A complete list of documents for hiring. What documents are needed to get a job? Persons permanently residing in Russia

When planning to get a new job, a job seeker will need to prepare a certain list of documents. Moreover, some of them are always needed, regardless of the enterprise. Some, on the contrary, are relevant only in a certain organization. However, it is better to know in advance what documents the applicant needs to get a job.

Required papers

The package of documents that may be required for employment is regulated by Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It includes:

  • Identity document (for example, passport).
  • Work book.
  • SNILS. During initial employment, the employer is responsible for issuing an insurance certificate for a newly hired employee.
  • Military ID (you can use the registration certificate). All persons who may be called upon to serve are required to provide it.
  • Diploma or other certificate of education (an attachment indicating grades may be useful). Used as evidence that the applicant has the required education and qualifications required for the position. In addition to a diploma, a special certificate may be required (for example, for the profession of an excavator operator) or driver license with the required category (if you get a job as a driver).
  • A document confirming or refuting a criminal record. Some businesses are legally prohibited from hiring a candidate who has problems with the law.
  • Medical certificate (form 086/у). IN this document Contraindications to performing certain types of work (if the applicant has any) must be clearly stated. For similar reasons, this certificate is required if the candidate is under 18 years of age.
  • A health certificate will be required when applying for employment in the food industry, selling food products and other similar activities. You can obtain the book at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision office at the location of the candidate for the position.

Important: the only document required when applying for a job is a passport. Other data is provided depending on the employer's requirements.

A work record is not always required when applying for a job. Its absence is acceptable in the following situations:

  • The job applicant is employed for the first time. The document will be opened by the employer.
  • In case of loss or damage. When hiring, you should notify the employer about this so that the latter can open a new job.
  • When employed part-time.

After the termination of the working relationship work book returned to the owner.

More information

According to the law, the specified list is the maximum possible package of documents that the employer has the right to require. However, sometimes he asks for additional information.

These include:

  • Application for admission to the company's staff. You must fill out the form directly during the registration process as an employee. The paper will be filed in a personal file.
  • Photo ¾ size, 3 pcs. Used for pasting into a personal file, pass, personal card (form T-2).
  • TIN (tax certificate).
  • When an applicant changes his place of employment, the employer may ask him to provide a certificate in Form 2-NDFL. If you need to pay sick leave, your income from your previous place of work is taken into account. For a new employee, this is only beneficial, especially when the length of service at the current job is minimal.
  • Characteristics obtained from a previous employer. Allows you to count on a better position and more favorable conditions.
  • To receive any benefits, you may need a certificate of marriage and family composition. If someone close to you has a disability, it is worth mentioning this and providing a copy of the relevant report.
  • Nonresident candidates should prepare a certificate of temporary registration.

According to the law, this data is optional. However, their presence significantly increases the likelihood of approval of the candidacy.

When an applicant tries to get a job in a state or municipal service, he will be required to provide the following information:

  • Information about the level of income for the previous year.
  • Data on expenses, availability of property and obligations on it. If the applicant has a family and minor children, the specified information should also be submitted for them.

This list is completely legitimate, judging by the legislation of our country.

Employment of foreign citizens

An applicant coming from another country first of all needs a patent or work permit. This document can be obtained from the FMS (Federal Migration Service) at your place of stay. In this case, when moving from one subject of the Russian Federation to another, you will have to obtain a work permit again. Otherwise, the actions of a foreign citizen are illegal and punishable, according to Federal Law No. 115 “On legal status foreign citizens».

Otherwise, the information submitted by a foreigner is similar to the list of documents for citizens of our country.

Hiring a minor

A citizen who is under 18 years of age can also be employed. To do this, you will need to meet a number of requirements:

  1. To apply for a job, a candidate under 16 years of age must provide written permission from parents (guardians and other persons acting in place of parents). The consent should be attached to the rest of the package of papers.
  2. A mandatory event is to undergo a medical examination. The procedure is paid for by the employer, and the results are attached to all other documents.

Failure to comply with any of the above points indicates the teenager’s unlawful employment. The employer may be held accountable for illegal acts. He will be required to pay monetary compensation to the minor. This is relevant if the latter’s health was harmed as a result of his performance of work duties.

By contacting the organization, the applicant should clarify what documents are needed when applying for a job. Availability of all necessary information will reduce the duration of the procedure and increase the chances of getting the desired position.

According to the rules for hiring employees, the applicant must collect a certain package of documents. Some of them are mandatory and will be required in any company. Others are not required to be provided in general, but a specific organization may require them to be provided, depending on the type of activity.

