The HRC is official. Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights. Council for the implementation of state policy in the field of protection of families and children

Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Development civil society and Human Rights is an advisory body to the head of state. It was formed to assist the president in the implementation of his constitutional powers in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, informing the head of state about the state of affairs in this area, promoting the development of civil society institutions, preparing proposals to the head of state on issues within the competence advice.

The Council traces its history back to September 26, 1993, when the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Russian Federation was formed by decree of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin. In 1993-1995 it was headed by human rights activist Sergei Kovalev, and in 1996-2002 - a specialist in the field of international public law Vladimir Kartashkin. Later, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 6, 2004, the commission was transformed into the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights.

In 2002-2010 it was headed by Ella Pamfilova.

In 2010, Mikhail Fedotov was appointed chairman of the council. In order for the body to better perform its main function - to be collective, the chairman of the council, Fedotov, was appointed advisor to the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights was transformed into the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights.

The regulatory framework for the activities of the council is the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2011 “On the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights.”

The structure of the council includes a chairman, a deputy chairman, a presidium of the council, three co-chairs of the presidium, an executive secretary, permanent commissions and permanent working groups. To carry out individual tasks or projects, temporary commissions and temporary working groups may be created by decision of the council.

The Presidium is formed to resolve current operational issues from among the council members elected at meetings of the standing committees. Each member of the council has the right to be elected to the presidium an unlimited number of times. Elected members of the presidium are vested with powers for a period of 12 months. The Presidium of the Council is headed by three co-chairs, one of whom is ex officio the Chairman of the Council. The co-chairs of the presidium are vested with powers for six months.

By decision of the council, permanent commissions are created. Each member of the council has the right to join any commission of his choice and at any time, with the exception of the period of election of commission representatives to the presidium.

The composition of standing committees is open and may change during the term of office of the council.

Council decisions are advisory in nature. Federal authorities state power, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, and them officials, as well as public associations that have received recommendations from the council, in established deadlines consider them and notify the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights about decisions made. If necessary, information about the council's recommendations is brought to the attention of the President of the Russian Federation.

The chairman of the council has the right to propose composition, present on behalf of the council draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of the council, as well as analytical notes and other materials prepared based on the results of organized examinations.

According to the document, the HRC includes 51 people. Among them is the president of Rusfond, Lev Ambinder, editor-in-chief newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" Pavel Gusev, chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov, political commentator Nikolai Svanidze, film director Alexander Sokurov, executive director of Greenpeace Russia Sergei Tsyplenkov, scientific director of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" and head of the Liberal Mission Foundation Evgeniy Yasin et al.

Current topics of the council's activities are problems of non-profit organizations (NPOs), housing renovation, election monitoring, perpetuating the memory of victims of repression.

Poland is already looking forward to Russian reparations

I am Russian

Alexander Golovanov - CPSU Central Committee: I assess Stalin’s activities during the war as positive

Nikolai Andreevich

To whom does Russia owe for the Victory?

I am Russian

I am Russian

The souls of murdered Jews mourn the lost memory of Ukraine

Ukraine: “Why does our government condone anti-Semites?”

Poles began preparing for Auschwitz in 1920

This council “was formed in order to assist the head of state in the implementation of his constitutional powers in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, informing the President of the Russian Federation about the state of affairs in this area, promoting the development of civil society institutions...” In fact, first there was a very controversial project to “de-Stalinize” Russia, and now the council has decided to stand up for NGOs financed from foreign sources.

Let us recall that quite recently the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a widely known Federal law N121-FZ “On Foreign Agents”. According to it, all non-profit organizations receiving funding from foreign sources are required to register as foreign agents. Similar laws apply in all developed countries. And the Russian law is closest in spirit and letter to a similar US law, which began to operate back in... 1938!

And then it began... It would seem, what’s wrong with that? Register and defend the interests of your grantors as much as you want... But that was not the case: human rights activists began to hysterically assert that they were not “foreign agents”, but irreconcilable fighters for the happiness of the Russian people, such ideological disinterested people who needed foreign grants only for so as not to die of hunger. True, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a figure that is clearly more than enough to purchase bread and water - $1 billion...

Mass inspections of Russian NPOs began on March 21. They targeted more than 90 organizations, including Agora, Amnesty International, Memorial, Public Verdict, Civic Assistance, the Moscow offices of Human Rights Watch and Transparency International. In total, as the Ministry of Justice reported, “7.37 thousand inspections of NPOs are planned for 2013.”

One gets the impression that some forces in Russian society, receiving funding from abroad, have simply privatized the concept of “human rights” in Russia, and with foreign grants.

And now the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation has stood up for non-profit organizations (NPOs): members of the HRC were extremely concerned about the mass inspections of NPOs that began at the end of March and are being carried out by the Prosecutor General’s Office.

According to the newspaper Vzglyad, mass inspections of NGOs began at the end of March due to the controversial law on foreign agents, according to which organizations receiving funding from abroad can be subject to thorough checks. According to the head of the human rights association "Agora" Pavel Chikov, at the moment The prosecutor's office checked more than 200 organizations from 50 regions of the country. These audits caused panic among public figures, who perceived the authorities' actions as an attempt to put pressure on NGOs.

