An organization is being created with a staff of a commercial director, a general director and workers. Which director can be assigned the duties of a cashier. And what documents to submit. Thank you. Order to assign the duties of a cashier to an accountant. Can the general

N but anyone. Any employee, including general manager, has the right to combine positions and perform the duties of a cashier.

If in staffing table the organization does not have a cashier position, his responsibilities can be distributed among other employees, or transferred to one employee, adding the corresponding responsibilities to his job description and an employment contract. Accordingly, in this case it will be necessary to issue orders from the manager to amend these documents.

If there is a cashier position in the staffing table, for the employee acting as a cashier this will be an internal combination. Accordingly, in this case, it will be necessary to issue an order from the manager to assign cashier duties either to the commercial director or to himself, to conclude a second employment contract, and to make an entry about this in the employee’s work book. You can also enter into an agreement with the new cashier on full financial responsibility.

Since the employer’s representative in relation to the general director is the meeting of founders, in order to make changes to his employment contract, a decision of the OSU will be required; the contract itself (amendments to it) is signed by a representative of the OSU. Accordingly, in orders to assume the duties of a cashier (or to combine the positions of director and cashier), he should refer to the decision of the founders on this.

Therefore, in view of the special procedure for assigning cashier duties to the general director (carrying out for this general meeting founders), it is easier to transfer the cashier functions to another employee (including the commercial director).

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System.

1. Situation:When to make changes to staffing

Changes to the staffing table can be made at any time when there is a need, since the employer determines the frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table independently (clause 1 of the letter of Rostrud dated March 22, 2012 No. 428-6-1). In addition to renaming positions, establishing a different salary, etc., labor legislation has separate procedures that can also lead to a transformation of the staffing table*. For example, reduction in number or staff (), organizational or technological changes (), etc.

Renaming an employee’s position and changing the size of his salary in the staffing table entails a change essential conditions employment contract. This means that before making changes to the staffing table, you need to arrange a transfer to another job (). That is, you need to issue a transfer order in Form No. T-5 or in a independently developed form.

Next, make a deal with the employee additional agreement To employment contract and make an entry about the transfer in his work book (Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225).

If the job title or salary is changed at the initiative of the administration for organizational or technological reasons, the procedure will be slightly different. It is necessary to notify the employee of upcoming changes two months in advance. If the employee does not agree to work under the changed conditions, send him a written offer of another job that matches his qualifications and health status. If there is no such job, offer a vacant lower-level position or lower-paid job. If the employee refuses all offers or you do not have a suitable job, formalize your dismissal under clause 7 of part 1 of article 77 Labor Code Russian Federation (refusal to continue working due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties).

This procedure is provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the procedure, issue an order to make changes to the staffing table. Attach to this order a staffing table with changes made. Provide the order to the employees affected by the changes for signature.

An example of making changes to the staffing table

The director of the organization decided to rename the position of assistant accountant in the staffing table to junior accountant and add production department a number of new positions. To do this, he needed to make changes to the staffing table. He issued an order to make changes to the staffing table.

Nina Kovyazina,

Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Russian Ministry of Health

2. Situation:How to apply for an internal part-time job

When hiring an internal part-time worker, you do not need to require any additional documents. All necessary documents he already presented it when he applied for the main position (). However, if the job requires specific knowledge, the employee must provide supporting documentation.*

Example of registration for hiring an internal part-time worker

A.V. Dezhneva works as a cashier in the organization. On March 5, 2015, Dezhneva was hired as a secretary on an internal part-time basis (employment contract).

The head of the organization issued a hiring order. And the person responsible for maintaining personnel records made an entry about part-time work in Dezhneva’s work book.

Nina Kovyazina,

Deputy Director of the Department

education and human resources of the Russian Ministry of Health

3. Situation:Who should sign an employment contract with the CEO on behalf of the organization

On behalf of joint stock company the employment contract with the general director must be signed by the chairman of the board of directors (or supervisory board). It may also be a person who is authorized by that governing body. This is stated in paragraph 3 of Article 69 of the Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ.

