Zodiac sign Leo dates of the year

So, for the zodiac sign Leo, 2018 promises to be happy and successful. This is a period of growth and development, both internal and external. Now, in no case should you forget your loved ones, as well as those who were there in difficult times. Remember what you have achieved thanks to these people and what you can still achieve with new allies. Since Mars at this stage is not in the most favorable position, Leo is contraindicated from engaging in amateur activities that could lead to scandals. Do not provoke your loved ones under any circumstances, and how you treat other people - colleagues or casual acquaintances, that is, those to whom you do not owe anything, this no longer plays a decisive role. Although there still remains elementary morality, which, however, has never served as a limiter for Leos. You will be helped by Pluto, who, although he will not occupy any of the leading positions, will still be able to push you to the most correct and fair decisions. Moreover, justice should play a key role here, it is justice that should become your main motivator, otherwise problems are likely, first of all, of a family nature.

Lviv, among those who love new experiences, the events of 2018 will more than once surprise you with the need for a trip. This could be a business expansion or a business trip. In any case, new emotions and even real adventures await you if you decide to open up to a world that wants to shake you up. On the other hand, let's not forget the main characteristic of this year - harmony and peace. This does not mean that you need to sit at home and miss opportunities. However, you can travel and experience new emotions while being in a calm state of mind. Roughly speaking, before you go on a journey, solve your family problems, do not leave questions behind you. Otherwise, your journey may only create new problems. On the other hand, many new acquaintances await you. Some of them may be useful, while others will be very important in terms of your sensory development. If you have every opportunity to start a romantic relationship, do it, even if both understand that it will not last long for objective reasons. You will have a lot of strength and energy, and you will need to spend it.

In 2018, you can realize your old plans with absolute success. When starting new ones, be aware of mistakes and, in particular, how destructive rushing can be. This is a great time to clean up your tails. It would be good to take a break this year. This means having a real rest, and not flying to Turkey for a week. Rent a house in Phuket for a whole month and enjoy life! If you wish, you can find a much more budget-friendly option; the question does not depend on your financial capabilities. You can even hitchhike along the Black Sea coast! Just not alone, the stars recommend doing this together with your soulmate, if there is one. This period is especially good for romance. That is why at certain moments you definitely need to give freedom to your emotions. Just plan everything in advance; in relation to your zodiac sign, 2018 does not accept spontaneity. In fact, this is very important, because if you mess up, you may not be able to correct the situation later.

If Leo decides to overcome his fears and begins to experiment, then his life will change qualitatively. Don't be afraid to meet new people, change jobs, find a hobby, or travel. If a Leo woman studies the horoscope for 2018, she will learn how to behave in love matters, including. The patroness of 2018, the Earth Dog, will help single women meet a new gentleman, and married ladies save their marriage. Leos who love to conflict need to control themselves in 2018. This pattern of behavior can lead to a break in the love tandem.


At the beginning of 2018, Leo women need to be more careful with their desires, as they will begin to come true. If the constellation wants to live with a loved one or wants to give birth to a child, then all decisions should be carefully weighed. A woman should try to direct her love impulse in the right direction and not rush things. The love horoscope advises married Leos to listen more often to the requests of their other half and provide the necessary help. A single Ox, Rat and Monkey woman should try to pay more attention to her appearance and always look charming. Singles will be able to build a love relationship with a simple and sociable guy.

An excellent solution in the second decade for women in love will be to trust their partner more. Tiger, Dragon and Goat will be “sick” with special love mistrust. But the Snake, Boar (Pig) and Rooster, on the contrary, will be too carefree, which will only worsen their love relationship. The love horoscope recommends that Leos in mid-2018 know everything in moderation and try to be more interested in the life of their chosen one. The love compatibility horoscope believes that singles will be drawn to strong and powerful men. It will be possible to build a love tandem only if Leos are ready to give in to their chosen one.

At the end of 2018, Leo women will have to deal with the accumulated issues. The Horse and the Dog must stop shifting responsibility for problems in the couple only to their chosen one. If the constellation stops blaming others for its problems, then it will be much easier to avoid them. The love compatibility horoscope believes that, despite the conflicts in the couple, the greatest harmony in sexual terms will be achieved in the third decade.

