What is a system of occupational safety standards, what is its structure and types of standards? Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS). classification groupings of the system State standards of the occupational safety system are approved

The standard establishes the main provisions of the System of Occupational Safety Standards, the purpose, objects of standardization, designations and categories of safety standards.

Designation: GOST 12.0.001-82*
Russian name: SSBT. System of occupational safety standards. Basic provisions
Status: active
Replaces: GOST 12.0.001-74
Date of text update: 01.10.2008
Date added to the database: 01.02.2009
Effective date: 01.07.1983
Designed by: State Standard of the USSR
Approved: State Standard of the USSR (12/20/1982)
Published: IPC Standards Publishing House No. 1996
IPC Standards Publishing House No. 2002


System of standards
occupational safety


GOST 12.0.001-82



Occupational Safety Standards System

Group code

Group name

Organizational and methodological standards

Standards of requirements and norms for types of hazardous and harmful production factors

Standards for safety requirements for production equipment

Standards for safety requirements for production processes

Standards for requirements for protective equipment for workers

2.2. Group “0” standards establish:

organizational and methodological foundations of standardization in the field of occupational safety (goals, objectives and structure of the system, implementation and control of compliance with safety standards, terminology in the field of occupational safety, classification of hazardous and harmful production factors, etc.);

requirements (rules) for the organization of work aimed at ensuring labor safety (training workers in labor safety, personnel certification, methods for assessing the state of labor safety, etc.).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3. Group “1” standards establish:

requirements for types of hazardous and harmful production factors, maximum permissible values ​​of their parameters and characteristics;

methods for monitoring standardized parameters and characteristics of hazardous and harmful production factors;

methods for protecting workers from hazardous and harmful production factors.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. Group “2” standards establish:

general requirements safety to production equipment;

safety requirements for individual groups (types) of production equipment;

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. Group “3” standards establish:

general safety requirements for production processes;

safety requirements for specific groups (types) technological processes;

methods for monitoring compliance with security requirements.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. Group “4” standards establish:

requirements for individual classes, types and types of protective equipment;

methods for monitoring and evaluating protective equipment;

classification of protective equipment.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.7. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2.8. The designation of the interstate standard SSBT consists of an index (GOST), a registration number, the first two digits of which (12) determine whether the standard belongs to the SSBT complex, the subsequent digit with a dot indicates the group of the standard, and the three subsequent digits indicate the serial number of the standard in the group. The year of approval of the standard is indicated through a dash.

Examples: GOST12.1.025, GOST12.2.046.0, GOST12.3.036, GOST12.4.031.

Occupational Safety and Health Standards should have a group heading: “System of Occupational Safety Standards.”

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3Objects of SSBT standardization

3.1. The scope of the SSBT includes the following standardization objects:

1) general organizational and methodological foundations for the construction and main provisions of the System of Labor Safety Standards;

2) metrological support in the field of occupational safety;

3) general provisions for organizing work to ensure safe conditions labor;

4) classification of dangerous and harmful production factors;

5) terms and definitions of basic concepts in the field of occupational safety;

6) labor safety requirements and standards for types of hazardous and harmful production factors (general electrical safety, fire and explosion safety requirements, hygienic requirements, etc.), as well as methods for protecting workers from the effects of these factors;

7) standardized parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors;

8) methods of control (measurements, tests, analyses) of standardized parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors;

9)generally technical requirements labor safety to production equipment and to groups of production equipment operating in automatic and/or semi-automatic modes, as well as methods for monitoring and assessing the implementation of these safety requirements;

10) general technical labor safety requirements for production processes (works) and types of technological processes, as well as methods for monitoring and assessing the implementation of these safety requirements;

11) classification of workers’ protective equipment;

12) requirements for classes and types of personal and collective defense workers;

13) methods for monitoring and assessing the protective and hygienic properties of individual and collective protective equipment for workers;

14) requirements for labeling of funds personal protection workers;

15) requirements for signal colors and safety signs;

16) requirements for orientation and sign systems to ensure the evacuation of workers from hazardous areas to safe ones in cases of accidents, fires or other emergencies;

17) general technical labor safety requirements for the disposal of production equipment, industrial waste and materials, as well as methods for monitoring and assessing the implementation of these safety requirements;

18) other objects of standardization at the proposals of the states parties to the Agreement, introduced in the prescribed manner.”

