Business trip application form to fill out. How to write an application for a business trip? Video: Business trip. Documentation

IN modern Russia There are many different laws regulating the activities of employees and employers in the legal field. Often, the management of an organization takes advantage of the lack of knowledge of the nuances of the Labor Code by its wards, benefiting itself.

Travel expenses are a complex and integral aspect of the life of every employee aimed at long-term labor activity. This article will help you avoid unforeseen situations and disagreements with administrative staff by clarifying the nuances of document preparation and the work of current bills.

An application for reimbursement of travel expenses, a sample of which can be found in the public domain, is drawn up in accordance with the regulatory guidelines that will be presented below.

What are travel expenses?

Travel expenses are expenses recorded by an employee that are necessary for the correct completion of a business trip. Legislative norms and acts regulate the procedure for their calculation.

According to Article 167 of the Labor Code Russian Federation the employer undertakes to maintain official position ward person and his average, it is also necessary to reimburse the money spent by him during a business trip.

The above-described guarantees in an equal amount are imposed on employees who combine several positions and are officially employed in an organization, as demonstrated by part 2 of Article 287 of the Labor Code.

It is recommended that the chronological sequence of reimbursement of financial expenses and their volumes be established by the local normative document or a generally accepted agreement agreed upon with the workforce. However, you can resort to alternative options if they do not violate the norms of the Labor Code, legal acts and laws of the Russian Federation.

The employer has the right to change local regulations. It regulates the amount of reimbursement of travel expenses for various categories of employees. With the help of the innovation, the amount of payments will vary.

Federal laws regulate the procedure and amounts of compensation for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Employees of federal government agencies;
  2. Employees of government extra-budgetary funds;
  3. Employees of government agencies of the Russian Federation.

In 2005, regulations were adopted regulating the payment of travel allowances.

Regulatory acts of authorities local government and constituent entities of the Russian Federation determine the procedure for calculating and the amount of compensation to employees of the following structures:

  1. Bodies of the constituent entities of Russia;
  2. Government agencies of the subjects;
  3. Territorial branches of extra-budgetary medical funds;
  4. Municipal institutions;
  5. Local governing bodies.

Travel expenses include the following items:

  • money spent on renting housing space;
  • expenses for payment of transport services;
  • additional costs necessary for the accommodation of an employee performing official tasks on a business trip;
  • other expense items agreed upon with administrative and management personnel. If a business trip takes place outside the Russian Federation, then the following articles are included in the described list:
  1. Fees for consular and airfield services;
  2. Funds necessary to obtain a package of documents allowing you to freely cross the border of the Russian Federation;
  3. Costs for entry and transit of vehicles;
  4. Fees for obtaining health fund insurance;
  5. Other costs agreed with the manager.

According to the regulations on business trips, the employer undertakes to pay advances to the employee before his immediate departure. They are necessary to pay for transportation costs and rental housing.

Procedure for paying travel allowances

When paying travel allowances, all nuances are taken into account.

According to current laws and standards, the employer undertakes to pay the ward money for the following periods:

  • disability caused by being on a business trip;
  • every day you are on a business trip, including:
  1. Days of forced interruption vehicle;
  2. and non-working days;
  3. Days spent on the road.

If a person is sent to state entity located close enough to his place of permanent residence, expenses are not reimbursed. The conditions of transport communications and the nature of the work tasks performed should allow for daily return without damage to them.

Each case is considered individually by the immediate supervisor. The boss independently determines the appropriateness of the approach, based on the following range of factors:

  • distance covered;
  • operating conditions of the vehicles used;
  • the nature and characteristics of the tasks assigned;
  • the need to establish comfortable rest conditions for the employee.

State regulations do not determine a fixed amount of daily payments. It is allowed to calculate it using local regulations, if this does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws.

Issuance allowed compensation payments in the following ways:

  • cash from the company's cash desk;
  • non-cash transfers to employee bank accounts.

The procedure for calculating payments is fixed by a local act.

In what cases is an application required?

An application for reimbursement of travel expenses must be submitted personally by the returning employee. The HR specialist must be sure that the document was drawn up by him.

