Documents. Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of a Local Government Body Regulations on the Emergency Response and Fire Safety Organization of the Organization


| Author Flaaim

This Commission for Prevention and Elimination emergency situations and ensuring fire safety is created on the basis of the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 794 of December 30, 2003.

The main goal of this commission is to ensure the constant readiness of the enterprise for quick action in the event of any emergency situation caused by an accident or disaster.

The order of the head of the enterprise approves:

  • Composition of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety
  • Its chairman
  • And Regulations on KSCh and PB
Meetings of the Emergency and Safety Commission are held quarterly, in accordance with the meeting schedule developed by the annual plan. All decisions of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety are drawn up in the form of protocols and signed by the chairman of the commission.

Regulations on the Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety

As I said above, the main document that regulates the work of the commission is the regulation on the commission for the prevention and response to emergency situations. This provision defines the tasks, powers, functioning of the commission and includes the following sections
  • General provisions
  • Main tasks and powers of the commission
  • Organization of the commission's work:
  • During daily activities

    In the event of a threat or emergency

  • Logistics support.

Database of labor protection documents

Documentation for the work of the commission on emergency situations and fire safety

  1. Regulations on the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Providing fire safety organizations
  2. Functional responsibilities of CoES and Fire Safety officials of the organization
  3. Scheme of notification and collection of personnel of the CoES and Fire Department
  4. Work plan of the CoES and fire safety organization for 20___
  5. Work schedule of CoES and fire safety during an emergency situation in the organization
  6. Journal of accidents and emergencies in the organization (form)
  7. Timesheet of urgent reports
  8. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 1/ES)
  9. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 2/ES)
  10. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 3/ES)
  11. Report on the threat (forecast) of an emergency situation. (Form 4/ES)
  12. List of orders by types of support when organizing work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations
  13. Intelligence order
  14. Regulations on the surveillance and laboratory control service (network) of the object link of the RSChS OP.
  15. Minutes of meetings of the CoES and PB of the organization.
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    1. General organization of population protection and

    territories during emergencies in the RUSSIAN FEDERATION

    2. Main tasks and composition of the object commission

    for emergency situations

    3. Activities of the site emergency commission

    3.2 CoES documentation

    4.1 Brief information about the company

    4.2 Operation of the CoES in the event of a natural or natural emergency

    technogenic nature

    5. Calculation of the volume of repair and restoration

    work, effort, money and time




    Action plan for emergency prevention and response


    Logbook of accidents and emergencies at the facility


    The oil and gas industry is one of the most important in the Russian economy. The continuously growing pace of its development makes enterprises in this industry (such as Gazprom, Lukoil, Transneft, etc.) perhaps the most prestigious and desirable place of employment, which in turn gives a new impetus to the development of the industry.

    Due to the peculiarities of technological processes, oil and gas industry enterprises are facilities that occupy a significant area and require the constant presence of a large number of people. It should not be forgotten that enterprises in this industry are high-risk facilities that require increased attention to safety. Among the many dangerous consequences that an accident at enterprises in this industry can lead to, we note only a few - release into the atmosphere harmful substances(natural gas, ammonia, etc.), oil spill and contamination of soil and water bodies, explosion and fire at an enterprise, resulting in loss of life, damage to expensive equipment, etc.

    From the above it follows that perhaps the main task of enterprise management is to provide the necessary conditions to prevent various types of emergency situations, and if they arise, to eliminate them as quickly and painlessly as possible. As you know, at each site these tasks are resolved by an emergency commission, which must be ready to solve the most complex problems and have the appropriate documentary base.

    In our region (in the north-west of Russia) due to its wealth natural resources there are a huge number of enterprises in the oil and gas industry, many of which are focused on international standards in your work. As you know, at foreign enterprises much more attention is paid to industrial safety. Therefore, enterprises claiming international quality of work must prove this primarily in the field of safety.


    The Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies” (No. 68-FZ of December 21, 1994), which defines the general organizational and legal standards for our country in the field of protection from emergency situations, obliges all enterprises and institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as objects) regardless of their organizational and legal form:

    a) plan and implement the necessary measures to protect facility workers from emergency situations;

    b) plan and carry out measures to improve the sustainability of the functioning of facilities and ensure the livelihoods of their workers in emergencies; protection of the population emergency

    c) ensure the creation, preparation and maintenance of readiness for the use of forces and means to prevent and eliminate emergencies, training of facility workers in methods of protection and actions in emergencies as part of non-military formations;

    d) create local emergency warning systems;

    e) ensure the organization and conduct of emergency rescue and other urgent work at subordinate facilities and in the territories adjacent to them in accordance with emergency prevention and response plans;

    f) finance measures to protect facility workers from emergencies;

    g) create reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response;

    h) provide information in the prescribed manner in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies, as well as notify facility employees about the threat or occurrence of an emergency.

    Let's try to analyze the activities of the site emergency commission using the example of the accident at the Ukhta-1 pumping station.

    Each level of the RSChS must have coordinating bodies, permanent management bodies, day-to-day management bodies, forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication and warning systems.

    At the facility level, the coordinating body is the facility emergency commission (CoES of the facility). In a number of cases, in the absence of the need and the corresponding material and technical base (at small and not related to hazardous production facilities), the Regulations on RSChS allow not to create a CoES. Coordinating functions in this case are carried out personally by the facility manager (chief engineer, technical director). The permanent management body is the department (sector, group or specially appointed persons) for civil defense and emergency situations, and the duties of the day-to-day management body are performed by the duty control (emergency dispatch, duty) service of the facility.


    The main typical tasks of the site commission for emergency situations are:

    Management of the development and implementation of measures to prevent emergencies, improve the reliability of the facility, ensure the sustainability of its functioning in the event of an emergency;

    Organization of work to create a local warning system at a potentially dangerous facility, maintaining it in constant readiness;

    Ensuring the readiness of control bodies, forces and means to act in emergency situations, managing their liquidation and evacuation of facility personnel;

    Management of the creation and use of reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations;

    Organization of training of management personnel, forces and equipment, as well as all other personnel of the facility for actions in case of emergency.

    The CoES is created at the facility by the decision of the head - the head of civil defense (CD) of the facility. The regulations on the commission and its composition are announced by order.

    The size of the commission and its personal composition are determined by the head of the facility. At the same time, it is taken into account that the composition of the commission must ensure high-quality implementation in full of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, sustainable management of forces during emergency rescue and other urgent work (AS&DNR).

    At the same time, one should not strive to create a large commission. It must be remembered that success in any business is achieved not by numbers, but by skill, advance preparation of commission members, and rational distribution of functional responsibilities.

    The CoES is staffed by responsible employees of the management apparatus of the facility and its structural divisions.

    The following approximate composition of the commission can be organized (option for a large facility).

    Commission leadership:

    Chairman - the head of the facility (sometimes his deputy);

    Deputy Chairman - Chief Engineer;

    Deputy Chairman - Head of the civil defense and emergency department of the facility.

    Members of the commission:

    Chief specialists of the facility (chief technologist or production manager, chief power engineer, chief mechanic, etc.);

    The chairman of the evacuation commission (usually the deputy director for general issues or head of the personnel department, head of housing and communal services);

    Heads of specialized units, as a rule, are the heads of the relevant civil defense services (warning and communications, radiation and chemical protection, fire, medical, public order, logistics, transport, shelters and shelters, etc.);

    Heads of special services, for example, safety, finance, legal, ecology, etc.

    The assumption of the leadership of the CoES by the director of the enterprise, as well as the inclusion in its composition of the heads of specialized units heading the relevant civil defense services, seems to be the best option, simultaneously ensuring increased readiness to protect the facility and its personnel in wartime.

