Check the fine according to the administrative violation resolution. There are various ways to check the fine according to the decree. ATMs and terminals

Decrees regarding recorded traffic violations often arrive by mail. Many motorists do not realize there is a fine until they receive a notification about the need to pay under a specific decree number. You will need to find out the fine by the order number when it is not clear for what action the person was punished. This information is especially relevant when the fine was issued using a photo-video recording device, as well as when changing the region of residence, when it is impossible to receive a notification by mail.

In any case, the notification problem can be solved quite simply. There are many ways to obtain details of the sentencing, having only the number of the decision.

Verification methods

The most popular verification method among motorists is via the Internet. This does not require much time, and registration on certain resources will allow you to set up automatic notifications. There are also many resources where fines are checked by car number, driver’s license, and order number.

On the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate there is no function for checking fines by order number, but you can find out about the presence of unpaid receipts listed by car number or driver’s license.

This information is publicly available in the fines check section. In addition to providing reliable and up-to-date information, the driver has the opportunity to make a payment in a matter of seconds, without having to additionally prepare a receipt and enter details into it.

traffic police

Service is always available to motorists hotline traffic police, as well as a helpline. By calling, the driver receives the most reliable information about the current situation with charges and payments.

The most reliable way to clarify fines is to visit the territorial traffic police department. In this case, one can hope for comprehensive information about each of the decisions received. In addition, to obtain data, the department inspector will not need a motorist’s passport; it is enough to know the number of the resolution on the offense committed.

Unfortunately, visiting the department in person will not help you pay off your debt instantly. This can be done a little later, at the nearest bank branch or through online payment systems.

Online resources

There are a great variety of different resources on the Internet, but the most reliable, convenient, and popular are the following:

  • Public services;
  • Yandex.Money service;
  • Sberbank Online, etc.

One of the most convenient options for checking fines is the State Services portal, where the user has registered in his personal account. Using your account, you can not only access notifications about the presence of unpaid fines and circumstances of the offense.

Via mail

To check the details of the offense for which a fine was imposed, and also to clarify whether there are unpaid fines, you don’t have to go to the traffic police department, but go to the post office. To obtain information, you will need to present your passport and decree.

Russian Post operators also have access to the unified traffic police database, so you can get information and immediately pay the fine at the nearest post office.

Mobile application

One of the popular services among smartphone owners is the online mobile application Yandex.Fines, or another application. When downloading a program, you should be especially careful about the source you use, trusting only trusted sites.

Programs on your phone will allow you to receive up-to-date information about fines, as well as the most complete information about the offense, including a photo that records the moment of traffic violation.

Through the resolution

To find out information about the details of the offense, you can glean information from the resolution itself, which arrives by mail in paper form.

The modern format of resolutions contains information:

  1. About the time and date of the event.
  2. On the date of issue of the resolution.
  3. Photograph from a photographic recording device.
  4. Grounds for imposing a fine.
  5. Amount to be paid, etc.

Video about checking fines

Depending on individual needs, everyone independently determines which method is most convenient. To obtain information about a fine, you can use the telephone, the Internet, or find out the situation with fines by visiting a traffic police department or post office in person. Almost every resource that provides information about driver violations will offer to pay the ticket by non-cash method.

Reading time: 2 min.

Photos of violations attached to the notice of traffic fines are a new convenient feature of the “traffic police fines” service!

⚡️Where can I find a photo for a traffic police fine in 2020? What should I do if I receive a fine without a photo? Search for a photo of the place where the fine was issued.

To check fines issued by the traffic police inspector.

For free notifications about new fines.

Check fines

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Thanks to traffic police fines with photographs in 2020, violations can be:

  • Make sure that there is a violation
  • Make sure that the fine is issued specifically for your car.
  • Make sure that the traffic police fine is not created by fraudsters
  • Determine the driver who was driving at the time of the violation
  • Find a reason to protest the violation

Photographs of traffic violations, to one degree or another, are an additional measure of protection against various types of errors, which often occur when working with large volumes of data. Besides, Traffic police fines with photos protect the motorist from the actions of fraudsters who use spoofed car data for the purpose of illegal enrichment. You can check it.

