traffic management, the result of fatigue is a decrease in visual perception, contrast sensitivity, concentration, accuracy of distance estimation and speed.

Fatigue is a reversible physiological condition. However, if performance is not restored by the start of the next work period, fatigue can accumulate and develop into overwork. .

Overwork - a more persistent decline in performance, which in

further leads to the development of diseases, a decrease in the body’s resistance infectious diseases, requires mandatory seeking of medical help. Signs of overwork may include: insomnia, irritability, physical discomfort, and errors at work.

Fatigue and overwork are quite often the cause of human creation emergency situation, can cause increased injuries at work.

Physical and mental fatigue have similar patterns. With severe physical fatigue, mental work is unproductive, and, conversely, with mental fatigue, a person’s muscular performance decreases. With mental fatigue, there is a disorder of attention, memory, deterioration of thinking processes, weakened accuracy and

coordination of movements.

An essential role in maintaining high human performance is played by the establishment of a rational regime of work and rest. There are two forms of alternating periods of work and rest in production: the introduction of a lunch break in the middle of the working day and short-term regulated breaks.

The optimal duration of the lunch break is set taking into account the distance from the workplace, sanitary facilities and canteens.

The duration and number of short-term breaks are determined based on observations of the dynamics of performance,

These instructions on labor protection when working on railway tracks are available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination (certification) and have no contraindications for health reasons, who have undergone introductory and initial workplace safety briefings, training in safe work methods and techniques, on-the-job training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, as well as training in electrical safety rules and testing knowledge of electrical safety rules in the amount job responsibilities with assignment of the appropriate tolerance group; training in fire safety rules and testing knowledge of fire safety rules within the scope of job responsibilities; training in safe work practices and methods of providing first aid to victims in industrial accidents.
1.2. At least once every 3 months, the worker undergoes repeated instruction in the workplace on labor protection, at least once a year - another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements, and a periodic medical examination - in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.3. A worker who has not timely completed the appropriate instruction on labor protection and an annual test of knowledge on labor protection is not allowed to work.
1.4. The worker is obliged:
— comply with the internal labor regulations;
— comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
— observe the rules of personal hygiene; before eating, you must wash your hands with soap;
- be able to provide first aid to the victim, know the location of the first aid kit, and also be able to use fire extinguishing equipment and know their location;
- maintain order in the workplace;
- do not allow unauthorized persons to be present at the workplace.
1.5. When carrying out work on railway tracks, the most dangerous and harmful production factors that can affect an employee during work are:
— danger of collision with rolling stock;
- danger of defeat electric shock when broken wires are detected;
— increased noise level;
- increased or decreased air temperature.
1.6. The worker must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with the current Standards for the issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE).
1.7. Issued special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment must correspond to the nature and conditions of work, ensure labor safety, and have a certificate of conformity.
1.8. Personal protective equipment that is not available technical documentation, as well as with expired shelf life are not allowed for use.
1.9. It is prohibited to use workwear and other personal protective equipment for purposes other than the main work.
1.10. In case of noticed malfunctions of the equipment, tools, vehicles used or an emergency situation occurs, the worker must:
- stop working;
— organize work to eliminate the emergency situation.
1.11. Smoking is allowed only in a specially designated and equipped place; eating is allowed in the rest and meal room. Drink water only from specially designed installations.
1.12. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, toxic and narcotic substances during working hours, as well as to be in the workplace or the territory of the enterprise in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication.
1.13. The worker is obliged to immediately notify his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease(poisoning).
1.14. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, depending on the nature of the violations committed and their consequences, the worker bears disciplinary, material or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Inspect, put in order and put on overalls. Button and tuck the clothing so that it does not have loose ends hanging down. Overalls must be of appropriate size and not restrict movement. Do not pin your clothes with pins or needles, do not keep sharp, breakable objects in your pockets.
2.2. Check the completeness and serviceability of personal protective equipment.
2.3. When on railway tracks, all employees, including management personnel, must wear signal vests with reflective stripes.
2.4. Receive a job assignment and, if necessary, instructions related to the specifics of the job.
2.5. If violations of safety requirements or equipment malfunctions are detected, the elimination of which is not the responsibility of the worker or which cannot be eliminated by his own efforts, report them to the immediate supervisor and act in accordance with his instructions.


3.1. When walking along the tracks on a stretch, alone or in a group, you should walk to the side of the track or along the side of the road; at the station, walk along the passage route established for a given station or along the side of the track, in the middle of the widest inter-track, while keeping an eye on moving trains, shunting trains and locomotives.
3.2. If a worker finds himself between trains moving along adjacent tracks, then, if possible, he needs to sit or lie down on the ground along the track. When crossing tracks, you should first look in both directions and make sure that rolling stock (locomotives), cars, railcars, etc. are not approaching the crossing point. Cross paths at right angles; in this case, you cannot stand on the rail head, between the point and the frame rail of the switch.
3.3. When following a group, it is necessary to walk one at a time, one after another, or two people in a row under the supervision of the work supervisor, avoiding lag and movement in a crowd.
3.4. When crossing a track occupied by stationary rolling stock, you should use the transition platforms of the cars or go around the train. It is prohibited to crawl under cars or automatic couplers and drag tools, mounting devices and materials under them. Before leaving the carriage platform on the intertrack, you must make sure that the steps and handrails are in good working order, as well as that there are no locomotives and carriages moving along the adjacent track; When leaving the platform, you should hold on to the handrails, facing the carriage.
3.5. It is prohibited to cross tracks in front of approaching locomotives, carriages, railcars and other rolling stock.
3.6. When walking around a group of cars or locomotives standing on the tracks, you should cross the track at a distance of at least 5 m from the outermost car or locomotive and pass between uncoupled cars if the distance between them is at least 10 m. In this case, you should make sure that the adjacent there is no train, shunting train, single locomotive or trailer moving on the track.
3.7. It is prohibited to sit on the rails, the ends of the sleepers, the ballast prism, the choke-transformer, as well as any other devices located either within or near the gauge of the rolling stock.
3.8. If it is not possible to walk to the side of the path or along the side of the road, then passage along the path is allowed subject to the following requirements:
— on two track sections it is necessary to go towards the movement of trains, remembering the possibility of trains traveling in the wrong direction;
— on multi-track sections and sections equipped with two-way automatic blocking, the direction of train movement should be determined by the readings of traffic lights;
— when moving in a group, a specially designated worker must go ahead, protecting the group with an unfurled red flag (at night, a lantern with a red light); at the end, the group must be protected by the work manager in the order indicated above.
3.9. At least 400 m before an approaching train, you should move to the side of the road at a distance of at least 2.5 m from the outer rail at a set speed of up to 120 km/h, 4 m - from 121 to 140 km/h and 5 m - over 141 km/h
— if a track layer, electric ballaster, harvesting machine, rail grinding train or other heavy track machines are moving along the track in working position, then you should move away from the outermost rail at a distance of at least 5 m;
- if there is a track plow, then you need to move away at a distance of at least 10 m, and if there is a single-track snow plow, then at least 25 m.
3.10. In case of poor visibility, in steep curves, deep recesses, during fog or snowstorms, as well as in cases where it is not possible to move along the side of the path, walk-throughs with inspection of the contact network and overhead lines must be carried out in 2 persons. In this case, one of the workers must walk with an unfurled red flag and watch for approaching trains.
3.11. Inspection of the overhead line and associated equipment in the presence of a single-phase ground fault, as well as finding the location of the short circuit by alternately disconnecting the disconnectors, must be carried out by two people.
3.12. It is prohibited to listen to audio (video) recordings when standing on railway tracks to inspect devices or perform work.
3.13. Before crossing a railway bridge or tunnel, you must make sure that no train is approaching it.
3.14. Passage on bridges and tunnels less than 50 m long is permitted only when no approaching train is visible.
3.15. On bridges and tunnels longer than 50 m, when a train approaches, it is necessary to take shelter on special platforms or in shelter niches.
3.16. When climbing onto a railcar or carriage, you must make sure that the footrests and handrails are in good working order and climb up, holding the handrails with both hands. You can get off the railcar or carriage only after a complete stop, holding the handrails with both hands and facing the railcar, having first carefully examined the stopping place. It is prohibited to disembark from a railcar or carriage from the side of a passing train.
3.17. While working, be attentive, careful and not be distracted by extraneous conversations.
3.18. Do not eat in the workplace.
3.19. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only designated passages.
3.20. If you feel unwell, stop working, notify management and consult a doctor.


