Respirators and their types. Elements of educational and material base Mask against harmful substances

Anyone who has dealt with repair, construction and finishing work knows that it is necessary to take care of safety. With the help of protective clothing you can cover the body, but in addition, do not forget about the respiratory system. For these purposes, respirators have been developed that allow you to hide different areas of the face. When choosing from a huge assortment, you can get confused and buy the wrong model. Therefore, before you go to the store, you should familiarize yourself with the classification and also learn how to choose the right respirator. This article will provide some recommendations as well as tips regarding choosing this device.

Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment primarily includes respirators, the main task of which is to protect the respiratory system from dust, harmful gases, vapors and aerosols. Thus, the process is based on filtering polluted air and supplying clean air. All models are classified depending on the area of ​​application:

  • medical;
  • industrial;
  • military;
  • household

When choosing the first three types, it is necessary to take into account many criteria, moreover, they are all developed using individual technologies. Among builders and home craftsmen, household types have gained the most popularity. Cotton and gauze are considered the most affordable; they are sold in pharmacies.

It is important to note that there are also classifications depending on the type of air purification. It may be based on:

  • adsorption;
  • chemisorption;
  • catalysis;
  • filtration through several layers of fabric.

Among the advantages of respirators, especially noteworthy is their low weight, as well as minimal breathing resistance. The latter characteristic allows you to stay in the protective equipment for several hours. The pressure on the face will be reduced, which will eliminate discomfort.

Main types

To choose the right means of protection, you need to know what types of pollution a filter is required to protect against. So, the main types of respirators are distinguished:

  • Anti-dust. Protection against fine dust.
  • Anti-aerosol. Protection when spraying various paints and varnishes. It is worth noting that this type performs well in protecting against vapors that are released when paint is diluted with a solvent.
  • Against fumes. Unlike the previous model, the respirator is aimed at protecting against smaller particles, sometimes invisible vapors. Many of them have an unpleasant odor, but if there is none, then you should be doubly careful.
  • Against gases. Protection from various types gases
  • Combined. Common universal products in which filter systems are aimed at purifying the air from all of the above types of pollution. Many people believe that this type of respirator is good and reliable and will last several times longer. But it is worth noting its higher price.

The choice of filter material depends on the type of work performed. It is especially worth studying the compositions of paints, in particular, the presence or absence of a solvent. There is no need to choose disposable fabric masks for painting work, as they do not trap harmful particles. When choosing filters for painting with a spray gun, follow the following recommendations depending on the type of paint:

  • powder – anti-aerosol filters;
  • water-based - anti-aerosol filters plus additional protection against organic fumes;
  • atomizer-based filters for organic vapors.

Knowing the entire classification of respirators and filters, you can quickly and easily select the appropriate option.

Pay attention! At frequent use For a respirator, it is better to purchase a reusable model with replaceable filters. Its cost will be higher, but for each type of work you can select one or another filter.

We take into account the complexity and harmfulness of the process

To purchase a high-quality and reliable respirator, you need to consider many factors and parameters. Which respirator will perform better directly depends on the conditions in which the work will be carried out. For example, in enterprises with increased occupational hazards it is proposed to use respirators with different hazard classes. The most common models are considered to be anti-gas aerosol ones.

It is equally important to consider the type of activity and location of the person in the room. So, if there is good ventilation, air purification and change occurs quickly, which means you can choose a lightweight respirator. If we are talking about a closed room, then it is necessary to provide protection for the eyes, since many substances irritate their mucous membrane.

Pay attention! In rooms with increased pollution and the presence of large amounts of harmful and often toxic substances, it is necessary to purchase respirators with chemical cartridges. They have an indicator installed that will signal the expiration date.

Purchase rules

Since we are talking about personal respiratory protection, it must be purchased personally. To choose the right size? You need to take a measurement of your face. To do this, using a regular measuring tape, you need to measure the distance from the chin (the lowest point) to the bridge of the nose (the largest depression).

Once the respirator model has been selected, it must be inspected for damage or defects. Trying on is also included in the purchase rules: the chin and nose should be inside the device, and the edges should fit tightly to the face, but not cause discomfort. Buckles for additional fixation should not be too tight; it is best if they are adjustable. This model can be used for renovations throughout the entire house, regardless of the work being carried out.

Sometimes moisture accumulates on respirators because it is not removed or ventilated through the breathing valve. If necessary, the device is removed, wiped with a soft and clean cloth, and then put on again.

Pay attention! If the respirator has adjustable buckles, this will allow you to choose the right size. Keep in mind that a mustache, glasses and beard can disrupt the seal.


When choosing a model of a protective agent for painting, you need to try it on various types respirators. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

  • remove from packaging and inspect for serviceability;
  • try on the model (if the manufacturer has specified special rules for putting on, it is worth taking them into account);
  • a non-stretchable braid should pass through the parietal region, and the second through the occipital region;
  • use the regulator to adjust the tension;
  • press the ends of the nose clip to your nose;
  • check the tightness of the fit (close the hole for inhaling air with your palm and take a breath: if the air does not come out, then the model is suitable, if some of the air comes out in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose, then you should press the ends of the nose clip a little harder).

The leaking respirator is removed and another model of a smaller or larger size is selected.

Pay attention! The tested protective agent must be packaged in the original package and stored in a special bag. Some cases have special compartments for the mask itself and for filters.

For welding work

It is necessary to protect the respiratory system not only when performing repair and finishing work, but also during welding. So, for a welder it is worth choosing not only the right tool, but also protective equipment. Many people save money with this device: they prefer to protect only their eyes, but they may be the first to suffer from sparks from the welding machine. The vapors released into the air also contain harmful substances that can enter the respiratory system.

The shape of half masks for welding work should be cup-shaped. In addition, the design must include important components:

  • adjustable nose clips;
  • inhalation valves;
  • fastening system (4 points);
  • filter system with spark-safe treatment, as well as a layer of activated carbon.

