Alexander Plutnik headed the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML). Shuvalov's personnel occupy new positions Managing Director of Information Technologies and Operations

The Supervisory Board of OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, held on April 20 with the participation of the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men, approved the resignation of the organization’s general director, Alexander Semenyaka. Alexander Plutnik, who until now held the position of State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, has been appointed as the new General Director of OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending.

The change in the leadership of the Agency is associated both with new government priorities in the housing sector and with the creation on the basis of the Agency of a unified development institution in the housing sector. The state sets new tasks for the development institution, mostly in the field of construction and housing and communal services - increasing the affordability and comfort of housing, improving the quality of the housing stock, attracting investment in housing construction, construction of engineering and technical infrastructure and production of building materials. It is necessary to ensure synergy of competencies of all currently existing state development institutions in the housing market - from the sale of land plots to the sale of finished housing to citizens.

“Basic tasks, according to the relevant ministry, AHML have been completed. Last year, Russians took out mortgage loans worth more than 1 trillion 700 billion rubles. These are record numbers demonstrating that the mortgage has worked,” said Mikhail Men. According to the minister, the new structure that it was decided to create will solve more complex problems, which include not only the development of mortgages, but also the development of infrastructure and the allocation of land plots.

The candidacy of Alexander Plutnik for the position of General Director of AHML was proposed by the head of the Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men. Let us remind you that in the department Alexander Plutnik held the post of State Secretary and Deputy Minister.“The new head of AHML will perform the main function at the first stage - the unification of the two institutions. This is not an easy task,” the minister emphasized.

The work of the AHML Supervisory Board and the RHD Foundation Board of Trustees will also be consolidated. “Given how high the importance of the future institute is for the industry and for our department, I decided to approach the Prime Minister with a proposal to include one of the deputy prime ministers in the supervisory board of the united structure to strengthen the work of the future unified development institute,” emphasized Mikhail Men .

“The merger of the two development institutions will take place in the near future. Already in May it is possible to introduce a bill to merge the two development institutions into the State Duma. By autumn the structure f will actually start working, and by the beginning of the year all relevant procedures will be completed,” said Alexander Plutnik.

At the end of the meeting, the minister thanked the former head of AHML Alexander Semenyaka for his many years of fruitful work and presented him with an honorary badge from the Russian Ministry of Construction.

For reference:

Alexander Albertovich Plutnik born on October 5, 1982 in Moscow. In 2004 he graduated from the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

From 2004 to 2008 – specialist expert, consultant, advisor to the Department for Support of Priority National Projects of the Expert Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2012 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina.

From 2008 to 2013 – Assistant to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalova, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalov.

On December 2, 2013, he was appointed Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

He has state awards: medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class, letters of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The head of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML), Alexander Semenyaka, who held this post for 13 years, resigned today of his own free will. Deputy Minister of Construction Alexander Plutnik was elected as the new head of AHML, who will oversee the merger of the agency with the Housing Construction Development Fund into a single development institution.

The fact that Alexander Semenyaka has been relieved of his post as head of AHML was announced today during an extraordinary meeting by the chairman of the AHML Supervisory Board, Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev. “Alexander Nikolaevich Semenyaka, who has been running the agency for 13 years, addressed the supervisory board with a request to relieve him of his position. The corresponding letter was sent to the government, and First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov signed the corresponding directive,” the Interfax agency quotes Mr. Lomakin-Rumyantsev.

AHML is the largest refinancing organization in the mortgage market. The agency was created in 1997 to implement state policy to increase housing affordability. AHML's core activity is the repurchase of mortgages from partner banks on mortgage loans issued in accordance with agency standards. AHML and its subsidiaries also implement government programs for issuing mortgages at subsidized rates and lending to social housing developers.

In October 2014, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Alexander Plutnik stated that AHML had already fulfilled its main function - the formation of the mortgage market segment. “Now the main participants in the mortgage market are banks, all standards have been formed, so the agency must switch to other goals,” said Mr. Plutnik. At the same time, the idea arose of combining several structures involved in various aspects of housing construction financing into one development institution.