4.1. If malfunctions of the equipment, vehicle and tools used are noticed or an emergency occurs during the performance of work:
- stop working;
— warn workers about the danger;
- immediately notify the site manager.
4.2. If a wire or cable breaks, it is prohibited to approach a dangerous place at a distance closer than 8 m. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to prevent other workers from entering the dangerous zone and report the incident to the dispatcher or other official.
4.3. You should leave the current spreading area in short steps, without lifting one leg from the other.
4.4. If a fire occurs, the saw must be taken out of the fire zone, and in the event of a fire, cover it with a felt or tarpaulin until it is completely extinguished. Proceed to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment.
4.5. Report to the work manager and, if necessary, call the fire brigade by calling 101 or 112.
4.6. In case of an accident:
- take measures to remove the victim from the danger zone, making sure of your own safety;
- provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103 or 112, or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility;
- preserve the situation in which the accident occurred, if this does not threaten the life and health of others and does not disrupt the technological process, to conduct an investigation into the causes of the accident, or record it in a photo or video.
4.7. In the event of an injury, the employee must stop work,, if possible, provide first aid to himself and notify his immediate supervisor or ask others to do this.
4.8. In the event of a deterioration in health, pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility - the inability to focus or bring it into focus, pain in the fingers and hands, increased heartbeat, immediately leave the workplace, report the incident to your immediate supervisor and contact medical institution.


5.1. Inform your immediate supervisor about the work performed, about any problems with the operation of equipment and tools.
5.2. Remove protective clothing, inspect it, and, if necessary, send it for washing and/or repair.
5.3. Wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, and if possible, take a shower.

We thank Katerina for providing the instructions! =)


State educational institution of higher professional education




"Occupational safety and health in railway transport"

Completed by: Laskina L.N.

Name the basic labor protection requirements

State regulatory requirements for labor protection establish rules, procedures and criteria aimed at preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work (Article 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). They are mandatory for legal entities and individuals to carry out any type of activity, including the design, construction (reconstruction) and operation of facilities, the design of machines, mechanisms and other equipment, the development of technological processes, the organization of production and labor.

Responsibilities for creating safe conditions and labor protection (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) rest with the employer.

The employer is obliged to provide:

Safety of workers during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, implementation of technological processes, as well as the safety of tools, raw materials and supplies used in production;

Use of certified personal and collective protective equipment for workers;

Working conditions at each workplace that meet labor safety requirements;

Work and rest schedule for employees in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards;

Purchase and issue at the expense of own funds certified special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralizing agents in accordance with established standards for workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution ;

Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, conducting labor safety briefings, on-the-job training and testing knowledge of labor safety requirements;

Preventing from working persons who have not undergone training and instructions on labor protection, internship and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the established procedure;

Organizing control over the state of working conditions in the workplace, as well as over the correct use of personal and collective protective equipment by employees;

Carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions with subsequent certification of the organization of work on labor protection;

Organization of medical examinations (examinations), mandatory psychiatric examinations of employees in cases provided for by labor law, at their own expense, with employees retaining their place of work (position) and average earnings for the duration of their completion:

Mandatory preliminary (upon employment) medical examinations (examinations);

Mandatory periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations);

Mandatory psychiatric examinations of workers;

Extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the request of employees;

Extraordinary mandatory psychiatric examinations at the request of employees (in accordance with medical recommendations for mandatory psychiatric examinations);

Preventing employees from performing their job duties without undergoing mandatory medical examinations (examinations), mandatory psychiatric examinations, as well as in the case of medical contraindications;

Informing workers about labor conditions and safety in the workplace, about the risk of damage to health and the compensation and personal protective equipment they are entitled to;

Providing information and documents necessary for the exercise of powers to the following bodies:

Federal authorities executive branch, carrying out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of labor;

Federal executive authorities authorized to carry out state control and supervision over compliance labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;

Federal executive authorities exercising control and supervision functions in the established field of activity;

Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection;

Bodies of trade union control over compliance with labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms;

Taking measures to prevent emergency situations, preserve the life and health of workers in the event of such situations, including providing first aid to victims;

Investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases in accordance with the procedure established by this Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

Sanitary, medical and preventive services for workers in accordance with labor protection requirements, as well as delivery of workers who become ill at the workplace to a medical organization in the event of the need to provide them with emergency medical care;

Unimpeded access to officials of federal executive authorities authorized to carry out state supervision and control, bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of public control bodies for the purpose of conducting inspections of labor conditions and labor protection and investigating industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Fulfillment of instructions of officials of federal executive bodies authorized to conduct state supervision and control, and consideration of submissions from public control bodies within the time limits established by the Labor Code and other federal laws;

Compulsory social insurance of workers against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Familiarization of workers with labor protection requirements;

Development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other body authorized by employees in the manner established by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code for the adoption of local regulations;

Availability of a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

Workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (including underground work), as well as in work related to traffic, undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (for persons under the age of 21 - annual) medical examinations (examinations) to determine the suitability of these workers to perform the assigned work and prevent occupational diseases (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In accordance with medical recommendations, these employees undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations).

Harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for their conduct are determined by regulatory legal acts approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Employees engaged in certain types of activities, including those associated with sources of increased danger (with the influence of harmful substances and adverse production factors), as well as those working in conditions of increased danger, undergo a mandatory psychiatric examination at least once every five years in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation.

Provided by Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, medical examinations (examinations) and psychiatric examinations are carried out at the expense of the employer.

Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employee:

Comply with labor protection requirements;

Correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;

Receive training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training, and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);

Undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by the Labor Code and other federal laws.

Machines, mechanisms and other production equipment, vehicles, technological processes, materials and chemicals, personal and collective protective equipment for workers, including foreign production, must comply with state regulatory requirements labor protection and have a declaration of conformity and (or) a certificate of conformity (Article 215 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Projects for the construction and reconstruction of production facilities, machines, mechanisms and other production equipment, technological processes must comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

The construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of production facilities, the production and introduction of new equipment, the introduction of new technologies without the conclusion of a state examination of working conditions on the compliance of those specified in part two of Art. 215 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of projects to state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

New or reconstructed production facilities cannot be put into operation without the conclusions of the relevant federal executive authorities exercising control and supervision functions in the established field of activity.

The use in production of harmful or dangerous substances, materials, products, goods and the provision of services for which methods and means of metrological control and toxicological (sanitary-hygienic, medical-biological) assessment have not been developed is prohibited.

In the case of the use of new or harmful or hazardous substances that the employer has not previously used, he is obliged to develop and agree with the relevant authorities before using these substances. federal authorities executive power, exercising control and supervision functions in the established field of activity, measures to preserve the life and health of workers.

Name the types of medical examinations

Federal Law No. 17-FZ dated January 10, 2003 “On railway transport in the Russian Federation” (Article 25) establishes that persons hired for work directly related to the movement of trains and shunting work, and workers performing such work and (or ) those exposed to harmful and dangerous production factors undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations at the expense of employers.

Public railway transport workers who carry out production activities directly related to the movement of trains and shunting work undergo mandatory pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations, as well as, at the request of employers, a medical examination to determine the fact of the use of alcohol, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

The following are subject to mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations):

a) persons applying for work and employees of JSC Russian Railways, ensuring the movement of trains, the list of professions and positions of which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 1999 No. 1020 “On approval of the list of professions and positions of workers ensuring the movement of trains, subject to mandatory preliminary, upon employment, and periodic medical examinations”;

b) persons applying for work and employees of JSC Russian Railways engaged in work related to exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the list of which is provided in Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n;

c) persons entering courses and vocational training schools for training in specialties and professions, during work in which mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) medical examinations are carried out.