The triumphal march of automatic recording of traffic violations (traffic police cameras) continues across the country.

Service " Traffic police fines» as new feature provides the opportunity to supplement standard information on fines with photographs of violations. Thanks to this, you can be sure that a fine has been issued for your car, or, otherwise, prove to the state (in court) that a mistake has been made (the presence in the photo of a car with a similar or false license plate). Photos in traffic police fines also protects against ordinary attackers who from time to time send out fake letters indicating their own bank details. Photographs are supplied mainly and.

In addition, if the car is used by several people, photos for the fine It is almost always possible to identify a specific offending driver. And in some cases, the composition of passengers in the vehicle at a specific time and at a specific address.

According to our statistics, visualization of traffic police fines has a positive effect on the memory of the offender. Car violations with photographs attached are paid more often and faster, and people who have entered the law, in these cases, are less likely to run the risk of coming to the attention of bailiffs. The psychological effect is that you see yourself as a violator and pay for a specific oversight, and not for dry lines in regulations.

By the way, comparing data with photos can also lead you to going to court. After all, impartial complexes of photo-video recording of violations from time to time make mistakes or do not take into account the changed road situation. By photo inconsistencies are easy to identify and justify.

To be fair, it is worth noting that photo will not apply to all existing fines. They simply do not exist when it comes to violations issued by a live traffic police inspector. Also, the photo may be missing if the violation was recorded by a camera without the video recording mode turned on (this is also often possible in the regions).

Any message from the service " Traffic police fines» contains the date, time, place, article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, as well as the date and number of the decision on the fine and the amount of the debt. In the case of photos for traffic police fines information about the device that recorded the violation is added.

Checking and paying traffic fines 50% discount

To check fines from cameras photographing and video recording violations.

If a driver’s violation of traffic rules was recorded by a state traffic inspector or by means of automatic photo and video recording, a resolution may be drawn up. Is it possible to find out what the fine was for by the order number? Where and how is it easiest to do this?

Methods of obtaining

You can receive a fine order from the traffic police (a copy of it is given to the citizen) in the following ways:

  1. From a traffic inspector. An option when the car owner does not deny his guilt or the violation does not entail deprivation of rights or criminal liability. Otherwise, the driver will subsequently receive a notification about the consideration of a criminal case.
  2. IN court. Issued in the case when the driver refused to admit on the spot that he had violated the rules (in this case, there is a place for a protocol), but the court did not consider his arguments convincing.
  3. By registered mail. The offense was recorded by surveillance cameras.

All information about the illegal act is entered into a common official database, details are indicated: date and exact time of commission, location, subject of the violation (overtaking in a prohibited area, speeding, etc.). The decision to impose a fine receives its own unique identification number (UIN). With its help you can find out detailed information about the fine.

Attention: sometimes the date of the traffic police decision and the violation do not coincide. This means that the materials were taken from a photographic camera. The date is assigned after data processing.

What does the UIN allow you to find out?

If you have the number of the traffic police fine, you can easily find out the details using it. There are several online services for this or mobile applications. They make it possible to find out why the traffic police fine was issued by the resolution number.

Resources show the Code article on administrative offense(Administrative Code), the reason for imposing the penalty, when and where the non-compliance with the rules occurred, the amount of the fine. If the information is obtained using surveillance cameras, then the database can store photos of the car on which the state registration plate is visible.

What does the number mean?

What is the fine order number and how is it deciphered? This is a sequence of numbers from 20 to 25 characters. Previously, until 2014, it also contained letters, which made it difficult to read.

