Cyston will destroy the gallstone. Cyston - instructions for use and mechanism of action, composition, indications, release form and price. Possible consequences of surgery

Instructions for use of cystone, a herbal preparation, describe how to use herbal medicine to get rid of many diseases without causing unpleasant complications. The tablets contain extracts of herbs that have a nephrotic effect and relieve inflammation.

It is able to destroy excrement formed in the urinary system, remove harmful salts and stones. For cystitis, it has an antimicrobial effect and quickly copes with infection.

It is used for prostatitis as an anti-inflammatory agent. It relieves swelling in the prostate gland well. Along with other herbal medicines, it is used to treat the genitourinary system. How to drink, what the drug helps with, our article.

How to take

Cyston is produced only in tablets that have a round shape, convex on both sides, brown interspersed. Packaged in containers (100 tablets).


Contains complex herbal ingredients. It contains several plant extracts in different proportions:


  • Achyranthes.
  • Nagarmotha.
  • Onosma bractae.
  • Vernonia ashy.
  • Double-stemmed carp.
  • Saxifrage.
  • Madder cordifolia.


  • Mumiyo purified.
  • Silicate lime.
  • Basil.
  • Mimosa.
  • Pusher.
  • Garden bean.

Effect on the body

Thanks to its composition, it acts as:

  1. A regulator of metabolism in the kidney, which, when disturbed, causes the formation of stones.
  2. Increasing the concentration of substances that suppress the generation of stones.
  3. Reducing the fabrication of ethanedioic (oxalic) acid and calcium leading to the formation of insoluble stones.
  4. Prevents their occurrence in the urinary system, destroys the nucleus.
  5. Suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic infections, relieves inflammation.

The question is often asked, is Cyston a diuretic? The answer is clear - yes, it is a diuretic and increases the rate of fluid removal from the body.

In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves pathological processes in the kidneys and bladder.

One of the main features is to destroy stones and remove them from the body. Relieves spasms, acts as an antiseptic.

Side effects

The drug contains herbs that cause only an allergic reaction:

  • Irritation on the body.
  • Itchy rash.
  • Bronchial spasms.
  • Edema.
  • No other side effects were identified.


  • Not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age.
  • Allergy to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use

After eating, drink at least a glass of water. In addition, during treatment, drink 2.5 liters of water during the day, excluding other liquids (tea, coffee, milk).

The tablet must be swallowed whole (do not chew), in exceptional cases it can be broken into several pieces. You need to take the medicine for at least 2-3 weeks.

Like all herbal preparations, it is absorbed gradually, its effect continues after the end of administration for 10-14 days.

  • Treatment of urinary inflammation, urethritis, – 2 tablets/3 r. for adults.
  • Teenagers (12-15) - 2 tablets/3 rubles.
  • Children age 6-12 – 1 tablet/3 rubles.

Minimum take 7-14.

  • Urolithiasis is treated for a long period (4-6 months), until the stones are completely removed, 2 tablets/3 r.
  • Preventative treatment against relapse, after surgery, take 2 tablets/3 times a month, then one tablet for 5-6 months.


The herbal components of the medicine allow it to be used in the complex treatment of expectant mothers, kidney problems, and bladder problems.
The components of the drug do not affect the fetus or the woman. A gentle effect on the urinary system helps to cope with problems that arise.

Alcohol compatibility

This combination cannot be accepted. This drug is taken for severe kidney diseases. All the fluid in our body passes through them, including alcohol-containing products, which adversely affects their functioning.

Very often, ethanol is the cause of kidney inflammation. If it is taken simultaneously with medication, the consequences will be irreparable.

Alcohol together with medicine can worsen the condition of urolithiasis, increase inflammation, close the passage of the ureter with excrement, and disrupt the flow of urine.

Excessive alcohol consumption often causes diseases of the urinary system.