In an LLC, the employment contract on behalf of the organization must be signed by one of the following persons:

  • the chairman of the general meeting of participants or a member of the company who is authorized by the decision of the general meeting;
  • the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the company or a person authorized by a decision of the board of directors (supervisory board) if the resolution of such issues is referred by the charter to the competence of these structures of the company.

This procedure is provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 40 of the Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ.*

There are no special rules for other organizations, so the agreement on behalf of the organization can be signed by a person authorized to decide on the appointment of a general director to the position. It could also be the person who heads the relevant governing body.

Ivan Shklovets,

Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

for work with personnel

LLC "Status Quo 97"

4. Article:It's payday, and the only cashier is sick

What you need to do: Transfer the duties of a cashier to another employee by signing an additional agreement to the employment contract with him and issuing an order.

On paydays, the only cashier fell ill. In this case, who should pay income to the staff if the company makes all payments in cash?

By general rule the cashier must issue the salary from the cash register (clause 1.6 of the Bank of Russia Regulations dated October 12, 2011 No. 373-P). But it is impossible to postpone the payment of wages until he returns to work - in this case, the company will be obliged to pay compensation to employees for the delay in payment (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The solution here is simple: any other employee of the company can replace the absent cashier. Even the chief accountant. Although formally he does not have the right to perform duties related to financial liability for cash. This prohibition is not stated in paragraph 7 of the Regulations on Chief Accountants (approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of January 24, 1980 No. 59). But there is no responsibility for combining.

Paying salaries is a responsible matter. Therefore, it is worth documenting the replacement, even if it is short-term.

Additional agreement to the employment contract. This document will confirm the employee’s consent to perform new functions. In the additional agreement, set out a list of additional duties, the period for their implementation and the amount of additional payment that is due for combining (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Perhaps the employee’s job description already states the obligation to replace the cashier during his absence. Then there is no need to draw up an additional agreement with such an employee and he is not entitled to additional payment (letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 22-2-897).

Combination order. This document must reflect who exactly will replace the regular cashier, the amount of additional payment, and the procedure for auditing the cash register (sample below). The order will be needed even if the employee’s job description provides for a combination of positions. It is from this document that the employee learns that from a certain date he must completely replace the absent cashier*.

I would like to know whether it is possible for a clerk to keep an additional cash register? Those. perform the work of a cashier.


Carrying out cash transactions (performing the duties of a cashier) can be assigned to any employee who is an employee of the organization, that is, with whom an employment contract has been concluded. This could also be a clerk. To do this, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order, prepare a job description or a list of the rights and responsibilities of the cashier, which must be familiarized to the employee (in your case, the clerk) against signature.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

1. Article:Any employee can perform the work of a cashier

“...We have a training center for staff. Students pay for tuition both through a bank account and in cash at the cash register. Is it necessary to order the appointment of a responsible employee who has the right to accept cash from clients during the absence of the accountant-cashier, for example, if she went to the bank or tax office?..”

From a letter from chief accountant Oksana Pashanova, Moscow

No, Oksana, it is not necessary to issue such an order. Carrying out cash transactions can be entrusted to the manager, chief accountant or any other employee (). The cashier is prepared with a job description or a list of rights and responsibilities, which he needs to familiarize himself with under signature (). The new Regulations do not contain requirements for full financial responsibility, a ban on outsourcing the functions of a cashier, or the appointment of a replacement employee, as was the case in the previous procedure. So you have the right to issue an order, but you are not required to do so. At the same time, issuing such an order is in the interests of the company itself. It will allow you to clearly organize the receipt of cash in the absence of a cashier and prevent shortages.*

2. Article:How to create a regulation that makes it easier to comply with the new cash order

Who is the cashier in the company? The manager needs to decide who in the organization conducts cash transactions, that is, works as a cashier (). This person can only be selected from among the company’s employees.* For example, you cannot appoint an employee of a specialized organization to which the company has transferred accounting management as a cashier.

