Organizational measures aimed at ensuring fire safety. What are fire-fighting measures? Fire-fighting measures are. Features of the development of fire safety measures at the enterprise

Orders and instructions on fire safety measures, developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure, are the main regulatory documents in institutions and organizations.

The orders put into effect the basic provisions, instructions and recommendations regarding the organization of fire prevention and fire protection of territories, buildings, structures and premises of the institution. The order appoints those responsible for fire safety in the structural divisions of the institution, and regulates the activities of structural divisions to ensure fire safety and also in case of fire. Such an order must be one by one institution and be a kind of law.

Personal responsibility for ensuring fire safety in organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation lies with their managers.

Heads of institutions must organize a fire safety system aimed at preventing people from being exposed to the main factors of fires, including their secondary manifestations. The existing fire safety system in organizations will be at the proper level only if all officials, staff and patients comply with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety. Therefore, the heads of institutions, in accordance with Art. 8 PPB 01-03 gives the right to appoint persons responsible for ensuring fire safety at specific points, sites, facilities, structures, utility networks (electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas, etc.) from among officials who, in the course of their official duties operate (maintain) these points, areas, objects, structures, utility networks and must comply with established fire safety rules. (For example, such officials in a healthcare institution may be: deputy chief physician for administrative and economic affairs - in the field safe operation buildings, administrative and economic premises; chief engineer- in the field of safe operation of engineering communications and structures; heads of functional departments (administrative and economic, medical and diagnostic and others) - in the field of safe operation of the points, areas, areas, floors, offices, equipment, inventory, property they occupy).

System of measures to ensure fire safety

The system of measures to ensure fire safety in organizations and institutions consists of three main groups:

1. Measures to establish a fire safety regime.

2. Measures to determine and maintain proper fire safety conditions in all buildings, structures, premises, areas, sites, offices, individual places and points.

3. Measures to control and supervise the implementation of fire safety rules during the operation, repair, and maintenance of buildings, structures, premises, utility networks, equipment, inventory, etc.

Fire mode includes:

Regulating or establishing a procedure for carrying out temporary fire and other fire-hazardous work;

Installation of special smoking areas or a complete smoking ban;

Determining the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in case of fire;

Establishing a procedure for cleaning up flammable waste, dust, oily rags, special clothing in workshops for the repair and maintenance of automobile and other equipment;

Determination of locations and permissible quantities of explosive and fire hazardous substances located simultaneously in premises and warehouses;

Establishing a procedure for inspecting and closing premises after completion of work;

Determining the actions of personnel when a fire is detected;

Establishing the procedure and timing for fire safety training and fire safety training;

Prohibition on performing any work without appropriate instructions.

The fire safety regime at the enterprise and in the institution is established by the administrative document of the head of the institution (Article 15 PPB 01-03).

Maintaining proper fire safety conditions assumes:

Acquisition and concentration in designated areas of the appropriate amount of primary fire extinguishing equipment;

Equipping buildings and premises with automatic alarm and fire extinguishing systems;

Maintaining fire hydrants and hydrants in good condition, equipping them with the required number of fire hoses and trunks;

Maintaining cleanliness and order in assigned areas;

Maintaining outdoor lighting in the area at night;

Equipping the institution with a fire warning system, including light, sound, and visual alarms;

Maintaining roads, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures, warehouses, external fire escapes and water sources used for fire fighting, always free for passage fire equipment;

Timely completion of work to restore damage to fire-retardant coatings of building structures, flammable finishing and heat-insulating materials, metal supports of equipment;

Maintaining direct telephone communication with the nearest branch in good condition fire department or a central fire communications point for populated areas;

Preventing the installation of blind bars on windows and pits near basement windows;

Maintaining the fire-fighting water supply network in good condition, etc.

3.1. Ensuring fire safety is an integral part of the production or other activities of officials, employees of enterprises and entrepreneurs. This should be reflected in employment agreements (contracts) and enterprise charters.

3.2. The head of the enterprise must determine the responsibilities of officials (including deputy managers) to ensure fire safety, appoint those responsible for the fire safety of individual buildings, structures, premises, areas, etc., technological and engineering equipment, as well as for the maintenance and operation of technical fire protection means.

Responsibilities for ensuring fire safety, maintenance and operation of fire protection equipment must be reflected in the relevant job documents (functional responsibilities, instructions, regulations, etc.).