    The fact is that many civil defense activities, especially those related to the sustainability of functioning in emergency conditions, the protection of personnel and the population living near the facility, the creation and training of forces and means to eliminate the consequences of a defeat by conventional means, are largely related to measures aimed at preventing and emergency response. In addition, the management bodies for civil defense and emergency situations, as well as non-military (special) civil defense formations, are based on the same management structures and divisions of the facility.

    It should also be taken into account that, in accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated May 8, 1993 No. 643, the head of the facility is ex officio the head of civil defense and is personally responsible for the organization and implementation of civil defense activities.


    3.1 Planning measures to prevent and respond to emergencies

    Planning of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies is organized by the chairman of the CoES of the facility. When planning, it is envisaged to resolve the main issues of organizing actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies at the site, the main of which are:

    Implementation of the entire range of measures to protect personnel, buildings, structures and the territory of the facility from natural and man-made emergencies;

    Ensuring personnel protection during various types Emergency;

    Allocation of the necessary forces and means to carry out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

    Members of the CoES, employees of the civil defense and emergency department and civil defense services, and chief specialists who are not heads of services are involved in the planning and development of documents. If necessary, specialists from design and expert organizations are involved.

    Based on forecasting and analysis of the situation that may develop on the territory of the facility in the event of an emergency, methods of protection and a set of measures are determined that need to be planned for the reliable protection of personnel and the territory of the facility.

    In this case, the following must be taken into account:

    Presence of potentially hazardous areas directly at the site, possible development scenarios emergency situations during their operation;

    Potentially hazardous facilities on the territory of the district (region), accidents at which may have an impact on the facility;

    Possible natural disasters in the area where the facility is located;

    The forces and means of the facility, possible options for strengthening for carrying out measures to protect personnel and eliminate emergencies;

    Approximate volume, procedure and timing of implementation of measures to prevent or reduce damage from emergencies, protect personnel and conduct accidents and emergency response;

    Other initial data for planning, determined by local conditions and the specifics of the facility’s activities.

    When planning measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies at hazardous production facilities, the list of which is determined in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997), the Declaration of Industrial Safety is studied and taken into account of your facility and the Emergency Localization Plan, as well as the latest regulations of state supervision authorities (Gosgortekhnadzor, Gospozhnadzor, Gossanepidnadzor, etc.).

    3.2 CoES documentation

    The normal functioning of the Commission in daily activities and during emergencies is ensured by the availability necessary documents. In all cases, the development of documents on the organization and implementation of emergency prevention and response measures and force management should begin with the development of the main document - the facility's Action Plan for the prevention and response to emergencies, the approximate structure of which is given in Appendix A. Other CoES documents can be developed in parallel.

    The practical development of CoES documents, as a rule, is directly organized by the deputy chairmen of the commission - the chief engineer and the head of the civil defense and emergency department of the facility. Prepared documents for deadline performers hand over to the head of the civil defense and emergency department. If necessary, they are submitted for consideration (approval) by the CoES. The final revision (adjustment) and approval of documents is carried out by the civil defense and emergency department of the facility. Documents signed and approved by the relevant officials are submitted for approval to the chairman of the facility’s CoES.

    Conventionally, documents can be reduced to the following groups:

    Documents on organizing an emergency prevention and response system

    Order of the head of the civil defense facility on the creation of a CoES (A separate order on the creation of a CoES may not be issued. The composition of the commission in this case is announced in the order on organizing the functioning of the facility unit of the RSChS (territorial subsystem of the RSChS));

    Regulations on the site's emergency control system;

    Documents on the organization of a civil defense facility (as additional materials);

    Documents on the management of emergency prevention and response activities and forces:

    Action plan for emergency prevention and response;

    CoES annual work plan;

    Work schedule of the CoES in emergency situations;

    Plans of the civil defense service of the facility to ensure emergency prevention and response measures (in peacetime) by the number of services created;

    Desk (plans) of the region and district;

    Working documents of the commission:

    Scheme of notification and collection of commission personnel;

    CoES control and communication diagram;

    Timesheet of urgent reports;

    Layout of placement of CoES members in the control center (work premises);

    Functional responsibilities of CoES members;

    Projects (models) of orders and instructions;

    Directory of operational telephones;

    Workbooks for commission members;

    Reporting and information documents:

    Reports, reports, information and messages;

    Log books;

    Reference documents:

    Statements, tables, graphs, diagrams, certificates, descriptions.

    Documents are compiled according to the working folders of the members of the CoES according to the calculation drawn up by the head of the civil defense and emergency situations department and approved by the chairman of the CoES. Therefore, individual documents (extracts from them) must be developed in several copies.

    The Regulations on the site CoES indicate the purpose, main tasks and rights, the procedure for alerting according to the modes of operation of the RSChS, the location and logistics of the commission.

    CoES annual work plan is developed in any form and contains, as a rule, two sections: the first - activities carried out by higher-level CoES, the second - activities of the site commission. The second section includes activities planned for implementation in order to implement the tasks assigned to civil defense and emergency situations, including:

    Organizational events (commission meetings, educational and methodological gatherings, conferences, etc.);

    Main activities for the training of management bodies, special (non-military) forces and technological personnel of the facility in the field of emergency protection;

    Carrying out engineering and technical measures to protect personnel and increase the sustainability of work in emergencies;

    Creation of reserves of financial, material and technical resources for emergency response.

    Work schedule of CoES in emergency situations reflects the main activities carried out by the commission in the event of a threat or emergency, and the time required to carry them out.

    The functional responsibilities of the members of the CoES of the facility must take into account its specifics, local and other conditions and be specific.

    Functional responsibilities of members of the CoES of the facility:

    1 Chairman of the emergency commission of the facility:

    The chairman of the commission is responsible for organizing the work of the commission, its constant readiness to carry out assigned tasks, monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at preventing emergencies, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the facility in the event of an emergency, and managing actions to eliminate it.

    He must:

    Organize the development and timely adjustment of the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and other documentation of the commission;

    Provide leadership daily activities the commission, in accordance with the annual work plan, holds its meetings at least once a quarter;

    Identify sources of danger at the site, predict the consequences of possible emergencies, take measures to prevent them or reduce damage;

    Organize control over the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the risk of emergencies at the facility and increasing the sustainability of its operation;

    Organize and conduct personal training of commission members, formations and facility personnel on emergency prevention and response issues in accordance with existing programs, ensure their constant readiness to act in the event of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

    Upon receipt of information (order, signal) about the threat or occurrence of an emergency, issue an order to notify and gather members of the site commission and arrive at the workplace;

    Understand and assess the situation, put into effect an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, make a preliminary decision, assign tasks to the members of the commission for its implementation, establish the work schedule of the commission;

    Assess the nature of the possible development of the emergency and, if necessary, contact the CoES of the city (district) to attract additional forces and means not provided for in the Action Plan... of the facility to eliminate the emergency;

    Personally and through members of the commission, exercise direction and control over the implementation of rescue and other urgent work in the emergency zone;

    Inform the chairman of the emergency commission of the city (district) and higher departmental CoES about the situation, measures taken and the results of work to eliminate the emergency and its consequences;

    Organize work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

    2 Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Emergency Situations - Chief Engineer:

    The chief engineer is responsible for the practical implementation of preventive measures at the facility aimed at preventing emergencies, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the facility, as well as for organizing rescue and other urgent work in the event of emergencies and eliminating their consequences.

