Basic fire safety measures when working on a bulldozer. Safety requirements for a bulldozer operator during operation. General labor protection requirements




1. General provisions

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have a certificate for the right to operate a bulldozer and are recognized as suitable for this work by a medical commission are allowed to operate a bulldozer.

1.2. A driver hired must undergo introductory training on labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety, techniques and methods of providing pre-medical care to victims, must be familiarized with the working conditions, rights and benefits for working in harmful and dangerous working conditions, and the rules of behavior in the event of accidents.

Before starting work, the bulldozer operator must undergo initial training on safe methods of performing work directly at the workplace.

About the conduct of introductory briefings and briefings at the workplace, appropriate entries are made in the Logbook for registration of introductory briefings on labor protection issues and the Logbook for registration of briefings on labor safety issues. In this case, the signatures of both the one who was instructed and the one who instructed are required.

1.3. The bulldozer operator, after initial instruction at the workplace, must undergo an internship for 2-15 shifts (depending on length of service, experience and nature of work) under the guidance of an experienced, qualified bulldozer operator, who is appointed by order (instruction) of the enterprise.

1.4. The bulldozer operator must undergo repeated training on the rules of safe work practices and labor protection:

– periodically, at least once a quarter;

– with unsatisfactory knowledge of labor protection no later than one month;

– in connection with an incident of injury or violation of labor protection requirements that did not lead to injury.

1.5. When using a bulldozer as a tractor for trailed road machinery, the driver must follow safety rules when towing machinery.

1.6. The bulldozer operator must know the operating instructions for the bulldozer, as well as the base machine.

1.7. The bulldozer must be in technically sound condition, equipped with a sound and light alarm, as well as a locking device that prevents the engine from starting when the gear is engaged or the power take-off shaft is engaged, and equipped with a first aid kit.

1.8. The bulldozer must be assigned by order (instruction) to a specific driver. It is prohibited to start working on an unsecured machine or a machine assigned to another driver.

1.9. Before putting the repaired machine and mechanisms into operation, they are debugged, inspected and tested under the supervision of a mechanic.

1.10. The bulldozer operator can begin work in security zone(electrical cable, gas pipeline, etc.) only if there is a work permit that determines safe conditions carrying out work.

1.11. If a bulldozer is operating at night (when visibility is poor), the work area is evenly illuminated. All obstacles, the edge of the roadbed or slope, excavations, soil dumps must be well illuminated (at least 15 lux) or marked with clearly visible warning signs. It is prohibited to work on an unlit area.

Regardless of the illumination of the workplace, the control mechanisms and working parts of the machine must have autonomous lighting.

1.12. The bulldozer operator must work in special clothing and safety shoes provided for by the Standard industry standards: cotton overalls, rubber boots. Cotton overalls and rubber boots must be in good condition and correspond to height and size. It is prohibited to work in cotton overalls soaked in fuels and lubricants.

1.13. Any accident during bulldozing work must be reported to the foreman immediately.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to put on overalls, check the serviceability of the alarm and electrical lighting systems, and the availability and serviceability of the necessary tools.

2.2. Before starting work, the bulldozer operator must check the technical condition of the machine:

– serviceability of the engine and chassis;

– presence and serviceability of all guards on moving parts;

– availability and serviceability control devices, lubrication level in the hydraulic system, presence of water (antifreeze) in the cooling system, fuel in the tank;

– serviceability of cables, blocks, pulleys, condition of friction clutches and brakes on a bulldozer with rope-block control;

Action of control levers at idle and in working motion;

– presence of lubricant in all moving joints and, if necessary, lubricate the units in accordance with the instructions in the lubrication chart;

– reliable tightening of all external fasteners.

2.3. Minor defects must be eliminated. If it is impossible to do this on your own, you should inform a mechanic (master).

2.4. The driver must familiarize himself with the scope of work, the technology of the work process and the features of the site, and also make sure that there are no foreign objects on the work site, and when performing work on the maintenance and repair of highways, check for the presence of fences and warning signs.

2.5. Refilling the bulldozer with fuel and lubricants is permitted only after stopping the engine.

When refueling a bulldozer with fuels and lubricants, it is prohibited to smoke or approach the machine with open flame sources. If fuel gets on the parts of the bulldozer during refueling, they should be wiped dry with a cleaning cloth.

If fuels and lubricants are spilled on the ground, the area must be covered with earth (sand).

2.6. It is prohibited to store flammable substances in the bulldozer cabin.

2.7. To make it easier to start the engine in cold weather, liquids with a low freezing point (antifreeze) should be used in the cooling system.

When using antifreeze in the cooling system, the bulldozer operator must comply with safety requirements in accordance with DNAOP 0.00-1.28-97 “Occupational Safety and Health Rules in Road Transport.”

When filling the engine cooling system with antifreeze, the bulldozer operator must use means (ware) specially designed for this purpose.

Do not pour antifreeze through the hose by sucking it into your mouth. After handling antifreeze, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

It is prohibited to use fire to warm up the engine when starting it; start the engine by towing a bulldozer, and also operate the bulldozer if there is a leak in the fuel or lubrication system.

Heating lubricating oil is only permitted in special oil heaters.

2.8. Before starting the bulldozer engine, you must make sure that the clutch is disengaged, the gearbox lever is in neutral, the machine is stopped, and the ignition timing meets the conditions for starting the engine (there is no danger of crankshaft reverse due to early ignition).

2.9. Do not operate bulldozers that have a manual engine starting device using a starter cord. This applies to older models of bulldozers, which must be equipped with an electric starter.

2.10. To prevent burns (frostbite) from steam or hot water (antifreeze) that are released from the radiator when the engine overheats, remove the radiator roof while wearing gloves while standing on the windward side.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. While the bulldozer is operating, it is prohibited:

– to be in the area of ​​operation of the machine by unauthorized persons who do not work directly on the machine;

– leave the control platform and enter it until the bulldozer comes to a complete stop.

3.2. The bulldozer should not perform work within the range of operating lifting machines and excavators.

3.3. Before starting the bulldozer, the driver must make sure that the passage is clear and that there are no people in the machine’s operating area, and then sound a warning signal.

3.4. The cabin must be free of objects that interfere with work. Unauthorized persons are prohibited from being in the bulldozer cabin. The control platform, levers, and pedals must be clean and dry.

3.5. If stumps or other oversized objects are found in the cultivated soil, the bulldozer must be stopped and special vehicles must remove them from its path in order to prevent an accident.

3.6. It is prohibited to move soil uphill or downhill by more than 30° and to work on slopes that have a transverse slope of more than 30°. While the bulldozer is moving uphill and downhill, you cannot change gears. When going downhill, the car should be in first gear. If necessary, apply the brakes using the working parts.

When moving soil with a bulldozer on a lift, you must ensure that the blade does not crash into the ground.

3.7. When working at an inclined position of the bulldozer operator's workplace platform, in order not to fall, it is necessary to constantly hold on to the handle of the control mechanisms.

3.8. When working and moving along embankments with a height of more than 1.5 m, the bulldozer should not approach the edge of the slope closer than 1 m, and the blade should not extend beyond the edge of the embankment.

3.9. Moving and installing a bulldozer near excavations (pits, trenches, ditches, etc.) is permitted provided that the distance from the bottom of the excavation slope to the nearest caterpillar is not less than the values ​​indicated in the table. 1.

Table 1

Excavation depth, m

Soil (unfilled)

sand and gravel

sandy loam



forest dry

Horizontal distance from the bottom of the slope

to the nearest support, m


























If maintaining the specified distances is not possible, the slope of the excavation should be securely reinforced.

3.11. It is prohibited to operate a bulldozer on clay soils during rain.

3.12. When operating a bulldozer in rough terrain or when crossing a bad road, its speed should not be higher than the second speed of the tractor (5.9 km/h).

3.13. Do not make turns with a load or a deepened blade.

3.14. It is prohibited to carry out maintenance bulldozer between the tractor and the blade or under the tractor.

3.15. If malfunctions are identified or working conditions become more complicated that create the risk of accidents, work on the bulldozer must be stopped and the mechanic, foreman or other work manager must be reported about what happened.

3.16. On a hydraulically controlled bulldozer, the hydraulic system warning valve must be sealed. The seal must be installed by a mechanic after checking the valve using a control pressure gauge for the maximum permissible pressure in the hydraulic system.

3.17. During operation, it is necessary to monitor the good condition of the hoses and their connections, as well as the lubricant pressure in the hydraulic system.

Do not operate with lubricating oil pressure exceeding the maximum permissible level for this type of machine.

