Cardinal rules on labor protection and industrial safety. The Metalloinvest company has adopted Cardinal requirements for labor protection and industrial safety. Employees are strictly prohibited

We thank the Press Service of the United Metallurgical Company for providing this material.

“We gave people the tools, and now we are waiting for the return”

- Alexander Mikhailovich, what is the main indicator of the effectiveness of implementing a production system?

A production system is, first of all, a tool, the use of which is directly related to the quality of operational production indicators. And the main assessment for him is the results of the divisions’ work.

No, there will be no drastic changes. The vector is given and we follow it. Over the past few years, a lot of work has been done and the basis has been formed. “Three pillars” of the VSW production system: active environment (working with people), standardized work (working according to rules) and ideal flow (working without waste). These areas continue to develop. Improving the level of security remains one of the priorities. We also plan to improve the process of improvements - there will be even more of them.

But at the same time, we have a main goal that all people and all available tools must work towards: increasing operational efficiency. We began to solve very specific practical problems facing each workshop. This is the achievement of equipment utilization efficiency coefficient (EUI) standards, a decrease in the metal consumption coefficient (MCR), and an increase in the yield.

In previous years, we have done a lot of work to engage staff, improve the environment, trained thousands of workers, provided them with a set of production system tools - and now we are waiting for the results. And here the synergistic effect is important: everyone at their workplace, at every level, must get involved in the work to improve production efficiency. There can be no innocent people. This is a challenge for both managers and workers. And this is reflected in motivation: all goals are formulated in such a way that they pass to the level of direct performers. At the same time, I would like to note that we see the imperfections of methodologies, and working on them is another important task for us.

“Goals have been set, we need to work”

- Do the shops have their own programs according to which they must act?

Each production department manager developed and launched a project to improve the efficiency of his department: he outlined an ambitious goal, formed a team, and also chose methods and tools to achieve it.

For example, the goal of a wheel rolling shop is to increase production volumes and shipment of export products to 12 thousand units per month. The general goal for the workshops of the large-diameter pipe division is to improve the quality of products, maximum yield - that is, 100 percent. The goal of the oil and gas pipeline division workshops is to increase production volumes: for example, for TPP-3 - up to 50 thousand tons per month, for TPP-5 - up to 400 thousand tons per year.

The goal of the LPC is to increase production to 1.2 million tons of steel per year and, in addition to this, reduce the volume of rejection by 30 percent. The goal is to stabilize the production of shredded scrap; it should reach 30 thousand tons per month.

You said that over the past years VSW has done a lot of work to engage and train staff. Do you see the results of this work?

The ideology of the production system is now clear, it is accepted and shared. Sometimes, by the way, workers understand better than managers. And for some it has become a way of life. From my daily walks I see

that the production culture has improved significantly compared to what it was, say, a few years ago. And not only we see this, but also the partners who come to us. Many large Russian companies They are just starting their journey in the development of a production system and come to us for experience. Recently, for example, representatives of the Metallinvest holding visited and were quite surprised by the results that VSW managed to achieve.

To summarize: the vector of development of the production system remains the same with an emphasis on increasing production efficiency. So?

That's right. And I repeat that no one should stand aside from this work. In this difficult time for business, if we do not achieve our goals, we will not stop, no... We will roll back. Therefore, everyone who is interested in maintaining their position must be results-oriented. The goals are set, the tools are clear. We have to work. Coordinated and disciplined.

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Cardinal rules of OJSC Uralkali on labor protection

Rule No. 1. Workers are prohibited from performing loading and unloading operations or moving cargo when people are in dangerous proximity.

Lifting and lowering loads into a car, gondola car and others vehicles when there are people in the body or cabin;

Moving cargo with a crane equipped with a magnet when people are within the range of movement of the cargo;

Lifting, lowering, moving a load installed near a wall, column, stack, railway car, machine or other equipment, when people are between the lifted load and the specified parts of the building or equipment;

Moving people or cargo with people on it using a crane.

