Organizational and administrative document: description, types, requirements and features. Government of the Russian Federation System of organizational and administrative activities

Organizational and administrative documents are systematized according to the following functions:

— Creation of an organization, enterprise;

— Reorganization of an organization, enterprise;

— Liquidation of an organization, enterprise;

— Privatization of state and municipal organizations, enterprises;

— Administrative activities of an organization, enterprise;

— Organizational and regulatory regulation of the activities of an organization, enterprise;

— Operational and information regulation of the activities of an organization, enterprise;


The administrative documentation system is divided into three groups of documents by type of document.

1. Organizational and administrative documentation (ORD) - regulations, charters, instructions, orders, decisions, protocols, staffing table, regulations, etc.

2. Reference and information documentation (ID) - letters, telegrams, telephone messages, reports, official, explanatory, explanatory notes, certificates, acts, etc.

3. Documents on personnel (DLS) - orders, personal files, statements, work books, characteristics, questionnaires, resumes, contracts, etc.


The main function of administrative documents is regulatory; the intended purpose is to regulate activities, allowing the management body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it, to obtain the maximum effect from the activities of the enterprise.

The decisions, recorded in administrative documents, are aimed at improving the organizational structure, nature, content, means and methods of carrying out the main (production) activities of institutions, providing the organization with financial, labor, material, information and other resources.

Administrative documents contain decisions that go from top to bottom through the management system: from the governing body to the managed one, from a higher organization to a subordinate one, from the head of the organization to the head of the current structural unit and employees of this organization, etc. It is these documents that implement the controllability of objects by version.

In legal terms, a significant part of administrative documents refers to normative legal acts. They contain specific, legally authoritative instructions of subjects of executive power. The specificity of such benefits is manifested in the fact that their addressees are specific institutions, structural divisions, officials or employees; they are legal facts that give rise to specific administrative legal relations.


The style of official documents should be characterized by stylistic rigor and neutrality of presentation. The organization's management documents are related to legal norms, therefore, the objectivity in the style of presentation is characterized by the empirical and prescriptive nature of the document. In an official business style there should be no emotionality, subjective assessment and colloquialism. The official business style of documents must meet the requirements:

brevity and compactness of the presentation of the official document;

accuracy and certainty of formulations;

unambiguousness and uniformity of terms;


It is mandatory that administrative documents indicate the specific persons responsible for execution, as well as the person monitoring the progress of execution. Availability of a date by which the order must be executed.

Design rules

Documents consist of individual elements, which are usually called details (from the Latin requisitum - required, necessary). The set of details of a document reflects its form. Consequently, in order for a document to serve its purpose, it must be drawn up in accordance with the form adopted for this category of documents. Their evidentiary (legal) force depends on the completeness and quality of the execution of documents, since they serve as evidence, confirmation of specific facts, phenomena, events.

By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1997 No. 273, adopted and put into effect on July 1, 1998 GOST R 6.30-97 “ Unified system organizational and administrative documentation". By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2000 No. 9, changes have been made to this standard, which come into force on April 1, 2000. This standard determines the composition of the details of organizational and administrative documents, the rules for their execution and location on the documents, requirements for the production of forms and registration of forms with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the new state standard, in comparison with the standard in force until 1997, 29 details were defined instead of 31. (Their location is shown in the diagrams in Appendix 1)

The document has legal force if the details required for this type of document are present. For example, the required details for a letter are the name of the organization, postal address, addressee, title to the text, date, index, text, signatures, surname of the artist and his phone number.

In the process of preparing and processing a document, the composition of the details can be supplemented with other details if required by the purpose of the document, its processing, etc.

It should be noted that documents are often drawn up on three types of forms: an official letter form, a form for specific type document and a common form for all other documents. These forms have an established set of permanent details with a longitudinal or angular arrangement. They are produced mainly on paper in A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (148 x 210 mm) formats. Forms of A3 and A6 formats are accepted.

Documents drawn up on behalf of two or more organizations are issued without a form.

Fire safety

List of documentation for fire safety

Fire safety orders

1. Order on the organization “On the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety”;

2. Order on the organization “On identifying smoking areas”;

3. Order on the organization “On the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day”;

4. Order on the organization “On the appointment of a person responsible for electrical equipment”;

5. Order on the organization “On determining the procedure and timing of fire safety briefings and classes on the fire-technical minimum, as well as the appointment of those responsible for their conduct”;

6. Order for the organization “On the appointment of a person responsible for the safety and readiness for action of primary fire extinguishing means and fire equipment”;

7. Order for the organization “On approval of the Instructions on fire safety and the actions of the organization’s personnel in the event of a fire”;

8. Order on the organization “On approval of the voluntary fire brigade”;

9. Order on the organization “On the organization of fire-technical minimum training.”

Fire safety logs

10. Site journal “Working out an evacuation plan in case of fire”;

11. Object journal " Maintenance fire extinguishers";

12. On-site journal “Testing and recharging of fire extinguishers”;

13. Site journal “Registration of work permits for gas hazardous work”;

14. Site magazine “Maintenance of fire automatics”;

15. Object journal “Accounting for inspections” legal entity, individual entrepreneur carried out by the authorities state control(supervision), municipal control bodies.”

