Occupational safety and health management system in agriculture. Features of labor protection in agriculture. Production lines, conveyors

Documentation on labor protection in agriculture

What documents regulate the organization of work on labor protection and agriculture?

The main documents regulating the organization of labor protection work in agriculture are the Regulations on labor protection and safety work in enterprises, organizations and institutions of the system of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and on collective farms and the Regulations on labor protection work in enterprises and organizations State Committee for Agricultural Technology of the Russian Federation.

What is the main purpose of the Rules and Safety Instructions?

Various safety rules are intended for administrative and technical personnel of enterprises and organizations, technical labor inspectors of the trade union. They discuss the duties and responsibilities of administrative and technical personnel of a farm, enterprise, organization, general requirements safety and industrial sanitation, issues of training and instructing workers on safe methods and techniques for performing technological operations, the procedure for issuing and using special clothing, safety shoes and safety devices and other issues.

Safety regulations are the law for managers of state farms, collective farms and other agricultural organizations.

Safety instructions are developed directly for performers of technological processes in various professions in agriculture - collective farmers engaged in field farming and livestock farming, machine operators, repairmen, etc. They determine the procedure and conditions for the safety and harmless performance of the duties assigned to him.

What is a comprehensive plan for improving conditions, occupational safety and health measures?

Comprehensive plans for improving conditions, labor protection and sanitary measures are an integral part of plans for the economic and social development of enterprises and sectors of the national economy. They must be linked to technical industrial and financial plans, provided with the necessary material, technical and financial resources, design and estimate documentation, and must be included in collective agreements and agreements on social issues and labor protection.

The main part of the comprehensive plan is the sections provided for by the occupational safety nomenclature.

What is the main goal of a comprehensive plan to improve working conditions and safety?

When developing comprehensive plans, special attention is paid to planning measures to release workers, primarily women, from heavy physical, monotonous and dangerous work, from industries with hazardous working conditions and night shifts, to bring the state of working conditions in the workplace in accordance with established standards and requirements for improving health promotion among workers.

What activities are included in comprehensive plans for improving working conditions and safety?

Activities included in comprehensive plans, first of all, should be directed to:

  1. to bring the condition of buildings, structures, machines, machines, mechanisms and other equipment into compliance with established standards;
  2. to normalize sanitary and hygienic working conditions;
  3. to systematically reduce the number of workers (primarily women) employed in hazardous industries, heavy physical labor, and women employed in night shifts;
  4. compliance of sanitary premises and facilities, medical and preventive institutions with current norms and rules;
  5. to improve the training of workers and engineers in the rules of safe work, to organize safety rooms at enterprises, equipped with the necessary aids;
  6. for other similar events.

What are the basic safety rules in agriculture?

Currently in agriculture there are:

  1. Safety rules for working on tractors, agricultural and specialized machines, approved by the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;
  2. Safety regulations in livestock farming, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement;
  3. Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for repair enterprises of the Agricultural Equipment system, approved by the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement;
  4. Sanitary rules on storage, transportation and use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides in agriculture, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  5. Rules traffic, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  6. Safety rules for transportation, storage and refueling of machines in agriculture, approved by the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement;
  7. Safety rules for trading bases and warehouses (except for warehouses of mineral fertilizers and chemical fertilizers and chemical plant protection products) “Agricultural equipment”, approved by the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement.
  8. Safety regulations for auto repair shops.
  9. Rules technical operation rolling stock road transport, approved by the Ministry of Road Transport of the Russian Federation.
  10. Safety rules for road transport enterprises, approved by the trade union of communication workers, road transport and highway workers and extended to agricultural enterprises;
  11. Safety rules for cultural and drainage work, approved by the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement;
  12. Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations, power stations and substations, approved and extended to agricultural enterprises;
  13. Safety rules when performing repair work in state enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and collective farms, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the trade union of workers and employees of agriculture and procurement.

What is the content of the safety instructions?