According to the List of professions subject to mandatory medical examinations, the professions and positions of such workers are divided into 6 groups:

a group of machinists, drivers and their assistants;

dispatch and operational group;

a group servicing trains along the route;

path group;

group of power supply (electrification), alarm, centralization, blocking and communications.

The timing of such examinations and the main responsibilities of the officials responsible for their organization are determined by the Standard Procedure for employees of JSC Russian Railways to undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work), periodic medical examinations (examinations), psychiatric examinations and psychophysiological examinations during working and non-working hours and reimbursement to employees of JSC Russian Railways for expenses associated with their implementation. dated 10/17/2012 No. 2064 R.

The decision on the professional suitability of persons subject to mandatory medical examinations is made by the medical expert commission of the healthcare facility of the Ministry of Railways of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the VEC), which issues a conclusion on the compliance of their health status with the requirements necessary to perform the work, including those provided for by industrial practice during the training period of students educational institutions of railway transport.

Persons who have not passed mandatory medical examinations or who have a VEC conclusion about professional unsuitability for work ( production practice) are not allowed.

Pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations

The purpose of conducting pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations of workers is to ensure the safety of train traffic

on public railway transport.

Objectives of pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations

workers are preventing access to the flight (shift) of workers

in the following cases:

presence of signs of disability (acute and/or exacerbation

chronic diseases);

the presence of traumatic situations and other factors that impair performance;

presence of signs of alcohol, drug use,

psychotropic substances.

Pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations of workers are carried out by medical organizations that have the appropriate license.

In the Instruction “On the organization and conduct of mandatory medical examinations, pre-trip or pre-shift medical examinations, medical examination of employees of operational locomotive depots to determine the fact of alcohol, drug use

drugs or psychotropic substances" dated December 14, 2011 No. TsT-77, the procedure for conducting such medical examinations is detailed, it is established that they are carried out no earlier than 1 hour before the trip with the simultaneous appearance of all members of the locomotive crew, upon presentation of their route sheet or work order and (by requirement medical worker) worker's identity card.

If it is necessary to perform several flights during the day, pre-trip medical examinations are carried out once, before the first flight. In cases of cancellation or delay of departure from the depot, the procedure for conducting repeated inspections is established by the head of the locomotive depot.

Early mandatory medical examinations of railway transport workers directly related to train traffic are carried out:

1. By decision of the EEC on the individual timing of mandatory medical examinations for individual employees in connection with the presence of medical indications.

2. By joint decision of the attending physician and the general practitioner of the local workshop medical department (hereinafter referred to as the workshop doctor) in cases of employee illnesses that affect professionally significant body functions.

3. In the direction of railway transport organizations before assignment to work with more complex working conditions and (or) a higher degree of responsibility, for which increased health requirements are determined, including the transfer of a driver who worked in a locomotive crew to train work without an assistant driver.

Name what sections the OT instructions for train compilers consist of

The labor safety instructions for the train compiler must contain the following sections:

1.General provisions

2. General labor protection requirements

3. Occupational safety requirements before starting work

4. Occupational safety requirements during work

5. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

6. Occupational safety requirements upon completion of work

Let's consider all these issues in more detail, compiling the approximate content of such an OSH Instruction

General provisions

This Instruction was developed on the basis of the Rules for labor protection in the transportation of federal railway transport, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on September 20, 2001 No. POT RO-32-CD-855-01.

These labor safety instructions have been developed for train assemblers performing shunting work on public and non-public railway tracks.

General labor protection requirements

2.1. Only male persons who have reached the age of eighteen years, who have undergone a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination), introductory and initial briefings on labor protection, training in labor protection, and on-the-job training under the guidance of an experienced worker are allowed to perform shunting work on railway tracks. employee during the first 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work, the qualifications of the employee) and an initial test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

During the work process, the train compiler must undergo periodic medical examinations at least once a year, repeated instructions on labor protection at least once every three months, as well as unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection.

2.2. The train compiler must comply with the internal labor regulations established in the organization, as well as other regulatory documents in force in the organization (Regulations, standards, instructions).

2.3. The train compiler must know:

the effect on humans of dangerous and harmful production factors and measures to protect against their influence;

the harmful effects of petroleum products and basic chemical cargoes on the human body, as well as signs of poisoning;

requirements industrial safety, electrical safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

rules for the application and use of fire-fighting equipment and inventory;

visible and sound signals ensuring traffic safety, safety signs, the procedure for fencing rolling stock, dangerous places;

rules for providing first aid to victims;

places to store a first aid kit or bags with necessary medications and dressings;

rules for staying on railway tracks;

safe ways to perform shunting work;

requirements of this Instruction.

2.4. The train compiler must:

perform only the work included in his duties or assigned by the shunting dispatcher;

apply safe work practices and technological operations that are provided for by the technological process and job responsibilities;

manage shunting work on the formation and disbandment of shunting trains, rearrangement of cars, uncoupling and coupling of cars to locomotives, supply and removal of cars from (to) loading and unloading tracks of public and non-public use, ensuring personal safety, safety of people, safety of rolling stock when unloading the shunting train carriages forward;

ensure the correct arrangement and coordination of the actions of workers participating in maneuvers, based on their familiarization with the plan and methods of performing the upcoming shunting work;

comply with the requirements of prohibitory, warning, directional and mandatory signs, inscriptions and signals given by vehicle drivers;

comply with fire safety requirements, have practical skills in using fire-fighting equipment and inventory;

walk through the territory of the enterprise where shunting work is carried out along established routes, pedestrian paths, tunnels, passages and transitions;

be extremely careful in areas where carriages and vehicles move;

comply with the internal labor regulations and the established work and rest schedule;

be able to provide first aid to the victim;

know and comply with the requirements of these Instructions.

2.5. During the work process, the train compiler may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

moving rolling stock, vehicles, mechanisms;

location of the workplace at a height relative to the ground surface;

increased noise level;

increased level of vibration;

increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;

increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

increased humidity and air mobility;

insufficient illumination of the work area at night;

physical overload;

neuropsychic overload when performing work on railway tracks while trains are moving;

tension and hard work.

2.6. The train compiler is provided with special clothing, shoes, flushing and neutralizing agents in accordance with the approved Standards and List (these documents are developed on the basis of standard industry standards and approved by the General Director).

2.7. The care and maintenance of personal protective equipment is carried out by the train compiler in accordance with the current regulatory document (approved Regulations or Standards).

2.8. The train designer must comply with the following fire safety requirements:

smoke only in places specially designated for this purpose;

do not use damaged sockets, switches and other electrical equipment;

do not operate electrical wires and cables with damaged or lost insulation properties;

do not use electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-combustible materials;

do not use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices;

do not leave electric heating devices plugged in unattended;

do not use open flames or open heating devices;

2.9. The train organizer must immediately notify the shunting dispatcher or the head of the shunting area about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning) . The procedure for action in the event of these situations is approved by the Regulations.

2.10. Meals should be taken in canteens, buffets or in specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment.

Before eating, you should wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

It is not allowed to store or eat food in workplaces.

2.11. While passing along the tracks or during shunting work, the train engineer must:

distribute your attention between moving and performing your official duties;

switch your attention from near space to more distant space to observe moving rolling stock.

The train compiler, knowing the properties of attention, must control his actions on the tracks and do his job safely.

It is necessary to take into account that when the body is tired, operational (momentary) memory and attention are impaired, vision, hearing, and coordination of movements decrease, human activity decreases, and drowsiness appears. Therefore, after finishing work, when passing along the tracks, through the tracks or along the route of the service passage, the train compiler must be especially careful and not allow his attention to be diverted from monitoring the moving rolling stock.