The rights and responsibilities of the cashier should not be included in the Regulations. And even more so, indicate his full name. Otherwise, you will then have to make amendments with each personnel change. It is enough to state, for example, that a cashier is an employee who holds this position in accordance with the staffing table and with whom an employment contract has been concluded. Or the duties of a cashier can be performed by a director. If the company has several cashiers, then you need to choose which of them is the eldest. Typically, the position of senior cashier is also reflected in the staffing table. Then the Regulations can be limited to the stipulation that cash transactions in the company are carried out by the senior cashier and the cashier.

My position was reduced and someone else was hired with the wording that I would perform the duties of a cashier. I am a single mother. Is this legal?…

Question for a lawyer:

I worked in an organization as an accountant-cashier. In November I was given notice of redundancy. At the end of November, I got sick, and when I went back to work, four reports were written against me, I was deprived of my bonus and reprimanded, and this for that time when I I was on sick leave. Literally two days later they hired a person for the position of senior accountant. And the next day they printed an order to conduct an inventory of funds in the cash register and transfer the cash register account to a new employee, with the wording in the order in connection with the reception of such and such with the performance of the duties of a cashier. As far as I know, a senior or chief accountant (there is no difference) does not have the right to work with cash. I was offered a position that did not match my qualifications and with a lower salary, but I refused. Please advise what to do?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello, Olesya.

It is not entirely clear from the question whether you were fired or not? If you were fired, under what article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

You CANNOT be laid off!!!

In accordance with the last paragraph of Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Termination of an employment contract with women who have children under the age of three, SINGLE MOTHERS raising a child under the age of fourteen (a disabled child under eighteen years old), other persons raising these children without a mother , at the initiative of the employer is NOT ALLOWED (except for dismissal on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 5 - 8, 10 or 11 of the first part of Article 81 or paragraph 2 of Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

And the abbreviation is clause 2 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

And there is a lot more that you have that is NOT LEGAL....

Olesya, if there is a need, then, taking into account my answer, clarify your question. You can PM me directly.

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Within a month after your dismissal, you must submit statement of claim to court for reinstatement at work.

Can a storekeeper perform the duties of a cashier?...

Question for a lawyer:

There is no cashier position on staff. Can a storekeeper perform the duties of a cashier?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello! Yes it can

The assignment of cashier duties to another employee is formalized by...

Question for a lawyer:

The assignment of cashier duties to another employee is formalized by whom

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Depending on the situation, the employer draws up an agreement on a permanent or temporary change in the terms of the employment contract, based on the consent of the employee. Article 72, 72.1, 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a rule, the executor is the HR department. At the same time, an agreement on full individual financial responsibility is drawn up. Based on the agreement, an appropriate order is issued either on a transfer (permanent or temporary) or on the assignment of additional work in order to combine positions with additional pay).

Is it possible to assign the duties of a cashier to the Deputy Director for ACh...

Question for a lawyer:

Is it possible to assign the duties of a cashier to the Deputy Director for ACh?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello! Only with his consent

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties

It is possible, by order of the director.

Small organization. staff of 11 people. Is it possible to assign the duties of a cashier to the chief accountant if…

Question for a lawyer:

Hello. Small organization, staff of 11 people. Is it possible to assign the duties of a cashier to the chief accountant if such a position is not provided for in the staffing table (cashier). If not, what should be done in this case: introduce changes to the job description of the chief accountant or make additional ones. agreement to the employment contract

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
The assignment of duties in any case is possible only with the consent of the chief accountant. An additional agreement to the employment contract is required.

How to correctly formalize the assignment of cashier duties to the HR department inspector...

