Why is unemployment benefit less than the subsistence minimum? Amount of unemployment benefit: minimum, maximum, payment procedure. In what cases are payments temporarily suspended while maintaining the status?

In Russia, after 10 years, unemployment benefits will increase - from January 1, 2019 its minimum size will be 1,500 instead of 850 rubles, and the maximum will be 8,000 instead of 4,900 rubles. An increased amount of unemployment benefits in 2019 in Russia is established for first-retirement pensioners - min. 1,500, max. – 11,280 rubles. The corresponding amendments are contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 2018 No. 1375 “On the amounts of the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits for 2019.” The document was published on the official Internet portallegal information.

We’ll tell you how much unemployment will be paid at the labor exchange in 2019; which is established in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other citiesunemployment benefits in 2019 – Which size and procedure for payment unemployed.

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In mid-November, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a Government Resolution increasing the amount of unemployment benefits for the first time in 10 years from January 1, 2019 in Russia. The official text of the document is published below.

Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 15, 2018 N 1375 Moscow “On the amount of minimum and maximum unemployment benefits for 2019”

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Set to 2019:

the minimum amount of unemployment benefits in the amount of 1,500 rubles, the maximum amount of unemployment benefits in the amount of 8,000 rubles - for citizens recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, with the exception of citizens of pre-retirement age specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 342 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population” in the Russian Federation";

the minimum amount of unemployment benefit in the amount of 1,500 rubles, the maximum amount of unemployment benefit in the amount of 11,280 rubles - for citizens of pre-retirement age recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unemployed, specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 342 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” .

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation

D. Medvedev

Unemployed status

According to paragraph 1 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation” dated April 19, 1991 (with latest changes dated July 29, 2017), state guarantees for non-members labor relations Russians are provided if they simultaneously:

  • registered at the labor exchange;
  • continue to look for work.

Paragraph 3 of the same article states the reasons why registration will be refused:

  • availability of work;
  • young age (up to 16 years);
  • retirement;
  • providing false information;
  • the status applicant is convicted.

The decision on registration and payment of unemployment benefits will be made no later than 11 days after contacting the employment center. The following must be attached to the relevant application:

  • general passport;
  • school certificate, diploma, certificates, certificates and other educational documents;
  • work book (if any);
  • certificate of income for the last three months (required in some cases).

Those who are rejected have the right to re-apply after a month.

Payment periods

Unemployment benefits are accrued from the day the citizen is declared unemployed. In 2019, the rules in this part do not change.

Under general rule Employees of liquidated companies and others who lost their jobs due to circumstances beyond their control, for example, those who were laid off, are not covered, since they retain the right to two average earnings (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In these cases, financial support will be provided after the termination of payments guaranteed by the Labor Code.

The length of the period for receiving benefits is determined by the length of service and the time of dismissal. Financial assistance for 12 months, and in case of unsuccessful attempts to find a job - also in the second year period, is received by:

  • who worked at the last place of employment for at least six months (26 weeks) at a full time rate or part-time, if the time worked meets the specified requirements;
  • have served in the army, if the total length of service before conscription is at least six months, and they worked full time. This paragraph was introduced by Law No. 235-FZ of July 29, 2017.

The time for calculating benefits is no more than 12 months per year and a half. For example, if the payment was made monthly for a year, then there will be a break in the next six months. If attempts to find a job during this time have not brought results, the citizen can re-apply for financial support for the next 12 months.

The time for contacting the employment service is limited to the calendar year after losing a job or being transferred to the reserve. If this deadline is not met, the first payment period will be shortened to six months, and the second, of the same duration, will begin six months later. Benefits are paid to the rest of the unemployed according to a similar scheme:

  • dismissed under the article;
  • with short experience (less than six months);
  • no work experience.

The recipient of state assistance must undergo re-registration (no more than twice a month - this is the requirement of Article 31). Otherwise sanctions will be applied:

  • termination of payments;
  • suspension of accrual of money for up to three months;
  • reduction of the amount by 25%.

Since communication with employees of employment authorities is not limited to periodic updating of the registration sheet, the termination of payments will lead not only to violations of the conditions of re-registration, but also to repeated unreasonable refusal of offered vacancies: in order to regularly receive benefits, those registered must confirm their intention to find a permanent source of income. In turn, labor exchanges do not have the right to offer a job that is unsuitable for a particular candidate - it is beyond his strength, does not correspond to his qualifications and is located outside the locality.

Increase in unemployment benefits in 2019

The Government of the Russian Federation annually approves the maximum and minimum unemployment benefits. Payments to unemployed citizens cannot be higher than the first and lower than the second indicator. In 2018, by Decree No. 1423 of November 24, 2017, the limit values ​​were determined at the level approved 10 years ago:

  • minimum – 850 rubles;
  • maximum – 4,900 rubles.

