What kind of training is provided at the request of state supervisory authorities. On-the-job training: frequency of delivery. Are TB training mandatory?

Question 58. Types of briefings in the workplace, their purpose and frequency

Types of briefings

Instructions are important in ensuring occupational safety. According to GOST 12.0.004-90, five types of instruction are provided:

  • primary;



Introductory briefing– carried out upon entry to work by the enterprise’s labor protection service. All new entrants to the enterprise, as well as business travelers and students arriving for internship are required to undergo this instruction. The purpose of this training is to introduce general rules and labor protection requirements at the enterprise.

Initial briefing– is carried out for all those hired at the enterprise before being allowed to work (including students arriving for internship), as well as upon transfer from one unit to another. Instruction is carried out directly at the workplace. The purpose of this instruction is to study the specific requirements and safety rules when working on specific equipment and when performing a specific technological process.

All workers, after initial instruction at the workplace, must, depending on the nature of the work and qualifications, undergo an internship for 2...14 shifts under the supervision of a person appointed by order (instruction) for the workshop (site, etc.). Workers are allowed to work independently after an internship, testing of knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

Re-briefing - carried out at least once every six months, and for high-risk work - once a quarter. The purpose of this briefing is to restore labor safety rules in the employee’s memory, as well as to analyze existing violations of safety requirements in the practice of a production site, workshop, or enterprise.

Unscheduled briefing– carried out in the following cases:

    upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as changes and additions to them;

    when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting safety;

    during breaks in work for work that is subject to increased safety requirements, for more than 30 calendar days, and for others - 60 days;

    at the request of supervisory authorities.

Targeted briefing– carried out when performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty:

    loading and unloading operations, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, site, etc.;

    liquidation of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters;

    carrying out work for which a permit, permit or other special documents are issued;

    conducting excursions to the enterprise, organizing public events with students ( sporting events, hiking, etc.).

Registration of briefings

Primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, industrial training instructor, teacher). The person who conducted the instruction and internship makes an entry in the instruction logbook and (or) in the personal card of the instructee with the obligatory signature of the instructee and the instructor about the conduct of the specified briefings, internship, and admission to work. When registering an unscheduled briefing, indicate the reason for it. Targeted briefing with employees carrying out work under work permits, permits, etc. (provided for certain types of work of increased danger), is mandatory recorded in the work permit, permit or other document authorizing the work.

Knowledge Test

Knowledge testing is a necessary component of training and instruction. The results of the instruction are verified by oral questioning or using technical training tools, as well as by testing the acquired skills in safe working methods. Persons who demonstrate unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work and are required to undergo training or instruction again.

Summary table of types of labor safety briefings

Name of the briefing

In what cases is it carried out, frequency

Who conducts

Where to register

1 time upon hiring


on labor protection

registration of introductory


    On-the-job training:

2.1. Primary

Before starting independent


divisions or

registration of introductory


2.2. Repeated

At least once every 3 months

Direct work supervisor

registration of introductory



When new or amended laws, regulations, and labor safety instructions are introduced;

When changing technological processes, replacing (upgrading) equipment, devices, tools that affect labor safety;

If employees violate labor safety requirements, creating a real threat of an accident, breakdown, etc.;

On demand officials state Supervisory and control bodies;

If there is a break in work for more than 30 days in harmful and dangerous working conditions, or more than 60 days – for other works;

By decision (order) of the employer.

Direct work supervisor

registration of introductory


2.4. Target

When performing one-time work to eliminate the consequences of accidents, work under work permits, orders, etc.

Responsible for the execution of work according to the work permit

What types of occupational safety guidance exist and in what periods is it carried out?
Instruction program and categories of employees who are required to participate in it. Read more in the article below.

What types of occupational safety training should be carried out in the organization?

There are several types of occupational safety management that are carried out in every enterprise, regardless of its size:

  • Introductory;
  • Primary or original;
  • Repeated or secondary;
  • Target.

Introductory briefing

This is an instruction on labor protection carried out with all newcomers, regardless of the skills and abilities they previously acquired. In addition, instruction is provided to substitute workers, university students, production workers or practitioners undergoing training at research centers, etc.
In medium-sized enterprises (organization), the procedure is carried out by security engineers labor activity or employees designated as responsible persons.

