Digitization of documents. Digitization of paper archives Planning work to create an electronic fund for use

Archival processing of documents is the systematization and organization of documentation that is generated during the activities of the organization. There is a list of certain categories of documents that are subject to storage in the archive in a strictly established manner. Founding, administrative documents, financial statements, personnel, specialized and other documentation of government, commercial legal entities various fields activities, temporary and long-term storage is subject to archiving. Archival processing of documents must be carried out without fail in accordance with the current legislation of the country. Otherwise, the institution faces penalties.

Documents from the archive may be required to compile reports, statistics, fulfill citizen requests and provide information government agencies, for the preparation of information events, financial analysis etc. In addition, the presence of an archive allows you to keep documentation in order and have quick access to the required document or to the point, even after several years.

What organizational documents can be archived?

Reisswolf specialists work with various types of documents - from personnel to accounting. The storage period and conditions of liquidation depend on the nature of the securities. In most cases, terms range from 1 year to 75 years.

Archiving documents in the organization of office work is carried out in three main directions:

  • standard nomenclature of cases (developed by committees, ministries, various bodies and institutions);
  • approximate nomenclature of cases (an approximate composition of cases is established, and the requirements are advisory in nature);
  • individual nomenclature (compiled by company employees and management of structural divisions).

Mandatory archiving accounting documents and personnel papers are subject to personal files of enterprise employees, constituent documentation, administrative papers, accounting records (declarations, reports, etc.), specialized documentation (local internal acts).

The timing of archiving accounting documents depends on their purpose. For example, tax data accounting policy, incoming and outgoing cash orders, invoices, inventory accounting cards, write-off acts are stored for 5 years. Invoices for shipment of products must be archived for 4 years.

Archiving personnel documents is carried out according to a special scheme, and the terms strictly comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • every employment contract must be stored for 75 years;
  • personal files of employees - 75 years;
  • documents confirming the provision of bonuses to employees - 5 years.

Properly organized archiving of documents in the organization of office work is extremely important for any legal entity, because the speed of work of personnel and the ability of enterprise management to adapt to changing market requirements directly depends on this.

Main stages of documentation archiving

The process of archiving accounting documents, personal files and other documentation to be stored in the archive consists of the following steps:

  1. Examination of the value of documents.
    At this stage, the practical, historical and scientific value and, accordingly, the selection of documentation to be stored in the archive are determined, and the storage period is determined.
  2. Documentation systematization stage.
    According to the direction of activity, all documents are formed into files of permanent, temporary and long-term storage.
  3. Registration of systematized cases.
    This process is carried out in accordance with the law and includes:
    • numbering of sheets;
    • preparation of a certification sheet;
    • drawing up an internal inventory;
    • cover design;
    • preparation of historical information.
  4. Drawing up inventories and prefaces to completed cases.
    At this stage, a systematic list is created, including the names of cases.
  5. Formation of an electronic archive.
  6. Drawing up an act of transfer of documentation and further transfer of cases for storage in the archive.

The process of archiving documents in the organization of office work also involves the disposal of files that are not subject to storage. Destruction is carried out after drawing up the relevant act and approval by the organization. The development of the nomenclature is provided for by the design requirements archival documentation. The procedure for archiving documents in an office management organization can be carried out separately or in the process of archival processing.

Services of the company "Reisswolf"

Archival processing of documents is a labor-intensive process and requires possession of a certain knowledge base. In most cases, it is impractical to have a staff member servicing the archive. In addition, to keep things in proper form, it is necessary to have a special room that meets certain sanitary standards. Today, many companies prefer the option of outsourcing. The archiving service for accounting documents will save not only time on the lengthy process of document processing, but also financial resources. Archival processing of documents in Moscow, further storage of files and other services related to documentation archiving are provided by the Reisswolf company. Qualified specialists process documentation in accordance with the requirements of current legislation. Archiving documents in record keeping organizations is a lot of work. And its main difficulty is strict compliance with all rules, norms and regulations. The cost of archiving documents depends on the volume, complexity (condition and completeness of documentation) and urgency of the work.

Prices for archival services

Archiving documents
Name Unit measurements Price
Express assessment of the organization’s archival fund, formation of recommendations for improving and improving activities fund for free
Archival processing of documents case/folder 1,425 RUR
Drawing up an inventory of cases for management documents with permanent and long-term storage periods case/folder 51 RUR
Compilation of historical information about the organization. Fund up to 10 years reference 7,400 ₽
Numbering of sheets in the file, design of the certification sheet. Case spine thickness up to 4 centimeters and up to 250 sheets folder/case 210 ₽
Composite archival binding (documents in A4, A5 formats). Case spine thickness up to 4 centimeters and up to 250 sheets case/folder 167 RUR
Work in the customer's office or archive employee/worker 4,500 ₽

Who will need this service?

Archiving of documentation should be performed by all organizations, regardless of their field of activity. Government and commercial institutions may need services for archiving documents in an organization:

  • not having an archivist on staff;
  • those who want to save money working hours, financial investments for archive maintenance, as well as free space in the office;
  • complying with archival legislation on recording, compilation and preservation of documents;
  • those wishing to improve the efficiency of the company.

