Standard loader instructions. Standard instructions on labor protection - loader. Safety requirements in emergency situations

Instruction No.___

on labor protection
for the loader

This Instruction has been developed in accordance with the “Standard Labor Safety Instructions for Loaders” TI-126-2002.

1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. These instructions are intended for loaders performing loading, unloading and warehouse work.

1.2. TO independent work The following employees are allowed as loaders:

  • at least 18 years of age;
  • have undergone a medical examination and received a certificate of suitability for this profession;
  • have completed induction training;
  • have completed initial training;
  • have undergone on-the-job training and internship;
  • passed the knowledge test of labor protection requirements;
  • having group I in electrical safety and appropriate qualifications according to the tariff and qualification reference book.

1.3. The loader is obliged:

  • perform only the work specified in the work instructions.
  • comply with internal labor regulations.
  • correctly use personal and collective protective equipment.
  • comply with labor protection requirements.
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health.
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructions on labor protection, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
  • undergo mandatory periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for Labor Code and other federal laws.
  • be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and other accidents.
  • comply with production requirements fire safety, as well as observe and maintain fire safety regulations;
  • observe precautions when carrying out loading and unloading operations with flammable and combustible liquids, flammable gases and other fire and explosive substances, materials and equipment;
  • be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents
  • know the location of the main and emergency exits from the workshop and evacuation routes from the area of ​​fire or accident.

1.4. The loader must:

  • keep clean and tidy workplace and instrument;
  • observe the work and rest schedule,
  • use breaks rationally;
  • maintain personal hygiene that contributes to the prevention of occupational diseases.

1.5. When working as a loader, exposure to the following dangerous and harmful production factors is possible:

  • faulty equipment and tools;
  • faulty accessories;
  • faulty car bodies;
  • vehicles and lifting mechanisms;
  • stored goods, in case of violations in the formation of the stack;
  • faulty container or packaging;
  • chemicals;
  • gas and dust levels in the air in the working area;
  • increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;
  • increased noise level in the workplace;
  • high or low air humidity;
  • increased or decreased air mobility;
  • insufficient illumination of the work area;
  • location of the workplace at a significant height

1.6. The loader must be provided with special clothing, safety shoes and other equipment personal protection in accordance with Standard Industry Codes free issuance special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment and Collective agreement. The loader is entitled to:


Period of use

cotton overalls with a hood made of dust-proof fabric or a suit

1 set per year

leather boots

1 pair per year

canvas mittens

12 pairs per year


before wear

safety glasses

before wear

protective helmet

1 piece for 2 years

For outdoor work in winter, additionally:

jacket with insulating lining

by the waist

lined trousers

by the waist

by the waist

If several types of respirators are available, workers can exercise the right to choose the respirator that is most suitable for them in terms of protection and comfort.

Respirator types should be determined based on the highest dust concentrations ever encountered in the workplace.

1.7. The loader must treat personal protective equipment with care, timely submit workwear for repairs and wash it when soiled, but not less than the established deadlines.

1.8. Strapping and hooking (slinging) of loads when working with lifting mechanisms is carried out by a loader who has the rights of a slinger or slinger-telpher operator.

1.9. Direct management and organization of loading and unloading operations is assigned to supervisors and shift foremen. The loader must perform only the work that is entrusted to him by his immediate superior, the shift foreman. When working as part of a team, you must follow the instructions of the foreman.

1.10. A loader with signs of obvious illness or under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not allowed to work.

1.11. When performing work, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the accepted cargo processing technology. It is not allowed to use methods that lead to a security breach.

1.12. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, you must immediately contact the employee responsible for the safe performance of work on moving goods (foreman or shift supervisor).

1.13. When temporarily transferred to another job, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the working conditions, the assigned work, and also undergo training on labor safety when performing it.

1.14. It is not allowed to use faulty lifting devices and tools, cables and chains. The slings must have a label indicating the load capacity, number, date of manufacture and manufacturer. Slings should be selected according to the load capacity corresponding to the weight of the load being lifted.

1.15. Do not allow unauthorized workers to the places where loading, unloading and warehouse work is performed.

1.16. With the onset of darkness, in the absence of sufficient lighting, loading and unloading operations must be stopped.

1.17. When using portable lighting, use portable lamps with a voltage no higher than 42 V, and in high-risk areas - no higher than 12 V.

1.18. Sockets for connecting portable lamps must be placed at such a distance from each other that it is possible to illuminate any point in the warehouse or loading and unloading front.

1.19. Bridges and ladders for loaders to cross must have a width of at least 1 m, and when transporting goods by forklifts - the width of the opening of the open car door. They must be made of metal or boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm, fastened on the underside with metal or wooden strips and designed for the full load (the weight of the load and vehicle taking into account the safety factor).

1.20. Lifting loads to a height of more than 3 m, as well as loads weighing more than 50 kg, must be done using lifting mechanisms.

1.21. The start and end times of daily work (shift) are provided for by the internal labor regulations and shift schedules.

1.22. At shift work Each group of loaders must work within the established working hours. Assigning a loader to work two shifts in a row is prohibited.

1.23. During the entire work shift, the work and rest schedule established by the administration must be observed.

1.24. In winter conditions at low temperatures, external work should be carried out with breaks for heating. The air temperature at which external work must be stopped or carried out intermittently is set local authorities authorities.

1.25. Relaxing and smoking are permitted only in specially designated areas equipped with bins for cigarette butts and marked “Smoking area.”

1.26. Meals should be taken in specially equipped rooms (places) for this purpose.

1.27. For drinking, use water only from established drinking points: saturators, drinking tanks, drinking fountains, personal flasks.

1.28. Employees working in the cold season in the open air or in closed unheated rooms, as well as loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations, and other workers, if necessary, are provided with special breaks for heating and rest, which are included in working hours. The employer is obliged to provide premises for heating and rest of employees. An exception is allowed when eliminating accidents. In this case, the work manager is obliged to organize means of heating.

1.29. In cases of injury or illness, you must stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical facility.

1.30. About all malfunctions of mechanisms, equipment, violations of technological regimes, deterioration of working conditions, the occurrence emergency situations The loader must inform the shift foreman (supervisor) and take preventive measures as appropriate, ensuring his own safety.

1.31. When moving around the territory of the plant (warehouse), the following requirements must be met:

  • walk only on pedestrian paths and sidewalks;
  • cross railway tracks and highways only in designated places;
  • when leaving the building, make sure there is no moving traffic;
  • do not ride in the back of a car that is not suitable for transporting people;
  • do not be in the area of ​​operation of lifting machines and mechanisms.

1.32. While in the workshop, the loader must comply with the following requirements:

  • walk only along designated passages, walkways and platforms;
  • do not sit or lean on random objects and fences;
  • do not touch electrical wires, cables, electrical installations;
  • do not repair faults in power and lighting networks, as well as starting devices;
  • Do not look at the electric welding arc without eye protection.

