Thesis: Organization of labor at the ATP. Safety requirements for the operation of vehicles Labor protection at a motor transport enterprise

A promising method for organizing the technological process in the engine section of the ATP

Operating mode of the design object

Engine shift start time: 7:00

End time of the engine section work shift: 16:00

Lunch break time for the motor section: from 11:00 to 12:00

Number of shifts per day of the motor section: 1

Occupational safety measures

Labor protection at the design site

Requirements for the premises of the motor area

The room for the engine section must ensure the safe performance of all technological operations and be equipped with an automatic fire alarm.

The microclimate, dust, gas pollution, and noise at workplaces should not exceed the standards established in the current regulatory legal acts.

The floor must be level and durable, have a coating with a smooth but non-slippery surface that is easy to clean. The floor must be resistant to oil products.

The motor area must be provided with ventilation.

Site safety instructions

General safety requirements

TO independent work For engine repair (hereinafter referred to as personnel), persons at least 18 years of age who have completed:

  • * introductory briefing;
  • * instruction on fire safety;
  • * initial training at the workplace;
  • * training in safe methods and techniques of work for at least a 10-hour program (for work that is subject to increased safety requirements - a 20-hour program);
  • * instructions on electrical safety in the workplace.

To perform the duties of engine repair personnel, persons who have completed training under a special program and have a certificate of qualification, who do not have medical contraindications for this profession, are allowed.

When repairing engines, personnel must undergo:

  • - repeated instructions on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months;
  • - unscheduled and targeted briefings in case of changes in the technological process or labor protection rules, replacement or modernization of production equipment, fixtures and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, violations of labor protection instructions, breaks in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work , which are subject to increased security requirements - 30 calendar days);
  • - dispensary medical examination.

Personnel must:

  • * comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
  • * comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
  • * comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment;
  • * comply with labor safety rules in road transport;
  • * use for their intended purpose and treat the issued products with care personal protection;
  • * be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to a victim in an accident;
  • * know the location of first aid facilities, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, evacuation routes in the event of an accident or fire;
  • * perform only the assigned work and do not transfer it to others without the permission of the foreman or workshop manager;
  • * while working, be attentive, do not be distracted and do not distract others, do not allow workplace persons not related to work;
  • * keep the workplace clean and tidy;
  • * comply with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, prescriptive signs, inscriptions and signals;
  • * walk through the territory to the place of work along established routes, pedestrian paths, passages, transitions;
  • * be extremely careful in traffic areas.

Personnel must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, and rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.

If malfunctions of equipment, devices, tools and other deficiencies or hazards are detected in the workplace

Immediately inform the foreman or workshop manager. You can begin work only with their permission after eliminating all deficiencies.

If a fire is detected or in the event of a fire:

  • * turn off the equipment;
  • * inform the fire department and administration;
  • * begin to extinguish the fire using the primary fire extinguishing agents available in the workshop in accordance with the fire safety instructions.

If there is a threat to life, leave the premises.

In the event of an accident, provide first (pre-medical) aid to the victim, immediately report the incident to the foreman or workshop manager, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (condition of the equipment), if this does not create a danger to others.

When repairing engines, personnel may be exposed to the following occupational hazards:

  • - suspended motor on a crane beam;
  • - flammable substances;
  • -equipment, tools, devices;
  • -fall of personnel as a result of their careless actions when moving around the territory.

Safety requirements before starting work

All machines must be grounded to avoid the risk of electric shock.

When working with a crane beam, it is prohibited to stand directly under the load and beam.

When working on engine repair stands, it is necessary to securely fasten the engine in the desired position.

Install the part on the machine for lapping valves only in the off position.

It is prohibited to block the passages between the equipment and the exit from the premises.

Used cleaning materials must be removed immediately.

Spilled oil or fuel must be cleaned up with sand or sawdust, which should then be poured into metal boxes with a lid installed outside the room.

Make sure that it is in good condition and put on special clothing, fasten it with all the buttons, and tuck your hair under your headdress.

When washing engines and parts, the concentration of alkaline solutions should not exceed 5%.

After washing parts and assemblies with an alkaline solution, they must be rinsed with hot water. It is strictly prohibited to use flammable liquids for cleaning. When using synthetic detergent surfactants, they are pre-dissolved in special containers or directly in the containers of the washing machine. The water temperature should not exceed the temperature of the parts by more than 18 - 20 ° C.

To protect hands and prevent splashes of the solution on the mucous membrane of the eyes, workers must use safety glasses, rubber gloves and dermatological products (Silicone cream, IER-2 paste).

Only workers who have undergone safety training and training in the correct techniques for performing work are allowed to perform work in the engine area.

When performing disassembly and assembly work, wrenches must be selected according to the size of the nuts and bolts. The size of the keys should not exceed the size of the bolt heads and nut faces by more than 0.3 mm.

Wrenches should not have cracks, nicks, burrs, non-parallel jaws or worn-out jaws.

It is forbidden to unscrew nuts with large wrenches and place metal plates between the edges of the bolts and nuts and the jaws of the wrench.

Yew jaws should have an unfinished surface - a notch. The screws securing the jaws must be in good condition and tightened. The clamping screw must be free of cracks and chips.


Work on faulty equipment, as well as faulty

tools and devices.

  • - wipe and wash units with flammable liquids;
  • - store clean cleaning materials together with used ones;
  • - store used oil, empty fuel and lubricant containers;

Safety requirements in emergency situations

  • - Each employee who was the first to identify the threat of an emergency situation must immediately stop work and give the “STOP” command. The “STOP” command given by any employee must be immediately followed by all employees who hear it.
  • - The employee must immediately inform the work manager, the plant dispatcher, or the site manager about the threat or occurrence of an emergency.
  • - If there is a threat or occurrence of other emergency situations, act in accordance with your responsibilities in accordance with the “Accident Elimination Plan”.
  • - In case of an accident, call a doctor to the victim, and before his arrival, provide first aid to the victim.
  • - If a short circuit occurs in the power supply of a power tool or other electrical equipment, immediately turn off the said electrical equipment and stop work until the damage is repaired.
  • - If an electrical installation or wiring catches fire, immediately stop working, turn off the power to the equipment, report the fire to the fire department and begin extinguishing the fire using carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.
  • - If a worker is struck by an electric shock, it is necessary to free him from the effects of electric current, turn off the electrical network and free him from contact with live parts, using dielectric protective equipment.
  • - If an employee is injured by dangerous, poisonous liquids, vapors, gases, it is necessary to take the victim to a safe place and call

doctor, provide first aid.

  • - Take measures to evacuate people and provide first aid to victims;
  • - Take measures to maintain the situation in the workplace as it was at the time of the incident, unless this threatens the life and health of workers and does not lead to more severe consequences.

Safety requirements after completion of work

  • - Disconnect used thermal and mechanical equipment from electrical network. Close the valves (taps) on the pipelines supplying gas, steam, water, etc. to the stopped equipment.
  • - Clean used equipment after it is disconnected from the electrical network, and thermal equipment after it has completely cooled down.
  • - Clean used equipment, devices and tools from contamination using a brush, ruffs, etc.
  • - Move portable equipment, inventory, fixtures and tools to designated storage areas.
  • - Tidy up the workplace. Do not clean up debris directly with your hands; use a brush, dustpan or other equipment to do this. Take collected garbage to the designated place.
  • - Turn off local lighting and ventilation.
  • - Report all deficiencies discovered during work and the measures taken to eliminate them to the immediate supervisor, and in case of continuous work, to the shift worker. The driver of the vehicle (forklift, electric and truck) must report this and official, at whose disposal it is allocated.
  • - Wash your hands and face with warm water and soap or take a shower. For stubborn stains, use special cleaning agents. After working with cleaning solutions, first wash your hands under running warm water until the “slipperiness” is eliminated. Lubricate your hands with nourishing and skin-regenerating cream.

Fire safety and calculation of fire fighting equipment

Fire safety class of the premises

Fire safety class of the engine section - D

Instructions for fire safety at the designed site

Fire safety involves ensuring the safety of people and maintaining material assets enterprise at all stages of its life cycle (scientific development, design, construction and operation).

It is imperative to check the power electrical circuits for the integrity of the wiring insulation and the absence of exposed or otherwise damaged wires.

There should be two exits to the site.

Used cleaning materials are placed in metal boxes with lids, and after the end of the shift they are taken to a fire-safe place.

In the engine area, it is prohibited to wash units and parts with flammable and combustible liquids.

Calculation of fire fighting equipment

The main fire safety systems are fire prevention and fire protection systems, including organizational and technical measures.

To extinguish a fire, the site has fire extinguishers OU-2 and OP-4. In quantity 2 pieces.

24. Cars of all brands and purposes, tractor-trailers, cargo scooters, trailers and semi-trailers in operation must be fully equipped in accordance with GOST and current technical conditions. The technical condition of vehicles (specialized rolling stock of panel carriers, bulk carriers, etc.), tractor vehicles, trailers must ensure safe operation on the line and comply with the Rules technical operation motor transport, traffic rules on city streets, settlements and roads of the USSR and these Rules. Any changes in the design of vehicles (tractors, trailers) without approval from the traffic police are not allowed.

25. All specialized and on-board vehicles transporting flammable liquids must be equipped with two fire extinguishers (type OP-5 or OU-2), a felt mat and a box of sand.

26. The following requirements are imposed on the vehicle cabin: the windshield and side windows must not have cracks or dark spots that impede visibility; side windows must move smoothly by hand or using window lifting mechanisms;

When the windshield wiper is turned on, the blades should move freely, without jamming, ensuring normal cleaning of the windshield;

Dips, torn areas, protruding springs and sharp corners are not allowed on the seat and backrest; the seat and backrest must be adjustable to ensure a comfortable sitting position for the driver;

the concentration of harmful substances in the cabin of a truck inside the cabin of a bus or the body of a passenger car should not exceed sanitary standards(carbon monoxide - 20 mg/m3, acrolein - 0.7 mg/m3);

Cab door locks must be in good working order, preventing them from opening spontaneously while the vehicle is moving;

the heating device in the cab must operate uninterruptedly: the use of exhaust gases for heating the cab of a truck (passenger compartment of a bus, body of a passenger car) is not allowed;

The cabin floor must be in good condition and covered with a rubber mat.

27. Power, cooling and lubrication systems should not leak fuel, oil, antifreeze and water, as well as exhaust gases passing through leaks in connections in the power and gas distribution systems.

28. The muffler pipe must be tightly connected to the engine exhaust pipe. The inlet and outlet pipes and the muffler must not have cracks or holes. The engine ventilation device must work properly, preventing gases from escaping into the engine compartment.

29. The crankshaft ratchet should have unworked slots, and the starting handle should have a straight pin of appropriate length and strength. The handle of the starting handle must have a smooth, burr-free surface.

30. The technical condition of the steering must ensure easy and reliable control of the front wheels at all vehicle speeds.

The following are not allowed in the steering:

steering play (when measured on the steering wheel) is more than 25° (in cars manufactured before 1946 - no more than 36°).

If there is a power steering, the clearance is checked with the power steering running;

bending and dents of the steering column or the presence of other damage that prevents the free rotation of the steering shaft;

loosening of the steering column and the presence of damaged fasteners;

loosening of the steering bipod fastening on the shaft; malfunctions of longitudinal and transverse steering rods and their parts (bending, cracks, damage to threads, plugs and tips, breakage of cotter pins, etc.);

increased clearance in the steering linkage joints.