In the absence of premises for storage and processing, Reisswolf will provide archiving services for documents for legal entities, as well as their temporary storage on its territory.

Why is it better to entrust archival processing to professionals?

Documentation must be properly archived before being archived. If the norms and requirements of archival legislation are not met when registering cases, there is a risk of receiving documents for re-processing, which accordingly entails additional time and financial costs. In addition, enterprises are responsible for the security of files and ensuring limited access to them. In case of violation of the rules for archiving accounting documents, penalties will be imposed on the institution. Disposal of documents should also be carried out after appropriate examination and only after the expiration of the file storage period. Strict adherence to storage periods and execution of a destruction certificate are part of the procedure. Archiving personnel documents and other types of documentation must be performed competently and in strict compliance with archival rules. An unprofessional approach to business often entails fines and a damaged reputation of the organization.

Why is it profitable to cooperate with Reisswolf?

The company provides professional document archiving services. We offer our clients favorable terms of cooperation:

  • professional processing of archival documents at the market average price and in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • secure temporary storage of files, if necessary;
  • maintaining confidentiality;
  • short deadlines for completing work.

To order services for archiving personnel documents or receive detailed advice from Reisswolf specialists, use the feedback form.

2. Organization of work on digitization of archival documents

2.1. Goals of digitizing archival documents

Digitization of archival documents is carried out in order to form an electronic use fund (EFF).

The Electronic Fund for Use is a collection of electronic copies of documents from the Archival Fund, recorded on digital media, and intended for use instead of original documents, which should ensure:

    document safety,

    the ability to generate electronic resources that provide quick access to the document, incl. using Internet technologies.

Positioning of electronic copies of archival documents and electronic fund of use as an insurance fund of archival documentation unacceptable .

The procedure for creating an electronic fund for use (electronic copies of archival documents) is one of the important tasks of the archive and must be regulated by a specially developed Regulations for creating an electronic fund for use (electronic copies of archival documents), approved in the prescribed manner after its consideration and approval by the methodological commission and discussion at the archives directorate.

2.2. Electronic fund for use

The EFP includes copies of fully digitized storage units.

The EFP consists of three arrays of electronic copies:

2.3. Methods for creating EFP

An electronic fund for use is created:

    in a targeted manner within the framework of state, departmental, regional programs and annual (long-term) plans for the work of the archive;

    targeted order for all documents specified for insurance copying;

    targeted order for the most frequently requested documents;

    in the process of fulfilling orders;

    in the process of other work.

Basic technological operations for creating electronic copies of archival documents:

    selection of documents for digitization;

    preparation of documents for digitization;

    transmission of documents for scanning/reception of documents/registration in accounting documentation;

    choosing a method for digitizing documents on various media (for example, for photographic documents, the determining factors are: the type and type of document media (photo paper, film, glass), roll or separate frame, size (format) of the media (paper and photo frame), characteristics of the document (separate sheet document, photograph, or a set of documents (photos pasted into a photo album); for phonological documents - an information carrier, the presence of specialized equipment for reproducing the original, etc.);

    digitization of a document - creation of an electronic copy - master copy;

    double (minimum) recording on media: master copy and working copy;

    labeling of media/registration of media and their contents (master copy and working copy) in accounting documentation;

    transfer of copy media for storage;

    return of original documents to storage.

2.4. Criteria for selecting archival funds for creating electronic copies

As planned, electronic copies of archival documents are created primarily for:

    the most used documents, regardless of the time of their creation, material and manufacturing technique;

    especially valuable and unique documents,

    documents that are in unsatisfactory physical condition with a high degree of destruction of the base, which may lead to the loss of the original;

    documents for which there is a threat of loss of information (for example: for paper-based documents - text fading; for audio recordings on magnetic tape - demagnetization; for color photo negatives - loss of color, etc.) with satisfactory physical condition of the media;

    fulfilling requests and orders, preparing publications and exhibition projects.

Only those funds for which scientific and technical processing or improvement of inventories (in terms of editing headings) have already taken place or are not expected in the future are subject to digitization.

Of the funds of equal value, the first priority to be copied are those whose documents are in unsatisfactory physical (technical) condition and are most intensively used, as well as color photographic documents.

2.5. Planning work to create an electronic fund for use

In order to organize and control the work on digitizing funds in each archive, a Long-term plan digitization, including the names of funds intended for creating electronic copies within the entire archive collection (Appendix No. 2).

Monitoring and editing of the Perspective Plan must be carried out annually, based on the results of the implementation of the annual digitization plan, enshrined in the List of funds subject to digitization.

Long-term planning should be carried out by structural units that are entrusted with functional responsibilities for creating electronic copies, taking into account proposals from departments for the use of documents, departments for ensuring the safety of documents and other structural units.

When planning digitization work, the following columns are included in the planning indicators:

    names and numbers of funds, collections, storage units and names of documents planned for digitization;

    expected timing of digitization;

    completion mark.

Based on the Perspective Plan, a List (Lists) of funds subject to digitization is created annually, which determines the sequence of digitization of funds within a given year (Appendix No. 3).

