Organization of office work in government bodies. Rules of office work in federal executive authorities. Information about changes






Discipline: “Documentation of management activities”

On the topic “Organization of office work in authorities state power And local government»
Completed by: student of group 303

Panshina E.Yu.

Kemerovo, 2010


1. Document flow as the basis for the activities of a government body…………...….5

2. Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government…………………………………………………………………….…..7

3. Choosing an approach to document automation………………………10

4. Systems that organize electronic document flow……………….…..12

5. Document flow of official documents…………………………..…..14

6. Automation of document exchange between government authorities…………18

7. EDD systems for authorities at various levels………………………...20

8. Solution for local government……………………………...21


List of used literature……………………………………………………..25

The need to automate office processes and organization electronic document management is recognized today by state authorities and local self-government in almost all regions Russian Federation. But along with the understanding of this need, a number of questions arise, without receiving answers to which it is impossible to move on to the practical implementation of projects.

Where should you start implementing the system? How to break the entire project into stages so that the effect of implementation is obvious after the first stage, and increases with each subsequent stage? Which of the existing technical means should be upgraded first, and what can wait? Which financial resources provide for in the budget broken down by year based on the realities of a particular region?

In fact, all these questions relate to the construction of a competent plan for project implementation for several years in advance, taking into account planned financing, production needs, technical equipment and the planned modernization of the technical park.

The work of engineers, designers, production managers

A lot of time is devoted to studying, analyzing and compiling various

Documentation. Particularly great difficulties arise, as a rule, when

Development of production documents, which is primarily due to the lack of special knowledge among the drafters. Eliminating unproductive time in the processes of drawing up and using documents requires a reasonable combination of formalization and creativity, and this, according to the authors, requires, on the one hand,

Familiarization of document compilers with the most general laws of document perception, on the other hand, and this is the main task - formulation and systematization general rules and standards for drawing up basic documents.

Purpose test work is the study theoretical foundations organization of office work in state authorities and local self-government.

According to the purpose of the test, the following are set in the work: tasks:

Define the concept of document flow;

Consider the Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government;

Identify EDD systems for government bodies at various levels;

Consider automating the exchange of documents between government agencies.
1. Document flow as the basis for the activities of a government agency.

Office work in the federal executive body is carried out in accordance with the Rules of office work in federal bodies executive power, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477.1 Based on these Rules, the federal executive body, in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of archival affairs, issues instructions on office work. These Rules do not apply to the organization of work with documents containing state secrets.

Documents are drawn up on forms (standard sheets of paper in A4 or A5 format) or in the form of electronic documents and must have an established composition of details, their location and design. Sample forms are approved by order of the head of the executive authority.

All documents are divided into incoming, outgoing and internal. Incoming documents undergo initial processing, registration, preliminary review in the office management service, are transferred to management for review, and then go to the executors. After execution, the documents are placed in files.

Each body forms its own documentary fund. The nomenclature of the body’s files is agreed upon with the expert verification commission of the relevant federal state archive. Cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage are transferred to the archive. The Resolution establishes the procedure for working with electronic documents.

The term “document flow” is currently used extremely widely and is found in the description of almost every information system. Document flow automation is implemented by many systems, and each of them claims to be an “integrated approach to document flow automation.” At the same time, the variety of systems is extremely wide: from warehouse accounting systems to process control software.

In this work, the terms “document flow”, “office work”, etc. are considered exclusively in the context of organizing the work of state authorities and local self-government. Accordingly, the terms are interpreted exclusively using national regulations as applied to the work of government bodies.

According to the definition (GOST R 51141–98), document flow is “the movement of documents in an organization from the moment of their creation or receipt until completion of execution or dispatch,” that is, the full life cycle of the entire set of documents in an organization until they are transferred to the archive or for destruction.

Office work, or “documentation support for management,” according to the same source, means “a branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with official documents.” That is, office work is a set of organizational mechanisms for maintaining and controlling the flow of official documents. However, in " Standard instructions on clerical work in federal executive authorities" dated November 27, 2000, the functions of clerical work are no longer limited to regulating only official document flow. This allows us to assert that office automation systems should control not only the circulation of registered (official) documents, but also draft documents.
2. The Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government.

In Russia, on a national scale, a unified technology for working with management documents has developed, the so-called government system documentation support for management (GS DOU). Russian office work has no analogues in other countries, either in terms of the detail of the technology for working with documents, or in terms of the scale of distribution. And if in the West the development of office automation stimulates the development of document management technologies, then in Russia, as a rule, we are talking about automation of the traditionally already established technology of institutional office work.

What are the features of the “Russian model” of office work? There are three most striking advantages: 2

Control over the document, starting from the moment of its receipt;

Centralization of control functions;

Unified document flow standards.

Unlike Western methods of working with documents, in Russian practice a document is placed under control at the moment it is received by the authorities. Internal or outgoing documents come under control immediately after their “birth” – that is, approval. At the same time, the connection of documents is monitored - in the event that one document appeared as a result of the implementation of a decision made on another document. All this makes it possible to reliably track the path of any document received by a state authority or local government - after all, not a single registered document can disappear without a trace.

Maximum centralization of control over document flow presupposes that a document must first be reported to management, and only then, having acquired resolutions in accordance with the service hierarchy, it goes down to the immediate executors.

Another important feature The “Russian model” is the presence of uniform and detailed rules for working with management documents in organizations, regardless of their field of activity. All activities of office work services - expeditions, offices, control groups - are regulated down to the rules for filling out log books, file cabinets and reporting forms.

Given the existence of such detailed document flow regulations in government agencies, the implementation of one or another foreign software without adapting a fundamentally new technology is unrealistic. In this case, we can talk about automation of traditional office work using modern information technology.

Traditional office work involves maintaining many journals and/or filing cabinets that support paper document flow. And it is the maintenance of these card files that is the primary object of office automation. At the same time, nothing prevents you from including in the automated system the ability to link a card with an electronic image of the document itself (text and even image, sound and video). This creates technological conditions for the transition to electronic document management. The transition to electronic document management, in turn, creates the prerequisites for the formation of electronic archives with effective mechanisms for reference and analytical work on a variety of documents in various forms of presentation.

On the other hand, the use of a computer network creates conditions for the decentralization of various office functions while maintaining centralized control over document flow. You can, for example, allow departments and even individual employees to independently register documents and at the same time centrally control their passage. Moreover, the presence of a network connecting geographically remote authorities allows for centralized control over document flow, which cannot be achieved within the framework of purely paper technology.

The Russian model of document flow is not only completely compatible with modern approaches to management processes, but also significantly superior to Western models of document flow. Indeed, in the Russian model, loss of documents can only occur due to a direct violation of office management instructions.
3. Choosing an approach to document automation.

The need to automate the document flow of state authorities and local self-government is obvious to everyone today.

Record keeping using paper journals and filing cabinets is incompatible with the requirements for increasing the efficiency of civil servants for several reasons.

Information about documents and the progress of their execution is distributed throughout the file system of the organization and its structural divisions. Therefore, obtaining information about working with documents in an enterprise requires searching and processing data from heterogeneous and decentralized file cabinets.

Document files are usually separated from executors. They contain incomplete and slow information about the status of documents.

Reproduction and movement of a large number of paper documents, maintaining numerous and duplicating journals and filing cabinets leads to large amounts of unproductive labor costs.

However, radical, revolutionary approaches to document flow of state authorities and local self-government are very dangerous. This can lead not only to missed implementation deadlines, but also to serious management problems.

Microsoft, together with its partners, offers two phased software and methodological solutions in the field of organizing document flow of state authorities and local self-government: 3

Automated office work for paper document flow;

Electronic document management and office work.

Such a step-by-step approach will allow smoothly increasing the efficiency of the government, eliminating the possibility of disorganization of its activities. Automated office work for paper document flow is, in the short term, the main approach to automation of document flow in state authorities and local government.

Documents processed by the authority, including those transmitted using computer technology, have two forms - traditionally paper and electronic. This symbiosis is a consequence of the fact that modern means preparation of documents implies an electronic form of document storage, while the regulatory framework and established circulation rules imply a paper form. Also, the most important argument in favor of preserving paper documents is the unsurpassed ease of working with them. Rules and habits change much slower than the capabilities of modern information technologies.

In bodies of state power and local self-government, apparently, it will take a long time when processing documents in electronic form Transactions that require the creation of paper copies will be saved. As a rule, managers prefer to work with paper documents. In addition, while the exchange of official documents between authorities and their transfer to state archives also comes in paper form.

Electronic document management and record keeping (EDF) is a technological response to modern requirements imposed by the current political and economic situation on efficiency Russian authorities state power and local self-government. The experience of its implementation in Western government agencies and examples of its operation in large, progressive Russian commercial structures speak in favor of EDD.
4. Systems that organize electronic document flow.

As mentioned above, electronic document management is a set of new technologies for working with documents. The technologies used make it possible to organize “seamless” interaction of systems that provide various document processing operations. First of all, such technologies include: 4

Text recognition technologies that transform paper incoming documents into a fully electronic form of presentation;

Electronic analogue of a handwritten signature;

Data transmission media;

Means of storing electronic information.

The listed technologies allow subsystems performing various functions to organically complement each other. Such interaction can dramatically increase the efficiency of civil servants when working with documents.

