What is ntd. Regulatory documents: GOST, TU. Registration of technical specifications for food products

The system of regulatory documents is a set of interconnected regulations and norms, rules and standards in the construction industry (approval of documentation this kind are carried out by the executive and governing bodies of the state). They can significantly help construction companies in their work. Such information systems are systematically supplemented with new information. In other words, they contain all the relevant technical information, without which it is impossible to complete even one production stage in the manufacture of construction equipment. All this information is aimed at protecting the rights of every consumer, be it a company, society or state.

Improving the domestic system of regulatory documents is based on current state standards, rules and regulations, taking into account the adopted legislation, the new regulatory structure and the current economic situation.

Modern regulatory documents are developed with a single goal - to protect the interests of each consumer, which are protected by law, in order to stimulate the manifestation of an active position of construction enterprises and individual specialists.

The basis information system lay down legislative acts, such as Town Planning Code RF, Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”. It's in it here full meeting regulatory and technical regulations, standards, norms.

Regulatory and technical documentation is presented:

  • regulations that stipulate requirements that must be strictly fulfilled;
  • regulations, which contain information on how objects of technical regulation should look. To be more precise, it lists the requirements for construction products and the main processes of their life cycle such as design, construction, production, installation and commissioning work, as well as use, storage, transportation and processing;
  • standards (designated as GOST R) approved by the relevant national body of the Russian Federation;
  • documents that list characteristic features products and principles for the implementation of design, construction, installation, commissioning, operational work and, of course, storage, transportation, processing, and provision of services. Such regulations significantly simplify the repeated execution of the listed processes;
  • regulations between of national importance, which have legal force within Russia and are used as documents of federal significance;
  • industry standards (OST) and technological design norms, which are updated by the relevant industry ministries;
  • STP (enterprise standards) and STO (organization standards). They are created and approved by non-profit associations that specialize in organizing production activities and checking the quality of manufactured products. Moreover, STP, just like STO, can be used by more than one enterprise, subject to concluding a contract with the authoring company;
  • governing documents (RD). Their approval is the responsibility of the supervisory authorities, and this procedure is established by law;
  • sets of rules (SP) developed in the construction industry and project activities. It is these joint ventures that determine the main recommendations for the development of the information system and for making decisions on certain issues that are not regulated by special regulations;
  • building codes that are mandatory for compliance in a certain area. Their updating is carried out by the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • those. conditions (abbreviated as TU) used by developers and manufacturers of building materials, structures and other products of industrial enterprises as normative and technical documentation for the production of the listed products.

All regulatory acts of the information system are divided into documents of state (federal) and economic activity(industrial-industrial). At the same time, between state standards construction industry operating within Russian borders are actively used as federal documentation.

In addition to the above types of construction regulatory documentation, the System also contains others:

List of regulations in construction

  • regulatory acts of federal or regional significance. Issues regarding recognition of such documents as valid are considered by the relevant government agencies (both executive and representative);
  • standards of national (state) significance and other regulations that in one way or another relate to certification and standardization. The recognition of such documents as valid is entrusted to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • guidance documents approved by Rostechnadzor;
  • SP and standards, the development and approval of which was carried out by authorized bodies of foreign countries;
  • SP and standards recognized by regional organizations whose field of activity is directly related to standardization.

All types of normative acts that make up the information and reference system cannot establish requirements on the issues whose settlement it deals with. civil law, labor legislation or other legal acts.

The main purpose of the norms is to outline the structure, concept and principles of the system, as well as the requirements for its content, structuring, and design. In addition, they are the ones who determine the approval and use of certain construction documents.

List of regulations in construction that establish classification and terminology.

The system of normative documents contains provisions that must be adhered to not only by management and supervisory authorities, but also by associations specializing in the development and use of normative acts, regardless of their affiliation or form of ownership.

The contents of the documents are divided into three categories: provisions that must be observed, provisions recommended for implementation, and reference data. Moreover, mandatory provisions are established at both the minimum required and maximum levels, but the level of recommended provisions is international achievements and Russian ones.

Mandatory provisions are those that, according to the principles of the information system, must be complied with indisputably.

Regulatory documents contain provisions that determine the operating features of constructed facilities, including individual structures and materials used. In other words, they establish performance characteristics that must be observed both during project development and during construction work.

