Apply for an SNI for your child. Obtaining SNI for a child through government services: step-by-step instructions. Obtaining SNILS through a pension fund

An adult citizen of Russia, in addition to a passport, must also have a SNILS among the required documents. This document contains information about your personal account with the Pension Fund. A plastic certificate can be issued even for a newborn child, but most often the document is issued after a passport is issued at the age of 14. Regardless of what age the parents decided to apply for SNILS for their child, the same rules apply.

Instructions for obtaining SNILS via the Internet

There is no electronic way to submit an application for SNILS. This document is produced only after a personal application from the applicant. Accordingly, it is impossible to obtain this information on the State Services portal. important document. However, on the portal you can download electronic form sample for filling out an application. You can print it yourself at home and fill it out manually.

You can download a sample application on the State Services portal if you go through the following branches:

  • Catalog of services;
  • Life situations;
  • Family;

  • Birth of a child;

You can access this page even without registering on the portal. This is public information. The page that opens will contain information on how to obtain SNILS and where to go to submit an application. The link to download the document will be on the “Fill out the form” button in the “What to do?” block.

Please note that the downloaded form must be filled out manually by the parent. However, it is not necessary to fill out the form in advance. The applicant will receive a form to fill it out at the place of application free of charge. An application must be completed on behalf of a parent or legal guardian.

To submit an application, a parent must contact territorial department Pension Fund or the nearest MFC. You must have your own passport with you, as well as the child’s birth certificate if obtaining SNILS is required for a child under 14 years of age. If you have a passport, a minor citizen has the right to independently fill out an application for receiving SNILS.

Before visiting the Pension Fund department or MFC citizen must receive a ticket to the electronic queue with a specific date and time of admission. Admission to these institutions is carried out only in accordance with the electronic queue. You can make an appointment with the Pension Fund through the official website of the Pension Fund in the “Electronic Services” section. For the MFC, making an appointment via the Internet is also available on the regional website of the multifunctional center.

After submitting an application for SNILS, all that remains is to wait for notification of its readiness. The plastic certificate will be ready within 2 weeks, after which it can be collected from the Pension Fund or MFC, depending on where the citizen submitted the application.

A ready-made plastic ID can provide a child with certain bonuses when enrolling in kindergarten or school. In addition, availability additional document will speed up the procedure for obtaining other documents, for example, a passport. The green plastic certificate has no expiration date and therefore does not require replacement during its lifetime. SNILS replacement is carried out only if a citizen’s data is damaged, lost or changed.

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You cannot do without an insurance number for an individual personal account or SNILS in normal life situations. A green card is often used to determine a person's identity. The certificate is also a repository of information about the savings of a future pension, the length of service of a particular person, and other information. The right to obtain a number for a newborn child is granted to parents. The number is assigned to its owner for life.

Why does a child need SNILS?

Assigning an insurance number to a child secures the right to receive certain types of state assistance, which expresses support from the state of a medical and social nature:

  • free visits to public clinics and hospitals;
  • Necessary medications are provided free of charge if the child is under three years old;
  • gives the right to a preferential queue if a complex operation is required;
  • guarantees the receipt of benefits and benefits for disabled children;
  • It is impossible to register without SNILS child benefit and payments;
  • the document is required when working with the State Services website;
  • easier to get foreign passport for a child. The FMS will request a smaller number of papers;
  • Enrollment in kindergartens and schools takes place using a green card.

How to get SNILS for a child through State Services

The number that is assigned to a specific person is unique. Using it on the Internet increases the risk of leakage of personal information of its copyright holder. Therefore, the federal website public services and the official service of the Russian Pension Fund does not provide services in electronic form. At the same time, the Unified Portal contains useful information for the interested person in terms of the procedure for filling out the application. It is convenient to enter information into the application using the following scheme:

In the column, select the bottom line “Public services without intermediaries.” Click and see a list of life situations in which users find themselves. Ours is “Birth of a child”, and then “Receiving SNILS”.

The following page explains in detail how and where the applicant can obtain the document. Offers to fill out the form in advance. Click on the blue button to start filling out.

The questionnaire contains questions about the child. This is his full name, date and place of birth, place of registration and residence. Information from birth certificate, citizenship. If SNILS is issued to a teenager, then his passport information is needed. At the end of the form, information from the parents’ passports is entered. The application form is filled out in block letters, printed, and the number and signature of the applicant is placed at the bottom.

The paper must be taken personally to the Pension Fund or MFC. State Services will also help you find the nearest offices. Next to the application form there are links to full list addresses of these structures.

How to apply for SNILS for a child at the Russian Pension Fund: step-by-step instructions

In this case, the applicant’s action plan is simple. One of the parents comes to the Pension Fund office at their place of residence with the originals of their own passport and the baby’s birth document.

