Why do you dream of a river bed without water? Water in the river interpretation of the dream book. Dream book for lovers

Why do you dream about a river?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of the smooth, calm surface of a river, it means you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities.

If the waters of the river are muddy and turbulent, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.

If in a dream your path is blocked by a flooded river, you will face troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer due to your daring antics.

If you dream that you are swimming in clean, transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time.

If you dream of a dry river, it means sorrow awaits you.

Why do you dream about a river?

Freud's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of?

Swimming in a river in a dream means that at the moment you are experiencing a feeling of falling in love, which captures you completely, and you have forgotten about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Clean, bright - a lot of happiness; swimming in it is wealth; fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim across - hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water - hear an oath; flood - your plans will be late.

Why do you dream about a river?

Family dream book

The smooth, calm surface of the river promises enjoyment of life’s joys and increased prosperity.

A muddy and restless river - dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings.

If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, you will have troubles at work.

A dry river - dreams of experiences.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A river in a dream symbolizes the course of your life.

If it is calm, and the water in it is clean and transparent, such a dream promises good health and good business.

Muddy, dirty water in the river speaks of difficulties and sorrows.

A stormy river is a sign of stormy events.

Stones sticking out of the water mean serious obstacles on your way.

Seeing in a dream how two rivers merge into one - portends you a long life together.

A river flood means events that can give you a surge of energy and emotional uplift.

Crossing a river in a dream is a sign of impending changes in your life

Why do you dream about a river?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

River - to an important event in life. The presence of extrasensory abilities.

The source of the river is a dream hint: you need to make a serious analysis of your existence and change your lifestyle before it is too late.

Why do you dream about a river?

Spring dream book

A shallow river means several deaths among your relatives.

Why do you dream about a river?

Summer dream book

A shallow river - dreams of a stormy flood.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A small river with clean and fast water is a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the river bank, fishing or boating is good news. Sunbathing on a river beach - you will feel unwell; swimming - you will gain unexpected wealth.

If you drown in the river, your friends will not leave you in trouble. Swimming across the river means your desires will come true; wading means you will appear sick, just to avoid going to a tedious event. Sailing along the river on a boat - early marriage and harmony in marriage.

A river that overflows during a flood portends troubles at work; a river that becomes shallow during a severe drought portends grief in the family.

Walking along the river embankment means exhausting laundry and general cleaning after a long absence from home.

Traveling along the river on a raft - make a risky deal.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The river is clean, bright - a lot of happiness; swimming in it is wealth; to fall into it and be carried away by the current - to hear the news; swim across - hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water - hear an oath; flood - Your plans will be late.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A calm river - dreams of good news.

You swam or washed in the river - you will have a long journey ahead of you in the near future.

Falling into the river means futile troubles.

In a dream you drank from a river - know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

If you dreamed that you watched someone bathe in the river, one of your loved ones will soon have to go on a long journey.

Swimming across the river means a successful completion of the matter.

If you dreamed that you were sailing along a river and moored to the shore, an unclouded life awaits you.

If you dreamed that a river overflowed its banks, this means troubles and minor failures.

You dreamed of a stormy mountain river - because of your bad character traits, your activities will stall.

A dry river warns of poverty.

Why do you dream about a river?

Esoteric dream book

River - time.

Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life.

Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events.

Swimming in the river, swimming - be in tune with time.

Enter - a new period of life begins.

To bathe is to be someone’s mentor, leader.

Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time.

Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill.

Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time.

The river caresses you - time will be kind to you.

A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm, delightfully joyful events will soon await you, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

If the water in the river is muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you.

A dry river - dreams of sad events.

If the river overflows and blocks your path, troubles await you at work. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged.

Why do you dream about a river?

Azar's Dream Book

the river is clean, bright - a lot of happiness

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Swimming in a river means profit; to see, to be on the shore - a long journey; wade, walk in water - an obstacle, a delay; jumping into the river (for women) - new feelings, hope for reconciliation in the family.

Why do you dream about a river?

Modern dream book

Seeing the clean and smooth surface of a river in a dream predicts that a sea of ​​pleasures will soon await you, and prosperity will be even greater than you expected.

If the water in the river is dirty and turbulent, fierce disputes and quarrels await you ahead.

If you are cut off from land by a river flood, temporary difficulties in commercial affairs await you. Your reputation may also suffer if your antics become known.

If, while swimming along the clear surface of the river, you see corpses at the bottom, soon the current joys and pleasures will be replaced by troubles and sorrows.

Seeing a dry riverbed in a dream foretells illness and failure.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Calm - success in business, peace; a noisy and fast river - troubles and failure.

Why do you dream about a river?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

Waiting for something on the shore is important news.

Swimming across it is the fulfillment of intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Drawing from it is work beyond your strength.

Carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

Among the fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

Among both villages and cities there is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

The mouth of a river, it flows into a river approximately equal in width - the beginning of a new period in your life.

Flowing into the sea - a lot about death, thinking about eternity / a peaceful death in old age awaits you.

Plunging into the sea by a stormy stream is a violent death in the distant future.

The river quickly carries you out to sea - danger to life, very alarming premonitions about yourself.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a River - stormy, muddy - for important events. Calm, clean - to a stable, prosperous life. Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles, and you see a clean, quiet river.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

What does a River mean in a dream? Some believe that a river in a dream symbolizes the road of life. This may refer to the transience of time or to the “wandering” of a person through life: from birth to death. A river can mean a flow of emotions, as well as creative or sexual energy.

Positive value

Crossing a river in a dream on a ship is a significant change in life. This can be interpreted positively if you are willing to welcome new directions and ideas.

Negative implications

Falling into a river in a dream is a warning about household chores on the horizon. Jump into the river - when solving urgent problems, there is no need to rush.

Try to remember how you felt about the river in your dream. Did she confuse you or reassure you?

Look at the river. Maybe you passively watched the river from the shore? If so, this indicates a need to get in touch with your emotions. Calm surface. There are devils in still waters - perhaps that’s exactly the point. The external calm of life can hide dangers and strong currents. Walk along the river bank. Walking along a river bank in a dream could mean satisfaction with the progress of your career.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Vrublevskaya

River - warns of fast-flowing life, symbolizes sexual and vital energy. A transparent, clean river reflects the purity of inner thoughts and understanding of the laws of life. Muddy, dirty streams indicate the intractability of some problems. If a person moves with the flow, it means he is moving away from struggle in life. On the contrary, moving against the tide suggests that he has the strength and determination to fight life’s circumstances. A fast flow characterizes the energy, mobility, and emotional freedom of the dreamer. If you see a motionless river, then you have to restrain your feelings. And a very warning sign is a dry river. It symbolizes a lack of sexuality and vitality.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

The purple color of a fish on a river covered with broken ice floes - a big conversation with people you depend on, a danger of ruining relationships

Why do you dream about a river?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

This dream usually symbolizes a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself. Sometimes this is a sign indicating an outstanding scientist or sage who is destined to have a strong influence on your subsequent life.

Drinking water directly from the river means receiving awards and favors from the administration of the city or the entire country. However, if at the same time the water seems unusually warm to you, beware: in reality you may be involved in a serious crime.

If you feel that the water is somehow too, unpleasantly salty to taste, then, apparently, you are planning to take part in some reprehensible and, of course, illegal actions.

The muddy waters of the river usually promise death to the dreamer.

Swimming across a river in a dream means triumph over enemies and any opponents.

A dream in which you are drowning in a river means that you will receive damage as a result of the actions of the authorities aimed at harming you.

Swimming out and getting out of the river onto the shore is generally an undoubted sign of liberation; can be interpreted in the broadest possible way - for example, as a release from prison to freedom.

If in a dream you got out of the river and are trying to clean your clothes from silt and dirt, in reality you are destined to get rid of all sorrows.

If you dreamed that you drowned, then in reality it is likely that your interest in religion will awaken.

If you were given a dream in which you, having seen a river from afar, were finally able to approach it, then in reality all your plans will come true, and your most cherished goals will come true.

When in a dream you are swimming right in the middle of a river, then in reality it makes complete sense for you to be careful in everything that is directly related to your business.

Dry river bed - this dream promises trouble!

If the water in the river has noticeably increased, the dream is favorable.

Fishing on the river and being left with a good catch - such a dream foreshadows honest enrichment and harmony in the family.

Why do you dream about a river?

Islamic dream book

The source of the river is Allah's mercy, goodness, grace and luck.

Why do you dream about a river?

Modern dream book

Calm river - Good luck in business and peace; noisy - troubles and failure

Why do you dream about a river?

Big dream book

River - Swim - profit; to see the river, to be on the shore - a long journey; to wade, to walk on a rein is an obstacle, a delay;

Why do you dream about a river?

British dream book

River - Life is often compared to a river, with its turns, whirlpools and rapids and the constantly changing landscape along the banks. In dreams, a river symbolizes the journey through life, from birth to death and beyond. Dreaming about a river can be an important indicator of how you perceive the flow of your life. If you are drowning in the middle of a river, unable to reach any of the banks and feeling like you are being carried further away, this is a very straightforward symbol of loss of control, as is being stuck in stagnant water or in a tangle of seaweed when you cannot move. places. Dreams of several small rivers indicate several paths you can take in life. Why do you have a dream: Are you sitting on the bank of a river, watching life flow by? Have you just decided to take a break or have you been sitting here for a long time, having fallen out of the flow? Are you walking along a river, slowing down to catch your breath? Are you moving upstream, against it, trying to return to old times, to your past? Or do you follow the flow, making the best use of all the opportunities that come your way? See also Bridge

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a River - you see in a dream a large river, the waters of which flow slowly, the surface is smooth - in the near future your life will be pure joy; every coming day will bring you new luck; you will notice that new opportunities will forge a new person out of you. The waters of the river seem to be agitated and muddy, quickly rushing past you - you will have to endure the presence of a grumpy person; give in to him in small things, so that later you can insist on your own in a serious matter. It’s as if the river is blocking your path, and you don’t know how to cross - you may have troubles at work; try not to leave unfinished business; do not forget to turn off the coffee pot or other unit used to heat water in your office; some insolence can damage your authority and reputation. In a dream you saw the bed of a dry river - you will not endure the grief that will soon happen without tears.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The river symbolizes a person's sexual and vital energy, the direction of life. The stream is a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life. A transparent, calm river - freedom, independence. Muddy, dirty streams - you will have quarrels and problems. Shoal in the river - lack of energy, difficult period in life, sexual problems. Crossing a river is a sign of decisive change, sometimes a harbinger of death.

Why do you dream about a river?

Russian dream book

What does a River mean in a dream - the flow of life, progress through life (swimming along the river). Sometimes it symbolizes speech: the water in the river then corresponds to the characteristics of speech - clean, muddy, dirty. A fast, noisy river means life’s ups and downs, troubles; calm and broad - success in business.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a river mean in a dream - a long road. Swimming with the flow is a benefit, winning; swimming against the flow is a fight against one’s selfishness; wading a river is a reprieve. Swimming across the river is the fulfillment of hopes. Drowning in the rapid current of a river means not calculating your strength. A seething, noisy river is a regret about the transience of life. Save someone - there is a person next to you who needs your help. River with tributaries - various possibilities. Flooding on the river - your plans will be late.