31. The technical condition of the front axle must ensure reliable installation of the front wheels and fastening of the steering drive parts to the chassis parts.

The front axle must not have:

bends, cracks in the beam or independent suspension parts; the front wheel clearance is more than specified (according to the manufacturer’s passport);

jamming and damage in the front wheel bearings.

32. The technical condition of the brakes must ensure timely stopping of the vehicle (road train) and the simultaneous start of braking of all wheels. Movement of a vehicle with pneumatic brakes is permitted only if there is a pressure in the air cylinder of at least 5 kgf/cm2. The pressure gauge for a pneumatic drive should indicate the presence of air pressure in the system. At sub-zero temperatures, condensation from the air cylinder of the air brake system should be removed daily.

The following are not allowed in the brake system:

jamming in the mechanical drive, breakdowns and cracks in any of its parts;

leakage of fluid from the hydraulic drive system or entry of air into it;

air leakage in the pneumatic drive system, causing a pressure drop in the air cylinder greater than that established by the technical requirements of the manufacturer;

jamming of the pads in at least one wheel brake; replacing brake fluid with mineral or other oils, as well as surrogate fluids.

When adjusting and checking the hand brake, you must make sure that there are no cracks in the brake disc. If there is a crack, the disc must be replaced. The handbrake lever (handle) must be securely held by a locking device.

33. The technical condition of the tires must guarantee the safe movement of the vehicle (road train). It is prohibited to install tires:

not corresponding to the vehicle brand in terms of size and permissible load;

on the front axle of intercity buses, restored according to the 1st repair group, and on the rear axle - according to the 2nd repair group, and also on the front axle of passenger cars and buses (non-intercity, restored according to the 2nd repair group);

with a completely worn out tread pattern;

with a through hole, delamination or other mechanical damage to the tire;

with the air pressure in the tire not corresponding to the established norm.

It is prohibited to pair new tires with tires that have significant tread wear.

34. Wheel discs must be securely fastened to the hubs. It is not allowed to develop holes in the wheel rims that would impair the reliability of their fastening with nuts. The locking rings must be in good condition and installed correctly. Cracks and bent wheel rims are not allowed.

35. The technical condition of the vehicle's electrical equipment must ensure starting the engine using a starter, uninterrupted and timely ignition of the mixture in the engine cylinders, trouble-free operation of lighting, alarm and electrical control devices, and also exclude the possibility of sparking in wires and clamps. All electrical equipment wires must have reliable, undamaged insulation. The battery must be securely secured. Electrolyte should not leak from the battery monoblock.

36. Every car, regardless of its model and purpose, must be equipped with a rear-view mirror, allowing the driver to view the path behind.

37. Every car must have proper lighting (high beam, low beam and sidelights). It is allowed to install two fog lights (factory-made only) of yellow or white light, adjusted so as to prevent glare of oncoming traffic. All vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers must have brake lights, turn signals and parking lights.

38. Cars must be equipped with a set of serviceable tools and devices in accordance with GOST or technical specifications, in particular: a lifting device (jack) of the required lifting capacity, a starting handle, closed source lighting - a portable lamp with a cord at least 4 m long or an electric torch, a hand pump for inflating tires and purging the engine power system, wrenches and balloon wrenches. All cars must be provided with wedges (shoes) for placing under the wheels (at least 2 pieces). When sent on a long journey, trucks and buses must be additionally equipped with metal trestles, a shovel, a tow rope (rod), snow chains, and a first aid kit.

39. To prevent a fire in a vehicle, it is prohibited:

allow dirt mixed with fuel and oil to accumulate on the engine and its crankcase;

leave used cleaning materials (rags, ends, etc.) contaminated with oil and fuel in the cabins and on the engine; operate faulty power system devices;

Smoking in the immediate vicinity of engine power system devices (in particular, fuel tanks);

use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting mechanisms;

warm up the engine with an open flame.

Buses and trucks designed to transport people must be provided with fire extinguishing equipment.

Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers

40. Trucks must meet the following additional requirements:

the cargo onboard platform should not have broken beams and boards; the technical condition of the sides must exclude the possibility of the load falling out when the vehicle is moving;

The side and rear sides must open (recline) and have strong hinges and locks that prevent spontaneous opening.

When transporting passengers on cargo flatbed vehicles, the body must be equipped with seats at a convenient height from the floor, but not less than 15 cm from the top edge of the sides; the rear and longitudinally located seats at the side sides must have strong backs, and the side locks must be securely fastened.

A vehicle intended for the systematic transportation of passengers must, in addition, be equipped with an awning, a ladder for boarding and disembarking passengers, as well as lighting inside the body. In this case, the exhaust pipe of the muffler should be extended 3-5 cm beyond the dimensions of the body.

41. A truck with a van body must be equipped with:

serviceable outward-opening doors located at the rear or with right side body (body doors must be equipped with working locks that prevent them from opening spontaneously when the vehicle is moving); open door locks;

steps located directly under the doors for people entering and exiting, as well as loading and unloading cargo;

When people (loaders, agents) are traveling in a closed body (including a van), it is necessary to install a special place with a soft seat, ventilation and lighting.

A vehicle with a van-type body for transporting goods that require mandatory escort in the back must be equipped with: a seat with soft upholstery, located in the rear part of the starboard side;

folding ladder or brackets for boarding and disembarking people; a smooth, air-tight floor; lighting, ventilation and sound alarm; muffler extended beyond the dimensions of the body by 3-5 cm. Lighting sources inside the body must be protected from mechanical damage.

Lighting sources that are not fixed in recesses in the sides or ceiling must be protected by a strong mesh (or grille).

42. Trailers, semi-trailers and vehicles intended for the transportation of long cargo must be equipped with folding racks and shields (the latter are installed between the cabin and the load), and have turntables equipped with devices for securing these circles when the vehicle is moving without a load.

43. Turntables on trailers must have proper stoppers to prevent the trailer from turning when moving backwards. It is forbidden to lock the turntable of the trailer drawbar in transport position when moving forward.

44. The condition of the coupling device must prevent the trailer from being torn away from the towing vehicle. The road train must have safety (emergency) chains or cables connecting the trailer and the vehicle, preventing the trailer from coming off if the coupling device breaks down.

45. Flatbed trailers must have platforms equivalent in quality to vehicle cargo platforms and meeting the same requirements. All flatbed trailers must have a reliable hand brake to ensure that the trailer is held after it is disconnected from the towing vehicle.

46. Semi-trailers must be equipped with:

serviceable devices that serve as front support when they are uncoupled from the towing vehicle;

a working saddle device that ensures a fixed position of the locks - “Lock free”, “Lock locked”;

a parking brake, which serves to slow down the semi-trailer when coupling, uncoupling and parking.

47. A dump truck and a dump trailer must have supporting devices of the required strength, which would exclude the possibility of spontaneous lowering of the raised body (a bar hinged to the frame). The inscription “Do not work without support when the body is raised!” must be painted on the sides with indelible paint. The floor in the body of a dump truck must be level and smooth. The rear and side sides must be equipped with devices that prevent them from opening spontaneously and ensure tight closure.

48. Tank vehicles for transporting flammable liquids (gasoline, kerosene, oil, chemicals, etc.) must be provided with:

no less than two carbon dioxide fire extinguishers and a shovel;

metal grounding chains, soldered or welded at one end to the tank body and equipped with a metal tip at the other end;

devices for securing hoses when not in use.

Drain taps and hoses must be kept in full working order, and their condition and fastening must prevent leakage and splashing of liquid.

49. The exhaust pipe should be led to the right under the car radiator (along the way) with the outlet inclined downward. The tank must be marked “Flammable”, and if toxic non-flammable liquids are transported – “Dangerous”.

50. When transporting flammable liquids in containers in closed vehicles, the vehicles must have an appropriate ventilation system.

51. Vehicles intended for transportation of flammable liquids and chemicals must have the necessary set of tools and must be provided with a supply of degassers (dichloramine, bleach, etc.).

52. A truck used for emergency technical assistance must additionally be equipped with:

a special body or a converted body of a standard truck with a hard or soft top;

a workbench with a bench vice and a set of tools, fixtures and equipment for on-line car repairs;

special cells with drawers for storing tools, spare parts, accessories;

internal lighting and additional lighting sources (spotlights, portable low-voltage lamps) for repairs at night;

devices for towing cars with a rigid hitch and cable, entrenching tools and snow chains;

additional tanks for delivering fuel and oil to line vehicles and equipment for their safe refueling (hoses, pumps, funnels, etc.);

ladders or brackets for getting workers on and off; seats with soft cushions;

an extended muffler pipe extended beyond the dimensions of the body by 3-5 cm; a first aid kit with medicines and a tank of drinking water.

Special emergency vehicles designed for pulling out and lifting line vehicles and cargo that have suffered an accident must be equipped with lifting (traction) mechanisms (winches, capstans, etc.) and removable grilles on the windshield.

53. Additional requirements for the condition of special vehicles must be established in each individual case, depending on the purpose of these vehicles.

Basic safety requirements for tools and equipment

73. The following requirements apply to hand tools (hammers, chisels, punches, etc.):

the working ends must not be damaged (potholes, chips);

the side edges in places where they are clamped by hand should not have burrs, burrs or sharp edges;

the back of the percussion instruments must be smooth, free from cracks, burrs and bevels;

the length of the chisel, crosspiece, bit, core should not be less than 150 mm;

the tool should not be overheated;

hammers and sledgehammers must be securely mounted with wooden handles and wedged with roughened metal wedges;

The surface of all tool handles must be smooth, without burrs or cracks.

It is prohibited to use a file, chisel and other tools with a pointed non-working part, with a poorly strengthened wooden handle, as well as with a faulty handle or without a metal ring on it.

74. Wrenches must be selected according to the sizes of nuts and bolts. It is not allowed to use wrenches with non-parallel, worn jaws. It is prohibited to unscrew nuts with large wrenches and place metal plates between the edges of the nut and the wrench, as well as to extend the wrench handle by attaching another wrench or pipe.

75. When working with chisels and other tools for chopping metal, riveting frames, etc. workers must be provided with safety glasses.

76. To carry tools, if required by working conditions, each worker should be given a bag or a lightweight portable box.

77. Before starting work, all tools should be checked and faulty tools should be replaced.

78. Power tools should be stored in the tool room and issued to the worker only after a preliminary check, together with protective devices (rubber gloves, mats, dielectric galoshes). It is prohibited to use an electric tool with faulty insulation of live parts or in the absence of a grounding device. Electric tools may only be connected to the mains using plug connections. When working with portable electric tools from 127 V to 1000 V, be sure to use dielectric gloves, mats, galoshes, and stands. As a connecting wire for an electric tool, it is allowed to use a hose wire or multi-core flexible wires of the PRG type with insulation rated for a voltage of at least 500 V. The wires must be enclosed in a rubber hose. Checking with control devices the condition of wire insulation and protective grounding of electrical tools and portable electric lamps must be carried out at least once a month by specially designated workers, and the result of the check is recorded in a log. During breaks during work, as well as when turning off the current in the power supply network, equipment and electrical tools must be disconnected from the network. Do not hold the power tool by the cord or touch the rotating parts with your hand until they stop. At least twice a year, the enterprise administration is obliged to inspect grounding devices for electrical tools, measuring their resistance.