  • Used for cystitis (acute, chronic).
  • Formation of stones of various etiologies (kidneys).
  • Infections that cause pathological processes in the urinary system.
  • Fabrication of sand, its removal from the ureter.
  • The formation of acute excrement that injures the mucous membrane of the organ.
  • Deposition of urea in joints – gout.
  • Prevention of relapses after stone crushing.
  • Salivary gland duct stones.


Heavy infectious disease, which causes severe inflammation and pain. To treat it, Cyston is used, which must be used comprehensively, together with antiseptics and antimicrobial agents. The cause of cystitis is bacteria that cause severe inflammation of the bladder mucosa.

To recover, after the acute course of the disease, you need to take herbal medicine for another two or three weeks. This will eliminate inflammation and prevent relapse.

The effect of the drug is:

  • To eliminate cuts and pain during urination.
  • It enhances the effect of antibacterial agents and accelerates the healing process of the organ mucosa.
  • Reduces the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet.
  • Localizes spasms.
  • Take as recommended by a doctor.


The disease has different forms. Calculous is considered one of the most difficult. It is characterized by the appearance of various concretions of the gland ducts, leading to nagging pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, difficulty in passing urine, and problems in the sexual sphere.

Cyston has the unique ability to dissolve stones in genitourinary system. Thanks to these properties, it is used for prostatitis.

It acts as a diuretic, removing excess fluid and dissolved stones, relieves inflammation, and reduces swelling of the organ.

Restores normal urination. The plant base allows long time take medicine without harm to health.

Kidney stones

This is a disease associated with metabolic disorders in an organ when various types stones that cause severe pain to the patient.

Cystone helps restore balance in the kidney and dissolves existing stones. The diuretic quality helps remove sand and small stones from the body. During passage through the urinary system, severe pain occurs.

The plants that make up the medicine have an antispasmodic effect. To avoid the formation of stones for prevention, the drug is prescribed to be taken in courses 2-3 times a year.


There are a number of plant-based substitutes that have a similar effect.


The composition includes three plants that are used for kidney and bladder diseases. It is prescribed for crushing urate formations.

Should be used with caution by pregnant women. Cystone dissolves oxalates and phosphate stones. It has a strong antispasmodic and diuretic effect. In addition to urological ailments, the following are prescribed:

  • For gout.
  • Stones in the salivary glands.
  • Urine incontinence.

It has fewer contraindications. Because of large quantity herbs included in the medicine are more likely to cause allergic reactions.


If we compare the two drugs by their effect, we can say that Urolesan has a more limited effect. Used for inflammation of the urinary tract, kidneys, and gall bladder. Rarely used to remove stones.


Both drugs are of plant origin. They differ in the number of herbs and the form of release. Cyston - tablets. Phytolysin is a green paste in tubes that must be diluted with water. Both means are used for the same purposes.

Urological diseases are treated with various herbal preparations - Prolit, Urocholum, Blemaren, Cystenal. The doctor will advise you what to choose. Read new articles on our website.

Gallstones, unfortunately, are a common phenomenon. Many people face this disease. Gallstone disease can cause pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis and other diseases. Gallstone disease predominantly affects women. As you age, the likelihood of stone formation increases.

Gallstone disease (GSD) is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by the formation and growth of hard stones in the gallbladder. The disease occurs in three stages:

  1. Physico-chemical. At the first stage, processes occur that predict the formation of stones. Cholesterol levels in bile increase.
  2. Latent. Symptoms of the stage do not appear, similar to the first. But the stones are already present in the bladder, irritate the mucous membrane, and scratch. An inflammatory process begins in the gallbladder and ducts.
  3. Clinical. At this stage, the symptoms of the disease are fully manifested and taken for attacks.

Stones formed in the organ during the course of the disease enter the bile ducts and can clog them. What happens causes complications in the functioning of the gallbladder. The patient experiences biliary colic, called an attack of cholelithiasis.