Electronic document management allows you to create a unified information space in a government agency, integrating all documentary systems into an information hub. Integration is carried out without loss of quality of work with documents, while maintaining the traditions of Russian office work. The basis of such integration is a reliable document storage and document management systems that interact with it. All processed documents are stored in a single repository, which allows for optimal search and selection of information when preparing materials. Currently, in most authorities and local governments, many operations are already performed using computer technology. The task of the automation system is to organize effective collective work on document texts and provide each civil servant with a rich information space to support their activities.
5. Document flow of official documents.

The main goal in developing electronic document management technologies was to achieve maximum continuity of the rules and techniques of paper document management and journal-card office management, which allows for a painless transition from traditional to modern technologies.

The office management system processes documents stored in a single repository of government documents. This allows you to include documents processed by the official document flow into a single information space of the government authority.

Electronic document management technology is supported by the following system functionality: 5

Automated registration of incoming documents sent by e-mail or via an Internet portal, including those equipped with an electronic digital signature (EDS) and crypto-protection;

Scanning and recognition of paper documents using built-in OCR technology;

Attaching an electronic image of a document in the form of a file(s) of any format to the registration card (RC);

Differentiation of access rights to attached files of an electronic image of a document;

Providing each official - participant in the paperwork process - with his own personal virtual account, which ensures that the official has access only to documents falling within his competence;

Ensuring the process of approval (vising) of draft documents;

Full-text and attribute search of electronic documents, including remote full-text search;

Sending by e-mail or publishing on the Internet portal of the government authority electronic outgoing documents (using any e-mail that supports MAPI), protected by digital signature and encryption using certified means;

Formation and registration of cases, i.e. grouping executed documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and systematization of documents within the case;

Archival storage of electronic documents and government affairs.

The main unit of accounting in the system is the RC of the document, the completeness of the details of which ensures the ability to generate statistical and analytical reports on various information sections and ease of search.

In this case, the main set of RK details can be expanded with an arbitrary set of additional details, defined for each group of documents. Using additional details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you can, along with the main details, search and select data when generating reports. Upon receipt of an electronic incoming document, its registration is carried out automatically. For a document received as a result of an exchange between two EDD systems, most of the Republic of Kazakhstan details are generated automatically. An electronic image of the document is attached to the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the identity of the document equipped with digital signature and cryptographic protection is verified. If the incoming document arrives in paper form, the optical text recognition package is called from the system environment, and upon receipt of its electronic image, it is returned to the office management system while simultaneously attaching the document to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The system user who attached the document file sets access rights to the file at the security level, as well as protection (cancellation of protection) from editing.

If it is necessary to translate a relatively large volume of paper documents intended for execution and storage in electronic form, it is proposed to use the “Stream Registration” option. In this case, after entering the registration data about the document in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the user of the automated workstation (AWS) of flow registration prints on the first sheet of the barcode, which corresponds to the internal system number assigned by the system to the registered document. After this, the documents, in random order, from various flow registration workstations arrive at the scanning workstation, equipped with a high-speed scanner. Scanned electronic images of documents enter the database and, thanks to barcode extraction technology, are attached to the corresponding document registration cards.

After registration, the RC with the attached document is sent over the network to the official responsible for making a decision on the execution of the document, and then to the executors of the document in accordance with the details of the resolution. At the same time, each manager or performer is vested with certain rights that make it possible to ensure the organization of work with documents as close as possible to traditional work at a table on which documents that are within the competence of only this employee and which are either awaiting the start of execution (in the Received folder) are laid out in folders. , either accepted by the employee for execution (in the On Execution folder), or transferred to subordinates indicating the deadline for execution (in the Under Control folder).

When working with electronic documents, a combined full-text and attribute search for the required document is provided, including using web access to the systems’ document database.
Files with texts (images) of outgoing and internal documents using standard technology are also attached to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The outgoing document, accompanied by the details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, can be protected with an electronic digital signature, encrypted and transmitted to the addressee.

Thus, together with the ability to register documents received via communication lines, corporate electronic document flow is ensured. Executed documents are compiled into files and transferred for archival storage.
6. Automation of document exchange between authorities.

Currently, many government agencies are already using legacy automated systems document management. They are built on different software and hardware bases. Some of them, supplied by Microsoft partners (including the Delo system described above from the Electronic Office Systems company), are implemented on the basis of modern technologies. Also, a significant number of systems of previous generations based on MS DOS and other platforms are still in use. Unification of systems in all government bodies in the foreseeable future is impossible both for political (the rights of the subjects of the Federation and local governments) and practical considerations. Implementation, and especially replacement of existing systems, is a rather long, difficult and expensive process.

In this situation, a natural solution is to develop a means of interdepartmental document exchange that could be easily adapted to various formats of incoming/outgoing messages and would allow the connection of various systems.

The exchange of electronic documents must be properly secured. Documents must be provided electronic signature, guaranteeing the authorship and immutability of the contents of the document, and in some cases - protected by cryptographic means from unauthorized access.

Each organization has many correspondent organizations with which it exchanges documents, and all may have different message formats and even networks. It is inappropriate to load the systems of individual organizations with the function of constant support of service information necessary for organizing exchange. It is logical to build document exchange not on the “everyone with everyone” principle, but on the “star” principle - on the basis of Document Exchange Centers (DEC).
Data centers can perform the following set of functions: 6

Conversion and coordination of formats of incoming and outgoing documents;

Support for address databases and calculation of document delivery routes;

Guaranteed delivery of documents;

Additional archiving of documents;

Support and synchronization of directories.

Messaging centers can also take on the role of certification authorities that support private and public key infrastructure and authentication procedures for organizations participating in the exchange.

For integration with the data center, legacy corporate systems, if necessary, can be supplemented with special interface modules that provide preliminary conversion of formats and exchange procedures with the data center.

7. EDD systems for authorities at various levels.

Solution for municipal and other authorities with a small volume of document flow This category can conditionally include municipal management structures with a small volume of document flow, which do not have a sufficient technical base for the implementation of a full-fledged EDD system. For them, a single-user solution may be recommended, equipped with means of secure exchange of electronic documents with a higher organization - directly or through a data center. The user of such a solution is usually the employee responsible for the organization's records management. In this case, work is carried out with paper documents, but the system records incoming/outgoing documents, records resolutions on documents, documents written off for file and are on file. archival storage. At large quantities employees can also keep records of the movement of paper originals. Documents received electronically from a higher organization are immediately registered, printed and begin to be executed before the paper originals arrive. The parent organization automatically receives a notification that the document has been registered. This solution allows: 7

Accelerate the exchange of incoming/outgoing documents with a parent organization;

Reduce the number of “lost” documents whose location is unknown.

8. Solution for local government.

This category can conditionally include municipal management structures that have an average document flow of 3,000 to 10,000 documents per year, an office or secretariat as a structurally separate unit and that work not only with documents from organizations, but also with letters and appeals from citizens and enterprises. Such organizations usually have a sufficient fleet of personal computers connected to a local network. For them, a multi-user solution can be recommended with a number of workstations from 5 to 20, equipped with means of secure exchange of electronic documents with higher and lower organizations (directly or through a data center), connection with a portal for informing and receiving applications from citizens and organizations, and the possibility of remote Internet access to EDD system data. The system must ensure registration of incoming/outgoing documents, accounting of resolutions on documents, documents written off for file and in archival storage. Records of the movement of paper originals must also be kept.

The users of such a solution are usually not only office staff, but also a number of employees of functional departments. Since the majority of employees of such organizations have personal computers, such a solution can already organize work with some documents mainly or exclusively in electronic form. Inbox paper documents can be digitized, and all further work with them can already be carried out in electronic form. The process of document execution (imposition and execution of resolutions) can also be organized electronically.

If an organization has a constantly accessible channel on the Internet, remote access to the EDD system can be organized through a web interface, allowing both officials who are away and higher-level organizations to monitor the progress of work.

This solution allows: 8

Accelerate the exchange of documents with higher and lower organizations;

Reduce the load on clerical staff by transferring some functions to departments;

Increase the efficiency of control over the execution of documents;

Organize an effective system for storing interrelated documents;

Reduce search time necessary documents;

Reduce the number of “lost” documents whose location is unknown;

Speed ​​up and do more efficient work document execution employees;

Reduce the costs of working with requests from citizens and organizations submitted electronically (through the portal);

Provide control over execution important documents from higher organizations.

To develop and support the portal, as well as organize remote Internet access to EDD system data, a set of Internet technologies from Microsoft (Internet Information Services, ASP technology, Microsoft Index Server) and the API provided by the Delo-Enterprise system for publishing documents can be used directly from the database.

A feature of office work and document flow in state authorities or local self-government, as a system of documentation support for management, is one hundred percent reflection of management processes in documentary form. Because of this, office work and document flow processes become self-sufficient and require their own management system.

Currently, the process of introducing computer technology and networks in government institutions is actively underway, and in many, the level achieved to date is sufficient for the introduction of modern technologies for working with documents. But in addition to computers and networks, this requires a set of modern software solutions.

The Russian Federation is fully aware of the importance of this area, which is reflected in the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia” as a whole and in a number of its specific activities.

The final result of management activities state apparatus depends on many intermediate links, one of which is business management, which allows for efficiency and flexibility in decision-making. Case management coordinates all stages of work - from design to practical implementation of solutions. The management process includes the following main typical documented operations:

Collection and processing of documentary information; preparation of a decision;

Making and documenting the decision; communicating decisions to executors;

Execution of the decision; execution control; collection of performance information;

Transfer of information through vertical and horizontal connections; storage and retrieval of information.