4 Categories of SSBT standards

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.1. SSBT standards of groups 0,1, 2, 3, 4 are interstate standards.

4.2. If necessary, the states parties to the Agreement may develop national SSBT standards of groups 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, developing and specifying the provisions of interstate SSBT standards.

National safety standards must be harmonized with interstate safety standards and must not violate their requirements, as well as safety rules and regulations established by the authorities executive branch on issues within their competence.

5The procedure for the development, coordination and adoption of interstate SSBT standards

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

The procedure for the development, coordination and adoption of interstate SSBT standards is in accordance with GOST 1.2.

Construction, presentation, design and content of interstate SSBT standards - according to GOST1.5.

Security requirements labor activity standardized in our state. The system of occupational safety standards (accepted abbreviation - SSBT) serves as the basis for the development of relevant documentation and acts to establish uniformity of norms and rules for worker safety.

General provisions

The main provisions on SSBT were initially enshrined in GOST 12.0.001-82, which was in force until 06/01/2014. It was replaced by GOST 12.0.001-2013.

SSBT is a set of standards that establish provisions on occupational safety, which are interconnected.

A relationship must be established between the norms and rules approved by government bodies and the SSBT; they cannot contradict each other.

The SSBT system includes standards:

  • state (GOST);
  • industry (OST);
  • enterprises (STP) and organizations (STO).

State standards

  • approved by the State Standard of Russia;
  • mandatory for use by all government agencies and business entities;
  • are developed in relation to safety requirements of cross-industry significance.

Standards of enterprises and organizations

  • are developed by labor protection specialists of the enterprise (organization) on the basis of state and industry standards included in the safety standards;
  • establish labor safety requirements at a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities, manufactured products, and working conditions;
  • mandatory for use by employees of the enterprise.


It should be noted that the SSBT has been in effect since 1972, and all this time it has been constantly improved and updated. This system allows us to maintain uniformity in the regulation of issues related to labor safety, identify and eliminate its shortcomings, and reduce the impact of hazardous production environments on workers.

The Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS) is a structure that includes basic measures for organizing safe working conditions. Considered part of the State System of Standards. Formed on the basis of existing rules and instructions regarding safety and industrial sanitation.

What is the system of occupational safety standards?

SSBT is a set of interrelated standards, including norms and rules aimed at achieving these goals:

  • Ensuring the safety of staff.
  • Preserving the health and performance of workers.

The system of standards itself serves the following purposes:

  • Ensuring uniformity in the regulation of occupational safety, preventing disagreements and confusion.
  • Detection and elimination of problem areas.
  • Reducing the impact of harmful environments on employees.

Security requirements are standardized. Based on them, documentation related to safety is generated. Standards are needed to establish uniformity in rules and regulations. The latter should not be different for each organization, otherwise confusion is possible.

General provisions

The basic provisions for the system were originally contained in GOST 12.0.001-82. However, this normative act until June 1, 2014. Now GOST 12.0.001-2013 is relevant. There are rules set by government agencies and there are standards. There must be a connection between them. No contradictions are allowed.

The system includes the following standards:

  • State (GOST).
  • For companies (service stations).
  • For enterprises (STP).
  • Industry-specific (OST).

All these standards have their own characteristics. Let's look at them.

State standards

Let's consider the main features of GOST:

  • Standards are established by the State Standard of the Russian Federation.
  • They are mandatory for use by all government agencies and business entities.
  • They are formed in relation to safety standards that differ in cross-industry significance.

The structure of the system is established by section 2 of GOST 12.0.001-2013. GOST within the system has special designations:

  • GOST index.
  • 12 – system code.
  • 0-4 – groups of standards for the object of standardization (government institutions, organizations, etc.).
  • Three digits – the serial number of the standard included in any group.
  • Two or four digits – the year the standard was adopted.

For example, GOST 12.3.002-2014. This designation includes the following elements:

  • GOST - index.
  • 12 – system code.
  • 3 – standard group.
  • 002 – serial number of the standard.
  • 2014 is the year in which the standard was adopted.

