Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire. Personal protective equipment in case of fire Collective means of rescue in case of fire

In case of fire and smoke in the room, means are used to protect the respiratory system from thermal decomposition products (hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid) and smoke.

The means used to protect against fire include: masks, half masks, respirators, self-rescuers and gas masks.


The simplest and most affordable devices with which you can protect your respiratory organs from exposure to smoke. Most often used in everyday life.

These are disposable or reusable devices, where the front part is also a filter that purifies the inhaled air, trapping hazardous substances. These include:

  • Full mask "3M" series 6000. Its use allows you to equally effectively protect the respiratory system and eyes. Made from durable but elastic materials, personal protective equipment is resistant to external mechanical influences. Their lenses do not fog up, which allows you to navigate even when there is smoke in the room. A simple filter replacement system reduces the risk of poisoning.
  • Half mask "Elipse" P3. Designed for dust protection, but can protect against smoke and pungent odors.

Most SIDOs of this type are made of heat-resistant materials. This allows them to be used at temperatures up to 55°C.


A type of lightweight respiratory protection against various irritants that pose a danger to life. Such PPE makes it possible to minimize the harm caused to the health of workers.

Air purification in respiratory systems occurs through filtration, absorption, chemisorption and catalysis (depending on the type of device).

Among the effective fire protective equipment are:

  • U-2K. Respiratory system of 1st protection class. Reliably protects against dust particles and smoke, therefore it is often used as a means of protection against poisoning by combustion products. There are 2 valves for inhalation and exhalation. A comfortable temperature is maintained inside the protective device, despite the conditions in the surrounding room.
  • “Neva” 209 is a type of personal respiratory protection equipment of the second class. A compact respirator that is used both in enterprise conditions and in case of fire in individual residential buildings. Protects against smoke at concentrations in the room up to 12 times the maximum permissible concentration.
  • “Yulia” 319 – protects against caustic toxic smoke, belongs to protection class 3. The model has an exhalation valve. A secure fit to the body is ensured by a seal made of foamed polymer located around the entire perimeter of the device. Does not obstruct the view.

Respirators are made of hypoallergenic materials and have devices that allow you to adjust the size.


Multifunctional personal protective equipment for the respiratory system against toxic substances generated during combustion. Protect the respiratory system from smoke and substances sprayed to extinguish fire.

They consist of a hood that securely covers the head and a transparent mask with a filter. They can be filtering and insulating. In the first, purification occurs with the help of filters, and the exhaled air freely exits into the environment.

In insulating models, exhaust air is discharged into special cartridges. This type of self-rescuer is able to most effectively protect against fire and other harmful factors, even with minimal oxygen content in the environment.

Gas masks

A type of protective individual funds, most often used in enterprises. The model range includes filtering and isolating devices.

In addition, SIDOS of this type for fire protection differ in the method of air supply. According to this criterion, they can be self-priming, or with compulsory system submissions. They are a sealed mask that fits tightly to the face, with glasses for viewing. The kit includes a bag and a filter-absorbing device.

Basics of using SIDOS

When using personal respiratory protection equipment, you must follow a number of mandatory rules:

  • a full-face mask cannot be worn over glasses (although some modern devices do not prevent the wearing of optics);
  • when using a respirator, it is advisable to remove contact lenses to avoid additional irritation of the visual organs;
  • You should not talk while wearing personal protective equipment without special acoustic devices - this may reduce the effectiveness of using SIDOS.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of fire protection means is preliminary familiarization with the rules for their use by all employees of the enterprise.

16.1. Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is designed to protect unit personnel fire department and people from exposure hazardous factors fire.

16.2. Personal protective equipment for people in case of fire is divided into:

Personal respiratory and vision protection equipment,

Personal protective equipment for firefighters.

16.3. Means for rescuing people from heights in case of fire are divided into:

Individual means

Collective means.

16.4. Responsibility for the acquisition, issuance and distribution among personnel of personal protective equipment and fire rescue equipment is assigned to the PES division (subsidiaries and affiliates), whose responsibilities include the economic support of the facility; responsibility for coordinating the application for the purchase of personal protective equipment and fire rescue equipment is assigned to PPKiOT .

16.5. Means for rescuing people from heights in case of fire include fire rescue hoses, fire jump rescue devices, fire rescue ladders, etc.

These protective equipment are used to protect personnel whose workplaces are located in office premises at high-rise levels of buildings.

Means for rescuing people from heights in case of fire must comply with the requirements of current regulations and regulatory documents.

16.6. In PES (subsidiaries and affiliates), filtering self-rescuers are used to protect the respiratory organs and vision of personnel whose workplaces are located in office premises of administrative and administrative buildings more than 2 floors high, with the exception of personnel whose activities are related to work in the premises of these buildings, protected automatic installations fire extinguishing

16.7. Storage of filtering self-rescuers, depending on local conditions, is allowed both directly at the personnel workplace and on each floor of an office building in special cabinets, taking into account the total number of workplaces on the floor and a 10% reserve.

16.8. In addition to filtering self-rescuers, insulating type self-rescuers (isolating self-rescuers) can also be used to protect the respiratory organs of personnel in the event of a fire.