Fire safety instructions

16. On-site instructions “On the procedure for personnel to act upon when the fire alarm system is activated”;

17. On-site instructions “On the closure of production and auxiliary premises after completion of work”;

18. On-site instructions “On providing assistance to the victim”;

19. On-site instructions “On electrical safety”;

20. On-site instructions “On inspection (cleaning) of air ducts of ventilation systems”;

21. On-site instructions “On fire safety measures at the site”;

22. Instruction on site “On fire safety measures during events at sites with large numbers of people”;

23. On-site instructions “Responsible for fire safety”;

24. On-site instructions “On the operation of internal fire-fighting water supply systems”;

25. On-site instructions “On the requirements for the selection and operation of fire extinguishers”;

26. On-site instructions “On the use of household pyrotechnic products by employees (citizens”).”

27. Regulations on fire safety briefings;

28. Tickets for the fire-technical minimum test;

29. A set of lectures for conducting fire-technical minimum;

30. Test tasks according to PTM;

31. Plan fire prevention measures for a year;

32. Introductory fire safety training program.

To protect personal data

Organizational measures for the protection of personal data include the development of organizational and administrative documents, as well as the implementation of measures to protect personal data.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 23 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and clause 1 of the Regulations on Federal service for supervision in the field of communications and mass communications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2009 No. 228, the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects, which is entrusted with ensuring control and supervision over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the requirements of this Federal Law, is the federal executive authority exercising control and supervision functions in the field of communications and mass communications (Roskomnadzor).

Organizational measures are carried out at the enterprise, regardless of whether a notification was submitted to Roskomnadzor or not, PD is processed using automation tools or without their use.

List of events and necessary documents may vary depending on the specifics of personal data processing, organizational structure and other features of each individual enterprise.

2.4.2. Administrative documents

Regardless of the organizational and legal form, the nature and content of the organization’s activities, its competence, structure and other factors, the management of the organization is vested with the right to carry out executive and administrative activities and, accordingly, issue administrative documents.

Administrative documents– these are documents that allow the organization’s management body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it. They formalize the administrative activities of an organization (enterprise) and can be published with the rights of collegial management or with the rights of unity of command.

Decisions recorded in administrative documents may relate to improving the organizational structure of the organization, determining or adjusting the means and methods of carrying out core activities, and providing the organization with various resources. Administrative documents contain decisions that go from top to bottom through the management system, from the governing body to the governed body, from the head of the organization to structural divisions and employees. It is these documents that implement vertical controllability of objects.

In legal terms, administrative documents refer to legal acts, expressing specific legally authoritative instructions to the subjects of management. The specificity of these instructions is manifested in the following:

1) with the help of administrative documents, problems and issues arising in the field of management are resolved;

2) their addressee is specific organizations, structural units, officials or employees;

3) they are legal facts that give rise to specific administrative-legal relations.

Taking into account the scope of their action, administrative documents are divided into:

1) legal acts of federal executive authorities;

2) legal acts operating at the level of federal subjects and their territorial entities;

3) legal acts of organizations.

Administrative documents issued by federal executive authorities belong to the category departmental regulations. They are divided into:

1) acts affecting the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation;

2) acts of an interdepartmental nature;

3) acts regulating relations between federal executive authorities and subordinate institutions, organizations, and enterprises.

Preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities is carried out in accordance with the Standard Regulations for the interaction of federal executive authorities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2005 No. 30 and the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Authorities, approved by order of the Minister of Culture and Mass Communications November 8, 2005 No. 536.

The basis for issuing an administrative document may be:

1) the need to implement adopted legislative, regulatory legal acts and other decisions of higher authorities and previously adopted decisions of this organization;

2) the need to carry out its own executive and administrative activities, determined by the functions and objectives of the organization.

From the point of view of decision-making, administrative documents can be issued by collegial management bodies, management bodies acting on the basis of unity of command and jointly by several management bodies.

In conditions of collegiality, administrative documents are issued on the basis of decisions made by the collegial body when discussing issues at its meetings. Collegiality allows you to most correctly and effectively solve the most important issues of the organization's activities.

Federal and regional executive authorities, committees and commissions, boards of ministries, bodies operate on the basis of collegiality. local government, supreme governing bodies joint stock companies etc.

In the system of collegial governing bodies, a special place is occupied by governing bodies that are advisory in their status. Decisions of advisory management bodies are advisory in nature. This means that the head of the organization has the right to make his own decision, contrary to the decision of the advisory management body.

Administrative documents adopted by collegial and advisory governing bodies include resolutions and decisions.

Preparation of administrative documents for collegial decision-making includes the following steps:

1) preparation of materials for a meeting of the collegial body;

2) submitting materials for consideration by a collegial body;

3) discussion of the issue (prepared materials) at a meeting of the collegial body;

4) making a decision on the materials reviewed;

5) drawing up minutes of the meeting;

6) publication of an administrative document;

7) bringing the decision to the executors.

At the first stage, information on the issue is collected, analyzed and an analytical report is prepared. This work is carried out in accordance with the work plan of the collegial body by specialists from the relevant structural divisions.

The analytical report must contain comprehensive and comprehensive information and specific proposals for solving the problem, be agreed upon by all specialists interested in the solution being prepared and signed by the head of the department presenting the issue for consideration.