Question for a lawyer:

How to correctly assign the duties of a cashier to an inspector of the HR department

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Good afternoon By order on personnel

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
You can be hired for the position of cashier by combining positions: order, employment contract, agreement on full financial responsibility

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello! Add. agreement to the employment contract

I was laid off, I worked as a cashier, can the duties of a cashier be assigned to an accountant...

Question for a lawyer:

I was laid off, I worked as a cashier, can the duties of a cashier be assigned to an accountant?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Of course, they can, legally, an accountant is not a responsible person, but I believe he will agree to receive additional payment, and not so many responsibilities will fall on him

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello. Yes, they can impute it - they’ll just do it extra. agreement to the employment contract

For example, assign the duties of a cashier to the head of the HR department?...

How to correctly formalize the assignment of responsibilities if they are not on staff and in what documents, for example, are the duties of a cashier assigned to the head of the personnel department? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
By order of the gen. Directors.

Is it possible by law to assign the duties of a cashier to the Deputy Director for ACh?...

Question for a lawyer:

Is it possible by law to assign the duties of a cashier to the Deputy Director for ACh?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello! Yes, you can. The procedure for conducting cash transactions.

clause 36 At enterprises that have large number divisions or serviced by centralized accounting departments, wages, payments of social insurance benefits, scholarships can be made by written order of the head of the enterprise (decision, resolution) by persons other than cashiers with whom the agreement provided for in paragraph 32 is concluded and to whom all rights apply and the duties established by this Procedure for cashiers.

In small enterprises that do not have a cashier on staff, the latter’s duties can be performed by the chief accountant or another employee on the written order of the head of the enterprise, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with him as provided for in paragraph 32.

Can we assign the duties of a cashier to the head of the logistics department of a remote department? How right...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Can we assign the duties of a cashier to the head of the logistics department of a remote department? How to do this correctly?

- by order with additional payment. with his signature on familiarization and the conclusion of an additional agreement

An order to assign cashier duties to another employee and an order to accept the transfer of the cash register to another employee,...

Question for a lawyer:

Can an order assigning cashier duties to another employee and an order accepting the transfer of a cash register to another employee, signed by the manager, be considered identical?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
Hello. Yes, they can be considered identical.

Can the duties of a cashier (namely, working with cash) be assigned to the office manager without his written...

Question for a lawyer:

Good afternoon

Can the duties of a cashier (namely, handling cash) be assigned to the office manager without his written consent?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
If the employment contract does not specify these responsibilities, then any change to it (the contract) should occur only by mutual agreement.

Is it possible to assign the duties of a cashier to the Deputy Director for ACh?...

Question for a lawyer:

Is it possible to assign the duties of a cashier to the Deputy Director for ACh?

Lawyer's answer to the question: cashier duties
why not, if there are no others, then by order

Based on the above, in order to avoid claims from inspection bodies and disputes with the employee, we recommend that the chief accountant register a combination of cashier positions with an additional payment by agreement of the parties, as required labor legislation RF. For the position of cashier, it is possible to conclude an agreement on financial liability with the employee. Details in the Personnel System materials: 1. Magazines and books: Salary December 12, 2015 Urgent consultation Can a chief accountant combine the duties of a cashier? Your doubts are justified, but are no longer relevant. Currently, it is possible to combine the positions of chief accountant and cashier. Previous prohibitions Labor Code and Federal law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” does not contain a ban on the chief accountant combining the position of cashier.

How to correctly arrange the combination of the positions of chief accountant and cashier

The LLC has only two employees: the director and the chief accountant. And to draw up internal documents, three signatures are required.


There is no money for an auditor. In this case, the director performs the duties of a cashier. In such cases, is it possible to add a third signature “Cashier” to the document and have the director sign again? If you can’t, then what should you do? Obviously, we are talking about the possibility of the director also performing the duties of a cashier.