Safety instructions for agricultural workers of various professions are compiled on the basis of current GOSTs (SSBT) and Safety Rules. Each Instruction must contain information about general safety precautions, safe ways performing work operations in a given profession, about the requirements for equipment and tools, about the necessary personal protective equipment, workwear, safety shoes, measures fire safety.

How is the safety service in agriculture organized?

Ministries and departments related to agricultural production have created a special service for labor protection and safety from top to bottom, starting from ministries (departments) and ending directly with farms and enterprises, to guide and control work on labor protection in agriculture.

Attaching great importance to the work on labor protection, leadership and responsibility for organizing it in the system of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is assigned to one of the deputy ministers, and in the State Committee for Agricultural Technology - to the deputy chairman. The same is organized in the union republics.

So, for example, the safety service in the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment is organized as follows: in the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment of the Russian Federation there is a labor protection department reporting directly to the deputy chairman of the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment of the Russian Federation. In the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment of the constituent entities of the federation there is a department or departments for labor protection, in the regional "Agricultural Equipment" there are departments or groups for labor protection, at enterprises there are safety engineers exempt from other duties (with an average number of employees of more than 250 people) or an engineering and technical worker , performing the functions of a part-time safety engineer.

August is the time for cleaning work, so it’s time to take care of the safety of the workers performing them. In this article, we propose to familiarize yourself with labor protection requirements, compliance with which will help preserve the life and health of workers.

During the harvesting period, workers in agricultural, processing and agricultural service organizations need to pay attention to a number of basic requirements of the rules on labor protection in the production and processing of crop products.

Rules for labor protection during production and post-harvest processing of crop products contain the following requirements:

To the territory, buildings and structures;

Production processes and equipment;

Field mechanized work;

Post-harvest processing of products;

Electrical safety.


Pit pits, pits, trenches located on the territory, work areas are fenced with a fence no less than 1.2 m high, and in places of mass passage of people - no less than 2 m. Pits, inspection wells, channels, installation openings in the ceilings are closed with durable covers in level with the floor. When opening them, it is necessary to install barrier fences with a height of at least 1.2 m and a tripod with a warning sign “Caution! Possible fall!

In places of transitions through ditches and trenches, strong transition bridges are installed with a width of at least 1 m with railings at least 1.1 m high, with continuous cladding at the bottom of the railing to a height of 0.15 m from the flooring and with a fencing strip at a height of 0.5 m.

Gates for entry and exit from the territory must open inward or be sliding, and the possibility of their arbitrary closing must be excluded. The width of the gate must be at least 4.5 m.

The entry of workers into the territory of the point must be through passage rooms. Passage of people through transport gates is prohibited.

Technical condition of machines and production equipment

The engine start lock when the gear is engaged must be in working order.

Moving and rotating parts of machines (cardan drives, chain drives, belt drives, gear drives) must be protected by protective covers to ensure the safety of workers.

On protective fences near machine components that are dangerous during maintenance, there must be inscriptions warning workers about the danger.

Preparing machines and machine-tractor units for work

Before starting the engine, the tractor driver must make sure:

The fact that the control levers for the gearbox, hydraulic system, power take-off shaft, control levers for the working bodies are in the neutral or off position, the clutch is disengaged;

In the absence of people in the area of ​​possible movement of the machine or implement (under the tractor and under the machine attached to it).

Before starting to move the tractor towards the machine (implement), the tractor driver must give beep, make sure there are no people between the tractor and the machine and only then start moving. You should approach the vehicle (implement) in reverse in low gear, smoothly and without jerking. In this case, the tractor driver is obliged to follow the commands of the worker performing the coupling and keep his feet on the clutch and brake pedals in order to ensure that the machine stops if necessary.

The worker performing the coupling should not be in the path of its movement when the tractor moves towards the machine. It is allowed to connect (uncouple) the towed device only when the tractor has come to a complete stop at the command of the tractor driver.

When mounting or coupling a machine, the tractor driver must set the gear shift lever to the neutral position and keep his foot on the brake.