16.9. Isolating self-rescuers in PES (DZO) are used to protect the respiratory organs and vision of personnel whose activities are related to work in premises (structures) protected by automatic (autonomous) fire extinguishing installations, in cases where in case of fires it is necessary to remove people from heavily smoky premises, for localization fires due to heavy smoke in the facility, etc.

16.10. Storage of insulating self-rescuers, depending on the specific case of their use, is carried out:

In a room protected by an automatic (autonomous) fire extinguishing installation in a special cabinet;

On the office knowledge floor, in cases where in the event of a fire it is necessary to remove people from heavily smoky rooms (depending on the space-planning features of the building, the level of fire load, etc.);

At the security post to localize fires in case of heavy smoke at the facility (depending on local conditions).

16.11. Filtering and isolating self-rescuers must comply with the requirements of current regulations Russian Federation And Customs Union, as well as regulatory documents on fire safety.


On the responsibility of employees of the electric grid complex

JSC "Rosseti" for ensuring fire safety"

1. Responsibility for ensuring fire safety at operating and under construction facilities of subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC Rosseti rests with:

1.1. For workers, engineers and employees for:

Compliance with legislative acts, rules, instructions and other fire safety regulations,

Compliance with fire safety regulations and work established by technological regulations.

1.2. For heads of structural units (management companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, power plant, facilities, workshops, substations, workshops, laboratories, warehouses, departments, services, etc.) for:

Fire safety condition of entrusted territories, premises, buildings, structures, equipment, electrical installations, etc.,

Timely completion fire prevention measures,

Availability and good condition of fire extinguishing equipment,

Personnel training, including fire safety standards and compliance by facility personnel with established technological work regulations;

Organization of preparation and conduct of training for the evacuation of personnel at an assigned facility (unit).

1.3. To the chief technical managers of all management levels for:

Implementation of legislative acts on fire safety,

Carrying out fire safety measures,

Organization of control over compliance with established technological regulations and fire safety regulations,

Technical operation and readiness for fire protection systems,

Carrying out work to establish the causes and circumstances of fires that occurred at facilities,

Management of fire-technical commissions,

Organizing personnel training and conducting fire drills at a subordinate enterprise, construction site or organization.

1.4. To top managers at all levels of management for:

Implementation of legislative acts on fire safety,

Compliance with the instructions of departmental and state supervisory authorities on fire safety issues,

General fire-fighting condition of facilities and timely implementation of fire-fighting measures,

Equipping premises with fire protection systems in accordance with current regulations and standards in the field of fire safety,

Operation, maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of fire protection systems at facilities in accordance with current regulations and standards in the field of fire safety,

Establishing a fire safety regime,

Organization of fire-technical commissions at facilities,

Implementation of directives on fire safety issues,

Regularly increasing the knowledge of subordinate personnel in the field of fire safety,

Maintaining and improving the fire safety regime at the assigned facility.

2. Monitoring compliance with fire safety requirements established by laws, regulations and standards in the field of fire safety at the facilities of subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC Rosseti at all levels of management is assigned to the structural units of production control and labor protection.


On organizing the work of fire safety specialists in the electrical grid complex of JSC Rosseti


Tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of fire safety specialists. Requirements for the qualifications of specialists.

General provisions

1.1. This Regulation establishes requirements regarding the organization of the work of fire safety specialists (services) in the electrical power supply system of JSC Rosseti in accordance with the current Federal law RF No. 69-FZ, Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, this Standard and other regulatory legal acts in the Russian Federation, as well as departmental regulatory documents in force in the power supply company of JSC Rosseti in the field of fire safety.

1.2. The specialists are full-time employees of PPKiOT subsidiaries and affiliates, PES, assigned to carry out fire safety work at subordinate energy facilities.

1.3. In their work, specialists must take into account best practices in the field of fire protection of energy enterprises and personnel training, new scientific and technical achievements in the field of economical and effective fire detection and extinguishing systems, as well as means of limiting the spread of fire.

1.4. The requirement of this provision must be taken into account in job descriptions PPK and OT subsidiaries and affiliates, PES specialists assigned to carry out fire safety work at subordinate energy facilities.

Main goals and objectives

2.1. The main goal of the specialists’ work is to carry out fire prevention work to prevent fires, breakdowns and accidents of personnel and their consequences at controlled energy facilities.

Main tasks

2.2.1. Carrying out an analysis of the state of fire prevention work, work to prevent fires at controlled energy enterprises (only for specialists of branches of subsidiaries and affiliates).

2.2.2. System efficiency analysis internal control monitoring the state of fire safety by fire safety specialists at controlled facilities and divisions (only for specialists of branches of subsidiaries and affiliates).

2.2.3. Organization and implementation of fire safety inspections of controlled energy enterprises and energy facilities.

2.2.4. Organizing and conducting training on fire safety measures for personnel in accordance with current regulatory documents in the field of fire safety.

2.2.5. Monitoring the correctness and completeness of application of regulatory documents in the field of fire safety by employees and managers of structural divisions of PES.

2.2.6. Interaction with territorial bodies of state fire supervision when they conduct inspections of energy facilities, joint fire drills, fire tactical exercises (exercises).

Basic functions

3.1. Conducting periodic inspections and inspections of equipment, buildings and structures with the heads of workshops, sections, divisions and facilities to comply with fire safety regulations.

