Rules for the safe operation of lifting machines. Safety of operation of lifting machines and mechanisms. Novozhilov V Increasing the safety of operation of old lifting machines

Lifting machine - This is a lifting device of cyclic action with reciprocating movement of the load-handling element in space. Lifting machines are designed to move loads vertically and transfer them from one point in space to another. They can mainly be divided into hoists and cranes.

Lifts lift the load along a certain trajectory specified by rigid guides. Lifts include, for example, elevators (freight and for lifting people).

Crane is a lifting machine designed to lift and move a load suspended using a load hook or other load-handling device.

To ensure safety, lifting and transport devices are designed and operated in accordance with the requirements of special rules (Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes, Rules for the design and safe operation of elevators, etc.) and SSBT standards.

Machine-driven lifting machines are equipped with devices (limit switches) for automatic stopping:

To prevent their overturning, self-propelled jib, railway tower and portal cranes are equipped with load limiters that automatically turn off the load lifting mechanism and the change in boom radius when the load weight exceeds the rated load capacity by more than 10%, and for tower cranes (with a load moment of up to 20 t m inclusive) and portal cranes - by more than 15%.

Easily accessible parts of the lifting machine that are in motion, which could be the cause of an accident, are covered with firmly reinforced metal removable guards that allow easy inspection and lubrication.

Permission to put into operation lifting machines that are not subject to registration with technical supervision authorities is issued by a supervisor based on the manufacturer’s documentation and the results of a technical examination.

Newly installed lifting machines, as well as removable lifting devices, must be subjected to a full technical inspection before being put into operation. Load-lifting machines subject to registration with technical supervision authorities undergo technical inspection before their registration.

Lifting machines in operation must undergo periodic technical inspection:

Partial at least once every 12 months;

Completely at least once every three years, with the exception of rarely used machines.

An extraordinary full technical examination of a lifting machine is carried out after:

Installation of the machine in a new location;

Its reconstruction;

Repair or replacement of design elements or components, metal structures using welding;

Installation of replacement boom equipment or boom replacement;

Overhaul or replacement of cargo (boom) winch;

Replacing the hook or hook suspension (only static testing is carried out);

Replacement of load-bearing or cable-stayed ropes of cable-type cranes;

Installation of a gantry crane at a new place of work.

Technical examination of lifting machines. Testing of lifting machines

Technical examination allows us to establish that the lifting machine and its installation comply with the requirements of the Rules for Cranes, passport data and documentation submitted for registration; the lifting machine is in good condition, ensuring its safe operation; the organization of supervision and maintenance of the lifting machine complies with the requirements of the Crane Rules.

At full technical examination The lifting machine must be subject to inspection, static and dynamic tests.

At partial technical examination static and dynamic tests are not carried out.

During the technical inspection of a lifting machine, its components and mechanisms, electrical equipment, safety devices, brakes, running wheels and control devices, as well as lighting and alarm systems are inspected and checked in operation.

Static test of lifting machine is carried out with a load 25% greater than its carrying capacity in order to check its strength.

For example, static test overhead crane and mobile console is carried out as follows. The crane is installed on the crane track supports, and its trolley (trolleys) - in a position corresponding to the greatest deflection. The load is grabbed by a hook and raised to a height of 100 - 200 mm, followed by holding in this position for 10 minutes. The load is then lowered and the crane bridge is checked for any permanent deformation.

The crane is considered to have passed the test if within 10 minutes the lifted load does not fall to the ground, and no cracks, residual deformation or other damage to metal structures and mechanisms are detected.

Dynamic testing of lifting machine carried out with a load 10% greater than the carrying capacity of the machine in order to check the operation of its mechanisms and brakes.

During dynamic testing, repeated lifting and lowering of the load is carried out, as well as checking the operation of all other mechanisms of the lifting machine when combining the working movements provided for in the operating instructions.

Rejection of elements of lifting machines

Rejection of removable load-handling devices is carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation.

A chain sling is subject to rejection if the chain even lengthens by more than 3% of the original size and if the cross-sectional diameter of a chain link decreases due to wear by more than 10%.

The safety of using ropes is assessed according to the following criteria:

Nature and number of wire breaks”, including the presence of wire breaks at the end seals, places where wire breaks are concentrated, the intensity of the increase in the number of wire breaks;

Strand break;

Surface and internal wear;

Surface and internal corrosion;

Local reduction in rope diameter, including core rupture;

Reducing the cross-sectional area of ​​the rope wires (loss of internal cross-section);

Deformation in the form of waviness, basket-like shape, extrusion of wires and strands, crushing of strands, creases, kinks, etc.;

Damage due to thermal or electrical arcing.

Ropes of lifting machines intended for lifting people, as well as transporting molten or hot metal, flammable or toxic substances, are rejected with half the number of wire breaks.

