Is it possible to change the place of practical training? Study practice is more than just additional knowledge. What is a diploma “pre-defense” and how to pass it

This is the announcement for the government internship competition in the Ministry of Economics, Finance, Justice and Foreign Affairs in Astana in May – June 2017.

The competition is open to all students of KIMEP university received 80 credits and GPA not less than 3.0.

To participate in the competition you must submit the following documents:

– A completed application form, which can be downloaded
– 1 letter of recommendation (from professors or internship supervisors from a place of internship (if any), or current/previous workplace).
– 1 motivation letter.
– Unofficial transcript.
– Copy of national identity card.

The application deadline is Friday, December 9 (inclusively), 2016 till 17.00. All files should be submitted in one single email with the subject of the e-mail: Government Internship _Last Name _Application and all the attachments titled as: Government Internship _ Last Name _Application, Government Internship _ Last Name_ Reference 1, Government Internship _ Last Name _Reference 2, Government Internship _ Last Name _transcript, Government Internship _ Last Name _ID.

The selection process is organized and conducted by the independent selection committee. The selection committee includes representatives from each department of CSS: public administration, journalism, economics and international relations, as well as a member from students association of KIMEP. The selection committee will conduct individual interviews with the admitted to the competition candidates starting December 2 to December 14, 2016. The results will be announced on December 18, 2016

Students who will successfully pass the competition, need to register for a preparatory course “CSS 3001.1 Introductory Internship” in the spring semester of 2017 academic year which is estimated as 3 credits. Besides, the government practice is evaluated separately by three credits. As a result, over the course of government internship students will receive 6 credits and two grades.

For more information and questions please contact: Professor of the Government Internship Didar Kassymova – office 133v.b., or CSS Internship Coordinator Yelena Petrukhina – office 509 v.b.,

How many hours a day should a camp counselor work? And if in reality he works more, then how is this actual time worked paid?
According to the Labor Code working hours teaching education workers is set at a reduced rate and amounts to 36 hours per week. I would like to draw the attention of readers that, regardless of the level of education, a counselor in children's health, sports, etc. camp - a teaching position, all requirements are imposed on him as a pedagogical worker; all benefits correspond to the benefits of teachers. The camp administration, under its own responsibility, can accept any worthy worker for the position of counselor; in this case, these are students who have a primary teacher training. Thus, with a five-day working week, the working day will be a little over seven working hours, and with a six-day week - accordingly, six hours. The counselor’s work schedule should be drawn up by the administration so that at the end of the week he can take advantage of two days off. However, according to working conditions, it is advisable to distribute working time over the entire shift, take it into account in total, and provide the counselor with days off at the end of the shift, unless there is an urgent need to take advantage of the day off during the shift. With this summary accounting, it is possible to determine what standard the counselors should have worked, and most likely there should be no overtime. All these questions about standard working hours, work schedules and accounting procedures must be resolved during hiring with the participation of the administration, workers and trade union. If there is any overtime (i.e. actual work beyond the schedule), then it should be paid at one and a half times the daily or hourly rate. Again, this issue should be discussed before work begins.

How many pupils should there be in a detachment maximum if the detachment has a counselor and a teacher? And how many children if there is only one counselor? And if there are still more children than normal, is this time paid in full?
The number of students is determined by the regulations of the educational institution. As a rule, if the camp is for ordinary children, the number of students in the group does not exceed 25 people. If only one counselor conducts the work, then his workload doubles and must be paid accordingly. It should be noted that it is possible to assign an increased amount of work for a certain period of time only with the consent of the employee. Exactly the same situation arises with an increased number of pupils in the group: payment is made in an increased amount in proportion to the increase in the number of pupils and the time worked.

If a counselor gets sick, does he have the right to take sick leave and is it paid on a general basis or in some other way?
The point is that any employee in case of illness, with a certificate from a doctor who has the right to issue documents on temporary release from work for health reasons, can take sick leave from a medical institution. Compensation for sick leave to a counselor is paid in full in accordance with the rules approved by the Social Insurance Fund. It should be taken into account that when hiring trainees, they should be included in the list of insured workers. Likewise, they must have insurance for compulsory health insurance and pension insurance: the camp administration must pay the required contributions. If insurance documents are not completed and premiums are not paid, payment sick leave may be illegal.