It is important that the construction documentation contains certain types requirements:

  • organizational and methodological (their main purpose is to ensure the required quality of products); general technical (refers to design and construction processes, including engineering surveys);
  • requirements regarding planning, development, buildings, structures, building structures and engineering equipment.

IN regulations, used in the construction industry, there should not be requirements regarding technical processes for the construction of buildings and structures, as well as other provisions that relate to the powers of executive bodies of other industries. Depending on the situation, construction documents may contain references indicating, for example, environmental or sanitary requirements.

SP – regulatory documents approved technical rules. They have significant differences from all kinds of manuals, recommendations, manuals, which cannot be called documents, although they contain information about the latest developments, teaching materials, instructions and other data with varying degrees of detail (depending on the qualifications of the performer).

According to the provisions Civil Code RF, Federal law“On technical regulation”, GOST R 1.0-2004 and current legislation, a certain normative act of the system can be used within a specific area.

As noted earlier, interstate standards operate within the limits Russian Federation in the form of documents federal significance, which became possible thanks to the adoption of relevant regulations by Russian legislation.

Standards of international, interstate, regional and national significance can be used within the Russian Federation only as Russian standards, which is provided for by the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”.

The mandatory requirements specified in the regulatory documentation must be unquestioningly fulfilled by: management and supervisory bodies, associations and enterprises (their form of ownership does not matter); persons engaged in individual construction activities; public organizations; companies whose partners are foreign organizations or whose activities involve foreign individuals/legal entities.

Only the one who can deviate from the mandatory requirements of a particular regulatory act in certain situations can government agency, who approved the validity of this document. Of course, for this you need to coordinate actions with supervisory authorities, and also make sure that alternative measures are available.

Violating mandatory requirements and incorrectly using information provided in regulations, legal and individuals will be punished for their carelessness in accordance with current legislation.

To avoid errors and inaccuracies in their work, many organizations use programs containing all regulatory and technical documents, which allow not only to quickly find the texts and details of regulatory documents, but also the standards used in the Russian Federation and regulating the activities of enterprises various industries industry.

Using the NormaCS standard system allows you to reduce search time required document and editions, all new documents, along with updates, are monthly entered into the NormaCS standards system, since the authenticity of the texts is ensured directly from the standards developers.

The NormaCS system of standards provides information completeness; the database includes over 35 thousand GOSTs and many other documents. The developers have provided for a quick search of documents using various attributes, allowing you to find required document in a short time. And the simplicity of the interface, which allows you to customize it to the customer’s wishes, and integration with office and design applications makes the NormaCS standard system one of the most convenient programs to use.

Regulatory and technical documents include:

  • · GOST, GOST R, STO (federal);
  • · OST (industry);
  • · TU, STP (local - at enterprises).

GOST- Interstate standard developed in the former USSR and applied by agreement in the CIS countries.

GOST R is a state standard of the Russian Federation, developed for products, works and services, the needs of which are intersectoral in nature. State standards contain both mandatory and advisory requirements. Mandatory ones include:

  • * safety of the product, service, process for human health, environment, property, as well as industrial safety and sanitary standards;
  • * technical and information compatibility and interchangeability of products;
  • * unity of control methods and labeling methods.

ONE HUNDRED- standards of public associations, scientific, technical and engineering societies, develop standards for fundamentally new types of products, processes or services, advanced testing methods, as well as traditional technologies and principles of production management.

OST- an industry standard, developed in relation to the products of a certain industry. OST objects can be products, processes and services used in the industry, rules regarding the organization of work according to OST, standard product designs.

THAT- technical specifications developed by an enterprise or other business entity in the case where it is not practical to create a standard. The subject of specifications can be one-time products produced in small batches, as well as works of artistic crafts.

STP- an enterprise standard, developed and applied by the enterprise itself. The objects of standardization in this case are usually the components of organization and production management, as well as products manufactured by the enterprise, technical equipment and tools.