The key to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract becomes proper nutrition. are formed when metabolism is disrupted or an infection enters the body. There are many causes of diseases. Doctors studying disorders that occur in the gastrointestinal tract have identified certain risk factors. The presence of factors often causes the appearance of the disease:

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Poor lifestyle, alcohol consumption.
  • Eating disorders, starvation, obesity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The disease often occurs in women during pregnancy. Due to the factors accompanying the expectation of a child, the level of cholesterol, the main component of stones, increases. The process promotes stagnation of bile in the bladder. The likelihood of the disease increases if you take hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of the disease

The first two stages of the disease are asymptomatic. The patient does not know that he is becoming a carrier of gallstones. Symptoms appear when. The first signs of the presence of disorders are considered to be bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, and heaviness. Nausea, flatulence, and belching develop.

A small stone can pass through the ducts directly into duodenum. Then the formation leaves the body along with feces. In such cases, the attack goes away on its own, without treatment.

If the stone is large, this is a sure sign of the danger of getting stuck in the ducts. This can lead to serious complications that require treatment. If the ducts are blocked, the pain does not go away, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. With exacerbation of cholelithiasis, inflammation of the gallbladder occurs. Without treatment, the patient develops third-party diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Obstructive jaundice.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Liver abscess.

To avoid undesirable consequences, you should not ignore the symptoms of the disease. It is important to start treatment on time. On early stages treatment of the disease increases the likelihood of a complete recovery with the least amount of time and effort for the patient.

Diagnosis of the disease

A gastroenterologist diagnoses and treats a patient with cholelithiasis. The doctor collects anamnesis and visual examination, studies the patient’s predisposition to the disease. Accurate diagnosis is extremely important; early symptoms are similar to other gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastritis and pancreatitis.

To clarify the diagnosis, a number of additional studies are prescribed, including laboratory and instrumental methods. Ultrasound examination is considered the main instrumental diagnostic method in determining cholelithiasis. The method helps to determine the presence of stones, find out the size and location.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis. Quite a lot important role Studying the patient’s lifestyle and genetic predisposition plays a role in diagnosis. Observing a detailed picture of the course of the disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Treatment methods

Depending on the degree of progression and severity, treatment methods for gallstone disease are determined. When treating most diseases, doctors try to use conservative methods. Surgical intervention can lead to undesirable consequences for the functioning of the human body. If the disease becomes severe and therapeutic treatment does not bring results, the doctor decides to treat the disease with surgery.

Is it possible to do without surgery?

Many patients question the possibility of effectively treating the disease without surgery - and they are wrong. The opportunity to do without surgery is worth taking advantage of. The correct treatment method can only be prescribed by a doctor after studying the patient’s medical history, taking into account possible factors and risks. Self-medication is dangerous.

Treatment of gallstone disease without surgery is prescribed if the size of the stones is up to three centimeters. Gastroenterologists have sufficiently studied gallbladder disease. Based on research, a number of treatment methods have been developed. Diet, as a means of treatment, is widely used as a component of methods, also acting as a full-fledged method of treating cholelithiasis.

Treatment without surgery

Therapeutic treatments include medications and lithotripsy. Compliance is important strict diet. Sanatorium treatment is recognized as a positive way to cure the disease. Not all patients have the opportunity to use this method.

The conditions of sanatorium-resort treatment help provide the patient with a regime aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A similar technique is used for patients with diagnoses: gastritis, stomach ulcer, chronic pancreatitis. Play an important role climatic conditions, prescribed regular walks for the patient. This is aimed at increasing the patient’s activity. The patient takes mineral waters, is on a diet. For people suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a special menu is compiled. The patient is prescribed mineral baths and physiotherapy.

The main goal of treatment is to free the gallbladder and ducts from stones; lithotripsy plays an important role. The term denotes a non-contact procedure for the purpose of independent passage of formations through the ducts. The method is used for gallstones up to three centimeters. The danger of the procedure is due to the possibility of blocking the ducts with passing crushed stones. Along with lithotripsy, drugs are prescribed to help dissolve stones. For patients, ursodeoxycholic acid preparations are prescribed.