How many days off Does the counselor have the right to charge for a shift? Although the shifts in all camps vary in duration, there must be some standards, right?
As already mentioned, the number of days off that an employee is entitled to when calculating the total working time used is determined by the duration of the shift worked. These days are provided after the end of the shift. Such restrictions are necessary so that the administration is able to ensure the planned employment of workers and a rhythmic schedule.

Are wages different for people who work in the city and those who work outside the city?
Wages Education workers are established according to their position, qualifications and length of service. If the work is performed outside the permanent location of the enterprise, i.e. on a business trip, the employee is paid compensation provided by law. Differences in wages, pay rates or labor standards for urban and rural residents are not provided for by law.

Does a student have the right to change the place of internship (i.e. work in a different camp than the one proposed)?
Everything that is needed must be completed before the practice begins. However, you should not rely on arguments such as “camp B pays more than camp A.” Where to do the internship is determined by the educational institution, practice is part curriculum. The duration of the internship, the volume of work performed, the reporting procedure - all this must be completed by the student in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution. Changing the place of practice will always require appropriate methodological support, therefore, there can be no change in the place of practice when the practice has already begun, but before it begins, with the permission of the educational institution and with the consent of the organization where the practice will be carried out, the student can change the place of practice.

Do counselors always have to bear full financial liability for things lost by children: for bed linen and various props (sports, games)? After all, in schools, parents pay for lost and damaged things.
In this case, you need to understand it specifically. Any employee under the Labor Code, any citizen under the Civil or Criminal Code can only bear liability in the event of guilt or other illegal action. You can hold the counselor responsible if he did not create the conditions for ensuring the safety of property. However, whether this will be full responsibility is doubtful. Obviously, here we are talking about incomplete fulfillment of job duties.
In conclusion, in answer to the questions posed, I would like to remind you that students should study and know labor law. Therefore, I would like that, when preparing for practice, they refresh their memory of the Labor Code, the Law “On Education”, and the orders of the Ministry of Education.

Our reader from Buryatia turns to the editor of the Documents application with a question about the correct procedure for scheduling final certification exams. She believes that a gap of one day between exams is a violation of the regulations or requirements for scheduling exams and a violation of the rights of children, given the scope of the course put to the exam. Our reader is a class teacher, and in this regard, she “had a question with the head teacher.”
In fact, I believe there is no question. Every year, the Ministry of Education issues recommendations by letter on the procedure for compiling examination schedules. Such recommendations are all the more important because they also take into account the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam. There were corresponding recommendations this year as well. They must be guided by them.

A number of questions are asked by our readers about the periods included in the length of service that gives the right to early exit on labor pension. At the same time, readers are surprised every time: pension authorities do not take into account the time of study at a higher educational institution, the period maternity leave and the like; two or three years are missing - what to do?
And you have to do it this way. Check with your local pension fund office to determine how normative document is used by its employees, whether this document is valid at the time of registration of pension documents and whether it was valid during the period for which the work is taken into account. The difficulty is that there are uncertainties in legislative documents, and pension authorities often add arbitrariness, and then wait to see whether they will correct them or not. For example, by decision of the legislator the federal law was changed, and the period of study is included in work experience, which is the same for everyone (except Pension Fund) was obvious, but required specific direction from the body that has the power to interpret and explain the laws. A citizen can receive further clarification from a higher authority or file a claim and defend his right in court. Therefore, there is no point in sending your documents to Moscow, much less to a newspaper (ours or any other). As we have written repeatedly, resolving issues in this way does not speed up the process.

