Scientific reference apparatus in state archives. Scientific reference apparatus for archive documents Levels of NSA archives

L.P. Afanasyeva


The study examines the development of the automated scientific reference apparatus of archives, special attention is paid to the current state of archival automated information retrieval systems and the qualitative features of the development of reference and retrieval tools for archives at the present stage. The sources used are regulatory and planning documents of archival institutions - federal, departmental, regional programs, strategies, concepts for informatization of archives. It is concluded that archivists have begun to integrate disparate information resources at the intra-archival (inter-fund) level using network technologies. Besides, special role Digitization technologies play a role in the creation of NSA, with the help of which full-text databases are formed.

Key words: archival science, informatization, informatization of archival science, information and communication technologies, automated archival technologies, automated scientific reference apparatus, electronic reference and search tools for archives, information retrieval systems, databases, full-text databases, network technologies in archives , information resources of archives, electronic archives, electronic use fund, integrated information systems.

The most important direction in the informatization of archival affairs at all its stages has been and remains the creation of an electronic scientific reference apparatus. Information retrieval systems play a significant role in solving basic problems

© Afanasyeva L.P., 2013

archival institutions, providing user access to documentary information.

The object of our study will be the automated (electronic) scientific reference apparatus (SRA) of archives - a set of descriptions of documents placed in databases, automated means of searching for information and presenting search results. The sources used are regulatory and planning documents of archival institutions - federal, departmental, regional programs, strategies, concepts for informatization of archives, informatization plans, as well as analytical materials (reports, articles, interviews with heads of archival institutions) addressing the problems of their implementation1. Such a significant area of ​​archive work could not fail to attract the attention of researchers. Dozens of works are devoted to describing the experience of individual archives in creating search databases2. As this experience accumulated, generalizing works also appeared, analyzing the main trends in the development of electronic navigation system3. The subject of our research will be the consideration of qualitative changes in the creation of electronic scientific archives at the present stage, which allow, in our opinion, to conclude that information work archives has moved to a new level. Reference and search tools in archives have gone through several stages in their development. Practical experience in creation and development various types reference books (inventories, catalogs, memorial books, reviews, etc.) was replaced by the unification of description rules. The most important qualitative leap in the development of the traditional NSA was the 1960s, when the “Basic Rules for the Operation of State Archives” (1962) were published, containing forms of search archival reference books, and the introduction of a systematic approach into the theory and practice of creating NSA archives began. New principles for constructing the NSA system as a hierarchy of reference classes, clearly divided by levels and objects of description, were the result of the integration of archival science and computer science and the emergence of an information approach in archival science. This process was accompanied by standardization and formalization of requirements for the composition of descriptive articles of various types of directories. Thus, the prerequisites were created for the development of electronic NSA along the path of integration, which has come at the present stage.

If we consider the development of informatization of archives in the field of creating an informational archive (IRS), then the stages of this process will not coincide with the stages of informatization of archival affairs as a whole. Studying

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changes in AAT based on the evolution of technical, mathematical (software), linguistic support information systems archives, as well as storage media, we can roughly distinguish the following stages:

1) from the end of the 19th century. until the 1950s;

2) period 1950-1970s;

3) the period of the second half of the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s;

4) second half of 1980 - early 2000s. It is at this stage that spontaneous mass computerization of archives begins, application software is developed in all areas of their work. Under the influence of informatization, the operating methodology of archives that has developed over the years has changed, which is reflected in the “Basic Rules for the Work of State Archives” and “Basic Rules for the Work of Organizational Archives” (2002) - sections on automated accounting, automated NSA and the organization of implementation and maintenance of AAT in the archive appear there. . In 1995-1996 The first industry-wide Concept and Program for the Informatization of Archival Affairs is adopted, and work begins on the implementation of industry-wide (standard) software.

The development of information technology at each stage led to a change in the role that AAT played in archival affairs, changing the scale and main directions of their application. However, if we consider the evolution of the methodological foundations for the construction of reference and search tools included in the system of scientific archives, then we can distinguish two stages in the informatization of this area of ​​​​work of state archives:

1) 1960-2000 Despite the fact that during the period under review technical support archival AIPS was changed twice in a revolutionary way, this had very little effect on the methodology for creating search engines.

It is characterized by the predominance of the “analog approach”, when archivists strive to convert existing traditional archival reference books into machine-readable (electronic) form. So, in the 1980s. the most important task was the creation of an automated Central Stock Catalog; in 1990-2000 - creation of electronic versions of archive guides4. Sometimes in electronic view traditional reference books widely known to researchers are translated, for example the database “Catalog of the Military Scientific Archive (MCA)” in the RGVIA or a personal one

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

card index of the Moscow Security Branch in the RF GA (a joint project of the RF GA and MSU)5, as well as the index “Personal funds in state repositories of the USSR” (published on the “Archives of Russia” website).

Another feature in the development of electronic reference books at this stage is a significant degree of thematic and type differentiation of the directories being created, i.e. the creation of local databases for certain types of directories - guidebooks, catalogues, indexes, reviews, thematic lists, etc.

The ratio of the number of databases for various types of directories is as follows.

AIPS by type of reference book

Types of automated reference books On a PC or in an archive LAN On the Internet Total databases Percentage of the total number of databases

Interarchival AIPS 16 17 33 6.8

Guides and short reference books on archive holdings 19 34 53 10.9

Lists (lists) of archive funds - 11 11 2

Inventory registers - 1 1 0.2

Inventory 24 11 35 7.2

Catalogs 270 10 280 55.7

Indexes, thematic lists of documents 15 6 21 4.3

Reviews 1 3 4 0.8

Full-text databases 6 12 20 4.1

Integrated search engines 14 1 15 3

Factual AIPS 7 1 8 1.6

Other AIPS 4 - 4 0.8

TOTAL 358 126 484 100

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Thematic differentiation is explained by the fact that archivists follow the researcher here, creating thematic databases on the topics most in demand among users, related to the execution of queries, the implementation of scientific and publishing projects, etc. Thematic catalogs and indexes are especially often created (59% of all AIPS). Since the interest of researchers in certain documents remains stable over a certain period, the topics on which electronic reference books are created are the same for different archives. According to I.N. Kiseleva and O.Yu. Nezhdanova, among the state archive databases registered in the Scientific and Technical Center "Inform-Register", 28% are databases that include information about decisions of executive committees and city councils, 13% - about households, homeowners, land cadastres (registered), 17% - about prisoners of war and camp prisoners ( negotiated), 11% - about victims of political repression (mainly grants); 7% of databases on various topics were created in collaboration with scientific institutions6. It's easy to explain. Of particular importance for any regional archive is the fund of the executive committee of the local Council, which contains multifaceted information often requested by researchers. Some archives also create databases on the funds of modern authorities and administrations - city and district administrations. It is difficult to find a regional or regional archive that has computer equipment that did not have it in the 1990s. a catalog of funds has been created executive body authorities - the executive committee of the Council.

In the former party archives, similar catalogs are created based on decisions of regional, regional, city, and district party bodies. (For example, the database “Card index of decisions of party bodies” in the Central Educational and Cultural Organization of the Sverdlovsk Region). The most significant project in terms of volume of descriptions was the electronic catalog of solutions State Committee Defense and supreme bodies of the CPSU (b) (Politburo, Organizing Bureau and Secretariat), created according to documents of the RGASPI.

Other frequently encountered topics for which thematic AIPS are created in archives are:

History of state institutions of the region (DB on the history of state institutions 1p1ro1vk in the Russian State Academy of Economics; DB "Office": institutions, enterprises, organizations of the Arkhangelsk province and region (XVII-XXI centuries) in the GA of the Arkhangelsk region; DB "Catalog on the history of state institutions", "Card index" on the history of factories and factories of the Urals" in the State Administration of the Sverdlovsk Region; "Liquidated Institutions" in the State Administration of the Tula Region;

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

regions; “Handbook on the history of enterprises and government institutions” in the Civil Aviation of the Perm Region; DB “Electronic catalog on the history of institutions, organizations and enterprises” in the Civil Aviation of the Murmansk Region);

Construction, land ownership and homeownership (DB “Housing and civil construction” in the Central State Administration of Scientific and Technical Development of St. Petersburg; “Real Estate of the Republic of Tatarstan” - in the Central State Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan; “Land use in the Arkhangelsk province and region in the 20th-21st centuries” in the State Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region; DB “Householding”, DB “Household Books of the Basinsky and Limansky Districts of Astrakhan” in the State Administration of the Astrakhan Territory; “Decisions on Land Use and Land Tenure” in the State Administration of the Krasnodar Territory “Private Households” in the State Administration; Nizhny Novgorod region; “History of home ownership in Yekaterinburg” in the State Administration of the Sverdlovsk Region; “Indices to the inventory of the fund of the Tver Chamber of State Property” in the State Administration of the Tver Region);

Genealogy (DB “Everything for the genealogy” in the GA of the Arkhangelsk region includes revision tales (1744-1857), philistine books (1785-1870), metric books (1780-1900), confession books (1719-1917), DB “First General census Russian Empire, 1897"; DB “Tula Spiritual Consistory” (parish books, confessional statements) in the Civil Aviation Administration of the Tula region; DB on genealogical books of nobles of the Orenburg (Ufa) province in the Central State Historical Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan); DB of the Central State Administration of the Republic of Tajikistan;

History of religion (“Church and State” - GA RF; “ Cultural heritage spiritual institutions" - National Archive of the Republic of Karelia; “Churches, cathedrals and monasteries of the Stavropol (Caucasian) diocese (18431918)” - GA of the Stavropol Territory; “History of religions” in the Kama region - GA of the Perm region; “Handbook on the history of religion” in the State Socio-Political Archive of the Perm Region);

History of repressions and the Gulag (“Special camps of the NKVD of the USSR on the territory of Germany”; “Special folders in the fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” - Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation; “Overcoming” in the Civil Aviation of the Tula Region; “Accounting for documents of personal origin and photographic documents in materials of archival investigative cases” in the Civil Aviation of the Republic Altai; Political repression in Siberia 1917-1951." in the Civil Aviation of the Omsk region; DB "Filtration and testing

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KGB cases"; “Archival and investigative files of the KGB” in the Central Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan);

History of ethnicity and international relations (“History of the Jewish people in Russia”; “International relations of Russia and Denmark” - GA RF; “The peoples of Altai and Mountain Shoria through the eyes of missionaries of the Altai spiritual mission and researchers of the first half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.” - GA Republic of Altai);

History of administrative-territorial division (DB “Administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Tatarstan” in the Central State Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan; “Administrative-territorial division” in the Civil Aviation of the Perm Region).