    He must:

    During daily activities:

    Lead the work of the facility’s technical services in predicting possible accidents (catastrophes) at potentially hazardous production sites and assessing their possible consequences;

    Participate in the development of an action plan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the facility and plans of subordinate services;

    Develop and submit for consideration by the commission measures aimed at increasing the reliability and sustainability of the facility’s operation;

    Plan activities aimed at reducing the risk of emergency situations, fulfilling the instructions of the authorities implementing state supervision in the field of industrial safety and monitor their practical implementation;

    Prepare production personnel of technical services and civil defense units for actions in emergencies;

    In the absence of the Chairman of the CoES of the facility, perform his duties.

    In the event of a threat or emergency:

    Upon receipt of the appropriate order (signal) to arrive at the commission’s place of work;

    Organize the collection of information about the nature and scale of the accident (catastrophe, natural disaster), the damage caused, injuries to production personnel;

    Assess the situation, determine the volume and nature of emergency response and emergency response, the required amount of forces and resources, the need to clarify certain provisions of the Action Plan for the prevention and response to emergencies;

    Submit proposals to the chairman of the site emergency commission for making a decision on the organization of emergency rescue and other urgent work;

    Organize the rescue of people, unique equipment, technical documentation, material assets;

    Lead the management of work in the most critical area;

    Ensure the safety of work in the accident zone (catastrophe, natural disaster);

    Take part in the work of the commission for the administrative and technical investigation of the causes of the accident (disaster).

    3 Deputy Chairman of the CoES - Head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department:

    The head of the civil defense and emergency department is responsible for planning measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies, timely readiness of forces and means to conduct emergency response and emergency response, and ensuring sustainable management in emergencies.

    He must:

    During daily activities:

    Take an active part in the development of the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, ensuring the implementation of the plan and instructions of the Chairman of the CoES both in its content and in working out the necessary details for the management of the emergency response system and their comprehensive support;

    Adjust the plan if the situation at the site changes;

    Draw up draft work plans for the CoES (as directed by its chairman);

    Prepare materials for the next meetings of the CoES and draft decisions (orders);

    Maintain the control center, communication and warning system in constant readiness, periodically conduct training to notify and gather members of the commission by order of its chairman;

    Plan classes, exercises and training to prepare the management personnel of the RSChS facility level, civil defense services, command and control personnel and personnel of formations for actions in emergencies;

    Carry out systematic work to staff, equip and account for special (non-military) formations of the facility, maintaining them in constant readiness to act in emergencies in peacetime and wartime.

    In the event of a threat or emergency:

    Upon receipt of the relevant information (signal, order), arrive at the workplace, gather the personnel of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations department, organize control over the arrival of the commission members, report to the chairman of the CoES;

    Assess the situation and prepare proposals for the chairman of the CoES for decision-making;

    Organize constant duty of commission members at the control point, maintaining contact with the city (district) CoES and higher departmental CoES;

    Bring to readiness special (non-military) formations of the facility and, taking into account the action plan and the decision of the Chairman of the CoES, organize the conduct of AS&DPR;

    Organize reconnaissance, observation and control of changes in the situation, report conclusions and proposals to the chairman of the commission;

    Ensure management of the facility’s formations during emergency response and their interaction during the work;

    Organize the communication of CoES orders to executors and monitor their implementation;

    Ensure compliance with the necessary safety measures during work;

    Organize the protection and shelter of formation personnel in the event of a threat of contamination of work sites with radioactive substances or hazardous chemicals;

    If necessary, interact with the emergency technical service and other services of the city (district), civil defense services of neighboring facilities;

    Lead the management (by order of the chairman of the commission) of emergency rescue and other urgent work in the most important and difficult areas;

    Report to the chairman of the commission on the progress of completing assigned tasks.

    4 Member of the CoES - head of the warning and communications service:

    The head of the warning and communications service is responsible for the constant readiness of forces and means to timely perform the tasks assigned to the service.

    He must:

    During daily activities:

    Develop and adjust a service plan to ensure emergency prevention and response measures in peacetime;

    To staff the service formations with personnel and equip them with service equipment;

    Organize training for personnel of warning and communications formations;

    Develop and implement measures to improve the sustainability of communication and warning means;

    Check the readiness of the service to perform tasks in an emergency.

    In the event of a threat or emergency:

    Upon receipt of the relevant information (order, signal), arrive at the meeting place of the emergency commission, understand the tasks of the service;

    Alert service formations;

    Notify workers and employees of the facility;

    In accordance with the decision of the chairman of the commission, organize and maintain communications that ensure the management of structural units and formations of the facility and interaction with emergency commissions, departments and departments of civil defense and emergency situations of the district and neighboring facilities;

    Organize shelter for service personnel in a protective structure for the period of fallout of radioactive substances and in the event of a threat of contamination of the facility with vapors of chemically hazardous substances;

    Ensure compliance with safety measures when carrying out repair and restoration work on communication and warning lines;

    5 . Member of the CoES - chairman of the site evacuation commission:

    The chairman of the site evacuation commission is responsible for organizing preparations and carrying out evacuation measures at the site during an emergency.

    He must:

    During daily activities:

    Participate in the development of the Action Plan for the prevention and response to emergencies;

    Develop measures for the emergency evacuation of workers, employees from the territory of the facility and the population of departmental housing during an emergency;

    Coordinate with the city (district) evacuation commission the area (locations) for temporary accommodation of facility workers and the population of the departmental housing stock;

    Decide in the prescribed manner and work out in detail the issues of transport, medical and other types of support for evacuation measures in case of possible emergencies;

    -- organize the development of OEC documentation;

    Organize and conduct special training for members of the EEC, as well as training of personnel of the structural divisions of the facility to conduct evacuation measures.

    In the event of a threat or emergency:

    Upon receipt of the relevant information (order, signal), arrive at the meeting place of the commission, clarify the situation and tasks of the EEC;

    If necessary, notify and assemble the OEK personnel;

    Once the Chairman of the CoES makes a decision to evacuate personnel from the site, organize notification and gathering of workers and employees in designated places;

    Manage the work of the OEC in sending workers and employees to areas (locations)

    temporary accommodation;

    Inform the chairman of the emergency commission about the progress of evacuation measures.

    The functional responsibilities of other members of the facility’s CoES should also reflect the scope of activity, responsibilities and powers of each of them, taking into account the position occupied full-time position and responsibilities for civil defense.

    The section “Responsibilities for Daily Activities” provides for mandatory participation in the development of the Action Plan for the prevention and response of emergencies, responsibilities for the development of other documents for the implementation of specific activities in order to successfully carry out the upcoming AS&DNR.

    The section “Responsibilities in the event of a threat or emergency” reflects general organizational functions and specific requirements for organizing the activities of the relevant services or structural units of the facility in the event of possible emergencies, taking into account the Action Plan and characteristic features performing emergency rescue and other urgent work assigned to them, as well as issues of interaction with other services and units, issues of ensuring the safety of subordinate personnel, etc.

    The structure, composition, functional purpose and procedure of the duty service are determined by the head of the facility. CoES should develop instructions officials duty service and keep a log of accidents and emergencies at the facility. The form of the log of accidents and emergencies is given in Appendix B.


