Which of the following hazardous objects does not apply? Which enterprises are classified as hazardous production facilities? Classification of hazardous production facilities

Basics of industrial safety

Correct answers to exam questions general requirements industrial safety in italics.

1. What regulatory documents cannot be adopted on industrial safety issues?
A) Federal laws.
B) Regulatory legal acts of the Government Russian Federation.
C) Regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.
D) Regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. What is the main goal of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Liquidation emergency situations resulting from a man-made accident.
B) Reducing the likelihood of accidents at a hazardous production facility and, as a consequence, reducing the level of environmental pollution during the operation of hazardous production facilities.
C) Preventing accidents at hazardous production facilities and ensuring the readiness of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating hazardous production facilities to localize and eliminate the consequences of these accidents.
D) Establishing a procedure for investigating and recording accidents at a hazardous production facility.

3. Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” is:
A) The state of protection of the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to favorable environment by warning negative impacts economic and other activities on the environment.
B) A system of measures established by law to ensure the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents.
C) The state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents.
D) A system of prohibitions, restrictions and regulations established by law for the safe operation of hazardous production facilities.

4. What is included in the concept of “accident” in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Failure or damage technical devices, used at a hazardous production facility, deviation from the established regime technological process.
B) Destruction of structures and (or) technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, uncontrolled explosion and (or) release of hazardous substances.
C) Controlled and (or) uncontrolled combustion, as well as explosion of a hazardous production facility.

5. What is included in the concept of “incident” in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Failure or damage to technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, deviation from the established process mode.
B) Destruction of structures and (or) technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, uncontrolled explosion and (or) release of hazardous substances in which there are no casualties.
C) Controlled and (or) uncontrolled combustion, as well as explosion of a hazardous production facility, not accompanied by the release of hazardous substances into the environment.
D) Violation of the integrity or complete destruction of structures and technical devices of a hazardous production facility in the absence of an explosion or release of hazardous substances.

6. To whom do the provisions of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” apply?
A) All organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation and in other territories over which the Russian Federation exercises jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international law .
B) For all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities only on the territory of the Russian Federation.
B) State and non-state Not commercial organizations operating hazardous production facilities in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
D) For all commercial organizations, regardless of the form of activity in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.

7. What is meant by industrial safety requirements in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements contained in federal laws, compliance with which ensures industrial safety.
B) Requirements contained in regulatory technical documents adopted federal body executive branch, specially authorized in the field of industrial safety within his competence and in accordance with established forms.
C) Conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements contained in the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ, other federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as federal standards and regulations in the field of industrial safety.
D) Conditions, prohibitions, restrictions established in regulations, compliance with which ensures the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents.

8. In what regulatory legal act contains a list of criteria by which a production facility is classified as hazardous?
A) In the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
B) In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On registration of objects in the state register”.
C) In the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the list of hazardous production facilities.”
D) In ​​the Regulations on the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

9. What hazard classes are hazardous production facilities divided into depending on the level of potential danger of accidents for the vital interests of the individual and society?
Hazard class I - hazardous production facilities of extremely high danger;
Hazard class II - hazardous production facilities of high danger;
Hazard class III - hazardous production facilities of medium danger;
Hazard class IV - hazardous production facilities of low hazard.

Hazard class I - hazardous production facilities of low danger;

III hazard class - hazardous production facilities of high danger;
Hazard class IV - hazardous production facilities of extremely high danger.
Hazard class I - hazardous production facilities of high danger;
Hazard class II - hazardous production facilities of medium danger;
III hazard class - hazardous production facilities of low hazard;
Hazard class IV - non-hazardous production facilities (the probability of an accident is zero).

10. What is meant by justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility?
A) This is a document containing information about the conditions for the safe operation of a hazardous production facility, requirements for operation, overhaul, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility.
B) This is a document containing information about the results of an accident risk assessment
at a hazardous production facility and the associated threat, requirements for the safe operation of a hazardous production facility, requirements
to the service personnel.
C) This is a document containing information on the results of an assessment of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility and the associated threat, conditions for the safe operation of a hazardous production facility, requirements for operation, overhaul, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility.

11. In what case is a safety justification for a hazardous production facility developed?
A) If during operation, overhaul, conservation or liquidation of a hazardous production facility, a deviation from the industrial safety requirements established by federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety is required, such requirements are insufficient and (or) they are not established.
B) When preparing design documentation for any hazardous production facility, regardless of the hazard class.
C) In cases where the developer of project documentation is a foreign organization.
D) When developing a plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities.

12. In accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, what kind of examination is subject to justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility?
A) State examination.
B) Industrial safety examination.
B) Environmental assessment.

13. Within what period of time should an organization operating a hazardous production facility, when making changes to the justification for the safety of a hazardous production facility, send them to Rostechnadzor?
A) Within a month after the changes are made.
B) Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of a positive conclusion from the industrial safety examination.
C) Within 10 working days from the date of submission of the justification for industrial safety examination.
D) Within a month after approval of the changes.

14. What types of examination of project documentation are carried out in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation?
A) Only state examination.
B) State examination for especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects, for all others - non-state examination.
C) Both state and non-state examination at the choice of the developer or technical customer, with the exception of cases when only state examination is carried out.

15. Are other federal executive authorities, in addition to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, authorized to carry out special permitting, control or supervisory functions in the field of industrial safety?
A) Yes, if the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation has granted them such a right.
B) No, this contradicts Federal law dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.”
B) Yes, only if the specified bodies function in an emergency situation.

16. Who establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results?
A) Ministry of Construction of Russia.

B) The Ministry of Construction of Russia together with Rostechnadzor.
D) Glavgosexpertiza.

17. In relation to which objects is the state examination of project projects capital construction not carried out?
A) Objects, construction, reconstruction and (or) major repairs of which are expected to be carried out on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
B) Capital construction projects for which a construction permit is not required.
C) Particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects.
D) Facilities, the construction, reconstruction and (or) major repairs of which are expected to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters and in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

18. What right do Rostechnadzor officials not have when implementing federal state supervision in the field of industrial safety?
A) Visit organizations operating hazardous production facilities with an official ID and a copy of the inspection order.
B) Issue licenses for certain types of activities associated with increased danger of industrial production.
C) Give instructions on the removal of people from workplaces in case of a threat to the life and health of workers.
D) Draw up protocols on administrative offenses related to violations of mandatory requirements, consider cases of these administrative offenses and take measures to prevent such violations.
D) Send materials related to violations of mandatory requirements to the authorized bodies to resolve issues of initiating criminal cases based on crimes.

19. In what case do Rostechnadzor officials have the right to bring to administrative responsibility persons guilty of violating industrial safety requirements?
A) This is not within their competence.
B) When implementing federal state supervision in the field of industrial safety.
C) Only if this involves sending materials to the court on bringing these persons to criminal liability.

20. In what case can an unscheduled on-site inspection be carried out immediately with notification to the prosecutor’s office without its consent?
A) Upon expiration of the deadline for execution by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur of an order issued by a state supervisory body to eliminate the identified violation of mandatory industrial safety requirements.
B) When the state supervisory authority receives applications from citizens and legal entities or bodies state power information about violations of mandatory industrial safety requirements, if they create a threat of harm or a threat of accidents and (or) man-made emergencies.
C) After one year has passed from the date of completion of the last scheduled inspection of the organization for compliance with mandatory industrial safety requirements.

21. What documents can establish mandatory requirements in the field of technical regulation?
A) Technical regulations.
B) National standards and codes of practice.
C) Technical regulations, national standards and codes of practice.

22. On what issues are technical regulations not adopted?
A) Product safety (technical devices used at a hazardous production facility).
B) Safe operation of buildings, structures, structures and safe use of adjacent territories.
C) Carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety.
D) Fire safety.

23. What is the object of technical regulation?
A) Requirements for products, including buildings and structures, or for products and the processes of design (including research), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal related to the requirements for products.
B) Products only.
B) Hazardous production facilities.
D) Products and services related only to the fulfillment of mandatory requirements for the processes of design, production, installation, commissioning, storage, transportation, sales and disposal.

24. What documents can technical regulations be adopted in accordance with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”?
A) Only Federal laws and intergovernmental agreements of participating countries Customs Union.
B) Only by Federal laws and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.
C) Any regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
G) International treaties, intergovernmental agreements, Federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the federal executive body for technical regulation.

25. Which of the following provisions indicates the most full list documents that the policyholder is required to send when concluding a contract compulsory insurance in relation to hazardous production facilities?
A) Documents containing information about the dangerous object necessary to determine the amount of the insurance premium.
B) Documents containing the information necessary to determine the amount of the insurance premium about the dangerous facility, its level of safety, and the harm that may be caused as a result of an accident at the hazardous facility.
C) Documents containing the information necessary to determine the amount of the insurance premium about the dangerous facility, its level of safety, the harm that may be caused as a result of an accident at the hazardous facility, and the maximum possible number of victims.
D) Documents about the maximum possible number of victims.