1.33. For failure to comply with this instruction, those responsible will be held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Put on and arrange your overalls:

  • button up your overalls or suit tightly;
  • tuck clothes in so that there are no hanging ends;
  • tuck hair under a tight-fitting headdress;
  • make sure that personal protective equipment (helmet, respirator, etc.) is in working order. Put them on and fit them tightly.

It is prohibited to work in light footwear (slippers, sandals, etc.). Shoes must be closed, low-heeled and hard-soled.

2.2. Receive a task to perform work from the shift foreman (supervisor).

2.3. Check the serviceability of tools, equipment, auxiliary devices, make sure they are in good condition.

2.4 Inspect the workplace (the loader’s workplace includes the territory of the enterprise, warehouses, car bodies in which he has to perform loading and unloading operations):

  • make sure that the workplace is not cluttered with foreign objects and is sufficiently lit;
  • Storing foreign materials or any objects in places where loading and unloading operations are carried out is prohibited.

2.5. Inspect loading and unloading areas:

  • access roads must have an even, hard surface and be kept in good, clean condition (in winter, cleared of ice (snow) and sprinkled with slag or other anti-slip material);
  • The loading and unloading site must be equipped with safety signs.

2.6. Each cargo must be carefully inspected. If the slightest damage to containers, packaging or cargo is detected, it is necessary to inform the manager in order to take additional precautions to ensure the safety and integrity of the cargo, the safety of workers and work safety requirements.

2.7. The presence of workers not involved in unloading and loading operations and warehouse work in places of production work is prohibited.

2.8. Report any observed deficiencies related to occupational safety requirements to your manager. You should begin work only after eliminating the identified deficiencies with the permission of the work manager.

2.9. On lifting machines check the serviceability of the brakes, rope, lift limiter.

2.10. Test continuous transport machines (conveyors, press conveyors, elevators, lifts, etc.) at idle speed, i.e. without load on the working body, having previously warned people nearby with a signal (bell, beep) about the start of the equipment.

2.11. If a malfunction is detected in the lifting mechanisms and devices, report this to the shift foreman (supervisor) and do not begin work until the malfunction is eliminated.

2.12. Before loading cargo into a wagon, check the general condition of the wagon:

  • locking mechanisms must reliably hold hatches and sides closed;
  • floors in cars should not have broken boards, holes, protruding nails, pins or other sharp objects;
  • sliding doors of the carriage must completely cover the opening and be freely locked with a bolt;
  • the carriage must be cleared of debris and foreign objects.

2.13. Before unloading the railway and road transport You should carefully inspect the condition of the cargo and if any malfunctions are detected (distortion, broken racks, unreliable lashing), do not proceed with unloading, obtain instructions from the shift foreman (supervisor) on a safe method of unloading.

2.14. Check the serviceability and reliability of fixation of the installed bridges and ladders for crossing into the car (platform).

2.15. For ladders longer than 3 m, install trestles in places of greatest deflection.

2.16. Install and connect portable lamps to covered railway cars.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Limit rate for one-time lifting (without moving) heavy objects for workers over 18 years of age:

    for men - no more than 50 kg; for women - no more than 15 kg. Loads weighing more than 50 kg must be lifted by at least two loaders (men);

Limit standards for lifting and moving heavy objects for workers over 18 years of age:

  • when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour): for men - up to 30 kg; women - up to 10 kg;
  • constantly during the work shift: for men - up to 15 kg; women - up to 7 kg.

3.2. When unloading wagons:

  • A wagon or a group of coupled wagons installed at the loading and unloading site must be braked using special factory-made brake shoes, which are installed on the rail under the wheels on both sides of the wagon (train).
  • It is prohibited to place homemade shoes, sleepers, boards, pads, paws under the wheels to brake the cars, as well as insert crowbars and other objects into the wheel spokes.
  • partial movement of cars along the loading front must be mechanized using winches.
  • in exceptional cases, manual rolling of wagons is allowed in quantities of no more than one loaded or two empty.
  • When moving a car manually, loaders (at least 4) must push the car from the automatic coupler side while on the railway track.
  • During mechanized rolling, people are prohibited from being on the tracks and in the area of ​​the winch traction ropes.
  • movement of cars with the help of simple paw devices (anshpuga, etc.) is allowed in exceptional cases, while the loaders are located on the side of the car, outside the rail track, under the constant supervision of the shift supervisor (foreman). The speed when manually rolling a car should not exceed 5 km/h.
  • Gangways, bridges and other devices that interfere with movement must first be removed, and all workers must be warned about the movement of cars.
  • Manual loading and unloading of wagons, cars and other vehicles should be carried out only from ramps or specially equipped areas. The ramp platform must be at the same level as the vehicle platform.
  • To avoid injury from cargo that may fall out of the car when opening and closing the doors, you should be on the railway track with your right side to the car and hold only the door handrails, and use special devices for opening doors.
  • It is prohibited to unload cargo onto rail tracks and between tracks, as well as to clutter them with any objects. Unloaded materials should be immediately moved to their storage location. During loading (unloading) of cars, monitor the condition of the bridge, ladder or gangway and their fixation on the car or vehicle.
  • When unloading wagons, the cargo should be disassembled using ledges in such a way as to prevent the possibility of individual boxes, bags, parts, etc. falling.
  • Loading and unloading of dangerous and harmful goods should be carried out under the supervision of an employee responsible for the safety of this work.
  • Before starting the loading conveyor, elevator, lift, an audible warning signal must be given.
  • While loading machines are operating, it is prohibited to adjust or release stuck bags.
  • load the car evenly until the volume of the car is completely filled according to its carrying capacity.
  • After loading (unloading) a carriage or gondola car, remove the gangways and bridges and lock the carriage doors.
  • Dismantling of stacks should be done only from the top and evenly along the entire length.

3.3. When loading (unloading) vehicles and trailers, you must:

  • that vehicles should be with the engine turned off and securely braked;
  • open and close the sides simultaneously for at least two loaders located on the side of the side;
  • Loading should be done in such a way that the cargo in the back of the vehicle is securely packed and does not fall apart along the way;
  • when loading cargo in bulk, it should not rise above the upper level of the body, otherwise the main sides must be extended with additional sides of appropriate height and strength;
  • Loads loaded in bulk should be placed evenly over the entire floor area of ​​the body;
  • piece cargo that rises above the level of the sides of the body must be tied with strong ropes. Tying the load with metal ropes and wire is not permitted;
  • loaded height motor vehicle should not exceed 4 m from the surface of the roadway to the highest point of the load;
  • ensure that the driver of the vehicle does not leave the cab during loading;
  • You should cross and climb into the body of the car using a special bridge or a securely installed ladder.
  • After loading long cargo onto the platforms of cars and trailers, securely tie them down with strong, serviceable rigging.