Along with the analytical report, a draft decision of the collegial body is being prepared. Information on the issue and a draft decision are drawn up on standard sheets of paper. The draft decision must contain the rationale for the decision and the administrative part.

At the second stage, the prepared analytical report and draft decision 10–15 days before the meeting of the collegial governing body are transferred to the secretary of the collegial governing body. The secretary copies the submitted materials and sends them to members of the collegial body for preliminary study.

At the third stage, the chairman of the collegial body gets acquainted with the submitted materials and conducts organizational events on preparation of a meeting of the collegial governing body.

The fourth stage involves discussion of the presented materials at a meeting of the collegial body and its acceptance by members of the collegial body in the presented form or with changes made during the preliminary consideration and discussion.

The fifth stage reflects the specifics of the activities of the collegial governing body and consists of recording the progress of the meeting by drawing up minutes of the meeting of the collegial governing body. The protocol goes through the stage of agreement with the speakers and speakers and is signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting of the collegial governing body.

The sixth stage is the publication of an administrative document by decision of a collegial body in the form of a resolution or decision. At the same time, decisions of an informational nature, as a rule, are not formalized in the form of an administrative document but are recorded only in the minutes of the meeting of the collegial body. Such decisions are called protocol decisions and are communicated to the executors by extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the collegial body.

The administrative document is signed either by all members of the collegial body or by the chairman of the collegial body and communicated to the executors. Bringing the administrative document to the executors means replicating the document, sending it out or transferring it to the executors.

In conditions of sole decision-making, power on all issues belongs to its leader. Sole decision-making ensures efficiency of management and increases the personal responsibility of the manager for the decision made.

Federal ministries, administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, and heads of organizations operate on the basis of individual decision-making.

Heads of management bodies operating on the basis of collegiality are also given the right to make sole decisions on a certain range of issues, usually related to the internal activities of the organization.

In conditions of sole decision-making, administrative documents are orders, instructions, instructions.

The procedure for issuing an administrative document in conditions of sole decision-making includes the following stages:

1) initiation of a decision (justification of the need to issue an administrative document);

2) collection and analysis of information for decision making;

3) preparation of a draft administrative document;

4) approval of the draft document;

5) finalization of the draft administrative document based on the results of approval;

6) making a decision (signing an administrative document);

7) bringing the administrative document to the executors.

Draft administrative documents are prepared on a planned basis (in accordance with the plan or program of activities), on behalf of the management of the organization, on the initiative of the heads of structural divisions, as well as individual specialists. The justification for the need to issue an administrative document can be set out in a memorandum, a certificate of analytical or informational content, a proposal, a conclusion, an act, a letter. These documents act as the trigger for a decision.

Draft administrative documents are prepared by specialists from structural divisions (or a group of specialists from different structural divisions, or a temporary commission) based on the collection and analysis of objective, sufficient and timely information to develop a management decision.

The result of collecting and analyzing information on the issue is the development of a management decision.

Registration of the developed decision in the form of a draft administrative document is carried out not on the organization’s letterhead, but on a standard sheet of paper according to the rules for drawing up an administrative document. In this case, the word “Project” is entered in the upper field on the right.

Approval of a draft document implies endorsement or external approval of the document with interested parties or organizations. If there are many approval authorities, then external approval of the document is carried out on a separate sheet - “Approval Sheet”. Signing of the document (internal approval) is carried out with the heads of interested departments, chief and leading specialists of the organization, legal service and deputy heads of the organization.

During the process of approval (signing) of the administrative document, comments or additions to the draft document may be made. They can be entered directly into the submitted draft document or drawn up on a separate sheet as a special opinion or comments. In this case, when approving (endorsing), on the draft document, in addition to the endorser’s signature and date, the following mark is placed: “Special opinion is attached” or “Comments are attached.”

A dissenting opinion, drawn up on a separate sheet, is attached to the draft document and returned to the developers of the draft document for finalization of the document.

The finalized draft document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead and, together with the approval sheet, special opinions and comments, is submitted to the manager for making a management decision (for signature).

If the draft document was prepared on behalf of a higher organization, then its execution is carried out on standard sheets of paper sent to the higher organization with cover letter and an explanatory note.

Decision making is the decisive stage in the preparation of an administrative document. The manager’s signature turns the draft document into a full-fledged document with legal force.

Bringing the administrative document to the executors means replicating the document, sending it out or transferring it to the executors.

Resolution is an act adopted by the highest and some central bodies of the federal executive power, acting on the basis of collegiality, as well as representative and collegial executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to resolve the most important and fundamental tasks facing these bodies and establish stable norms and rules.

The final part of the minutes of a meeting of a collegial body is also called a resolution.

To formalize the resolution, the following details are used: name of the collegial body - the author of the document; name of the type of document, date, document number, place of publication, title to the text, text, signature.

The date of the resolution is the date of the meeting of the collegial body at which it was adopted.

A sample of the resolution is given in Appendix 12, 13.

Solution is an act adopted by collegial and advisory management bodies of organizations and enterprises to resolve the most important issues their activities.

Decisions are also called joint administrative documents adopted by two or more governing bodies, one of which operates on the basis of collegiality, and the other on the basis of unity of command.