An effective and high-quality respirator will meet the following performance characteristics:

  • durability;
  • resistance to creasing and sparks;
  • possibility of adjusting the nose clip;
  • tight fit of the respirator;
  • ease of breathing;
  • heat removal;
  • retention of fine fumes from welding;
  • reducing the intensity of the pungent odor;
  • compatible with welding shields (eye protection);
  • ease of adjustment;
  • ease of care.
Pay attention! Undoubtedly, each person must individually select a respirator model.

In general, we can end the topic here, since the choice of a respirator will depend on many indicators. The most basic are the type of work and the degree of air pollution. If we are talking about simple household processes that involve dust or paint, then a “petal” type model is quite sufficient. By following the rules and taking into account the advice of experts, you can choose a protective device that will reliably protect the respiratory system from various types of pollution.



They are lightweight means of protecting the respiratory system from harmful gases, vapors, aerosols and dust.

According to your device respirators are divided into 2 types:

a) respirators in which the half mask and filter element simultaneously serve as the front part;

b) respirators in which the inhaled air is purified in filter cartridges attached to the half mask.

According to its purpose respirators are divided into three groups:

anti-dust, which protect the respiratory system from various types of aerosols;

gas masks, which protect against harmful vapors and gases;

gas and dust protective (universal) – from gases, vapors and aerosols with their simultaneous presence in the air.

Synthetic polymer fine-fiber filter materials are most often used as filters in dust respirators. For example, the so-called Petryanov filter (FP) is made of polyvinyl chloride. This fabric carries electrostatic charges on its fibers, which helps trap dust.

Depending on the service life and frequency of use, respirators can be:

a) disposable use (ShB-1 “Lepestok”, “Kama”);

b) reusable, where the filter can be replaced or cleaned.

Dust respirators.

The most widespread in the civil defense system is anti-dust respirator U-2K or R-2. It protects the respiratory system from silicate, metallurgical, mining, coal, radioactive and other dusts, as well as from dusts and powders that do not emit toxic vapors and gases. It is a filter half mask, the outer filter of which is made of polyurethane foam, the inner part is made of polyethylene film. Between them is a second filter layer made of Petryanov filter material. Two inhalation valves are attached to the plastic film, and the exhalation valve is located in the front of the half mask and is protected by a screen. When you inhale, air passes through the entire outer surface of the respirator, is cleared of dust and enters the respiratory organs through the inhalation valves. When you exhale, air escapes through the exhalation valve.

To ensure a snug fit of the respirator to the face, there is a nose clip in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, and an adjustable headband for mounting on the head. It is produced by industry in 3 heights, which are indicated on the inner chin part of the half mask. Height is determined by measuring the height of a person's face, i.e. the distance between the point of greatest deepening of the bridge of the nose and the lowest point of the chin. With a measurement of 99-109 mm – 1 height; from 109 to 119 mm – height 2; from 119 mm and above – height 3. The tight fit of the respirator to the face is checked by closing the palm of the safety screen of the exhalation valve. If, when exhaling, air passes into the nose area, then you need to press the ends of the nose clip more tightly. Moisture collecting in the submask space is removed through the exhalation valve. To protect children from radiation exposure, children's respirators R-2D are used. They are available in 4 sizes for children from 7 to 17 years old. Regeneration of the respirator is carried out by shaking off and lightly knocking out the dust or blowing with clean air. When using a respirator, it is necessary to prevent drops of organic solvents from contacting the filter surface.

Anti-dust respirator F-62Sh.

It is most widely used in mines to protect the respiratory system from mining, coal and other dust, powdered fertilizers and insecticides. It has a replaceable filter that can withstand operation for 5 to 30 shifts, depending on the dust concentration.

Anti-dust (anti-aerosol) respirator RPA-1 .

Allows you to carry out work at high dust concentrations, since the filters are highly dust-intensive. Consists of a rubber half mask, two plastic cartridges with replaceable aerosol filters, an exhalation valve with a safety clip, a head cap and a knitted seal.

The inhaled air enters the cartridge through the louvers in the lid, and then through the inhalation valve into the submask space.

Gas respirators.

They occupy an intermediate position between dust respirators and gas masks.

Their use is possible only when the atmospheric air is contaminated with certain toxic substances in concentrations not exceeding 10 - 15 MAC. In this case, the eyes and face are left without protection.

Gas respirator RPG-67.

Protects the respiratory system from exposure to gaseous substances present in the air production premises. Consists of a rubber half mask, a seal, absorbent cartridges, plastic cuffs with inhalation valves, an exhalation valve with a safety screen and a headband.

Depending on the conditions in which you will have to work, the respirator is equipped with filter cartridges of various brands that match the composition of the absorbent. In the center of the cartridge cover there is a marking (date of manufacture, brand of respirator and cartridge). Available with half masks in 3 heights: 1, 2, 3 (height is indicated on the inner surface of the half mask).

The RPG-67 respirator is equipped with filter cartridges of 4 brands:

“A” - for protection against organic vapors (gasoline, kerosene, acetone, benzene, and its homologues, dichloroethane, methylamines, carbon disulfide, chloroethyl, alcohols, ethers, pores of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides). The protective action time is up to 60 minutes;

“B” – for protection against acid gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), vapors of chlorine and organophosphorus pesticides, vapors and aerosols of nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. Protective action time – up to 50 minutes;

“KD” – for protection against ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. The protective action time against ammonia is 30 minutes, against hydrogen sulfide – 50 minutes;

“G” – for protection against mercury vapor. Action time – up to 20 minutes.

3. Gas-dust respirators(or universal).

The RU-60M gas-dust respirator is similar in appearance and purpose to the RPG-67 respirator, has the same markings and purpose of filter cartridges, but in addition to absorbers, they also have an anti-aerosol filter. Therefore, it protects not only from harmful vapors of substances, but also from dust and aerosols. The protective action time of the RU-60M respirator is slightly lower than the RPG-67.

The newest gas and dust respirators include U-2GP and Uralets. Outwardly, they resemble the familiar R-2 (U-2K) respirator, but it has an additional protective layer of carbon fabric added, which absorbs harmful impurities in the form of gases, vapors and dust. The respirator mask is marked depending on the harmful impurity that is absorbed by the protective layer:

“A” is for benzene. The protective action time is up to 15 minutes;

“G” – from mercury vapor. Protective action time up to 5 hours;

“KD” – from ammonia, hydrogen sulfide vapors. Action time – ammonia – 30 minutes, hydrogen sulfide – 50 minutes;

“K” is for ammonia. The protective action time is up to 40 minutes.