3.2. Maintaining documentation on fire safety provided for by the normative and technical documentation.

3.3. Participation in the work of the commission to test personnel’s knowledge of fire safety, actions in case of fire, and the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

3.4. Participation in the coordination and adjustment of operational plans and fire extinguishing cards.

3.5. Monitoring the correct execution of work permits and the quality of preparation of workplaces for hot work.

3.6. Participation in the work of the commission for the acceptance of permanent hot work sites (welding workshops, welding posts, etc.), organizing control over the preparation of relevant documentation and the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment for permanent hot work sites.

3.7. Participation in the commission for commissioning of newly installed fire protection systems. Monitoring their technical maintenance.

3.8. Checking the condition of operational documentation and the readiness of fire detection and extinguishing systems.

3.9. Participation in expert assessment of the condition and operating conditions of equipment on fire safety issues.

3.10. Participation in the commission for the acceptance of completed fire retardant coatings.

3.11. Analysis of shortcomings in the field of fire safety at facilities and their causes, development of proposals, draft orders and instructions to eliminate identified violations, deviations from the requirements of fire safety standards.

3.12. Identifying inconsistencies with fire safety requirements in design documentation, informing the head of the service and the chief technical manager about deficiencies and deviations from design decisions on fire safety issues.

3.13. Monitoring the implementation of fire safety measures prescribed by acts of authorities state supervision and higher management bodies.

3.14. Organization of control over the availability, quality and timely revision of instructions on fire safety measures in departments and facilities.

3.15. Conducting introductory training on fire safety for newly hired persons, familiarizing them with fire safety measures in subsidiaries and affiliates, power stations.

3.16. Organization of joint personnel exercises with the participation of territorial fire departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, selective participation in the conduct of local, facility and evacuation fire drills with department personnel.

3.17. Participation in the work of PTS subsidiaries and affiliates, PES and PTK PES. Preparation of relevant documentation.

3.18. Participation in commissions to check the readiness of energy enterprises and facilities for the season mass works, thunderstorm season, period of high outdoor temperatures, autumn-winter period, etc.

3.19. Development of measures to prepare for the fire danger period and monitoring their implementation.

3.20. Formation of an information database about fires that occurred at controlled facilities and timely preparation of reports to higher authorities in the form and within the time limits established by the Standards of JSC Rosseti. The procedure for investigating and recording fires in the electrical grid complex.

3.21. Organization and monitoring of work to train employees in fire safety measures, including classes on fire safety standards, seminars on fire safety issues with heads of structural divisions of subsidiaries and affiliates, PES.

3.22. Organizing and conducting an annual review of the best fire safety conditions among the divisions and facilities of subsidiaries and affiliates (PES).

3.23. Carrying out fire safety inspections of supervised units and facilities in accordance with the annual inspection schedule approved by the technical manager of the subsidiaries and affiliates, PES.

3.24. Participation in the coordination of contracts for the lease of premises, buildings, and equipment to other organizations in terms of fire safety.

3.25. Control over the preparation of applications by divisions of subsidiaries and affiliates, PES for the purchase of certified fire-fighting equipment and coordination of its distribution among PES divisions.

Rights and responsibilities

5.1. To perform their functions, specialists have the right:

4.1.1. Free access to production facilities PES at any time of the day, accompanied by operational or administrative and technical personnel.

4.1.2. Suspend work that is carried out in violation of fire safety requirements and (or) poses a threat to the health and life of workers, which can lead to fires, breakdowns, accidents and other emergencies.

4.1.3. Require written explanations from persons who committed violations that led to the suspension of work, as well as those who violated the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of fire safety.

4.1.4. Conduct targeted, scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the fire safety status of subordinate units and facilities.

4.1.5. Based on the results of inspections, draw up written instructions and submit them to the relevant managers in the prescribed manner.

4.1.6. Supervise the state of fire safety and compliance with fire safety requirements at controlled PES (divisions, facilities) in accordance with the assigned tasks and functions established by these Regulations.

4.2 Specialists bear the responsibility determined by their employment contracts with subsidiaries and affiliates, PES, including in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the distribution of functions, rights and responsibilities established by these Regulations and job descriptions.

5. Structure, number and requirements for the qualifications of specialists

5.1. Requirements for the qualifications of specialists.

5.1.1. Specialists must have a higher or secondary specialized education in firefighting, or a higher energy or higher technical education and work experience in the firefighting profile of at least 3 years - for specialists who previously served in the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (EMERCOM) of Russia and 5 years - for specialists without work experience in the state fire service.

It is allowed to hire specialists without work experience in the field of fire safety under the following conditions:

The specialist has a higher energy or higher technical education;

The specialist is assigned a curator with experience in this area of ​​activity for a period of at least 2 years;

Every year in the first two years of his work, a specialist undergoes advanced training, away from work, in the area of ​​fire safety.

5.1.2. Specialists may be allowed to perform duties only after undergoing training and testing their knowledge in the prescribed manner, no later than a month from the date of appointment to the position.

5.1.3. Fire safety specialists of a branch of a subsidiary and affiliate must undergo periodic knowledge testing at least once every 3 years in the permanent commission of the branch, after which they are appointed members of these commissions.

At least once every 5 years, specialists of subsidiaries and affiliates must undergo retraining and advanced training courses at the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, the State Fire Service Academy of the EMERCOM of Russia, or their branches.