In the spring, the idea was formalized in the form of a bill to merge AHML (with subsidiaries such as the Housing Finance Agency and AHML Insurance Company) and the Housing Construction Development Fund (RHD Fund). Shares of the new Housing Development Agency (AHDA) can only be owned by the Russian Federation and are not subject to privatization. The changes are planned to come into force on July 1. According to the bill, the main tasks of the new agency will be: attracting investment in the housing sector, increasing the availability of mortgage loans, providing federally owned land plots for territory development, creating industrial parks, implementing state programs in the housing sector, developing road and infrastructure construction. By 2018, the combined structure will have to introduce about 17 million sq. m. m of housing under the “Housing for Russian Family” program. The agency will have to take part in issuing 110 thousand social mortgage loans and ensure the issuance of mortgage-backed securities in the amount of 400 billion rubles.

Borrowers found the other half

After long discussions, the government has decided on the main mechanism for supporting problematic mortgages. It is proposed to subsidize the loans of socially unprotected citizens, while the state is ready to take on half the monthly payment for a ruble loan or half of the debt written off by the bank for a foreign currency loan free of charge.

The Supervisory Board of OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, held on April 20 with the participation of the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men, approved the resignation of the organization’s general director, Alexander Semenyaka. Alexander Plutnik, who until now held the position of State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, has been appointed as the new General Director of OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending.

The change in the leadership of the Agency is associated both with new government priorities in the housing sector and with the creation on the basis of the Agency of a unified development institution in the housing sector. The state sets new tasks for the development institution, mostly in the area construction and housing and communal services - increasing the accessibility and comfort of housing, improving the quality of the housing stock, attracting investment in housing construction, construction of engineering and technical infrastructure and production of building materials. It is necessary to ensure synergy of competencies of all currently existing state development institutions in the housing market - from the sale of land plots to the sale of finished housing to citizens.

“Basic tasks, according to the relevant ministry, AHML have been completed. Last year, Russians took out mortgage loans worth more than 1 trillion 700 billion rubles. These are record numbers demonstrating that the mortgage has worked,” said Mikhail Men. According to the minister, the new structure that it was decided to create will solve more complex problems, which include not only the development of mortgages, but also the development of infrastructure and the allocation of land plots.

The candidacy of Alexander Plutnik for the position of General Director of AHML was proposed by the head of the Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men. Let us recall that in the department, Alexander Plutnik held the post of State Secretary and Deputy Minister. “The new head of AHML will perform the main function at the first stage - the unification of the two institutions. This is not an easy task,” the minister emphasized.

The work of the AHML Supervisory Board and the RHD Foundation Board of Trustees will also be consolidated. “Given how high the importance of the future institute is for the industry and for our department, I decided to approach the Prime Minister with a proposal to include one of the deputy prime ministers in the supervisory board of the united structure to strengthen the work of the future unified development institute,” emphasized Mikhail Men .

“The merger of the two development institutions will take place in the near future. Already in May, it is possible to introduce a bill to merge the two development institutions into the State Duma. By the fall, the structure will actually be operational, and by the beginning of the year all relevant procedures will be completed,” said Alexander Plutnik.

“I am interested in developing my competence as a financier and participating in the creation of new financial instruments and new financial markets that are attractive to investors and ordinary citizens. This is exactly what I plan to focus on in the future,” said Alexander Semenyaka.

At the end of the meeting, the minister thanked the former head of AHML Alexander Semenyaka for his many years of fruitful work and presented him with an honorary badge from the Russian Ministry of Construction.

