Rules 160 protection zones. Establishment of security zones of electric grid facilities: problems at the legislative level. Requirements for the boundaries of establishing security zones of electric grid facilities

Power lines (PTL) are a source of increased danger to people - both because of the risk of injury from electric shock and its consequences, and because of the negative impact on the body that the electromagnetic field has.

Therefore, along the entire length of power lines, security zones are designated where legal restrictions are introduced on certain activities. In addition, these restrictions ensure the safety of the power lines themselves from damage and the possibility of their normal operation.

The owners of electric grid facilities are network organizations.

However land plots, on which power lines are located, due to the long length of the latter, they are rarely the owners of such sites. As a result, power transmission line protection zones become an area with a dual status.

On the one side, the owner retains his rights to this land plot and has the right to enter into transactions with it.

On the other side, the use of such areas is limited by law and almost any serious action is prohibited or requires approval from the network organization.

An additional headache for the owner of such a plot arises due to the chaos that occurred during privatization and distribution land plots.

Quite often, security zones are not allocated in any way, and there are already buildings on them, the use of which is impossible sanitary standards security. It happens that municipal authorities, when allocating a plot of land for rent for specific needs, do not take into account that the proposed activity is prohibited in security zones Oh.


The procedure for using land plots through which protected zones pass, regulated by the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 160 of February 24, 2009.

These rules state:

  • size and procedure for allocating security zones;
  • actions prohibited in security zones;
  • actions for which it is necessary to obtain an approval decision from the network organization, as well as the procedure for obtaining such a decision;
  • the procedure for ensuring access of network organizations to power lines for operational and repair work, as well as for eliminating accidents.

A significant part of the Rules establishes restrictions for the owner of a land plot, but there is also a section that determines the responsibility of the network company.

Thus, the law obliges the network company to report planned work in advance, and in writing - the owner must receive such notification no later than 7 working days before the start of planned work. And on agricultural land, such work is completely permitted only after the harvest, or if it is possible to carry out the work without damaging unharvested crops.

In the event of emergency work to prevent accidents or eliminate them, the owner should know that the network company is obliged to notify him in writing no later than 2 business days after the start of such work.

In addition, the owner has the right to demand that the land plot be brought to its original condition, as well as payment of compensation for losses incurred during the work.

Requirements for the boundaries of establishing security zones of electric grid facilities

The size and boundaries of security zones directly depend on the type of power line and the method of its installation. Existing options for installing power lines:

  • air, passing above the ground and above the surface of water bodies;
  • cable, laid underground and under the surface of the water.

For overhead lines, the boundaries of the security zone are determined by vertical planes located at a given distance from the outermost wires. The corridor obtained by these virtual planes is the security zone. The distance to each side from the power line is calculated according to its voltage class.

So, if the design voltage does not exceed 1 kV, this value is equal to 2 meters; for more powerful power lines, the distance increases and is:

  • up to 20 kV inclusive – 10 meters;
  • up to 35 kV – 15;
  • up to 110 kV – 20.

If the lines pass over a body of water where there is no navigation, the boundaries of the protection zone are determined in the same way.

The only difference- in this case, the territory with special status It is the water surface that enters, not the earth. For navigable reservoirs, the width of the protection zone is set equal to 100 meters in each direction, without reference to the voltage class.

Establishment of security zones

The responsibility to establish security zones around network facilities falls on network companies. This determination takes place in agreement with Rostechnadzor.

Information about the boundaries of security zones is recorded in the state real estate cadastre. It is from the moment the entry appears in the cadastral registration documents that these zones are considered established, and the land under them receives encumbrances.

In land documents (for example, a cadastral passport), the presence of a security zone and the encumbrances of the land plot corresponding to this fact must also be stated.

If there are no records of a security zone in the documents for a land plot, its owner may appeal its establishment or demand compensation for infringement of his rights to property.

Who will be the defendant in such a situation depends on when the security zone was registered- under the current owner, or before him.

In the latter case, the previous owner is responsible. If the security zone was allocated under the current owner, it is necessary to find out why he was not informed about this.

Marking the boundaries of security zones is also the responsibility of network organizations. In the case of overhead power lines, such markings are created using plates that are located on supports every 250 meters. Among other things, these signs must indicate the width of the security zone and information about the owner of the power line, including a contact telephone number. The absence of such marking may also become a reason for a claim against the network company.

In the security zone of power lines (VL) it is prohibited

The law prohibits the commission of any actions in the security zones of power lines that could lead to disruption of the safe operation of power lines, as well as entail harm to the life and health of people or other damage. The following actions cannot be performed:

  • throw any foreign objects onto power lines (this includes accidental hits from kites or aircraft);
  • climb onto overhead line supports, as well as enter fenced areas of electrical grid facilities;
  • block existing passages and entrances that provide access to power grid facilities;
  • dump heavy loads (over 5 tons), perform work that uses impact mechanisms;
  • discharge into the soil corrosive or corrosive substances that could damage the base of the overhead line support;
  • arrange landfills and burn garbage.

In addition, within the security zones of high and medium voltage power lines (that is, over 1 kV), there are a number of other prohibitions, including:

  • placement of sports and children's playgrounds;
  • holding any events where a large crowd of people is planned.

Restrictions on the use of areas falling within the power transmission line protection zone

In addition to actions that are generally prohibited, there is a whole list of potential activities for which permission must be obtained. These include:

  • any construction, as well as major repairs of existing structures, their reconstruction or demolition;
  • planting trees, shrubs or, on the contrary, cutting them down;
  • mining and blasting operations;
  • work that may cause land flooding, for example, reclamation;
  • watering the land with a stream of water, the height of which may be higher than 3 meters;
  • passage of cars, mechanisms, as well as the use of agricultural machinery, the maximum height of which is more than 4.5 meters.

As can be seen from the list of actions prohibited or requiring approval, land plots with such uses are quite difficult to use.

It will be problematic and unsafe to place residential and retail space on such plots, so usually such plots are used for farmland or vegetable gardens (in the case of small plots for private individuals).

To obtain permission to work, the owner or user of a land plot must contact the network organization.

The request must be submitted no later than in 15 days before the start of work. In this case, the request must be accompanied by documents clarifying the details of the work, for example, design documentation for the construction site.

The network organization is given two days to consider the submitted application, after which it must give a positive or negative response. The refusal must be justified by existing legislative norms. In case of unmotivated refusal (or refusal for reasons that are not a reason for it), it can be appealed in court.

If the owner or tenant of a land plot with a power transmission line protection zone commits actions that are prohibited, he will be punished in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Usually this administrative penalties for damage to electrical networks.

Thus, if the actions committed resulted in a break in the supply of electricity, then the offender may be fined (from 5 to 10 minimum wages for an individual and 100 to 200 minimum wages for a legal entity). However, if the actions committed caused damage to the health or caused the death of a person, the violation will become criminal.