    4.1 Brief information about the company

    The main activities of OJSC “Northern MN” are transporting oil through two main oil pipelines “Usa-Ukhta” (720 mm in diameter) and “Ukhta-Yaroslavl” (820 mm in diameter), carrying out work on major repairs, reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

    In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2002 No. 240, an emergency commission was created at JSC Northern Trunk Oil Pipelines to coordinate actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

    The main tasks of the Emergency Situations Commission are:

    Development and implementation of measures to prevent emergency situations (ES), reduce damage from accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, terrorist acts and impacts modern means defeat of the enemy at JSC;

    Providing assistance in maintaining and ensuring the constant readiness of the forces and assets of the central repair service and the line maintenance service of the JSC to act in emergency situations;

    Providing and organizing constant monitoring and control of the condition of the oil pipeline route and equipment of the oil pumping station (PS), assessment and forecasting of the possibility of an emergency at regional oil pipeline departments;

    Ensuring technical and environmental safety in regional oil pipeline departments;

    Creation of a fund of financial and material resources used to ensure emergency restoration work during the liquidation of emergency situations and their consequences;

    Interaction with territorial departments for civil defense and emergency situations and functional subsystems of the Emergency Situations System;

    Management of actions during the liquidation of an emergency situation and its consequences in the LPDS;

    Organization of training and practical training of JSC employees for actions in emergency situations and in eliminating their consequences.

    The Ukhta-1 gas pumping station we are considering is the head one on the Ukhta - Yaroslavl main oil pipeline.

    The GNPS industrial site is located 8 km (Dezhnevo village) northeast of Sosnogorsk. The Izhma River flows 1 km north of the industrial site. The KS-10 industrial site of the Ukhta - Torzhok gas pipeline is located 3 km to the northwest of it, and the Belgop industrial center is 5.5 km to the southwest. Distance to nearest settlements: Ust-Ukhta village, Sosnogorsk district - 3 km; Yuger village, Ukhtinsky district - 6.5 km.

    4.2 Operation of the CoES in the event of a natural or man-made emergency

    We are considering a pipeline rupture on the Ukhta-1 main gas pipeline with the following degree of damage: in addition to damage to the pipeline itself, there was a release of gas of up to five million cubic meters, as well as a fire when the gas ignited. The affected area is 0.5 km. The victims of the accident were people included in the service personnel. This accident does not disrupt the living conditions of the population of nearby settlements. The emergency zone does not extend beyond the PS site. The liquidation of the accident and its consequences is carried out by the forces and means of OJSC “Northern MN”. Our task is to consider not so much the accident itself as such, but the actions of the enterprise’s emergency commission in the conditions of this accident.

    In the event of a man-made emergency at the Ukhta-1 oil pumping station, the dispatcher, the head of the relevant unit exercising control over the territory and the environment, immediately notifies the head of the economic facility, the chairman of the CoES, the chief of staff of the civil defense, the head of the service via all available means of communication and personal communication supervision and control.

    Informing the population of the nearby city and rural settlements, depending on the current situation, is carried out through the Department for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, the headquarters of civil defense villages via radio broadcast network, city television, cars with loud-speaking installations according to texts signed by the Chairman of the CoES, Heads of rural and village administrations .

    The main actions of the CoES in the event of an accident:

    Upon receipt of information about an emergency situation, the manager or official exercising control, immediately by all available means of communication and personally notifies the Chairman of the CoES, the Chief of Staff of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations;

    Having assessed the situation, the general director (head of the RNU) or the person replacing him reports the situation to the head of the department for civil defense and emergency situations;

    In the event of an accident, notification of workers and employees is organized by order of the general director (head of the RNU), (chairman of the CoES);

    The CoES commission and civil defense headquarters gather to assess the situation and make a decision on eliminating the accident;

    Organization of continuous condition monitoring environment, the situation at potentially hazardous facilities;

    Conducting an analysis of the accident, its scale, consequences of damage;

    Bringing forces to constant readiness and, if necessary, the formation of civil defense;

    Clarification of the action plan for emergency prevention and response;

    Organization financially - technical support actions, forces and means involved in eliminating the accident;

    Taking measures to protect workers and employees depending on the type of emergency and its scale;

    Submission of a report to the Civil Defense and Emergency Management Department of JSC AK Transneft in the prescribed form.

    Specific actions of each member of the emergency commission in the event of emergency situations:

    The chairman of the emergency commission is obliged

    After receiving information (order, signal) about the rupture of the pipeline of the PS “Ukhta-1”, give an order to notify and gather members of the facility commission, and arrive at the workplace;

    Understand and assess the situation, put into effect an Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, make a preliminary decision, assign tasks to the members of the commission for its implementation, establish the work schedule of the commission;

    Assess the nature of the possible development of the emergency;

    Personally and through members of the commission, exercise direction and control over the implementation of rescue and other urgent work in the emergency zone;

    Inform the chairman of the emergency commission of the city (district) and higher departmental CoES about the situation at the Ukhta-1 PS, the measures taken and the results of the work to eliminate the accident and its consequences;

    Organize work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

    The Deputy Chairman of the CoES is obliged

    Upon receipt of the appropriate order (signal) to arrive at the commission’s place of work;

    Organize the collection of information about the nature and scale of the accident, damage caused, injuries to production personnel;

    Assess the situation, determine the volume and nature of emergency response and emergency response, the required amount of forces and resources, the need to clarify certain provisions of the Action Plan for the prevention and response to emergencies;

    Submit proposals to the chairman of the site emergency commission for making a decision on the organization of emergency rescue and other urgent work;

    Lead the management of work at an oil pumping station;

    Ensure the safety of work in the accident zone;

    Take part in the work of the commission for the administrative and technical investigation of the causes of the accident.

    Deputybchairman of the CoES - chiefDepartment of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations is obliged

    Upon receipt of the relevant information, arrive at the workplace, gather the personnel of the civil defense and emergency situations department, organize control over the arrival of commission members, and report to the chairman of the CoES;

    Assess the situation and prepare proposals for the chairman of the CoES for decision-making;

    Organize constant duty of commission members at the control point, maintaining contact with the city (district) CoES and higher-ranking departmental CoES;

    Bring to readiness special (non-military) formations of the facility and, taking into account the action plan and the decision of the Chairman of the CoES, organize the conduct of AS&DPR;

    Organize reconnaissance, observation and control of changes in the situation, report conclusions and proposals to the chairman of the commission;

    Ensure management of the facility's formations during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, their interaction during the work;

    Organize the communication of CoES orders to executors and monitor their implementation;

    Ensure compliance with the necessary safety measures during work;

    Lead the management (by order of the chairman of the commission) of emergency rescue and other urgent work;

    Report to the chairman of the commission on the progress of completing assigned tasks.

    NHead of the warning and communications serviceobliged

    Having received the relevant information, arrive at the meeting place of the emergency commission and understand the tasks of the service;

    Alert service formations;

    Notify workers and employees of the facility;

    Provide service personnel with funds personal protection;

    Ensure equipment repair and restoration of destroyed communication lines during rescue and other emergency operations;

    Ensure compliance with safety measures when carrying out repair and restoration work on communication and warning lines;

    Report to the Chairman of the CoES on the progress of rescue and other urgent work.

    ChairmanOobject evacuation commission

    The chairman of the site evacuation commission is responsible for organizing preparations and carrying out evacuation measures at the site during an emergency. His responsibilities include the following:

    Having received the relevant information, arrive at the meeting place of the commission, clarify the situation and tasks of the EEC;

    If necessary, notify and assemble the OEK personnel;

    With the decision by the Chairman of the CoES to evacuate service personnel from the territory of the Ukhta-1 oil pumping station, organize notification and collection of workers and employees in designated places;

    Inform the chairman of the emergency commission about the progress of evacuation measures.

    The functional responsibilities of other members of the facility’s CoES also reflect the scope of the emergency commission’s activities and the responsibilities assigned to them.


    Initial data:

    1. Book value of fixed production assets F (million rubles)

    F c = 100 million rubles.

    F t = 200 million rubles.

    F e = 75 million rubles.

    2. Production rate per person per year N (thousand rubles):

    N с = 500 thousand rubles.

    N t = 300 thousand rubles.

    N e = 400 thousand rubles.