Work with lifting machines can be carried out by enterprises and citizens (entrepreneurs) who are owners of lifting machines and have a license from the technical supervision authority to operate them.

When the lifting machine is operating, it is not allowed: entering the cabin of the lifting machine while it is moving; keeping people near a working self-propelled jib or tower crane to avoid pinching them between the rotating and non-rotating parts of the crane; moving a load that is in an unstable position or suspended by one horn of a double hook, and moving people or cargo with people on it.

Safety requirements when working on metal-cutting machines

The main traumatic production factors that can occur during the processing of various materials by cutting are: - Cutting tools (fast rotating cutters, drills, abrasive wheels). - Devices for securing the workpiece (drive and jaw chucks, faceplates of rotary machines). -Workpiece (especially fast-rotating workpieces, including bar material processed on turret and universal machines). -Drive and transmission mechanisms of the machine (especially lead screws and rollers of lathes and turrets, as well as belt, chain and gear drives). -Metal shavings formed during turning and drilling of ductile metals (steels).

The main harmful production factors when processing various materials are: - dust of the processed material; - cutting fluid. Mineral oils and their emulsions and soda ash solutions are used.

Harmful production factors when processing various materials by cutting include: - monotonous noise of machines, weakening attention; - flaws artificial lighting treatment areas that cause visual strain; - increased air dust in the work area.

General requirements.

Safety when working on metal-cutting machines is achieved by a set of measures, the main of which are: - Equipping machines with safety equipment during the process of their design and manufacture; - Implementation of necessary measures when organizing the machine operator’s workplace; -Strict compliance with safety and health requirements when working on machines.

GOST requires that:

The gears located outside the machine body were fenced solid, with blinds or mesh covers, depending on the need to monitor the fenced mechanism; - it was planned to paint movable assembly units and fencing devices in signal colors; - supply of controls with reliable latches that prevent their spontaneous movement and accidental activation; - equipping them with appropriate locks, eliminating the possibility of incompatible movements of assembly units; - ensuring forces on the handles and levers of controls not exceeding 40 N (4 kgf) with constant manual control; - supplying controls with explanatory signatures and symbols; - rotating devices must have smooth outer surfaces, and if there are protruding parts or recesses, they must have guards; -equipping machines with individual lifting devices for installing workpieces weighing more than 8 kg; -equipped with devices for suction from the contaminated air processing area.

LATHES Include automatic and semi-automatic single-spindle and multi-spindle lathes, turret lathes, thread lathes, rotary lathes, and screw-cutting lathes. When working on lathes, the most common cases of injury to various parts of the machine operator’s body are the tape-drain chips formed when processing viscous metals under modern cutting conditions. There are known cases of eye injury from flying chips generated when turning brittle metals (cast iron, brittle bronze and brass). The work area becomes contaminated with dust.

The most effective way to prevent cuts from strip shavings is to change their shape during the cutting process by curling them into a helical spiral or crushing them into individual elements. This is done by giving the front edge of the cutter a curved shape, as well as by installing constant or adjustable thresholds on the front edge of the cutter.

Safety requirements for the operation of lifting machines. Safety requirements for the operation of lifting machines

Safety requirements for the operation of lifting machines

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, special training and have the appropriate certificate are allowed to operate lifting machines. Workers of other professions who have been instructed may be allowed to operate lifting machines from the floor and to hang loads on the hook of these machines.

Operating a vehicle crane can be entrusted to the driver of the vehicle after he has been trained according to the appropriate program and certified qualification commission. Lifting cranes of almost all types are registered with the Gospromatnadzor authorities. The exceptions are: manually operated taps; overhead cranes and mobile or slewing jib cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons inclusive, controlled from the floor by means of a push-button device suspended on the crane, or from a permanently installed remote control; jib and tower cranes designed for lifting capacity up to 1 ton inclusive; jib cranes designed to operate with a constant reach or not equipped with a rotation or movement mechanism; adjustable cranes installed on the erected structure.

All switches on lifting machines must be clearly marked indicating which machines they belong to. Moving, easily accessible parts of lifting machines must be covered with removable guards. Working without guards is prohibited. Metal structures and metal parts of electrical equipment of electric cranes, which may become live as a result of insulation damage, must be grounded. Cranes and lifts with electric, hydraulic or pneumatic drives must have automatic devices (limit switches, load limiters) to ensure safe operation. Please remember that the use of forklifts and cranes to move people is prohibited.

Technical examination of lifting machines

Lifting machines and removable load-handling devices must be subjected to a full technical inspection before being put into operation.

Load-lifting machines subject to registration with the Gospromatnadzor authorities must undergo a technical inspection before their registration.

The technical examination must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the lifting machine, drawn up taking into account the ISO 4310 standard. In the absence of appropriate instructions in the instructions, the examination of the cranes is carried out in accordance with the Rules.