The train engineer should exercise special caution and attention when on the tracks in poor visibility, in heavy snowfall, fog and in the presence of strong noise created by operating equipment and passing rolling stock, especially in winter, when headgear impairs the audibility of signals and noise from the rolling stock.

If, while passing along an inter-track, the train compiler sees that even and odd trains are approaching him, he must go to the side of the road or to another inter-track so as not to find himself between the moving trains. If the train compiler finds himself between trains or locomotives moving along adjacent tracks, then he must immediately sit down or lie down on the ground between tracks.

In the dark, during fog, ice, and snowstorms, it is necessary to reduce your speed of movement along the tracks, increase caution, and pay attention to the sound signals given by locomotives, motor railcars or railcars.

When leaving premises or buildings that impair the visibility of the railway track, the train compiler must first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it.

After leaving the room at night, you need to wait some time (1 - 2 minutes) until your eyes get used to the darkness. It must be remembered that in between the tracks there are various devices: cable boxes, racks, choke transformers, limit posts, trays, ditches and other obstacles.

If, when passing through the territory of an organization where shunting work is being carried out, a spill or scattering of hazardous or harmful substances is detected, then you should go around them so that the wind does not carry vapors or particles of these substances towards you. Smoking must be avoided. To such dangerous and harmful substances include: gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel, oil, acetone, industrial alcohol and other flammable and combustible liquids.

2.12. When on railway tracks, the train engineer must comply with the following safety requirements:

walk to and from the place of work along established work routes, developed taking into account local conditions;

when passing along railway tracks, walk along a wide inter-track, along the side of the roadbed or to the side of the railway track no closer than 2.5 m from the outer rail, while you must carefully monitor the movements of rolling stock on adjacent tracks, paying attention to objects protruding beyond limits on the loading dimensions of rolling stock and the proximity of buildings;

comply with the requirements of safety signs and warning painting applied to structures and devices, pay attention to devices and objects located along the route (limit posts, flexible rod chutes, drainage trays and wells, alarm devices, centralization and blocking, communications and other obstacles) ;

cross railway tracks only at right angles, without stepping on the head of the rail, after making sure that there is no rolling stock moving at a dangerous distance in this place;

cross railway tracks occupied by carriages, using only crossing platforms with working steps and handrails;

rise and descend from a transition platform or a special step, turning to face the carriage, after making sure that there are no approaching rolling stock on the adjacent railway track and obstacles in the intertrack or on the side of the track;

walk around groups of cars or locomotives standing on the railway track at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler;

pass between uncoupled cars if the distance between the automatic couplers of these cars is at least 10 m;

pay attention to the indications of traffic lights, sound signals and warning signs;

Once on the train's route, before it approaches, move to the side of the track or to the middle of a wide inter-track at a safe distance.

When rolling stock approaches, it is necessary to pay attention to open doors, sides of cars, tie-down wires and other objects protruding beyond the dimensions of the rolling stock.

2.13. While on the railway tracks, the train compiler is strictly prohibited from:

cross or run across railway tracks in front of a moving rolling stock or immediately after a passing train, without making sure that an oncoming train is not moving along the adjacent railway track;

crawl under carriages;

stand or sit on the rails;

climb on and off special steps of wagons or locomotives while the rolling stock is moving;

to be on the inter-track when trains are traveling non-stop along adjacent railway tracks;

cross railway tracks within turnouts;

when crossing railway tracks, step on the heads of the rails and the ends of the sleepers;

step on electrical wires and cables;

be on public and non-public tracks in places marked with the sign “Caution! Oversized space”, as well as near these places when passing rolling stock.

2.14. A train engineer who is guilty of violating labor protection requirements and these Instructions is subject to disciplinary liability in the manner established by the regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation.

3. Labor protection requirements before starting work

3.1. The train compiler's workplace is a sanitary room, room and work area (service passage routes, intertracks and the side of public and non-public tracks).

3.2. The train compiler must wear the special clothing and shoes required, a signal vest with reflective pads, and fasten all the buttons. Headgear should not impair the audibility of sound signals. There should be no foreign objects with sharp ends in your pockets. There should be no watches, rings, bracelets or other jewelry on your hands.

Check the presence and serviceability of the radio, signaling accessories and devices (brake shoes).

3.3. Familiarize yourself with the condition of the track, between the tracks and the routes of the service passage, which must be cleared of debris, foreign objects, parts of cars and materials of the upper structure of the track, and in winter, from snow and ice.

Check the functionality of shunting radio communications and rolling stock securing devices.

Receive information from the shunting dispatcher about the location and securing of rolling stock on the tracks and become familiar with the plan for the upcoming work.

3.4. Report all detected comments and violations to the shunting dispatcher, and if a danger to his life and health arises, do not begin work until such danger is eliminated.

4. Labor protection requirements during work

4.1. The train compiler, as the manager of shunting work, before the movement of cars begins, must make sure that all workers participating in the maneuvers are in their places and familiarize them with the plan and methods of performing the upcoming shunting work.

4.2. During shunting movements, the train compiler can travel on rolling stock, located on the transition platform of a freight car or locomotive platform, in the vestibule of a passenger car, on a special step of the car, while holding a special handrail with his hands.

When performing shunting work, the train designer, before starting operations using special steps, handrails and other devices, must check their serviceability.

It is prohibited for a train compiler to ride on automatic couplers, wheel set bogies, axle boxes, tank frames and other protruding parts of the car, standing on the platform or sitting on its sides.

When a shunting train is moving with the locomotive forward or a single shunting locomotive is moving, the train compiler is allowed to be on the platform or in the cabin of the shunting locomotive, and in cases where the shunting locomotive is controlled by one person (without an assistant locomotive driver) in the place of the assistant driver of the shunting locomotive, and monitor the correct position of the switches along the route and the absence of obstacles to movement.

4.3. When the shunting train moves forward with cars, the train compiler must be on the first special step of the freight car in the direction of travel, in the vestibule of the passenger car and monitor the indications of the shunting traffic lights, the position of the switches, the absence of obstacles and people on the way, signals given by workers working on the tracks, fencing signals, signal signs and signs.

In case of poor visibility of the track, malfunction or absence of a special step or handrail, with the vestibule of the passenger car closed, the train engineer must walk in the middle of the track or along the side of the road in front of the boarding cars at a safe distance, constantly maintaining contact with the driver of the shunting locomotive by radio or visually. The settling speed should not exceed 3 km/h.

When the shunting train is moving forward by wagons, in the event of a disruption in radio communication with the driver of the shunting locomotive, shunting work can be continued by hand signals under the condition of mutual visibility. The transmission of commands by the train compiler to the driver of the shunting locomotive through a third party is prohibited.

When the shunting train is moving near high platforms, in tunnels, in oversized and other dangerous places, as well as at a speed of more than 40 km/h, it is prohibited for the train operator to be on the special step of the freight car.

When shunting carriages forward through the gates of organizations on non-public tracks, guarded and unguarded crossings, as well as at oversized and dangerous places, high platforms, the train operator must stop the shunting train, get off the special step of the carriage, determine the safety of his movement, pass the crossing, gate or a dangerous place on the side of the track and from a safe place give a command to the driver of the shunting locomotive to move further.

The train compiler is prohibited from being on the special step of the car at the time of connection with the cars standing on the track.

Stopping a shunting train in front of standing cars, a high platform, a crossing, an elevated section of track, an oversized and dangerous place must be done at a distance of at least 5 meters from this place.

Passage of gates is permitted only after the train compiler has checked that they are securely fixed in the open position.

When a shunting train moves forward with wagons for a distance of more than 1 km, a wagon with a transition platform or an empty platform must be placed at the head of the shunting train.

4.4. The train compiler is allowed to climb onto a special step of the car and locomotive, and also get off it only when the rolling stock is completely stopped.

It is prohibited to get on or off rolling stock in oversized and dangerous places, in places where bulk cargo is loaded and unloaded, within turnouts and other devices.