Turning on the crane mechanisms when people are on the crane outside its cabin (in the gallery, in the machine room, on the boom, etc.).

Placement of people into containers lifted by a crane;

Raising and lowering a crane boom without a load while there are people underneath it.

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are specialists responsible for safe production works with cranes, crane operators (crane operators), slingers.

Rule No. 2: Employees are prohibited from working at heights without wearing a safety harness.

Work at height is considered to be work in which the employee is at a distance of less than 2 m from unfenced differences in height of 1.3 m or more.

A violation of this rule is the failure of workers to use a safety harness or safety ropes when working at height.

A harness is a component of a fall arrest system designed to wrap around the body to prevent a fall. A safety harness may include connecting slings, buckles and other elements secured appropriately to support the entire human body and to hold the body during and after a fall (GOST R 12.4.224-99)

Use of a safety harness - a worker wearing a safety harness is connected to a fixed structure with a safety lanyard.

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are the Company’s employees directly performing work at height.

Rule No. 3. Workers are prohibited from smoking or using smoking materials in the mine.

A violation of this rule is the following actions:

Smoking and the use of smoking and incendiary accessories by employees (except for incendiary accessories used for production

work with permission from the chief engineer of the mine) in the mine and above-mine buildings and other fire and explosion hazardous areas.

Carrying by workers into the mine, carrying it in the mine, taking it out of the mine, carrying tobacco products and smoking and incendiary accessories along the route from the lamp mines to the descent into the mine and back.

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are the Company’s employees who, due to their production activities, are located in the underground workings of the mine, above-mine buildings, electrical machine chambers, and electrical substations of electric locomotive depots.

Rule No. 4. Workers are prohibited from repairing and servicing conveyors without disconnecting from power sources, or using conveyors to move people and goods.

A violation of this rule is the following actions:

Manually removing material from under the head, tail and deflection drums, performing repairs and maintenance work while the conveyor is running without disconnecting from the power source (the electrical circuit of the conveyor drive has not been disassembled, warning signs “Do not turn on! People are working!” are not posted on the starting devices! ").

Moving people and goods on working conveyors.

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are the Company's employees.

Rule No. 5. Workers are prohibited from working in energized electrical installations.

A violation of this rule is the following actions:

Carrying out work without necessary shutdowns and taking measures to prevent the supply of voltage to the work site.

Carrying out work without observing measures to ensure the safety of work without relieving stress and work performed in the order of routine operation.

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are the Company's employees engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, carrying out operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements.

Rule No. 6. Workers are prohibited from working in mine workings with unsecured and/or unsealed roofing

A violation of this rule is the following actions:

Carrying out work in excavations with loose and/or unsealed roofing.

Failure to bring the combine before starting operation (at the beginning work shift) the roofs and sides of mine workings in the area where the combine is operating in a safe condition.

Loose roofing - lack of support in places of geological disturbances.

Unfinished roofing - the presence of pins, lenses and “cakes” in the roof.

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are GVM operators, mine workers, or other departments performing their functional duties in underground mine workings.

Rule No. 7. Workers are prohibited from performing any work or being in the bottomhole area while the miner is operating.

It is a violation of this rule to carry out any work in the bottomhole area (behind the plane of the fence shield) with the magnetic starters unlocked (the “NETWORK DISCONNECTED” button on the control panel is not locked)

Persons responsible for compliance with this rule are GVM operators, mine workers, or other departments performing their functional duties in underground mine workings.