The text of a decree or decision consists of a stating and an administrative part, separated in resolutions by the word “DECIDED”, and in decisions - “DECIDED” (“DECIDED”, “DECIDED”), which is printed in capital letters.

The stating part indicates the purpose of issuing the resolution. It may contain references to laws, previously issued regulations and other regulations. The administrative part, as a rule, consists of clauses containing regulations or instructions. Items containing specific instructions include the names of the organizations to which the instruction is given, the contents of the instruction and (if necessary) the deadline for its implementation.

A sample of the decision is given in Appendix 16, 17.

Order- this is an act issued by the head of a management body acting on the basis of unity of command in order to resolve the main and operational tasks facing this management body.

In some cases, the order may concern a wide range of organizations and individuals.

Based on their purpose and rules of execution, a distinction is made between orders for core activities and orders for personnel.

Orders on core activities are issued during reorganization, liquidation of an organization, approval and change of structure and staff, in order to approve and (or) put into effect documents (provisions, instructions, rules, regulations, etc.), when regulating issues of financing, logistics , scientific, technical and other support, organization of the implementation of tasks facing the management body of the organization.

Orders on personnel (personnel orders) regulate the reception, movement, dismissal of workers, the provision of vacations, the assignment of ranks, the issuance of penalties and incentives, the registration of business trips and other personnel management issues.

Orders are issued on the order form and have the following details: name of the superior organization (if any), name of the author organization, name of the type of document (ORDER), date and number of the document, place of publication, title to the text, text, signature, visas.

Draft orders are drawn up on the basis of a thorough and comprehensive study of issues requiring resolution, so that the instructions contained in the projects are specific and realistic, comply with current legislation, are provided with sufficient material, technical and financial means and eliminated the need to adjust decisions made in the future.

The title to the text is a mandatory detail of the order. It should be formulated clearly, as briefly as possible, expressing the main content of the document and answering the question “About what?”

Text of the order consists of two parts: ascertaining and administrative. The ascertaining part provides the rationale for the prescribed actions or the basis and purpose of issuing the document. If the basis for issuing the order was a legislative or regulatory legal act of a higher organization or a document previously issued by this organization, then its name, date and number are indicated in the ascertaining part.

If a draft order is prepared in addition to or modification of a previously issued order, then the date, number, and title of the supplemented or modified order are indicated in the ascertaining part.

If the order is issued proactively, i.e., in fulfillment of the functions and tasks assigned to the organization, then in the ascertaining part the goals and objectives of the prescribed actions are formulated, the facts or events that served as the reason for issuing the order are stated.

Statement part is separated from the administrative order by the word “I ORDER”, which is printed on a new line in capital letters. The stating part may be absent if the prescribed actions do not require explanation or justification.

Administrative part the order is stated in the imperative form in the first person singular. Each order of the administrative part is drawn up as a separate paragraph. Items are numbered in Arabic numerals.

Each paragraph of the administrative part containing an order includes the name of the executor or executors, the prescribed action, and the deadline for completing the order. When the prescribed action is divided into separate tasks or instructions, they are formulated in the form of subparagraphs. Each paragraph or subparagraph of the administrative part of the order contains only one task indicating a specific deadline for execution. If the prescribed action is permanent, then the deadline for performing this action is not indicated.

The last paragraph of the order is the paragraph that indicates the name of the position of the person responsible for monitoring the execution of the order, his initials and surname.

If the clause of the administrative part is of an organizational nature, then the performers and deadlines for execution are not indicated, but only the action is formulated.

The draft order must be written clearly, intelligibly, in compliance with the rules for drawing up official documents. The text of the draft order must:

1) link the instructions contained therein with documents previously issued on this issue in order to avoid repetitions or contradictions;

2) present the text briefly, consistently, clearly, without allowing the possibility of its double interpretation;

3) indicate specific performers and real deadlines for the execution of orders;

4) ensure the legally correct (unambiguous) spelling of the organizations mentioned in it;

5) indicate acts that are subject to repeal or have lost force in any part of them.

Draft orders are endorsed by all interested departments and officials. Visas are affixed at the bottom of the last sheet of the order or on its back.

The agreed and endorsed draft order is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead and submitted for signature to the head of the organization, or to the person officially performing his duties in the event of a long absence of the head.

If there are attachments to the order, references to them are provided in the relevant paragraphs of the order.

On the appendix itself, in the upper right corner of the first sheet, the word “Appendix” is printed and it is indicated which point of the order it relates to.

A sample order form is given in Appendix 18, 19.

Order- this is an act issued individually by the head of the collegial management body within the competence granted to him, as well as by the heads of organizations acting on the basis of unity of command in order to resolve operational issues. Orders, as a rule, have a limited validity period and concern a narrow circle of organizations, officials and citizens.

Orders are drawn up and executed according to the same rules as orders. The text of the order consists of a stating and an administrative part. The ascertaining part indicates the reason or purpose for issuing the order, and the administrative part indicates the prescribed actions.

A sample of the order is given in Appendix 14, 15.

Note- this is an act issued solely by the head of an organization or his deputy, primarily on issues of an informational and methodological nature, as well as on issues related to the organization of execution of orders, instructions and other acts of a given or higher management body.