Large companies may appoint several persons from different departments to conduct training.
The fact that the instruction was carried out must be entered in the registration journal; a note is made in the act of admission to the position indicating that the instructions were received, and the employee is required to sign the document.
The instruction strategy is developed by a labor protection engineer, and the plan is approved by the leading engineer of the enterprise.


Initial or primary training on labor protection is carried out at the workplace before work begins with the following categories of employees:

  • New employees;
  • Sent from other departments of the company;
  • Before performing an unknown type of work;
  • Builders and installers performing work on site.

The boss instructs an individual employee or a group of employees. In this case, demonstration of non-hazardous work methods and skills is used. Employees who do not work in the field of maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of instruments, use of equipment, preservation and use of materials and components do not receive initial instructions. The list of employees is verified by the head of the enterprise, coordinated with the trade union committee and the labor safety service.

The order of initial instructions is on the following issues:

  • Basic data on technology and tools at the production site, department, unfavorable and negative aspects in production;
  • Proper organization of the work place, taking into account safety standards;
  • Preparatory plan for working with equipment, certification of the serviceability of equipment, tools and devices, protective equipment;
  • Protective methods and work techniques, tools for personal safety at work, and instructions for use on how to safely move around the workplace and territory during work;
  • Risk areas, as well as equipment and tools that entail a risk to life and health; safety mechanisms on tools and equipment, safety symbols and signals;
  • Safety rules for unloading and loading large and small cargo;
  • Rules for preventing traumatic situations;
  • Risk factors at work, rules of behavior in emergency situations, and methods for their prevention;
  • Locations of fire zones, emergency exits, alarms and instructions for use.


All employees, without exception, except those who were exempted from the first, regardless of professional skills, work experience, and degree of training, undergo repeated guidance on occupational safety and health. The procedure is carried out every six months, according to the original instructions. In some cases, specialized services for state supervision and control establish a long break between carrying out instructions on labor protection for a period of up to 12 months.
The procedure is carried out by the person in charge or by several persons operating the same equipment in the workplace.

Targeted training on labor protection

For what purpose are targeted instructions given to employees at the enterprise?

  • If the work is one-time, not related to the direct responsibilities of the employees;
  • If there is a need to repair damage after emergency situations in production, natural disasters, etc.;
  • If the work is industrial, and a permit is written for it, and other acts in which there must be a record that the employee has been instructed.


This is a separate method of labor protection, carried out when:

  • Innovations, whether new or revised standards, labor safety regulations and labor safety guidelines;
  • Updates technological processes, updates to tools, raw materials and other aspects;
  • Incorrect compliance with workplace safety rules by employees, which can result in traumatic situations dangerous to life and health, as well as accidents, etc.;
  • Intervals in work, if work requires high safety standards - after a month of downtime, for other cases - two months;
  • Upon resolution from labor protection and safety authorities, as well as other services.

Management is carried out either personally or with a team of employees, if they are of the same specialization. The content of the instructions depends on the factors that led to the need for their implementation.

Timing of labor safety briefings

The regulations for completing the occupational safety manual are carried out within strictly established time frames:

  • When hiring - introductory;
  • Before starting the work process, both independently and under the patronage of the person in charge - initial;
  • Six months after the initial briefing or more often in the presence of special factors - repeated;
  • If appropriate, unscheduled and targeted.

Proper compliance with health and safety standards implies a clear sequence in carrying out instructions. That is, first of all, the employee receives introductory guidance, and then the rest.

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Occupational safety and health training is a set of measures designed to preserve the life and health of an employee, reduce the level of injuries and prevent occupational diseases. There are various types instructions on safety and labor protection, we will tell you more about them.

Employees of institutions, including their managers, as well as individual entrepreneurs must be trained in labor safety rules and undergo testing of acquired skills (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The rank and file receives necessary information in the form of training.

Occupational safety briefing and fire safety is a learning process on the issues of ensuring safe conditions work both in the institution in general and at a specific place in particular. It will enable the employee to avoid possible dangers in the process of activity and prevent possible problems. Instruction on labor protection and fire safety ends with a test of acquired knowledge. The best result is the correct use of work tools, compliance with labor protection requirements and organizational rules.