An application will be filled out on site and will be provided by a department employee. To save time, you can fill out the form in advance by downloading a template from the State Services website.

The applicant, having provided the employee with the necessary documents, clarifies the timing of the card production. Interested person personally picks up the document upon its release. The date of the visit will initially be known only tentatively. More precisely, the fund’s employees will inform you by phone, or by notifying the client by message in the personal account of the State Services.

What documents are needed

  • the applicant’s identity card (Mom or Dad. In their absence, a legal representative. If the child is already 14 years old, he issues SNILS independently);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • an application filled out according to the form;
  • passport if the teenager is over 14 years old.

Registration deadlines

The processing time for the card varies depending on the institution chosen by the person. Considering that an electronic request is not possible, the fastest way would be to contact the Pension Fund in person. The process will take no more than two weeks.

It is convenient to make SNILS through MFC (). This option saves the applicant’s time and allows you to sign up via an online resource, choosing a convenient time. If you need a certificate, you can also get it from this institution. Came into force in 2018 Federal law dated 05.12.2017 No. 384-FZ “On amendments to Articles 7 and 29 of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.” Now citizens living in other areas of the city, not registered territorially, can contact the center. The period for consideration and production is 30 calendar days.

SNILS can also be issued at the place of work, but this option is not for children. Production time is up to one and a half months.

SNILS for a child through State Services is issued very simply and without any problems. It is the insurance code of a personal account, which is individual. SNILS is needed to register a person in the pension insurance system. In other words, the document allows you to confirm that a person is registered in this system, that is, he is accrued pension contributions from the pension fund.

This is important! It is worth understanding that in the absence of SNILS, insurance benefits paid to pensioners are not provided. In fact, SNILS is a number that is unique. It is assigned to a person once and is valid for a lifetime.

Why do children need SNILS?

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Why do children need SNILS? For many parents this current question. In 2011 in labor code changes have occurred. Now SNILS is assigned to all citizens of the Russian Federation, including minors. Upon reaching the age of fourteen, a child can register independently. But until this age, parents or guardians look after children’s interests.

Registration of SNILS for a child by an official representative is carried out in such cases as:

  • registration of a single electronic card;
  • getting a place in any educational institution(school, kindergarten) on a general basis;
  • employment (project or seasonal work, part-time);
  • provision of subsidies, grants and payments on a state basis;
  • registration on “State Services”.

Many people wonder where they can order SNILS for a child. You should contact one of the organizations:

  • pension fund(at the place of registration);
  • Civil registry office (when registering a child who has just been born);
  • HR department at the place of official work.

But still, it is most convenient to register a SNILS for a child using the State Services portal. How does this happen? You order a SNILS number remotely by generating a request to visit the pension fund. This eliminates the need to go to the department and stand in line.

What will you need?

What will you need to apply? Everything can be done by a legal representative who has a confirmed account on State Services. To do this, the account owner will need:

  • Internet access;
  • verified account on the website;
  • confirmation of the degree of relationship, if required.

It is important to understand that it is not possible to create an application for the issuance of SNILS on the portal. But you can sign up for the electronic queue, which will speed up the process of completing the procedure at the pension fund.

Worth knowing! In the future, you will be able to find out your SNILS number using the State Services website.

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Step-by-step instructions for registering in the electronic queue

Step-by-step instructions for registering in the electronic queue will allow you to quickly get an appointment with a pension fund employee in the future. The algorithm is easy to implement:

A window will open in which you need to fill in information about the city or locality, the branch of the pension fund that is convenient to visit, the reason for making an appointment and the status of the person. By the way, certain fields are filled in automatically, but it is still better to double-check the entered information. After that, click on “Confirm” when you select your visiting time.

That's all, at the specified time all you have to do is visit the branch of the pension fund. Employees of the organization should be informed that the application was submitted automatically. This will allow you to apply for SNILS, bypassing the live queue. Remember that you must provide a valid phone number, as you will be contacted on it when the document is ready.

Worth knowing! When registering in the electronic queue, no documents are needed. And the pension fund will need an identification document and a child’s birth certificate. Please note that the form to receive the code is filled out on behalf of its future owner.

The SNILS registration period is five working days. After this time, the person will be notified that the document is ready. You just have to visit the branch and pick up the document. Its issuance is free. If lost, you need to inform the pension fund employees, and they will again issue a new certificate free of charge.

SNILS (insurance certificate) – mandatory document for every citizen Russian Federation. The abbreviation stands for insurance number of an individual personal account. Receipt of this document necessary for everyone, including children. With the help of SNILS you can ensure the use of free medical services for yourself and your child. The insurance certificate is also used in many other areas of government services.