4.5. While the shunting train is moving, the train compiler is prohibited from entering the space between cars, uncoupling cars within the turnout, pedestrian deck, crossing, in places where traffic lights are installed, in oversized and dangerous places, in places where bulk cargo is loaded and unloaded.

The train compiler is prohibited from repairing the automatic coupler (uncoupling drive mechanism and other equipment) or eliminating the excess height difference between the axles of the automatic couplers of adjacent cars by placing a wedge between the centering beam and the sagging automatic coupler of the cars.

4.6. Closing the end valves of the air line, connecting and disconnecting the connecting hoses of the brake line should be carried out only after the shunting train has completely stopped and the shunting locomotive driver has been warned that the train compiler is in the space between the cars inside the track. This work may only be done with gloves.

Transmitting a command to the driver of the shunting locomotive to move is permitted only after the train compiler has left the space between the cars on the intertrack or on the side of the track.

In shunting trains with a brake line charged with compressed air, the train engineer must:

before uncoupling the cars, first close the end valves and then disconnect the connecting hoses between the cars;

When coupling cars, first connect the hoses and then open the end valves.

4.7. Uncoupling of standing cars must be done from the side of the car without entering the space between the cars using the release lever of the automatic coupler drive. If it is impossible to uncouple the cars, shunting work associated with uncoupling the cars is stopped until the malfunction of the automatic coupler release drive is eliminated.

The train compiler is prohibited from performing work to eliminate a malfunction of the automatic coupler release drive.

If it is impossible to couple or uncouple cars due to technical faults in the automatic coupler, employees of the car maintenance point are called in to eliminate them.

4.8. The train designer should secure the cars on the tracks only after they have come to a complete stop using brake shoes.

When securing standing cars, the brake shoe should only be grasped by the handle. Work with gloves.

When securing cars to the tracks, it is prohibited to install brake shoes:

directly in front of the rail joint and at the rail joint;

in front of the turnout cross;

on the outer rail of the curve.

The train engineer is prohibited from placing the brake shoe by hand under moving cars. The work is carried out using a fork to lay the brake shoes on the rails.

It is prohibited to use brake shoes:

with a burst head;

with a warped and bent sole;

with a burst, broken, flattened or bent toe of the sole;

with a loose connection between the head and the sole;

with or without a bent and broken handle;

with damaged or significantly worn sides of the sole.

It is prohibited to place foreign objects under the wheel pairs instead of brake shoes to secure the cars.

4.9. When translating manually controlled turnouts, it is prohibited to leave the lever of the transfer mechanism in a vertical or incomplete position, and also to hold the turnout counterweight (balancer) with your foot.

During shunting movements of rolling stock along turnouts, it is necessary to retreat in advance to a safe place on the side of the track or between tracks.

4.10. During shunting work, the train compiler must be located on the locomotive driver's side so that the driver can see him. In the event that when supplying cars in oversized places in places where cars are loaded (unloaded), when for some reason it becomes necessary to locate the train compiler on the opposite side of the shunting locomotive driver, the train compiler moves to the opposite side, warns the shunting driver about this in advance locomotive, determines safe passage for itself and reports its location.

4.11. Shunting work in places of loading and unloading, especially bulk cargo, can only be carried out when loading and unloading operations are stopped and the dimensions of the cargo unloaded or prepared for loading are observed, i.e. at a height of up to 1200 mm, loads should be located no closer than 2 m from the outer edge of the end rail head, and at a higher height - no closer than 2.5 m.

4.12. Shunting work with loaded cars in the event that loading (unloading) is not completed must be carried out only with the permission and in the presence of a responsible representative of the organization who makes a decision on the possibility and procedure for shunting work.

4.13. When approaching an elevated track, to supply cars for unloading, the train compiler gives the driver of the shunting locomotive a command to stop. After the shunting train stops, the train compiler gets off the step of the car and, following the bottom along the elevated track, makes sure of the presence of dimensions and technical serviceability of the track, moves to a safe place, from where he gives a signal to the driver of the shunting locomotive to deposit the cars on this track. When placing cars on an elevated track, the train engineer is prohibited from being on the rolling stock and on the elevated track itself. The train compiler carefully monitors the movement of the cars and promptly gives commands to the shunting locomotive driver to reduce the speed and stop.

After installing the cars within the useful length of the unloading front and the complete stop of the train, the train compiler secures the cars on the cargo front. The carriages are secured on the elevated track using an extension ladder. Before starting work on the ladder, the train builder inspects his clothes (all items of clothing must be fastened, clothing should not restrict movement) and shoes, puts on a protective helmet and begins work.

When working with the use of a ladder, the preparer must take the following safety precautions:

Inspect the stairs for ascent and descent. When inspecting, pay attention to the following characteristics:

1. The ladder must be of suitable length for the specific job. The dimensions of the ladder must allow the compiler to secure the car with brake shoes from a standing position on the step.

2. The ladder must have a tag indicating the date of verification of the ladder, as well as the date of the next verification.

3. All parts of the ladder must be securely fastened and have no kinks, sharp edges or nicks.

4. The lower ends of ladders must be equipped with non-slip pads or fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground.

If at least one of the listed points is missing, working on a ladder is not allowed.

Before starting work, the stability of the ladder must be ensured, and by inspection and testing it must be ensured that it cannot slip out of place or be accidentally moved. Installation of an extension ladder is carried out as follows:

1. The extension ladder is installed at an angle of no more than 75° to the horizontal.

3. The upper ends of the ladder must have a reliable stop.

More than one person is not allowed to be on the steps of the ladder.

When ascending or descending, the train maker must always face the ladder and hold onto it with at least one hand. Do not move beyond the ladder while working. Never climb or slide down a ladder from the side, on top, or from another ladder.

You can work on the ladder until it is convenient to reach the desired place, and then you should rearrange it.

It is necessary to carry the ladder with the tips backwards, warning those you meet to be careful.

4.14. When performing maneuvers, the train designer must not allow the rolling stock to go beyond the limit posts of the tracks (isolating joints or signals) and is obliged to place the rolling stock within their useful length.

4.15. Shunting work on non-public paths of organizations must be carried out under the supervision and personal control of a responsible employee of this organization.

4.16. When performing shunting work in the hangar, the train compiler is strictly prohibited from entering and leaving the hangar through the hangar arch. Passage must be through the service gate of the hangar.

4.17. The train compiler bears personal responsibility for strict implementation of technology and safety when performing shunting work related to the elimination of vertical and horizontal discrepancies between the centers of automatic coupling devices of cars. This work can only be done by rearranging the cars.

5. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. Actions in the event of an accident or emergency

An emergency situation means: spontaneous movement of cars along the tracks, fire, leakage, spillage of a dangerous substance, damage to containers or rolling stock with dangerous cargo and other incidents that can lead to an accident, explosion, fire, poisoning, burns, illness of people and animals, as well as cases when wagons, containers or cargo units with dangerous cargo were in the area of ​​rolling stock derailment, accident, crash or fire.

If spontaneous movement of cars along the tracks is detected, the train compiler must immediately notify the shunting dispatcher about this, indicating the track number and direction of movement of the cars.

The priority measures and procedure for the train operator to deal with emergency situations involving dangerous goods, including explosive materials, during their transportation by rail are established in the current Regulations.

In the event of an emergency in freight cars with dangerous goods, the train compiler who discovered obvious signs emergency situation: steam, pungent odor, hissing of compressed gas, leakage of dangerous cargo, must, regardless of the time of day, report this to the shunting dispatcher by any means of communication. The message must include a description of the nature of the emergency, the railway track number and the location of the freight car with dangerous goods on the train.

If an emergency occurs, the train operator must stop work and report the incident to the shunting dispatcher and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or eliminate the emergency situation that has arisen.

The train compiler located nearby must immediately come to the scene of the incident upon an alarm signal and take part in providing first aid to the victim or eliminating the emergency situation.