26. What forms of mandatory confirmation of conformity are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”?
A) Industrial safety examination.
B) Only mandatory product certification.
C) Mandatory certification or declaration of conformity of products.
D) Risk assessment of product use.

27. Which documents establish forms for assessing compliance with mandatory requirements for technical devices used at a hazardous production facility?
A) In federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety.
B) In technical regulations.
C) In the relevant regulatory legal acts approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
D) In ​​the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

28. What does the concept of “owner of a hazardous facility” include in accordance with Federal Law No. 225-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of hazardous facilities for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility”?
A) A legal entity that owns a dangerous object by right of ownership.
B) A legal entity or individual entrepreneur who owns a dangerous object by right of ownership, the right of economic management or the right of operational management or on another legal basis and operates a dangerous object.
C) Legal entities that own a hazardous facility by right of ownership, right of economic management or right of operational management, or on another legal basis, regardless of whether they operate a hazardous production facility or not.

29. Technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” are subject to:
A) Mandatory certification.
B) Technical audit.
C) Industrial safety examination for the positions established in clause 2 of Art. 7 Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, unless other forms of conformity assessment are established in technical regulations.

30. What laws establish the types of activities that are subject to licensing in the field of industrial safety?
A) Only in the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”.
B) Only in the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
C) In the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” and the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities”.
D) In ​​the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” and the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.”

31. What is the name of one of the types of activities in the field of industrial safety that is subject to licensing in accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”?
A) Operation of explosive, fire and chemically hazardous production facilities of all hazard classes.
B) Operation of explosive, fire and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes.
C) Operation of explosive and fire hazardous production facilities.
D) Operation of chemically hazardous production facilities.

32. Which of the following does not apply to the powers of licensing authorities?
A) Suspension of the license.
B) Formation and maintenance of a license register.
C) Cancellation of a license in case of violation of industrial safety requirements.
D) Approval of the license form.

33. What is the minimum license validity period established by Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 4, 2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities”?
A) 1 year.
B) 3 years.
B) 5 years.
D) The license is valid for an indefinite period.

34. Which of the listed documents does not the licensing authority have the right to require from an applicant for a license to operate explosive, fire and chemically hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I, II and III?
A) Data from the document confirming the registration of the license applicant with the tax authority.
B) Copies of documents, the list of which is determined by the licensing regulations specific type activities and which indicate the license applicant’s compliance with licensing requirements.
C) Copies of documents indicating that the legal entity has no tax debt for the previous year.
D) Details of the document confirming the fact of payment state duty for the provision of a license, or other information confirming the fact of payment of the specified state fee.

35. Within what period is the licensing authority required to make a decision on granting or refusing to grant a license?
A) No later than 60 calendar days from the date of receipt of the license applicant’s application with all necessary documents.
B) No later than 30 working days from the date of receipt of the license applicant’s application with all necessary documents.
C) No later than 45 working days from the date of receipt of the application for a license and the documents attached to it.
D) Determined by an agreement between the licensee and the licensing authority.

36. Who monitors the licensee’s compliance with licensing requirements?
A) The licensing authority together with the prosecutor's office.
B) The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory the facility is operated.
B) Licensing authority.
D) Organ local government.

37. In what cases can licensing authorities suspend a license?
A) In case of liquidation of a legal entity or termination of its activities as a result of reorganization.
B) If the licensee fails to pay the license fee within three months.
C) In the event of a change in the owner of the organization.
D) If the licensee is brought to administrative liability for failure to comply with deadline orders to eliminate gross violations of licensing requirements.

38. In what case can a license be revoked by a court decision?
A) If false or distorted data is detected in the documents submitted to the licensing authority to obtain a license.
B) Upon liquidation of a legal entity or termination of its activities
as a result of reorganization.
B) Due to the licensee's failure to pay the license fee within three months.
D) If within the period established by the court administrative punishment in the form of administrative suspension of activities and suspension of the license, the licensee did not eliminate the gross violation of licensing requirements.

39. When and for what period of time, in the event of a decision of a court or an official of Rostechnadzor imposing an administrative penalty in the form of administrative suspension of the licensee’s activities, does the licensing authority suspend the license?
A) Within 24 hours from the date of the decision for the period of administrative suspension of the licensee’s activities.
B) Within 24 hours from the date of entry into force of this decision for the period of administrative suspension of the licensee’s activities.
C) Within 24 hours from the date of entry into force of this decision for a period of no more than 30 days.
D) Within three days from the date of entry into force of this decision for the period of administrative suspension of the licensee’s activities.

40. Who conducts a technical investigation into the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility?
A) A special commission of investigation, headed by a representative of the federal executive body in the field of labor protection.
B) A special commission of investigation, headed by a representative of Rostechnadzor or its territorial body.
C) An investigation commission headed either by a representative of the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of labor protection or by a representative of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.
D) An investigation commission headed by the head of the operating organization where the accident occurred, with the mandatory participation of representatives of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.

41. Who has the right to decide on the creation of a state commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident and to appoint the chairman of this commission?
A) Only the President of the Russian Federation.
B) Only the Government of the Russian Federation.
C) The President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.
D) The President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.

42. Which document establishes the procedure for conducting a technical investigation into the causes of accidents?
A) In the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

B) In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
D) In ​​a regulatory document approved by the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.

43. Under what conditions do representatives of the organization operating a hazardous production facility take part in the technical investigation of the causes of the accident?
A) No, they are not taking part in the investigation.
B) As a member of the investigation commission, but their number should not exceed 25% of the total number of commission members.
C) As a member of the investigation commission, but their number should not exceed 50% of the total number of commission members.

44. Where is the organization obliged to send the results of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident?
A) Only to the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.
B) To the central office or territorial body of Rostechnadzor that conducted the investigation, to the relevant bodies (organizations) whose representatives took part in the work of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, to the relevant prosecutorial body and other bodies (organizations) determined by the chairman of the commission.
C) To the central office or territorial body of Rostechnadzor that conducted the investigation, the insurance organization, and the territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
D) To the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety, a higher body, a local government body, the state labor inspectorate of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the territorial association of the trade union, as well as to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

45. Within what period should a technical investigation report be drawn up regarding the causes of the accident?
A) Within 30 working days.
B) Within 30 calendar days.
B) Within 20 days.
D) There is no deadline.

46. ​​How is a special commission appointed for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident?
A) By order of the head of the organization in which the accident occurred.
B) By order of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor or depending on the nature and possible consequences accident by order of Rostechnadzor.
C) By a joint order of Rostekhnadzor and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
D) By order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

47. Who is responsible for financing the costs of technical investigation of the causes of accidents?
A) To the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.
B) For an organization operating hazardous production facilities.
C) To an insurance company with which an agreement has been concluded for compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of a dangerous object
for causing harm as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility.
D) For an organization operating hazardous production facilities or an insurance company that insures the civil liability of this organization.

48. How often is the operating organization required to provide information about accidents that have occurred and where?
A) once a year to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, in the territory of whose activities the operated facility is located.
B) once every six months to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, in the territory of whose activities the operated facility is located.
C) once a year to the relevant sectoral department of Rostechnadzor.
D) once every six months to the relevant sectoral department of Rostechnadzor.

49. What regulates the procedure for carrying out work to determine the causes of incidents at a hazardous production facility?
A) A document approved by the organization operating hazardous production facilities, in agreement with the representative body of workers of this organization.
B) A document approved by the organization operating a hazardous production facility, agreed with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor that supervises this facility.
C) A document approved by the organization operating the hazardous production facility, agreed upon with the executive authority of the subject of the federation on whose territory the hazardous production facility is located.

50. How often should an organization operating hazardous production facilities send information about incidents to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor?
A) Information about incidents is not reported to Rostekhnadzor and its territorial bodies.
B) Quarterly.
C) Information is sent once every three months if there are incidents.
D) Every year, regardless of whether there were incidents or not.

51. Who conducts the investigation of a group accident with more than five people killed as a result of an accident at a hazardous production facility?
A) A commission, which includes representatives of the employer, Rostechnadzor, and the state labor inspectorate. The composition of the commission is approved and headed by the employer or his representative.
B) A commission, which includes representatives of the employer, Rostekhnadzor, and the state labor inspectorate. The composition of the commission is approved by the head of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, and the commission is headed by the employer or his representative.
C) A commission, which includes representatives of the employer, Rostechnadzor, and the state labor inspectorate. The composition of the commission is approved by the head of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor, and the commission is headed by a representative of this body.
D) A commission, which includes representatives of the employer, Rostechnadzor, trade unions, and the relevant state labor inspectorate. The composition of the commission is approved and headed by the head of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

52. What regulatory document establishes the mandatory training and certification of workers operating hazardous production facilities in the field of industrial safety?
A) Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 “On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.”
B) Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
IN) Labor Code Russian Federation.