Since 2011, the state has issued certificates to all children and adults. The document is a laminated card with all the necessary data on savings from the employer or personal savings, work experience. An insurance number is also required when receiving medical services. Thus, without SNILS, a person will not be able to fully use the opportunities provided by the country and accumulate a pension throughout his entire life. labor activity. In this article you will learn how to obtain SNILS for a child from the MFC, as well as answers to most popular and interesting questions about this document from parents.

What does having a document give?

Both the parent and the child who has not reached the age of majority can use SNILS. By issuing an insurance certificate for your child, you provide him with the following benefits:

  • use of free medical services;
  • free medications for children under 3 years of age;
  • a vital document for disabled people - with its help all pensions and benefits are issued;
  • receiving benefits;
  • use of the State Services electronic service for processing other documents;
  • right to study in educational institutions, circles, sections, etc.

Ways to obtain an insurance certificate

Today, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a majority necessary documents through the following structures:

  • contacting the MFC (multifunctional center);
  • application on the state website of the State Service;
  • personal application to the department of the structure (depending on the desired document). In this case, this is the nearest (or place of residence) branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

There are several more individual cases in which an educational institution issues a SNILS for a child. All the presented methods for obtaining SNILS for a child are discussed below.

First method: receipt through the MFC

First, let's look at how to get SNILS for a child from the MFC. Any citizen has the right to apply for an individual insurance number starting from the age of 14. Until the specified age, registration and issuance of a certificate is carried out only with one of the parents.

Before contacting the MFC, you must have the following set of documents with you:

  • your passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • application (usually the form is issued on the spot, or is completely filled out by an MFC employee).

If a child of 14 years or older applies to the MFC, he can simply present his passport and fill out an application. After which his application for SNILS will be sent for processing.

When you arrive at the Multifunctional Center, you need to take an electronic queue. Typically, there is a touch screen terminal near the entrance that issues tickets and automatically places you in line. If you have any problems or questions about choosing a coupon, special MFC employees who are constantly near the machine will always help you.

However, you can join the electronic queue without leaving your home. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Registration at the MFC

Let's consider a way to get SNILS for a child from the MFC by registering in the queue through the official website. First, you must register on the website To do this, use your mobile phone number. When you go to the site, the service will automatically detect your location. Next follow these steps:

Confirm your application by clicking “Sign up”.

If you select a date or time that cannot be booked, you will see a warning message in the lower right corner of your browser.

So, having made an appointment, all you have to do is come with your child (over 14 years old) or without him (under 14 years old) and fill out the application. After this, an employee of the MFC branch will explain to you in detail and transparently the procedure for obtaining the document and the date. Please note that SNILS is not issued in Multifunctional centers. At the MFC you just submit an application! You must pick up the rhinestone certificate at the Pension Fund branch. An MFC employee will tell you exactly which one.

What to do after filling out the form?

Usually the document is issued within 21 working days. After filling out the form, the MFC sends the document for processing to the Pension Fund, where an individual number is opened. On the appointed date, you must visit the Pension Fund office, taking with you your passport (when receiving SNILS for a child under 14 years old, his presence is not required) or a child over 14 years old with his passport. As you can see, to obtain an insurance certificate you will only need one visit each to the MFC and the Pension Fund.

How to make SNILS for a child through State Services and is it possible?

You can complete most of the documents on the official website of the State Service. But does the service have the ability to apply for an insurance number? Let's figure it out.

Before making SNILS for your child through State Services, familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the portal and the services offered. When visiting the website for the first time, you must register using reliable passport data, INN or SNILS. After that, go to the list of all services provided remotely.

Even if you check them all, you will not find there any proposal to draw up documents in any way related to the pension fund. You should not contact support ahead of time and ask to explain the situation. There is a completely logical explanation for the lack of possibility of registering SNILS through State Services.

The fact is that Federal Law No. 27, as amended in 2014, states that absolutely all information of citizens in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is confidential and cannot be transferred to other bodies, much less to an electronic service.

Be careful. On the Internet you can come across articles about how to make SNILS for a child through State Services and offers of assistance in registration. All such offers are deception and extortion of money. The only options for obtaining an insurance certificate are the MFC or a pension fund.

Now you know the answer to the question of how to order SNILS for a child through State Services. It remains to consider the last option of submitting an application for a document.

Contacting the Pension Fund branch

Find your nearest Pension Fund branch on the Internet. To reduce registration time, you can fill out the form at home yourself and simply bring it to the Pension Fund employee. To do this, download the sample from the website Next follow the instructions:

  • Select from the list the item “How to get SNILS for children” (Photo 5);

  • In the subsection that opens you can read general information on receipt of this certificate;
  • after the paragraph with the text, click on the link “Questionnaire of the insured person”;
  • Next, the file will begin downloading in “.doc” format to your computer.