The doctor controls the treatment method using ultrasound examinations. Additionally, the use of herbal medicine is introduced. The attending physician adjusts nutrition for gallstone disease. Lifestyle changes for cholelithiasis are the main component of effective non-surgical treatment.

Diet for gallstone disease

For a complete recovery, the patient will need to change his lifestyle. Compliance with certain nutritional rules is important for gallstone disease. It doesn’t matter whether surgery was performed or treatment was prescribed without surgery, diet plays a huge role in the recovery process. There is a known list of popular diets for patients with cholelithiasis, the most common and effective from the list is No. 5.

Features of the fifth table

M.I. Pevzner, the founder of Russian diet therapy, developed a method of dietary nutrition in 1929. Based on the methods, a table of treatment tables was created. The scientist's approach to nutrition is widely used in spa treatment. There are fifteen diets in total. For patients with gallbladder dysfunction, diet No. 5 is recommended. The patient’s diet is prescribed by the attending physician, determining the period of compliance. It is also recommended to follow the diet at home, having studied acceptable food products and cooking rules.

The diet is aimed at a normal amount of protein and carbohydrate intake, with a noticeable reduction in fat intake. Energy value diet does not exceed 2500 kcal per day. A similar diet is prescribed for patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, and liver dysfunction.

The patient is prescribed fractional meals. It is recommended to eat food in small doses, without loading the digestive system. Five to six meals a day. An important element in the diet is food processing. It is recommended to consume food crushed or pureed. This prevents the production of excess bile and reduces the likelihood of colic.

Food should not be fried or smoked. It is advisable to steam and boil dishes. It is acceptable to bake or stew dishes. It is recommended to eat a minimum of salt (10 grams). Daily consumption of simple purified water is increased to two or more liters per day.

Do's and Don'ts

The patient will have to completely adjust the menu. You will need to study the list of foods to exclude from your diet. Alcohol can provoke spasms of the bladder and ducts, causing colic. Remove products that overload the liver and gallbladder, promoting the production of bile and gas formation. Products that irritate the gastrointestinal tract and overload the human digestive system are removed from the menu. Prohibited for use:

  • Delicious baked goods.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Cabbage, legumes.
  • Smoked, salted, fatty fish.
  • Fatty meat, sausages.
  • Coffee, strong tea.
  • Spices, herbs, onions, garlic.

The list is much longer. It includes products containing an abundance of animal fats, oils, smoked foods, and spicy foods. Strong tea is prohibited for gallstone disease; it is permissible to drink tea with milk or weakly brewed drinks. As an analogue of tea, compotes and rosehip decoction are used. We recommend foods rich in fiber, which improves digestion, pectins, which reduce inflammation, and lipotropic substances, which dissolve fats. Products containing magnesium, which relieves spasms of the gallbladder, have a beneficial effect on the body.

You need to eat foods:

  • Rusks and bran bread.
  • Lean meat.
  • Dietary vegetable soup.
  • Low-fat and lightly salted fish.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Nuts, dried fruits and seeds.
  • Vegetables containing pectin.

Fruits allowed include pomegranates and bananas. Baked apples, jelly, and marmalade are allowed. Seafood rich in iodine helps bind cholesterol. Vitamin D prevents salt deposition. Fish oil helps empty the gallbladder. The permitted product is cheese, but in limited use.

Following the rules of the diet can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and the functioning of the entire body. Eating healthy products improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing many diseases. Helps strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

Traditional methods of treatment

In folk medicine, selected recipes have been developed, supported by qualified doctors. Many of the descriptions use beets. The vegetable needs to be chopped and cooked until it reaches the consistency of syrup. Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day. It is allowed to consume beet juice, alone or with radish juice. It is believed that beets help dissolve stones.