It should be clearly remembered that highly toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, phosphorous, hydrogen cyanide, tetraethyl lead, low molecular weight carbohydrates (methane, ethane), and combat agents are not retained by respirators.

Chemically hazardous substances that can penetrate the skin require the use of more reliable means of protection not only for the respiratory system, but also for the skin.

In all cases of using respirators, at the first appearance of a foreign odor under the mask, you should quickly leave the gas-contaminated area and change the respirator cartridges.

Respirators are divided into anti-dust, anti-gas and gas-dust respirators according to their intended purpose. They are used to protect the respiratory system from harmful aerosols and dust and act on the principle of filtering inhaled air. They are widely used as a protective agent in work associated with dust formation. Respirators usually consist of a front part (mask or half-mask) on which filter elements are mounted. In some types of respirators, the material of the front part has filter properties. There are designs of respirators with and without inhalation and exhalation valves. Currently, our industry produces respirators of numerous brands: R-2, RU-60M, RPG-67 (Fig. 5.10).

Rice. 5.10. Respirators

The R-2 respirator is a filtering half mask equipped with two inhalation and one exhalation valves with a safety screen, a headband consisting of elastic bands, and a nose clip. The half mask is made of porous synthetic material, the inside of which is lined with a thin airtight film. Between the half mask and the film there is a filter made of synthetic fibers. The respirator is manufactured in three sizes (Table 5.4).
Table 5.4
Choosing a respirator size

Respirators RPG-67 (gas-proof) and RU-60M (gas-dust-proof) consist of a rubber half mask with three holes. The two side cuffs are equipped with inhalation valves, which contain replaceable filter cartridges with various protective properties. There is an exhalation valve in the lower hole. Half masks are made in three sizes, which are indicated on its inner surface. The design of respirators allows for their use with safety glasses. These universal gas respirators are recommended for use when working in an atmosphere containing harmful vapors and gaseous substances in concentrations not exceeding 10-15 MPC values. The weight of respirators does not exceed 300 h - 350 g.

When working with any paint and varnish materials, there is a need for protection from toxic fumes that can cause serious harm to health. A painting respirator is a necessary part for painting work among both professionals and ordinary people doing repairs themselves.

Let's look at what types of respirators there are, what they are needed for, how to choose the right respirator, and we'll tell you about the consequences that may arise if you neglect your health and do not use a painting mask.

A respirator is a face protection mask used for various jobs involving exposure to chemical reagents. Toxic fumes from the air flow can enter the respiratory tract, be absorbed into the blood and cause poisoning varying degrees gravity.

When carrying out painting-related work, specialists use a protective equipment called a paint mask.

A respiratory mask is used in the following situations:

  • protection respiratory tract when dyeing;
  • when working with toxic fumes;
  • when working with spraying.

Production of coatings, painting and construction work in highly dusty conditions - any of these types of activities requires a special protective mask.

There are a number of conditions for using a respirator:

  • frequency;
  • periodicity;
  • type of harmful chemical compounds;
  • under what conditions the work is carried out;
  • concentration of pollutants.

By what principle to choose?

Only an experienced painter can give a confident answer to the question of how to choose a respirator for respiratory protection. If you have never dealt with home repairs, you may face serious difficulties. Nevertheless, we will try to figure it out.

There are many types of protective face mask:

  • half masks;
  • covering the entire face;
  • full face with oxygen supply device;
  • over the entire face with a breathing apparatus in which high pressure is constantly maintained.

Protective face masks can be disposable or reusable. It is important that the painting mask has replaceable filters and valves, and that its protective layer consists of high-quality material that does not cause allergies. When wearing such a mask, the worker should not experience discomfort.

From a technical point of view, there are two groups of respiratory masks for protection against chemicals, coarse dust, fine dust particles, and odors:

  • Filtering. The air is purified through special filters; the design principle of such designs is similar to gas masks.
  • Insulating. The respirator contains an oxygen mixture, which is supplied through a hose or a separate breathing apparatus.

The most important characteristic for anti-dust, anti-aerosol respirators and filters is their protection class. There are three main classes:

  • FFP1 (class 1 filter type half masks)- retain more than 80% of airborne impurities.

  • FFP2 (class 2 filter type half masks)- retain more than 94% of impurities.

  • FFP3 (class 3 filter type half masks)- retain more than 99% of impurities.

Types of respirators

There are many types and brands protective masks, however, to safely carry out paint and varnish work, a very important condition must be observed - we choose a respirator that can protect against vapors of substances whose boiling point is below 60˚!

Which choice is better to make? There are many options. For example, the PPM-88 and RU-60m models are popular, but they are mainly suitable for painting work. For technologically complex industries, professional paint shops, as well as manipulations with building materials, funds are needed personal protection higher class.

One of the most popular models is the ZM respirator (protective mask). The 3m company, which markets such a protective product, pays great attention to the quality and reliability of its products. 3M respirators are able to maintain their effectiveness for a long time, meet all modern safety requirements, fit tightly to the skin, so that when a dust particle is inhaled, there is no harm to the worker.

3m respiratory masks are relatively inexpensive, this is another advantage.

If necessary, work with paint in which large number toxins, a respirator for a painter cannot provide respiratory protection. Also, in conditions where the maximum permissible dust concentration is several times exceeded, a protective face mask is not effective enough. In this situation, protective suits are good for painting.

Personal protective equipment when working with automotive paints protects a person from the harmful effects of chemicals, for example, carbon disulfide compounds, benzene and its derivatives (toluene, xylene, etc.). Therefore, a filtering respirator is selected for painting a car (you can purchase similar and other respirators).

Many unscrupulous owners of car assembly shops or auto repair shops do not consider it necessary to spend enough money to protect the respiratory organs of personnel, suggesting the use of painter's masks made of U2-K paper or face bands made of foam rubber, which are fixed on the head with ties. Breathing through such devices is harmful. This kind of attitude towards safety in the workplace is unacceptable!

