What is a registration number? How to obtain and how to find out the FSS registration number? Job description: definition, form. The structure of the text, requirements for its compilation and design. The procedure for issuing a job description

According to the ESKD, ESPD and KSAS standards, each program, system, document must be assigned a designation, which consists of a group of numbers and letters separated by periods, spaces, and hyphens. The designation is assigned according to the rules to unify and simplify the identification of products and documentation for them, record keeping and archiving.
Assigning a number, code or cipher to a document, from the outside seems like a whole science, secret knowledge. However, it is easier than it seems! Is it possible not to assign this mystical number to a created technical document in accordance with GOST? No, it is necessary to keep the documentation in order. Otherwise, searching, storing and recording documents will be problematic.
To begin with, you should remember that the document does not have a number, code or code, but has a designation if we are talking about documents from the GOST 19 or 34 series.
The designations of documents according to 19 and 34 GOSTs differ from each other.

According to GOST 34

In GOST 34, the document designation is assigned according to GOST 34.201-89, but looking there, not everyone is immediately able to figure out where which number comes from.

The number according to GOST 34 is as follows:


Explanation of symbols:
A is the code of the system developer organization, which is assigned according to OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations). It can be found in the accounting department.
B - code of classification characteristics of the type of system or its part, which is assigned according to OKP (All-Russian Product Classifier). The classifier section for automated systems starts with line - 425000 Software and hardware systems for automated systems.
BBB - registration number automated system or parts thereof. This number is kept in the accounting journal of the enterprise. If the accounting log is not kept, then you can indicate the number 001.
GG - document code. Document codes are defined by GOST 34.201-89. Each document name has its own number. For example, Description of automated functions - P3, User Manual - I3, Statement of preliminary design - EP.
DD - serial number of a document with the same name. Let's say you have 5 Explanatory Notes for different components of the program, so as not to get confused in them, they are assigned numbers 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05. If there is only one document with the same name, then the value is skipped.
EE is the serial number of the document revision. The document can be rewritten several times, according to the wishes of the customer. When officially correcting a document, based on the customer’s comments, the revision number is indicated. When transmitting a document for the first time, this value is not entered; when transmitting a document for the second time, the value 02 is already entered.
F - serial number of the document part. Large documents are divided into several parts for ease of stapling. If the document is not divided into parts, then this value is skipped.
M - designation M, is indicated if the document is not presented in printed form, but on a disk or flash drive. If the document is in printed form, then given value skipped.
LU - the LU designation is affixed only to the Approval Sheet.

11119632.4251005.004.PA.10.02-3 (Description software for the 10th complex of the System in the 2nd edition, part 3);
11119632.4251005.005.PA.10.02-M (Description of software for the 10th System complex in the 2nd edition, on disk);
11119632.4251005.002.PA (Software description).
11119632.4251005.008.I2 (Technological instructions).
11119632.4251005.195.PS (Passport).


In GOST 19, the document designation is assigned according to GOST 19.103-77.

The number according to GOST 19 looks like this:

Explanation of symbols:
A is the code of the country where the document was developed. For example, RU for Russia. Other designations are specified in the ISO 3166-1 standard.
B - code of the developer organization, which is assigned according to OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations). It can be found in the accounting department.
ВВВВВ - program registration number, which is assigned according to OKP (All-Russian Product Classifier). It is allowed to assign a registration number in ascending order, starting from 00001 to 99999, for each developing organization (enterprise).
GG - serial number of the document revision. For example, 01, 02,03.
DD - document type code, which is assigned in accordance with GOST 19.101-77. For example, 34 - Operator's Guide, 12 - Program text, 33 - Programmer's Guide.
EE is the serial number of a document of this type.
F - serial number of the document part.