Lifting machines in operation must undergo periodic technical inspection:

a) partial - at least once every 12 months;

b) full - at least once every 3 years, with the exception of rarely used machines (cranes for servicing machine rooms of electrical and pumping stations, compressor units, as well as other lifting machines used only for equipment repairs).

Rarely used lifting machines must undergo a full technical inspection at least once every 5 years. The assignment of cranes to the category of rarely used is carried out by the owner in agreement with the Gospromatnadzor body.

An extraordinary full technical examination of a lifting machine should be carried out after:

a) installation caused by the installation of a lifting machine in a new location;

b) reconstruction of the lifting machine;

c) repair of metal structures of a lifting machine with replacement of design elements or components;

d) installing replacement boom equipment or replacing the boom;

d) overhaul or replacement of a cargo (boom) winch;

f) replacing the hook or hook suspension (only static tests are carried out);

g) replacement of load-bearing or cable-stayed ropes of cable-type cranes;

h) installation of a portal crane at a new place of work.

An extraordinary full technical examination is carried out after: installation caused by installing a lifting machine in a new location; reconstruction; repair of metal structures with replacement of design elements or components; installation of replaceable boom equipment; major repairs or replacement of the lifting mechanism; changing the hook.

A complete technical examination of a lifting machine includes:

  1. inspection of all mechanisms and supporting structures;
  2. static test with a load exceeding the load capacity of the machine by 25% to check its strength, as well as load stability against tipping. The load is lifted to a height of 100-200 mm for jib-type cranes and 200-300 mm for mobile console and bridge cranes and held for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the load is lowered, then the absence of residual deformation, cracks and other damage is checked;
  3. dynamic test with a load 10% greater than the machine's carrying capacity to check the operation of mechanisms and brakes. It is allowed to carry out dynamic testing with a load equal to the carrying capacity of the machine according to the passport. During a dynamic test, the load is repeatedly raised and lowered and the operation of all other mechanisms is checked.

During a partial technical examination, static and dynamic tests of the lifting machine are not carried out.

The results of the technical examination of lifting machines are recorded in the passport indicating the date of the next examination, and plates (tags) indicating registration number, load capacity and next test date. Load-lifting machines that have not passed technical inspection on time are not allowed to work.

During technical inspection, jacks are tested only for static loads exceeding the rated load capacity by at least 10%. The frequency of testing is once every 12 months. The jack is kept under load for 10 minutes, and its screw (rack, rod) must be extended to its highest position. For hydraulic jacks, a pressure drop of more than 5% is not allowed at the end of the test. The test results are recorded in the passport.

Ensuring the safety of material handling equipment

Safety during operation of lifting and transport equipment and machines (HTM) is ensured by the following methods:

  1. determining the size of the dangerous zone of the PTM;
  2. use of means of protection against mechanical injury by PTM mechanisms;
  3. calculation of the strength of ropes and load-handling devices (GZU);
  4. determining the stability of cranes;
  5. use of special safety devices;
  6. registration, technical examination and testing of PTM and GZU.

The size of the danger zone of the truck depends on the lifting height of the load and the length of the travel path of the truck with the load. The radius of the circle within which the load can fall is determined according to the diagram shown in Fig. 3.6, a, and formula (3.7):

R = rc + 0.5lr + 0.3H, (3.7)

where rc is the radius of the crane boom from its rotation axis (for overhead and gantry cranes rc = 0), m; lr - the largest linear size of the load (when lifting long loads vertically, their departure is associated with a fall along the entire length), m; H—height of lifting load, m.

Rice. 3.6. Scheme for determining the danger zone of a lifting mechanism: a - determining the radius of the circle within which the load can fall; b determination of the danger zone when moving the PTM

By determining the radius R and knowing the length L of the travel path of the hoisting device (crane), it is possible to determine the dangerous zone of a possible fall of the load, which can occur if the rope breaks, the main lock fails, or the load is poorly secured. The danger zone is determined by drawing circles of radius R with centers on the line of movement of the PTM axis (Fig. 3.6, b).

It is worth understanding that working with lifting mechanisms is characterized by increased danger. Failure to comply with operating rules or careless attitude towards the duties of specialists who work with such equipment can lead to various unforeseen situations, including damage to the equipment itself, other property, as well as harm to human life and health. Thus, before starting to work with such devices, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with rules for the safe operation of lifting mechanisms.
In addition, it is worth considering that only persons over 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, special training and instruction are allowed to perform such work.