During loading operations it is prohibited:

  • sit on the side of the body, cab or stand on the step;
  • be in the back of a car, trailer or semi-trailer when loading cargo by crane or bulk materials from a bunker.

3.4. When loading a container:

  • check its serviceability;
  • place the cargo tightly in the container so that it does not fall out when the doors are opened;
  • distribute the load evenly on the floor of the container;
  • to freely close the container door, leave a free space of 3 to 5 cm between the cargo and the door;
  • load the container no higher than the level provided for by its carrying capacity.
  • After loading the container, it is necessary to check the tightness of its doors.
  • To avoid injury to your legs due to parts falling out, you should be on the side when opening the container doors.
  • It is not allowed to load and send materials to the consumer in non-standard or faulty containers.
  • loads in boxes and bags, not formed into bags, should be stacked in a bandage. To ensure stability of the stack, slats should be laid every 2-3 rows of boxes and boards should be laid every 5-6 rows of bags in height.
  • when stacking loads, leave safe passages: the main ones - at least 1.5 m wide, between the stack and the conveyor - at least 1 m, from the walls of the building to the stack at least 0.6 m. The maximum height of the stack is 3 m.

3.5. Stowing cargo in aisles, driveways, near electrical installations, electrical wires, switches, fire panels and conductive fittings is not permitted.

3.6. Manual lifting of loads into stacks 3 m high is not permitted.

3.7. When carrying loads at the same time, the distance between loaders (or groups of workers) carrying a unit of cargo (box, bag, etc.) must be at least 2 m.

3.8. Carrying loads on a stretcher is allowed along a horizontal path for a distance of no more than 80 m. The stretcher should be tipped over and lowered at the command of the loader walking behind. Carrying loads on stretchers up stairs is not allowed.

3.9. Carry long materials (logs, pipes, etc.) with special grips and devices. Carry long materials on crowbars, wooden beams, etc. not allowed.

3.10. Turn heavy piece goods and packaged equipment using crowbars and other devices. It is not allowed to roll or tilt the load onto yourself.

3.11. To carry long loads, wear shoulder pads. In this case, the loaders must be on one side of the load being carried.

3.12. When rolling barrels, wheels, etc. The loader must follow the load and control the speed of its movement.

3.13. It is not allowed to stand on the edge of the stack or on the ends of the interpack spacers, or use a crane to climb onto or down the stack.

3.14. It is necessary to stop laying and dismantling stacks during strong winds (6 points), heavy rain, snowfall and thick fog (visibility of at least 50 m).

3.15. Leaning stacks may only be dismantled during the day, in accordance with a previously developed work method under the guidance of the employee responsible for loading and unloading operations.

3.16. It is not allowed to carry out work on two adjacent stacks at the same time.

3.17. When moving loads in boxes, in order to avoid cases of injury to hands, protruding nails and ends of metal strapping must be bent or removed.

3.18. The combined loading and unloading of compressed, liquefied, gases dissolved under pressure, flammable liquids with anhydrous acid, liquid oxygen and nitrogen, combustion-supporting substances is prohibited; toxic substances; nitric acid and sulfonitrogen mixtures.

3.19. When unloading (loading) cylinders:

  • It is prohibited to throw cylinders, hit one another, lower them, work in oily gloves, or unload cylinders closer than 10 m from an open fire.
  • movement of cylinders is permitted only if they are equipped with safety caps.

3.20. When unloading glass containers:

  • glass containers with aggressive liquids (acid, liquid chemicals, etc.) must be installed standing up, with the necks (stoppers) up.
  • It is prohibited to carry glass containers with aggressive liquids on the back, lift bottles by the neck, or place loads in glass containers in two rows on top of each other without appropriate spacers between the rows.
  • Carrying bottles with aggressive liquids must be carried out by two loaders in carefully checked containers (basket, cage, etc.).

3.21. When unloading flammable liquids:

  • Transport flammable liquids only in metal barrels with tightly screwed caps.
  • It is prohibited to smoke and use open flames when loading, unloading and transporting fuels, lubricants and other flammable materials.

3.22. When unloading dusty materials:

    Damaged bags containing asbestos and other dusty, bulk materials must be immediately repaired or placed in a whole bag, which should be sewn up and labeled in accordance with established requirements.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. During an accident:

  • stop work;
  • report the incident to the employee responsible for the safe performance of work on moving goods;
  • in case of accidents, take measures to remove the victim from the danger zone and provide him with first aid.

4.2. In case of fire:

  • stop working;
  • turn off electrical equipment;
  • report by telephone or other means of communication to fire department and administration of the workshop (enterprise);
  • take measures to evacuate people and property;
  • begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment.

5. Safety requirements when completing work

5.1. Disable mechanisms used during loading.

5.2. Clean the workplace using hand tools (shovel, brush, dustpan) or vacuum cleaner.

5.3. Remove transition bridges, ladders, and metal sheets to the designated locations.

5.4. Collect tools and accessories and place them in the designated place.

5.6. Notify the shift foreman (supervisor) about the completion of work and about any problems noticed.

5.7. Remove dust from work clothing.

5.8. Take off your overalls in the dressing room for contaminated clothes, put them in a closet and take a shower.


Head of the organization

(deputy head of the organization,

V job responsibilities whom

includes labor safety issues)

___________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)



for the loader

1. General requirements labor protection

1.1. Based on these instructions, labor protection instructions are being developed for the loader, taking into account the conditions of his work in a particular organization.

1.2. The loader must comply with the organization’s internal labor regulations, work schedule, work and rest schedule.

1.3. While working, the loader may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • moving parts of conveyors, lifting machines;
  • transported goods, containers;
  • unstable stacks of stored goods;
  • reduced temperature of food surfaces;
  • reduced air temperature in the working area when working outdoors during the cold season and in refrigerated chambers;
  • increased air mobility;
  • increased voltage in the electrical circuit;
  • increased level of static electricity;
  • sharp edges, burrs and uneven surfaces of equipment, tools, inventory, goods and containers;
  • chemical factors;
  • physical overload.

1.4. In accordance with current legislation, the loader must be provided with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment provided for by standard industry standards.

1.5. The loader must notify his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness.

1.6. For a loader when working with food products follows:

  • leave outerwear, shoes, hats, personal items in the dressing room;
  • Before starting work, put on clean sanitary clothing and change it when soiled;
  • wash your hands with soap before eating, after visiting the toilet, and after touching contaminated objects;
  • Do not allow eating in utility rooms and storage areas.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Fasten special (sanitary) clothing with all buttons (tie strings), avoiding hanging ends of the clothing, and tuck hair under the headdress.

Do not pin your clothes with pins or needles, do not keep sharp, breakable objects in your pockets.