HRC member Sergei Krivenko insists that the Prosecutor General’s Office must justify the inspections.

The law regulating the actions of the Prosecutor General's Office states that the audit must be justified and based either on a denunciation, or on a statement, or on some suspicions. However, during the mass checks, no explanation was given, Krivenko said.

He reminded that recent years there were no cases of criminal cases brought against NGO leaders for extremism or espionage. So Krivenko does not see a clear reason for inspections of organizations throughout the country and considers what is happening to be a “political order.”

The executive director of the Golos association, Liliya Shibanova, emphasizes that the prosecutor’s office violates the requirements of the law with its actions towards NGOs.
- These checks are illegal. The prosecutor's office, without warning, can only inspect government agencies. The massive number of inspections and the way they are carried out are frightening. This is massive discrimination against those NGOs that receive foreign funding, she believes.

The Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alekseeva, doubts that the Prosecutor General's Office will listen to the opinions of human rights activists and fulfill their requests.

This is a proposal to act according to the law. However, our authorities are often offenders themselves, so it is difficult to predict whether the activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office will be able to return to the framework of the law, she believes...” (End quote)

And the Prosecutor General’s Office has evidence of financing of Russian NGOs from abroad. This was stated by the official representative of the supervisory agency Marina Gridneva.
In 2011, according to Gridneva, Russian NPOs received at least 19 billion rubles. from foreign sponsors. And since November 21 last year, when the Law on “Foreign Agents” came into force, more than 28.3 billion rubles have been deposited into the accounts of non-profit organizations. from abroad. These are the numbers that President Vladimir Putin announced.

It’s a strange thing... The Human Rights Council, together with US citizen Alekseeva, spends its precious time defending someone’s interests, which, to put it mildly, do not always coincide with the interests of Russia and Russians. In particular, for some reason this council is mysteriously silent, looking at the chaos that is happening in the field of education. Likewise, his broad public reaction to the wholesale closure of clinics, paramedic stations and maternity hospitals in the Russian outback is unknown, because of which women in labor are forced to travel 200 kilometers on broken roads in order to fulfill the wishes of the President of the Russian Federation to improve the demographic situation.

Every year in the Russian Federation, about 30 thousand people die on the roads and about 100 thousand murders are committed. These are the problems where the council could show itself... But no, it is probably more convenient for it to deal with the protection of NGOs that de jure act in Russia as foreign agents, and not wanting to fulfill Russian laws, refuse to register. It’s very interesting what the reaction of American society and Congress would be if someone in the United States decided to protect the interests of foreign agents?

Something is probably wrong in the “Kingdom of Denmark,” that is, in the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation... He needs to be closer to the people.

The Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation is an advisory body that carries out preliminary consideration of issues and preparation of proposals for the President of the Russian Federation regarding the interaction of the President of the Russian Federation with religious associations and improving the spiritual culture of society. Its members include representatives of all traditional religions: Orthodox, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, Catholics.

The Council consists of three representatives of Protestant churches:

, Archbishop Evangelical Lutheran Church of the European part of Russia
, Commanding Bishop of the Russian United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (ROSHVE) (Pentecostals)
, Pastor, First Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asian Division (Section) of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

The composition of the Council is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. Members of the Council carry out their activities on a voluntary basis. The meetings are chaired by the chairman of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation or, on his instructions, by the deputy chairman of the Council. Changes in the composition of the Council took place in December 1997, September 1999, March 2001, February 2004, April 2007, August 2008. in April 2009 in July 2012 in May 2015

The Council was created by order of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 1995. No. 192-rp. By the same order, the duties of the executive secretary of the Council were assigned to Anatoly Andreevich Krasikov (until 1996 there was no chairman in the Council). The Regulations on the Council were approved by order of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 1995. No. 357-rp (currently in force as amended by the order of the President of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2001 No. 133-rp). As President of the Russian Federation, V.V. Putin issued a decree “On the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation.” In order to improve the interaction of the President of Russia with religious associations, as well as the relationship between the state and religious associations, he introduced changes to the Regulations on the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the President of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1995 N 357-rp . The main changes concerned the redistribution of functions between structural divisions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Ensuring the activities of the council as an advisory body was entrusted to the Main Directorate of Internal Policy of the President of the Russian Federation.

In the work of the Council combines domestic and international aspects of the development of interfaith dialogue. The Council is of a consultative and advisory nature, considering issues of interaction between government bodies and religious organizations. The President and his Administration use the recommendations of the council when making decisions in the field of state-church relations.