53. Who are the insurers of civil liability for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous production facility?
A) Legal entities and individuals who have entered into insurance contracts with insurers.
B) Owners of hazardous production facilities (legal entities or individual entrepreneurs), who have entered into a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability for harm caused to victims as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility.
C) Owners of hazardous production facilities, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs, who have entered into a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance for causing harm to victims as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility.

54. Which of the specified dangerous objects do not apply to objects whose owners are required to carry out compulsory insurance?
A) Hazardous production facilities subject to registration in the state register.
B) Elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, escalators (with the exception of escalators in subways).
B) Liquid motor fuel filling stations.
D) Hazardous production facilities located within the boundaries of nuclear energy facilities.
D) Passenger conveyors (moving pedestrian walkways).

55. Who is obligated to insure their liability for harm resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility in accordance with Federal Law No. 225-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for harm resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility”?
A) Operating organizations, regardless of whether they are the owners of the hazardous facility or not.
B) Design organizations.
C) Owners of a dangerous object.
D) Expert organizations.

56. To what extent insurance company compensates for harm caused to the health of each of the victims as a result of an accident at a hazardous production facility?
A) No more than 500 thousand rubles.
B) No more than 360 thousand rubles.
C) No more than 2 million rubles.
D) No more than 200 thousand rubles.

57. What is the insurance amount under the compulsory insurance contract for declared dangerous objects?
A) Up to 7 million rubles, depending on the number of dangerous objects.
B) From 10 million rubles to 6.5 billion rubles, depending on the number of the maximum possible number of victims, whose life and health may be harmed as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility.
C) From 10 million rubles to 50 million rubles, depending on the industry.

58. In relation to what dangerous objects is a compulsory insurance contract concluded?
A) In relation to the entire enterprise.
B) In relation to each dangerous object, unless otherwise provided by the agreement in relation to dangerous objects.
C) In relation only to declared dangerous objects.
D) In ​​relation to groups of hazardous facilities united by territorial principle or by the specifics of technological operations.

59. For what period is a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability for damage resulting from an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility concluded?
A) For a period of no more than one year.
B) For a period of no more than six months.
B) For a period of at least one year.
D) For a period of at least nine months.

60. Who carries out the functions of monitoring the availability of a compulsory insurance contract at hazardous production facilities?
A) Rostekhnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia within their competence.
B) Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
B) National Union of Liability Insurers.
D) Insurance company.

61. When is an event not considered an insured event?
A) If, as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility during the period of validity of the insurance contract, harm was caused to several victims.
B) If damage is caused as a result of the consequences or ongoing impact of an accident that occurred during the validity period of the compulsory insurance contract, and identified after the expiration of the compulsory insurance contract.
C) If the damage caused during the validity period of the insurance contract is the result of the consequences or continuing impact of an accident that occurred before the conclusion of the compulsory insurance contract.

62. Who registers facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintains this register?
A) Only Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision.
B) Registration Chamber under the Government of the Russian Federation.
C) Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, as well as federal executive authorities, which in accordance with the established procedure are granted the right to register subordinate facilities, and the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.
D) the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, as well as federal executive authorities, which, in accordance with the established procedure, are granted the right to register subordinate facilities.

63. Which regulatory legal act establishes the criteria for the classification of hazardous production facilities?
A) In the Federal Law.
B) In the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
B) In the regulatory legal act of Rostechnadzor.
D) In ​​the regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

64. How many hazard classes are hazardous production facilities divided into?
A) For three.
B) For four.
B) By two.
D) For five.

65. Who is obliged to submit to Rostechnadzor the information necessary for the formation and maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities?
A) Territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor.
B) Territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
C) Legal entities or individual entrepreneurs operating hazardous production facilities on the basis of ownership or lease or other legal right establishing their direct legal liability.
D) Federal government agencies operating hazardous production facilities.

66. At what stage is a hazardous production facility assigned a hazard class?
A) At the stage of preparing project documentation.
B) At the stage of conducting an examination of the industrial safety of buildings, structures and technical devices used at a hazardous production facility.
C) At the stage of its registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities.
D) At the commissioning stage.

67. Which of the following refers to the responsibilities of an organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Development of local regulatory documents on labor protection.
B) Ensuring the availability at a hazardous production facility of regulatory legal acts establishing industrial safety requirements, as well as rules for conducting work at a hazardous production facility.
C) Providing workers at a hazardous production facility with means personal protection.
D) Declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements labor protection.

68. Which of the following is not required to be carried out by an organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Ensure the availability and operation of the necessary instruments and systems for monitoring production processes in accordance with established requirements.
B) Prevent unauthorized persons from entering the hazardous production facility.
C) Organize and carry out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements.
D) Create an industrial safety management system and ensure its operation at hazardous production facilities of hazard class III.

69. The responsibilities of the organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” include:
A) Fulfillment of labor protection obligations provided for collective agreements and agreements.
B) Suspension of operation of a hazardous production facility in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility.
B) Participation in the consideration of issues related to security safe conditions labor in the workplace and in the investigation of an accident at work or an occupational disease.
D) All of the above.

70. How is a hazardous production facility put into operation?
A) In the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
about industrial safety.
B) In the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities.
C) In the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
on technical regulation.

71. Which organization carries out supervision during the process of major repairs or technical re-equipment of a hazardous production facility?

B) The organization that developed the design documentation in the manner established by the set of rules “Regulations on designer’s supervision of the construction of buildings and structures.”
C) Territorial body of Rostechnadzor.
D) The local government body on whose territory the facility is located.

72. Who sets the requirements for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?
A) An organization operating a hazardous production facility.
B) Government of the Russian Federation.

D) Federal executive body in the field of industrial safety together with the Federal executive body in the field civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

73. Which of the following tasks does not relate to the tasks of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility?
A) Analysis of the state of industrial safety in the operating organization.
B) Coordination of work aimed at preventing accidents at hazardous production facilities.
C) Monitoring the timely conduct of the necessary tests and technical examinations of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities, repair and verification of control measuring instruments.
D) Declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

74. With what number of employees of the operating organization employed at hazardous production facilities, is it recommended to assign the functions of the person responsible for the implementation of production control to a worker specially appointed by the decision of the head of the organization?
A) Less than 150 people.
B) From 150 to 500 people.
B) Over 500 people.

75. What qualification requirements apply to the employee responsible for carrying out production control?
A) Higher technical education corresponding to the profile of the production facility, work experience of at least 3 years in the relevant work at a hazardous production facility in the industry, a certificate confirming the completion of industrial safety certification.
B) Higher technical education, total work experience of at least 3 years, certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification.
C) Higher or secondary technical education, work experience of at least 3 years in a relevant job at a hazardous production facility in the industry, a certificate confirming the completion of industrial safety certification.
G) Higher education, total work experience of at least 3 years, certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification.

76. When is the regulation on production control considered adopted?
A) After its approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities.
B) After its approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities and agreement with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.
C) After its approval by the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.
D) After its approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities and agreement with the central office of Rostechnadzor.

77. Within what time frame does the operating organization submit to Rostechnadzor or its territorial bodies information on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?
A) Annually, during the first quarter of the current year.
B) Annually before April 1 of the corresponding calendar year.
C) Once every six months, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting period.
D) Annually, no later than February 1 of the current year.

78. Where do operating organizations subordinate to Rostechnadzor submit information on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?
A) To the central office of Rostekhnadzor.
B) To Rostechnadzor or its territorial bodies.
B) To a higher organization or department.
D) In ​​the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

79. In what case legal entity found guilty of committing an administrative offense?
A) If it is established that he had the opportunity to comply with the rules and regulations, the violation of which is punishable administrative responsibility, but he did not take all measures depending on him to comply with them.
B) If the official considering the case administrative offense, confident in the guilt of the legal entity.
C) If a legal entity has admitted the fact of committing an administrative offense.

80. What administrative liability is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation officials industrial safety requirements or licensing requirements for carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety?
A) Issuance of a written warning, about which a corresponding note is made in the personal file of the person held accountable, or a fine of up to one minimum size wages.
B) Administrative arrest for a period of up to 15 days or an administrative fine of up to thirty thousand rubles.
C) Correctional labor or an administrative fine in the amount of up to fifty thousand rubles.
D) Overlay administrative fine in the amount of twenty to thirty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months to one year.

81. What is a gross violation of activities in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences?
A) Violation of industrial safety requirements, resulting in an immediate threat to human life or health.
B) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which can lead to long-term equipment downtime.
C) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which can lead to the shutdown of the enterprise’s technological process, and, as a consequence, to forced leave of workers.
D) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which may result in an incident at a hazardous production facility without posing a threat to the life or health of workers.

82. What is the result of an industrial safety review?
A) Conclusion of the industrial safety examination.
B) Certificate of conformity of the subject of examination.
C) Expert assessment of the object of examination, documented in a protocol.