From Vasilisa Volodina

If a Leo woman reads the horoscope for 2018, she will find out how she should act in difficult situations. The astrologer believes that intuition will be best developed in Leo at the beginning of the year. If the constellation does not know how to behave at work, advance in a career, or improve relationships, then you should listen to your inner voice. If the Leo woman carefully studies the advice from Vasilisa, she will understand that in the first decade it is very important to take care of her health. Tiger, Dragon and Rooster should go to yoga and learn how to deal with stress. But the Goat, Horse and Ox, on the contrary, lack a shake-up. It will not be difficult to get positive emotions if you try extreme types of recreation.

Leos will be able to normalize their lives absolutely free of charge if they listen to the horoscope for 2018. Vasilisa Volodina believes that in the second decade the constellation expects interesting acquaintances and new impressions. The Snake, Boar (Pig) and Rat should not forget about their relatives and come to visit more often. The horoscope for 2018 recommends that women try to sign up for a new hobby or take exciting courses. With the help of such leisure, single women will be able to build a love tandem. The time has come for the Monkey and the Dog to understand what they want from life and begin to behave more confidently in this matter.

At the end of 2018, Vasilisa Volodina recommends trying to resolve all the accumulated issues. The horoscope indicates that if the constellation finishes making repairs or closes all pressing matters at work, it will feel much better. With the help of free advice from colleagues, it will be much easier for Leo to solve the troubles that arise. Working out in the gym or swimming will help you lift your spirits and improve your health. If Leo decides to break off a love relationship in the third decade, then you should still think carefully about it. The horoscope from Volodina indicates that women may soon very much regret their decision, but it will be too late.


Many will be amazed by Leo’s performance at the beginning of the year. The horoscope for the next 2018 indicates to the Leo woman that she should worry less about her career issues, since everything will turn out well. In 2018, Horse, Ox and Dragon can open their own business, and success will await them. But the Tiger, Snake and Rooster need to refrain from drastic changes in work and for now remain in the same place.

“An interesting fact is that in the middle of the year Leos should be more careful, since, as the horoscope predicts, they will be subject to the machinations of ill-wishers at work. Free predictions from the horoscope say that it will be easier to protect yourself from troubles if you do not tell your colleagues about your plans and successes. In the second decade of 2018, Pig (Pig), Goat and Rat should think about changing their workplace. This decision will allow you to earn more in the future.”

At the end of the year, the horoscope recommends Leo women to become more active in matters of career. Concluding profitable deals and promising negotiations will allow you to move up a level. It will be useful for the Monkey and the Dog to make new connections at work. By expanding your social circle, it will not be difficult to resolve current issues with ease. A woman whose work involves communicating with people should try to disconnect from work issues at home.


With the help of this year's horoscope, all Leo women will be able to improve their financial affairs. The horoscope recommends that Leos learn how to manage money correctly to make it easier to avoid unnecessary problems. The Horse, Goat and Boar (Pig) must not forget to help their parents with money. But the Ox, Monkey and Rooster need to allocate finances for their health this year and undergo specialists. The financial compatibility horoscope for this year indicates that money will be attracted to the Tiger, Dragon and Snake.

  • Actively pursue a career to improve your financial condition. Especially the Rat and the Rooster;
  • Spend money on sports. Such an approach, according to the horoscope, will allow the constellation to improve health and feel better;
  • Stop skimping on money to please your partner. The compatibility horoscope indicates that this approach to love relationships will strengthen them.

If representatives of the element Fire in 2018 rely less on luck and make more efforts to improve their well-being, then everything will work out for them. Those who are not sure that the funds will be returned to them should give up the desire to borrow money. Having decided to save money from the beginning of the year for your cherished dream (a trip abroad, repairs, etc.), it will be easier to realize your plans by the end of 2018.

What would you like for yourself this year? Prosperity or warm relationships, a new job or a long vacation? A horoscope for Leo is a very subtle explanation of your intention to achieve the main thing - happiness and understanding, recognition and new prospects. After reading the horoscope for 2018, Leo will understand that the year will not be a bag of gifts, but material for this bag, which you yourself must sew from your dreams with the help of diligence.

You have to get the main thing - family, and that's the essence of everything this year. You do not deny this fact, but you are distracted by other topics and overly worry about the failures that happen in everyone’s life. Everything is not easy for you, you have unfinished business in every area, but you are in no hurry to complete it. You can start something new only after completing the old, only when you close the connection with the past. You hold on to the past and find nothing comforting in it.

Do not forget that part of what you have achieved is the merit of your friends, and not just yours, and at the moment when fate gives you some bonuses, do not regret and share, even if it is just a good mood. It doesn’t matter how you suggest it, the main thing is to make it clear that you remember people and appreciate their help.