In the video: painting mask.

Depending on the filter type

The operating principle of a filtering respirator is based on creating and retaining a cushion of air. For example, inside ZM respirators there is a filter with which air is retained and harmful particles from it settle on the surface of the protective material (absorption principle). After which the air masses follow into the lungs (this is important, because respiratory protection when painting is crucial).

Most often, the absorbent material is multilayer cotton wool or carbon.

Dust filters protect against dust and similar particles from the most different sizes, anti-aerosol - provide protection against aerosol suspensions formed when spraying paint using special installations.

Against gases

There are also respirators against vapors, which, unlike aerosols, are invisible and pose a great danger. Such vapors may also have a strong, unpleasant odor, or may have no odor at all; special care must be taken when working with them.

The main types of protective masks in this group:

  • Complex (combined)- the most common, as they successfully cope with different types influences simultaneously. The only downside of their filters is their high cost, unlike simple unidirectional filters.

  • Self-contained respirators – p Filtering agents are superior in efficiency; chemicals do not come into contact with the surface of the facial skin and are less absorbed. This allows you to avoid poisoning by fine particles, and the occurrence of allergic reactions is practically eliminated.

Important to know

If toxic substances enter the human body, a state of hypoxia occurs. This is very dangerous, primarily for the organs of the central nervous system. The following mental reactions occur:

  • violation of orientation in space and time;
  • fear of bright and then dim light;
  • loss of taste, smell;
  • sudden hallucinations in a wide variety of manifestations;
  • panic attacks.

Somatic reactions to poisoning:

  • dizziness, which increases with increasing work time;
  • nosebleeds;
  • repeated vomiting not associated with eating low-quality foods;
  • joint pain;
  • increase in heart rate.

If you or your colleagues feel at least one of the above symptoms, you should leave immediately. workplace, go out into the fresh air, seek medical help. Chronic poisoning often occurs due to improper use of a respirator or its complete absence during work. In this situation, you need to consult a doctor and decide on an individual basis about the person’s disability.

The name "respirator" comes from the Latin word meaning breath. Respirators are a lightweight means of protecting the respiratory system from harmful gases, vapors, aerosols, and dust. They have become widespread in mines, mines, and chemical hazardous enterprises, when working with fertilizers and pesticides, when painting, etc.
Respirators are divided into two types.
First- respirators in which the half mask or filter element also serves as the front part.
Second- These are respirators that purify the air in filter cartridges attached to a half mask.
By purpose are divided into anti-dust, anti-gas and gas-dust protective.
Depending on the service life, there may be one-time use (ShB-1, “Lepestok”, “Kama”), which after working out are unsuitable for further use. Reusable respirators have filter replacement options.
The inhaled air is cleaned of aerosols of harmful substances by filtration through fine-fiber materials KPP-15, KPP-70 and rolled RCM with perchlorovinyl fibers. They are hydrophobic, stable at temperatures up to 60 C, resistant to alkalis and acids. They have a high filtering ability against all aerosols. This is ensured by the uniformity of the filter layer and the presence of electrostatic charges, which dramatically increase the effect of aerosol capture.
RPG-67, gas respirator
The RPG-67 gas respirator is designed to protect the human respiratory system from harmful substances present in the workplace atmosphere in the form of vapors and gases. Provides protection for human respiratory organs various industries industry, in agriculture when working with pesticides and fertilizers, as well as in domestic conditions.
RPG-67 is a rubber half mask with a headband, an exhalation valve, two plastic cuffs with inhalation valves, two replaceable absorbent cartridges and a knitted seal.
It is equipped with 4 brands of cartridges. They are specialized depending on the physicochemical and toxic properties of harmful substances. The cartridges differ from each other in the composition of the absorbers, and in appearance - by the markings applied in the center of the perforated mesh of the cartridge.
Ammo brands:
"A" - vapors of organic substances (gasoline, kerosene, carbon disulfide, alcohols, ethers, benzene (nitro compounds of benzene) and their homologues, xylene, toluene), chlorine- and phosphorus-containing pesticides. Protective action time 60 min.
"B" - acid gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride), chlorine- and phosphorus-containing pesticides. Protective action time 50 min.

"G" - mercury vapor and organomercury compounds. Protective action time 20 min.
When using a respirator, at the first appearance of a foreign odor under the mask, you should quickly leave the gas-contaminated area and change the respirator cartridges. Breathing resistance during inhalation is 58.8 Pa (6 mm water column). The guaranteed shelf life of respirators and cartridges of brands A, B and KD is 3 years, D - 1 year from the date of manufacture.
The weight of the RPG-67 is no more than 300 g.
Key Features:
Breathing resistance at volume flow 30 l/min, Pa, no more
- on inspiration - 88.2
- on exhalation - 58.8
Operating temperature range, °C - -40 ... +50
Weight, g, no more than - 300
F-62Sh, dust respirator
Designed to protect the human respiratory system from silicate, metallurgical, mining, coal, tobacco and other dust, as well as powdered fertilizers and pesticides that do not emit toxic gases and vapors.
Technical features: The respirator can be used at high dust concentrations (more than 200 mg/m3) and physical activity.
The respirator consists of a rubber half-mask with a headband, an exhalation valve and one plastic cartridge equipped with a replaceable anti-aerosol filter made of polymer material in the form of concentric folds. The cartridge is connected to the half mask using the flanges of the pipe. An inhalation valve is located inside the pipe on the saddle. There are louvres on the cartridge cover that act as a barrier for coarse dust particles. The cover serves to fasten and seal the replaceable filter and is fixed in the cartridge body with a clamping ring.
Initial resistance to air flow during inhalation, Pa (mm water column) - no more than 35 (3.5).
Weight - no more than 250 g.
Guaranteed shelf life of at least 3 years.
It is prohibited to use the F-62sh respirator for protection against harmful gases and vapors.
The design of the respirator allows for goggles to be placed on the face if eye protection is necessary.
There is a possibility of reusable use, because the respirator is equipped with a filter that can be easily cleaned from settled dust and, if necessary, replaced with a new one. The respirator is manufactured in three sizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd). The size of the respirator is indicated on the outer surface of the half mask. A replaceable filter element is supplied with the respirator.