Exists huge amount decoctions based on honey. Radish, horseradish, birch sap and other means. Treatment with honey has a choleretic effect, the product helps improve digestion.

Various medicinal herbs are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. A decoction of celandine and mint has a healing effect. Add corn silk, sage, chamomile and other herbs. Often decoctions need to be infused and taken a tablespoon several times a day; with a select few they take baths, others drink them like tea.

There is a known method of treatment and prevention of cholelithiasis with kombucha. Japanese kombucha contains acid that helps break down stones.

Homemade recipes are allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor. Professional advice will help you avoid the unwanted consequences of self-medication. Healthy foods are recommended for the treatment and prevention of gallstone disease. Prepared without excessive use of spices and salt. It is important to exclude harmful, fatty foods that negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cyston - medicinal product plant origin, antiseptic and disinfectant, has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Cystone regulates the crystal-colloid balance of urine, reduces the concentration in urine of substances involved in stone formation: oxalic acid, calcium, hydroxypropylene. The drug also promotes demineralization and dissolution of already formed stones and the removal of small particles. Cystone is available in the form of tablets for oral administration.


Since the drug has a delayed effect, it should not be taken in emergency cases, for acute pain.


Cyston is used for the treatment of urolithiasis, urinary tract infections, prevention of postoperative nephrourolithiasis, and gout.

Reception regimen:

Cyston tablets are taken orally after meals. For the treatment of urolithiasis, 2 tablets are prescribed 2 times a day for 4-6 months; for the prevention of the formation of stones in the bladder, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day for 4-5 months. To achieve positive treatment results, a long course of taking the drug is necessary, since cystone acts gradually, with sufficient accumulation in the body.

Release forms:

Cystone is produced in the form of round light brown tablets for oral administration, the tablets are packaged in plastic bottles of 100 pieces, 1 bottle in a cardboard box.


A contraindication for taking the drug cystone is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Pregnant women are allowed to take the medicine to treat cystitis.

Personal experience with the use of capsules shed super, drugs canephron and cystone

For long-term dysbacteriosis, intestinal candidiasis with diarrhea syndrome, i.e. With a tendency to loose stools and diarrhea, there is a loss of potassium in the body. The loss of potassium is accompanied by the loss of magnesium. The content of potassium and magnesium is very interrelated. A decrease in potassium causes disruption of the heart and cardiovascular system. Magnesium deficiency greatly affects the human nervous system, its resistance to stress, as well as the normal functioning of the gallbladder. There is a deterioration in the absorption of bile acids by the intestine. Fats and fat-soluble vitamins cannot bind to bile acids and form compounds with calcium in the intestines. As a result, steatorrhea is formed in the intestines - an increased content of neutral fats, soaps and fatty acids in the feces. Intestinal oxalic acid is not bound by calcium and enters freely into the blood, where it binds to serum calcium, followed by the formation of calcium oxalate. Some calcium oxalates are removed from the blood through the kidneys in the urine, and some are deposited in them, forming crystals, especially if a person does not drink enough water. Looking ahead, I can say that to compensate for the loss of potassium and magnesium in the body, I periodically take the drug Panangin.

Against the background of long-term intestinal dysbiosis, the resulting oxalate kidney stones made themselves felt in the form of a severe attack of renal colic, followed by emergency hospitalization in the hospital. Then, at an interval of approximately two years, there were two more attacks of renal colic with the passage of stones and sand from the kidneys. Thus, I spent three times in the hospital with kidney stones. Only over time, while working on my own health, did I come to the conclusion about the relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea and the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. To move on to the experience of removing these stones, I will outline a little theory below.

This disease is better known in one of its manifestations - as kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), since stones present in the urinary tract are formed predominantly in the kidneys. The sizes of these formations are different and depend on the duration of the growth period. Sometimes urolithiasis is asymptomatic. In such cases, the presence of kidney stones may be indirectly indicated by unpleasant sensations (slight aches, dull pain) in the lumbar region after physical activity, especially in the case of heavy lifting.