I am a pensioner of the 3rd group and work full-time as a teacher in a secondary special educational institution. I know that since 2002, according to Article 115, three additional days are paid for annual leave persons with group 3 disabilities. Do I have this benefit according to labor legislation?
You did not indicate in your letter which legislative act you refer. Most likely we are talking about the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on February 1, 2002. Article 115 of this code “Duration of the next main paid leave” establishes that the annual main paid leave is granted to employees for a duration of 28 calendar days. Vacations of more than 28 calendar days (extended) are provided to employees in accordance with the Labor Code and other federal laws. In particular, annual basic extended leaves lasting from 42 to 56 calendar days are established for education workers in accordance with Article 35 of the Law “On Education” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2002 No. 724. With the presence of disability and its group, the article you mentioned Labor Code does not bind the duration of the main or additional leave.

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"First of September"

Every student must undergo industrial, educational and pre-graduate practice. This is an integral part of the educational process, one might say, a testing stage of applying the acquired knowledge in practice in an educational institution. After the first internship, students gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of their chosen profession, delving into the details of the production process itself.

Various organizations that are connected in some way with their future professional activities can serve as bases for student internships. If a student works and studies on the job, then he can undergo an internship at his place of work, but only if the organization has a department corresponding to the specialty in which the student is studying.

How is student internship organized?

Heads of departments are appointed from the teaching staff of the educational institution, who, in coordination with the enterprise, develop a plan for students to undergo internships. The travel time and number of hours are calculated, and all the features of the enterprise are taken into account.

The nature of the work to which the trainee will be involved must correspond to the chosen specialty, as well as his scientific work. A student can submit a personal application to the department from an organization that is ready to take him on for internship; such an application is considered by the department and approved if an appropriate decision is made at the meeting.

If a student will undergo an internship at his place of work, he must submit a certificate from his place of work to the department along with his application.

After compiling lists of students indicating recommendations on the place of internship, this document is approved by a meeting of the department and submitted to the dean’s office. According to the data in the dean's office, students are given directions for internship. The institution or organization serving as the base of practice is approved by order of the faculty for each student.

Documents for internship

Before starting practice, you need to know what documents a student needs for practice. You should prepare:

  1. internship program
  2. direction from the dean's office
  3. internship schedule.

Practice reporting

At the end of the internship, it is necessary to submit a report on the internship to the educational institution. The student must bring the following documents about internship:

  1. program execution report
  2. practice diary
  3. characteristics with feedback on the practice report, which is compiled by the head of the organization or enterprise.

Report is built in accordance with the student’s individual plan for practice and should be compiled during the internship. It analyzes and summarizes the results of the work, in which the student must demonstrate his knowledge and skills in conducting research.

The report must contain complete answers to the questions provided for in the internship program. It may be accompanied by copies of documents, reporting and accounting documentation, tables, illustrations, diagrams, photographs.

In the report, the student must describe how he studied the task assigned to him, what additional sources of information he used.

The practice diary can be provided to the student by the educational institution in the form of a ready-made form that needs to be filled out during the practice, but very often the student has to compile it independently.

Practice diary filled out every day, it includes a listing of the work performed by the student, which is entered as they are completed. There must be a work number, date, title, summary, a place for the manager’s comments on practice from the enterprise, his signature. The diary is certified by the seal of the organization or enterprise, and at the end of the diary the supervisor of the trainee from the educational institution puts his signature.

The title page of the diary must contain the following information: name of the educational institution, name of the faculty, course, specialty, full name of the student, type of internship and timing of its completion.

Characteristics of the trainee written by the head of the institution on a separate sheet and certified by his signature and seal. It should contain a reasonable recommended assessment of the work done.

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Is it possible to choose the place of internship and do I have to pay?

Hello. I am a 2nd year college student majoring in Commerce (by industry). This year we have to do an internship in a hypermarket.

Nobody asked the students about where to do their internship - they were presented with the fact that it was in this hypermarket, and this is not discussed. During this practice, we will de facto do “grunt work” - cleaning shelves and arranging goods, including carrying heavy goods, which I learned about from previous courses. We will work like this for 8 hours, 5 days a week for 6 weeks, and we will not be paid a penny for it. Many in our group are under 18 years old.

The question is: is all of the above legal, and if not, what can I do in this situation? Thank you.

