Biscuit program for legal entities. The structure of the automated banking system "biscuit" of the "bis" company. The basic principles of building the system are

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

Institute of Engineering and Economics

Department of Finance and Monetary Circulation



Laboratory workshop


Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ....................

Purpose of the work. ........................................................ ........................................................ .....

Operating procedure......................................................... ........................................................ .....

2.1 Login................................................................. ........................................................ ...

2.2 Working with IBS reference information.................................................... .........

2.2.1 Basic terms used in the system....................................................

2.2.2 Working with normative-reference and conditionally permanent information.


2.3 Keys used.................................................... ................................

Requirements for the report................................................................... ...............................................

List of sources used......................................................... .......................


Today, there are about three dozen banking software developers on the market for automated banking systems.

The products they create allow them to fully cover the entire range of banking services. Based on the price/quality ratio, the most optimal is the integrated banking system (IBS) “BISquit”, which allows you to fully automate the work of a multi-branch bank.

The manual discusses the main modules included in the Biscuit IBS, where the greatest attention is paid to the Basic Module, which is the core of the system.

The possibilities of working with reference information in the Biscuit IBS are given, and the main terms and definitions used in the system are given.

1. Purpose of the work.

Familiarize yourself with the basic terminology, with the main sections of the integrated banking system (IBS) “BISquit”, learn to work with regulatory and reference information.


1.2.3 Bisquit Integrated Banking System (BISCUIT)

The Bisquit banking system provides a high level of information support for bank operations in the context of a dynamically developing area of ​​financial services in the market.

Analyzing this banking solution, a number of advantages were highlighted:

The system has support for centralized, decentralized and cluster organization of banking business;

Supports complex, non-standard technologies and individual bank requirements;

Able to conduct all business transactions in real time;

Organizes the work of remote bank divisions on-line;

Sustainable performance as clients and operations grow, as well as new product introductions and changes;

Efficient processing of a large number of documents;

Reliable control of access to limited information;

Integration with other banking applications;

The system interacts with almost any organizational structure of the organization.

The architecture components of this service are as follows:

1) The core of the system includes the definition of information objects and many system services.

2) The metaschema service has the ability to define organized classes of objects in the hierarchy and methods for processing them in terms of business objects. Such a schema contains metadata that describes the logical structure of the database in universal relational tables. The database also contains a set of details that can be edited, deleted and added.

3) The customer service allows you to store information about individuals and legal entities. For each of these entities, the system has the ability to store an arbitrary number of their identifiers, for example, an individual payer number, BIC, code in the system, etc.

4) The contract service stores information about a set of operations distributed over time that attract and place funds, their transformation, and cash management services.

5) The classifier service can solve problems of grouping and classifying information.

6) The accrual service determines the procedure and amount of accrual and collection of payments for interest and commissions.

7) The OLAP service is used to store and calculate reporting and analytical data. The technology of operational analytical data processing based on the use of a multidimensional analytical database is also used here.

8) The user service implements several functions that are most important in managing system access rights. The service keeps a log of actions and change history.

The Bisquit system provides unified information on clients, banking products, and integrates all operational, accounting and analytical information.

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Chapter 2. Analysis of the automated system “Biscuit”

2.1 Main characteristics of ABS “BISCUIT”

The Banking Information Systems (BIS) company, created in 1991, immediately began developing its own banking system, using the experience of its specialists in using the Progress DBMS of the American company Progress Software Corp. Although this company and its products (DBMS, tools for developing and debugging applications, tools for interacting with other DBMSs and administration) are not as well known on the Russian market as Oracle products, various corporate information systems have been created and successfully operate on them abroad, including and ABS. It should also be taken into account that, according to system integrators in America, the company has repeatedly been among the leaders in terms of the level of support for its partners. This gave the basis to the BIS company to become one of the distributors of Progress products and to develop the Biscuit ABS on this platform.