The list of existing occupational safety briefings, the algorithm for conducting them, as well as the content requirements are included in the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT. Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 212 prohibits the employer from allowing employees to work who have not been trained in labor protection and fire safety.

Let us tell you in more detail what types and tasks of occupational safety briefings exist.

Introductory briefing

Introductory training on occupational safety should be carried out on the first working day. It is held for:

  • all those hired;
  • persons seconded to the institution;
  • employees of other enterprises operating within the employer’s territory in at the moment;
  • interns, etc.

Conducting introductory briefings on occupational safety is entrusted to an occupational safety specialist, sometimes to an employee designated administrative document leader.

The program includes information about:

  • regulatory framework in the field of labor protection;
  • rules of work at the enterprise;
  • emergencies;
  • the procedure for gaining access to independent work, etc. The legislation defines other types of occupational safety briefings than those considered: primary at the place of work, repeated, unscheduled and targeted. They are carried out by the employee’s immediate supervisor, who has been trained in occupational safety and has passed the test of acquired knowledge.

Initial briefing

Primary training on occupational safety in the workplace is carried out for:

  • new employees;
  • seasonal workers;
  • business travelers;
  • trainees.

People who are not associated with risks may not undergo such training if their activities are not related to:

  • maintenance, debugging, repair of equipment;
  • using power tools;
  • storage of raw materials.

In this case, the employer, by administrative act, determines the list of those professions and positions, replacing which employees are exempt from the procedure.

The training program included in the briefing on occupational safety and industrial sanitation contains information about:

  • processes used in a particular area;
  • the equipment used;
  • algorithm for preparing for work;
  • requirements for personal protective equipment;
  • cases and causes of occupational injuries;
  • requirements for risk-free work on electrical equipment;
  • responsibility for violating the rules

The two types of training considered are carried out using special programs that are developed and approved by the employer.


Repeated occupational safety training allows you to consolidate and update previously received information.

Conducted for:

  • seasonal workers;
  • employees with a contract for up to 2 months;
  • business travelers;
  • employees who are assigned a new job;
  • trainees.
  • at least once every six months (with all specified categories);
  • at least once every 3 months (the equipment is highly dangerous).

The program is identical to the primary program. The work is carried out by a trained and knowledge-tested supervisor.

Employees who do not work with high-risk equipment are exempt. However, the list of such processes must be approved by the employer.

Unscheduled briefing

Unscheduled safety training is required:

  • to inform about new or changed safety regulations and instructions;
  • in case of changes in processes, equipment changes;
  • in case of violation of labor safety standards by employees, resulting in an accident or incident;
  • if required by regulatory authorities;
  • in case of a break in work (more than 30 days - under harmful and dangerous conditions, more than 60 days - under other conditions);
  • subject to the decision of the manager.

The work is carried out by a trained and knowledge-tested supervisor.

Targeted briefing

This type of training is carried out in the following cases:

  • performing one-time work;
  • the need to eliminate the consequences of an emergency;
  • performing work that requires admission or permission;
  • holding mass events in the institution.

The work is carried out by a trained and knowledge-tested supervisor.

Thus, the list of occupational safety training is extensive, but the actual training of the employee must be recorded in a special journal and confirmed with the signatures of both the trained employee and the instructor.

All types end with a test of knowledge acquisition. If the test is not passed, the employee is not allowed to work independently until he successfully retakes the test.

Fire safety briefing

The employer is obliged to train employees to comply with fire safety measures - as stated in Art. 25, 37 Federal Law dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ. Those who are not trained are not allowed to work.

For training, the employer must:

  • conduct fire safety training (types are similar to occupational safety);
  • ensure the passage of the PTM.

The training program includes information:

  • on the rules for maintaining buildings and premises of the enterprise, its territories, including evacuation routes, water supply systems, fire protection systems;
  • industrial safety requirements related to the specific activities of a particular institution;
  • fire safety measures during the use of equipment or during fire hazardous work;
  • rules for the use of open fire;
  • actions of workers in case of fire.