5.1.4. Fire safety specialists of the software (branch - with a two-level management system) must undergo periodic knowledge testing at least 1 time in 3 years in the maximum control standards of a higher management body (branch subsidiaries and affiliates or affiliates - with a two-level management system), which includes specialists from the higher management body .

In the protocol for testing the knowledge of a fire safety specialist in PPKiOT, in the section “Conclusions of the commission”, the following entry must be made: “Admitted to work as a fire safety specialist at subsidiaries and affiliates, power plants and having the right to conduct training in fire safety measures for managers and employees of subsidiaries and affiliates, power plants, divisions and facilities, as well as persons responsible for fire safety of a particular unit or facility.”

In turn, after testing the knowledge of managers and employees of PES, divisions and facilities, as well as those responsible for the fire safety of these divisions and facilities, the following entry must be made in the knowledge testing protocol: “Admitted to work as a person:

Responsible for fire safety of a specific unit, facility (if managers and employees are such) and who has the right to conduct fire safety training for personnel of units and facilities;

Responsible for technical supervision, maintenance and readiness to use fire protection installations and fire extinguishing equipment in the event of a fire (if managers and employees are such).”

Retraining and advanced training courses for software specialists (branch subsidiaries and affiliates - with a two-level management system) are carried out in training centers higher management bodies) at least once every 5 years by specialists of these societies according to programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

5.1.5. Fire safety specialists from PPKiOT subsidiaries and affiliates, PES must have an electrical safety group of at least 4.

Collective protective equipment is used for mass use by people during the evacuation process. All organizations whose activities involve a risk to the lives of employees are required to purchase them.

Such means that allow you to quickly leave the danger zone include rope and manual (additional) ladders, rescue hoses, rope descent devices, shock-absorbing devices, ladders, etc.

If fire departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arriving at the scene of a fire are supplied with shock-absorbing devices and ladders, aircraft, then responsibility for equipping the facility (according to current standards) with stationary, manual and rope ladders and other emergency rescue equipment lies with the head of the organization and (or) the owner real estate object.

For individual use during evacuation and rescue, personal protective equipment is used.

Why do you need to buy personal protective equipment?

Personal protective equipment used in emergencies (fires, floods, landslides) includes self-rescuers, respirators, gas masks, protective suits and kits, etc.

Self-rescuers are used at industrial and civil facilities to ensure the safe evacuation of people in cases of heavy smoke during a fire. The buildings are completed in accordance with current standards. Self-rescuers are available for sale: SIP-1, SPI-20, SPI-50, CHANCE-E, GDZK.

Respirators have a wide range of applications, depending on their characteristics: they are used in production areas with polluted air, are in service with the Russian Army, are used by various services during emergency response, etc. The main range includes the following models: U2-K, R-2, Alina 200 AVK, Alina CO, RPG-67, 3M and others.

Gas masks are also personal protective equipment and are divided into: civil, industrial, insulating and hose. The specific use of a particular gas mask is determined by its characteristics. The equipment is completed according to equipment standards.

Other personal protective equipment includes protective suits, protective kits, special shoes and hand protection. Depending on the models and types, these products provide protection against radiation, temperature, harmful substances and gases, biological hazards and others.

Personal protective equipment in case of fire are: protective equipment, which are designed to protect both the respiratory system and the skin. The danger in a fire lies not only in fire, but mainly in poisoning the body with carbon monoxide released by combustion products. Therefore, in case of fire, it is necessary to use both.

Skin PPE in case of fire includes heat-protective or heat-reflective clothing, insulating suits, spacesuits, gloves and leggings, shoes, as well as additional dielectric equipment for emergency power outages.

Personal protective equipment in case of fire that should be available at the enterprise includes respiratory protection (this can be respirators, masks, self-rescuers), eye protection (goggles), protective clothing, dielectric protective equipment.

All PPE must be kept in close proximity to work areas. Also, any enterprise must have a properly developed evacuation system and other fire safety measures.

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"3rd Detachment of the FEDERAL FIRE SERVICE



On the topic: « Means of saving people in case of fire, means personal respiratory protection for people during evacuation, means of rescue With heights »


PNK 3rd guard PCH-7

FGKU "OFPS-3 for SK"

Art. s-t internal services

S.N. Antipov

Stavropol - 2013



1. Means of rescuing people in case of fire

2. Personal respiratory protection for people during evacuation

3. Means of rescue from height



IN recent years In connection with the urbanization of cities and the trend of construction of civil and industrial facilities with a high number of storeys (which is associated with the high cost of land, the use of existing communications, etc.), the problem of carrying out emergency rescue operations (ARR) in emergency situations at such facilities has become more acute. At the same time, a number of new types of equipment have appeared for individual and group rescue of people, as well as self-rescue in extreme situations. The use of conversion technologies and new materials has significantly increased the reliability of the new equipment, thereby ensuring safety. The number of methods for carrying out rescue operations at high-rise civil and industrial sites has increased. The methodology for carrying out this work is largely based on the use of techniques borrowed from many years of mountaineering practice and is consistent with the requirements for equipment used in fire protection.

1 . Means of rescuing people in case of fire

Rescue of people in case of fire is the most important type of combat operations and is a set of measures to move people from the zone of influence and secondary manifestations of general physical injury or to protect people from their influence and secondary manifestations.