3.3. At each enterprise, taking into account its fire danger, an order (instruction) must establish an appropriate fire safety regime, including defining:

Possibility of smoking (smoking area), use of open fire, household heating appliances;

The procedure for carrying out temporary fire hazardous work (including welding);

Rules for travel and parking of vehicles;

Storage spaces and permissible quantities of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products that can simultaneously be located in production premises and on the territory (in storage areas);

The procedure for cleaning flammable dust and waste, storing oily work clothes and rags, cleaning air ducts of ventilation systems from flammable deposits;

The procedure for disconnecting electrical equipment from the network in case of fire;

The procedure for inspecting and closing premises after completion of work;

The procedure for officials to undergo training and testing of knowledge on fire safety issues, as well as conducting fire safety briefings and classes on the fire technical minimum with the appointment of those responsible for their conduct;

The procedure for organizing the operation and maintenance of existing technical fire protection equipment (fire water supply, pumping stations, fire alarm installations, automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, fire extinguishers, etc.);

The procedure for carrying out scheduled preventative repairs and inspections of electrical installations, heating, ventilation, technological and other engineering equipment;

Actions of workers upon detection of a fire;

The procedure for gathering members of the voluntary fire brigade and responsible officials in the event of a fire, call at night, on weekends and holidays.

Employees of the enterprise must be familiarized with these requirements during briefings, when passing the fire-technical minimum, etc., excerpts from the order (instructions) with the main provisions should be posted in prominent places.

3.4. Every enterprise must work out general instructions on fire safety measures and instructions for all explosive and fire hazardous premises (areas, workshops, warehouses, workshops, laboratories, etc.) in accordance with Appendix 1 of these Rules.

These instructions should be studied during fire safety briefings, fire safety training, as well as in the industrial training system and posted in prominent places.

3.5. In buildings and structures (except residential buildings) that have two floors or more, in the event of more than 25 people staying on the floor at the same time, plans (diagrams) for evacuation of people in case of fire must be developed and posted in prominent places.

The need to provide evacuation plans (schemes) for one-story buildings and structures is determined by local authorities of state fire supervision, based on their fire danger, the number of people accommodated, area, etc.

In preschool institutions, educational institutions, inpatient medical institutions, homes for the elderly and disabled, sanatoriums and recreational institutions, cultural, educational and entertainment institutions, indoor sports buildings and facilities, hotels, motels, campsites, retail establishments (two floors or more) and other objects similar in purpose with a large population of people (50 people or more), in addition to the schematic evacuation plan, the administration is obliged to develop instructions that determine the actions of personnel to ensure the safe and rapid evacuation of people, according to which practical exercises must be carried out at least once every six months training of all involved workers.

For facilities where people are expected to be present at night (preschool institutions, boarding schools, hospitals, etc.), instructions should provide for two options for action: during the day and at night.

3.6. In the event of a change in the layout or functional purpose of buildings (premises, structures), production technology, or staffing, the administration is obliged to ensure timely revisions of evacuation plans and instructions.

3.7. The enterprise must establish a procedure (system) for notifying people about a fire, which must be familiarized to all employees.

In premises, signs should be posted in visible places near telephones indicating the fire department telephone number.

3.8. The territory of the enterprise, as well as buildings, structures, and premises must be provided with appropriate safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 "SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs."

3.9. In the event of receiving substances and materials with unknown properties regarding fire hazard, the owner of the enterprise is obliged to prohibit their use until information (indicators) about their fire hazard is clarified through the relevant institutions and organizations.

The use in construction and production of materials and substances for which there is no data regarding fire hazard is prohibited.

3.10. Owners of enterprises that use and process highly toxic substances (hereinafter referred to as STS) and sources of radioactive radiation are obliged to regularly inform the state fire departments, within the time limits agreed upon with the fire department, about the quantity of such substances and materials, their toxic properties, behavioral characteristics, fire time, report other data necessary to ensure the safety of personnel involved in fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations at these enterprises.

3.11. For security workers (watchmen, watchmen, attendants, etc.), the administration must develop instructions in which it is necessary to define their responsibilities for monitoring compliance with the fire safety regime, inspecting the territory and premises, the procedure for action in the event of a fire, wear and tear of fire alarm systems and automatic fire extinguishing, as well as indicate which of the administration officials should be called at night in the event of a fire.

Security guards must have a list of company officials indicating their home address, office and home telephone numbers. They are required to know the procedure to follow in the event of a fire, the rules for using primary fire extinguishing equipment and extinguishing techniques.