Why do you dream about a river?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a River - a Big River - to tears, but sometimes to joy, gossip or an important conversation. A small river also means tears, but the troubles awaiting you in this case will most likely be minor.

Why do you dream about a river?

Women's dream book

River - If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm, delightfully joyful events will soon await you, and your well-being will noticeably improve. If the water in the river is muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you. A dry river dreams of sad events. If the river overflows and blocks your path, troubles await you at work. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged.

Why do you dream about a river?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

River - destiny; course of life. Smooth, calm surface of the river - a prosperous period in life has begun; crossing the river - making an important decision; a flooded river is an obstacle, you are overwhelmed by negative emotions; a dry river - lack of positive emotions; muddy and restless river - self-doubt; the river is beautiful and transparent - you are satisfied with yourself; a shallow and fast river means reckless, frivolous behavior; swimming in clean, clear water and seeing all sorts of slippery monsters means the emergence of some difficulties in life that cause anxiety.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dream of a very calm river, the dream suggests that you will find yourself in bed with a person who is not suitable for your temperament. Being close to him will not bring you the desired pleasure. If the river is stormy or mountainous, on the contrary, your partner turns out to be very passionate, several “hot” love dates await you.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book of catchphrases

RIVER – “river of life” (long period of life); “go with the flow” - submit to the situation, laziness, successfully adapt to the situation, agreement. “Getting in line” means success, recognition. “Going to the bottom” is a personal collapse; “broke” (lack of money), “running aground” - a difficult situation. “Sink into oblivion” - forget (“Lethe” in Greek mythology is the river of oblivion in the kingdom of the dead). “Sink to the very bottom of life” - moral degradation, poverty. “River rapids” are dangerous obstacles; “waterfall” – danger.

Why do you dream about a river?

Men's dream book

Clean - everything goes as usual and you should be happy with it. Falling into the river means changes in your business life. Muddy, restless river - misunderstandings, conflicts. To fall into such a river means to be drawn into an unpleasant story.

Rapids. In a fast river with clean water - overcoming difficulties. The threshold at which river debris has accumulated means difficulties in resolving financial problems that require you to apply a large amount of energy and vitality.

Why do you dream about a river?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It means the course of a person’s life, his life path. The nature and appearance of the river, what it is like - fast, slow, stream-like, full-flowing, clean, dirty, deep, shallow - indicates the behavior of instincts. The surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, as well as the personal and social consequences caused by his behavior. If the river is transparent and flows to the sea, this speaks of the self-realization of the subject and his approach to the ontic vision. In this case, the subject identifies himself with water or sees himself in water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Denotes the course of life. The nature of the river’s flow (slow or rapid), its fullness, purity, dirt, turbidity, etc. indicate the characteristics of the manifestation of your vitality and aspirations. The surrounding nature characterizes the general situation of your life. If the river is clean and flows towards the sea, this image indicates the right path to self-realization. If a person sees himself moving down the river, this indicates a feeling that strength, health and luck are beginning to leave the person; he feels a lack of will. If a sleeper swims up the river in a dream, this is a symbol that a person spends a lot of effort to achieve his goals. This is a bet on your perseverance, the belief that you will be able to overcome all obstacles on the way to your desired goal. If a person crosses a river, this indicates a desire and urgent need to resolve an unpleasant situation or a painful personal relationship.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book for women

Seeing a river in a dream always means some changes in health. If the river is calm and clean, then nothing threatens you, and even the illness that has been tormenting you lately will soon recede.

A raging mountain river, even if the water in it is crystal clear, portends deterioration in health. Make sure that the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum. Try not to get overtired.

Why do you dream about a river?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees that he scooped up or drank water from a river or sea, he will receive property by the mercy of the king or ruler.

If someone sees himself in a boat, he will get rid of troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed in an important matter.

If anyone sees that he has left the boat on the shore, he will defeat the enemy.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book of the future

A river, calm and wide - success in business, peace; noisy and fast - troubles and failures.

Why do you dream about a river?

Idiomatic dream book

“River of Life” - a long period of life; “go with the flow” - submit to the situation, laziness, successfully adapt to the situation, agreement; “get into the flow” - success, recognition; “go to the bottom” - personal collapse; “broke” - lack of money; “run aground” - a difficult situation; “sink into oblivion” - forget (“letha” in Greek mythology - the river of oblivion in the kingdom of the dead); “sink to the very bottom of life” - moral degradation, poverty; “river rapids” are dangerous obstacles; "waterfall" - danger.

Why do you dream about a river?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

River - denotes the course of life. The nature of its flow (swiftness, slowness), the nature of the flow, fullness, purity, turbidity, dirt, etc. indicate the “behavior” of instincts. The typical nature of the surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, personal and social effects that arise as a result of individual behavior.

If the river is transparent and flows towards the sea, such an image may indicate the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontovision (i.e., the vision of life as a whole and each of its parts). In this case, the subject perceives himself as water or sees himself as being in water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

The river also symbolizes female genitalia. Since the river is moving, this time also denotes movement forward (progress), as well as other images of a similar type. Identification with the characters and actions related to water are more important than the fact that the river appears.

If a person sees himself moving downstream of a river, this may mean a feeling that strength, health and luck are beginning to leave him, difficulties that he experiences as arising on the way to achieving his goal, a desire to relate to what is happening more simply and experience less resistance, fear about lack of will.

If a person sees himself floating up the river, this is a symbol of the fact that everything that is given to this person requires great expense from him and others. Belief in one’s perseverance, in the fact that one will be able to overcome all the obstacles that separate one from the desired goal, the feeling that other people persistently impede one’s achievements, the fear that a person is unhappy by nature, the belief in having a strong will.

If an image of crossing a river is seen, this reflects a desire to achieve a specific goal on the other side, a desire to avoid an unpleasant situation, or an unpleasant or inconvenient task, or a painful personal relationship, a desire to be more competent and wise (especially if crossing a river to see what is on the other side).

If a person sees himself standing on the bank of a river, this image expresses a feeling of inadequacy.

If a person is afraid to cross a river - this is a symbol of satisfaction with the status quo, if a person has no desire to cross the river - the latter interpretation is more plausible.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book of relationships

A wide river is a dream for people whose sexual fantasies are too unconventional. You are even afraid to tell your partner about them, fearing that he may not understand you.

If you dream that you are swimming in a river, this indicates that you are in love and are so immersed in your feeling that you do not notice anything around you. You should be less in the clouds and pay at least a little attention to current events. It is possible that they have special meaning for you.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a river in a dream always means some changes in health.

If the river is calm and clean, nothing threatens you, and even the illness that has been tormenting you lately will soon recede.

A mountainous, raging river, even if the water in it is crystal clear, portends a deterioration in health. Make sure that the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum. Try not to get overtired.

In a fast river with clean water - overcoming difficulties.

The threshold at which river debris has accumulated means difficulties in resolving financial problems that require you to apply a large amount of energy and vitality.

Why do you dream about a river?

Online dream book

The river, according to the dream book, symbolizes the channel along which your life flows.

If it is full-flowing, swift and opaque, problems will arise, both in personal life and in business.

Seeing it with clear, almost motionless water - your family life will be ideal, you will live in peace and prosperity.

If you fall into the river and drink too much water, you will take a significant position in society.

Going to the bottom, but saving yourself at the last moment - your financial condition will rapidly increase.

Trying to cross it leads to problems and obstacles.

Seeing you dive - avoid trouble.

Located on the shore - it seems to you that something is wrong with you.

You drink from it - your positive thoughts will be the source of your inspiration.

According to the dream book, a calm and crystal clear river symbolizes harmony and happiness; everything in your destiny will turn out exactly as you need, which will make you incredibly happy.

If you dream of a dirty river, you may be faced with difficulties and obstacles that will arise at the most inopportune moment; do not let them take you by surprise.

If in a dream you saw a stormy river with churned waters, know that there will be serious troubles in your business or career, which will lead to complications in your personal life.

If in a dream you saw a dried up river, this is a very bad omen, promising great misfortunes, but if you foresee everything in time, you can avoid them.

If a mountain river has a fairly rapid current, this is a warning that one of your relatives may become seriously ill, warn them.

If you decide to swim across the river in a dream, it means that in reality you will cope with all the obstacles and difficulties that arise on the way to your goal.

If you cross a river in a dream, you will be able to easily solve all the tasks assigned to you and achieve the highest goals with minimal effort.

If you cross it, but its depth and rapid flows of water interfere with you

If you walk along a river in a dream - despite all the difficulties of the obstacle, you will be able to achieve your goals, you can be sure of this. The width and depth of the reservoir is directly proportional to the number of obstacles in your path.

If you dreamed that you were swimming in a river, this is a warning that you are overwhelmed by strong positive emotions, but still your mind should remain unclouded.

If in a dream you fell into a river, you will receive information that will greatly surprise and puzzle you.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a river, a very difficult period awaits you; due to lack of money, you will be forced to deny yourself literally everything.

If you dream of a frozen river completely encased in ice, you may fall into despondency and hopeless melancholy, remembering with regret the days that will never return.

You see in a dream a river current that carries away various foreign objects - you will have to helplessly watch the troubles of others, having the desire, but not being able to prevent them.

Why do you dream about a river?

American dream book

The river is an attempt to swim against the current. Let the river carry you on its own. Don't fight the flow.

A river usually means an emotional barrier that is difficult for you to overcome. While awake, imagine this river and a bridge across it, and then calmly cross to the other side. Create a new route for yourself.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a river means the need for physical and spiritual cleansing; a clean, bright river - promises health, well-being and a joyful mood, as well as a happy course of affairs; dirty, muddy, river flow - promises illness and trouble; flood - to a possible threat to life, a transient serious illness.

Why do you dream about a river?

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

If you dreamed of a quick, dirty one, this is a harbinger of troubles and problems.

However, a calm river with clear water portends happiness and love.

Why do you dream about a river?

An old English dream book

Seeing a wide, stormy river with muddy water in a dream is a prediction of trouble and difficulties in love and business.

But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface, it means that great happiness in love or a happy marriage is destined for you, which will subsequently give you beautiful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy home.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream book of lovers

To dream of a calm and clean river portends love and cloudless happiness.

Muddy river - means losses and quarrels.

Why do you dream about a river?

Lunar dream book

The river is the road.

Moving on is a nice treat.

Swimming across the river is the fulfillment of what was planned.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

River - defeating the enemy.

Why do you dream about a river?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Crossing a river portends safety.

Crossing a quiet river promises safety, but if the river is turbulent, it portends anxiety.

Crossing a stormy or very fast river - to fears, or to accusations, or to worries, or to troubles.

Seeing a river flowing into a house or already filling it is a sign of abundance.

If you leave the house and fall into the river, this portends mortal danger.

Swimming in the river means worries or cramped circumstances.

Falling into the river means losses.

Why do you dream about a river?

Russian dream book

Swimming across the river is good; calm - to pleasure; dirty water in the river - to losses, quarrels; small - to difficulty; to see how a full-flowing river turns into a trickle is a loss of position.