2.2. Prepare the work area for safe work:

  • check that on the routes for transporting goods, floors and platforms are not wet and slippery, do not have cracks, potholes, loaded planks, protruding nails, open unguarded hatches, wells, and that passages and passages do not have holes and ruts;
  • make sure that there are safety brackets on carts for moving barrels, cans, bear carts, etc.;
  • clear the paths of cargo movement and the place of its stowage from foreign objects;
  • lay a hard covering or decking with a width of at least 1.5 meters on the path of cargo movement when moving cargo across rail tracks (at the level of the rail head), on soft or uneven ground, and in other similar situations;
  • check the adequacy of illumination of aisles and storage areas;
  • if necessary, require lighting of loading, unloading and moving areas;
  • mark the boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them on the site for stowing cargo;
  • in the cold season, clear aisles, driveways and loading and unloading areas from snow; when icing, sprinkle them with sand, slag or other anti-slip material;
  • make sure that there are no unauthorized persons in the areas where loading and unloading operations are carried out and in the areas where lifting machines operate, as well as in places where cargo may collapse or fall.

2.3. Check the serviceability of lifting and leveling platforms, lifting drive, forks (platforms) of hydraulic hand trucks, and other equipment.

2.4. Before entering a ramp or overpass for wheeled vehicles and starting loading and unloading operations, check the presence and serviceability of wheel chocks.

2.5. Before starting the conveyor, check:

  • the degree of tension of the tape and, if necessary, tension it;
  • reliability of fastening of guards of drive and tension devices;
  • reliability of closing of moving parts (couplings, rollers), presence of lubricant in bearings;
  • availability and serviceability of locking devices, starting devices, protective grounding conveyor frames;
  • the presence and serviceability of limit stops and devices to reduce the speed of cargo movement (for a non-drive conveyor).

2.6. At idle speed, check the operation of the drive conveyor control buttons, especially the emergency “stop” buttons in the head, tail parts and along the entire length of the conveyor.

2.7. Turn on the light and sound alarm (if equipped) and make sure it is in working order.

2.8. Before performing work on an electric hoist (telpher), check:

  • the serviceability of lifting devices and the presence of stamps or tags on them indicating the number, load capacity and test date;
  • slings made from steel ropes for the absence of strand breakage, corrosion, wear, and breakage of individual wires beyond permissible limits;
  • chain slings for stretching, wear or cracks;
  • availability and reliability of grounding of the push-button control device;
  • no jamming of control buttons in the sockets; the condition of the steel rope and the correctness of its winding on the drum;
  • the condition of the hook (no cracks or straightening, presence of a cotter pin in the nut and ease of turning the hook in the hook suspension), then turn on the electric switch and check the operation of the brake with a test load or a load close to the load capacity of the machine, by lifting it to a height of 200-300 millimeters with subsequent exposure in this position for 10 minutes;
  • the operation of the hook lift height limiter, the proper operation of the carriage brakes.

2.9. Report any detected malfunctions of a conveyor, lifting machine or load-handling device, as well as the expiration of their next tests, to your immediate supervisor or employee responsible for the safe operation of lifting machines, and begin work only after the faults have been eliminated.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. The loader must perform only the work for which he has been trained, instructed on labor protection and for which he is authorized by the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

3.2. Do not entrust your work to untrained or unauthorized persons.

3.3. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work, use them only for the work for which they are intended.

3.4. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only designated passages.

3.5. Do not block passages and driveways, passages between equipment, racks, stacks, passages to control panels, switches, evacuation routes and other passages with empty containers, equipment, and cargo.

3.6. Use hand protection when carrying loads in rigid containers, edible ice, frozen foods.

3.7. To avoid injury, protruding nails and ends of the iron strapping of rigid containers should be hammered in and removed flush.

3.8. Use a specially designed tool (nail pullers, pliers, punches, etc.) to open the container. Do not perform this work with random objects or tools with burrs.

Before using a hand tool (hammer, nail puller, pliers, etc.), make sure that the tool is in good condition, dry and clean (the hammer head is securely mounted on a smooth, burr-free handle, the working part of the tool is free of chips, cracks, burrs and gouges , and the surfaces of the metal handles of the pliers are smooth, without dents, nicks or burrs).

3.9. Open wooden barrels by removing the thrust (top) hoop and then freeing the frame from the neck (second) hoop on one side of the barrel. When removing the hoop, use a special heel and hammer. Lightly hitting the rivets with a hammer (upwards), release the bottom and remove it using a steel rivet. Do not remove the bottom of the barrel with hammer or ax blows.

3.10. When opening metal barrels with stoppers, use a wrench. Do not unscrew the plug with hammer blows.

3.11. Promptly remove scattered (spilled) goods (fats, paints, etc.), broken glassware from the floor.

3.12. When performing work at height, it is not allowed to work on unguarded overpasses, platforms, or on ladders and stepladders that are faulty or not tested in the prescribed manner.

3.13. Move carts, mobile racks, containers smoothly, without jerking, jolting and in the direction away from you. When accompanying a trolley with a load, it is not allowed to stand on the side of the trolley. When moving a load down an inclined plane, you should be behind the cart and not accompany the lowered cart with the load alone to avoid its spontaneous sliding.

3.14. Do not use random objects (boxes, barrels, etc.) or equipment for sitting.

3.15. Transport goods only in serviceable containers. Do not load containers with more than the nominal gross weight.

3.16. Do not exceed the norm for carrying heavy loads.

3.17. When carrying cargo, choose a free, level and shortest path, do not walk on stacked cargo, and do not overtake the loaders in front (especially in narrow and cramped places).

3.18. When several people are working simultaneously, each of them should take care not to injure each other with the tool or the load being carried.

3.19. Carry loads on a stretcher along a horizontal path for a distance of no more than 80 meters. Turn over and lower the stretcher at the command of the worker walking behind.

3.20. When carrying long loads, all workers should be on one side of the load being carried and wear shoulder pads.

3.21. Cargo should be moved, loaded and unloaded taking into account its category and degree of danger.

3.22. When installing a load of irregular shape or complex configuration on a vehicle, it should be positioned so that the center of gravity is at the lowest position.

3.23. When moving heavy, large-sized cargo manually, you should:

  • use strong, even rollers of the same diameter and sufficient length, the ends of which should not protrude from under the load being moved by more than 30-40 centimeters;
  • lay the rollers parallel and, while moving the load, make sure that they do not rotate relative to the direction of movement of the load;
  • to bring the rollers under the load, use crowbars or rack jacks; take the roller for repositioning only when it is completely freed from under the load; the roller should be straightened with a crowbar or blows of a sledgehammer;
  • When moving, beware of rollers flying out from under the load or accidental loss of the load.