3.12. Workers, employees, and other employees of the enterprise are obliged to:

Adhere to the established fire safety regime, comply with the requirements of rules and other regulations on fire safety issues in force at the enterprise;

In the event of a fire occurring (detected), act in accordance with the requirements of Section 9 of these Rules.

3.13. The head of the enterprise is obliged to take (within the limits of the rights granted to him) appropriate measures to respond to facts of violations or failure by officials and other employees of the enterprise to comply with the established fire safety regime, the requirements of fire safety rules and other regulations in force in this area.

3.14. In order to attract workers to carry out measures to prevent fires and organize their extinguishing at enterprises, voluntary fire brigades (hereinafter - VPD) and teams (hereinafter - DPK) are created, the activities of which must be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on voluntary fire brigades (teams), approved by order of the Ministry of Ukraine on issues emergency situations and on matters of protecting the population from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster dated 02/11/2004 N 70 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 02/19/2004 under N 221/8820.

Members of voluntary fire brigades (teams) who are subject to compulsory personal insurance (in case of death), injury (concussion, trauma or injury), illness received during the elimination of a fire or the consequences of an accident) should be insured in accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure and the conditions of compulsory personal insurance for employees of departmental and rural fire protection and members of voluntary fire brigades), approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 3, 1995 N 232.

3.15. At enterprises with 50 or more employees, fire-technical commissions (hereinafter referred to as PTK) are created by decision of the workforce. Their work must be organized in accordance with the Model Regulations on the Fire Technical Commission, approved by the order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and for the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster dated 02/11/2004 N 70 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 02/19/2004 under N 222 / 8821 .

3.16. In schools and children's camps, it is necessary to create squads of young firefighters (hereinafter referred to as YUP), operating on the basis of the Regulations on squads of young firefighters, approved by the protocol of the Presidium of the Voluntary Firefighting Society of Ukraine dated May 20, 1994 N 13 / 4.

3.17. To coordinate and improve the work related to ensuring fire safety and monitoring its implementation, fire safety services (hereinafter - SPB) should be created in the offices of ministries and other central executive authorities in accordance with the Model Regulations on the Fire Safety Service, approved by order of the Ministry of Ukraine on issues of emergency situations and on matters of protecting the population from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster dated September 29, 2003 N 369 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 10, 2003 under N 1121/8442.

Such services must also be organized in the offices of enterprise associations (associations, corporations, concerns, etc.) to perform the functions delegated to the association in the field of fire safety.

The activities of the SPB should be regulated by regulations that are developed by the relevant ministries, departments, and enterprise associations.

3.18. All employees upon hiring and at the place of work must undergo fire safety training (hereinafter referred to as fire safety training). Fire safety briefings are divided into introductory, primary, repeated at the workplace, unscheduled and targeted.

Persons who are hired for work associated with an increased fire danger must first (before starting independent work) undergo special training (fire-technical minimum). Employees engaged in work with increased fire danger must undergo knowledge testing of the relevant regulations on fire safety once a year.

The procedure for organizing and conducting fire safety briefings, training and testing knowledge on the fire technical minimum is established by the Typical Regulations on briefings, special training and testing knowledge on fire safety issues at enterprises, institutions and organizations of Ukraine, approved by order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and protection of the population from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster dated September 29, 2003 N 368 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 11, 2003 under N 1148/8469.

3.19. Training and testing of knowledge of officials on fire safety issues is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

3.20. Admission to work of persons who have not undergone training, fire safety instructions and knowledge testing on fire safety issues is prohibited.

3.21. The study of fire safety measures at work and at home should also be included in the system of industrial training of workers, office workers, and engineering and technical workers (hereinafter referred to as engineers). In addition, local radio broadcasting systems, etc., available at the enterprise, are used for this purpose.

3.22. Service staff hotels, campsites, hostels, medical institutions with a hospital, preschool institutions with round-the-clock stay of children, boarding schools, homes for elderly citizens, children's camps, sanatoriums, rest homes and other health institutions must take a training course in fire safety rules every year program approved by the administration, taking into account the specifics of the facility. Practical training to practice actions in case of fire should be carried out within the time limits specified in paragraph 3.5 of these Rules.

3.23. In general educational and professional educational institutions, higher educational institutions, educational institutions for advanced training and retraining of personnel, fire safety rules at work and at home should be studied, as well as training in actions in case of fire.