Why do you dream about a river?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

Why do you dream about a river?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

A river that is wide and fast flowing means danger and death; but quiet and calm is generally a favorable sign. It is especially good for judges, litigants and travelers; the muddy river has a completely opposite sign and threatens the one who sees it. Sleep of disfavor of a strong nobleman; a clean river entering our room means a visit from a noble and, moreover, virtuous person; but the muddy river entering our room and spoiling the furniture signifies violence and oppression from obvious enemies; to see a river coming out of our room threatens us with dishonor, illness, and sometimes death itself; walking on a river as if on dry land - portends exaltation; to see a river, stream or spring dry means ruin.

Why do you dream about a river?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Rivers are life, a bend, a twist of fate.

A river flowing from top to bottom - if this is emphasized in the dream: a tendency to seize a lower place.

Why do you dream about a river?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

River - this dream usually symbolizes a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself. Sometimes this is a sign indicating an outstanding scientist or sage who is destined to have a strong influence on your subsequent life.

ABC of dream interpretation

River - symbolizes a person’s sexual and vital energy, the direction of life.

The stream is a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life.

A transparent, calm river - freedom, independence.

Muddy, dirty streams - you will have quarrels and problems.

Shoal in the river - lack of energy, difficult period in life, sexual problems.

Crossing a river is a sign of decisive change, sometimes a harbinger of death.

American dream book

The river is an attempt to swim against the current. Let the river carry you on its own. Don't fight the flow.

A river usually means an emotional barrier that is difficult for you to overcome. While awake, imagine this river and a bridge across it, and then calmly cross to the other side. Create a new route for yourself.

English dream book

Seeing a wide, stormy river with muddy water in a dream is a prediction of trouble and difficulties in love and business.

But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface, it means that great happiness in love or a happy marriage is destined for you, which will subsequently give you beautiful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy home.

Assyrian dream book

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.

If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.

If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.

If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.

If he goes with the flow, his enemy will refuse to help him.

Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.

Wash - to loss.

Crossing means trouble.

Coming out of the river in a dream means good news.

Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.

Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.

If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.

Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.

If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If you dreamed of a quick, dirty one, this is a harbinger of troubles and problems.

However, a calm river with clear water portends happiness and love.

Children's dream book

The river is the course of your life and destiny.

If you see a river flowing calmly across a plain, it means your life will be calm and boring.

If the river is mountainous and stormy, it means that you will experience a lot of interesting events, it will be very troublesome for you, your life will change before your eyes.

If you have to cross a river, for example, to cross or swim across, it means that you will soon change 180 degrees, and your life will also change.

If you cross a river on a raft or boat, something will force you to change your lifestyle. It may happen that you move somewhere, change your place of study, or completely change your social circle.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

River - this dream usually symbolizes a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself. Sometimes this is a sign indicating an outstanding scientist or sage who is destined to have a strong influence on your subsequent life.

Drinking water directly from the river means receiving awards and favors from the administration of the city or the entire country. However, if at the same time the water seems unusually warm to you, beware: in reality you may be involved in a serious crime.

If you feel that the water is somehow too, unpleasantly salty to taste - apparently, you are planning to take part in some reprehensible and, of course, illegal actions.

The muddy waters of the river usually promise death to the dreamer.

Swimming across a river in a dream means triumph over enemies and any opponents.

A dream in which you are drowning in a river means that you will receive damage as a result of the actions of the authorities aimed at harming you.

Swimming out and getting out of the river onto the shore is generally an undoubted sign of liberation; can be interpreted in the broadest possible way - for example, as a release from prison to freedom.

If in a dream you got out of the river and are trying to clean your clothes from silt and dirt, in reality you are destined to get rid of all sorrows.

If you dreamed that you drowned, in reality it is likely that your interest in religion will awaken.

If you were given a dream in which you, having seen a river from afar, were eventually able to approach it - in reality all your plans will come true, and your most cherished goals will come true.

When in a dream you are swimming right in the middle of a river, in reality it makes complete sense for you to be careful in everything that is directly related to your business.

Dry river bed - this dream promises trouble!

If the water in the river has noticeably increased, the dream is favorable.

Fishing on the river and being left with a good catch - such a dream foreshadows honest enrichment and harmony in the family.

Idiomatic dream book

“River of Life” - a long period of life; “go with the flow” - submit to the situation, laziness, successfully adapt to the situation, agreement; “get into the flow” - success, recognition; “go to the bottom” - personal collapse; “broke” - lack of money; “run aground” - a difficult situation; “sink into oblivion” - forget (“letha” in Greek mythology - the river of oblivion in the kingdom of the dead); “sink to the very bottom of life” - moral degradation, poverty; “river rapids” are dangerous obstacles; "waterfall" - danger.

Intimate dream book

If you dreamed of a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies, which you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of?

Swimming in a river in a dream means that at the moment you are experiencing a feeling of falling in love, which captures you completely, and you have forgotten about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.

Muddy - on the contrary, means losses and quarrels.

Islamic dream book

If someone dreams that he drank from the heavenly river al-Kyausar, he will gain dominance and win victory over the enemy, according to the words of his Almighty: “Truly We have given you plenty! Pray to your Lord and kill him!”

Italian dream book

River - denotes the course of life. The nature of its flow (swiftness, slowness), the nature of the flow, fullness, purity, turbidity, dirt, etc. indicate the “behavior” of instincts. The typical nature of the surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, personal and social effects that arise as a result of individual behavior.

If the river is transparent and flows towards the sea, such an image may indicate the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontovision (i.e., the vision of life as a whole and each of its parts). In this case, the subject perceives himself as water or sees himself as being in water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

The river also symbolizes female genitalia. Since the river is moving, this time also denotes movement forward (progress), as well as other images of a similar type. Identification with the characters and actions related to water are more important than the fact that the river appears.

If a person sees himself moving downstream of a river, this may mean a feeling that strength, health and luck are beginning to leave him, difficulties that he experiences as arising on the way to achieving his goal, a desire to relate to what is happening more simply and experience less resistance, fear about lack of will.

If a person sees himself floating up the river, this is a symbol of the fact that everything that is given to this person requires great expense from him and others. Belief in one’s perseverance, in the fact that one will be able to overcome all the obstacles that separate one from the desired goal, the feeling that other people persistently impede one’s achievements, the fear that a person is unhappy by nature, the belief in having a strong will.

If an image of crossing a river is seen, this reflects a desire to achieve a specific goal on the other side, a desire to avoid an unpleasant situation, or an unpleasant or inconvenient task, or a painful personal relationship, a desire to be more competent and wise (especially if crossing a river to see what is on the other side).

If a person sees himself standing on the bank of a river, this image expresses a feeling of inadequacy.

If a person is afraid to cross a river - this is a symbol of satisfaction with the status quo, if a person has no desire to cross the river - the latter interpretation is more plausible.

Lunar dream book

The river is the road.

Moving on is a nice treat.

Swimming across the river is the fulfillment of what was planned.

Maly Velesov dream book

River - speeches; crossing it is a treat, unexpected joy, a journey; going into the river, crossing - difficulties; fast river - good speeches to speak or hear; big river - to joy, to be a guest, important conversation / big tears, danger; small river - small is good / tears; clean river - good, to wealth / tears; muddy - a disease, for worse, or even a fight; fall into a dirty river - you will get into trouble, debts; the river carried away - a quarrel with the enemy; dried up - ruin; swim - profit; swim across the river - your plan will come true.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees that he scooped up or drank water from a river or sea, he will receive property by the mercy of the king or ruler.

If someone sees himself in a boat, he will get rid of troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed in an important matter.

If anyone sees that he has left the boat on the shore, he will defeat the enemy.

Newest dream book

What does the River mean in a dream?

River - to an important event in life. The presence of extrasensory abilities.

The source of the river is a dream hint: you need to make a serious analysis of your existence and change your lifestyle before it is too late.

New dream book 1918

Swimming in a river means profit; to see the river, to be on the shore - a long journey; to wade, to walk on a rein is an obstacle, a delay.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Rivers are life, a bend, a twist of fate.

A river flowing from top to bottom - if this is emphasized in the dream: a tendency to seize a lower place.

Russian dream book

Swimming across the river is good; calm - to pleasure; dirty water in the river - to losses, quarrels; small - to difficulty; to see how a full-flowing river turns into a trickle is a loss of position.

Family dream book

The smooth, calm surface of the river promises enjoyment of life’s joys and increased prosperity.

A muddy and restless river - dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings.

If in a dream a flooded river blocked your path, you will have troubles at work.

A dry river - dreams of experiences.

Dream Interpreter

A river that is wide and fast flowing means danger and death; but quiet and calm is generally a favorable sign. It is especially good for judges, litigants and travelers; the muddy river has a completely opposite sign and threatens the one who sees it. Sleep of disfavor of a strong nobleman; a clean river entering our room means a visit from a noble and, moreover, virtuous person; but the muddy river entering our room and spoiling the furniture signifies violence and oppression from obvious enemies; to see a river coming out of our room threatens us with dishonor, illness, and sometimes death itself; walking on a river as if on dry land - portends exaltation; to see a river, stream or spring dry means ruin.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a River?

Seeing the clean and smooth surface of a river in a dream predicts that a sea of ​​pleasures will soon await you, and prosperity will be even greater than you expected.

If the water in the river is dirty and turbulent, fierce disputes and quarrels await you ahead.

If you are cut off from land by a river flood, temporary difficulties in commercial affairs await you. Your reputation may also suffer if your antics become known.

If, while swimming along the clear surface of the river, you see corpses at the bottom, soon the current joys and pleasures will be replaced by troubles and sorrows.

Seeing a dry riverbed in a dream foretells illness and failure.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The river is a reflection of unconditional love. The need to stop swimming against the current. A reminder that “you can’t step into the same water twice.”

Dream book of the 21st century

What did River dream about in a dream?

Dropping something to the bottom of a river in a dream means that soon you will have to make a profitable investment or make a successful purchase.

A big river in a dream means big tears or joy, an important conversation, gossip.

Swimming across it means fulfillment of intentions.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish, trees, etc. - means that you will have to rebuild your life, as well as harm and losses.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert is a sign that you are facing a closed life, full of restrictions.

Swimming across a river in a dream means a wish will come true.

Dream book of the future

A river, calm and wide - success in business, peace; noisy and fast - troubles and failures.

Dream Interpretation Veles

The purple color of a fish on a river covered with broken ice floes - a big conversation with people you depend on, a danger of ruining relationships

Dream book for lovers

To dream of a calm and clean river portends love and cloudless happiness.

Muddy river - means losses and quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Waiting for something on the shore is important news.

Drawing from it is work beyond your strength.

Carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

Among the fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

Among both villages and cities there is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

The mouth of a river, it flows into a river approximately equal in width - the beginning of a new period in your life.

Flowing into the sea - a lot about death, thinking about eternity / a peaceful death in old age awaits you.

Plunging into the sea by a stormy stream is a violent death in the distant future.

The river quickly carries you out to sea - danger to life, very alarming premonitions about yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The river has a number of deep symbolic meanings. You may hear expressions such as “river of life,” “stream of life,” and “river of time.” This is always a sign of movement and rhythm of change. In order to move with the flow, you should not “rush the river.” There is no need to swim against the current. Let the river carry you on its own. Don't fight her.