The darkest time is before dawn. Already in spring, you will feel that your stress and worries are fading away, and the desire to achieve the maximum awakens in you. You will want to change everything in your life, and you will have the opportunity, but remember that it is not customary to change horses at the crossing, and you yourself are not so inclined to do this.

The warmth and comfort that your loved ones give you is solely their merit, and not your “holiness”, which already brings enough joy without it. Come down to earth and remember that you are just a person, with your disadvantages, and sometimes these disadvantages are quite significant. Learn to appreciate what your loved ones give you, and only in this way will you come to harmony.

Health and leisure

The horoscope for Leo for 2018 advises you to remember your physical form, since your emotional sphere is quite full of ambition, and this is precisely what can cause some diseases of the digestive tract. Gluttony and laziness are your favorite sins, and you know it very well. But the time has come to realize that at some point everything comes to an end.

Diet, sports, yoga, and it's better if you take it together. You are frightened by the fact that you will not be able to do everything, but you will definitely master it, because once you start, you will become so attached to this atmosphere and your feeling of increasing strength and at the same time lightness that it will become a part of your life forever.

Say goodbye to alcohol and tobacco, otherwise you will have a sick autumn, unpleasant complications of existing diseases, and nervous breakdowns.

Relax, alternating weekends with work, you have the strength for the correct regime, you’re just too lazy to admit it, and do what’s convenient for you.

Vacation is possible closer to autumn or even winter, and in the summer you will be drawn into a new job, or family matters that you have been working on for a long time. Don't miss the chance to leave home in order to truly relax, and not do repairs or work in the country.

Beware of hypothermia and colds, and if you do get sick, do not expect that everything will go away on its own, but visit a doctor, otherwise complications will not keep you waiting.

Finance and shopping

Leo will read the financial horoscope for 2018 like a book with several chapters, since he loves accuracy and scrupulous arrangement, and nothing will make him turn away from the chosen route.

The most important thing here is not to invent yourself a quest in which you need to complete an incredible number of steps; it’s better to think about the steps and skip the unnecessary ones. You will achieve high financial independence if you learn to agree with other people's opinions, since it will be useful for you to listen to the advice of management, and this will bring you a significant increase in salary.

Don't rush to borrow even a small amount, since most likely you want to buy something that you can do without.

Spring can't wait, and before summer you need to get on the right path of making money instead of spending it. Do your home accounting, calculate all your expenses, and see how much money is spent on little things. You may find that by avoiding unnecessary trips to the store, you can ditch your credit card.

In the fall, you will have a trip, a vacation, a long trip, in which you will especially need money, and therefore you must save up the main amount so that after the vacation you do not end up in debt, which will darken the joy and extinguish the flame of acquired emotions.

Career and business

The career horoscope for Leo for 2018 suggests that his growth will depend on his relationship with his leader. However, always knowing what he wants from life, Leo is in no hurry to admit his mistakes and therefore delays the time of his rise. No amount of arguments will convince you until you personally understand the seriousness of this issue, and first of all you should be motivated by the financial component of future opportunities.

Make an effort, find words for yourself to come to an agreement with your inner antagonist. You must admit that you are not always right and learn to work as a team. You are a member of a team that works like a chain, and you cannot delay completing your part of the work, since the rest of the work and the delivery of projects depends on you.

Consider changing jobs, but not before the summer, as spring gives you a chance to develop new skills that will make you a more desirable employee in your new place.

Love and family

Leo will read the love horoscope for 2018 like a colorful magazine with a lot of bright events that await you. The stars probably have special plans for you, since from summer to late autumn you will have a chance to start a family and become happy, having acquired several forms at once in the person of your spouse. You will have a friend, assistant, ally and lover all rolled into one. You must consider this gift of fate and under no circumstances miss it. Take a closer look at your friends, among whom your future may be.

Family signs are overly self-confident and lose sight of the fact that their deception can be revealed at any moment. You shouldn’t go to great lengths without being sure that everything is fine with you at home. You attract attention by the fact that your mood changes when people of the opposite sex pay attention to you. This may offend your other half. Flirting in the workplace will only frustrate work relationships and create more gossip.

It’s not bad if you decide to relax with your loved one, let your relationship take its course a little.

Signs born from July 23 to August 1, forced to change their lifestyle and take life not as easily as before. The desire to be first will not let you go, but you should not devote all your time to yourself.

Signs born from August 2 to August 10 they are afraid of what they feel now in relation to their loved ones, and it seems to them that they are losing the reins with which they could previously control their loved ones. They become soft and trusting. This is useful and you should not be afraid of such a change.

