MFC allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old. How to apply for child benefit? Grounds for refusal to provide public services

Future parents must know about the existence of child benefits; previously, to apply for them, they had to go to the social services department. are protected and have to stand in line for a long time, while preparing a lot of documents in different authorities.

Since 2017, you can apply for all types of child benefits at the MFC, the procedure has been simplified in every possible way, you will not need to visit other organizations and stand in queues.

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Initially, you need to clarify whether it is possible to issue child benefit at the nearest branch of the MFC, to do this, call , or select the multifunctional center closest to you from , and contact using a convenient method from the contacts section.

If such a service is available, make an appointment or upon arriving at the department, receive a coupon electronic queue, wait for your number to be announced on the board, then go to the employee’s booth.

We draw your attention! before applying for any type of benefit, you must check your place of residence, this is prerequisite.

What documents are required for child benefits under 18 years of age?

Before going to the MFC, you need to prepare a list of documents for applying for benefits for children under 18 years of age, which includes:

  • Original (available on site)

It is worth considering that the benefit is paid until the child reaches 16 years of age; if he continues to study after 16 years, then payments are extendedyut until adulthood.

As soon as you, together with an MFC employee, prepare a package of documents, he will give you a receipt of receipt, and will guide you on the timing of the provision of the service and from what moment benefits will begin to be paid.

Amount of payments for child benefits up to 18 years of age

The amount of payments for a child under 18 years of age depends on the place of residence and is paid quarterly, the average check in Russia is 300 rubles per child, it should be noted that the benefit at the MFC cannot exceed the subsistence level, and is calculated using the formula:

SD = D / H / T

D - the total amount of income of both parents for the last month, three or a year, depending on the region of residence, specifically in your case, check with an MFC employee.

N - the number of family members, according to the certificate of its composition.

T - the number of months in the period for which the payment is made (quarter or year)

In some cases, the benefit amount may be increased for the following categories of families:

1. Low-income families.
2. Single mothers (need a certificate of form 25, issued on the spot).
3. Disabled people (need a certificate of disability - obtain it locally or at the ITU)
4. Large families and military families.

Monthly child care allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old

A monthly child care benefit for a child up to 1.5 years old is paid through the MFC to all categories of families, even if the parents are not employed or are unemployed full-time students. You can apply for such benefits at the MFC or at the department of social protection of the population.

What documents are needed for child benefits up to 1.5 years old?

for working parents at the MFC you must provide:

  • Application for benefits according to the sample (to be completed on site)
  • Original certificate of family composition (available on site)
  • (if the child has reached 14 years of age - citizen’s passport)
  • Certificate of family income for the last three months
  • Original parents' passports and photocopies (copies can be made on site)
  • For children over 16 years old, a certificate from the place of study

In addition to the above documents, for unemployed parents and university students, a prerequisite for assigning payments is:

  • certificate of presence at the labor exchange
  • school leaving certificate or educational diploma

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Amount of payments for child benefits up to 1.5 years

The amount of the payment, regardless of the level of salary in 2017-2018, cannot exceed 17 thousand 990 rubles; if one of the parents or guardians is caring for several children under 1.5 years old, then the payments are added up. Only the payment in total should not exceed 100% of the total family income.

Child benefit from 1.5 to 3 years for large families

Calculation procedure and amount monthly allowance for large families in the MFC, it is established individually depending on the region of residence; as a rule, the amount of payment is the subsistence minimum; to receive this type of benefit, you must consult with an MFC employee.

One-time benefit for the birth of a third child

Previously, we have already touched upon the issue at birth. Russian families in which a third child was born have the right to a lump sum payment, this service is provided to one of the officially working parents, guardians and trustees; in 2017-2018, the benefit amount is 16 thousand 350 rubles 33 kopecks.

The basis for assigning a payment will be a completed application addressed to the head of the organization, and the following documents:

  • citizen's passport,
  • third child's birth certificate
  • certificate of family composition.