River - can also represent an emotional barrier that is difficult for you to overcome. Look at the situation from a new angle to understand it better, you may have to change your route.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a river in a dream always means some changes in health.

If the river is calm and clean, nothing threatens you, and even the illness that has been tormenting you lately will soon recede.

A mountainous, raging river, even if the water in it is crystal clear, portends a deterioration in health. Make sure that the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum. Try not to get overtired.

In a fast river with clean water - overcoming difficulties.

The threshold at which river debris has accumulated means difficulties in resolving financial problems that require you to apply a large amount of energy and vitality.

Dream book for a bitch

A calm river means success in business, prosperity, peace and joy in the home.

Noisy, fast, muddy - troubles, worries, grief and disagreements among others.

Trying to cross a wide or flooded river - don’t worry about your action, audacity and courage helped you in this case.

Dry river bed - sadness and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A river in a dream symbolizes the course of your life.

If it is calm, and the water in it is clean and transparent, such a dream promises good health and good business.

Muddy, dirty water in the river speaks of difficulties and sorrows.

A stormy river is a sign of stormy events.

Stones sticking out of the water mean serious obstacles on your way.

Seeing in a dream how two rivers merge into one - portends you a long life together.

A river flood means events that can give you a surge of energy and emotional uplift.

Crossing a river in a dream is a sign of impending changes in your life

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a river means the need for physical and spiritual cleansing; a clean, bright river - promises health, well-being and a joyful mood, as well as a happy course of affairs; dirty, muddy, river flow - promises illness and trouble; flood - to a possible threat to life, a transient serious illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A shallow river means several deaths among your relatives.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

A shallow river - dreams of a stormy flood.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

A wide river is a dream for people whose sexual fantasies are too unconventional. You are even afraid to tell your partner about them, fearing that he may not understand you.

If you dream that you are swimming in a river, this indicates that you are in love and are so immersed in your feeling that you do not notice anything around you. You should be less in the clouds and pay at least a little attention to current events. It is possible that they have special meaning for you.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

River - defeating the enemy.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of the smooth, calm surface of a river, it means you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities.

If the waters of the river are muddy and turbulent, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.

If in a dream your path is blocked by a flooded river, you will face troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer due to your daring antics.

If you dream that you are swimming in clean, transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time.

If you dream of a dry river, it means sorrow awaits you.

Chinese dream book

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the River in a dream?

A small river with clean and fast water is a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the river bank, fishing or boating is good news. Sunbathing on a river beach - you will feel unwell; swimming - you will gain unexpected wealth.

If you drown in the river, your friends will not leave you in trouble. Swimming across the river means your desires will come true; wading means you will appear sick, just to avoid going to a tedious event. Sailing along the river on a boat - early marriage and harmony in marriage.

A river that overflows during a flood portends troubles at work; a river that becomes shallow during a severe drought portends grief in the family.

Walking along the river embankment means exhausting laundry and general cleaning after a long absence from home.

Traveling along the river on a raft - make a risky deal.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The river is clean, bright - a lot of happiness; swimming in it is wealth; to fall into it and be carried away by the current - to hear the news; swim across - hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water - hear an oath; flood - Your plans will be late.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm, delightfully joyful events will soon await you, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

If the water in the river is muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you.

A dry river - dreams of sad events.

If the river overflows and blocks your path, troubles await you at work. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: River according to the dream book?

The river - the period of the sleeper’s life (the emotional state and the general course of affairs) is interpreted according to the context (the purity and activity of the water, the type of river itself).

River rapids, rapids - a difficult situation, danger.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Jordan River - problems of a religious nature, change of faith.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A calm river - dreams of good news.

You swam or washed in the river - you will have a long journey ahead of you in the near future.

Falling into the river means futile troubles.

In a dream you drank from a river - know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

If you dreamed that you watched someone bathe in the river, one of your loved ones will soon have to go on a long journey.

Swimming across the river means a successful completion of the matter.

If you dreamed that you were sailing along a river and moored to the shore, an unclouded life awaits you.

If you dreamed that a river overflowed its banks, this means troubles and minor failures.

You dreamed of a stormy mountain river - because of your bad character traits, your activities will stall.

A dry river warns of poverty.

Freud's Dream Book

The river, like any water stream, symbolizes ejaculation and pregnancy.

Riding on the river, on a boat, kayak, speedboat, water skiing, etc. - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A walk along the shore symbolizes sexual dreams and fantasies.

If a woman bathes, she may soon become pregnant from her loved one.

If a man bathes in a river, he prefers to engage in self-satisfaction.

If you catch fish or crayfish in the river, you want to have children.

If you didn’t catch anything, your sexual failures arise due to your inherent inferiority complex.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Swimming in a river means profit; to see, to be on the shore - a long journey; wade, walk in water - an obstacle, a delay; jumping into the river (for women) - new feelings, hope for reconciliation in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

The river - first of all, means the flow of our life with all its circumstances and the ensuing consequences.

A flowing river can simply mean a landscape where events take place, or it can also refer to the elements.

Seeing a river in a dream means a long journey, but if the water in it is stormy and muddy, then it’s better not to go anywhere, even if you need to because of life circumstances.

Crossing a river with muddy water means experiencing disappointment, which will then be replaced by positive emotions.

Sailing along the river means profit.

Jumping into a river from a bank or a bridge (for a woman) - new meetings, strong feelings; hope for reconciliation in the family.

Medieval dream book

Crossing a river portends safety.

Crossing a quiet river promises safety, but if the river is turbulent, it portends anxiety.

Crossing a stormy or very fast river - to fears, or to accusations, or to worries, or to troubles.

Seeing a river flowing into a house or already filling it is a sign of abundance.

If you leave the house and fall into the river, this portends mortal danger.

Swimming in the river means worries or cramped circumstances.

Falling into the river means losses.

French dream book

A clean and calm river in a dream is always a harbinger of happiness, love, and good luck.

But a river with muddy, troubled waters predicts adversity, a threat to your well-being.

If in a dream you are drowning in a river, very pleasant events await you in reality.

Ukrainian dream book

Dreaming of a river is a sign that this person will experience some kind of unexpected joy.

A river is a road, to wander somewhere; float the river - profit; crossing a river, walking in water - some obstacles, difficulty.

If you fall into a dirty river, you will end up in trouble, in debt.

A river is human life: as the water flows clean, something good will float, but as the water is muddy, something bad will come.

Gypsy dream book

Seeing a clean river with a calm flow in a dream means happiness and success in life. For an already married person, this is a symbol of prosperity in family life.

If the waters in the river are stormy and dirty, you will make a trip that will lead to an increase in your condition, although it will be associated with a certain risk.

Esoteric dream book

River - time.

Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life.

Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events.

Swimming in the river, swimming - be in tune with time.

Enter - a new period of life begins.

To bathe is to be someone’s mentor, leader.

Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time.

Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill.

Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time.

The river caresses you - time will be kind to you.

A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Erotic dream book

If you dream of a very calm river, the dream suggests that you will find yourself in bed with a person who is not suitable for your temperament. Being close to him will not bring you the desired pleasure.

If the river is stormy or mountainous - on the contrary, your partner will turn out to be very passionate, several “hot” love dates await you.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: River according to the dream book?

The river, according to the dream book, symbolizes the channel along which your life flows.

If it is full-flowing, swift and opaque, problems will arise, both in personal life and in business.

Seeing it with clear, almost motionless water - your family life will be ideal, you will live in peace and prosperity.

If you fall into the river and drink too much water, you will take a significant position in society.

Going to the bottom, but saving yourself at the last moment - your financial condition will rapidly increase.

Trying to cross it leads to problems and obstacles.

Seeing you dive - avoid trouble.

Located on the shore - it seems to you that something is wrong with you.

You drink from it - your positive thoughts will be the source of your inspiration.

According to the dream book, a calm and crystal clear river symbolizes harmony and happiness; everything in your destiny will turn out exactly as you need, which will make you incredibly happy.

If you dream of a dirty river, you may be faced with difficulties and obstacles that will arise at the most inopportune moment; do not let them take you by surprise.

If in a dream you saw a stormy river with churned waters, know that there will be serious troubles in your business or career, which will lead to complications in your personal life.

If in a dream you saw a dried up river, this is a very bad omen, promising great misfortunes, but if you foresee everything in time, you can avoid them.

If a mountain river has a fairly rapid current, this is a warning that one of your relatives may become seriously ill, warn them.

If you decide to swim across the river in a dream, it means that in reality you will cope with all the obstacles and difficulties that arise on the way to your goal.

If you cross a river in a dream, you will be able to easily solve all the tasks assigned to you and achieve the highest goals with minimal effort.

If you cross it, but its depth and rapid flows of water interfere with you, it will be very difficult to achieve what you want; you will spend much more time, effort and money than you originally planned.

If you walk along a river in a dream - despite all the difficulties of the obstacle, you will be able to achieve your goals, you can be sure of this. The width and depth of the reservoir is directly proportional to the number of obstacles in your path.

If you dreamed that you were swimming in a river, this is a warning that you are overwhelmed by strong positive emotions, but still your mind should remain unclouded.

If in a dream you fell into a river, you will receive information that will greatly surprise and puzzle you.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a river, a very difficult period awaits you; due to lack of money, you will be forced to deny yourself literally everything.

If you dream of a frozen river completely encased in ice, you may fall into despondency and hopeless melancholy, remembering with regret the days that will never return.

You see in a dream a river current that carries away various foreign objects - you will have to helplessly watch the troubles of others, having the desire, but not being able to prevent them.

Why see a river in a dream?

How nice it is to plunge into the river on a hot summer day to feel the long-awaited coolness.

And in winter, when the water freezes, you can go ice skating or play hockey with friends. What do dreams about a river mean?

As the dream book writes, a river in a dream can speak of both minor events and important incidents in life.

Swim and splash

If you had a dream where you are swimming in clean, clear river water, you will be able to overcome any difficulties. And dirty water with garbage speaks of your laziness and reluctance to take advantage of the opportunity to earn money.

Swimming in cold water is a surprise. And if the entire river is frozen and you plunge into an ice hole, then a monetary reward awaits you.

Wariness and jealousy are what dreams of a river with crocodiles mean. Swimming in it and not feeling afraid is a courageous act.

And being afraid in a dream, but still not getting out of the water means trying to assert yourself in real life. Catching a crocodile and dragging it ashore means an awkward situation in the company of friends.

Swimming and seeing the bridge at the same time means missing your friends. If the bridge is straight, you will soon be able to meet them. And if it is made in the form of an arc, then most likely you will not see each other soon.

People on the bridge talk about your desire for a change of scenery. And if you are swimming and see the bridge shaking, then you need to pay attention to your psychological state.

  • The water in the river is hot and burns your body - to great, true love.
  • A stormy stream with a strong current - to the reverent attitude of the partner.
  • Swimming at great depths means the enemy’s insidious plans.
  • The water in which you bathe is gradually leaving - to the chance to start all over again.
  • Going down to the bottom in a diving suit means a wonderful evening.