3.24. When moving roller-barrel loads on a horizontal surface, comply with the following requirements:

  • when rolling barrels, rolls, drums and other similar loads, stay behind the load being moved and control the speed of its movement;
  • do not roll loads by pushing them over the edges, in order to avoid bruising your hands on other objects located in the path of rolling the load;
  • Do not carry roller-barrel loads on your back, regardless of their weight.

3.25. If the floor of the storeroom (warehouse) is located below the level of the car body, loading roll-and-barrel loads manually onto the car is allowed along the slopes or slopes by two loaders.

When moving a load down an inclined plane, retaining devices (ropes, ropes, cables, etc.) should be used. In this case, it is not allowed to be in front of the rolled load or move the load faster than the speed of the loader.

If one piece weighs more than 80 kilograms, strong ropes or mechanization should be used.

Wear gloves when working with ropes and load-bearing devices.

3.26. Loading and unloading operations with dangerous goods should be carried out after targeted instruction.

3.27. When performing work on moving compressed and liquefied gases in cylinders, hazardous and harmful substances follows:

  • move cylinders with safety caps on, closing the valves, using special carts. Do not carry cylinders by hand;
  • carry cylinders up the stairs using a stretcher with a tightening belt;
  • place bottles with acid in the basket and, after preliminary inspection and checking the condition of the handles and bottom of the basket, carry them by the handles to at least two loaders. If the basket is damaged, it should be placed in a special iron box and transported in it. It is not allowed to carry bottles with acid or alkali on your back, shoulder or in front of you; when moving, be careful to prevent shocks and impacts;
  • handle empty acid containers with care, do not tilt empty bottles.

3.28. It is not allowed to carry out work with dangerous goods if the container is found to be faulty, if the container does not comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, or if there are no markings or warning notices on the container.

3.29. Before placing goods on shelves, clean the cells from dirt, packaging and preservation residues. Do not overload the racks or place loads on faulty racks. Do not allow loads to hang from the rack.

3.30. Before loading the container, check its serviceability, and after loading, check that the doors are closed tightly.

When opening container doors, in order to avoid injury to your legs due to the possible loss of individual pieces of cargo, you should be on the side.

3.31. When performing loading and unloading operations and placing cargo on a vehicle, you should:

  • when delivering the vehicle to the loading (unloading) place, move to a safe place;
  • Place special supports (shoes) under the wheels of a stationary vehicle. A vehicle placed for loading (unloading) must be reliably braked with the parking brake;
  • when unloading a dump truck, do not be in its body or on the step;
  • before opening the sides of the car, make sure that the cargo is securely located in the body;
  • open and close the sides under the control of the car driver. The side should be opened simultaneously by two loaders located on opposite sides of the side being opened;
  • unloading of cargo that is allowed to be dumped should be carried out on an overpass fenced on the sides with safety bars;
  • When unloading heavy, long cargo, use cargo insurance with ropes and observe personal safety measures;
  • do not load logs and lumber above the racks, and do not place long cargo diagonally in the body, leaving ends protruding beyond the side dimensions of the car, and do not block the driver’s cab doors with the cargo;
  • when transporting cargo (boards, logs) longer than 6 meters, securely fasten them to the trailer; when simultaneously transporting long cargo of different lengths, place shorter ones on top;
  • when loading in bulk, place the cargo evenly over the entire area of ​​the body, and it should not rise above the sides;
  • Place boxes, barrels and other piece cargo tightly, without gaps, so that when moving it cannot move around the body. Place barrels with liquid cargo with the stopper facing up. Each row of barrels should be installed on spacers made of boards and all outer rows should be wedged;
  • glass containers with liquids should be placed with a stopper on top in a special package; each piece of cargo individually must be well secured in the body so that the cargo cannot move or tip over during movement. Glass containers with aggressive liquids should be placed in wooden crates or wicker baskets lined with straw or shavings;
  • piece cargo that rises above the side of the body must be tied with strong ropes (tying cargo with metal ropes or wire is not allowed). The height of the load should not exceed the height of passages under bridges and overpasses, and the total height from the road surface to the highest point of the load should not be more than 3.8 meters.

3.32. Stop work:

  • when it is discovered that the container does not comply with the established requirements, as well as the absence of clear markings or labels on it;
  • when dangerous and harmful production factors arise due to the impact of weather conditions on the physical and chemical composition of the cargo (if measures are not taken to create safe conditions production of work).

3.33. When stacking building materials:

  • stack the piece stone to a height of no more than 1.5 meters (to avoid self-collapse);
  • lay bricks on a flat surface in no more than 25 rows;
  • the height of a stack of lumber when stacked in rows should not exceed half the width of the stack, and when stacked in cages it should not exceed the width of the stack;
  • give stacks of sand, gravel, crushed stone and other bulk materials a natural slope or enclose them with strong retaining walls;
  • Place boxes with glass in one row in height. When stacking and removing boxes with glass, loaders should be at the end of the box.

3.34. Destacking of loads should only be done from above and evenly along the entire length.

3.35. When taking bulk cargo from a stack, do not allow the formation of a tunnel. Bulk dusty cargo (cement, alabaster, etc.) should be unloaded into chests and other closed containers that protect them from spraying. Load and unload lime and other caustic dusty substances in bulk only using a mechanized method to avoid air pollution in the working area.

3.36. To prevent emergency situations, it is necessary to know and apply conventional signals when loading and unloading cargo using lifting and transport mechanisms; When loading (unloading) products from refrigerated chambers that cannot be opened from the inside, take precautions to prevent the possibility of accidental isolation of workers in them.

3.37. Not allowed:

  • be and perform work under a raised load, on traffic routes;
  • unload cargo into places not suitable for this (on temporary ceilings, directly on steam and gas pipelines, electrical cables, close to fences and walls of various structures and devices).

3.38. When working with material handling equipment:

  • comply with the safety requirements set out in the operational documentation of equipment manufacturers;
  • warn nearby workers about the upcoming start-up of equipment;
  • turn the equipment on and off with dry hands and only using the “start” and “stop” buttons;
  • do not touch open and unprotected live parts of equipment, bare wires or wires with damaged insulation;
  • do not overload the equipment used;
  • Inspect, adjust, remove stuck objects, goods, and clean used equipment only after it has been stopped using the “stop” button, disconnected from the power source, and a “Do not turn on!” sign has been hung on the starting device. People are working!” and after a complete stop of rotating and moving parts that have a dangerous inertial motion.

3.39. When operating lifting and transport equipment it is not allowed:

  • adjust belts, drive chains, remove and install guards while the equipment is operating;
  • exceed the permissible operating speeds of the equipment;
  • leave operating equipment unattended and allow untrained and unauthorized persons to operate it.