Despite the proliferation of fax signatures and electronic media, the presence of handwritten confirmation still plays a significant role. Therefore, a statement must be drawn up and signed in all cases where the established budget is exceeded.

What should the application contain?

The application is written according to the general rules.

IN state system There is no generally accepted application form for reimbursement of travel expenses. In most cases, it is compiled in electronic form or in handwritten form.

  1. Content. The essence of the application is described;
  2. Title. Contains the initials and position of the recipient;
  3. Bottom line. The date and time the document was written is indicated. By signing it, the applicant agrees with the stated requirements.

The following information is indicated in the letter columns:

  1. From whom - the official position and full name of the employee;
  2. To whom - the position of the recipient, his full name, as well as the name of the enterprise;
  3. The main section is where the body of the application is written;
  4. In the conclusion, the number and signature of the person sent on a business trip is indicated, next to it is its transcript.

Order on accrual of travel allowances

Often, employees exceed the standard amount of financial expenses while on a business trip. To receive a refund, you will need to fill out the appropriate form. It contains the following information:

  • Sender's full name;
  • place of business trip;
  • position held;
  • dates of business trip;
  • authorized person executing the order;
  • reasons for cash payments.

The above information is indicated in separate document, allowing you to reimburse funds spent in excess of the norm.

Sample application for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Tax accounting

Expenses are taxable.

Documentary evidence and business case expenses for reimbursement of travel allowances to an employee allows them to be included in the tax base. Among the required papers it is worth noting the following:

  1. Personnel package of documents;
  2. Documents that take into account the time spent in and remuneration for the position held by the person;
  3. Certificates from accounting department;
  4. Documents demonstrating the accuracy of the expenses described in the application.

Expenses acquire the status of justified if they are made as part of activities carried out to achieve the goals and objectives established by management.

To calculate tax, expenses are taken into account in the following order:

  1. Employee salary expenses;
  2. Other expenses necessary for production and sales.

When an organization uses a simplified taxation system, the described expense items are documented in the following order:

  • on the day of approval of advance reports;
  • on the day of issue cash employee.

Reimbursement of travel expenses requires knowledge of the nuances of the law. After reading the article, you will be able to optimize your existing knowledge, supporting it with normative legal acts specified in the article.

In this video you will learn about travel expenses.

Form for receiving a question, write yours

An application for reimbursement of funds that were spent on the needs of the organization is usually applied to accountable persons who spent more money than they were given. After all, no one is immune from unexpected expenses. If the expenses were really necessary and the accountant provided documents confirming them, then the organization will have to pay him compensation. A sample application for refund is given below.

Let us remind you that an accountable person can be either an ordinary employee or a manager, as well as a performer with whom the company has an agreement civil contract(Letter of the Bank of Russia dated October 2, 2014 N 29-Р-Р-6/7859). Accordingly, any of them can write an application for reimbursement of personal funds.

Issuing money to an accountant

As you remember, money is issued to an employee on the basis of his, which must contain the visa of the head of the organization, or an order (order) of the head (clause 6.3 of the Bank of Russia Directive dated March 11, 2014 N 3210-U). You can give the employee cash, or you can make a non-cash transfer to his bank card, incl. salary (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 21, 2017 N 09-01-07/46781). In the latter case, the card details must be indicated in the accountant’s application or management order. When transferring funds in a payment order, in the “Purpose of payment” field, you must indicate that the employee was given an advance for business needs (for travel expenses or other purposes).

Advance report and supporting documents

In order to report for the funds spent, the employee must draw up an advance report in the form approved by the organization, or the unified form AO-1 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated August 1, 2001 N 55). Original documents confirming expenses must be attached to the report. These can be sales and cash receipts, receipts, BSO. And if the employee paid for the company’s needs with a bank card, then as supporting documents he can provide receipts, checks or other similar documents (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 24, 2016 N 03-03-06/1/36877).

The advance report must be checked by an accountant and approved by the head of the organization. After this, the amount of overspent funds is issued to the employee using an expense cash order, and his details are indicated in the advance report (


Is an employee sent on a business trip required to write an application for payment of daily allowance? Is this legal, or is just a business trip order enough?


No, an employee sent on a business trip is not required to write an application for payment of daily allowance; this is not provided for by law. Accordingly, only an order (instruction) to send the employee on a business trip is sufficient.