3.18. During operation of a bulldozer with rope-block control, the drums, brake band and winch clutches must not be allowed to overheat. Working without a protective cover on the winch drum is prohibited.

3.19. In the event of a rope break, the winch drum must be turned off immediately.

3.20. When operating a bulldozer equipped with hand winches, the working part of the machine should be raised and lowered only after the unit has completely stopped.

3.21. On a machine with a rope-block control system, it is prohibited:

– guide the rope by hand while winding it onto the winch drum;

– bring the pulleys to the stops to avoid overstressing the rope;

– work with used blocks and chipped flanges of blocks.

3.22. Work related to the installation of bulldozer attachments on a tractor must be performed by at least two workers after the machines have completely stopped and under the guidance of a mechanic.

It is necessary to lift heavy parts of a bulldozer only with serviceable cranes, jacks or hoists.

3.23. Maintenance and repair of machines should be carried out in designated places (posts), equipped with the devices necessary to perform the established work (inspection ditch, lifting mechanisms, overpass, rotary stand), as well as the necessary instruments, devices, equipment and tools.

3.24. All work related to the maintenance and repair of the bulldozer is carried out with it completely stopped, the blade lowered and the engine not running (except for work on regulating the engine).

3.25. If it is necessary to inspect the bulldozer blade from below, it should be lowered onto special stands. It is prohibited to stand under a raised working part of a bulldozer that is supported by a rope or hydraulic mechanism.

3.26. Work involving sparking and high temperatures (welding, flammable, etc.) should not be carried out on a bulldozer, unless it is impossible to remove the part that requires repair. Welding and soldering work must be performed at a distance of at least 10 m from the machine.

3.27. When carrying out electric welding work on a bulldozer, the driver must take measures to prevent a fire (drain and take to a safe place). diesel fuel, lubricants, etc.).

3.28. If it is necessary to stop a bulldozer on the roadway during the day, it should be fenced off with an emergency stop sign, and in the dark or in poor visibility - with a red flashing light installed at a distance of 20 m locality and 40 m – outside populated areas.

3.29. During short breaks in work, it is allowed to leave the bulldozer at the work site only if the engine is turned off and the machine is stopped. It is prohibited to leave the car with the engine running.

3.30. When the bulldozer stops during operation, the blade can be lowered to the ground.

3.31. For repairs, lubrication and adjustment, the bulldozer must be installed on a horizontal platform, the engine turned off, and the blade lowered to the ground.

In the event of an emergency stop of a bulldozer on an inclined plane, measures must be taken to prevent arbitrary movement down the slope.

3.32. During a thunderstorm, the driver must get out of the bulldozer and move to a safe place.

3.33. If during work underground structures, cables, pipes and other underground communications and unknown objects are identified, the driver must immediately stop work and report to the work manager (foreman, foreman).

It is allowed to work near underground structures and communications, power lines only in the presence of a foreman or foreman specified in the work permit.

3.34. When driving a bulldozer under the wires of existing power lines, the distance in the air from the nearest part of the machine to the nearest live wire must be no less than the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 2.

Table 2

Line voltage

power transmission, kV

Up to 1






Distance, m







Driving a bulldozer under power line wires (off the road) is allowed in the place of least sag of the wire (closer to the support), while the working part of the bulldozer must be in the transport position.

3.35. The operation of a bulldozer in the security zone of overhead power lines is permitted upon agreement with the organization that operates the line. The security zone along overhead power lines is a section of land and space between vertical planes that pass through parallel straight lines, distant from the outermost wires (if their position is not disconnected) at the distance specified in the table. 3.

Table 3

For voltage lines, kV

Up to 1









Distance, m


3.36. If the above conditions cannot be met, the power lines must be de-energized both while the bulldozer is operating and while it is moving.

3.37. When fording a bulldozer through rivers and streams, the depth of the water should not exceed the height of the caterpillar. The selected driveway must have a solid foundation.

3.38. Movement on ice or work on it is carried out under the direct supervision of an engineering and technical employee of the road organization by a special order after examining the condition of the ice cover, determining its strength, fencing off dangerous places with the installation of the necessary indicator signs (milestones, road signs, signal lights).

3.39. While the bulldozer is moving on ice, the cabin doors should be kept open. The speed of a bulldozer on ice should not exceed 10 km/h. Stopping, jerking, turning, and overtaking are prohibited. It is prohibited for people (except the driver) to be in the bulldozer while crossing the ice.

3.40. Driving from the shore onto the ice without ramps is permitted only if the ice near the shore has no cracks or erosions, does not hang over the water and is firmly connected to the shore. The overhang of ice should be checked through holes punched in it. The water that appears in them can cover the lower part of the walls of the broken holes to a height equal to 0.8-0.9 times the thickness of the ice. If water does not appear in the holes or its level is lower than specified, crossing in this place is prohibited.

3.41. Before driving onto bridges, you must first determine the load capacity of the bridge using signs and road signs.

It is prohibited to drive across the bridge in the absence of signs for the bridge's load capacity without the permission of the work manager (foreman, foreman).

3.42. Driving a bulldozer across railroad tracks is permitted only in designated areas. Stopping, disengaging the clutch and changing gears at a crossing is prohibited.

3.43. When driving on the roads, you must adhere to the “Rules” traffic”, the driving speed should not exceed 10 km/h.

3.44. To fell trees:

– if the diameter of the tree does not exceed 23 cm;

– if there is a slope – downhill;

– raising the blade as much as possible, rest it against a tree and turn on first gear, and if the tree falls, reverse gear.

If the tree does not give in, you need to find its roots, trim them and then cut the tree down. Dumping of dead wood is prohibited. It is prohibited to fell trees with blows from the blade.

3.45. When uprooting a stump, you must first of all loosen it, breaking the connection between the root and the ground. Then the blade is deepened under the roots or rested against the upper part of the stump (20-25 cm below the cut) so that the blade does not move upward, and the first gear is engaged.

3.46. When working together with machines (bulldozers, graders, rollers, scrapers, etc.), which go one after another, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them of at least 20 m.

3.47. When operating machines in winter, in addition to strict adherence to factory instructions, it is necessary:

– before starting the machine, warm up the engine to avoid breakage of track links or breakage of final drives, clean the tracks from ice;

– when parking cars for a long time without work in winter, drive onto wooden boards or straw mats;

– make sure (by careful testing) that there are no frozen parts in the transmission mechanisms and control systems (especially friction and brake bands); if frozen parts are identified, they should be thawed;

– do not allow gear changes when moving through deep snow, so that the machine does not stop and the tracks do not slip;

– return the vehicle when moving through deep snow smoothly and with the largest radius possible, without stopping the movement of the tracks; When turning, you need to turn off the side clutch and slow down the track a little.

3.48. In machines designed to operate in mountainous areas, the regulation and operation of clutches and brakes must be checked before starting work and before resuming it after various breaks. When leaving the car, the driver must brake it and turn off the engine.

3.49. In mountainous areas with steep slopes, bulldozer operation at night is not permitted.

3.50. Vehicles are transported under their own power, in tow, on heavy-duty trailers along the streets of cities, towns and roads and must meet the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations of Ukraine.

3.51. Bulldozers may only be moved if they are in full working order after a check inspection with the blade raised. Machines must be in transport position.

3.52. Before transporting vehicles on heavy-duty trailers, it is necessary to place shoes under the tracks at the front and rear. The implement should be lowered and the machine should be secured to the platform using braces.

3.53. On steep descents or climbs when transporting bulldozers on heavy trailers, it is necessary, in addition to the tractor, to use another vehicle that provides additional braking on descents and helps tow on climbs. It is prohibited to transport vehicles on a heavy trailer during icy conditions or other unfavorable road conditions.

4. Safety requirements after completion of work

4.1. After finishing work, the bulldozer driver must place the bulldozer in a specially designated place, turn off the engine, turn off the clutch, put the gear lever in neutral, brake the machine, and lower the working parts to the ground.

4.2. In the cold season, it is necessary to drain the water from the bulldozer radiator and let the engine run without water for 2-3 minutes.

4.3. The machine must be cleaned of dust, dirt and inspected, eliminating minor defects.

4.4. The bulldozer mechanisms must be lubricated in accordance with the lubrication chart and filled with fuels and lubricants. After this, lubricants and fuel should be stored in storage, and tools and cleaning materials should be placed in special boxes.

4.5. The driver must inform the mechanic or shift worker about all malfunctions identified during inspection or operation of the bulldozer and make an entry in the shift log.