In 2019, as mentioned above, there will be an increase in unemployment benefits in accordance with Resolution No. 1375 of November 15, 2018.

  • minimum - 1,500 rubles;
  • maximum - 8,000 rubles.

A separate increased benefit from January 1, 2019 is established for citizens of pre-retirement age who have less than 5 years of work left before retirement.

  • minimum - 1,500;
  • maximum - 11,280.

Residents of territories where it is installed regional coefficient, also provided for increased unemployment benefits in 2019. Among such regions: Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions and a number of others.

In the Krasnodar region, in Samara region and other subjects where the increasing rate is not applied, the amount of the benefit is equal to the federal one.

Calculation of payments

For citizens who have the required continuous work experience and registered in a timely manner, the amount of unemployment benefits in 2019 in Russia is calculated based on the average earnings that they received shortly before dismissal. According to Article 30, in the first one-year period the amount of payments will be:

  • in the first three months – 75% of the average value;
  • in the next four – 60%;
  • in the remaining five – 45%.

Moreover, whatever the result of the calculation, the amount of unemployment benefits should not exceed the maximum amount (requirement of Article 33). In the final 12-month period, the payment amount is reduced to a minimum value of 850 rubles.

Orphans who have lost their parents in underage, if two conditions are met - they have not yet turned 23 years old and they have not previously applied for benefits - in the first six months an amount equal to the average monthly accrued salary is accrued. They receive the minimum benefit for the next six months.

The rest of the unemployed, both in the first six-month period of payments and in the second, can only count on 850 rubles per month.

Unemployment benefits in 2019 in Moscow

In the capital, the amount of unemployment benefits is higher than in Russia as a whole: in 2019 in Moscow, in addition to the payment guaranteed by federal legislation, an additional payment from the city budget is required in an amount equal to the minimum benefit (+ 1,500 rubles).

In addition to the cash bonus, Law No. 46 “On Employment in the City of Moscow” dated 10/01/2008 and Moscow Government Decree No. 47-PP dated 01/27/2009 provide for other support measures:

  • partial reimbursement of travel costs in public transport;
  • financial assistance to temporarily disabled Muscovites;
  • allocation cash from the city budget in the event of the death of an unemployed person or a member of his family.

In the Moscow region, residents who have lost their jobs are paid only the amount determined at the federal level.

Unemployment benefits in 2019 in St. Petersburg

There is no increasing coefficient in the northern capital; accordingly, the minimum and maximum unemployment benefits in St. Petersburg in 2019 are 1,500 and 8,000 rubles. Unemployed city residents who received benefits for two periods and lost their right to monthly payment, can apply for additional financial assistance in an amount not exceeding 1,500 rubles. To do this, they need to go through the re-registration procedure at the labor exchange.

IN Leningrad region in addition to federal guarantees, the amount of remuneration for participation in community service. According to the resolution of the regional government No. 17 of 02/09/2017, financial assistance is provided from the regional budget to:

  • officially recognized as unemployed, involved in public and temporary work - in the amount of twice the minimum benefit for the days actually worked;
  • for young residents of the region aged 14 to 18 years working in the direction of the labor exchange - the amount of the minimum benefit increased by one and a half times.

Unemployment benefits in Russia: who is it paid to?

Unemployment benefits are available to unemployed citizens registered with the employment service. The purpose of its payment is to provide a person with a means of subsistence while looking for a job. However, every unemployed person needs to take into account one important point - the payment of benefits has a time frame. If he is listed as unemployed long time, then a moment will come when benefits will no longer be paid. This rule is necessary to encourage citizens to actively search for work.

The rules for assigning and paying benefits are regulated by the Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1.

Persons at least 16 years of age who:

  • don't study full-time;
  • not employed;
  • not appointed or elected to a paid position;
  • do not work under contracts of a civil law nature, including do not sell products obtained in the course of subsidiary trades under contracts;
  • are not temporarily absent from work for valid reasons (vacation, retraining and other reasons are taken into account);
  • not registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • are not founders or participants commercial organizations(except for some, for example, homeowners' associations);
  • do not receive an old-age or long-service pension;
  • do not engage in secondary fishing with subsequent sale of products;
  • do not undergo military or equivalent service;
  • are not members of the farm.

The benefit is accrued from the day the citizen is declared unemployed. But there is one exception here. The fact is that if an employee was fired due to a reduction, then his average salary is retained for a certain period. In this case, unemployment benefits will begin to be paid only after the employee ceases to receive average earnings from his last place of work.

Citizens who have lost their jobs for any reason have the right to receive unemployment benefits, including leaving work for at will and upon dismissal for committing disciplinary offenses. However, the reason for dismissal can significantly affect the amount of payments. Citizens who did not have an official job before registering as unemployment are also entitled to receive benefits, but they will be assigned a minimum amount.

Unemployment benefit amount: will there be indexation?