A separate question arises if the owner of the land unauthorizedly built any building on the territory of the protected zone. If such a violation is discovered, the court may decide to move or demolish the building, and all costs will fall on the owner

However, you can try to get approval for this construction from the network company in pre-trial procedure. If the location and design of the building meets electrical safety regulations, it can be left.

Danger of living near power lines

It may seem that the Rules for Establishing Security Zones are aimed mainly at protecting power grid facilities. But initially, the boundaries of the protection zones were determined based on the danger of the impact of power lines on human health.

The electric field has an extremely negative effect on the human body. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous system. However, this effect is felt only after a long stay. Staying near power lines for a short time is quite safe, although there are people with high sensitivity who may feel unwell even after a short stay near power lines.

There are also types of allergies in which a person may experience an epileptic-like reaction when exposed to a high-level electric field.

The safe distance at which people can stay for a long time without harm to their health is defined as the one at which the level of electric field strength does not exceed 1 kV/m. This is how the boundaries of the security zones of overhead power lines are calculated depending on the design voltage.

However, the owner of the land plot through which the security zone of the overhead power line passes one should not think that he is completely safe outside this zone.

The fact is that the above calculations take into account only the electric field. And most power lines conduct alternating current at industrial frequency, which results in the appearance of an electromagnetic field.

In Russia, studies have not been conducted on the impact of magnetic fields on the human body, but the results of foreign experiments and observations have shown that the magnetic field has a negative effect on human health, causing disorders of the nervous and immune systems, as well as increasing the risk of cancer.

At the same time, safe distances from power lines at which you can long time stay without harm to your health, several times exceeding established sanitary standards.

It follows that any areas where power lines run are unsafe for living. In this case, the harm caused will not be noticeable immediately, but will accumulate and lead to deterioration of health gradually.

The creation of a power line security zone is an action aimed at increasing the safety of all parties. And violation of the rules in force in this zone can lead to unpleasant consequences not only for the violator’s wallet, but also for his health and even life.

Since the use of land with such encumbrance is very limited, it may be advisable to avoid acquiring such plots.

When purchasing land, you must carefully study the cadastral documents for it, and if possible, inspect the site in person - a power line not included in the documents may later turn out to be an extremely unpleasant surprise that will poison the further use of the purchased territory.

If such a situation does occur, it is worth trying to negotiate with the network company to move the power lines outside the site. However, one must understand that such measures are very costly, and a court decision to postpone may be necessary if the installation of power lines was carried out with violations.

Russian Federation Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

On the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones (as amended as of August 26, 2013)

2. Establish that:

inspections of compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities are carried out by an authorized federal body executive branch in the implementation of federal state energy supervision;

See previous edition)

The rules approved by this resolution do not apply to facilities located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities before the date of entry into force of this resolution.

3. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, within 3 months from the date of entry into force of this resolution, develop and approve the procedure for implementation state control for compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities.

4. To recognize as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated February 24, 2009 N 160

establishing security zones for power grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones

I. General provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities (hereinafter referred to as security zones), as well as special conditions for the use of land plots located within the security zones (hereinafter referred to as land plots), ensuring safe operation and operation specified objects.

2. In security zones in order to ensure safe conditions operation and elimination of the possibility of damage to power lines and other power grid facilities, special conditions for the use of territories are established.

3. The boundaries of security zones are determined in accordance with these Rules.

4. Land plots are not confiscated from their owners, landowners, land users or tenants.

II. Establishment of security zones

5. Security zones are established for all power grid facilities based on the requirements for the boundaries of establishing security zones in accordance with Appendix.

6. The boundaries of the security zone in relation to a separate power grid facility are determined by the organization that owns it by right of ownership or other legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the grid organization).

The grid organization applies to the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision with an application for approval of the boundaries of the security zone in relation to individual power grid facilities, which must be considered within 15 days from the date of its receipt by the relevant body.

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2013 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2013 N 476. - See previous edition)

After agreeing on the boundaries of the security zone, the network organization, within 3 months, applies to the federal executive body that carries out cadastral registration and maintains the state real estate cadastre (cadastral registration authority), with an application to enter information about the boundaries of the security zone into the state cadastral registration documents real estate, on the basis of which the specified federal executive body makes a decision to enter information about the boundaries of the security zone into the documents of the state cadastral registration of real estate.

(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 6, 2013. - See previous edition)

The security zone is considered established from the date of entry into the state cadastral registration documents of information about its boundaries.

7. Security zones are subject to marking by installing, at the expense of network organizations, warning signs containing an indication of the size of the security zone, information about the relevant network organization, as well as the need to comply with the restrictions provided for in these Rules.

III. Rules for the protection of electrical networks located on land plots

8. In security zones, it is prohibited to carry out any actions that may disrupt the safe operation of electrical grid facilities, including leading to their damage or destruction, and (or) causing harm to the life, health of citizens and property of individuals or legal entities, and also lead to environmental damage and fires, including:

a) throw foreign objects onto the wires and supports of overhead power lines, as well as climb onto the supports of overhead power lines;

b) place any objects and objects (materials) within the passages and entrances created in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for access to power grid facilities, as well as carry out any work and erect structures that may impede access to power grid facilities, without creating the passages and entrances necessary for such access;

c) be within the fenced area and the premises of switchgears and substations, open doors and hatches of switchgears and substations, make switching and connections in electrical networks (this requirement does not apply to workers engaged in performing work permitted in accordance with the established procedure), light a fire in within the security zones of input and distribution devices, substations, overhead power lines, as well as in the security zones of cable power lines;

e) carry out work with impact mechanisms, dump weights weighing over 5 tons, dump and drain caustic and corrosive substances and fuels and lubricants (in security zones of underground cable power lines).

9. In security zones established for electrical grid facilities with voltages over 1000 volts, in addition to the actions provided for in paragraph 8 of these Rules, it is prohibited:

a) store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuel and lubricants;

b) place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, cattle pens, garages and parking lots of all types of machines and mechanisms, carry out any events associated with large crowds of people not engaged in performing work permitted in accordance with the established procedure ( in security zones of overhead power lines);

previous edition)

c) use (fly) any aircraft, including kites, sports model aircraft (in the security zones of overhead power lines);

d) drop anchors from ships and carry out their passage with given anchors, chains, lots, dragnets and trawls (in the security zones of underwater cable power lines);

e) carry out the passage of ships with raised booms of cranes and other mechanisms (in the security zones of overhead power lines).