When coupling a trailed machine with a caterpillar tractor, it is prohibited to be in the space between the longitudinal rods of the hitch mechanism, even when the tractor is stopped.

On machines operating from the tractor power take-off shaft, the cardan shaft protective casing must be secured against rotation, and protective guards (casings) must be installed on the tractor and machine, covering the funnels of the protective casing by at least 50 mm.

The departure of vehicles to the work site should be carried out only after passing a pre-trip medical examination in the prescribed manner if the driver (tractor driver, combine operator) has a license and waybill(outfit) signed official, responsible for carrying out the work.

Lifting or lowering workers onto moving machines and equipment is prohibited.

When working in groups of machines, a senior person must be appointed from among the workers:

On a machine-tractor unit - a tractor driver;

On self-propelled combines - a combine operator;

IN production premises(at production sites) - mechanic.

In areas of fields and roads over which overhead power lines (hereinafter referred to as power transmission lines) pass, the passage and operation of machines must be permitted provided that the distance from the highest point of the machine or load is maintained. vehicles ah before seeing off, which should be no less than:

On roads, at intersections with power lines with a voltage of 330 kV and above, road signs must be installed prohibiting stopping vehicles in security zones these lines.

Field preparation

The field for the operation of machine and tractor units must be prepared in advance depending on the type of crop. The field boundary on the side of a ravine or cliff should be completed with a control furrow at a distance of at least 10 m from the edge. Places for rest should be marked with clearly visible signs.

Operating machines on unprepared fields is prohibited.

The employer is obliged, before starting harvesting work in the fields where power lines are located, to organize a check by specialized organizations of the amount of sagging of the wires.

Carrying out cleaning work

When carrying out cleaning work:

The speed of vehicles when turning and turning should not exceed 3-4 km, and on slopes - 2-3 km;

Self-propelled combines must be staffed by two workers who have reached the age of 18 and have a tractor driver’s license of the appropriate category;

Dividing into paddocks, mowing and mowing fields should only be done during daylight hours;

The modes of movement of harvesting machines and vehicles must prevent collisions.

It is prohibited for people to be in the back of a car or tractor trailer when filling it with a technological product, green mass, seeds, grain, as well as when transporting the product to a storage location (stacking, silaging, bottling).

To the management of self-propelled combines and their maintenance Employees who have reached the age of 18 and have undergone a medical examination, professional training, training and testing of knowledge on labor protection issues are admitted.

Maintenance, repair and elimination of blockages, hang-ups and windings of the technological product on the working parts of harvesting machines should be carried out only with the working parts turned off and the engine stopped.

To remove grain arches in the combine bin, you must use a vibrator or a wooden shovel. It is prohibited to push grain with your feet, hands or iron objects.

Cleaning machines should be equipped with strong wooden blocks to support the jack. The jack should be installed only in specially designated places, after stopping the machine and installing wheel chocks (chocks) under the wheels.

When dismantling the wheels of harvesting machines or vehicles, do not inflate the tires until all rim mounting bolts have been fully tightened.

It is forbidden to unscrew the nuts of the wheel rim bolts while there is pressure in the tire.

Before the start of cleaning work, the following organizational measures must be carried out:

The preparation of tractors and harvesting machines has been completed;

Harvesting and transport complexes (links) were created with equipment assigned to workers;

Maintenance units have been organized;

In the designated areas, field camps and places for rest of workers, areas for storing equipment and fuels and lubricants are equipped;

Instructions on labor protection in the workplace were carried out.

Machine operation on slopes

It is prohibited to carry out work on slopes:

When soil moisture causes the machine (unit) to slip;

Dense fog (visibility less than 50 m);

Presence of snow cover;

Frozen soil;

In the dark.

Post-harvest processing of products

When carrying out post-harvest processing of crop products, it is necessary to ensure:

Fencing of debris and inspection pits, storage bins;

Installation of stationary stairs at an angle to the horizon of no more than 60°;

Manufacturing stair steps with a width of at least 200 mm from wood or corrugated sheet metal;

Convenient access for vehicles;

Electric lighting.