Payment of daily allowance when sending an employee on a business trip lasting more than 1 day is the responsibility of the employer.


1.3.5. Payment of daily allowance to a posted worker

What is a daily allowance?

Daily allowances are additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (paragraph 4, part 1, article 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer is obliged to pay the employee daily allowance (paragraph 3, clause 11, clause 25 of the Regulations on business trips, Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/05/2013 N 14-2/3044898-4415):

For each day of a business trip, including weekends and non-working holidays, as well as days spent on the road, including the time of forced stop;

During the period of incapacity for work that occurred during a business trip.

To calculate daily allowance, it is necessary to determine the duration of the business trip.

If an employee is sent on a business trip to an area from where, based on transport conditions and the nature of the work performed, he can return daily to his place of permanent residence, daily allowances are not paid (paragraph 4, clause 11 of the Regulations on Business Travel). The feasibility of such a return is determined by the head of the organization in each specific case, taking into account various factors - distance, transport conditions, the nature of the task being performed, the need to create conditions for the employee to rest (paragraph 5, clause 11 of the Regulations on business trips).

Daily allowance amount

The amount of daily allowance can be any, but must be determined in collective agreement or local regulations, unless otherwise stated Labor Code RF, others federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (part 4 of article 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2, paragraph 11, paragraph 2, paragraph 16 of the Regulations on business trips). It should be taken into account that para. 12 clause 3 art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provide maximum dimensions daily allowances that are not subject to personal income tax. They are:

No more than 700 rub. for each day you are on a business trip in the Russian Federation;

No more than 2,500 rubles. for each day you are on a business trip abroad.

What documents need to be completed when sending an employee on a business trip?

In order to send an employee on a business trip, the employer must order it in writing (for example, an order to send the employee on a business trip). This conclusion follows from the totality of the norms of Part 1 of Art. 166 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and para. 2 clause 3 of the Regulations on business trips.

At the same time, the design additional documents for the assignment of an employee may be provided for by a local regulatory act adopted by the employer in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 8, para. 7 hours 1 tbsp. 22 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, such an act may contain a requirement that the employee’s immediate supervisor prepare a memo indicating the tasks that the latter needs to perform on a business trip.

Issuance of an order to send on a business trip

An employee is sent on a business trip by written order of the employer. This conclusion follows from the totality of Part 1 of Art. 166 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and para. 2 clause 3 of the Regulations on business trips. At the same time, the indicated regulations do not provide for any requirements for the execution of this order. For example, it can be issued in the form of an order to send an employee on a business trip.

Order form

Can be used unified form N T-9 (when sending several employees on a business trip - form N T-9a) or a document independently developed by the employer.

It is advisable to indicate in the order, in particular, the name of the employer, full name. and the employee’s position, place, duration and purpose of the business trip. This conclusion was made taking into account the norms of Part 1 of Art. 166 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 2 clause 3 of the Regulations on business trips.

If travel to the place of business trip and (or) back to the place of work will be carried out on official transport, on transport owned by the employee or owned by third parties (by proxy), the employer’s decision on the employee’s travel on the appropriate transport should be recorded in writing. For example, you can reflect such information in an order for sending on a business trip. These conclusions are made based on para. 2 clause 7 of the Regulations on business trips, as well as taking into account the explanations given in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04/20/2015 N 03-03-06/22368.

Signing the order

Only a person who, on behalf of the employer, is authorized to make a decision on sending an employee on a business trip has the right to sign an order. This follows from the analysis of Part 1 of Art. 166 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, para. 2 clause 3 of the Regulations on business trips. This person could be, for example, the head of an organization.

We recommend that the employee be familiarized with the order against his signature, since in the absence of evidence that the employee knew about the business trip, involving him in disciplinary liability failure to comply with this order may be considered unlawful. This conclusion follows from Part 1 of Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which bringing an employee to disciplinary liability is possible only for failure to perform or improper performance through his own fault of the labor duties assigned to him.

Issuing an advance to an employee when sent on a business trip

The employer is obliged to give the posted employee an advance to pay for travel expenses, rental accommodation and additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence (daily allowance) (clause 10 of the Regulations on business trips).