The primary one is carried out by an employee who is appointed by order of the employer responsible for fire safety. Training is individual, sometimes group is allowed.

The second one is carried out by the head of the department or the person responsible for fire safety. Duration of training - once a year, for dangerous objects- once every six months.

The unscheduled one is conducted by the person responsible for fire safety in the institution, but the content of the program depends on the reasons that necessitated its implementation.

The target is used, for example, when holding events with the participation large quantity people.

Conducted trainings are recorded in the logbook and signed by the trainee and the instructor.

There is a difference between fire safety instruction and fire safety training.

The purpose of the first is to give the employee information:

  • about the industrial safety requirements existing in the organization;
  • existing fire hazards in processes and equipment;
  • availability of extinguishing and protective equipment;
  • actions in emergency situations.

All employees take part in such training.

The purpose of PTM is to provide special knowledge to those managers and employees of the enterprise who are responsible for ensuring fire safety. The person in charge is trained according to the following algorithm:

  • no later than one month after hiring (if the institution does not belong to a fire-hazardous production) with further repetition at least once every three years;
  • once a year (if the activity is classified as fire hazardous).

Electrical safety briefing

Rules for labor protection and safety during the operation of electrical installations were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n.

The training is conducted by a specialist from the category of electrical technical personnel. The minimum tolerance regime is EB group III (up to 1000 V). In the absence of such an employee, a manager who has previously trained and has Group III in ES can train.

  • introductory;
  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

Upon completion of the occupational health and safety training, an entry is made in the registration log, the form of which is also contained in Order 328n.

The need to learn and use a specific program is determined by the type of personnel:

  • electrical engineering;
  • non-electrical.

As a result, the assigned group for electronic security will be determined.

Existing groups of work permits and their characteristics are included in the appendix to order 328n.

1st group - for non-electrical personnel. Allows an employee to work on electrical equipment together with an electrician. Needed by workers who do not use or repair devices with live parts, but who use electrical switches, sockets, equipment, and extension cords. They can use household electrical appliances, amplifiers at public events, television equipment, etc. This group is also needed when working with exposure to an electromagnetic field, static electricity, in emergencies associated with electric shock, or a fire in the wiring. To gain admission to the first group, you need knowledge that will allow you to urgently take measures to localize the emergency.

Groups from the second and above are for electrical technical personnel.

Ask questions and we will supplement the article with answers and explanations!

Employers are required to conduct occupational safety and health (OHS) training; this requirement is enshrined in the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, this is stated in Art. 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, industry acts, the system of labor protection standards is given in GOST 12.0.004-2015. What types of occupational safety training exist? What is the procedure for carrying them out? You can find answers to these and other questions in our material.

What is OT training?

Briefing is a mandatory training procedure that all employees without exception must undergo. It considers safety issues in general in the organization and in a specific area. The main purpose of the procedure is to warn employees about the dangers that they may encounter while performing work functions and their consequences.

How many types of occupational safety training are there? Today, five types of briefings are used: introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted. Each of them ends with an oral test of acquired knowledge.

The main types of labor safety briefings and their features are discussed below.

Types and frequency of safety briefings


This type of occupational safety training is carried out with all new employees, trainees, business travelers and other persons taking part in the work process without exception. It is carried out by an occupational safety specialist or another responsible employee appointed by order of the head of the organization. The purpose of the procedure is to provide a person with the minimum set of knowledge needed to ensure safety in the workplace.


This type of instruction on labor safety at work should be carried out immediately after the induction, but before the employee begins to perform work independently. The purpose of the briefing is to familiarize a person with the technological process, demonstrate how to safely work with equipment and tools at a specific workplace, and talk about other important factors.


Conducted at least once every 6 months for all personnel who have undergone initial training. For specialists who service high-risk units, it should be carried out every 3 months. The employer has the right to approve the list of positions that are exempt from it. The content of this type of occupational safety briefing: consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills, analysis of accidents that have occurred and ways to prevent them.


This type of instruction on labor protection in an organization is carried out selectively or for all personnel by the immediate supervisor of the work process. Its purpose is to talk about important changes in current legislation or the production process, to inform about an emergency or accident that has occurred and to prevent the occurrence of such in the future, etc. Unscheduled briefings can also be carried out at the request of state supervision authorities.