Payment is made no later than 10 working days from the date of application.

What to do if you have received a refusal to pay benefits at the MFC

Eligibility for any type of monthly benefit depends primarily on the level of employment of the parents, guardians or trustees.

In some cases, you may be denied a payment; until 2001, almost every family in Russia could apply for child benefits, but now only families whose income level does not exceed living wage specific region of residence.

In any case, if you are denied a service, demand from the organization a written justification with specific reasons for the refusal, otherwise you have the right to appeal to the prosecutor's office or court.

If a child is born in your family, then you have the opportunity to receive monthly financial assistance from the state. We will tell you where to go and how to get it.

Attention! Do you have a difficult case? Are the MFC refusing or not processing services and documents?
Initial consultation is FREE - call:

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The principle of operation is to simplify paperwork for the population. The applicant comes for a consultation and receives immediate answers to all questions. A repeat visit consists of handing over a package of papers to an MFC employee, who, in turn, forwards them to higher authorities.

You can make it even simpler and reduce the number of visits to one. All information about the preparation of documents can be clarified by phone hotline or on the official website of the MFC or State Services. The answer can be found through these same channels using registration number, which the employee will issue upon receiving your application.

As you can see, applying for child benefits through the MFC is the fastest and easiest way.

What are the types of child subsidies?

Children's MFC benefit can be monthly or one-time:

  • for children under 1.5 and 3 years old;
  • for children under 16 or 18 years old;
  • for children of military personnel;
  • for children raised by one mother;
  • low-income families;
  • large families;
  • for disabled children.

How to receive a lump sum payment

You can apply for a one-time benefit at the birth of a child at the MFC, which consists of immediately issuing the full amount in hand in the amount of 16,000 rubles (information is current as of February 2018). The money will be paid if the application for benefits through the MFC was submitted within six months from the date of birth.

Only one parent has the right to submit an application; as a rule, the mother does this. If the parent does not have the physical ability to apply on his own, then the child’s legal representative can apply for child benefits at the MFC (but only with a notarized permission).

A one-time subsidy is paid for each newborn, regardless of the total number of children in the family.

Let's look at what documents are needed for benefits at the MFC:

  • originals and photocopies of civil passports of two parents;
  • certificate (on form No. 24) about the birth of a child (issued by the civil registry authorities);
  • birth certificate;
  • document on family composition, TIN and insurance number of each of them;
  • marriage certificate (or document confirming divorce);
  • a document from the tax office confirming that the applicant is not a private entrepreneur;
  • a certificate from the social insurance fund stating whether you previously received a one-time benefit through the Social Insurance Fund (for individual entrepreneurs);
  • excerpts from a work record, military ID or other document indicating the last place of work, service or study. In the absence of such documents, the applicant, when applying for child benefits through the MFC, freely indicates that he has not officially worked anywhere (and is not working), is not studying, entrepreneurial activity doesn't do it. And also is not a lawyer, notary or engaged in other activities that require obtaining a state license;
  • a certificate from the pension institution stating that monthly deductions are made from wages (if any);
  • document confirming registration at the employment center (for non-working citizens);
  • a certificate from an institute or other educational institution (required from students studying part-time. Full-time students are required to have a document confirming that they are on maternity leave to care for a child for up to one and a half years).

All listed documents must be submitted only in original form with attached photocopies. All certificates must be certified by the seal of the authority that issued them.

How to apply for a monthly subsidy

Documents for monthly allowance for child MFC accepts from all categories of families, regardless of whether parents work or are students. That is, this is the benefit that is mandatory for payments when newborns reach the age of one and a half years.

The documents required at the MFC to receive benefits are as follows:

  • civil passport of both parents (originals and copies);
  • certificate of family composition and marriage certificate;
  • birth certificate (or birth certificate);
  • application for the issuance of child benefits at the MFC;
  • bank card number and account details;
  • certificate of family income (information for the last three months is provided from working parents);
  • a certificate from the employment service (if the parent is unemployed) or from the university (confirming that the parent is a student).