In practice, the advance amount is calculated on the basis of an estimate drawn up by an accounting employee. The form of the estimate is not established by law, so the organization can develop it independently. In addition, an estimate of expected expenses may be contained in a written statement of the posted worker.

The amount that must be paid to the employee is determined based on the duration of the business trip specified in the order sending the employee on a business trip (see the issuance of the order), the cost of travel, the approximate cost of housing, the amount of daily allowance established by the organization for business trips in Russia and abroad. its limits (see about the payment of daily allowances).

The estimate (calculation) is signed by the chief accountant and the head of the organization, after which the posted worker is given an advance.

Guide to HR issues. Business trips

Undoubtedly, in modern business world there is no need to travel to another region to communicate with management or officials– just go online. But not all cases can be resolved remotely; for example, an inspection can only be carried out in person. Therefore, business trips are still relevant, and in order to process them, the law requires employees to write statements. If the application is filled out on a computer, you must at least sign and date it yourself. From the article you will learn how to fill out the document, and also see a sample application for a business trip.

How to write a business trip application

The most vulnerable categories of workers are protected by law in special order– they cannot be sent on a business trip at the request of the employer and forced to travel under threat of dismissal.

Certain categories of employees cannot be sent on business trips until they give their written consent for the trip. If they cannot go on a business trip, then such employees cannot be forced to write an application. Such subordinates include:

  • employees who are forced to take care of seriously ill family members or elderly parents at the end of their working day at their main place of work;
  • single parents raising children under 5 years of age;
  • employees who support children with disabilities;
  • employees raising a child under 3 years of age.

Such employees must write an application indicating the full name of the manager sending them on a business trip, the full name of the company and the essence of the request - consent to arrange a business trip with awareness of the possibility of refusing it without the risk of being fired.

The law also prohibits employers in principle from arranging business trips for certain other categories of employees - even if they agree to the trip, they cannot be sent on official business. These include:

  • employees under the age of 18 (with some exceptions, as stated in Article 268 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - in some cases, a teenager at least 16 years old may be sent on a trip);
  • pregnant employees;
  • employees with whom a civil law agreement was concluded;
  • employees who signed a student agreement upon hiring.

These subordinates do not write about refusing the trip - they need to write that they know about their right not to agree to a business trip on the basis of Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the employee does not belong to the groups of subordinates mentioned above, then they do not need to write an application for a business trip at all - the employer has the right to send them on a trip without their consent. But the employees draw up another document - to issue them money on account. This includes payments to reimburse the costs of purchasing tickets, paying for accommodation and other needs. Payments are processed by an accountant through an expense cash order, and in order to issue cash, an application from the employee to receive the money is required.

In what other cases is a business trip application required?

In addition to the cases listed above, a so-called business trip application is required in the following situations:

  • if the employee was absent during a business trip;
  • if the employee returned from a business trip earlier than expected;
  • if from wages the subordinate must deduct money to account for funds spent incorrectly during the trip from the travel advance issued.

If such a statement is required, the following points must be mentioned in its text:

  1. To whom is the employee’s application addressed? As a rule, the document is written to the immediate supervisor, division director, deputy director, general director, chief accountant, etc. It is also necessary to clarify the name of the company where the employee works.
  2. On whose behalf the application is made - you only need to indicate the personal details of the employee and position.
  3. The name of the paper, the purpose of its writing.
  4. The text of the application must contain the following information: the employee requests that a certain number of days be taken into account during which he will be on a business trip.
  5. Then comes the request to pay the employee per diem.
  6. Next, the basis for payment is indicated - travel documents, boarding passes, advance report and memo from the boss, other papers.
  7. At the end, the date of writing the application and the position of the compiler are indicated, and a signature is placed with a transcript.

Application for reimbursement of travel expenses

Upon returning from a trip, the employee is required to write a statement in which he asks to compensate him for the expenses that occurred during his stay on the business trip. If an employee has spent a certain amount of money given in advance on his needs, he makes a request to withhold funds from his salary.

This application must be endorsed by the chief accountant and director. The first informs about his agreement with the payment of funds due to the absence of debts to the employee, and the second allows the accountant to pay the employee money (the amount is indicated again so that there are no unnecessary charges).