State standards (GOST R) are mandatory for all enterprises, organizations and institutions of the country, regardless of forms of ownership and subordination, citizens engaged in individual labor activities, ministries (departments), and other organizations public administration of the Russian Federation, as well as local government bodies within the scope of their activities. GOSTs R are established primarily for products of mass and large-scale production, products that have passed state certification, export goods, as well as for norms, rules, requirements, concepts, designations and other objects of cross-industry application that are necessary to ensure optimal product quality, unity and interconnection of various branches of science, technology, production, etc.

The development of state standards of the Russian Federation is carried out, as a rule, by technical committees for standardization in accordance with given plans state standardization of the Russian Federation, work programs (plans) of technical committees and agreements for the development of standards. When developing standards, one should be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, state standards and other regulatory documents on standardization, as well as take into account documents of international and regional standardization organizations.

Construction, presentation, design, content and designation of standards are in accordance with GOST R 1.5-93.

When a standard is approved, the date of its entry into force is set, taking into account the measures necessary to implement the standard. The validity period of the standard, as a rule, is not established. After approval, it is assigned the GOST R index, the standard number and the last two digits of the year of approval or revision (for example, GOST R 248 - 99). State registration of the standard is carried out by the State Standard of Russia in the prescribed manner.

Industry standards (OST) are developed in cases where there are no state standards of the Russian Federation for standardization objects or when it is necessary to establish requirements that exceed the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation (the requirements of industry standards should not contradict the mandatory requirements of state standards). OSTs are used by all enterprises and organizations in this industry (for example, machine tool manufacturing, automotive and tractor industry, etc.), as well as other enterprises and organizations (regardless of their departmental affiliation and type of ownership) that develop, manufacture and use products that belong to the nomenclature, assigned to the relevant ministry.

OSTs are mandatory for enterprises and organizations in this industry, as well as for enterprises and organizations in other industries (customers) that use or consume products from this industry. Industry standards are approved by the ministry (department) that is leading in the production of this type of product. After approval, they are assigned an OST index, a digital industry code, a standard number and the last two digits of the year of approval or revision (for example, OST 3.348 - 98).

Technical conditions (TS) are developed by enterprises, organizations and other business entities when it is inappropriate to create a state or industry standard or it is necessary to supplement or tighten the requirements established in existing GOSTs or OSTs.

You cannot develop specifications whose requirements are lower than the requirements of the categories of standards or contradict them.

TUs are applied on the territory of the Russian Federation by enterprises, regardless of forms of ownership and subordination, and by citizens engaged in individual labor activities, in accordance with contractual obligations and (or) licenses for the right to produce and sell products or provide services.

The sections of the technical specifications include an introductory part and the following sections:

  • * basic parameters and (or) dimensions;
  • * technical requirements;
  • * safety requirements;
  • * completeness, acceptance rules;
  • * control methods (tests, analysis, measurements);
  • * rules for labeling, transportation and storage;
  • * operating instructions;
  • * Manufacturer's warranty.

Before approval, draft specifications are coordinated with consumers or customers of products (to reflect the wishes and comments of consumers in the specifications) and other interested organizations. At the same time, it is checked whether they do not contradict the standards and other specifications in force in the country.

Specifications are approved by the manufacturer (developer of technical specifications), as a rule, without limitation of validity period. The validity period of the specifications is established by agreement with the customer enterprise (consumer).

Designations for technical specifications are assigned by the product developer in accordance with according to the accepted procedure designations of technical conditions. For newly organized enterprises and associations, it is recommended to designate technical conditions with the following structure, consisting of the index a TU, a four-digit code of the product class according to OKP ( All-Russian classifier products) and a three-digit dash separated registration number, as a rule, the eight-digit code of the enterprise according to OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations), which is the holder of the original technical specifications, and the last two digits of the year of approval of the document (for example: TU 4521-164-34267369-99, where 4521 is a product group according to OKP , 34267369 - enterprise code according to OKPO).

After approval, specifications are subject to state registration. If the specifications are approved by the enterprise, then they are sent to the laboratories state supervision for standards. Information about technical specifications is published in monthly publications of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Enterprise standards (STP) are developed and approved by enterprises and associations, including unions, associations, concerns, joint stock companies, inter-industry, regional and other associations, for products, processes and services created and used only at a given enterprise. STPs apply to norms, rules, methods, components of products and other objects that are used only at a given enterprise; on standards in the field of organization and production management; on technological standards and requirements, standard technological processes, equipment, tools; services provided within the enterprise; processes of organization and production management, etc. STP can also be developed with the aim of limiting state and industry standards and features of a given enterprise, if this does not violate or reduce the quality indicators and requirements established by GOSTs or OSTs.