Requirements for personal protective equipment

Labor protection requirements when operating lifting mechanisms employees who carry out rigging work are required to have special protective equipment and uniforms. First of all, personal protective equipment depends on the industry and the type of cargo being handled. At the same time, there is general rules, which must be adhered to during loading and unloading operations:

  • when using lifting and transport equipment, as well as small-scale mechanization, it is necessary to wear helmets;
  • when working with dusty objects, employees should wear dust-proof glasses and respirators (the filter is changed at least once per shift);
  • Gloves are required to operate manual mechanisms;
  • when performing manipulations with gas cylinders, you must have gas masks with you;
  • you cannot work with flammable substances in synthetic workwear, as well as uniforms made of other materials that can accumulate static electric charges;
  • Workwear can only be stored, disinfected, washed, repaired, etc. in accordance with current standards.
Important: In addition to the fact that each employee who performs loading and unloading operations must have special clothing and equipment, the production site itself must be equipped with collective defense. The latter include ventilation, aspiration units, air purification devices, etc.

Description of auxiliary protective equipment

For safe operation of lifting mechanisms it is also necessary to have auxiliary protective equipment. They are designed to protect employees from accidental falls from height, as well as adverse light, thermal, mechanical, chemical and electrical influences. This includes items such as:

  • safety belts;
  • safety ropes;
  • personal protective equipment (for vision, breathing, body, hands, head), etc.
Important: To increase the safety of working with loads, you can purchase special mounting blocks and grips, which play the role of auxiliary fixing lifting equipment. With their help, working with cargo becomes much easier and the likelihood of unforeseen situations is reduced.

Features of lifting mechanisms with brakes and stoppers with limiters

In order to increase industrial safety of lifting mechanisms, Such equipment is equipped with brakes and stoppers. If you lose control of the load or the device itself, the operation will stop automatically, and the load will be fixed in its current position. This reduces the likelihood of the load falling and other possible situations. Built-in stoppers and brakes are typical for monorails, hoists, and a number of other block systems. On the website you will see a wide selection with the ability to lift loads weighing from 125 kg to 10 tons with built-in brakes that guarantee safe performance of work using lifting mechanisms.

Where lifting operations are prohibited

Safety rules when working with lifting mechanisms They say that you need to choose the right place, away from all areas that could pose a potential threat to cargo, employees, equipment, as well as the property and health of third parties. It is not recommended to carry out lifting work in the immediate vicinity of:

  • electrical equipment;
  • open engineering routes;
  • hazardous and flammable substances;
  • building materials.

Basic signal gestures when working with loads

Due to the fact that lifting mechanisms make a lot of noise during operation, and also as a result of the remoteness of specialists from each other, a special system of gestures has been developed. First of all, it is necessary for communication between the slinger and the crane operator. Among the most basic gestures it is worth highlighting:

  • stop. The main gesture that is given when something has gone wrong (for example, the load is poorly secured). To serve it, make sharp horizontal movements with your hand left and right;
  • up and down. Used to start lifting a load. The palm turned upward is smoothly raised. Before issuing a command, it is important to check the security of the fastening. To lower the load down, the signal is similar (only the hand moves down, not up);
  • to the right. The slightly raised right arm is bent and extended in the direction of movement of the load;
  • to the left. A similar gesture, only performed with the left hand.
Important: It is important to look the lift operator directly in the eye when signaling. This way the slinger will be able to understand whether his efforts were in vain.

Persons responsible for lifting mechanisms

It is important that responsible for the operation of lifting mechanisms was highly qualified. Foreman, foremen, site managers, and foremen are appointed as the responsible person. In the case of warehouse work, such functions fall on the warehouse manager.

It is worth taking into account: it is possible to appoint a responsible person only after checking the candidates’ necessary knowledge of the rules and job responsibilities. This is done by a commission with the participation of an inspector from Gosgortekhnadzor. After taking office, such checks are carried out every 3 years.

The responsible person needs to know:

  • correct methods of slinging;
  • procedure for admitting employees to work with cargo;
  • responsibilities and job descriptions other workers;
  • requirements for containers and lifting mechanisms;
  • cargo storage procedure;
  • features of installation of lifting devices;
  • sign gestures, as well as other rules of instruction for responsible persons.

As a result, I would like to emphasize once again that compliance labor protection for working with lifting mechanisms - This is the key to the safe and efficient operation of such equipment.

Work with lifting mechanisms and devices involves lifting heavy weights and is carried out in a variety of conditions: often in cramped conditions and at considerable heights. Therefore, strict and unwavering implementation of the established work procedure and safety rules is the basis for successful work; and accident prevention.

Most accidents occur due to violation of the established work procedure, non-compliance with safety regulations, poor knowledge of lifting equipment, malfunction of mechanisms, devices and tools, lack of protective devices and guards for mechanisms, malfunction of electrical equipment, malfunction of brakes at handles, incorrect and unreliable slinging of loads, violation of alarm rules, failure to comply with a command or signal, failure to comply with fire safety regulations, inattention to work and disorder in clothing, clutter and cluttering of work areas.

To prevent accidents when working with lifting mechanisms, the following basic rules must be followed.

Before lifting a load, its weight must be accurately determined. Loads weighing up to 80 kg can be moved manually, weighing from 80 to 500 kg - on wheels or other rolling devices, and weighing more than 500 kg - only with the help of lifting mechanisms.