You can view a sample application directly at the multifunctional center and receive a blank form to fill out there. An employee will definitely help you with this.

As for the amount of child benefit, the MFC provides the following information: in 2018, the amount of payments will be 17,900 rubles per year. If there are several children, then the payment amounts are added up and paid monthly for each, but the total should not exceed 100% of the family’s monthly income.

Decision timing and outcome

An application for child care benefits through the MFC is considered no more than 10 days from the date of its submission. Provided that a complete package of correctly completed documents has been provided.
In case of repeated application when submitting missing documents, total term should not exceed 30 calendar days.

The result of the review may be a decision to pay a subsidy or a refusal of this request. In any case, you can find out the answer by the number that will be given to you by an MFC employee after receiving the entire package of documents. It will be enough to enter this number in the special column “Find out the result” on the official website of the State Services or the MFC.Ru portal.

What could be the reasons for refusal?

Despite the fact that receiving child care benefits through the MFC
is the legal right of every family that has given birth to an heir, some of them may be refused. Let's figure out what's going on.

Refusal is received in the following cases:

  • the applicant accidentally or knowingly provided incorrect information about himself, income or children;
  • not the entire list of required documents was provided;
  • certificates for the MFC to receive benefits are fake;
  • the applicant does not belong to the category of citizens entitled to receive any child subsidies;
  • more than six months have passed since the birth of the child;
  • family income exceeds the average monthly subsistence level established in the region of residence;
  • the newborn is already fully supported by the state;
  • parents have already been deprived parental rights or a decision on this is in the process.

If you are sure that the refusal to pay a subsidy is unfounded, you can request a written explanation from the organization that made such a decision. You should go to court or the prosecutor's office with this letter.

If the subsidy is already being paid, it may be interrupted for the following reasons:

  • the fact of falsification of documents was discovered;
  • leaving for permanent residence in another country;
  • transfer of the child to full state support (for example, to an orphanage);
  • reaching the age of one and a half years;
  • the applicant was deprived of parental rights;
  • the applicant went to work and became officially employed;
  • the applicant parent began receiving benefits from the employment exchange;
  • the child or applicant has died.

Who is entitled to cash payments under 18 years of age?

If you do not know whether it is possible to apply for a child benefit at the MFC in your case, then read the rules for calculating it.

The law of the Russian Federation provides maternity leave within three years from the birth of the child. After this period, the woman is obliged to go to work. And then all payments stop. However, in situations where your family's income is below the minimum poverty level, parents have the opportunity to apply for benefits before the age of 18. This type of payment is called “regional” and can only be requested by one of the parents.

It must be taken into account that in each region of Russia the cost of living is different, and the approved amount of the monthly subsidy will depend on this. Sometimes it can vary from a couple of hundred to several thousand (depending on the solvency of the budget).

In some cases, the amount of government payments may be increased for the following categories:

  • family with many children or low income;
  • there is a disabled child in the family;
  • the mother raises the children alone;
  • the family is military.

There are families that include several factors at once. Therefore, the state is obligated to pay benefits to a single mother raising a disabled child of any group (or a disabled child from childhood) up to the age of 23. For the current year, the benefit amount is 6,000 rubles per month. But this amount is a starting amount and may vary depending on the complexity of the situation.

Did the MFC refuse or is it delaying the deadline? Do you have a complaint? or another situation requiring legal assistance (not necessarily related to the MFC)?
Call and get legal advice for FREE!:

  • Moscow and Moscow region -
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  • Other regions of the Russian Federation -

The documents for care benefits through the MFC for such children are as follows:

    Good afternoon Today I wanted to submit an application for payments for my first child under 1.5 years old at the MFC Nizhny Novgorod region. They refused me, citing the fact that they did not have the authority to work on this issue. And they sent me to social protection. Do some branches really have a limited range of services?

    • Elena, some MFCs have restrictions on the types of services they provide to the population.