The procedure should be carried out before performing work with increased danger, one-time work in another position, and before eliminating the consequences of accidents. The procedure is carried out according to instructions, targeted instruction programs or other documents, taking into account the specific conditions of work.

How is the procedure performed?

As a rule, for different types The procedure for conducting labor safety briefings will be the same:

    Employees are told about hazardous factors production, familiarize them with safety instructions and other documentation.

    Responsible specialists who conducted the relevant types of occupational safety training at the enterprise check how employees have mastered the acquired knowledge. Most often, verification is carried out orally.

    The fact of each of the 5 types of labor safety briefings is recorded in special separate journals.

Employees who have not passed the test do not have the right to begin performing work functions. They will have to undergo training again. The procedure is carried out with a group of employees or individually with each employee.

Keeping a log of briefings

For all types of labor safety briefings, the procedure is such that the employer must keep records of them in special journals indicating the signature of the responsible official and the employee who has completed the training. You must also indicate the date of the event. IN regulatory documents Recommended forms of such journals can be provided.

In the journal of targeted briefing, it is necessary to write down the reason for which the knowledge test is being carried out, and the details of the manager’s order. Upon registration permit document to perform one-time work, it should indicate that the employee has undergone targeted training.

The management of the organization must ensure that the journal is properly formatted. This is very important, because if GIT inspectors come to the enterprise to check and find that there are no records in the log about the instructions given, the management will be held accountable. The same applies to the situation if, for example, an employee received work injury, and the log does not contain the necessary entry about his instruction. The inspectors will conclude that the company’s personnel were not properly trained before being allowed to perform work functions.

Timing of briefings

    Introductory – mandatory during employment.

    Primary – is carried out immediately after the introductory briefing, before the employee is allowed to perform work or undergo an internship.

    Repeated – every six months or every three months (if work conditions require it).

    Unscheduled. There are no set deadlines for this type of labor safety briefing; it must be carried out if new equipment has been installed at the enterprise, the technological process has changed, or an accident or accident has occurred. It must also be carried out if changes have been made to the current legislation on occupational safety.

    Target. For this type of labor safety briefings, the frequency of conduct depends on the frequency of occurrence of the relevant grounds. It is carried out when necessary, for example, before performing work with increased danger.

How are briefings conducted at Russian Railways and the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

How many types of labor safety briefings are carried out in large companies? In general, the procedure is no different from the generally accepted procedure; for example, the same 5 types of occupational safety briefings are used at JSC Russian Railways. Also, department employees undergo internships (on-the-job training) to individual categories Emergency training and duplication are carried out (knowledge testing simultaneously with the main employee). OSH training and knowledge testing are carried out during professional training, during advanced training in a specialty and technical studies, regular and extraordinary OSH knowledge tests are conducted.

All types of briefings on labor safety on railways are completed with an oral test of the acquired knowledge and skills. The facts of the inspection are recorded in special journals. This information is also entered into your personal card.

The types of labor safety briefings at the Ministry of Emergency Situations completely coincide with the generally accepted procedure. The main task of occupational safety in the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is to minimize the likelihood of injury or illness to an employee, increasing efficiency in countering fires and various emergency situations.

What threatens the employer if he does not provide occupational safety training?

Failure to comply with the deadlines for carrying out this procedure and the absence of appropriate entries in the logs is a serious violation and may result in prosecution administrative responsibility. An equally serious violation is the admission of an employee who has not passed the knowledge test to perform work functions. And if an accident occurs with an untrained employee, the consequences will be dealt with within the framework of criminal law.

The fines for an employer for lack of safety instructions are quite large:

    In accordance with Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, officials and individual entrepreneurs will have to pay from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, and organizations - from 110 to 130 thousand rubles.

    In accordance with Art. 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if the violation resulted in serious harm to health, the fine will be up to 400 thousand rubles, or another punishment will be applied, up to imprisonment (up to 2 years). If for the same reason the death of one or more people occurs, the person responsible faces forced labor or imprisonment (up to 5 years).