In general, instructions are drawn up and executed similarly to orders, but the key words in the text separating the stating and administrative parts are “I OBLIGATE” or “I OFFER,” depending on the content of the instruction.

If instructions are sent to subordinate organizations in order to communicate general rules or other information to them, then the addressee is indicated or a document distribution list is created.

A sample of the instruction is given in Appendix 22, 23.

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2.8. Other documents

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3.2. Administrative documents The purpose of administrative documents is to regulate activities, allowing the governing body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it. In conditions of sole decision-making, the procedure for issuing administrative orders

Administrative documents – These are documents that record decisions on administrative and organizational issues of the organization’s activities. 1 These documents regulate and coordinate activities and allow the governing body to ensure the implementation of its tasks. 2

Regardless of the organizational and legal form, the nature and content of the organization’s activities, its competence, structure and other factors, the management of any organization is vested with the right to carry out executive and administrative activities and, accordingly, issue administrative documents. 3

Administrative documents contain decisions that go from top to bottom through the management system: from the governing body to the governed body, from the head of the organization to structural divisions and employees. It is these documents that implement vertical controllability of objects. 4

In legal terms, administrative documents relate to legal acts: they express specific legally authoritative instructions of the subjects of management. The specificity of such instructions is manifested in the fact that with the help of administrative documents, problems and issues arising in the field of management are resolved; their addressees are specific institutions, structural units, officials or employees; they are legal facts that give rise to specific administrative-legal relations. 5

Taking into account the scope of their action, administrative documents are divided into:

    legal acts of the federal level - acts issued by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities (ministries, committees, agencies, services, etc.);

    legal acts operating at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - republics, territories, regions, cities of republican significance Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous regions and districts, as well as territorial entities;

    legal acts of organizations, institutions, enterprises. 6

The basis for issuing an administrative document may be:

    the need to implement adopted legislative, regulatory legal acts and other decisions of higher authorities and previously adopted decisions of this organization;

    the need to carry out its own executive and administrative activities, determined by the functions and objectives of the organization. 7

Administrative documents can be issued jointly by several management bodies.

From the point of view of the procedure for resolving issues (making decisions), all administrative documents are divided into two groups:

    documents published in a collegial environment;

    documents issued under conditions of sole decision-making.

Administrative documents issued under conditions of sole decision-making

Administrative documents issued under conditions of sole decision-making include orders, instructions, instructions.

In conditions of sole decision-making, power over all management issues in the organization belongs to its leader. Sole decision-making ensures efficient management and increases the personal responsibility of managers for decisions made. Federal ministries, administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, heads of organizations, institutions, enterprises, firms (general director, director, executive director, chairman of the board) act on the basis of sole decision-making. 1

The procedure for issuing administrative documents in conditions of sole decision-making - orders, instructions, instructions - includes the following stages:

    Initiating a decision (justifying the need to issue an administrative document).

    Collection and analysis of information on the issue.

    Preparation of a draft administrative document.

    Approval of the draft document.

    Finalization of the draft administrative document based on comments.

    Making a decision (signing a document).

    Bringing the administrative document to the executors. 2

The documentation procedure is the organizing principle in the preparation and publication of an administrative document and is designed to ensure its compliance with current legislation. 3

Draft administrative documents are prepared on a planned basis (in accordance with a previously developed plan or program), on behalf of the organization's management, on the initiative of the heads of structural divisions or subordinate organizations, as well as individual specialists. The justification for the need to issue an administrative document may be stated in a memo, analytical or informational certificate, proposal, conclusion, act, official letter. These documents act as the trigger for a decision. 4

Draft administrative documents are prepared by specialists from structural divisions. If a draft document affects the interests of various departments, by decision of the organization’s management, a temporary commission is created or a group of workers is appointed to prepare a draft administrative document. 5

Collection and analysis of information to develop management decisions involves collection of objective, sufficient and timely information. To do this, it is necessary first of all to determine the sources of such information - these could be legislative acts and regulatory documentation; current documentation of the organization; documents coming from superior and subordinate organizations; archival documents; publications in periodicals; scientific materials, etc. The result of collecting and analyzing information on the issue is the development of a management decision, and, as a rule, in the process of analyzing information, various solutions are worked out and, after a comprehensive assessment of them, one, the most acceptable, is selected. 6

Preparation of a draft administrative document: registration of the developed decision in the form of a draft administrative document is carried out on a form or on a standard sheet of A4 paper according to the same rules as the final document. When drawing up a draft document on a standard sheet of paper, the word “Project” is written in the top margin on the right. The text of the document is formatted in the same way as if it were the final version of the document. 7

Coordination of the draft document implies approval (if internal approval is sufficient to issue a document) and external approval (if it is necessary to carry out an examination of the decision in other organizations). 8

Ensuring high-quality preparation of draft documents and their coordination with interested parties is the responsibility of the heads of departments who prepare and submit the draft. 9

Projects and appendices to them are endorsed by the executor and the head of the unit who submitted the project, by the heads of the units who are given instructions in the project, as well as by the head of the documentation support service for management (DOU) and the legal service (endorses draft regulatory legal acts). 10

Visas are affixed on the reverse side of the last sheet of the first copy (original) of the draft document in the lower part.