Swimming naked means wanting to be the first to confess your love to your partner. And losing a swimsuit or swimming trunks in the water is a valuable acquisition. As the dream book says, the river in which you make love symbolizes thoughtfulness and indecision.

Sex in crystal clear water means you need to hurry up with your decision. And lovemaking in a muddy river reminds you that slowness can damage your reputation.

Fishing in the river

Many people are interested in why they dream about the river in which they fish. Sometimes this occurs before pregnancy or events related to it. But often the meaning of these dreams is completely different.

For example, fishing in a clean river means relying on the help of your parents. And if the water is dirty, then you must take care of the well-being of your relatives yourself.

If the river carries away your gear, get ready for decisive action on the love front. A turbulent stream with a lot of fish warns that you should be gentler with your loved one.

Going into the river with a fishing rod means a showdown. And looking at the water and seeing fish at the bottom means a new, promising job.

float down the river

If in a dream you are sailing along a river on a rubber boat, then joy and a lot of positive emotions await you. A leaky boat filled with water means that a grand surprise is being prepared for you.

Sailing down the river on a boat means achieving your goal. Pay attention to the condition of the water: if it is clean, then achieving what you want will not be difficult. And if the water is dirty, then to get a positive result you need to put in a lot of effort.

Calmness and concentration of thoughts is what you dream of about a river along which you are sailing on a boat. If you clearly see two banks, then a stormy night awaits you with your loved one. And if the shores are covered in fog, then you should take the initiative in sex more often.

  • Jumping from a boat into the river is a crazy act.
  • Catching an oar on a snag means unpleasant questions from colleagues.
  • Garbage floating nearby means a feast with an old friend.
  • Rowing with two oars means conflict with your superiors.
  • Floating along the river and seeing a bridge overhead is a sign of a calm showdown.

A walk along the river on a catamaran portends pleasant events. If you ride it with your loved one, then there will be no secrets or misunderstandings between you.

And sailing on a catamaran with a close friend or girlfriend means coming to terms with your position. Falling from a catamaran into the river means an intimate conversation with the closest person.

Other river dreams

A tropical river usually dreams of adventure. And animals drinking water from it portend a long trip and a fun pastime.

If you see a rapid stream ending in a waterfall, expect a call from an envious person. A tropical river with muddy water speaks of a pleasant meeting in a foreign city.

  • A dirty stream with large ice floes is a sign of discussion about your personality.
  • Collecting water from the river indicates a desire to take a break from household chores.
  • Washing clothes in river water means an unexpected visit from your ex-partner.

A small stream in a village dreams of betrayal. And the wooden bridge connecting its two banks promises forgiveness and reconciliation with your loved one.

If you see cows or horses in a river stream, try to be consistent in your judgment. A dream about waves on a village river means that a handsome man wants to meet you.

The desire to show your creative abilities is what dreams of a river whose banks are connected by a suspension bridge mean.

If in a dream you walk along it and are not afraid, then soon you will be able to find a job that will delight your soul. But if you are scared and you cannot take a step, then it is better for you to engage in creativity at an amateur level.

According to the dream book, a river is most often a harbinger of good events. But if you think that the interpretation of a dream cannot be compared with your life situation, you may have missed some detail. By remembering the entire dream in detail, you will definitely unravel its meaning.

Dream interpretation dirty river

Why do you dream of a dirty River in a dream according to the dream book?

A dirty river in a dream symbolizes the presence of problems at this stage of life. The dream indicates the need to draw conclusions.

A thorough analysis of the past will help you avoid mistakes in the future. Over time, everything will return to normal.

What were you doing in the dirty river?

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream

A dream about swimming in a dirty river foreshadows mistakes and suffering. He warns about the need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making any decision.

Swimming across a dirty river in a dream

If you dream about crossing a dirty river, in reality you will encounter significant obstacles on the way to achieving success. They can be dangerous.

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, swimming in a dirty river means injury, injury or accident. Try to analyze all possible sources of danger to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Swam across the river

Dream Interpretation Swim across the river dreamed of why in a dream I swam across the river? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Swam across the river in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swim the river

fulfillment of the planned

Dream Interpretation - Swim the river

Fulfillment of desire.

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

Dream Interpretation - River

Dream Interpretation - River

Washing in the river means loss.

Dream Interpretation - River

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

swimming across it means fulfilling intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Overcoming it is difficult.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

Dream Interpretation - River

Dream Interpretation - River

Dream Interpretation - River

Clear water river

Dream Interpretation Clear water river dreamed of why in a dream there is a clear water river? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Clear Water River in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clean water (sea, ponds, lakes)

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clean water


Dream Interpretation - Surface of water (river, pond, lake)

Seeing a calm surface of water in a dream is a sign of stormy passion, as the song says: Love is not calm water, but a stormy current.

Dream Interpretation - I quench my thirst with clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming in clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - River

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.
If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.
Washing in the river means loss.
Crossing the river means trouble.
Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.
Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.
If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life. The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future. A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also foreshadows danger, illness or a lengthy trial. It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started. Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon be on the road. The longer the river, the longer your road will be. If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits. If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money. Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

Seeing a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river means a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the flow of a big river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, risking being stranded, means lack of money and financial losses.

Imagine that you get out of shallow water into deep water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, it means that you will have to make a difficult decision, sacrifice something big to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream foreshadows changes in your personal life. For single people, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all your problems for you. Swim against the tide - on the way to your goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

A smooth and calm surface of the river means improved well-being. The stormy but clear waters of a mountain river are a sign of joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will have a relationship with your entire environment. A dry river means stagnation in business. To see individual puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you much profit; most likely, you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dry river, imagine that it started raining and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river floods and blocks your path, you face a difficult life choice. If in a dream you crossed the river safely, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continuing on your way.

Muddy river - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information you receive can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream Interpretation - River

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,

swimming across it means fulfilling intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Drawing from a river is work beyond your strength.

A canal that takes water from a river is a bit of a good idea.

Overcoming it is difficult.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

The riverbank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

A river among fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

The river of environments and villages and cities is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

River water in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Water river. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the dream interpreters of our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of River Water mean, or what it means to see River Water in a dream.

Giants in a dream

Lately I've been dreaming about giants, and in terrible dreams.

The first dream is me and my family (me, son, brother, nephew, mother) relaxing on the shore of a forest lake. My brother and nephew are fishing, I go closer to them in the water and see the carcasses of dead wood ducks and fish nailed to the shore, but the water is clear, I see the bottom and algae. Birds are singing, the sun is shining, and suddenly the trees surrounding the lake began to crackle terribly. I grab my son and run into the water. I turn around and see two giant giants (one in blue clothes, the other in red, for some reason I realize that these are a boy and a girl). They uproot trees and throw them to the sides. The one in blue clothes points at my son and screams inarticulately. I run away with the baby into the depths of the lake, I understand that they want to take him away, he is wearing a blue T-shirt (the thought flashes through that they mistook him for “one of their own”, but it turns out that I stole him). The giants stomp towards the water. I'm hiding in the reeds. But then a whole group of red-blue giants and their leader appear on the shore. At his whistle, they form a line and jog away.

Child in a dream

Today in a dream I saw an infant drowned in a boat on the pier. But he suddenly began coughing up water, began to breathe and began to scream hoarsely. I took him and brought him to his parents, and they said that there was nothing to feed him, wrapped him in a rag and threw him into the water. I jumped into the water, but found a man tied to a stone. I tried to pull him out, but he didn’t want help, fought me off and I let him go.

Three in one in a dream

First I dreamed of an aquarium, a small rectangular one, with clean water and green, green algae (it actually exists even after the death of my husband, the fish stopped breeding), I look at it, and there are two small fish, I was so happy that offspring appeared, I looked, and three more emerged from behind the sink: “Oh, here’s more! Wow!” were my words.

Second plot: I’m with my childhood friend, on some unfamiliar street. We were discussing someone and we see there is a huge house made of stone, with three oval towers (like a castle in the kingdom), there are no corners at all, the roof is made of metal tiles (i.e., three roofs). A friend says: “Yes, here is my house!” I was very surprised how they could build such an expensive and unusual house.

And the third plot was filled with good emotions, the same friend and I received guests, everyone laughed, sang songs, danced. All the people were strangers, but in the dream it seemed to me that I knew them. There were more men and several of them were non-Russian (it would be correct to say Caucasian in appearance). There was an old grandmother, bent over, but when one of the relatives began to sing, she broke into a dance, we all watched and chuckled at her. Some guy gave me a massage on my back, but I didn’t undress or lie down, I just sat on a chair (in the dream I also knew him). There were also twins, some distant relatives, who introduced me to their boy children. There was still a bit of negativity. My friend and I laid linoleum, and the woman who owned it filled it with water, but for some reason she was unhappy with us, and my friend and I laughed, knowing that we had no place here at all. She, bubbling, tore it off in squares, water flowed from it and carried it out of the room. This is such a crazy dream.

Sea in a dream

It’s as if I’m on the seashore.... The water is clear azure. People were swimming in the sea... And I see small funnels there... The water is seething in places... Like in a fairy tale... Beautiful... It seems like I didn’t go into the water

Two aquariums in a dream

The beginning of sleep is simple. My family and I are crossing some mountain rivers whose area is more reminiscent of swamps. But I often dream about water and don’t pay attention. I only noticed that there were no fish in those fast-flowing swamp rivers, as they appear and then disappear, i.e., the water did not run along the riverbeds, but as if it was poured in huge quantities from the mountains. Then the picture changes and I find myself indoors, maybe even at home. I remember that there are two medium-clean identical aquariums (volume about 500 liters. And then the right one begins to slowly leak. I am actively transplanting fish from a leaky one to a intact one. I note that there were not only the fish that I have, very much. There were a lot of other fish Then I realize that I won’t have time to transplant everyone and for some reason I call a friend (he’s in the army now) to bring some tape. The crack is growing rapidly, but the aquarium is not bursting. We are having a hard time sealing the holes and everyone is happy, including the fish.

Helplessness in sleep

I dream that I am walking with some girl across a flat field, but I know that ahead there is a large hole and at the bottom there is dirty, seething water. The girl walks ahead of me and in one place this pit can be easily crossed, the distance is about half a meter. The girl takes a step, and immediately loses her balance and falls into this hole, I know that more than one child has already drowned there, and I also know that I cannot help her!! I see how she turns over there, how she coughs from the water.. I start dialing her father’s phone number and calling for help. Then I see that she is lying at the bottom of this hole so that the water barely approaches her, she is very weak, and next to her lies a drowned boy in a winter jacket, about 7 years old, face down. I’m trying to calm her down so that she doesn’t get scared, otherwise she’ll be pulled into the water again.

Caught sperm in a dream

I saw a basin with clear water in which one single sperm was swimming, 2 centimeters in size, the head was large, the rest was the tail, it swam quite slowly, my palms were in the water and with one of them I caught it and released it, caught it again, released it again, There were some exciting movements, I couldn’t get it high out of the water. In the dream, my idea was that it was something between a sperm and an eel fish for some reason. And he even had eyes on the sides, like a fish. It was like I was playing with him.