RPA-TD", anti-aerosol respirator
to protect human respiratory organs from silicate, metallurgical, mining, cement, coal, textile, tobacco dust.
The RPA-TD respirator is designed to protect the human respiratory system from silicate, metallurgical, mining, cement, coal, textile, tobacco dust, various dusts, powdered fertilizers and other types of industrial dust.
The RPA-TD respirator is operational in the temperature range from -40 to +40 °C and can be used in all climatic zones. The RPA-TD respirator is available in three lengths: first, second, third; two modifications: RPA-TD-1 - with one filter and RPA-TD-2 - with two filters.
РХ-90Т, respirator
The RX-90T respirator is designed to protect the human respiratory system and vision during underground accidents with a gaseous environment unsuitable for life and is a reusable means of protection.
The respirator uses regenerative cartridges of mine self-rescuers with expired service life after carrying out refurbishment, which significantly reduces operating costs.
The RX-90T respirator has a closed body, which provides reliable protection of functional components from mechanical impact, and the modern soft suspension system dramatically reduces the influence of the respirator’s mass factor on human performance. In the basic version of the respirator, a mouthpiece, a nose clip and safety glasses are used as the front part. However, at the customer’s request, the PX-90T respirator can be equipped with a modern panoramic mask. In addition, the respirator can be equipped with an exhaust sensor, which allows you to accurately control the degree of exhaustion of regenerative cartridges.
Increased breathing comfort due to the use of cartridges with chemically bound oxygen, low temperature of the inhaled gas mixture, low weight and dimensions allow the use of the PX-90T respirator not only to equip auxiliary mine rescue services of coal enterprises, but also as a special respirator for professional rescue services to perform especially difficult types of work in various industries, such as mining, gas production, gas processing, metallurgy, nuclear and thermal power plants, fire services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, all types of transport, public utilities, construction industry.
RU-60M, universal respirator
The universal respirator is designed to protect the human respiratory system from harmful gas and vapor substances with a concentration in the air of no more than 10-15 maximum permissible concentrations and aerosols in the form of dust, smoke and fog with a concentration in the air of no more than 200 mg/m3 and an oxygen content of not less than 17% by volume.
The RU-60m respirator is a rubber half-mask with a headband, an exhalation valve, two plastic cuffs with inhalation valves, two replaceable absorbent cartridges and a knitted seal. (The respirator consists of a PR-7 rubber half-mask, a knitted seal, a headband, two DOT 75 filters containing specialized absorber and anti-aerosol filter.)
It is equipped with 4 brands of cartridges. They are specialized depending on the physicochemical and toxic properties of harmful substances. The cartridges differ from each other in the composition of the absorbers, and in appearance - by the markings applied in the center of the perforated mesh of the cartridge. The filter cartridges of the RU-60m respirator, in addition to the absorption filter, have an anti-aerosol filter made of FPP-15 material.
Ammo brands:
"A" - vapors of organic substances (gasoline, kerosene, carbon disulfide, alcohols, ethers, benzene (nitro compounds of benzene) and their homologues, xylene, toluene), chlorine- and phosphorus-containing pesticides. Protective action time 30 min.
"B" - acid gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride), chlorine- and phosphorus-containing pesticides. Protective action time 30 min.
"KD" - ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and their mixtures. Protective action time 30 min.
"G" - mercury vapor and organomercury compounds. Protective action time 15 min.
When using a respirator, at the first appearance of a foreign odor under the mask, you should quickly leave the gas-contaminated area and change the respirator cartridges. An indicator for replacing cartridges in RU-60m respirators is also difficulty breathing as a result of their dustiness. Breathing resistance during inhalation is 78.4 Pa (8 mm water column). Not suitable for protecting the respiratory system from highly toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, phosphorous, hydrogen cyanide, tetraethyl lead, low molecular weight hydrocarbons such as methane, ethane. The guaranteed shelf life of respirators and cartridges of brands A, B and KD is 3 years, D - 1 year from the date of manufacture. The weight of RU-60m is no more than 350 g.
RPG-01, gas respirator
It is used to protect the human respiratory system from gaseous and vaporous harmful substances with a concentration in the air of no more than 0.1% by volume and an oxygen content of at least 17% by volume.
· Half mask KR Sorbi PR-01 with inhalation valves and exhalation valve;
· Two replaceable gas filters KR Sorbi 120 oval, containing a specialized absorber;
· Adjustable headband;
· A bag for carrying and storing a respirator or a belt bag;
The PR-01 half mask is made of silicone rubber, which has antiseptic properties, which allows it to be used without a knitted seal, ensures a tight fit of the half mask to the face and a lower suction coefficient along the seal strip. The respirator filters are equipped with new highly efficient absorbers; during testing, the filters are replaced with new ones.
R-2, respirator (GOOD OLD ARMY)
Designed to protect the human respiratory system from radioactive dust.
· filtering half mask equipped with an obturator
inhalation and exhalation valves
· Headband
· Spacer
· Nose clip
Outer layer The filter half mask and seal are made of non-woven thermally bonded spunbond material.
FORT-P", filtering respirator
The FORT-P filtering respirator is intended for individual protection of the human respiratory system in conditions of the presence in the ambient air of aerosols of various natures (dust, smoke, fog) with their total concentration not exceeding 200 mg/m3 and the volume fraction of oxygen not less than 18%.
Provides effective protection from a wide range of hazardous aerosols in industry
Provides reliable protection against a wide range of hazardous aerosols in agriculture (cotton, tobacco, flour, down, wood) and provides reliable protection against hazardous aerosols in domestic conditions (viruses and bacteria, repairs and cleaning of apartments, spraying of gardens.)
ROU, general-purpose universal respirator
The general-purpose military respirator ROU is designed to protect the respiratory organs, eyes, and faces of military personnel from radioactive and ground dust, toxic substances in a secondary cloud and when there is a threat of these substances being carried into closed spaces.
- Concentrations of toxic substances in the air, mg/dm3 - from 0.005 to 0.05
- Volume fraction of free oxygen in the air, not less, % - 16
- Ambient air temperature, 0C - from –40 to +40.
"RP-2000", anti-aerosol respirator
The RP-2000 respirator is designed to protect the human respiratory system from exposure to harmful substances in the form of gases, vapors and aerosols or in the form of gases and vapors (depending on the cartridge used) at a concentration of up to 50 MPC.
Can be used at a volume fraction of free oxygen in the air of at least 18%, temperatures from –30 to +400C and relative humidity up to 98%.
The RP-2000 respirator consists of a rubber half-mask with a headband, two exhalation valves, two replaceable anti-gas-aerosol (or anti-gas) cartridges with an inhalation valve, containing a specialized absorber and a volume-type anti-aerosol filter.
Anti-dust respirator U-2K
The U-2K anti-dust respirator is designed to protect the respiratory system from silicate, metallurgical, mining, cement, coal, radioactive and other dust. It can be used for protection against various dusts and powdered fertilizers.
U-2K is a filtering half mask, the outer side of which is made of polyurethane foam, and the airtight inner side is made of polyethylene film. Between the foam and the film there is a layer of filter material KPP-15. The cores of two inhalation valves are embedded in the film. The exhalation valve is located on a plastic core in the front part of the half mask and is protected from damage by a screen. To press the half mask to the face in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose there is a nose clip in the form of a shaped aluminum plate.
The presence of inhalation and exhalation valves in the U-2K protects the filter material from moisture, and thereby increases the frequency of its use (up to 30 work shifts), ensuring its use in winter conditions. The service life of a respirator is affected by dust concentration and its dispersion. When cleaning the air from dust, coarse particles are retained in the polyurethane layer, and fine and highly dispersed aerosols are retained in the KPP-15 filter material.
The respirator can be used at temperatures from -25 to +60 C. It is advisable to use U-2K at dust concentrations of no more than 200 mg/m. The service life of a respirator depends on the concentration of dust and its dispersion. The respirator is manufactured in 3 sizes:
· face height up to 109 mm - 1st height;
· 110-119 - 2nd height;
· 120 or more - 3rd height;
Respirator weight 60 g.
Respirator U-2rs
The U-2rs anti-dust respirator is designed to protect against various types of dust: plant, animal, metal, detergent powders.