There is also a name for the standard. It includes these elements:

  • Number.
  • Category (for example, national or state standard).
  • General title.
  • Name of the standard.

Let's look at the main five groups of standards:

  • 0 – organizational and methodological information (basics and terminology, classification).
  • 1 – requirements for types of negative production factors (limits different meanings, methods of tracking parameters, methods of protection).
  • 2 – requirements for equipment (general standards, requirements for specific types equipment, methods of monitoring compliance with requirements).
  • 3 – requirements for production processes.
  • 4 – requirements for protective equipment.

The standards in question are used by government entities.

Industry Standards

Let's look at the main features of industry standards:

  • Established by the department in the related area of ​​economic activity.
  • Safety standards for a specific industry are approved.
  • Mandatory for use by all industry entities and companies using products of the industry in question.

The industry standard designation includes these elements:

  • Index "OST".
  • A numeric code identifying the approval agency.
  • Registration number.
  • The year in which the standard was adopted.

For example, OST 68 12.0.05-87 “SSBT. Procedure for familiarization with occupational safety rules”, approved by Order of Roscartography No. 136-pr dated September 6, 2002.

Standards of enterprises and companies

The standards of enterprises and organizations differ in these features:

  • Installed by occupational safety specialists working in a specific organization or enterprise.
  • Safety standards are approved taking into account the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise: the nuances of labor organization, manufactured products, working conditions.
  • The developed standards are mandatory for the entire staff of the enterprise or company.

These are local standards that do not apply to the entire industry or other industries.

Features of the development of enterprise standards

Enterprise standards serve to clarify and specify labor safety standards. In this case, the conditions at a particular enterprise are taken into account. The local standards being created should not duplicate already existing standards, since this makes no sense. Only what is not specified in existing regulations should be clarified.

The following areas can be considered the objects of enterprise-wide standardization:

  • Organization of activities to create occupational safety.
  • BT work plan.
  • Training and instruction of specialists responsible for BT.
  • Control over BT, procedure for control over objects with increased danger.
  • Fire safety organization.
  • Operating standards protective equipment, caring for them.

Local standards for enterprises cannot be established for these areas:

  • Types of dangerous and harmful production factors.
  • Equipment safety standards.
  • Safety standards regarding technological processes.

All of these areas are standardized by state and industry standards.

When forming your own standards, you can take existing standards (state, industry) as a basis. However, the change cannot be made in the direction of reducing labor safety. It can only get tougher. Development is carried out in accordance with these stages:

  1. Establishing compliance of the norms of the standard standard with the conditions at a specific production site. In particular, it is possible to clarify the timing of a number of activities and responsible executors.
  2. The draft standards are demonstrated at a technical meeting, at which a decision is made to approve the act.
  3. The draft system of standards is agreed upon with the trade union and then approved by the head of the subject.

New standards are considered implemented when they are used in accordance with their scope. All accepted requirements must be fulfilled. If they are not met, the standard is not considered implemented.

Compliance with accepted standards must be monitored. Supervisory activities are the responsibility of the territorial bodies of Gosstandart and the technical inspection of trade unions. Control can be carried out by other state and non-state bodies.

NOTE! The standards system began to operate in 1972. It is constantly becoming more stringent as ideas about the level of occupational safety change.


in the discipline "Life Safety"

on the topic: “System of occupational safety standards”



1. General concepts occupational safety standards systems ________________5

2. Structure of the system of occupational safety standards ____________________9

3. Objects of the labor safety standards system _____________________11


List of used literature__________________________________________14


Occupational safety standards are documents that, for the purpose of voluntary repeated use, establish product safety characteristics, rules for safe implementation and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services, as well as requirements for terminology, symbols, packaging, labeling and rules for its application.

Regulatory documents on standardization, including on labor safety, are valid on the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner and under the conditions established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including the requirements of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”. TO regulatory documents Standardization includes:

1) state standards of the Russian Federation, international standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization applied in the prescribed manner, all-Russian classifiers technical and economic information;

2) standards of organizations, scientific, technical and engineering societies, other public associations.

In accordance with the List of types of regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements labor protection, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2000 No. 399, the system of regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection includes standards that form a system of labor safety standards (GOST R SSBT), developed and approved in accordance with the general the procedure established by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization (currently the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology).