The amount of the federal lump sum benefit for the birth of a child in 2019 is 17,479.73 rubles. In Moscow, it can be obtained by citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, refugees and stateless persons who have a place of residence (stay) in the city, regardless of the order of birth of their children and whether they are employed or not. To apply for benefits, you need to submit an application and documents within six months after the birth of the child.

You can make a payment at the place of work (service) or in social protection(for citizens who are not subject to insurance) - in this case, you need to contact the multifunctional center. In addition, to obtain it, some must be completed.

Amount of one-time benefit for the birth of a child in 2019

A one-time benefit for the birth of a child, according to Art. 11 of Law 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, paid after every birth, regardless of whether the person applying for it is employed or not, and how the child was born. From February 1, 2019, the benefit amount is 17479.73 rubles.


When born at the same time some children, then the benefit is provided for each of them. If a child is born dead, then the payment not provided. In case divorce Birth benefits are issued by the parent with whom child lives. The benefit is provided only alone from parents (adoptive parents, guardians), register it twice for one child it is forbidden.

The payment is indexed annually. The change in its value is shown in the diagram (the amount is indicated in rubles).

Increase in the amount of one-time benefit for the birth of a child in Moscow

How to get benefits?

For a one-time benefit at the birth of a child have the right the following persons living in the city of Moscow:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens and stateless persons;
  • refugees.

To receive benefits the following must be completed: conditions:

  • persons entitled to payment must be the parents (adoptive parents or guardians) of the born child (children);
  • persons applying for benefits and the child (children) must have in Moscow:
    • place of residence;
    • place of residence;
    • place of actual residence;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation must live on the territory of Russia, and foreigners and stateless persons - constantly live in the Russian Federation.


You can submit documents to receive benefits within 6 months from the date of birth (adoption, establishment of guardianship).

Apply Later possible if it was not provided within the specified period by good reasons, established in the list of order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 74 of January 31, 2007. These include:

  1. Emergency situations (hurricane, fire, flood, earthquake, etc.).
  2. Long-term temporary disability due to illness (injury) lasting more than 6 months.
  3. Moving to another locality, change of location.
  4. Forced absenteeism due to illegal dismissal or suspension.
  5. Damage to health or death of a close relative.
Other reasons may be recognized as valid in court.

Where should I go to request a payment?

To apply for a one-time benefit for the birth of a child in Moscow, you need to provide an application and the necessary information at your place of work (service) or to a multifunctional center, if it is issued by the authorities social protection.

Contact at the MFC Can:

  • in person (or through a representative) on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • by making an appointment by phone;
  • by registering through the portal on the Moscow Mayor’s website.


Through the multifunctional center, benefits are issued if both parents (adoptive parents or guardians) do not work (serve) officially, or are not subject to insurance for other reasons.

When accepting documents they may refuse, If:

  1. The documents provided have lost their validity.
  2. The list provided is not complete.
  3. The documents and application were provided by an unauthorized representative of the person entitled to payment.

In the assignment of benefits there will be denied, When:

  1. The applicant is not entitled to benefits.
  2. The application and documents were submitted in non-compliance with the established requirements.
  3. The payment has already been provided.
  4. The documents provided have expired.
  5. The submitted list contains inaccurate and/or contradictory information.
  6. Documents and information received from other departments differ from the documents and information provided by the applicant.
  7. An incomplete list of documents is provided.

At place of work (service) a lump sum payment at the birth of a child is issued faces:

  • officially employed;
  • are civilian personnel military formations Russian Federation, which are located outside the country;
  • serving:
    • under contract;
    • in internal affairs bodies;
    • National Guard troops;
    • fire service;
    • institutions and bodies of the penal system;
    • drug control authorities;
    • customs authorities;
  • dismissed due to the withdrawal of troops, redeployment of military units, expiration employment contract in military units outside the Russian Federation or due to the transfer of the husband from such units to Russian territory.