Unlike most government benefits, which are indexed annually for inflation, unemployment benefits have not increased since 2009. Every year, the Russian Government adopts a resolution on the amount of the minimum and maximum benefit, and these amounts do not change from year to year. This situation causes bewilderment among the people also because the size of even the maximum benefit is much lower living wage throughout the country (in the regions the minimum in 2017 varies between 7,460 (Kursk region) - 19,000 rubles (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)). In addition, payments to the unemployed in foreign countries are often much higher than the amount of benefits in our country.

The authorities, in particular the Ministry of Labor, explain the stability of the amount of unemployment benefits for three main reasons:

  • an increase in the size of payments may encourage citizens to leave work in order to receive state benefits;
  • according to official statistics, the number of vacancies exceeds the number of unemployed, so there is a high probability of them being quickly employed, which means they will only have to live off benefits for a short time;
  • An increase in the benefit amount will entail significant budget expenses; they can only be compensated for by reducing the benefit payment period.

For these reasons, the minimum and maximum benefits for 2017 were approved by the Government in the same amounts as in the previous year.

How much money do the unemployed get? Unemployment benefit amount 2017-2018

As a general rule, the amount of unemployment benefits is determined depending on the average salary at the last place of employment. This rule cannot be applied to some unemployed people. For example, to those who have not previously had an official job. Therefore, for citizens who want to find a job for the first time, and in some other cases, the amount of the benefit is fixed - it is paid in a minimum amount.

Don't know your rights?

To calculate the amount of unemployment benefits, only white wages are taken into account, which is confirmed in the established form (2-NDFL). A salary certificate must be obtained from the accounting department of the organization in which the unemployed previously worked.

When calculating the benefit amount, you need to keep in mind that it has a set maximum amount. In 2017-2018 the maximum possible benefit amount is 4,900 rubles. In the northern, Siberian, Far Eastern regions of our country, as well as in the Urals, increasing coefficients are provided. When calculating benefits in these regions, its maximum amount increases by the corresponding factor.

The benefit is paid throughout the year and is calculated in the following amounts:

  • the first 3 months - 75% of the average salary;
  • the next 4 months - 60%;
  • the remaining 5 months - 45%.

If, when calculated as a percentage of average earnings, the benefit turns out to be less than the minimum, then it will be accrued in the minimum amount.

The benefit as a percentage of earnings is paid for no more than a year. Then, no benefits will be paid to the unemployed for 6 months. If a citizen does not find a job, then after 1.5 years from the date of registration he will receive a minimum benefit.

Minimum unemployment benefit 2017-2018

Currently, the minimum unemployment benefit is 850 rubles. In those regions of our country where regional coefficients are established, this size increases accordingly.

The minimum benefit is assigned to the following categories of unemployed:

  • persons who are looking for work for the first time (this includes, in particular, graduates of vocational educational institutions; school graduates who entered the correspondence department to study; workers who worked without official registration);
  • citizens who have not worked for more than 1 year before registering for unemployment;
  • individual entrepreneurs who have deregistered;
  • employees dismissed “under article” for illegal actions: showing up at work while drunk, absenteeism, etc.;
  • persons who worked less than 26 full weeks before dismissal (if the employee worked part-time, then the time worked by him is recalculated at the rate of 40 hours of work = 1 full week);
  • unemployed people sent by the employment center for training and expelled for misconduct.

Payment of the minimum benefit to the listed persons is carried out within six months. If, after 12 months from the date of recognition as unemployed, a person still has not found a job, a benefit in the amount of 850 rubles. will be paid for another 6 months.

For other unemployed people, benefits are accrued in a minimum amount under the following conditions:

  1. For 12 months they received benefits as a percentage of earnings, and then there was a 6-month break in the payment of benefits.
  2. 18 months have passed since registration with the employment service.
  3. During this period they were never employed.

Unemployment benefits in the minimum amount will be paid to this category of unemployed for no more than 12 months.

Can the benefit amount be reduced?

Unemployed people registered with the employment center are required to follow certain rules: appear in a timely manner for re-registration, undergo training directed by the center, participate in paid public works, etc. For failure to fulfill duties, sanctions may be imposed on a citizen, including termination of payments benefits.

One of the types of sanctions is a reduction in the amount of unemployment benefits by 1/4. This can happen in 2 cases:

  • failure to appear at the employment center for a referral to study or work;
  • failure to appear within 3 days (from the date of receipt of the referral) to the employer to discuss employment opportunities.

Such behavior of an unemployed person will be considered a violation if there were no valid reasons for failure to appear. To confirm that the violation of the deadline was forced, the employment service will have to submit available documents (for example, a subpoena to the court, to the investigator or to the military registration and enlistment office, a certificate of incapacity for work, etc.). In addition, it would be a good idea to warn the employment service specialist in advance that it will not be possible to fulfill the obligation on time.