In the mid-2000s. The process of creating reference books has reached its climax; according to our calculations, at least 50 thematic AIPS were created in the archives annually. Electronic catalogs are divided into types - nominal, geographical, subject-thematic, systematic. Even within one type of directory - a registered one, we see further differentiation of the created databases:

Database on those awarded (medals “Veteran of Labor”, for “For the Defense of Moscow”, “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War 1941-1945”, “In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow”, “Mother Heroine”, honorary titles, etc.);

Database on personnel of various enterprises, institutions, departments (based on departmental files);

Database on repressed, rehabilitated, special settlers, dispossessed, deprived of voting rights, administrative exiles;

Database on military personnel and participants in the partisan movement;

Database on evacuees and repatriates;

database on prisoners of war;

DB on members of the CPSU and Komsomol, delegates of party congresses and conferences (in the former party archives);

Database on outstanding figures of the region and industry.

From this list it is clear that the topics are related to the main types of socio-legal requests carried out by archival institutions. For the same reason, an important direction in the development of automated reference data is the creation of inter-archival search systems for the location of documents on personnel.

It is because of differentiation that thematic databases make up the vast majority of programs created in archives. According to the information of the 1995 Concept of Informatization of Archival Affairs, information retrieval databases in 1995 amounted to 88%

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DB, and according to federal archives - 98% (according to our calculations, in 2005 - 71.2% of all DBs).

Another feature of this stage of NSA development was their development taking into account the publication of databases on a single-user computer or on local networks.

Forms for publishing search databases in archives

Database implementation form For PC or LAN Internet CD-ROM

Number of databases (AIPS) 377 107 7

Interest 77 22 1

The table shows that the predominant AIPS are those that are inaccessible to a wide range of users of document information, located in the archive and not published on the global network or on machine-readable media.

However, starting from the mid-2000s. The trend towards integration of thematic resources created by archives has prevailed.

The movement towards integrating archives' information resources began at the top. In 1995, the first industry-wide Concept for the Informatization of Archives was developed, in which, based on an analysis of database statistics available in the Federal Archive, a disappointing conclusion was made that the informatization of archives is developing spontaneously due to the lack of a unified methodological and software base. Based on this, the Concept set the task of using all-Russian (which did not yet exist at the time of adoption of the Concept) and international standards to create an all-Russian information space based on the integration of the resources of individual archives. At the same time, the Concept drew the attention of archivists to the need to create an information information system not for “internal consumption”, but for the user, which meant the main focus on publishing the database on the Internet: “providing the possibility of remote access to databases and electronic copies of documents through telecommunication networks and systems.” This task was repeated almost verbatim in the new “Informatization Program of the Federal Archival Agency and its subordinate institutions for 2011-2020.” from 02.12. 2011, which talks about the goals of ensuring access for citizens and organizations to search tools and electronic copies of documents from the Archival Fund Russian Federation, including on

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based on remote access, with an emphasis on overcoming the fragmentation of state information resources in the field of archival affairs by combining information (thematic, research, etc.) resources created and operating within federal archives, and presenting them on the Internet. The program outlines steps for integration:

1) conducting an inventory of existing information resources of federal archives;

2) implementation in each archive of the integration of available information resources into a single database for a given archive with the formation of a single reference data archive in electronic format;

3) preparation of this “local” resource for its integration into a single system of information resources for all federal archives;

4) development of a unified integration platform based on the principle of distributed storage to combine information resources of federal archives7.

The methodological foundations for the creation of integrated information retrieval systems were laid by the international standard ISAD (G) (International Standard Archival Description), approved by the International Council on Archives (ICA) in 1994. This standard is based on the principle of multi-level description, which involves a description from general to specific, revealing the hierarchy of complexes documents8. A universal model of an integrated archive information system based on this standard was proposed by I.N. Kiselev. The system was supposed to combine three functions: accounting, control over ensuring the safety of documents and maintenance of documents. In this case, accounting and search information must be entered into databases divided into four levels of description:


A fifth level is also possible - entering document text. Taken together, all databases form a hierarchical IS structure, where all levels are connected vertically and horizontally using a database of fund renamings, biographical information, information about fund inclusions and undocumented periods, topographical indexes and keyword files and

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

rubricators9. These principles formed the basis for the creation of the industry-wide Archival Fund program. A similar model was developed for the unified IRS “Electronic Archive” of the Russian Civil Aviation, which is based on the idea of ​​a multi-level description (fund-inventory-case-document).

However, all these developments remained at a theoretical level. Rosarkhiv was able to offer archives software capable of putting into practice the idea of ​​an integrated system with a multi-level description only in 2008, when the archives began implementing the fourth version of the industry-wide program “Archival Fund” (before that, industry-wide software solved the problem of centralized accounting, and not the creation of an integrated NSA systems). And even after the implementation of the fourth version of the “Archival Fund”, Deputy Head of Rosarkhiv A.N. Artizov noted that the formation of an inter-archival reference data on an industry scale remains a matter of the future, when the problem of transferring data from archives to an automated central stock catalog is solved not at the fund level, as happened in the “card” system of centralized state accounting, but also at the level of inventory and storage unit10 .

However, the archives did not wait for industry-wide software, and the creation of integrated NSA systems began “from below.” The reason was the accumulation of a critical number of thematic databases not only in federal and Moscow, but also in regional state archives.

Accumulation large quantity local databases created problems for the following reasons:

Increased costs for the development and implementation of software products;

Inability to exchange information between archives;

Difficulties in training archivists and users to work with a large number of databases;

Difficulties with storing databases - it is necessary to maintain, i.e. constantly modify, many application programs, which means labor and money spent on implementing their new versions and converting data from old to new versions;

Difficulties with converting data into the “Archival Fund 4.1” format, with integration into unified systems, with publication on the Internet due to incompatibility of formats.

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Number of thematic archive databases

Name of the archival institution Number of thematic databases (excluding the industry-wide program “Archival Fund” (version 4) and reference books in HTML and doc format on the archives website) Year

Main Archive of Moscow 105 1996 (before the implementation of the integrated system)

GA RF 32 1999

GA Kurgan region 21 2008

Management of archives of the Sverdlovsk region (all state archives) 20 2005

Civil Aviation of the Smolensk Region 18 (of which 5 databases are based on personnel documents) 2007

Committee of the Stavropol Territory for Archival Affairs 16 2012

GA Lipetsk region 13 2007

GA OPD of the Kurgan region 11 2008

GA Tver region 8 2007

CDNI UR (network of archival institutions of the Udmurt Republic) 5 2008

GA Samara region 5 2011

GA Yaroslavl region 4 2007

GA of the Oryol region 4 2007

GA Voronezh region 3 2008

All this prompted the archives to take steps to develop their own integrated software. This is no longer just a translation of traditional reference books into electronic form, it is a qualitatively new product, which is the result of the opportunities provided by information and communication technologies.

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

To be fair, it should be noted that some archives initially built the NSA system on the principles of integration. One of the first complex electronic reference data systems based on a single software was implemented in the late 1980s - early 1990s. at the Russian Research Center for Space Documentation RNITs KD (databases “KINO”, “PHOTO”, “FONO”, “NIR”, etc.). One of the first integrated developments was the State Archive software complex, created in the State Archives of the Perm Region (GAPO) in 1994-1996. and twice awarded in the competition of scientific works in the field of archival science, document science and archaeography. The program allows you to carry out: description at the fund, inventory and case level; accounting of documents, control over the safety and condition of documents. However, the development of Perm archivists does not pretend to be universal - in addition to this program, the archive has 12 more databases, some of which, however, are integrated with the State Archives program (for example, the Cartographic Documents database).

However, in most cases, archives began integration after accumulating a significant amount of resources. For example, in the Information Center of the Moscow City Archive, back in 1996, 105 databases were created with a total volume of 2 million records (700 MB). As part of the city informatization program approved by the Moscow Government, the implementation of a unified integrated system began in 17 archival institutions of the Moscow City Archive in 1998. The first subsystems were called “Archival fund accounting” and “Scientific reference apparatus”. They made it possible to build an electronic NSA as a system of multidimensional information retrieval at the level of a fund, file, inventory, document, which carries out the formation of inter-fund and inter-archival directories, maintaining an electronic catalog of documents, film, photo, video materials. Moscow archivists did a great job of writing terms of reference. In addition, the system was multifunctional, as a result, the Insoft engineering and implementation center created a standard solution, which was then implemented not only in Moscow, but also in the archive department of the Voronezh region on the basis of two state and 33 municipal archives. In 2006, in the Voronezh region, the “Concept of automation of state archives of the Voronezh region” was developed, on the basis of which a Comprehensive automated integrated system of archival institutions of the Voronezh region (Insoft, Moscow) was introduced, which represented

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establishes a system for automated recording of documents, documents and electronic archives.

The disadvantage of the Insoft software was that it was not initially focused on publishing on the Internet, although information was exchanged between archives via a LAN, and access to the database was provided to readers in the reading room11. The information system “Inter-archival search” was implemented in the Moscow Main Archive in 2006-2007.12

A similar situation arose somewhat later in the State Archives of the Russian Federation (GA RF). By 1999, the archive had created 32 databases with a volume of over 230 thousand records, and by 2002 - 52 databases with a volume of over 450 thousand records. Since 1999, the archive, together with the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has been working to create a unified information system “Electronic Archive”, which would include both electronic images of documents and a search system created based on the integration of all search databases previously created in the archive13 . The difference from the product of Moscow archivists is that the information retrieval system “Electronic Inventories of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation”, which combines an electronic guide, electronic inventories and an electronic catalog of files (3 million descriptions of storage units), was opened on the archive website on its 90th day -year anniversary (2010).