In real life, there is no talk about pregnancy, no desire for it.

Teeth with worms in a dream

Me and my husband, village road. If a tooth falls out on the ground, I feel relief, as if it had been bothering me all my life. I pick it up from the ground and there, as part of the jaw, is a black sick tooth next to a crown with no tooth inside (I’m also thinking how good I feel now and how come I didn’t know about the black tooth).

In the dream, I think that I need to take the crown and go with it to the doctor to put it back) but it cannot be separated... There is also dirt on them - some kind of black rot.

I think about cleaning it and break off the dirt, and inside the worms are huge and seem to be growing, getting bigger... I drop it right at the entrance to the house, the worms go into the ground, I leave everything, I go into the house alone (someone else’s house, in guests). I'm looking for water to wash the area where the tooth was.

I found some kind of inconvenient tap, but I still took out the water and rinsed it. I spat out the dirty water and there wasn’t even a wound left, I thought how good I felt and felt surprise and happiness.

An unusual visit to a pharmacy in a dream

In a dream I find myself in a pharmacy. I don’t see any medicine, but I know for sure that this is a pharmacy. I go into the inner room. Two women work there, one of whom I am sure is the mother of a young man I like. I buy a bottle of mineral water from them for 100 rubles. At their request, I treat the women to this water, pouring it into a tall glass. I drink some of the water myself.

I don’t attach importance to dreams and quickly forget, but I can’t get rid of this dream and constantly remember it.

I have never seen the young man’s mother, I don’t know what she looks like. Relationship with a young man - we broke up a long time ago, but sometimes we communicate. The dream occurred on the night of Chinese New Year this year - February 10th. At that time I was sick. I don’t attach importance to dreams and quickly forget, but I can’t get rid of this dream and constantly remember it.

The ninth wave in a dream

Came to the sea. But in order to approach it, you need to climb onto a certain ledge, reminiscent of a wide curb (for an approximate visualization of the dream: like an ordinary curb, but if you are an inch and look from below)). I finally made it to the sea.

The water is mirror-clear and transparent: starfish and crabs are visible. The sea is warm, but the most interesting thing is that the water is not wet, I don’t feel it. I decided to take a walk along the water's edge. A man I didn’t know appeared from somewhere nearby. We exchange meaningless words, just to talk. But then a change occurred at sea. The first wave was very small, like an ordinary surf. The second wave was already somewhat higher, stronger, one might even say more aggressive. The wave washed over me from head to toe and did not cause any unpleasant sensations. I stayed on my feet. The third wave stood perpendicular to the sky and “rushed to attack.” Both me and the stranger were thrown beyond the ledge, beyond the “curb.” There was no pain from the fall and no fear from the shock of the wave. The water was crystal clear all the time, exactly like in the picture.

Please tell me what this could mean. Thank you.

Eye in a dream

Help me guess the dream Eye. The dream consisted of 2 parts.

In one part, my mother and I went on some kind of excursion, where I had to fill a bottle of some kind of water and it seemed like this water was from a source, and it seemed like we were going after it to get this water. And at that time my mother was taking photographs of some friend of hers from work, and it was unclear why. Further, it seems like I see my friend, with whom in reality I recently quarreled.

So I see, while I’m driving in my car, she and her husband, only he is much more handsome than he is in reality, and then I draw my mother’s attention to him and say - Lucky like that... (and my friend is not at all out of a beautiful top ten, mediocrity itself). The second part of the dream is that again I am with my mother and we see a fight, one of my old friends and a boy, much younger than my friend. So my friend Yura eventually pounced on him and tore out his eye, this boy. The boy took the eye, put it back, turned around and left.

The boy was wearing glasses. Before inserting the eye, he said: “Well, what have you done.” Then the boy leaves and a healthy guy appears, and my mother seems to know him, and patting him on the shoulder says, what are you doing here? Yeah, and there was also part of the dream. There I see my old friends, one of them as a child. And with the second of them I’m standing in line at the store. This is such a strange dream. What could this mean? A missing eye is especially scary.. (((Thanks in advance!

Sea in a dream

I dreamed that I was walking. And then I realize that I am at sea and I see the sea. And I just look at the water in the sea, it’s such a light green color and clean, clean.

Then some girl takes me home. In a dream, I understand that she and I are very close friends. We are walking and the wind is so strong it just blows us away. But we somehow dodge it. And we run home with her. And we hug.

What is this for?

Storm shipwreck in a dream

Please help me interpret the dream. I don’t remember all the details, but the gist is that I dream that I am swimming in clear water with people I know in a bay near some pier, at a distance of 300 meters from me there is a pleasure boat or ship. Some girl and I needed to get on this ship.

We swam up and climbed onto the deck, she took something, jumped into the water and immediately swam to the shore, and I went down to the cabins, water began to quickly flow through the open porthole. I went up, I also wanted to jump off and swim to the shore until the ship sank, but a strong storm began at sea, the water darkened, huge waves and wind began to rock it.

The ship was already enormous in size, similar to an ocean liner. Suddenly it all cracked, I looked up and saw the upper deck and masts collapsing, I ran to the side without being hit. Then the ship washed ashore, the storm ended, I got off it and went to look for the people who swam with me at the pier. As a result, no one was injured by the storm.

What does it mean if you dreamed about a Storm shipwreck in a dream? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Another world in a dream

I dreamed that my mother and I were traveling home by train. I always travel along the usual route, just like in life. Dark. Suddenly I look out the window and don’t recognize the area. I ask my mother what station it is. She calls a familiar station, but I don't recognize it. Before my eyes is a huge scary factory! It's like from another world. I am overcome with intense fear. Large mechanisms and machines work and spew smoke and dirt. There is not a single person... There is a feeling that they are doing something terrible there. I'm trying to figure out what this place is.

But mom doesn't really talk. She thinks it has always been this way. Let's move on. From the window I see a huge mountain of garbage, which is surrounded by a small fence. There is a feeling that soon the fence will not hold up and the garbage will fall onto the rails. Suddenly, it was as if a water pipe had burst and water started flowing. And my mother and I are already running along the tracks, trying not to step into the water. And then I see that in the distance one heap of garbage has fallen into the water. And I shout “you can’t step into the water, it’s poisoned”... We crossed successfully. We went to the city to wait for another train.

We went to an interesting place. My mother brought me there seeing my condition. Small apartment. They teach yoga and conduct other spiritual development classes. It's cozy there. Guests are always welcome there. There are no people there.

Only robotics. And I have a feeling that I have already been there.. (Probably in another dream). I'm sure of it. I was sat down at the computer to watch a presentation of this place. And I know that in the end all the workers must come and talk about themselves and their activities there. They came. But not as cheerful and cheerful as last time. Everyone has hidden sadness on their face. You could say doom. Then mom said we had to go. I started getting dressed. Like this.

The joy of the berries floated in a dream

I dreamed that I went to nature with my parents and their friends. We stopped near a pond. I really wanted to swim. But I was afraid. Like it’s early, the water is still cold. I'm sitting on the shore. And suddenly I saw a couple. A girl with a portly figure, a guy with long hair. They swam, splashed and were happy. I didn't know them. But it looks like they came with us. The girl asked why I wasn’t going swimming. Which is very warm and great. I defended myself, became inspired and went into the water. Right in clothes. The water was pleasant. I was absolutely delighted that I didn’t notice that I was wearing sneakers. It was terribly inconvenient. I swam to take them off. And I couldn’t understand why I didn’t take it off right away. The girl said they went swimming. I felt offended. I wanted to be with them. I swam alone. I felt incredibly good... I swam for a long time. Said to the old pier. There were boats and yachts there. There were people. Who also swam. It wasn't safe here. It was necessary to get ashore. I almost swam close to the pier. Suddenly the girls screamed. I turned around. A huge barge was floating a few meters away from me. I was very scared. But then a wave lifted me up and I climbed onto the pier. Then I went to my parents. Mom and Dad stood in the shallows! Stream! They were young... I approached them. Mom said she found bird cherry berries. And the guest showed us a glimpse. I was talking to my dad about something and didn’t pay attention. And then when she said show me, mom had already eaten almost everything. Two berries left. I crushed one. These were wolfberries. I was scared. Told mom and dad. I was very nervous. I began to think about what to do. Dad was calm. I was so offended by him. Mom was worried, but said that nothing was happening. I thought maybe later... Here

River with clean warmth

Dream Interpretation River with clean warm dreamed of why in a dream there is a river with pure warmth? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a River with pure warmth in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - River

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.
If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.
Washing in the river means loss.
Crossing the river means trouble.
Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.
Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.
If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life. The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future. A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also foreshadows danger, illness or a lengthy trial. It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started. Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon be on the road. The longer the river, the longer your road will be. If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits. If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money. Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

Seeing a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river means a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the flow of a big river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, risking being stranded, means lack of money and financial losses.

Imagine that you get out of shallow water into deep water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, it means that you will have to make a difficult decision, sacrifice something big to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream foreshadows changes in your personal life. For single people, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all your problems for you. Swim against the tide - on the way to your goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

A smooth and calm surface of the river means improved well-being. The stormy but clear waters of a mountain river are a sign of joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will have a relationship with your entire environment. A dry river means stagnation in business. To see individual puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you much profit; most likely, you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dry river, imagine that it started raining and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river floods and blocks your path, you face a difficult life choice. If in a dream you crossed the river safely, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continuing on your way.

Muddy river - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information you receive can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream Interpretation - River

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,

swimming across it means fulfilling intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Drawing from a river is work beyond your strength.

A canal that takes water from a river is a bit of a good idea.

Overcoming it is difficult.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

The riverbank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

A river among fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

The river of environments and villages and cities is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

Dream Interpretation - River

Dream Interpretation - River

drinking water from a stormy river in a dream is not good. Such a dream foreshadows trials and difficulties, for the Koran says: “Allah will test you by the river, and whoever drinks from it will not be among my soldiers, and whoever drinks from it will remain with me, and a few sips from the palm will be asked for.” .(Sura-Bakra, 249). A calm river in a dream means uninterrupted provision from Allah, devotion of loved ones and a calm, measured life. Whoever sees himself entering a river while experiencing fear will be overcome by fear, worry and sadness. And if he sees himself in a dream bathing in a river or stream, without experiencing fear or anxiety, then he will be freed from his worries, and joy and health will befall him. If he is in debt, he will free himself from it. If threat and fear hang over him, they will bypass him. And if he is in prison, he will be released. If he sees that he has swum across the river, he will be freed from worries, fear, grief and sadness, but if at the bottom of this river there is either dirt, or muddy water, or the river is stormy, then this dream means that the family connection will be interrupted and he will lose trust in a loved one and make friends with another person, or this loved one will die and the person who saw the dream will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation - River

Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you are watching the river from the shore, floating along it yourself or on some kind of ship, boat or raft.

Swim across the river - successfully complete the task.

Mooring to the shore means experiencing happiness, unclouded by anything.

Crossing the river, throwing yourself out of the stormy water onto the shore - defeating difficulties and obstacles in life.

Dirty, stormy water in the river, rapids, obstacles in swimming, the river overflowing its banks - all this indicates difficulties, failures, and troubles.