When processing and storing grain in bins, the latter must be equipped with a safety grille or lid and locked.

Workers engaged in post-harvest processing of grain and fiber crops must be provided with wooden shovels, forks and rakes to remove waste from the processed product.

During internal inspection of machines, their repair, shutdown for a long time, malfunction, they must be disconnected from the power supply, and in the case of a transmission drive, the drive belts must be removed. A sign must be posted at the equipment start-up site with the inscription: “Do not turn on - repairs”, “Equipment is faulty” or “Do not turn on - people are working”.

Production lines, conveyors

The lines must be equipped with safety and automatic interlocking devices that warn of a breakdown of the machine or line parts or indicate violations of the technological process. The line must be equipped with an alarm warning when the line is switched on.

Loading and unloading devices must prevent jamming and hanging of cargo in them, the formation of spills or falling out of piece goods and overloading of the conveyor.

Moving parts of the conveyor that can be accessed service personnel, must be fenced. Loads of vertical tension stations must be fenced to a height of at least 2 m from the floor. Loads must be freely accessible to regulate their weight.

Conveyors at the head and tail must be equipped with emergency stop buttons.

Conveyors that are open along their entire length must be additionally equipped with emergency stop switches.

The conveyor control system must have a lock that prevents the drive from being turned on again until the emergency situation is eliminated.

On a production line consisting of several sequentially installed and simultaneously operating conveyors or conveyors in combination with other machines, the drives of the conveyors and all machines must be interlocked so that in the event of a sudden stop of any machine or conveyor, the previous machines or conveyors are automatically switched off and subsequent ones continued to work until the transported cargo completely left them; it should also be possible to turn off each conveyor.

The open part of the auger for collecting grain and other bulk materials when loading them into vehicles must be fenced with a durable grille.


The doors leading to the outlet chambers of the dryer shafts must be tightly closed during operation and open into the chamber.

Dam pits, hatches and manholes of grain bins must be covered with metal gratings that can withstand the production load required by calculation, with cells no larger than 250´75 mm. These gratings are fixed on hinges on one side, and closed with locks on the other, the keys to which are kept by the head of the grain store and are issued, if repairs or cleaning are necessary, against receipt by the mechanic of the grain store or complex (unit).

Equipment, fixtures and hand tools

Containers (pallets, containers, boxes) must be durable and free of broken boards, protruding nails, wires and damage.

Pallets and containers must have tags indicating their carrying capacity and the timing of the next test (certification).

Hand tools (forks, rakes, shovels) must be in good working order and have handles made of dry hardwood. The surface must be smooth, without cracks or burrs, with longitudinal arrangement fibers along the entire length. Making handles from soft or large-layer wood (spruce, pine) is not allowed.

Hammers and sledgehammers must have a slightly convex, smooth, unbroken surface without burrs, gouges, dents, cracks or slopes. They must fit securely onto wooden handles and be wedged using rough metal wedges. The axis of the handle is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the tool.

Operation of grain cleaning equipment

When unloading grain into piles with a dump truck, the possibility of workers being in the unloading area and in the path of the vehicle must be excluded.

Before starting to operate the equipment and unloading grain from the vehicle into the dam pit, the mechanic (operator) must sound a sound signal.

Troubleshooting, cleaning machines from grain material and waste, lubrication and adjustment of working parts of grain flow machines and equipment must be carried out by the mechanic of the unit (complex), the operator of the serviced machine only when the machines and equipment are turned off (de-energized).

Connection (disconnection) of electrified machines to the electrical network and repair of the electrical part of the machines must be carried out by electrical engineering personnel. Operators servicing electrified equipment are only allowed to turn machines on and off.

At the end of the work, the supervisor or mechanic of the complex (unit) must make sure that there are no workers in the waste pit, elevator pits, or storage bins.