D. The same decree approved the Regulations on the Council.

Main tasks

(in accordance with the Regulations on the Council, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 6, 2004 No. 1417)

  • providing assistance to the President of the Russian Federation in the implementation of his constitutional powers in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
  • preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on improving mechanisms for ensuring and protecting human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation located outside its borders;
  • systematically informing the President of the Russian Federation about the state of affairs in the field of observance of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • organizing an examination of draft federal laws and other normative legal acts that provide for the regulation of issues of ensuring and protecting human and civil rights and freedoms, preparing relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation;
  • preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on issues of interaction with human rights public associations and their representatives;
  • preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on the establishment of civil society institutions, expansion of interaction between public and state institutions, as well as the development of technologies for taking public initiatives into account when forming public policy in the field of ensuring and protecting human and civil rights and freedoms;
  • assistance in coordinating the activities of human rights public associations and their interaction with federal authorities state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • assistance in the development of mechanisms of public control in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, preparation of relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation;
  • participation in strengthening international cooperation in the field of ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms;
  • promoting legal education of the population;
  • analysis of requests from individuals and legal entities containing information about problems in the field of ensuring and protecting human and civil rights and freedoms;
  • discussion, at the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation, of other issues within the competence of the Council.


The Council carries out legislative activities, analysis of legislation and law enforcement practice, coordination of the activities of non-governmental organizations, activities aimed at combating hazing in the army, work to consider individual and collective appeals from citizens, interaction with departments and regional authorities on relevant issues.

In June 2005, the Human Rights Council sent an open letter to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko condemning “the actions of those representatives of the Belarusian authorities who infringe on the rights of Belarusians and Russians,” and created a Russian-Belarusian human rights commission. In 2005, the council also made statements regarding massive violations of citizens' rights in Blagoveshchensk (Bashkortostan) and on the preparation of a new law on non-profit organizations in the State Duma.

On the initiative of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights:

The President gave instructions to create a working group and develop amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Citizenship”, which was done with the participation of members of the Council. By November 11, 2003, the amendments were adopted and entered into force. In accordance with them, Article 14 was completely rewritten - on obtaining citizenship in a simplified manner. Thanks to this opportunity for 2005-2006 Russian citizenship about 850 thousand people received.

The President signed Decree No. 887 of August 1, 2005 “On measures to improve the financial situation of people with disabilities due to war trauma" In accordance with the Decree More than 90 thousand military pensioners received a monthly increase in pensions who became disabled as a result of injuries they received while performing their military duty.

On May 8, 2009, President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev signed the Order “On the formation of a working group on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation on non-profit organizations.” Based on the results of her work Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations” was amended, eliminating some of the systemic problems of the law.

In December 2015, council members asked the Russian Investigative Committee to verify 159 deaths of Russian military personnel in 2014–2015.

Composition since November 6, 2004

  1. Pamfilova Ella Aleksandrovna - Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Civil Society for the Children of Russia", Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian social movement“Civil Dignity” (Chairman of the Council)
  2. Abramkin Valery Fedorovich - director of the regional public organization “Center for Assistance to Criminal Justice Reform”
  3. Aivazova Svetlana Grigorievna - chief researcher at the Institute of Comparative Political Science
  4. Alekseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna - Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group
  5. Auzan Alexander Alexandrovich - President of the Institute of the National Project “Social Contract”
  6. Borisov Sergey Renatovich - President of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia"
  7. - Chairman of the regional public charitable organization for assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons “Civic Assistance”
  8. - Chairman of the Board of the Rokada Foundation for Veterans and Disabled Persons of Armed Conflicts
  9. Golovan Alexey Ivanovich - Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, executive director of the regional public organization "Charity Center "Complicity in Destiny"
  10. Zhzhenov Georgy Stepanovich - actor of the State Academic Theater named after Mossovet
  11. Zabelin Svyatoslav Igorevich - co-chairman of the board of the international public organization “International Social-Ecological Union”
  12. - Chairman of the Presidium of the regional public organization "Public Council on Foreign and Defense Policy"
  13. Igor Moiseevich Klyamkin - Vice-President of the Scientific Foundation for Theoretical and Applied Research "Liberal Mission"
  14. Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education, rector State University- Higher School of Economics
  15. Kuklina Ida Nikolaevna - member of the coordinating council of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia
  16. Levada Yuri Aleksandrovich - director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Yuri Levada Analytical Center"
  17. Sergey Aleksandrovich Markov - Chairman of the National Civil Council for International Affairs
  18. Morshchakova Tamara Georgievna - retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
  19. Orlov Oleg Petrovich - Chairman of the Board of the Human Rights Center "Memorial"
  20. Aleksey Ivanovich Podberezkin - director of the interregional organization for promoting the protection of rights and freedoms of citizens "Human Rights Center"
  21. Pozner Vladimir Vladimirovich - President of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation
  22. Yuri Mikhailovich Polyakov - editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta
  23. Polyakova Mara Fedorovna - Chairman of the Board of the regional public organization "Independent Expert Legal Council"
  24. Boris Pavlovich Pustyntsev - Chairman of the St. Petersburg public human rights organization "Civil Control"
  25. Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich - author and presenter of the analytical program “Postscript”
  26. Roshal Leonid Mikhailovich - President of the International Charitable Public Fund for Assistance to Children in Disasters and Wars
  27. Simonov Alexey Kirillovich - President of the non-profit organization Glasnost Defense Fund
  28. Smirnov William Viktorovich - head of the political science research sector of the Institute of State and Law Russian Academy Sciences (Executive Secretary of the Council)
  29. Solovyov Vladimir Rudolfovich - television journalist
  30. Sungurov Alexander Yurievich - President of the public organization "St. Petersburg Humanitarian and Political Science Center "Strategy""
  31. Titov Boris Yuryevich - Chairman of the All-Russian public organization “Business Russia”
  32. Tretyakov Vitaly Tovievich - professor at the Faculty of International Journalism of Moscow state institute international relations(university) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
  33. Fadeev Valery Alexandrovich - editor-in-chief of the magazine “Expert”