The amount of the benefit paid is reduced for a short period - no more than a month. If the violation is repeated, the benefit amount may be reduced again. Both the benefit calculated as a percentage of average earnings and the minimum benefit can be reduced. The head of the employment center issues an order to reduce the amount of payment, with which the unemployed must be familiarized with signature.

Benefit amount in Moscow

The amount of unemployment benefits in the capital is determined by the same rules as throughout the country. The minimum and maximum benefits are the same as in other regions of the Russian Federation. However, unemployed residents of the capital who are registered with the employment service, in addition to the benefit itself, receive a certain allowance from the city budget. Its amount corresponds to the minimum benefit established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In other words, in 2017-2018. residents of Moscow in addition to unemployment benefits calculated according to general rules, receive a payment of 850 rubles. It was established by Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 27, 2009 No. 47-PP.

Such additional payment is accrued from the same moment as the benefit. In case of suspension or termination of the accrual of benefits, the payment of the “Moscow bonus” is also not carried out. But reducing the benefit amount by 1/4 will not affect the additional payment.

The surcharge is canceled if an unemployed resident of the capital:

  • refused 2 job options that suited his location and qualifications;
  • has no profession, is looking for work for the first time and at the same time has refused public works or training;
  • refused training despite the fact that employers three times refused to hire him due to insufficient qualifications.

In addition to additional payments to unemployment benefits, Moscow provides a number of measures to support unemployed citizens:

  1. Compensation for travel costs in public transport. It is paid for the period when a citizen receives unemployment benefits. Its size is 1/2 the cost of a single travel ticket. Payment occurs monthly along with benefits.
  2. Financial assistance during the illness of an unemployed person who has stopped receiving benefits. A citizen can receive such assistance if the period of payment of benefits to him has expired. To do this you will need to issue sick leave, issued to the employment department of the central employment center of the capital district. The payment is calculated based on the amount of the minimum unemployment benefit: if a citizen was on sick leave for 1 month, then he will be paid 850 rubles; if the period of illness was less than a month, then the amount of payment is reduced accordingly; if more than a month, it increases.
  3. A one-time payment in the event of the death of a family member of the unemployed or himself (in this case, the amount is paid to one of the family members). The amount of payment is the maximum benefit amount (RUB 4,900). To receive assistance, you must contact the employment service with an application and attach a copy of the death certificate.

In the current conditions, losing your job and becoming unemployed is not difficult. Closing enterprises, layoffs, changing professional interests and many other reasons can quickly turn you from a successful employee into an unemployed one. But the reverse transformation is quite difficult and lengthy, and often completely impossible. Therefore, many are now interested in the issues of assigning and receiving unemployment benefits in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. Our article will help you understand the nuances official recognition unemployed and the procedure for paying benefits. You will find out what your chances are of receiving unemployment benefits and what you need to do to achieve this.

Citizens of the Russian Federation can officially obtain the status of unemployed only on the basis of Federal Law No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991 “On Employment.” According to the provisions of this Law, the following categories of citizens can be recognized as unemployed in 2017:

  • able-bodied and over 16 years of age;
  • not engaged in entrepreneurship;
  • not full-time students at universities or retirees;
  • not holding positions in firms and enterprises;
  • to imprisonment or correctional labor.

Every citizen who does not have a job must register with the employment center only at the place of permanent registration. To do this you need:

  • visit the employment center;
  • introduce necessary documents(or another identification document, work book, certificate of average income received upon dismissal).

As practice shows, the greatest problems for citizens who are processing unemployment benefits in Moscow arise when obtaining a certificate of income from their last place of work. The difficulty is that if all other documents are of a permanent nature, then the income certificate is temporary and is drawn up by the organization that provided the work. This means that the likelihood of errors in the process of filling it out is higher. Therefore, you need to make sure that the certificate is drawn up correctly and you do not have to apply for it again. You can download a sample certificate of average earnings to determine the amount of unemployment benefits on our website. Source of the form official website Department of Labor and social protection population of the city of Moscow. If a citizen has never worked anywhere before, then it will be possible to apply for the minimum allowance on the basis of a passport and a document of secondary education.

Deadlines for obtaining unemployed status

The applicant will be able to obtain unemployed status only on the 11th day from the date of submission of documents. During the first 10 days, employees of the employment center offer available vacancies that match their qualifications. If the applicant has an “unpopular” profession, he is offered training or retraining. If within 10 days he does not find a suitable job, then on the 11th day he will receive the status of unemployed and from that day on he will be able to receive unemployment benefits. Registration with the employment service is possible at any time. However, there are some nuances that should be taken into account:

  • if the applicant was fired due to staff reduction, then he must register within two weeks after. In this case, he is guaranteed wages for the third month;
  • If the applicant does not do this or gets a job immediately after dismissal, then he will not be given money for the third “unemployed” month.