Lawyers' answers

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Degtyareva A.G.(02/11/2018 at 22:52:56)

Good day, dear Denis! In relation to the essence of your question, I will explain the following:

The procedure for practical training for college students is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383 “On approval of the Regulations on the practical training of students mastering basic professional educational programs higher education”, which came into force on January 1, 2016.
This is due to the revision of the Education Law.

The said order and its Appendix establish requirements for the content of the practice program. It is approved by the educational institution and is an integral part of the OPOP HE, ensuring the implementation educational standards.

Thus, the program indicates the type of practice, the method and forms of its implementation, a list of planned learning outcomes, a list of educational literature and Internet resources, and reporting forms for practice.
There are educational and industrial practice, including pre-graduation.
The powers of the practice manager are specified.
It is allowed to undergo an internship at the place of one’s work activity, if the latter meets the requirements for the content of the internship.
The procedure for paying for travel to and from the place of on-site practical training, as well as additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (daily allowance), for each day of practical training, including travel to and from the place of practical training, are established by the local regulatory act of the educational organization. .
When undergoing an inpatient internship, travel to and from the place of its implementation is not paid, additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (per diems) are not reimbursed.

To conduct practical training, educational institutions enter into agreements with organizations that undertake to provide a place and create necessary conditions for practical training for pupils (students) of an educational institution, and the educational institution assumes the responsibility to send the pupil (student) to the appropriate organization and ensure compliance with internal labor regulations and labor discipline.

In this case, the content of the practice is determined by the supervisor from among the teachers of the educational institution.

When undergoing practical training, if there are vacancies (positions) corresponding to the profile of undergoing practical training, students can be assigned to full-time positions.
These positions must meet the requirements curricula and the qualification characteristics of the specialty acquired by the trainee.
In this case, on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 59 Labor Code of the Russian Federation with the trainee is concluded with a precise indication of the period and reason for the conclusion: to perform work directly related to the professional training of the employee.

However, persons under the age of 18 are accepted for practical training only after a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination), what is established by Art. 69 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If you are not accepted into the staff of the enterprise and an employment contract is not concluded, then the internship will take place in accordance with the internship agreement.

At the same time, I explain that in accordance with the Regulations, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2015 No. 1383:
11. To manage the practice carried out in organizations, a practice leader (leaders) from the organization is appointed from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of this organization.
To manage the practice conducted in a specialized organization, a practice leader (leaders) from among the teaching staff of the organization organizing the practice (hereinafter referred to as the practice manager from the organization) and a practice leader (leaders) from among the employees of the profile organization are appointed. (hereinafter referred to as the practice manager from the relevant organization).

12. Head of practice from the organization:
draws up a work schedule (plan) for the practice;
develops individual assignments for students to be completed during the practice period;
participates in the distribution of students to jobs and types of work in the organization;
exercises control over compliance with the terms of the internship and compliance of its content with the requirements established by the OPOP HE;
provides methodological assistance to students when completing individual assignments, as well as when collecting materials for their final qualifying work during pre-graduation practice;
evaluates the results of internship by students.

13. Head of practice from a specialized organization:
coordinates individual assignments, content and planned results of practice;
provides jobs for students;
provides safe conditions undergoing practical training for students who meet sanitary rules and requirements;
instructs students to become familiar with labor protection and safety requirements, fire safety, as well as internal labor regulations.

14. When conducting an internship in a specialized organization, the practice manager from the organization and the practice manager from the specialized organization draw up a joint work schedule (plan) for conducting the internship.

15. If there is a vacant position in the organization, the work in which meets the requirements for the content of practice, a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded with the student to fill such a position.

16. Referral to practice is formalized by an administrative act of the head of the organization or another person authorized by him official indicating the assignment of each student to an organization or specialized organization, as well as indicating the type and duration of internship.

17. Students combining training with labor activity, have the right to undergo educational, industrial, including pre-graduation internships, at the place of work in cases where the professional activities carried out by them meet the requirements for the content of the internship.

18. Students during the internship:
perform individual tasks provided for by practice programs;
comply with internal labor regulations;
comply with labor protection and fire safety requirements.