4.6. At the end of the work, the driver must take off his overalls, clean them of dust and other dirt and hang them in the designated storage area. Then wash your face and hands with warm water and soap or take a shower.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. If suspicious noises, crackling, grinding or other unusual phenomena appear in the engine, hydraulic system, cable-block control or chassis of the bulldozer, stop work and take measures to eliminate the malfunction.

5.2. If a leak is detected in tanks, fuel and oil lines, it should be repaired immediately. Wipe the stains dry.

5.3. Certain parts of the bulldozer and electrical equipment may overheat above normal. If you detect a burning smell or smoke, you must stop working.

5.4. If the cable breaks, the winch drum must be turned off immediately. If the hose ruptures, immediately turn off the pumps and stop the engine.

5.5. If a fire breaks out on or near the bulldozer, the driver must turn off the fuel line taps. Flames should be extinguished using powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, sand, earth, or cover it with a tarpaulin to block air access to the fire source.

5.6. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire on your own, you must call the nearest fire brigade by telephone, radio or any other means of communication.

5.7. If a driver, while working on winter road maintenance, gets into weather conditions, dangerous to life and health, he must immediately stop working and report this to management via radio.

5.8. In case of accidents, the bulldozer operator must be able to provide first aid to the victim and, in emergency cases, call an ambulance.

________________________ ________________ _________________

(manager position


/organization/ - developer


Manager (specialist)

security services

labor of the enterprise ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Legal Advisor ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Chief technologist ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS No. ___ When working on a bulldozer

I.General requirements security

1.1 Persons who have passed a preliminary medical examination, passed the occupational safety test and have been instructed are allowed to work;

1.2 The instructions received must be signed in a journal in the prescribed form;

1.3 Work clothes should not have hanging ends, hair should be tucked under the headdress;

1.5 To provide first aid to the victim, there must be a first aid kit;

1.6 Be able to provide first aid in case of accidents;

1.7 Each bulldozer must have fire-fighting equipment;

1.8 Know how to extinguish fire and be able to use fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1 Inspect and tidy up the workplace

2.2 Check the technical condition of the tractor and bulldozer device. Check the condition of the machine control mechanisms, the condition of the working parts and brakes, as well as the lighting alarms

2.3 Carry out technical maintenance of the bulldozer in accordance with the factory instructions;

2.4 All operations related to the maintenance of machines and troubleshooting should be carried out with the engine turned off, the chassis of the machines braked, with the blade lowered by a pound

2.5 When filling the machine with fuel, water and oil, you must use the required means personal protection and be located on the windward side. When filling vehicles with fuel and lubricants for operation at night, it is necessary to use the lighting of another machine or a portable electric light bulb. Application of any light source with open
flame is prohibited.

2.6 When refueling vehicles and starting engines in winter, do not heat the oil with an open flame

2.7 Take special care when using leaded gasoline. Sucking leaded gasoline into your mouth through a hose is prohibited.

2.8 When starting the engine, the gearbox lever, as well as the operating control levers, must be in the neutral position

2.9 If you manually start the starting motor using a cord, do not wrap it around your hand. When starting the engine, do not wrap your thumb around the handle. The starting handle must be held so that all fingers are on one side of the handle

2.10 After starting the engine, check the operation of the unit, paying special attention to the reliability of the working parts control and alarm system

3. Safety requirement during operation

3.1 When starting work, you must familiarize yourself with the place of work, as well as the rules and conditions of work, depending on the specific conditions.

The work site must be free of large stones, stumps and other objects that interfere with work and threaten safety

3.2 When operating a bulldozer together with an excavator, coordination of actions must be ensured. While the excavator is operating, the bulldozer should not be within the range of the excavator boom. You can start working only after the excavator bucket is lowered to the ground

3.3 When dumping soil into a trench or down a slope, do not push the bulldozer blade beyond the edge of the embankment, as this can lead to the machine sliding and overturning

3.4 When changing the direction of movement of the bulldozer, make sure that there are no people in the area of ​​its movement

3.5 To avoid the bulldozer overturning, do not make sharp turns when working on slopes, embankments, as well as with a buried blade

45 degrees or a slope of more than 30 degrees, the cross slope should not exceed 15-18 degrees

3.7 Work in the vicinity of underground communications and structures, as well as under power lines, is permitted only after taking measures to prevent damage to communications and in the presence of the work contractor. It is prohibited to develop soil with a bulldozer near live electrical cables.

3.8 The bulldozer operator is obliged to continuously monitor the blade and if the knife hits an obstacle, he must stop - factor

3.9 Do not work at night if the electric lighting on the tractor is not working properly and good visibility of the working parts of the bulldozer in the path of the tractor is not ensured

3.10 When working on a bulldozer with hydraulic control, you must:

A) ensure that the oil temperature in the hydraulic system does not exceed 60 degrees;

B) monitor the tightness of the flexible hoses;

C) in case of oil leakage and hose rupture, turn off the pump and stop working.

3.11. When operating a bulldozer, it is prohibited:

A) carry out fastening, adjustment and lubrication of individual parts and components;

B) get out and get into the cab while driving;

C) stand on the frame and push bars;

D) be in front or behind a working machine, pull out stones and other objects from under the dump;

D) work on slopes with clay soils in rainy times;

E) clean or repair a raised bulldozer blade without securing it on stands.

3.15. When developing pits and trenches with slopes, do not allow the steepness of the slopes to exceed the permissible one. With moist soils or in the presence of groundwater, the steepness of the slopes is reduced by 50%. When developing recesses with ledges, the width of each ledge must be at least

3.5 meters, with weak soils the width of the ledge increases.

3.16 Do not work in swampy and swampy areas if there are no signs of dangerous places on them

3.17 Stump uprooting is carried out using a bulldozer blade or a cable attached to the rear hook of the tractor

3.18 Check the condition of the cables used when uprooting stumps daily

3.19 When clearing river beds and reservoirs, the water depth in the area where the bulldozer is working should be no more than 60 centimeters

3.20 When using a bulldozer to build terraces, observe the following safety conditions:

A) cut terraces starting from the top of the slope;
b) with a slope of more than 25 degrees, it is necessary to work together.

One controls the tractor, the second monitors the safety of the bulldozer;

c) keep the cabin door open on the side of the upper part of the slope.

3.21 Climb the hill only in first gear. Do not shift into gear while driving uphill or downhill.

3.22 When driving on the roads, follow the traffic rules

3.23 Do not leave the bulldozer unattended with the engine running

4. Safety requirement after completion of work

4.1 After finishing work, the driver is obliged to:

a) place the car in the place designated for parking, turn off the engine, turn on the brake, lower the shovel onto a special stand;

b) check the technical condition of the machine and identify faults.

c) in the winter season it is necessary to drain the water

D) clean the machine from dirt and soil, tighten bolted connections, lubricate rubbing parts.

5 Safety requirements emergency situations

5.1 In all cases of breaks in electrical wires, electrical cables, damage to underground communications, immediately report to the foreman

5.2 If a person comes under voltage, immediately release him from the voltage, pull him away from live parts, using one hand, insulated with a rubber glove (dry clothes, dry
wooden object). Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim.

5.3 Having discovered underground communications during excavation work that were not provided for by the project, as well as explosive materials, ammunition, immediately stop work, drive the bulldozer to a safe place if possible, fence off the dangerous area, post a duty officer and inform the foreman about this

5.4 if any component or unit fails, as well as guards of gear, chain and other transmissions of the bulldozer and its equipment, immediately stop working.


Developed Art. master


Head of Labor Safety Service

  • The excavator operator and all personnel servicing the mechanisms involved in the complex must undergo induction and workplace safety training, which should be repeated at least once every 3 months and each time these workers move to a new place of work or when conditions change. their labor.
  • Excavator operator and all service personnel machines must be provided with special clothing and protective equipment in accordance with current standards and must be used during operation. Without appropriate protective clothing and protective equipment Excavator maintenance personnel are not allowed to work.
  • Operators of single-bucket excavators working with equipment that is subject to the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes (with a hook or a grab), in cases where the boom, as well as the hook or grab are suspended on a rope, must be trained and certified qualification commission with the obligatory participation of a representative local authority Gosgortekhnadzor.
  • All excavator drivers, their assistants, mechanics, electricians, slingers (when operating excavators with crane equipment) should be periodically tested at least once every 12 months, and also in case of violation of safety rules, their knowledge of these rules should be checked.
  • All types of briefings and testing of safety knowledge should be documented with appropriate documents - training logs, protocols, etc.
  1. An excavator operator can only be allowed to work on the machine for which he has been trained. The certificate issued to the excavator driver must indicate what brand of excavator he is allowed to work on.
  2. The excavator operator must:
  • know the safety instructions for the excavator driver, as well as the manufacturer’s instructions for the installation and operation of the machine;
  • know the structure of the excavator, the design and purpose of its mechanisms and safety devices;
  • possess the skills necessary to operate and care for excavator mechanisms; before moving on to independently operating an excavator, a driver who has completed a training course must work on an excavator under the guidance of an experienced driver for at least 1 month and become familiar with all the conditions in which this excavator operates, as well as the necessary precautions;
  • if the excavator is working with crane or grab equipment, know the factors affecting the stability of the excavator and the reasons for loss of stability;
  • know the range and purpose of fuels and lubricants used for this excavator;
  • when complex mechanization of the production process, know the rules of safe operation on all machines involved in the complex. This is necessary because the excavator operator is responsible for ensuring that all workers servicing the excavator follow safety regulations.