There are no other registration requirements. No matter what time after dismissal a citizen brings documents for registration, he will be recognized as unemployed and will be assigned benefits. The amount of unemployment benefits in Moscow depends on whether the citizen worked before or not.

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The amount of unemployment benefits in Moscow in 2017

The amount of the benefit directly depends on the average earnings of a citizen at his last place of work for 3 months. To determine average earnings, you must provide a certificate from your last place of work. The Government Decree provides for the minimum and maximum amount of unemployment benefits. In 2017, this is 850 and 4,900 rubles, respectively.

Government Decree “On the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits for 2017”

These figures can be adjusted by the regional coefficient established by regional authorities. The coefficient depends on the minimum wages and standard of living in the region. Unemployment benefits in Moscow are the highest, since there is a very high regional coefficient. The Moscow authorities add another 850 rubles to the figures established by the Law. Also, unemployed Muscovites are partially compensated for transportation costs.

Payments to each unemployed person are made in the range between the maximum and minimum values. To calculate the specific amount of benefits, it is necessary to proceed from many factors, the most significant of which are length of service and the reason for dismissal. For example, if before the onset of unemployment a person had a permanent paid job for at least twenty-six weeks throughout the year, then the amount of his benefit will be:

  • during the first three months - 75% of the average salary for the last three months of work, but not more than the maximum amount of unemployment benefits in Moscow (with an increasing coefficient to the benefit);
  • in the next four months – 60% of the salary;
  • in the next five months - 45% of the average salary.

Unemployment benefits minimum size receive citizens who:

  • looking for a job for the first time;
  • You worked at your last job for less than 26 weeks;
  • wish to find a job after a year's break;
  • “under the article” fired from the last place of work;
  • left their place of study without permission and without good reason, where they were directed by the employment center.

Within a year and a half, benefits can be accrued and paid only for 12 months. This means that the benefit is not monthly. If an unemployed person, through no fault of his own, has not found a job in a year, then the benefit will be paid for another year, but in a minimum amount. To maintain your unemployed status and receive benefits, you will need to come to the Employment Center at your place of residence once every two weeks to re-register. Otherwise, payment of benefits may be terminated.

Interactive portal of the Moscow Employment Center Website – czn.mos.ru

It is important to remember that paying benefits to unemployed citizens is not the main goal of the employment center. Its main goal is to employ unemployed citizens as soon as possible. Payment of benefits is an additional measure of state support for unemployed citizens. Like many government agencies, Employment Centers have their own official websites. The employment service portal always displays available vacancies, and you can also find the address and contacts of the center you need.

How to register with the employment center?

Official labor market statistics in Moscow

The interactive portal of the Moscow Employment Center contains official statistics characterizing the current situation of the labor market in the capital. For a general idea, we recommend that you get acquainted with it.

Dynamics of labor demand reported to the employment service
of the city of Moscow in 2017 (as of date, units)
Dynamics of the number of unemployed citizens registered with the employment service
Moscow city in 2017 (as of date, people)
Registered unemployment rate relative to population
of working age, by administrative district
(as of 07/20/2017)

According to the International Labor Organization, there are currently approximately 4 million unemployed in Russia. This is 5.4% of the working population. If we take into account hidden unemployment, we can assume that the number of unemployed people is several million higher. However, in 2016, only those officially registered at labor exchanges will be able to receive assistance from the state—that’s about one million people.

According to the law, among the guarantees provided to the unemployed in Russia is the payment of cash benefits.

Unemployment benefit (UPB) is a form of temporary government assistance to citizens left without income. To get help, you need to register officially at the employment center at your place of registration.

The following cannot receive benefits:

  • persons who have work and other income;
  • registered entrepreneurs;
  • founders of enterprises and firms;
  • full-time students;
  • persons under 16 years of age;
  • pensioners by age or length of service;
  • those who twice refused suitable work or two options for vocational training;
  • convicts.

Documents required for registration at the labor exchange:

  • application form (filled out at the Central Office);
  • passport;
  • work book;
  • documents on existing education;
  • certificate for PPB - about average earnings for, importantly, the last three months;
  • for certain groups of people (discharged military personnel, persons with disabilities, lawyers, notaries, etc.) - additional documents.

Determining the amount of unemployment benefits

The Central Planning Commission reviews the document within 10 days. If a positive decision is made, then from the 11th day money will be credited. The amount of assistance depends on average earnings over the last three months and on how long the person has been unemployed.

The amount of payments should not exceed the established maximum level and cannot be lower than the minimum amount established by the government for the current year. In 2019, the minimum PPB is 850 rubles, while the maximum is also limited - 4.9 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, the unemployed are paid more than in other regions, since there is a higher regional coefficient, which is added to standard payments. “Moscow supplement” to the maximum and minimum benefits - 850 rubles. In addition, there is compensation for transport costs - 1190 rubles.