83. What document establishes the list of information contained in the industrial safety declaration and the procedure for its preparation?
A) Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
B) Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
C) A document approved by the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.
D) Regulations approved by a joint order of Rostechnadzor and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

84. For which hazardous production facilities is it mandatory to develop an industrial safety declaration?
A) For hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes, at which hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, generated, stored, transported, destroyed in quantities specified in Appendix No. 2 to Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116 - Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
B) For all hazardous production facilities, regardless of the hazard class of the facility.
B) For hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I and II, at which hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, generated, stored, transported, destroyed in quantities specified in Appendix No. 2 to Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (except for the use of explosives during blasting operations).
D) For facilities specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities.”

85. How long after the last industrial safety declaration for existing hazardous production facilities is entered into the register should the declaration be developed again?
A) After ten years.
B) After five years.
B) It is not re-developed.
D) The declaration is developed again only when the owner of a hazardous production facility changes.

86. In what case should an industrial safety declaration not be developed again for existing hazardous production facilities?
A) If ten years have passed from the date of entry of the last industrial safety declaration into the register of industrial safety declarations.
B) In case of an increase of more than five percent in the amount of hazardous production substances that are or may be located at a hazardous production facility.
C) In case of changes in industrial safety requirements or changes in the technological process.
D) By order of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety or its territorial body in the event of a discrepancy between the information contained in the industrial safety declaration and the information obtained during the implementation of federal state supervision in the field of industrial safety.

87. Who approves the industrial safety declaration?
A) The head of the territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety or his deputies.
B) The head of the expert organization that performed the examination of the industrial safety declaration.
C) The head of an organization operating a hazardous production facility.
D) The head of the operating organization together with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

88. Who maintains the register of industrial safety declarations of hazardous production facilities?
A) Rostekhnadzor.
B) State Registration Chamber.
C) Rostekhnadzor together with the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
D) Ministry of Construction of Russia.

89. During the construction and reconstruction of which capital construction projects the state construction supervision?
A) During the construction of capital construction projects, the design documentation of which is subject to examination in accordance with Article 49 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation or is a modified design documentation.
B) During the construction of any objects.
C) Only during the construction of objects that, in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, are especially dangerous, technically complex or unique.
D) Only during the construction of objects whose total area is more than 1500 m2.

90. What kind of examination is subject to an industrial safety declaration developed as part of the documentation for the technical re-equipment of a hazardous production facility?
A) Industrial safety examination in accordance with the established procedure.
B) State examination in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities.
C) The industrial safety declaration does not have to undergo any examination.

91. What kind of examination is subject to an industrial safety declaration developed as part of project documentation for the reconstruction of a hazardous production facility?
A) Industrial safety examination in accordance with the established procedure.
B) State expertise in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities.
C) State examination in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities and examination of industrial safety in accordance with the legislation on industrial safety.
D) Environmental impact assessment in accordance with the established procedure.

92. What is not subject to state construction supervision?
A) Availability of a building permit.
B) Availability of a certificate of admission issued by a self-regulatory organization to types of work on construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction projects.
C) Compliance of building materials used in the construction process, reconstruction of a capital construction project with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation.
D) Availability of an industrial safety declaration.

93. Who carries out state construction supervision over the construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects classified by the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation as particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique?
A) Federal executive body authorized to carry out federal state construction supervision.
B) The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out regional state construction supervision.
C) Federal executive body authorized to conduct state examination of project documentation, or state (budgetary or autonomous) institutions subordinate to it.

94. Machinery and equipment that are in operation or manufactured for their own needs are not subject to:
A) Declaration of conformity or mandatory certification.
B) Technical audit.
C) Industrial safety examination, unless other forms of compliance are established in technical regulations.

95. What requirements are established by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of machinery and equipment”?
A) Ensuring the safe operation of machinery and equipment.
B) Providing, in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, mandatory minimum requirements for machinery and equipment for the application and execution.
C) Conditions for the free movement of machinery and equipment put into circulation in a single customs territory.

96. Which of the following is not determined during the development and design of a machine and (or) equipment?
A) Acceptable risk for the machine and (or) equipment.
B) Methods of measurements and rules for selecting samples necessary for the application and fulfillment of the requirements of TR CU 010/2011.
C) Conditions for the safe operation of machinery and equipment.

97. What is the identification feature of equipment for working in explosive environments?
A) Only the presence of explosion protection markings.
B) Only the presence of an Explosion Protection Certificate issued by an accredited certification body.
B) Availability of explosion protection means specified in technical documentation manufacturer, and the explosion protection markings applied to the equipment.

98. What types of classifications of equipment for working in explosive environments are not established by the TR “On the safety of equipment for working in explosive environments”?
A) Classification of hazardous areas.
B) Classification of equipment into groups (depending on the area of ​​application).
C) Classification of equipment by levels and types of explosion protection.
D) Classification of equipment by temperature classes.
D) Classification of equipment by pressure.

99. Within what period are operating organizations required to provide the registration authority with information characterizing hazardous production facilities?
A) No later than three months from the date of commencement of operation.
B) No later than 10 working days from the date of commencement of their operation.
C) No later than 30 working days from the date of commencement of their operation.
D) The deadline for providing information is not regulated.

100. Which of the listed cases cannot be grounds for excluding a facility from the state register of hazardous production facilities?
A) Liquidation of the facility or its decommissioning.
B) Loss of danger signs by the object.
C) Gross violation of industrial safety requirements during the operation of a hazardous production facility.
D) Changing the criteria for classifying objects as hazardous production facilities or the requirements for identifying hazardous production facilities.

101. Which hazardous production facilities are not particularly dangerous and technically complex facilities?
A) All hazardous production facilities are classified as particularly dangerous and technically complex facilities.
B) Hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I and II, where hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, generated, stored, transported, and destroyed.
C) Hazardous production facilities where melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, used, using equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of 500 kilograms or more.
D) Hazardous production facilities where melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are produced and used using equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of less than 500 kilograms.
D) Hazardous production facilities where mining operations are carried out (with the exception of the extraction of common minerals and the development of placer deposits of minerals carried out by open-pit mining without the use of blasting), and work on mineral processing.

102. Who conducts the state examination of design documentation for particularly dangerous and technically complex facilities?
A) Organizations licensed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.
B) Federal executive body performing the functions of implementing public policy, by rendering public services, management of state property in the field of construction, urban planning, building materials industry and housing and communal services.
C) Organizations licensed by Rostechnadzor or the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources to conduct this type of examination.
D) Independent experts.

103. What is the result of the state examination of design documentation for particularly dangerous and technically complex facilities?
A) A report approved by the head of the organization conducting the examination.
B) A conclusion signed by state experts who participated in the examination and approved by the head of the organization for conducting the state examination or his authorized representative.
C) Expert conclusion approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.
D) Expertise conclusion drawn up and signed by government experts.

104. What is the basis for including hazardous production facilities of hazard class II in the annual plan for scheduled inspections?
A) Expiration of three years from the date of acceptance of the facility into operation.
B) The expiration of one year from the date of completion of the last scheduled inspection.
C) The expiration of two years from the date of registration of the hazardous production facility in the state register.
D) The expiration of five years from the date of completion of the last scheduled inspection.

105. Who establishes the procedure for ongoing state supervision at hazardous production facilities of hazard class I?
A) President of the Russian Federation.
B) Government of the Russian Federation.
B) Federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.
D) Subjects of the Russian Federation or local governments on whose territory a hazardous production facility is operated.

106. Who carries out construction control?
A) Contractor and developer, technical customer or organization preparing project documentation and engaged by the technical customer (developer) under a contract to carry out construction control.
B) Self-regulatory organization.
C) Federal executive body authorized to carry out construction supervision.
D) Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out regional construction supervision.

107. Who has the right to carry out certification of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities?
A) A certification body accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system.
B) Organizations accredited by the federal executive body for standardization, metrology and certification.
C) Organizations accredited by the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety, together with the federal executive body for standardization, metrology and certification.

108. Within what period must hazardous production facilities put into operation be entered into the state register?
A) No later than three months from the date of commencement of their operation.
B) Within 40 working days from the date of commencement of their operation.
C) No later than 20 working days from the date of receipt by the registration authority of information characterizing each object.
D) The period is not regulated.

109. Which of the following refers to the responsibilities of an organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Special assessment of working conditions.
B) Ensuring that the staff of the hazardous production facility is staffed.
B) Employee insurance.

110. Who establishes the procedure for developing and requirements for the content of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents?
A) Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
B) The Government of the Russian Federation.
C) the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

111. For which facilities is it envisaged to develop action plans to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities?
A) All hazardous production facilities.
B) Hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I and II.
B) Hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I, II and III, provided for in paragraphs. 1, 4, 5 and 6 of Appendix 1 to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

112. What is the validity period of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents for objects of hazard class I (with the exception of objects where mining operations are being carried out)?
A) 1 year.
B) 2 years.
B) 3 years.
D) 5 years.

