Eos - document flow in Tatarstan, automation of electronic document flow in Kazan, implementation of sed Tatarstan. Electronic document management RT Electronic signature certificate

Electronic document management is a process in which important documents, entering the organization, are stored, transferred between employees and sent to third parties in digital form. These can be documents of any type: resolutions, correspondence, charters, reports.

At the same time, both internal documents of the organization and external documents sent from or for other organizations pass through the e-government service of the Republic of Tajikistan. The system is being actively implemented for use both in government agencies and divisions, and in commercial organizations, although they use various services for this.


The Electronic Government of Tatarstan greatly facilitates and accelerates interaction not only between organizations, but also between employees and managers of the same company. There are other reasons why many organizations choose this type of interaction.

  • Thanks to the service electronic document management Tatarstan provides a high degree of data security and confidentiality. The user does not have the opportunity to accidentally gain access to confidential information, as can happen when circulating documents in paper form. In addition, the likelihood that information representing a trade secret will fall into the wrong hands is significantly reduced;
  • Using the official website intra.tatar.ru saves time when corresponding. This is important in cases where the document is needed urgently. The paper letter must be delivered, registered and forwarded to the department. This may take several days. When using electronic document management, a digital version of a letter or appeal can be received much faster;
  • Speeding up and simplifying the circulation of documents between employees;
  • Simplification of work with documents due to their greater systematization. Now there is no need to spend a long time searching for paper equivalents of orders or other materials;
  • The security of documents, the reliability of their transmission and storage are significantly increased. The letter will not get lost during the forwarding process, the influence of the human factor on the reliability of data storage is excluded.

For these and some other reasons, an increasing number of organizations are switching to the digital document management system of Tatarstan: intra.tatar.ru or cdoc.tatar.ru.


Only certain users can enter the official website of the Electronic Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. There is no access for private individuals. If the user has access to the site intra.tatar.ru, then to enter his personal section he needs to do the following:

  1. Launch an Internet browser on the computer from which you have already opened the electronic document management portal (for security reasons, access to the site from computers with a different IP address may be limited);
  2. Go to the website intra.tatar.ru;
  3. A page for entering personal data and authorization on the site will open;
  4. In the “Organization” column, the user needs to select from the drop-down list the organization that provided him with access to the site (the list appears when you click on the arrow with right side in a field or when trying to place the cursor in an input field);
  5. Similarly, in the “Employee” input column, the user must select his last name and initials;
  6. Enter the password given to the user when opening access to the site;
  7. Click the "Login" button.

After this, the user enters his personal account on the website intra.tatar.ru and gains access to documents, incoming and outgoing correspondence of his department. Thus, each user gets access only to the information to which he is directly related.

Personal account

After authorization on the Intra Tatar website or cdoc.tatar.ru, you have the opportunity to access your personal section. It combines several services and services. The central block at the top of the page contains the following links:

  1. Electronic document management is the main section of the portal, in which work with documents takes place. Receiving, sending and other operations.
  2. Information and analytical system is a service with which you can quickly analyze a large amount of data;
  3. Open Tatarstan - information and reports from departments, in fact, the link leads to the official website of the same name;
  4. Government services - the link leads to the website.

Below are three buttons with additional services. By clicking on the first one, you can quickly pay for services using a system similar to the official website of government services of the Republic of Tatarstan. The second button leads to the service for. When you click on the third button, the user goes to a page containing information on how to improve their IT literacy.

Working with documents

When you click on the “Electronic document flow” link, the user is taken to the section for working with documents. It divides all current documents into many categories (preparing for sending, requiring signature, etc.) to make them easier to work with and find.

The service is intuitive, but if you still have questions, you can contact technical support by phone or by sending a request by email.
All contacts are listed in the upper right part of the screen of your personal account.

The Republic of Tatarstan and its capital Kazan are confidently among the leaders in terms of the level of informatization and distribution of EDS (electronic document management systems) in organizations. Automation with an emphasis on legally significant electronic document flow in Kazan and Tatarstan as a whole has been a stable trend for the second decade.

The high level of informatization of Tatarstan, especially the capital city of Kazan, is one of the main reasons for the constant growth in the needs of enterprises and organizations in the region for modern electronic document management systems. The introduction of corporate automation and content management systems that go beyond conventional EDMS in Tatarstan has affected both the public sector and flagship businesses.

Hundreds of successful projects for implementing EDMS in Tatarstan

The first implementations of EDMS by the Electronic Office Systems company to automate document flow in Tatarstan began back in the 90s. For example, in 2000, a document flow automation project was launched in the largest holding company OJSC TATNEFT (together with TatASUNeft (Kazan)).

Today, the number of clients in Tatarstan who use EDMS from EOS to organize electronic document management is more than three hundred, among them - largest companies, forming the market in their industries:

    OAO Tatneft and its subsidiaries,

    OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim

    OJSC "Almetyevsknefteproduct"

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    Electronic document management RT


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