Amount of payments to the unemployed in the first 12 months:

  • 1-3 months - 75% of the average salary;
  • the next 4 months - 60%;
  • remaining term - 45%.

If, while unemployed, a person has not found a job, after the first period (12 months) he has the right to renew the benefit. In the second 12 months, the minimum benefit plus the regional coefficient is paid.

The minimum benefit is paid:

  1. job seekers for the first time;
  2. if the break in work is more than a year;
  3. dismissed under the article;
  4. aimed at retraining;
  5. dismissed for violation of labor discipline;
  6. expelled from retraining.

Payments are not made:

  1. during maternity leave;
  2. when leaving your permanent place of residence in connection with training;
  3. when conscripted for military training;
  4. when involved in events related to the performance of government duties.

The following may be involved in public works:

  1. those looking for work for the first time;
  2. having no specialty;
  3. if the break in work is more than a year;
  4. those who resigned of their own free will without good reason.

What benefits await the unemployed in 2019?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Russian Federation has developed a draft government decree “On the size of the minimum (in exact wording) and maximum values ​​of PPB (abbr., author’s) for 2019.” It is published on the Unified State Portal.

For 2019, it is proposed to establish a minimum benefit of 850 rubles. and, in fact, the maximum (as before) - 4.9 thousand rubles. So, in 2019, the benefit amount will remain the same. Note that this value has remained unchanged for six years—since 2009.

In an interview with Izvestia in mid-October, Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Airat Farrakhov said that the government does not plan to change the amount of benefits for the unemployed by next year. He explained that in the draft budget of the Russian Federation for the period 2018-2019. It is planned to allocate 672 billion rubles for payments to the unemployed in 2019. When calculating this volume, the current minimum and maximum indicators were taken into account. Therefore, based on the draft budget, the amount of this benefit will not be revised in 2019.

The logic of the state is not difficult to understand. There are half as many unemployed people listed on Russian labor exchanges as there are vacancies available on the exchanges. Without increasing benefits, the authorities are trying to encourage people to get a job (the salary for which will still be higher than the PPB) and earn a pension for themselves.

Prospects for increasing unemployment benefits in 2019

It is assumed that starting from 2019, benefits for the unemployed in the Russian Federation may increase sharply. The Ministry of Labor has developed the state program “Promotion of Employment”. It was approved by government decree in April 2014. Designed for 2013-2020.

The program assumes, in fact, that by 2020 the maximum level of unemployment benefits in the Russian Federation will reach the subsistence level (currently it is 7,896 rubles).

The program “Promotion of Employment” defines the following goals:

  • by 2020, reduce the share of long-term unemployment in the overall unemployment rate from 12% to 5%;
  • increase the proportion of employed people (among those registered directly with the central bank) from 65 to 70%;
  • increase real wages from 1.08 to 1.4 times;
  • reduce the number of illegal migrants by 35%;
  • almost double the number of highly qualified foreign specialists.

Until 2020, it is planned to allocate 672 billion rubles to finance the program. The fight for employment is essentially announced federal task: only 89 billion rubles were allocated for funding to the budgets of the constituent entities of the federation.

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Well, for now the amount of payments does not help attract people to the employment service. The Ministry of Labor does not expect an increase in the number of unemployed people who apply for the maximum benefit. However, the transition to benefit payments, which can replace payment for low-income work, could theoretically become a very serious factor in the labor market. And although the government is considering the advisability of increasing the minimum benefit, experts have not yet given accurate forecasts on this matter.


Statistics say that 63% of Russian citizens are unemployed or receive “black” wages, and only 16% of them are officially recognized as unemployed. 54% of the number of people registered with the employment service are women aged 31 to 50 years. In order to reduce tension in the labor market, the government decided to provide unemployed citizens with unemployment benefits in 2018, the maximum amount of which will be 4,900 rubles.

What is unemployment benefit

Citizens who are unable to get a job and are registered with the employment center may qualify for financial assistance. Unemployment benefits will not be indexed in 2018. It decreases after a certain period of time. The amount of the unemployment subsidy is affected by the size of the regional rate and the specialist’s length of service.

Representatives of some departments believe that individuals discredit this type of social payments as a phenomenon, because try to get it as much as possible. Officials insist on introducing a full-fledged retraining system based on employment centers, which would reduce the costs of retraining specialists.

Unemployment status and conditions for obtaining it

Unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have a regular income or job. They must first register with the employment service to search for a suitable vacancy and demonstrate their readiness to take up suitable work. Employment center employees sometimes reject requests from people with disabilities to receive financial assistance, because... confuse the concept of ability to work and legal capacity. If a person is able to fulfill his job responsibilities, then he can, regardless of his state of health.