Composition since February 10, 2009

  1. Ella Alexandrovna Pamfilova - Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Movement "Civic Dignity" (Chairman of the Council)
  2. Abramkin Valery Fedorovich
  3. Aivazova Svetlana Grigorievna - Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  4. Alekseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna
  5. Ambinder Lev Sergeevich
  6. Auzan Alexander Alexandrovich
  7. Gannushkina Svetlana Alekseevna
  8. Govorukhin Sergey Stanislavovich - Chairman of the Board of the Rokada Foundation for Veterans and Disabled Persons of Armed Conflicts (as agreed)
  9. Golovan Alexey Ivanovich - Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, executive director of the regional public organization "Charity Center "Complicity in Destiny" (as agreed)
  10. » (by agreement)
  11. Sergey Aleksandrovich Karaganov - Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (as agreed)
  12. Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education, rector of the State University - Higher School of Economics (as agreed)
  13. Vladimir Romanovich Legoyda - Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Cultural and Educational Activities "Foma Center", Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Foma" (as agreed)
  14. Lukyanov Fedor Alexandrovich
  15. Morschakova Tamara Georgievna
  16. Nikolaeva Elena Leonidovna
  17. Dmitry Borisovich Oreshkin - leading researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  18. Elena Anatolyevna Panfilova - Director of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives "Transparency International - Russia"
  19. Polnikova Irina Georgievna - first deputy chairman of the Khabarovsk regional historical and educational public movement "Memorial", member of the council under the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights (as agreed)
  20. Pustintsev Boris Pavlovich
  21. Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich
  22. Simonov Alexey Kirillovich
  23. Fedotov Mikhail Alexandrovich - Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia (as agreed), in accordance with By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2010 No. 1234- Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Council)
  24. Chmykhov Gariy Dmitrievich - Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kaliningrad Region, First Vice-President of the regional association of employers "Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Kaliningrad Region" (as agreed)
  25. Yurgens Igor Yurievich
  26. Yamshchikov Savva Vasilievich - Chairman of the Association of Restorers of Russia (by agreement)
  27. Yasina Irina Evgenievna

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2010 No. 991 E. A. Pamfilova was expelled from the Council.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2010 No. 1020 Govorukhin S.S. and Yamshchikov S.V. were excluded from the council.