Regulatory and technical documentation on labor protection is divided into labor safety standards (state - GOST, industry - OST, republican - RST, enterprise - STP); building codes and regulations (SNiP); sanitary norms and rules (SN); safety regulations and industrial sanitation; instructions, guidelines and technical guidance materials; regulations, instructions, directive and methodological letters.

1. General concepts of the system of occupational safety standards

A significant place among the rules and regulations is occupied by the system of occupational safety standards (OSS). SSHS is a set of interrelated standards aimed at ensuring occupational safety.

SSBT was developed in accordance with the resolution State Committee Council of Ministers of the USSR for Science and Technology and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions No. 375/11-15 dated July 21, 1972 and is part of the Unified State Standardization System. The date of introduction of the system of occupational safety standards was already distant 1983. Then its main goal was to ensure the safety of workers. In general, the SSBT was created with the aim of streamlining regulatory and technical documentation in the field of occupational safety, and its task was to establish general requirements and standards for types of hazardous and harmful production factors, general safety requirements for production equipment and production processes, for means of protection of working assessment methods occupational safety.

Today, SSBT is a set of interrelated standards containing requirements, norms and rules aimed at ensuring safety, maintaining human health and performance at work, except for issues regulated by labor legislation.

This standard establishes the goals, objectives and structure of the Occupational Safety Standards System (hereinafter referred to as the Occupational Safety Standards System), as well as the objects of standardization.

The standard complies with ST SEV 829 in terms of paragraphs. 1.1, 1.4, 2.1 and sec. 3.

The designation of the state standard SSBT consists of the index (GOST), registration number, the first two digits of which (12) determine whether the standard belongs to the SSBT complex, the subsequent digit with a dot indicates the group of the standard, and the next three digits indicate the serial number of the standard in the group. The year of approval of the standard is indicated through a dash.

Examples: GOST 12.1.025, GOST, GOST 12.3.036, GOST 12.4.031.

The structure of the designation of SSBT standards is as follows: first, the index according to GOST is given, then the class of the standard, then the grouping code and serial number in the grouping, and at the end the year of registration is given.

Let's look at a few examples. “System of occupational safety standards. Educational laboratory works. General safety requirements." GOST 12.4.113-82 means the following: name-index according to GOST, 12-class standard, 4-group code, 113-sequence number in the group, 82-last two digits of the year of registration.

Occupational Safety and Health Standards should have a group heading: “System of Occupational Safety Standards.”

The procedure for implementing SSBT standards is based on the instructions of GOST. 1.20-69 “The procedure for implementing state standards. Basic provisions".

Control over compliance and implementation of standards is carried out by the territorial bodies of Gosstandart together with the technical labor inspection of trade unions, as well as ministries and departments.

Occupational safety standards do not supersede the rules and regulations approved by state supervisory authorities.

Important regulatory documentation for labor protection are sanitary standards (SN) and construction standards and regulations (SNiP), which contain requirements for sanitary and hygienic working conditions, technological processes, maintenance and structure of enterprises and institutions. Compliance with sanitary standards, as well as other regulations on labor protection, is mandatory, since it ensures normal human life in the process of work. The main regulatory requirements are given in the following building codes and rules: SN 245-71. Sanitary standards design of industrial enterprises; SNiP II-4-79. Natural and artificial lighting; SNiP II-68-78. Design standards. Higher education institutions; SNiP 2. 01.02-85. Fire regulations design of buildings and structures; SNiP 2. 04.05-86. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning; SNiP II-64-80. Children's preschool institutions; VSN 50-86. General education schools and boarding schools; SN 1042-75. Sanitary rules for organizing technological processes and hygienic requirements to production equipment Rules for the design of electrical installations of consumers. Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations were approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy on December 21, 1984).

In accordance with intersectoral and sectoral rules on labor protection, ministries and departments, in agreement with the Central Committee of the relevant trade unions, develop and approve standard instructions on labor protection. They serve as the basis for instructions for workers, developed by the administration of the institution (on its instructions by the immediate supervisors of work) and approved by the head of the institution (the enterprise together with the trade union committee. The instructions are periodically reviewed and the necessary changes are made to them.