It is prohibited to lift (move) loads that are frozen or covered with earth or other objects using machinery. The exception is hand jacks, which can be used to lift frozen or buried loads.

All lifting mechanisms and devices are allowed to operate only in good condition. Particular care should be taken to check the serviceability of braking devices and lifting ropes. A mechanic regularly checks the serviceability of the mechanism at least once every 10 days.

When working with lifting mechanisms, you must strictly follow the rules for using them and the safety rules for their operation. The latter must: be posted near each car.

Lifting mechanisms and devices must have inscriptions, tables and tags indicating their lifting capacity.

When using lifting mechanisms it is prohibited:

    be under a lifted load;

    troubleshoot the mechanism on the fly;

    apply sharp braking;

    lift (move) a load whose weight exceeds the lifting capacity of the mechanism;

    leave a mechanism loaded with cargo without supervision;

    during breaks in work, leave the load suspended.

Question 14. General information about bridge supports.

Supports are the most important structural part of bridges. The timing of bridge construction in general largely depends on the time spent on erecting supports, which is especially important when restoring bridges, when the fastest resumption of interrupted traffic is required.

Bridge supports are divided into end (abutments) and intermediate.

The functional purpose of the supports is to transfer vertical and horizontal loads from the weight of spans, the superstructure of railway bridges or roadways of road bridges, rolling stock, wind, etc. to the base soil.

Based on materials supports can be made of wood, reinforced concrete, metal, masonry, concrete and rubble concrete.

By purpose : intermediate supports (bulls) and abutments.

By design , depending on the material, intermediate supports can be massive, flat or spatial.

support body- the middle part of the support in height, the design of which determines its type;

foundation- the lower part of the support, placed or embedded in the foundation soil.

By design, supports can be classified as follows:

-massive supports - stone, rubble concrete, concrete (monolithic, prefabricated monolithic or prefabricated), including those with cladding made of natural stone or concrete blocks.

- pile supports- structures consisting of one or several rows of piles united at the top by a cap (crossbar) on which spans are installed.

- hollow supports made of monolithic concrete or closed concrete blocks, mainly of rectangular (less often round) cross-section, installed on a foundation of any type and connected on top by a reinforced concrete slab of continuous cross-section.

- combined supports - having a lower (base) part of a massive structure and an upper part of a rack (frame) or hollow.

Lifting machines and mechanisms include cranes of all types, winches, lifts, towers, elevators, jacks, as well as removable lifting devices: hooks, rope and chain slings, traverses, lifting electromagnets and vacuum grips.

According to the Federal Law "On industrial safety dangerous production facilities» No. 116-FZ dated July 21, 1997, permanently installed lifting mechanisms belong to the category of hazardous production facilities and are subject to state registration in accordance with the “Regulations on registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintenance of the State Register”, approved by the resolution
No. 39 of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 06/03/99.

Lifting machines must meet the requirements
PB 10-382-00 “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes”, PB 10-256-98 “Rules for the design and safe operation of lifts (towers)”, “Rules for the design and safe operation of elevators”, “Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes” -pipelayers."

Occupational safety when lifting and moving loads largely depends on the design features of lifting and transport machines and their compliance with the rules and regulations of Gosgortekhnadzor. All parts, parts and accessories of lifting mechanisms in terms of manufacturing, materials, welding quality, strength, structure, installation, operation must comply with the relevant specifications, standards, norms and regulations. When operating lifting and transport machines, all accessible moving or rotating parts of the mechanisms should be protected. It is necessary to exclude unintended contact of workers with the transported loads and the mechanisms themselves during their movement, and also to ensure reliable strength of the mechanisms, auxiliary, load-handling and slinging devices.

To ensure safe operation, lifting and transport machines are equipped with safety equipment, including remote control systems. For remote control of hoisting and transport machines, electric tracking systems (with a stationary control panel) and radio control (when controlled from different places) are used. The Gosgortekhnadzor inspection and the enterprise administration establish constant supervision over the condition of lifting devices, ropes, chains, replaceable lifting devices (hooks, lifting electromagnets, etc.), removable lifting devices (slings, tongs, traverses, etc.) and containers ( containers, mowers, etc.), their care and operational safety. In particular, the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor provide for the conduct of regulated tests of lifting machines, which from the point of view of labor safety in mechanical engineering represent the greatest danger among all lifting and transport machines.

Newly installed lifting machines must be subjected to a full technical inspection before being put into operation. Load-lifting machines in operation must undergo periodic technical inspection; partial - at least once a year; full - at least once every three years, with the exception of rarely used ones. An extraordinary full technical examination of the lifting machine is possible (after installation at a new location, reconstruction, hook change, repair of metal structures of the lifting machine with replacement of design elements, etc.). During a full technical inspection, the lifting machine must be subjected to inspection, static and dynamic testing. During partial technical examination, static and dynamic tests are not carried out.