In social protection Moscow benefits are issued by the following persons:


If the payment is provided at the place of work (service), then it is assigned and paid in within 10 days from the moment of application. If the benefit is issued through social protection, then it is assigned within 10 days, and is paid no later than 26th of next month.

What documents are needed?

To apply for a one-time benefit at the birth of a child on an official place of work or services, necessary provide:

  • application (you can see an example of filling it out at the link);
  • Russian passport or residence permit;
  • birth certificate of the child (children) or other document confirming the birth (if issued abroad);
  • birth certificate(s);
  • a certificate from the place of work (service) or from the social security of the second parent (adoptive parent) stating that they did not receive payment.

Depending on the situation, the list must be clarified with the employer.
To apply for a lump sum benefit at birth at the MFC necessary provide:

  1. Statement.
  2. Russian passport or residence permit of the applicant.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or residence permit of the second parent (certified copy).
  4. Birth certificate of a child or children (original) - if registration was not made in Moscow, or another document proving birth, if issued by a foreign state.
  5. Birth certificate - if registration was carried out outside Moscow.
  6. A document with information about the child’s place of residence (stay) in Moscow (certified copy) - if the MFC does not charge payments for residential premises or public utilities and does not transfer documents for registration and deregistration. If the child lives in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts, then the document is required.

In some cases, regardless of where the lump sum benefit is issued, you may need additional documents . Their list is presented in the table. They are submitted to the employer Always, and the need to provide them to the MFC can be found out by following the link on the portal of the Moscow Mayor’s website.

Happening Document
The identity document of the applicant and the second parent does not contain information about the place of residence (residence) in Moscow A document with information about the place of residence or stay in Moscow
The child is under guardianship
  • decision to establish guardianship (extract from it);
  • foster family agreement (if any)
The child is adopted A court decision on adoption that has entered into force ( certified copy) or adoption certificate
Single parent contacts One of the following documents:
  • birth certificate (form 25);
  • death certificate of the second parent;
  • certificate of divorce;
  • a court decision that has entered into force recognizing the second parent as missing or declaring him dead
Parents are divorced Confirmation of cohabitation with a child in the Russian Federation
It is necessary to confirm the father's rights to benefits Certificate of paternity
Appeals individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc., or the second parent is one of these persons
  • status confirmation;
  • a certificate from the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) confirming that the applicant and (or) the second parent are not registered with it and that they have not received benefits - must be issued no earlier than a month before the application
Legal representative or authorized representative is contacting
  • ID card (original);
  • documents confirming authority. Persons who are notlegal representative, providepower of attorney(in simple written form, notarized or equivalent to certified by a notary)
If the full name does not match the data specified on the identity card Document on changing personal data



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The birth of a child is a solemn and joyful event. Young parents will have to carefully prepare, including learning how to apply for the required financial assistance from the state. Previously, payments were processed only through the social protection departments. Since 2017, you can organize the receipt of funds by contacting the MFC.

Multifunctional centers, called “My Documents” since 2014, operate in a “single window” format, provide a wide range of services and act as an intermediary between the population and government services. Registration of benefits through the MFC will take about 15 minutes. By following the algorithm of actions, the procedure can be reduced to one visit, eliminating delays and paperwork.

Any family with a newborn child can receive benefits. This right appears after the end of maternity leave, which is 70 days after childbirth (86 days for childbirth with complications or 110 for multiple pregnancies). You can submit an application for another six months after the child turns 1.5 years old, in which case the benefit for the entire period will be paid in one payment.

To find out whether the required service is provided at the nearest MFC, you need to call the contact numbers of the center, consult with a specialist, make an appointment, choosing a convenient time and date. On the appointed day, you need to come to the registrar window and hand over the necessary papers. After verification, authorized structures will begin to transfer cash mother.