In relation to a school, local instructions can be school-wide (for example, instructions on using film equipment) or intended for a separate workshop (instructions at the workplace when working on a drilling machine, etc.). A special type of school-wide instruction is an evacuation plan for people and property in case of fire.

Instructions for workers usually consist of (how many parts): general occupational safety requirements; requirements for the student before starting work, during work and after completion; safety requirements in emergency situations.

Safety instructions set out specific rules for safe work, for example, on machines, electric welding machines, manual wood processing, when operating electrical installations up to 1000 V in schools, etc.

Instructions, rules and regulations on safety and industrial sanitation are the basic guidance for workers. They serve as the main tool for conducting instruction on safe techniques and methods of performing work, and the behavior of workers in a production environment.

To prevent injuries and illnesses Art. 62 Fundamentals obliges workers and employees to comply with labor safety instructions. Injury prevention largely depends on the quality and completeness of the instructions and on their compliance.

2. Structure of the occupational safety standards system

SSBT includes the groups shown in the table.

Group code

Group name

Organizational and methodological standards

Standards of requirements and norms for types of hazardous and harmful production factors

Standards for safety requirements for production equipment

Standards for safety requirements for production processes

Standards for requirements for protective equipment for workers

Group “0” standards establish:

1. organizational and methodological foundations of standardization in the field of occupational safety (goals, objectives and structure of the system, implementation and monitoring of compliance with safety standards, terminology in the field of occupational safety, classification of hazardous and harmful production factors, etc.);

2. requirements (rules) for the organization of work aimed at ensuring occupational safety (training workers in occupational safety, personnel certification, methods for assessing the state of occupational safety, etc.).

Group “1” standards establish:

1. requirements for types of hazardous and harmful production factors, maximum permissible values ​​of their parameters and characteristics;

2. methods of monitoring standardized parameters and characteristics of hazardous and harmful production factors;

3. methods of protecting workers from dangerous and harmful production factors.

Group “2” standards establish:

1. general safety requirements for production equipment;

2. safety requirements for individual groups (types) of production equipment;

Group “3” standards establish:

1. general safety requirements for production processes;

2. safety requirements for individual groups (types) of technological processes;

3. methods of monitoring compliance with safety requirements.

Group “4” standards establish:

1. requirements for individual classes, types and types of protective equipment;

2. methods of monitoring and evaluation of protective equipment;

3. classification of protective equipment.

SSBT standards of groups 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are state (republican) standards. In the group of standards “0” it is allowed to develop enterprise standards.

The final versions of draft state (republican) SSBT standards are subject to approval in accordance with GOST 1.2. The final edition of enterprise standards for occupational safety must be agreed upon with the trade union committee of the enterprise (association) and the sanitary and epidemiological service institution that serves the enterprise.

3. Objects of the labor safety standards system

The objects of OHS standardization are rules, norms and requirements aimed at ensuring occupational safety:

1) the main provisions of the system of labor safety standards;

2) metrological assurance of labor safety;

3) classification of dangerous and harmful production factors;

4) terms and definitions of basic concepts in the field of occupational safety;

5) general safety requirements for types of hazardous and harmful production factors (general requirements for electrical safety, fire and explosion safety, etc.), as well as methods for protecting workers from these factors;

6) methods for monitoring standardized parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors;

7) maximum permissible values ​​of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors.

Note. Maximum permissible values ​​of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors in the workplace are established in the safety standards according to the norms proposed by the USSR Ministry of Health, and are not subject to agreement with ministries and departments;

8) general safety requirements for production equipment and groups of production equipment, as well as methods for monitoring and assessing compliance with safety requirements;

9) general safety requirements for production equipment complexes operating in automatic and/or semi-automatic modes, and control methods;

10) general safety requirements for production processes and types of technological processes, as well as methods for monitoring compliance with safety requirements;

11) classification of protective equipment for workers;

12) general technical requirements for classes and types of protective equipment for workers;

13) methods for monitoring and assessing the protective and hygienic properties of protective equipment for workers;

14) nomenclature of quality indicators of classes and types of protective equipment for workers;

15) general requirements for labeling of protective equipment for workers;

16) requirements for colors and safety signs.