If there is voltage (electric shock) on the equipment body, frame or casing of ballasts, extraneous noise occurs, the smell of burning insulation appears, spontaneous stoppage or incorrect operation of mechanisms and elements of equipment, stop working on the equipment, turn off the “stop” button (switch) and disconnect it from the power supply using a switch or other disconnecting device, inform your immediate supervisor about this and do not turn it on until the malfunction is eliminated.

3.40. When using hand trucks, do not exceed the established load capacity and permitted speed of movement in the warehouse.

The height of the load placed on the cart should not exceed the loader’s eye level.

3.41. Make sure that the load is in a stable position on the fork or platform of a transport trolley with a mechanical or hydraulic lifting lever drive before lifting the load to the required height.

Place the transported cargo evenly over the entire area of ​​the platform or symmetrically relative to the left and right sides forklift, do not allow the load to protrude beyond the dimensions of the platform.

3.42. When operating the conveyor:

  • observe the established (at least 1 meter wide) passages on both sides of the conveyor;
  • install an inclined conveyor at an angle not exceeding 30°;
  • run the conveyor in an unloaded state;
  • load the load-carrying body of the conveyor evenly, the mass of the transported cargo should not exceed the permissible loads;
  • place the load stably, symmetrically relative to the longitudinal axis of the conveyor. The load placed on the conveyor should not protrude beyond its dimensions. If the load is smaller than the distance between three rollers, it should be placed on a pallet;
  • Loads are supplied and removed from special feeding and receiving devices.

3.43. During operation of the drive conveyor it is not allowed:

  • eliminate slipping of the belt on the drum by pouring sand, earth, other bulk materials into the area between the belt and the drum, or by throwing any objects onto the drive drum;
  • if the conveyor belt slips or is skewed, work must be stopped;
  • clean the tape with your hands and help it move;
  • clean support rollers, drums of drive, tension and end stations, remove spilled goods from under the conveyor;
  • cross a moving belt;
  • rotate stopped rollers and adjust the load manually;
  • work without receiving and serving tables;
  • rearrange support rollers, tension and align the conveyor belt manually.

3.44. It is forbidden to put the belt conveyor into operation if the passages are cluttered, as well as if there is no or faulty: guards for drive, tension and end drums; cable switch; equipment grounding, cable armor or conveyor frame.

3.45. Before starting work on roller tables, check the reliability of the side guards.

3.46. When operating an electric hoist (telpher):

  • lift and move a load whose weight does not exceed the lifting capacity of the hoist;
  • monitor the reliability of tying and securing the load with load-handling devices (hooks, slings, grips) in order to avoid falling of the load or its individual parts;
  • make sure that the chains (ropes) are not twisted when placing them on the lifted load;
  • move the load horizontally at least 0.5 meters above objects encountered along the way;
  • while moving the cargo, stay at a safe distance from it;
  • To tie the load, use slings that correspond to the weight of the load being lifted;
  • when moving goods in containers, do not load them above the sides;
  • Before moving goods in a special container, check its serviceability and markings (number, carrying capacity, dead weight);
  • when lifting and moving long loads, use special guys (hooks, etc.);
  • lift and move loads smoothly, without jerking or swaying;
  • before lowering the load, inspect the place where the load will be placed and make sure that it is impossible for the load to fall, tip over or slide after it is installed;
  • turn off the main switch during breaks in work and at the end of work.

3.47. When working with an electric hoist, the following is not allowed:

  • drag the load along the floor using load-handling devices with an oblique tension on the rope;
  • stop lifting the load by bringing the clip to the limit switch;
  • lift loads that are in an unstable position;
  • tear off frozen or secured cargo with a hook;
  • level the load with your body weight;
  • move loads over people;
  • walk through cluttered aisles when moving cargo;
  • leave the load and lifting devices in a raised position during breaks in work;
  • Always use the limit switch as an automatic stop.

3.48. It is not allowed to carry out loading and unloading operations on the routes of railway, road transport, or in places of transitions and crossings.

3.49. During maneuvering of a train, when delivering cars to the unloading (loading) place, it is prohibited:

  • ride on buffers, footrests of automatic head couplers;
  • stand on the edge of the ramp, as well as between the ramp and the moving carriage;
  • cross tracks under wagons standing for loading (unloading).

3.50. Before starting loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to reliably brake the car using brake shoes placed under the wheels on both sides.

3.51. Before opening the doors of covered wagons, you should make sure that they are properly secured.

3.52. When opening the doors of covered pastures, you should be on the side and open the door towards you, holding on to its handrails.

When opening the door, it is prohibited to rest against the bracket and lean on the door to avoid falling due to loss of balance, as well as to open the doors of covered cars on overpasses that do not have running decks.

When closing a boxcar door, you should stand to the side of it and move the door by the handrails away from you.

3.53. Before unloading the car, inspect the condition of the bridge and gangway and ensure their strength and serviceability.

3.54. When unloading wagons, disassemble the cargo with ledges in such a way as to prevent the possibility of falling of individual pieces of cargo (boxes, boxes, etc.).

3.55. When opening the side of a railway platform, in order to avoid being hit by a falling side, you should be on the side of the ends of the side.

When closing the side of the platform, workers should be on the side of the ends of the side and lift the end side first, and after the raised side is held by the worker on the platform, the remaining workers take turns lifting the longitudinal sides. During these operations, it is not allowed to stand in front of the sides of the platform.

When closing the side of the platform, remove all tie-down wire from the car.

Opening and closing faulty sides of the platform should only be done under the guidance of a foreman or foreman.

3.56. When opening the hatch of a gondola car, you should be on the side of the hatch; standing in front of the hatch being opened is not allowed.

Two workers are required to open the hatch.

It is not allowed to open hatches from under the carriage.

When opening the hatch, people are not allowed to be in the carriage.

Closing the hatches should be done by two workers using special crowbars.

3.57. Unload the platform with lumber in a stable position in the following order:

  • cut off all the linkage;
  • lay down;
  • remove the racks from the side of the unloading front;
  • unload into slacks.

If the position of the lumber is unstable, take special care to unload the platform in the following order:

  • support the outer racks with levers;
  • cut off all the linkage;
  • lay down;
  • remove the middle posts from the unloading side;
  • cut off the outer posts at a height of about 0.5 meters from the platform floor;
  • unload all rows of lumber to the level of the cut posts.

Unloading should be done in rows horizontally to avoid the collapse of lumber.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If equipment breaks down, threatening an accident at the workplace, stop its operation, as well as the supply of electricity, cargo, goods, etc. to it. Report the measures taken to your immediate supervisor (the employee responsible for the safe operation of the equipment) and act in accordance with the instructions received.

4.2. In an emergency situation, notify nearby workers of the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.

4.3. If during work the unloading area becomes contaminated with fats or spilled powdery substances (flour, cement, etc.), stop work until the contaminants are removed.