Signs born from August 11 to August 22 romance and lyrics. You are filled with creative enthusiasm, and you see spring and happiness in everything, the chirping of birds and the fluffiness of snowflakes. Whether it’s love or harmony with yourself, only you know, but prolong this feeling as long as possible.

Leo Woman

You are a fusion of tenderness and strength at the same time, and from the very beginning of the year, thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to refuse the proposal that you have been waiting for a long time. If you don’t like at least one point of the conditions, do not agree, since this point will become a stumbling block in both the employment contract and the marriage contract. Read more >>>

Male - Leo

It's hard to admit it, but it's time to admit that you are not omnipotent and your powers are not infinite. The horoscope for Leo - men looks like a complete fiasco at first glance, but...

The Yellow Earth Pig will take its place on the heavenly throne on February 5th. The love horoscope for 2019 for Leo states: you will find yourself under the tender care of the caring symbol of the year and will receive pleasant surprises and generous gifts from Pig. An astrological forecast for each month of the period will help you avoid falls and suggest safe routes to happiness and harmony.


The beginning of the year, according to the love horoscope for Leo, is not conducive to building new relationships. Nevertheless, winter will bring pleasant surprises not only to families, but also to single people.

The beginning of 2019 and its end are a favorable time for married couples: try to maintain warmth and mutual understanding in your relationship no matter what


Purposeful Leos will start planning in mid-January. Family men must find a middle ground between the professional sphere, everyday affairs and personal life in order to avoid quarrels with their significant other.

For free Lionesses, the stars promise a marriage proposal at the end of the month. Do not rush to answer, this marriage can become an obstacle to career growth and self-development.


The last month of winter will be marked by some difficulties in the financial sphere; Leos will not be in the most positive frame of mind. Astrologers advise not to panic: family people should listen to the advice of loved ones, and single people should focus on work, then you will quickly improve your financial situation.

Meanwhile, in the second half of February, meeting a wealthy person is not ruled out. Some representatives of the fire sign may decide to break off their previous connection for the sake of a new relationship.

December 2019

The end of 2019 will bring many warm and cozy emotions to married Leos. Astrologers advise pampering your loved one and household members with delicious dishes more often: in this way you will assure them of the sincerity of your feelings and demonstrate care and tenderness.


Spring time will turn out to be a very controversial period for both married and single men and women. Leos will have to show prudence and wisdom, especially for married ladies.

Astrologers recommend that single Leos postpone their amorous search: fateful acquaintances are most likely in the summer and autumn of 2019


The first month of spring is good for making business contacts and strengthening your position in society. This is the right moment for intensive communication, participation in meetings and negotiations, and frequent outings. Some are also expecting fleeting romances, which will have a positive impact on the emotional state and self-esteem of Leo.

But family people may face a lot of claims from their life partner. You will have to take into account all the comments and adjust your behavior to avoid scandals and disappointments.


April days will bring an atmosphere of lightness and inspiration into the life of Leos of both sexes. In addition, work and financial problems will be resolved, so the amorous sphere will come to the fore. For those who are already in a relationship, the horoscope advises pampering your significant other with a valuable gift.

Singles can count on interesting acquaintances during a business trip or travel. A Leo woman, according to astrologers, should pay attention to Virgo or Capricorn, and men should pay attention to Sagittarius.


The last month of spring is the right time to restore emotional resources and physical strength. Many Leos will feel an urgent need for solitude and peace, and health problems cannot be ruled out.

Family men should not hide their condition from their life partner; do not refuse support and all possible help. Singles should refrain from spontaneous acquaintances and short-term relationships.


The summer months of 2019 are characterized by the influence of positive trends in the love sphere. Lonely Leos have every chance to connect their lives with that very person. But unfree women and men may face disappointments and drastic changes, but such transformations will ultimately benefit them.

Marriages concluded in the summer of 2019 will gain the powerful support of the Earth Pig and will prove successful for Leo


The winds of change will blow in June. Some Leos will decide to terminate their previous relationship, and some will learn about the divorce from their partner. Loving couples may think about getting married, adding to the family, buying real estate or a car, or traveling together.

A love horoscope does not exclude the possibility of an office romance. However, it is unlikely to become the foundation for a marriage.


For Leos, who suffer from love and serious relationships, the second month of the summer season will turn out to be passionate and fateful.

Special luck awaits careerists: the love of your life is hidden among clients or partners; don’t overlook your happiness.