A similar way of integrating its resources on the basis of a single software was done in the RAS archive. At the end of the 1990s. a special program “Archivarius” was introduced there, which made it possible to create electronic catalogs of individual arrays archival documents. However, then the disparate catalogs were combined into a single database, the interface of which was based on the multi-level principle of data structure introduced by the International Standard for Archival Description of Documents (ISAD). The project was implemented on the basis of the “Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences” program, which, in addition to multi-level search tasks, also solved the problems of document recording and information support for archive acquisition. The information system is replenished by including electronic inventories coming from archive acquisition sources (which significantly saves the work of archivists), as well as through targeted or “incidental” (with processing of the fund) cataloging. At the next stage, the task was set to connect digitized images of documents to the database and publish part of the database on the Internet.

Thus, we see that, in fact, simultaneously in different archives the task of creating a universal search engine was solved.

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

new system that implements the principle of multi-level description. However, it was solved using different software, which will complicate the future integration of the created resources.

Finally, a technical solution was found that satisfied all the requirements for an integrated archive information system and therefore was implemented in several archival institutions, museums and the Memorial Research Center (St. Petersburg). In 2000, at the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg, the Alt-Soft company began implementing the Kaissa-Archive software and information complex.

Archivists appreciated the following features of this program:

Ability to implement the principle of multi-level description (“description with arbitrary nesting depth”);

The ability to link digital copies of documents with electronic reference data as a meta-description;

Possibility of synchronous presentation on the Internet of a single archive database (publication of information retrieval directories and document images);

The ability to create, based on a single software, a multifunctional system that provides information support for various areas of the archive’s work (document accounting, preservation, acquisition).

In addition to these functions, which were inherent in other programs to varying degrees, “Kaissa-Archive” had such features as support for the translation of traditional inventories into electronic format, the ability to customize the features of the NSA of a particular archive, compatibility with the formats of the industry-wide program “Archival Fund” and with international standards ISAD, EAD, OAE, Dublin Code, UNIMARC, RUSMARC, etc.

Therefore, the program was implemented in RGALI, RGA KFD, RGIA, GA Leningrad region in the city of Vyborg, State Administration of the Khabarovsk Territory, State Administration of the Sakhalin Region, and a number of museums.

“Kaissa” was implemented on a particularly large scale at RGALI, where, on its basis, a comprehensive program was implemented to informatize all areas of the archive’s activities and present its resources on the Internet. The RGALI information system with the code name “Electronic Archive” is quite flexible in terms of choosing an object of description and is universal in the methods of searching for information at all levels (fund, storage unit, file, document, part of a document). In addition to search engines, the system also has accounting functions and provides digitized copies of items. hr. Was originally implemented

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NSA subsystem, then there was the introduction of automated workstations for the acquisition department, the archive storage, the workstation for working with researchers, the workstation of a visitor to the reading room, the workstation of a specialist in the preparation of documentary publications.

The network software and information complex “Archive” (ICAR), implemented on the basis of “Kaissa” in the RSA KFD, is also universal, it includes the subsystems: ICAR-acquisition; ICAR-safety; ICAR-use; ICAR-NSA; ICAR-OTK.

In the regions of the Russian Federation, archival institutions also sought in the 2000s. solve problems of integrating created information resources. In addition to the above-mentioned experience of the Voronezh region, one can name the software “Scientific reference apparatus” (“Archival reference books”), introduced in 2007-2008. in archival institutions of the Sverdlovsk region14. Further, the work was continued within the framework of the regional state target program “Creation of an automated information system based on documents of the Russian Federation, which are in state ownership of the Sverdlovsk region” for 2009-2011, during the implementation of which the task of creating an information system “Electronic inventories” and modernizing existing software was solved in order to its inclusion in a unified system15. In addition, in the second half of the 2000s. the automated information system “Archival Management of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug” was introduced, which is a single multifunctional integrated complex that includes subsystems for sources of acquisition, registration of requests, as well as reference data for archives (electronic catalog connected with document images)16.

In addition to such complex and large-scale projects, more local integrated systems were also created in archives. Thus, in the archives of the Kurgan region, a systematic electronic catalog was maintained and thematic reviews, lists and collections of documents were combined into one database17. An example of thoughtful integrated approach The problem of integration of created information resources can be addressed by the creation of a system of electronic catalogs in the National Archives of the Republic of Karelia, now united into a single systematic catalogue. Even before the start of work on its creation, archivists envisaged the use of a single software (DBMS “Code”) for all electronic catalogs, a single information retrieval language of the descriptor type, which could become the basis for a classification scheme for document information in the archival institutions of the republic, as well as the unification of fields and rules for describing documents

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

cops in information systems. Problems of integrating resources or implementing integrated information systems were also solved in municipal archives.

However, experience shows that combining many disparate databases into a single system is much more difficult than initially entering data into a single integrated complex. Therefore, the fact that by the time of the creation of industry-wide software capable of implementing an archive information system based on the principle of multi-level description (“Archival Fund 4.1”), integrated programs in different formats (Delfi, Oracle 9i and 10g, etc.), will significantly complicate the gradual integration of these resources into a single information system of the archival industry. In addition, one should take into account the problems of standardization of linguistic support, because the classifiers of many archival information systems were developed before the implementation of the current version of the EKDI.

Another feature of the development of electronic reference data is the widespread connection of search engines with digitized images of documents. Work on continuous digitization and creation of electronic archives also began with individual thematic projects and types of reference books. Most state archives created photo catalogs that combined descriptions of photographic documents with their digital images18. The most large-scale projects in the field of creating full-text databases include the following projects:

Project name, archive Number of document descriptions entered into the system Number of digitized document images

“Electronic catalog of documentaries RGAKFD” (1999-2000) 42,200 descriptions

“Archive of the Comintern” (RGASPI) 1999-2003 250 thousand records of unit titles. hr. 1 million pages of documents in 90 languages

“Electronic Archive of SVAG” in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation 271 thousand descriptions of documents The same number of images

DB “Documents of the Secretariat of the NKVD-MVD of the USSR. 1944-1960." (GA RF)19 since 1998 15,700 document descriptions 76,700 pages

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All these projects were implemented before the advent of the Archival Fund 4.1 program, which has the ability to support a digital fund for use in any format.

At the present stage, the creation of projects related to the digitization of individual sets of documents that are of interest to researchers (for example, the Stalin archive at RGASPI) continues20. Digitization is carried out for cultural and educational purposes to create virtual exhibitions (the Moscow Main Archive has been especially active in implementing such thematic projects)21 and even a virtual museum of B.L. Pasternak on DVD.

However, in the 2000s. Large-scale projects of regional electronic archives are being implemented that go beyond the online presentation of collections of digitized documents on the topics most interesting to researchers. In Moscow, Bryansk, Kurgan, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Tomsk, Sverdlovsk regions, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol Territories, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other regions, projects for the formation of electronic archives are being implemented, some of them together with the Electronic Archive Corporation (JSC "ProSoft-M"). The goal of the projects is to provide users with on-line access to information systems and archival documents.

The scale of work to digitize archive documents can be judged from the following data.

Name of the archive Volume of digitized documents Years

Archives of the Stavropol Territory Inventories with headings 400 thousand units. hr., 12 thousand units. hr. 2009

GA Tyumen region All archive inventories and 15.6 million sheets of 22 documents22 2006-2008

Archives of the Sverdlovsk region 31 thousand pages of inventories, 90 thousand pages of documents 2011

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 2715 l. inventories, 2568 photographs 2008

At the same time, as can be seen from the table, inventories are also translated into electronic format23. It's essentially about creating electronic fund use of archive documents connected to a search system24. If the user does not find the documents he needs in the electronic archive, he will at least be able to place an order, knowing, thanks to the inventories, the full code of the case.

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

The culmination of the digitization work, according to the “Informatization Program of the Federal Archival Agency... for 2011-2020.” should be the creation of a Storage Center electronic documents(TSHED). The sources for staffing the Central Headquarters will be federal authorities state power, transmitting electronic documents to the Center for Economic Documentation, as well as federal archives transmitting to the Center for Economic Documentation copies of electronic images of archival documents arising during the systematic digitization of funds as part of the filling of the software complex “Archival Fund” - “Fund Catalog” - “Central Stock Catalog” and the creation of the NSA archives. At the same time, it is assumed that sets of electronic copies of documents created in archives will be stored locally, i.e., a system of electronic archives of a distributed structure will be created, connected through the “Archives of Russia” portal. This is the model of a grandiose inter-archival search system connected to an electronic fund for use.

Finally, another feature of the modern stage of informatization of the creation of NSA is the completely different role assigned to network technologies in this process. The number of reference books published on the Internet has increased significantly.

At the dawn of the development of the archival Runet, E.V. Bobrova noted the variety of forms of presentation of directories on the Internet25. Archived IPS were placed on the website in text format *Los; *.1!1, etc.); in HTMML format; in the form of a database. A huge gap in the quality of archive information resources presented on the network was also revealed by monitoring the websites of federal archives, archival management bodies and state archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carried out in 2008. Archival information retrieval systems are dispersed across different sites and differ significantly in interface and search qualities. All these problems remain at the present stage.

However, a qualitative change in the situation is that most of the databases created at the present stage are aimed specifically at publishing on the Internet. There is not a single region where the archival informatization program would not involve the publication of scientific information on the Internet. Not all archives have the opportunity to immediately open access to available resources; often at the first stage, information retrieval systems are exposed to a single local network of archival institutions, to which researchers have access through the reading room. But the publication of the NSA online is seen as a near-term prospect.

L.P. Afanasyeva

In the “Informatization Program of the Federal Archival Agency... for 2010-2020.” tasks related to the development of network technologies in archives are set:

Organizing access to electronic resources of documents from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, posted on the “Archives of Russia” portal, including the “Central Stock Catalog”, “Register of Unique Documents”;

Creation on the basis of the portal of a “Unified Integration Platform of Information Resources” (for combining individual archives of search databases into a common search system).

Access to electronic images of the Electronic Document Storage Center will also apparently be provided via the Internet.

So, we can conclude that since the second half of the 2000s. a new stage is beginning in the creation of the scientific reference apparatus of archives and all information retrieval activities of archives. This stage is characterized by:

The transition from the creation of local databases, differentiated by types and varieties of reference books and topics, to the creation of integrated systems at the archive level, based on the principle of multi-level description (either by integrating into special software all previously created databases, or by initially introducing a unified information system based on “ Archive Fund 4.1" or specially developed software);

The creation of an electronic use fund, i.e., continuous digitization of the most popular archive funds and the connection of digitized images of documents with search engines as part of full-text databases;

Placing created search engines and digitized images of documents on a local computer network or the Internet to provide remote user access to them.