Photo source: website

Complying with safety regulations before starting to work on an excavator

  1. Before starting work, the excavator operator must receive:
    • precise instructions on working conditions (presence of underground communications and their location, location of overhead power lines, presence of obstacles, etc.);
    • technological map excavator operation;
    • safety instructions (enforced by order of the construction department).
  2. Before starting work on an excavator, the driver must:
    • make sure the machine is in good condition; It is prohibited to work on a faulty excavator;
    • make sure that all rotating parts - gears, chains, belt drives, flywheels, etc. - are protected by casings or inaccessible to workers; It is prohibited to operate an excavator with guards on moving or rotating parts removed;
    • check the signal status; it is not allowed to start work with a faulty signal;
    • obtain from the driver handing over the shift information about the presence of any malfunctions on the excavator and ensure that these malfunctions are eliminated;
    • make sure you have a working tool;
    • ensure the strength of all connections (key, wedge, bolt, etc.), as well as connections of control system pipelines and, if necessary, strengthen them;
    • check the serviceability of brakes and ropes; working with faulty brakes and ropes is prohibited;
    • check the serviceability of the control levers and set them to the neutral position;
    • Lubricate the excavator in accordance with the lubrication chart given in the excavator operating instructions.
  3. After making sure that the excavator is in good working order, the driver, together with other maintenance personnel, begins refueling the excavator. In this case, the following safety requirements must be met:
    • the engine and hydraulic system should be refueled with fuel and oil only in natural light; as a last resort, you can refuel at night, but under electric lighting;
    • while refueling the vehicle, smoking, using matches, kerosene lamps and other sources of open flame is prohibited;
    • after refueling the excavator, all parts doused with fuel or oil must be wiped dry, and fuel spilled near the excavator must be thoroughly covered with sand;
    • It is forbidden to open a fuel barrel by hitting the cap with a metal object;
    • Fuel that ignites near a vehicle must not be extinguished with water; To extinguish ignited fuel, you should use a fire extinguisher, which must be on the excavator, as well as sand, tarpaulin, etc.

Safety requirements when starting the engine and during its operation

  1. Before starting the engine, the driver must ensure that it is in good working order, as well as that the engine starting devices are in good working order:

    The excavator operator must start the engine himself.

    • the engine, as well as the liquid-fuel starting engine, must not have leaks of fuel, oil and water, as well as leaks of exhaust gases in the connections of the suction and exhaust pipes with the engine block;
    • compressed air cylinders and their fittings for pneumatic starting devices must be in full working order; leakage of compressed air is not allowed;
    • electrical wiring and the electric starter start button must be in full working order; When you press the button, the electric starter should turn on immediately; current leakage in wires and terminals, as well as sparking are not allowed;
    • the levers of the mechanisms of the liquid fuel starting engine must switch easily and reliably; at positive outside temperatures, the starting engine should start easily.
  2. When starting a liquid fuel starting engine, the following safety requirements must be met:
    • when starting the engine using the handle, it is forbidden to grasp it; all fingers of the hand should be on one side of the handle;
    • when starting the engine using a starting cord, it is prohibited to use a random cord that does not have a handle, or wrap the cord around your hand;
    • The crankshaft ratchet for manual turning must have unworked slots, the starting handle must have a smooth, burr-free surface.

Starting the engine is permitted only after the driver gives a warning signal.

When the outside temperature is below freezing, it is prohibited to use open fire to heat the engine. When starting a cold engine, it is necessary to fill the radiator with hot water and heated oil into the crankcase. In this case, precautions should be taken against the formation of cracks in the cylinder block and “sticking” of the lower part of the radiator. Care must be taken when opening the radiator cap when the engine is hot and draining hot water from the radiator; It is not allowed to open the radiator cap without gloves, tips or rags if the engine is overheated; When removing the cap, you must turn your face away from the filler hole.

Do not start an overheated starting motor. To avoid hand burns, it is prohibited to touch the exhaust pipe when starting the engine and its operation.

It is prohibited to repair malfunctions while the engine is running.

Particular care must be taken when using antifreeze (a mixture of ethylene glycol and water) as a coolant in the cold season. The driver should be aware that antifreeze is a poison that can cause severe poisoning, even with fatal. Do not allow antifreeze to come into contact with your lips or mouth. For ethylene glycol, separate containers with special markings should be used; the container must be under special supervision. Do not allow oil to get into the container, as this will cause foaming and release of liquid from the cooling system.

Photo source: website

Safety requirements for the workplace of a single-bucket excavator

    The site on which the excavator is installed must be well planned and provide good review scope of work; Groundwater and storm water must be drained from it. If the base of the platform is wet, elan must be laid under the excavator. When working in the dark, the front of the excavator in the face, the place where soil is unloaded and the ground paths must be well lit.

    An excavator installed on the site must be secured to prevent spontaneous movement.

    A danger zone is established around the excavator, within a radius equal to its maximum digging radius plus 5 m, in which people are prohibited from being present while the excavator is operating. Warning signs and posters must be installed at the border of the zone, and signal lighting in the dark.

    When operating an excavator with a straight shovel, the distance between the protruding parts of the turntable in any position and the face wall must be at least 1 m.

    The formation of soil peaks in the face is not allowed. They should be brought down in a timely manner.

    For backhoes and draglines, the face height should not exceed the maximum digging depth of the excavator.

    Before installing the excavator, the work contractor must obtain accurate data about the underground communications running under the machine’s working platform. Warning signs must be installed in places where power line cables and gas pipelines pass.

    The excavator operator must be well instructed about the underground communications passing through the site, their route and depth, as well as the necessary precautions. When working in places where power transmission line cables and gas pipelines pass, the driver must be issued a permit for particularly dangerous work. Work on an excavator must be carried out under the supervision of gas and electrical workers.

    It is prohibited to operate an excavator under the wires of existing overhead power lines. It is also prohibited to work on an excavator if power lines are within the range of the excavator boom.

    You can work close to an overhead power line that is energized only if the air distance between the lifting and retractable part of the excavator and its cables in any position and at the maximum reach of the working tool and the nearest power line wire. If this condition cannot be met, installation of the excavator is allowed after removing the voltage from the power line. When working near energized power lines, the excavator driver must be issued a work permit defining safe conditions for the work, signed by the chief engineer of the construction and installation organization performing the work.