Rescue of people in case of fire should be carried out using methods and technical means that ensure the greatest safety and, if necessary, with the implementation of measures to prevent panic.

Rescue of people in a fire is organized and carried out in the event that:

· people are in danger of fire, high temperature, danger of explosion or collapse of structures, or the premises where they are located are filled with smoke (toxic products of combustion and decomposition of substances and materials) or other dangerous gases;

· people cannot leave dangerous places on their own;

· there is a threat of fire and smoke spreading along evacuation routes;

· the use of life-threatening materials is envisaged fire extinguishing agents and compositions.

The main ways to save people and property are:

· moving them, including lowering or lifting using special technical means, to a safe place;

· protecting them from exposure to hazardous fire factors (HFP).

To save people, the safest ways and methods are chosen. The movement of rescued people to a safe place is carried out taking into account the conditions of fire extinguishing and the condition of the victims of the fire through:

organizing their independent exit from the danger zone;

removal or removal of them from the danger zone by firefighters.

Protection of rescued people from the effects of general physical injury is carried out in the process of moving them to a safe place, as well as when it is impossible to carry out such a movement. The specified protection should be carried out using the most effective means and techniques, including the use of respiratory protection, through the supply of fire extinguishing agents to cool (protect) structures, equipment, objects, reduce the temperature in the premises, remove smoke, prevent explosion or ignition substances and materials.

The following basic means are used to save people and property:

· aerial ladders and car lifts;

· stationary and manual fire escapes;

· rescue devices (rescue hoses, ropes, ladders and personal rescue devices);

· respiratory protection devices;

· emergency rescue equipment and devices;

· inflatable and shock-absorbing devices;

· aircraft;

· other available, including adapted means of rescue.

2 . Personal respiratory protection equipment for people during evacuation

Personal respiratory protection equipment is divided into two main classes: filtering and insulating.

Fig.1. Classification of personal respiratory protection equipment

Filter protection products

Filter protection products- clean the inhaled air from harmful substances using filters, sorbents and absorbers included in the design of this RPE. Depending on their design features, such devices are called industrial respirators and gas masks.

IN filtering Using respiratory protection means, outside air containing harmful substances is cleared of them and then supplied to the respiratory organs. Exhaled air is expelled outside.

Filtering respiratory protection products (gas masks, respirators, filtering self-rescuers) are the simplest, most reliable and do not restrict the worker’s freedom of movement. But the conditions for their use are limited.

Prohibited use of filter respiratory protection in the following cases:

· the volume fraction of oxygen in the air is less than 18%;

· the air contains substances, protection from which is not provided for in the operating instructions;

· the concentration of harmful substances in the air exceeds the maximum value specified in the operating instructions;

· the air contains unknown harmful substances, as well as low-boiling and poorly absorbed organic substances, such as methane, ethane, butane, ethylene, acetylene, etc.

They have the highest protective properties gas masks(Fig.2.) , in addition, their front parts (such as a mask or helmet-mask) provide protection not only for the respiratory system, but also for the face and eyes.

They can be used at high concentrations of harmful substances in the air in the form of steam (gas) (up to 0.5....1% by volume depending on the type of gas mask) and aerosols (exceeding the maximum permissible concentration up to 10,000 times). The protective properties of gas masks against vapors (gases) of harmful substances can be significantly increased when used together with additional cartridges.

Rice. 2. Filtering gas mask:

1 -- gas mask box; 2 -- specially processed activated carbon; 3 -- aerosol filter; 4 -- rubber stopper; 5 -- helmet-mask; 6 -- glasses; 7 -- valve box; 8 -- connecting tube; 9 -- gas mask bag; 10 -- strap; 11 -- braid; 12 -- special pencil; 13 -- anti-fog films; 14 -- insulating cuff.

Respirators(Fig. 3.) provide more comfortable working conditions than gas masks, have less breathing resistance, and exert less mechanical pressure on the head. However, their protective properties are significantly lower. They can be used when concentrations of vapors (gases) in the air do not exceed 15....100 MAC, and aerosols - not exceeding 50....1000 MAC. Respirators have half-mask-type face parts that do not completely protect the eyes and face.

Fig. 3. Respirators:

a - respiratory cartridge type P; 1 - box, 2 - screw-on neck, 3 - hole (used in conjunction with the front part - helmet-mask of a filtering gas mask); b - R-2 respirator; 1 - filtering half mask, 2 - inhalation valve, 3 - exhalation valve, 4 - elastic straps, 5 - non-stretch straps, 6 - nose clip.

Occupy a separate position filtering self-rescuers(Fig.4.) , designed for emergency use in case of fire, accident and providing people with escape from the danger zone. A distinctive feature of this product is that self-rescuers are already ready for action when factory assembled and do not require preliminary preparation. They are single use products.

The choice of individual filter-type respiratory protection equipment largely depends on the conditions in which they must be used: the aggregate state of harmful substances in the air, their concentration. Harmful substances can be present in the air in vapor, gaseous states and in the form of aerosols. In an aerosol state, harmful substances can be present in the air in the form of dust, smoke and fog.

The protective properties of filter-type personal protective equipment are characterized by the following indicators:

For protection against vapors and gases of harmful substances - time of protective action and suction coefficient;

For protection against aerosols of harmful substances - permeability coefficient and suction coefficient.