Alexander Albertovich Plutnik was born on October 5, 1982 in Moscow. In 2004 he graduated from the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov. From 2004 to 2008 - specialist expert, consultant, adviser to the Department for Support of Priority National Projects of the Expert Office of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2012 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina. From 2008 to 2013 - Assistant to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalova, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalova On December 2, 2013, he was appointed Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

He has state awards: medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class, letters of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

For my son - an airplane and an elite military ID, for my daughter - a tutu and assets

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has four children. Two of them had already reached adulthood - and immediately fell into a share. Family hectares of land near Moscow and foreign real estate are now in “children’s” accounts. The eldest daughter of Igor Shuvalov dances at the Bolshoi, and during breaks inspects the estates. Alexandrina Elagina, Sofya Savina and Mikhail Shubin found out how the children of Igor Shuvalov settled down.


The small village of Bilibino in Chukotka. It was here that the future Deputy Prime Minister, lover of luxurious life and mansions, Igor Shuvalov, was born. Who his parents were - the official biography is silent, but after some time the family moved to Moscow.

In 1993, Shuvalov graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University and went to work as an attaché in the legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the same year, the minor official was introduced to businessman Alexander Mamut, who invited him to work at his law office, ALM-Consulting. Shuvalov is tasked with transporting cash and selling offshore companies.

Two years later, Shuvalov heads the law office, and Mamut introduces him to Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov and Oleg Boyko, who at that time were clients of ALM-Consulting. The latter made Shuvalov a partner, offering him a share in his business.

By 1997, Shuvalov became a dollar millionaire. In the same year, according to Meduza, three businessmen with whom Mamut introduced Shuvalov got him a job at the State Property Committee (the department was responsible for the privatization of state property). From this moment on, Shuvalov's career is rapidly going up.

Igor Shuvalov

A year later, he rose to deputy head of the State Property Committee, then headed the Russian Federal Property Fund, and by 2000 became chief of the government apparatus. After a conflict with Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov in 2003, Shuvalov moved to the presidential administration to the position of assistant to Vladimir Putin. There he coordinates a working group that developed measures to double GDP and eliminate poverty. These topics were the main ones in the Federal Address of the President in May 2003. In 2005, Shuvalov became Putin's personal representative in the G8.

Nine years after starting his career in the public sector, in 2008, Shuvalov was appointed to the post of first deputy chairman of the Russian government. Only President Dmitry Medvedev, who has taken office, does this. The First Deputy Chairman is trusted to head the commission for the development of the Far East and the Baikal region, as well as the commission to counter the consequences of the global financial crisis.

In subsequent years, Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov was involved in priority projects. He prepares the APEC 2012 summit in Vladivostok, is responsible for the Universiade in Kazan, and holds a closed meeting with the heads of Russian state-owned companies after the collapse of the ruble in December 2014. After the start of the war in Ukraine and Russia’s attempt to “turn to the East,” it was the first deputy chairman of the government who was responsible for economic relations with Asian countries. Until 2016, the Deputy Prime Minister coordinated the preparations for the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in 2018 in Russia.


While working on the most important tasks for the country, Shuvalov did not forget about himself. During this time, he acquired luxury apartments, palaces, his own plane and corgi dogs.

By 2012, Shuvalov began to earn more than anyone in the government. His income for that year was 226 million rubles. His wife earned no less - her income amounted to 222 million rubles. In the same year, the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal published materials stating that the Shuvalov family bought Gazprom shares in the amount of $18 million in 2004. The deal was registered in the offshore fund of the official’s wife.

A year later, trade in Gazprom shares was liberalized, the Shuvalovs received a profit of $100 million. At that time, Shuvalov was an assistant to the president, and according to publication sources, he could not directly lobby the decision on liberalization. The Shuvalov family earned another $70 million through joint transactions with Usmanov’s structures on the eve of the 2008 global financial crisis. Sources close to Shuvalov categorically denied the promotion of Usmanov’s interests in Russia by the Deputy Prime Minister.

In 2012, oppositionist Natalya Pelevina published photographs of the Shuvalov Palace in the village of Zarechye near the Moscow Ring Road. One and a half thousand square meters of living space, a tennis court and a swimming pool, fenced with a high fence and hidden in the forest.