When a fire is detected, the train designer must:

immediately report this yourself or through the shunting dispatcher by phone at fire department(in this case, you must name the location of the fire and also provide your last name);

take measures to call a manager or other responsible person to the scene of the fire;

take measures to extinguish the fire (except for cases of fire of dangerous goods) using the available primary fire extinguishing means, as well as evacuate people and material assets.

When using air-foam (powder, carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers, direct the stream of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) away from people. If foam (powder, carbon dioxide) gets on unprotected areas of the body, you must wipe it off with a handkerchief or some other cloth and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

In rooms with internal fire hydrants, it is necessary to involve two workers to extinguish the fire: one rolls out the hose from the tap to the place of the fire, the second, at the command of the one who rolls out the hose, opens the tap.

When extinguishing a fire with a fire felt, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under the felt does not fall on the worker extinguishing the fire.

When extinguishing a fire with sand, the shovel should not be raised to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from the contact network and overhead power lines that are energized is allowed with any fire extinguishers without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 m from the contact network is permitted only with carbon dioxide or aerosol fire extinguishers.

It is possible to extinguish burning objects with water and air-foam fire extinguishers only after the work manager or other responsible person informs that the voltage has been removed from the contact network and it is grounded.

When unenergized electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V catches fire, only carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used.

When extinguishing electrical installations that are under voltage, you should not grasp the fire extinguisher socket and it is not allowed to bring the socket closer than 1 meter to the electrical installation and the flame.

When a person’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible, but you should not put out the flame with unprotected hands. Clothes that ignite must be quickly discarded, torn off, or extinguished by pouring water. A thick cloth, blanket, or tarpaulin can be thrown over a person wearing burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame has been extinguished.

5.2. Actions to provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning and other health damage

5.2.1. General scheme of first aid at the scene of an incident.

Assess the situation. Determine whether there is gas contamination, threat of explosion, fire, building collapse, electric shock, moving machinery, etc. Eliminate exposure of the victim to dangerous and harmful factors. The victim should be moved only in cases where it is not possible to provide assistance at the scene of the incident.

Assess the condition of the victim. Determine the condition of the victim by the presence or absence of consciousness (answers questions or not), reaction of the pupil to light, pulse in the carotid or other accessible large artery, breathing, bleeding, convulsions. Pay attention to the condition of the visible mucous membranes and skin (redness, pallor, cyanosis, yellowness, the presence of wounds, burn blisters, etc.), posture (natural - unnatural). If the victim does not respond to questions and is motionless, you must immediately verify the presence of a pupillary reaction to light and the presence of a pulse in the carotid or other accessible large artery. The normal reaction of the pupil to light: when darkened, it expands, when illuminated, it narrows.

A dilated pupil and lack of pupil constriction when illuminated is one of the signs of cardiac arrest. If it is impossible to check the reaction of the pupil, look for a pulse in the carotid or other accessible artery.

Priority actions: if the victim is unconscious and has no pulse, immediately begin restoring breathing and circulation (resuscitation). If the victim is unconscious but has a pulse, loosen clothing, turn the victim onto his stomach and clean the mouth.

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The specificity of the work of railway workers is determined by the continuity of technological processes and transportation of goods and passengers, special forms organization of work and rest of workers, requirements for ensuring safety in transport. The Labor Code establishes general labor regulation standards. At the same time, the code provides for the reflection of the uniqueness of working conditions in certain areas by local regulations for the industry. Pursuant to Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Railway Transport” and in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 17, 2014 approved the discipline of railway transport workers.

The document applies to all employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations of railway transport, with the exception of workers in housing and communal services and consumer services, catering in railway transport (this category of workers does not include restaurant car workers), agriculture, health and educational institutions, sports and children's institutions, boarding houses and holiday homes.

The Regulations define the responsibilities of railway transport workers. Among them are ensuring the safety of train traffic and shunting operations, timely delivery of passengers and cargo, compliance with train schedules, compliance with rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, environmental protection, and others.

The responsibilities of managers include: proper organization of the work of subordinates, clear issuance of orders (instructions) and instructions, ensuring compliance with the economy regime, financial discipline and fulfillment of contractual obligations, etc.

The regulations on discipline for railway workers establish additional types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions to those provided for by the Labor Code.

The document establishes the following types of incentives for employees for their work:

announcement of gratitude;

issuing a bonus;

rewarding with a valuable gift;

awarding a Certificate of Honor;

awarding the title of the best employee in the profession or other titles for success in work with the presentation of a memorial sign and payment of monetary compensation.

Other incentives provided for by industry agreements, collective agreements, and internal labor regulations may also be applied. For special labor merits, employees may be nominated for state awards.

According to the Regulations The simultaneous use of several types of incentives is allowed.

Guilty violation of discipline by an employee in the performance of labor duties is a disciplinary offense. Only one disciplinary sanction may be applied for each offense.

The provision is provided in accordance with Labor Code application of the following types of disciplinary sanctions:

imposition of a fine of no more than 30% of average monthly earnings. At the same time, internal labor regulations may provide for cases of imposing a fine on an employee in the amount of no more than 50% of the average monthly earnings;

termination employment contract.

The document clarifies that termination of an employment contract can be applied for systematic or a one-time gross violation by an employee of his work duties. A systematic violation is a repeated violation committed within a year from the date the employee was brought to disciplinary or financial liability for a previous violation of labor duties. A one-time gross violation of labor duties is an action of an employee that creates a threat to the safety of train traffic, shunting work, life and health of people, or leads to failure to ensure the safety of cargo, luggage and property entrusted to him.

The procedure and timing for applying disciplinary sanctions comply with the norms enshrined in the Labor Code.

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The concept of labor protection

Occupational safety is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the process of work, including legal, socio-economic, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysical, treatment and prophylactic, rehabilitation and other measures. The functions of labor protection are research into sanitation and occupational hygiene, carrying out measures to reduce the influence of harmful factors on the body of workers during the work process. The main method of labor protection is the use of safety precautions. In this case, two main tasks are solved: the creation of machines and tools, when working with which there is no danger to humans, and the development special means protection that ensures human safety during the work process, and workers are also trained in safe work practices and the use of protective equipment, and conditions for safe work are created. The main goal of improving working conditions is to achieve a social effect, i.e. ensuring labor safety, preserving the life and health of workers, reducing the number of accidents and diseases at work. Improving working conditions also produces economic results: increased profits (due to increased labor productivity); reducing costs associated with compensation for work with harmful and difficult working conditions; reduction of losses associated with injuries and occupational diseases; reducing staff turnover, etc. The main document in the regulatory and technical documentation is normative act“System of occupational safety standards.” Occupational Safety and Health Standards are established general requirements and standards for types of hazardous and harmful production factors, general safety requirements for production equipment, production processes, means of protecting workers and methods for assessing labor safety. Inter-industry rules and regulations are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination. Industry rules and regulations apply only to specific industries. Based on labor legislation, standards, rules, norms, technological documentation, etc., labor protection instructions are developed: general, for individual professions, for individual types of work.

Occupational safety is a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

At all enterprises, institutions, and organizations, ensuring health and safety of working conditions is the responsibility of the administration. The employer’s responsibilities to create healthy and safe working conditions are enshrined in the regulations (charter) of enterprises, in collective agreements, in the internal labor regulations. Legal regulation labor protection covers:

1) development of general labor protection standards, safety regulations and industrial sanitation;

2) carrying out preventive measures to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

3) creation of favorable working conditions and ensuring its protection at existing enterprises in the process of employees performing their labor duties;

4) enshrining in legislation additional guarantees for labor protection of certain categories of workers - women, minors and persons with reduced ability to work;

5) implementation of regular state and public control over labor protection of workers.

Every employee has the right to labor protection, namely: to a workplace protected from the influence of harmful or dangerous production factors that can cause work injury or occupational disease, etc. At the same time, the employee also has responsibilities to ensure labor protection at the enterprise. So, he is obliged:

1) comply with the rules, regulations and instructions on labor protection;

2) skillfully use collective and individual means of protection;

3) immediately inform your immediate supervisor about any accident that occurs at work, about signs of an occupational disease in yourself, as well as about a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of other people.