During the approval process, comments and additions to the draft document may be made. They can be entered directly into the submitted draft document or drawn up on a separate sheet as a special opinion or comments. In the latter case, when endorsed on the draft document, in addition to the signature of the endorser and the date, the following mark is affixed: “Special opinion is attached” or “Comments are attached.” A special opinion, drawn up on a separate sheet, is attached to the draft document and returned to the project developers for finalization of the document. When submitting the finalized document to the manager for signing, all dissenting opinions and comments will have to come along with the document for the manager's consideration. 11

However, if fundamental changes are made to the project during the approval process, then it is subject to re-registration and re-approval. 12 It must be remembered that re-approval is not required if, when finalizing the draft document, only clarifications of an editorial nature were introduced that did not change its content.

Finalization of the draft administrative document based on comments involves making comments to the draft document based on the results of approval, finalizing the agreed draft document on the organization’s letterhead and presenting it to the manager for signing. 13

Control over the correct execution of draft documents is carried out by the DOU service. 14

Decision making, i.e. signing of an administrative document by the manager, is the decisive stage of preparing an administrative document. The manager’s signature turns the draft document into a full-fledged document with legal force.

Draft documents are printed on standard forms and submitted for signature, if necessary, with a certificate containing summary the essence of the issue, the rationale for the proposed solutions, as well as information on the basis on which the project was prepared and with whom it was agreed upon. 15

After signing, the DOU service registers the document, from the moment of which it acquires the status of officially issued.

Bringing the administrative document to the executors– this is the replication of the document, its distribution (as soon as possible) or transfer to the performers.

Additional information:

  • order;


1 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. 592 p. 2-8 Ibid. 9 Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Federal Archival Agency of December 23, 2009 No. 76. - Appendix No. 15. 10 Ibid. – Appendix No. 15. 11 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. 592 p. 12 Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies, approved by order of the Federal Archival Agency of December 23, 2009 No. 76. - Appendix No. 15. 13 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. 592 p. 14 Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Federal Archival Agency of December 23, 2009 No. 76. - Appendix No. 15. 15 Ibid. – Appendix No. 15.


The activities of any enterprise are accompanied by the preparation of different types of documents. Organizational and administrative documents (ORD) are called documents functioning in the field of management. With the help of ORD, the functions and rights of the management body are determined, the structure and staffing of departments are established, subordinate objects are controlled, personnel decisions are recorded, etc.

The following main groups of documents can be distinguished:

1) organizational(statutes, regulations, staffing, job descriptions, internal labor regulations);

2) administrative(orders on core activities, instructions, decisions);

3)reference and information(acts, letters, faxes, memos, certificates, telephone messages);

4) documents on the personnel of the enterprise(orders for personnel, labor contracts, personal files, personal cards in the T-2 form, personal salary accounts, work books);

5) commercial documents(contracts, agreements);

The design scheme for most organizational and administrative documents is typical and is built according to a sample form. The design part is almost the same in all documents. Only the header parts of internal and external documents differ. External documents must indicate the reference data of the enterprise; they are not indicated on internal documents. The differences mostly relate to the form of presentation and structure of the text.

The purpose of administrative documents is the regulation of activities, allowing the governing body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it. In conditions of sole decision making The procedure for issuing administrative documents includes the following stages:

1) initiation of a decision - justification of the need to issue an administrative document;

2) collection and analysis of information on the issue;

3) preparation of a draft administrative document;

4) approval of the draft document;

5) submitting a draft administrative document for consideration by management;

6) making a decision (signing a document);

7) bringing the administrative document to the executors.

Let's look at the most commonly used types of management documents.

The internal activities of the enterprise are regulated by its Charter or Regulations, which reflect the foundations of its organization and legal status, functions performed, rights, duties, responsibilities, forms of ownership, relationships with partners and government agencies, the procedure for reorganization and liquidation.

Instructions– a normative document approved by the head of an enterprise or its division, which defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the enterprise’s employees.

Instructions can be individual or standard.

A type of instruction is job descriptions, which define the rights and responsibilities of officials. They are developed based on standard instructions for certain categories of workers. The instruction form includes the following details:

Name of the institution;

Name of the structural unit;

Name of the document type (instructions);

Approval stamp;

Place of publication;



The instruction is subject to mandatory approval by a special administrative act (order) or the direct signature of the manager in the approval stamp. The text of the instructions is divided into sections and paragraphs. The most convenient form of approval of instructions is an order. The order establishes the deadline for introducing the instruction, the responsible executor, and lists the organizational measures necessary to put the instruction into effect.

Order– this is a normative document issued by the head of an enterprise to solve any problems (orders on core activities and orders on personnel).

For core activities, orders are issued when:

Creation, liquidation or reorganization of structural units;

Approval of regulations on structural units and job descriptions;

Introduction of new standards;

Changing the work schedule of the enterprise, etc.;

By personnel - with:

Appointment of employees to positions;

Upon dismissal from office;

When moving in service;

Incentives or penalties;

When company employees go on vacation, etc.

Orders (instructions) are drawn up on a general form, and the order form includes the following details:

Name of the document type (ORDER);

Date (the date of the order is the date of its signing);

Serial number of the order;

Place of issue of the order;

Document index;

Title to the text;

Manager's signature;

Approval mark;

Last name and telephone number of the performer;

Orders do not have a title.