19. The results of the internship are assessed and taken into account in the manner established by the organization.

20. When undergoing internships that involve performing work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, students undergo appropriate medical examinations (examinations) in accordance with the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 21, 2011, registration No. 22111), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 296n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 3, 2013 g., registration No. 28970) and dated December 5, 2014 No. 801n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2015, registration No. 35848).

Good luck and all the best to you! If you have any additional questions or require more detailed advice, please contact me, including my email address. mail.
I would appreciate your feedback. I hope it was useful for you. Sincerely, [email protected]

Best answer

RAVEN KUS(02/12/2018 at 00:05:58)

Hello, dear Denis!

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 18, 2013 N 291 approved the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, which determines the procedure for organizing and conducting internships for students (students, cadets) mastering basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education and applies to educational organizations implementing basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education in accordance with federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education.

In accordance with clauses 3 and 24 of the Regulations of the internship program, the internship program is developed and approved by the educational organization, and students who have not completed the internship or received a negative assessment are not allowed to undergo the state final certification.

clause 8 of the Regulations- educational practice is carried out in educational, training and production workshops, laboratories, educational and experimental farms, training grounds, training bases practices and other structural units of the educational organization or in organizations in specially equipped rooms on the basis of agreements between an organization operating under an educational program of the relevant profile (hereinafter referred to as the organization) and an educational organization.

clause 11 of the Regulations- Industrial practice is carried out in organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational organization and organizations.

During the period of practical training, students can be enrolled in vacant positions if the work meets the requirements of the practical training program.

That is, neither during educational practice nor during industrial practice the will of students is taken into account; everything is carried out on the basis of agreements between an educational organization (i.e. college) and another organization (hypermarket). And employment contracts can (but not necessarily) be concluded between the hypermarket and students only if there are vacant positions.

Clauses 14 and 15 of the Regulations contain the responsibilities of the educational organization and the organization where practical training is carried out. None of the provisions of these paragraphs contains rules obliging both the first and second organizations of students.

Clause 17 of the Regulations - Students who combine training with work activity have the right to undergo educational and practical training in the organization at their place of work, in cases where the professional activity they carry out corresponds to the goals of the practice.

That is, if one of the students combines study with work, then, provided that his work meets the goals of the internship, he can complete it at his place of work.

Clause 18 of the Regulations contains the responsibilities of students undergoing internship:

carry out tasks provided for by the internship programs;

comply with the internal labor regulations in force in organizations;

comply with labor protection and fire safety requirements.

The only possible violation is that the duration of working hours for persons under 18 years of age, Art. 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is defined not at 40 hours, but at 35 hours, that is, subject to a five-day working week of 7 hours a day and no more.

Regarding washing floors and arranging goods, you need to check the internship program that is being developed by the college and the hypermarket. If they are in the program, then wash and arrange them. If not, it's illegal.

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Burykin Eduard Alexandrovich(02/12/2018 at 04:59:05)


The order that my colleague Degtyareva indicated does not apply. It is for universities. You are in college.

For you - ORDER






And it says, in a nutshell.

8. Training practice is carried out, as a rule, in educational, training and production workshops, laboratories, educational farms, training and experimental sites, training grounds, business incubators, resource centers and others auxiliary facilities educational institution.

Training practice can also be carried out in organizations in specially equipped premises on the basis of agreements between the organization and educational institution.

Educational practice is carried out by industrial training masters and (or) teachers of professional cycle disciplines.

9. Industrial practice is carried out, as a rule, in organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational institution and these organizations.

During pre-diploma internship, students are enrolled in vacant positions if the work meets the requirements of the pre-diploma internship program.

If students studying under vocational training programs have internships outside the location of the educational institution, then they are required to be paid a daily allowance in the amount of 50 percent of the norm established by law. Travel to and from the internship site is also paid (in full).

If the internship is carried out in an organization, then students must comply with its internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety requirements. In addition, they must fully complete the tasks provided for in the internship programs.

So the answers to your questions:

Can you choose a place for internship - NO, YOU CAN'T!

What can you do - if you see that you are simply being exploited, you can file a complaint with the education department of the city (district) administration, as well as with the prosecutor's office.