The priority of digitization is determined by the value and informational significance of documents, their physical condition, the intensity of access to them, as well as the availability of technical and personnel capabilities.

The lists are coordinated with the structural divisions of the archive involved in the creation of the EFP (primarily with the preservation department and archival repositories in which the files to be scanned are stored) and approved by the director of the archive (archival institution).

When planning digitization work annually, the following columns are included in the indicators:

    names and numbers of funds, collections, numbers of inventories, storage units, names of documents;

    the number of documents to be digitized in the corresponding storage units;

    volume of storage units for photographic documents - in sheets/frames/units, for phono, film and video documents - in hours/minutes/seconds;

    document format;

    completion mark - date of digitization, number and date of the act of transfer of external media for storage, marking of external media;

    storage codes for electronic master copies;

    storage codes for electronic working copies.

    (Note: the last three points are filled in upon completion of the work).

Digitization is carried out by funds in compliance with the systematization of storage units in the inventory.

It is acceptable to maintain the Perspective Plan and annual Lists of funds subject to digitization in the form of a computer database with the creation of a mandatory annual printout of both documents.

2.6. Structural units for creating EFP

Work on creating an electronic use fund should be carried out by a specialized archive department.

The creation of EFP is planned and organized as an independent type of work.

Creation of EFP cannot be considered as additional functionality employees of other departments.

2.7.-2.8. Approximate composition of specialists of the structural unit for the creation of EFP.
Requirements for employee qualifications

The composition and functions of specialists in the structural division of the archive, which is entrusted with the functionality of creating EFP:


Functionality: acceptance of archival documents for scanning, maintenance of EFP records (EFP-1, EFP-2, EFP-3), quality control of work when transferring electronic copies for storage, monitoring of re-scanning issues, delivery of archival documents to archive storage after scanning, transfer for storage of labeled media with EFP.

Scan operator

Functionality: carrying out scanning operations, encryption of electronic copies;

External media write operator

Functionality: recording electronic copies on media, labeling media.


Accounting for the use of working copies, maintenance computer equipment, periodic testing of storage media with EFP (EFP-1, EFP-2, EFP-3).

Specialist in graphic processing of digital copies and preparation of copies of second and subsequent generations (if necessary).

The main criteria for choosing models scanners for creating electronic copies of archival documents are:

    safety and security of the original during the scanning process;

    quality of the electronic copy;

    the size of the scanning device table, corresponding to the maximum size of originals intended for digitization, and eliminating the need for fragmentary scanning of documents with subsequent computer “gluing” (“sticking”) of images;

    other technical specifications equipment.

The problem of optimal selection of scanning equipment for digitizing archival documents (according to the “price - quality” criteria) is the subject of research work carried out in 2011 by order of the Federal Archival Agency by the Research Institute of Reprography (Tula). Report on the topic “Development of methodological recommendations for the selection of scanning equipment that can meet the needs Russian archives"in January 2012 posted on the portal "Archives of Russia". The “Archives of Russia” portal contains a distribution kit of a computer program for equipment selection developed on the basis of multifactor analysis - MregForm and step by step instructions on its application.

In 2012, the Research Institute of Reprography (Tula), commissioned by the Federal Archive, developed “Methodological recommendations, software for assessing and monitoring the quality of the functioning of scanning equipment when performing work on digitizing archival documents in Russian state archives", posted on the portal "Archives of Russia".

The most optimal solution in choosing scanning equipment seems to be:

Professional book planetary (non-contact) scanners of at least A2 format, equipped with cold light lamps, or LED illuminators and a book cradle for scanning non-embroidered color, black-and-white and halftone originals (books, drawings, old materials, atlases) of archival documents, supplied in the following configuration:

Choice digital cameras (cameras) is determined by the size of the matrix and the financial capabilities of the archive.

Today, digital cameras represent the safest way to create electronic copies of documents for original archival documents. However, their use also has its limitations and disadvantages, the main one of which is the problem of maintaining the light regime.

It is permissible to combine various equipment to solve problems of digitizing documents of different formats.

Technical characteristics of computer equipment:

    System unit:

      Minimum requirements:

        CPU with at least 2 cores and a clock frequency of at least 2.8 GHz;

        Memory type DDR3, volume not less than 2 GB, HDD not less than 500 GB SATA;

        Video card of at least 512 MB, GPU frequency of at least 700 MHz, type GDDR5, Gigabit Ethernet, Multi-DVD.

      Optimal requirements (for continuous digitization mode):

        Chipset - Intel, CPU with at least 2 cores, volume of at least 6MB and operating frequency of at least 3.2 GHz;

        Memory type DDR3, volume no less than 8 GB, expandable up to 32 GB, HDD no less than 1000 GB SATA;

        A discrete video card with a memory capacity of at least 1 GB and a memory bandwidth of at least 25.6 GB/sec;

        Ability to protect information using a built-in hardware module;

        Software pre-installed by the manufacturer to protect and safely delete information.


      diagonal at least 19 inches,

      backlight type - LED,

      monitor brightness of at least 250 cd/cm 2, contrast of at least 1000: 1, dynamic contrast of at least 3,000,000: 1,

      viewing angles of at least 170 degrees horizontally and 160 degrees vertically.