Composition since February 1, 2011

  1. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Fedotov - Advisor to the President (Chairman of the Council)
  2. Vorobyov Sergey Ilyich - co-chairman of the non-profit organization “Club 2015” (deputy chairman of the Council, as agreed)
  3. Legoyda Vladimir Romanovich - Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for Promotion of Cultural and Educational Activities "Foma Center", Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Foma", Chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church(Executive Secretary of the Council, as agreed)
  4. Abramkin Valery Fedorovich - director of the regional public organization “Center for Assistance to Criminal Justice Reform” (as agreed)
  5. Aivazova Svetlana Grigorievna - chief researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (as agreed)
  6. Alekseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna - Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group (as agreed)
  7. Ambinder Lev Sergeevich - President of the non-profit organization of the charitable foundation "Help" (as agreed)
  8. Auzan Alexander Alexandrovich - President of the Association of Independent Centers for Economic Analysis (as agreed)
  9. Gannushkina Svetlana Alekseevna - Chairman of the regional public charitable organization for assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons “Civic Assistance” (as agreed)
  10. Gefter Valentin Mikhailovich - director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Institute of Human Rights" (as agreed)
  11. Golovan Alexey Ivanovich - executive director of the regional public organization "Charity Center "Complicity in Destiny" (as agreed)
  12. Gibladze Georgy Juansherovich - President of the autonomous non-profit organization "Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights" (as agreed)
  13. Dondurey Daniil Borisovich - editor-in-chief of the non-profit partnership "Editors of the magazine "Art of Cinema" (as agreed)
  14. Zasursky Ivan Ivanovich - President of the Association of Internet Publishers, Editor-in-Chief of the online publication “Private Correspondent” (as agreed)
  15. Kabanov Kirill Viktorovich - Chairman of the public organization “National Anti-Corruption Committee” (as agreed)
  16. Karaganov Sergey Aleksandrovich - Chairman of the Presidium of the non-governmental public association "Council on Foreign and Defense Policy" (as agreed)
  17. Kravchenko Boris Evgenievich - General Secretary of the All-Russian Association of Trade Unions "Confederation of Labor of Russia" (as agreed)
  18. Krivenko Sergey Vladimirovich - member of the board of the international public organization "International Historical, Educational, Charitable and Human Rights Society "Memorial", coordinator of the public movement "Citizen and Army" (as agreed)
  19. Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education, rector of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher vocational education"National Research University Higher School of Economics (as agreed)
  20. Kuklina Ida Nikolaevna - member of the coordinating council of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia (as agreed)
  21. Litovchenko Sergey Evgenievich - executive director of the interregional public organization "Association of Managers" (as agreed)
  22. Lukyanov Fedor Aleksandrovich - editor-in-chief of the magazine “Russia in Global Affairs” (as agreed)
  23. Maleva Tatyana Mikhailovna - director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Independent Institute of Social Policy" (as agreed)
  24. Morshchakova Tamara Georgievna - retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, advisor to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (as agreed)
  25. Nikolaeva Elena Leonidovna - Chairman of the Board of Trustees non-profit foundation“National Health Development Fund” (as agreed)
  26. Dmitry Borisovich Oreshkin - leading researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (as agreed)
  27. Pain Emil Abramovich - Director of the Center for Ethnopolitical and Regional Studies (as agreed)
  28. Elena Anatolyevna Panfilova - Director of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives "Transparency International - Russia" (as agreed)
  29. Leonid Vladimirovich Polyakov - Head of the Department of General Political Science of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University Higher School of Economics" (as agreed)
  30. Polyakova Mara Fedorovna - Chairman of the Board of the regional public organization "Independent Expert Legal Council" (as agreed)
  31. Boris Pavlovich Pustintsev - Chairman of the St. Petersburg public human rights organization "Civil Control" (as agreed)
  32. Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich - author and presenter of the analytical program “Postscript” (by agreement)
  33. Radzikhovsky Leonid Alexandrovich - journalist, columnist “ Russian newspaper» (by agreement)
  34. Simonov Alexey Kirillovich - President of the non-profit organization "Glasnost Defense Foundation" (as agreed)
  35. Sorokina Svetlana Innokentievna - journalist (by agreement)
  36. Tsyplenkov Sergey Aleksandrovich - executive director of the branch of the international non-governmental non-profit organization "Greenpeace Council" - GREENPEACE (as agreed)
  37. Chmykhov Gariy Dmitrievich - Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kaliningrad Region (as agreed)
  38. Chugueva Irina Georgievna - first deputy chairman of the Khabarovsk regional historical and educational public movement "Memorial" (as agreed)
  39. Yurgens Igor Yuryevich - Chairman of the Board of the Institute modern development» (by agreement)
  40. Yasina Irina Evgenievna - Chairman of the expert council of the non-governmental institution “Regional Journalism Club” (as agreed)

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2012 No. 281 Sorokina S.I. and Yasina I.E., who announced in December 2011 their refusal to work on the Council, were excluded from the Council (see below)

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2012 No. 1513 the members who announced in June 2012 their refusal to work on the Council were excluded from the Council, except for I. Yu. Yurgens (see below), as well as Ya. I. Kuzminov. By the same decree, 39 new members were included in the Council (list see below)

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2012 No. 1549 Brod Alexander Semyonovich, director of the autonomous non-profit organization “Bureau of Human Rights”, was included in the Council (by agreement)

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2013 No. 305 Abramkin V.F. and Golovan A.I. were excluded from the Council.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2015 No. 268 Lyudmila Mikhailovna Alekseeva, Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group, was included in the Council (as agreed)

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2015 No. 412 Yasin Evgeniy Grigorievich, scientific director of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research University Higher School of Economics”, was included in the Council (as agreed)

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2015 No. 575 Litovchenko S. E. and Chugueva I. G. were excluded from the Council, by the same decree the positions of S. I. Vorobyov, V. R. Legoyda, E. A. Bobrov, M. A. Bolshakova, A. S. Brod, S. A. Karaganova, I. V. Kirkory, B. E. Kravchenko, Ya. V. Lantratova, T. G. Morshchakova, E. M. Polyakova and G. D. Chmykhov are stated in the following edition:

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2016 No. 68 Diskin I. E., Kucherena A. G., Nikolaeva E. L., Pushkov A. K., Terentyev M. B., Topoleva-Soldunova E. A. and Shaposhnikov V. P. were excluded from the Council.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2016 No. 600 V. R. Legoyda was expelled from the Council.