The best way to understand this is with an example, let it be 18811581711300994452. Let’s break it down into separate blocks for ease of reading: 188-1-1-58 —17-11-30 -099445-2. Each block has its own meaning, look:

  • 188 – revenue administrator code, which can be found in the Federal Treasury, in the example this is the state security inspectorate traffic;
  • 1 – department accepting payment (state traffic inspectorate);
  • 1 – purpose of payment;
  • 58 – region, in this case: Penza region;
  • 17 – year of issue;
  • 11 – month;
  • 30 – number;
  • 099445 – serial number of the resolution;
  • 2 – control digit of unique no.

Thus, you can visually determine the date the document was compiled and in which region it occurred. We get a more detailed picture on special websites.

How to search by number

To check traffic police fines, you need to to those who specialize in this question on the sites, enter the UIN according to the resolution of the traffic police in the column specially designated for this. It is worth noting that not all Internet resources provide this opportunity - on some of them, in order to view the fine, you need to enter vehicle data: vehicle registration certificate or driver's license.

There are servers through which it is possible to search for fines using both options. This online check is the most accurate.

Where can I check the data?

Which sites search for an issued fine by order number? Let's look at the most famous of them.


In addition to services in the most various fields life activity, provides the opportunity to find out everything about traffic police fines. This offer is in demand, therefore it is located in the “Popular on the portal” column. To obtain information on the fine, you must.

Checking traffic police fines is possible by the number of the resolution (receipt) and according to the data of the car or the owner of the car entered into the electronic application. Information about payment in case of violation of traffic rules and the presence of fines according to the resolution is partial. You can see:

  • name of payment;
  • department to which the funds will be sent (legal name of the regional traffic police department);
  • invoice date;
  • the amount of the fine according to the resolution.

Payment service A3

The system allows you to find traffic police fines through a resolution (by entering the UIN) or according to the owner of the car by indicating your driver's license or registration certificate vehicle. Then you are given the opportunity to pay them using bank card(there are no other options).

The system provides:

  • STS data, which confirms the accuracy of the information;
  • the date when the decision on the fine was drawn up;
  • payee;
  • recipient's bank details (TIN, KPP, current account, recipient's bank, etc.);
  • amount of punishment.

Next, you are asked to enter the last name, first name, patronymic and address of the payer - the person who violated the rules. Like e-government public services, the resource does not provide photo of the incident and a violated article of law.

Convenient: after the first payment, subscribes the car owner to receive free SMS messages about new traffic police fines. This allows for timely payment of the fine.

Online traffic police

The service has an official news source - it receives data on fines from the database of the Federal Code of the Russian Federation, which is part of the GIS GMP system. You can find out about the presence (absence) of debt online using both the vehicle registration certificate and the unique identification number. To do this, you must fill out a verification form.

A list appears indicating the amounts. They include a 50% discount on payment, if provided for by law. If desired, after payment a receipt will be sent to your email address, and after sending cash to the state traffic inspectorate - payment.

Interesting! The advantage of is the ability to obtain photographs. To do this, you need to log in and indicate the registration plates of your car.

Registration will allow you to:

  • control paid traffic police fines by order number for several vehicles;
  • receive free notifications of fines via e-mail notifications or SMS;
  • start personal account and store in it a history of all payments made.

The web service positions itself as a guarantor of sending information to the Federal Treasury, transferring funds to the road inspection, with control of repayment.

Official website of the traffic police

The interface on the website is simple, so it’s easy to understand. How to find out and find out the reason for the presence of unpaid penalties? To do this, you need to select the verification column in the Online Services section, then to get the results you need to enter the state car sign and STS.
In the table that opens after completing the steps you will see necessary information. For each of the existing offenses the following is presented:

  • Date and time of the violation. The exact moment is indicated, down to minutes.
  • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Provided with an explanation, for example: 12.9 part 2 – exceeding the set speed of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 40 km/h.
  • Traffic police department. It is reported who recorded the offenses. If information is taken from surveillance cameras, this is clarified - Center for Automatic Recording of Administrative Offences.
  • Amount to be paid. There is also the possibility of online payment.