The management apparatus implements its functions mainly through universal and authorized organizational and administrative documents created and circulating regardless of the specifics of activity in all sectors of the national economy and public administration. Considering that the administrative apparatus employs more than 14 million people, and the annual document flow in the country is approximately 60 billion sheets and continues to grow, then there is no doubt that effective regulatory regulation this process has great value. Document documents are one of the means of regulating document flows. state standards, all-Union classifiers and unified documentation systems. These and other standards are recognized to stabilize the document flow in the country throughout the entire technological cycle, to create an optimal technology for maintaining document management for each

Management unit.

List of used literature:

1. M. I. Basakov. Office work. Tutorial for students educational institutions average vocational education. [Text] / Basakov M.I. Publishing house: Marketing, 2002. – 336 p.

2. Borodina V.V. Record keeping in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. – 376 p.

3. Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local self-government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 256 pp.- (Higher education)

4. Kuznetsov I.N. Documentation support for management and office work. [Text] / I. N. Kuznetsov. – M.: Yurayt, 2008. – 576 p.

5. Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V.A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 256 p.

State system of documentation support for management. General requirements to documents and documentation support services. – M., 1991

Organization of office work in state authorities and local self-government






Discipline: “Documentation of management activities”

on the topic “Organization of office work in state authorities and local government”

Completed by: student of group 303

Panshina E. Yu.


Kemerovo, 2010

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..…. 3

1. Document flow as the basis of the activities of the government…………...…. 5

2. Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government…………………………………………………………………….….. 7

3. Choosing an approach to document automation………………………10

4. Systems that organize electronic document flow……………….….. 12

6. Automation of document exchange between government authorities…………18

7. EDD systems for authorities at various levels………………………... 20

8. Solution for local government.............................................. 21


List of references…………………………………………………………….. 25


The need to automate office processes and organize electronic document management is recognized today by state authorities and local governments in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. But along with the understanding of this need, a number of questions arise, without receiving answers to which it is impossible to move on to the practical implementation of projects.

Where should you start implementing the system? How to break the entire project into stages so that the effect of implementation is obvious after the first stage, and increases with each subsequent stage? Which of the existing technical means should be upgraded first, and what can wait? What financial resources should be provided in the budget, broken down by year, based on the realities of a particular region?

the planned modernization of the technical park.

a lot of time is devoted to studying, analyzing and compiling various

documentation. Particularly great difficulties arise, as a rule, when

development of production documents, which is primarily due to the lack of special knowledge among the drafters. Eliminating unproductive time in the processes of drawing up and using documents requires a reasonable combination of formalization and creativity, and this, according to the authors, requires, on the one hand,

familiarizing document compilers with the most general laws of document perception; on the other hand, and this is the main task - the formulation and systematization of general rules and norms for the preparation of basic documents.

Purpose The test is to study the theoretical foundations of the organization of office work in government bodies and local self-government.

According to the purpose of the test, the following are set in the work: tasks:

Define the concept of document flow;

Consider the Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government;

Identify EDD systems for government bodies at various levels;

Consider automating the exchange of documents between government agencies.

RF dated June 15, 2009 No. 477. Based on these Rules, the federal executive body, in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of archival affairs, issues instructions on office work. These Rules do not apply to the organization of work with documents containing state secrets.

Documents are drawn up on forms (standard sheets of paper in A4 or A5 format) or in the form of electronic documents and must have an established composition of details, their location and design. Sample forms are approved by order of the head of the executive authority.

All documents are divided into incoming, outgoing and internal. Incoming documents undergo initial processing, registration, preliminary review in the office management service, are transferred to management for review, and then go to the executors. After execution, the documents are placed in files.

Each body forms its own documentary fund. The nomenclature of the body’s files is agreed upon with the expert verification commission of the relevant federal state archive. Cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage are transferred to the archive. The Resolution establishes the procedure for working with electronic documents.

The term “document flow” is currently used extremely widely and is found in the description of almost every information system. Document flow automation is implemented by many systems, and each of them claims to be an “integrated approach to document flow automation.” At the same time, the variety of systems is extremely wide: from warehouse accounting systems to process control software.

“document flow”, “paperwork”, etc. are considered exclusively in the context of organizing the work of state authorities and local self-government. Accordingly, the terms are interpreted exclusively using national regulations as applied to the work of government bodies.

According to the definition (GOST R 51141–98), document flow is “the movement of documents in an organization from the moment of their creation or receipt to completion of execution or dispatch,” that is, the full life cycle of the entire set of documents in an organization until they are transferred to the archive or for destruction.

Office work, or “documentation support for management,” according to the same source, means “a branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with official documents.” That is, office work is a set of organizational mechanisms for maintaining and controlling the flow of official documents. However, in the “Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies” dated November 27, 2000, the functions of office work are no longer limited to regulating only official document flow. This allows us to assert that office automation systems should control not only the circulation of registered (official) documents, but also draft documents.

In Russia, on a national scale, a unified technology for working with management documents has developed, the so-called state system of documentation support for management (GS DOU). Russian office work has no analogues in other countries, either in terms of the detail of the technology for working with documents, or in terms of the scale of distribution. And if in the West the development of office automation stimulates the development of document management technologies, then in Russia, as a rule, we are talking about automation of the traditionally already established technology of institutional office work.

What are the features of the “Russian model” of office work? There are three most striking advantages:

Control over the document, starting from the moment of its receipt;

Centralization of control functions;

Unified document flow standards.

control immediately after “birth” – that is, approval. At the same time, the connection of documents is monitored - in the event that one document appeared as a result of the implementation of a decision made on another document. All this makes it possible to reliably track the path of any document received by a state authority or local government - after all, not a single registered document can disappear without a trace.

Maximum centralization of control over document flow presupposes that a document must first be reported to management, and only then, having acquired resolutions in accordance with the service hierarchy, it goes down to the immediate executors.

Another important feature of the “Russian model” is the presence of uniform and detailed rules for working with management documents in organizations, regardless of their field of activity. All activities of office work services - expeditions, offices, control groups - are regulated down to the rules for filling out log books, file cabinets and reporting forms.

may be about automating traditional office work using modern information technologies.

office work. At the same time, nothing prevents you from including in the automated system the ability to link a card with an electronic image of the document itself (text and even image, sound and video). This creates technological conditions for the transition to electronic document management. The transition to electronic document management, in turn, creates the prerequisites for the formation of electronic archives with effective mechanisms for reference and analytical work on a variety of documents in various forms of presentation.

On the other hand, the use of a computer network creates conditions for the decentralization of various office functions while maintaining centralized control over document flow. You can, for example, allow departments and even individual employees to independently register documents and at the same time centrally control their passage. Moreover, the presence of a network connecting geographically remote authorities allows for centralized control over document flow, which cannot be achieved within the framework of purely paper technology.

model, loss of documents can only occur due to a direct violation of office management instructions.

3. Choosing an approach to document automation.

The need to automate the document flow of state authorities and local self-government is obvious to everyone today.

Record keeping using paper journals and filing cabinets is incompatible with the requirements for increasing the efficiency of civil servants for several reasons.

and processing data from heterogeneous and decentralized files.

Document files are usually separated from executors. They contain incomplete and slow information about the status of documents.

management problems.

Microsoft, together with its partners, offers two phased software and methodological solutions in the field of organizing document flow of state authorities and local government:

Electronic document management and office work.

is, in the short term, the main approach to automating document flow in state authorities and local governments.

Documents processed by the authority, including those transmitted using computer technology, have two forms - traditionally paper and electronic. Such a symbiosis is a consequence of the fact that modern means of document preparation imply an electronic form of document storage, while the regulatory framework and established circulation rules require a paper form. Also, the most important argument in favor of preserving paper documents is the unsurpassed ease of working with them. Rules and habits change much slower than the capabilities of modern information technologies.

In state authorities and local self-government, apparently, for a long time, when processing documents in electronic form, operations will remain that require the creation of paper copies. As a rule, managers prefer to work with paper documents. In addition, for now, the exchange of official documents between government authorities and their transfer to state archives also occurs in paper form.

Electronic document management and record keeping (EDF) is a technological response to modern requirements imposed by the current political and economic situation on the efficiency of Russian state authorities and local government. The experience of its implementation in Western government agencies and examples of its operation in large, progressive Russian commercial structures speak in favor of EDD.

4. Systems that organize electronic document flow.

As mentioned above, electronic document management is a set of new technologies for working with documents. The technologies used make it possible to organize “seamless” interaction of systems that provide various document processing operations. First of all, such technologies include:

Electronic analogue of a handwritten signature;

Data transmission media;

Means of storing electronic information.

The listed technologies allow subsystems performing various functions to organically complement each other. Such interaction can dramatically increase the efficiency of civil servants when working with documents.

Electronic document management allows you to create a unified information space in a government agency, integrating all documentary systems into an information hub. Integration is carried out without loss of quality of work with documents, while maintaining the traditions of Russian office work. The basis of such integration is a reliable document storage and document management systems that interact with it. All processed documents are stored in a single repository, which allows for optimal search and selection of information when preparing materials. Currently, in most authorities and local governments, many operations are already performed using computer technology. The task of the automation system is to organize effective collective work on document texts and provide each civil servant with a rich information space to support their activities.