We collect documents for applying for a job

Article 65 Labor Code Russian Federation There is a list of documents that may be requested when applying for a job.

1. Passport or other document for identification of the applicant.

2. Work book. It is not required to be presented in the following cases:

  • the applicant gets a job for the first time. In this case, the work book is issued by the employer;
  • the work book is lost or damaged - the applicant for a job, upon his application (indicating the reason for the absence of a work book), is issued a new one;
  • if the employee takes part-time work.

After termination labor relations a work book is issued to the employee.

3. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance ( SNILS). If the applicant gets a job for the first time, then SNILS is issued by the employer.

4. Military ID or other document military registration (for example, registration certificate). Mandatory for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service.

5. Education document(diploma, score sheet may be required). Required to confirm the qualifications of the applicant and his education corresponding to the position for which he is applying.

For some professions, such as truck crane operator, slinger, excavator operator, etc., it is also necessary to have a certificate of completion of training in the relevant profession, confirming his qualifications. Such employees must undergo re-certification annually (most often in the employing organization), for which a corresponding mark is placed on the certificate.

Drivers (as well as operators of truck cranes and excavators) are required to have a driver's license to drive the type of transport on which they will work.

6. Certificate of presence or absence of criminal record. Required when applying for a job for which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, persons with a criminal record or subject to criminal prosecution are not allowed.

7. Medical certificate according to form 086/у. Some activities may pose an increased risk to human health (for example, hiring medical personnel). In such cases, a medical certificate is required, which indicates the presence or absence of contraindications to the implementation of any activity. Also, a medical certificate is required for minors, because if there are any health problems, the doctor may prohibit the teenager from participating in a certain type work (for example, if you have vision problems, working with a computer is not allowed). When applying for a job in the Far North from other regions, a conclusion is required that there are no contraindications for working and living in these conditions.

To get a job (even if a temporary worker is hired) only a passport is required, so hiring without a passport is not allowed. All other documents are required to be provided only if certain conditions are met.

Not on the list, but the employer requires

Despite the fact that the law directly prohibits requiring additional documents from an applicant that are not provided for by law, the algorithm for hiring an employee may well include the availability of following documents:

1. Job application. Written by the employee during the hiring process. It is filed in the employee’s personal file, which is opened by the employer.

2. Photo 3x4 (3 pcs.). Photos are required for the employee’s personal file and for issuing a pass. They may also be required to be filed with the employee’s personal card in the T-2 form.

3. Certificate of registration in tax authority (TIN).

4. Certificate of income according to form 2-NDFL. Such a certificate is provided if the candidate changes jobs. It is beneficial for him to present it, because... in case of calculation according to sick leave Earnings from your previous job will be taken into account. Consequently, the amount of sick leave payments can be increased if the employee’s length of service in the new place is minimal.

5. Characteristic from the previous place of work. It is better for the applicant to have such a characteristic with him, because... this increases his chances of getting a job and achieving better conditions.

6. The employer may require documents on marital status employee (marriage certificate, birth certificate if there are children, certificate of disability of close relatives, etc.). According to these documents, the employee may be provided with additional benefits. For example, an employee with many children is given leave at any time of the year at his request. It is also possible to provide financial assistance from the employer.

7. Nonresident workers may be required registration at the place of temporary stay.

8. For class municipal service The legislation of the Russian Federation requires the provision of the following information:

  • about the employee’s expenses, his property and property obligations. The same information is provided about the employee’s spouse and his minor children;
  • about income for the year preceding employment.

Providing these documents is not required, but they may improve the candidate's chances of obtaining the desired position.

Hiring a foreign worker

To employ a foreign citizen, it is necessary that he has a work permit issued by the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence. At the same time, a foreigner is expressly prohibited by law (No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens”) to work outside the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which he has a temporary residence permit.

Otherwise, the list of documents provided for by the regulations for hiring an employee from another state coincides with the list for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Should I collect all these documents?

Summing up, we can conclude that the easiest time when applying for a job will be for a citizen of the Russian Federation who is getting a job for the first time. In this case, the employee is hired only with a passport and/or, in some cases, a document on education, military registration and a medical certificate. The remaining documents (work book, SNILS) will be prepared by the employer.

However, when applying for a job, it is better to collect the most complete package of documents. This will increase your chances of getting hired. The applicant will be able to apply for better working conditions (for example, a higher salary).

If the employer is interested in attracting and retaining highly qualified employees, then, based on certain documents, he may provide the employee with certain benefits or pay him compensation.