By clicking on the camera icon in the lower left corner of the table, you can view photographs of the incident.

So: the site allows you to get information on the UIN, but for this you need to know the vehicle data.

Important: The service provides the opportunity to find out a fine that has not yet been paid or for which a payment notification has not yet been received from the bank (credit institution). The possibility of incorrectly transmitted information to the state database of the GMP system cannot be ruled out.

Traffic fines

One of the most popular mobile applications that helps you find out the fine based on the entered data and pay it. To do this, you need to download and install the application on your phone.

There are 2 search methods:

  • according to the vehicle registration certificate;
  • by decree.

The information is provided in the form of a list of available charges (if there are several). By clicking on one of them, you can see more detailed, but not complete information: the number of the document issued, the date of its issue, who issued it, the amount of the penalty to be paid is indicated. When the situation happened article of the Code of Administrative Offenses are not indicated, photographs are not provided.

Payment verification

If you pay the amount issued, but for some reason it is not visible in the database, perhaps too little time has passed. Problems in the system or human error cannot be ruled out.

How to check payment? Most the right way– contact the traffic police department at your place of residence. There are other Internet servers where, in the absence of information about repayment, the fine continues to hang as unpaid:

  • Sberbank online;
  • State Services portal;
  • FSSP website;
  • resource

Some regions provide the ability to check by phone using SMS. It is worth considering that the service is paid.

For traffic violations, road services may issue a fine; you can find out all the details about it on various resources on the Internet. Don’t forget to pay your debts and keep track of their repayment. Stay vigilant on the roads, and then you won’t have to pay out of pocket for your own mistakes.

Reading time: 5 min.

⚡📬 How to check a fine based on the resolution number from the traffic police letter? How is the fine paid according to the resolution? What is important to know about paying fines under a decision with a photo.

To check fines issued by the traffic police inspector.

For free notifications about new fines.

Check fines

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In case of violation of traffic rules, traffic police officers issue the offending driver with either protocol, or ruling on traffic violations.

The decision is issued if traffic violation insignificant and the traffic police officer takes upon himself the right to personally punish the driver, and the driver either admits guilt or receives a fine by mail.

Each resolution, whether it is a letter from a mailbox or a document issued by a traffic police officer on the road, has a unique number. Using the decree number, you can easily check and pay the fine.

Important to know!

The decision on a fine is the final result of the consideration of the case. It is either executed or appealed in court. If the driver, in communication with the traffic police officers, agrees to the decision, then he actually admits his guilt. By law, the decision must be paid within 60 days from the date of issuance.

If you need to pay a specific ticket for an offense, the easiest way to do so is to checking fines by decree online. We will talk about the main advantages and stages of this method in this article.

What are traffic police fines by resolution number?

Any violation of traffic rules recorded by traffic police officers, cameras, parking signs or other devices falls into common official base. It indicates the time and place of the offense, its circumstances (exceeding the speed limit, overtaking on a turn, etc.).

If you have a traffic police fine in your hands, the easiest way to pay it off is traffic police fine by resolution number.

In 2020, there are two ways to receive a traffic police fine:

  1. In personal contact with a traffic police officer (only for minor offenses without the risk of deprivation of driving license);
  2. Via mail when receiving a fine from traffic cameras.

In both cases, the document will indicate unique number of the resolution. It is like a fingerprint associated with a specific fine received. Using this number on the Internet you can easily find and pay any fine.

In what cases is a fine issued, and in what cases is a protocol issued?

A fine is issued in cases where traffic violations are recorded by traffic cameras, as well as by traffic police officers who personally identify a traffic violation that does not imply deprivation of the driver’s license, with the driver’s consent. If the opinion of the driver and the traffic police officer regarding the circumstances of the traffic violation differ, the traffic police are required to write a report.

