Scientific reference apparatus of state archives. Classification of archival documentation. Collections of documents and other printed publications

To facilitate access to archival documents, the archive provides users with reference and search tools. A set of interrelated and complementary archival reference books created on a unified scientific and methodological basis is called the scientific reference apparatus (SRA) system. Among the archival reference books, there are main (guidebooks, inventories of cases, documents, catalogues) and auxiliary (indexes).


Guidebooks are archival reference books that contain information about archive holdings in a systematized form and are intended to familiarize the user with their composition and content. They consist of descriptive articles at the level of the archival fund and reference apparatus.

Directory guides containing information about documents from the state archive of the Voronezh region are divided into several types.

Interarchival reference books and guides “State Archives of the RSFSR” (M., 1980) and “State Archives of the USSR” (M., 1989) contain general information, including reference data, information about the history of the archive, brief information about the composition and content of stored documents.

Interarchival thematic reference book "Historical Documents Reference" agriculture stored in the state archives of the Central Black Earth Region of the RSFSR" (Voronezh, 1990) contains information on the composition of documents on agricultural topics stored in the archive funds.

A guide to the holdings of the OSU State Archive of the Voronezh Region, compiled in 2007, gives an idea of ​​the entire array of documents stored in the archive for the period from 1611 to 2006.

The guide consists of six main parts:

  1. Funds of institutions, organizations and enterprises of the pre-Soviet period.
  2. Funds of institutions, organizations and enterprises of the Soviet and post Soviet periods.
  3. Personal funds.
  4. Funds of institutions, organizations and enterprises operating during the period of temporary occupation.
  5. Audiovisual documents.
  6. Scientific reference library.

The appendices contain: information about the history of the administrative-territorial division of the Voronezh region; index of institutions, organizations, enterprises, positions mentioned in the guide; geographical index; list of used sources and literature.

Inventory of cases, documents (archival)

An inventory of cases is an archival reference book, which is a systematic list of headings of storage units/accounting units and is intended to disclose the composition and content of cases, consolidate their systematization within the fund, as well as record cases. To facilitate the search for information within case inventories, they are equipped with a special reference device. IN reference apparatus case list includes: front page, contents (table of contents), preface (which contains brief information about the history of the fund founder and the fund, and also provides a brief summary of the composition of the fund’s documents), a list of abbreviated words and expressions used in the inventory (if necessary), conversion tables of archival codes (in case of processing of the inventory); pointers.

For the most valuable, significant cases, it is possible to compile detailed annotations to the headings in the inventory, listing the names of each document included in the case. Such annotations were compiled for the files of the funds: the Voronezh Treasury Chamber, the administrative huts of the Voronezh region, containing interesting documents from the mid-17th - early 18th centuries. etc.


Catalogs are inter-fund archival directories in which information about the contents of archival funds, files, archival documents of the archive is grouped into individual subjects (topics, industries), located in accordance with a specific classification scheme for document information (“Scheme of the Unified Classification of Document Information in Systematic Catalogs of State Archives USSR" (Soviet period), M., 1978, "Scheme of a unified classification of documentary information in systematic catalogs of state archives of the USSR (XVIII - early XX century), M., 1983, "Scheme of classification of photographic documents of the state archive of the Voronezh region", Voronezh, 1979, “Unified Classifier of Documentary Information of the Archival Fund Russian Federation", M., 2007).

The OSI State Archives of the Voronezh Region has systematic and personalized catalogs.

The systematic catalog contains information about management documentation and personal origin (pre-Soviet and Soviet periods), scientific documentation, photographic documents. A type of systematic catalog are catalogs on the history of government institutions and the history of administrative-territorial division.

Currently, 365 funds have been subjected to full thematic development (see the list of funds that have been catalogued).

These are basically the most used funds: state power and management; industrial enterprises; institutions, organizations, agricultural enterprises, statistics, finance, public education, culture, etc. Since 2001, work has been underway to catalog documents from the 17th century.

The photo catalog gives an idea of ​​the photographic documents stored in the state archives of the Voronezh region.

Catalogs are presented in the traditional card version and databases: “ Electronic catalog", "Photo catalog".