79. Devices for stopping and starting machines and mechanisms must be located so that they are convenient to use from the workplace and so that the possibility of their spontaneous activation is excluded.

80. When working with pneumatic tools, air supply is allowed only after the tool is in the working position. Connecting and disconnecting hoses to pneumatic tools is only permitted after turning off the air supply.

81. Blowtorches, electric and pneumatic tools may only be issued to persons who have been instructed and knowledgeable about the rules handling them.

82. Fixed equipment must be installed on foundations and securely bolted to it. Dangerous places must be fenced off.

83. The housings of electric motors of machines and equipment, as well as the control panel, must be reliably grounded or grounded. It is prohibited to work without grounding or grounding. It is prohibited to use open-type switches or switches with casings that have a slot for the handle.

84. Equipment and tools manufactured in-house, as well as all equipment after major repairs, must meet the safety requirements for new tools and equipment. Commissioning of new equipment, as well as equipment that has undergone major renovation, should be carried out only after its acceptance by a commission with the participation of a safety engineer and a senior public labor safety inspector of the enterprise. All operating equipment must be in good working order and be under constant supervision of the production site manager. The site manager is required to post a sign on faulty equipment indicating that working on this equipment is not permitted. Such equipment must be turned off (de-energized, drive turned off, etc.). Do not operate equipment with removed, loose or faulty guards. While the equipment is in operation, cleaning, lubricating or repairing it is not allowed.

85. Electric hoists, winches and other equipment used to move units and heavy parts must comply with the requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor rules and be brightly colored (black stripes on a yellow background).

86. Electric cranes and hoists must have automatic limit switches and maximum load limiters to ensure safe operation. Manual, lever-rack jacks must have devices that prevent spontaneous lowering of the load when the force is removed from the lever or handle, and must be equipped with stoppers that prevent the screw or rack from coming out when the rod is in the upper extreme position. Electrically driven jacks must be equipped with a device to automatically turn off the electric motor in the extreme positions (upper and lower). Hydraulic and pneumatic jacks must have tight connections to prevent leakage of liquid or air from the working cylinders while moving the load. They must have devices (check valve, diaphragm) that ensure slow, smooth lowering of the rod or stopping it in the event of damage to the pipelines supplying or discharging liquid (air). The supporting surface of the jack heads must have a shape that prevents the lifted load (vehicle, unit) from slipping. Testing of jacks (once a year) must be carried out with a static load greater than the limit by 10% (according to the passport) for 10 minutes with the rod in the upper extreme position. In hydraulic jacks, the drop in fluid pressure at the end of the test should not be more than 5%. All test results are indicated in a special journal.

87. Lifting and transport devices and auxiliary devices (cranes, hoists, hoists, impact wrenches, wheel pullers, etc.) must be tested and inspected annually (with a report drawn up or recorded in a journal) and have plates with the date of subsequent testing clearly indicated on them and the permissible load capacity.

Working for motor transport enterprises are exposed to increased danger due to the large number of self-propelled vehicles, the use of complex equipment, devices and tools when maintenance and car repairs, the use of flammable and explosive materials, the presence of emissions of harmful gases.

Responsibility for managing occupational safety and health work safety precautions, carrying out measures to reduce and prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases entrusted to the head of the motor transport enterprise.

To directly conduct work on labor protection, safety precautions and industrial sanitation, the position of engineer (senior engineer) for safety precautions, subordinate to the chief engineer of the motor transport enterprise, is provided.

Local (factory) trade union committees monitor compliance with labor legislation, labor protection and industrial sanitation requirements, and resolve labor disputes.

To improve work on labor protection and safety, trade union committees create labor protection commissions at enterprises and assign public labor protection inspectors.

General industrial safety measures are: improving production standards, instructing workers on safe work practices, monitoring compliance with safety rules, involving the public in solving labor safety issues, compliance with the technological process, serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, sufficient width of passages and passages , safety of protective fences, provision of workers with special clothing.

  • Accidents often occur because workers use faulty, dirty and oily tools.
  • Starting the engine must be done by the starter. Before starting the car, you need to brake and put the gear lever in neutral.

When using the starting handle (in exceptional cases), you should not grasp the handle, turn the handle from bottom to top, and do not use levers or amplifiers.

In engines with manual ignition timing adjustment, the ignition must be retarded before starting. It is prohibited to start engines while towing vehicles (after repairs, overnight parking, etc.)

  • At car battery maintenance you need to use a portable lamp with a voltage of 36 V; Do not use a light source with an open flame.

It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the ventilation holes in the plugs, since if they are clogged, the gas pressure increases greatly and the battery tank may rupture.

The wires must be securely attached to the battery terminals. When removing and carrying batteries, use grips, and for transportation, use carts or stretchers.

Smoking, lighting matches, and working with open flames are prohibited in rooms for repairing and charging batteries.

Do not test the battery voltage with a short circuit; You should use the load fork, being careful not to touch the very hot resistance of the load fork with your hand.

  • Tire installation and dismantling it must be done on a stand or on a clean floor (platform), and on the way - on a spread out tarpaulin.

Tires should be inflated with air in a fenced area or using devices that protect workers from accidents when the lock ring pops out or the tire ruptures.

When inflating, make sure that the air pressure in the tire does not exceed the established norm.

  • Before self-extrication of a stuck car The winch cable is securely secured to a pole, stump, rocker or anchors dug into the ground, and the ground is cleared under the front and rear axles of the car. Then they turn on the gear to wind the cable in the power take-off box and pull up the car at 1000-1100 rpm of the engine crankshaft.

To pull out another car, use a winch block and chain. The car with the winch is placed on a solid base and braked. Stops are placed under the wheels and the car is secured with a cable to some object on the ground.

Then only the power take-off is turned on, and the gearbox lever is placed in the neutral position.

Refuel cars only possible at gas filling stations with the engine not running. When filling cylinders with liquefied gas, you must be careful of frostbite. Within the time limits established by Gosgortekhnadzor, the cylinders are tested.

Operation of gas-cylinder vehicles with faulty gas equipment and gas leaks is prohibited. When a gas leak cannot be eliminated, the gas is released into the atmosphere (away from people and sources of fire).

When parking the car for a long time, the cylinder valves must be closed, the gas from the main line must be exhausted, and the main valve must be closed.

Before tightening the nuts of the gas equipment and checking or correcting electrical equipment, you must close all the valves and make sure that there is no gas under the engine hood.

You cannot adjust a gas-cylinder vehicle indoors or repair gas equipment that is under pressure, or while the engine is running.

Persons who have undergone appropriate training and passed exams on the technical minimum and safety regulations are allowed to drive and repair gas-cylinder vehicles.

  • Based on “Safety rules for road transport enterprises”, the administration of a motor transport enterprise develops safety instructions for individual professions and jobs in relation to local conditions.

The instructions indicate measures to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

The instructions must strictly comply with current standards, rules and GOST standards for safety and industrial sanitation.

The instructions are approved by the head of the enterprise.

  • For safety reasons, reliable lifting devices must be used.
  • Leaded gasoline is poisonous, but it is only dangerous if it is not used properly. It can only be used as fuel for engines.
  • transported and stored in sealed metal cans and barrels with screw-on caps. The container must bear the inscription “Poison” and a labeling sign established for toxic substances.
  • Concentration of harmful substances contained in exhaust gases should not exceed: in the cabin of a truck, inside the passenger compartment of a bus or the body of a passenger car, 30 m/m 3 of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) and 2 mg/m 3 of acrolein; in premises for maintenance and repair of automobiles with constant and long-term presence of workers there - 20 mg/m 3 of carbon monoxide and 0.7 mg/m 3 of acrolein.
  • The following are provided: introductory, on-the-job briefing, repeated briefing, additional (unscheduled) briefing, safety training.
  • aims to prevent possible complications that threaten the health and life of people.
  • For violation of labor protection and safety regulations the following penalties may be imposed: reprimand (promotion), reprimand, severe reprimand and transfer to a lower-paid job for up to three months. In the work of car drivers, such gross violations of labor discipline as showing up at work while drunk, recklessness and carelessness leading to accidents are especially unacceptable. The head of the enterprise can transfer materials against violators of labor protection and safety rules to a comrades' court. A comrades' court may announce a comradely warning, public censure, public reprimand, and may raise the question of transferring the culprit to a lower-paid job or demoting him in position.

Occupational health and safety at motor transport enterprises is strictly determined by laws that take into account their specifics. The main provisions on occupational health and safety are set out in the Labor Code (LC).

On the territory of a motor transport enterprise, the management of the transport enterprise is responsible for the implementation of labor protection and safety measures; in production premises - chief engineer (technical manager) or a specially appointed person from the administrative and technical staff; on the line - the head of the operations department. The person responsible for occupational health and safety plans all activities in this area, monitors their implementation and the full expenditure of funds allocated for this purpose. Control over the correct distribution of funds allocated for labor protection and compliance with safety regulations is carried out by trade union organizations.

One of the main measures for occupational health, safety and fire prevention measures is mandatory briefing for newly hired workers and periodic briefing for all ATP employees. The briefing should be carried out by the chief engineer (technical manager).

When conducting induction training for a new entrant, it is necessary to familiarize him with the general legal provisions and the basic principles of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, the peculiarities of the work of this motor transport enterprise and its production environment, internal regulations, responsibilities for compliance with safety regulations and personal sanitation, the use of protective equipment and protective clothing, fire safety rules, traffic rules in a motor transport enterprise and first aid measures in case of accidents. Especially great value has on-the-job training showing safe work practices. All ATP employees, regardless of work experience and qualifications, must undergo repeated training once every six months, and persons performing work with increased danger (welders, loaders, vulcanizers, etc.) - once every three months. When re-briefing, special attention must be paid to the violations committed with a detailed analysis of what happened. All briefings conducted are recorded in a journal.

2. The requirements of the Rules are mandatory for employers - legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal forms and individuals (with the exception of employers - individuals, who are not individual entrepreneurs), carrying out operation, maintenance and repair of industrial transport (hereinafter referred to as the operation of industrial transport).

Responsibility for compliance with the Rules rests with the employer.

3. Based on the Rules and requirements of the technical (operational) documentation of the manufacturing organization of industrial transport and technological equipment used in its operation (hereinafter referred to as the manufacturing organization), the employer develops labor protection instructions for professions and (or) types of work performed, which approved by local normative act the employer, taking into account the opinion of the relevant trade union body or another representative body (if any) authorized by employees operating industrial transport # (hereinafter referred to as employees).

4. In the case of the use of technological equipment, technological equipment, materials, and performance of work, the requirements for the safe use and implementation of which are not regulated by the Rules, one should be guided by the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements labor protection 2.

5. The employer is obliged to provide:

1) safe operation of industrial transport and technological equipment and their maintenance in good condition in accordance with the requirements of these Rules and the technical (operational) documentation of the manufacturer;

2) training workers on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

3) monitoring compliance by employees with the requirements of labor protection instructions.

6. When operating industrial vehicles and technological equipment, workers may be exposed to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, including:

1) moving industrial transport, machines and mechanisms, moving elements of technological equipment, transported materials, workpieces, products;

2) falling materials (solid, bulk, liquid), elements of technological equipment and tools;

3) increased levels of noise and vibration;

4) increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

5) increased or decreased temperature of material objects of the production environment;

6) insufficient illumination of the working area;

7) increased gas and dust levels in the air of the working area;

8) high fluid temperature in engine cooling systems;

9) burn effects of battery electrolyte, acids and alkalis during electrolyte preparation;

10) high (excessive) pressure of the working medium transported through pipelines;

11) physical and neuropsychic overload.