Knowing what types of labor safety briefings are carried out and how to organize them correctly, the head of the enterprise will be able to avoid problems with regulatory authorities.

All employees (including heads of organizations and individual entrepreneurs) are required to undergo occupational safety training and knowledge testing. Training for ordinary employees is carried out in the form of briefings.

Briefing is a training procedure that addresses safety issues in the organization, as well as at each workplace. Completing it will allow the employee to remember the dangers that he may encounter during work and their consequences. A knowledge test at the end of training reinforces the material covered. Ideally, a trained worker should use the equipment correctly, not violate labor safety requirements, and follow the rules of technical safety regulations.

The conditions for conducting, the list of existing occupational safety briefings and their contents are listed in the “Procedure for OSH training...”, approved. joint Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, as well as GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT. As stated in Art. 212, persons who have not completed training, internship (from 2 to 14 shifts) and knowledge testing are not allowed to work.

Therefore, we will consider in more detail what types of occupational safety briefings there are and in what cases they are carried out.


Introductory training on occupational safety is carried out on the first day of work:

  • with all persons hired;
  • with employees seconded to the organization;
  • with workers of third-party organizations performing work on the territory of the enterprise;
  • with trainees, etc.

Conducting introductory briefings on occupational safety is the responsibility of an occupational safety specialist or an employee appointed by decree of the manager.

During it, workers study:

  • main provisions of legislation relating to occupational safety;
  • rules of conduct at work;
  • information about emergency situations in the company or similar enterprises;
  • procedure for admission to independent work, etc.

What types of occupational safety training are carried out besides those we discussed above? These are primary workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings. These types of safety and labor protection briefings are carried out by the worker’s immediate supervisor, who has undergone occupational safety training and knowledge testing.


Initial instruction on occupational safety in the workplace is carried out by the head of the unit or, on his instructions, by the foreman.

It is carried out before independent work:

  • with all the newcomers;
  • seasonal workers;
  • with employees with whom it is concluded fixed-term contract for up to 2 months;
  • with displaced or transferred employees;
  • with posted workers;
  • with interns;
  • with persons who are entrusted with performing work that is new to them, etc.

Persons whose work is not associated with danger may be exempt from this type of instruction.

The training program includes:

  • general familiarization with the technological process at the work site;
  • familiarization with the equipment;
  • procedure for preparing for work;
  • PPE requirements;
  • cases of industrial injuries and their causes;
  • safety requirements when working with electrical equipment and lighting devices;
  • first aid measures;
  • liability for violation of OT rules.

Induction and initial training at the workplace are carried out according to specially developed and approved programs by the employer.


The goal is to consolidate previously acquired knowledge. Conducted according to initial training programs at the workplace.

All employees specified in the previous paragraph undergo repeated training on occupational safety. It is carried out at least once every 6 months. For workers servicing high-risk equipment, it is carried out at least once every 3 months. Workers whose activities do not involve danger may be exempt from this activity. But in order to document this, the boss is obliged to issue a corresponding order.


Unscheduled safety training is required:

  • upon the introduction of new or amended standards containing occupational safety requirements, as well as instructions on occupational safety;
  • when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • in case of violation of labor safety requirements by workers, if this caused an accident or accident;
  • at the request of regulatory authorities;
  • during breaks in work. For work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for others - more than 2 months;
  • at the discretion of the employer.


It is carried out for certain tasks:

  • when performing one-time work;
  • when eliminating the consequences of accidents, emergencies;
  • when performing work for which a permit or permit is issued;
  • when holding mass events at the enterprise.

So, we have reviewed the list of existing occupational safety instructions. The fact that an employee has undergone one or another instruction is recorded in special journals and confirmed by the signatures of the instructor and the person being instructed.

Each type of training ends with testing the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee safe ways labor. The instructor checks your knowledge. Persons who show unsatisfactory test results are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo instructions again.

Fire safety briefings

Now let's talk about fire safety training.

In accordance with Articles 25 and 37 of the Federal Law (as amended on July 29, 2018), employers are required to train their workers in fire safety measures. Persons who have not completed such training should not be allowed to work.

To train employees in fire safety measures, you need to:

  • conduct fire safety briefings (introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted);
  • organize their passage of PTM.