Real estate of the Shuvalov family: an apartment in London, a palace in Zarechye, a castle in Austria, the Tsar’s apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in Moscow. Photo:

Two years later, it turned out that the Shuvalov family had a house in Austria with an area of ​​1,480 square meters. meters. For a long time, Shuvalov denied ownership and stated that he was only renting this castle. However, he later confirmed that the house was registered to a company that belongs to his wife.

Shuvalov's daughter and corgi in Austria. Photo:

In the same year, Maria posted a photo with the geotag Salzburg: in it, together with a corgi, she stands on the pier of the Austrian Shuvalov Castle, which Alexei Navalny told about. The lanterns from the pier in the photographs he published exactly match the lanterns on Maria Shuvalova’s Instagram. In the same place in January 2017, Shuvalov’s youngest daughter, Anastasia, was photographed. Judging by the photographs, she also stayed there in June.

Shuvalov's children in an Austrian castle

In 2016, Maria visited Singapore and Holland. 2017 also turned out to be a busy year: in May - Italy, Milan, in July - France, Cannes, autumn - Indonesia, Bali. On her Instagram profile, Maria talks about a “picnic on a jet” and says that “she’s a simple girl, so she wipes her crown once a day.”


Maria Shuvalova admits that ballet is not a profitable business. However, the parents did not deprive their daughter of her fortune. In April 2017, Maria Shuvalova became the founder of Nemchinovo Investments LLC. For the previous two years, the company was owned by her brother Evgeniy.

At the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov four children. Two of them had already reached adulthood - and immediately fell into a share. Family hectares of land near Moscow and foreign real estate are now in “children’s” accounts. Igor Shuvalov’s eldest daughter dances at the Bolshoi, and during breaks inspects the “estates.” Alexandrina Elagina, Sofya Savina and Mikhail Shubin found out how the children of Igor Shuvalov settled down. [...]

Evgeniy Igorevich Shuvalov born when the family had almost nothing. My father just graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University and got a job with Mamut. By 2002, everything had changed. Shuvalov Sr. was already friends with the right people and had been climbing the steps of Russian power for several years.

  • Igor Shuvalov with his daughter Maria; Shuvalova's wife Olga. Photo, Russiangate

“Zhenya’s classmates are Abramovich, Aven, Jordan. So he is far from the richest. One day, after a trip to visit a friend, the son asked: “Dad, why do we live in such a small house?” I explained that his friend's dad worked in a very competitive, life-threatening environment. People who have a fortune greater than mine took more risks in life, it was more difficult for them. He said that when he grows up, the situation will be different. And he will have to compete with his knowledge and abilities,” said Igor Shuvalov in an interview in 2002.

Soon Evgeniy enters Wellington College - one of the most prestigious colleges in the UK, where in addition to his studies he is a professional swimmer and plans to enroll in Oxford. The father decides differently: he sends his son to serve in the elite naval special forces Kholuai on Russky Island. Evgeniy serves as a “miner” in a company of reconnaissance divers. At the same time, in 2011, preparations are underway for the APEC summit, so Shuvalov Sr. visits his son from time to time or takes him on leave.

Remembering Shuvalov, his colleagues say that Evgeny “served like everyone else.” “In the first days, as expected, he received “lyuli” from demobilization, and the tidy “rustled” at night, and his son was “pressed” for the fact that he was a true Muscovite, he didn’t even know how to swear. But Zhenya endured everything as a young man should - without whining and, God forbid, reporting to his superiors. Although, of course, Shuvalov’s commanders singled us out from all of us; they communicated more often, talked, and taught us individually,” says his colleague Nikita Malinin.

What Shuvalov’s son is doing now is unknown. This year he began disposing of family assets. On January 1, 2017, the company MF Investments LLC was closed, the sole founder of which was Evgeniy Igorevich Shuvalov. He transferred the remaining Russian and foreign companies, as well as a share of real estate, to his sister.