7. When organizing the performance of work related to the exposure of workers to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the employer is obliged to take measures to eliminate them or reduce them to levels of permissible exposure.

If it is impossible to eliminate or reduce the levels of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors to the levels of permissible exposure due to the nature and conditions of the production process, work is carried out without providing workers with appropriate personal and (or) equipment collective defense prohibited.

8. The employer has the right to establish additional safety requirements when performing work that improve the working conditions of workers.

II. Labor protection requirements when organizing work on the operation of industrial transport

9. Workers are allowed to perform work on the operation of industrial transport if they have a certificate for the right to drive industrial transport, who have undergone training in labor protection and testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations 3 .

Employees performing work that is subject to additional (increased) labor safety requirements must undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every three months, and also at least once every twelve months - testing their knowledge of labor protection requirements.

10. Lists of employee professions and types of work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed are approved by the employer’s local regulations and may be supplemented or changed depending on the conditions of the production processes being carried out.

11. Workers who have passed mandatory preliminary medical examinations 4 are allowed to perform work under harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

In certain jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the use of women's labor is limited in accordance with the List of heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, during which the use of women's labor is prohibited, approved by resolution 5.

It is prohibited to use the labor of persons under the age of eighteen in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions in accordance with the List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during the performance of which the use of labor of persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation 6 .

12. Workers must be provided with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE), as well as flushing and (or) neutralizing agents in the prescribed manner 7 .

Upon conclusion employment contract The employer is obliged to ensure that employees are informed about the PPE they are entitled to.

The choice of collective protective equipment is made taking into account the safety requirements for specific types works

13. Work and rest schedules for employees are established by internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the employer in accordance with labor legislation.

Employees working in the cold season outdoors or in closed, unheated rooms must be provided with special breaks for heating and rest, which are included in working hours. The employer is obliged to provide premises for heating and rest of employees.

14. The employer must be equipped with established standards sanitary and household premises, premises for eating, premises for providing medical care, rooms for rest during working hours and psychological relief, first aid posts have been organized, equipped with first aid kits 8, apparatus (devices) have been installed to provide workers with hot workshops and areas with carbonated salt water.

15. The employer ensures the investigation, registration, registration and recording of accidents that occur with employees in the prescribed manner 9.

Transportation of workers injured in industrial accidents to medical organizations is carried out using the employer’s vehicles or at his expense.

16. High-risk work carried out in places of constant exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors must be carried out in accordance with the work permit for high-risk work (hereinafter referred to as the permit), issued by officials authorized by the employer.

III. Labor protection requirements for the production territory of the organization, production buildings and structures, production premises, production sites and organization of workplaces

General requirements

17. The production territory of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the territory) must be kept clean and tidy, and lit at night.

The territory must have a planned, even profile in the directions of internal roads for the movement of outdoor wheeled industrial vehicles (hereinafter - vehicles).

18. Roads for vehicle traffic and pedestrian paths must have a hard surface. In winter, roads and footpaths must be cleared of snow, and in case of icing, treated with de-icing agents.

19. Industrial buildings and structures, production premises and production sites must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of buildings and structures 10.

20. When maintaining the territory, operating production facilities, placing technological equipment and organizing workplaces, it is necessary to comply with the requirements contained in the Labor Safety Rules for the placement, installation, maintenance and repair of technological equipment 11.

21. The territory must be equipped with places for storing parts and assemblies.

22. The employer must develop and communicate to employees a diagram of the routes for vehicles and pedestrians on the territory.

23. Intersections of roads with rail tracks must be equipped with crossings.

The movement of vehicles across rail tracks outside of equipped crossings is prohibited.

24. Transport routes at dead ends must have detours or areas that provide the opportunity for vehicles to turn around.

25. The boundaries of passages in production premises must be established taking into account the dimensions of vehicles and transported cargo.

The distance from the boundaries of the roadway to the structural elements of buildings, production premises and equipment must be at least 0.5 m, and when moving workers - at least 0.8 m.

It is prohibited to block passages in production premises.

Labor protection requirements for premises and areas for parking and storage of vehicles

26. In premises for parking and storage of vehicles, a plan for the placement of vehicles and a diagram for their evacuation, illuminated at night, must be posted in a visible place.

27. Premises for parking and storage of vehicles must have direct access through gates that open outward. To allow workers to enter the premises, doors must be installed at the gate or separately.

28. In premises for parking and storing vehicles, wheel guards must be installed along the walls.

29. The height of the premises for parking and storage of vehicles from the floor to the protruding elements of floors and coverings must be at least 0.2 m greater than the height of the tallest vehicle, but not less than 2.2 m.

30. The floor in the premises must have markings indicating parking areas for vehicles.

The width of passages and the distance between parking places for vehicles are established taking into account the types and types of vehicles in order to ensure safety when entering (exiting) and opening cabin doors.

31. For parking of electric forklifts and electric cars, a room should be allocated, located near the battery charging station.

Parking of electric forklifts and electric vehicles in production or auxiliary premises is permitted in specially designated areas that ensure the safety of their contents and exclude the possibility of unauthorized use by unauthorized persons.

32. Parking of vehicles intended for the transportation of dangerous goods and vehicles with engines running on gaseous fuel must be carried out separately from each other and from other vehicles.

33. Premises for parking and storage of vehicles must be equipped with ventilation systems.

34. In premises for parking and storage of vehicles it is prohibited:

1) carry out repairs and maintenance of vehicles;

2) use open fire, perform welding and soldering work;

3) charge (recharge) batteries;

4) store materials and items that are not included in the vehicle;

5) use gasoline, solvents and other flammable liquids for wiping and degreasing parts, wiping hands and cleaning clothes;

6) store fuel in any quantities in cans and other containers.

35. Areas for parking and storage of vehicles must be located separately from industrial buildings and structures outside the roadway, and have a hard, level surface with a slope for water drainage.

Sites must be regularly cleaned of debris and dirt, periodically watered in dry weather during the warm season, and cleared of snow in winter. In case of icing, the sites should be sprinkled with sand or treated with de-icing agents.

The sites must have markings identifying parking areas and the boundaries of passages.

36. Parking and storage areas for vehicles transporting toxic and infectious substances, fecal fluids and garbage must be located at least 10 m from parking and storage areas for other vehicles.

37. When storing vehicles, as well as units subject to repair or write-off, on sites, special stops, stands and pads must be installed to prevent spontaneous movement of vehicles and falling units.

Labor protection requirements for premises for maintenance and repair of vehicles

38. Premises for maintenance and repair of vehicles and their units (hereinafter referred to as premises) must ensure the safe implementation of production processes and technological operations in accordance with the requirements of the Rules and technical (operational) documentation of the vehicle manufacturer.

39. Premises, when working in which may be released harmful substances, vapors, dust, must be isolated from other rooms.

40. Workplaces in the premises must be located in such a way as to exclude the possibility of vehicles hitting workers working at these workplaces.

41. When organizing workplaces and performing work using tools and devices, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Labor Safety Rules when working with tools and devices 12.

42. To ensure safe access to units, components and parts located below vehicles, during the maintenance and repair of vehicles, floor-mounted mechanized devices (hydraulic and electromechanical lifts, mobile stands, tippers) must be used or inspection ditches and overpasses must be installed.

Inspection ditches and overpasses must have dividers and guide (safety) flanges along the entire length or other devices that prevent vehicles from falling into ditches or from overpasses during their movement.

43. When carrying out maintenance of a vehicle installed on a lift (hydraulic, electromechanical), a prohibitory combined safety sign with the explanatory inscription “Do not turn on! People are working” must be posted on the lift control panel.

In the working (raised) position, the hydraulic lift plunger must be securely fixed with a stop (bar), preventing spontaneous lowering of the lift.

44. For the removal, installation and movement of heavy (weighing more than 15 kg) parts, components and assemblies in the workplace, lifting devices and mechanisms must be provided.

45. Workplaces and platforms located at a height of 1 m or more above the floor level must be fenced with railings no less than 1.1 m high with an intermediate horizontal element and continuous cladding along the bottom no less than 0.15 m high.

46. ​​In maintenance rooms with continuous movement of vehicles, it is mandatory to install an alarm system (light, sound), which promptly warns those working on the maintenance line (in inspection ditches, on overpasses and other areas) about the start of the movement of vehicles from post to post.

47. For beading and beading of wheels and inflation of tires, a special area must be equipped, equipped with the necessary stands, a compressed air supply system, control equipment and protective devices, including those that guarantee the protection of personnel from possible damage to the elements of the pneumatic wheel assembly disk during its inflation.

48. The vehicle washing area (post) must be separated from other areas (posts) by blank walls with a vapor barrier and waterproof coating, have a pumping station with water tanks, a dirt sump with a gasoline and oil trap and an oil collection well.

The floor of the washing area (post) should have a slope towards receiving wells, settling tanks and catchers, preventing water from washing vehicles from entering the territory of the organization and beyond.

49. In rooms for adjusting and testing internal combustion engines, for charging batteries, local exhaust ventilation must be installed for each maintenance station.

50. When working with batteries, you must be guided by the requirements contained in the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations 13.

51. When performing welding work, including using acetylene generators, the requirements of the Labor Safety Rules when performing electric welding and gas welding work 14 must be observed.

52. For painting work, premises for painting, drying and for preparing paints must be provided.

53. The dimensions of the spray booth should provide a convenient approach to the vehicle (product) being painted. The width of the passages between the chamber wall and the vehicle (product) to be painted must be at least 1.2 m.

If painting is carried out outside the painting chamber, then the gate opening from the adjacent room to the painting department must be equipped with a vestibule-gateway.

54. The chamber for hot drying after painting must have thermal insulation that ensures the temperature of the outer wall of the chamber does not exceed 45°C.

Labor protection requirements for loading and unloading areas and storage facilities used during the operation of vehicles

55. Loading and unloading areas located on the territory of the organization must be located away from the main flow of vehicle traffic, have a planned profile, marked boundaries of passages and passages, and markings for stacking cargo.

56. Loading and unloading areas must have cargo-free zones sufficient to ensure turns, installation for loading (unloading) and passing of vehicles, lifting mechanisms, means of mechanization, movement of workers involved in operations for the movement of goods.

57. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading areas for loading or unloading, the distance between them in the depth of the column must be at least 1 m, the distance along the front must be at least 1.5 m.

If a vehicle is installed for loading or unloading near a building, a gap of at least 0.8 m must be provided between the building and the vehicle.

The distance between the vehicle and the stack of cargo must be at least 1 m.

58. For loading and unloading containerized piece goods (bales, barrels, boxes, rolls) in warehouses, platforms, overpasses, and ramps must be built with a height equal to the level of the floor of the vehicle body (platform).

In case of unequal height of the floor of the vehicle body and the platform, overpass, ramp of the warehouse, the use of ladders is allowed. Ramps on the vehicle access side must be at least 1.5 m wide with a slope of no more than 5°.

The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles along it must be at least 3 m.

59. Loading platforms, ramps, overpasses must be equipped with permanent or removable fenders that prevent the vehicle from tipping or falling.