3.24. In preschool institutions, educational work should be carried out aimed at preventing fires from children's pranks with fire and instilling in children a careful attitude towards national wealth, as well as acquiring personal safety skills in the event of a fire.

3.25. Local executive authorities, bodies local government, housing institutions and organizations are obliged to organize training of the population in fire safety rules at home and in public places at their place of residence.

3.26. Fire safety training programs must be coordinated with state fire inspection authorities.

Fire safety of objects is determined by various design solutions, installation of fire-fighting equipment and strict adherence to organizational measures (OM). You must ensure that the last point is followed officials, employees of enterprises or entrepreneurs, which is one of the points of the charters of enterprises and employment contracts employees.

The manager appoints employees responsible for fire safety. Their responsibilities are reflected in the relevant industrial safety instructions, orders and regulations.

What applies to organizational measures for fire safety

Organizational measures to ensure food safety at facilities include:

  1. Establishing a fire safety regime.
  2. Development of individual instructions for various areas, taking into account their explosion and fire hazards.
  3. Fire safety training for employees.
  4. Training of persons responsible for fire safety in the fire technical minimum (FTM).
  5. Organization of voluntary fire brigades (or VPD) and fire-technical commissions (or PTK).
  6. Development and placement of evacuation plans in accordance with fire safety regulations. For some objects:
    1. kindergartens;
    2. schools;
    3. hospitals;
    4. sanatoriums;
    5. nursing homes;
    6. cinemas;
    7. hotels;
    8. sports facilities;
    9. large trading enterprises -

the diagram must be supplemented with simple and understandable instructions on what personnel should do in the event of a fire.

It is important to remember that if a building undergoes redevelopment or changes its functional purpose, plans and instructions must be revised in a timely manner.

  1. Establishing a fire notification procedure that all employees must be familiar with.
  2. Providing all buildings, structures, premises on the territory of enterprises with special signs and safety markings in accordance with GOST (12.4.026-2015).
  3. Certification of materials, liquids, substances according to their properties in terms of fire hazard.

Fire safety training programs drawn up at enterprises and institutions must be agreed upon with the State Fire Supervision authorities.

The concept of fire safety at facilities

A properly organized fire safety regime (FPR) at facilities is one of the main keys to preventing fires. The PPR defines the following rules:

  • organization of smoking areas;
  • use of household heating devices;
  • carrying out fire hazardous work (welding, with open fire);
  • travel and parking of vehicles on the territory of the protection object;
  • storage of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished food products;
  • removal of flammable waste and dust, storage of oily (high risk of fire) overalls or rags;
  • cleaning ventilation from flammable residues;

and orders:

  • turning off electrical appliances in case of fire;
  • inspection of premises at the end of the working day;
  • undergoing training and technical training;
  • operation and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment: water supply, pumping stations, fire extinguishers, alarm systems, fire extinguishing, smoke removal);
  • carrying out preventive inspections and repairs of electrical installations and engineering equipment (heating, ventilation, technological);
  • actions of employees in case of fire;
  • gathering of DPD members.

All employees of the enterprise are informed about the main provisions of the fire safety regulations; excerpts from the instructions can be posted in prominent places. Employees responsible for industrial safety should be familiarized in more detail with the rules of industrial safety.

When appointing employees responsible for industrial safety, the management of the enterprise requires the following from them:

  • inform other employees about the safety regulations and the need to comply with them;
  • develop fire safety instructions, evacuation plans, orders and other similar documents;
  • organize the work of DPD and PTC;
  • organize fire safety briefings with practical training of actions in case of fire;
  • support maintenance work, identify violations of the regime and analyze the causes of fires that have occurred;
  • monitor the maintenance and timely maintenance of fire protection equipment;
  • interact with the fire service.

Despite the fact that ensuring organizational activities at facilities is a rather complex and time-consuming task, its 100% implementation is a guarantee of the safety of employees and valuable property of the enterprise.

Organizational events include:
Heads of organizations or individual entrepreneurs have the right to appoint persons who, by virtue of their position or the nature of the work performed,

current regulations and other acts must comply with the relevant fire safety rules, or ensure their compliance in certain areas of work.

Property owners, persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including managers and officials of organizations, persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety, must:

  • ensure timely compliance with fire safety requirements, regulations, decrees and other legal requirements government inspectors on fire supervision;
  • create and maintain, on the basis of norms approved in the established manner, lists of particularly important and sensitive objects and enterprises at which fire protection, management bodies and fire protection units are created, as well as ensure continuous service in them and the use of personnel and fire equipment strictly according to purpose.