Safety requirements when operating an excavator

  1. Each excavator must have tables showing the operation of control levers and diagrams of starting devices. The excavator must be equipped sound signal.
  2. When an excavator is operating in conjunction with vehicles or auxiliary machines (motor grader, bulldozer, etc.), an alarm system must be in place between the excavator operator and the operators (drivers) of other machines.
  3. While the excavator is operating, it is prohibited to change the reach of the boom when the bucket is full (with the exception of shovels that do not have a pressure mechanism), or to pull up a load located on the side using the boom or bucket. Do not adjust the brakes with the bucket raised.
  4. During a break in work, regardless of its duration, the excavator boom should be moved away from the face and the bucket lowered to the ground.
  5. The operator is obliged to monitor the condition of the face and, if there is a danger of collapse, immediately take the excavator to a safe place and inform the foreman or foreman about this. If underground cables, gas pipelines and pipes under pressure that are not known to the driver in advance are discovered during work, work should be immediately suspended and the administration notified.
  6. It is prohibited to lift and move oversized pieces of rock, logs, boards, beams, etc. with a bucket (this rule does not apply to elan shields for moving an excavator).
  7. It is prohibited to place boards, logs, wedges, stones or other objects under the tracks or track rollers to prevent the crawler excavator from moving during operation. For this purpose, proper running gear brakes must be used.
  8. Soil should be loaded onto the vehicle from its rear or side. It is strictly forbidden to carry the bucket over the driver's cab or people. During loading, the driver must get out of the car if the cabin does not have an armor shield.
  9. When unloading soil into the vehicle, the bucket should be lowered as low as possible so as not to damage the vehicle. Oversized loading of the car body and uneven distribution of soil in it are not allowed.
  10. When operating an excavator to dismantle destroyed buildings, the following safety requirements must be met:
    • It is prohibited to install an excavator and start working with it until the mechanism destroying the building has completely stopped;
    • The excavator operator must wear dust-proof goggles;
    • all windows and doors of the excavator cabin must be closed during work to avoid dust in the cabin;
    • The work site should be periodically watered with water to settle dust;
    • you should beware of overhanging beams, blocks and other parts of a destroyed building;
    • The excavator driver must be issued a work order for particularly dangerous work.
  11. Cleaning, lubricating and repairing the excavator can only be done after it has come to a complete stop. The engine must be turned off and all moving parts of the excavator must be stopped,
  12. The bucket may be cleaned of adhering soil or objects stuck in its teeth with the knowledge of the operator when the excavator is stopped when the bucket is lowered to the ground.
  13. Inspection of the boom head blocks is allowed only while the excavator is stopped and with the permission of the operator.
  14. While the excavator is operating, it is prohibited for anyone (including the driver’s assistant) to be on the turntable, as well as for anyone (including the driver) to cross to the other side of the excavator through operating mechanisms.
  15. To avoid an accident, all foreign objects must be removed from the turntable before starting the excavator. All equipment and tools necessary for work should be stored in a place specially designed for this purpose.
  16. When working with a straight shovel, the following additional safety requirements must be observed:
    • When filling the bucket, do not allow it to cut into the ground excessively;
    • braking at the end of a turn of an excavator with a filled bucket should be done smoothly, without sudden jolts;
    • when lifting the bucket, you must not allow its block to rest on the boom block, and when lowering the bucket, you must not impart a pressure movement to the handle;
    • The lowered bucket must not hit the frame or track, or the ground;
    • when digging in heavy soils, do not extend the handle all the way;
    • obstacles in the face that could cause significant overloading of the bucket or damage to it should be avoided;
    • when a pioneer trench is being developed to lower an excavator into a pit, it is necessary to ensure that when turning the excavator for unloading, its tail does not touch the side walls of the trench (the bucket must be raised above the walls).
  17. When operating an excavator with a dragline or backhoe, the following additional safety requirements must be met:
    • Avoid excessive penetration of the bucket into the ground;
    • braking of the excavator when turning it with a loaded bucket should be done smoothly, without sudden jerks;
    • in the event of a temporary suspension of work on excavating a pit or trench or when repairing an excavator, the latter must be moved to a distance of at least 2 m from the edge of the open pit (trench). Under the tracks or wheels of the excavator, pads must be placed on both sides of it.
  18. During excavation, it is necessary to ensure that the ropes are wound on the winch drums. The ropes must not be allowed to cross on the drums. It is strictly forbidden to guide the ropes wound around the drums with your hands.
  19. Upon completion of work on the excavator, the operator is obliged to:
    • rotate the turntable so that the bucket is moved away from the face wall;
    • rotate the boom along the axis of the excavator and lower the bucket to the ground;
    • stop the engine and put all levers in neutral;
    • clean the excavator from dirt and dust;
    • inspect the engine, all mechanisms and ropes and, if possible, eliminate any detected faults.
    • hand over the excavator to the replacement driver or lock the cab;
    • make proper entries in the excavator's logbook.
  20. When working with an excavator to demolish old buildings and dismantle ruins with a wedge or ball, the following safety rules must be followed:
    • Only service personnel who have undergone special safety training when loosening soil with the specified equipment are allowed to work on an excavator;
    • the operating area of ​​an excavator equipped with a wedge (ball) must be fenced with warning signs or signal lighting within a radius of at least 40 m;
    • before starting work, it is necessary to carefully check the fastenings of the ropes; the rope must be of such length that after the wedge (ball) hits the bottom of the face, at least two turns of the rope remain on the winch drum;
    • work is permitted when the boom is tilted at least 60° to the horizontal;
    • the front window of the cab must have an armored fence;
    • during inspection and repair, as well as when replacing the rope, the wedge-woman (ball-woman) must be on the ground.
  21. When carrying out work on an excavator to destroy old buildings with an excavator with a ball-bagger, in addition to the safety rules specified in clause 20, the following requirements must also be met:
    • The driver is required to wear dust glasses while working;
    • the excavator must be positioned outside the possible collapse of walls or ceilings, i.e., approximately at a distance no less than the height of the building being destroyed; accordingly, the outreach of the boom and the length of the rope for the suspension of the ball should be;
    • the work area must be periodically watered;
    • the work site should be well illuminated by floodlights; the installation of floodlights must exclude the possibility of blinding the excavator operator;
    • It is permitted to begin work on cleaning up destroyed structures and construction waste only after the work on the destruction of the building has stopped.

Photo source: website

Safety precautions when moving an excavator

  1. The path along which the excavator will move must be leveled and planned in advance, and on soft soils reinforced with shields or flooring made of boards, beams or sleepers. As a rule, within the city and over long distances, the excavator must be moved on heavy trucks (trailers) or railway platforms.
  2. The descent and ascent of the excavator when moving it under its own power can be carried out on a road slope that does not exceed the maximum surmountable elevation angle of the excavator according to its technical passport.
  3. Lowering and lifting the excavator under its own power on a road slope exceeding that specified in paragraph 2 must be done when additional help tractor or winch in the presence of a mechanic, workman or foreman.
  4. To cross bridges, pipelines, embankments and railway tracks, it is necessary to construct a crossing made of plates, sleepers or beams. The passage of an excavator through structures is permitted only after obtaining permission from the relevant organizations operating these structures. The transition should be carried out under the supervision of an engineer and technical worker.
  5. While the excavator is moving, its boom must be installed strictly in the direction of the excavator's path, and the bucket must be raised above the ground to a height of 0.5-0.7 m, counting from the ground to the lower edge of the bucket. Moving an excavator with a loaded bucket is not permitted. The turntable must be braked.
  6. When an excavator passes under power line wires, the distance between the top point of the excavator in the transport position to the bottom wire of the active power line.
  7. If in fact the distance between the top point of the excavator and the bottom wire of the power line is less than specified in paragraph 6, then it is necessary to temporarily remove the voltage from this line. Any movement of an excavator near or under power line wires should be carried out in the presence of a representative of the organization operating this line.

Safety precautions when installing and dismantling excavators

  1. The area intended for installation or dismantling of excavators must be of sufficient size, well planned and free of foreign objects.
  2. At the installation (dismantling) site, cages made of wooden sleepers or beams must be prepared in advance for laying the excavator elements (handle, boom, bucket, etc.). The cages must be carefully laid out, and in appropriate places the sleepers (beams) must be fastened together with staples.
  3. As a rule, an excavator is mounted and dismantled using cranes and other lifting mechanisms and equipment, the serviceability of which must first be checked.
  4. While reeving the excavator ropes, any operation of its mechanisms is not allowed. It is forbidden to guide the ropes wound onto the drum with your hands.
  5. When lifting and lowering excavator components, workers must remain at a safe distance from the components. It is prohibited to stand on a raised or lowered unit to balance it.
  6. When dismantling, the excavator components are placed on pre-prepared supports, and gaskets are placed between the components. Laying gaskets and linings while lowering the excavator components is prohibited.
  7. It is forbidden to adjust the raised and lowered parts of the excavator by hand. For this purpose, guy ropes are used. It is strictly forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes of the mounted units with your fingers.