Technical requirements for server equipment, electronic content storage systems and printing devices are determined based on the actual volumes of available digital content, prospects for its expansion and the needs for printing electronic copies.

2.12. Basic requirements for the department's technological premises
for creating electronic copies of archival documents and employee workplaces

The premises where work is carried out to digitize archival documents and create electronic copies must have a natural and artificial lighting. The orientation of window openings to the north or northeast is desirable. Window openings must be equipped with adjustable blinds or curtains that allow the window openings to be completely covered (if necessary).

Workstations for creating electronic copies are equipped with special tables, consoles, lift-and-swivel chairs (chairs), adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and backrest.

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the document is placed should be 300-500 lux, the illumination of the screen surface should be no more than 300 lux. The lighting should not create glare on the surface of the screen and scanning table. When using professional scanning equipment equipped with its own lamps, it is acceptable to completely turn off the lighting during the digitization process.

Minimum area per one workplace must be at least 6 sq.m., the distance between desktops with video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.

The monitor screen should be no closer than 500 mm from the user’s eyes, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

The room must be well ventilated. Ventilation openings on the equipment must not be blocked.

It is not allowed to place indoor plants near the equipment.

The room must be equipped with a safe or a lockable cabinet for storing archival documents accepted for digitization.

Premises where work is carried out to digitize archival documents and create electronic copies must be placed under guard.

2.13. Preparation and transmission of documents for digitization

Preparation of documents for work on creating electronic copies of the use fund is carried out in accordance with the procedure for issuing archival documents from archival repositories.

Preparation of documents for work on creating electronic copies includes:

    seizure of cases,

    checking search data,

    reconciliation with the list of case titles,

    checking sheet numbering,

    clarification in the certification sheets.

When preparing cases, the physical condition of documents is checked: documents with low-contrast and fading texts are identified, as well as documents that require restoration and strengthening of the base. If necessary, specialists in ensuring the safety of archival documents and specialists in document digitization are involved to conduct consultations in order to prevent the possibility of damage to files during scanning.

Files intended for digitization, as a rule, are not subject to binding and can only be bound in exceptional cases, in agreement with the archive management, if it is completely impossible to copy a bound file.

The decision to resolve the case may be motivated by:

    A) ensuring the safety of documents (the case is tightly sewn and when it is opened 180 degrees and the pressure glass is used, damage (deformation) of the documents may occur);

    B) the impossibility of presenting all the information of the document on an electronic copy, because some of the information “goes” into the spine.

The decision to bind documents is made only if the archive has conditions for binding after scanning the files bound for digitization.

At the end of the work, the case must be re-intertwined.

The transfer of documents for digitization to a specialized unit is carried out by archive employees responsible for the creation of an electronic fund for use, and is issued by an Order (requirement) for the production of electronic copies ( Approximate form Order (requirements) - Appendix No. 4), issued in accordance with the sequence of scanning of funds recorded in the List of funds intended for digitization.

The Order (requirement) for making copies states:

    Basis for digitization (in the case of carrying out planned work - a link to the position in the Annual List of funds intended for digitization; in the case of carrying out an order for other purposes - an indication of the number, date and name of the document on the basis of which the work is carried out, the purpose of the work, customer details ).

    Accounting codes (fund number, inventory number, storage unit number, sheet numbers (turnovers - if necessary).

    Number of sheets/turns of sheets intended for digitization.

    Resolution, format, media (for orders not carried out as part of the archive digitization program).

    Note (indication of special preservation requirements, the need to use specialized digitization methods, the possibility of using pressure glass and/or graphic processing (for orders not carried out as part of the archive digitization program)).

    Date of transfer for digitization,

    Order completion date;

    Date of receipt of the order (for orders not carried out as part of the archive digitization program);

    Date of return of originals to storage;

    Code and storage location of the electronic master copy (on built-in media and external media);

    Code and storage location of the electronic working copy (on external media);

    Code and storage location for the second generation copy (if necessary, for orders not carried out as part of the archive digitization program).

    An order (requirement) for the production of electronic copies of FP archival documents is signed by the director or deputy director (chief custodian of funds).

The order form is drawn up in the required quantity, but not less than 2 copies. One copy is stored in centralized accounting in the affairs of funds, the other - in the department for ensuring the safety of documents or in the structural unit in which centralized storage of the electronic fund for using the archive is carried out. The order form is registered in the Order Book for creating electronic copies of documents (Appendix No. 5). The journal is maintained in a structural unit that is responsible for creating electronic copies.

The journal is drawn up according to the rules for drawing up accounting documentation for the archive, i.e. its sheets are stitched and numbered; their number is indicated in the certification sheet. Columns in the journal and entries are kept in a spread. It is acceptable to maintain an Order Log in electronic form.

Performers bear personal responsibility for the safety of original archival documents during the entire time of working with them.

To avoid repeated scanning of the same documents (rescan), employees filling out orders and maintaining a log obliged Before transmitting and receiving documents for scanning, make sure that the documents have not previously undergone the digitization procedure.

If the document has already been digitized, all work to complete the order is carried out with its working electronic copy.