Fire safety regime - rules of behavior of people, procedures for organizing production and (or) maintenance of premises (territories), ensuring the prevention of violations of fire safety requirements and extinguishing fires.

In every organization administrative document must be installed corresponding to their fire hazard fire mode, including:

  • designated and equipped smoking areas;
  • the locations and permissible quantities of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products located in the premises at one time are determined;
  • a procedure has been established for the removal of flammable waste and dust, and the storage of oily workwear;
  • the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day has been determined;
  • regulated:
     procedure for carrying out temporary fire and other fire hazardous work;
     procedure for inspecting and closing premises after completion of work;
     actions of workers upon detection of a fire;
  • the procedure and timing of fire safety training and fire safety training have been determined, and those responsible for their implementation have been appointed.

The fire safety regime is issued in the form of an order or instruction on fire safety measures.
The main types of training for employees of organizations in fire safety measures are fire safety briefing and the study of a minimum of fire-technical knowledge (FTM).
Fire safety instructions.
Fire safety training is carried out with the aim of conveying to employees of organizations the basic fire safety requirements and studying fire hazards technological processes production facilities and equipment, fire protection equipment, as well as their actions in the event of a fire.
Fire safety briefing is carried out by the administration of the organization according to special training programs in fire safety measures for employees of organizations and in the manner determined by the administration of the organization.

Based on the nature and timing of the fire safety briefing, it is divided into: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduledand target.
Conducting introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted fire safety briefings is recorded in the fire safety briefing logbook with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

  • with all employees newly hired, regardless of their education, length of service in the profession (position);
  • with seasonal workers;
  • with students arriving for on-the-job training or internship;
  • with other categories of employees (citizens) by decision of the manager.

Introductory fire safety briefing in an organization is carried out by the head of the organization or the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization.
Introductory training is carried out in a specially equipped room using visual aids and educational materials.
Introductory briefing is carried out according to a program developed taking into account the requirements of fire safety standards, rules, regulations and instructions.
The induction training program is approved by order (instruction) of the head of the organization. The duration of the instruction is set in accordance with the approved program.
The introductory fire safety briefing ends with practical training of actions in the event of a fire and testing of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.

Primary fire safety training is carried out directly at the workplace:

  • with all newly hired employees;
  • with those transferred from one division of this organization to another;
  • with employees performing new work for them;
  • with employees seconded to the organization;
  • with seasonal workers;
  • with construction specialists performing construction
    installation and other work on the territory of the organization;
  • with students arriving for on-the-job training or internship.

Conducting initial fire safety training with the specified categories of workers is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in each structural unit, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization.
Primary fire safety training is carried out according to program developed taking into account the requirements of fire safety standards, rules, regulations and instructions.

Repeated fire safety training carried out by the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization with all employees, regardless of qualifications, education, experience, nature of the work performed, at least once a year, and with employees of organizations with fire-hazardous production, at least once times
half a year
Unscheduled fire safety training is carried out:

  • when introducing new or changing previously developed rules, regulations, fire safety instructions, and other documents containing fire safety requirements;
  • when changing the production process, replacing or upgrading equipment, tools, raw materials, materials, as well as changing other factors affecting the fire safety condition of the facility;
  • in case of violation by employees of the organization of fire safety requirements, which could lead or did lead to a fire;
  • for additional study of fire safety measures at the request of state fire supervision authorities when they identify insufficient knowledge among employees of the organization;
  • during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 calendar days (for work that is subject to additional fire safety requirements);
  • upon receipt of information materials about accidents and fires that occurred in similar industries;
  • when establishing facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of fire safety requirements by employees of organizations.

Unscheduled fire safety briefing carried out by an employee responsible for ensuring fire safety in the organization, or directly by the work manager (foreman, engineer) who has the necessary training, individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. The volume and content of unscheduled fire safety briefings are determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that necessitated its implementation.
Targeted fire safety training is carried out:

  • when performing one-time work associated with an increased fire danger (welding and other hot work);
  • when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes;
  • when performing work for which a permit is issued, when performing hot work in explosive industries;
  • when conducting excursions to organizations;
  • when organizing public events with students;
  • when preparing for the organization of events with a large number of people (collegium meetings, meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.) with the number of participants more than 50 people.