5. Document flow of official documents.

The main goal in developing electronic document management technologies was to achieve maximum continuity of the rules and techniques of paper document management and journal-card office management, which allows for a painless transition from traditional to modern technologies.

The office management system processes documents stored in a single repository of government documents. This allows you to include documents processed by the official document flow into a single information space of the government authority.

Electronic document management technology is supported by the following system functionality:

scanning and recognition of paper documents using built-in OCR technology;

Attaching an electronic image of a document in the form of a file(s) of any format to the registration card (RC);

Providing each official - participant in the paperwork process - with his own personal virtual account, which ensures that the official has access only to documents falling within his competence;

Ensuring the process of approval (vising) of draft documents;

using certified means;

Formation and execution of cases, i.e. grouping executed documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and systematization of documents within the case;

Archival storage of electronic documents and government affairs.

The main unit of accounting in the system is the RC of the document, the completeness of the details of which ensures the ability to generate statistical and analytical reports on various information sections and ease of search.

In this case, the main set of RK details can be expanded with an arbitrary set of additional details, defined for each group of documents. Using additional details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you can, along with the main details, search and select data when generating reports. Upon receipt of an electronic incoming document, its registration is carried out automatically. For a document received as a result of an exchange between two EDD systems, most of the Republic of Kazakhstan details are generated automatically. An electronic image of the document is attached to the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the identity of the document equipped with digital signature and cryptographic protection is verified. If the incoming document arrives in paper form, the optical text recognition package is called from the system environment, and upon receipt of its electronic image, it is returned to the office management system while simultaneously attaching the document to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The system user who attached the document file sets access rights to the file at the security level, as well as protection (cancellation of protection) from editing.

If it is necessary to translate a relatively large volume of paper documents intended for execution and storage in electronic form, it is proposed to use the “Stream Registration” option. In this case, after entering the registration data about the document in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the user of the automated workstation (AWS) of flow registration prints on the first sheet of the barcode, which corresponds to the internal system number assigned by the system to the registered document. After this, the documents, in random order, from various flow registration workstations arrive at the scanning workstation, equipped with a high-speed scanner. Scanned electronic images of documents enter the database and, thanks to barcode extraction technology, are attached to the corresponding document registration cards.

After registration, the RC with the attached document is sent over the network to the official responsible for making a decision on the execution of the document, and then to the executors of the document in accordance with the details of the resolution. At the same time, each manager or performer is vested with certain rights that make it possible to ensure the organization of work with documents as close as possible to traditional work at a table on which documents that are within the competence of only this employee and which are either awaiting the start of execution (in the Received folder) are laid out in folders. , either accepted by the employee for execution (in the On Execution folder), or transferred to subordinates indicating the deadline for execution (in the Under Control folder).

When working with electronic documents, a combined full-text and attribute search for the required document is provided, including using web access to the systems’ document database.

Files with texts (images) of outgoing and internal documents using standard technology are also attached to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The outgoing document, accompanied by the details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, can be protected with an electronic digital signature, encrypted and transmitted to the addressee.

Thus, together with the ability to register documents received via communication lines, corporate electronic document flow is ensured. Executed documents are compiled into files and transferred for archival storage.

6. Automation of document exchange between authorities.

Currently, many government agencies already use legacy automated document management systems. They are built on different software and hardware bases. Some of them, supplied by Microsoft partners (including the Delo system described above from the Electronic Office Systems company), are implemented on the basis of modern technologies. Also, a significant number of systems of previous generations based on MS DOS and other platforms are still in use. Unification of systems in all government bodies in the foreseeable future is impossible both for political (the rights of the subjects of the Federation and local governments) and practical considerations. Implementation, and especially replacement of existing systems, is a rather long, difficult and expensive process.

and would allow the connection of various systems.

The exchange of electronic documents must be properly secured. Documents must be provided with an electronic signature, guaranteeing authorship and immutability of the content of the document, and in some cases, they must be protected by cryptographic means from unauthorized access.

Each organization has many correspondent organizations with which it exchanges documents, and all may have different message formats and even networks. It is inappropriate to load the systems of individual organizations with the function of constant support of service information necessary for organizing exchange. It is logical to build document exchange not on the “everyone with everyone” principle, but on the “star” principle - on the basis of Document Exchange Centers (DEC).

Data centers can perform the following set of functions:

Conversion and coordination of formats of incoming and outgoing documents;

Support for address databases and calculation of document delivery routes;

Guaranteed delivery of documents;

Support and synchronization of directories.

For integration with the data center, legacy corporate systems, if necessary, can be supplemented with special interface modules that provide preliminary conversion of formats and exchange procedures with the data center.

7. EDD systems for authorities at various levels.

Solution for municipal and other authorities with a small volume of document flow This category can conditionally include municipal management structures with a small volume of document flow, which do not have a sufficient technical base for the implementation of a full-fledged EDD system. For them, a single-user solution may be recommended, equipped with means of secure exchange of electronic documents with a higher organization - directly or through a data center. The user of such a solution is usually the employee responsible for the organization's records management. In this case, work is carried out with paper documents, but the system records incoming/outgoing documents, records resolutions on documents, documents written off for file and in archival storage. If there are a large number of employees, records of the movement of paper originals can also be kept. Documents received electronically from a higher organization are immediately registered, printed and begin to be executed before the paper originals arrive. The parent organization automatically receives a notification that the document has been registered. This solution allows:

Accelerate the exchange of incoming/outgoing documents with a parent organization;

Reduce the number of “lost” documents whose location is unknown.

8. Solution for local government.

division and working not only with documents from organizations, but also with letters and appeals from citizens and enterprises. Such organizations usually have a sufficient fleet of personal computers connected to a local network. For them, a multi-user solution can be recommended with a number of workstations from 5 to 20, equipped with means of secure exchange of electronic documents with higher and lower organizations (directly or through a data center), connection with a portal for informing and receiving applications from citizens and organizations, and the possibility of remote Internet access to EDD system data. The system must ensure registration of incoming/outgoing documents, accounting of resolutions on documents, documents written off for file and in archival storage. Records of the movement of paper originals must also be kept.

The users of such a solution are usually not only office staff, but also a number of employees of functional departments. Since the majority of employees of such organizations have personal computers, such a solution can already organize work with some documents mainly or exclusively in electronic form. Incoming paper documents can be digitized, and all further work with them can be carried out electronically. The process of document execution (imposition and execution of resolutions) can also be organized electronically.

If an organization has a constantly accessible channel on the Internet, remote access to the EDD system can be organized through a web interface, allowing both officials who are away and higher-level organizations to monitor the progress of work.

This solution allows:

Reduce the load on clerical staff by transferring some functions to departments;

Increase the efficiency of control over the execution of documents;

Organize an effective system for storing interrelated documents;

Reduce time spent searching for necessary documents;

Reduce the number of “lost” documents whose location is unknown;

Speed ​​up and make more efficient the work of employees in executing documents;

Reduce the costs of working with requests from citizens and organizations submitted electronically (through the portal);

To develop and support the portal, as well as organize remote Internet access to EDD system data, a set of Internet technologies from Microsoft (Internet Information Services, ASP technology, Microsoft Index Server) and the API provided by the Delo-Enterprise system for publishing documents can be used directly from the database.


A feature of office work and document flow in state authorities or local self-government, as a system of documentation support for management, is one hundred percent reflection of management processes in documentary form. Because of this, office work and document flow processes become self-sufficient and require their own management system.

Currently, the process of introducing computer technology and networks in government institutions is actively underway, and in many, the level achieved to date is sufficient for the introduction of modern technologies for working with documents. But in addition to computers and networks, this requires a set of modern software solutions.

The Russian Federation is fully aware of the importance of this area, which is reflected in the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia" as a whole and in a number of its specific activities.

The final result of the management activities of the state apparatus depends on many intermediate links, one of which is business management, which allows for efficiency and flexibility in decision-making. Case management coordinates all stages of work - from design to practical implementation of solutions. The management process includes the following main typical documented operations:

making and documenting the decision; communicating decisions to executors;

Execution of the decision; execution control; collection of performance information;

Transfer of information through vertical and horizontal connections; storage and retrieval of information.

The management apparatus carries out its functions mainly through universal and authoritative organizational and administrative documents created and circulating regardless of the specifics of activity in all sectors of the national economy and public administration. Considering that the management apparatus employs more than 14 million people, and the annual document flow in the country is approximately 60 billion sheets and continues to grow, then there is no doubt that effective regulatory regulation of this process is of great importance. One of the means of regulating document flows are state document standards, all-Union classifiers and unified documentation systems. These and other standards are recognized to stabilize the document flow in the country throughout the entire technological cycle, to create an optimal technology for maintaining document management for each

management unit.

List of used literature:

2. Borodina V.V. Office work in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. – 376 p.

3. Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 256 p. - (Higher education)

4. Kuznetsov I. N. Documentation support for management and office work. [Text] / I. N. Kuznetsov. – M.: Yurayt, 2008. – 576 p.

5. Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V. A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 256 p.

State system of documentation support for management. General requirements for documents and documentation support services. – M., 1991

Borodina V.V. Office work in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. – 154С

Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V. A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 98С.

Borodina V.V. Office work in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. –184С.

Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V. A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 68С.

M. I. Basakov. Office work. A textbook for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. [Text] / Basakov M.I. Publishing house: Marketing, 2002. –95С.

Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 127С.

Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 154С.







Discipline: “Documentation of management activities”

on the topic “Organization of office work in state authorities and local government”

Completed by: student of group 303

Panshina E.Yu.