Legal regulation

According to Article 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 “On Employment,” all citizens officially recognized as unemployed can receive unemployment benefits in 2018. An individual can apply for a job that will suit him in terms of qualifications, working conditions, health, and transport accessibility. For example, if a citizen received 15,000 rubles at his previous job, then a labor exchange employee must select vacancies for him with a salary of at least 9,500 rubles.

Unemployed residents who have lost their right to receive subsidies may qualify for financial assistance. You can receive it upon retraining at the direction of the employment service or after 36 months from the date of registration of unemployed status. By law, individuals under 30 years of age can take advantage of retraining benefits. These include compensation for the cost of public transport, expenses for medicines (provided with a certificate from the hospital).

Who is eligible to receive

Any citizen of Russia who has reached the age of 16 without permanent or temporary income can register with the labor exchange and register as unemployed. Girls on maternity leave cannot take advantage of this right, because... they belong to the temporarily disabled population. A woman will be able to obtain unemployed status after her child reaches 1.5 years of age. Financial assistance for unemployment is not paid to the following categories of residents:

  • under 16 years of age;
  • full-time students;
  • pensioners;
  • individuals with status individual entrepreneur;
  • , classified as disabled groups;
  • individuals who decide to apply at the place of temporary registration;
  • sentenced to correctional labor by a court decision;
  • persons who provided false information about their recognition as unemployed.

Payments at the labor exchange

The benefit is credited to the citizen’s account monthly from the moment he receives unemployed status. Persons who have lost their jobs due to the liquidation of a company, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or due to a reduction in staff cannot take advantage of this privilege. According to article No. 178 Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is reserved for such citizens average salary for a job search period of 2 months, and then they will be able to receive a subsidy like other unemployed people.

Every 14 days, the specialist will receive requests for re-registration. You should react quickly when receiving them, because... If individual does not regularly confirm its status, the provision of financial assistance is terminated. To resume payments, an unemployed employee will have to fill out the application again and collect the entire package of documents.

During what period are payments paid?

Financial assistance for unemployment begins to accrue from the first day a specialist is recognized as unemployed. The procedure for paying unemployment benefits in 2018 will not undergo any major changes. At early exit the unemployed person loses the subsidy for retirement. A specialist will not be able to participate in the state program to combat unemployment if he works part-time or has a temporary part-time job.

The subsidy is paid for 2 years. After 7-12 months there is a six-month break. If a specialist has not found a job after this time, he must contact his supervisor from the employment center. After the official application, payments will be resumed for 7-8 months, and then there will be a six-month break again. After this, the subsidy will be transferred to the individual’s account for 4-5 months.

How much do they pay

When calculating the amount of unemployment benefits, three months' earnings at the last place of work are taken into account. In total, before dismissal, an individual must work for at least 26 weeks. If a citizen worked part-time, then the center’s employees first recalculate working hours. If the total amount is less than 1040 hours, the specialist is assigned a minimum benefit amount of 850 rubles. The exception is orphans. For the first 6 months they are paid a benefit equal to the average regional salary.

Minimum and maximum size

The amount of payments is determined by the position and length of service of the employee. The maximum unemployment benefit is 4,900 rubles, which is 2 times lower than the subsistence level. For 3 years, the government has been considering requests to increase the amount of this subsidy, but additional funds from the state budget have not yet been allocated for the implementation of this goal. The minimum subsidy amount is 850 rubles. It is installed:

  • first-time job seekers, university graduates and students;
  • those wishing to find a job after a long break;
  • persons who worked less than 26 weeks in a year;
  • specialists who were dismissed by decision of the trade union for violating labor discipline.

An orphan child has the right to receive increased unemployment benefits in 2018. It is equal to the average monthly salary established in the region of residence of the citizen. Corresponding changes have been made to Federal law No. 89 and become effective from 05/01/2018. Financial support will be provided to the orphan for a continuous period of 6 months. If during this time the specialist does not find a job, the amount of the benefit is automatically reduced to 850 rubles. For disabled people, the amount of unemployment payments is calculated in the same way as for ordinary specialists.

Payment amount

The amount of unemployment benefits in 2018 directly depends on the size of the citizen’s salary at the previous place of work. At the federal level, its value cannot exceed 4,900 rubles, but in some regions of the country regional coefficients apply. In these regions, unemployment benefits will be higher than those established by law. The subsidy in 2018 will continue to be calculated as a percentage of wages if the following conditions are met:

  1. the citizen has worked for at least 26 weeks employment contract;
  2. less than 1 year has passed since the dismissal;
  3. The cause of job loss is not the illegal actions of a citizen (appropriation of property, violation of labor discipline, etc.).

Average earnings are calculated based on 3 months of information provided by the citizen. The resulting amount is multiplied by the regional coefficient. For example, in Buryatia it is 1.3. If the subsidy is equal to 900 rubles, then when multiplied it will increase to 1170 rubles. It happens that the amount of financial assistance, according to the calculations of the employment center employees, turned out to be 10,000 rubles. An unemployed specialist will not be able to receive a payment of this magnitude, because According to the law, the maximum subsidy amount is 4900 rubles.