The inspection is accompanied by checking the operation of mechanisms and electrical equipment, brakes and control equipment, lighting and alarms, safety devices and regulated dimensions.

3.8. Organization of safe work performance.

List of works with increased danger

High-risk work includes work in which there is or may arise an industrial hazard, regardless of the nature of the work performed. Therefore, when performing such work, in addition to the usual safety measures, it is necessary to carry out additional measures developed separately for each specific production operation.

Each organization compiles a list of high-risk work, taking into account specific conditions and technology features, which is approved by the head of the organization (chief inspector, technical director, etc.). It is compiled on the basis of an approximate list of works with increased danger in accordance with regulatory legal acts on labor protection, for example, SNiP 12-03-99 “Labor safety in construction”; “POT RM - 016 - 2001, RD 153 - 34.0 - 03.150 - 00. Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations"; “POT RO - 14000 - 005 - 98. Regulations. Work with increased danger. Organization of the event"; Interindustry rules on labor protection when working at height (POT RM - 012 - 2000); Rules for labor protection during the operation of municipal water supply and sewerage facilities (1998).

For example, SNiP 12-03-99 contains sample list places (conditions) of production and types of work for which it is necessary to issue a work permit. These include:

Carrying out work using lifting cranes and other construction machines in the security zones of overhead power lines, gas and oil products, warehouses of flammable or combustible liquids, flammable or liquefied gases;

Carrying out any work in wells, pits, confined and hard-to-reach spaces;

Excavation work in areas with pathogenic soil contamination (landfills, cattle burial grounds, etc.), in security zones of underground electrical networks, gas pipelines and other dangerous underground communications;

Carrying out routine repairs, dismantling equipment, as well as carrying out repairs or any construction and installation work if available hazardous factors operating enterprise;

Carrying out work in areas where there is or may be a danger from adjacent work areas;

Carrying out work in the immediate vicinity of the roadbed or roadway of operating roads and railways (determined taking into account the existing regulatory documents on occupational safety of the relevant ministries and departments);

Performing gas hazardous work.

High-risk work should be performed only with a permit and after targeted instruction directly at the workplace.

A work permit is a task for the performance of work, drawn up on a special form in the established form and defining the content, place of work, start and end times, safe conditions, composition of the team and persons responsible for the safety of the work. The permit form is given in the listed documents.

The work permit is issued for the period necessary to complete the specified amount of work. Its issuance and return are recorded in a journal.

Corrections when filling out the work permit are not allowed.

The work permit is issued in two copies. One is kept by the person who issued the permit, the other is issued to the responsible work manager. When working on the territory of an operating enterprise, the work permit is issued in 3 copies (the 3rd copy is issued to the responsible person of the operating enterprise). In case of failure to complete the work within the time specified in the work permit or changes in the conditions of work, the work is stopped, the work permit is closed, and the resumption of work is permitted only after the issuance of a new work permit. Changes in the composition of the team are registered in the appendix to the work permit using a special form.

The completion of the work is documented with signatures in the work permit, and it is handed over to the responsible work manager. The shelf life of a closed permit is 30 days. The safety briefing is recorded in the work permit signed by the participants.

The following persons are allowed to independently perform high-risk work:

At least 18 years of age;

Recognized as fit for work by medical examination;

Having production experience in the specified jobs for at least one year and a tariff category not lower than third;

Trained and tested for knowledge of labor safety rules, regulations and instructions;

Having a certificate for the right to carry out these works;

Those who have received workplace safety training when performing work.

Workers admitted to high-risk work for the first time must perform such work for one year under the direct supervision of experienced workers appointed for this purpose by order of the organization.

The right to issue permits is granted to specialists certified in labor protection and authorized to do so by order of the head of the organization, for example, technical director, chief engineer, deputy directors, heads of independent departments and their deputies.

Persons issuing work permits determine the need and scope of work, the conditions for the safe performance of these works, monitor the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of work, determine the qualifications of the responsible work manager, the responsible performer of the work, and team members.

Responsible for organizing and performing high-risk work are:

Persons issuing permits;

Responsible work managers;

Responsible performers of work. Responsible managers and performers must be certified in labor safety. The following combination of duties of responsible persons is permitted:

The person issuing the permit may also be the responsible supervisor of the work;

The responsible work manager can be at the same time the responsible executor of the work.

The responsible work manager is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the safety measures specified in the work permit, the qualifications of the responsible work performer and the members of the team (link) included in the work permit, as well as for the admission of performers to the work site.

Superintendents, foremen, and foremen (team leaders) can be appointed as responsible executors. They are responsible for the safe performance of work, compliance by team members with the safety measures specified in the work permit, the mandatory use of personal protective equipment, and production and technological discipline.