Kemerovo, 2010


1. Document flow as the basis for the activities of a government body…………...….5

2. Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government…………………………………………………………………….…..7

3. Choosing an approach to document automation………………………10

4. Systems that organize electronic document flow……………….…..12

5. Document flow of official documents…………………………..…..14

6. Automation of document exchange between government authorities…………18

7. EDD systems for authorities at various levels………………………...20

8. Solution for local government……………………………...21


List of used literature……………………………………………………..25


The need to automate office processes and organize electronic document management is recognized today by state authorities and local governments in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. But along with the understanding of this need, a number of questions arise, without receiving answers to which it is impossible to move on to the practical implementation of projects.

Where should you start implementing the system? How to break the entire project into stages so that the effect of implementation is obvious after the first stage, and increases with each subsequent stage? Which of the existing technical means should be upgraded first, and what can wait? What financial resources should be provided in the budget, broken down by year, based on the realities of a particular region?

In fact, all these questions relate to the construction of a competent plan for project implementation for several years in advance, taking into account planned financing, production needs, technical equipment and the planned modernization of the technical park.

work of engineers, designers, production managers

a lot of time is devoted to studying, analyzing and compiling various

documentation. Particularly great difficulties arise, as a rule, when

development of production documents, which is primarily due to the lack of special knowledge among the drafters. Eliminating unproductive time in the processes of drawing up and using documents requires a reasonable combination of formalization and creativity, and this, according to the authors, requires, on the one hand,

familiarizing document compilers with the most general laws of document perception; on the other hand, and this is the main task - the formulation and systematization of general rules and norms for the preparation of basic documents.

Purpose The test is to study the theoretical foundations of the organization of office work in government bodies and local self-government.

According to the purpose of the test, the following are set in the work: tasks:

Define the concept of document flow;

Consider the Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government;

Identify EDD systems for government bodies at various levels;

Consider automating the exchange of documents between government agencies.

1. Document flow as the basis for the activities of a government agency.

Office work in the federal executive body is carried out in accordance with the Rules for office work in federal executive bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477. Based on these Rules, the federal executive body in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of archival affairs issues instructions for office work. These Rules do not apply to the organization of work with documents containing state secrets.

Documents are drawn up on forms (standard sheets of paper in A4 or A5 format) or in the form of electronic documents and must have an established composition of details, their location and design. Sample forms are approved by order of the head of the executive authority.

All documents are divided into incoming, outgoing and internal. Incoming documents undergo initial processing, registration, preliminary review in the office management service, are transferred to management for review, and then go to the executors. After execution, the documents are placed in files.

Each body forms its own documentary fund. The nomenclature of the body’s files is agreed upon with the expert verification commission of the relevant federal state archive. Cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage are transferred to the archive. The Resolution establishes the procedure for working with electronic documents.

The term “document flow” is currently used extremely widely and is found in the description of almost every information system. Document flow automation is implemented by many systems, and each of them claims to be an “integrated approach to document flow automation.” At the same time, the variety of systems is extremely wide: from warehouse accounting systems to process control software.

In this work, the terms “document flow”, “office work”, etc. are considered exclusively in the context of organizing the work of state authorities and local self-government. Accordingly, the terms are interpreted exclusively using national regulations as applied to the work of government bodies.

According to the definition (GOST R 51141–98), document flow is “the movement of documents in an organization from the moment of their creation or receipt to completion of execution or dispatch,” that is, the full life cycle of the entire set of documents in an organization until they are transferred to the archive or for destruction.

Office work, or “documentation support for management,” according to the same source, means “a branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with official documents.” That is, office work is a set of organizational mechanisms for maintaining and controlling the flow of official documents. However, in the “Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies” dated November 27, 2000, the functions of office work are no longer limited to regulating only official document flow. This allows us to assert that office automation systems should control not only the circulation of registered (official) documents, but also draft documents.

2. The Russian model of office work in state authorities and local self-government.

In Russia, on a national scale, a unified technology for working with management documents has developed, the so-called state system of documentation support for management (GS DOU). Russian office work has no analogues in other countries, either in terms of the detail of the technology for working with documents, or in terms of the scale of distribution. And if in the West the development of office automation stimulates the development of document management technologies, then in Russia, as a rule, we are talking about automation of the traditionally already established technology of institutional office work.

What are the features of the “Russian model” of office work? There are three most striking advantages:

Control over the document, starting from the moment of its receipt;

Centralization of control functions;

Unified document flow standards.

Unlike Western methods of working with documents, in Russian practice a document is placed under control at the moment it is received by the authorities. Internal or outgoing documents come under control immediately after their “birth” – that is, approval. At the same time, the connection of documents is monitored - in the event that one document appeared as a result of the implementation of a decision made on another document. All this makes it possible to reliably track the path of any document received by a state authority or local government - after all, not a single registered document can disappear without a trace.

Maximum centralization of control over document flow presupposes that a document must first be reported to management, and only then, having acquired resolutions in accordance with the service hierarchy, it goes down to the immediate executors.

Another important feature of the “Russian model” is the presence of uniform and detailed rules for working with management documents in organizations, regardless of their field of activity. All activities of office work services - expeditions, offices, control groups - are regulated down to the rules for filling out log books, file cabinets and reporting forms.

Given the existence of such detailed document flow regulations in government agencies, the implementation of one or another foreign software without adapting a fundamentally new technology is unrealistic. In this case, we can talk about the automation of traditional office work using modern information technologies.

Traditional office work involves maintaining many journals and/or filing cabinets that support paper document flow. And it is the maintenance of these card files that is the primary object of office automation. At the same time, nothing prevents you from including in the automated system the ability to link a card with an electronic image of the document itself (text and even image, sound and video). This creates technological conditions for the transition to electronic document management. The transition to electronic document management, in turn, creates the prerequisites for the formation of electronic archives with effective mechanisms for reference and analytical work on a variety of documents in various forms of presentation.

On the other hand, the use of a computer network creates conditions for the decentralization of various office functions while maintaining centralized control over document flow. You can, for example, allow departments and even individual employees to independently register documents and at the same time centrally control their passage. Moreover, the presence of a network connecting geographically remote authorities allows for centralized control over document flow, which cannot be achieved within the framework of purely paper technology.

The Russian model of document flow is not only completely compatible with modern approaches to management processes, but also significantly superior to Western models of document flow. Indeed, in the Russian model, loss of documents can only occur due to a direct violation of office management instructions.

3. Choosing an approach to document automation.

The need to automate the document flow of state authorities and local self-government is obvious to everyone today.

Record keeping using paper journals and filing cabinets is incompatible with the requirements for increasing the efficiency of civil servants for several reasons.

Information about documents and the progress of their execution is distributed throughout the file system of the organization and its structural divisions. Therefore, obtaining information about working with documents in an enterprise requires searching and processing data from heterogeneous and decentralized file cabinets.

Document files are usually separated from executors. They contain incomplete and slow information about the status of documents.

Reproduction and movement of a large number of paper documents, maintaining numerous and duplicating journals and filing cabinets leads to large amounts of unproductive labor costs.

However, radical, revolutionary approaches to document flow of state authorities and local self-government are very dangerous. This can lead not only to missed implementation deadlines, but also to serious management problems.

Microsoft, together with its partners, offers two phased software and methodological solutions in the field of organizing document flow of state authorities and local government:

Automated office work for paper document flow;

Electronic document management and office work.

Such a step-by-step approach will allow smoothly increasing the efficiency of the government, eliminating the possibility of disorganization of its activities. Automated office work for paper document flow is, in the short term, the main approach to automation of document flow in state authorities and local government.

Documents processed by the authority, including those transmitted using computer technology, have two forms - traditionally paper and electronic. Such a symbiosis is a consequence of the fact that modern means of document preparation imply an electronic form of document storage, while the regulatory framework and established circulation rules require a paper form. Also, the most important argument in favor of preserving paper documents is the unsurpassed ease of working with them. Rules and habits change much slower than the capabilities of modern information technologies.

In state authorities and local self-government, apparently, for a long time, when processing documents in electronic form, operations will remain that require the creation of paper copies. As a rule, managers prefer to work with paper documents. In addition, for now, the exchange of official documents between government authorities and their transfer to state archives also occurs in paper form.

Electronic document management and record keeping (EDF) is a technological response to modern requirements imposed by the current political and economic situation on the efficiency of Russian state authorities and local government. The experience of its implementation in Western government agencies and examples of its operation in large, progressive Russian commercial structures speak in favor of EDD.

4. Systems that organize electronic document flow.

As mentioned above, electronic document management is a set of new technologies for working with documents. The technologies used make it possible to organize “seamless” interaction of systems that provide various document processing operations. First of all, such technologies include:

Text recognition technologies that transform paper incoming documents into a fully electronic form of presentation;

Electronic analogue of a handwritten signature;

Data transmission media;

Means of storing electronic information.

The listed technologies allow subsystems performing various functions to organically complement each other. Such interaction can dramatically increase the efficiency of civil servants when working with documents.

Electronic document management allows you to create a unified information space in a government agency, integrating all documentary systems into an information hub. Integration is carried out without loss of quality of work with documents, while maintaining the traditions of Russian office work. The basis of such integration is a reliable document storage and document management systems that interact with it. All processed documents are stored in a single repository, which allows for optimal search and selection of information when preparing materials. Currently, in most authorities and local governments, many operations are already performed using computer technology. The task of the automation system is to organize effective collective work on document texts and provide each civil servant with a rich information space to support their activities.