It is not allowed to clear debris, pressed product or fallen objects from conveyors, elevator shoes and other machines while they are in operation. Clearing should be carried out after the machine has completely stopped and measures have been taken to prevent accidental starting. Clearing the bottom head of the elevator from blockage with grain by hand is prohibited.

The supply of grain to the feeding conveyors of grain cleaning and transport machines must be done manually using wooden shovels.

When feeding grain, workers should be positioned away from the grain mound and no closer than 1.5 m from the scraper conveyor.

While the machine is operating, it is not allowed to step over the feeding conveyor and rake grain to the working parts with your hands.

To collapse the arches of grain, it is necessary to use special scrapers with long handles, which allow you to be at a safe distance from the collapse prism and eliminate the possibility of being covered with grain.

Safety requirements for processing grain into feed

Before putting into operation, machines and equipment used for flattening, extruding and expanding grain must be brought into technically sound condition and comply with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts.

Moving and rotating parts of machines and equipment (flattening rollers, chain, belt drives) must have protective guards to ensure the safety of workers.

There must be inscriptions warning workers about the danger on protective fences and near machine components that are dangerous during maintenance.

On machines operating from the tractor power take-off shaft, the cardan shaft protective casing must be fixed, and protective guards (casings) must be installed on the tractor and machine, covering the funnels of the protective casing by at least 50 mm.

While machines and equipment are operating, it is prohibited to:

Remove and install protective barriers;

Carry out lubrication, repairs, cleaning.

Machines must be equipped with the necessary means for cleaning the working parts. Cleaning or technological adjustment of working parts while the equipment is running is prohibited.

Electrically driven machines and equipment must be reliably grounded.

The equipment must be equipped with automatic drive overload protection.

Workers must be trained in safe practices for working with flattening equipment and GSCs.

The width of storage facilities for flattened grain must be at least 4 m for unimpeded passage of a tractor compacting grain.

On the entry and exit sides of silo trenches and storage facilities, access roads and level areas sufficient for maneuvering vehicles must be prepared.

Repair work should be carried out only after complete disconnection from the power supply network, with mandatory posting of warning posters at the disconnection points.

The presence of people in the bodies of cars or tractor trailers when filling them with grain and when transporting the product to the storage location is not allowed.

Turning off individual line machines when faults occur in them (except emergency situations) should only be carried out by the person in charge of this section of the line.

In the event of an accident, machine breakdown, or threat to the safety of workers, the line can be disconnected by any employee located near the emergency stop button.

Nina Pilipenko , occupational safety engineer


Rules for labor protection during production and post-harvest processing of crop products, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated April 15, 2008 No. 36.

Instructions and training on labor protection in agriculture

What types of training are provided for workers in safe work practices?

Agricultural enterprises conduct briefings (introductory, on-the-job and periodic) and course training for workers.

What is the induction training?

Introductory safety training is carried out upon hiring. It can be carried out in a group or individual way in the form of a conversation-lecture.

The head of an enterprise or institution should not sign an order for the enrollment of a newly hired person until the latter has undergone induction training.

The purpose of induction training is to familiarize the newly arriving employee with general provisions and safety rules when performing agricultural work, using machinery and tractors, servicing animals, when working with pesticides, etc.

The induction training should include the following basic questions:

  1. internal labor regulations;
  2. the employee’s responsibilities to comply with instructions, rules and standards of safety and industrial sanitation;
  3. precautions when being on the farm territory (safety requirements when meeting with vehicles, tractors, self-propelled and towed vehicles; when being near reservoirs, wells, hatches, pits, etc.);
  4. general rules electrical safety - the danger of touching live parts of electrical installations, handling electrical appliances, safety measures when replacing faulty electric lamps, as well as when approaching broken electrical wires, methods of freeing persons caught under voltage from electric current, the procedure for providing them with first (pre-medical) aid;
  5. organization of labor protection, safety precautions and industrial sanitation, measures to improve working conditions, fire safety measures in enterprises, agricultural organizations and collective farms;
  6. the main causes of industrial injuries, the employee’s obligation to notify the administration about an accident that happened to him or his fellow workers;
  7. labor protection for women and adolescents;
  8. procedure for issuing, using and storing free workwear, safety shoes and individual funds protection;
  9. safety rules for transporting people by vehicle;
  10. sanitary and hygienic measures and first aid in case of accidents and poisonings.