Thus, we can obtain the following notation:
RU.11119632.20006–10 32 (Manual system programmer, 10th edition);
RU.11119632.30706–10 32 02–03 (System Programmer’s Guide, 10th edition, 2nd document of this type, 3rd part of this document);
RU.11119632.10908–10 32 (System Programmer's Guide, 10th edition);
RU.11119632.28051–01 32 (System Programmer's Guide, 1st edition).
RU.11119632.44009–06 33 (Programmer’s Guide, 6th edition).
RU.11119632.30101–02 81 (Explanatory note, 2 editions).

Currently, there are PFR units in all regions and district centers of Russia. To be more precise, there are about 2.5 thousand of them, and more than 133 thousand people work in them. The Pension Fund is considered a state extra-budgetary fund Russian Federation. This means that its main task is to manage all funds in the pension system, as well as to provide every citizen of the Russian Federation with the right to a pension. At all times, the budget for the fund was determined in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly.

The largest Russian organization, within the framework of whose activities all socially significant government services for the population, is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It was founded on December 22, 1990, almost immediately after the resolution of the Supreme Council was issued. Further in the article we will consider in more detail the structure of the organization, as well as the procedure for registration and deregistration.

Where to find the car registration certificate number

  • license plate assigned to vehicles;
  • VIN code (individual number assigned motor vehicle at the manufacturer's factory). The unique code contains letters and numbers that indicate the make and model of the car and other information about the vehicle;
  • car (color, year of manufacture, body type);
  • vehicle license plates;
  • owner vehicle;
  • the authority that issued the document.
  • store all documents in one place. For these purposes, it is advisable to purchase a special bag or folder;
  • After registering the car, make copies of the title and the received certificate. This will help restore documents as soon as possible;
  • a case with documents cannot be left on the next seat of the car. Situations often occur when, while stopping at a traffic light or in another place, documents are stolen directly from the car. It is more advisable to put the folder with documents in the glove compartment or other secluded place;
  • when leaving the car even for a short period of time (especially when leaving the vehicle in the parking lot in the evening and at night), all documents must be taken with you;
  • Always monitor the presence of a bag with documents in your hands. You cannot leave it on a store counter, on a chair in a cafe or other public place.

Car registration number

The plastic frame will, of course, extend the life of the registration number. However, its presence can be very expensive for the driver. And despite the fact that through transparent glass the car registration number is perceived by the human eye, for recorders that, as is known, work in automatic mode, its identification can be difficult.

Recently, car registration numbers have begun to be monitored especially closely, because the fine for driving without license plates is 5,000 thousand rubles. Or you can completely lose your license for several months, which for a real car enthusiast is a very significant punishment. There is a website on the Internet where residents of Ukraine can order rooms of any type online at competitive prices.

The phrase " registration number» is found everywhere and is used in a variety of areas of life - whether we are talking about cars, incoming and outgoing documents or telephone numbers. Many objects, from pieces of equipment to enterprises and organizations, have their own unique registration numbers, which make it possible to distinguish these objects from a number of similar ones. So what does this term mean?

What is OGRNIP and what information does its decoding provide?

According to current legislation, in order to become an individual entrepreneur, an individual must undergo state registration. Based on the results of this procedure, the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur is assigned - OGRNIP.

  • An extract with information about the individual entrepreneur himself is provided for free. The preparation period is five working days.
  • An extract for third parties about a specific individual entrepreneur within the same time frame, but for it you need to pay a state fee in the amount 200 rubles.
  • An urgent extract is prepared within one day, the state fee in this case is 400 rubles.

All about PESEL in Poland: what is it? Where can a citizen of Ukraine get this registration number? How to get a code with and without registration - 2 ways

  1. Permission for permanent residence on the territory of the state.
  2. Permission for a resident of the European Union to stay in the country for a long time.
  3. Existing refugee status.
  4. The presence of humanitarian reasons; temporary protection may be more specifically indicated.
  5. One of the family members has the right to permanent residence in Poland, the right to call themselves a refugee or the right to state protection.