And family men will enjoy absolute mutual understanding and harmony. Reasons for quarrels, according to the 2019 horoscope, are completely excluded.


The end of summer 2019 will pass on a very optimistic wave. Life-affirming events await Leo in all areas of life.

Leo women with families can count on romantic surprises and comprehensive care. You will finally be able to restore wasted resources, self-confidence and confidence in the firmness of your spouse’s intentions will return.

For free individuals, the stars promise significant meetings, unusual acquaintances, dizzying romances and a storm of exciting emotions. Meanwhile, the August relationship will end as quickly as it began, leaving behind a trail of unforgettable memories.


Autumn time will bring Leos everything they dreamed of. The most successful months in terms of amorous affairs will be September and November 2019. The main thing is to get rid of suspicion and open up to new things.

Autumn dating will make lonely Leos happy, and the wise symbol of the year will definitely help “young” unions. However, you shouldn’t have high hopes for the October novels


Experiments in bed, romantic surprises, responsible decisions, joint plans for the future - all this will burst into the life of captive Leos and fill it with bright emotions and promising prospects.

Young Lionesses who got married in the year of the Pig may find out about pregnancy. By the way, children born or conceived in 2019 will delight their parents with unusual talents, flexible minds and excellent health.

For family representatives of the fire symbol, a period of rethinking of views, goals, and values ​​will begin. Many men will take up solving long-standing domestic issues.

Singles can count on starting a long-term relationship if they themselves take the initiative to find their soul mate. The horoscope recommends taking a closer look at those around you: it seems that you simply do not notice a person who has been hiding his feelings for a long time.


“Young” unions in the second month of autumn may encounter some difficulties, serious disagreements and a test of the strength of relationships are likely. Try not to talk about the problems that have arisen among your friends and acquaintances; there is not the most pious person in your environment.

Romantic acquaintances are unlikely for single Leos in October, but the most purposeful will be able to find a potential soul mate. The stars remind you: October romances will turn out to be unpromising.


The love horoscope states: those who seek their love will find it at any cost. The main thing is that your desire must be truly strong, and your intentions must be pure.

November 2019 is the month of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar, so the denouement of key events will fall precisely on it.

Family Leos will be able to take their union to a qualitatively new level, based on mutual respect and trust. And those couples in which harmony has not reigned will fall apart completely.

The love horoscope for 2019 wishes Leo deep feelings and prosperity. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and Pig will definitely contribute to the lion’s success in all areas of life.

At any party, Leo is not difficult to recognize - the regal shine and gloss that he radiates with enviable pride to everyone around him is impossible not to notice. The sign devotes a lot of time to his appearance; he is ready to spend his last savings on beautiful clothes and personal care. This is not a homebody; the thirst for everyone's attention prompts him to spend more time in public. Leo does not consider himself better than others, and at the same time, I am firmly convinced that many will envy his knowledge and experience. A person who likes to give advice experiences real bliss when others turn to him with questions. However, in most cases, the sign unceremoniously lectures everyone and everywhere, which causes irritation. He takes criticism addressed to him extremely painfully and harbors a grudge for a long time. A routine compliment, simple recognition of merit and rude flattery will inspire him. In business, Leo has remarkable acumen and organizational talent - he is an excellent leader. He is a maximalist, he does not want to see measures either in work, or in friendship, or in love. It is better to have such a person as a friend than as an enemy - it is no less difficult for him to stop in righteous anger than in showing sympathy. What does the Earth Dog sign foretell for representatives of the Earth sign? The horoscope for 2018 for Leo will tell you.

To make the year fun, happy and successful for Leo, it is enough to make a minimum of effort - to show respect for the opinions and feelings of others. A rash word or deed can spoil the idyll; in this case, scandals, divorces, division of property and business bankruptcies are inevitable.

In June, you may receive a tempting offer to move to another country in order to expand your business or exchange experience - new impressions, acquaintances and bright prospects will attract all representatives of the sign without exception.

The beginning of autumn will be marked by betrayal from a loved one. Leo, for whom monogamy is not typical, will catch his partner cheating. To forgive or not to forgive is up to you.

Throughout the year in the professional sphere it is necessary to show rigidity and uncompromisingness. This will allow you to avoid misunderstandings with management and maintain your position and salary.

November is a favorable time for investing. Agree to offers to purchase real estate and land. The deal will be profitable and will bear fruit in the near future.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo man

In the very first days of the year, the stars recommend drawing up a detailed action plan for the next 12 months. You will have a unique opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and turn omissions into prospects. Don't be afraid to take risks, this is the time for decisive action.