If traffic police officers identify a serious violation of traffic rules, the punishment for which may be deprivation driver's license, arrest or criminal liability– the case will be forwarded to court, and a protocol will be drawn up on the spot reflecting the circumstances of the situation.

Traffic police officers themselves do not deprive motorists of their driver’s licenses.

The traffic police inspector only changes a full-fledged driver's license to a temporary one. The driver's right to drive a vehicle will later be revoked by the court.

In what cases can traffic police fines be checked by resolution number?

The main condition for checking a fine according to a resolution is the presence of this very resolution (or a copy thereof). And it doesn’t matter whether the traffic police officer at the checkpoint handed you the document or a copy of the fine order came by mail in a letter along with a photograph and other additional data

Do you have a fine in hand? This means there is also his number, which means the fine can be found via the Internet, paid, and within a twenty-day period also with a 50% discount!

If the offense you have committed carries a more serious penalty than a fine, you must receive an official notification of criminal proceedings. So, for example, if you are facing deprivation of your driver's license, no order is drawn up, and the punishment comes into force by court decision. There is no resolution and there is no opportunity to pay a fine under it.

Checking for fines by order number online

So, if you have the decree in your hands, then you don’t need to find out or find anything else - neither the license number, nor documents for the car. Online checking of fines by order number takes seconds, and the payment procedure itself takes a few minutes.

Regardless of whether you were stopped by a traffic cop who saw an unauthorized maneuver, or the car was caught in the lens of a tracking device, the owner of the car will receive a copy of the decision, which contains a 20-digit combination of numbers. Since 2014 it began to be called UIN (unique identification number), and it is based on this data that fines are checked by resolution number and subsequent payment is made via the Internet. Moreover, you have the opportunity to save significantly by paying only half of the amount indicated on the receipt. To receive such a significant bonus, you need to pay the fine issued within 70 days. The countdown begins from the date of receipt of the notification.

  • Agree, it is much more profitable and calmer not to delay payment, especially when there are no claims from the violator and the punishment is fair.

On our website you will find a convenient and easy-to-use service that can be used by absolutely any driver (Moscow or another city in Russia - registration does not matter):

  • enter 20 characters - the number of your decision on the fine that you are going to pay;
  • indicate the full name of the person who is listed as the violator;
  • Before you proceed to payment, a special field will appear where you must enter your bank card details.

In conclusion, we note that in order to avoid misunderstandings, we recommend checking all the information specified in the document. This is especially true for notifications of fines issued based on data received from cameras, recorders and other devices.

Checking and paying traffic fines 50% discount

To check fines from cameras photographing and video recording violations.

An administrative violation order is a formal procedural document that is issued when a driver has violated traffic rules.

  1. This can happen directly on site where traffic rules were violated. Most drivers who are stopped by road inspectors agree with their arguments, after which a decision is issued and a protocol is drawn up. The citizen is given a copy of this document.
  2. During the trial. This development of events occurs if at the place where the rules were violated, and the order was not issued. Only a protocol was drawn up.

It is worth noting that if only a protocol was drawn up, then the driver of the vehicle probably did not agree with the inspector’s arguments.

How to find?


  1. The fine can be checked on the A3 Payment Service website. Convenient and fast service. During the transition, everything will immediately become clear.
  2. You can also go to the traffic police website. There you can find the “Service” link, which contains the most important item called “Checking fines”. There will be a corresponding form where you will need to enter registration number vehicle. In the window located slightly lower, enter the series and registration certificate number.
  3. There is another way - use the government services portal. There is also a special service to check for fines and pay them using a bank card.
  4. Websites of various payment systems(for example, Qiwi) make it possible to check for fines. Most of them have a section - payment by order number. A certain field will appear where you enter this number, after which you need to click “next”. If the fine is unpaid, it will appear after refreshing the page. If everything is paid off, information will be issued that no fines were found for this number.