The deposition of dense mineral stones in the renal pelvis occurs in the process of precipitation of urine salts, which can be caused by kidney injuries and disorders of urine excretion, but much more often - metabolic disorders and disorders of the nervous and hormonal regulation of renal functions. Kidney stones and sand can consist of 2-3 types of salts, but in most cases they are made up of only one type of salt. On such grounds as chemical composition, they are divided into oxalates, urates and phosphates. Less common are other types of stones formed by organic substances - sulfonamides, cholesterol, etc.

The formation of one type or another of stones depends on changes in the acid-base balance of urine that occur during illness. Oxalate and urate stones (oxalates and urates) form in acidic urine. Sulfonamide stones also occur in acidic urine, but this occurs only during intensive therapy with the use of sulfonamide drugs. Phosphate stones (phosphates), on the other hand, require an exclusively alkaline environment.

Symptoms of the disease

In nephrolithiasis, when the disease occurs with symptoms, it is customary to distinguish between acute and interictal periods. In the acute period, kidney stone disease is indicated by an attack of renal colic, which is characterized by sudden and violent (often after physical strain) sharp pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin and abdomen. Other typical symptoms are nausea, bloating, gas and stool retention, sometimes developing into intestinal obstruction, in which the nature of the pain becomes cramping. The attacks are repeated with a certain frequency.

During the interictal period, some signs characteristic of pyelonephritis may be observed (pain in the kidney area when tapping the upper part of the lower back), as well as slightly increased urine output.

The diagnosis of kidney stones is finally confirmed only by ultrasound examination of the kidneys or X-ray examination (X-rays best identify urate stones and less clearly - phosphate stones). A urine test can detect a shift in the acid-base balance to the acidic or alkaline side, as well as the presence in the urine of certain substances that promote the growth of stones.

Prevention and treatment

Prolit Super capsules

Elimination of nephrolithiasis depends primarily on the type of disease (dysfunction) that caused the deposition of stones - this includes metabolic disorders, vitamin A deficiency, etc. In the acute period, a painful attack is controlled by the following measures. The patient is supposed to immediately lie down in bed, and so that the upper part of the body takes an elevated position (pillows are placed under the back).

Composition of capsules

Heat (compress or heating pad) is applied to the kidney area. If a person is able to move, it is advisable to take a general or at least a local (to the waist) hot bath. Painful sensations are eliminated with the help of analgin, as well as antispasmodics such as baralgin (5 ml intravenously) and no-spa (2-3 tablets orally or intramuscularly 2 ml of a 2% solution).

When a person suffers from flatulence, which increases pain, you can use a gas tube or do an enema with chamomile infusion. A persistent absence of urine in the bladder or the presence of blood (pus) in the urine usually serves as a basis for surgical intervention.

During the interictal period, home therapy consists mainly of using diuretic teas from medicinal herbs and strict adherence to diet. Any form of kidney stones excludes the use of table salt. In some cases, it can be replaced with less dangerous products (soy sauce, etc.), but these points are discussed with the urologist. With oxalates, consumption of meat and dairy products (especially cheeses), eggs, rice and flour dishes, and baked goods is indicated.

Some vegetables and berries are excluded from the menu: lettuce, spinach, sorrel, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans, plums, gooseberries, strawberries, currants. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea are prohibited. The lack of vitamins in the body is compensated by a course of vitamin therapy using carefully selected complexes. It is assumed that vitamin therapy inhibits the formation of stones, especially in the case of phosphates.

The following medications are used: cystone, spilled super capsules, canephron in tablets and drops.

Cystone composition

Oxalates often occur simultaneously with urates, or even in an acidic environment, stones form from two types of salts at once. In this case, a vegetarian diet is indicated, which naturally excludes the plant products listed above. Eating meat is allowed, but in limited quantities.