In the future, there will be industry-wide integration of archive search systems and electronic collections using the Archives of Russia website and the automated Central Stock Catalog.

Thus, the role of the archivist in the process of using information is changing qualitatively. Participating in the most active way in the creation of an effective search system, he then steps aside, ceases to be a transfer authority, gives the user the opportunity to independently build the logic of the request and adjust the search progress as the analysis progresses.

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

obtained results. In our opinion, there is reason to think about changing the professional training of an archivist in the direction of a more in-depth study of the fundamentals of designing information systems, in the creation of which his role is increasing every day, especially in the context of the integration of archive resources into a single information space.


Information from the archives management of the Sverdlovsk region at the archives management board 15.02. 2007 “On the status and results of the work of the Archives Management, archival bodies and institutions of the Sverdlovsk region on the creation of AAT” // Information bulletin of the archives management of the Sverdlovsk region. Ekaterinburg, 2007. No. 27. P. 68-75; Materials of the seminar of specialists from archival institutions of the Ural federal district on the topic “Introduction of automated archival technologies into the practice of archival institutions. Experience in creating and using the hardware and software complex “Electronic Archive of the Tyumen Region”. April 24-25, 2008 Tyumen // Ibid. 2008. No. 2. P. 111-142; Regional state target program “Creation of AIS based on documents of the Russian Federation, which are in state ownership of the Sverdlovsk region” // Ibid. 2008. No. 31. P. 10-31; Lyubimova I.A. Implementation of the departmental target program “Informatization of archival management in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 2006-2008.” // Information bulletin of the scientific and methodological Council of archival institutions of the Ural Federal District. Ekaterinburg, 2007. No. 1. P. 48-49; Shestakova GA. Informatization of archival institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region: current state and development prospects // Materials of the practical seminar “Issues of AAT implementation” April 27, 2011, Izhevsk [Electronic resource] / Committee on Archives under the Government of the Udmurt Republic; Prospects for the implementation of archival technologies in the activities of archival institutions of the Udmurt Republic // SIF VNIIDAD. No. 13131. P. 75-81; Bogdanets I.A. The use of automated technologies in the work of archival institutions of the Primorsky Territory: speech by the leading specialist of the archival department of the administration of the Primorsky Territory on March 28, 2007 // Information and methodological bulletin of the archival department of the administration of the Primorsky Territory. Vladivostok, 2007. No. 79. P. 18-28; Order No. 4 of September 21, 2009 “On the concept of informatization of the State Administration archival service Samara region until 2012” // Information and methodological bulletin of the Central State Administration of the Samara region. 2009. No. 15. P. 6-25; Ivanovskaya E.V. Departmental target

L.P. Afanasyeva

program “Development of information systems and storage systems in the archival industry of the Novosibirsk region for 2011-2013.” // Novosibirsk Archive Bulletin. 2010. No. 32. P. 231-239; Manykin V.A. Activities of the Main Archival Department of Moscow to improve the regulatory framework for archiving in the capital and the introduction of automated archival technologies 2004-2011 // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2011. No. 1. P. 3-16, etc. Varukhina T.A. Information technologies in the creation of a scientific reference apparatus and the use of archival documents of the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia. (1995-2005): abstract. dis. ...cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / IAI RSUH. M., 2006. 30 pp.; Komarova O.M. Application of information technologies in the work of the board of the Archive Department of the Penza Region / O.M. Komarova, I.V. Usmanova // Office work. 2006. No. 4. P. 53-61; Batalin V.N. Computerization - the experience of RGAKFD // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2006. No. 6 (96). pp. 138-151. (To the 80th anniversary of the RGAKFD); Savina G.A. Information technologies in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences: results and prospects // Ibid. 2006. No. 6 (96). pp. 255-261; Fofanova O.A. On the introduction of automated technologies into the practice of the Regional State Institution “State Archives of the Lipetsk Region” // Lipetsk Bulletin of the Archivist. Scientific information bulletin. 2007. Vol. 1. pp. 14-18; Starykh T.N. Informatization of archival affairs in the Oryol region / T.N. Starykh, L.V. Konyukhova // Office work. 2008. No. 1. P. 45-48; Odinetsky A.V. Advanced technologies: [on the transition to automated archival technologies of archival institutions of the Tomsk region] // Information and methodological bulletin / AU of the Tomsk region. 2008. No. 21. P. 23-24; Kuzin K.I. Information technologies in the State Archives of the Voronezh Region: experience and prospects // Voronezh Bulletin of the Archivist. 2008. Vol. 6. P. 67-71; Kiselev MJ. Electronic scientific reference apparatus for Archive documents Russian Academy Sciences: stages of creation // Domestic archives. 2008. No. 4. P. 42-46; Priyutov A.V. Creation of an information retrieval system based on photographic documents of the Russian State Historical Archive “Russian Imperial Army: modernization, personnel, life ( mid-19th- beginning of the 20th century)" // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2008. No. 1. P. 58-64; Terekhina T.A. Database “Genealogy” in the Historical Archive of the Omsk Region // Domestic archives. 2010. No. 6. P. 124-125; Larichev A.A. Automated technologies in the work of the archive (using the example of the Central State Archive of the Samara Region) / A.A. Larichev, A.A. Myakotin // Office work. 2011. No. 4. P. 46-594. Larina V.G. The NSA system of state archives as the basis for the formation of a common archival and information space // Domestic archives. 2002. No. 3. P. 14; Kiselev I.N. Archival information technologies at the present stage // Domestic archives. 2008. No. 4. P. 24-31; Savin V.A.

Electronic scientific reference apparatus of archives.

Archival electronic information resources of the Russian Federation: identification and classification // Domestic archives. 2008. No. 4. P. 3138; Ulyanitsky K.B. Unified archival information environment in the context of informatization of society // Domestic archives. 2009. No. 3. P. 31-37. Implemented in the form of a database “Guides to Russian Archives” (, posted on the portal “Archives of Russia”, which contains structured information from 60 guides to federal and regional archives with a total volume of 103 thousand descriptions of funds. Kopylova O.N., Kotlova T.N., Lunacharsky E.L., Shirokova V.G. Records files of political investigation institutions in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, stored in the State Archive of the Russian Federation. Reconversion experience // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2005. No. 1. P. 75-81.

Kiselev I.N., Volkova I.V., Nezhdanova OYu. Current state and prospects for the development of NSA to documents of state archives // Domestic archives. 2000. No. 5. P. 12-24.

In the report of the deputy head of Rosarkhiv O.V. Naumov at the VII meeting of the Council on Archival Affairs at the Federal Archival Agency gave an example of such an integrated resource - the inter-archival project “Documents of the Soviet Era”, which includes databases and digitized documents of federal archives, as well as academic documentary publications, monographs (Naumov O.V. Informatization of archival affairs in the Russian Federation: Report at the Council on Archival Affairs, September 15, 2011. Kazan // Domestic archives, 2011. No. 5. P. 5).

Artizov A.N. On the implementation of the PC “Archival Fund” (version 4) - the basis of the system of automated centralized state accounting of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation: Speech at the extended board on February 12, 2009 // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2009. No. 2. P. 102-104. Kuzin K.I. Information technologies in the State Archives of the Voronezh Region: experience and prospects // Voronezh Bulletin of the Archivist. 2008. Vol. 6. pp. 67-71.

Manykin V.A. Activities of the Main Archival Department of Moscow to improve the regulatory framework for archival affairs in the capital and the introduction of automated archival technologies. 2004-2011 // Bulletin of the archivist. 2011. No. 1. P. 3-16.

“The task of today is the computerization of all familiar archival processes”: Interview with S.V. Mironenko and O.N. Kopylova to the 90th anniversary of the State Archives of the Russian Federation // Domestic archives. 2010. No. 5. P. 95.

Grinfeld P.A. Informatization is organizing the work of the main archive services in a new way: Cooperation of Alt-Soft CJSC with a number of the largest archives // Domestic archives. 2011. No. 3. P. 81-84.

L.P. Afanasyeva

Zlobina G.G. On the informatization of the system of scientific reference apparatus of RGALI // International conference “UNESCO Program “Information for all. Universal access to information””: Conference materials June 23-25, 2004 St. Petersburg, 2004 // CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD. No. 1155-6. Information bulletin of the Archives Administration of the Sverdlovsk Region. Ekaterinburg, 2007. No. 27. P. 68-75.

Information and methodological bulletin of the Archives Administration of the Sverdlovsk Region. Ekaterinburg, 2008. No. 31. P. 10-31.

Lyubimova I.A. Implementation of the departmental target program “Informatization of archival management in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 2006-2008.” // Information bulletin of the scientific and methodological council of archival institutions of the Ural Federal District. Ekaterinburg, 2007. No. 1. P. 48-49. Information bulletin of the scientific and methodological council of archival institutions of the Ural Federal District. Ekaterinburg, 2007. No. 2. P. 138-149. See, for example: “Collection of photographic documents of the RGA NTD” - contains images of 3 thousand photographs (URL:; photo catalog of TsGAKFFD St. Petersburg. contains 12281 photographic documents and 1734 personalities (URL: http://www.photoarchive.; photo catalogs of the Central Children's Research Institute of the Udmurt Republic; GAPO; State Archives of the Novosibirsk Region - contains images of 1044 photographs and annotations to them.

Rogovaya L.A. Experience of the State Archive of the Russian Federation in creating an electronic archive of SVAG: report to the international. scientific conf. “Electronic document flow and electronic archives” // Materials of international scientific and practical conferences “Modern archival heritage and national archival funds”, “Electronic document flow and electronic archives” May 21-22, 2012, Odessa / Euro-Asian region. department of ISA (Eurasia). Kyiv, 2011. pp. 115-120.

Anderson K., Amianto Yu.N., Naumov O.V. Electronic version of the archive of I.V. Stalin // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2008. No. 2. P. 134-139. Manykin V.A. Decree. Op. // Archivist's Bulletin. 2011. No. 1. P. 3-16.

22 Frolova E.V. Electronic archive of the Tyumen region // Domestic archives. 2009. No. 6. P. 43-46.

23 With the light hand of the specialists of the ELAR corporation, this process was called “retroconversion” - scanning of inventories, optical character recognition, verification of the correctness of recognition, inclusion of data in a search database, possibly subsequent publication on the Internet.