Occupational safety and fire safety training familiarizes workers with:

  • with the rules for the proper maintenance of the territory, buildings, and premises in them, including evacuation routes, water supply, fire alarm systems, as well as the process of evacuating people;
  • fire safety requirements based on the specific fire hazard of technological processes in the organization;
  • safety measures during equipment operation and fire hazardous work;
  • rules for the use of open flame during hot work;
  • responsibilities of employees in case of fire: call rules fire department, use of fire extinguishing means and fire automatics.

Let's consider the types of fire safety instructions.


Introductory training on labor protection and fire safety is carried out:

  • with all newly hired employees;
  • with employees seconded to the organization;
  • with persons arriving at industrial practice or training;
  • with other categories at the discretion of the employer.

It is carried out by a manager or employee appointed by order of the employer as the person responsible for industrial safety. The lesson is organized according to the program approved by the relevant order. Introductory instruction is carried out in the OT office according to a program approved by the employer using modern technical training tools and visual aids.


Initial instruction is carried out:

  • with all the newcomers;
  • with employees transferred from one unit to another;
  • with persons performing work that is new to them;
  • with construction workers and installers working on the territory of the organization.

It is carried out by a specialist appointed by order of the manager to be responsible for industrial safety, according to approved programs.

Classes are conducted individually with each employee. The employee is explained how to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, how to act in the event of a fire, and the rules for evacuation and first aid.

In some cases, group lessons are also possible.


Repeated instruction is carried out by the supervisor or the person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise. The frequency is once a year, and for employees of organizations with fire-hazardous production – once every 6 months.

It is carried out with the aim of repeating the material covered by the employee previously.


Carried out when:

  • introduction of new, changes to previous standards, instructions on industrial safety, etc.;
  • changes in factors affecting the fire safety condition of the facility;
  • if there was a violation by employees of fire safety rules, which led to a fire;
  • if information has been received about fires that occurred in other similar industries;
  • during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days (6 days for work with additional requirements for industrial safety), etc.


It is necessary when:

  • performing one-time work with increased fire hazard;
  • liquidation of consequences of emergencies, accidents, etc.;
  • carrying out work with the issuance of a work permit, hot work in explosive industries;
  • organizing mass events with fifty or more participants.

To record the conduct of briefings, organizations must keep logs of the conduct of safety briefings. The corresponding entries are made there, signed by the person being instructed and the person instructing.

Electrical safety instructions (ES)

According to the “Rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n, it is also necessary for workers to be instructed in electrical safety.

The implementation of the event is entrusted to a specialist who belongs to electrical engineering personnel and has at least group III in electrical safety (up to 1000 V). If there is no such worker at the enterprise, the lesson can be conducted by a manager who has previously completed training and received Group III in ES.

Briefings are of the following types: introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted.

It is known that personnel can be divided into two types:

  • non-electrical;
  • electrotechnical.

To understand how to carry out instruction in electronic safety, it is necessary to determine what type of specialists can be classified as. This will determine which program the training should take place and, as a result, the assigned ES group.

The list of groups and their description is contained in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules..., approved. By Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n. You can also see Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 6.

Upon completion of the lesson, the “Registration of Electrical Safety Instruction” log is filled out. It can be conducted using the form given in Appendix No. 5 to the Rules.

How to draw up a Regulation on briefings

Instruction rules, types and tasks of occupational safety briefings and methods of training workers in safe work practices are enshrined in the Regulations on the procedure for conducting occupational safety briefings.

A draft of this Regulation is being developed by the heads of the enterprise departments together with labor protection engineers. The finished project is agreed upon with the employer. After approval, it is put into effect by order of the chief. All employees of the organization must be familiarized with the completed Regulations.

Chief's responsibility

What is the liability for not instructing workers or allowing an untrained employee to work:

  • for officials and individual entrepreneurs - administrative fine in the amount from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • the legal entity will have to pay a fine of 110,000 rubles. up to 130,000 rub. (Part 3).

Criminal liability arises if failure to instruct and allow an untrained worker to work resulted in a grave accident due to negligence harm to health or death of a person or several people. More details in Art. 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.