60. When placing vehicles for loading or unloading, measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous movement.

IV. Occupational safety requirements for the operation of floor-mounted wheeled industrial vehicles

General requirements

61. The speed of movement of vehicles on the territory of the organization, in production and other premises is set by the employer depending on specific conditions, taking into account the intensity of vehicle traffic, road conditions, and the cargo being transported.

The speed of vehicles at turns, when entering and leaving gates, when leaving the corner of a building, when crossing railway tracks, at intersections, in places of heavy traffic of workers, when reversing should not exceed 3 km/h.

When stopping movement, the vehicle engine must be turned off and started again immediately before starting movement.

62. With limited visibility, the movement of a vehicle must be carried out at the commands of an employee located outside the vehicle, monitoring the situation in the area of ​​movement or maneuver of the vehicle and coordinating the movement. The employee coordinating the movement of the vehicle must wear a signal vest.

In production premises and work areas with high noise levels, light alarms should be used in addition to sound alarms to warn workers and identify a moving vehicle.

63. In places where vehicles are refueled, the following is prohibited:

1) smoke and use open fire;

2) carry out repair and adjustment work on the vehicle;

3) refuel the vehicle with the engine running;

4) allow fuel to overflow or spill.

64. Vehicles with an engine running on gas fuel must be inspected upon release to the line and upon return from the line to check the tightness and serviceability of gas equipment.

Troubleshooting of gas equipment must be carried out at a gas equipment repair and adjustment station or in a special workshop.

65. When leaving the cabin (control place) of the vehicle, the driver is obliged to take measures to prevent spontaneous movement of the vehicle:

1) turn off the ignition and fuel supply;

2) brake the vehicle with the parking brake, and when the vehicle is on a slope, place special stops (shoes) under the wheels of the vehicle.

66. When inflating tires on wheels removed from a vehicle, it is necessary to install a safety fork of the appropriate length in the wheel rim window.

67. Before backing the vehicle, the driver must make sure that there are no obstacles or obstacles and sound a sound signal.

In conditions of limited visibility and (or) poor visibility, reversing the vehicle must be carried out with the participation of another employee located outside the vehicle and correcting the movement.

68. When stopping and parking at night on unlit sections of the road, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility (road visibility less than 300 m, as well as in conditions of fog, rain, snowfall), the side lights on the vehicle must be turned on (if they are provided vehicle design).

69. If a gas leak is detected in a vehicle whose engine runs on gas fuel, the driver is obliged to immediately stop the engine, close all valves and take measures to eliminate the malfunction.

70. When parking a vehicle with an engine running on gas fuel for a long time, the supply valves of the power system must be closed, and the gas remaining in the fuel line must be exhausted before stopping the engine, after which the ignition must be turned off, the ground button must be turned off and the main valve must be closed. .

71. The vehicle must be equipped with a device that prevents the possibility of unauthorized control by an unauthorized person.

1) drive the vehicle onto a loading and unloading ramp that is not equipped with guardrails or a wheel guard;

2) perform work under a vehicle raised only with a jack without installing special stands (traces) under the vehicle;

3) use stones, bricks and other random objects as stands for a raised vehicle, as well as for jack stands;

4) allow unauthorized persons to repair the vehicle;

5) transport people on a vehicle.

Transportation of people is allowed only if there is an additional seat provided by the design of the vehicle, in accordance with the technical (operational) documentation of the manufacturer.

Labor protection requirements for the operation of forklifts and electric forklifts

73. Forklifts must be equipped with:

1) brakes that provide a stopping distance at a speed of 10 km/h of no more than 2.5 m;

2) muffler with spark arrestor;

3) rear view mirror;

4) a windshield wiper (if the cabin is glazed);

5) sound signal;

6) headlights;

7) light signaling system (if included in the manufacturer’s configuration).

74. Forklifts with a mechanical load lifting system must be equipped with limit switches for limiting the lifting of the load and lowering of the lifting device.

Limit switches of the lifting mechanism must stop the device for gripping the load at a distance of at least 200 mm from the upper limit position.

75. When grabbing a load with the forks of a forklift or electric forklift (hereinafter referred to as the forklift), you must:

1) set the width of the forks corresponding to the width of the load being grabbed;

2) place the forks under the load over the entire length of the forks;

3) raise the forks to a height sufficient to move the load;

4) tilt the forks back to stabilize the load on the forks.

76. When the forklift is moving, its lifting device must be tilted back, and the gripping device must provide a lifting height of the load from the level of the road surface that is not less than the ground clearance of the forklift and no more than 0.5 m for loaders on wheels with pneumatic tires and 0.25 m for wheeled loaders with truck tires.

77. When moving a forklift with a load, it is prohibited to brake sharply, change the tilt of the load-lifting device, or lower or raise the load.

78. Moving large loads that limit the driver’s visibility with a forklift must be accompanied by a signalman. The signalman must wear a signal vest.

79. Loaders with a lifting height of more than 2 m must be equipped with a fence (protective canopy) above the driver’s workplace.

80. Forklifts intended for transporting small and unstable loads must be equipped with a safety frame or carriage for support during movement.

81. Forklifts operated from the floor and used for stacking at height or handling high or divisible loads must have a protective frame installed on the forklift plate.

82. Loaders must be painted in signal colors in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-2015 "SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods" 15 (hereinafter - GOST 12.4.026-2015).

Occupational safety requirements for the operation of electric vehicles

83. Electric cars must be equipped with:

1) brakes with hand and foot control;

2) sound signal;

3) work lighting;

4) locking device of the drive starting system;

5) automatic devices that turn off the engine and apply the brake when the driver releases the control handle.

6) a device that protects the lifting mechanism from overload.

84. The cargo areas of electric vehicles must be adapted for the transportation of certain goods and have devices for securing them.

85. The driver's area of ​​an electric vehicle must be covered with a dielectric rubber mat.

The control lever handles must be made of dielectric material.

86. To transport hot cargo (surface temperature above 70°C), electric vehicles must be equipped with a metal body.

87. Dust-producing cargo must be transported on board electric vehicles with compacted bodies and in compliance with measures to prevent their spraying during movement.

88. It is prohibited to transport flammable liquids, acids, alkalis on electric vehicles whose batteries are located under the loading platform.

Labor protection requirements for the operation of trolleys and manual cargo transport trolleys

89. Loads transported on trolleys must be in a stable position. The center of gravity of the load must be between the axles of the wheels. If necessary, the load must be secured.

90. The movement of trolleys manually must be carried out by pushing.

It is prohibited to stand in front of a moving trolley.

91. The maximum speed of trolleys should not exceed:

1) 4 km/h - when moving manually;

2) 3.6 km/h - with rope haulage with an endless rope;

3) 5.4 km/h - when retracting with an end rope;

4) 10 km/h - during electric locomotive haulage.

92. When manually rolling, a light signal must be installed on the front wall of the trolley.

93. The interval between single trolleys moving along a rail track must be at least 10 m.

94. Walkways near rail tracks must have a width of at least 1 m, based on the size of the rolling stock.

96. Manual cargo transport trolleys (stacker trolleys, trolleys with a lifting platform, trolleys with lifting forks with a mechanical or hydraulic lifting lever drive) must have a maximum force on the drive handle when lifting a load weighing up to 1000 kg of no more than 0.35 kN.

97. Platforms of manual cargo transport trolleys (hereinafter referred to as trolleys) must correspond to the type of cargo being transported with the possibility of securing and fixing them.

The dimensions of the trolley platform must be such that the load is placed within the platform.

An inscription (plate) indicating the inventory number and maximum load (carrying capacity) must be placed on the cart.

98. Carts must be stable and easy to control, and have handles (handrails) for their safe movement.

The front wheels of trolleys for transporting goods weighing more than 300 kg must be steerable.

99. Stacker trolleys must provide a lifting height of up to 1.5 m, trolleys with a lifting platform or with lifting forks - up to 230 mm.

100. Carts for moving barrels must be equipped with safety brackets and have devices at the ends of the handles to protect hands in case the barrels move or fall from the cart.

V. Occupational safety requirements for the operation of continuous industrial transport

General requirements

101. Continuous industrial transport (conveyor, pipeline, pneumatic) must be safe when operated both separately and as part of complexes and technological systems.

102. The safety of continuous industrial transport is ensured by:

1) selection of its type and design, corresponding to the conditions of use;

2) the use of mechanization, automation and remote control means, protective equipment;

3) fulfillment of ergonomic requirements;

4) inclusion of safety requirements in the technical (operational) documentation of the manufacturer.

103. Continuous industrial transport, which is a source of dust, aerosols, and gases, must be covered with insulating casings or located in separate isolated rooms equipped with local exhaust ventilation.

When working with particularly toxic substances, the local exhaust ventilation system must have an alarm that turns on automatically when the fan stops.

104. Continuous industrial transport should not block the paths of movement of workers. If necessary, transition bridges or tunnel crossings should be installed.

105. Moving parts of continuous industrial transport that are sources of danger must be fenced.

Parts of continuous industrial transport that pose a danger to workers and which, according to their functional purpose cannot be fenced, must be painted in signal colors with the installation of safety signs.

106. Systems and means of protection must be made ready before the start of operation of continuous industrial transport so that its operation is impossible with disabled or faulty systems and means of protection.

107. Systems and means of protecting continuous industrial transport must continuously perform their functions and their operation should not cease before the action of a dangerous or harmful production factor ceases.

Failure of individual elements of systems and protective equipment should not terminate the protective effect of other means or create any additional dangers.

108. The design of continuous industrial transport must:

1) exclude the possibility of accidental contact of workers with hot or supercooled surfaces;

2) provide an alarm system, as well as a system for automatically stopping and disconnecting the drive from energy sources in the event of malfunctions, emergency situations or operating conditions close to dangerous.

109. Controls for continuous industrial transport must be safe, convenient, do not require significant effort during operation, exclude the possibility of involuntary or spontaneous switching on and off of equipment, and have the necessary interlocks and emergency switches.

Emergency shutdown organs (buttons, levers, taps, steering wheels, dampers) must be red, easily recognizable and accessible.

110. If an industrial vehicle has several starting devices for continuous operation, uncoordinated starts of equipment without first giving sound and light signals must be excluded.

111. When servicing, repairing and setting up continuous industrial transport, the following requirements must be observed:

1) cleaning of fallen transported material must be done with the equipment stopped using shovels, hooks, brushes, and special devices;

2) before starting up industrial transport of continuous operation after completion of repairs or adjustments, all removed fences and devices must be installed in place and firmly secured.

1) carry out repairs and adjustments to continuous industrial transport, lubrication of equipment drives and mechanisms that do not have built-in lubrication systems during their operation;

2) clean and clean live electrical equipment.

113. If available in technological scheme In industrial transport of continuous operation of receiving bunkers, measures must be taken to prevent workers from falling into the bunkers: the bunkers must be equipped with guards on top.

114. To prevent the formation of hang-ups of the transported material in the hopper included in the technological transport system, pneumatic or vibration devices associated with the hopper should be used, which are put into operation simultaneously with the conveyor.

115. Manual destruction of vaults and canopies made of material suspended in the bunker using crowbars or shovels is prohibited.

Pushing the stuck material must be done with special devices (peaks) from the platform above the hopper.