1. Workers who have reached the age of 18, who have undergone special training and have a certificate for the right to operate a bulldozer, as well as those who have passed:
- introductory training on labor protection;
- initial safety training directly at the workplace.
2. Initial training at the workplace is carried out with all newly hired employees, those transferred from one unit to another, with employees performing new work for them, seconded, temporary workers, as well as when performing work on the territory of an existing enterprise.
After initial instruction and testing of knowledge during the first 2-14 shifts of work, admission to independent work is granted.
3. Repeated training is carried out for all workers at least once every three months.
4. Unscheduled briefing is carried out when:
- changes in labor protection rules;
- changes in the technological process;
- replacement or modernization of the bulldozer, accessories and tools, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;
- violation by the bulldozer driver of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire;
- at the request of supervisory authorities;
- during breaks in work for more than calendar days.
5. Targeted instruction is carried out when performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty (cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, etc.; liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; carrying out work for which a permit is issued, permit and other documents).
6. The knowledge gained during the instruction is checked by the employee who conducted the instruction. Persons who demonstrate unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work.
7. Women are not allowed to operate a bulldozer.
8. The bulldozer driver is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations and the production tasks of the foreman (foreman) mechanic.
9. Standards for issuing workwear and safety footwear:
- cotton bib overalls - wear period 12 months;
- combined mittens - wear period 3 months;
For outdoor work in winter, additionally:
- cotton jacket with insulating lining - wear period 18 months;
- cotton trousers with insulating lining - wear period 18 months;
- felt boots - wear period is 24 months.
10. The bulldozer driver must comply with fire safety requirements:
- do not use open fire (matches or torches); when warming up the engine and do not smoke when checking the fuel level in the tank and while refueling the bulldozer. Do not work in clothing soaked in fuel and lubricants. Do not work in clothing soaked in fuel and lubricants. Do not store oily cleaning material in the bulldozer;
- do not leave the bulldozer near flammable materials to avoid fire from the bulldozer exhaust pipe;
- immediately wipe up fuel and oil spilled during refueling;
- in case of fuel ignition, stop the bulldozer; Do not extinguish the fire with water, but use a foam fire extinguisher, cover the fire with earth, sand, and cover it with a tarpaulin or felt. Call fire department, remove people to a safe distance;
- when refueling, the bulldozer engine should operate at low speeds, the exhaust pipe should be facing in the opposite direction from the refueling point.
It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 3 meters between bulldozers during refueling;
- smoking on the territory of industrial waste (dump) and garage is permitted in specially designated areas.
11. The bulldozer operator must comply with electrical safety requirements:
- before starting work in the security zone of the power line, voltage must be removed from the overhead power line;
- construction and installation work in the security zone of an existing overhead power line should be carried out under the direct supervision of an engineer and technical worker responsible for the safety of work, with written permission from the organization that owns the line and a permit specifying safe working conditions;
- if there is a justified impossibility of relieving the voltage from the overhead power line, the work of a bulldozer in the security zone of the power line is permitted subject to the following requirements:
- the distance from the bulldozer in any position to the vertical plane formed by the projection onto the ground of the nearest wire of an energized overhead power line must be no less than that indicated in the table:

Power line voltage, kV Shortest distance, m
Up to 1 1.5
From 1 to 20 2.0
From 35 to 110 4.0
From 150 to 220 5.0
330 6,0
From 500 to 750 9.0
800 (DC) 9.0

It is allowed to operate a bulldozer directly under overhead power line wires energized at 110 kV or higher, provided that the distance from the bulldozer to the nearest wire must be no less than that indicated in the table for the corresponding voltage;
- the bulldozer driver must have an electrical safety qualification group of at least 2 when working under a permit in the security zone of an active power line.
12. The bulldozer operator must provide first aid to the injured person at work. Immediately report violations of labor safety rules and cases of industrial injuries to the work manager (foreman).
13. A bulldozer operator who does not follow labor safety instructions will be held accountable in accordance with current legislation.


14. Before starting work, the bulldozer driver must:
- receive a task from the foreman or work manager (foreman, mechanic, column leader);
- together with the work manager, inspect the location of underground structures and communications, which should be marked with flags or poles;
- clarify the sequence of work and safety measures;
- perform shift maintenance according to the bulldozer operating instructions;
- warn the workers servicing the machine or those in the work area about the engine starting and make sure that the gear shift lever is in the neutral position;
- start the engine (if there are devices that turn off the transmission and prevent the reverse motion of the rotating elements - outside the cabin);
- after starting the engine, check the operation of all mechanisms at idle and the operation of the brakes at low speed.
15. The driver is obliged not to start work in case of the following violations of safety requirements:
- in case of faulty or defects specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, in which its operation is not allowed;
- when underground communications are discovered that were not specified by the work manager, when performing work on cutting or leveling the soil;
- when the terrain slope exceeds that specified in the manufacturer’s passport.
16. The work area of ​​the bulldozer must be determined so that there is sufficient space for viewing the work area and maneuvering. In the case when the bulldozer driver does not have sufficient visibility of the working space or does not see the worker (specially designated signalman) giving him signals, two-way communication should be established between the bulldozer driver and the signalman.
The use of intermediate signalmen to transmit signals to the bulldozer driver is not permitted.
The meaning of signals given during the operation or movement of a bulldozer should be explained to all persons associated with its operation.


17. Before starting to move the bulldozer, the driver must make sure that there are no people in the movement area and sound a sound signal.
18. When working on rough terrain, the driver is obliged to:
- turn off first gear when the machine is moving downhill;
- brake the car when stopping on a slope.
19. When filling excavations, make sure that there are no people, equipment, tools or building materials in them and do not allow the bulldozer blade to go beyond the edge of the slope.
It is prohibited to move the bulldozer within the slope collapse prism.
20. Operating a bulldozer in the danger zone of a working excavator is not allowed. Work with a bulldozer in the action area of ​​the excavator is permitted only when the excavator is stopped and the bucket is on the ground.
21. If it is necessary to clean the bulldozer blade, the driver must lower the blade to the ground and turn off the engine.
22. The speed of the bulldozer near the work site should not exceed 10 km/h, - on straight sections; and 5 km/h on turns.
23. Movement of a bulldozer through natural or artificial obstacles, as well as through unguarded railway crossings, is permitted only after examining the condition of the route. If necessary, the path of movement of the bulldozer must be planned and strengthened taking into account the requirements specified in the bulldozer passport.
24. When transporting a bulldozer under its own power from one place of work to another, the operator is obliged to:
- raise the bulldozer blade to a limited height, providing the necessary visibility to the driver in the direction of travel;
- make sure that the blade blade does not crash into or touch objects encountered along the way;
- follow traffic rules;
- cross the railway track only at an active crossing, guided by the appropriate signals;
- install red signal lights in case of a forced stop of a bulldozer on the road at night.
27. It is allowed to tow or pull out a stuck car with a bulldozer using a rigid tug, without strong jerks.
The use of steel rope for these purposes is permitted only if the windows of the driver's cab are protected by a grill or wire mesh.
28. When performing a coupling, the driver is obliged to:
- maneuver in first gear and closely monitor the worker coupling the machine;
- avoid sudden jerks;
- be ready to brake the car at the first signal;
- Hitch only after the machine has stopped.
29. Before loading a bulldozer onto a trailer, the driver must make sure that the trailer is stable and braked.
After loading the bulldozer, lower its blade and secure the bulldozer. While transporting the bulldozer, the driver is not allowed to be in the cab.
30. While working, the driver is not allowed to:
- transfer control of the bulldozer to persons who do not have the right to do so;
- leave the car with the engine running;
- transport unauthorized persons in the car;
- exit and enter the cabin while moving.
31. When servicing a bulldozer, the operator is obliged to stop the engine and relieve pressure in the hydraulic system.
32. While refueling a bulldozer, the driver and persons nearby are not allowed to smoke or use fire. After refueling, the car must be wiped of fuel and lubricant leaks, and the oily cleaning cloth must be placed in a metal lockable box. Lighting a fire at a distance of less than 50 m from the place of work or parking of a machine is not allowed.
33. If repairs or preventive inspection of the bulldozer is necessary, the blade should be locked in the raised state with safety chains or lowered onto a strong and stable support.
34. When working on slopes, the driver should not:
- make sharp turns of the car;
- turn the machine with a recessed working element;
- move the car across slopes whose angle exceeds that specified in the car’s passport;
- keep the cabin doors open.


36. In the event of an accident while the bulldozer is operating, the driver should immediately stop the bulldozer, put the gear shift lever in the neutral position, lower the blade to the ground and eliminate the malfunction or violation of safety requirements on his own, and if it is impossible to do this, the driver must report them to the work manager and the person for supervision of safe operation bulldozer
37. In the event of an accident while operating a bulldozer, the driver should stop the machine, provide first aid to the victim and immediately notify the work manager.


38. Upon completion of work, the driver is obliged to:

Park the car;
- put the speed shift lever in the neutral position and turn on the mormoz;
- turn off the engine;
- lock the cabin;
- inform the work manager or the person responsible for the good condition of the machine about all problems that arose during operation.

DEVELOPED BY: ________________ ______________

OT Engineer - ________________ ______________

By order of the Ministry
fuel and energy
Russian Federation
dated June 14, 1996 N 141

Presidium of the Central Committee
Russian trade union
chemical workers
dated May 23, 1996 N 6


TOI R-112-32-96


1.1. This Instruction sets out the basic requirements for organizing and conducting safe work for bulldozer operators at the enterprises of Transnefteproduct JSC.