As an enterprise standard, it is allowed to use international, regional and national standards of other countries on the basis of international agreements (treaties) on cooperation or with the permission of relevant regional organizations and national bodies, if their requirements meet the needs of the national economy and there are no state and industry standards developed on their basis . The construction, presentation, design, content and designation of enterprise standards are given in GOST R 1.5-93. STP is approved by the management of the enterprise ( chief engineer enterprises, associations). After approval, they are assigned an STP index, a digital code of the enterprise, workshop, department, standardization object and the last two digits of the year of approval or revision (for example, STP 0005-48-553 - 44 - 92). STPs are approved, as a rule, without limitation of validity period, and they do not apply to the supplied products and are not subject to state registration with the Gosstandart authorities of Russia.

Standards of public associations, scientific, technical and engineering societies (STO) are developed and approved, as a rule, for fundamentally new types of products, services or processes, advanced methods of control, measurement, testing and analysis, as well as for non-traditional technologies and principles of production management. Public associations dealing with these problems have the goal of disseminating promising results and global scientific, technical, fundamental and applied research through their standards. These categories of standards are taken into account and applied by business entities to dynamically use the results obtained in various areas knowledge of research and development results, and also serve as an important source of information on cutting-edge developments. Information about the accepted standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations is sent to the bodies of the State Standard of Russia. When developing all types of domestic standards, the recommendations of international standardization organizations are taken into account.

An International Standard (ISO) is developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization. National standards are created on the basis of ISO, and they are also used for international economic relations. The main purpose of ISO is to promote the favorable development of standardization in the world in order to facilitate the international exchange of goods and develop mutual cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities.

Once approved, an International Standard is assigned a suffix, a standard number and the year of approval or revision (eg ISO/R 1999).

We once talked about this topic in our webinar:

Products manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation must be accompanied by a document establishing technical requirements for the product, its production process, packaging, transportation, etc. In cases where such information is not available in GOST or has discrepancies with the information in GOST, special technical documents are developed, such as technical specifications, technological instructions, organizational standards, etc.

In addition, there are more narrowly applicable documents that establish specific requirements. These include safety data sheets, calorie calculations and some others.

Regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) is developed individually for each production process. Responsibilities for the development of scientific and technical documentation usually lie on the shoulders of the chief technologist or a person performing similar functions in the organization and having theoretical and practical knowledge in this field (i.e., familiar with the requirements of state and interstate standards for similar products), as well as familiar with the requirements for design and content specific type documentation. In particular, technical specifications must have an introductory part and sections: technical requirements, safety requirements, environmental protection requirements, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation and storage, operating instructions, manufacturer's warranties.

Competent and clear preparation of specifications is crucial for the fate of the product, since specifications are the first thing the customer will look at.

Besides various types normative technical documentation required for certain types of conformity assessment work. Such cases are regulated by various laws of the Russian Federation.

Our company employs highly qualified specialists in the development of Technical Specifications with extensive experience. We are ready to create technical specifications for any product and provide assistance with registration. In addition, our specialists can modify existing specifications in accordance with current GOST.

Technical conditions (TU)- are the main technical document for products, containing the most complete information about all product life cycles - from acceptance control of production raw materials to transportation and disposal of products. The norms established in the technical specifications cannot contradict the norms prescribed in the state standards of the Russian Federation.

The structure and composition of the Technical Specifications is determined by the requirements of GOST 2.114 and GOST R 51740-2016 (for food products). The development of specifications in our organization is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of these GOSTs.

Service cost: 8000 rub.

Development time: from 3-5 days

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Technological instructions

A technological instruction (TI) is another type of regulatory and technical documentation, which specifies the order and stages of product production and the requirements for the product and its production process. TI also includes characteristics of the equipment used, raw materials and materials, recipes, description and diagram technological process, production control methods, sanitary and hygienic requirements, production safety standards, labor protection and environmental protection. It includes recommendations and guidelines for metrological support of the production process, quality control, etc.