10. Within security zones, without a written decision on the approval of network organizations by legal and individuals prohibited:

a) construction, major repairs, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and structures;

b) mining, blasting, reclamation work, including those associated with temporary flooding of land;

c) planting and cutting down trees and shrubs;

d) dredging, dredging and loading and unloading operations, catching fish and other aquatic animals and plants using bottom fishing gear, constructing watering places, splitting and harvesting ice (in protected zones of underwater cable power lines);

e) passage of vessels whose vertical distance from the upper outer gauge with or without cargo to the lower point of sag of overhead power line crossing wires through bodies of water is less than the minimum permissible distance, including taking into account the maximum level of water rise during floods;

f) passage of vehicles and mechanisms having a total height with or without load from the road surface of more than 4.5 meters (in security zones of overhead power lines);

g) excavation work at a depth of more than 0.3 meters (on plowed lands at a depth of more than 0.45 meters), as well as soil leveling (in security zones of underground cable power lines);

h) watering agricultural crops if the height of the water jet can be over 3 meters (in the security zones of overhead power lines);

i) field agricultural work using agricultural machinery and equipment with a height of more than 4 meters (in the security zones of overhead power lines) or field agricultural work associated with plowing the land (in the security zones of cable power lines).

11. In security zones established for electrical grid facilities with voltages up to 1000 volts, in addition to the actions provided for in paragraph 10 of these Rules, without a written decision on the approval of network organizations, it is prohibited:

a) place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, cattle pens, garages and parking lots of all types of machines and mechanisms, garden, vegetable and dacha land plots, objects of horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations, housing facilities construction, including individual construction (in security zones of overhead power lines);

(Subclause as amended, entered into force on September 6, 2013. - See previous edition)

b) store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuel and lubricants;

c) arrange berths for parking ships, barges and floating cranes, drop anchors from ships and carry out their passage with given anchors, chains, lots, drags and trawls (in the security zones of underwater cable power lines).

12. To obtain a written decision on the approval of the implementation of actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, interested parties submit a written application to the network organization (its branch, representative office or structural unit) responsible for the operation of the relevant power grid facilities, no later than 15 working days before the necessary actions are taken.

The network organization, within 2 days from the date of receipt of the application, reviews it and makes a decision on approval (refusal of approval) of the implementation of the relevant actions.

A written decision to approve (refuse to approve) the implementation of actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules is handed over to the applicant or sent to him by post with notification of delivery. The applicant is also informed by the network organization about the decision taken using fax or electronic means of communication if the application indicates the need for such information.

Refusal to approve the actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules is permitted if the implementation of the relevant actions violates the requirements established by regulatory legal acts, and may lead to disruption of the functioning of the relevant power grid facilities. The refusal must be motivated and contain references to the provisions of regulatory legal acts that will be violated as a result of the applicant performing the relevant work (carrying out the relevant actions).

Persons who have received a decision to approve the implementation of actions in security zones are obliged to carry them out in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of electrical grid facilities.

A written decision on the approval of blasting operations in security zones is issued only after the persons carrying out these works have submitted a document in accordance with the established procedure. technical documentation(projects, passports, etc.) provided for by the safety rules for blasting operations established by regulatory legal acts.

Upon receipt of a written decision on construction approval, overhaul and reconstruction of buildings and structures, simultaneously with the specified application, design documentation developed in relation to the relevant facilities is sent to the network organization. If the development of such documentation in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities is not mandatory, simultaneously with such a statement information is provided on the parameters of the object that is planned to be built (changes in its parameters during reconstruction), as well as on the timing and volume of work on construction, reconstruction and repair. It is not permitted to require other documents and information from persons interested in the construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures.

The refusal of network organizations to issue a written decision on the approval of the implementation of actions in protected zones provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules may be appealed in court.

If the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision detects facts of actions within the boundaries of security zones prohibited by paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Rules by paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, without receiving a written decision on the approval of the network organization, authorized officials of the specified body draw up protocols on the relevant administrative offenses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2013 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2013 N 476. - See previous edition)

If network organizations and other persons discover facts of carrying out within the boundaries of security zones actions prohibited by paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Rules, or actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, without receiving a written decision on the approval of the network organization, these persons send a statement about the existence of such facts to the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision, and also has the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to appeal to the court and (or) executive bodies authorized to consider cases of relevant offenses.

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2013 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2013 N 476. - See previous edition)

13. If the security zone coincides (intersects) with the right of way and (or) the security zone of railways, the right of way and (or) roadside strip of highways, security zones of pipelines, communication lines and other objects, work related to the operation of these objects, in coinciding areas of the territories is carried out interested parties as agreed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the procedure for establishing and using security zones, roadside zones, right of way of relevant objects with mandatory conclusion agreements on interaction in the event of an accident.

14. On highways at intersections with overhead power lines, highway owners must ensure the installation of road signs prohibiting vehicles from stopping in the security zones of these lines with a design nominal voltage class of 330 kilovolts and higher and passing vehicles height with or without load of more than 4.5 meters in security zones of overhead power lines, regardless of the design nominal voltage class.

15. Persons carrying out excavation work, if they discover a cable not specified in the technical documentation for the work, are obliged to immediately stop this work, take measures to ensure the safety of the cable and within 24 hours notify the network organization that owns it by right of ownership (other legal base) by the specified cable line, or federal body executive power, which carries out federal state energy supervision.

(Clause as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2013 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2013 N 476. - See previous edition)

IV. Features of the use of land plots by network organizations

16. Access to power grid facilities for their operation and scheduled (routine) work is carried out in accordance with civil and land legislation.

To prevent or eliminate accidents, employees of network organizations are provided with unhindered access to power grid facilities, as well as the ability to deliver the necessary materials and equipment.

17. Planned (routine) work on maintenance power grid facilities are carried out with prior notification of the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of land plots.

The notice is sent in writing by post with return receipt requested. The notification is sent taking into account the control deadlines determined in the established procedure for sending written correspondence within a period that allows for its receipt no later than 7 working days before the date of commencement of the relevant work, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules. The notice indicates the duration of the work, as well as its content.

18. Work to prevent or eliminate accidents, as well as their consequences, at electric grid facilities may be carried out without prior notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of land plots. When carrying out the specified work, network organizations are required to send a notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of the relevant land plots no later than 2 business days from the start of the work.

The notification indicates the nature and type of damage to electrical grid facilities, as well as the start and completion dates of the work.

After performing maintenance work on electric grid facilities, work to prevent or eliminate accidents at such facilities or their consequences, network organizations must bring the land plots to a state suitable for their intended use or to the state in which the corresponding land plots were before the implementation. works, as well as compensate owners (land users, landowners, tenants) for losses caused during the work.

19. If security zones are established on agricultural lands, scheduled maintenance work on power grid facilities is carried out during the period when these lands are not occupied by agricultural crops or when it is possible to ensure the safety of these crops.

20. Planned (routine) work on the maintenance of cable power lines that cause disruption of the road surface can be carried out only after preliminary agreement of the conditions for their implementation with persons who own highways by right of ownership or other legal basis, and within settlements - also with authorities local government.

In order to agree on the conditions for the work, the network organization operating the relevant cable power lines sends to the specified entities no later than 7 days before the start of the work a written application indicating the content and timing of the work, as well as a draft traffic management scheme for this period .