A total of catalog cards were compiled and included in catalogs as of 01/01/2008 for documents of a managerial nature and personal origin; 2709 index cards for scientific and technical documentation.


Indexes are archival reference books, which are an alphabetical, systematic or compiled according to some other characteristic, list of names (names) of items mentioned in archival documents, indicating their archival codes.

At the OSI State Archive of the Voronezh Region, work is underway to create indexes that are diverse in their content:

  1. Intra-fund documents (nominal). Compiled to documents of the funds: Voronezh militia detachment, Voronezh extermination battalion, Commissions on the affairs of former Red Guards and Red partisans. Since 2006, the database “Awards for Motherhood” has been maintained by the fund of the Voronezh Regional Executive Committee.
  2. Intra-fund inventories (chronological, structural, military units, nominal, theater repertoire, etc.). Compiled for inventories of such funds as the Central Chernobyl Regional Executive Committee, the Voronezh Drama Theater named after. Koltsova, Military Prosecutor's Office of the 10th Rifle Corps, administrative huts.
  3. Interfund to inventories. In connection with the increase in the number of requests of a socio-legal nature about the repression of citizens, for initial orientation in documents on this issue, an “Inter-fund geographical index of repressed residents of the Central Black Sea region and the Voronezh region” was compiled. Executive funds were used in compiling this index.
  4. Interfund to documents (nominal). “Inter-stock name index of repressed residents of the Central Black Sea Region and the Voronezh region.” The index is represented by cards and the “Repressed” database.

Each archive has a scientific reference apparatus (SRA) for recording, searching and using stored documents. Various types and types of NSA represent a system of archival reference books. An archival directory is an information retrieval system in which information about archival documents is searched manually. The NSA system consists of complexes of scientific reference apparatus of all state archives, as well as interarchival reference books, automated information retrieval systems (AIRS) and archives of information documents accepted in practice.

The SNSA includes directories that perform accounting, control and information retrieval functions. The first group includes a book of records of receipts in the archive; list of archive holdings; fund sheet; inventory of cases The second group includes: stock catalogues; guidebook, thematic guide, short reference book on the archive(s); index of inventories of the fund(s); catalogues; inventory of cases; thematic and stock reviews; thematic index to cases (documents); popular science publications; information letters; thematic list; archival references (thematic or bibliographical).

The development of information retrieval systems (IRS) should be carried out taking into account the continuity of those already existing and operating in the apparatus public administration scientific and technical information systems.

The composition of the NSA system of a particular state archive is determined by the composition and content of its documents, the intensity and nature of their use. This results in a differentiated approach to the creation of a system of NSA in each archive, to the development of the NSA for each fund.

The NSA system of any archive must contain information at the levels: fund-file-document.

Inter-archive directories provide information search at the fund level, but on different scales: the Central Library of the Federal Archives of the Russian Federation for the country as a whole, as well as a directory such as the guidebook "State Archives of the Russian Federation", stock catalogs of the republics and other regions and similar directories - respectively, by region.

Thematic guides, indexes, reviews provide information at the levels: fund-case-document. Interfund directories provide information search for documents from one archive. The archive's holdings index allows searching for a specific holding and provides holding-level information.

A guide to the archive's holdings contains characteristics or brief information about the holdings, arranged in a systematic manner; provides information about the fund and serves to familiarize yourself with the composition and content of the archive and the funds stored in it. A short guide to archive holdings provides a systematic list of names of archival holdings with reference data about them (dates of existence, volume and deadlines of documents), serves as a guide, and provides information at the fund level.

The composition of reference books of the NSA system in each archive and in the country as a whole is created for the effective use of documents of the AF of the Russian Federation, search necessary information in the shortest possible time and accounting, ensuring the safety of documents containing information.

In order to properly organize the use of documentary materials in the archive, a set of manuals is being created - scientific reference apparatus(NSA). A set of accounting documents, archival reference books, methodological manuals and reference literature provides accounting of archive documents, their scientific organization, disclosure of their composition and content to facilitate their use, as well as the ability to quickly find the required materials in the repository. The NSA system provides for the search for documents and documentary information within the fund, archive, and the State Archival Fund as a whole. Creation of archival reference manuals mainly carried out in connection with the scientific and technical processing of documentary materials. As stated above, the scientific reference apparatus includes guidebooks, inventories, catalogs, indexes of funds, thematic reviews, and scientific reference manuals. The main archival reference book is inventory, since all other directories and accounting documents rely on it: all directories give either codes for storage units assigned to them according to the inventory, or numbers of the inventories themselves.