116. To carry out repair or cleaning work inside the bunker, before lowering the worker into the bunker, the following must be done:

1) stop feeding material into the hopper;

2) close the outlet of the hopper;

3) turn off the drive of the conveyor feeding into the hopper and hang a prohibiting safety sign on the conveyor control with the explanatory inscription “Do not turn on! People are working”;

4) ventilate the bunker.

117. To monitor the worker performing work in the bunker and to provide him with emergency assistance outside the bunker in case of need, at least two workers must be located at the top.

A worker descending into a bunker must wear a safety harness.

118. In sections of the conveyor route under which loading or unloading devices move (except for belt ones with paddle feeders), the width of passages on both sides of the conveyor must be at least 1.0 m.

In sections of the conveyor route with local narrowing of the passage due to columns and pilasters, it is allowed to reduce the width of the passages in these places to 0.5 m for a length of no more than 1.0 m with the installation of conveyor fencing in these areas.

119. The height of passages along conveyors must be at least 2.0 m.

120. When the length of the conveyor is more than 20.0 m and the height from the floor level to the bottom of the most protruding parts of the conveyor is not more than 1.2 m, transition bridges with a width of at least 1.0 m with handrails with a height of at least 1.1 m are installed in the required places side cladding along the bottom with a height of at least 0.15 m and an additional fencing strip at a height of 0.5 m.

Bridges should be installed in industrial buildings no more than 50 m apart from each other, on overpasses - no more than 100 m apart.

121. Conveyors in which the axes of drive and tension drums, pulleys or sprockets are higher than 1.5 m from the floor level must be equipped with service platforms with handrails with a height of at least 1.1 m with continuous lining at the bottom to a height of at least 0, 15 m and an additional barrier bar at a height of 0.5 m.

122. Stairs of transition bridges and platforms for servicing conveyors must have a width of at least 0.7 m, the slope of the flight is no more than 45° for continuous operation, no more than 60° for operation no more than twice per shift.

In areas of conveyors where inspection is carried out no more than once per shift and if it is impossible to place flight ladders, it is allowed to install bridges with vertical ladders no less than 0.4 m wide.

The decking of bridges and platforms must be made of solid corrugated steel sheets.

Occupational safety requirements for the operation of general purpose conveyors

123. Loading and unloading devices of conveyors must be equipped with means to prevent sticking, jamming and hanging of cargo in them, the formation of spills (falling out of piece goods) and overloading of the conveyor.

124. Conveyors with mobile loading and unloading devices must be equipped with limit switches and stops that limit the area of ​​their movement.

125. The receiving part of conveyors loaded manually with piece goods must be designed in such a way as to ensure loading of the conveyor by horizontal movement of the load or with a slight slope towards loading from the loading platform or vehicles.

126. The receiving part of the loading devices of conveyors for bulk and dusty cargo must be designed in such a way as to ensure mechanical loading and dust collection.

1) in accordance with the technological process, mechanized loading is impossible;

2) the distance from the floor or platform (step) on which the worker is located to the top edge of the bunker does not exceed 1.3 m.

128. The width of the platform for loading the conveyor must be at least 0.8 m and, if located at a height of more than 0.5 m, it must have a fence 1.1 m high with a lining along the bottom no less than 0.15 m high.

129. Conveyors intended for transporting containerized cargo must be equipped along their entire length with sides with a height of at least 0.2 m.

130. To prevent the load from falling when it is transferred from the conveyor to the descent, the ends of the outlet barriers must be closely adjacent to the side of the conveyor and descent.

131. For inclined installed conveyors, the possibility of spontaneous movement of a load-carrying element with a load should be excluded when the drive is turned off.

132. Non-driven conveyors must have limit stops and devices in the loading part that ensure a reduction in the speed of movement of the load.

133. Cargo tensioning devices of conveyors must have end stops to limit the travel of the tension cart and limit switches that turn off the conveyor drive when the tension cart reaches its extreme positions.

134. On inclined conveyors (conveyor sections), piece loads during transportation must be stationary in relation to the plane of the load-carrying element of the conveyor and not change their position during transportation.

135. Sections of chain conveyors with an angle of inclination of more than 10° must be equipped with catchers to catch the chain in case of its breakage.

136. Conveyors intended for transporting dust-like, dust-, steam- and gas-emitting cargoes must have shelters equipped with local exhaust ventilation for connecting aspiration devices or irrigation systems.

137. Conveyors intended for transporting wet goods must be covered along their entire length with casings or shields to protect workers from splashes of pulp.

138. Conveyors transporting hot goods must be equipped with means to protect workers from burns.

139. Conveyors for transporting bulk cargo must allow mechanized removal of spills in accessible areas of the route (conveyor line) without stopping the conveyor.

140. In sections of the route that are out of sight of the control panel operator, a two-way sound or light alarm must be installed, which turns on automatically before turning on the conveyor drive.

141. Conveyors must have devices that turn off the conveyor if the belt or rope tension devices break.

If there are several start buttons on one conveyor installed in different places, they must be electrically interlocked so that accidental starting of the conveyor is excluded.

142. Carrying out repair or adjustment work on the conveyor while it is running is prohibited.

Prohibiting safety signs with the explanatory inscription “Do not turn on! Work on the line” must be posted on disconnected electrical devices of the conveyor while work is being carried out on the line.

143. Operation of the conveyor is prohibited if:

1) guards for tension and drive drums, roller bearings and deflecting rollers;

2) grounding of electrical equipment, armored cables and metal structures;

3) alarm and lighting.

144. Conveyor guards must be folding (hinged, hinged) or removable, made of separate sections. For ease of maintenance of conveyors, fences must be provided with doors and covers.

145. In the area where workers may be present, the following must be protected:

1) ropes and blocks of tensioning devices, loads of tensioning devices to the height of their movement and the area of ​​the floor under them;

2) loading devices for bulk cargo;

3) receiving devices (hoppers, machine necks) installed in places where goods are discharged from conveyors;

4) the lower protruding parts of the conveyor crossing passages for workers or passages for vehicles (by installing canopies extended beyond the dimensions of the conveyor by at least 1 m);

5) sections of the conveyor route (except for overhead conveyors) through which people are not allowed to pass (by installing railings along the route with a height of at least 1.1 m with continuous lining along the bottom to a height of at least 0.15 m and an additional barrier bar at a height of 0.5 m from the floor).

146. Conveyors moving on rails must be covered with casings or fenced along the entire length with railings at least 1.1 m high with continuous lining along the bottom to a height of at least 0.15 m and an additional guard rail at a height of 0.5 m from the floor .

147. On a production line consisting of several serially connected and simultaneously operating conveyors or of conveyors in combination with other machines, the drives of the conveyors and all machines must be interlocked so that in the event of a sudden stop of any machine or conveyor, the previous machines and conveyors automatically were switched off, and the subsequent ones continued to work until the transported cargo was completely removed from them.

In case of an emergency stop on the conveyor, a light and sound alarm should automatically turn on.

148. Short conveyors (up to 10 m) in the head and tail parts must be equipped with emergency “Stop” buttons to stop the conveyor.

Conveyors of greater length must be additionally equipped with switching devices to stop the conveyor in emergency situations at any place.

When equipping the entire conveyor route with a cable switch, which makes it possible to stop the conveyor from any place, emergency buttons for stopping the conveyor in the head and tail parts may not be installed.

149. Multi-drive conveyors must have braking devices on each drive.

150. During the operation of the conveyor, it is prohibited:

1) repair components and elements of the conveyor, clean support rollers, drums of drive, tension and end stations, remove spills from under the conveyor;

2) eliminate slipping of the belt on the drum by throwing sand, clay, rosin, bitumen and other materials into the area between the belt and the drum;

3) rearrange the support rollers, tension and align the conveyor belt manually;

4) work with faulty speed relays, protection against slippage, belt derailment, faulty signaling devices and emergency stop devices for the conveyor;

5) repair energized electrical equipment.

The specified work must be carried out with the conveyor completely stopped and disconnected from the network, with the fuses removed and the starting device locked, on which a prohibitory safety sign with the explanatory inscription “Do not turn on! People are working” must be posted.

151. Lubrication of conveyor components and elements should be carried out after the conveyor has completely stopped and measures have been taken to prevent its accidental start.

Labor protection requirements when operating belt conveyors

152. The organization of the operation of belt conveyors should prevent them from being blocked by the transported material during start-up, stoppage or in an emergency.

153. On belt conveyors longer than 15 m, guides and centering devices must be installed to prevent lateral movements of the conveyor belt.

154. The electric drive of the belt conveyor must ensure a smooth start of the conveyor at full load.

The maximum speed of the conveyor belt during manual cargo disassembly is established by the employer’s local regulations, taking into account the weight and dimensions of the largest load.

155. Belt conveyors must be equipped with:

1) devices that prevent the transported cargo from falling from them;

2) scraper or brush type devices for cleaning the conveyor belt when transporting bulk materials;

3) devices for automatic cleaning of the idle branch of the belt from adhering transported material. Manual cleaning is allowed when the conveyor is not running.

156. Belt conveyors intended for operation in open areas must be equipped with protective devices that prevent the wind from discharging the conveyor belt or transported cargo. This requirement does not apply to sections of the conveyor route with mobile loading and unloading devices.

157. Belt conveyors for transporting materials that emit harmful substances must be equipped with shelters connected to the exhaust ventilation system.

158. When feeding cargo by dumping devices into bunkers located directly under the conveyor belt, the bunker hatches must be fenced with standard railings and floor curbs or closed with gratings with a cell size that allows only the cargo to pass through.

159. In loading areas of belt conveyors transporting lumpy cargo, fender flaps must be installed to prevent pieces of cargo from falling from the conveyor belt.

160. The end sections of the conveyor belt (drive, tension devices), devices for cleaning the conveyor belt must be equipped with removable guards interlocked with the conveyor drive.

If it is necessary to inspect conveyor units during the transportation of goods, the fences are made of mesh.

161. Drive, tension, deflection drums, tension devices of belt conveyors must be covered with fences that prevent access to them.

162. The sections of the conveyor belt running onto the drive, tension, and deflection drums at a distance of at least 2.5 m from the line of contact of the belt with the drum must be covered from above and on both sides with guards that prevent access to these cavities during manual cleaning.

163. Support rollers of the working and idle branches of the conveyor belt in the workplace area, belt and other transmissions, pulleys, couplings and other moving parts of the conveyor located at a height of less than 2.5 m from the floor, to which workers can access, must be fenced.

164. The fencing of the tension station located at the head of the belt conveyor must be double-sided along its entire length.

165. The joints of conveyor belts must be smooth. The splicing of the tapes should be done by vulcanization or stitching with rawhide straps.

It is prohibited to splice conveyor belts and drive belts using bolts, staples and other metal fasteners.

166. Belt conveyor emergency stop devices must be placed at intervals of no more than 8.0 m along the conveyor from the aisle side or must have a strong cable running along the entire length of the conveyor and connected to the conveyor emergency stop device so that pressing the cable in any direction stops conveyor.

167. Before starting the conveyor belt, the following must be checked:

1) the condition of the conveyor belt and its joints;

2) serviceability of sound and light alarms;

3) serviceability of signaling sensors and interlocks;

4) the presence and operability of fire protection for the conveyor (for fire hazardous working conditions);

5) reliability of the conveyor emergency stop devices;

6) correct tension of the conveyor belt;

7) availability and serviceability of rollers;

8) the presence of protective grounding of electrical equipment, cable armor, conveyor frame;

9) the presence and reliability of guards for drive, tension and end drums.