The developers define it as an integrated, scalable banking system suitable for both small and large commercial banks. Currently, there is experience in operating the “Biscuit” system in banks with the number of transactions exceeding 10 thousand per day. The Progress DBMS used at its core gives the system complete platform independence and the ability to select the optimal configuration of hardware and operating system. In addition, the active data dictionary of the DBMS kernel allows you to automatically monitor the integrity and consistency of data in a database common to all functional modules of the Biscuit database and restore its integrity after failures. Among the functionality of Progress that gives additional qualities to the core banking system, it is also worth noting the full processing of distributed transactions and full-fledged work in remote access mode.

The core of the system provides general administration functions, access control, directory maintenance and basic banking accounting functions, as well as a set of functional modules - screen and output forms, calculation procedures. This structure gives users the opportunity to optimally configure the core banking system parameters in relation to the specific operating conditions of the bank - set the range of users and determine their access rights to data, procedures, accounts, and output devices. As a result, you can prepare a flexible set of workstations for bank employees and create document flow routes in the system, taking into account the bank’s organizational structure.

The system itself consists of two dialog boxes. The first is the so-called “replica”, it serves as a data base where information can only be viewed. In terms of functionality, it does not present any difficulties. Here the operator finds the desired client and views all the necessary information: information about the client, his personal data, numbers, types of accounts, deposits, loans, terms, etc.

The main program is the so-called “combat BISCUIT”, in which all the main operations are carried out, operating days are opened and closed.

The working “BISCUIT” consists in turn of two modules: a basic one and a retail services module. Basic operations such as opening accounts, closing accounts, issuing loans, etc. are carried out in the retail services module. In the basic module, transfers are made, statements are issued, and information about the services used by the client is collected.

Each system object - personal account, client, bank transaction, financial instrument - has a corresponding screen form that allows a specific employee, if the administrator has granted him such rights, to perform the operations provided for by this ABS implementation. And due to the recursive navigation of objects related in the database, an employee can, without leaving the document processing mode (Fig. 2), view the client’s details, data on accounts opened by the client and balances on them, previously performed operations on them, details of correspondent banks and etc. In this case, any change in data associated with the execution of an operation becomes available to all users of the system immediately upon completion of the transaction - making changes to all interconnected parts of the database.

Regardless of which architecture - client-server or center-terminal - the system is implemented, the user will always see a single screen form in front of him and perform a single set of actions. At the same time, the Biscuit ABS provides for the development of its own application solutions for solution users. It is possible, in particular, to make changes to the system menu, directories and classifiers supplied as part of the “external” system, without affecting the operation of the procedure core, as well as to develop individual procedures that can be included in the bank’s existing technologies.

Avtobank specialists, who analyzed the capabilities of Biscuit, noted the fact that by mid-1997 this ABS had been implemented in 49 banks. Moreover, in one of them, Tver UniversalBank, the system was installed, configured and operated in 19 regional branches, i.e., the conditions for installing the system turned out to be close to those that prevailed in the Avtobank branch network. This was another factor that determined the choice of ABS from BIS.

In addition to the basic core, Biscuit includes such modules (sets of functional procedures and forms) as “Financial reporting and analysis”, “Loans and deposits”, “Exchange of electronic documents”, “Payroll”, “Securities accounting” , “Accounting for material assets” and “Consolidated reporting of the bank.” For the Avtobank branch network at the time of the introduction of the ABS, this set turned out to be more than enough. But the increasing development of market transactions with securities (dealing) forces the bank’s management to look for ways to introduce modern technologies into this area of ​​activity, since the influx of new clients and their satisfaction with the bank’s services depend on the speed and accuracy of operations.

Traditionally, Russian core banking systems focused on performing all operations required by the core activities of any bank and grouped into “operating days.” As a result, any analysis of activity was reduced to an analysis of the actual operations carried out and essentially represented the processing of reports. In the context of the development of dealing, banks need tools for analyzing operations planned for the future - positional accounting. In Biscuit, the developers have created the “Analysis XL” subsystem, which provides an interface for the “Financial Reporting and Analysis” module to Microsoft Excel and the ability to perform analysis using spreadsheets and display the results in graphical form.