According to clause 36 of the Procedure for conducting cash transactions in Russian Federation, approved by letter of the Bank of Russia dated 04.10.93 N 18, in small enterprises that do not have a cashier on staff, the latter’s duties can be performed by the chief accountant or other employee on the written order of the head of the enterprise, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with him on full financial responsibility (clause 32 Order).

How to arrange for the chief accountant to combine the position of cashier?


That is, if the amount of damage is greater than the “combined” average monthly salary, then the employer will not be able to recover anything in excess of it even through the court. Secondly, if the employer has to judicial procedure to recover damages from the employee, then in court he himself will have to prove that the employee is really guilty of causing the damage.

And this is quite problematic. Let us remind you that the employer will be forced to recover the shortfall within the average monthly salary through the court if: - within a month from the date of final determination of the amount of damage, he does not issue a written order to recover the damage caused from the employee; - the employee does not agree to voluntarily compensate for the damage.

How to combine the position of accountant and cashier

It can be set either as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the salary for the main job; - the period during which the duties will be performed in parallel. If your director does not plan to hire someone for this job in the near future, then you don’t have to specify a specific deadline.
An additional agreement may look like this, for example. Additional agreement No. 2 to employment contract No. 38 dated 02/04/2008 on combining positions.

Moscow June 10, 2010 Limited Liability Company "PanOptic", hereinafter referred to as the "Employer", represented by General Director G.V. Filkin, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and N.D. Krasin, holding the position of chief accountant, hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows: 1.

Is it possible to assign cashier duties to the chief accountant?

Home — Articles Often, when hiring a chief accountant, the manager initially stipulates with him that he will also perform cashier duties, and stipulates them in the chief accountant’s employment contract. Combining positions means that an employee of an organization, along with work in his main position specified in the employment contract, also performs additional work in another position.

Moreover, he does this within the limits of his normal working day (and not beyond that) due to the intensity (condensation) of work during the day. But other situations also occur. Sometimes the managers of small companies, in which cash transactions are carried out infrequently, having lost a cashier for some reason (went on maternity leave, quit, etc.), prefer not to hire a new person for this position.
They offer the chief accountant to perform the function of a cashier for additional money.

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According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, financial liability can arise in the case under consideration only for damage caused during the performance of work duties, and, importantly, the work duties of a cashier, and not a director. Consequently, two circumstances are significant: the assignment of cashier duties and the assignment of financial responsibility within the framework of the cashier’s duties.

Therefore, a document imposing financial liability on the director when performing the duties of a cashier, in our opinion, is necessary (even if there is financial liability of the director provided for in Article 277 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is more difficult to decide what kind of document it should be.

There is a point of view according to which an order from the director imposing financial responsibility on himself is appropriate. It is confusing how much an agreement and an order can replace each other, having a fundamentally different legal nature.

Compiles inventories of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions for the purpose of replacing them with new ones. 2.1.8. Transfers funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure. 2.1.9. Monitors compliance with the cash balance limit established in the organization at the end of the working day. 2.1.10. Participates in the inventory of the cash register based on the order of the manager. 2.1.11. Receives advance reports from accountable persons, checks them and prepares them in accordance with the current procedure. 2.1.12. Maintains accounting records in the 1C program, incl. reflects on the accounting accounts transactions related to the movement of inventory paid by accountants and cash, transactions for accounting for wages and other payments to employees, as well as personal income tax and contributions from them. 2.1.13.


Question: We pay salaries through the cash register. The cashier plans to quit. Is it possible to assign cashier duties to the chief accountant? I heard that it is not possible.

Is this true? Answer: Your doubts are justified, but are no longer relevant. Currently, it is possible to combine the positions of chief accountant and cashier.

Previous prohibitions The Labor Code and Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting” do not contain a prohibition on the chief accountant combining the position of cashier. But until recently, the Regulation on Chief Accountants was in force, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 24, 1980 N 59 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation). The chief accountant had no right to perform duties related to financial responsibility for funds and material assets(Clause 7 of the Regulations). The chief accountant was prohibited from accepting goods on behalf of the company, receiving money from checks, or issuing them to employees.