Service cost: 8500 rub.

Development time: from 3-5 days

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Organization standard

An enterprise (organization) standard is a normative document developed in accordance with GOST R 1.4-2004: it can be developed for the products, processes and services provided in a given organization, as well as for products created and supplied by this organization to the domestic and foreign markets, in in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and the application of national Russian standards in this organization.

The organization's standards are approved by the head of the organization and are applied, as a rule, without limitation of validity. The organization's standards are used to certify products and quality management systems. Our specialists will help you develop an organization standard in accordance with all existing requirements.

Service cost: 15,000 rub.

Development time: from 10 days

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Safety data sheet for a material or substance is a document that includes reliable information on measures to ensure: presented in an accessible and concise form:

  • protecting people's health;
  • safety of production personnel in the workplace;
  • environmental protection;
  • proper transportation and disposal of a substance.

An MSDS is an expanded version of the safety data sheets (MSDS) used in foreign countries; it is necessary during customs operations and (often) when obtaining sanitary and epidemiological reports. A safety data sheet is being developed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30333-2007. The safety data sheet is a mandatory component of the technical documentation for chemical products.

Service cost: from 14,000 rub.

Completion date: from 10-14 working days

The cost of registering a safety data sheet is approximately 30,000 rub.

When due: 1.5-2 months.

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Registration of technical specifications, service stations

After the Technical Specifications have been developed and approved by the customer, it is possible to undergo approval by the Gosstandart authorities of Russia and register a product catalog sheet (CLP). At the end of this procedure, the owner of the technical specifications can determine the rules for access to them and transfer them for use to other persons. Thus, the Specifications become the property of the developer and are protected from illegal use.

When registering the Technical Specifications for front page the seal of the registering organization is affixed, and a catalog sheet is issued in which the brief description products, the name of the company that owns these Technical Specifications, indicating the telephone number, legal address and full name of the head of the owner company.

Registration of technical specifications with Gosstandart is optional. And, nevertheless, if you have any other registration procedures ahead (such as, for example, registration of a medical device with Roszdravnadzor), of course, you should register the technical specifications.

In order to order registration of technical specifications, contact our employees by phone or email

The cost of TU registration is: from 8500 rub.

Completion date: from 5-10 days

In a similar way, the registration of an Organization Standard (STO) occurs.

The cost of registering a service station is: from 8500 rub.

Completion date: from 5-10 days

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Registration of technical specifications for food products

According to the requirements of GOST R 51740-2016 Technical conditions for food products may undergo coordination with the territorial bodies of Rosstandart, during which an examination of the compliance of the Technical Specifications with the requirements of the above GOST is carried out. As a result, the owner of the technical specifications is issued an Expert Opinion and a registered product catalog sheet (CLP) with the seal of the registering institution.

In order to order registration and examination of technical specifications, contact our employees by phone or email. To order registration of technical specifications, you can also fill out an application on our website.

TU registration cost: 8,500 rub.

Cost of technical specifications examination: 11,000 rub.

Completion date: 10-14 days

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Development of operational documentation

In addition to regulatory and technical documentation, many types of products - such as complex technical devices, electrical equipment, household appliances, etc. - accompanied by a set of operational documentation: passport, operation and repair manual, instructions for use. Moreover, if a regulatory document can combine a wide range of products (brands and models united by common technical requirements), then operational documents are developed for each model of technical device.
Our specialists will help you develop the necessary package of operational documentation.

Service cost: 15,000 rub.

Completion date: 10-14 days

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When examining organizations whose charter provides, along with many types of activities, construction activities, for obtaining a license, one has to deal with arbitrary interpretation of concepts "regulatory documentation", "organizational and technological documentation" etc.

Meanwhile, how fully the organization is provided for and how correctly it conducts its production and executive documentation, depends on legal liability (especially in case of accidents), the possibility of obtaining a license and the right to use the license.

For example, some regulatory construction documentation includes technical conditions, manuals, guidelines, instructions, manuals, etc., while organizational and technological documentation includes operational control cards, technological regulations, etc.

Therefore, it is probably advisable to sometimes remind about the meaning and place of a particular document during construction and installation work.

SNiP 10-01-94 "System of regulatory documents in construction" divides regulatory documents into federal ones, into documents of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and into production and industry documents of economic entities.