Persons who own highways by right of ownership or other legal basis (local government bodies of settlements within which the corresponding highways are located) are required to consider the specified application of the network organization within 2 working days from the date of its receipt and make a decision on its approval (refusal). in agreement). Refusal of approval is permitted in cases where the content and timing of the work do not comply with the established mandatory requirements or the draft traffic management scheme does not comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of safety traffic.

By agreement with the person who owns the highway by right of ownership or other legal basis, work to eliminate damage caused to the roads can be carried out by the specified person at the expense of the relevant network organizations.

21. To ensure trouble-free operation and operation of power grid facilities in protected zones, network organizations or organizations operating on the basis of relevant agreements with network organizations shall:

a) laying and maintaining clearings along overhead power lines and along the perimeter of substations and distribution facilities if these areas are located in forests and green spaces;

b) cutting down and filing of trees and shrubs within the minimum permissible distances to their crowns, as well as cutting down trees that threaten to fall.

22. The required width of clearings laid in accordance with paragraph 21 of these Rules, the distances within which the cutting of individual (groups) of trees (forest plantings) is carried out, as well as the minimum permissible distances to tree crowns are determined in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including these Rules.

(Clause as amended, entered into force on September 6, 2013. - See previous edition)

23. When maintaining clearings, network organizations are obliged to ensure:

b) maintaining the width of the clearings in the sizes provided for by the construction projects of electric grid facilities and the requirements determined in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by cutting down, pruning the crowns of trees (shrubs) and other methods;

c) cutting down or trimming the crowns of trees (forest plantings) growing in clearings whose height exceeds 4 meters.

24. Tree felling in the cases provided for in paragraphs 21 and 23 of these Rules is carried out as necessary without prior provision of forest plots. zones of power grid facilities
economy and special conditions
use of land plots,
located within the boundaries of such zones

to the boundaries of establishing security zones of electric grid facilities

Security zones are established:

a) along overhead power lines - in the form of part of the surface of a plot of land and airspace(to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires when their position is not deflected at the following distance:

Design nominal class
voltage, kV

Distance, m

2 (for lines with self-supporting or
insulated wires laid
on the walls of buildings, structures, etc.,
the security zone is determined in
in accordance with established
regulatory legal acts
minimum permissible distances
from such lines)

10 (5 - for lines with self-supporting or
insulated wires placed in
borders settlements)

300, 500, +/- 400

b) along underground cable power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land located underneath the subsoil plot (to a depth corresponding to the depth of laying cable power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outer cables at a distance of 1 meter (when passing cable lines with voltage up to 1 kilovolt in cities under sidewalks - 0.6 meters towards buildings and structures and 1 meter towards the roadway);

c) along underwater cable power lines - in the form of a water space from the water surface to the bottom, limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the line from the outer cables at a distance of 100 meters;

d) along the transitions of overhead power lines through bodies of water (rivers, canals, lakes, etc.) - in the form of air space above the water surface of reservoirs (to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires in their non-deviated position for navigable bodies of water at a distance of 100 meters, for non-navigable bodies of water - at the distance provided for the establishment of security zones along overhead power lines;

e) around substations - in the form of a part of the surface of the land and airspace (to a height corresponding to the height of the highest point of the substation), limited by vertical planes spaced from all sides of the substation perimeter fence at the distance specified in subparagraph "a" of this document, as applicable to the highest voltage class of the substation.

Note. The requirements provided for in subparagraph "a" of this document are applied when determining the size of the clearings.

Russian Federation


Security zones are established:

a) along overhead power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land and airspace (to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires with their non-deviated position at the following distance:

Design rated voltage class, kVDistance, m
up to 12 (for lines with self-supporting or insulated wires laid along the walls of buildings, structures, etc., the security zone is determined in accordance with the minimum permissible distances from such lines established by regulatory legal acts)
1-20 10 (5 - for lines with self-supporting or insulated wires located within the boundaries of populated areas)
35 15
110 20
150, 220 25
300, 500, +/-400 30
750, +/-750 40
1150 55;

B) along underground cable power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land located underneath the subsoil plot (to a depth corresponding to the depth of laying cable power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outer cables at a distance of 1 meter (when passing cable lines with voltage up to 1 kilovolt in cities under sidewalks - 0.6 meters towards buildings and structures and 1 meter towards the roadway);

c) along underwater cable power lines - in the form of a water space from the water surface to the bottom, limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the line from the outer cables at a distance of 100 meters;

d) along the transitions of overhead power lines through bodies of water (rivers, canals, lakes, etc.) - in the form of air space above the water surface of reservoirs (to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires in their non-deviated position for navigable bodies of water at a distance of 100 meters, for non-navigable bodies of water - at the distance provided for the establishment of security zones along overhead power lines.



In accordance with Article 89 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones.

2. Establish that:

control and supervision over compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities is carried out by the federal executive body, which is entrusted with the functions of technical control and supervision in the electric power industry;

The rules approved by this Resolution do not apply to facilities located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities before the date of entry into force of this Resolution.

3. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, within 3 months from the date of entry into force of this Resolution, develop and approve the procedure for exercising state control over compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of the security zones of power grid facilities farms.

4. To recognize as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Rules for the protection of electrical networks with voltages over 1000 volts, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 26, 1984 N 255 (Code of Laws of the USSR, 1990, vol. 6, p. 590);

Rules for the protection of electrical networks with voltages up to 1000 volts, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 11, 1972 N 667 (Code of Laws of the USSR, 1990, vol. 6, p. 595).
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. Putin

Approved by Resolution

Government of the Russian Federation

dated February 24, 2009 No. 160

I. General provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities (hereinafter referred to as security zones), as well as special conditions for the use of land plots located within the security zones (hereinafter referred to as land plots), ensuring the safe operation and operation of these facilities.

2. In security zones, in order to ensure safe operating conditions and eliminate the possibility of damage to power lines and other power grid facilities, special conditions for the use of territories are established.

3. The boundaries of security zones are determined in accordance with these Rules.

4. Land plots are not confiscated from their owners, landowners, land users or tenants.

^ II. Establishment of security zones

5. Security zones are established for all power grid facilities based on the requirements for the boundaries of establishing security zones in accordance with the appendix.

6. The boundaries of the security zone in relation to a separate power grid facility are determined by the organization that owns it by right of ownership or other legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the grid organization).

The grid organization applies to the federal executive body exercising technical control and supervision in the electric power industry with an application for approval of the boundaries of the security zone in relation to individual power grid facilities, which must be considered within 15 days from the date of its receipt by the relevant body.

After agreeing on the boundaries of the security zone, the network organization applies to the federal executive body responsible for cadastral registration and maintenance of the state real estate cadastre (cadastral registration authority), with an application to include information about the boundaries of the security zone in the documents of the state cadastral registration of real estate, on the basis of which the specified federal The executive authority makes a decision to include information about the boundaries of the security zone in the documents of the state cadastral registration of real estate.