5. Document flow of official documents.

The main goal in developing electronic document management technologies was to achieve maximum continuity of the rules and techniques of paper document management and journal-card office management, which allows for a painless transition from traditional to modern technologies.

The office management system processes documents stored in a single repository of government documents. This allows you to include documents processed by the official document flow into a single information space of the government authority.

Electronic document management technology is supported by the following system functionality:

Automated registration of incoming documents sent by e-mail or via an Internet portal, including those equipped with an electronic digital signature (EDS) and crypto-protection;

scanning and recognition of paper documents using built-in OCR technology;

Attaching an electronic image of a document in the form of a file(s) of any format to the registration card (RC);

differentiation of access rights to attached files of an electronic image of a document;

Providing each official - participant in the paperwork process - with his own personal virtual account, which ensures that the official has access only to documents falling within his competence;

Ensuring the process of approval (vising) of draft documents;

full-text and attribute search of electronic documents, including remote full-text search;

Sending by e-mail or publishing on the Internet portal of the government authority electronic outgoing documents (using any e-mail that supports MAPI), protected by digital signature and encryption using certified means;

Formation and registration of cases, i.e. grouping executed documents into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and systematization of documents within the case;

Archival storage of electronic documents and government affairs.

The main unit of accounting in the system is the RC of the document, the completeness of the details of which ensures the ability to generate statistical and analytical reports on various information sections and ease of search.

In this case, the main set of RK details can be expanded with an arbitrary set of additional details, defined for each group of documents. Using additional details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you can, along with the main details, search and select data when generating reports. Upon receipt of an electronic incoming document, its registration is carried out automatically. For a document received as a result of an exchange between two EDD systems, most of the Republic of Kazakhstan details are generated automatically. An electronic image of the document is attached to the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the identity of the document equipped with digital signature and cryptographic protection is verified. If the incoming document arrives in paper form, the optical text recognition package is called from the system environment, and upon receipt of its electronic image, it is returned to the office management system while simultaneously attaching the document to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The system user who attached the document file sets access rights to the file at the security level, as well as protection (cancellation of protection) from editing.

If it is necessary to translate a relatively large volume of paper documents intended for execution and storage in electronic form, it is proposed to use the “Stream Registration” option. In this case, after entering the registration data about the document in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the user of the automated workstation (AWS) of flow registration prints on the first sheet of the barcode, which corresponds to the internal system number assigned by the system to the registered document. After this, the documents, in random order, from various flow registration workstations arrive at the scanning workstation, equipped with a high-speed scanner. Scanned electronic images of documents enter the database and, thanks to barcode extraction technology, are attached to the corresponding document registration cards.

After registration, the RC with the attached document is sent over the network to the official responsible for making a decision on the execution of the document, and then to the executors of the document in accordance with the details of the resolution. At the same time, each manager or performer is vested with certain rights that make it possible to ensure the organization of work with documents as close as possible to traditional work at a table on which documents that are within the competence of only this employee and which are either awaiting the start of execution (in the Received folder) are laid out in folders. , either accepted by the employee for execution (in the On Execution folder), or transferred to subordinates indicating the deadline for execution (in the Under Control folder).

When working with electronic documents, a combined full-text and attribute search for the required document is provided, including using web access to the systems’ document database.

Files with texts (images) of outgoing and internal documents using standard technology are also attached to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The outgoing document, accompanied by the details of the Republic of Kazakhstan, can be protected with an electronic digital signature, encrypted and transmitted to the addressee.

Thus, together with the ability to register documents received via communication lines, corporate electronic document flow is ensured. Executed documents are compiled into files and transferred for archival storage.

6. Automation of document exchange between authorities.

Currently, many government agencies already use legacy automated document management systems. They are built on different software and hardware bases. Some of them, supplied by Microsoft partners (including the Delo system described above from the Electronic Office Systems company), are implemented on the basis of modern technologies. Also, a significant number of systems of previous generations based on MS DOS and other platforms are still in use. Unification of systems in all government bodies in the foreseeable future is impossible both for political (the rights of the subjects of the Federation and local governments) and practical considerations. Implementation, and especially replacement of existing systems, is a rather long, difficult and expensive process.

In this situation, a natural solution is to develop a means of interdepartmental document exchange that could be easily adapted to various formats of incoming/outgoing messages and would allow the connection of various systems.

The exchange of electronic documents must be properly secured. Documents must be provided with an electronic signature, guaranteeing authorship and immutability of the content of the document, and in some cases, they must be protected by cryptographic means from unauthorized access.

Each organization has many correspondent organizations with which it exchanges documents, and all may have different message formats and even networks. It is inappropriate to load the systems of individual organizations with the function of constant support of service information necessary for organizing exchange. It is logical to build document exchange not on the “everyone with everyone” principle, but on the “star” principle - on the basis of Document Exchange Centers (DEC).

Data centers can perform the following set of functions:

Conversion and coordination of formats of incoming and outgoing documents;

Support for address databases and calculation of document delivery routes;

Guaranteed delivery of documents;

Additional archiving of documents;

Support and synchronization of directories.

Messaging centers can also take on the role of certification authorities that support private and public key infrastructure and authentication procedures for organizations participating in the exchange.

For integration with the data center, legacy corporate systems, if necessary, can be supplemented with special interface modules that provide preliminary conversion of formats and exchange procedures with the data center.

7. EDD systems for authorities at various levels.

Solution for municipal and other authorities with a small volume of document flow This category can conditionally include municipal management structures with a small volume of document flow, which do not have a sufficient technical base for the implementation of a full-fledged EDD system. For them, a single-user solution may be recommended, equipped with means of secure exchange of electronic documents with a higher organization - directly or through a data center. The user of such a solution is usually the employee responsible for the organization's records management. In this case, work is carried out with paper documents, but the system records incoming/outgoing documents, records resolutions on documents, documents written off for file and in archival storage. If there are a large number of employees, records of the movement of paper originals can also be kept. Documents received electronically from a higher organization are immediately registered, printed and begin to be executed before the paper originals arrive. The parent organization automatically receives a notification that the document has been registered. This solution allows:

Accelerate the exchange of incoming/outgoing documents with a parent organization;

Reduce the number of “lost” documents whose location is unknown.

8. Solution for local government.

This category can conditionally include municipal management structures that have an average document flow of 3,000 to 10,000 documents per year, an office or secretariat as a structurally separate unit and that work not only with documents from organizations, but also with letters and appeals from citizens and enterprises. Such organizations usually have a sufficient fleet of personal computers connected to a local network. For them, a multi-user solution can be recommended with a number of workstations from 5 to 20, equipped with means of secure exchange of electronic documents with higher and lower organizations (directly or through a data center), connection with a portal for informing and receiving applications from citizens and organizations, and the possibility of remote Internet access to EDD system data. The system must ensure registration of incoming/outgoing documents, accounting of resolutions on documents, documents written off for file and in archival storage. Records of the movement of paper originals must also be kept.

The users of such a solution are usually not only office staff, but also a number of employees of functional departments. Since the majority of employees of such organizations have personal computers, such a solution can already organize work with some documents mainly or exclusively in electronic form. Incoming paper documents can be digitized, and all further work with them can be carried out electronically. The process of document execution (imposition and execution of resolutions) can also be organized electronically.

If an organization has a constantly accessible channel on the Internet, remote access to the EDD system can be organized through a web interface, allowing both officials who are away and higher-level organizations to monitor the progress of work.

Accelerate the exchange of documents with higher and lower organizations;

Reduce the load on clerical staff by transferring some functions to departments;

Increase the efficiency of control over the execution of documents;

Organize an effective system for storing interrelated documents;

Reduce time spent searching for necessary documents;

Reduce the number of “lost” documents whose location is unknown;

Speed ​​up and make more efficient the work of employees in executing documents;

Reduce the costs of working with requests from citizens and organizations submitted electronically (through the portal);

Ensure control over the execution of important documents by higher organizations.

To develop and support the portal, as well as organize remote Internet access to EDD system data, a set of Internet technologies from Microsoft (Internet Information Services, ASP technology, Microsoft Index Server) and the API provided by the Delo-Enterprise system for publishing documents can be used directly from the database.


A feature of office work and document flow in state authorities or local self-government, as a system of documentation support for management, is one hundred percent reflection of management processes in documentary form. Because of this, office work and document flow processes become self-sufficient and require their own management system.

Currently, the process of introducing computer technology and networks in government institutions is actively underway, and in many, the level achieved to date is sufficient for the introduction of modern technologies for working with documents. But in addition to computers and networks, this requires a set of modern software solutions.

The Russian Federation is fully aware of the importance of this area, which is reflected in the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia" as a whole and in a number of its specific activities.

The final result of the management activities of the state apparatus depends on many intermediate links, one of which is business management, which allows for efficiency and flexibility in decision-making. Case management coordinates all stages of work - from design to practical implementation of solutions. The management process includes the following main typical documented operations:

Collection and processing of documentary information; preparation of a decision;

making and documenting the decision; communicating decisions to executors;

Execution of the decision; execution control; collection of performance information;

Transfer of information through vertical and horizontal connections; storage and retrieval of information.