4.4. Remove spilled grease using rags or other grease-absorbing materials. Wash the contaminated area with a heated (to no more than 50°C) solution of soda ash and wipe dry.

4.5. To delete large quantity If dusty powdery substances spill, wear goggles and a respirator.

4.6. In case of injury, poisoning or sudden illness, the victim must be provided with first (pre-hospital) aid and, if necessary, arrange for his delivery to a healthcare facility.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Turn off the equipment being used using the “stop” button and disconnect from electrical network using a switch or other disconnecting device that prevents accidental starting. Display a poster on the starting device: “Do not turn on! People are working!

5.2. Release the conveyor from the load and clean it from dirt. Clean the conveyor with a brush, dry rag, etc. only after the moving parts have completely stopped. Close the starter locking device. Lower the inclined conveyor to its lowest position.

5.3. Remove removable lifting devices and equipment to designated storage areas. Place the load trolley on a flat surface, the frame of the hydraulic trolley must be lowered to the lower position.

5.4. It is not allowed to remove garbage and waste directly with your hands. For these purposes, it is necessary to use brushes, dustpans and other devices.

5.5. Wash your hands with warm water and soap, and if possible, take a shower.

I have read the instructions:

(signature) (surname, initials)

"____" ____________ 20____


Head of the labor safety service (labor safety specialist or specialist assigned these responsibilities)

_______________ _______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Head of structural unit (developer)

_______________ _______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Instructionslabor protection for loader


1.1. To perform the duties of a loader, persons who are at least 18 years of age, fit for health and have passed:

— initial briefing on labor protection in the workplace and fire safety briefing;

— know the labor safety instructions for loaders;

— know the location of first aid facilities, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, evacuation routes in the event of an accident or fire;

- perform only the work assigned by the immediate supervisor and not transfer it to others without the permission of the immediate supervisor;

— while working, be attentive, do not be distracted or distract others, do not allow the presence of persons unrelated to work at the workplace;

1.5. The loader must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eating, smoking, and resting are permitted only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially designed water coolers.

1.6. The loader is obliged to perform his work in accordance with employment contract, job description. In your work, you must strictly follow the established internal rules of the day. It is prohibited to remain on the territory of the enterprise after the end of the work shift.

1.7. The main hazardous production factors when performing work may be:

- low air temperature in production premises and structures;

— increased air temperature in production premises and structures;

— moving cars; transported goods, containers;

— unstable stacks of stored and weighed goods;

— high or low air humidity;

— increased air mobility;

— increased level of dust in the air of the working area;

- absence or lack of natural light;

— insufficient illumination of the working area;

— sharp edges, burrs and uneven surfaces of equipment, tools, inventory, containers;

— chemical factors;

— physical overload;

— increased level of noise and vibration.

1.8. Based on clause 21 of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF from 09.12.2014 No. 997n “On approval of the Standard Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of cross-cutting professions and positions of all types of economic activities, engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with contamination” – the loader is required to have the following PPE:

When working with coal, sand, coke, peat and bitumen:
1 piece
12 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
before wear
When working with acids and caustic substances:
1 piece
1 pair
12 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
before wear
When working with timber:
1 piece
Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
When working with other cargo and materials:
Suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts 1 piece
Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs
When working with hot metal:
Suit for protection against elevated temperatures 1 piece
Apron for protection against elevated temperatures 2 pcs.
Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
When working with liquid pesticides:
1 piece
Overalls for protection against toxic substances and dust made of non-woven materials before wear
1 piece
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair
Oversleeves made of polymer materials before wear
Gloves made of rubber or polymer materials 6 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
Personal respiratory protection equipment, filtering or insulating before wear
When working with dusty, bulk and solid pesticides:
Suit for protection against solutions of acids and alkalis or 1 piece
Overalls for protection against toxic substances and dust made of non-woven materials before wear
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair
Polymer coated gloves 6 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
Filtering personal respiratory protection equipment before wear
When working with leaded gasoline:
Suit for protection against solutions of acids and alkalis 1 piece
Apron for protection against solutions of acids and alkalis 1 piece
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair
Gloves made of rubber or polymer materials 6 pairs
Safety glasses before wear
Filtering personal respiratory protection equipment before wear

1.9. In order to prevent fires, the loader is prohibited from:

- use electric heating devices not equipped for this purpose;

- smoking and using open fire in undesignated places;

- use temporary or faulty wiring.

1.10. If an employee is injured, he is required to receive first aid, and subsequently the injured employee is transported to a medical facility.

1.11. Persons who fail to comply with or violate instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and with the internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subject to an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection norms and rules.

1.12. The employee’s immediate supervisor monitors the implementation of the activities set out in this instruction.


2.1. Wear special clothing and safety shoes. Fasten the overalls with all buttons, avoiding hanging ends of the clothing, and tuck hair under the headdress. Check that there are no sharp, piercing or cutting objects in your clothing. Wear special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

2.2. After receiving the task from the manager, the storekeeper must:

- inspect equipment and working tools, make sure they are in good condition;

— inspect the workplace (the loader’s workplace includes the territory of the enterprise, warehouse and utility rooms, the bodies of vehicles in which he has to perform loading and unloading operations);

— make sure that the workplace is not cluttered with foreign objects and is sufficiently lit;

- storing foreign materials or any objects in places where loading and unloading operations are carried out is prohibited;

— inspect loading and unloading areas (access roads must have a smooth, hard surface and be kept in good, clean condition, and in winter, cleared of ice (snow) and sprinkled with slag or sand);

— equip work sites with safety signs.

2.3. Each cargo must be carefully inspected. If the slightest damage to containers, packaging or cargo is detected, it is necessary to report this to the immediate supervisor in order to take additional precautions to ensure the safety and integrity of the cargo, the safety of workers and safety requirements during work.

2.4. The presence of workers not involved in loading and unloading operations and warehouse work at work sites is prohibited.

2.5. The loader must report any deficiencies found in the work to the immediate supervisor of the work.


3.1. During the work process, the loader must be guided by the rules of operation of the equipment used for this type of work, use safe ways and methods of performing work, perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor safety and for which you are authorized. Do not entrust your work to untrained or unauthorized persons.

3.2. Employees who have undergone special training and knowledge testing in the prescribed manner are allowed to work on the equipment. It is prohibited to delegate control and maintenance of equipment to untrained workers, and to leave operating equipment that requires the presence of personnel unattended.

3.3. Switching on, starting and monitoring the operating equipment must be carried out only by the person to whom it is assigned.

3.4. Electrical equipment, as well as equipment and mechanisms that may be energized, must be grounded.

3.5. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only designated passages.

3.6. Keep your workplace and warehouse clean, ensure timely cleaning of scattered (spilled) goods.

3.7. Do not allow cluttering of aisles and passages between racks, stacks, passages to control panels and switches, evacuation routes and other passages with empty containers, equipment, or unloaded goods.