The responsible performer of the work does not have the right to leave workplace. If such a need arises, he must be replaced by the responsible work manager. If replacement is not possible, work must be stopped and workers removed from the work site.

The team working under the permit must consist of at least two people.


4.1. Personal protective equipment for workers.

Classification of personal protective equipment

Issues of mandatory provision of working PPE are regulated by Art. 14 of the law “On the fundamentals of labor protection To RF", art. 149 Labor Code, “Rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on December 18, 199S No. 51, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1999 No. 39 “On amendments and additions to the rules providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment”, state standards SSBT systems, a list of Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor on the approval of Model Industry Standards free issuance workers of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment for all sectors of the national economy (1997).

Based on the nature of their use, protective equipment is divided into two categories: collective protective equipment and individual protective equipment.

PPE is used in cases where work safety cannot be ensured by the design of equipment, organization of production processes, architectural and planning solutions and collective protective equipment.

The purpose of using any PPE is to reduce to acceptable values ​​or completely prevent the influence of hazardous and harmful production factors on humans. At the same time, the negative impact of PPE on vital functional systems the body and the labor process should be kept to a minimum. PPE must meet the requirements of technical aesthetics and ergonomics. Therefore, they are assessed according to protective, physiological, hygienic and operational indicators.

When certifying workplaces based on working conditions, the assessment of the actual state of the latter in the workplace includes an assessment of the provision of workers with personal protective equipment. as well as the effectiveness of these funds.

Assessment of the provision of workers with personal protective equipment is carried out through:

Comparison of actually issued PPE with Standard Industry Standards;

Assessment of the compliance of issued PPE with the actual state of working conditions.

At the same time, the effectiveness and quality of PPE must be confirmed by a certificate of conformity.

Routine and preventive supervision of the use of PPE working with hazardous chemicals is defined

In accordance with GOST 12.3.011-89 “SSBT. Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification” personal protective equipment, depending on its purpose, is divided into the following classes:

Isolating suits (pneumatic suits, waterproof suits, spacesuits);

Respiratory protection equipment (gas masks, respirators, self-rescuers, pneumatic helmets, pneumatic helmets, pneumatic jackets);

Special protective clothing (overalls, bib overalls, jackets, trousers, sheepskin coats, dressing gowns, coats, short coats, short fur coats, capes, raincoats, half raincoats, shirts, shorts, vests, dresses, sundresses, blouses, skirts, capes, aprons);

Foot protection (boots, ankle boots, boots, low shoes, shoes, galoshes, boots, shoe covers, foot wraps), including from vibration and electric current;

Hand protection (mittens, gloves, palm pads, finger pads, wrist pads, oversleeves, elbow pads), including dermatological products (pastes, ointments, creams);

Head protection (hard hats, helmets, balaclavas, caps, berets, hats, caps, scarves, mosquito nets);

Face protection (face shields);

Eye protection (safety glasses);

Hearing protection (anti-noise helmets,

headphones, earbuds);

Fall protection equipment (safety

belts, cables, catchers, etc.);

Complex protective equipment (single design devices that provide protection for two or more organs - breathing, vision, hearing, as well as the face and head).

PPE designs can be universal. In this case, they provide protection against all or major harmful and dangerous factors (for example, respiratory protective equipment that protects against all types of dust). PPE designed for specific working conditions or profession is called special (working clothing for miners, geologists, lumberjacks, etc.)

Uniforms, which are provided to workers in some industries, are not included in PPE.

4.2. The procedure for providing workers with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment

In accordance with Art. 1 Federal Law“On the fundamentals of labor protection in the Russian Federation” and Art. 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers engaged in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, are issued free certified special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) in in accordance with the standards approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The acquisition of personal protective equipment and provision of it to employees in accordance with labor protection requirements is carried out at the expense of the employer (Articles 8, 14 and 17 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Labor Safety in the Russian Federation”).

In accordance with subparagraph “g” of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1995 No. 661 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services) included in the cost of products (works, services), and on the procedure for forming financial results taken into account when taxing profits" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 28, Art. 2686) costs to ensure normal working conditions and safety precautions, incl. the provision of special clothing, special footwear, and protective equipment will be included in the cost of products (works, services).

Standard industry standards for the free issuance of PPE (hereinafter referred to as Standard Industry Standards) provide for the provision of workers with PPE, regardless of which sector of the economy the production, workshops, sites and types of work belong to, as well as regardless of the ownership of the organization and their legal forms.

For example, workers involved in the production of facing materials from natural stone, regardless of the organization in which sector of the economy this production is located, are issued PPE in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of PPE to workers in the building materials industry, organizations in the glass and porcelain-faience industries. A machine operator engaged in mechanical processing of metal, regardless of what organization he works for, is issued PPE in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of PPE to workers in mechanical engineering and metalworking industries.