Before the trip, the employee must also ask the accounting department to give him money on account as a travel advance.

A business trip is not a rare occurrence - everyone has at least once traveled on company business to another city or country. During this time, the employee retains his place of work and average earnings. The purpose of a business trip may be the exchange of experience, the need to perform work in another area, participation in conferences and exhibitions (science, technology, trade), legal disputes and other work issues. Accordingly, the issues of correct execution of accompanying documentation are important. Order and characteristic features sending employees on official business trips is regulated by the Labor Code and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749, which approved the corresponding Regulations.

How to write an application for a business trip?

There is no need to write an application for a business trip; an order is sufficient, which states:

  • Full name and position of the referred employee;
  • period and purpose of the trip (participation in a conference, the work of an audit commission, a court hearing, etc.).

A business trip may be preceded by a memo. The time frame is practically unlimited by law - from one day to one year. In some cases, it is possible to prepare and issue a travel certificate.

At the federal level, the state guarantees the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individual employees by establishing in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation a list of subjects who can be sent on official travel only with their consent. This consent is formalized by writing a corresponding statement. Such employees include the following persons:

  • contain disabled children or children under 3 years of age;
  • support father and mother or other relatives;
  • raise children under 5 years old on their own.

The written application is submitted to the personnel department employee, usually a day or two before the departure date. The application form for a business trip is arbitrary; there is no standard template at the state level. Accordingly, each organization has the right to independently develop the form of the analyzed document.

Business trip application - sample application

The act is drawn up in printed form or in writing, but the signature must be placed manually.

Its required elements:

  • information about the persons to whom and from whom it was written (top right). For example: " General Director Agromash LLC Ivanova I.I. from the head of the sales department Petrov P.P.”;
  • text of the document where the employee indicates his consent and familiarization with the right to refuse in accordance with Art. 259, 264 TK;

Rules for writing an application for travel expenses and its sample

The employer must ensure that money is provided for the business trip. This money is given for rent, travel and accommodation (daily allowance). The document is filled out directly by the employee and is subject to approval by the manager by affixing a resolution. Money is issued at the cash desk of the enterprise/accounting department in the form of an advance. Upon return, the employee must write a report on the expenditure of the money issued, attaching supporting documents (tickets, receipts).

An application for the issuance of money for travel expenses must contain:

  • information about the employee and employer (top right);
  • the text of the document displays the amount required for expenses;
  • date of writing and signature of the employee.

Application for a business trip on a day off - writing rules

The phrase “business trip on a day off” includes 3 cases:

  • the employee is sent to work on a non-working day;
  • travel time falls on weekends;
  • its duration is at least 7 days.

In this situation, cases 1 and 2 should be considered, since the person will perform his work duties on a day off, including the time he is on the road. Accordingly, in addition to the above, an invitation to work on a day off should be formalized.

To do this, you must obtain the approval of the employee, where the following should be displayed:

  • agreement/disagreement to work on weekends;
  • form of compensation: in the form of an additional day of rest or double payment.

How to cancel a business trip?

Trip cancellation is possible for many reasons:

  • employee illness;
  • change of circumstances;
  • no need to travel.

No special actions are required on the part of the employer.

The only point is to return the money if it has already been issued. If the money is not spent, the employee must return it within 3 days. But other situations are also possible. For example, this money was used to buy tickets, pay for housing, purchase materials or equipment, and so on. In this case, depending on the expense item, they can be classified as business expenses or a company loss.

Features of writing an application to reschedule a business trip

A trip can be rescheduled for either a specific or indefinite period for a number of reasons (force majeure, changes in the market situation, illness, family circumstances). In this case, the money (if it has already been issued) is left with the employee.

Writing a justification for postponing the trip is not necessary, but is advisable. It should indicate the reasons that make the trip impossible at the present time, as well as the possible dates for which it can be postponed. It is with these deadlines in mind that the transfer order will be drawn up and the issue of returning the issued funds will be resolved.

Thus, the process of sending a person to work outside his place of permanent residence must be properly formalized by the personnel department. Correct writing all required documents will allow you to avoid controversial issues and ensure timely issuance of money for travel expenses.

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