113. What is the validity period of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents for objects of hazard class II (with the exception of objects where mining operations are being carried out)?
A) 1 year.
B) 2 years.
B) 3 years.
D) 5 years.

114. What is the validity period of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents for objects of hazard class III (with the exception of objects where mining operations are being carried out)?
A) 1 year.
B) 2 years.
B) 3 years.
D) 5 years.

115. When is the action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents considered accepted?
A) After approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities, or by the heads of separate departments.
B) After approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities, or the heads of separate departments and agreement with the heads of professional emergency rescue services or professional emergency rescue units.
C) After approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities, or the heads of separate divisions and agreement with Rostechnadzor authorities.

116. Which organizations are required to create industrial safety management systems?
A) All organizations operating hazardous production facilities.
B) All legal entities.
C) Organizations operating objects of hazard class I and II.
D) Organizations operating facilities of I, II and III hazard classes.

117. Who sets the requirements for documentation support of industrial safety management systems?
A) Rostekhnadzor.
B) Government of the Russian Federation.

118. When is the Regulation on the industrial safety management system considered adopted?
A) After approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities.
B) After approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities, or the heads of separate divisions and agreement with Rostechnadzor authorities.
B) After conducting an industrial safety examination.

119. The development of which plan within the framework of organizing documentation support for industrial safety management systems is not provided for in the regulatory legal act?
A) Action plan to reduce the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities for a period of more than 1 year.
B) Work plan in the field of industrial safety for the calendar year.
C) Work plan for the modernization of hazardous production facilities.

120. What is the frequency documentation results of analysis of the functioning of the industrial safety management system by operating organizations?
A) Once per calendar year.
B) Twice during the calendar year.
B) Once per quarter.
D) At the discretion of the operating organization.

121. Who should develop the Regulations on production control?
A) Only the operating organization.
B) Only structural divisions of the operating organization.
B) Operating organization and separate units legal entity, in cases provided for by the provisions on separate divisions.

122. Who sets the requirements for the form of providing information on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?
A) Government of the Russian Federation.
B) Rostekhnadzor.
B) Federal Service for Labor and Employment.
D) Operating organization.

123. Which of the following does not apply to the responsibilities of an employee responsible for carrying out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities?
A) Conducting comprehensive and targeted inspections of the state of industrial safety, identifying hazardous factors at workplaces.
B) Development of a work plan for the implementation of production control in the divisions of the operating organization.
C) Organization and implementation of work on a special assessment of working conditions.
D) Participation in the technical investigation of the causes of accidents, incidents and incidents.

124. Which document establishes a list of information on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements sent by the operating organization to Rostechnadzor?
A) In the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
B) In the Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements.
B) B General rules industrial safety for organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.
D) In ​​all of the listed documents.

125. Which of the following is not subject to industrial safety examination?
A) Documentation for major repairs of a hazardous production facility.

D) Declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous production facility.
D) Justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility and from changes to the justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility.

126. In relation to which hazardous production facility is an expert prohibited from participating in an industrial safety review?
A) In relation to technical devices used at hazardous production facilities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons.
B) In relation to objects owned by the state.
C) In relation to a hazardous production facility owned by right of ownership or other legal basis of the organization, in labor relations with which the expert is affiliated.

127. What regulatory legal acts establish the requirements for conducting an industrial safety examination and for drawing up an industrial safety examination conclusion?
A) Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
B) Federal laws.
C) Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety.
D) Standards of self-regulatory organizations in the field of industrial safety expertise.

128. After passing what procedures, the conclusion of the industrial safety examination can be used for the purposes established by the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Immediately after the signing of the examination report by the head of the expert organization and the experts who conducted the examination.
B) After approval of the conclusion of the industrial safety examination by the Rostechnadzor authorities.
C) After signing the examination conclusion by the head of the expert organization and the experts who conducted the examination, and entering it into the register of industrial safety examination conclusions.

129. Who maintains the register of industrial safety expert opinions?
A) Rostechnadzor and its territorial bodies.
B) Federal autonomous institution"Main Directorate of State Expertise".
B) Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
D) Federal Accreditation Service.

130. Is it possible to involve persons who are not on the staff of the expert organization in conducting an industrial safety examination?
A) It is possible only if the expert has confirmed his knowledge of the subject of examination in an expert organization.
B) It is impossible.
B) It is possible.

131. Which of the following is not subject to industrial safety examination?
A) Documentation for technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility.
B) Technical devices used at a hazardous production facility.
C) Buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility, designed for technological processes, storage of raw materials or products, movement of people and goods, localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents.
D) Other documents related to the operation of a hazardous production facility.
D) Declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous production facility.

132. Which organizations have the right to conduct industrial safety examinations?

Extract from the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities.”

Hazardous production facilities, depending on the level of potential danger of accidents at them for the vital interests of the individual and society, are divided in accordance with the criteria specified in Appendix 2 to the Federal Law into four hazard classes:

  • Hazard class I - hazardous production facilities of extremely high danger;
  • Hazard class II - hazardous production facilities of high danger;
  • Hazard class III - hazardous production facilities of medium danger;
  • Hazard class IV - hazardous production facilities of low hazard.

The category of hazardous production facilities includes facilities where:

1) The following types of hazardous substances are obtained, used, processed, generated, stored, transported, destroyed in the quantities specified in Appendix 2 to this Federal Law:

a) flammable substances - gases that become flammable at normal pressure and when mixed with air and whose boiling point at normal pressure is 20 degrees Celsius or lower;

b) oxidizing substances - substances that support combustion, cause ignition and (or) promote the ignition of other substances as a result of a redox exothermic reaction;

c) flammable substances - liquids, gases that can spontaneously ignite, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn independently after its removal;

(as amended by Federal Law dated March 4, 2013 N 22-FZ)

d) explosives - substances that, when certain types external influences are capable of a very rapid self-propagating chemical transformation with the release of heat and the formation of gases;

e) toxic substances - substances that, when exposed to living organisms, can lead to their death and have the following characteristics:

  • the average lethal dose when administered into the stomach is from 15 milligrams per kilogram to 200 milligrams per kilogram, inclusive;
  • the average lethal dose when applied to the skin is from 50 milligrams per kilogram to 400 milligrams per kilogram, inclusive;
  • the average lethal concentration in the air is from 0.5 milligrams per liter to 2 milligrams per liter inclusive;

f) highly toxic substances - substances that, when exposed to living organisms, can lead to their death and have the following characteristics:

  • the average lethal dose when administered into the stomach is no more than 15 milligrams per kilogram;
  • the average lethal dose when applied to the skin is no more than 50 milligrams per kilogram;
  • the average lethal concentration in the air is not more than 0.5 milligrams per liter;

g) substances that pose a danger to the environment - substances characterized in the aquatic environment by the following indicators of acute toxicity:

  • the average lethal dose for inhalation exposure to fish for 96 hours is no more than 10 milligrams per liter;
  • the average concentration of poison that causes a certain effect when exposed to daphnia for 48 hours is no more than 10 milligrams per liter;
  • the average inhibitory concentration when exposed to algae for 72 hours is no more than 10 milligrams per liter;

2) equipment operating under excess pressure of more than 0.07 megapascal is used:

a) steam, gas (in gaseous, liquefied state);

b) water at a heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius;

c) other liquids at a temperature exceeding their boiling point at an excess pressure of 0.07 megapascal;

3) permanently installed ones are used lifting mechanisms(except for elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled), escalators in subways, cable cars, funiculars;(as amended by Federal Law dated March 4, 2013 N 22-FZ)

4) melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, used, using equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of 500 kilograms or more;

(Clause 4 as amended by Federal Law dated 04.03.2013 N 22-FZ)

5) mining operations are being carried out (with the exception of the extraction of common minerals and the development of placer deposits of minerals carried out by open-pit mining without the use of blasting), and work on the enrichment of mineral resources;

(Clause 5 as amended by Federal Law dated 04.03.2013 N 22-FZ)

6) storage or processing of plant raw materials is carried out, during which explosive dust-air mixtures are formed that are capable of spontaneous combustion, ignite from an ignition source and burn independently after its removal, as well as storage of grain, products of its processing and feed raw materials that are prone to self-heating and spontaneous combustion.

(Clause 6 introduced by Federal Law dated 04.03.2013 N 22-FZ)

Hazardous production facilities do not include facilities electric grid facilities.

(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated 04.03.2013 N 22-FZ)


1. Hazard classes of hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Federal Law (except for the facilities specified in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Appendix) are established based on the amount of a hazardous substance or hazardous substances that are or may be present at the same time at a hazardous production facility, in accordance with tables 1 and 2 of this appendix.