The management apparatus carries out its functions mainly through universal and authoritative organizational and administrative documents created and circulating regardless of the specifics of activity in all sectors of the national economy and public administration. Considering that the management apparatus employs more than 14 million people, and the annual document flow in the country is approximately 60 billion sheets and continues to grow, then there is no doubt that effective regulatory regulation of this process is of great importance. One of the means of regulating document flows are state document standards, all-Union classifiers and unified documentation systems. These and other standards are recognized to stabilize the document flow in the country throughout the entire technological cycle, to create an optimal technology for maintaining document management for each

management unit.

List of used literature:

1. M. I. Basakov. Office work. A textbook for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. [Text] / Basakov M.I. Publishing house: Marketing, 2002. – 336 p.

2. Borodina V.V. Record keeping in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. – 376s.

3. Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local self-government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 256 pp.- (Higher education)

4. Kuznetsov I.N. Documentation support for management and office work. [Text] / I. N. Kuznetsov. – M.: Yurayt, 2008. – 576 p.

5. Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V.A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 256s.

State system of documentation support for management. General requirements for documents and documentation support services. – M., 1991

Borodina V.V. Record keeping in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. – 154C

Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V.A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 98C.

Borodina V.V. Record keeping in the public administration system. [Text] / V.V. Borodina. Publishing house: RAGS, 2008. –184C.

Spivak V. A. Documentation of management activities. [Text] / V.A. Spivak. - Publishing house: Peter, 2008. – 68C.

M. I. Basakov. Office work. A textbook for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education. [Text] / Basakov M.I. Publishing house: Marketing, 2002. –95С.

Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local self-government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 127С.

Kirsanova M.V. Office work in state authorities and local self-government: textbook. manual [Text] / M. V. Kirsanova. -Publishing house: Infra-M:, 2004. – 154С.

Kuznetsov I.N. Documentation support for management and office work. [Text] / I. N. Kuznetsov. – M.: Yurayt, 2008. –84С.

Expert council of educational institutions in the system of higher education and secondary vocational education as textbook for the bachelor's degree program "Public and Municipal Administration"


Documents arose with the advent of writing. However, office work as a system of certain rules for working with documents began its formation only during the reign of Peter I. During this period, mandatory registration documents, the technology for monitoring the execution of documents, the procedure for transferring documents from current records management to the archive are regulated.

Executive office work (ministerial) arose as a result of the administrative reforms of Alexander I at the beginning of the 19th century. The office work of the highest government institutions of this period was carried out in accordance with the laws, which were called “institution”. In 1811, the “General Establishment of Ministries” was adopted, which regulated the work with documents in ministries. IN Soviet period, from 1917 to 1991, office work in state and municipal administration continued to improve, a number of regulations and methodological documents were adopted that consolidated the unity of building a state system of documentation support for management, work was carried out to unify forms and systems of documentation, regulate the procedure for the movement of documents from the lowest management level to the highest.

Currently, the object of office work in state and municipal administration are documents arising in the process of state and municipal government bodies performing their functions, and the organization of work with these documents.

The subject of office work is the issues of creation, classification, registration procedure, control, examination of value, storage and use of documents based on modern information technologies.

In state and municipal government bodies, the organization, maintenance and improvement of office work, as well as control over compliance with the established procedure for working with documents, is carried out by a structural unit entrusted with the functions of document support for management, or by a person appointed by order of the head of the state and municipal government body to be responsible for office work. (hereinafter referred to as the office management service).

When determining the content of the textbook, the requirements of the State Educational Standard were taken into account higher education in the discipline “Fundamentals of Office Work” for bachelors of the training profile “State and Municipal Management”, the tradition of the national school of teaching office work, taking into account the natural development of management organization.

The first chapter provides a brief overview of the basic concepts in the field of office work and documentation support for management. The concepts of a document, its varieties, documentation tools are outlined, much attention is paid to the consideration of the establishment of the state system of documentation support for management in the Russian Federation, as well as the normative consolidation of documentation of management activities and the organization of office work in state and municipal government bodies.

The second chapter examines modern requirements for the preparation and execution of documents in state and municipal authorities. The issues of registration of document forms, details that give legal force to documents, the composition of mandatory and additional details of management documents are covered.

The third chapter discusses the requirements for the preparation of texts of management documents, the features of the preparation of organizational documents in state and municipal administration, the types and rules for the preparation of texts of administrative and reference information documents, documenting the activities of collegial bodies.

The fourth chapter discusses the organization of the office work service in state and municipal government bodies, its structure, main tasks, functions of structural parts. The provisions on the establishment of labor standards on the basis of its standardization are outlined, the meanings and types of labor standards for clerical staff, methods of labor standardization and working conditions for clerical service workers are revealed.

The fifth chapter sets out provisions on the organization of document flow in state and municipal government bodies, forms and methods of document registration, organization of an information retrieval system, including the use of electronic document flow, and outlines the main directions for the development of interdepartmental interaction of federal executive authorities in the process of organizing document flow.

The sixth chapter discusses the organization of office work on citizens' appeals, types of appeals, registration technology, methods and forms of control over the execution of appeals, organization of personal reception of citizens.

The seventh chapter covers issues of current document storage.

At the end of the textbook, appendices are presented that reveal and clarify the content of the main text, as well as those used in the process of students performing practical tasks. Practice assignments and quizzes are provided at the end of each chapter.

The significance of the discipline “Fundamentals of Office Work” is determined by the requirements imposed by the State educational standard higher education to highly qualified managers. The activities of such specialists are aimed at ensuring effective management of the organization and making prompt, timely management decisions. The manager's area of ​​professional activity is ensuring effective management of the organization, organizing management systems, improving management in accordance with trends in socio-economic development.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions - bachelor's and master's degrees, studying in the areas of "Management", "Management of an organization", "Documentation and archival science", as well as for students of the advanced training system for executives and specialists in the documentation support service of state and municipal authorities.

Chapter 1
Regulation of office work in government agencies

1.1. Basic concepts in the field of office management

In accordance with Art. 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, state power in Russia is divided into legislative, executive and judicial, depending on the functions performed. The principle of separation of powers applies not only to the organization of state power at the federal level, but also to the system of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

State bodies carry out one of the functions of state power; accordingly, they are divided into legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

Legislative bodies are representative and legislative institutions formed through elections. Their main task is lawmaking, but in addition to this, they also perform other functions, for example, monitoring the activities of the executive branch.

Executive authorities are, as a rule, appointed bodies. Main task executive bodies authorities - to implement the provisions of the Constitution, federal laws, other regulations. Executive authorities operate on the basis of a combination of unity of command and collegiality.

The judiciary administers justice. The activities of the courts are aimed at strengthening legality and order, preventing crimes and other offenses, and have the task of protecting against any attacks on the foundations of the constitutional system, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and other democratic institutions enshrined in the Constitution. The courts are independent and subject only to the law.

Local government bodies manage municipal property, form, approve and execute the local budget, establish local taxes and fees, maintain public order, and also resolve other issues of local importance.

Local governments are legal entities and act on their own behalf independently. From the above it follows that municipal governance is the activity of elected and other local government bodies in managing municipal property, municipal facilities, forming and executing local budget, aimed at ensuring the livelihoods of the population of the municipality, solving other issues of local importance, including issues of organizing its work and municipal services.

Local self-government is carried out in municipalities - urban and rural settlements: in a village or several villages having a common territory (district), cities or parts of large cities (urban areas, neighborhoods).

Definition: municipal service - professional activity of citizens, which is carried out on an ongoing basis in municipal service positions, filled by conclusion employment contract(contract).

The main function of any state or municipal institution is making management decisions. All management decisions of state and municipal bodies are made on the basis of information that must be reliable, timely and complete.

Definition: documentation – recording information on a medium according to established rules.

The process of recording information on any storage medium (paper, magnetic, etc.) for the purpose of its further use is called documentation. Documenting management activities is a massive function performed by all state and municipal bodies.

Definition: document – ​​information recorded on a medium with details that allow it to be identified.

When creating documents use various ways documentation depending on the content of the information: sound recording (phono document), photography (photo document), recording of images and sounds (audiovisual document), etc.

Definition: documentation tools – organizational and computer equipment used to record information on a medium.

Currently, electronic documents are widely used in government agencies.

Definition: electronic document – ​​a document whose information is presented in electronic form.

A document compiled, issued or in circulation by state or municipal bodies, institutions, organizations and meeting certain requirements is classified as an official document.

Definition: document created by a legal or an individual, executed and certified in the prescribed manner, is called an official document.

An official document used in the current activities of government agencies is called official document.

Attention! If a document was created by a person outside the scope of his official or public activities, then it is considered a document of personal origin.

Documents, both official and official, must have legal force or legal significance.

Definition: The legal significance of a document is the property of a document to act as confirmation of business activities or personal events.

Definition: The legal force of a document is the property of an official document to cause legal consequences.

Characteristic feature official documents are the presence of a certain form, the order of their publication, compilation, and the presence of the necessary details.

Definition: props – an element of document design (for example, signature, seal, text).

The numerous types and varieties of documents, the complexity of their composition, the presence of special rules for giving documents legal force and other serious problems associated with management documentation necessitate the identification of a special branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with official documents. This branch of activity is called office work.

Definition: office work – activities that ensure documentation, document flow, prompt storage and use of documents.

Definition: documentation support (management), DOU - activities that purposefully provide document management functions.


The following abbreviations are used in office work:

US – unified system;

USORD – unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;

GSDOU – state system of documentation support for management;

OKUD – all-Russian classifier of management documentation;

OKPO – all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations;

GOST – state standard.