The security zone is considered established from the date of entry into the state cadastral registration documents of information about its boundaries.

7. Security zones are subject to marking by installing, at the expense of network organizations, warning signs containing an indication of the size of the security zone, information about the relevant network organization, as well as the need to comply with the restrictions provided for in these Rules.

^ III. Rules for the protection of electrical networks located on land plots

8. In security zones, it is prohibited to carry out any actions that may disrupt the safe operation of electrical grid facilities, including leading to their damage or destruction, and (or) causing harm to the life, health of citizens and property of individuals or legal entities, as well as causing causing environmental damage and fires, including:

a) throw foreign objects onto the wires and supports of overhead power lines, as well as climb onto the supports of overhead power lines;

b) place any objects and objects (materials) within the passages and entrances created in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for access to power grid facilities, as well as carry out any work and erect structures that may impede access to power grid facilities, without creating the passages and entrances necessary for such access;

c) be within the fenced area and the premises of switchgears and substations, open doors and hatches of switchgears and substations, make switching and connections in electrical networks (this requirement does not apply to workers engaged in performing work permitted in accordance with the established procedure), light a fire in within the security zones of input and distribution devices, substations, overhead power lines, as well as in the security zones of cable power lines;

d) place landfills;

e) carry out work with impact mechanisms, dump weights weighing over 5 tons, dump and drain caustic and corrosive substances and fuels and lubricants (in security zones of underground cable power lines).

9. In security zones established for electrical grid facilities with voltages over 1000 volts, in addition to the actions provided for in paragraph 8 of these Rules, it is prohibited:

a) store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuel and lubricants;

b) place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, cattle pens, garages and parking lots of all types of cars and mechanisms, with the exception of parking garages for cars owned by individuals, carry out any events associated with large crowds people not engaged in performing work permitted in accordance with the established procedure (in security zones of overhead power lines);

c) use (fly) any aircraft, including kites, sports model aircraft (in the security zones of overhead power lines);

d) drop anchors from ships and carry out their passage with given anchors, chains, lots, dragnets and trawls (in the security zones of underwater cable power lines);

e) carry out the passage of ships with raised booms of cranes and other mechanisms (in the security zones of overhead power lines).

10. Within the security zones, without a written decision on the approval of network organizations, legal entities and individuals are prohibited from:

a) construction, major repairs, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and structures;

b) mining, blasting, reclamation work, including those associated with temporary flooding of land;

c) planting and cutting down trees and shrubs;

d) dredging, dredging and loading and unloading operations, catching fish and other aquatic animals and plants using bottom fishing gear, constructing watering places, splitting and harvesting ice (in protected zones of underwater cable power lines);

e) passage of vessels whose vertical distance from the upper outer gauge with or without cargo to the lower point of sag of overhead power line crossing wires through bodies of water is less than the minimum permissible distance, including taking into account the maximum level of water rise during floods;

f) passage of vehicles and mechanisms having a total height with or without load from the road surface of more than 4.5 meters (in security zones of overhead power lines);

g) excavation work at a depth of more than 0.3 meters (on plowed lands at a depth of more than 0.45 meters), as well as soil leveling (in security zones of underground cable power lines);

h) watering agricultural crops if the height of the water jet can be over 3 meters (in the security zones of overhead power lines);

i) field agricultural work using agricultural machinery and equipment with a height of more than 4 meters (in the security zones of overhead power lines) or field agricultural work associated with plowing the land (in the security zones of cable power lines).

11. In security zones established for electrical grid facilities with voltages up to 1000 volts, in addition to the actions provided for in paragraph 10 of these Rules, without a written decision on the approval of network organizations, it is prohibited:

a) place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, cattle pens, garages and parking lots for all types of machines and mechanisms (in security zones of overhead power lines);

b) store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuel and lubricants;

c) arrange berths for parking ships, barges and floating cranes, drop anchors from ships and carry out their passage with given anchors, chains, lots, drags and trawls (in the security zones of underwater cable power lines).

12. To obtain a written decision on the approval of the implementation of actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, interested parties submit a written application to the network organization (its branch, representative office or structural unit) responsible for the operation of the relevant power grid facilities, no later than 15 working days before the necessary actions are taken.

The network organization, within 2 days from the date of receipt of the application, reviews it and makes a decision on approval (refusal of approval) of the implementation of the relevant actions.

A written decision to approve (refuse to approve) the implementation of actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules is handed to the applicant or sent to him by post with acknowledgment of receipt. The applicant is also informed by the network organization about the decision made using fax or electronic means of communication if the application indicates the need for such information.

Refusal to approve the actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules is permitted if the implementation of the corresponding actions violates the requirements established by regulatory legal acts and may lead to disruption of the functioning of the relevant power grid facilities. The refusal must be motivated and contain references to the provisions of regulatory legal acts that will be violated as a result of the applicant performing the relevant work (carrying out the relevant actions).

Persons who have received a decision to approve the implementation of actions in security zones are obliged to carry them out in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of electrical grid facilities.

A written decision on the approval of blasting work in security zones is issued only after the persons carrying out this work have submitted technical documentation (projects, passports, etc.) prepared in the prescribed manner, provided for by the safety rules for blasting work established by regulatory legal acts.

Upon receipt of a written decision to approve the construction, major repairs and reconstruction of buildings and structures, design documentation developed in relation to the relevant facilities is sent to the network organization simultaneously with the specified application. If the development of such documentation in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities is not mandatory, simultaneously with such a statement information is provided on the parameters of the object that is planned to be built (changes in its parameters during reconstruction), as well as on the timing and volume of work on construction, reconstruction and repair. It is not permitted to require other documents and information from persons interested in the construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures.

The refusal of network organizations to issue a written decision on the approval of the implementation of actions in protected zones provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules may be appealed in court.

If the federal executive body exercising technical control and supervision in the electric power industry detects facts of actions within the boundaries of security zones prohibited by paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Rules, or actions provided for by paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, without receiving a written decision on the approval of the network organization , authorized officials of the specified body draw up protocols on relevant administrative offenses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If network organizations and other persons discover facts of carrying out actions within the boundaries of security zones prohibited by paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Rules, or actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, without receiving a written decision on the approval of the network organization, these persons shall send a statement about the existence of such facts to the federal executive body authorized to carry out technical control and supervision in the electric power industry, and also has the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to appeal to the court and (or) executive bodies authorized to consider cases of relevant offenses.

13. If the security zone coincides (intersects) with the right of way and (or) the security zone of railways, the right of way and (or) roadside strip of highways, security zones of pipelines, communication lines and other objects, work related to the operation of these objects, in coinciding areas of the territories is carried out by interested parties by agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulating the procedure for establishing and using security zones, roadside zones, right of way of relevant objects with the mandatory conclusion of an agreement on interaction in the event of an accident.