Targeted fire safety briefing is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in the organization, or directly by the work manager (foreman, engineer) and in cases established by fire safety rules - in the work permit.
Targeted fire safety briefing ends with a test of the employee’s acquired knowledge and skills in using primary fire extinguishing equipment, actions in the event of a fire, knowledge of evacuation rules, assistance to victims, and the person conducting the instruction.

Fire technical minimum.
Managers, specialists and employees of organizations responsible for fire safety are trained in the fire technical minimum in the scope of knowledge of the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating fire safety, in terms of fire safety regime, fire hazard
technological process and production of the organization, as well as techniques and actions in the event of a fire in the organization, allowing one to develop practical skills in preventing fire, saving lives, health and property in case of fire.

Fire-technical minimum training for managers, specialists and employees of organizations not related to explosion- and fire-hazardous production is carried out within a month after hiring and thereafter at least once every three years after the last training, and for managers, specialists and employees of organizations related with explosive and fire hazardous production - once a year.
Training in fire-technical minimum according to special developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure programs with a break from production they take place:

  • managers and chief specialists of the organization or persons performing their duties;
  • employees responsible for fire safety of organizations and conducting fire safety training;
  • heads of primary organizations of voluntary fire protection;
  • heads of country health institutions for children and adolescents;
  • workers performing gas-electric welding and other hot work;
  • drivers of fire trucks and mechanics of motor pumps of children's health institutions;
  • other categories of employees (citizens) by decision of the manager.

According to special fire-technical minimum programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner, the following are trained directly in the organization:

  • heads of departments of the organization, managers and chief specialists of fire and explosion hazardous production units;
  • employees responsible for ensuring fire safety in departments;
  • teaching staff of preschool educational institutions;
  • employees providing 24-hour security for the organization;
  • citizens participating in the activities of fire departments to prevent and (or) extinguish fires on a voluntary basis;
  • workers involved in performing explosion and fire hazardous work.

Training in special fire-technical minimum programs directly in the organization is carried out by the head of the organization or a person appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization, responsible for fire safety with appropriate training.
Special programs are developed and approved by the administrations (owners) of organizations.
Approval of special programs for organizations under the jurisdiction of federal bodies executive branch, is carried out by the heads of these bodies and is agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure with federal body executive branch authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety.

Federal law dated 05/06/2011 No. 100-FZ “On Voluntary Fire Protection” establishes legal basis the creation and activities of the voluntary fire department, the rights and guarantees of the activities of public associations of fire protection and volunteer firefighters, regulates the relations of the voluntary fire department with the authorities state power, local governments, organizations and citizens Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons.
To involve enterprise employees in the work of preventing and fighting fires at facilities, fire-technical commissions and voluntary fire brigades can be created.

Fire technical commissions.
Fire-technical commissions (FTC) of enterprises, as experience has shown, can provide significant assistance to the administration of enterprises. For successful work The PTC needs to determine the composition, main tasks, program and work procedure of this commission. The composition of the PTC and its powers are declared by order
the head of the enterprise, management of the work is entrusted to the chief engineer (deputy).
At enterprises, in addition to the main (facility) one, workshop technical and technical complexes of three to five people can be created. These are specialized sections involved in the development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing the fire hazard of technological processes and production equipment. Included
One of the sections may include production managers, employees of technology departments, and specialists from various laboratories.
To ensure fire safety of electrical installations, its own section can be formed, led by the chief power engineer of the enterprise. If necessary, another section can be created to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements building codes and rules for new construction, reconstruction of production workshops, buildings and structures. This commission should include specialists from the department capital construction, repair and construction shops, as well as a fire department employee specializing in this area.
Organization of volunteer fire brigades (VFD).
To involve enterprise employees in the work of preventing and fighting fires at facilities, voluntary fire brigades can be created.
The staffing of the DPD is carried out on a voluntary basis from among workers, office workers and engineering and technical workers over 17 years of age.
Enrollment as a member of the DPD is made upon the written application of the applicant and is formalized by order of the enterprise. All changes in the composition of the facility-wide DPD, as well as individual units of the squad, are formalized in a similar way. When completing the DPD, it is necessary to take into account the need
inclusion of workers of various professions (such as electricians, mechanics, plumbers). This will provide an opportunity to professionally resolve issues related to fire prevention work, give qualified proposals for eliminating violations of the fire safety regime, and personally participate in their elimination.

When compiling a DPD, it is advisable to take into account the place of residence of the future member of the DPD.: It should be located closer to the place of work.