The U-2rs respirator consists of a three-layer filter half mask with an exhalation valve, a nose clip and two straps made of elastic tape, to which it is attached with a cotton tape.
In a respirator, the first (outer) layer of the half mask, made of porous polyurethane foam 4 mm thick, traps large dust particles, the second (intermediate) layer, made of filter material with an electrostatic charge, traps small particles. The third (internal) - made of non-woven polyester fabric, ensures a comfortable fit of the respirator to the face.
The U-2rs respirator can be safely used at dust concentrations of up to 100 mg/m.
Respirator weight 60 g.
Respirator "Kama-200"
Anti-dust respirator "Kama-200" is designed to protect the respiratory system from harmful substances in the form of aerosols: plant, animal, mineral; dust (mining, metallurgical, silicate, cement, tobacco, etc.); protects against poisoning by various types of synthetic bleaches, detergents and powder fertilizers, etc.
The Kama-200 respirator is a comfortable and convenient half mask. Consists of a valveless filter half mask with a seal, a nose clip and two twill tape straps, to which an elastic cord headband is attached. The filter material is perchlorovinyl fibers with an electrostatic charge, sewn onto gauze, i.e. made of polymer filter material FPP ("Petryanov filter").
The respirator is used for dust concentrations up to 100 mg/m. The multiplicity of exceeding the MPC of aerosols is no more than 100 with a particle diameter of at least 2 µm, and no more than 200 with a particle diameter of more than 2 µm.
Average service life - 2 work shifts. Guaranteed shelf life is 3 years.
Weight - 20g.
Respirator "Petal"
The Lepestok respirator is designed to protect the respiratory system from various types of dust (mining, metallurgical, silicate, cement, etc.).
The respirator consists of a light half mask consisting of a polymer filter material (FPP - “Petryanov filter” made from perchlorovinyl fibers). The frame structure of the half mask in working condition is ensured by a spacer and finished outer gauze. The tight fit is ensured by a rubber cord running along the entire perimeter of the respirator and a plate that compresses the bridge of the nose, as well as by the electrostatic charge of the FPP material, which ensures a reliable fit to the face. It is held on the face with two cotton bands.
The industry produces three models of these respirators - “Petal 200 (200m)”, “Petal -40”, “Petal -5”. The numbers mean that the respirators are used for protection against highly dispersed aerosols (with a particle size of 1 micron) at concentrations exceeding MPC is 200, 40.5 times. Petal -200 has FPP-15 in white, Petal -40 has FPP-15 in orange, Petal -5 has FPP-15 in blue.
The service life of a respirator depends mainly on the concentration of dust, its dispersion and the condition of the aluminum plate. With a high dust concentration, the service life of the respirator is significantly reduced, and it becomes necessary to regenerate it by shaking off the dust. The outer layer of the FPP, contaminated during operation, must be removed, after which a second clean layer of material is exposed, providing reliable protection.
If severe difficulty breathing is felt, the respirator must be replaced with a new one. The multiplicity of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of aerosols in the air is no more than 200 with a particle diameter of no more than 1 micron. Respirator weight 12 g.
Respirator RPA-1
The filtering anti-dust respirator "RPA-1" is designed to protect the respiratory system from silicate, metallurgical, mining, cement, tobacco dust, as well as when working with radioactive and microbial substances, with various dusts, powdered fertilizers, etc.
The RPA-1 respirator consists of a PR-7 half mask, two plastic cartridges with replaceable aerosol filters, an exhalation valve with a safety clip, to the buckles of which a headband is attached, and a knitted seal.
The respirator can be used at various concentrations of dust in the air and physical activity, but it is most advisable to use it when the content of harmful substances in the atmosphere is over 500 mg/m3. The existing cartridge has a pipe at the bottom of the body with a saddle for the inhalation valve; the flange of the pipe is used to connect it to the half mask. Air enters the respirator cartridge through the louvers in the lid. The filters are made in the form of concentric folds from RFM filter material. Regeneration of the RPA-1 respirator is carried out by shaking off or blowing with clean air in the direction opposite to the flow of exhaled air, with the inhalation valves removed. If after this it becomes difficult to breathe, the respirator and filters should be replaced. The initial inhalation resistance is no more than 29 Pa.
Respirator weight - 250g.
Anti-dust respirator "Breeze-1"
The Breeze-1 respirator is designed to protect the respiratory system from various types of aerosols and dust: silicate, metallurgical, mining, coal, textile and various dusts, as well as powdered fertilizers and synthetic detergents.
The Breeze-1 respirator is a three-layer filter half mask. The outer layer of carbon-containing material, under which there is a filter material of ultra-thin polymer fibers. At the same time, a special additional sorbent layer reduces the irritating effects of acid gases, absorbs vapors of unpleasant-smelling organic substances and solvents if their presence in the atmosphere is not higher than one maximum permissible concentration (1MPC). The respirator has a nose clip in the form of an aluminum plate, as well as an adjustable headband made of a rubber band.
The respirator is recommended for use when dust concentrations do not exceed 100 mg/m3. Operating temperature range from 0 to +500C. The Breeze respirator must not be used for protection against non-absorbing substances (such as ethane, butane, ethylene, atycylene, etc.), as well as against highly toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid, chlorine, phosgene, etc. Initial resistance to constant air at a volume flow of 30 dm3 / min., Pa, no more: - on inhalation - 50, on exhalation - 60.
The penetration coefficient of sodium chloride aerosol through the filter material is at least 3%.
Respirator weight - 14 g.
Guaranteed shelf life - 3 years.
Single cartridge respirator RG-T
The RG-T filtering gas-protective reusable respirator is designed to protect the respiratory system from harmful vapors and gaseous substances in the air that exceed the maximum permissible concentration by 15 times.
The RG-8 respirator is a rubber half-mask with a headband, an exhalation valve, two plastic cuffs with an inhalation valve, one replaceable absorbent cartridge and a knitted seal.
Respirator filter cartridges are specialized for their intended purpose: each group of toxic impurities has its own cartridge with a special composition of absorbents. Cartridge "A" protects against vapors of organic substances: gasoline, kerosene, carbon disulfide, alcohols, ethers, benzene and its homologues (xylene, toluene). “B” - from acid gases: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride, chlorine-containing organic pesticides. "KD" - from ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and their impurities. "G" - from mercury vapor and mercury organic compounds.
The respirator has a similar degree of protection and a lower price than RU-60m and RPG-67. It is profitable because it is 60% more economical: from the very first replacement of filter cartridges it saves 45%. RG-T is comfortable and reliable to use - it has an increased field of view and a hygienic seal that fits tightly to the face. It's easier to breathe in it. Its weight is 30% less than its analogues. The operating temperature range is from -40 C to +50 C. The guaranteed shelf life of the respirator is 3 years from the date of manufacture, and the service life is 1.5 years with timely replacement of used filter cartridges.
The VION-K respirator is designed to protect against ammonia and gaseous amines (including aniline, hydrazine), and the VION-V respirator against gaseous substances (except nitrogen oxides), incl. hydrogen fluoride, sulfur trioxide and dioxide, hydrogen chloride, acetic acid.
Respirators consist of filtering-absorbing half masks with an exhalation valve, an aluminum nose plate and an elastic headband threaded through the loops. The half mask is made from fibrous polymer fiber.
Respirators "VION-K" and "VION-V" are reusable. The possibility of periodic regeneration is provided as their protective resources are consumed. They provide personnel protection from harmful substances in the air that exceed the maximum permissible concentration by 10 times, but not higher than 100 mg/m, and from aerosols with solid or droplet particles larger than 2 microns.
Breathing resistance - 30 Pa.
Weight - 30 g.
RESPIRATOR ALINA® 200 AVK is specially designed for exiting the danger zone during an emergency.
The Alina respirator was developed using the latest respiratory technology technologies based on fundamental domestic developments.
The ALINA 200AVK respirator has a universal combination of sorption-filtering elements that provides effective protection against a wide range of harmful substances:
- aerosols (including radioactive)
- vapors and gases of organic origin
- basic gases (ammonia, amines, aniline)
- acid gases (chlorine vapor, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and chlorine-containing products)
- protects against viruses and bacteria.
Shelf life – 5 years. Individual sealed packaging.