The presence of an individual account insurance number confirms the person’s registration in common system insurance of pension savings. Having a SNILS is mandatory for all residents of the Russian Federation. The account can belong to one citizen of the country. No two people in the Russian Federation can have the same SNILS. It is completely unique. An insurance document is needed not only for the formation and further deductions of pension savings, but also for using a number of government services, including in electronic form. Also, an individual insurance card is needed to obtain benefits that are paid from the budget.

It is possible to issue a SNILS for a newborn child after receiving a birth certificate. A real confirmation of the presence of SNILS is a certificate card indicating the individual account number.

On the official website,, citizens have the right to fill out applications for re-registration or obtaining almost any package of documents, pay taxes and fines, and enroll in electronic queue to see a doctor, find out full information about the procedure for providing government services and their cost.

Issuing an individual insurance card for a child will significantly reduce the time required for registration. Howget SNILS for a child through Gosuslugiwritten step by step in the article.

Official government service

The very first stage is registration on the portal, which provides services in electronic format for Russian citizens. To do this, you need the following package of documents and data: your real cell phone, which the subscriber regularly uses, e-mail. Stages:

  1. On the website, click on the “registration” block and go to the subsection, Enter your personal data (last name, first name) in the appropriate blocks. mobile phone and email address.
  2. After you click on the “register” button, a short message with a code will be sent to the above phone number, which confirms the presence of a personal account in the “Government Services” resource.

How to make an account verified

After logging into the portal, you should enter the series and number of your passport in your personal account, when it was issued and by whom, and your personal SNILS policy number. This is required to register a standard account. All specified data will be checked by the Russian Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service. This will take from 1-2 hours to several days. Afterwards, a notification about the completion of the verification will be sent to your personal messages in your profile. The next step is registering a verified profile. This is necessary to make maximum use of the expanded package of services of the state electronic service.

A confirmed entry can be completed in person through the Russian Post office, Sberbank Online banking systems, electronic version Tinkoff Bank on the Internet or through Pochta Bank Online, using an electronic signature.

Submitting an application for SNILS for persons under 14 years of age

Let's consider the stages of registering a personal account through the web portal, to How to get SNILS for a child in the Moscow region and Russia.

Step one. In the “services” section, click on the “Life Situations” tab. Next, in the left menu, go to the “family” line. Here you should select the “Birth of a child” subsection.

Second step. After clicking on the required block, in this subsection - “Receiving SNILS”.

Step three. To apply, you must submit an application directly at the Pension Fund branch or at the office of the multifunctional center. This is done only in person. It is obligatory to submit a questionnaire of the insured person to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You should download it in the same section. It is important to carefully check all personal data when filling out applications and questionnaires. If there are errors in the document, you will have to resubmit the complete package of documents.

Fourth step. You can find a fund branch near you on the PF website - You can go to the service from the State Services website by clicking on the “Find Pension Fund Branch” button. An electronic service for obtaining a personal number is also available there. If necessary, it is possible to make an appointment online in the queue in electronic format and not have to wait several hours directly at the department.

Step five. You can submit your application in person and in the “My Documents” center. The user should go to the official service of the organization by clicking the “find MFC” button. Here you will find a complete list of contact numbers and addresses, as well as additional information. You can sign up for a queue on the portal.

Important! It is impossible to apply for SNILS online through the official government services service. It is also impossible to apply for the restoration of a lost card! Pick up and process the document Only possible during a personal visit.

What is needed to obtain SNILS

To issue an individual insurance policy on the portal, no documents are required. All originals must be presented to the employee when visiting the office in person.

The applicant must have with him (only originals):

  1. Passport.
  2. Child's birth certificate.

At the fund branch or MFC, an employee will give you a form to fill out and a sample according to which you should enter all the necessary information.

After filling out all the necessary forms, the employee should leave his current telephone number so that he can contact you when the card with a unique personal account will be ready.

How long will the procedure take?

In 2011, a law came into force in the Russian Federation under which all citizens of the country have the right to reduce the period for registering certain documents. The duration of creating an insurance personal account card now takes not two weeks, but only five working days.

After this period, the applicant will be able to pick up a completed card indicating the child’s unique personal account. This can only be done in person at a fund branch.

Get SNILS for a child in the Moscow regionand Russia is possible on a completely free basis.

Important! A citizen who is already 14 years old has the right to apply for a card with an individual insurance number without the participation of parents, that is, independently. The main thing is to have a passport.

Attention! Lawyers do not make appointments, do not check the readiness of documents, do not advise on addresses and modes MFC work, do not provide technical support for the State Services portal!