Legislation establishes additional, increased guarantees in the field of labor protection individual categories workers. This applies primarily to minors, i.e. persons under 18 years of age. Thus, it is prohibited to involve women of childbearing age and, in general, persons under the age of 21, as well as those for whom this work is contraindicated for health reasons, for heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

If in labor rights In terms of relations and rights, minors (under 18 years of age) are equal to adults; in the field of labor protection, working hours, vacations and some other working conditions, they enjoy benefits established by labor legislation. Additional guarantees that facilitate the actual exercise of labor rights by young people are determined by the physiological and age-related characteristics of the body.

Thus, a mandatory medical examination is provided upon entry to work, periodic - annually until the age of 21. It is prohibited to employ minors in heavy work and in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as in underground work. Certain benefits are provided in the field of working time, rest time, etc.

Labor legislation establishes special standards in the field of labor protection for women.

It is prohibited to use women's labor in heavy work and work with hazardous working conditions, as well as in underground work, except for non-physical work or work on sanitary and consumer services.

It is prohibited for women to carry or move heavy objects that exceed the limits established for them.

It is not allowed to be involved in work at night, overtime work and working on weekends and sending pregnant women and women with children under three years of age on business trips.

Harmful and dangerous factors at the enterprise

A hazardous production factor is a production factor, the impact of which can lead to injury. Hazardous factors in the working environment on the railway include:

Moving objects (rolling stock, machines, mechanisms, cranes, intra-shop transport);

Electric current;

Electrical networks, including the contact network of electrified railways;

Electrical installations, transformers, distributors, machines and mechanisms with electric drive, including rolling stock operating on electric drive;

Sharp edges;

Pressure vessels;

Parts of collapsing structures;

Objects falling from heights;

Corrosion, which weakens metal structures and contributes to their sudden destruction;

Open flames and hot surfaces, touching which can cause burns;

Insufficient illumination of objects (see Chapter 3.7);

Slippery surfaces that increase the risk of a person falling on them Most accidents, incidents, crashes, and catastrophes in transport are directly related to either erroneous human actions, or his inaction in a situation where action is necessary, or simply a negligent attitude towards his duties. The phrase human factor has become customary to designate the cause of accidents or other negative incidents that arose due to human fault. Dangerous areas include:

Workplaces located at a significant height relative to floor level;

Premises with increased electrical hazard (for more details, see clause 2.5);

Areas near pressure systems;

Areas near cryogenic (low temperature) installations and refrigeration equipment;

Areas for loading and unloading, emergency recovery and construction works;

Areas near containers with molten materials (metal, plastics, bitumen, etc.).

Working conditions in railway transport are specific; for approximately 70% of workers they are associated with some moving objects, i.e. with the risk of injury. At the same time, circumstances often develop in such a way that a person does not have time to make the necessary decisions that are adequate to the given situation. This is why railway workers absolutely need:

Clear knowledge safe behavior at transport facilities;

Constant concentration of attention;

Speed ​​and clarity of orientation in the current situation;

Compliance with strict production discipline.

High saturation of electrical equipment is the cause of electrical injuries in railway transport. On Russian railways, between 17 and 20 electricians are fatally injured each year during the repair and maintenance of overhead contact networks.

High electrical saturation is characteristic of systems providing energy supply to electrified railways, railway transport repair enterprises, loading and unloading facilities, areas of freight stations where construction work is carried out, etc.

As a measure to reduce the likelihood of injury and the harmful effects of technological processes on workers, the use of highly mechanized and automated equipment, automatic machine tools with numerical control, and robotics is put forward. Personnel in these cases, as a rule, are removed from the working parts of such equipment (protected by distance) and are freed from the need to stay in the area of ​​its action for a long time (protected by time). In addition, modern equipment is structurally provided with various protection systems that prevent injuries and the harmful effects of the technological process on workers.

Methods for reducing harmful and dangerous factors

Premises intended for maintenance and repair of rolling stock (electric locomotive, diesel locomotive, carriage depots), crane repair workshops are huge fire zones with an area of ​​up to 2000 m. Large production areas increase the possibility of large fires.

Railway transport repair enterprises are characterized by one-story industrial buildings. Among them there are quite a lot of old buildings, the design solutions of which are not always designed to limit the spread of fire in the event of a fire. Fires develop especially intensively in painting and heat treatment shops. In paint shops, the rapid spread of fire is facilitated by the presence of a large number of solvents, varnishes, paints, including those in the form of aerosols in the working environment, in the air ducts of the ventilation system, and in the form of condensate on the structural elements of the building and equipment.

In thermal shops, fire hazard is determined by high temperatures of technological processes, quenching oils and other quenching liquids in baths, boiling and emissions of which occur systematically. Aerosols of quenching media are also present in the air of the working environment, in air ducts, and on the structural elements of the workshop.

If a fire occurs, you must act immediately. It must be taken into account that in almost all cases, 10 minutes after the start of the fire, the fire engulfs large areas and goes on to cover. Collapse of coatings can occur within 25 minutes. When a fire occurs, the temperature in the room rapidly increases, toxic black smoke is produced abundantly, making it difficult to see escape routes; it is possible for fire to spread to the upper floors through ventilation ducts and various communications heated to a high temperature.

Rescue of people is the main task when a fire occurs in a depot or workshop building. Plans for evacuation of people and fire extinguishing should be regularly practiced during fire-tactical exercises of employees production facility with the involvement of its fire departments.

Extinguishing the source of fire. If a fire starts, you should immediately try to extinguish the fire. When extinguishing with a felt, the flame must be covered so that the fire escaping from under it does not fall on a person. Spilled burning oil is extinguished with foam. To extinguish live electrical equipment, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers can be used. It is permissible to continue extinguishing with water, foam and air-foam fire extinguishers only after the tension has been relieved.

When using fire extinguishers, you must ensure that you do not accidentally direct a stream of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) at people. Foam that gets onto unprotected areas of the body should be wiped off or washed off with an aqueous solution of soda. When using carbon dioxide fire extinguisher You cannot put your hand on its bell.

Simultaneously with extinguishing the source of fire, it is necessary to deploy pump-hose systems, stationary water fire-fighting installations with carriages, and begin organizing the evacuation of workers and rolling stock from depots or workshops.

If a fire has penetrated inside the rolling stock located in the depot stalls, manual and stationary fire extinguishers and installations with air-mechanical foam should be used to extinguish. Fires in carriages can be extinguished with water.

Diesel locomotives have large number diesel fuel and lubricants that can burn intensely, electrical equipment poses a fire hazard on electric locomotives.

When using internal fire hydrants of depots (workshops), two people must work together. One must roll out the hose from the fire hydrant to the place of the fire, the second (at his command) must open the tap connecting the hose to the water supply system.

If possible, the supply of barrels should be carried out simultaneously both inside the burning room and on the floors to protect the load-bearing structures and block the spread of fire on them. At the same time, the trunks should protect both the above and the floors below. To eliminate combustion and prevent explosions in ventilation systems, the use of air-mechanical foam when introduced into vertical ventilation ducts is effective.

Basements usually contain a large number of flammable communications (cables, pipeline insulation, etc.). Quite often, storage compartments are located in basements. To effectively extinguish the latter, information about their contents and information about the fire properties of the materials stored there are required. For extinguishing fires in the basement, it is effective to use air-mechanical foam. The trunks are introduced through doorways and adjacent rooms.

Attic spaces usually have ventilation shafts, ducts and other technological structures. The trunks are supplied to the attic spaces via internal stairs. Water and foam jets are used to extinguish fires. Work here is the most dangerous, since, along with high temperatures and abundant gas formation from a burning soft roof, they are associated with the danger of a rapid collapse of the roof.