The text is separated from the title by 2-3 line spacing, printed in size 13 font, 1.5 spaces from the left edge of the text box, and aligned to the left and right edges of the text box.

The text of the order consists of two parts – stating and administrative. IN stating parts set out the goals and reasons for issuing the order, provide a link to the document that served as the basis for issuing this order. IN administrative parts set out the prescribed actions, name the officials responsible for their implementation and the deadlines for their implementation.

The administrative part begins with the word I ORDER, can be divided into sections and paragraphs, which are written in Arabic numerals with dots. If the order provides for the amendment or cancellation of other existing orders, then the text indicates which orders have lost force.

If the order puts into effect any documents (instructions, rules, regulations), then they are drawn up as an appendix to the order.

After signing the order, it is not allowed to introduce any changes to its text.

The combination of several administrative points in an order makes the order complex.

In complex orders when resolving one personnel issue (hiring or dismissal, etc.), the title is formulated depending on the issue being resolved. The heading in complex orders that resolve several personnel issues (hiring and dismissal, etc.) is missing or is given in a generalized form (“Personnel”).

Statement part may not be included in personnel orders. Administrative part the order begins with the surname (printed IN CAPITAL letters), first name and patronymic (printed entirely in lowercase letters); it must contain precise wording for solving a particular personnel issue.

In complex orders, the administrative part is divided into paragraphs. An action of one nature, concerning one or more persons, is formalized in a separate paragraph.

Orders regarding personnel are endorsed by the person responsible for personnel and the heads of those structural units whose employees are affected by the order.

Orders regarding dismissal, transfer, and penalties are endorsed by a lawyer.

The accountant endorses orders regarding dismissal, sending on a business trip, granting regular leave, calling back from vacation, and bonuses.

Orders regarding personnel are signed by the manager, and in his absence - by the deputy manager in charge of these issues, in accordance with the order on the distribution of responsibilities between management.

Separately, orders are issued on promotions, bonuses, and long-term business trips.

Registration next holidays it is advisable to produce without issuing orders, using a template form that simultaneously combines an application for leave and an order in the form of a note granting leave, which is signed by the head of the organization, but can be signed HR department with subsequent agreement with the head of the organization or his deputy in charge of personnel issues.

Orders for personnel are stored in the personnel department, for production activities - in the office.

Decisions and orders are drawn up in the same way.

Sample of an order for the main activity:

Sample of an order for personnel:

Order– a document issued on informational, methodological and operational issues, as well as on issues related to the organization of execution of orders, instructions and others regulatory documents this organization or higher authorities.

The order is issued on a special form and contains the following details:

1) The state emblem of the Russian Federation, or the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the coat of arms of a municipal entity (depending on the nature of the order and only for organizations that, in accordance with current legislation, are granted the right to depict a coat of arms);

2) emblem ( trademark or service mark);

3) name of the organization;

4) name of the document type;

5) date and document number;

6) place of publication;

7) title to the text;

8) signature;

The text of the order consists of stating and administrative parts. The administrative part is separated from the stating part by the word “I OFFER” or “OBLIGE”, which is printed in capital letters and placed on a separate line. It is permissible to begin the directive part without using an introductory word, that is, place it directly after the stating part after the colon.

The composition of administrative documents includes resolutions, decisions, orders, instructions and instructions. The choice of the type of document intended to document administrative activities is determined by the level of the management body or authority, the competence of the official, and the procedure for making management decisions (unity of command or collectively).

Federal authorities The executive branch of the Russian Federation issues decrees, orders, directives, and instructions.

Bodies of representative and executive power of the subjects of the Federation, as well as bodies of representative and executive power of cities and districts - resolutions, decisions, orders.

Administration of institutions, organizations and enterprises - orders, instructions, instructions.

Administrative documents are issued on the basis of or in pursuance of laws, decrees and orders of the Government, higher authorities and management. In addition, administrative acts are issued at the initiative of managers within the limits of their powers and competence to carry out executive and administrative activities in the course of performing the tasks assigned to the organization (institution).

The preparation of administrative documents can be entrusted to one or more executors (officials, structural divisions). To develop complex and responsible administrative documents, it is practiced to create working groups, commissions, and involve a wide range of specialists from among practitioners and scientists. The main requirement for performers is competence, high professionalism, and deep knowledge of the management problem.

The preparation of administrative documents consists of the following stages:

Study of management issue;

Preparation of a draft administrative document;

Document approval;

Signing the document.

The study of a management issue begins with ensuring legal basis document being prepared - from the study of current legislative acts, government regulations, since the issued administrative document should not contradict established standards. Then the executor determines the range of issues to be reflected in the administrative document, studies the information and the necessary documentary materials. At this time, the need to cancel previously existing administrative documents or their individual clauses is determined.

The preparation of a draft administrative document begins with determining the purpose of its publication, which is set out in the introductory part. The main attention is paid to the formulation of administrative actions, which must be specific and not allow different interpretations, do not contradict previously published documents. During the preparation of the text of the draft administrative document, the executor formulates the title, suggests possible deadlines for execution and supervisory authorities (officials). The preparation of the draft administrative document ends with its reprinting and execution in accordance with the current rules.