It is necessary to begin working with reference manuals for archival materials with a general familiarization with their system in the given archive and the submitted fund in order to determine the most appropriate and economical work plan. If there are several types of reference guides, then work should begin with the most advanced ones, as they will allow you to quickly discover materials on the research topic. If available in the archive thematic catalog it is better to contact him first. Due to its thematic features, the catalog is most convenient for identifying materials on a relatively narrow topic related to the activities of several fund founders. On a broad topic, especially related to the materials of one fund, it is more advisable to search for materials using inventories. Identification of materials from inventories requires that the researcher be oriented in the topic and have a known minimum of facts that could facilitate the work with inventories and make the identification exhaustive. The most common scientific reference materials are guide And list of funds. Having found out the name and number of the fund he needs, the researcher has the opportunity to select the required inventory from the inventory register (or from the fund sheet) and begin viewing it. The use of the inventory can be facilitated by auxiliary indexes to it, as well as to other materials included in the inventory (for example, to orders). This is the main series of reference manuals, in which each previous reference manual tells everything necessary information for subsequent use, ultimately ensuring the inclusion of the necessary archival documents. Catalogs and thematic reviews are another, parallel, series of reference guides that allow you to search for documents, bypassing the “guide - inventory” series. In practice, the researcher has to use the entire system of reference guides. It is useful to combine work on reference guides with viewing the identified materials themselves. This can provide either direct indications of the presence of documents that have not yet been discovered, or a whole range of additional information that will be useful when further viewing the inventories. In order to more fully identify archival materials, cross-use should be practiced. different types reference manuals.

Each type of directory has its own way of presenting information. Thus, in the inventory we encounter clear and concise headings for storage units (files), with the addition, if necessary, of annotations of individual, especially important documents. In catalogs, the object of description is not a case, but a specific issue, information about which is contained in a separate document or part of it, a group of documents, a separate case, a group of cases. A generalized title of a group of documents is written on the index card, constructed in the same way as the title of the case in the inventory. Despite the similarity in the form of the heading in the inventory and on the index card, the amount of information of descriptive articles is different, since the object of the description is different. In reviews, the essence of the issue or event is presented in narrative form, then the types of documents are listed, indicating the chronological framework and the nature of the information contained in them. The following lists the archival codes of all documents on this issue. Then it is also illuminated next question. This part of the review is called document characterization. An auxiliary reference apparatus must be compiled for the review.

A significant part of the archives of institutions, organizations, and enterprises (especially small ones) have a limited number of scientific and reference apparatus. In many of them, the only archival reference is the inventory. But if compiling reviews is only possible for a large departmental archive, then card catalogs based on registration cards should also be available in small archives, since they facilitate the search for documentary information. The rules provide for the transfer of registration cards to the archives of the institution along with files. Office workers should firmly understand that both registration cards for the execution of requests, and control cards for orders and others administrative documents, in which the questions are written, will serve for reference purposes for a long time. Therefore, all file cabinets must be transferred to the institution’s archive in due order. Dividing an array of cards into two parts (cards into documents permanent storage and cards for temporary storage documents) is assigned to the clerical staff. In institutions that receive a significant number of proposals, applications and complaints from citizens, a separate card is usually created.

It is important to note that each type of directory and each accounting document has its own purpose. Moreover, they do not duplicate, but complement each other.

The system of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents of the archive is a complex of interrelated and complementary archival reference books on the composition and content of archival documents, created on a unified methodological basis for searching archival documents and archival information for effective use.

The archive's scientific reference system includes:

1. Archival inventory is an archival reference book that contains a systematized list of files from the archival fund and collection. The archival inventory is intended to record storage units and disclose their contents.

The inventory is the main, basic archival reference; researchers turn to them first when they come to the archive.

The archival inventory serves as the basis for the creation of other archive reference books - indexes, catalogs, reviews, guides. In this regard, when creating an inventory, the determining factor is its quality compilation.