    3. Material consumption rate q (per 1 million rubles):

    4. Relative amount of damage G (%):

    5. Number of available labor R" (persons):

    R" c = 500 people.

    R" t = 400 people.

    R" e = 300 people.

    6. Quantity of available materials Q" (million rubles):

    Q" c = 100,000 million rubles.

    Q" t = 70,000 million rubles.

    Q" e = 80,000 million rubles.

    Note: the indices in the symbols of the source data are as follows:

    C - buildings and structures;

    T - technological equipment;

    E - power equipment.

    Calculated data:

    1. Volume of repair and restoration work, V (million rubles):

    V = G c F c +G t F t + G e F e

    V = 0.15100 + 0.1300 + 0.0575 = 48.75 million rubles.

    2. Required amount of labor R (persons)

    R = G s F s /N s + G t F t /N t + G e F e /N e

    R = 0.15100/0.5 + 0.1300/0.3 + 0.0575/0.4 = 139 people.

    3. Required time for repair and restoration work T" (months)

    T" = 12139/(500+400+300) = 1.4 (months)

    4. Capacity of construction organizations subject to labor shortage W (million rubles) for the target time T:

    W = (12V(T" - T))/(T"T)

    W = (12 48.75(1.4 - 1))/(11.4) = 167 (million rubles/year)

    5. Requirement for materials Q (million rubles):

    Q = 48.75(1000+100+5000) = 297375 (million rubles)

    6. Level of satisfaction with materials Q (%):

    Q = (100000+70000+80000)/297375 = 0.84


    One of the main conditions for ensuring the safety of people during the labor process is the effective provision of security at facilities. This is achieved through the creation of an emergency commission.

    The CoES must solve the following tasks: monitor the prevention of emergencies, ensure the readiness of management bodies, create warning systems, manage the creation and use of reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response, organize the training of management personnel, forces and equipment, as well as all other personnel of the facility for action in case of emergency.

    CoES predicts and analyzes situations that may arise at a facility during an emergency, determines methods for protecting and rescuing personnel, taking into account hazardous production factors.

    The commission develops relevant documents that ensure its normal functioning. Conventionally, the documents can be summarized into the following groups: documents on organizing a system for preventing and responding to emergencies; regulations on the site's emergency control system; documents on the organization of a civil defense facility (as additional materials); working documents of the commission; reporting and information documents; reference documents. The main document is the facility's Emergency Prevention and Response Plan.

    After calculating the repair and restoration work, effort, money and time, I received that the level of satisfaction with the materials was 84%. Of course, the optimal result of the calculation would be 100%, but the real situation fell slightly short of the optimal one. To obtain the desired one hundred percent result of the task, it is necessary, before the onset of the emergency itself, to prepare in advance both financial and material reserves, the use of which will significantly speed up the implementation of relevant work related to the prevention and fight against emergency situations (RVR, AS and DPR), thus thereby speeding up the elimination of the consequences of the emergency. And this issue, as mentioned earlier, is entirely within the competence of the Emergency Situations Commission. Namely: enterprises create funds of financial and material resources for the maintenance and provision of emergency rescue and emergency recovery forces. What is specifically stipulated in the Action Plan for the prevention and response to natural and man-made emergencies.

    Possible accidents at site structures and the linear part of the oil pipelines of JSC Northern Trunk Oil Pipelines practically do not disrupt the living conditions of the population of nearby settlements. The emergency zone does not extend beyond the PS site. Elimination of accidents and their consequences is carried out by the forces and means of OJSC “Northern MN”, with the involvement, in case of fires on tanks, of specialized fire departments.

    The possible thermal impact zone for people is 150 m, for industrial buildings - 36 m, for tanks - 22 m.

    At each oil pumping station, the LEU service has developed a “Plan for Eliminating Possible Accidents at the PS” and a “Plan for Eliminating Possible Accidents at the Linear Part of the Oil Pipeline.”


    1. Mastryukov, B.S. Safety in emergency situations [Text]: Textbook for universities. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 196 p.

    2. Fomochkin, A.V. Industrial safety [Text]. - M.: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Oil and Gas" Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkina, 2004. - 448 p.

    3. Martynyuk, V.F., Prusenko, B.E. Environmental protection in emergency situations [Text]: Tutorial for universities / V.F. Martynyuk, B.E. Prusenko. - M.: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Oil and Gas" Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I.M.Gubkina, 2003. - 336s.

    4. Arustamov, E.A. Life safety [Text]: Textbook / Ed. E.A. Arustamova. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2003. - 496s.

    5. Kvashnina, S.I. Protection of the population in emergency situations [Text]: Textbook / S.I. Kvashnina, V.P. Perkhutkin, E.K. Samoilichenko et al. - Ukhta: USTU, 2002. - 68 p.

    6. Baratov, A.N. Fire safety [Text]: Textbook / A.N. Baratov, V.A. Pchelintsev. - M.: publishing house ASV, 1997. - 176 p., ill.

    7. Razdorozhny, A.A. Labor protection and industrial safety [Text]: Textbook / A.A. Razdorozhny. - M.: publishing house "Examination", 2005. - 512 p.

    8. Buyanov, V.M. First medical aid [Text]: Textbook. - M.: Medicine, 1994. - 192 p.

    9. Alatortsev, P.V. Organization of the work of the commission for emergency situations of an object, district, city [Text]: Textbook / P.V. Alatortsev, V.M. Nagorny, G.M. Fedorov, N.S. Cheremisov, V.V. Shevchenko. - M.: Military knowledge, 2000. - 80 p.

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    a) Modes of operation of the CoES

    The activities of the CoES to prevent and eliminate emergencies at the site, depending on the situation, are carried out in three modes of operation of the emergency prevention and response system.

    The mode of daily activity - the functioning of the system in peacetime under normal production and industrial, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological), seismic and hydrometeorological conditions, in the absence of epidemics, epizootics and epiphytoties - is the systematic implementation of measures to prevent emergencies and increase the preparedness of organs management, forces and means to eliminate possible accidents, disasters, natural and environmental disasters.

    High alert mode - the functioning of the system when the industrial, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological), seismic and hydrometeorological situation deteriorates, when a forecast is received about the possibility of an emergency. In this mode, the CoES is obliged to assess emerging threats, probable scenarios for the development of the situation, take measures to strengthen the duty dispatch service, control and surveillance to alert forces and means and clarify their action plans.

    If necessary, an operational group can be formed from the CoES of the facility to identify the reasons for the deterioration of the situation at the facility, develop proposals for preventing an emergency, for localizing and eliminating an emergency if it occurs, for organizing the protection of facility personnel and the environment directly in the disaster area.

    The composition of the task force can be determined in advance. In this case (option), it may look like this:

    Head of the OG - deputy. chairman of the commission (chief engineer). Team members: head of emergency technical service, chief fire service, Deputy Head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Department.

    Emergency mode - the functioning of the system when an emergency occurs and during the liquidation of an emergency. The main activity of the CoES in this mode is direct management of emergency response and protection of personnel from emerging (expected) dangers.

    b) Planning of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies

    Planning of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies is organized by Chairman of the site's CoES. When planning, it is envisaged to resolve the main issues of organizing actions to prevent and eliminate emergencies at the site, the main of which are:

    • -- implementation of the entire range of measures to protect personnel, buildings, structures and the territory of the facility from natural and man-made emergencies;
    • -- ensuring personnel protection in various types of emergencies;
    • -- allocation of the necessary forces and means to carry out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

    Members of the CoES, employees of the civil defense and emergency department and civil defense services, and chief specialists who are not heads of services are involved in the planning and development of documents. If necessary, specialists from design and expert organizations are involved.