The list of questions during induction training can be supplemented by the administration depending on the specifics of production and local conditions.

Who conducts the induction training?

On state farms, at experimental bases, experimental stations, stud farms, on educational farms and other state agricultural enterprises and on collective farms, introductory training is carried out by the main (senior) specialists of the farms:

  1. chief (senior) agronomists - with workers hired for agricultural work in crop production;
  2. chief (senior) livestock specialists - with employees hired to service animals and poultry, including work on feed processing and other machines used in livestock farming;
  3. chief (senior) mechanical engineers - with excavator drivers, crane operators, tractor drivers, drivers, drivers of complex installations and units, trailer operators, foremen of tractor teams, with workers of mechanical repair shops, garages, oil depots, pumping stations, boiler plants and others objects;
  4. electrical engineer (if absent) chief engineer) - with workers servicing electrical networks, electrical installations and electrical equipment;
  5. hydraulic engineer (senior engineer) - with workers servicing reclamation structures;
  6. foremen - with workers hired for construction, installation and repair work;
  7. deputy director for economic affairs (household manager) - with workers of material warehouses, watchmen, workers and collective farmers engaged in transport and loading and unloading operations;
  8. at hatchery and poultry farming enterprises and artificial insemination stations, introductory instructions are carried out by chief (senior) livestock specialists and veterinarians;
  9. in research institutes, agricultural universities and technical schools - heads of departments, teachers of special disciplines, heads of laboratories and training workshops;
  10. in veterinary institutions - heads of institutions.

On others manufacturing enterprises workers are instructed by chief specialists or persons replacing them.

The introductory safety briefing is recorded on a card, which is kept in the employee’s personal file (Form No. 1).

When and who provides on-the-job training?

Instruction at the workplace is carried out with an employee sent to a team, workshop, farm, site, upon admission to work or upon transfer from one job to another or when the conditions and nature of work change.

Instructions are carried out directly by the managers of this area of ​​work (foremen, heads of farms, workshops and auxiliary production, mechanics, foremen, livestock technicians, veterinary technicians, etc.) with a clear demonstration of safe work practices and the use of safety devices. In this case, the employee must be given instructions or a safety leaflet for his specialty.

What is the content of workplace training?

On-the-job training is a continuation of induction training. It should include the following basic questions:

  1. familiarization with technological process or organizational and technical rules for a given area of ​​work;
  2. requirements for proper organization of the workplace;
  3. an explanation of the design of machines, tools, installations that the worker is assigned to service;
  4. requirements for safe handling of electrical equipment and power tools;
  5. safety rules when working with acids and pesticides;
  6. rules for using workwear, safety footwear and personal protective equipment;
  7. rules for transporting and carrying goods, stowing them, transporting people and animals;
  8. rules for the safe operation of vehicles and lifting mechanisms used on the farm.

A corresponding entry is made in the Safety Instruction Logbook (Form No. 2) regarding the conduct of on-the-job training, which is kept by the manager of the production site (farm, team, workshop).

After briefing at the workplace, the immediate supervisor observes the employee for a week and helps him learn the safest work techniques, after which he tests the employee’s knowledge.

How is periodic training carried out?

Periodic instruction is carried out during spring field and harvesting work, and for other types of work - at the discretion of the farm administration, but not less than every 3...6 months, depending on the type of work. Instruction is carried out by the main (senior) specialists of the relevant branches of production or, on their instructions and under their control, by the immediate managers of sections (teams, farms, workshops, etc.) according to the induction program at the workplace, taking into account the specifics of the work.

A record of the periodic briefing is also made in the Safety Briefing Log, as after the briefing at the workplace.