Repeated scanning (digitization) (rescan) of documents is unacceptable!

2.14. Digitization (scanning) of documents.
General approaches and requirements

The decision on the method of digital processing (scanning or digital shooting) is made by the manager. structural unit entrusted with the functionality of creating electronic copies.

Regardless of goals, objectives, order requirements, etc. archival document is digitized once .

As a result of the digitization process, a electronic master copy of the document .

Requirements for creating a master copy:

General requirements:

Technical requirements for creating a master copy using scanning equipment:

Daily work on creating electronic copies should begin with:

    carrying out routine settings of scanning equipment using a scanner calibration kit (calibration tables);

    calibrating your computer monitor.

    carrying out equipment setup procedures in accordance with " Methodological recommendations, software assessment and quality control of the functioning of scanning equipment when performing work on digitization of archival documents in Russian state archives.”

All three types of adjustments must be carried out after each (any) equipment shutdown.

The results of equipment setup must be recorded daily in the Electronic Copy Creation Log or the Routine Setup Protocol. (Appendix No. 6).

Carrying out the scanner setup procedure does not exclude the use of special test objects (color and gray scales, technical world) during the digitization process (creating a master copy of archival documents on a paper basis), intended for subsequent control of the color, contrast and clarity of the electronic image during its storage The scales are placed next to the original and must fall into the scanning area. In this case, the electronic master copy must necessarily contain images of the original archival document and test objects.

However, taking into account the fact that the cost of test objects and technical equipment is quite high, when digitizing archival documents, you can limit yourself to carrying out the three types of equipment settings described above.

In order to avoid repeated digitization of documents, a master copy is created with the highest possible technical parameters:

Resolution of at least 300 dpi - for digitizing documents of A4 format and larger;

Resolution of at least 600 dpi - for digitizing documents of smaller than A4 format;

True color color mode.

See Table No. 1 for details.

When scanning documents with fine lines, small details, photographic documents, to ensure reproduction of drawings, maps, and documents in poor physical condition, the resolution must be at least 600 dpi.

Table No. 1

Basic parameters of the process of creating electronic copies of archival documents


Scan mode

Compression formats

Master copy

shades of gray

Paper (parchment)
to mid-19th V.

Not less than 600

Not less than 600


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible

Standard paper


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible

Thin paper/
tracing paper


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible

Photo paper


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible


If necessary


If possible

If a document contains faded or hard-to-read text, two versions of the electronic master copy are created: in color mode and in grayscale mode.

In this case, depending on the capabilities of the scanning equipment, the following ways to solve the problem are possible:

Each individual image (cover, spread, page, back, etc.) of a digitized document is a separate file, which is automatically numbered in order in the digitization program built into the scanning equipment (in the project).

These files, created as a result of scanning and presented in the digitization program (in the project), are original master copies, maximum quality due to the absence of external influences (copying, updating, replication, emulation, migration, graphic processing, conversion to another format, etc.). However, storing the original master copies in a project is possible only for a limited period of time, so the created files are translated from the scanning program into a graphic editor, after which WITHOUT any processing procedures (except for renaming files) they are written to the built-in storage media (server, data storage system , electronic library). These initially saved and recorded files are master copies.

Graphic processing of electronic master copies is unacceptable!

Master copies must be kept:

To avoid the loss of digital information on built-in storage media, one-time replication of received files onto external storage media - compact or optical disks (CD-R, DVD-R) is permissible.

Electronic copies on compact or optical discs are replicated, excluding the possibility of subsequent recording of information on this medium.

It is mandatory to store each compact or optical disc in individual primary packaging (preferably in the form of a hard box).

Removing files created as a result of scanning and presented in the digitization program (in the project) from the memory of the scanning device and the working computer before recording

Technical requirements for creating electronic master copies using a digital camera are not fundamentally different from the requirements for creating master copies using scanners.

However, it is worth emphasizing that digital photography should be done with the maximum possible resolution cameras (at least 150 DPI), in color mode (exceptions are described above) and using test objects.

To represent real physical dimensions The original document must have rulers next to it.

When documents are digitized using a digital camera, titles are given to images automatically. After transferring frames from a memory card to a computer’s hard drive, you need to use a graphics editor to bring the headings of the digitized documents into correspondence with the sheet numbers of the original. In this case, any other graphic processing of images is unacceptable.

Deleting images created as a result of digital photography and stored on the camera's memory card before recording received files onto built-in storage media and subsequent replication to external storage media is strictly unacceptable!

2.15. Quality control of electronic copies

Currently, there are no developed and tested methods for automated quality control of created electronic copies, so it is advisable to use a combination of visual control methods listed below:

    page-by-page viewing and comparison of original documents with electronic copies;

    checking the correspondence of the number of electronic files to the number of sheets, checking the sequence of sheets;

    checking the availability of electronic copies of the backs of sheets of documents;

    analysis of image quality on a monitor screen with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels, including color rendition, sharpness, contrast;

    checking document readability at 200% zoom;

    image density assessment;

    analysis of the quality of printing of selected graphic images created on a printer with a resolution of 600 dpi.