24 In projects implemented by the ELAR corporation, a search system “Electronic Archive” is created (Nazarova M.V. ELAR is ready to perform the most complex tasks // Domestic archives. 2008. No. 4. P. 138).

25 Bobrova E.V. Archival hypertext reference book on the Runet: experience and prospects // Domestic archives. 2003. No. 1. P. 16-24.

Scientific reference apparatus of archives

Lecture 6.

No archive can exist successfully without
reference and search tools for his documents.
Without them, the archive is a warehouse in which it is impossible to take into account, find, effectively store and
The archival documents themselves are the result
objective historical process
documenting human life.
Archival complexes are also objective
the result of the functioning of the fund creator and
activities of the state in their organization and
distribution between archives.
Search tools are the result of targeted
the activities of archivists in their creation.

1. Scientific reference apparatus of the archive: purpose, functions, principles of creation

Volume of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation
amounts to more than 500 million storage units per
various media (= more than 8.5 thousand km of archival
These documents, stored in archives, museums,
libraries and other repositories, as well as archival
documents of modern organizations are in demand
in society, but they cannot be used without
certain reference and search tools.
GOST R 7.0.8-2013 Record keeping and archival
case. Terms and definitions as synonyms are given
terms “reference and search tools of the archive”,
“scientific reference apparatus of the archive”, “NSA archive”.

archival documents (scientific reference apparatus of the archive / NSA archive)
is a set of descriptions of archival
GOST R 7.0.8-2013 Record keeping and
archival matter. Terms and definitions

Reference and search tools for
archival documents is a complex
interconnected and complementary
archival reference books on the composition and
content of archival documents,
created on a unified methodological basis
basis for searching archival documents and
archival information for
effective use.
Rules... M., 2007

The archive's mission social institution– storage
national memory.
Social purpose of NSA archives: providing for society
reliable retrospective documentary information.
NSA archives is a tool for implementing social
archives missions.
The existence of the NSA archive system is a condition
implementation of the principle of publicity and accessibility of archives.

Functions of NSA archives

Internal functions
External functions
promotes better
document accounting
reveals the composition and
contents of documents
promotes safety
promotes search and
selection of documents for
compiling archives and

Principles for constructing the NSA:

interrelation and complementarity of information
various reference books describing the primary
retrospective documentary information on
different levels;
uniqueness and non-duplication of information
various types of directories;
continuity of departmental NSAs,
state, municipal archives;
unity of methodology for creating NSA and ensuring
unification of the methodology for compiling each type
reference book.

Development of NSA archives

Empirical practice of creating in individual
archives of various inventories, catalogues, memorabilia
books, reviews.
Unification of description rules (“Basic rules
works of state archives", 1962). Start
implementation of a systematic approach.
Integration of archival science and computer science
the emergence of an information approach in
in archival science, the NSA system is considered as
hierarchy of directory classes, divided by
levels and objects of description of electronic reference data.


NSA archives is a tool for implementation
social mission of archives.
NSA helps accounting, safety,
acquisition and electronic digital documentation of the archive (internal
functions), and also reveals the composition and
content of documents and facilitates their search
and selection for use (external functions).

2. Description of archival documents

Efficiency of functioning of the NSA archive
directly depends on the results of the description
documents contained in the archive.
Description is the process of transforming the primary
documentary information (archival documents)
into secondary documentary information
(archival reference books).
Description is the result of the creation process
secondary documentary information about archival

Description is a means of communication between the object of description and the external environment


Description as a means of communication between
the object of description and the external environment is:
basis for creating information about a document (or its
parts), case (group of cases), fund (group of funds),
archive (group of archives), Archive Fund of Russia in
in general;
basis for preparing different types and types of reference
basis for compiling archive accounting documents.

Since objects of archival description
various (document, fund, case), description
must be multi-level.

Groups of elements for describing modern reference tools

minimum population
description elements,
unit of description (i.e.
install full
correspondence between
primary documentary
information and secondary
documentary information)
set of description elements,
revealing history
formation and storage
units of description, its
composition and content

Descriptions at any level (fund, case,
document) acquire meaning only when
they can be identified, i.e. When
their affiliation will be confirmed
specific archival collection.
Minimum description elements:
search (address) data unit of description,
name (name) of the unit of description,
chronological framework of the unit of description,
volume of the unit of description.

Minimum required set of elements
descriptions that allow you to establish the full
correspondence between a unit of description and its
archival description included in
number of required description elements for any
archival reference book.
The set of required elements in the description is strictly
Composition of required description elements
determined by the purpose of the reference
the means for which it is compiled.

Modern regulation of the description of archival
document information is based on unification
elements of description and development
standardized, strictly ordered
The standardization of the description is due to the introduction into
practice of archival institutions
computer technology, necessity
formation of a unified information

For each type of directory, a set
mandatory elements of the description must be
standard, as strictly organized
a set of description elements, easy
amenable to formalization.
A set of additional description elements is also
must be orderly, although intellectual
elements of the description, most often including
semantic rather than formal information is more difficult
amenable to formalization.

A set of mandatory and additional elements
descriptions and their sequence within each
type and type of archival reference books (inventories,
guidebooks, catalogues, indexes, reviews)
defined in:
◦ Rules for organizing storage, acquisition, accounting and
use of documents of the AF of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in the state. And
municipality archives, museums and libraries,
organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2007);
◦ Rules for organizing storage, acquisition, accounting and
use of documents from the archival fund of the Russian Federation and other archival
documents in government agencies authorities, bodies local government And
organizations (2015);
◦ method. manual “Creation of modern
archival reference books based on
differentiated approach"
(VNIIDAD, 2002) and other methods. publications

In method. The manual “Creating modern archival reference books...” defines a set of details for:

catalogs (systematic; thematic;
guidebooks (on the archive, on archival funds,
a thematic guide to the funds, a brief
funds directory);
indexes (index to archival reference books,
chronological and subject indexes).

Object level
archival fund,
personal fund
Case (unit
Composition of description elements:

fund number);
name of the fund;
deadlines for fund documents;
Fund volume (number of storage units).
archive code (abbreviated name of the archive,
fund number, inventory number, case number);
case title;
deadlines for case documents;
volume of the case (number of sheets in the case).
archive code (abbreviated name of the archive,
fund number, inventory number, case number, sheet numbers);
document title;
document date;
volume of the document (number of sheets in the document).

Composition of description details by types and types of archival reference books Type of reference book: INVENTORY

Required details
Additional details
Serial number of the record (number
Playback method
Case number
Degree and completeness of documents in the file
Case title
External features of documents
Certificate of Authenticity /
copy number
Document deadlines
Number of sheets in file
Annotation of documents

The practice of Russian archivists has developed
methodological rules that allow succinct and
describe archival documents informatively.
For example, to compose storage unit headers:
◦ The terminology used in the title should reflect
features of the era of creation of the storage unit (terms,
reflecting special veneration for members of the imperial family and
senior officials are omitted, but the existing
names of institutions and positions). Example: instead of old
title "On Introduction to Presence" State Council his
Imperial Majesty the Sovereign, the heir to the Tsarevich and
Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich" should be written: "On the introduction to
presence of the State Council of the Heir to the Throne
Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich."
◦ It is prohibited to replace terms with modern definitions
denoting specific historical realities. Example: no
replace “removal from office” with “dismissal” (since
historically, removal and dismissal were different measures

◦ Archaic word usages that do not convey information about
legal status and peculiarities of office work, may
be replaced with modern ones. Example: instead of “The matter of
permission” should be written: “The matter of permission.”
◦ When editing headings that contain evaluative
positions of document creation time elements you need to find
objective and politically neutral formulation. Example:
instead of “state criminal” - “accused of
state crime" (but not "revolutionary"), instead
“riots” – “unrest” (but not “revolutionary uprisings”).
◦ It is recommended to avoid introductory sentences (instead -
participial phrases), conjunctions (except for the conjunction “and”).
◦ Abbreviations should be unified.

was developed in the 1960s.

documents is the main, universal method

The essence of the approach: description of the fund and the composition of the NSA for it,
the degree of its completeness and detail is determined
(differentiated) depending on scientific
value and information content of the fund. For this reason
the principle determines the order of creation

A differentiated approach to the description of archival documents

A differentiated approach works
consistently and continuously at all stages
processing of primary archival information:
◦ conducting an examination of the value of documents and
acquisition of the fund, formation of cases and their descriptions,
compiling inventories;
◦ reflection of this fund in the accounting documents of the archive
after its acceptance for state storage;
◦ reflecting information about the composition and content
fund documents in various ATPs with the necessary
the level of detail in the description for each directory.

International Standard for Archival Description

First international standard for archival description
was adopted in 1994 at the Congress
International Council on Archives.
In present day International
2000 standard
He carries a recommendation
character. According to the standards of description
close to those operating in the Russian Federation


Descriptions of archival objects include
identification and intellectual elements.
A set of mandatory and additional elements
descriptions and their sequence within
each type and type of archival reference books
defined in normative and methodological publications.
A differentiated approach to describing archival
documents is the main, universal method
transformation of primary document information.

3. System of scientific reference apparatus for documents of the AF RF

NSA system for RF AF documents

All together archival reference books, databases (DBs) and other tools
information (the content of which is associated with the archive profile) constitute
NSA system for documents
NSA system for documents –
a complex of interrelated and complementary
archival reference books, databases on composition and content
GOST R 7.0.8-2013

Terms and definitions

Principles for constructing a system of reference and search tools (SPS):

interconnection and complementarity
information from various reference books,
describing the primary retrospective
documentary information at different levels;
uniqueness and non-duplication
information from various types of directories;
continuity of ATP organizations with ATP
state and municipal archives.

Requirements for SPS:

meet the needs of society in
retrospective information as it occurs
and receipt of requests to archives;
focus mainly on thematic search
universal in nature (i.e. the ATP should cover
the entire set of documents of the RF AF, regardless of
method of securing information);

Requirements for SPS:

a unified methodology for compiling all types and types
reference books;
interconnection and complementarity of reference books;
develop taking into account future prospects
application of the latest achievements of science and technology,
those. automated input and search of information.