Indicators of suction and permeability coefficients are determined using two model substances: oil mist (particle diameter 0.3 µm), simulating fine aerosols of harmful substances, and micropowder M-5 (average particle diameter 1 - 15 µm), simulating coarse aerosols of harmful substances. Isolating protective equipment completely isolates the respiratory system from the surrounding air and, therefore, ensures normal breathing almost regardless of the content of oxygen and harmful substances in the surrounding atmosphere.

Fig.4. Filtering self-rescuer GDZK-U

Insulating protective equipment

Isolating ones are RPE, with the help of which the human respiratory organs are isolated from environment, and the breathing air comes from a clean area or from a source of respiratory mixture that is an integral part of the RPE. They have a system to supply clean air or oxygen from an uncontaminated source.

Insulating protective equipment is divided into the following types: hose gas masks, insulating gas masks, insulating self-rescuers.

Hose gas masks(Fig. 5.) provide clean air for breathing from a clean area due to the efforts of the lungs or forcibly using a supercharger. In some samples, the air is pre-cleaned using filters.

The action of insulating gas masks and self-rescuers is based on the use of chemically bound oxygen. They have a closed pendulum breathing pattern: exhaled air enters a regenerative cartridge, where carbon dioxide and water vapor released by a person are absorbed, and oxygen is released in return. The breathing mixture then enters the breathing bag. When inhaling, the gas mixture from the breathing bag again passes through the regenerative cartridge, is further purified and supplied for breathing.

Fig.5.Hosegas mask PSh-1S

Insulating gas masks(Fig.6.) provide more long time working in them than insulating self-rescuers, more comfortable working conditions, are a means of repeated use, provided that the regenerative cartridge is replaced after each use of the gas mask.

Fig.6. Insulating gas mask:

1 - front part; 2 - regenerative cartridge; 3 - breathing bag; 4 - frame; 5 - bag.

Self-rescuersinsulating(Fig. 7.) are intended for emergency protection of the respiratory system and vision during fire evacuation from buildings, especially high-rise buildings, hotels, in case of accidents on all types of transport and in the subway. Distinctive feature isolating self-rescuers is that already in the original packaging they are completely ready for use. It takes a few seconds to activate the self-rescuer to ensure protection.

Fig.7. Self-rescuer insulating SPI-20

The main indicators of the protective properties of insulating gas masks and self-rescuers are the time of protective action when a person performs physical work of a certain intensity, and for insulating gas masks also the time of protective action of the front part and breathing bag from vapors (gases) and the liquid phase of harmful substances. When using insulating gas masks regularly under conditions of exposure to toxic and aggressive environments, the frequency of their use should be specified in agreement with the manufacturer.

3 . Means of rescueWithheights

Classification of rescue equipment from height

Rescue systems are classified according to their characteristic features into the following groups:

· descent height from 3 to 300 meters;

· in terms of individual and group productivity, from 1 person/300 sec to 1 person/per second;

· according to the control method with manual control of the descent speed and with automatic control;

· by type of rope descent (cable, tape), hose (elastic, rigid sectional), jumping (PSN, mats and pillows), aircraft, including lighter-than-air vehicles (gliders, parachutes, etc.), rescue gutters (ladders, tunnels), stairs (folding, hanging);

· according to the method of placement: portable, mobile, stationary;

· independent in terms of autonomy and tied to standard energy sources;

Aggregate-combined, combining several characteristic features.

Car lifts, car ladders - designed for rescue operations when extinguishing fires in multi-storey buildings and performing other auxiliary operations.

Hose fire rescue device (USR)- a fire rescue device, consisting of a rescue hose and its attachment unit, designed to rescue people from high altitude levels during fires or emergency situations in buildings, structures on bridge and gantry cranes, sea vessels and other objects.

Rescue hose devices are the most effective and safe means of rescuing people from heights, used in emergency evacuation systems. rescue fire height protection

The main element of the USR is elastic rescue sleeve. The operating principle of the rescue hose is based on the creation of sufficient friction force by compressing the body moving in it with the hose. The descent in the sleeve can be carried out by any person who does not have special training. The speed of descent can be easily controlled by spreading (bringing together) the elbows and knees.

Rescue hose consists of two layers: the inner one is a durable wide inextensible sleeve; outer - transversely elastic sleeve. If necessary, the sleeve can be protected with an additional heat-reflective shell.

Descent in a rescue hose (Fig. 8.) can be carried out by any person who does not have special training. The speed of descent is easy to control by spreading (bringing together) the elbows and knees; its value ranges from 1 to 3 m/s. Operators on the ground can, if necessary, control the speed and trajectory of rescuers' descent by twisting the hose or pulling the lower end of the hose to the side. The same technique can be used to release material assets.

Fig.8.Schemes for lowering people in the rescue sleeve: a - independent descent of the person being rescued; b, c - descent of the victim on the shoulders of the rescuer; g - descent with a small child.