3.8. Do not be at a dangerous distance from maneuvering vehicles, inside the vehicle when unloading (loading), between its side and the overpass when the vehicle is moving in reverse.

3.9. Take measures to eliminate potholes, cracks and other floor defects in aisles and driveways that appeared during work.

3.10. The loader, when performing loading and unloading operations and transporting goods manually, must comply with the following safety requirements:

- carry sharp, cutting, piercing products and instruments only in cases and cases;

- carry packaged, unpacked cargo and cargo in rigid containers only in gloves and other personal protective equipment;

— glass containers must be placed on stable stands;

- carry loads in faulty containers, packaging, with protruding nails and objects, edging, etc. prohibited;

— before performing loading and unloading operations on a vehicle, it is necessary to visually inspect the floor of the vehicle body, making sure that it is reliable;

— unloading and loading of a vehicle is allowed only with the engine turned off, the parking brake installed and wheel chocks placed under the wheels of the vehicle, while the driver must be outside the vehicle;

— before unloading an onboard vehicle, the platform side lock must be opened first in the middle, and then at the ends of the platform, while the loader must be at a distance of at least 1 meter from the platform side;

— at least two workers are allowed to open and close the sides of the vehicle body, standing on the side of the side, making sure that the cargo is safely positioned;

- for unloading a large amount of piece goods, for the transfer of loaders with cargo from the vehicle platform to the warehouse and back, bridges, gangways, ladders must be used, the deflection of the flooring at maximum load should not exceed 20 mm. If the length of ladders and bridges is more than 3 mm, intermediate supports must be installed under them;

— bridges and gangways must be made of boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm and fastened from below with rigid planks at intervals of no more than 0.5 m;

— the gangway must have strips with a cross-section of 20´40 mm to support the feet every 300 mm;

— metal bridges must be made of corrugated sheet metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm;

- scaffolds up to 4 m high are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the immediate supervisor of the work, more than 4 m - by a commission appointed by the head of the organization;

— when moving together with other loaders, long loads must be carried on the shoulders of the same name, and the load must be raised and lowered at the command of the work manager;

— to secure the load in the body of the vehicle, special stops, support frames, and shields must be used. Securing cargo using wire or metal ropes is prohibited;

— placed cargo must be placed only in the place intended for this purpose, excluding the possibility of falling, tipping over, sliding, and ensuring the accessibility and safety of their removal when being released into production or when loading for shipment;

— cargo must be stacked or installed in accordance with the requirements for storing specific cargo;

— in order to avoid an accident (pressing a leg or arm to the floor) and to ensure the convenience of subsequent processing, heavy objects should be placed on special supports;

- stowing cargo in aisles, driveways, near electrical installations, electrical wires, switches, fire panels and conductive fittings is prohibited;

- stacking of cargo, including at loading and unloading sites and in temporary storage areas, close to the walls of the building, columns and equipment, stack to stack - is prohibited;

- when placing cargo in warehouses, the following clearances must be observed: from the walls of the premises - 0.7 m, from heating devices - 0.2 m (must increase according to the conditions of cargo storage), from lighting sources - 0.5 m, from the floor - 0.15 m, between boxes in a stack - 0.02 m, between pallets and containers in a stack - 0.05-0.1 m;

— after stowing the cargo, in order to prevent its spontaneous movement, it is necessary to install special devices and devices (side racks, spacers, linings, supports, etc.);

— methods of stacking cargo must ensure stability during storage, the possibility (if necessary) of mechanized loading and unloading, the safety of workers when storing cargo, on or near the stack, the possibility of using means fire equipment and equipment, circulation of air flows during natural and artificial ventilation in enclosed spaces;

— machine parts with protruding sharp working edges should be placed in stacks or bags so as to exclude the possibility of injury to people who come into contact with them during operation;

— cargo in rows of stacks must be sorted by size;

— when stacking heavy cargo, it is necessary to use wooden spacers or racks-stands;

— dismantling of stacks must be done only from the top and evenly along the entire length;

— when forming a stack, it is advisable to place heavier loads in the lower rows;

— stacking loaded flat pallets is allowed to a height at which the safety of the containers of the lower pallets is guaranteed (10 - 13 pcs., height 2.5 - 3 m);

— linings and gaskets in stacks should be placed in the same vertical plane. Use pads made of metal or wood;

— using fragile materials (concrete, brick, glass) and round gaskets as gaskets is prohibited;

- the width of passages between loads and stacks must be at least 0.8 - 1 m;

- rickety stacks may only be dismantled during the day, in accordance with a previously developed method of conducting work under the guidance of the person responsible for loading and unloading operations;

— work on two adjacent stacks at the same time is prohibited;

- dismantling the stack, in order to avoid its destruction, should be done only from above and evenly over the entire area.


4.1. In the event of smoke or fire, immediately stop work, turn off electrical equipment, call the fire department, inform the immediate supervisor and administration of the organization, and take measures to evacuate the premises. When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to use primary fire extinguishing means and take part in the evacuation of people. When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.

4.2. In case of injury, the employee is obliged to stop work, notify his immediate supervisor and call emergency medical care or go to a medical facility.

4.3. If voltage (sensation of current) is detected on the metal parts of the equipment, the electric motor hums, if vibrations or increased noise levels occur, if electrical wires suddenly heat up and melt, electrical equipment sparks, or the ground wire breaks, then it is necessary to stop the operation of the equipment and make an entry in the technical condition log equipment and report the incident to your immediate supervisor. It is prohibited to start work without instructions from the supervisor.

4.4. The loader must know the methods of providing first aid to victims of accidents at work.

4.5. In all cases of departure, provide the victim with rest and seek medical help as soon as possible.

4.6. If harmful substances enter through respiratory tract It is necessary to remove the victim from the infection zone into fresh air, lay him down, preferably in a warm place, unfasten his clothes and belt.

4.7. If harmful substances come into contact with the skin, remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the contaminated areas of the skin with plenty of water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly and generously with running water.

4.8. If harmful substances enter the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal tract Give a few glasses of warm water or a 2% baking soda solution to drink.

4.9. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current by immediately turning off the electrical installation with a switch or circuit breaker. If it is impossible to turn off the electrical installation quickly enough, it is necessary to free the victim using dielectric gloves or a dry wooden object, and you must also ensure that you do not become energized yourself. After releasing the victim from the action of the current, it is necessary to assess his condition, call an ambulance and provide first aid until the doctor arrives.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the loader must:

- turn off the equipment, turn off the ventilation systems, put tools and devices in designated areas, tidy up the workplace;

— inform your immediate supervisor about the tasks completed, as well as about any malfunctions noticed during the work;

- take off work clothes and shoes and put them in designated storage areas;

- wash your hands and face with soap, take a shower if possible;

- leave the territory.