The manager who gives the task for preparing the order determines the composition of the institutions, structural divisions or officials with whom the document must be approved. Instructions for working with documents (for office work) usually set out the approval procedure - according to the composition of the participants in this procedure and the sequence of approval. The approval is carried out by the executor (structural unit) who prepared the draft document. If during the approval process significant comments on the content of the document are revealed, it is drawn up anew and the second edition is subject to full approval. Resolutions and decisions are approved at a meeting of the collegial body. During the meeting, minor comments, amendments and additions may be made to the draft document. If the project requires serious revision, it is submitted for approval at the next meeting.

Before being submitted to the manager for signing, the document must be carefully checked - special attention is paid to digital information, last names, first names, patronymics, names of structural units. After signing, making any corrections to the document is not permitted*.

* Kuznetsova T.V. Office work (Documentation support for management), - p. 114-117.

Order- the most common legal act issued by the head of an institution (organization, enterprise), acting on the basis of the principle of unity of command, in order to resolve the main and operational tasks facing this institution. Orders are also issued on administrative issues requiring legal decisions.

The order is drawn up on a form that indicates the name of the institution (organization, enterprise), its superior body, the type of document (order), the place of its publication, and space is provided for putting the document index, date, and heading to the text.

The text of the order on the main activity consists of two parts: stating and administrative. Orders can be issued both proactively and in pursuance of administrative documents of higher organizations, authorities and management. In initiative orders, the stating part sets out the goals and objectives of the management actions prescribed by the order, and provides an explanation of the need to issue the order. In orders issued in pursuance of administrative documents of higher organizations, the ascertaining part contains the name of the type of document, the author, date, number and title of this document. If the prescribed action does not need clarification, the stating part may not be drawn up.

The administrative part of the order begins with the word “I ORDER”, which is printed in capital letters on a new line (without a paragraph). The text of the order is usually divided into paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. The points of the order formulate actions that differ in the nature of their execution. Each item of the administrative part begins with an indication of the executor (it can be an organization, a structural unit or a separate official). The prescribed action is formulated in the text of the order with a verb in an indefinite form (carry out, provide, prepare, ship, etc.). The deadline for execution is given either in each paragraph of the order, or is highlighted in one general paragraph for all prescribed actions. A separate paragraph of the order names the persons who are entrusted with control over its execution: “Control over the execution of the order shall be entrusted to...”. If the document being issued cancels a previously issued order, the last paragraph states: “The order dated 00.00.00 No. 00 is considered to have lost force (considered invalid).” If the order cancels only one (or several) points previously issued, then the corresponding points are canceled.

For an example of ordering, see p. 90.

In management practice, it is customary to coordinate a draft order with the interested structural units and a legal adviser, who, by endorsing the draft document, checks its compliance with current regulatory, legislative and administrative acts.

The order comes into force from the moment it is signed and registered, which is carried out separately from other documents. Registration indices are assigned to orders within a calendar year.


Note- a legal act issued by a government body primarily on issues of an informational and methodological nature, as well as on issues related to the organization of execution of orders, instructions and other acts of this or a higher government body. The right to issue instructions also belongs to the heads of organizations, institutions and enterprises when formalizing decisions on operational production and administrative issues.

The design instruction does not differ from the order; it has the same form both in composition and in the location of the details. However, the instruction must have specific addressees (performers), and its administrative part begins with the word “I OFFER.”

An indication as a type of document has been in force since the 1970s, instead of those used for the same purpose memos, official letters, official orders.

For an example of instructions, see p. 91.


Order- an administrative document issued by the head of a collegial body for the sole resolution of operational issues.

Orders are also issued by deputy first managers, chief specialists, and heads of structural divisions on operational issues of economic, production, and administrative activities. As a rule, the order has a limited validity period and applies to a narrow circle of executors (structural units).

In terms of the composition of the details and their location, the order does not differ from the order, but often does not contain a stating part. In this case, the text of the order begins directly with the paragraphs formulating administrative actions. If there is still a need to explain the issuance of an order, then the text of the administrative part begins with the word “I PROPOSE” or “OBLIGE.”

For an example of an order, see p. 92.

Solution- an administrative document issued by bodies acting on the basis of collegial management principles(municipal governing bodies, scientific and methodological councils, boards of directors, boards of cooperatives, general meetings of shareholders, etc.).

Decisions are drawn up, as a rule, on forms that include the following details: name of the governing body, type of document (decision), place to put the date, index of the document, place of its publication, place to place the heading to the text.

The text of the decision consists of two parts: stating and administrative. If the decision is issued on the initiative of this governing body, then the ascertaining part indicates the reasons for the publication and the goals that must be achieved in its implementation. If a decision is issued on the basis of an administrative document of a higher management body, then a reference to it is given in the ascertaining part.

The administrative part of the decision begins with the name of the body making it and the word “DECIDED”, which is written in capital letters. The administrative part, as a rule, consists of several points, each of which indicates the performer (organization, official), the prescribed action and the deadline for execution. The last paragraph of the decision names the person who is entrusted with control over execution.

The decision acquires legal force after it is signed by the chairman and secretary of the collegial body, assigned a number to the document (i.e. registration) and dated. The date of the decision is the date of the meeting of the collegial body at which it was adopted.