Typology of the SPS archive

is complex
theoretical problem.
Difficulty defined:
◦ the need to disclose in the ATP both primary and
secondary archival information;
◦ heterogeneity of objects reflected from the SPS (fund,
case, document);
◦ a wide variety of user search queries;
◦ different levels of execution of search queries (at the level
AF RF – interarchival level, at the level of one archive –
intra-archive/inter-fund level; at the fund level –
intra-fund level).

inter-archive level
intra-archive /
interfund level


Levels of NSA archives

reference books
reference books
Central stock
Quick reference
archive funds
Foundation Guide
Internal Archive Catalog of Funds
Index of inventories of funds
/ interfund
Quick reference
archive funds
Foundation Guide
Thematic quick guide
from the archives
Thematic guide to
archive funds
Interarchival catalogs
Intra-fund Inventory of the fund
Thematic indexes to the fund
Thematic indexes to the inventory
Internal archive catalogs
Thematic interfund

Terminological aspect of the problem

Type is:
species, genus, variety of something;
the highest category in the taxonomy of animals and plants;

The view is:
concept denoting a number of objects, phenomena with
the same characteristics;
classification concept in scientific taxonomy.
a subordinate concept that is part of another, higher
concepts (kind/type).

Types and types of reference tools in the state archive

Types and types of SPS archive

Types of ATP
Types of ATP
systematic catalogue, subject catalogue,
thematic catalog
archive guide, collection guide,
thematic guide
index to archival references,
chronological index, subject
fund review, thematic review

All archival reference books describing
documentary information, divided into mandatory
and additional. Mandatory reference books
exist in all state and

Mandatory reference books:
Archival inventories
Archive catalogs

Additional directories are created taking into account
specifics of archive documents, and also develop
historically (received for permanent storage
office files and lists
documents, such as those identified for publication).
Additional references include
indexes, reviews.


The existence of an extensive archival system
ATP is a necessary condition implementation
the principle of publicity and accessibility of archives.
Basic principles for constructing SPS archives
are: interconnection and complementarity
various reference books, uniqueness and
non-duplication of information of various types
reference books, continuity of various ATPs


Archive reference tools differ in:
level of execution of search queries (inter-archive,
intra-archive / inter-fund; intra-fund level);
types and types.
Mandatory SPS (inventories, catalogues, guidebooks)
must be maintained in all government and
municipal archives and archives of organizations.

4. Archival reference books: characteristics, features, place in the ATP archives

An archival directory is a reference book about
composition, content and location of archival
GOST R 7.0.8-2013
Records management and archiving
Terms and definitions
Information in archival reference books is always
secondary (compiled based on the description
archival documents containing primary

The revised
the compiler of documentary information on the composition,
content, search data of documents.
Depending on the type of directory, description
carried out on part of the document, the entire document,
group of documents, case, group of cases, fund, group
funds of one or more archives.

Archival inventories

The inventory of cases and documents is a reference and
accounting document containing
systematic list of storage units /
accounting units of the archival fund intended
to disclose their contents and record them.
GOST R 7.0.8-2013
Records management and archiving
Terms and definitions
Inventories exist in almost all archives throughout

The first inventory in Russia
known since the 16th century, when
the words "archive" in Russian
there was no language yet.
Until now
have not lost their
inventory values,
compiled by clerks
in Moscow orders
XVII century

Inventory functions:

informational – reveals the composition and content
affairs (implemented in the process of compiling headings
accounting – indicates the number of storage units in
fund, promotes the safety of documents;
classification – consolidates systematization
affairs in the fund (during the period of logical and rational
location of documents in the fund, i.e. at
implementation of groupings).

Structure of the modern inventory:

Title page (archive title, title and number
fund, inventory number and characteristics of the complex
documents making up the inventory);
Table of contents (if the inventory has an internal structure);
Preface (information about the founder, features
construction of the inventory and the procedure for using it);
Main part (consecutive
descriptions – descriptive articles – for each unit
Certification (number of storage units);
Indexes (name, geographical, subject,

List of inventories on the RGDA website

Inventory “Personal documents of Peter I,
Peter II, Paul I, Alexander I,
Nicholas I..." (RGDA website)

Archived guides

An archival guide is a reference book
containing systematized information about funds
archive(s) and intended for
familiarization with their composition and content.
GOST R 7.0.8-2013
Records management and archiving
Terms and definitions
Purpose of guidebooks - familiarization
consumers with brief information,
guiding the composition and content of funds

Guidebooks exist in almost all archives in
all over the world.
During the Soviet period, guidebooks began to be created
in the early 1930s in the 1940s was being developed
methodology for creating guidebooks. In the 1950s
guidebooks to the central
state archives. They became the basis for
creating guides to republican and
regional archives. By the end of the 1980s.
most state archives had their own guidebooks.
BUT: they had gaps and were ideological

Types of guidebooks:

◦ a guide to the collections of the archive(s);
◦ a brief guide to the archive(s) holdings;
◦ a thematic guide to the collections of the archive(s).
Guidebooks are also divided into archival
(intra-archive) and inter-archive.
The type of guidebook is determined by its target

Type of guide
Foundation Guide
A reference book containing brief
information (characteristics) about archival
funds (collections, complexes
documents). Systematized
order. Designed for general use
familiarization with the composition and
contents of archive funds
Quick reference
funds of the archive(s)
Directory containing
systematized list of funds.
A distinction is made between annotated and non-annotated
annotated reference books
Thematic guide
by archive(s) funds -
A reference book describing that part
documents of these archive funds (s), in
which contains information on the topic
(topics), and indicating the names
or numbers of archival funds

Any guidebook consists of two parts:
characteristics of funds (the guide itself) and
help desk.
Approximate structure of the guide:
◦ a brief outline of the history of the archive / preface;
◦ descriptive articles (diagram: fund name, reference
information about it, the history of the founding organization,
information about the composition and content of documents
◦ indexes (name, geographical, subject and

Schemes for constructing guidebooks

by degree of importance of funds

A unified scheme for constructing a guidebook
it cannot be for all archives, since
the scheme depends on the composition and content
archive funds.
But the development of common principles
building a guide for more or
less homogeneous in composition
archives is necessary.

Characteristics of different schemes for constructing guidebooks

Location of fund characteristics

chronology (funds of institutions of the 19th century, funds
institutions of the 20th century, etc.)
Fund characteristics are grouped by
branches of state, economic,
cultural, scientific activities
By importance of funds
Fund characteristics are grouped by
scale of activities of fund founders and on
importance of funds
Fund characteristics are located in
alphabetical order of fund names (e.g.
funds of personal origin)
Characteristics are grouped in combination, with
taking into account various characteristics

Examples of archival guidebooks published in different years

Archival reference books on the website of OSU State Special Educational Institution

time many
posted on
archive sites and
user in
on-line mode.

Archive catalogs

An archival catalog is a directory in which
information on the contents of archival funds, units
storage/recording units, archival documents (or
their parts) are located in accordance with
chosen classification scheme.
GOST R 7.0.8-2013
Records management and archiving
Terms and definitions
Archival catalogs are a relatively young species
SPS archive (maintained since the middle of the 20th century).

Inventory and catalogue: relationship

Performs an accounting function and does not perform an accounting function
anchors the storage system and does not anchor the system
document storage
Describes units
fund storage
Describes the content
documents are not required
one fund (usually
several funds)
Grouping descriptions by
numbering of storage units
in the fund
Grouping descriptions by
classification scheme
(certain logic)

Purpose of directories: operational search
in-depth information contained in
archive documents on certain topics,
events, phenomena, etc.
Catalogs can be compiled for any complex
documents regardless of volume, time of creation
documents, technology and methods of their reproduction.
Number of questions (industries, topics, subjects),
covered by the catalog may be different and
depends on the purpose of its creation.

The main division of the catalog is the heading (name
specific question, subject, name, date,
geographical name). The section may
divided into subcategories.
Each card in the catalog is compiled for one
Catalogs can be card or

The location of cards in the catalog depends on the type
directory: in the directories of the logical structure they
are arranged according to the classification scheme, in
catalogs with alphabetical structure - in alphabetical order.

Types of catalogs


Types of archive catalogs

At the beginning of the 21st century. systematic catalogs are available
in almost all state archives; nominal - approximately
half; thematic – 40%; thematic
catalogs on the history of government institutions - 20%; By
administrative-territorial division and
geographical - 2%.

Unified classifier of document information of the AF RF

The basis of a systematic catalog is the scheme
In library practice there are several
time-tested classification
schemes (BBK, UDC). As a rule, a fund of one
libraries are systematized according to one scheme
In archiving, the process of developing a unified scheme
classification lagged behind the needs for a long time

In 1978, the Unified Classifier for
documents Soviet period. He was
used in creating catalogs in a number of large
domestic archives storing documents
Soviet period.
In 1983, a Unified Classifier for
documents from the period of the 18th – early 20th centuries.
After the events of 1991, these schemes ceased
meet the requirements of classification analysis
and organization of documents of the AF of the Russian Federation.

Unified classifier
(EKDI) for the entire AF of the Russian Federation
was published in 2007
Developed by VNIIDAD.
ECADI eliminates
natural gap in
documentary information
on the history of the country before and
after 1917
The scheme is de-ideologized.
The scheme has been supplemented with a new
information (number
departments 6 times).

EKDI significant influence on archival
did not provide catalogs.
Many (if not most) archives
continued maintaining catalogs developed in
the archives themselves.
EKDI can be used:
◦ for building catalogs;
◦ indexing information presented in other
archival reference books (for example, in electronic inventories and
◦ composing queries for automated searches
◦ for automated search of archival document

Rules... 2007 classify catalogs as
mandatory for maintaining in the archive: “Composition
archive catalog system is determined by the composition
and the content of archival documents,
intensity of their use, degree
development of archival funds, availability and
quality of other types of archival reference books.
The main ones in the archive catalog system are
systematic and nominal."
In the archives of organizations, instead of catalogs,
card indexes.

The main disadvantage of most existing
archival catalogs is their incompleteness. She
generated by that. that the catalogs in the archives have become
be created relatively recently, and also
selective nature of cataloging in
some archives.

Additional reference books of the SPS archive system

The archive may create additional
directories of the SPS archive system: reviews,
indexes, thematic card indexes and thematic
lists of documents and cases, annotated
inventory registers.