Quality control of electronic copies should be carried out repeatedly at different stages of creating EFP-1:

The results of each stage of quality control of electronic copies must be documented and reflected in the control protocol (act) (Appendix No. 7, 8, 9 10). If a defective electronic copy is detected at any stage, information about it is entered into the protocol (act) of the corresponding stage, which is verified with the control protocol (act) of the previous stage and is the basis for the implementation repeat procedure working with an electronic master copy.

It is possible to control the quality of electronic copies using:

In this case, a special note is made in the Protocols (inspection reports) about what software was used and what are the results of assessing the quality of the electronic copy made using this software product.

Quality control of electronic copies must be carried out for each file. Selective control methods are permissible in exceptional cases on similar (mass) sources.

2.16. Labeling of electronic master copies

Each electronic master copy file must have a unique name and cipher marking. The development and implementation of unified marking of electronic copies is aimed at:

    unambiguous identification of the electronic copy;

    the ability to correlate the master copy with the original archival document;

    the ability to arrange electronic copies of sheets of each digitized case in the catalog structure in ascending order of sheet numbers in order to facilitate their sheet-by-sheet viewing.

The basic principle that must be observed when marking electronic copies is the inclusion in the structure of the file name of all elements of the document's archive cipher. Below is an example of marking an electronic copy of an archival document (archive cipher system of the XX-XXI centuries).

If archival document ciphers are constructed according to a different scheme (which is typical for accounting documentation of the 19th - early 20th centuries), a system must be developed and implemented for marking electronic copies that fully reproduces this scheme.

Traditionally, file names should contain the basic search data of the archived document, separated by a "_" (underscore) character, which includes the abbreviation of the archive name (or the archive index in automated system), fund number, inventory number, storage unit (file) number, sheet number, front side or back side code (1 - front side; 2 - back side), scanning mode (color - for color; c - for shades of gray), storage extension (format).

As additions to this scheme, the marking may also include:

    P - letter index of the fund

    272 - fund number

    3 - inventory number

    a - letter to the inventory number

    8 - sheet number

    1 - front or back code

    color - scanning mode

    tiff - format.

If the file is an image of sheets of a storage unit, digitized in a spread, the file name will look like this:

Example: 01_Р272_3а_964_8_2_9_1_color.TIFF

    P - letter index of the fund

    272 - fund number

    3 - inventory number

    a - letter to the inventory number

    964 - storage unit (case) number

    8 - sheet number

    2 - turnover code

    9 - sheet number

    1 - front side code

    color - scanning mode

    tiff - format.

To mark electronic copies of collection documents (non-stock storage organization), the following marking scheme is proposed:

Example: 01_photo_3a_964_8_1_color.TIFF, where

    Photo - name of the collection;

    3 - inventory number

    a - letter to the inventory number

    964 - storage unit (case) number

    8 - document number

    1 (2) - front side (back) code

    color - scanning mode

    tiff - format.

The marking principle must be unified for the entire array of digitized documents.

The procedure for marking files of electronic copies indicating all signatures is carried out manually, which slows down the process of creating electronic copies, but allows, if necessary, to organize a separate electronic systems accounting storage of electronic arrays of graphic images.

Histogram files (if necessary) are marked in the same way, but in the “scanning mode” position the designation “gr” is placed.

2.17. Directory structure on built-in storage media
(storage of electronic master copies)

The organization of storage of electronic master copies on built-in storage media (server, data storage system, electronic library, RAID array) must comply with the principles of hierarchical accounting and description of archival documents and consist of a set of subfolders:

    Folder: Fund No.

      Folder: Inventory No.

        Folder: Storage Item No.

          Folder: Sheet No. (range of sheet No.) of the document

            Folder: Color (color electronic copy)

            Folder: Grayscale (electronic copy made in “grayscale” mode - if necessary)

              Files in ascending order of sheet numbers

            Folder: (if necessary) histogram files for individual electronic copies

              Files are in ascending order of sheet numbers.

2.18. Storing electronic master copies on embedded media

Electronic master copies must be stored on a server/data storage system/ electronic library with the mandatory formation of RAID arrays used to prevent information loss and increase the reliability of data storage.

The structure of storing digital information on a RAID array must completely coincide with the main storage on the server/storage system/electronic library.

In this case, both electronic master copies (on the server in the storage system / in the electronic library and on the RAID array) have the status of inviolable copies, access to which is maximally limited.

Replication of master copies to the server and RAID array is documented in the Act (Appendix No. 11).

2.19. Recording electronic master copies on external storage media

Upon completion of creating electronic master copies and placing them in the appropriate directory section on built-in media and in a RAID array, it is necessary to replicate electronic master copies to external storage media, which will be a control copy of the master copy and should be stored in another division of the archive ( document security department).

The replication process is activated (Appendix No. 11-a).

At the same time, based on the acts, a Replication Journal of electronic copies (master copies) is maintained (Appendix No. 12).

2.20. Creation and marking of working electronic copies

To ensure the possibility of active use of the created electronic copies, it is necessary to make a working copy of the electronic copies to create copies of the second and subsequent generations.