2. For chemical weapons storage facilities, chemical weapons destruction facilities and hazardous special chemical production facilities, hazard class I is established.

3. For hazardous production facilities of drilling and production of oil, gas and gas condensate, the following hazard classes are established:

  1. Hazard class II - for hazardous production facilities that are hazardous in terms of emissions of products containing hydrogen sulfide content of more than 6 percent of the volume of such products;
  2. III hazard class - for hazardous production facilities, hazardous in terms of emissions of products containing hydrogen sulfide from 1 percent to 6 percent of the volume of such products;
  3. Hazard class IV - for hazardous production facilities not specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph.

4. The following hazard classes are established for gas distribution stations, gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks:

  1. Hazard class II - for hazardous production facilities intended for transporting natural gas under pressure over 1.2 megapascals or liquefied petroleum gas under pressure over 1.6 megapascals;
  2. III hazard class - for hazardous production facilities not specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph.

5. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 2 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:

  1. III hazard class - for hazardous production facilities that supply heat to the population and socially significant categories of consumers, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of heat supply, as well as other hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under an excess pressure of 1.6 megapascals and more or at a working environment temperature of 250 degrees Celsius or more;

6. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 3 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:

  1. III hazard class - for aerial ropeways;
  2. Hazard class IV - for hazardous production facilities not specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph.

7. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 4 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:

  1. Hazard class II - for hazardous production facilities that use equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of 10,000 kilograms or more;
  2. Hazard class III - for hazardous production facilities that use equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt from 500 to 10,000 kilograms.

8. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 5 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:

1) Hazard class I - for coal mines, as well as other objects of underground mining in subsoil areas where the following may occur:

  • explosions of gas and (or) dust;
  • sudden emissions of rock, gas and (or) dust;
  • rock bursts;
  • water breakthroughs into underground mine workings;

2) Hazard class II - for underground mining facilities not specified in subclause 1 of this clause, for facilities where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of rock mass development of which is 1 million cubic meters per year or more, for coal processing facilities (oil shale);

3) III hazard class - for facilities where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of mining of the rock mass of which ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million cubic meters per year, as well as facilities where mineral processing work is carried out (except for processing facilities coal (oil shale);

4) Hazard class IV - for objects where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of mining of the rock mass is less than 100 thousand cubic meters per year.

9. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 6 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:

  1. III hazard class - for elevators, hazardous production facilities of flour, cereal and feed production;
  2. Hazard class IV - for other hazardous production facilities.

10. If different hazard classes can be established for a hazardous production facility according to the criteria specified in paragraphs 1 - 7 of this appendix, the highest hazard class is established.

11. If a hazardous production facility, for which, in accordance with paragraphs 1 - 8 of this appendix, hazard class II, III or IV must be established, is located on the lands of specially protected natural areas, the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters, in the territorial sea or contiguous zone of the Russian Federation, on an artificial plot of land created on a water body that is federally owned, a higher hazard class is established for such a hazardous production facility accordingly.

1) hazardous substances of the following types are obtained, used, processed, formed, stored, transported, destroyed in the quantities specified in Appendix 2 to this Federal Law:
a) flammable substances - gases that become flammable at normal pressure and when mixed with air and whose boiling point at normal pressure is 20 degrees Celsius or lower;
b) oxidizing substances - substances that support combustion, cause ignition and (or) promote the ignition of other substances as a result of a redox exothermic reaction;
c) flammable substances - liquids, gases that can spontaneously ignite, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn independently after its removal;
d) explosives - substances that, under certain types of external influence, are capable of a very rapid self-propagating chemical transformation with the release of heat and the formation of gases;
e) toxic substances - substances that, when exposed to living organisms, can lead to their death and have the following characteristics:
the average lethal dose when administered into the stomach is from 15 milligrams per kilogram to 200 milligrams per kilogram, inclusive;
the average lethal dose when applied to the skin is from 50 milligrams per kilogram to 400 milligrams per kilogram, inclusive;
the average lethal concentration in the air is from 0.5 milligrams per liter to 2 milligrams per liter inclusive;
f) highly toxic substances - substances that, when exposed to living organisms, can lead to their death and have the following characteristics:
the average lethal dose when administered into the stomach is no more than 15 milligrams per kilogram;
the average lethal dose when applied to the skin is no more than 50 milligrams per kilogram;
the average lethal concentration in the air is not more than 0.5 milligrams per liter;
g) substances that pose a danger to the environment - substances characterized in the aquatic environment by the following indicators of acute toxicity:
the average lethal dose for inhalation exposure to fish for 96 hours is no more than 10 milligrams per liter;
the average concentration of poison that causes a certain effect when exposed to daphnia for 48 hours is no more than 10 milligrams per liter;
the average inhibitory concentration when exposed to algae for 72 hours is no more than 10 milligrams per liter;
2) equipment operating under excess pressure of more than 0.07 megapascal is used:
a) steam, gas (in gaseous, liquefied state);
b) water at a heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius;
c) other liquids at a temperature exceeding their boiling point at an excess pressure of 0.07 megapascal;
3) permanently installed lifting mechanisms are used (with the exception of elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled), escalators in subways, cable cars, funiculars;
4) melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, used, using equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of 500 kilograms or more;
5) mining operations are being carried out (with the exception of the extraction of common minerals and the development of placer deposits of minerals carried out by open-pit mining without the use of blasting), work on the enrichment of mineral resources;
6) storage or processing of plant raw materials is carried out, during which explosive dust-air mixtures are formed that are capable of spontaneous combustion, ignite from an ignition source and burn independently after its removal, as well as storage of grain, products of its processing and feed raw materials that are prone to self-heating and spontaneous combustion.

Hazardous production facilities do not include:

Electric grid facilities;
gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks operating under pressure of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas up to 0.005 megapascal.

Classification of hazardous production facilities:

1. Hazard classes of hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law (except for the facilities specified in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this Appendix) are established based on the amount of a hazardous substance or hazardous substances that are simultaneously present or may be at a hazardous production facility, in accordance with tables 1 and 2 of this appendix. Hazard classes of hazardous production facilities specified in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this appendix are established in accordance with the criteria specified in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this appendix.
2. For chemical weapons storage facilities, chemical weapons destruction facilities and hazardous special chemical production facilities, hazard class I is established.
3. For hazardous production facilities of drilling and production of oil, gas and gas condensate, the following hazard classes are established:
1) Hazard class II - for hazardous production facilities that are hazardous in terms of emissions of products containing hydrogen sulfide content of more than 6 percent of the volume of such products;
2) Hazard class III - for hazardous production facilities that are hazardous in terms of emissions of products containing hydrogen sulfide from 1 percent to 6 percent of the volume of such products;
3) Hazard class IV - for hazardous production facilities not specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph.
4. The following hazard classes are established for gas distribution stations, gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks:
1) Hazard class II - for hazardous production facilities intended for transporting natural gas under pressure over 1.2 megapascals or liquefied hydrocarbon gas under pressure over 1.6 megapascals;
2) III hazard class - for hazardous production facilities intended for transporting natural gas under pressure over 0.005 megapascal to 1.2 megapascal inclusive or liquefied hydrocarbon gas under pressure over 0.005 megapascal up to 1.6 megapascal inclusive.
5. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 2 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:
1) Hazard class III - for hazardous production facilities that supply heat to the population and socially significant categories of consumers, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of heat supply, as well as other hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure 1, 6 megapascal or more (except for the equipment of gas stations intended for refueling vehicles with natural gas) or at a working environment temperature of 250 degrees Celsius or more;
6. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 3 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:

1) III hazard class - for aerial ropeways;
2) Hazard class IV - for hazardous production facilities not specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph.
7. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 4 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:
1) Hazard class II - for hazardous production facilities that use equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt of 10,000 kilograms or more;
2) Hazard class III - for hazardous production facilities that use equipment designed for a maximum amount of melt from 500 to 10,000 kilograms.
8. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 5 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:
1) Hazard class I - for coal mines, as well as other objects of underground mining in subsoil areas where the following may occur:
explosions of gas and (or) dust;
sudden emissions of rock, gas and (or) dust;
rock bursts;
water breakthroughs into underground mine workings;
2) Hazard class II - for underground mining facilities not specified in subclause 1 of this clause, for facilities where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of mining of the rock mass of which is 1 million cubic meters per year or more, for coal processing facilities (oil shale);
3) III hazard class - for facilities where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of mining of the rock mass of which ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million cubic meters per year, as well as facilities where mineral processing work is carried out (except for processing facilities coal (oil shale);
4) Hazard class IV - for objects where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of mining of the rock mass is less than 100 thousand cubic meters per year.
9. For hazardous production facilities specified in paragraph 6 of Appendix 1 to this Federal Law, the following hazard classes are established:
1) Hazard class III - for elevators, hazardous production facilities of flour, cereal and feed production;
2) Hazard class IV - for other hazardous production facilities.
10. If different hazard classes can be established for a hazardous production facility according to the criteria specified in paragraphs 1 - 9 of this appendix, the highest hazard class is established.
11. If a hazardous production facility, for which, in accordance with paragraphs 1 - 10 of this appendix, hazard class II, III or IV must be established, is located on the lands of specially protected natural areas, the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters, in the territorial sea or adjacent zone of the Russian Federation, on an artificial land plot created on a water body that is federally owned, a higher hazard class is established for such a hazardous production facility, respectively.