A flooded river means the manifestation of bad traits of your character that will prevent you from acting.

A dry river bed means poverty or other misfortune.

Fork of the river

Dream Interpretation Fork of the River dreamed of why you dream about a Fork in the River? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Fork in the River in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life. The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future. A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also foreshadows danger, illness or a lengthy trial. It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started. Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon be on the road. The longer the river, the longer your road will be. If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits. If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money. Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

Seeing a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river means a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the flow of a big river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, risking being stranded, means lack of money and financial losses.

Imagine that you get out of shallow water into deep water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, it means that you will have to make a difficult decision, sacrifice something big to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream foreshadows changes in your personal life. For single people, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all your problems for you. Swim against the tide - on the way to your goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

A smooth and calm surface of the river means improved well-being. The stormy but clear waters of a mountain river are a sign of joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will have a relationship with your entire environment. A dry river means stagnation in business. To see individual puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you much profit; most likely, you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dry river, imagine that it started raining and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river floods and blocks your path, you face a difficult life choice. If in a dream you crossed the river safely, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continuing on your way.

Muddy river - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information you receive can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream Interpretation - River

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.
If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.
Washing in the river means loss.
Crossing the river means trouble.
Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.
Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.
If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation - River

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,

swimming across it means fulfilling intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Drawing from a river is work beyond your strength.

A canal that takes water from a river is a bit of a good idea.

Overcoming it is difficult.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

The riverbank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

A river among fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

The river of environments and villages and cities is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

drinking water from a stormy river in a dream is not good. Such a dream foreshadows trials and difficulties, for the Koran says: “Allah will test you by the river, and whoever drinks from it will not be among my soldiers, and whoever drinks from it will remain with me, and a few sips from the palm will be asked for.” .(Sura-Bakra, 249). A calm river in a dream means uninterrupted provision from Allah, devotion of loved ones and a calm, measured life. Whoever sees himself entering a river while experiencing fear will be overcome by fear, worry and sadness. And if he sees himself in a dream bathing in a river or stream, without experiencing fear or anxiety, then he will be freed from his worries, and joy and health will befall him. If he is in debt, he will free himself from it. If threat and fear hang over him, they will bypass him. And if he is in prison, he will be released. If he sees that he has swum across the river, he will be freed from worries, fear, grief and sadness, but if at the bottom of this river there is either dirt, or muddy water, or the river is stormy, then this dream means that the family connection will be interrupted and he will lose trust in a loved one and make friends with another person, or this loved one will die and the person who saw the dream will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation - River

Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you are watching the river from the shore, floating along it yourself or on some kind of ship, boat or raft.

Swim across the river - successfully complete the task.

Mooring to the shore means experiencing happiness, unclouded by anything.

Crossing the river, throwing yourself out of the stormy water onto the shore - defeating difficulties and obstacles in life.

Dirty, stormy water in the river, rapids, obstacles in swimming, the river overflowing its banks - all this indicates difficulties, failures, and troubles.

A flooded river means the manifestation of bad traits of your character that will prevent you from acting.

A dry river bed means poverty or other misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - River

Warns of fast-paced life, symbolizes sexual and vital energy.

A transparent, clean river reflects the purity of inner thoughts and understanding of the laws of life.

Muddy, dirty streams indicate the intractability of some problems.

If a person moves with the flow, it means he is moving away from struggle in life.

On the contrary, moving against the tide suggests that he has the strength and determination to fight life’s circumstances.

A fast flow characterizes the energy, mobility, and emotional freedom of the dreamer.

If you see a motionless river, then you have to restrain your feelings.

And a very warning sign is a dry river.

It symbolizes a lack of sexuality and vitality.

Crossing a river indicates impending change, sometimes feelings associated with death.

The river symbolizes a person's sexual and vital energy, the direction of life.

The stream is a symbol of a free, uncomplicated period of life.

A transparent, calm river means freedom, independence.

Muddy, dirty streams - you will have quarrels and problems.

Shoal in the river - lack of energy, a difficult period in life, sexual problems.

Crossing a river is a sign of decisive change, sometimes a harbinger of death.

The river Symbolizes the dreamer's life in general.

Its flows are the circumstances that carry us through life.

The success of our lives depends on how we cope with these currents, whether we go with the flow or fight it.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

Speeches; crossing it is a treat, unexpected joy, a journey; going into the river, crossing - difficulties; fast river - good speeches to speak or hear; big river - to joy, to be a guest, an important conversation // big tears, danger; small river – small is good // tears; clean river - good, to wealth //tears; muddy - a disease, for worse, or even a fight; fall into a dirty river - you will get into trouble, debts; the river carried away - a quarrel with the enemy; dried up - ruin; float - profit.

Birth of lambs river

Dream Interpretation Birth of lambs river dreamed of why in a dream the birth of a lamb river? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the birth of a river lamb in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - River

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.
If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.
Washing in the river means loss.
Crossing the river means trouble.
Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.
Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.
If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life. The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future. A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also foreshadows danger, illness or a lengthy trial. It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started. Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon be on the road. The longer the river, the longer your road will be. If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits. If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money. Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

Seeing a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river means a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the flow of a big river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, risking being stranded, means lack of money and financial losses.

Imagine that you get out of shallow water into deep water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, it means that you will have to make a difficult decision, sacrifice something big to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream foreshadows changes in your personal life. For single people, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all your problems for you. Swim against the tide - on the way to your goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

A smooth and calm surface of the river means improved well-being. The stormy but clear waters of a mountain river are a sign of joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will have a relationship with your entire environment. A dry river means stagnation in business. To see individual puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you much profit; most likely, you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dry river, imagine that it started raining and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river floods and blocks your path, you face a difficult life choice. If in a dream you crossed the river safely, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continuing on your way.

Muddy river - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information you receive can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream Interpretation - River

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,

swimming across it means fulfilling intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Drawing from a river is work beyond your strength.

A canal that takes water from a river is a bit of a good idea.

Overcoming it is difficult.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

The riverbank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

A river among fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

The river of environments and villages and cities is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

Speeches; crossing it is a treat, unexpected joy, a journey; going into the river, crossing - difficulties; fast river - good speeches to speak or hear; big river - to joy, to be a guest, an important conversation // big tears, danger; small river – small is good // tears; clean river - good, to wealth //tears; muddy - a disease, for worse, or even a fight; fall into a dirty river - you will get into trouble, debts; the river carried away - a quarrel with the enemy; dried up - ruin; float - profit.

Dream Interpretation - River

A small river with clean and fast water is a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the river bank, fishing or boating is good news. Sunbathing on a river beach - you will feel unwell; swimming - you will gain unexpected wealth.

If you drown in a river, your friends will not leave you in trouble. Swimming across the river means your wishes will come true; wading through means you will appear sick, just to avoid going to a boring event. Sailing along the river on a boat - early marriage and harmony in marriage.

A river that overflows during a flood foretells troubles at work; a river that becomes shallow during a severe drought foretells grief in the family. Walking along the river embankment means exhausting laundry and general cleaning after a long absence from home. Traveling along the river on a raft - make a risky deal.

Dream Interpretation - River

drinking water from a stormy river in a dream is not good. Such a dream foreshadows trials and difficulties, for the Koran says: “Allah will test you by the river, and whoever drinks from it will not be among my soldiers, and whoever drinks from it will remain with me, and a few sips from the palm will be asked for.” .(Sura-Bakra, 249). A calm river in a dream means uninterrupted provision from Allah, devotion of loved ones and a calm, measured life. Whoever sees himself entering a river while experiencing fear will be overcome by fear, worry and sadness. And if he sees himself in a dream bathing in a river or stream, without experiencing fear or anxiety, then he will be freed from his worries, and joy and health will befall him. If he is in debt, he will free himself from it. If threat and fear hang over him, they will bypass him. And if he is in prison, he will be released. If he sees that he has swum across the river, he will be freed from worries, fear, grief and sadness, but if at the bottom of this river there is either dirt, or muddy water, or the river is stormy, then this dream means that the family connection will be interrupted and he will lose trust in a loved one and make friends with another person, or this loved one will die and the person who saw the dream will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation - River

Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you are watching the river from the shore, floating along it yourself or on some kind of ship, boat or raft.

Swim across the river - successfully complete the task.

Mooring to the shore means experiencing happiness, unclouded by anything.

Crossing the river, throwing yourself out of the stormy water onto the shore - defeating difficulties and obstacles in life.

Dirty, stormy water in the river, rapids, obstacles in swimming, the river overflowing its banks - all this indicates difficulties, failures, and troubles.

A flooded river means the manifestation of bad traits of your character that will prevent you from acting.

A dry river bed means poverty or other misfortune.

Catch those floating on the river

Dream Interpretation Catching those floating on the river I dreamed about why I dreamed about catching those floating on the river? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Lovila floating on the river in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - River

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.
If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.
If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.
Washing in the river means loss.
Crossing the river means trouble.
Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.
Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.
If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life. The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future. A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also foreshadows danger, illness or a lengthy trial. It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started. Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon be on the road. The longer the river, the longer your road will be. If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits. If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money. Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

Seeing a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river means a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the flow of a big river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, risking being stranded, means lack of money and financial losses.

Imagine that you get out of shallow water into deep water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, it means that you will have to make a difficult decision, sacrifice something big to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream foreshadows changes in your personal life. For single people, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all your problems for you. Swim against the tide - on the way to your goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

A smooth and calm surface of the river means improved well-being. The stormy but clear waters of a mountain river are a sign of joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will have a relationship with your entire environment. A dry river means stagnation in business. To see individual puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you much profit; most likely, you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dry river, imagine that it started raining and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river floods and blocks your path, you face a difficult life choice. If in a dream you crossed the river safely, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continuing on your way.

Muddy river - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information you receive can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

Dream Interpretation - River

A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.

Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,

swimming across it means fulfilling intentions.

Shoal in the river - difficulties, interference / lack of energy.

Drawing from a river is work beyond your strength.

A canal that takes water from a river is a bit of a good idea.

Overcoming it is difficult.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish and trees - you will have to build your life anew.

A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constrained by life circumstances; feel your insignificance; humiliating position.

To see a wide, powerful flow in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your affairs.

The riverbank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.

A river in the middle of a rocky desert means a meager and secluded life lies ahead.

A river among fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.

The river of environments and villages and cities is a chaotic and noisy life in society.

To drink from the river is to draw strength from your own determination.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

River - Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river means a new period of life begins. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

Dream Interpretation - River

Speeches; crossing it is a treat, unexpected joy, a journey; going into the river, crossing - difficulties; fast river - good speeches to speak or hear; big river - to joy, to be a guest, an important conversation // big tears, danger; small river – small is good // tears; clean river - good, to wealth //tears; muddy - a disease, for worse, or even a fight; fall into a dirty river - you will get into trouble, debts; the river carried away - a quarrel with the enemy; dried up - ruin; float - profit.

Dream Interpretation - River

A small river with clean and fast water is a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the river bank, fishing or boating is good news. Sunbathing on a river beach - you will feel unwell; swimming - you will gain unexpected wealth.

If you drown in a river, your friends will not leave you in trouble. Swimming across the river means your wishes will come true; wading through means you will appear sick, just to avoid going to a boring event. Sailing along the river on a boat - early marriage and harmony in marriage.