14. On highways at intersections with overhead power lines, the owners of highways must ensure the installation of road signs prohibiting the stopping of vehicles in the security zones of these lines with a design nominal voltage class of 330 kilovolts and higher and the passage of vehicles with or without a load of more than 4 .5 meters in security zones of overhead power lines, regardless of the design nominal voltage class.

15. Persons carrying out excavation work, if they discover a cable not specified in the technical documentation for the work, are obliged to immediately stop this work, take measures to ensure the safety of the cable and within 24 hours notify the network organization that owns it by right of ownership (other legal basis) by the specified cable line, or by the executive authority authorized to carry out technical control and supervision in the electric power industry.

^ IV. Features of the use of land plots by network organizations

16. Access to power grid facilities for their operation and scheduled (routine) work is carried out in accordance with civil and land legislation.

To prevent or eliminate accidents, employees of network organizations are provided with unhindered access to power grid facilities, as well as the ability to deliver the necessary materials and equipment.

17. Planned (routine) maintenance work on electrical grid facilities is carried out with prior notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of land plots.

The notice is sent in writing by post with return receipt requested. The notification is sent taking into account the control deadlines determined in the established procedure for sending written correspondence within a period that allows for its receipt no later than 7 working days before the date of commencement of the relevant work, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules. The notice indicates the duration of the work, as well as its content.

18. Work to prevent or eliminate accidents, as well as their consequences, at electric grid facilities may be carried out without prior notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of land plots. When carrying out the specified work, network organizations are required to send a notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of the relevant land plots no later than 2 business days from the start of the work.

The notification indicates the nature and type of damage to electrical grid facilities, as well as the start and completion dates of the work.

After performing maintenance work on electric grid facilities, work to prevent or eliminate accidents at such facilities or their consequences, network organizations must bring the land plots to a state suitable for their intended use, or to the state in which the corresponding land plots were before performance of work, as well as to compensate owners (land users, landowners, tenants) for losses caused during the execution of work.

19. If security zones are established on agricultural lands, scheduled maintenance work on power grid facilities is carried out during the period when these lands are not occupied by agricultural crops or when it is possible to ensure the safety of these crops.

20. Planned (routine) work on the maintenance of cable power lines that cause disruption of the road surface can be carried out only after preliminary agreement of the conditions for their implementation with persons who own highways by right of ownership or other legal basis, and within settlements - also with authorities local government.

In order to agree on the conditions for the work, the network organization operating the relevant cable power lines sends to the specified entities no later than 7 days before the start of the work a written application indicating the content and timing of the work, as well as a draft traffic management scheme for this period .

Persons who own highways by right of ownership or other legal basis (local government bodies of settlements within which the corresponding highways are located) are required to consider the specified application of the network organization within 2 working days from the date of its receipt and make a decision on its approval (refusal). in agreement). Refusal of approval is permitted in cases where the content and timing of the work do not comply with the established mandatory requirements or the draft traffic management scheme does not comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety.

By agreement with the person who owns the highway by right of ownership or other legal basis, work to eliminate damage caused to the roads can be carried out by the specified person at the expense of the relevant network organizations.

21. To ensure trouble-free operation and operation of power grid facilities in protected zones, network organizations or organizations operating on the basis of relevant agreements with network organizations shall:

a) laying and maintaining clearings along overhead power lines and along the perimeter of substations and distribution facilities if these areas are located in forests and green spaces;

b) cutting down and filing of trees and shrubs within the minimum permissible distances to their crowns, as well as cutting down trees that threaten to fall.

22. The required width of clearings laid in accordance with paragraph 21 of these Rules, the distances within which the cutting of individual (groups) of trees (forest plantings) is carried out, as well as the minimum permissible distances to tree crowns are determined in accordance with forestry legislation.

23. When maintaining clearings, network organizations are obliged to ensure:

b) maintaining the width of the clearings in the sizes provided for by the construction projects of electric grid facilities and the requirements determined in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by cutting down, pruning the crowns of trees (shrubs) and other methods;

c) cutting down or trimming the crowns of trees (forest plantings) growing in clearings whose height exceeds 4 meters.

24. Tree felling in the cases provided for in paragraphs 21 and 23 of these Rules is carried out as necessary without prior provision of forest plots.

The felling of trees (shrubs and other plantings) not classified as forests, in the cases provided for in paragraphs 21 and 23 of these Rules, is carried out in accordance with civil and land legislation.

Network organizations or organizations operating on the basis of relevant agreements with network organizations submit to the authorized bodies state power reports on forest use in accordance with Article 49 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation.
Appendix to the Rules for the establishment of security zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones

Security zones are established:

a) along overhead power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land and airspace (to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires with their non-deviated position at the following distance:

^ Design rated voltage class, kV

Distance, m

up to 1

2 (for lines with self-supporting or insulated wires laid along the walls of buildings, structures, etc., the security zone is determined in accordance with the minimum permissible distances from such lines established by regulatory legal acts)


10 (5 - for lines with self-supporting or insulated wires located within the boundaries of populated areas)





150, 220


300, 500, +/- 400


750, +/- 750




b) along underground cable power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land located underneath the subsoil plot (to a depth corresponding to the depth of laying cable power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outer cables at a distance of 1 meter (when passing cable lines with voltage up to 1 kilovolt in cities under sidewalks - 0.6 meters towards buildings and structures and 1 meter towards the roadway);

c) along underwater cable power lines - in the form of a water space from the water surface to the bottom, limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the line from the outer cables at a distance of 100 meters;

d) along the transitions of overhead power lines through bodies of water (rivers, canals, lakes, etc.) - in the form of air space above the water surface of reservoirs (to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires in their non-deviated position for navigable bodies of water at a distance of 100 meters, for non-navigable bodies of water - at the distance provided for the establishment of security zones along overhead power lines.

2. Establish that:

checks of compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities are carried out by the authorized federal executive body when implementing federal state energy supervision; dated 06/05/2013 N 476)

The rules approved by this resolution do not apply to facilities located within the boundaries of security zones of electric grid facilities before the date of entry into force of this resolution.

3. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, within a 3-month period from the date of entry into force of this resolution, develop and approve a procedure for exercising state control over compliance with special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of security zones of power grid facilities farms.

4. To recognize as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Rules for the protection of electrical networks with voltages over 1000 volts, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 26, 1984 N 255 (Code of Laws of the USSR, 1990, vol. 6, p. 590);

Rules for the protection of electrical networks with voltages up to 1000 volts, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 11, 1972 N 667 (Code of Laws of the USSR, 1990, vol. 6, p. 595).

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated February 24, 2009 N 160


dated 06/05/2013 N 476, dated 08/26/2013 N 736, dated 05/17/2016 N 444, dated 12/21/2018 N 1622)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for establishing security zones of electric grid facilities (hereinafter referred to as security zones), as well as special conditions for the use of land plots located within the security zones (hereinafter referred to as land plots), ensuring the safe operation and operation of these facilities.