Note that this did not require changing the structure of the database or developing any special functional modules and procedures within the framework of the ABS - an analytical part is allocated in a single database, which the user accesses through the “Analysis XL” interface within the limits defined for him by the administrator right And the results of data analysis in the appropriate section become available to him immediately after loading the interface subsystem, calling the corresponding tables and running macro commands.

2.1 Main characteristics of ABS “BISCUIT”

The Banking Information Systems (BIS) company, created in 1991, immediately began developing its own banking system, using the experience of its specialists in using the Progress DBMS of the American company Progress Software Corp. Although this company and its products (DBMS, tools for developing and debugging applications, tools for interacting with other DBMSs and administration) are not as well known on the Russian market as Oracle products, various corporate information systems have been created and successfully operate on them abroad, including and ABS. It should also be taken into account that, according to system integrators in America, the company has repeatedly been among the leaders in terms of the level of support for its partners. This gave the basis to the BIS company to become one of the distributors of Progress products and to develop the Biscuit ABS on this platform.

The developers define it as an integrated, scalable banking system suitable for both small and large commercial banks. Currently, there is experience in operating the “Biscuit” system in banks with the number of transactions exceeding 10 thousand per day. The Progress DBMS used at its core gives the system complete platform independence and the ability to select the optimal configuration of hardware and operating system. In addition, the active data dictionary of the DBMS kernel allows you to automatically monitor the integrity and consistency of data in a database common to all functional modules of the Biscuit database and restore its integrity after failures. Among the functionality of Progress that gives additional qualities to the core banking system, it is also worth noting the full processing of distributed transactions and full-fledged work in remote access mode.

The core of the system provides general administration functions, access control, directory maintenance and basic banking accounting functions, as well as a set of functional modules - screen and output forms, calculation procedures. This structure gives users the opportunity to optimally configure the core banking system parameters in relation to the specific operating conditions of the bank - set the range of users and determine their access rights to data, procedures, accounts, and output devices. As a result, you can prepare a flexible set of workstations for bank employees and create document flow routes in the system, taking into account the bank’s organizational structure.

The system itself consists of two dialog boxes. The first is the so-called “replica”, it serves as a data base where information can only be viewed. In terms of functionality, it does not present any difficulties. Here the operator finds the desired client and views all the necessary information: information about the client, his personal data, numbers, types of accounts, deposits, loans, terms, etc.

The main program is the so-called “combat BISCUIT”, in which all the main operations are carried out, operating days are opened and closed.

The working “BISCUIT” consists in turn of two modules: a basic one and a retail services module. Basic operations such as opening accounts, closing accounts, issuing loans, etc. are carried out in the retail services module. In the basic module, transfers are made, statements are issued, and information about the services used by the client is collected.

Each system object - personal account, client, bank transaction, financial instrument - has a corresponding screen form that allows a specific employee, if the administrator has granted him such rights, to perform the operations provided for by this ABS implementation. And due to the recursive navigation of objects related in the database, an employee can, without leaving the document processing mode (Fig. 2), view the client’s details, data on accounts opened by the client and balances on them, previously performed operations on them, details of correspondent banks and etc. In this case, any change in data associated with the execution of an operation becomes available to all users of the system immediately upon completion of the transaction - making changes to all interconnected parts of the database.

Regardless of which architecture - client-server or center-terminal - the system is implemented, the user will always see a single screen form in front of him and perform a single set of actions. At the same time, the Biscuit ABS provides for the development of its own application solutions for solution users. It is possible, in particular, to make changes to the system menu, directories and classifiers supplied as part of the “external” system, without affecting the operation of the procedure core, as well as to develop individual procedures that can be included in the bank’s existing technologies.

Avtobank specialists, who analyzed the capabilities of Biscuit, noted the fact that by mid-1997 this ABS had been implemented in 49 banks. Moreover, in one of them, Tver UniversalBank, the system was installed, configured and operated in 19 regional branches, i.e., the conditions for installing the system turned out to be close to those that prevailed in the Avtobank branch network. This was another factor that determined the choice of ABS from BIS.