A river that overflows during a flood foretells troubles at work; a river that becomes shallow during a severe drought foretells grief in the family. Walking along the river embankment means exhausting laundry and general cleaning after a long absence from home. Traveling along the river on a raft - make a risky deal.

Dream Interpretation - River

drinking water from a stormy river in a dream is not good. Such a dream foreshadows trials and difficulties, for the Koran says: “Allah will test you by the river, and whoever drinks from it will not be among my soldiers, and whoever drinks from it will remain with me, and a few sips from the palm will be asked for.” .(Sura-Bakra, 249). A calm river in a dream means uninterrupted provision from Allah, devotion of loved ones and a calm, measured life. Whoever sees himself entering a river while experiencing fear will be overcome by fear, worry and sadness. And if he sees himself in a dream bathing in a river or stream, without experiencing fear or anxiety, then he will be freed from his worries, and joy and health will befall him. If he is in debt, he will free himself from it. If threat and fear hang over him, they will bypass him. And if he is in prison, he will be released. If he sees that he has swum across the river, he will be freed from worries, fear, grief and sadness, but if at the bottom of this river there is either dirt, or muddy water, or the river is stormy, then this dream means that the family connection will be interrupted and he will lose trust in a loved one and make friends with another person, or this loved one will die and the person who saw the dream will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation - River

Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you are watching the river from the shore, floating along it yourself or on some kind of ship, boat or raft.

Swim across the river - successfully complete the task.

Mooring to the shore means experiencing happiness, unclouded by anything.

Crossing the river, throwing yourself out of the stormy water onto the shore - defeating difficulties and obstacles in life.

Dirty, stormy water in the river, rapids, obstacles in swimming, the river overflowing its banks - all this indicates difficulties, failures, and troubles.

A flooded river means the manifestation of bad traits of your character that will prevent you from acting.

A dry river bed means poverty or other misfortune.

Why do you dream of a water stream? In a dream, it symbolizes the flow of life, while the water in the river characterizes the features of what is happening and the future. The dream book will explain in detail everything that happened to be seen at night.

Don't relax!

If you dreamed of a lot of water, then, depending on its quality, the future promises both minor failures and empty talk, as well as joy or successful progress of affairs.

If in a dream you happened to see a lot of water in the river, then the dream book does not advise you to relax in any case.

Keep it under control!

Why else do you dream about a particularly large and wide river? This is a symbol of an important conversation. At the same time, the dream book warns of gossip and tears.

Swimming in it is good. It literally means being in tune with time. If the water in the river reflects the sun, then illusory luck can slip away at any moment.

Everything will get better!

A flood in a dream signifies trouble at work. In a more global sense, the interpretation of sleep means a threat to life or a very serious illness.

Watching the river fill with water is good. The dream book is confident that everything will get better soon and the danger will go away.

Did you dream that you were washed away by a flooding river? Things will go extremely badly, and all attempts to improve them will not bring results.

A deep river in a dream reflects a calm, but overly boring life. Did you dream of seething water in a river? A real generator of new ideas and creative plans will awaken within you.

According to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream of an exceptionally smooth water surface? Mr. Miller claims that life will be filled with joy, and bright prospects loom ahead. And walking along it in a dream means elevation and comprehension of sacred mastery.

Specific transcripts

Stormy water in the river conveys no less stormy life events. A particularly fast flow reflects lightning-fast changes and successful overcoming of obstacles.

At the same time, the dream book definitely advises taking into account what exactly the water in the river was like. For example, a river with blue water warns of hidden danger, while blue water reflects dreaminess and illusoryness.

  • Dark - focus.
  • Black is a harbinger of illness and death.
  • Green – career growth.
  • Brown – stability.
  • Warm - quiet happiness, pleasant impressions.
  • Cold - balance, good health.

Difficult times ahead

Why do you dream of muddy water in the river? The dream book advises to prepare for constant quarrels, showdowns and squabbles. Recruiting it means backbreaking work.

Muddy water in a dream symbolizes gossip, angry conversations and gossip.

If you dreamed of a muddy and seething river, then it will not be easy to implement what you have planned. Moreover, in reality, some kind of disaster is coming that will disrupt all plans.

Profit or collapse?

Dirty water in the river has almost the same interpretation, but even more negative. So a dirty river warns of serious conflicts with others.

If in a dream the water in the river foams and bubbles, then the dream book believes that there is a streak of endless difficulties and troubles in all areas of life.

Did you dream of a rather narrow but dirty river? You will have to go on a risky trip, which, with some luck, will bring significant profit, but can also end in complete failure.

Freedom or debt?

If you happen to drown in dirty water in a dream, then you will literally be mired in debt. Why do you dream of absolutely clear water in a river?

It symbolizes independence from circumstances and freedom in every sense of the word. Did you dream about a transparent river? The dream book promises improved health and successful business progress.

Financial difficulties are coming

Why do you dream that there is no water in the river? This means that some sad event will happen in the family. A dry riverbed symbolizes the loss of a source of income and even complete ruin.

Did you dream that there was no water at all in a wide river? The dream book believes that you will have to go through a period of total bad luck and lack of money.

Think about it!

In a dream, seeing water in a river drying up is bad. This is a sign of the imminent loss of a stable position or high position.

Seeing that there is no water in the river means sad thoughts and sadness. This is a sign that you have lost vitality and energy.

Sometimes a river with no water at all hints that your time has come to an end.

Don't trust!

In a dream, are algae clearly visible through a layer of water? You are clearly striving for a different way of life. However, the dream book suspects that this desire remains only in distant plans.

Why do you dream of algae at the bottom of a clean reservoir? Do not trust beautiful words and deceptive information.

In a dream, do algae grow right before your eyes? Be less frank, even with very close people. Seeing a muddy bottom literally means getting into an extremely unpleasant situation.

Curb your desires!

Why do you dream about water in the sea? It reflects the need for anticipation, but sometimes promises the realization of a big dream.

Did you dream about deep water in the sea? The dream book is sure that you are striving for physical contentment, forgetting about spiritual joys.

Did you dream about a lake? This is a symbol of a personal attitude towards the current life situation.

A whirlpool reflects a deadlock that literally drains energy from you. A waterfall in a dream means that you need to curb your desires, and then fate will give you happiness.

Don't get carried away!

In your dreams, did you happen to swim along a river without any particular purpose? The circumstances will be extremely unfavorable.

Swimming in the company of a stranger means a new feeling that will captivate you completely.

Sailing in a boat is much better. The dream book believes that you will get rid of troubles and do a very important thing.

The interpretation of the dream, what river waters mean in dreams, is as symbolic as possible. Water in a river denotes the movement of life; the type of river indicates obvious and hidden events of your present and future. A dream book will help you more accurately unravel what you saw in a dream.

Be on the lookout!

When you dream of a large amount of water, future events may include small troubles with petty discussions or rejoicing at progress in business.

If you see a high water level in the river in a dream, try under no circumstances to let things take their course.

Attention and order

A wide river with distant banks can dream of something important, for example, a serious conversation. At the same time, you should be careful; sleep can bring misunderstandings and unnecessary frustration.

Swimming in a river in a dream is simply wonderful. In fact, you are in harmony with the flow of your life. The dream book warns that water reflecting the sun's rays is a direct allegory of the variability of luck and the impermanence of success.

Success will come

Tsunamis and floods in a dream are a sure sign of unpleasant stories at work. If you look more broadly, this may well be an omen that clouds have gathered in your life, perhaps even a serious illness.

The dream book explains why one may dream about how the river becomes full - this is a great sign of an improvement in the situation when danger will pass by.

Do you dream about how water in a river washes you away? Think about it, don't get involved in adventures. Your enterprise may fail and there will be almost no chance to improve the situation.

Most often, a river with deep banks in a dream is an echo of a measured and bland way of life. Did the river bubble in your dream? A sure sign of a change in the situation, the spirit of innovation will visit you, and new creative ideas will be born.

Miller's opinion

The water in the river sparkled with a mirror-like surface, which means that the dream is about something especially positive. The dream book promises quick joyful events and the implementation of plans. Walking on such water in a dream is a sign of enlightenment and inner harmony.

Stormy flows can be interpreted as a whirlwind of waking events. An incredibly fast flow will bring no less rapid changes and victory over difficulties. The dream book interprets different colors and temperatures of water in a dream in different ways:

  • blue water in the river - dreams and doubts;
  • green - success in work;
  • blue - a warning that worries are not in vain;
  • brown water - balance in everything;
  • black - a messenger of illness, death;
  • the dark water asks you to concentrate;
  • warm water in a dream - to cozy happiness and joys;
  • cold water in the river promises powerful health.

Changes in the future

The muddy river will bring endless disputes, scandals and squabbles on its waves, notes the dream book. Why do you dream that you are collecting such water? To hard work. Disturbed water in a dream is a symbol of unpleasant discussions behind your back.

In a dream, the river foams, and the water in it is opaque. The dream book interprets that enemies will put a spoke in your wheels. As the most negative of the options - an unforeseen circumstance that will cause the collapse of all dreams.

Win or Fail

A dirty river is interpreted most negatively by dream books. Great troubles and misunderstandings await you ahead. Why do you dream that the water in the river is seething and restless? This is a sure sign that the dreamer will experience a stream of negative events in all areas.

A river that is not wide, but full of mud, will tell you about an adventurous event, which, under certain successful circumstances, will bring you dividends, but can develop into a complete failure.

Seeing in a dream how you are drowning, and the water in the river is full of mud, means a huge amount of debts that will literally be dragged to the bottom. Crystal water, on the contrary, dreams of freedom from conventions and barriers, which you will undoubtedly be happy about. The water in the river was clear, which means that things will go smoothly, and health will increase.

Money difficulties

In the dream, the river was dry and there was no water in it. The dream book suggests the likelihood of drama in your life. If the riverbed is completely dry, then in the future you can easily lose your financial resource and go bankrupt.

Why dream that a wide river with distant banks is absolutely dry and without water? This means that a black streak of failures has begun.

Dry river

Watching a river dry up in a dream is a very negative sign. Dream books promise a quick decline in the social sphere and a loss of regularity in life.

Seeing a small river without water means sad thoughts in reality.

Sometimes a river without a single drop of water heralds the end of a mortal journey.

Don't trust it!

You clearly see algae through the water - in reality, your thoughts are full of hopes for change. But chances are you won't take steps in the desired direction anytime soon.

The water in the river is clean, but algae can be seen at the bottom. Such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s naivety. You should not rely on fairy tales and promises of mountains of gold.

If algae grows and increases with apparent speed, then according to the dream book, you should less reveal your intentions to loved ones. A muddy bottom in a dream is interpreted as a bad situation that will affect you.

If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.

If he drowns in the river and still swims up, then in reality he will become rich.

If he plunges into the river with his clothes on, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.

If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.

If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.

Sailing in stormy waters means litigation.

Washing in the river means loss.

Crossing the river means trouble.

Coming out of a river in a dream means good news.

Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.

Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.

If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.

Diving into the river means that sadness will not touch him.

If he approaches the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book