– Cardinal – the most important, core safety rules, written, as they say, in blood. And they were developed taking into account statistical observations on the main factors of injury to people at work, such as the operation of self-propelled equipment, falling pins, falling from a height and others,” says Valentin KOZLOVSKY, head of department industrial safety and occupational safety and health (OHS) of the Polar Division. – Those who do not comply with the Cardinal Rules are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Private and general
Cardinal occupational safety rules are an information product published in a convenient format: every employee of the company can put a useful digest in the pocket of their work clothes and always have it with them. The publication includes the most important excerpts from the norms, rules, regulations for safe work in a particular industry. Miners, metallurgists, concentrators, and workers in the construction and repair complex have their own rules, but there are also common points for all areas of production activity. For example, this: “It is prohibited to perform high-risk work without issuing a permit.”
Everyone who works in the company knows: if unacceptable risks or new risks that threaten life and health are identified in the workplace, he has the right to refuse to complete the work order.
– Refusal to work in case of danger is provided Collective agreement MMC Norilsk Nickel, says Valentin Kozlovsky. – The document states that in cases of non-compliance of working conditions at the workplace with industrial safety requirements, it is prohibited to begin the task or continue work. We remind you of this in the Cardinal Rules: “All employees of the company, if situations arise during work that threaten their life and health, are obliged to stop working.”
The person must then report the discrepancies to his immediate supervisor or, if necessary, to the unit manager. In the event of a justified refusal of an employee to perform his job duties, his salary is retained in full,” emphasized the head of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health.
How does all this work in practice? Each Norilsk Nickel enterprise has introduced checklists for assessing risks in the workplace, listing potential hazards. If at the beginning of a shift a person discovers a danger that threatens his life and health, he puts a mark in the required line, signs the control sheet and passes it to the foreman. The line manager immediately gives the task to eliminate the violations. If this is not possible, workplace is closed, people's access there is limited and the person is given a different outfit.
The company's employees understand the situation and care about their health and the health of their colleagues. The head of the industrial safety department of the Polar Division cited the following statistics: in 2015, there were about 300 justified refusals to complete the task. Since the beginning of this year - 18.
“We strive to ensure that all workplaces in the company comply with industrial safety and labor protection standards,” comments Valentin Kozlovsky. – When we achieve this goal, industrial accidents will be eliminated.
The company is now experiencing a steady trend towards reducing injuries. In 2014, 19 accidents occurred at the Polar Division, last year there were 17, and since the beginning of 2016 - 8.
“I regret to say that it was not possible to prevent incidents with fatal: three such cases each occurred in 2014 and 2015, two in 2016,” Valentin Kozlovsky cited statistics.
You can't fool the system
Cardinal labor safety rules prohibit being in the workplace under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxicological intoxication, as well as consuming alcoholic beverages or drugs at work.
– This year, ten people were fired for violating the Cardinal Safety Rules and 18 people were fired for appearing at work while intoxicated. We fight violations of labor discipline mercilessly, and we use modern analyzers,” says the head of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health of the Polar Branch and gives an example: “Individual enterprises: the Oktyabrsky, Komsomolsky mines and the Skalistaya mine are equipped with an access control system. This is a full-height turnstile with a breathalyzer installed in front of it. If there is no ethanol in the exhaled air vapor, the person goes to his workplace. Otherwise, the entrance turnstile is blocked. Naturally, administrative measures will be taken against the violator.
By the end of the year, it is planned to organize access control at the Mayak mine. In the future, all divisions of the Polar Branch will be equipped with such systems.
When asked if there are any differences between the Cardinal Rules for managers and ordinary workers, Valentin Kozlovsky replied:
– The main point of the Cardinal Rules for managers is the implementation of instructions from both industrial safety department specialists and employees of functional structures: production department, mining department, departments of the chief mechanic and chief power engineer of the Polar Branch, carrying out control and preventive activities in the field of industrial safety and labor protection .
To prevent injuries at work and preserve the lives and health of workers, the company implements corporate standards in various areas of industrial safety. There are currently seven standards in force, including second-party auditing, provision of funds personal protection, behavioral audit without-
danger. New ones are being introduced: “Isolation of energy sources”, “Working at height”, “Interaction between vehicles and pedestrians”, “Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk management”.
Developing the topic, we asked the head of the industrial safety department of the Polar Division to comment on the opinion, including experts in the field of labor protection, that for some positions the company adheres to more stringent parameters than prescribed by federal legislation?
“This is really so, and this is the company’s principled position,” said Valentin Kozlovsky. – “Norilsk Nickel” strives by all means to preserve the lives and health of people. Thus, the company went beyond the all-Russian standards for working at height, adopting a very serious internal standard in this area.
At a recent meeting between the director of the Polar Branch, Alexander Ryumin, and the staff of the Mayak mine, there was talk about the certification of conveyor transport. The current federal standards are not strict enough, but in our corporate standards we deliberately strive to tighten safety standards and regulations. Although these are costly measures: fencing conveyor lines, blocking them with drives, belt catchers, a belt misalignment sensor, and so on, it is necessary for people. And the company is making significant new expenses in the field of industrial safety,” concluded Valentin Kozlovsky.