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Device on new job- it’s a troublesome and exciting matter. Of course, you need to competently compose the application, find potential employers whose companies have vacancies, and correctly present yourself on the application.

But now the job is done, and the employer is ready to accept a new employee into his company. All that remains is to collect the package of documents required when applying for a new job. Which ones? We will talk about this in this article.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly defines a number of documents necessary for employment.

Request to provide other papers not included in the list mandatory documents, a potential employer does not have the right unless this is a specific case.

List of documents required when applying for a new job:

  1. Identification document of the applicant. Usually this is a passport. In some cases, such a document may serve as a passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. Documents confirming the level of education or qualifications of a specialist applying for a vacant position.

When a citizen officially gets a job for the first time or gets a part-time job There is no need to provide a work book or insurance certificate. In this case, these documents are prepared by the employer.

When concluding with an employer, a list necessary documents remains unchanged.

What additional documents may be required?

In some special cases The management of the enterprise where the new employee is registered may still require the provision of additional documents.

For example:

  1. If an applicant for an open vacancy belongs to the category of citizens liable for military service (men of military age, medical workers), the employer will not be able to hire him until he provides.
  2. When applying for a vacant position, teachers and educators will need. Such a certificate may also be needed by other specialists in narrow fields.
  3. For specialists working in the food industry, in order to get a job, you will need to apply. For medical workers, teachers, educators, trainers, people working in the field of consumer services, this need will also be relevant.
  4. For those wishing to get a job in Russia, you will need written permission to do so. Without it, you will not be able to legally get a job in our country.
  5. The desire to work for children who have not yet turned 16 years old is certainly commendable, but the written permission of one of the parents will be required. In addition, persons who are employed at the expense of the employer are required to do so. These medical documents will be attached to the personal file of the working teenager.

What documents does an employer not have the right to demand from an applicant?

As mentioned above, an employer cannot require documents from an applicant for a vacant position beyond those required by law.

However, this rule is often violated and HR department employees refuse to apply for a job, arguing that the citizen did not additionally provide this or that document.

The necessary list of documents for getting a job is regulated by the Labor Code, namely stat. 65. However, employers often compile their own list, including additional forms, certificates and other documentation. Of course, in some cases, for certain positions, the Law establishes its own package of documents for employment, and in other situations such deviations are considered a violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

What forms must the applicant provide to the HR officer? First of all, you need to remember that the paperwork process occurs precisely at the conclusion employment contract, and if a citizen cannot present documents when applying for a job, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the absence of one form or another.

The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract

List of documents for hiring:

  1. Passport or other document identifying the candidate.
  2. If the employee has already been employed, a work book is presented. If not, such a form is not required. If the form is missing for a good reason, the document is reissued by the employer.
  3. Insurance certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia - SNILS. If a person is employed for the first time, this form is not presented.
  4. Military ID - required only for persons liable for military service or subject to conscription.
  5. Documentation of training and special knowledge according to professional standards - diplomas, certificates, certificates of qualifications, etc.
  6. A certificate of criminal record or its absence - along with a certificate of termination of prosecution (case), such documents are needed for employment in positions that exclude a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution of a specialist.
  7. Certificate stating that the candidate has not been subjected to administrative punishment in connection with the use of psychotropic, narcotic or psychoactive drugs - as in the previous paragraph, such documents are required for employment under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for positions that do not allow the mentioned grounds for prosecution, until the end of the sentence.

Pay attention! According to individual federal laws and taking into account the specifics of the activity, in some cases the list of documents presented when concluding an employment contract may be supplemented. It is prohibited to require forms other than those established at the federal level.

Optional documents for employment

Based on the norms of labor legislation, when applying for a job, a document on the Taxpayer Identification Number, a marriage certificate or, conversely, a divorce certificate, a child’s birth certificate (if the candidate has children) and other forms, the presentation of which violates a person’s right to privacy, are not required.

Many employers ignore the regulations. 65 and establish their own list of documents for employment. To avoid sanctions for violation of the Law “On Personal Data,” when developing such a list, one should be guided not by subjective reasons, but by legal requirements. In addition, it is allowed to register a citizen for a position in the absence of the following documents for official employment:

  • Plastic insurance certificate SNILS.
  • Work book.

Pay attention! The list of documents for applying for a job must include a passport or other identification card. Concluding an employment contract without presenting this mandatory form is prohibited.

Part-time registration - documents

What documents are needed to obtain a part-time job? Documentation of hiring is completed according to general principles, but taking into account some features. In addition to the forms already listed, the documents presented when hiring a part-time worker include certificates from the main place of employment regarding the nature and conditions of work, as well as the amount of income (when calculating benefits, social payments, etc.). It is not necessary to present a work record.