Overview of the archival fund

- this is a reference book
containing systematic information about the composition
and the contents of archival documents of one archival
fund, supplemented by their source research
The review is intended to inform institutions
organizations, enterprises, scientific community about
the nature and content of archival documents
Intended not so much for internal use
archive, how much for publication

The feasibility of compiling reviews
determined by relevance and significance
problem, the degree of its knowledge, novelty
included in the review of documents.
Reviews can be published as
independent publications and separate
articles in periodicals and ongoing

Types of reviews

The goal is to reveal the composition and content
documents of only one fund for all
significant issues and topics,
reflected in his documents
The goal is to reveal the composition and content
documents on a specific topic outside
depending on whether there is information on
topic in documents of one or more
archive funds or even several

Review structure:

characteristics of the documents (the review itself):
information about the composition and content of documents
(annotations), sometimes their source analysis
and search data;
reference device: front page, content,
preface, list of abbreviations, index(es).

Archive index

- this is a reference book
containing a systematic list
names of subject concepts mentioned
in archival documents, indicating their archival
The purpose of the pointers is to speed up and make work easier
user for working with the inventory.

Types of signs

By shape
By structure

Additional reference books published by various archives

Additional reference books published by various

4. Electronic scientific reference apparatus for documents of the AF of the Russian Federation

Currently, in most federal and
many regional archives are actively creating
modern search tools based on computers
Electronic NSA of archives is a collection of descriptions
documents placed in databases,
automated information retrieval tools and
presentation of search results.

Tasks of electronic NSA archives:

intensification of archival heuristics processes,
increasing the speed and effectiveness of the solution
search tasks;
expanding user access to document
increasing intensity and efficiency
use of archival;
development of interarchival and international
cooperation based on information exchange,
implementation of joint projects on introduction to scientific
circulation of significant complexes of historical sources.

Stages of development of automated (electronic) reference data archives:

Second half of the 1970s – first half of the 1980s
gg.: the theoretical and
methodological basis for machine-readable archival science
documents. Magnetic media predominated
information. The first interarchival
IPS (for example, thematic catalog “Great
October", automated central
stock catalog).

Second half of the 1980s – 2000s. Informatization
archives based on personal computers such as IBM
PC, use of magnetic and optical media
information, networking and technology
digitization. A spontaneous massacre begins
computerization of archives. Application is being developed
software in all areas
activities of archives. Working methods are changing
archives (automated accounting is being developed,
automated NSA). In 1995-1996 accepted
the first industry-wide Concept and Program
informatization of archival affairs, work begins on
implementation of industry-wide (standard) software

Mid-2000s – the process of creating directories
reaches its climax. Unified methodological and program
the database is still missing. In the archives annually
At least 50 thematic AIPS are being created. Electronic
catalogs are divided by type (name, geographical,
subject-thematic, systematic). Process in progress
differentiation even within one type of catalog
(for example, local
DB: by personnel of various enterprises, by
repressed, rehabilitated, etc.). DB
focused on the main types of socio-legal
requests carried out by archival institutions.
Thematic databases make up the vast majority
programs created in archives.

Since the mid-2000s. : the dominant tendency is towards
integration of thematic resources. This trend is already
was provided for in the Informatization Concept
archival affairs (1995): guideline - for the use
all-Russian and international standards for
formation of an all-Russian information
spaces based on the integration of individual resources
archives; creation of an information system with the possibility of remote
access to the database and electronic copies of documents.
“Informatization program of the FAA and its subordinate
him institutions for 2011-2020." (2011) emphasized
focus on breaking down silos
state information resources in the region
archival affairs by combining them.

In the “Informatization Program of the FAA and its subordinate
institutions for 2011-2020" The following steps are planned:
conducting an inventory of existing federal information resources
implementation of integration of available information resources in each archive
into a single database for a given archive with the formation of a single reference data archive in
electronic format;
preparing this “local” resource for its integration into a single one for all
federal archives system of information resources;
development of a unified integration platform based on the distributed principle - Elar Corporation. Used as regional
IPS. AIS is available to both OGACHO employees and
users on the archive website.

Electronic NSA GACHO

◦ In 2011, the “Virtual Reading Room” module was introduced
(the user can independently and remotely receive
access to AIS "Archive": after registration you can
gain access to the AIS, familiarize yourself with the composition
funds, archive inventories, conduct a search in the fund, inventory,
keywords, title, submit a request for
issuance of an electronic copy of the case).
◦ 3. Database “Photo Catalog” (developed by the company
"Archival information technologies"; program
designed to create an electronic catalog
scanned photographic documents – electronic archive;
in present day includes about 25% of the total
available photographic documents; installed in reading rooms
halls, available to users).

Electronic NSA GACHO

◦ 4. Electronic thematic databases and indexes on
the most popular topics among users: database
“Newspaper fund of the State Institution OGACHO”, DB “Decisions of authorities
Chelyabinsk region" (1934-1951), DB "Documents
Administration, Government of the Chelyabinsk region,
Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region" (1996-2008), DB
"Metrical books of Orthodox, Catholic
parishes, Old Believer communities, Muslim
mosques, Jewish prayer house" (painted 4
fund containing parish books, 41 inventories, and 7
funds containing extracts from parish registers).
◦ 5. Electronic catalog of the scientific reference library.

The system of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents of the archive is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents, created on a unified methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for effective use.

The archive's scientific reference system includes:

1. Archival inventory is an archival reference book that contains a systematized list of files from the archival fund and collection. The archival inventory is intended to record storage units and disclose their contents.

The inventory is the main, basic archival reference; researchers turn to them first when they come to the archive.

The archival inventory serves as the basis for the creation of other archive reference books - indexes, catalogues, reviews, guides. In this regard, when creating an inventory, the determining factor is its quality compilation.

In the process of operation of an institution, various documentation is generated, and separate inventories are compiled for each type of documentation:

· Cases of permanent storage;

· Temporary storage files

· Personnel matters;

· Cases consisting of documents specific only to a specific organization (investigative, court cases, scientific reports on topics, etc.).

Composition of the archival inventory:

· Descriptive articles (include the serial number of the case, office work index, title of the case, deadlines for documents, number of sheets in the case);

· Final record (an accounting element that indicates the number of cases in storage does not always coincide with the number of cases included in the inventory);

· Certification sheet (accounting element for recording the number of sheets in the inventory);

· Reference apparatus for the inventory.

The reference apparatus for the inventory includes:

· Title page;

· Preface;

· List of abbreviated words;

· Conversion table (in case of processing);

· Pointers.

The reference apparatus for the archival inventory performs the function of first familiarization with documents (title page, table of contents), facilitates search necessary information(indexes), clarification of the semantic content of the inventory (list of abbreviations) and search data (conversion tables of codes).

Case inventories are compiled strictly according to established forms. All details of the archival inventory are located in designated places.

The importance of the inventory is determined by the fact that the inventory, being an accounting document and a reference book of contents, carries a large information load.

The efficiency of searching for archival documentary information depends on the quality of preparation of the inventory.

2. Catalogs. They are:

Systematic . You need to contact him if you need to find out what branches of knowledge there are books in the library; it is necessary to select literature on a specific topic, issue, subject; it is necessary to establish the author and the exact title of the book if its contents are known.

The name of the catalog indicates that cards describing printed works are grouped according to a certain system, in accordance with the content of individual branches of knowledge. Books by different authors on the same topic are thus collected together.

The sequence of location of the main departments of the catalog and subdivisions within each department is recorded in a special document - a classification scheme. Over the centuries-old history of libraries, many different variants of classification schemes have been created. The most progressive of them always relied on the classification of sciences, which sought to establish the correct connections and interactions various sciences among themselves.

· Methodical manuals.

3. Card index- a reference book that contains information about the contents of documents on cards. Cards are placed in file cabinets depending on the organization’s information needs. As the practice of working in organizational archives shows, the most commonly used information is information on the content of organizational and administrative documents (orders on core activities, protocols, contracts, agreements, letters, etc.).

It happens:

· Named;

· Named fighters-miners;

· To provide citizens with living space; metric books.

4. Guide- an archival directory containing brief information about documents in one or more archives. The types of guidebooks are: a guide to archives, a guide to the holdings of the archive(s), a short guide to the holdings of the archive, a thematic guide to the holdings of the archive.

A guide to archives is a type of guide to archives that contains a systematic list of archives with characteristics of the documents stored in them. It may include information about all archival institutions, museums, libraries and other archival repositories that permanently store documents of the Russian Federation, individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation or its regions. The object of description in the guide to archives is the archive or any of the above-listed repositories of documents of the AF of the Russian Federation.

The characteristics of the archive in the archives guide consists of: the name of the archive (full or abbreviated), the address of the archive (full address data), the number of funds on a paper basis, the volume of funds on a paper basis, the deadlines for documents on a paper basis, historical information, annotations. It may contain a list of published reference books. If there are film, photo and sound documents and scientific and technical documentation (NTD) in the archive, their volume and deadlines are indicated

5. Index- an archival directory, which is an alphabetical, systematic or compiled on some other basis list of names (titles) of items mentioned in archival documents, indicating their search data.

Indexes in an organization’s archive can be inter-fund, intra-fund, in form - electronic, sheet or card, in the structure of headings - blind (subject concepts and their search data) and annotated (subject concepts are accompanied by explanations), in the grouping of concepts within indexes - alphabetical, systematic , chronological.

Indexes can be compiled to headings of storage units (without viewing them) or to documents (with viewing storage units).

The main types of pointers are:

· subject (its varieties - thematic, nominal, geographical),

· chronological.

According to the grouping of concepts within the index, alphabetical, systematic and chronological indexes are distinguished.

6. Review of documents- an archival reference book, including systematic information about the composition and content of individual sets of documents.

The types of review in an organization's archive are fund review and thematic review.

The object of description for a fund review is a document (a group of documents, part of a document), a storage unit, a unit of accounting for one fund. The object of description for a thematic review of archive documents is a document (group of documents, part of a document), storage unit, unit of accounting for one fund (part of a fund, group of funds) of an archive on a specific topic. When compiling reviews, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in choosing a fund and / or topic, the principle of grouping information in the main part of the review, using various methods for presenting information about documents (individual or group annotations), various methods for describing individual types of documents, identifying the appropriate composition and degree completeness of the reference apparatus for the review

7. Lists- these are archival reference books that are created based on the description of archival documents, i.e. based on the creation of secondary information about the composition, content and search data of documents and funds through analytical and synthetic processing of primary document information. “Lists of questions” take the form of handwritten, and later typewritten, bound books, compiled in the office work of organizations and institutions and handed over to the archives along with files and inventories. The covers are marked with codes - numbers of funds, inventories, cases, the contents of which they reveal. “Lists of questions” reveal the content of cases that have “blind” headings and increase the information content of inventories

Currently, work is underway with the “Archival Fund” software package (the “Case” level) and with the databases created in the archive: “Scientific Reference Library”, “Periodicals”, “Fund Index”, “Reference and Information Fund”. No thematic databases based on archive documents have been created.