Today, human activity is associated with the use of complex technologies. Production and agriculture Various potentially hazardous substances are used everywhere. Technological cycles use various toxic chemicals and nuclear energy. Human economic activity can lead to various accidents and emergencies of various sizes.

In each country, the state and the relevant services monitor compliance with all safety standards. There is a certain list of what objects are considered potentially dangerous. Residents of each region should know what consequences disruption of the work of such enterprises can lead to. Knowing how to behave correctly in an emergency situation can save your life if an accident occurs.


It is very important to know. This issue is discussed in detail in the school curriculum. Each region, district, city has a special list that includes similar objects. These include buildings, structures, and other economic units, in the event of an accident, the death of people and damage to property are possible.

Previously, humanity faced only natural disasters. Today, with the development of the economy, they have also been supplemented. As a result of an emergency, not only people can die or be injured, but also animals and nature.

To prevent the development of adverse consequences, a register of such objects is maintained. A special commission constantly inspects them, assesses the completeness of compliance with all requirements and safety standards. This allows you to reduce the likelihood of an accident and the severity of the consequences of an emergency. Also, maintaining such a register allows you to provide for the availability of all measures to eliminate negative consequences.

Features of dangerous objects

People must understand that they are in close proximity. Such economic units include territories in which buildings, structures and other material assets are located, which relate to a higher level of responsibility. This group also includes facilities where 5 thousand people or more can be present at the same time (determined on the basis of project documentation).

The classification of certain material assets as potentially dangerous is determined by Town Planning Code RF. These include technically complex, dangerous or unique objects.

The level of danger that characterizes certain fixed assets may vary. In our country, many ordinary citizens live in close proximity to such objects. Their concentration is greatest in areas with the likelihood of chemically hazardous substances being released into the environment. Up to 54 thousand people live in such zones.


Each region maintains its own register of material assets that are classified as potentially dangerous. This is influenced by the direction of economic activity in each region. The relevant documentation regulates what potentially dangerous objects are located in Moscow, Ufa, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other large and small cities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the characteristics of development and course emergency situation There are 4 categories of similar economic units. The following types of danger exist:

  1. Chemical (COO).
  2. Radiation (ROO).
  3. Explosion and fire hazard (air defense).
  4. Hydrodynamic (GDOO).

The scale of the accident may vary. In some cases, an emergency situation can take on not only regional but also global dimensions. Therefore, following all safety rules is a vital necessity.


The state maintains certain statistics, what are potentially dangerous objects are in close proximity to people. Also, the frequency of accidents at such enterprises allows the management of such economic units to draw certain conclusions.

According to statistics, there are about 12.5 thousand potentially dangerous objects in Russia. About 8 thousand of them belong to the category of fire or explosion hazardous organizations. 3.8 thousand are chemically hazardous enterprises. A total of 0.8 thousand of all objects of increased potential danger included in the register are classified as hydrodynamic. Only 68 objects pose a radiation threat.

However, despite the fact that most people (about 54 thousand people) live in close proximity to chemically hazardous enterprises. About 7 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation live next to objects of the hydrodynamic, fire (explosive) category. There are about 4.5 thousand people in the potential radiation threat zone. Also, about 7 thousand people live a short distance from the main pipelines. These objects are also recognized as potentially dangerous.

Chemically hazardous objects

Local authorities keep records what potentially dangerous objects are located in Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Moscow, Ufa and other cities of the Russian Federation. Depending on the type of potential danger of such organizations, appropriate actions are taken to prevent the occurrence of an emergency situation and eliminate its consequences.

Chemically hazardous objects include objects of material assets, in the event of an accident, damage to the environment, people, animals, material assets chemicals. Their content in nature in the disaster zone in this case will exceed the permissible level.

Infection can affect the ground layers of the atmosphere, water sources, vegetation, and soil. Moreover, such emergency situations can be accompanied by explosions and fires.

Typical chemical waste products

It should be considered in more detail, what objects are considered potentially dangerous. life safety(the basics are highlighted by a number of enterprises that belong to the category of chemical enterprises. The activities of such organizations are related to work using ammonia and chlorine.

Plants that potentially pose chemical hazards include water treatment plants and refrigeration plants. Chemical industry enterprises and oil refining organizations also pose a similar threat. This also includes the petrochemical branch of the defense industry.

Pipelines through which toxic substances are transported pose a potential threat to the environment. Others vehicles that provide transportation of such products also belong to the category of chemical goods. Some components and materials used by various enterprises may not be chemically hazardous. However, as a result of an explosion or fire, they enter into chemical reactions. This produces toxic substances that can cause significant damage to the environment.

Radiation hazardous objects

Considering which enterprises are classified as potentially hazardous facilities, it is necessary to consider a group of radiation hazardous organizations. There are few of them in our country. However, in the event of an accident, the scale of the disaster may become national.

The ROO category includes nuclear reactors, enterprises that use radiation fuel, as well as reprocessing facilities. The list of such facilities includes storage places for radiation materials, vehicles and communications through which they are transported.

The category of potentially dangerous radiation objects includes sources of ionizing radiation. If an accident occurs at any of the above facilities, there is a possibility of exposure and radiation contamination of the environment. As a result, significant damage to people, animals, plants and material assets can be caused.

Typical ROO

It should also be considered what objects are considered potentially dangerous in the category of radiation potential threat. First of all, nuclear power plants are included in the register of radioactive waste. History knows of repeated accidents at similar facilities. The consequences of some of them last for decades.

Also included in the ROO category are companies engaged in the reprocessing and production of nuclear fuel, and the disposal of waste after its use. This usually includes scientific and research organizations that use radiation installations in their activities. Also one of the types of ROO are military facilities and enterprises producing equipment for them.

The danger posed by the objects presented may vary. It is measured by the amount of radiation that, in the event of an accident, such an enterprise can release into the environment. This parameter is influenced by the power of the installation using nuclear energy. Potentially the greatest danger is concentrated in nuclear power plants, as well as in research centers with nuclear installations.

Explosion and fire hazardous objects

It should be noted that to determine what class do potentially dangerous objects belong to?, maybe a special commission. Often, enterprises carry several potential man-made threats at once.

The category of fire and explosion hazardous enterprises includes material assets where the production, storage, use or transportation of flammable substances and materials is carried out. Since the factors that allow one or another organization to be classified in the presented category differ in a number of indicators, the degree of danger may vary.

All objects that potentially pose a fire or explosion threat are divided into 5 categories. They are designated by letters of the Russian alphabet. The most dangerous are objects of category A. The least likely occurrence of such a disaster belongs to enterprises of category D.

Typical air defense

Referring to the list, what objects are potentially dangerous in the air defense category, all existing groups of similar organizations should be considered. Category A includes enterprises in the gas, oil, and chemical industries. They carry the highest potential risk of explosion or fire in the event of an accident.

Category B usually includes companies engaged in the extraction of coal, wood flour, synthetic rubber and powdered sugar. Woodworking organizations are less likely to cause a fire or explosion. These could be sawmills, carpentry shops, etc. This category includes warehouses where oil is stored.

Group D included enterprises of the metallurgical industry. These are also boiler houses and heat treatment workshops for materials. Category D includes organizations involved in the processing and storage of cold, non-combustible materials.

Hydrodynamic hazardous objects

Considering what objects are classified as potentially dangerous, should be considered economic organizations, which pose a hydrodynamic hazard. Such installations create a difference between the water level on both sides. These are natural dams and hydraulic structures.

Typical GDOO

It should be considered what objects are considered potentially dangerous from the point of view of hydrodynamics. This category includes natural and artificial dams, pressure basins of thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, water intakes and retaining walls. In the event of an accident at such a facility, significant areas may be flooded with water.

Having considered what objects are considered potentially dangerous, you can conclude that there are such enterprises in the immediate vicinity of your home, and take measures to prevent negative consequences in the event of a dangerous situation.

54. Which of the specified dangerous objects do not apply to objects whose owners are required to carry out compulsory insurance?

  1. Hazardous production facilities subject to registration
    in the state register.

  2. Elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, escalators (with the exception of escalators in subways).

  3. Liquid motor fuel filling stations.

  4. Hazardous production facilities located within the boundaries of nuclear energy facilities.

  5. Passenger conveyors (moving walkways).

55. Who is obligated to insure their liability for harm resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility in accordance with Federal Law No. 225-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for harm resulting from an accident at a hazardous facility”?
A) Operating organizations, regardless of whether they are the owners of the hazardous facility or not.