    Based on forecasting and analysis of the situation that may develop on the territory of the facility in the event of an emergency, methods of protection and a set of measures are determined that need to be planned for the reliable protection of personnel and the territory of the facility.

    In this case, the following must be taken into account:

    • -- the presence of potentially hazardous areas directly at the facility, possible scenarios for the development of emergency situations during their operation;
    • -- potentially dangerous objects on the territory of the district (region), accidents at which may have an impact on the object;
    • -- possible natural disasters in the area where the facility is located;
    • -- forces and means of the facility, possible reinforcement options for carrying out measures to protect personnel and eliminate emergencies;
    • -- approximate volume, procedure and timing of measures to prevent or reduce damage from emergencies, protect personnel and conduct emergency response and emergency measures; -- other initial data for planning, determined by local conditions and the specifics of the facility’s activities.

    When planning measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies at hazardous production facilities, the list of which is determined in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997), the Declaration of Industrial Safety is studied and taken into account of your facility and the Emergency Localization Plan, as well as the latest regulations of state supervision authorities (Gosgortekhnadzor, Gospozhnadzor, Gossanepidnadzor, etc.).

    In all cases, the development of documents on the organization and implementation of emergency prevention and response measures and force management should begin with the development of the main document - the facility's Action Plan for the prevention and response to emergencies. In parallel, other CoES documents listed in the third section of this manual can be developed.

    The practical development of CoES documents, as a rule, is directly organized by the deputy chairmen of the commission - the chief engineer and the head of the civil defense and emergency department of the facility. The executors submit the prepared documents to the head of the civil defense and emergency department by the established deadline. If necessary, they are submitted for consideration (approval) by the CoES. The final revision (adjustment) and approval of documents is carried out by the civil defense and emergency department of the facility. Documents signed and approved by the relevant officials are submitted for approval to the chairman of the facility’s CoES.

    c) Organization of preparation for actions in case of emergency

    Training of management personnel, forces and means, as well as facility personnel for actions in case of emergencies is organized and carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 1995 No. 738 “On the procedure for preparing the population in the field of protection from emergency situations”, organizational methodological instructions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on this issue for the next year, relevant orders or instructions of senior civil defense chiefs and the head of the civil defense facility.

    The main objectives of training, including in wartime, are:

    • -- training of all groups of the population in the rules of behavior and the basics of protection from emergencies, methods of providing first aid to victims, rules for using protective structures and by individual means protection;
    • -- training (retraining) of facility managers and specialists and developing their skills in preparing and managing forces and means for emergency response;
    • -- practical mastery by the management of the civil defense services of the facility, all personnel of the formations of their duties under the Autonomous and Donetsk People's Republic and methods of carrying them out.

    Training of management personnel and specialists of the facility is carried out periodically in training and methodological centers for civil defense and emergency situations and annually directly at the facility.

    Training of special non-paramilitary forces is carried out directly on site according to existing programs.

    At the facility, training of management personnel, specialists, command officers and all other personnel of the formations is carried out in classes, CoES training, staff training, command and staff exercises and complex exercises (on-site training).

    Training of facility personnel who are not part of the command and control bodies and formations is organized and carried out at the place of work in classes, drills and comprehensive exercises.

    The above-mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 1995 No. 738 provides for regular exercises and training that allow, along with training, to check the degree of readiness of management bodies, formations and all personnel of the facility to act in emergency situations. It has been established that:

    • -- command post exercises or staff training at facilities are carried out once a year for up to one day;
    • -- special tactical exercises, lasting up to eight hours, are conducted with formations of objects once every three years, with high-readiness formations - once a year;
    • -- complex exercises, lasting up to two days, are carried out once every three years at enterprises with more than 300 employees; with a smaller number of employees, training is conducted at the same time (up to eight hours).

    Site exercises may be combined with city or regional exercises.

    d) Organization of work to create and improve the material and technical base

    The focus of the CoES on this issue should be:

    • -- creation and improvement of warning, communication and control systems (including local ones);
    • -- creation of the required stock of personal and medical protective equipment. (Stocks of funds are placed taking into account the possibility of quickly issuing them to facility employees and the population. To ensure the implementation of work on decontamination, degassing and disinfection of the territory, buildings and

    facilities, reserves of decontaminating, degassing and disinfecting substances are also created in advance);

    • -- accumulation of a fund of protective structures in accordance with the requirements of civil engineering and technical measures. (An inventory of basements and other buried premises that can be adapted for shelter is carried out. Monitoring is carried out over the readiness of existing shelters and shelters to receive those being sheltered);
    • -- acquisition of necessary machinery and equipment for special (non-military) civil defense formations (providing equipment with fuel and lubricants).

    The CoES also considers and resolves logistical issues related to possible evacuation.

    e) Implementation of measures to protect facility personnel in the event of a threat or emergency

    Upon receipt of information about the threat of an emergency situation, the facility’s CoES begins to function in high alert mode and assumes direct management of all activities of the facility’s RSChS unit. The duty service reports the situation to the chairman of the CoES and notifies the members of the commission. The Chairman of the CoES takes measures to verify the accuracy of the received data and additional information about the situation. If necessary, urgently sends a task force directly to the place where the threat of an emergency has arisen.

    The activities of the commission from the moment of receiving data about the threat of an emergency should be based on the following requirements:

    • -- ensuring the implementation of the entire range of measures in a short time to protect the facility personnel and the population;
    • -- making decisions in advance, as early as possible, in accordance with the current situation;
    • - selection of activities and their implementation in a sequence determined by the prevailing situation.

    The commission carries out measures to protect facility personnel, prevent emergencies or reduce possible damage from them on the basis of an Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations, which includes clarifications taking into account the expected type (type) of emergency situations and the current situation.

    The head of the facility - the chairman of the CoES, with the emergence of a threat of emergency, puts into effect paragraph 1 of section II of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Disasters. Involving all members of the commission, heads of structural units and commanders of formations, organizes and conducts the following main events at the facility:

    • -- strengthening the duty dispatch service;
    • -- strengthening monitoring and control over the state of the environment, the situation in potentially dangerous areas of the facility and adjacent territories;
    • -- forecasting the possible situation at the site, its scale and consequences;
    • -- checking systems and means of warning and communication;
    • -- taking measures to protect personnel and the population, territory and increase the sustainability of the facility;
    • -- increasing the readiness of forces and means intended to eliminate a possible emergency situation, clarifying their action plans and moving, if necessary, to the areas of proposed work (actions);
    • -- preparation for the possible evacuation of personnel and the population of areas of the city (village) adjacent to the facility, and, if necessary, its implementation (to the suburban area - only by order of the higher-level CoES).

    At the same time, the CoES and the city (district) civil defense and emergency department are informed about the emerging threat.

    The methodology and sequence of work of the chairman and members of the facility’s CoES in the event of a threat and the occurrence of an emergency in each specific case will be determined:

    • -- type of accident (with the release of radioactive or highly toxic substances, transport, fire, etc.) or type of natural disaster (earthquake, flood, storm, etc.);
    • -- the scale of the consequences of the emergency (local, local, territorial, regional, federal);
    • -- removing the source of the accident from the object;
    • -- weather conditions at the time of the emergency;
    • -- the terrain and the nature of the development;
    • - availability of personal and collective defense, as well as other factors.

    The Chairman of the CoES, taking into account the reports of officials and the report of the head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department, makes appropriate decisions, formalizing them with an order (instruction). Members of the commission, after receiving tasks from the chairman, control the implementation of events in subordinate areas, provide practical help heads of structural units and commanders of formations.

    Particular attention is paid to the organization of personnel protection in workshops (areas) with a continuous cycle of work, which will continue to function in conditions of radioactive contamination of the territory.