Management documents serve certain management functions: planning, organization, control, etc.

Documents related to one management function are usually called a documentation system, for example, a system of organizational and administrative documentation, a system of accounting documentation, a system of foreign trade documentation.

Definition: a documentation system is a set of documents interconnected based on their origin, purpose, type, scope of activity, and uniform requirements for their registration.

Management functions in all organizations are of the same type, therefore documents for each function should be the same in type and form.

Definition: bringing documents to optimal uniformity in composition and form is called unification documents

They unify not only individual documents, but also documentation systems as a whole.

Definition: a unified documentation system is a documentation system created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing the information necessary for management in a certain field of activity.

The documentation system consists of various types documents. The All-Russian Classification of Management Documentation (OKUD), first approved in 1978, included types and forms of documents that are objects of unification in the process of creating unified documentation systems.

The All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation is an integral part of a unified system of classification and coding of technical, economic and social information and covers unified systems of documents approved for use in the national economy.

The All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation is intended to solve the following problems:

1) registration of document forms;

2) streamlining information flows in the national economy;

3) reducing the number of forms used;

4) exclusion from circulation of non-unified forms of documents;

5) ensuring accounting and systematization of unified forms of documents based on their registration;

6) control over the composition of document forms and elimination of duplication of information used in the field of management;

7) rational organization of control over the use of unified forms.

Currently, OKUD includes the following documentation systems:

1) 0200000 Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;

2) 0300000 Unified system of primary accounting documentation;

3) 0400000 Unified documentation system of the Bank of Russia;

4) 0500000 Unified system of accounting, financial, accounting and reporting documentation for the public sector of management;

5) 0600000 Unified system of reporting and statistical documentation;

6) 0700000 Unified system of accounting and reporting accounting documentation for enterprises;

7) 0800000 Unified labor documentation system;

8) 0900000 Unified documentation system Pension Fund Russian Federation;

9) 1,000,000 Unified system of foreign trade documentation;

Objects of the OKUD classification are interdepartmental and intersectoral unified forms of documents that are approved by departments and ministries of the Russian Federation. The classifier contains codes and names of unified forms of documents that are included in unified documentation systems.

Definition: unified document form (UFD) – document form certain type, containing a constant portion of text.

It is mandatory that the codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation be entered in unified document forms. With application All-Russian classifier management documentation, the problems of unambiguously designating unified forms of documents and on this basis their recording and systematization were solved, which contributed to the streamlining of the entire system of management documentation, the elimination of duplicate forms of documents, and the optimization of the composition of documents used.

The most widespread documentation system used in state and municipal government bodies is the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD).

The unified system of organizational and administrative documentation is a rationally organized complex of interconnected unified forms of documents recommended for use in the activities of organizations of all organizational and legal forms (hereinafter referred to as organizations).

The purpose of developing a USORD is to create interconnected sets of documents that ensure the organizational and administrative activities of organizations. The use of USORD in the activities of organizations helps to quickly solve management problems, reduce labor and material costs for working with documents, improve the quality of organizational and administrative documentation and reduce the volume of document flow.

The unified forms included in the USORD establish the approximate structure of the text, the minimum required composition of the details of the relevant organizational and administrative documents and are not samples of their design, unless other design is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An album of unified forms of organizational and administrative documents can be used as a reference array for developing albums of unified forms of documents in organizations and maintaining them in an updated state by timely inclusion of new forms, withdrawal of canceled unified forms, changing the scope of application of unified forms of organizational and administrative documents, etc. .

Unified forms in USORD are systematized according to the following subsystems:

✓ documentation on creating an organization;

✓ documentation on the reorganization of the organization;

✓ documentation on the liquidation of the organization;

✓ documentation on privatization government organizations;

✓ documentation for administrative activities organizations;

✓ documentation on organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization’s activities;

✓ documentation on operational and information regulation of the organization’s activities;

✓ documentation for employment;

✓ documentation for registration of changes labor relations;

✓ documentation on dismissal from work;

✓ documentation on granting leave and recall from leave;

✓ documentation for registration of incentives;

✓ documentation for registration disciplinary sanctions;

✓ documentation for business trips.

In code designation unified form the document reflects the following classification characteristics: the first and second characters (class of forms) – the unified form of the document belongs to the corresponding unified documentation system; the third and fourth characters (subclass of forms) – the generality of the content of many forms of documents and the direction of their use; fifth, sixth and seventh signs - registration number a unified document form within a subclass; the eighth character is the check number.

Structure of the code designation of the unified form of the OKUD document:

An example of a code designation of a unified document form for OKUD: 09010046 Payroll for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund

Unification of documents is one of the methods of their standardization.

The standards for management documentation establish the composition of individual elements of the document (details), their location and design rules.

Definition: standardization is the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

The result of unification and standardization work can be both standards for individual types of documents and for unified documentation systems (for example, GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation).

International cooperation on standardization issues in the field of documentation is carried out within the framework of ISO - the International Organization for Standardization. ISO standards define:

✓ paper formats for documents and methods for expressing their sizes (ISO 216:1975, ISO 353:1975);

✓ dimensions of folders for storing documents (ISO 623:1974);

✓ line spacing and writing pitch (ISO 4882:1979);

✓ template form and structural grid for creating blanks and forms of documents (ISO 3535:1977);

✓ basic requirements for document forms (ISO 8439:1990);

✓ principles of layout of trade documents (ISO 6422:1985);

✓ formats of envelopes for sending documents, the order of writing the address on postal items(ISO 11180:1993);

✓ rules for putting dates and times in documents (ISO 8601:2000);

✓ order of codes in sales documents (ISO 8440:1986).

In 2001, the first standards of the new series “Information and Documentation” were adopted. Document management" (ISO 15489-1:2001, ISO 15489-2:2001), defining requirements for records management systems. In 2007, GOST ISO R 15489-1:2007 “System of standards for information, library and publishing” was adopted. Document management. General requirements". It must be taken into account that the application of an international standard or a standard of another country is carried out in the Russian Federation by fully or partially incorporating its content into the domestic normative document on standardization. This standard contains provisions on the responsibilities, policies, procedures, systems and processes associated with the records of organizations, guidelines for the management of records within the framework of quality management and management processes. environment in accordance with international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, methodological recommendations on design and implementation of document management systems.

Definition: document – ​​identifiable information recorded on a tangible medium, created, received and retained by an organization or individual as evidence in confirming legal obligations or business activities.

All documents circulating in the process of document flow of state and municipal bodies can be classified according to various criteria.

1. According to the method of documentation, documents can be classified into written, text, handwritten, typewritten, electronic, graphic, photo, phono, film documents, and documents on computer media.

Written documenttext document, the information of which is recorded by any type of letter.

Text document– a document containing speech information recorded by any type of writing or any sound recording system.

Handwritten document- a written document in which writing marks are applied by hand.

Typewritten document- a written document, during the creation of which writing marks are applied by technical means.

Electronic document– created and read using computer technology.

Fine document– a document containing information expressed through an image of an object.

Photo document– a visual document created photographically.

Phonodocument– a document containing sound information recorded by any sound recording system.

Film document– a visual or audiovisual document created in a cinematographic manner.

Document on machine media– a document created using media and recording methods that ensure processing of its information by an electronic computer.

2. In relation to the management object, documents are classified:

✓ to incoming (received by the organization);

✓ outgoing (sent from the organization);

✓ internal (created within a given organization and not extending beyond its boundaries).

3. According to the number of issues raised in the document, they are classified:

✓ to simple ones;

✓ complex.

Simple documents contain a statement of one issue. Complex documents include several issues and may relate to several officials, structural divisions, institutions.

4. According to access restrictions, documents are classified:

✓ to secret;

✓ for official use;

✓ unclassified (simple).

Documents containing information subject to protection are classified. Depending on the importance, such information is divided into information of special importance and top secret (state secret), secret (official secret) and is designated accordingly by the headings “Of Special Importance”, “Top Secret” and “Secret”.

Documents for official use containing unclassified information may be used by employees of this institution. Such documents are marked “For official use only”.

5. According to the method of presentation of the text, documents are classified:

✓ for individual ones;

✓ stencil;

✓ typical;

✓ approximate;

✓ unified in the form of a questionnaire and a table.

Individual documents are specific in content, having the character of a one-time document.

In stencil documents, information is presented as text with spaces intended to be filled with variable, situation-specific information. Examples of stencil texts: forms of certificates from the HR department, travel certificates.

Standard documents are those designed to present homogeneous processes and phenomena: standard process, standard internal regulations, etc.

Approximate ones are used for drawing up and processing documents by analogy (approximate nomenclature of an organization’s affairs).

A questionnaire is a method of presenting a unified text, in which constant information is located on the left side of the document, and a variable is entered into the document during its compilation on the right side of the document.

A table is a document in which constant information is placed in column headings and row headings, and a variable is placed at the intersection of the corresponding columns and rows. The text, presented in the form of a table, has a large information capacity, allows you to strictly classify and easily summarize similar data. Are presented in tabular form staffing table, vacation schedule and other documents.

6. According to storage periods, documents are divided:

✓ for documents with a permanent storage period;

✓ temporary (over 10 years) storage period;

GOST ISO R 15489-1:2007 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Document management. General requirements".

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 “On approval of the List of standard management archival documents, formed in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods.”