It is forbidden to put the conveyor belt into operation if the aisles are cluttered and cluttered.

168. The belt conveyor should be started without load, and stopped after the load has left it.

169. The conveyor belt must be stopped immediately when:

1) slipping of the conveyor belt on the drive drums;

2) the appearance of a burning smell, smoke, flame;

3) weakening the tension of the conveyor belt beyond the permissible limit;

4) running of the conveyor belt on roller supports or drums until it touches the stationary parts of the conveyor and other objects;

5) malfunction of protection, interlocks, means of emergency stopping of the conveyor;

6) absence or malfunction of fencing devices;

7) malfunctions of bolted connections;

8) abnormal knocking and increased noise level in the drive gearbox;

9) filling the transfer unit with the transported material;

10) the absence of two or more rollers on adjacent supports;

11) damage to the conveyor belt and its butt joint, creating the risk of an accident;

12) violation of the lining of the drive and pressure drums;

13) jamming of drums.

170. During operation of the conveyor belt, it is prohibited:

1) eliminate the distortion of the conveyor belt using a metal rod, pipe, stick, adjust the position of the drums and roller supports;

2) eliminate slipping of the conveyor belt using bedding between the belt and the drum of rosin, bitumen, sand, transported and other material;

3) lubricate bearings and other rubbing parts;

4) allow unauthorized persons to access the operating conveyor.

171. In the event of a sudden power outage, electric motor starters and belt conveyor controls must be immediately moved to the “Stop” position.

172. Mobile belt conveyors, if they are not covered with special casings, and belt conveyors installed in industrial buildings below floor level must be fenced along the entire length with railings with a height of at least 1.1 m with cladding along the bottom with a height of at least 0.15 m and an additional intermediate fencing strip at a height of 0.5 m.

173. When moving a mobile belt conveyor, the worker performing these movements must be behind or in front of the conveyor. When moving, measures must be taken to prevent the conveyor from colliding with the power cable.

174. To prevent heavy loads from falling out or light bulk goods being blown away from the belt of a mobile belt conveyor, side limit flaps with a height of at least 0.2 m should be installed.

175. The operation of a mobile belt conveyor is prohibited:

1) with a faulty chassis;

2) in the absence of a limit bolt on the lifting frame;

3) when workers are under a raised frame.

Labor protection requirements when operating apron conveyors

176. Slat conveyors installed at floor level must be guarded with railings, except in loading areas.

177. When operating a plate conveyor, it is necessary to ensure:

1) the condition of the load-carrying plates, guides, and running rollers;

2) chain tension (both during start-up and in steady-state motion);

3) the condition of braking devices, serviceability of interlocks, and protective equipment.

Conveyor inspection should be carried out every shift.

178. The main danger when operating an apron conveyor comes from potential pinch points between moving adjacent plates and between plates and sprockets. These areas must be fenced off.

179. Plate conveyors serving the operations of removing sprues and castings must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation systems.

180. The apron conveyor must be stopped immediately if:

1) slipping of the drive chain on the drive sprocket;

2) loosening the tension of the drive chain;

3) breakdown of the drive sprocket or break in the conveyor drive chain;

4) damage to the butt joint of the traction chain;

5) roller plates coming off the conveyor guides;

6) deformation of the plates and roller axes.

Labor protection requirements when operating chain conveyors

181. When operating scraper chain conveyors as part of a production line, the safe control system must ensure:

1) turning on each subsequent conveyor in the production line only after reaching the nominal speed of the traction element of the previous conveyor;

2) shutdown of all conveyors transporting cargo in the production line if one of them malfunctions;

3) the impossibility of remotely re-starting a faulty conveyor when triggered electrical protection electric motor, malfunction of the mechanical part of the conveyor (breakage or jamming of the working or traction element), tripping of the protection due to a prolonged start-up of the conveyor;

4) the possibility of switching to local control of the conveyor;

5) local blocking, preventing the conveyor from starting from the control panel;

6) shutdown of the electric drive during a prolonged start-up;

7) two-way communication between the installation points of the conveyor drives and the control point of the conveyor line.

182. Scraper chain conveyors with submerged scrapers must be equipped with gravity drains or safety valves that self-open when the boxes are overfilled with product. In their absence, conveyors should be equipped with pressure sensors that turn off the conveyors when the boxes are overfilled.

183. Scraper chain conveyors must be equipped with devices for automatic shutdown of drives in the event of a break or sudden weakening of the tension of the traction chains.

184. Chain conveyors of all types must be guarded along their entire length to prevent workers from coming into contact with moving scrapers, buckets or cradles.

185. Pits and loading and unloading areas for buckets and cradles of chain conveyors must be equipped with fences with a floor curb.

186. Bucket and cradle chain conveyors (elevators) must have devices for safe cleaning of the internal surface of the elevator shaft in the area of ​​loading and unloading pipes from adhering transported cargo.

187. Along the scraper chain conveyor for transporting logs, a path for the passage of workers must be arranged outside the chute.

Along the outer contour on both sides of the conveyor, railings must be installed with a height of at least 1.1 m from the track level with a floor curb at least 0.15 m in height and an additional guardrail at a height of 0.5 m.

Labor protection requirements when operating trolley conveyors

188. Before putting a trolley conveyor into operation, it is necessary to ensure that there are no foreign objects on its trolleys, that protective fences, light and sound alarms are present and in good working order.

189. Before starting the trolley conveyor, the following requirements must be met:

1) notify via loudspeaker about the upcoming start of the conveyor;

2) obtain confirmation that there are no workers in hazardous areas of the conveyor mechanisms and that they are ready to work from all sections (working positions) of the conveyor;

3) make sure that there are no workers in visible hazardous areas;

4) give a sound and light signal.

190. The filling platform of a trolley conveyor for filling molds with liquid metal should be equipped with upper-side suction units with uniform suction panels along the entire length of the platform.

Along the entire length of the pouring platform on the side of the trolley conveyor, a flange must be installed to prevent metal splashes from reaching workers.

191. Trolley conveyors in casting cooling areas must be covered with a continuous casing with end openings and a system of forced gas suction in volumes that prevent gases from being knocked out of the casing along the entire path of the flasks.

The design of the casings should ensure ease of inspection, maintenance and repair.

192. The hydraulic drive under the trolley conveyor in the area of ​​pouring and cooling of poured forms must be protected from contact with flammable liquids and liquid metal.

193. The width of the passage between the trolley conveyor and the wall of the production room (gallery) must be at least 0.8 m.

194. The distance between parallel trolley conveyors must be at least 1.0 m.

195. The width of the repair gaps between the trolley conveyor and the wall opposite the passage must be at least 0.5 m.

196. Walkways located above a trolley conveyor in a production area should be installed no further than every 30 m.

Labor protection requirements when operating screw (screw) conveyors

1) a blocking device that turns off the electric drive when the product is backing up on the conveyor;

2) safety valves that self-open when the casing is overfilled with product;

3) a lock that turns off the supply of product when the power supply is cut off.

198. The main means of protection against the danger of injury due to getting into the auger of a screw conveyor is a fence made in the form of durable solid floors with securely closing lids. The covers must have a lock that disables the screw shaft when the covers are opened.

Operation of stationary screw conveyors with open chutes or covers is prohibited.

199. When operating a screw conveyor, it is possible that the auger may become pinched by the transported material, which can cause the conveyor to stop.

Removal of the transported material stuck between the casing wall and the auger must be done using a special device (hook, screw) after turning off the conveyor drive.

It is prohibited to remove material stuck in the screw conveyor by hand without using special tools.

200. The casing of a screw conveyor transporting dusty materials must be sealed and connected to the aspiration system.

The end supports of the screw conveyor shaft must have seals to prevent dust from escaping from the conveyor.

201. Trough feeders of screw conveyors must be equipped with guards to prevent workers from falling into them.

202. The open part of the screw of a screw conveyor used for transporting bulk materials must be fenced with a metal grid with cells measuring no more than 25 x 75 mm.

203. Maintenance of a screw conveyor (lubrication, repair, adjustment work) must be carried out after it has stopped.

For safe maintenance of a screw conveyor, a free zone with a width of at least 0.7 m must be provided along it.

1) open the covers of screw conveyors until the conveyors stop and measures are taken to prevent their inadvertent start;

2) walk on the casing covers of screw conveyors installed at floor level;

3) push transported material or objects caught in screw conveyors, as well as take samples for laboratory analysis while the conveyors are operating;

4) operate screw conveyors with faulty covers and seals, as well as when the screw touches the casing walls.

Occupational safety requirements for the operation of vibration and gravity conveyors

205. When operating a vibrating conveyor, the risk of injury is posed by the drive and the load-carrying body of the conveyor, which performs a reciprocating oscillatory motion.

To eliminate the risk of injury, the vibrating conveyor on the side of the aisle must have a railing-type fence with a height of at least 1.1 m with a casing along the bottom with a height of at least 0.15 m and an additional guard rail at a height of 0.5 m from the floor.

206. Drives of vibrating conveyors of all types must be fenced.

The operation of vibrating conveyors without drive guards is prohibited.

207. The main hazardous production factors during the operation of gravity conveyors are:

1) the possibility of injury to an employee by a load moving along the conveyor chute;

2) the possibility of a worker falling into the conveyor chute when clearing a jam while transporting cargo.

208. To eliminate the risk of injury to a worker by piece (packaged) cargo transported along the chute of a gravity conveyor, the running part of the conveyor must have a receiving device that slows down the speed of cargo transportation for its safe reception and processing.

209. To eliminate a load jam in the chute of a gravity conveyor, it is necessary to use special devices (hooks, screws) that eliminate the need for the worker to be in the danger zone.

210. To provide warning of an approaching load, electrical or mechanical warning devices must be installed on the downstream portion of a gravity conveyor.

212. Descents must be equipped with sides to prevent the dropped loads from falling out.

213. Reception openings of descents and places where descents pass in areas dangerous for workers must be fenced with railings no less than 1.1 m high with cladding along the bottom no less than 0.15 m high and an additional fencing strip at a height of 0.5 m from the floor.

214. Slopes with an inclination angle of more than 24° must be equipped with braking devices.

Labor protection requirements when operating roller conveyors

215. The drive elements of the rollers of roller conveyors must be fenced.

216. Non-drive roller conveyors must have limit stops and devices in the unloading part to dampen the inertia of the moving load.

217. To prevent the load from falling from a non-drive roller conveyor, its working path on the outside of the route at turns and on both sides when the working path is located at a height of more than 1.5 m from the floor level must be equipped with guide rails or handrails.

218. When installing a folding section in a non-drive roller conveyor for the passage of workers, the section must be lifted on hinges in the direction opposite to the movement of cargo in order to prevent cargo from falling into the gap formed.

Labor protection requirements when operating pneumatic conveyors

219. The main danger for workers when operating pneumatic conveyors is the release of transported substances and materials into the working area. To prevent emissions of transported substances and materials into the working area, the tightness of the connections of conveyor pipelines must be constantly monitored.

220. In the installation area of ​​injection and exhaust fans of pneumatic conveyors, free access for workers must be provided for safe maintenance and repair of equipment.

221. Windows and hatches must be provided on the pipelines of the pneumatic conveyor for periodic inspection and safe cleaning of the transport system.