Additions to the composition in place of departing members

  1. Andrey Vladimirovich Babushkin is the chairman of the interregional public charitable human rights organization “Committee for civil rights» (by agreement)
  2. Batyrshin Radik Irikovich - chairman of the closed joint stock company“Interstate TV and Radio Company “Mir”” (as agreed)
  3. Bobrov Evgeniy Alexandrovich - head of the interregional public organization “Human rights organization “Voskhod”” (as agreed)
  4. Bolshakova Maria Artemovna - Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Families of Military Personnel of Russia" (by agreement)
  5. Borisov Igor Borisovich - Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law” (as agreed)
  6. Verkhovsky Alexander Markovich - director of the information and analytical center "Sova" (as agreed)
  7. Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna - executive director of the international public organization “Fair Aid” (as agreed)
  8. Gusev Pavel Nikolaevich - general manager closed joint stock company "Editorial office of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", chairman of the public organization "Union of Journalists of Moscow" (as agreed)
  9. Diskin Iosif Evgenievich - Deputy Chairman of the scientific and expert council of the open joint-stock company "All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion", co-chairman of the interregional public organization "Council for National Strategy" (as agreed)
  10. Evdokimova Natalia Leonidovna - executive secretary of the Human Rights Council of St. Petersburg (as agreed)
  11. Kalyapin Igor Aleksandrovich - Chairman of the interregional public organization "Committee against Torture" (as agreed)
  12. Kannabikh Maria Valerievna - Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian public organization "Council of Public Supervisory Commissions" (as agreed)
  13. Kirkora Irina Vladimirovna - head of the Moscow branch of the public organization for the protection of the rights of women and children “Assol” (by agreement)
  14. Kozyrev Alexey Sergeevich - artistic director, chief director of the Aleko Theater (by agreement)
  15. Kostanov Yuri Artemovich - Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Bar Association "Advocate Partnership" (as agreed)
  16. Kucher Stanislav Alexandrovich - journalist (by agreement)
  17. Anatoly Grigorievich Kucherena - Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Public Movement "Civil Society" (as agreed)
  18. Lantratova Yana Valerievna - coordinator of federal projects “I am a volunteer”, “Child Protection” of the All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia” (as agreed)
  19. Raisa Timofeevna Lukutsova - Chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Red Cross" (as agreed)
  20. Masyuk Elena Vasilievna - journalist (by agreement)
  21. Mukomolov Alexander Fedorovich - Chairman of the Council of the interregional non-political public organization "Peacekeeping Mission named after General Lebed" (as agreed)
  22. Myslovsky Evgeniy Nikolaevich - President of the regional public foundation for combating organized crime and corruption "ANTIMAFIA" (as agreed)
  23. Leonid Vasilievich Nikitinsky - Secretary of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Journalists of Russia" (as agreed)
  24. Parfenov Leonid Gennadievich - journalist (by agreement)
  25. Pastukhov Igor Nikolaevich - lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association " Law firm"YUST" (by agreement)
  26. Sergey Anatolyevich Pashin - Professor of the Department of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University Higher School of Economics" (as agreed)
  27. Ella Mikhailovna Polyakova - Chairman of the regional public human rights organization "Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg" (as agreed)
  28. Ryakhovsky Vladimir Vasilievich - managing partner of the law firm "Slavic Legal Center" (by agreement)
  29. Svanidze Nikolai Karlovich - political commentator (by agreement)
  30. Soboleva Anita Karlovna - chief expert consultant on scientific and legal activities of the autonomous non-profit organization "Lawyers for Constitutional Rights and Freedoms" (as agreed)
  31. Terentyev Mikhail Borisovich - Deputy Chairman of the Committee State Duma for Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, Secretary General of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Paralympic Committee” (as agreed)
  32. Topoleva-Soldunova Elena Andreevna - director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Agency social information» (by agreement)
  33. Khakamada Irina Mutsuovna - publicist (by agreement)
  34. Pavel Vladimirovich Chikov - Chairman of the Interregional Association of Human Rights Organizations "AGORA" (as agreed)
  35. Shablinsky Ilya Georgievich - Professor of the Department of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (as agreed)
  36. Shaposhnikov Vladimir Petrovich - Chairman of the Russian Trade Union of Construction Workers and Service Organizations (as agreed)
  37. Maxim Leonardovich Shevchenko - President of the regional public organization for assistance in the study of cultural, social and religious processes in the context of modern politics "Center for Strategic Studies of Religions and Politics of the Modern World" (as agreed)
  38. Liliya Vasilievna Shibanova - executive director of the association of non-profit organizations "In defense of the rights of voters "VOICE" (as agreed)
  39. Yurov Andrey Yurievich - President of the charitable foundation "International Project - Youth Human Rights Movement" (as agreed)

Membership Cancellations

Over the years of the Council's work, there have been refusals of membership. In connection with the refusals of June 2012, the chairman of the council, Mikhail Fedotov, announced that he would resign his powers if more than 20 people left the council.




“He was chosen for a long time, with the help of the Internet, and finally he was chosen with a terrible scandal. From there, they eliminated a lot of real human rights activists, but they invited official foreign agents, supported by foreign grants, and retired TV stars.<…>It's not very often that these gentlemen meet with the president. They decided to use this conversation to discuss with Putin the really “important” topic “Put us back in the box!” There is no more in the country important problem with human rights than the lack of sufficient opportunities for Parfenov, Svanidze and other liberal television journalists to criticize the authorities. No, to sow what is reasonable, good, and eternal.”