In addition to the basic core, Biscuit includes such modules (sets of functional procedures and forms) as “Financial reporting and analysis”, “Loans and deposits”, “Exchange of electronic documents”, “Payroll”, “Securities accounting” , “Accounting for material assets” and “Consolidated reporting of the bank.” For the Avtobank branch network at the time of the introduction of the ABS, this set turned out to be more than enough. But the increasing development of market transactions with securities (dealing) forces the bank’s management to look for ways to introduce modern technologies into this area of ​​activity, since the influx of new clients and their satisfaction with the bank’s services depend on the speed and accuracy of operations.

Traditionally, Russian core banking systems focused on performing all operations required by the core activities of any bank and grouped into “operating days.” As a result, any analysis of activity was reduced to an analysis of the actual operations carried out and essentially represented the processing of reports. In the context of the development of dealing, banks need tools for analyzing operations planned for the future - positional accounting. In Biscuit, the developers have created the “Analysis XL” subsystem, which provides an interface for the “Financial Reporting and Analysis” module to Microsoft Excel and the ability to perform analysis using spreadsheets and display the results in graphical form.

Note that this did not require changing the structure of the database or developing any special functional modules and procedures within the framework of the ABS - an analytical part is allocated in a single database, which the user accesses through the “Analysis XL” interface within the limits defined for him by the administrator right And the results of data analysis in the appropriate section become available to him immediately after loading the interface subsystem, calling the corresponding tables and running macro commands.

The solution proposed by BIS turned out to be quite flexible, not reducing the functionality of the system and not overloading the database servers. Moreover, since the Biscuit ABS uses a single database that ensures complete integration of functional modules, the developers went further. They are creating a separate package called “Assembly”, which will provide a multidimensional presentation and analysis of financial information, also displaying the analysis results in graphical form. Its appearance should attract the close attention of other banks to the system, which are striving to move from actual accounting systems to systems that provide opportunities for broad analysis and forecasting of their activities.

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the system

The main advantages of the system:

High performance, allowing the system at the head office to support the simultaneous work of several hundred users with specified time characteristics;

Maximum reliability;

The ability to build a scheme that allows additional offices to work on a central computer in on-line mode;

Availability of a proven solution for branches;

- “openness” of the system in terms of its adaptation to the bank’s technology and expansion of functionality.

Easy control menu

User-friendly interface

Convenient search engine

Allows you to see and systematize a large amount of information

High security system

There is a possibility of automatic data verification

Ability to work on several operating days at once

There is a full set of ready-made reporting forms

Disadvantages of the system:

Lack of a form editor for printed documents

Poorly implemented mail

If a failure occurs in Replica, then it is difficult to work in Combat Biscuit

System overload

System failures

Needs modernization


From all that has been said, we can conclude that the use of the most modern computer technologies brings large profits to banks and helps them win the competition. Any automated banking system is a complex hardware and software complex consisting of many interconnected modules. The role of network technologies in such systems is absolutely obvious. Essentially, a BS is a complex consisting of many local and global computer networks. The BS today uses the most modern network and telecommunications equipment. The efficiency and reliability of its operation depends on the correct construction of the BS network structure.

Since the demand for BS is quite high and the price is high, many large computer hardware and software manufacturing companies offer their developments in this area on the market. The bank's automation department faces the difficult question of choosing the optimal solution. The banking sector defines two main requirements for the BS - ensuring the reliability and security of the transmission of commercial information. Recently, open global networks (for example, the Internet) are increasingly being used to interact with clients and make payments. The latter circumstance further enhances the importance of protecting transmitted data from unauthorized access.

Apparently, in the near future the pace of development of BS (especially in our country) will grow rapidly. Almost all emerging network technologies will be quickly adopted by banks. Processes of integration of banks within national and global banking communities are inevitable. This will ensure a constant increase in the quality of banking services, from which everyone will ultimately benefit - both banks and their clients.

Literature used

1. Automation of banking activities. //“Moscow Financial Association”. -1994, 288 p.

2. Ermoshkin N.N. Information technologies in retail banking / N.N. Ermoshkin // Calculations and operational work in design bureau, No. 5, 2005