2. In security zones, in order to ensure safe operating conditions and eliminate the possibility of damage to power lines and other power grid facilities, special conditions for the use of territories are established.

3. The boundaries of security zones are determined in accordance with these Rules.

4. Land plots are not confiscated from their owners, landowners, land users or tenants.

II. Establishment of security zones

5. Security zones are established for all power grid facilities based on the requirements for the boundaries of establishing security zones in accordance with the appendix.

6. The boundaries of the security zone in relation to a separate power grid facility are determined by the organization that owns it by right of ownership or other legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the grid organization).

The grid organization applies to the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision with an application for approval of the boundaries of the security zone in relation to individual electric grid facilities and submitted in the form electronic document and in paper form, information about the boundaries of the security zone, which must contain text and graphic descriptions of the location of the boundaries of such a zone, as well as a list of coordinates of characteristic points of these boundaries in the coordinate system established for maintaining the state real estate cadastre. The decision to approve the boundaries of the security zone is made by the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the specified application and information. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2016 N 444)

After agreeing on the boundaries of the protective zone, the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision sends within 5 working days to Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography, a document reproducing the information contained in the decision to approve the boundaries of the protective zone in relation to individual electric grid facilities, including their name and the content of restrictions on the use of real estate within their boundaries, with the attachment of text and graphic descriptions of the location of the boundaries of such a zone, as well as a list of coordinates of characteristic points of these boundaries in the coordinate system established for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, on the basis of which the specified federal executive body makes a decision on entering information about the boundaries of the security zone into the state real estate cadastre. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2016 N 444)

The security zone is considered established from the date of entry into the state cadastral registration documents of information about its boundaries.

7. Security zones are subject to marking by installing, at the expense of network organizations, warning signs containing an indication of the size of the security zone, information about the relevant network organization, as well as the need to comply with the restrictions provided for in these Rules.

III. Rules for the protection of electrical networks located on land plots

8. In security zones, it is prohibited to carry out any actions that may disrupt the safe operation of electrical grid facilities, including leading to their damage or destruction, and (or) causing harm to the life, health of citizens and property of individuals or legal entities, as well as causing causing environmental damage and fires, including:

a) throw foreign objects onto the wires and supports of overhead power lines, as well as climb onto the supports of overhead power lines;

b) place any objects and objects (materials) within the passages and entrances created in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for access to power grid facilities, as well as carry out any work and erect structures that may impede access to power grid facilities, without creating the passages and entrances necessary for such access;

c) be within the fenced area and the premises of switchgears and substations, open doors and hatches of switchgears and substations, make switching and connections in electrical networks (this requirement does not apply to workers engaged in performing work permitted in accordance with the established procedure), light a fire in within the security zones of input and distribution devices, substations, overhead power lines, as well as in the security zones of cable power lines;

d) place landfills;

e) carry out work with impact mechanisms, dump weights weighing over 5 tons, dump and drain caustic and corrosive substances and fuels and lubricants (in security zones of underground cable power lines).

9. In security zones established for electrical grid facilities with voltages over 1000 volts, in addition to the actions provided for in paragraph 8 of these Rules, it is prohibited:

a) store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuel and lubricants;

b) place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, cattle pens, garages and parking lots of all types of machines and mechanisms, carry out any events associated with large crowds of people not engaged in performing work permitted in accordance with the established procedure ( in security zones of overhead power lines); (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 N 736)

c) use (fly) any aircraft, including kites, sports model aircraft (in the security zones of overhead power lines);

d) drop anchors from ships and carry out their passage with given anchors, chains, lots, dragnets and trawls (in the security zones of underwater cable power lines);

e) carry out the passage of ships with raised booms of cranes and other mechanisms (in the security zones of overhead power lines).

10. Within the security zones, without a written decision on the approval of network organizations, legal entities and individuals are prohibited from:

a) construction, major repairs, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and structures;

b) mining, blasting, reclamation work, including those associated with temporary flooding of land;

c) planting and cutting down trees and shrubs;

d) dredging, dredging and loading and unloading operations, catching fish and other aquatic animals and plants using bottom fishing gear, setting up watering places, splitting and harvesting ice (in protected zones of underwater cable power lines);

e) passage of vessels whose vertical distance from the upper outer gauge with or without cargo to the lower point of sag of overhead power line crossing wires through bodies of water is less than the minimum permissible distance, including taking into account the maximum level of water rise during floods;

f) passage of vehicles and mechanisms having a total height with or without load from the road surface of more than 4.5 meters (in security zones of overhead power lines);

g) excavation work at a depth of more than 0.3 meters (on plowed lands at a depth of more than 0.45 meters), as well as soil leveling (in security zones of underground cable power lines);

h) watering agricultural crops if the height of the water jet can be over 3 meters (in the security zones of overhead power lines);

i) field agricultural work using agricultural machinery and equipment with a height of more than 4 meters (in the security zones of overhead power lines) or field agricultural work associated with plowing the land (in the security zones of cable power lines).

11. In security zones established for electrical grid facilities with voltages up to 1000 volts, in addition to the actions provided for in paragraph 10 of these Rules, without a written decision on the approval of network organizations, it is prohibited:

a) place children's and sports grounds, stadiums, markets, retail outlets, field camps, livestock pens, garages and parking lots for all types of machines and mechanisms, garden, vegetable plots of land and other real estate located within the boundaries of the territory where citizens conduct gardening or vegetable gardening for own needs, housing construction projects, including individual ones (in security zones of overhead power lines); (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 N 736, dated December 21, 2018 N 1622)

b) store or place storage facilities for any materials, including fuel and lubricants;

c) arrange berths for parking ships, barges and floating cranes, drop anchors from ships and carry out their passage with given anchors, chains, lots, drags and trawls (in the security zones of underwater cable power lines).

12. To obtain a written decision on the approval of the implementation of actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, interested parties submit a written application to the network organization (its branch, representative office or structural unit) responsible for the operation of the relevant power grid facilities, no later than 15 working days before the necessary actions are taken.

The network organization, within 2 days from the date of receipt of the application, reviews it and makes a decision on approval (refusal of approval) of the implementation of the relevant actions.

A written decision to approve (refuse to approve) the implementation of actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules is handed to the applicant or sent to him by post with acknowledgment of delivery. The applicant is also informed by the network organization about the decision made using fax or electronic means of communication if the application indicates the need for such information.

Refusal to approve the actions provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules is permitted if the implementation of the corresponding actions violates the requirements established by regulatory legal acts and may lead to disruption of the functioning of the relevant power grid facilities. The refusal must be motivated and contain references to the provisions of regulatory legal acts that will be violated as a result of the applicant performing the relevant work (carrying out the relevant actions).

Persons who have received a decision to approve the implementation of actions in security zones are obliged to carry them out in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of electrical grid facilities.