Rescue hose devices (HRD) in comparison with other rescue devices are the most reliable and safe because:

§ provide rescue of people from almost any height of existing buildings;

§ remain operational under any weather conditions, climate, time of year and day;

§ are brought into working position in a minimum time (10-20 s);

§ have high throughput;

§ provide protection for those being rescued from heat exposure;

§ do not require training and education for those being rescued, as well as special equipment for them;

§ provide the opportunity to save people of any age and gender, regardless of their physical and psychological condition;

§ reduce the fear of heights among those being rescued due to the fact that when entering the rescue device and inside the rescue hose, a person does not see the outside space;

§ allow you to begin rescuing people before the arrival of fire departments.

The USR can be placed both outside and inside the building with an entrance from one or several levels at the same time. The designs of devices of this type are developed for each specific type of building layout or individual room. The cheapest and most common hose rescue devices are capsule-type devices. In a capsule-type USR, the sleeve is entered from one level. The descent into the rescue hose and the exit from it is carried out outside the building. Such a hose is stored folded inside a container (capsule) installed on a rotating or stationary platform and, if necessary, can be deployed within a few seconds. The capacity of the USR at the exit from the rescue hose for people who do not have the skills to descend in such a device is is, as a rule, no more than 10 people/min.; for those who have completed preliminary training, it can reach 20 people/min. Capsule-type RSDs are used in cases where it is necessary to rescue people from one floor, from the roof of a building, or from a certain room. The disadvantage of such devices is the impossibility of simultaneous entry of people into the rescue hose from other floors of the building.

Capsule-type USRs of various modifications are installed in the buildings of Gosstandart of the Russian Federation, Guta-Bank, Avangard Bank, Gokhran of Russia, RAO ES of Russia in Moscow; Permtransgaz LLC in Tchaikovsky, Perm region; Hotel "Kazakhstan" in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan), as well as in a number of administrative and public buildings located in Moscow, cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Rescue hoses can be used most effectively and reliably if they are permanently placed in a building in a state ready for immediate use. This is a mine type of USR design. The mine USR includes several rescue hose devices, sequentially located one above the other so that the lower end of the upper hose enters the inlet neck of the lower one. The edge of the neck of each rescue hose is located at the floor level of the corresponding floor of the building. The mine-type USR allows people to enter the rescue hose from all floors of the building at the same time. A fully ready-to-use device takes up about 1 m? floor area of ​​each floor. Supply ventilation allows you to create excess pressure inside the shaft, ensuring its smoke protection. This device design is most preferable for hotels, dormitories, department stores, hospitals and other buildings with large numbers of people. The mine-type control devices were installed in the Privetlivy Bereg hotel in Gelendzhik and at one of the launch complexes of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Car lifts (AP) and car ladders (AL), equipped with platforms for attaching a rescue hose device, are equipped with sectional hoses that allow people to be rescued from any height within their reach. A sectional hose is a set of rescue hose sections connected in series with carabiners. In standby mode, the sectional rescue hose is stored in a stowage bag in a specially designated compartment on board the aircraft or aircraft. To bring the hose into working position, it is necessary to install its inlet neck into the socket of the platform attached to the top of the AP or AL, and move it to the location of people in need of emergency evacuation. Operators on the ground disconnect the excess sections so that the lower edge of the hose is at a height of 1.5 to 0.5 m from the ground.

With the use of a rescue hose, the effectiveness of AP and AL during a rescue operation increases by no less than three times. To equip buildings with a rescue hose, several design options for rescue hose devices (URD) ​​have been developed, providing the possibility of installation in a window opening, on a balcony, on the roof, etc.

However, due to the fact that the installation sites of the control system in all buildings and structures (even standard ones) have different architectural and planning schemes, the design and manufacture of the control system is carried out only according to individual specifications based on the initial requirements of customers. The breaking load of the rescue hose is at least 15,000 kgf, the maximum permissible load is 1000 kgf (equivalent to the weight of 10 people simultaneously in the hose), which provides a sufficient margin of safety for its installation on buildings of almost any height (currently in Russia the maximum installation height is rescue hose is 120 m).

Rescue hose devices have the following qualities:

· provide rescue of people from almost any height;

· remain operational in all weather conditions;

· brought into working position in a minimum time (10-20 s);

· have a high throughput capacity (for people who do not have the skills to descend into a rescue hose, at the exit from the rescue hose it can reach 10 - 15 people/min.; for those who have undergone preliminary training - up to 30 people/min.);

· provide protection for those being rescued from the effects of external hazardous factors arising during emergency, due to the presence of a dense and durable heat-reflecting shell and the short time of stay (descent) of a person in the rescue sleeve;

· do not require training and education for those being rescued, as well as special equipment for them;

· provide the opportunity to save people of any age and gender, regardless of their physical and psychological condition;

· reduce the fear of heights in those being rescued due to the fact that when entering the USR and inside the rescue hose, a person does not see the outside space;

· allow you to begin rescuing people before the arrival of fire departments or emergency rescue teams.

Fire rope descent device- a rescue system consisting of a rope (tape) and a braking device and designed for rescuing people and self-rescue of firefighters from high-altitude levels of objects for various purposes in cases of threat to their lives, as well as for solving operational-tactical tasks during combat operations to extinguish fires and conduct associated rescue operations.

Rope descent devices are a common means of emergency descent of a person from a height. This group includes a large number of devices and devices from the simplest brake washers to complex automatic mechanisms. Devices of this type can be divided into two groups:

· devices with manual control of descent speed;

· devices with automatic control of descent speed.