1.2. Persons who have reached the age of 18, who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training in operating and servicing a bulldozer, who have a bulldozer operator's certificate, who have passed a test of knowledge of labor safety requirements and who have received permission to work independently are allowed to work on bulldozers.

1.3. The bulldozer operator must be provided with special clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment, including for work in emergency situations, including:

cotton overalls;
combined mittens.

For outdoor work in winter, additionally: a cotton jacket with an insulating lining; felt boots.

1.4. The bulldozer assigned to the driver must always be in working order, and there must be no foreign objects in the cab. All equipment and tools must be stored in a place intended for this purpose in good condition and used for their intended purpose.

1.5. The operator must ensure that belt and chain drives, shafts and other rotating or moving parts near which people may be are guarded or covered.
It is prohibited to perform any type of work with the guard or casing removed.

1.6. Operating a bulldozer at night with the lighting switched off or faulty is prohibited.

1.7. For local lighting, the driver should use a portable battery flashlight with a voltage of no higher than 12 V, and in dangerous places (trenches, etc.) - in an explosion-proof design.

1.8. Refueling and maintenance of the bulldozer are carried out with the engine not running. When refueling a bulldozer with fuels and lubricants, the driver is prohibited from smoking or opening the caps of fuel barrels by hitting them with metal objects.

Filling a bulldozer with fuel and purging fuel lines should only be done with pumps. It is prohibited to suck fuel into the hose or blow out fuel lines with your mouth.

1.9. When removing the plug from the radiator of a hot engine, the driver should stand on the windward side and cover the plug with a thick rag to avoid burns from the steam.

1.10. After refueling, the surface of the tank must be wiped dry and spilled fuel must be removed.

1.11. The bulldozer operator is required to periodically clean the exhaust pipe of carbon deposits and check the serviceability of the spark arrester.

1.12. On the bulldozer it is necessary to have a first aid kit equipped with a supply of medicines and dressings, and to maintain primary fire extinguishing equipment in good condition.

It is prohibited to use fire equipment for purposes other than its intended purpose.

1.13. The bulldozer operator must be able to use personal protective equipment and provide first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injuries, poisoning, burns and electric shock. If necessary, call an ambulance, report the accident to your immediate supervisor, and keep the situation in the workplace unchanged until the investigation, unless it poses a threat to workers and does not lead to an accident.

1.15. The bulldozer operator must comply with internal regulations and labor discipline.

1.16. For failure to comply with the requirements of these Instructions, the bulldozer driver bears disciplinary, financial or criminal liability in accordance with the established procedure.


2.1. Wear the required protective clothing and safety shoes, according to weather and local conditions. Overalls should be fastened and not have any dangling ends to prevent them from getting caught and wrapped around rotating parts.

2.2. Read the previous entries in the journal about the technical condition of the bulldozer.

2.3. Before starting work, the operator must check the brake of the winch for controlling the blade, the hydraulic system of the oil pump, control levers, ropes and the operation of the sound signal.

To do this you need to check:

completeness of the bulldozer in accordance with the passport;
adjustment and reliability of brakes;
serviceability of the control levers, setting them to the neutral position;
reliability of fastening of bulldozer mechanisms, serviceability of locking devices and devices, fastening of safety covers, a knife and its tightening to the blade;
the presence of lubrication of rubbing surfaces and fluid in the cooling system;
no fuel leakage from the tank and fuel system pipelines;
serviceability and operation of lighting, signaling equipment and instrumentation;
state of insulation of electrical wires and reliability of contacts;
condition of the chassis;
availability of primary fire extinguishing means.

2.4. The operator is obliged to eliminate all malfunctions discovered during the inspection and inspection of the bulldozer before starting work.

If they cannot be eliminated on their own, the driver must report this to the work manager.
It is prohibited to work on a faulty bulldozer.

2.5. After eliminating the detected malfunctions, the driver must check the operation of all mechanisms at idle.

2.6. It is prohibited to idle the bulldozer engine in a closed room to avoid poisoning people with combustion products.

2.7. The driver must record the results of the bulldozer inspection in the shift log. Sign for acceptance of the shift.


3.1. During work, the bulldozer driver must have a waybill indicating the exact route, location and nature of the work performed.

When working on the territory of a tank farm or pumping station, you must obtain a work permit. In places not specified by the traffic pattern vehicles on the territory of the LPDS, it is not allowed to operate or move a bulldozer without a spark arrester.

3.2. Before starting to move the bulldozer, you must:

warm up the engine;
make sure there are no people in the traffic area;
make sure that there are no foreign objects left on the tracks;
raise the blade to a height of at least 0.3 m from the ground;
warn about the start of movement with an audible signal and, having personally made sure that the passage is clear, move the bulldozer smoothly, without jerking.

3.3. You should move forward at a speed not exceeding the passport data and traffic rules, and cross the railway at existing crossings, giving the established signals, making sure that there is no approaching train.

It is prohibited to engage the bulldozer in reverse without giving a warning signal and stop at a crossing.

3.4. At night, the bulldozer operating area must be sufficiently illuminated. If there is poor lighting at the work site, heavy snowfall or fog, work should be stopped.

3.5. The bulldozer operator is obliged (both when moving and when parked) to turn on the lighting devices in the dark, in dense fog or heavy snow that limit visibility.

3.6. In case of a forced stop on the road, the bulldozer must be fenced (in size) with red flags during the day and lights with red glasses at night.

3.7. When driving during heavy fog or snowfall, impairing visibility to 10 m, as well as when turning, reversing, or performing shunting operations, the speed should not exceed 5 km/h.

3.8. It is prohibited to move the bulldozer to the place of work or to the parking lot under its own power with the blade blade lowered low. While the bulldozer is moving, the blade must be raised to such a height as the structure allows, but not less than 0.3 m from the ground, and in the raised position it must be securely secured.

3.9. Passing oncoming traffic should be done at a reduced speed, ensuring a safe distance of at least 2 m.

3.10. The passage of a bulldozer through bridges and railway crossings, movement on virgin snow, on the ice of rivers and reservoirs is allowed only along specially marked routes that have signs indicating the maximum permissible load capacity, and paved routes furnished with milestones and signs.

3.11. When driving under an energized power line, the working parts of the bulldozer must be in the transport position. Moving off-road under the wires of an energized power line is allowed in the place where the wires have the least sag (closer to the support).

3.12. The movement of a bulldozer through natural or artificial obstacles, as well as through unguarded railway crossings, is permitted only after an inspection of the track and in the absence of an approaching train.

3.13. While the bulldozer is moving, it is prohibited:

start the engine from the inertia force of the bulldozer gained when descending the slope;
on steep slopes, make sharp turns with braking of one caterpillar towards the uphill side in order to avoid the bulldozer tipping over, sliding, or breaking;
change gear while driving uphill and downhill.

In bad weather and rough terrain, driving only in first and second gear is allowed.

The bulldozer should only overcome inclines in first gear.

3.14. In winter, the bulldozer operator's cabin must be insulated, felt or cloth covers must be placed on the metal control levers, and a sheet of plywood or felt mat must be placed on the floor.

3.15. If there is no cab, the driver must have safety glasses to protect his eyes from dust; in the hot season, it is necessary to install an umbrella to protect from the sun's rays.

3.16. When a bulldozer is operating in a populated area, the work area must be fenced off. To avoid accidents, it is necessary to prevent people from being within a radius of 10 m from a working bulldozer.

3.17. During operation, the driver must carefully monitor the condition of the working parts of the bulldozer and comply with the following requirements:

watch the cutting edge of the blade. If there is an obstacle in front of the dump that the bulldozer cannot overcome (rocks, pipelines), the bulldozer must be stopped. Work is allowed to continue after inspecting obstacles that could cause an accident and making a decision to ensure its safe completion;
do not push the blade blade beyond the edge of the slope to avoid the bulldozer sliding under the embankment slope or destroying the walls of trenches and pits;
do not move the caterpillars closer than 1 m to the edge of the fresh embankment. It is not permitted to move or operate bulldozers within the soil collapse prism, as well as when dumping soil down the slope of an embankment or filling deep ditches and trenches.

3.18. When operating machines with rope-block control, you must:

carefully inspect the ropes daily (splicing steel ropes in knots or twists is prohibited);
systematically check and adjust the operation of the winch's friction clutches and brakes. Adjustments should be made with the working element lowered;
inspect the place where the rope is secured to the winch drum; the winch drum must be covered with a casing;
do not allow the winch drums and friction and brake bands to overheat. If they overheat, work must be stopped.