A written decision to approve blasting operations in security zones is issued only after the persons carrying out these works have submitted technical documentation (projects, passports, etc.) prepared in the prescribed manner, provided for by the safety rules for blasting operations established by regulatory legal acts.

Upon receipt of a written decision to approve the construction, major repairs and reconstruction of buildings and structures, design documentation developed in relation to the relevant facilities is sent to the network organization simultaneously with the specified application. If the development of such documentation in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities is not mandatory, simultaneously with such a statement information is provided on the parameters of the object that is planned to be built (changes in its parameters during reconstruction), as well as on the timing and volume of work on construction, reconstruction and repair. It is not permitted to require other documents and information from persons interested in the construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures.

The refusal of network organizations to issue a written decision on the approval of the implementation of actions in protected zones provided for in paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules may be appealed in court.

If the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision detects facts of actions within the boundaries of security zones prohibited by paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Rules, or actions provided for by paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, without receiving a written decision on the approval of the network organization, the authorized officials of the said body draw up protocols on relevant administrative offenses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2013 N 476)

If network organizations and other persons discover facts of carrying out within the boundaries of security zones actions prohibited by paragraphs 8 and 9 of these Rules, or actions provided for by paragraphs 10 and 11 of these Rules, without receiving a written decision on the approval of the network organization, these persons shall send a statement about the existence of such facts to the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision, and also has the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to appeal to the court and (or) executive bodies authorized to consider cases of relevant offenses. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2013 N 476)

13. If the security zone coincides (intersects) with the right of way and (or) the security zone of railways, the right of way and (or) roadside strip of highways, security zones of pipelines, communication lines and other objects, work related to the operation of these objects, in coinciding areas of the territories is carried out by interested parties by agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulating the procedure for establishing and using security zones, roadside zones, right of way of relevant objects with the mandatory conclusion of an agreement on interaction in the event of an accident.

14. On highways at intersections with overhead power lines, the owners of highways must ensure the installation of road signs prohibiting the stopping of vehicles in the security zones of these lines with a design nominal voltage class of 330 kilovolts and higher and the passage of vehicles with or without a load of more than 4 .5 meters in security zones of overhead power lines, regardless of the design nominal voltage class.

15. Persons carrying out excavation work, if they discover a cable not specified in the technical documentation for the work, are obliged to immediately stop this work, take measures to ensure the safety of the cable and within 24 hours notify the network organization that owns it by right of ownership (other legal basis) by the specified cable line, or by the federal executive body exercising federal state energy supervision. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2013 N 476)

IV. Features of the use of land plots by network organizations

16. Access to power grid facilities for their operation and scheduled (routine) work is carried out in accordance with civil and land legislation.

To prevent or eliminate accidents, employees of network organizations are provided with unhindered access to power grid facilities, as well as the ability to deliver the necessary materials and equipment.

17. Planned (routine) maintenance work on electrical grid facilities is carried out with prior notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of land plots.

18. Work to prevent or eliminate accidents, as well as their consequences, at electric grid facilities may be carried out without prior notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of land plots. When carrying out the specified work, network organizations are required to send a notification to the owners (land users, landowners, tenants) of the relevant land plots no later than 2 business days from the start of the work.

The notification indicates the nature and type of damage to electrical grid facilities, as well as the start and completion dates of the work.

After performing maintenance work on electric grid facilities, work to prevent or eliminate accidents at such facilities or their consequences, network organizations must bring the land plots to a state suitable for their intended use or to the state in which the corresponding land plots were before the implementation. works, as well as compensate owners (land users, landowners, tenants) for losses caused during the work.

19. If security zones are established on agricultural lands, scheduled maintenance work on power grid facilities is carried out during the period when these lands are not occupied by agricultural crops or when it is possible to ensure the safety of these crops.

In order to agree on the conditions for the work, the network organization operating the relevant cable power lines sends to the specified entities no later than 7 days before the start of the work a written application indicating the content and timing of the work, as well as a draft traffic management scheme for this period .

Persons who own highways by right of ownership or other legal basis (local government bodies of settlements within which the corresponding highways are located) are required to consider the specified application of the network organization within 2 working days from the date of its receipt and make a decision on its approval (refusal). in agreement). Refusal of approval is permitted in cases where the content and timing of the work do not comply with the established mandatory requirements or the draft traffic management scheme does not comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety.

By agreement with the person who owns the highway by right of ownership or other legal basis, work to eliminate damage caused to the roads can be carried out by the specified person at the expense of the relevant network organizations.

21. To ensure trouble-free operation and operation of power grid facilities in protected zones, network organizations or organizations operating on the basis of relevant agreements with network organizations shall:

a) laying and maintaining clearings along overhead power lines and along the perimeter of substations and distribution facilities if these areas are located in forests and green spaces;

b) cutting down and filing of trees and shrubs within the minimum permissible distances to their crowns, as well as cutting down trees that threaten to fall.

22. The required width of clearings laid in accordance with paragraph 21 of these Rules, the distances within which the cutting of individual (groups) of trees (forest plantings) is carried out, as well as the minimum permissible distances to tree crowns are determined in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including these Rules. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 N 736)

23. When maintaining clearings, network organizations are obliged to ensure:

a) maintaining the clearing in a fireproof condition in accordance with the requirements of the rules fire safety in the forests;

b) maintaining the width of the clearings in the sizes provided for by the construction projects of electric grid facilities and the requirements determined in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by cutting down, pruning the crowns of trees (shrubs) and other methods;

c) cutting down or pruning the crowns of trees (forest plantings) growing in clearings whose height exceeds 4 meters.

24. Tree felling in the cases provided for in paragraphs 21 and 23 of these Rules is carried out as necessary without prior provision of forest plots.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 N 736)

Security zones are established:

a) along overhead power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land and airspace (to a height corresponding to the height of the supports of overhead power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outermost wires when their position is not deflected at the following distance:

Design rated voltage class, kV Distance, m
up to 1 2 (for lines with self-supporting or insulated wires laid along the walls of buildings, structures, etc., the security zone is determined in accordance with the minimum permissible distances from such lines established by regulatory legal acts)
1-20 10 (5 - for lines with self-supporting or insulated wires located within the boundaries of populated areas)
35 15
110 20
150, 220 25
300, 500, +/-400 30
750, +/-750 40
1150 55;

b) along underground cable power lines - in the form of a part of the surface of a plot of land located underneath the subsoil plot (to a depth corresponding to the depth of laying cable power lines), limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the power line from the outer cables at a distance of 1 meter (when passing cable lines with voltage up to 1 kilovolt in cities under sidewalks - 0.6 meters towards buildings and structures and 1 meter towards the roadway);

c) along underwater cable power lines - in the form of a water space from the water surface to the bottom, limited by vertical planes spaced on both sides of the line from the outer cables at a distance of 100 meters;