In 2015, the Polar Division carried out 299 justified refusals to carry out work; since the beginning of 2016, 18 such cases have been recorded.
This year, OHS specialists suspended work 175 times and prohibited it 433 times due to violations of labor protection requirements. 23 suspensions were made due to violations of the Cardinal Safety Rules.
In total, since the introduction of the Cardinal Rules in Norilsk, 13 employees have been laid off, including 7 at the Polar Branch.

Cardinal safety rules are included in employment contract every employee of the company and are mandatory for everyone - not only for representatives of blue-collar professions, but also for managers.
The Industrial Safety Department of the Polar Division operates a helpline number 25-11-11. Specialists review and verify each request.

Metalloinvest regularly updates and modernizes production equipment and maintains optimal workplace conditions that comply with legal standards. It is important to understand that these company efforts are only part of common system safe work, because the world statistics of industrial accidents is inexorable: their main cause is incorrect actions and work methods used by the employees themselves, who ignore the current instructions or rules of labor protection and industrial safety.

Each employee must understand that he follows the rules formulated in the Cardinal Requirements for Occupational Health and Industrial Safety not for the manager or for the labor protection engineers, but for himself personally. And in these matters there are no trifles that can be neglected; even a small deviation from the rules can cause a tragedy. Remember: maintaining your own health and life is everyone’s personal responsibility!

Cardinal requirements for labor protection and industrial safety

In order to implement tasks aimed at improving the occupational health and safety management system, improving production culture and professional level, employees of the Metalloinvest group enterprises (Lebedinsky GOK JSC, Mikhailovsky GOK PJSC, OEMK JSC, Uralskaya JSC Steel", LLC "Uralmetcom") must:
  • strive for safe behavior at work, to awareness of personal responsibility for their own lives and the health of those around them;
  • know and understand under what circumstances you can be injured at work;
  • not to allow incorrect and dangerous actions or techniques when performing work duties;
  • perform only the work that is assigned, for which they have undergone training and instructions on labor protection, and for which they have been authorized by specialists responsible for the safe performance of work.

  • Any incident (accident, incident, accident, fire, etc.) is the result of the action or inaction of workers during production processes.

    Employees are strictly prohibited from:

    • Be on the territory of Metalloinvest Group enterprises in a state of alcohol, narcotic or other toxic intoxication.
    • Unlock security systems without appropriate permission, disable locks, sensors, instrumentation and other equipment used to ensure industrial safety, unauthorizedly light a fire, smoke in unauthorized places, intentionally damage equipment, materials and property.
    • Perform high-risk work without obtaining a work permit or compliance with safety measures.
    • Work without the use of funds collective defense, serviceable and certified personal protective equipment.
    • Penetrate the fence of operating equipment, electrical installations and other mechanisms, stay in the danger zone outside specially designated areas.
    • Carry out maintenance or repair work on the equipment without disconnecting it from all types of energy, without installing protective interlocks and safety devices that prevent unauthorized or erroneous supply of energy.
    • Carry out actions aimed at concealing and (or) distorting the facts and circumstances of industrial accidents.

Violation of the Cardinal requirements for labor protection and industrial safety is grounds for application disciplinary sanctions in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.