In the process of operation of an institution, various documentation is generated, and separate inventories are compiled for each type of documentation:

· Cases of permanent storage;

· Temporary storage files

· Personnel matters;

· Cases consisting of documents specific only to a specific organization (investigative, court cases, scientific reports on topics, etc.).

Composition of the archival inventory:

· Descriptive articles (include the serial number of the case, office work index, title of the case, deadlines for documents, number of sheets in the case);

· Final record (an accounting element that indicates the number of cases in storage does not always coincide with the number of cases included in the inventory);

· Certification sheet (accounting element for recording the number of sheets in the inventory);

· Reference apparatus for the inventory.

The reference apparatus for the inventory includes:

· Title page;

· Preface;

· List of abbreviated words;

· Conversion table (in case of processing);

· Pointers.

The reference apparatus for the archival inventory performs the function of first familiarization with documents (title page, table of contents), facilitates the search for necessary information (indexes), clarification of the semantic content of the inventory (list of abbreviations) and search data (conversion tables of codes).

Case inventories are compiled strictly according to established forms. All details of the archival inventory are located in designated places.

The importance of the inventory is determined by the fact that the inventory, being an accounting document and a reference book of contents, carries a large information load.

The efficiency of searching for archival documentary information depends on the quality of preparation of the inventory.

2. Catalogs. They are:

Systematic . You need to contact him if you need to find out what branches of knowledge there are books in the library; it is necessary to select literature on a specific topic, issue, subject; it is necessary to establish the author and the exact title of the book if its contents are known.

The name of the catalog indicates that cards describing printed works are grouped according to a certain system, in accordance with the content of individual branches of knowledge. Books by different authors on the same topic are thus collected together.

The sequence of location of the main departments of the catalog and subdivisions within each department is recorded in a special document - a classification scheme. Over the centuries-old history of libraries, many different variants of classification schemes have been created. The most progressive of them always relied on the classification of sciences, which sought to establish the correct connections and interactions various sciences among themselves.

· Methodical manuals.

3. Card index- a reference book that contains information about the contents of documents on cards. Cards are placed in file cabinets depending on the organization’s information needs. As the practice of working in organizational archives shows, the most commonly used information is information on the content of organizational and administrative documents (orders on core activities, protocols, contracts, agreements, letters, etc.).

It happens:

· Named;

· Named fighters-miners;

· To provide citizens with living space; metric books.

4. Guide- an archival directory containing brief information about documents in one or more archives. The types of guidebooks are: a guide to archives, a guide to the holdings of the archive(s), a short guide to the holdings of the archive, a thematic guide to the holdings of the archive.

A guide to archives is a type of guide to archives that contains a systematic list of archives with characteristics of the documents stored in them. It may include information about all archival institutions, museums, libraries and other archival repositories that permanently store documents of the Russian Federation, individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation or its regions. The object of description in the guide to archives is the archive or any of the above-listed repositories of documents of the AF of the Russian Federation.

The characteristics of the archive in the archives guide consists of: the name of the archive (full or abbreviated), the address of the archive (full address data), the number of funds on a paper basis, the volume of funds on a paper basis, the deadlines for documents on a paper basis, historical information, annotations. It may contain a list of published reference books. If there are film, photo and sound documents and scientific and technical documentation (NTD) in the archive, their volume and deadlines are indicated

5. Index- an archival directory, which is an alphabetical, systematic or compiled on some other basis list of names (titles) of items mentioned in archival documents, indicating their search data.

Indexes in an organization’s archive can be inter-fund, intra-fund, in form - electronic, sheet or card, in the structure of headings - blind (subject concepts and their search data) and annotated (subject concepts are accompanied by explanations), in the grouping of concepts within indexes - alphabetical, systematic , chronological.

Indexes can be compiled to headings of storage units (without viewing them) or to documents (with viewing storage units).

The main types of pointers are:

· subject (its varieties - thematic, nominal, geographical),

· chronological.

According to the grouping of concepts within the index, alphabetical, systematic and chronological indexes are distinguished.

6. Review of documents- an archival reference book, including systematic information about the composition and content of individual sets of documents.

The types of review in an organization's archive are fund review and thematic review.