In accordance with Art. 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, state regulatory requirements for labor protection are mandatory for legal entities and individuals when they carry out any type of activity, including the design, construction (reconstruction) and operation of facilities, the design of machines, mechanisms and other equipment, the development of technological processes, the organization of production and labor. At the same time, after the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, in accordance with the decisions of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization, the provisions of the continuing standards of the SBT system are mandatory regulatory in nature to the extent that they correspond to the goals and objectives of the legislation on technical regulation, namely the goals:

1. protection of the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property,

2. security environment, life or health of animals and plants,

3. prevention of actions that mislead purchasers.

Information about changes in standards is published in the prescribed manner in the information index "National Standards" published annually by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization, and the text of changes and amendments is published monthly in the information index "National Standards" published by it monthly, as well as in information system for general use - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet.

List of used literature

1. Life safety. /ed. E.A. Arustamova. – M.: Unity, 2006

2. Belov S.V., Morozova L.L., Sivkov V.P. Life safety. – M.: Higher School, 2001.

3. Shevchenko N.G. Fundamentals of life safety. – M.: Infra-M, 2004

The system of labor safety standards is a set of interrelated standards containing requirements, norms and rules of an organizational, technical, metrological, sanitary and hygienic nature, aimed at ensuring safe working conditions, preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work.

The purpose of the SSHS is to establish a set of interrelated standards aimed at implementing a coordinated policy of the states parties to the Agreement in the field of standardization of safe working conditions.

SSBT does not exclude the validity of regulatory legal acts containing state labor protection requirements, including rules approved by executive authorities within the limits of their powers. Regulatory legal acts, containing state labor protection requirements, norms and rules approved by executive authorities, and safety standards must be mutually linked.

The designation of the interstate SSBT standard consists of an index (GOST), a registration number, the first two digits of which (12) determine whether the standard belongs to the SSBT complex, the subsequent digit with a dot indicates the group of the standard, and the three subsequent digits indicate the serial number of the standard in the group. The year of approval (reissue) of the standard is indicated through a dash.

Examples: GOST 12.0.001–82, GOST 12.1.025, GOST 12.2.046, GOST 12.3.036, GOST 12.4.031, etc.

The SSBT includes the following classification groups:

0 – organizational and methodological standards;

1 – standards of requirements and norms for types of hazardous and harmful production factors;

2 – standards of safety requirements for production equipment;

3 – standards of safety requirements for production processes;

4 – standards of requirements for protective equipment for workers.

Group “0” standards establish:

    organizational and methodological foundations of standardization in the field of occupational safety (goals, objectives and structure of the system, implementation and monitoring of compliance with safety standards, terminology in the field of occupational safety, classification of hazardous and harmful production factors, etc.);

    requirements (rules) for the organization of work aimed at ensuring occupational safety (training workers in occupational safety, personnel certification, methods for assessing the state of occupational safety, management of the occupational safety system, etc.).

Group “1” standards establish:

    requirements for types of hazardous and harmful production factors, maximum permissible values ​​of their parameters and characteristics;

    methods for monitoring standardized parameters and characteristics of hazardous and harmful production factors;

    methods of protecting workers from dangerous and harmful production factors.

Group “2” standards establish:

    general safety requirements for production equipment;

    safety requirements for individual groups (types) of production equipment;

Group “3” standards establish:

    general safety requirements for production processes;

    safety requirements for individual groups (types) of technological processes;

    methods for monitoring compliance with safety requirements.

Group “4” standards establish:

    requirements for individual classes, types and types of protective equipment;

    methods of control and evaluation of protective equipment;

    classification of protective equipment.

Occupational Safety and Health Standards should have a group heading: “System of Occupational Safety Standards.”

SSBT standards of groups 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are interstate standards. If necessary, the States Parties to the Agreement may develop national standards on safety standards of groups 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, developing and specifying the provisions of interstate standards on safety standards.

National safety standards must be harmonized with interstate safety standards and must not violate their requirements, as well as the rules and safety standards established by executive authorities on issues within their competence.

The following categories of standards have been established:

    interstate standards (GOST M);

    industry standards (OST);

    republican standards (RST);

    enterprise standards (STP).