If a few days after a traffic violation has been committed, the fine is not found, you should call the traffic service and find out in more detail why this happened.

What other ways are there?

Finding a fine by resolution number is not too difficult - it is quite enough to provide the resolution itself. If there is no way to find out about the presence of a fine in online mode, then you can do this through any traffic police department, as well as through the mail.

The postal service is also good because the imposed fine can be paid without commission. When contacting the post office, to search for a fine, an issued order and an identity card will be sufficient. Postal workers have full access to the state traffic service database, so if there is a fine, it will be found within 1-2 minutes.

Finding a fine imposed through the traffic police department is even easier. When contacting here, you will only be able to provide a resolution. Unfortunately, the branches do not accept payment of fines, so you will have to go to the nearest bank branch or use some other method of paying off the fine.

How to pay?

You can also pay the fine at your bank. To do this, you need to have a decree and an identity card in hand. Another positive point is that they give you a receipt for payment. If the road service begins to have doubts about paying off the fine, then this document will confirm that they are right.

In this case it was not possible without drawbacks. There are quite a lot of them:

  1. Often, there are a lot of people in the bank, so you have to stand in a long line.
  2. The bank charges a commission for making the payment- about 30-40 rubles.
  3. Find out about other fines directly at the bank itself it will not be possible.
  4. If you don't have a resolution, then you won’t be able to pay.

Using online resources, you can pay the fine while at your computer. Here you just need to go to your personal account and select the appropriate section there. In this case, a receipt will also be issued, but this time an electronic one.

If necessary, it is either saved on a computer or printed. This payment method is quite convenient, but, as mentioned earlier, not every bank is associated with traffic police fines. Another negative point is the need to pay a commission, as well as the inability to obtain information about other fines accrued.

The fine can be paid using various payment systems such as Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney and others. Before using such a system, you should determine what commission you will need to pay. It is quite possible that it would be better to use one of the other methods.

However, there are quite a lot of negative aspects in this case:

  1. If you don't have a receipt in hand, it is not possible to pay off the fine.
  2. You must have on your account the amount required to pay the fine and commission, and doing this takes a long time and is not very advisable.
  3. Get information about other fines it won't work either.

How do I know that the fine has been paid?

You can find out the fine at the traffic police department. You should take with you, just in case, all paid receipts for the last 12 months.

You can also check whether the fine has been paid on the government services portal, directly on the road service website. Here you should select the region in which the fine was issued, and also enter your personal data.

You can use SMS notification. To do this, send a message to the short number 9112. Enter the words of the traffic police along with the vehicle number. In response, you will receive a message about all outstanding and paid fines.

If payment has been made, but the fine is still outstanding, you will have to contact the traffic police department with a document confirming payment and ask to adjust the database.

How can I appeal?

From the moment the decision is received, the fine can be appealed within the next 10 calendar days. Otherwise, the fine will have to be paid in any case. The appeal will be considered within the next 10 days. It is worth noting that the case is being heard without the participation of the driver, so it is not possible to present any other evidence.

The complaint itself must contain certain information:

  1. Owner identification details car and fine.
  2. Must be referenced for everything legislative acts who can confirm that no violation was committed.
  3. We request that witnesses take part in the consideration of the case. In this case, their data will also need to be provided.
  4. The request itself to terminate administrative proceedings or sending it for review.
  5. List of all documents and evidence which are attached to the case.

Within 10 days, the court will consider this complaint and issue its decision. If necessary, it can also be challenged.

What else do you need to know?

If an offense has been committed and a corresponding decision has been made, then the fine will have to be paid within the next 60 days from the date of receipt of the decision. If this point is neglected, additional sanctions will be imposed on the violator.

In particular, the defaulter may be prohibited from leaving the country until he pays off all his fines. By court decision, the bailiff service may seize property from the defaulter in the amount of fines.

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