Approval of the composition of the institution's DPD is made by the head, the composition of the DPD combat crews is agreed upon with the heads of structural units.
The main goal of the DPD is to prevent violations of fire safety regulations, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of these violations, as well as monitor compliance with fire safety rules and conduct educational work among the population, workers and employees on compliance with the fire safety regime. The main methods of work should be
constitute persuasion and social influence against violators. The DPD is responsible for monitoring the serviceability of primary fire extinguishing equipment and their readiness for action, calling fire departments in the event of a fire or fire and taking measures to extinguish them
available means.
To improve the level of training of DPD members, classes and training are conducted.
To practice actions to extinguish possible fires, classes must be held according to a schedule approved by the head of the facility. Specialists from among the engineering and technical workers of the enterprise and the fire department are involved in the training. Practical exercises to practice actions on
extinguishing possible fires must first be carried out in the most fire-hazardous areas of the enterprise under the leadership and with the involvement of fire departments.

Fire safety- the state of the object, in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, and in the event of its occurrence, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the phenomenon of negative hazardous factors on people, structures and material assets.

Fire mode– this is a complex established standards and rules of behavior of people, performance of work and operation of the facility aimed at ensuring fire safety

Fire safety at the facility is established by measures:


    development of rules, instructions on fire safety

    organization of instructing, training of workers and employees

    monitoring compliance with the established fire safety regime by all workers

    organization of volunteer fire brigades

    organizing daily fire safety checks after work

    development and approval of an evacuation plan and a procedure for notifying people in case of a fire

    organizing compliance with reliable fire safety supervision of facilities

    organization of inspection of fire-fighting equipment.


    compliance with fire standards, requirements and rules when constructing buildings, structures and warehouses

    heating, ventilation and electrical systems are in good condition

    automatic fire alarm device, automatic fire extinguishing system, fire water supply

    prohibition of the use of equipment, devices and tools that comply with the requirements fire safety.

    proper organization of work in the workplace using fire-hazardous tools and devices

    Fire protection

In order to prevent fires from spreading and to combat them, all workers undergo briefings and training according to a special program.

There are 4 types of instructions:

1. Opening– all workers undergo testing before being allowed to work. It is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise. During it, workers are introduced to the basic requirements of Ukrainian fire safety laws, fire safety rules established at enterprises and places where it is prohibited to use fire or smoke.

2. Primary– newly hired employees undergo it directly at the workplace or upon transfer to another workshop or to another position. Workers are introduced to the fire safety of the workshop, site and fire safety rules. They show emergency exits, fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing equipment, and practically check the worker’s actions in case of fire.

3. Repeated– carried out 2 times a year directly in the workshop, established by the managers of the enterprise at the employee’s place of work.

4. Unscheduled– in case of changes in fire safety, technological process, use of new fire hazardous materials, spontaneous combustion, etc.

Measures used for fire protection are combined into 2 groups:

1. Passive– are provided for in the design of buildings and structures.

    fire breaks between buildings to prevent the spread of fire. The size of these gaps depends on the fire resistance of the building, number of storeys and fire hazard categories in production.

    zoning of territories, i.e. location of fire hazardous facilities and warehouses on the windward side;

    fire retardants - devices that prevent the spread of flame;

    anti-smoke protection - reduces smoke.

2 Active– detection of fire and elimination of the source of fire.

    use of automatic fire alarms;

    electric fire alarm (detectors)

There are fire detectors: manual and automatic.

Fire automatic detectors

    thermal - trigger when t rises to 70 ambient. environment

  • light - act on a bright flash


Application of automatic settings. They are: water-acting and gas-acting

Stationary cars installations - a network of pipelines with sprinklers, located. on the protected object.

Machine. installations are divided into:

    sprinklers - localize small fires

    deluge - spray all fires

    internal fire water pipelines with fire hoses

    primary means

At large enterprises, engineering and technical structures must be provided. Every employee who discovers a fire or small fire

    must report to the fire department.

    begin to eliminate the source of fire.

    Call the administration to the scene of the fire.

The administration representative is obliged to:

    check the fact of the fire service;

    notify the manager;

    organizing the evacuation of people;

    organizing a production stop;

    turn off the electricity;

    activate the smoke removal system;

    call emergency services;

    representative of energy networks;

    Upon arrival of the fire service, provide all information about the source of the fire and the presence of fire hazardous substances in the premises.