When clean uratah a diet is required that excludes coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, and smoked foods. Meat consumption (lean beef and poultry) is limited. Mineral waters with an alkaline reaction are useful for the patient, which include, for example, Borjomi and Zheleznovodskaya. It is important to remember that drinking highly carbonated mineral waters is dangerous for kidney patients, so for 15 minutes before drinking such water, the bottle with it should be kept open, allowing the gases to leave the liquid.

Information about the manufacturer of cystone

In the case of phosphates the use of saline-alkaline and other mineral waters containing bicarbonates is completely excluded. Food rich in acids, primarily meat dishes and bakery products, as well as legumes. It is undesirable to consume dairy products, carrots, tomatoes and other foods rich in calcium.

During an intensive course of sulfonamide therapy, it is recommended to drink up to 2 faceted glasses of solution per day baking soda(1 incomplete teaspoon per glass). In addition, an indispensable condition for preventing the formation of sulfa stones is drinking plenty of fluids. The patient should drink at least 12 glass glasses (2.4 liters) of liquid per day.

Now about how I got rid of oxalate stones. Previously, long-term therapy was used for these purposes by taking an Indian Ayurvedic remedy called cystone. In principle, I used cystone before. A good friend of mine, a urologist, told me that cystone is considered an outdated remedy and prescribed a medicine, a dietary supplement, sold in any pharmacy under the name prolit super in capsules. There is also simply prolit in tablets, but I preferred prolit super capsules because, judging by the description, it has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. They write that it removes stones from the gallbladder. Since my gallbladder is not doing well, I preferred pouring super in capsules. A course of 8 weeks was prescribed, 3 times a day, two capsules. There were two such courses with a three-month break. Before the third course, the kidney ultrasound description indicated one stone in each kidney. In the left – 4 mm, in the right – 3 mm. After the third course at 8 weeks, a repeat ultrasound showed the absence of a stone in the right kidney and a decrease in size in the left to 3 mm. I don’t remember what size the stones were before the first course, but the last one showed obvious positive dynamics. I asked the urologist if it was possible to continue taking these capsules, to which he replied that it was necessary to take a break of six months, during which he prescribed taking the drug canephron. Canephron comes in the form of drops and tablets. I did not take the drops, since they are alcohol-based. Since I have to drive the car myself, I take Canephron in tablets (dragés).

Preliminary conclusions


The effectiveness of using spilled capsules is obvious. It is safe to say that it helps better than cystone in removing oxalate kidney stones. While taking the capsules, Super was poured, to compensate for the loss of magnesium and potassium due to intestinal dysbiosis, Panangin was periodically taken. I can’t say anything yet about how effective Canephron is in removing stones, since I have just started taking the course of therapy with it. I will write about the comparative results of its use based on ultrasound results in this blog post later.

P.S. Upon completion of the course of taking Canephron, he underwent a repeat control ultrasound of the kidneys. The super effect achieved by using the capsules remained without significant improvement with the use of Canephron. The size of the remaining stone was still 3 mm, but I would like to clean the kidneys completely. Therefore, I decided to use prolit super in the future to completely remove stones and take it every six months as a preventative course, since there is a tendency to form oxalate stones.

Well, now the opinion of official medicine on the problem of the formation and removal of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). Here is the information shared on the site Strastocvet:

In addition to the article, I would like to add that dehydration, inflammatory processes (cystitis, pyelonephritis), urinary passage disorders (strictures, tumors) increase the risk of stone formation. Important: During an infection, salts easily “sit” on the inflamed mucosa.