Workers whose professions and positions are provided for in the Standard Standards for the free issuance of PPE to workers in cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy, PPE are issued regardless of the production, workshops and areas in which they work, unless these professions and positions are specifically provided for in the relevant Standard Standards. industry standards. For example, a battery worker working in a road transport organization is issued PPE in accordance with the Standard Standards for the free issuance of PPE to employees of cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy.

For the same category of workers engaged in underground mining in the mining industry, free issuance of PPE should be carried out in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issuance of PPE to workers in the mining and metallurgical industries and metallurgical production of other industries. The names of the professions of workers and positions of specialists and employees, provided for in the Model Industry Standards, are indicated in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, the Qualification Directory of Workers' Professions, which sets monthly salaries, and the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees.

In some cases, in accordance with the characteristics of production, the employer may, in agreement with the state labor protection inspector and the relevant trade union body or other representative body authorized by the employees, replace one type of personal protective equipment provided for by the Standard Industry Standards with another that provides complete protection from dangerous and harmful production conditions. factors: a cotton overall can be replaced with a cotton suit or robe and vice versa; cotton suit - overalls with a shirt (blouse) or sundress with a blouse, and vice versa; a cloth suit is a cotton suit with fire-retardant or acid-proof impregnation and vice versa, a canvas suit is a cotton suit with fire-retardant or water-repellent impregnation, and vice versa; leather boots (low boots) - rubber boots, and vice versa; leather boots (low boots) - tarpaulin boots, and vice versa; felt boots - tarpaulin boots and vice versa.

In cases where such personal protective equipment as a safety belt, dielectric galoshes and gloves, a dielectric rubber mat, safety glasses and shields, a respirator, a gas mask, a protective helmet, a balaclava, a mosquito net, a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, self-rescuers, antiphons, plugs , noise-protective helmets, light filters, vibration-proof gloves and others are not specified in the Standard Industry Standards; they can be issued by the employer to employees on the basis of certification of workplaces, depending on the nature of the work performed, with wear until worn out or as duty duties and can be included in collective agreements and agreements.

The costs of providing the PPE indicated above are also included in the cost of products (works, services).

Upon conclusion employment contract(contract), the employer familiarizes employees with the Rules for providing employees with PPE, as well as with the standards for issuing personal protective equipment to them.

PPE issued to employees must correspond to their gender, height and size, the nature and conditions of the work performed and ensure labor safety. In accordance with Art. 16 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation” PPE, incl. and foreign production, must comply with labor protection requirements established in the Russian Federation and have certificates of conformity. The acquisition and issuance of personal protective equipment to employees that does not have a certificate of conformity is not permitted.

The employer is obliged to replace or repair special clothing and special shoes that have become unusable before the end of their wearing period for reasons beyond the employee’s control.

If PPE is lost or damaged in the designated storage areas for reasons beyond the control of employees, the employer is obliged to provide them with other serviceable PPE.

The on-duty PPE for collective use provided for in the Standard Industry Standards should be issued to workers only for the duration of the work for which they are provided, or can be assigned to certain workplaces (for example, sheepskin coats - at external posts, dielectric gloves - at electrical installations, etc. .) and transmitted from one shift to another. In these cases, PPE is issued under the responsibility of the foreman or other persons authorized by the employer.

The warm special clothing and warm special shoes (suit) provided for in the Standard Industry Standards - with insulating lining, jackets and trousers with insulating lining, fur suits, sheepskin coats, felt boots, hats with ear flaps, fur mittens, etc.) must be issued to workers with the onset of cold weather. time of year, and with the onset of warm weather they can be handed over to the employer for organizational storage until the next season. The time for using warm special clothing and warm special shoes is established by the employer together with the relevant trade union body or other representative body authorized by employees, taking into account local climatic conditions.

Students of any form of education, students of general education and educational institutions primary vocational education, students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education for the duration of their industrial practice(industrial training), industrial training masters, as well as workers temporarily performing work in professions and positions provided for by the Standard Industry Standards, PPE is issued in accordance with the generally established procedure for the duration of this work.

Foreman, foremen performing the duties of foremen, assistants and assistant workers, whose professions are provided for in the relevant Standard Industry Standards, are issued the same PPE as workers in the corresponding professions.

The PPE provided for in the Model Industry Standards for workers, specialists and employees must be issued to the specified employees even if they are senior in their position or profession and directly perform the work that gives them the right to receive this PPE.

Workers who combine professions or constantly perform combined work, incl. in complex teams, in addition to the PPE issued to them for the main profession, depending on the work performed, other types of PPE provided for by the Model Industry Standards for the combined profession must be additionally issued.

The employer is obliged to organize proper accounting and control over the issuance of personal protective equipment to employees within the established time frame.

The issuance and handing over of PPE to employees must be recorded in the employee’s personal card.

In accordance with Art. 14 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation”, the employer is obliged to ensure that employees are informed about the PPE they are entitled to.

Front side of the personal card