222. In order to eliminate the possibility of injury to workers when manually feeding cargo into the loading hatch of a pneumatic conveyor, a feed hopper must be installed that protrudes above the hatch opening by at least 1.0 m.

In accordance with the conditions of the production process, the loading area of ​​the pneumatic conveyor is equipped with local exhaust ventilation.

223. When operating pneumatic conveyors, measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of static electricity (use of grounding devices, special jumpers, anti-electrostatic substances, reinforcement of non-metallic pipelines).

Labor protection requirements when operating overhead conveyors

224. Overhead conveyors must be located so as to prevent the movement of suspended loads over process equipment, workstations and passages (driveways).

In the case of moving suspended loads over technological equipment, workplaces and passages (driveways), protective fences (canopies) must be installed that extend beyond the conveyor dimensions by at least 1.0 m.

Protective fences (canopies) must be installed at a height that allows the passage of vehicles, but not lower than 2.0 m from the floor level.

225. The horizontal route of the overhead conveyor before ascent and after descent must be fenced with a continuous fence of at least 3.0 m in length.

226. Overhead conveyors on inclined sections must be equipped with catching devices in case of a break in the conveyor chain.

227. Overhead conveyors must be equipped with an alarm system to warn about the start of the conveyors, and remote control panels for their urgent stop.

228. Overhead conveyors in the loading and unloading areas must be equipped with switching devices.

229. On overhead conveyors along the route, “Stop” buttons should be installed in increments of no more than 30 m for emergency stop of the conveyors.

230. The attachment and removal of parts (loads) from the attachments of an overhead conveyor must be carried out using lifting mechanisms or manually in designated areas using personal protective equipment.

231. The running paths of overhead load-carrying conveyors in the area of ​​loading and unloading cargo manually must be located at such a height that suspensions such as a box cradle (platform) move at a distance of 0.6 - 1.2 m from the floor level to the upper edge of the box cradle (platform ).

1) work on an overhead conveyor with faulty suspensions;

2) work on an overhead conveyor when safety guards are faulty or missing;

3) load suspensions (cradles, platforms, baskets) above their sides;

4) operate tilting cradles and baskets with faulty locking devices (locks).

233. When conveyor painting of products using the dipping method, the operation of the painting overhead conveyor must be interlocked with the exhaust ventilation of the painting chamber.

234. On overhead painting conveyors, hanging parts on the conveyor and removing parts from it must be done outside the painting booth.

235. When painting using the electrodeposition method, the overhead conveyor and the electrodeposition bath with a capacity of more than 1 must be covered with a common tunnel equipped with a ventilation system.

236. The door for entering the tunnel when painting using the electrodeposition method must be equipped with a special lock that blocks the power supply to the overhead conveyor and have a handle on the outside. A group sign must be placed on the door with the main safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-2015 “Attention! Danger” and “Passage is prohibited” with explanatory inscriptions “Attention! Danger zone”, “No unauthorized entry!”.

237. In foundries, sections of overhead cooling conveyors with suspended castings must be equipped with side panels of uniform suction along the length of the conveyor or covered with a casing with end openings for the entry and exit of castings and air suction in the upper part of the casing.

Removal of castings from the hangers of an overhead cooling conveyor must be done with the conveyor stopped.

238. The hanging of castings weighing more than 20 kg onto an overhead cooling conveyor and their removal from the conveyor hangers must be mechanized.

Occupational safety requirements when operating suspended vehicles

239. When operating suspended vehicles (monorail and double-rail suspended roads with self-propelled or non-self-propelled trolleys equipped with attachments for transporting cargo), the following requirements must be observed:

1) load the load onto the attachments of suspended vehicles using personal protective equipment for hands on those attachments that are intended for this load, ensuring reliable fastening of the load on the attachments or its stable placement in cradles or baskets;

2) remove the load from the attachments of suspended vehicles and place it in a container or stack intended for this purpose;

3) for the passage of a load hung on an suspended vehicle, the passage route must be free, the route barriers are in good working order and securely fastened.

240. Free passage must be provided along suspended vehicles at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the dimensions of the transported cargo, cradles or baskets.

It is prohibited to block the passages along suspended vehicles.

241. At work places for loading and unloading suspended vehicles there must be maps (diagrams) of slinging (hinging, loading) of the transported cargo (parts, assemblies).

242. Repair of the equipment of an overhead vehicle operating in conjunction with other conveyors must be carried out after turning off all conveyors interlocked with it. A prohibiting safety sign with the explanatory inscription “Do not turn on! People are working” must be posted on the disconnecting device.

243. Repair of equipment for suspended vehicles in drying chambers and in cooperage chambers may be carried out after cooling the air inside the chambers to a temperature not exceeding 40°C.

8) pipelines for transporting other substances - gray.

Identification painting is carried out continuously over the entire surface of communications or in separate sections at the most critical points of communications (at branches, at junctions, flanges, at places where pipelines pass through walls, at inputs and outputs from industrial buildings).

Pipelines must have markings (line number and arrow indicating the direction of movement of the working medium).

245. Pipeline elements with a temperature of the outer surface of the walls above 45 ° C, located at workplaces and in passages (passages), must have thermal insulation.

246. Pipeline fittings must have clearly visible arrows indicating the direction of rotation of the flywheels and indicating the positions: “Open”, “Closed”.

247. Pipelines must be laid at a distance of at least 0.5 m from electrical equipment and electrical wires (cables).

248. If the pipeline rises above the ground (floor) level by more than 0.5 m, then transition bridges with railings no less than 1.1 m high, with cladding along the bottom no less than 0.15 m high and additional with a boundary strip at a height of 0.5 m from the flooring.

Walking on pipelines is prohibited.

249. It is prohibited to install flanged connections of pipelines through which hazardous chemicals or explosive and fire hazardous products are transported above passages, permanent workplaces, or electrical installations.

250. To heat the frozen product in the pipeline, hot water, hot sand, hot air or steam must be used.

It is prohibited to heat the pipeline with open fire (blowtorches, torches, welding torches).

251. Pipelines for transporting flammable gases must be equipped with shut-off valves with remote control installed at the entrance to production premises and cutting off the supply of product outside the premises in the event of an accident, malfunction or fire.

252. Along the route of the slurry pipeline for its maintenance, decking must be installed with a width of at least 0.5 m with a railing with a height of at least 1.1 m with continuous lining along the bottom to a height of at least 0.15 m and an additional fencing strip at a height of 0.5 m.

At night, the slurry pipeline route must be illuminated.

VI. Occupational safety requirements during maintenance and repair of industrial vehicles

3) storage of flammable liquids, combustible materials, toxic substances, paints in quantities exceeding their replacement needs;

4) storage of used oil, empty fuel containers and lubricants;

5) obstruction of passages and exits from premises with equipment, units, materials.

256. Containers with used cleaning material must be emptied regularly as they are filled, but at least once per shift.

257. At the maintenance and repair station, the vehicle must be slowed down with a parking brake, the ignition is turned off (fuel supply at diesel engine blocked), the gear shift lever (controller) is placed in the neutral position, stops are placed under the wheels (at least two), a prohibitory safety sign is posted on the steering wheel with the explanatory inscription “Do not start the engine! People are working.”

258. When lifting a vehicle with a jack, a strong lining must be installed to ensure its stability and prevent the jack from sagging. Stops (shoes) must be installed under non-liftable vehicle wheels.

259. When maintaining or repairing a vehicle using a lift, the lift must be securely fixed with a stop that prevents the lift from spontaneously lowering. A prohibitory safety sign with the explanatory inscription “Do not turn on! People are working” must be posted on the lift control panel.

260. A maintenance line with continuous movement of vehicles must be equipped with a light and sound alarm, turned on before the movement of serviced vehicles from post to post.

Each maintenance and repair station on such a line must be equipped with an emergency stop button for the line.

261. Repairing fuel tanks, reservoirs, pumps, communications, and containers containing flammable liquids is permitted only after complete removal of fuel residues from them, washing, drying them and analyzing the state of the air in their cavities using a gas analyzer.

262. A vehicle with an engine running on gas fuel is switched to run on liquid fuel (gasoline or diesel) before entering a maintenance and repair post. The gas supply system must be checked for leaks

Entry of a vehicle into the maintenance and repair room with a leaky gas supply system is prohibited.

263. Removal from a vehicle and installation on a vehicle of parts, assemblies and assemblies weighing 15 kg or more must be mechanized.

264. During the maintenance and repair of vehicles, it is prohibited:

1) work lying on the floor (ground) without using a special device (lounger);

2) perform work on a vehicle suspended only on a jack or hoist without installing special stands (traces);

3) remove and install springs and springs without first unloading them.

265. When performing work in front or behind a vehicle installed on an inspection ditch, it is necessary to use transition bridges, and to descend into and out of the inspection ditch, use ladders.

266. Checking the brakes of a vehicle while moving should be carried out in an area that excludes the possibility of hitting workers in the event of a brake malfunction.

267. Adjustment of the brakes must be done with the engine turned off after taking measures against spontaneous movement of the vehicle.

VII. Labor protection requirements when placing and storing materials used in the operation of industrial vehicles

268. Placement and storage of materials used in the operation of industrial vehicles should be carried out using:

1) safe means and techniques for performing loading, unloading and transport operations;

3 Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 12, 2003, registration N 4209) as amended , introduced by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 30, 2016 N 697н/1490 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 16, 2016, registration N 44767).

4 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011, registration N 22111) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 N 296n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2013, registration N 28970), dated December 5, 2014 N 801n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2015, registration N 35848), by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 6, 2018 . N 62н/49н (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 2, 2018, registration N 50237).

5 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162 “On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of women’s labor is prohibited” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 10, Art. 1130 ).

6 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 163 “On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the employment of persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 10, Art. 1131; 2001, No. 2685; 2011, No. 3803).

7 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 N 290n “On approval of intersectoral rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 10, 2009, registration N 14742) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russia dated January 27, 2010 N 28n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 1, 2010, registration N 16530), by orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 20, 2014 N 103n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 15, 2014, registration N 32284) and dated January 12, 2015 N 2n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 11, 2015, registration N 35962);

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 N 1122n “On approval of standard standards for the free distribution of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to workers and the labor safety standard “Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 22, 2011 , registration N 20562) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 7, 2013 N 48n dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ “Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 1, Art. 5; 2013, N 27, Art. 3477).

11 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 23, 2016 N 310n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during placement, installation, maintenance and repair of technological equipment” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 15, 2016, registration N 42880) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for labor protection during placement, installation, maintenance and repair of process equipment).

12 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 17, 2015 N 552n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection when working with tools and devices” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 2, 2015, registration N 39125) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for labor protection when working with tools and accessories).

13 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 N 328n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 12, 2013, registration N 30593) as amended by the order

16 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 17, 2014 N 642n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 5, 2014, registration N 34558).

17 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 324 “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Labor and Employment” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2901; 2007, N 37, Art. 4455; 2008 , N 46, N 146, N 33; N 26, 2012; , N 1, art. 1790; art. 2013, no. 4385; Art. 4499; 2015, Art. 16, Art. 2384;

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 26, 2015 N 318n “On approval of the Model Regulations on a territorial body Federal service on Labor and Employment" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 30, 2015, registration N 37852).

18 Chapter 62 Labor Code Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2006, No. 27, Art. 2878; 2018, No. 32, Art. 5108).