What documents are needed

The list of papers for processing child benefits up to 1.5 years old at the MFC office will depend on who will care for the baby - the father or mother, and whether the parents are employed. If you work officially, then the center’s services will not be needed: just collect documents and submit an application for parental leave and a monthly allowance to your employer. The following papers will be required:

  • copy of ID;
  • statement ();
  • certificate of birth of the baby;
  • a certificate of non-realization of the right to leave and child care benefits by the second parent.

Unemployed citizens submit papers to social services. protection or MFC. You will need another kit:

  • ID card;
  • work book;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate on the number of family members;
  • statement.

To receive benefits, you will need to register the child at your place of residence. Remember that you can register a newborn at the place of registration of the mother or father without the permission of the property owner.

Amount of child benefit up to 1.5 years

The amount received will be 40% of the average monthly earnings for the last 24 months. You can calculate it using the formula: add wages for two years, divide by 730 days and multiply by 30.4 (average number of days in a month). The benefit will be 40% of this amount. The minimum benefit amount in 2018 is 3142.33 rubles, for the birth of a second and subsequent children - 6284.65 rubles, and the maximum amount is 24536 rubles 57 kopecks.

How to receive a monthly allowance for a third child under 3 years old at the MFC

In 2012, in order to regulate the demographic situation in the country, President Putin signed a decree stating that families with three or more children are entitled to a monthly cash payment (MCB). You can exercise your right to benefits before your child reaches 3 years of age. The payment is classified as regional, i.e. it is financed from local budget. Almost 70 regions participate in the program.

Families who meet the following conditions can apply for EDV:

  • the applicant must be registered in the region where the program operates;
  • third or subsequent child born after 2012;
  • income per family member should not exceed the subsistence level, i.e. people are required to provide evidence of their need for government subsidies.

The registration procedure does not differ from the usual scheme of working with the MFC:

  • We check whether the program works in your region;
  • make an appointment;
  • We visit the office and submit documents;
  • We are waiting for the decision of the USZN.

List of documents for benefits up to 3 years

Documents must be submitted to the social services department. protection (USZN) at the place of registration or MFC. The exact set of papers depends on the region of residence. In most cases, the applicant will be required to:

  • statement;
  • passports of father and mother;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition and income;
  • bank account number.

Documents must be resubmitted every year.

Payment amount

There is no single amount; the amount of the benefit is directly dependent on the cost of living per child in the region. On average, families receive from 8 to 12 thousand rubles. The largest amount of EDV is set in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - almost 22 thousand rubles. The funds are paid over three years.

Registration of benefits for a child under 18 years of age at the MFC

When parental leave has ended, and with it the period for receiving financial assistance from the state, parents can collect documents and ask government social protection agencies to accrue benefits until the child reaches 18 years of age. This payment is regional, so the procedure for calculating it is regulated by local laws. Benefits are provided only to low-income families.

Initially, payments are accrued until the age of 16, but if the child continues to study at educational institution on a budgetary basis, then benefits will be paid until adulthood.

Documents for child benefits up to 18 years of age

Submission of documents to the MFC is carried out by. The standard documentation package includes:

  • statement;
  • originals and copies of parents’ passports;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • if the child is over 14 years old, then his passport;
  • a certificate confirming the child’s residence with his parents;
  • a certificate of income of all family members for the quarter;
  • document from the educational institution confirming training.

The MFC registrar will accept the documents, check for compliance with legal standards, issue a receipt for receipt of the papers, you can use it. Next, the specialist will send the papers to the USZN for review. Social authorities defense is authorized to approve the accrual or refuse the payment of benefits.

The refusal must be legally justified and presented in writing. An unlawful decision should be appealed in court.

Benefit amount

The amount received can vary from several hundred rubles to several thousand. The calculation is based on the regional cost of living for children.

Sample certificate of income for 3 months for child benefit for MFC

Registration of child benefits in the “My Documents” department will not take much time, and the employees will be happy to answer all questions, help with the preparation of papers, and explain the rights and responsibilities of applicants, so the services multifunctional centers Every year it becomes more in demand among Russians.