To do this, repeated replication of electronic copies is carried out to another set of external storage media, confirmed by drawing up an act (Appendix No. 11-a. The form coincides with the form of the Certificate of Replication of Electronic Master Copies to an External Storage Media).

At the same time, on the basis of acts, a Replication Journal of electronic working copies is maintained (The form of the journal coincides with the form of the Replication Journal of electronic master copies (Appendix No. 12)).

Working copies of electronic copies are made from master copies made at maximum resolution and saved in *tiff format.

Electronic copies on compact or optical disks are replicated, excluding the possibility of subsequent recording of information on these electronic media.

Table No. 2

Main parameters of the process of creating working electronic copies of archival documents


Resolution (DPI)

Presentation Mode

Compression formats

Working copy

shades of gray

Paper (parchment)
until the middle of the 19th century.


If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary


Standard paper


If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary


Thin paper/
tracing paper


If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary


Photo paper


If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary



If necessary


If in the future, during the active use of the working copy, it becomes necessary to replace it, then creating a new working copy (re-replication) is only possible:

In this case, a new Replication Act is created and a new mark is made in the Replication Log of electronic working copies. A note about destruction is made in the old record (a reference is made to the number and date of the Act on the destruction of the external storage medium).

The created new working copy is assigned the mark of a destroyed copy (see clause 2.22. The “date of copy creation” field is filled in with updated information).

In the Journal of Registration of Working Copy Discs (EFP-2) (See clause 2.24, Appendix No. 17), in the “Note” field of the entry about the first working copy, a note is made about the Certificate of Technical Condition of the copy and the Certificate of its Destruction. The newly created second working copy undergoes re-registration (clause 2.24).

Copying working copies or creating copies of second and subsequent generations from them in other divisions of the archive and without following the described procedure is unacceptable.

The external media with working copies recorded on it remains in the structural unit, which is entrusted with the functionality of creating electronic copies of archival documents for use and creating derivative copies.

2.21. Ensuring the authenticity, reliability and integrity of the electronic copy

According to GOST 15489-1-2007, in order to ensure the authenticity, reliability and integrity of documents (including electronic copies of any order), it is necessary to implement and document control procedures over the creation, completeness and immutability, receipt, transfer, preservation and selection of documents and thereby ensuring that document creators are authorized and identified, and that documents are protected from unauthorized addition, deletion, modification, use and concealment (classification). From this definition It follows that ensuring these characteristics of electronic copies is possible only as a result of the development, implementation and use of a digital content accounting and management system, in which electronic copies of documents must be recorded, accompanied and associated “with metadata reflecting the operations performed with them in the course of business activities ", and strict compliance with relevant digital resource management regulations.

2.22. Marking of external storage media

For each external storage medium, its own information insert is created. On the inserts for external storage media (CD-R, DVD-R), on which electronic master copies and working copies were replicated, the following must be indicated:


      GA RF, disc No. 1; 07/22/2012. 523 files, 3.83 GB, EFP-1 - original; F.R-499, op.1, d.1-8

      file name

      file name

External media for working copies are marked in the same way, and in the “disk type” position “disk type (electronic copies - working copy (duplicate))” is written.

Insert form - Appendix No. 15.

2.23. Quality control of external storage media

After recording optical discs, it is necessary to test them and control their quality (readability):

    visual inspection is carried out simultaneously with the recording of the disc and is recorded in the Logbook of technical condition and diagnostics of external media (Appendix No. 16);

    checking for failures when reading using the “Scan Disc” utility

    checking the readability of information recorded on the medium using software and hardware; assessment of the physical state of preservation of the media.

The result of control is documented in an act. (Appendix No. 13, clause 1.1.)

Such monitoring must be carried out in the routine maintenance mode at least once a year for all existing external (disk) storage media.

2.24. Media registration

Each external storage media must be registered in the External Storage Media Logs:

    Logbook of registration of external media (disks) with electronic master copies (EFP-1);

    Journal of registration of external media (disks) of working copies (EFP-2).

    Log of registration of external media (disks) with copies of the second and subsequent generations (EFP-3).

    (The forms of all three magazines differ slightly from each other. Appendix No. 17)

Registration is carried out by an employee of the structural unit, which is entrusted with the functionality of creating electronic copies upon completion of recording each new disc.

The journals must be stitched, the sheets must be numbered, their number (sheets) is reflected in the certification sheet or certification note at the end of the journal. Magazines are kept facing out.

2.25. Transferring external storage media for storage

Recorded external media with electronic master copies of archival documents are transferred to the department for ensuring the safety of documents or the archive division, which is entrusted with the functionality of storing the archive use fund, according to the act of acceptance and transfer of master copies for storage (Appendix No. 18), drawn up in the structural unit , which is entrusted with the functionality of creating electronic copies.

Acceptance of external media is carried out in one copy of storage units - control, on which electronic master copies are recorded.

When electronic copies are received by an employee of the document preservation department or archive division, which is entrusted with the functionality of storing the archive fund, a scientific reference apparatus (inventory (Appendix No. 19), certification sheet for the inventory, electronic media cards) and other accompanying information are compiled, The completeness of the production of electronic copies and visual and technical condition are checked.