RESPIRATOR- a device for respiratory protection (RPE) from inhalation exposure to harmful and dangerous chemicals present in the air in the form aerosols, vapors or gases, with sufficient oxygen content in the air (at least 17% by volume).

Human technological power is inevitably associated with pollution environment. At the same time, in some industries, construction and production, the concentration of pollutants in the air reaches critical values ​​that are incompatible with normal breathing.

If, in this case, only the spraying of the smallest particles is observed, without the admixture of harmful or poisonous gases and fumes, then the most optimal way to protect the human respiratory system is respirators.

Unlike gas masks, respirators are more compact and consist of a simple half mask with protective filters.

These personal protective equipment may differ in service life, frequency of use, and cleaning method.

The general purpose of all devices of this class is to purify the air in production and civil use from the smallest particles, dust, and some types of special respirators also support more complex substances.

Purpose of respirators

Not only in production, but also in the army, along with weapons, tools, personal protective equipment is included in the equipment of personnel.

In healthcare, the availability of protective respiratory equipment is a necessary condition successful work personnel in the autumn-winter period, medical staff use the simplest type of respirator - a cotton-gauze bandage, however, when used correctly, the effectiveness of use is quite high.

The disadvantage is that it does not protect against penetrating dust, including radioactive dust.

A respirator, which is not equipped with replaceable valves, is designed to withstand a certain degree of contamination, and a protective device with filters provides four times more protection to a person from the finest dust and aerosol spray.