Types of kidney stones:

  • oxalate, the mechanism of their formation is described in detail in the article. The diet for this type of stone should be limited to legumes, cruciferous vegetables (root vegetables, cabbage, greens), oranges and milk. It is recommended to increase the content of magnesium and potassium in the diet (dried fruits, grains, fruits).
  • urate, for gout, increased breakdown of proteins (hypercortisolism, cancer cachexia, chronic intoxication), excess purines in food (meat, legumes, wine), abuse of smoked foods, coffee. This is a disease of gourmets and sybarites.

A prerequisite for the formation of urate in the kidneys is a pH below 5.5 (acid urine). Urates dissolve well!

  • calcium and phosphorus (bone fractures, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, hypervitaminosis of vitamin D, excess intake of calcium and phosphorus) with an alkaline urine reaction in vegetarians and adherents of a dairy-vegetable diet.

Important: food contains many orthophosphoric acid salts, which can be deposited in the kidneys when the pH of the urine changes.

Important: intake of calcium supplements and medicinal mineral water should be limited due to the possibility of stone formation. Calcium supplements must contain magnesium, which prevents stone formation.

Renal colic

This condition is associated with the movement of a stone along the ureter or renal pelvis. Colic occurs after exertion, changing body position, playing sports, or riding in public transport. The pain can be unbearable and be accompanied by vegetative symptoms: sweating, decreased blood pressure, palpitations, patients rush around and cannot find a place to rest. The pain radiates to the pubis, inner thigh, genitals, and lower back.


Folk remedies for kidney stones: watermelon, beer, lemons.

Watermelon diet:

  1. The first day - watermelon and a loaf of black bread.
  2. Second day – at least 3 kg of watermelon. Repeat such days during the watermelon season at least 2 times a week.
  3. To remove stones, you need to take a warm bath in the evening (relieves spasms and dilates the ureters) and eat several kilograms of watermelon. The method removes small stones and sand well.


Beer has a diuretic effect and has a slightly acidic pH, which means it is suitable for dissolving calcium and phosphorus stones. The main thing here is not to overdo it in terms of alcohol!


They acidify urine and are indicated for calcium and phosphorus stones. It is usually recommended to use 1-2 lemons per day for at least 2-4 weeks.

Rosehip root, knotweed, bearberry, horsetail, and hydrangea also dissolve stones!

Sunflower has an alkaline pH and dissolves urate and oxalate stones. It also relieves inflammation and is slightly diuretic. 300 g of root is poured into 5 liters of water and boiled for 5 minutes, then left for several hours. To prevent stones, take 1.5 liters of decoction daily for 12 days; for treatment, the course is extended to 24 days. The courses are repeated every six months.

Hydrangea in the form of decoctions and supplements, it is indicated for acidifying urine and treating calcium and phosphate stones. Also dissolves salts in bile and joints, relieves inflammation.

Diet with a certain pH:

  • sour, for dissolving phosphate and calcium stones in the kidneys: protein, lingonberry and cranberry juices, lemons, sour mineral waters such as Arzni, Truskavets, flour, vegetable oils. It is also necessary to reduce the concentration of calcium and phosphates in food;
  • alkaline, for dissolving urate and oxalate kidney stones: dairy and vegetable, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, cereals, watermelons. Alkaline mineral waters are also useful: Essentuki, Borjomi, Naftusya.

Important: Before any type of treatment, it is necessary to determine the pH of the urine and the type of kidney stones, otherwise they can increase in number and size!

Duvlt– external shock wave lithotripsy. The method is non-invasive and involves breaking up kidney stones with ultrasound. The sensor is placed on the lower back in the projection of the stone, the location of which is determined by ultrasound. The method is limited by the size of the stone; for large stones, ESWLT can be performed in several stages.

Of the drugs for dissolving kidney stones, I would like to note:

  • urate and oxalate: Allopurinol (a remedy for gout), Blemaren (contains citric acid), Asparkam or Panangin (contains potassium and magnesium)
  • calcium oxalate: Cyston, Prolit, Fitolysin, Urolesan.

Prolit and Cyston do not change the pH; Phytolysin cannot be used for phosphate stones.