External media with electronic working copies are stored in the structural unit that is responsible for creating electronic copies, and are used to make copies for various purposes.

Currently, document digitization is becoming a very popular service offered by archival companies. In the world of modern information technology Almost no organization can do without an electronic archive.

Electronic archive and digitization

Electronic archives of documentation significantly save employees’ time, because it is thanks to digital archives that documents will always be at hand for every interested company specialist. On the path to creating an electronic archive or database, digitizing documents is the first step.

Special equipment for digitization

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the process of digitizing documents, but this is not entirely true. To digitize most paper archival documents, special equipment is required - so-called industrial scanners. In addition, under the service “digitization of documents” offered archival organizations, not only the scanning process itself is understood.

Document processing

Processing documents during digitization and some additional actions. This is, first of all, the delineation of documents before the digitization process and their subsequent stitching. As well as reconciliation of digitized documents with originals.

The most important stages of document processing

  • Scanning documents;
  • Entering information into the storage system.

Details of document digitization

When talking about the digitization of documents, the reconciliation of electronic copies and paper originals should be given special attention. In addition to the fact that this is an extremely labor-intensive process, in most cases it requires special skills. Many paper documents have some kind of damage, creases and bends, printed characters are erased, and handwritten letters are difficult to recognize by computer programs.

It is necessary to check documents

It is especially necessary to carefully check the originals and copies of design documentation in which large number special signs and symbols (it should be noted that digitization of design documents is the most difficult process, since design documents are mostly unformatted).

Can't do without manual work

After digitizing documents and conducting reconciliation, all inaccuracies and differences between paper originals and digital copies are eliminated manually. Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: given the complexity of the process, it is best to entrust the digitization of documents to professionals.

Paper is not an eternal material, it ages quickly and is easily destroyed. Therefore, important information contained in paper documents can be easily lost. In addition, during the storage process, paper documents take up precious office space and also create many other problems.
Digitization of archives will help to cope with all the inconveniences and increase the efficiency of office work in general. Modern technologies make it possible to transfer all important text and graphic information to electronic media, that is, to digitize documents.

Relevance of digitization

For many organizations, document digitization is relevant. After all, the larger the organization, the more complex the document flow structure in it, which means that the digitization of paper archives will sooner or later become vital. Digitization of archives is the process of scanning and then cataloging all documents of an organization.

What does this give?

Search in the archives required document you can spend hours, even though all the documents are distributed in folders. When it is necessary to quickly provide any information, only preliminary digitization of paper archives will help to quickly prepare documents and submit them for signature. In a word, using paper archives, you lose a quality that is very important for any business - efficiency!

Security of documents

Paper documents can be easily damaged and lost if the document was placed incorrectly during archiving. Digitization of documents completely eliminates their damage, and convenient digital cataloging allows you to quickly search through documents. Today, it is quite easy to improve the efficiency of office work.

Results of document digitization

Thus, all documents are saved in their original form with all necessary data preserved. When all paper documents undergo the digitization procedure, they are described and systematized. Then they are bookleted and a complete catalog of documents is compiled in accordance with the specifics and needs of the organization.

Benefits of working with us

By using our company’s service for digitizing archival documents, you can reduce the load on both paper archives and the photocopying department of your organization, because the documents will be available to all specialists of the organization. It is also more efficient to use useful office space and reduce the cost of maintaining a paper archive, and use digitized documents remotely via the Internet, which will allow you to always have all the necessary documents at hand.

Most archival companies nowadays offer a service such as document digitization. The demand for it is due to the fact that it is difficult to imagine the activities of almost all organizations without an electronic archive, which is convenient and practical, allowing quick and easy access to documents. The transition to this type of archives will be justified in cases where problems arise with storing work papers: lack of free space, the need to comply with the rules and quality of storage, etc.

Stages of creating a database and electronic archives

A procedure such as digitizing documents is carried out in several stages.

1. Preparing working papers for scanning:

  • technical (physical) training. Consists of unstitching, removing staples, paper clips, etc.;
  • systematization of materials. Involves working with content: choosing chronology, structure, type of documents.

2. Digitization of documents. At this stage, the following set of measures is carried out:

  • selection of technical scanning parameters (resolution);
  • selection of a format for saving results (in the form of pictures, files with the ability to edit the document);
  • scanning type (in-line or flatbed).

3. Processing of received information. Sometimes digitized papers with unsatisfactory quality of the “source” require additional processing (correction of fading, color, etc.).

The minimum volume of documents for digitization is 5,000 pages

Digitization of documents: subtleties and nuances

To convert paper archival documents into electronic ones, special equipment is used: most often used various types scanners (industrial, wide-format, planetary, book).

After digitization, it is necessary to verify the received documents for compliance with the originals. This is an important and time-consuming stage of the procedure, because some documents may have various bends, damage or abrasions that computer programs cannot recognize. Design documentation, which contains many special symbols and signs, deserves special attention.

Document digitization services

Due to the fact that this procedure requires increased attention and high quality of execution, it must be performed by highly qualified specialists who have relevant work experience and have already implemented more than one project.

For our company, document digitization is a core service: we work with documents of any size, provide services large companies and small organizations, while maintaining complete confidentiality.