List of documents for employment of foreign citizens

What documents are needed to employ foreign citizens? The general list of documents required for the employment of such employees depends on the status of the foreigner. In addition to the forms mentioned above, you may need a patent, residence permit, temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, a work book based on the Russian model, etc.

Important! Mandatory documents for registering an employee as an individual entrepreneur coincide with the requirements established for hiring employees by employers-legal entities.

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During the employment process, an employee is required to present a considerable amount of information to the future employer. list of documents for hiring, some of which are mandatory nature, and the other can be adjusted taking into account the specifics of the company.

List of documents for hiring

Current labor legislation There are standard provisions regarding the provision of documents upon hiring. Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to the number mandatory documents when applying for a job refers:

1. Passport or other document proving the identity of a citizen.

2. Work record book. It is not provided only in 3 cases: when a person gets a job for the first time, without having any prior experience length of service; when the book is lost or seriously damaged; if the job is part-time. The work book is returned to the person upon his dismissal.

3. Insurance certificate from the Pension Fund (SNILS). In the absence of such a document, the employer issues SNILS for the employee.

4. Military ID or other document containing data on relation to military registration.

5. A document confirming the level of education (diploma). Such a document is necessary to confirm the employee’s qualification level and his suitability for the position he expects to occupy.

It should be noted that when choosing certain professions, the list of documents required for employment, in addition to a diploma of obtaining a certain level of education, includes documents confirming receipt additional education, as well as advanced training. Such documents when hiring include various types of certificates and certificates (for example, driver's license). Employees of these positions undergo re-certification every year to confirm compliance with the position held, and a certain mark is placed on their certificates.

6. Certificate of criminal record or lack thereof. This document is included in the mandatory documents when hiring for specific positions or institutions of a certain departmental subordination.

7. Medical report in the prescribed form - 086/у. IN this conclusion contains information about the absence or, conversely, the presence of contraindications to the performance of certain job duties. Such a conclusion is necessarily included in documents required when hiring minors, as well as in the territories of the Far North. In the first case, the medical worker can indicate in the certificate a restriction on the implementation specific types work, for example with a computer, if there are problems with the eyes. In the second, for normal employment, the certificate must contain no contraindications to work in difficult climatic conditions.

Please note that of the entire list of documents presented when applying for a job, only an identification document - a passport - is mandatory, while the rest may or may not be required by the employer.

List of additional documents when applying for a job that may be required by the employer

Although there is no such provision in the law, often the employer requires a whole list of additional documents from the applicant, which include:

1. Application for employment in the form established at a specific enterprise. Such a statement is subsequently stored in the employee’s personal file, prepared in the personnel department.
2. 3x4 photographs (several pieces) for pasting into the employee’s application form, as well as a pass.
3. Certificate from the tax office on the assignment of a taxpayer identification number.
4. Size certificate wages from the previous place of work according to form 2-NDFL. Its provision along with other documents when applying for a job allows you to take into account previously received average earnings and length of service when calculating temporary disability benefits.
5. Characteristics from the place of work where the citizen previously worked. When applying for a job, this document significantly increases the chance of agreeing on favorable employment conditions.
6. Documents about the presence of children and a registered or divorced marriage for the provision of tax deductions, as well as a number of other benefits, for example, the provision of preferential vouchers or financial assistance.
7. Document confirming registration at the place of temporary residence, for nonresident citizens.

If you are employed by state or municipal authorities, mandatory documents when hiring also include a certificate of the employee’s income and expenses, property, as well as existing property obligations for the previous year. Similar information is filled out for the spouse and each minor child.

Documents required when hiring a foreign citizen

Documents required when hiring foreign citizens, in addition to those listed above, include work and residence permits, which must be issued migration service. It should be borne in mind that a foreigner is legally prohibited from getting a job outside the region in which he was issued the appropriate permit.

Is it necessary to prepare the entire list of documents when applying for a job?

Summing up, it is worth noting that those seeking employment for the first time will have to collect the smallest package of documents when applying for a job. In this case, a passport, diploma, medical report and military registration document will be enough, and the employer will arrange everything else.

Everyone else is advised to collect the most complete list of documents when applying for a job. This will increase the chances of getting hired for a good position and create the basis for offering more favorable working conditions, for example, a higher salary, cash bonuses, as well as various benefits and compensation that an employer, seeking to attract qualified personnel, can offer to a good employee.