Registration of child benefits is an issue that concerns all couples preparing to become parents (both for the first time and those expecting another baby). Previously, in order to obtain a treasured document, you had to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. With the advent MFC procedure has been significantly simplified, which cannot but please new mothers and fathers. From this article you will learn everything about applying for a child benefit, as well as what documents are required for this, what types of benefits there are and in what cases they may be refused.

Surely any parents will be interested in what the amount of payments will be. This directly depends on where the family lives. Also play a role total income moms and dads, how many people are in the family, as well as how many months in the period when the payment will be made. On average in Russian Federation the amount is three hundred rubles per quarter.

BY THE WAY, for some categories of families (such as low-income, disabled, large families) the size of the benefit will be different - the amount will increase.

What you need to do to apply for benefits

ATTENTION! The child must obtain registration at the place of residence before you apply for the service!

In order to apply for child benefits, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Check if the selected MFC service registration BY THE WAY, if the desired center does not have such a service, you can try to apply for the service at any other: there is no connection to the place of permanent or temporary registration.;
  2. Prepare documents;
  3. Make an appointment by phone (or you can simply take a place in line by picking up a ticket at the center);
  4. Wait for your turn and hand over the papers to the employee;
  5. The employee will check your documents and, if everything is in order, will accept them from you;
  6. In return, you will receive a receipt for your documents. You will also be informed about the timing of the procedure and the start of payments.

What documents will be required?

Before contacting the MFC for the procedure, parents need to start collecting and preparing documents. You will need:

  • Relevant statement;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Birth certificate (if you don’t have a passport yet);
  • Certificate of family income (must include the last 3 months);
  • Passports of both parents (originals and copies);
  • Certificate from educational institution (if the child is over 16 years old).

ATTENTION! It is important to remember that the benefit is paid until the child is 16 years old. After reaching this age, payments will be received only if the child continues education.

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Registration of monthly benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old

Absolutely all categories of families can apply for benefits for children under one and a half years old. Payments of such benefits amount to no more than 17,790 rubles.

BY THE WAY, if there are several children in a given age range under the care of a parent, then the payments will be summed up. In this case, the final amount should not exceed the total family income.

What documents will be required?

Working citizens should prepare for going to the MFC:

  • Statement;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Birth certificate of the baby;
  • Certificate of income for the last trimester;
  • Mom and Dad's passports (and copies).

Non-working parents and students must also attach to this package:

  • Certificate of presence at the labor exchange;
  • Diploma or certificate.

Allowance for a child one and a half to three years old for large families

How benefits will be calculated for large families and what the amount will be depends on several factors. Firstly, from the region, and secondly, from the cost of living. When receiving this type of benefit, it is better to first consult with a center employee in order to obtain the most complete information.

Benefit for the birth of a third child

At the birth of a third child, parents who are citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a lump sum payment. Today the amount is 16,350 rubles. To obtain it, the minimum package of documents is:

  • Application for the head of the company;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Family information.

ATTENTION! On this type Only officially working parents or guardians are entitled to benefits! Such payment will arrive no later than ten days after submitting the application.

In what cases can they refuse?

Just 17 years ago, almost any family in Russia could receive child benefits. Now, only those families whose income does not exceed the regional subsistence level can apply for payments.

IMPORTANT! If you are denied service, be sure to request an official letter containing the reason for the decision. If they cannot provide you with this, then you can safely contact authorities like the court and the prosecutor’s office.

The most common reason for refusal is that the family income is higher than the cost of living in the region of residence. In order not to face a refusal and not waste your time, it is important to read the rules and instructions, to know about your responsibilities and rights.


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Registration of documents such as child benefits is always bureaucracy and paperwork, which is very inappropriate for parents when a baby is born and they want to devote as much free time as possible to the family. At such moments, the emergence of multifunctional centers is appreciated even more: even if you have to spend time and effort to collect necessary documents, but at least their submission will be quick and easy, without worries and wasted time in traffic jams and queues.