3.19. When operating machines with a hydraulic control system, the operator must:

monitor the serviceability of the safety valve, which serves to bypass some of the oil from the distributor to the tank. The safety valve of the hydraulic system must be adjusted to the highest pressure - 3 MPa. It is prohibited to adjust the valve “by eye”, as over-tightening it can lead to an accident;
do not allow the oil in the system to heat above 60 °C; Carefully tighten the connections of flexible hoses to prevent oil leakage during operation. If the flexible hoses rupture, turn off the pump and stop the bulldozer.

3.20. Using a bulldozer to tear off pits and trenches with vertical slopes without fastening is permitted to a depth of no more than 1 m in bulk, sandy, gravel soils and 2 m in especially dense soils with natural moisture, undisturbed structure and in the absence of groundwater.

3.21. Moving and parking a bulldozer near excavations (pits, trenches, ditches, etc.) is permitted provided that the distance from the bottom of the excavation slope to the bulldozer track closest to it is maintained at least as specified in the table. 1.

Table 1


3.22. When developing excavations with ledges, the width of each ledge should be at least 3.5 m; with weak pounds, the width of the ledge increases.

3.23. When leveling a slope with a bulldozer, access to the edge of the slope is permitted only with the blade forward.
It is prohibited to drive the bulldozer in reverse to the edge of the slope, install it near the sides of ledges, on the berms of ledges and dumps, or leave it in the dangerous zone of blasting operations.

3.24. It is prohibited to work on slopes with a lateral slope of more than 20°, as well as descent with soil with a longitudinal slope of more than 35° and ascent with a slope of more than 25°.

3.25. When moving soil uphill, you must ensure that the blade does not crash into the ground. The blade should be lowered and raised smoothly without jerking, since a sharp rise or lowering of the blade can cause a rope break and lead to an accident.

3.26. When driving on a slope, as well as in icy and wet weather, it is forbidden to suddenly change speed, disengage the clutch when braking, or make sharp turns.

3.27. It is prohibited to work on clay soil in rainy weather, or to turn around a bulldozer with a buried and loaded blade.

3.28. The movement of a bulldozer along an exposed main pipeline is permitted at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the edge of the trench to the bulldozer track. It is prohibited to move through open pipelines and drive a bulldozer in sections of the oil product pipeline being repaired, where the remaining backfill layer is less than 0.8 m to the upper part of the pipeline.

3.29. When operating a bulldozer in conjunction with an excavator, their consistency must be ensured.
While the excavator is operating, the bulldozer must be within a radius of 5 m from the range of the excavator boom.

The bulldozer driver can begin cleaning the soil of the excavator face if the excavator is stopped and its bucket is lowered to the ground.

3.30. When working together with several bulldozers following each other, the distance between them should be at least 20 m, when moving downhill - at least 30 m, and when clearing the route - at least 50 m.

3.31. When bulldozers work in groups to fell trees or uproot stumps, the distance between working bulldozers must be at least 100 m. The work areas of each must be marked with clearly visible signs.

3.32. When two or more bulldozers are operating in parallel, in order to avoid their adhesion or collision, the distance between the blades must be at least 10 m.

3.33. Towing or pulling out stuck machines and mechanisms with a bulldozer is permitted under the guidance of the work foreman (foreman). In this case, it is necessary to use a rigid tug, without strong jerks. It is permitted to use a steel rope for this only if the rear window of the bulldozer cabin is protected by a grill or wire mesh in case the rope breaks.

3.34. Pushing a scraper with a bulldozer while collecting soil should be done in a gear close to the speed of the scraper. When pushing, it is unacceptable to move the bulldozer at an angle to the scraper, as this may damage the structure of the scraper and its tires with the bulldozer blade blades.

3.35. The operator must carry out work in the security zone of a power line or cable with a permit and under the guidance of the person responsible for the safe performance of work. Work at a distance of more than 30 m from an overhead power line is permitted without issuing a permit.

3.36. If underground communications are discovered at the development site that are not provided for by the work project, the driver is obliged to stop work and inform the immediate supervisor of the work.

3.37. Before starting to fill the trench with soil, the driver must personally make sure that there is no working or abandoned equipment and tools in the trench.

3.38. During work it is prohibited:

transfer control of the bulldozer to another person;
leave a bulldozer unattended with the engine running and leave the bulldozer on slopes with the blade raised;
transport people in the bulldozer cabin, except for those undergoing practical training;
sit and stand on the frame and other parts of the machine, stand on beams or a blade while the engine is running, and also be under a raised blade if there are no supports underneath it;
remove tree roots, stones and other objects from under the bulldozer blade by hand;
get down from or onto a bulldozer while it is moving;
store spare barrels of fuel and oil on the bulldozer.

The workplace should not be cluttered.

3.39. When operating a bulldozer in the winter season, in addition to strictly following the factory instructions, it is necessary:

install anti-lateral slip spikes on the tracks;
Before starting the vehicle engine, remove the ice from the tracks;
to protect the cabin windows from freezing, they should be wiped with a mixture of salt and glycerin;
when parking the machine for a long time without work, install the tracks on wooden boards or straw mats to protect them from freezing into the ground;
start the machine only after warming up the engine with hot water or steam;
make sure (by careful testing) that there are no frozen parts in the transmission mechanisms and control systems (especially friction and brake bands); Having found frozen parts, they should be warmed up and dirt and ice removed;
check the pressure and temperature of oil, fuel, water using instrument readings;
do not allow gear changes when moving through deep snow to avoid stopping the machine and slipping the tracks, turn the machine smoothly and with the largest possible radius, without stopping the movement of the tracks;
go down from the shore onto the ice only if the ice near the shore has no cracks and ends up on the shore. It is prohibited to travel outside the ice field fenced off with milestones; if deformations appear - cracks or ice subsidence - movement on the ice should be stopped;
move on ice at reduced speeds, moving off smoothly, without slipping; Make turns with great care, first reducing your speed.

3.40. When driving on the ice of rivers and reservoirs, there should be no passengers in the cabin, and the cabin doors should be kept open.

3.41. It is not allowed to work in mountainous conditions without additional lugs to prevent the tracks from slipping.

3.42. When repairing the bulldozer or cleaning the blade, the blade must be lowered to the ground. To inspect the blade below, it must be lowered on secure supports and the bulldozer engine is turned off. It is necessary to clean the bulldozer blade with a shovel or scraper, but not with your feet or hands. It is prohibited to clear the dump from adhering soil by hitting the ground.

3.43. When repairing a bulldozer, lifting and lowering heavy components and parts should be carried out only with the help of lifting mechanisms (devices) of appropriate lifting capacity.


4.1. Near the site of the accident (in the event of a leak of oil products), the driver must stop work, turn off the bulldozer engine, leave the danger zone and report the incident to the work supervisor, dispatcher or operator of the nearest LPDS, PS (PS), call an emergency team, act in accordance with emergency response plans and fires.

4.2. If a fire occurs on a bulldozer while the engine is running, the operator must immediately turn off the fuel supply and extinguish the flame with a fire extinguisher, cover it with sand or earth, or cover it with a tarpaulin (felt). If you are unable to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents yourself, you must call the fire department.


5.1. After finishing work, the bulldozer operator is obliged to:

place the bulldozer on the parking base, having previously placed pads, lower the blade on them;
when parked for a long time, it is necessary to place chocks under the tracks or wheels;
close the fuel supply valves to the engine.

5.2. In cases where work takes place at facilities remote from the base, where security cannot be ensured, the bulldozer driver is obliged, during breaks or after work, to put the bulldozer in a position that precludes the possibility of its launch and use by unauthorized persons, for which the starting devices should be turned off and the cab door lock it.

The numbering of paragraphs is given in accordance with the official text of the document.

5.2. Check the technical condition of the bulldozer, report serious faults to the manager, and fix minor faults yourself.

5.3. In designated parking areas it is prohibited:

keep the bulldozer with the neck of the fuel tank open, as well as in the presence of a fuel leak without first draining the fuel. Fuel drained from the bulldozer tank may be stored in metal barrels in places located at a distance of at least 50 m from the bulldozer parking area;
heat engines with open fire (bonfires, torches, blowtorches), smoke, and also use open fire sources for lighting during repairs and other work;
refuel the bulldozer;
leave oily cleaning materials, rags and overalls in the bulldozer after finishing work.

5.4. At the end of work, take a warm shower and thoroughly wash your face and hands with warm water and soap. Change clothes.

Overalls and safety shoes should be stored separately from personal clothing.

5.5. When transferring a bulldozer to a driver of another shift, it is necessary to make an entry in the shift log about the technical condition of the machine and the measures taken to eliminate malfunctions.