How is training in safety and industrial sanitation carried out?

Course training in safety precautions and industrial sanitation for collective farmers, workers and foremen is carried out annually according to the program approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the trade union of agricultural workers, followed by testing the knowledge of students in a special qualification commission created on the farm. The same programs are available for employees of the State Committee for Agricultural Equipment.

Considering the specific nature of work in agriculture, it is recommended to organize training in the autumn-winter period.

A record of the course training is made in the Safety Training Logbook (Form No. 3).

Responsibility for organizing and conducting course training rests with the heads of farms and enterprises.

Workers and collective farmers engaged in servicing electrical installations, boiler installations, lifting machines and equipment, pressure vessels, and other mechanisms, the operation of which is associated with increased danger, are trained in special courses.

Safety rooms and corners organized on farms and enterprises should provide great assistance in organizing briefing and course training.

Greetings, dear friends! On March 25, 2016, the Ministry of Justice of Russia registered new Rules on labor protection in agriculture, and today, on March 30, these Rules were published on the official Internet portal of legal information under number 0001201603300027.

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated 02/25/2016 No. 76, which approved the Rules on labor protection in agriculture; in three months these Rules will come into force.

It is also worth recalling that in accordance with the requirements set out in paragraph 3.3. The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, regardless of the date of the previous test, is carried out when new ones are introduced or introducing changes and additions to existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts, containing labor protection requirements. In other words, the responsible persons carrying out the functioning of the occupational safety management system, incl. and the head of the organization must undergo an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements at the training center, and further, as part of certification commission created by the head of the organization, carry out an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements for all other employees of the organization. In this case, only the knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts that were first introduced and/or to which changes were made is tested.

Among other things, those responsible for the development of occupational safety instructions, occupational safety training programs, and initial training programs in the workplace will need to carry out an unscheduled review of these local regulatory legal acts with a view to introducing appropriate changes to them.

Now that's it, you can proceed to download;)

Occupational safety and health in agriculture depend on the occupational safety management system created at the enterprise, timely assessment of working conditions and suspected hazardous and harmful effects per employee.

Sections of occupational safety in agriculture

New rules in 2017 divided all existing provisions into 11 sections:

  1. Poultry farming and poultry processing.
  2. Animal husbandry.
  3. Growing plants.
  4. Tobacco business.
  5. Repair of machinery and equipment.
  6. Reclamation.
  7. Product storage.
  8. Working in conditions of radiation contamination.
  9. Sugar beet processing.
  10. Use of fertilizer complexes and agrochemicals.
  11. Innovative developments.

All events take into account the characteristics of each section of the industry.

Requirements of safety regulations

The organization of labor protection has made it mandatory to comply state requirements in all sectors of agriculture. The documentation began to take into account the analysis carried out before the signing of new regulations. The implementation of safety rules begins with the development of projects for each working area, all features of the production process are considered. Management of the occupational safety system began to be controlled by commissions of the public and inspections of government agencies.

The employer of an enterprise of any size develops instructions on labor protection for agriculture, according to the profile of its activity. The documents require that the acquired knowledge be recorded in the briefing log; knowledge testing topics are also recorded there; unscheduled briefings are conducted for employees to acquaint them with changes in legislation, technical upgrades, new requirements for the organization and the implementation of assigned duties.

Features of agricultural safety

In agriculture, every activity requires safe conditions. The essence of the action is that in any workplace there arises large number risks. This is due to the need to work with equipment, transport, and chemical compounds at each site. Most of the risks are associated with the work mode and place of work, which is not protected from climatic and natural phenomena. Some of them are included in the training materials.

  • Equipment repair: workplace, operations;
  • Types of work: electrical, gas, forging, restoration, carpentry and others;
  • Livestock: feed preparation, farm equipment, silage;
  • Sanitary conditions: lighting, noise, meteorology, pollution.

Agriculture is based on heavy physical labor, therefore, TB is the basis of labor protection.