Good afternoon
Can I consult you on taxation issues in Poland? foreign employee?
There has been a lot of talk about this lately, the data contradict each other, etc.
Does it make sense to make a certificate of a tax resident of Ukraine to submit to an employer in Poland? There seems to be an agreement between Poland and Ukraine that makes double taxation impossible...
I plan to move to Poland to work for a long time, of course, to get an official job. As I understand it, I will need to file a declaration once a year or is this usually done by the employer? What's the point of getting an NPC?
How can the presence of the above documents (certificate from Ukraine, NIP) affect the size wages and how do you figure this out?))))
Can you help me put things in order in my head on this issue?

Registration number

Due to the difficulty of remembering the registration number, it is easy to make a mistake. Therefore, some registration numbers contain one or more “check characters”, that is, letters or numbers designed to check the correctness of the entry. When checking, a number is calculated based on all letters of numbers (including check numbers) based on some formula (for example, a check sum is the sum of all numbers). If it is not as expected (for example, if the last digit of the checksum is not zero), then the registration number was entered in error.

  • Usually the registration number is shorter than the name.
  • In case of very large quantity It is difficult to give each object an individual name.
  • For security reasons, being difficult to remember may be an advantage.
  • It may contain additional information.

What is a registration number

Registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. In a series of homogeneous objects, it serves as an analogue of a name and can contain information not only about the serial number of the object among many of the same, but also about certain characteristics. This may be a regional affiliation (for example, for car license plates) or a tax office code that is part of the taxpayer’s TIN. For technical items, it may include the letter designation of the model. The information in the registration number is always coded for brevity, so its other name is code. Sometimes it can be just a serial number of an object (for example, a document number in a registration book), sometimes it can contain (like a barcode) a lot of information about the product, manufacturer, etc.

In addition to the possibility of carrying additional information, the registration number has other advantages compared to the name - it is usually shorter, due to the difficulty of remembering it is more suitable for security purposes and is a solution in the case of a large number of similar objects, each of which is difficult to come up with given name. Its disadvantages compared to names and titles are that it is harder to remember and harder to pronounce.

Individual entrepreneur registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia: what is it and what is it for?

Since last year, the right to administer insurance premiums has been transferred to the tax authorities. Now Section XI has appeared in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation “ Insurance premiums in the Russian Federation", and also under number 34 was entered new chapter"Insurance premiums". According to its provisions, as well as the norms of Art. 11 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” for individual entrepreneurs with hired employees and for some other categories of self-employed persons (for example, lawyers and notaries) self-registration in tax authorities according to the application as an employer is not provided.

Simultaneously with registering and sending information to the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund is also obliged to send a notice of assignment of a registration number to the individual entrepreneur himself. Such notification is carried out by sending a registered letter, which indicates the registration number and deadlines for payment of insurance premiums.

Vehicle ignition protection - what is it? Example of a vehicle's gas protection system

Many people are concerned about the question of what a car license plate is and what criteria are used to issue license plates to car owners. The answer is simple. In addition to special series, they are issued and registered strictly in order. As for the strategy of changing symbols in the State Register, it is very far from being perceived by the average person. They are changed not from right to left, but vice versa, so the sequence is quite confusing. The symbols on the left indicate a specific region. It is interesting that, in accordance with current legislation, more than 1 million 727 thousand GRZ cannot be provided in one region.

Many newcomers who received driver license, there is a large number of slang expressions and terms that you need to understand. First of all, you need to understand what it is - a car's engine protection system. The abbreviation can be deciphered as follows: “state registration plate” (or simply car number). Numbers are issued by the traffic police. In order to receive them, you must undergo appropriate registration. The GRZ is unique, so no two cars can have the same number plates. There is always a difference in a letter or number.

19 Nov 2018 63

The phrase “registration number” is found everywhere and is used in a variety of areas of life - whether we are talking about cars, incoming and outgoing documents or telephone numbers. Many objects, from pieces of equipment to equipment, have their own unique registration numbers, which make it possible to distinguish these objects from a number of similar ones. So what does this term mean?

Registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. In a series of homogeneous objects, it serves as an analogue of a name and can contain information not only about the serial number of the object among many of the same, but also about certain characteristics. This may be a regional affiliation (for example, for car license plates) or a tax office code that is part of the taxpayer’s TIN. For technical items, it may include the letter designation of the model. The information in the registration number is always coded for brevity, so its other name is code. Sometimes it can be just a serial number of an object (for example, a document number in a registration book), sometimes it can contain (like a barcode) a lot of information about the product, manufacturer, etc.

In addition to the possibility of carrying additional information, the registration number has other advantages compared to the name - it is usually shorter, due to the difficulty of remembering, it is more suitable for security purposes and is a solution in the case of a large number of similar objects, for each of which it is difficult to come up with their own Name. Its disadvantages compared to names and titles are that it is harder to remember and harder to pronounce.

Examples of registration numbers include car and telephone numbers, currency codes, CAS registration numbers of chemical compounds, series and numbers of certificates and securities etc.

When entering a registration number into a computer, it is easy to make a mistake due to its impersonality and often a large number of characters. To prevent such errors, there is the concept of a check number. What is it? Each number contains symbols (numbers or letters) that are control symbols. In addition, each number contains an algorithm (formula) by which its control number is calculated. For example, the last digit of a number must equal the last digit of the sum of all digits of that number. If the pattern is not followed, it means that an error was made when entering the number.

In relation to legal entities and individuals registered as taxpayers, we are talking about the main state registration number (abbreviated OGRN). This is the state registration number of the record of the creation of this legal entity in accordance with Federal Law No. 129-FZ of August 8, 2001. The assignment of OGRN to both newly created and previously registered legal entities has been carried out since July 1. 2002 based on data on its registration with the tax authorities.

The OGRN must be indicated in all records of the state register and documents serving as the basis for making such records, as well as, along with the name of the legal entity, in all its documents.

This registration number has the form of a sequence of 13 digits, the first of which is a sign of attribution to the main or other state record number, or individual entrepreneur number ( individual). OGRNIP (or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur) contains not 13, but 15 digits.

The second and third digits of the number are the last digits of the year in which the object is included in state register. The fourth and fifth are the serial number according to the corresponding list for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the sixth and seventh are the code number of the tax inspectorate to which the OGRN was issued. The five subsequent digits - (digits eight through twelfth) represent the entry number in the state register. The last, thirteenth digit is the check number. This is the last digit of the remainder, which is obtained by dividing the entire previous twelve-digit number by 11.

OGRNIP as a control number has the last digit of the remainder from dividing the number from the previous 14 digits not by 11, but by 13. For the entry number in the register, it provides seven digits instead of five.

Today we can say with complete confidence that the state institution “Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic” is one of the most open and accessible social institutions in the region for citizens. The branch of the Russian Pension Fund for the Chechen Republic regularly carries out activities to inform legal entities and individuals about changes in pension legislation. To improve the efficiency of interaction with payers of mandatory payments, on issues of collecting arrears to the Pension Fund budget, etc. Articles and comments on the pension legislation of the Russian Federation are regularly published in the media.

In this article we answer the questions of policyholders: “What is a registration number? Where can I get information about the registration number, and how is it assigned by the Pension Fund of Russia?”

A registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. The information in the registration number is always coded for brevity, so its other name is code. Sometimes it can be just a serial number of an object (for example, a document number in a registration book), sometimes it can contain (like a bar code) a lot of information about the product, manufacturer, etc. Such numbers are also assigned to insurance premium payers when registering with the Pension Fund of Russia and FSS.

Thus, each policyholder in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Federal Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation strictly defined by law the sequence is assigned a personal number - this is the individual number of a legal or natural person - individual entrepreneur in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia or the Social Insurance Fund.

The code is assigned to insurance premium payers upon registration at the territorial office of these institutions. When creating an organization or registering an individual entrepreneur, the registering territorial body of the tax service sends information about the new legal entity in electronic form (on paper), and these funds independently register the organization (assign it an individual registration number) and send notifications to insurance premium payers about registration them for such registration.