A card index is a reference book that contains information about the contents of documents on cards. Cards are placed in file cabinets depending on the organization’s information needs. As the practice of working with organizational archives shows, the most commonly used information is information on the content of organizational and administrative documents(orders on core activities, protocols, contracts, agreements, letters, etc.).

Depending on the tasks for using documents, subject and subject-thematic card files can be created.

In the subject card index, cards are grouped according to the alphabet of concepts (for example, for orders - according to the alphabetical order of the names of areas of activity: corporatization, production, sales, labor protection; for letters - according to the alphabetical order of the names of correspondent organizations, etc.)

It is advisable to create personnel files to search for information about work experience, salary and other data of a socio-legal nature.

The cards must contain the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee of the organization and search data (number of the fund, inventory, file and sheets) of documents that contain information about him. The cards are systematized by surnames in alphabetical order within the same surnames in the alphabetical order of first names and patronymics.

When creating and using automated systems for searching documents and files in the archives of organizations, traditional rules for registering and recording documents and files, both at the office work stage and in the archive, should be used when developing computer programs.

Such continuity will facilitate the transition of work in archival science to a new technical level.

Historical information occupies a special place among archival reference books. The certificate is drawn up when the fund’s documents are first received by the organization’s archives. Subsequently, after 5-7 years, it is advisable to compile an addition to the historical information.

The historical certificate is compiled and signed by the head of the archive. In organizations with a small volume of cases generated per year, the historical information can be replaced with a preface to the inventory of cases permanent storage.

The historical information consists of three sections:

1. history of the founder;

2. history of the fund;

3. characteristics of fund documents.

The first section - the history of the fund founder, (in chronological order) contains the following information:

1. dates, numbers and titles of administrative documents on the creation, transformation and liquidation of the organization;

2. deadlines for the organization’s activities;

3. changes in the name and activities of the organization;

4. tasks and functions of the organization and their changes;

5. the scale of the organization’s activities and its place in the system state apparatus, industries;

6. structure of the organization and its changes (indicating dates).

The second section is the history of the fund, contains the following information:

1. The number of cases in the fund and the deadlines for the fund’s cases;

2. composition of fund documents and deadlines for each group;

3. time of receipt of the fund in the organization’s archive;

4. degree of preservation of documents;

5. changes in the composition and volume of fund documents;

6. indication (if the organization transfers documents to state storage) of the date and place of transfer of cases to state storage (name of the state archive; fund number assigned by the state archive, link to the act of acceptance and transfer of cases, its date and number).

The third section is a description of the documents of the fund, containing a list of types of scientific reference apparatus for the fund.

The third section, which describes the fund’s documents, lists:

1. main types of documents;

2. indicate the peculiarities of documentation in a given organization;

3. give general information on the use of documents (the main content and number of certificates of a socio-legal nature, the selection and issuance of documents to structural units, etc.

The certificate is printed on the organization’s general letterhead in 4 copies (3 copies are intended for the state archive and are transferred along with inventories when accepting and transferring cases.

System of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents

The system of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents of the archive is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents, created on a unified methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for effective use.

1. Scientific reference system

1.1 Scientific reference apparatus, its concept and composition

The system of scientific reference apparatus (SNSA) for archive documents is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents, created on a unified methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for effective use.

The NSA system includes archival reference books (archival inventories, list of funds, catalogs, guides, indexes, document reviews) and mechanized and automated information retrieval systems (AIRS).

Archival reference books, mechanized and automated information retrieval systems are divided into inter-archive, general-archive, inter-fund and per-fund.

Interarchival directories, mechanized and automated information retrieval systems provide search for documents based on materials from a group of state archives (country as a whole, region, republic, territory, region); general archival reference books, mechanized and automated information retrieval systems - search for documents based on materials from a particular archive as a whole; interfund directories, mechanized and automated information retrieval systems - search for documents in several funds of one archive; fund-specific directories – search for documents based on materials from a specific fund.

Archival directories are created on the basis of the description of archival documents, that is, on the basis of the creation of secondary information about the composition, content and addresses (search data) of documents and funds through analytical and synthetic processing of primary document information. Depending on what type of directory (inventory, catalog, guide, index, review, etc.) is created, a description of the document (part of the document), group of documents, case, group of cases, fund (part of the fund), group of funds, funds is created archive, archives group funds.

The preparation of archival reference books for publication, the development of mechanized and automated information retrieval systems, as well as the scientific development of large archival funds, culminating in the creation of reference books and a scientific report, are subject to state registration.

When creating and developing a system of scientific reference apparatus, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in choosing a certain methodology for compiling and improving reference books, determining the appropriate composition and content of the reference apparatus for them, establishing the order of work depending on the category of the fund, the category of its separate part, the nature of its documents, the state and composition of the existing scientific reference apparatus for the fund.

For the funds of the first category, a scientific reference apparatus is compiled that ensures the versatile use of documents in combination with the speed, completeness and accuracy of a multidimensional search. Inventories of such funds must have prefaces and various indexes; collection materials are subject to priority cataloging, while the main method of description is documentary; In the guidebook, an individual description is compiled for them.

For the funds of the second category, in addition to the preface, a blind index to the inventory can be compiled (subject or its variety - geographical or special subject); the main method of description during cataloging will be unit-by-unit; in the guidebook, information about them can be included in the group description.

For funds of the third category, the information of which is a partial supplement in relation to funds of the first and second categories, a minimum reference apparatus can be compiled. Inventories of such funds may not contain indexes; during cataloging, one reference card can be compiled for a fund or group of funds; In the guidebook, information about such funds may be included in the list of non-annotated funds.

The continuity of the accounting and reference apparatus created in the office work of institutions and scientific information agencies of departmental and state archives is based on the unity of requirements and principles for constructing a system of scientific and reference apparatus. Continuity presupposes the mandatory compilation of case inventories in the records management of institutions and departmental archives with the necessary scientific and reference apparatus for them.

The state archive stores permanent storage records of files approved by the Central Expert Verification Commission - Expert Verification Commission (CEPC - EPK) of archival institutions as control copies until the documents are transferred to state storage, after which the inventories become part of the scientific reference apparatus of the state archive.

Various types of office files and catalogues, departmental archives can be accepted into state archives for use as part of the NSA system.

To determine ways to improve the system of scientific reference apparatus of the archive, it is necessary to analyze and take into account the state of all available reference books, which is maintained in a file cabinet (magazine) to record the state of the scientific research information.

2. Elements of the scientific reference system

2.1 Archival inventories of cases and documents

An archival inventory is an archival reference book designed to reveal the composition and content of cases, consolidate their systematization within the fund and record cases. Inventories are compiled in the records management of institutions and in departmental archives. In state archives, inventories are compiled based on received undescribed documents and in the process of processing low-quality inventories.

The state archive must have three copies of inventories: one control and two working. The control copy is located in the archive department, which carries out centralized recording of documents, and the working copies are in the appropriate storage facilities, in the reading room. Inventories are stored in order of fund numbers, and within a fund - by inventory numbers.

The process of compiling an inventory consists of:

· descriptions of cases (each storage unit) on cards;

· systematization of cards in accordance with the scheme, editing them;

· registration of the inventory.

The description of the cases includes compiling the title of the case, establishing the name of the structural part, the office number (index), the deadlines for the documents in the case, the number of sheets in the case and the archival code of the case. All this information is entered on the card. Each card receives a serial number, which is written in pencil on the cover of the file and is its temporary working number until the files are finally systematized in the inventory and fund. After the systematization is completed, all information from the cards is transferred to the inventory and to the covers of cases.

The title should briefly reflect in a generalized form the main content and composition of the case documents. When compiling headings, a differentiated approach is taken depending on the content of the cases.

Basic requirements for the methodology for compiling (clarifying) the title:

· facts and events reflected in the documents are revealed from Marxist-Leninist positions; It is not allowed to transfer class-alien formulations, concepts, terms from the text of documents to the title of the case;

· the title text should summarize and clearly reflect the semantic content of the case documents; listing the names of individual documents in the title is not allowed;

· it is not allowed to use non-specific wording in the title that does not reveal the content (“miscellaneous correspondence”, “general correspondence”, “papers for management”, etc.);

· pre-revolutionary titles, ranks, ranks, positions are indicated by words defining these concepts (emperor, governor, etc.), with the exception of words that are an expression of special veneration (majesty, highness, excellency, etc.).

The case title includes the following elements:

· name of the type of case (storage unit) or type (variety) of documents;

· name of the institution, position or surname and initials of the person who compiled the documents (author);

· name of the institution, position or surname and initials of the person to whom the documents are addressed or from whom the documents were received (addressee, correspondent);

· question or subject, event, fact, name, etc., to which the content of the case documents relates;

· name of the locality (territory) with which the contents of the case documents are related, the author, addressee or correspondent of the documents;

· dates to which the case documents or the events described in them relate.

The type of storage unit (file, correspondence, materials, journal, book, etc.) or the type (type) of documents (protocols, reports, circulars, orders, reports, acts, etc.) characterizing the composition of the case are indicated at the beginning of the title . If a storage unit consists of documents of different types, related by the unity of content and the sequence of paperwork on one specific issue (case), the concept “Case” is used when compiling the title.

The correspondent is indicated after designating the type of case (documents) in the form of the official name of the institution or the surname, position, title, profession of an individual.

If the storage unit is “correspondence,” only the names of the correspondents are indicated in the header, and the name of the fund-forming institution, as a rule, is not given.

The statement of the issue (subject), reflecting the content of the documents, is the main part of the title and is given after indicating the type of case, author, correspondent (addressee) of the documents.

The name of the locality is included in the title of the case if it is necessary to indicate the location of events or the location of the authors (addressees, correspondents) of documents.