"Picnic on a Jet": from the Bolshoi Theater to the Austrian Castle

Igor Shuvalov’s eldest daughter Maria is now 19 years old. In her only interview, she says that at the age of three and a half she was sent to the Olympic reserve school of Irina Viner, the wife of a billionaire Alisher Usmanova. There Maria began doing rhythmic gymnastics.

Then - gymnasium and admission to the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (MGAC) at the Bolshoi Theater. In 2016, a theater critic described her performance on stage in Kommersant as follows: “... nothing (except perhaps the regime of austerity) can justify the squalor of modern productions of the Moscow State Academic Theater. High school girl Maria Shuvalova, a bright brunette of a non-classical type, was prudently allowed to dance barefoot and in a long chiton, accompanied by her peer Anatoly Soya.” And he finishes: “Performed by senior students with reverent seriousness, this number seemed like a pure parody of the provincial choreography of stagnant times.”

Profile of Maria Shuvalova on the Bolshoi Theater website

Maria graduated from the Academy of Choreography in the summer of 2017 - and was immediately accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. After its release, Igor Shuvalov himself was present at the ceremony on September 1 of this year at the Moscow State Academy of Arts. Perhaps the official’s second daughter is studying there now - the Kommersant newspaper wrote that both of his daughters are studying ballet - both the eldest Maria and the younger Anastasia.

Maria Shuvalova does not hesitate to talk about her life on social networks. She not only posts photos with the famous Shuvalov corgis, but also reports about her movements. In 2015, she visited England. There, according to Alexei Navalny’s investigation, Igor Shuvalov’s elite London real estate is located. In another London photograph, an official's daughter is seen walking a corgi.

Shuvalov's daughter and corgi in Austria

In the same year, Maria posted a photo with the geotag Salzburg: in it, together with a corgi, she stands on the pier of the Austrian Shuvalov Castle, which Alexei Navalny told about. The lanterns from the pier in the photographs he published exactly match the lanterns on Maria Shuvalova’s Instagram. In the same place in January 2017, Shuvalov’s youngest daughter, Anastasia, was photographed. Judging by the photographs, she also stayed there in June.

In 2016, Maria visited Singapore and Holland. 2017 also turned out to be a busy year: in May - Italy, Milan, in July - France, Cannes, autumn - Indonesia, Bali. On her Instagram profile, Maria talks about a “picnic on jet” and reports that “she is a simple girl, so she wipes her crown once a day.”

The Moscow region and the British offshore of Maria Shuvalova

Maria Shuvalova admits that ballet is not a profitable business. However, the parents did not deprive their daughter of her fortune. In April 2017, Maria Shuvalova became the founder of Nemchinovo Investments LLC. For the previous two years, the company was owned by her brother Evgeniy.

Nemchinovo Investments was established by the foreign company Bayfield Investments Limited, registered in the Bahamas. The CEO of the company is already familiar to us Sergey Kotlyarenko, a classmate of Shuvalov who acts as the holder of his assets.

Now “Nemchinovo Investments” is the founder of the non-profit partnership “Sports and recreation site “Autumn-1”, which is located in the village of Nemchinovo in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. In the neighborhood are Skolkovo and Zarechye. It is in Zarechye that the estate of Igor Shuvalov located near Moscow is located on a plot of 75 thousand square meters. m.

He once worked in Nemchinovo Kazimir Malevich, and today there is an elite cottage community. A two-story house there is put up for sale for 144 million rubles. The owners of the sports and fitness area, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, were several village residents, including the Shuvalov family.

Land of Maria Shuvalova in Nemchinovo near Moscow

In July 2017, Maria Shuvalova became the owner of a house with an area of ​​204 square meters. m and a plot of 1386 sq. m in Nemchinovo. The farm was transferred to her under a gift agreement from her brother Evgeniy. The previous owner until 2015 was Sergei Kotlyarenko.

The company, whose owner is Maria Shuvalova, owns a neighboring plot measuring 4 thousand square meters. m and a four-story residential building with an area of ​​734 sq. m. m. The relevant extracts from Rosreestr are at the disposal of the editors.

Maria Shuvalova

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