If the director performs the duties of a cashier, is it necessary to register a combination?

Last (1) » In order to reply to this topic, you must log in or register. Notifications Voting Is it possible to overcome staff turnover in retail? It is impossible It can be reduced a little with the help of effective management It is possible when people are replaced by technology (robots) View the results How to deal with theft in retail? Competently select personnel Control and severe sanctions Involvement, loyalty View results If you, as a client, have an alternative to purchasing without human intervention (vending, chat bots), then you... will use only this method of payment; you will use one and other payment methods; wait until new technology will become popular, continue to pay as before, i.e.
Full financial responsibility for the chief accountant and for the cashier is not the same thing. Some employers, when hiring a chief accountant, stipulate in the employment contract a condition for full financial responsibility. And when they instruct the chief accountant to also perform the duties of a cashier, they often neglect to conclude an agreement on full financial responsibility with him as a cashier, thinking that this is unnecessary. Attention! If an agreement on full financial liability is concluded with you only as the chief accountant, and you also perform the duties of a cashier, then the employer will be able to recover “cashier damages” from you only if he proves your guilt in causing the damage. However, the financially responsible chief accountant is obliged to compensate only that direct actual damage, which arose due to his negligence in his direct duties.

Full financial responsibility for the chief accountant and for the cashier is not the same thing. Some employers, when hiring a chief accountant, stipulate in the employment contract a condition for full financial responsibility. And when they instruct the chief accountant to also perform the duties of a cashier, they often neglect to conclude an agreement on full financial responsibility with him as a cashier, thinking that this is unnecessary. Attention! If an agreement on full financial liability is concluded with you only as the chief accountant, and you also perform the duties of a cashier, then the employer will be able to recover “cashier damages” from you only if he proves your guilt in causing the damage. However, the financially responsible chief accountant is obliged to compensate only for that direct actual damage that arose due to his negligence in his direct duties.

Order on assigning cashier duties to an accountant

The employee undertakes to perform additional work as a cashier during the established working day, along with the work specified in the employment contract. 2. For additional work performed under this agreement as a cashier, the Employee receives an additional payment in the amount of 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) rubles per month.

3. This additional agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties. 6. This additional agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force, one of which is kept by the Employer, the other is transferred to the Employee.


Signatures of the parties Employer: Employee: Step 2. You need to print an order on combining positions indicating the amount of additional payment and have it signed by the manager. This order is the basis for accounting to charge the established additional payment.

Let's give an example of such an order.

Is it possible to assign cashier duties to the chief accountant?

Russian Federation. Clause 1.6 of Regulation No. 373-P states that cash transactions are carried out by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur cashier or other employee determined by the head of the organization from among his employees (hereinafter referred to as the cashier), with the establishment of the corresponding official rights and duties that the cashier must familiarize himself with upon signature. It follows from this that any employee of the organization, including the chief accountant, can be appointed by the manager to perform the duties of a cashier.

This is especially typical for small enterprises, where there is no one else except the chief accountant or there is only the position of chief accountant and cashier, but the cashier is temporarily absent - for example, on maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years. In this case, it would be logical to entrust the chief accountant with the duties of a cashier.

Can the chief accountant perform the duties of a cashier?


The Labor Code does not establish any minimum or maximum amounts of additional payment for combining positions. This follows from the provisions of Parts 1 - 3 of Art. 60.2, art. 151 of the Labor Code, as well as Letter of Rostrud dated 08/31/2012 N 1180-6-1.

Please note: the amount of additional payment for part-time work is proportional to the time worked in the main position. When combining, no additional marks are made on the working time sheet (Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 16, 2015 N 14-2/OOG-4111).