Summer will be stingy with acquaintances; do not despair and renew old relationships that you decisively gave up on in the past. Devote your free time to self-improvement, travel with friends.

In the year of the Earth Dog, Leo men must learn patience and loyalty, this will allow them to improve relationships with family, work colleagues and bring new perspectives to life.

For representatives of the sign who are in a relationship, it’s time to think about children. Your other half will readily accept the offer. It would be a good idea to visit a family planning center and get examined.

The year will be full of events and accomplishments. In the spring, you will be able to change your boring office job to a more interesting, promising option with frequent business trips abroad.

You will look business-like and independent, which will scare away men who are insecure and therefore unworthy of you. The one who manages to break through the veil of tough character and categoricalness will turn the bitchy Lioness woman into a gentle, pliable cat.

Summer will bring with it many fleeting romances. Men ignite desire in you, but are unable to maintain the fire of passion; in 2018, representatives of the sign will leave many broken hearts behind them.

The Year of the Earth Dog is not the best time for rash adventures. Every rash word released from your mouth, outburst of anger or irritation will turn around and make you regret it. Only balance and peacefulness will lead to constructive dialogue.

The passion for expensive jewelry will be especially great in the fall; try not to waste your last savings on another piece of jewelry.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Leo

Representatives of the sign getting married this year should be prepared for difficulties from the very first days. At first, your demandingness and uncompromising nature will scare off your other half, but by the end of the year there will be a tendency towards mutual understanding. The right time to enter into an alliance is September and October.

Maintaining warm relationships in an existing family will help not only by expressing your own wishes and demands, but also by listening to the needs of relatives. Try not to put pressure on your life partner and not to reproach him - with this approach you will get nothing but negativity in your direction. Quarrels and nervous breakdowns on both sides can contribute to a break in the relationship.

For single Leos, the second half of the year will be more promising in terms of finding a second half. Be patient, you will have to search for a long time, but an unexpected meeting will allow you to find a reliable partner and a true friend in your loved one.

Money horoscope

The stability of the financial position of the proud sign suggests prosperity, not luxury.

The increased passion for gambling and wild life in April-May will quite empty your pockets. Many Leos will shamelessly borrow large sums of money from wealthy friends and relatives, mistakenly believing that luck will soon turn their face towards them.

No random earnings or gifts are expected. Therefore, the cost budget will have to be cut.

In the second half of the year, there will be an opportunity to invest a large amount of money in a risky event in order to multiply it many times over. Don't miss out on worthy opportunities, be on your guard and make the most of the situation in your favor. Where common sense does not work, listen to your intuition - it will suggest the right decisions.

Career horoscope

The Year of the Earth Dog does not create barriers to achieving your goals.

You can get rid of ill-wishers among your employees by showing patience and tact. Radiate friendliness, even if you experience radically opposite emotions in your soul.

2018 gives even unemployed representatives of the sign a chance to find a job with a decent salary. Summer is a favorable time to create a business, and if it is already operating, it’s time for a serious breakthrough.

Useful contacts in the business sphere will contribute to the speedy implementation of ideas. Everything is important, from moral support and useful information to financial assistance and attracting new clients.

In the professional field, Leos will need reaction speed. Try to complete all tasks on time, and not put them off for a long time. If you miss a favorable moment, everything will go wrong.

Image issues will be especially important to you in the coming year. Watch your statements, behavior and do not forget about manners.

Health horoscope

The year does not foretell any serious health problems. Your weaknesses - the organs of the digestive system - will periodically make themselves known to fast food lovers.

A careless attitude towards one’s own health and an uncompromising belief in its strength will encourage Lviv to violate the work and rest regime. Systematic overload will result in a sharp weakening of the immune system by the end of summer. Quality rest will help you replenish your strength. Representatives of the sign, please note that quality rest means relaxation and relaxing massage sessions, and not all-nighters in coastal clubs!

In the autumn-winter period, colds can be avoided.

At the end of the year, you should be careful when driving vehicles - there is a high probability of getting into an accident and getting a head injury.

Celebrities born under the sign of Leo: politicians Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini, Anatoly Sobchak, Vasily Shandybin, Barack Obama, industrialist Henry Ford, astronaut Neil Armstrong, singers Madonna, Mick Jagger, Sofia Rotaru, Whitney Houston, actors Pierre Richard, Jennifer Lopez, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Spacey , David Dukhovny, Matthew Peri, fashion designers Yves Saint Laurent, Coco Chanel.