Devices with manual control of descent speed are the simplest in design. The principle of their operation is the manual braking of a flexible power element (rope) attached to the person being rescued due to friction or jamming on the surfaces of the braking mechanism. The height of the descent depends on the length of the rope. The main disadvantages of such devices are low bandwidth, as well as the need for special user training.

Devices with automatic control of descent speed do not require special training for the descendant, therefore they can be used as rescue devices without restrictions. The braking mechanisms of these devices provide stepless automatic control of the descent speed through the use of centrifugal or hydraulic clutches, inertial energy recuperators, etc. Application altitudes, depending on the purpose, range from 5 to 150 m.

Rescue ladder- a ladder, the main distinctive feature of which is the use of flexible strings, allowing it to be compactly folded for storage and transportation. Cables (including those made of synthetic materials), chains or any articulated elements can be used as flexible bowstrings.

Hanging rescue ladders are the simplest but most effective means of rescue. The hanging ladder is stored in a compact container indoors, and if necessary, quickly attached to special anchors installed in a certain place (window, balcony, loggia, etc.) and hung outside the building. Those being rescued descend the stairs independently, so they must have a certain physical training. The main advantage of this type of rescue equipment is its ease of use, which is understandable to almost everyone.

Rescue ladder (chute)- fire rescue device for sliding descent of those being rescued along an inclined trajectory. A reliable and fast means of rescue, used up to a height of 10-15 m. The optimal means of rescue for buildings with large numbers of people, regardless of age and physical condition.

Aircraft. In high-rise buildings, they can be used quite successfully for emergency evacuation of people. helicopters(Fig.9.). Rescue of people from the roofs of high-rise buildings mainly occurs from specially adapted landing sites. In such a situation, both specially equipped vehicles and army, police and many other helicopters can be used. Specially equipped helicopters equipped with rescue cabins, lifting and descent mechanisms, communications equipment, powerful lighting sources and other special equipment. Rescue cabins are mounted on the external sling of helicopters. Most often, all cabin manipulations are carried out by moving the helicopter itself, but there are structures whose vertical movement is carried out using a winch.

Fig.9. Fire helicopter Ka-32A

The main factors limiting the possibility of using helicopters during rescue operations are:

· significant loss of time from the moment a helicopter is called until its arrival at the fire site, associated with the remoteness of airfields (helipads);

· presence of various kinds of obstacles on the flight route, especially in the city center;

· influence of weather conditions on work efficiency;

· exposure of the helicopter and its crew to dangerous fire factors;

· the need for special training of the crew;

· the need for monetary costs for the construction and maintenance of landing sites on the roofs of buildings.

Lighter-than-air aircraft, parachutes, hang gliders. These types of rescue equipment have previously been or are being used in special sports, aerospace and military projects. With a certain reorientation of these special equipment for the average person, it is possible to carry out self-rescue from a height of 30 to 500 meters.

Fireman's manual ladders

Manual fire ladder- a portable structure that is part of the fire-technical equipment of a fire truck and is intended to support combat operations when extinguishing fires and carrying out related priority rescue operations at heights.

Retractable ladder(Fig. 10.) - a manual fire ladder, structurally consisting of several parallel-connected elbows and equipped with a mechanical device for moving them relative to each other in the axial direction in order to regulate its length. The knees are counted from the top.

Assault ladder(Fig. 11.) - a manual fire ladder, structurally consisting of two parallel strings, rigidly connected by transverse support steps, and equipped with a hook for hanging on the supporting surface.

Stick ladder(Fig. 12.) - a manual folding fire ladder, structurally consisting of two parallel strings, hingedly connected by supporting steps.

Fig. 10. Fire ladderthree-knee

Fig. 11. Assault ladderfire manual

Fig. 12. Staircasefire stick

Aggregate-combined rescue devices. A line of rescue equipment that combines several types of devices that operate according to a predetermined scenario and are maximally adapted to a specific object.

Unconventional means of rescue. Developments based on the use of new technologies and materials that are not currently widely used.

Those being rescued are lowered from a height in cases where rescue routes are cut off by fire and other methods cannot be used. For this purpose, stationary, mobile and portable ladders, articulated lifts, rescue ropes and other devices are used. In some cases, rescue methods may be used in combination. For example, independent exit to a certain place and then exit accompanied by firefighters; bringing people to the roof or balcony and lowering them from a height using retractable ladders, rescue ropes, helicopters, etc.

Fire Fighting Regulations. 1995

Kimstach I. F., Devlishev P. P., Evtyushkin N. M. Fire tactics: M.: STROYIZDAT, 1984. - 590 P.

Rescuer's Handbook. Book 12: High-altitude rescue operations at civil and industrial facilities of the All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies. Moscow 2006

NPB 169-01 Fire fighting equipment. Self-rescuers are insulating to protect the respiratory organs and vision of people when evacuating premises during a fire. General technical requirements. Test methods.

NPB 171-98 Manual fire ladders. General technical requirements and test methods.

NPB 191-00 Fire fighting equipment. Firefighting ladders and vehicle lifts. Terms and definitions.

NPB 193-00 Fire-fighting rope-descent devices. Technical requirements for fire safety. Test methods.

NPB 303-01 Fire jumping rescue devices. General technical requirements. Test methods.

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