Statement in defense of Podrabinek

The original version of the statement, posted on the official website of the Council and circulated on the Internet, did not contain provisions that the Council condemns Podrabinek’s open statements. Subsequently, the statement was edited (according to some sources, after a call from E. Pamfilova from a high-ranking official) and it included remarks that the Council did not agree with Podrabinek’s position and considered it offensive to veterans.

The announcement was met with mixed reactions. Some members of the Council expressed their disagreement with the position expressed on behalf of the Council by its head, Ella Pamfilova, without taking into account the opinions of other members. Among them are TV journalist Alexey Pushkov, Vladimir Legoyda, head of the National Health Development Fund Elena Nikolaeva, Russian film director and writer Sergei Govorukhin. Commenting on the situation, Elena Nikolaeva stated the following.

Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights

Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights

The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights was created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 6 No. 1417 on the basis of the Human Rights Commission, which operated from November 1, 1993. The same Decree approved the Regulations on the Council.

Tasks: preparing proposals to improve the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, interaction between the authorities and human rights activists, examination of legislation, informing the President about the situation in the field of observance of rights and freedoms.

The council included 33 human rights activists and well-known public figures, led by Chairman Ella Pamfilova.

The Council carries out legislative activities, analysis of legislation and law enforcement practice, coordination of the activities of non-governmental organizations, activities aimed at combating hazing in the army, work to consider individual and collective appeals from citizens, interaction with departments and regional authorities on relevant military issues.

In June 2005, the Human Rights Council sent an open letter to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko condemning “the actions of those representatives of the Belarusian authorities who infringe on the rights of Belarusians and Russians,” and created a Russian-Belarusian human rights commission. In 2005, the council also made statements regarding mass violations of citizens' rights in Blagoveshchensk (Bashkiria) and on the preparation of a new law on non-profit organizations in the State Duma.

Statement in defense of Podrabinek

The original version of the statement, posted on the official website of the Council and circulated on the Internet, did not contain provisions that the Council condemns Podrabinek’s open statements. Subsequently, the statement was edited (according to some sources, after a call from E. Pamfilova from a high-ranking official) and it included remarks that the Council did not agree with Podrabinek’s position and considered it offensive to veterans.

The announcement was met with mixed reactions. Some members of the Council expressed their disagreement with the position expressed on behalf of the Council by its head, Ella Pamfilova, without taking into account the opinions of other members. Among them are TV journalist Alexey Pushkov, Vladimir Legoyda, head of the National Health Development Fund Elena Nikolaeva, Russian film director and writer Sergei Govorukhin. Commenting on the situation, Elena Nikolaeva stated the following: “ Unfortunately, I learned that such a statement appeared, one might say, only from newspapers and news agencies. Personally, as a member of the Council, the text was not agreed upon and at the last meeting of the Council, where I was present, this statement was not accepted" Sergei Govorukhin, who earlier in an open letter accused Podrabinek of moral ugliness, meanness and bestiality, withdrew his signature from the appeal.

Many public and political figures criticized E. Pamfilova on this issue, including the director of the Center for Political Conjuncture Alexey Chesnakov, the leader of the human rights movement “Resistance” Olga Kostina, human rights activist Alexander Brod, State Duma deputy Andrey Isaev, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Expert” Valery Fadeev. Thus, according to the latter, the Council, headed by Ella Pamfilova, behaves strangely and unnaturally, because, being “a body that, by its purpose, should help prevent or subside conflicts, act as an independent arbiter in disputes between civil institutions, suddenly categorically takes the position of one of the parties. And this only fuels the conflict. In addition, the story of a statement made on behalf of the Council, but, as it turned out, without the consent of its individual members, also looks absurd.”. .

Former press secretary of the Nashi movement and now State Duma deputy Robert Schlegel submitted a proposal to remove Pamfilova from her post for consideration by the lower house of parliament. In his blog, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, information technology and communications sharply criticized E. Panfilova’s position.

Based on the results prosecutor's check According to Ella Pamfilova’s statement, no violations of the law were identified in the actions of the Nashi movement.

The current composition of the Council, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2009 No. 148, is:

  • Pamfilova E. A. - Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Movement "Civil Dignity" (Chairman of the Council)
  • Abramkin V.F.
  • Aivazova S. T. - Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Alekseeva L. M.
  • Ambinder L.S. - President of the non-profit organization charitable foundation "Help"
  • Auzan A. A. - President of the Association of Independent Centers for Economic Analysis
  • Gannushkina S. A.
  • Gefter V.M. - Director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Institute of Human Rights"
  • Govorukhin S.S. - Chairman of the Board of the Rokada Foundation for Veterans and Disabled Persons of Armed Conflicts
  • Golovan A.I. - Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, executive director of the regional public organization "Charity Center "Complicity in Fate""
  • Dzhibladze G. D. - President of the autonomous non-profit organization "Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights"
  • Kabanov K.V. - Chairman of the public organization "National Anti-Corruption Committee"
  • Karaganov S. A. - Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy
  • Krivenko S. V. - member of the board of the international public organization “International Historical, Educational, Charitable and Human Rights Society “Memorial””, coordinator of the public movement “Citizen and Army”
  • Kuzminov Ya. I. - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education, rector of the State University - Higher School of Economics
  • Kuklina I. N. - member of the coordinating council of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia
  • Legoyda V. R. - Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of Cultural and Educational Activities "Foma Center", Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Foma"
  • Litovchenko S. E. - Executive Director of the interregional public organization "Association of Managers"
  • Lukyanov F. A. - editor-in-chief of the magazine “Russia in Global Affairs”
  • Maleeva T. M. - Director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Independent Institute of Social Policy"
  • Morshchakova T. G. - retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, adviser to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
  • Nikolaeva E. L. - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the non-profit fund "National Fund for Health Development"
  • Oreshkin D. B. - leading researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Panfilova E. A. - Director of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives "Transparency International - Russia"
  • Polnikova I.G. - First Deputy Chairman of the Khabarovsk regional historical and educational public movement "Memorial", member of the Council under the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights
  • Polyakova M. F. - Chairman of the Board of the regional public organization "Independent Expert Legal Council"
  • Pustyntsev B. P.
  • Pushkov A.K.
  • Simonov A.K.
  • Sorokina S.I. - journalist
  • Fedotov M. A. - Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia
  • Tsyplenkov S. A. - Executive Director of the branch of the international non-governmental non-profit organization "Greenpeace Council" - Greenpeace
  • Chmykhov G. D. - Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kaliningrad Region, First Vice-President of the regional association of employers "Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Kaliningrad Region"
  • Yurgens I. Yu. - Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development Foundation
  • Yamshchikov S.V. - Chairman of the Association of Restorers of Russia
  • Yasina I. E. - Chairman of the expert council of the non-governmental institution "Regional Journalism Club"

The previous composition was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 6, 2004 No. 1417:

  1. Pamfilova Ella Aleksandrovna - Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Civil Society for the Children of Russia", Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Movement "Civic Dignity" (Chairman of the Council)
  2. Abramkin Valery Fedorovich - director of the regional public organization "Center for Assistance to Criminal Justice Reform"
  3. Aivazova Svetlana Grigorievna - chief researcher at the Institute of Comparative Political Science
  4. Alekseeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna - Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group
  5. Auzan Alexander Alexandrovich - President of the Institute of the National Project “Social Contract”
  6. Borisov Sergey Renatovich - President of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia"
  7. Gannushkina Svetlana Alekseevna - Chairman of the regional public charitable organization for assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons "Civic Assistance"
  8. Govorukhin Sergey Stanislavovich - Chairman of the Board of the Rokada Foundation for Veterans and Disabled Persons of Armed Conflicts
  9. Golovan Alexey Ivanovich - Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, executive director of the regional public organization "Charity Center "Complicity in Destiny"
  10. Zhzhenov Georgy Stepanovich - actor of the State Academic Theater named after Mossovet
  11. Zabelin Svyatoslav Igorevich - co-chairman of the board of the international public organization "International Social-Ecological Union"
  12. Karaganov Sergey Aleksandrovich - Chairman of the Presidium of the regional public organization "Public Council on Foreign and Defense Policy"
  13. Klyamkin Igor Moiseevich - vice-president of the scientific foundation for theoretical and applied research "Liberal Mission"
  14. Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education, rector of the State University - Higher School of Economics
  15. Kuklina Ida Nikolaevna - member of the coordinating council of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia
  16. Levada Yuri Aleksandrovich - director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Analytical Center of Yuri Levada" (Levada-Center)
  17. Markov Sergey Aleksandrovich - Chairman of the National Civil Council for International Affairs
  18. Morschakova Tamara Georgievna - retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
  19. Orlov Oleg Petrovich - Chairman of the Board of the Human Rights Center "Memorial"
  20. Aleksey Ivanovich Podberezkin - director of the interregional organization for promoting the protection of rights and freedoms of citizens "Human Rights Center"
  21. Pozner Vladimir Vladimirovich - President of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation
  22. Polyakov Yuri Mikhailovich - editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta
  23. Polyakova Mara Fedorovna - Chairman of the Board of the regional public organization "Independent Expert Legal Council"
  24. Pustintsev Boris Pavlovich - Chairman of the St. Petersburg public human rights organization "Civil Control"
  25. Pushkov Alexey Konstantinovich - author and presenter of the analytical program “Postscript”
  26. Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal - President of the International Charitable Public Fund for Helping Children in Disasters and Wars
  27. Simonov Alexey Kirillovich - President of the non-profit organization "Glasnost Defense Foundation"
  28. William Viktorovich Smirnov - Head of the Political Science Research Sector at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Executive Secretary of the Council)
  29. Soloviev Vladimir Rudolfovich - television journalist
  30. Sungurov Alexander Yurievich - President of the public organization "St. Petersburg Humanitarian and Political Science Center "Strategy""
  31. Titov Boris Yurievich - Chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia"
  32. Tretyakov Vitaly Tovievich - Professor of the Faculty of International Journalism of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  33. Fadeev Valery Aleksandrovich - editor-in-chief of the magazine "Expert"

See also



  • . (Russian) - 02/19/2009.