Respirators are distinguished by their function of cleaning the inhaled air. When protecting against harmful vapors and gases, protection is used based on chemical processes such as catalysis and adsorption; when protecting against aerosol substances, multilayer fibrous materials are used for protection.

The main advantage of the protective equipment is its low resistance to human breathing, as well as its light weight.

Wearing a respirator does not interfere with the performance of the necessary work, does not interfere with the view of the area, the time spent in the respirator mask is quite long and the pressure on the front part is not burdensome.

It is not allowed to use a respirator when the air is contaminated with potent toxic substances, such as hydrocyanic acid, or substances that can penetrate the human body through the skin. In this case, it is necessary to use a gas mask or chemical protection suit.

The most common model of respirator is a device with protection against aerosol spray; polymer filter materials with high mechanical strength, high dust holding capacity, and good filtering properties are used as a filter. There is also a gas protection model and a generalized dust and gas respiratory system.

Each of these products is intended for use under conditions corresponding to those specified in the instructions for the respirator. This applies to both the concentration and type of substances in the air, as well as the time of use.

Classification of respirators

Like any means of protection and rescue, respirators are subject to mandatory classification. The classification first of all helps to find the required type of respirators for use in given conditions. In addition, according to the class of the device, special markings are made on the filters and some parts of the half mask.

Respirators are classified according to several main characteristics:

  • According to its purpose
  • By time of use
  • By design
  • By air injection device

The purpose of respirators, in turn, is determined by other constituent factors.

There are three types of assignment:

  • For dust protection
  • For protection against gaseous substances
  • And also for joint protection from both sprayed and gaseous substances.

Based on the time of use, two main types of respirators can be distinguished:

  • Single use
  • And reusable

Based on their design, they can also be divided into two types. Moreover, this classification is closely related to the classification by time of use:

  • Just a half mask. This type of respirator is naturally limited, one might say single use
  • Half mask with special replaceable filter elements. When using some elements and reducing their protective qualities to minimum limits, you can quickly replace these respirator elements with appropriate ones.

And the last division according to the type of supply of purified air and removal of used air is also divided into two types:

  • Simple filter half masks
  • Isolating respirators, in which air is supplied under certain human efforts or is forced.

The main types that classify these means of protection, of course, are the parameters that determine the maintained pollution environment. The remaining parameters depend on what type of spraying and what specific substances this respirator will support.

Respirators that allow you to protect the respiratory system from the smallest particles in the form of dust and also a certain type of aerosols or diseases transmitted by airborne droplets are called anti-dust and are a regular half mask or even a respiratory bandage made of a special filter fiber, usually now a polymer fabric is used under the abbreviation FP.

Respirators used against vapors and gases of various substances, including sulfur, phosphorus and volatile compounds, have a more complex design. They are equipped with special cartridges that have their own letter markings:

  • A - chlorine, phosphorus, volatile ethers and gasolines, and so on.
  • B - acid gases
  • G - mercury
  • KD - hydrogen compounds and ammonia

Protective products that combine universal protection from both dust and gases are distinguished by the best performance indicators, thanks to polymer filters, which, in addition to directly capturing the smallest particles, create a thin electric field that magnetizes inhaled particles.

The masks themselves are made in several versions. There are so-called converter respirators that drive air through pressed filter fabric. They are also divided into their own protection classes:

  • First class - (FFP 1) up to 4 PKD,
  • Second class - (FFP 2) up to 12 PKD
  • Third class - (FFP 3) up to 50 PKD.

When using half masks connected to filter cartridges, you must pay attention to the special markings located in the center of the filter element.

Important factors when working with respirators

The scope of application of filtering means of protection of the human respiratory apparatus finds its direct application in many branches of human activity.

Its main purpose, i.e., to protect people from harmful effects toxic substances, the respirator is designed to carry out during emergency situations, but in ordinary life there are domestic and industrial needs associated with the need to use personal protective equipment in an aggressive external environment, therefore people who are on duty in areas with hazardous working conditions should know the rules for the selection and use of personal protective equipment.

To choose the right respirator, you need to know the exact size, i.e. the distance between the highest point of the bridge of the nose and the lowest point of the chin. The rules for trying on a respirator are to remove the protective equipment from the package and carefully inspect it visually.

It is also necessary to adjust the headband fixing bands using the clamps. Apply the ends of the nose clips to your nose without making much force. Checking the tight fit of the respirator mask to the face consists of tightly closing the exhalation hole with your palm and exhaling, if at the same time, along the outline of the mask border on the face, no air comes out from under it, and the mask only slightly inflates, then the mask precisely selected and therefore safe in terms of tightness.

If there is air leakage in the nose area, the nose clips should be pressed a little tighter. If the respirator mask does not fit tightly, you should check the size or replace it with a serviceable one. The respirator is stored in a gas mask bag, in a bag, under the front part of the gas mask or in your own bag for wearing these protective devices.

Service life and scheduled replacement of respirator parts

The use of respirators is inextricably linked with safety requirements, service life and preventive and scheduled repairs.

Different types of devices protect against types of harmful substances sprayed into the air in one form or another, different in structure and other parameters.

Knowing the properties of contaminants, you can roughly calculate the operating time of a particular respirator.

Main types of pollution:

  • Dust. The source can be a variety of processes - wood, coal, various oxides, industrial dust and those associated with agricultural work.
  • Smoke. Sources may include smoke, smog, manufacturing processes such as welding
  • Aerosol sprays. The source can be spraying of dyes through a spray gun, various machining processes
  • Fibers. For example, asbestos or glass wool used as fireproofing or insulation materials
  • Gases. As an example, we can bring the development of internal combustion engines and so on, various processes associated with chemical treatment
  • Couples. In production conditions, this is the evaporation of volatile substances

Knowing the main sources of pollution allows you to choose the right means of protection.

A simple respirator serves in average conditions, approximately 3 work shifts.

Therefore, when starting work, you should check the air permeability, the elasticity of certain parts of the fastener, and the functionality of the nose clip.

In the case of using respirators with replaceable filter elements, scheduled repairs should be carried out in-house or at the manufacturer’s factory. In this case, special attention is paid to the fastening elements of the breathing unit.