The object of description for a fund review is a document (a group of documents, part of a document), a storage unit, a unit of accounting for one fund. The object of description for a thematic review of archive documents is a document (group of documents, part of a document), storage unit, unit of accounting for one fund (part of a fund, group of funds) of an archive on a specific topic. When compiling reviews, a differentiated approach is used, which consists in choosing a fund and / or topic, the principle of grouping information in the main part of the review, using various methods for presenting information about documents (individual or group annotations), various methods for describing individual types of documents, identifying the appropriate composition and degree completeness of the reference apparatus for the review

7. Lists- these are archival reference books that are created based on the description of archival documents, i.e. based on the creation of secondary information about the composition, content and search data of documents and funds through analytical and synthetic processing of primary document information. “Lists of questions” take the form of handwritten, and later typewritten, bound books, compiled in the office work of organizations and institutions and handed over to the archives along with files and inventories. The covers are marked with codes - numbers of funds, inventories, cases, the contents of which they reveal. “Lists of questions” reveal the content of cases that have “blind” headings and increase the information content of inventories

We are currently working with the software package " Archive fund"(level "Case") and with databases created in the archive: "Scientific and reference library", "Periodicals", "Index of funds", "Reference and information collection". No thematic databases based on archive documents have been created.

Searches for archival materials are possible only with the availability of special aids. Each archive has a system of such benefits. The basic principles for the construction and use of this system are common to all archives, but at the same time, each of them develops for itself specific forms of practical implementation of these principles, based on the composition, content and condition of its documentary materials, volume, nature and prospects for their use.

The archives work to create a system of their reference manuals, strictly observing the relationship between its individual links, each of which should inform about the composition and content of documentary materials from a certain point of view.

The creation of archival reference materials is mainly carried out in connection with the scientific and technical processing of documentary materials. Along with this, the archives also carry out special work on the creation and improvement of reference manuals. In particular, by editing inventories and compiling prefaces and auxiliary indexes to inventories, their reference qualities are improved. The creation of a catalog is taking an increasingly important place in the work of archives on the system of reference manuals. Cataloging is carried out and how independent work. And along with other types of archival work (scientific and technical processing of documentary materials, checking their availability and condition, examination of their scientific and practical value, etc.).

The main way of independently conducted cataloging is the special identification of materials to be reflected in the catalogue. And making cards on them. This operation is called thematic fund development. It is carried out according to inventories with viewing of cases in kind in cases where the headings in the inventories do not contain all the information necessary for the catalogue.

To carry out special cataloging, the “Basic Rules” proposes the form of a subject-thematic card. However, in many archives, in the process of many years of scientific and technical processing of documentary materials, as well as their cataloging, their own forms of cards have developed and come into practice, differing from those proposed by the “Basic Rules” only in the content or location of individual secondary headings.

Currently, each state archive has a structural unit. In which scientific reference materials are concentrated. This division carries out work to improve the system of these manuals and organize their use, as well as theoretical research in the field of source studies and a number of auxiliary historical disciplines most closely related to archival affairs. The methodological activities of archives are aimed at clarifying the ways of the most correct, effective and economical organization of each significant work carried out in the archive. The most common form of methodological preparation is the preparation of special manuals: instructions, work instructions, diagrams, memos, which often significantly complement and specify the general rules.

Searches for archival materials are impossible without the use of special reference guides, some of which are also documents for recording archival materials.

Archival searches in most cases are carried out in the direction from larger, thematically broader and more capacious complexes to narrower groups of materials with a gradual approach to the desired ones. The search object can be either materials related to a particular topic, or a specific storage unit, or a single document.

Archival reference guides are currently being published, which contain scientific information about documentary materials from state archives. These publications contribute to the organization of a wider and more rational use of archival materials and allow research institutions to plan the topics of their work, taking into account the availability of a documentary base. Published reference manuals enable the researcher in advance, even before visiting the archive, to get acquainted with the general composition of the materials and correctly outline a plan for his future work in the archive at the researcher’s place of residence.

Thus, the creation of archival reference materials occupies a very important place in state archives, because These publications contribute to the organization of a wider and more rational use of archival materials, and the most correct, effective and economical organization of each significant work carried out in the archive.