The pension legislation of the Russian Federation quite clearly defines the procedure and timing for sending such information. But quite often the specified notification does not arrive or arrives after a decent period of time.

Pay attention! When changing legal address In an existing organization or individual entrepreneur, the payer must independently deregister from the previous branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Social Insurance Fund and register in the new territorial branch of the funds to which the location of the policyholder belongs.

For information, let's say the number consists of three blocks: XXX-XXX-XXXXXXX. The first block (three digits) contains the region code. For example, code 020 indicates belonging to the Czech Republic. The second block (three digits) contains the area code. The third block (six digits) contains the registration number of the organization in the Pension Fund.

And finally, the most quick way To find out the registration number (code) of your organization in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Social Insurance Fund is to receive a free electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs yourself to your email, using the electronic website on the Internet, which contains the above registration number. The policyholder can also find out this information by contacting the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at any time convenient for him free of charge.

A. Khasanov,

Deputy Head of Legal Department

State Institution “PFR Branch for the Chechen Republic”

  • VII. The procedure for filling out subsection 3.1 “Information about the foreign organization - recipient of income” of Section 3 of the Tax Calculation 7.1. Subsection 3.1 of Section 3 of the Tax Calculation contains information regarding the foreign organization that is the recipient of the income. For Section 3 of one unique number on line 001, one subsection 3.1 is filled in. 7.2. Line 010 “Income Recipient Attribute” indicates the income recipient attribute code. When reflecting information regarding a foreign organization that is a foreign bank, the attribute “1” is indicated on line 010. When reflecting information in relation to a foreign organization, the income of which is taxed taking into account the provisions of Article 310.1 of the Code, attribute “2” is indicated on line 010. When reflecting information regarding a foreign organization that is a foreign bank, the income of which is taxed taking into account the provisions of Article 310.1 of the Code, attribute “3” is indicated on line 010. In all other cases, when reflecting information regarding a foreign organization on line 010, the attribute “4” is indicated. 7.3. Line 020 “Full name” indicates the full name of the foreign organization - the recipient of the income (in Latin transcription and (or) in Russian transcription). 7.4. Line 030 “Code of the country of registration (incorporation)” indicates the digital code of the country of registration (incorporation) of the foreign organization - the recipient of the income according to the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World OK (MK (ISO 3166) 004-97) 025-2001 (hereinafter - OKSM). 7.5. Line 040 “Address of a foreign organization” indicates the address of the foreign organization - the recipient of the income in accordance with primary documents, which are the basis for payment of income (for example, an agreement (contract) concluded between a tax agent and a foreign organization). 7.6. Line 050 “Taxpayer code in the country of registration (incorporation)/SWIFT code” indicates the taxpayer code or an equivalent assigned in the country of registration (incorporation). World country codes 2017

The company registration number is | Advice from Moscow lawyers pomoshjuristov.ru

What is a OGRN certificate of a legal entity?

It contains information such as the type of organization, the year and place of its creation, the code of the division of the tax office associated with it, the number of the decision on the organization of this enterprise. This code is very multifunctional. It may be useful to you if you need confirmation of the existence of this organization and the accuracy of the documentation received, obtaining information about the inclusion of a company or its owner in the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service, its location address, TIN number and the identity of the owner of this company. The OGRN is indicated in the following documentation: in entries in the registration register for a given legal entity, in papers confirming the inclusion of this organization in the register, in all documentation that relates to this enterprise (for example, in details), in information about state registration companies.

How to decrypt? The number is unique for each company.

What is TIN, OGRN, KPP?