Are you obligated to pay - no, you are not obligated. If the organization has the opportunity (availability of vacancies), it can conclude a contract with you. In this case, you can receive a salary.

Antonova Alla Vladimirovna(02/12/2018 at 00:34:02)

The procedure for completing the internship must be established by the college. The Education Act refers this issue to the college itself. The educational organization adopts local regulations on the main issues of organization and implementation educational activities, including regulating rules for the admission of students, the mode of classes of students, forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification students, the procedure and grounds for transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students, the procedure for registering the emergence, suspension and termination of relations between the educational organization and students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students. That is, they can indicate only one hypermarket. It's legal. But the work itself must be documented in an employment contract with each college student. Where is the payment procedure stated? the employee is established by an employment contract in accordance with the current employer’s remuneration systems. Therefore, look at the papers that will be signed. Without them there will be illegality.

Igor Valerievich(02/12/2018 at 01:08:28)

Hello Denis! The college is an educational organization of secondary vocational education (SVE). Therefore, we should agree with our colleague VORON KUS - the practice of secondary vocational education students is regulated by the Regulations dated April 18, 2013, as well as dated December 29, 2012. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" and partly the Russian Federation.

How are internship relations regulated? Within the meaning of the norms of these regulations, practice (both educational and industrial) is part of the educational program. Therefore, the student is required to pass it. In this regard, the relationship for internship, on the one hand, arises between the educational organization and the student, and on the other hand, between the educational organization and the organization that serves as the base for the practice. These relations are regulated by the Law on Education and other regulatory legal acts in the field of education, for example, the specified Regulations of 2013, as well as local acts educational organization (for example, college). In accordance with the specified Regulations of 2013. During the internship period, the student is subject to the internal labor regulations of the organization, as well as the rules and regulations of labor protection. Consequently, when regulating these relations, it is applied, first of all, in terms of determining working time and rest time, and maintaining labor discipline. At the same time, between the student and the organization - the base of practice, according to general rule no contracts are concluded and relations between them are regulated on the basis of an agreement between the college and the organization, which may establish (but not necessarily) the conditions for remuneration of students. If the work in a particular position or profession corresponds to the internship program, the organization can enter into an employment contract with the student, provided that the position is vacant, that is, vacant. This employment contract is a full-fledged employment contract and in accordance with it, the organization is obliged, among other things, to pay the employee in accordance with the quality and quantity of work performed and other indicators. In this regard, you can ask the head of practice from the college about the possibility of entering into a contract with a hypermarket employment contract. But last word in any case it will be behind the hypermarket. Is it possible to choose the place of internship? In principle, yes, but it all depends on the college, since the college develops an internship program, enters into an agreement on organizing internships with organizations that serve as practice bases, that is, priority goes to it. In this regard, there are at least two options for solving the problem of completing an internship in a specific place. 1) Reaching an agreement with the college. Ask the college’s internship supervisor or college administration, either independently or through your parents (preferably through your parents), about the possibility of doing an internship in another organization (for example, where your parents or their friends work). In some educational organizations, this procedure for completing an internship is common: the student himself finds the organization where he will do the internship, and the college only draws up the corresponding agreement. But in any case, upon completion of the internship, the student must prepare and defend a report on the internship and submit other documentation. In this case, in the course of such a peaceful way of resolving the issue, contact the college with a written application to provide you with the opportunity to do an internship in another organization and indicate the need to receive a response within the time period set by you. Complete this application in two copies, keep one of them with a registration mark. 2) Having received a refusal, contact the Department of Education of the Vladimir Region or the prosecutor's office with a complaint against the actions of the college management, citing a violation of your right to participate in the formation of the content of your professional education, subject to compliance with the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education, educational standards in the manner established local regulations(Article 34 of the Education Law). At the same time, in accordance with Federal law dated May 02, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, a complaint cannot be anonymous, but the prosecutor’s office sometimes considers anonymous appeals. If the issue cannot be resolved, then there is nothing left to do but undergo an internship, since students are obliged to do this. You can appeal the college’s actions to conduct internships after the fact, that is, after the fact, in the same manner and (or) in court.