The employee combines additional duties at the same time as performing work in his main position (he is not released from his main job). Financial responsibility of a cashier The position of a cashier involves performing work related to the direct service or use of monetary assets.

It is included in the List approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 31, 2002 N 85.

Is it possible to assign the duties of chief accountant and cashier to the general director?

These reasons may be:

  • dismissal of a previous employee;
  • going on leave (to care for a child, etc.);
  • business trip of the main employee;
  • the enterprise is small, and the position itself is not provided, and other reasons.

This is how it should look: After the introductory part, the wording (as in any other order) “I order” is required, followed by a colon. Then comes a list of what needs to be done: authorize an employee (with full indication of full name and position) to perform work with one of the types of cash registers.

In this case, the model of the cash register must be clearly stated.

Three orders that you now need to work with the cash register

This conclusion is fully consistent with our state’s policy of creating even more favorable economic and legal conditions for business entities and reducing administrative barriers to their activities. After all, not every micro-firm and small enterprise can afford to have a cashier on staff.

Auditor's opinion * Guzal ISLAMOVA, Norma Profi expert: – There are no direct restrictions in the accounting legislation on combining the positions of chief accountant and cashier. However, despite their absence, it should be borne in mind that such a combination will make it impossible to carry out some procedures provided for by law.

Thus, in the Regulations on Documents and Document Flow in Accounting (registered by the Ministry of Justice on January 14, 2004

400 bad request

Limited Liability Company "PanOptic" Order No. 45 Moscow June 10, 2010 On the assignment of responsibilities for additional work in the order of combining positions I order: 1.
Entrust the chief accountant with N.D. Krasina. performing, during the established duration of the working day, along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work as a cashier for additional pay. 2. Install Krasina N.D. additional payment for performing additional work in order to combine positions in the amount of 15,000 rubles. Grounds: agreement to the employment contract dated June 10, 2010 No. 2. General Director Filkin N.D. has read the order.
Krasina Step 3.

How to correctly arrange the combination of the positions of chief accountant and cashier

Conditions for combination An employee has the right to combine the positions of chief accountant and cashier if the following conditions are simultaneously met: - the position of cashier is provided for in the company's staffing table; — the position of cashier is vacant or another employee performs only part of the duties for this position; — the chief accountant signed an agreement to combine the position of cashier; — the agreement establishes the duration of the combination, the responsibilities assigned to the employee in the position of cashier, and determines the additional payment for the combination; — the chief accountant performs the duties of a cashier during the established working hours without release from the main job. Additional payment for combining the position of a cashier Additional payment for combining the position of cashier can be established: - in a fixed amount; — as a percentage of the tariff rate (salary) or wages employee in a part-time or main position.

The text should also contain information about the employee’s familiarization with such a document as the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions. This review will require an additional signature of the employee who assumes the rights and responsibilities of the cashier. Footnote to the agreement on mat. responsibility will also be useful. Without it, the order will also be valid, but it will need to be supplemented in the form of this agreement. At the end of the text of the document there must be at least two signatures: the accountant-cashier and his manager.
The date is already at the beginning. What else may be contained in the document If it is not planned to make changes to the job description of the accountant (or chief accountant) regarding the performance of the duties of a cashier, then the Order should contain a line (at the end of the first paragraph on the appointment) “with an additional payment in the amount of XXX.”

The chief accountant can be a cashier by order of the director

In the previously existing Rules for conducting cash transactions legal entities it was stipulated that accountants and other employees who have the right to sign cash documents cannot perform the duties of cashiers (paragraph 2, paragraph 35). In the new Rules, this norm is excluded, and it is noted that if in organizations whose staffing table does not include a cashier position, then the responsibilities for performing cash transactions are assigned to another employee (employees) based on the order of the manager. In accordance with paragraph 20 of the Instructions for accounting in budgetary organizations, the chief accountant cannot be assigned responsibilities related to financial responsibility for funds and valuables. He cannot receive money from banks and other organizations.