    At the time established by the chairman of the CoES, members of the commission and heads of structural divisions report personally or using technical means of communication on the activities carried out.

    In conditions of slight removal of the source of the accident or its location directly at the facility, as well as in the event of sudden natural disasters, there may not be a period of threat of an emergency. The CoES and the entire RSChS facility unit immediately begin to function in emergency mode.

    In case of sudden emergencies, the Chairman of the CoES does not hold a general meeting of the commission members. Members of the commission, especially those appointed to the operational group, begin to act in the manner determined by their functional responsibilities, the work schedule of the CoES and the preliminary orders of the chairman of the commission; they constantly inform the management of the CoES about the measures taken and the situation.

    If an emergency occurs at the site, the duty service immediately reports the incident to officials, according to the instructions. By order of the Chairman of the CoES (Head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department), a notification scheme for management personnel and a notification system for site personnel are activated. The duty service of the facility reports by telephone to the duty service of the district (city) and to the civil defense and emergency department. The report is subsequently confirmed in writing.

    In case of accidents with the release of hazardous substances, duty services of chemically hazardous facilities immediately notify the personnel of their enterprise, as well as the population and objects located in the coverage area of ​​local warning systems, and report to the civil defense and emergency management department of the city (district).

    It is advisable to first practice the procedure for members of the CoES in case of sudden emergencies during trainings (business games) of the commission. A version of the preliminary order of the Chairman of the CoES for eliminating the accident of a container with hazardous chemicals located at the facility is given in Appendix 8.

    With the occurrence of an emergency, by order of the head of the facility, an emergency mode of operation of the facility unit of the RSChS is introduced and the implementation of the measures provided for in Section II of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations to protect personnel and the territory of the facility, to prevent the development and liquidation of emergencies is organized.

    Measures to protect personnel, eliminate emergency situations and its consequences can be divided into two stages.

    The first stage: taking emergency measures to protect personnel, preventing the development of emergencies and carrying out emergency rescue operations.

    Emergency measures to protect facility personnel include:

    • -- warning about danger and informing about the rules of behavior;
    • -- use of protective equipment and medical prevention (based on the situation);
    • -- evacuation of workers from areas where there is a danger of injury to people;
    • -- providing victims with first medical and other types of aid.

    To prevent or reduce the consequences of an emergency, the actions provided for in the plan to localize the accident, suspend or change technological process production, prevention of explosions and fires.

    At the same time, reconnaissance and assessment of the current situation are carried out, measures to protect personnel and eliminate emergencies are specified.

    In accordance with the Action Plan... forces and means are introduced and increased to carry out emergency rescue operations, during which the following are carried out:

    • -- searching for victims, extracting them from rubble, burning buildings, damaged vehicles and evacuation (removal, withdrawal, removal) of people from dangerous zones (places);
    • -- provision of first medical and other aid to victims;
    • -- localization of the source of damage, elimination of fires, removal of rubble, strengthening of structures that threaten to collapse.

    Work related to the rescue of people is organized and carried out continuously until its complete completion. If necessary, by decision of the chairman of the CoES (the head of work at the site), the change and rest of the personnel of the formations are organized at the work site or in designated areas.

    The leadership of the ASiDPR is carried out on the principles of unity of command in accordance with Article 14 Federal Law“On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers.”

    The Chairman of the CoES of the facility carries out general management of formations and activities in structural units from the control point of the facility or being directly at the work sites. In this case, the work of the commission at the control point is managed by the deputy chairman of the commission - the head of the civil defense and emergency department. If necessary and possible, an operational control center is deployed directly in the work area.

    Communication is the main means of ensuring the management of services, formations and structural divisions of an object. It is organized in accordance with the decision of the chairman of the CoES, the instructions of the head of the civil defense and emergency department of the facility and the communication order of the higher CoES.

    The head of the department is responsible for organizing communications and notification, and the head of the warning and communications service of the civil defense facility directly organizes and provides communication and notification.

    Radio, wire, mobile and signaling means are used for communication. The means of communication of the CoES and the formations involved in the conduct of the Emergency Response and Donetsk People's Republic must be used comprehensively and ensure the reliability, reliability and speed of transmission of orders, instructions, warning signals and various information.

    During the work, a commandant service, protection of material assets, and registration of victims and dead are organized. Medical assistance to victims is organized in the form of self- and mutual assistance, by the medical personnel of the formations, at the medical station of the facility and in the nearest treatment and preventive institutions of the health care system.

    At the second stage, the tasks of priority life support for the population affected by the disaster are solved. Work is being carried out to restore energy and utility networks, communication lines, roads and structures in the interests of ensuring rescue operations and primary life support for the population.

    Sanitary treatment of people, decontamination, degassing, disinfection of clothing and footwear, transport, equipment, roads, structures, facility areas, etc. are carried out.

    Are being created necessary conditions for life support of the affected population to preserve and maintain the health and performance of people when they are in emergency zones and during evacuation (temporary resettlement).

    The main life support measures for the affected and evacuated population are carried out under the leadership of the CoES of local territorial authorities with the involvement of the CoES of facilities.

    To this end, the following activities are carried out:

    • -- temporary accommodation of the population left homeless;
    • -- providing people with uncontaminated (uncontaminated) food, water and basic necessities;
    • -- creating conditions for normal activities of enterprises utilities, transport and healthcare facilities;
    • -- organization of accounting and distribution of material assistance;
    • -- carrying out the necessary sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures;
    • -- carrying out work among the population to reduce the consequences of the mental impact of emergencies, eliminating shock states;
    • -- resettlement of the evacuated population in safe areas, provision of food, basic necessities, and medical care.

    Reports on the emergency situation that has arisen, the progress of its liquidation and the final results are submitted in the prescribed manner to the higher emergency commission and the civil defense and emergency management body.

    1. RSChS must perform the following main functions:

    – prevent the occurrence of emergencies;

    – protect the population and facilities in emergencies;

    – reduce losses and damage from emergencies;

    – eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

    It unites governing bodies, forces and means of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies local government and organizations that are specifically authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and civil defense.

    Territorial subsystems are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (within their territories) and consist of units corresponding to the administrative-territorial division of the constituent entities.

    1. According to the organizational structure, RSChS includes five levels: federal; interregional; regional; municipal, facility.

    2. At each level of the unified system the following are created:

    – coordinating bodies;

    – permanent governing bodies;

    – day-to-day management bodies;

    – forces and means, reserves of financial and material resources, communication systems, warning systems and information support.

    5. The coordinating bodies of the unified system at each level are:

    – Federal – Government Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety (CoES PB). Similar commissions are created in ministries and departments at the federal level;

    – interregional - within the relevant federal district, coordination of activities is carried out by the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a given federal district;

    – regional - the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (CoES PB);

    – municipal and facility-CoES PB of local governments and facilities (organizations), respectively.

    These commissions (CoES PB) are headed, respectively, by the heads of these government bodies or their deputies.

    The competencies of such commissions and the procedure for their decision-making are determined in the regulations on them or in decisions on their formation.

    6. Permanent management bodies of the system are created and carry out their activities in the manner established by the laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents. Their competence and powers are determined by the relevant regulations on them or the charters of these bodies.

    Fig.4. 2. Structure of the object link in the RSChS system

    Such bodies in the system at each level are:

    – federal - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, a division of federal executive authorities to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and civil defense;

    – at the interregional level – territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia – regional centers (RC) for civil defense, emergencies and liquidation of consequences of security incidents (hereinafter referred to as regional centers);

    – regional – territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia – bodies specially authorized to solve the problems of civil defense, emergencies and liquidation of consequences of the security forces in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation – the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia);

    – municipal – bodies specifically authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and (or) civil defense under local government bodies (OU GOES);

    – object – structural divisions of organizations authorized to solve the problems of civil and emergency situations.