B) Design organizations.

C) Owners of a dangerous object.

D) Expert organizations.
56. To what extent does the insurance company compensate for damage caused to the health of each of the victims as a result of an accident at a hazardous production facility?
A) No more than 500 thousand rubles.

B) No more than 360 thousand rubles.

C) No more than 2 million rubles.

D) No more than 200 thousand rubles.
57. What is the insurance amount under the compulsory insurance contract for declared dangerous objects?
A) Up to 7 million rubles, depending on the number of dangerous objects.

B) From 10 million rubles to 6.5 billion rubles, depending
from the number of the maximum possible number of victims, life
and whose health may be harmed as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility.

B) From 10 million rubles to 50 million rubles, depending
depending on industry affiliation.
58. In relation to what dangerous objects is a compulsory insurance contract concluded?
A) In relation to the entire enterprise.

B) In relation to each dangerous object, unless otherwise provided by the agreement in relation to dangerous objects .

C) In relation only to declared dangerous objects.

D) In ​​relation to groups of hazardous facilities united by territorial principle or by the specifics of technological operations.
59. For what period is a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability for damage resulting from an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility concluded?
A) For a period of no more than one year.

B). For a period of no more than six months.

B) For a period of at least one year.

D) For a period of at least nine months.
60. Who carries out the functions of monitoring the availability of a compulsory insurance contract at hazardous production facilities?
A) Rostekhnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia within their competence.

B) Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

B) National Union of Liability Insurers.

D) Insurance company.
61. When is an event not considered an insured event?
A) If, as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility during the period of validity of the insurance contract, harm was caused to several victims.

B) If damage is caused as a result of the consequences or ongoing impact of an accident that occurred during the validity period of the compulsory insurance contract, and identified after the expiration of the compulsory insurance contract.

C) If the damage caused during the validity period of the insurance contract is the result of the consequences or continuing impact of an accident that occurred before the conclusion of the compulsory insurance contract.

62. Who registers facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintains this register?

A) Only the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological
and nuclear supervision.

B) Registration Chamber under the Government of the Russian Federation.

B) Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, as well as federal executive authorities, which
in accordance with the established procedure, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom has been granted the right to register subordinate facilities.

D) the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, as well as federal executive authorities, which, in accordance with the established procedure, are granted the right to register subordinate facilities.
63. Which regulatory legal act establishes the criteria for the classification of hazardous production facilities?
A) In the Federal Law.

B) In the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

B) In the regulatory legal act of Rostechnadzor.

D) In ​​the regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
64. How many hazard classes are hazardous production facilities divided into?
A) For three.

B) For four.

B) By two.

D) For five.
65. Who is obliged to submit to Rostechnadzor the information necessary for the formation and maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities?
A ) Territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor.

B) Territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

C) Legal entities or individual entrepreneurs operating hazardous production facilities on the basis of ownership or lease or other legal right establishing their direct legal liability.

D) Federal government agencies operating hazardous production facilities.
66. At what stage is a hazardous production facility assigned a hazard class?
A) At the stage of preparing project documentation.

B) At the stage of conducting an examination of the industrial safety of buildings, structures and technical devices used at a hazardous production facility.

C) At the stage of its registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities.

D) At the commissioning stage.
67. Which of the following refers to the responsibilities of an organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?

  1. Development of local regulatory documents on labor protection.

  2. Ensuring the availability at a hazardous production facility of regulatory legal acts establishing industrial safety requirements, as well as rules for conducting work at a hazardous production facility.

  3. Providing workers at hazardous production facilities with personal protective equipment.

  4. Declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

68. Which of the following is not required to be carried out by an organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”?
A) Ensure the availability and operation of the necessary instruments and systems for monitoring production processes in accordance with established requirements.

B) Prevent unauthorized persons from entering the hazardous production facility.

C) Organize and carry out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements.

D) Create an industrial safety management system and ensure its operation at hazardous production facilities of hazard class III.
69. The responsibilities of the organization in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” include:
A) Fulfillment of labor protection obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements.

B) Suspension of operation of a hazardous production facility
in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility.

C) Participation in the consideration of issues related to ensuring safe working conditions in the workplace and in the investigation of an industrial accident or occupational disease.

D) All of the above.
70. How is a hazardous production facility put into operation?
A) In the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
about industrial safety.

B) In the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
about urban planning activities.

C) In the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
on technical regulation.
71. Which organization carries out supervision during the process of major repairs or technical re-equipment of a hazardous production facility?

B) The organization that developed the design documentation in the manner established by the set of rules “Regulations on author’s supervision of the construction of buildings and structures”

C) Territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

D) Local government body on whose territory the facility is located.
72. Who sets the requirements for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?
A) An organization operating a hazardous production facility.

B) Government of the Russian Federation.

B) Federal executive body in the field of industrial safety.

D) Federal executive body in the field of industrial safety together with the Federal executive body
in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories
from natural and man-made emergencies.
73. Which of the following tasks does not relate to the tasks of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility?
A) Analysis of the state of industrial safety in the operating organization.

B) Coordination of work aimed at preventing accidents at hazardous production facilities.

C) Monitoring the timely completion of necessary tests
and technical examinations of technical devices used
at hazardous production facilities, repair and verification of control measuring instruments.

D) Declaration of compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.
74. With what number of employees of the operating organization employed at hazardous production facilities, is it recommended to assign the functions of the person responsible for the implementation of production control to a worker specially appointed by the decision of the head of the organization?

  1. Less than 150 people.

  2. From 150 to 500 people.

  3. Over 500 people.

75. What qualification requirements apply to the employee responsible for carrying out production control?
A) Higher technical education corresponding to the profile of the production facility, work experience of at least 3 years
at the relevant work at a hazardous production facility in the industry, a certificate confirming the completion of industrial safety certification.

B) Higher technical education, total work experience of at least 3 years, certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification.

C) Higher or secondary technical education, work experience of at least 3 years
at the relevant work at a hazardous production facility in the industry, a certificate confirming the completion of industrial safety certification.

D) Higher education, total work experience of at least 3 years, certificate confirming completion of industrial safety certification.
76. When is the regulation on production control considered adopted?
A) After its approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities.

B) After its approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities and agreement with the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

C) After its approval by the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.

D) After its approval by the head of the organization operating hazardous production facilities and agreement with the central office of Rostechnadzor.
77. Within what time frame does the operating organization submit
to Rostechnadzor or its territorial bodies information on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?

A) Annually, during the first quarter of the current year.

C) Once every six months, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting period.

78. Where do operating organizations subordinate to Rostechnadzor submit information on the organization of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements?
A) To the central office of Rostekhnadzor.

B) To Rostechnadzor or its territorial bodies.

B) To a higher organization or department.

D) In ​​the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
79. In what case is a legal entity found guilty of committing an administrative offense?
A) If it is established that he had the opportunity to comply with the rules and regulations, for violation of which administrative liability is provided, but he did not take all measures depending on him to comply with them.

B) If the official considering the case of an administrative offense is confident in the guilt of the legal entity.

C) If a legal entity has admitted the fact of committing an administrative offense.
80. What administrative liability is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation by officials of industrial safety requirements or licensing requirements?
to carry out activities in the field of industrial safety?

A) Issuing a written warning, about which a corresponding note is made in the personal file of the person brought to justice, or a fine in the amount of up to one minimum wage.

B) Administrative arrest for up to 15 days or an administrative fine
in the amount of up to thirty thousand rubles.

C) Correctional work or an administrative fine in the amount
up to fifty thousand rubles.

D) Imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twenty to thirty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months to one year.
81. What is a gross violation of activities in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences?
A) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which led to
to an immediate threat to human life or health.

B) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which can lead to long-term equipment downtime.

C) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which can lead to a shutdown of the enterprise’s technological process, and, as a consequence, to forced leave of workers.

D) Violation of industrial safety requirements, which may result in an incident at a hazardous production facility without posing a threat to the life or health of workers.

82. What is the result of an industrial safety review?
A) Conclusion of the industrial safety examination.

B) Certificate of conformity of the subject of examination.

C) Expert assessment of the object of examination, documented in a protocol.
83. What document establishes the list of information contained
in the industrial safety declaration, and the procedure for its preparation?

A) Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

B) Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

C) A document approved by the federal executive authority
in the field of industrial safety.

D) Regulations approved by a joint order of Rostechnadzor and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
84. For which hazardous production facilities is it mandatory to develop an industrial safety declaration?
A) For hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I, II and III,
at which hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, formed, stored, transported, destroyed in quantities specified in Appendix No. 2 to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

B) For all hazardous production facilities, regardless of the hazard class of the facility.

B) For hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I and II,
at which hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, formed, stored, transported, destroyed in quantities specified in Appendix No. 2 to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (except for the use explosives during blasting operations).

D) For facilities specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities.”