A fire on coatings made of rolled materials filled with bitumen mastic (sometimes with the introduction of rubber) passes into a first-stage fire within a matter of minutes from the ignition period. Such coatings are typical for railway depots, workshops, and warehouses. In a fire, soft roofs quickly collapse and significantly complicate the situation. Overloading the roof with people or water hoses is dangerous, so you should not work on them in groups of more than two or three people.

After the arrival of fire departments, the actions of railway transport workers to evacuate and disperse rolling stock are carried out according to their instructions or in agreement with them.

Room calculations

Types of lighting fixture

Lamp type

Maximum luminous intensity, cd


Angle of dispersion, degrees, in plane



G-220-1000 DRL-700

G-220-500 DRI-500

G-220-200 DRL-125

G-220-1000 DRL-700

Illumination of the territories of railway stations is regulated by OST 32.120-98 “Standards artificial lighting railway transport facilities".

In table 8.2 shows the normalized illumination values ​​of stations.

Standards for artificial lighting of railway transport facilities (extract from OST 32.120-98)

Illumination, lux

Illumination normalization plane

Marshalling and large station stations: tracks and necks of reception and departure parks, sorting and exhaust tracks, braking positions, tail part of the marshalling yard, repair tracks, uncoupling section

Surface of the earth? Vertical along the path axis, horizontal on the ground surface

Other local stations:

reception and departure routes

Surface of the earth

sorting tracks

sorting humps

Intermediate stations with loading and unloading

Other intermediate stations, sidings

Paths of passenger and technical stations

Surface of the earth

Between tracks on open tracks for equipping locomotives

Loading platforms

Platform surface

Passenger platforms

Surface of the earth

The height of the floodlight mast is determined taking into account the glare limitation according to the formula

where H is the height of the floodlight mast, m;

Imax - maximum luminous intensity of the spotlight along the optical axis, cd;

c is a coefficient depending on the illumination standard for a given territory.

After determining the height of the floodlight mast, a standard value is selected that is closest to the calculated one from the series: 15, 21, 28, 35, 40 m.

The installation of spotlights is carried out individually or in groups.

In order to reduce shading, each interpath should be illuminated from two sides

Rice. Floodlight mast layout diagram

To avoid solid shadows, the following conditions must be met:

where b is the distance between masts along the width of the park, m.

The distance l between floodlight masts along the length of the park is determined from expression 8.3)

where l is the distance between floodlight masts, m.

The number of masts across the width of the park is determined by the formula

where Nsh is the number of masts across the width of the park, pcs.;

B is the width of the park, m.

The number of masts along the length of the park is determined by the formula

where Ndl is the number of masts along the length of the park, pcs.;

L - park length, m.

The total number of floodlight masts is determined from the expression

The area of ​​the illuminated territory of the object is determined by the formula

The total number of spotlights is determined by the formula

where n is the total number of spotlights;

En - normalized illumination value, lux (Table 8.2);

S - area of ​​the illuminated territory, m2;

K - safety factor taking into account the aging of lamps and environment(accepted K = 1.5);

V - coefficient taking into account the terrain (assumed V = 1.15е2);

Z - illumination unevenness coefficient (accepted Z = 2...5).

The luminous flux of the spotlight is taken from the expression

where Fl is the luminous flux of the lamp, lm (Table 8.2).

Lighting characteristics of light sources

Name of lamps

Lamp type

Power, W

Lamp voltage, V

Luminous flux, lm

Luminous efficacy, lm/W

Average burning duration, h

General purpose incandescent lighting

G-220/300 G-220-500 G-220-750 G-220-1000

15,6 16,4 17,5 18,5

Filament quartz halogen

KG-220-1000-5 KG-220-1500 KG-220-2000-4 KG-220-5000 KG-220-10000

22 000 33 000 44 000 110 000 220 000

22,0 22,0 22,0 22,0 22,0

High-pressure mercury arcs with color correction

DRL-250 DRL-400 DRL-700 DRL-1000-2

13 500 24 000 41 000 59 000

42,0 48,5 47,0 50,0

Mercury metal halides

DRI-250 DRI-400 DRI-700

19 000 35 000 60 000

Arc xenon tubular

DKsT-10000 DKsT-20000

To ensure optimal use of the lighting characteristics of the spotlight, it is necessary to ensure the required inclination of the optical axis of the spotlight to the horizon q, degrees.

The diagram for determining the optimal angle of inclination of the optical axis of the searchlight to the horizon is shown in Fig. 8.2.

Rice. Scheme for determining the angle of inclination of the optical axis of the spotlight

When you change the angle of inclination of the spotlight (the angle between the direction of the optical axis of the spotlight and the horizon), the illumination, shape and area of ​​the light spot change significantly.

The use of small tilt angles is justified when it is necessary to illuminate distant objects or to create illumination in the vertical plane.

At large angles of inclination, the light spot is in close proximity to the base of the floodlight mast. Then, as the angle of inclination decreases, it moves further and further from the mast and takes on an elliptical shape.

The area of ​​the light spot first increases to a certain limit, and then begins to decrease, and at a certain value of the angle of inclination, the light spot turns into a point, which in its location coincides with or is located near the point of intersection of the spotlight with the illuminated horizontal plane.

The angle of inclination of the spotlight, at which the area limited by the curve of identically specified illumination has a maximum value, is the most advantageous.

The optimal angle of inclination is determined from the following expression:

where is q? optimal angle of inclination of the optical axis of the spotlight to the horizon, degrees;

m and n are empirical coefficients depending on the type of spotlight.

The values ​​of the coefficients m and n are given in table. 8.5.

Values ​​of coefficients m and n

Fire safety measures

hazardous production factor

Nowadays, it is perhaps difficult to find a person who would not use the services of railway transport. The intensity of his work is constantly growing, cargo and passenger traffic is increasing, and at the same time the range of additional services at stations and on trains is expanding. Therefore, one of the main tasks for JSC Russian Railways is to ensure the safety of persons participating in railway transportation.

Ensuring fire safety is one of the most important tasks of any manager. All fire prevention measures begin with the issuance by the manager of an order to ensure fire safety, which is the main legal document to prevent fires in the enterprise. This order puts into effect the basic provisions, instructions and recommendations regarding the organization of fire protection of the territory, buildings, structures, premises, explosion and fire hazardous production areas of the enterprise, and also appoints those responsible for fire safety in the divisions of the enterprise and regulates their activities.

The instructions establish the main directions for providing fire prevention and fire protection systems at the enterprise, the procedure for ensuring the safety of people and the safety of material assets, as well as creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

Depending on the scope of their action, PB instructions are divided into the following types:

general facility instructions - general instructions on fire safety measures for the enterprise;

· instructions for individual buildings, structures, premises, production processes;

· instructions for ensuring the safe performance of temporary fire and explosion hazardous work at the enterprise (welding, fire, construction and installation, etc.), carried out, among other things, by third-party organizations.

The development of instructions is carried out by the fire safety department or engineer, the chairman of the fire technical commission or persons responsible for fire safety of the enterprise. Industrial safety instructions are approved by the head of the organization, agreed upon with the labor protection service and introduced by order of the enterprise.

The Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB01) specify the requirements for instructions on fire safety measures. According to this document, the PB instructions must reflect the following issues:

· measures to ensure fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, and fire hazardous work;

· procedure and standards for storage and transportation of explosive and fire hazardous substances and flammable substances and materials;

· places of smoking, use of open fire and hot work;

· procedure for collection, storage and disposal of flammable substances and materials, maintenance and storage of protective clothing;

· limit readings of control and measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.), deviations from which can cause a fire or explosion;

· responsibilities and actions of workers in case of fire, including:

o rules for calling the fire department;

o procedure for emergency shutdown of process equipment;

o the procedure for turning off ventilation and electrical equipment;

o rules for the use of fire extinguishing means and fire automatic installations;

o procedure for evacuation of flammable substances and material assets;

o the procedure for inspecting and bringing all premises of the enterprise (division) into a fire and explosion-proof condition.

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