    7. The day-to-day management bodies of the system are:

    – crisis management centers (CCC), information centers (IC), duty dispatch services (DDS) of federal executive authorities;

    – TsUKS RC;

    – TsUKS of the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of RUSSIA for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, IC of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    – unified duty and dispatch services of municipalities;

    – duty and dispatch services of organizations.

    The RSChS diagram is shown in Fig. 4.1. The structure of the objective link in the RSChS system is shown in Fig. 4.2.

    The placement of controls, depending on the situation, can be at stationary or mobile control points (CP). CPs are equipped and equipped with all mechanical means of control, warning, information display, life support and other means.

    8. The forces and means of the unified system include specially trained forces and means of all executive authorities at any level, as well as the forces of civil defense, ministries and departments, public associations intended (allocated) to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

    The basis of such forces and means are emergency rescue units and emergency rescue services.

    9. To eliminate emergencies, the following are created and used: the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation; mat stocks valuables to ensure urgent work; financial and materiel reserves resources of federal executive authorities, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations.

    10. All activities in a unified system for preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergencies are carried out according to appropriate plans, which must be at each level of the system.

    11. The operation of the unified system (RFS) can be carried out in the following modes:

    – daily activities;

    – high alert mode;

    – emergency mode (in the event of an emergency and its elimination).

    12. Management of forces and means during emergency response, organization of their interaction is carried out by work managers. The latter are appointed by the authorities state power, local governments and heads of organizations.

    In cases of extreme necessity, work managers have the right to independently make decisions on the following issues (which they inform higher authorities about):

    – carrying out evacuation measures;

    – stopping the work of organizations located in the emergency zone;

    – carrying out emergency rescue operations at facilities and territories of organizations located in the emergency zone;

    – restrictions on people’s access to the emergency zone;

    – release of reserves of material resources of organizations located in the emergency zone (with the exception of the state material reserve) and other necessary issues.

    The decisions of emergency response managers are binding on all citizens and organizations located in the emergency zone.

    13. The procedure for organizing and carrying out work to prevent fires and extinguish them, as well as carrying out emergency rescue operations assigned to fire department, is determined by legislative and other regulations - legal acts in the field of fire safety, incl. technical regulations.

    The main tasks of the commission for the prevention and response to emergencies and ensuring fire safety (CoES PB):

    – development of proposals for implementation public policy in this area;

    – coordination of the activities of governing bodies and forces of the unified system;

    – ensuring consistency of actions of all executive authorities at all levels of the system in the field of emergency prevention and response and fire safety, as well as restoration and construction of residential buildings, housing and communal services, social services and other facilities damaged and destroyed as a result of emergencies ;

    – consideration of issues regarding the involvement of civil defense forces and resources in the organization and implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies in the manner prescribed by law.

    Other tasks may be assigned to the relevant commissions by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc. government agencies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations.

    Regulations on civil defense (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, Art. 26.11.2007, No. 804).

    1. Preparation for civil defense consists of the advance implementation of measures to prepare for the protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during military operations or as a result of natural and man-made emergencies.

    2. Conducting civil defense consists of carrying out activities (according to clause 1).

    3. Federal authorities executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies and organizations, in order to solve problems in the field of civil defense, in accordance with established powers, create and maintain forces, means, civil defense facilities, stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means, plan and carry out civil defense activities.

    4. The procedure for preparing for and conducting civil defense is determined by regulations at all levels of executive power and in organizations. Such Regulations are approved by relevant managers at all levels.

    5. Civil defense is carried out on the basis of the “Plan for civil defense and protection of the population.” Plans are also developed by civil defense and emergency management bodies at all levels of the RSChS. Such plans determine the volume, organization, order, methods and timing of implementation of measures to bring civil defense to the established degrees of readiness when transferring it from peacetime to wartime, during its conduct, as well as in the event of an emergency.

    6. The main activities carried out through civil defense are:

    Collection of information on the results of observation and control over the state of the natural environment, on the situation at potentially hazardous objects and adjacent territories;

    – planning and implementation of training of the population in the field of civil defense and emergency situations;

    – organization of comprehensive notification of the population about the dangers of peace and war;

    – organizing the evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

    – providing the population with means of collective and individual protection;

    – providing light and other types of object camouflage;

    – organization and conduct of emergency rescue operations in cases of danger arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as other emergencies that have arisen;

    – planning and organization of comprehensive life support for the affected population from any emergencies, incl. medical care, first aid. assistance, provision of housing and other necessary urgent measures;

    – fighting fires that occurred during or as a result of military operations;

    – detection and designation of areas subjected to radioactive, chemical, biological and other contamination (contamination);

    – organizing and carrying out disinfection of buildings, structures, equipment and sanitary treatment of people;

    – restoration and maintenance of proper order in the affected areas;

    – restoration of the functioning of public services in the affected areas;

    – implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population;

    – urgent burial of corpses.


    on the Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety (CoES and Fire Safety)


    1. The Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety (CoES and Fire Safety) is the coordinating body of the facility’s RSChS. It is created by order of the school director from the most trained and responsible employees.

    2. The Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety in its work is guided by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders, resolutions and instructions of territorial and departmental government bodies, these Regulations and others regulatory documents on issues of prevention and response to emergency situations.

    3.The decisions of the commission, taken within its competence, are binding on all school personnel.

    4. In the process of collecting and exchanging information about the emergency situation that has arisen and eliminating its consequences, the commission interacts with the emergency and fire safety commission of the district (city), the civil defense and emergency response headquarters of the district.

    5. The working body of the chairman of the CoES and PB is the headquarters of the school’s Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, which develops work plans and other documents of the commission. The organization and management of the daily activities of the CoES and Fire Safety is carried out by the school director.

    2. MAIN TASKS of CoES and Fire Protection.

    1.Management of the development and implementation of measures to prevent emergency situations and act in emergency situations.

    2. Ensuring the readiness of management bodies to act in emergency situations, managing the liquidation of their consequences, organizing evacuation measures.

    3. Organization of training of management personnel, as well as staff and students for skillful and active actions in emergency situations.

    3. CoES and Firefighter HAS THE RIGHT:

    1. Within the limits of his competence, make decisions that are binding on the staff and students of the school.

    2. Involve school personnel to eliminate the consequences of an emergency.

    3.Install at school in accordance with the current situation special treatment functioning of the object link of the RSChS with a report to the higher CoES and PB.

    4.Stop classes at school if there is an immediate threat of an emergency.


    1. The daily activities of the CoES and Fire Department are organized in accordance with its work plan. Meetings are held once a quarter, unscheduled -
    by decision of the chairman. During the period between meetings, decisions are made by the chairman and communicated to the entire composition of the CoES and PB or, in the form of instructions, to its individual members.

    2. The distribution of responsibilities in the CoES and Fire Department is carried out by the chairman and formalized in the form of functional responsibilities by the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations of the facility.

    3. Notification of members of the CoES and Fire Department in the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency (with receipt of a signal, order) is carried out by the school duty service.

    4. In the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency, the commission is located in the office of the school director.


    1. Management of CoES and Fire Protection:

    The chairman of the CoES and PB is the director (deputy director) of the school.

    2. Composition of CoES and PB:

    - deputy school director;

    — assistant director for logistics;

    - accountant;

    — manager (chief) of the first-aid post;

    3. The working body of the CoES and Fire Department is the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters.

    Chief of Staff of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations ________________________