TO federal regulations include:

· building codes and rules of the Russian Federation

· state standards of the Russian Federation in the field of construction - GOST R;

· codes of rules for design and construction - joint venture;

· governing documents of the system - RDS. Regulatory documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - territorial construction standards (TSN).

Production and industry regulatory documents- standards of enterprises (associations) of the construction complex ( STP) and standards of public associations ( ONE HUNDRED).

Guides, directions, instructions, etc. are issued in development of the requirements of regulatory documentation, and they are for reference only. They don't carry that fullness legal liability, as normative documents.

Organizational and technological documentation includes (SNiP 3.01.01-85), construction organization projects ( POS) and work production projects ( PPR).

Operational control cards, technological regulations and others can be used as additional reference material.

TO production documentation include: general work log, logs for certain species works, a journal of designer's supervision of design organizations, certificates of inspection of hidden work, acts of intermediate acceptance of critical structures, certificates of testing and testing of equipment, systems, networks and devices and other documents on certain types of work provided for by SNiP.

TO executive documentation include a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, in agreement with the design organization, made by the persons responsible for the construction and installation work.

It should be remembered that, simultaneously with the system of regulatory documents in construction, there is standardization system.

Regulatory documents in construction establish a set of norms, rules, regulations and requirements that are mandatory for design, engineering surveys, new construction, as well as for expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment existing enterprises and structures. They are also required during construction and installation work, in the production of building materials, products and structures.

State federal regulatory documents and territorial building codes are developed in accordance with the requirements SNiP 10-01-94 research, design and other organizations and associations, as well as creative teams with scientific potential and the necessary practical experience in the relevant field.

Construction organization project ( POS) as part of the organizational and technological documentation is mandatory document for the customer and contractors. The PIC must be developed by the general design organization.

Work production project ( PPR) is being developed by the general contractor or a subcontractor construction and installation organization at the expense of its overhead costs. If it is impossible to carry out this work on our own, the PPR can be developed to order by a design, design and construction organization that has the appropriate license.

It is prohibited to carry out construction and installation work without an approved construction organization plan and work execution plan. Deviation from decisions of construction organization projects and work execution projects is not allowed without agreement with the organizations that developed and approved them.

Unfortunately, we have to note that not all documents whose stamp says “POS” or “PPR” are such. The PIC is most often issued as a simplified construction plan, which is used to collect signatures from approving organizations, while the PPR is a crane linkage diagram, without which the general contractor cannot put the crane into operation.

Meanwhile, the composition and content of the PIC and PPR are strictly regulated SNiP 3.01.01-85.

The main documents in terms of volume from the total volume of drawings as part of the PPR are technological maps. Technological maps are developed for construction processes, the result of which are completed structural elements, as well as parts of the structure. Organizational and technological decisions taken as the basis for development technological maps, are designed to ensure high quality, safety and accident-free performance of work in accordance with the requirements of current norms and regulations of construction production.

Flow charts should be developed in accordance with the requirements "Guidelines for the development of standard technological maps in construction" or "Guidelines on the development of standard technological maps in construction."

The technological maps include sections: scope of application, organizational and technological solutions (work flow diagrams, instructions for the production of work, requirements for operational quality control, work schedule, safety engineering solutions), material and technical resources (need for machines, mechanisms, tools, devices, inventory, materials, structures, semi-finished products and operating materials) and technical and economic indicators.

The general work log as part of production documentation must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 1 SNiP 3.01.01-85. The forms of special journals are given in the relevant SNiPs. For example, the form of the welding log is given in SNiP 3.03.01-87. The form of the inspection report for hidden work is given in Appendix 6 of SNiP 3.01.01-85. List of special magazines is established by the general contractor in agreement with subcontractors and the customer.

As-built documentation must be preserved in full. In addition to working drawings, the set of as-built documentation includes as-built diagrams of pile fields, installation horizons and others.

Organizational, technological, production and executive documentation is presented working commission(if necessary, and the state commission) upon commissioning of the facility.


Ph.D., SamGASA,


Head of the PPR department of JSC "Orgtekhstroy"

url: http://www.zodchiy.ru/s-nfo/archive/02.98/page5.html