The procedure for determining average daily earnings

The specifics of calculating benefits are described in the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2003. When determining average daily earnings, both the basic salary and other types of payments from the employer are taken into account. Remuneration based on the results of one calendar year is calculated not taking into account the full amount, but in the amount of 1/12 for each month of work. When calculating the average salary, information is taken for the 90 days preceding dismissal. When calculating benefits, in addition to salary, the following are taken into account:

  • bonuses for length of service and other labor achievements;
  • additional income received due to overtime;
  • bonuses and fees;
  • salary in kind.

Subsidies for previously employed persons in the first year

One of mandatory conditions increasing the amount of the subsidy - the specialist has continuous work experience for 12 months before dismissal. The payment of unemployment benefits in 2018 will not change in this regard. For the first 3 months, the specialist will receive 75% of the average monthly income, and the next 4 months – 60%. After this time period, there is often a six-month break in payments, and then for 5 months the specialist is credited with 45% of his salary.

Subsidies for the second year

In the second 12-month period, the citizen receives the minimum subsidy multiplied by the regional coefficient. For example, in Moscow this figure is 1.7, and the amount of monthly financial assistance will be 2890 rubles. After the second year, the citizen will be deprived of the subsidy provided. The total period for providing financial assistance cannot exceed 24 months when considering 36 calendar months.

Conditions for Moscow

The amount of payments is determined by the average earnings of a citizen for 3 months. In Moscow, unemployment benefits will be increased in 2018 because regional coefficient here is the highest among all Russian cities. The authorities of St. Petersburg use a similar indicator when calculating payments. Moscow's unemployed will be able to take advantage transport benefits. They will be paid an additional 1190 rubles. Maximum size social benefits will be 6940 rubles, and the minimum – 2890 rubles.

After contacting the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, a citizen will receive unemployed status on the 11th day from the date of submission of all documents. During the first 10 days, together with the employees of the employment center, he studies the list of current vacancies. If the specialty is unpopular, the individual will be offered retraining. If within 10 days the search for a place of study or work is unsuccessful, then the citizen is assigned the status of unemployed and benefits begin to be calculated.

When payments stop

After official employment the citizen ceases to receive unemployment benefits. Upon registration of the death of an individual, the payment of financial assistance ceases. If a citizen does not come to the employment center for more than 1 month, the state will stop transferring money. The employment center may refuse to provide unemployment benefits if:

In what cases are payments temporarily suspended while maintaining the status?

When a citizen leaves his place of residence due to retraining or advanced training in institutions vocational education the money will not go to his account. During conscription and compulsory military service, individuals are not provided with benefits, because the maintenance of military personnel is paid by the state. The restriction applies to maternity leave. Payments are suspended for up to 3 months if:

  • the citizen refused 2 suitable job options during his stay at the labor exchange;
  • the individual refused to re-profile or participate in public works;
  • the unemployed person was fired from his last place of work for violating labor discipline and other actions specified in Article 35 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the citizen was expelled from the place of retraining;
  • an individual left training without permission following a referral from the employment center.

How to apply

The first step of any person who decides to obtain official unemployed status will be to contact the employment center at the place of registration. An authorized employee of the department will give the unemployed an application form and a list of documents that must be submitted to receive financial assistance. After receiving all the certificates, the individual can contact the employment center employee again.

An employee of the department will record the fact of submitting documents, and then offer the citizen several job options. When searching for vacancies, a labor exchange employee should place emphasis on education, qualifications and work experience person. For example, if an engineer is offered a job as a cook, he has the right to refuse such an offer. Often workers are sent for retraining and then suitable vacancies are found for them. If all of the above measures do not help with finding a job, then the specialist is assigned the status of unemployed.

Where to contact

There are employment centers in every region of Russia. A citizen who wants to officially become unemployed must come there. A specialist working with the unemployed population will provide the individual with a list of documents that will need to be collected in order to receive benefits. You can become a participant in the state program only at your place of permanent registration. If a specialist is registered in Khabarovsk, but is temporarily registered in Moscow, then he must return to his hometown and look for work there.

What documents are required

Registration of unemployed status takes 11 days. An individual who is recognized as unemployed can receive unemployment benefits in 2018. An unemployed person can spend the money on utility bills or their own food. The decision to register a person as unemployed and to pay monetary compensation is made on the basis of the following documents:

  • passports;
  • completed application;
  • work book or a document that replaces it;
  • diploma of education and other documents confirming the qualifications of a potential employee;
  • certificate of average earnings for 3 months from the last place of work;
  • SNILS (individual personal account insurance number);
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number);
  • bank account number for depositing money.


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