Tax authorities began to assign OGRN and OGRNIP to everyone since June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” No. 438 dated June 19, 2002. The register is open, that is, any person has the right to contact the registering authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or for any entrepreneur registered within the region served by this registration authority.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRNIP - of 15. They contain the following information: 1 digit - a sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the record (making changes) - 2; to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3) 4, 5 digits - the serial number of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation according to the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 6 and 7 digits - the code of the number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued OGRN for a legal entity or OGRNIP for an individual entrepreneur from 8 to 12 (OGRN) digit and from 8 to 14 (OGRNIP) digit - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year 13 digit (OGRN) - control number: the remainder of the division of the previous 12- digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the control number is 0 (zero) 15 digit (OGRNIP) - the control digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder from dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13, not by 11. Using the OGRN as an example 1117746358608 let's consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination: 1 digit - 1.

Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number. The 2nd and 3rd digits are 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made into the state register. 4th and 5th digits – 77.

What is a registration number?

So what does this term mean?

Registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. In a series of homogeneous objects, it serves as an analogue of a name and can contain information not only about the serial number of the object among many of the same, but also about certain characteristics.

What are OGRN and OGRNIP and how to decipher them?

Later, new forms of ownership appeared (individual entrepreneurs, civil companies, public corporations, etc.).

etc.), and the existing ones began to evolve in such a way that one identifier became insufficient to distinguish them. Since the TIN contains the only information: which Federal Tax Service inspection the enterprise is assigned to, and under what serial number it is registered there. No more information can be extracted from the TIN, no matter how hard we try.

Therefore, after some time, or rather, after the entry into force Federal Law No. 29-FZ dated 08.08.2001

OGRN decoding

That is why checking the OGRN can easily identify a fraudster and confirm the existence of a specific company. There are three ways to find out if the number is correct: 1.

Having submitted an official request to the tax authorities, find out after payment state duty all necessary information. 2. Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can access information about legal entities included in the Unified State Register. 3.

Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund, how to find out

I didn’t dare go there either - the huge queues killed all my desire.


Taxpayer code in the country of registration where to get

VII. The procedure for filling out subsection 3.1 “Information

on a foreign organization - recipient of income" Section 3

Tax calculation

7.1. Subsection 3.1 of Section 3 of the Tax Calculation contains information regarding the foreign organization that is the recipient of the income. For Section 3 of one unique number on line 001, one subsection 3.1 is filled in.

7.2. Line 010 “Income Recipient Attribute” indicates the income recipient attribute code. When reflecting information regarding a foreign organization that is a foreign bank, the attribute “1” is indicated on line 010. When reflecting information in relation to a foreign organization, the income of which is taxed taking into account the provisions of Article 310.1 of the Code, attribute “2” is indicated on line 010. When reflecting information regarding a foreign organization that is a foreign bank, the income of which is taxed taking into account the provisions of Article 310.1 of the Code, attribute “3” is indicated on line 010. In all other cases, when reflecting information regarding a foreign organization on line 010, the attribute “4” is indicated.

7.3. Line 020 “Full name” indicates the full name of the foreign organization - the recipient of the income (in Latin transcription and (or) in Russian transcription).

7.4. Line 030 “Code of the country of registration (incorporation)” indicates the digital code of the country of registration (incorporation) of the foreign organization - the recipient of the income according to the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World OK (MK (ISO 3166) 004-97) 025-2001 (hereinafter - OKSM).

7.5. Line 040 “Address of a foreign organization” indicates the address of the foreign organization - the recipient of the income in accordance with the primary documents that are the basis for the payment of income (for example, an agreement (contract) concluded between the tax agent and the foreign organization).

7.6. Line 050 “Taxpayer code in the country of registration (incorporation)/SWIFT code” indicates the taxpayer code or an equivalent assigned in the country of registration (incorporation).

World country codes 2017

If income is paid to a foreign bank, the SWIFT code of the foreign bank is indicated on line 050, and if it is absent, the taxpayer code or equivalent assigned to the foreign bank in the country of registration (incorporation). If income is paid to a foreign bank and SWIFT is indicated on line 050, code line 040 “Address of a foreign organization” may not be filled in.

7.7. On lines 060, 070, 080, if the tax agent has at his disposal a document confirming his permanent location (residence) in foreign country, the organization that is the recipient of the income, indicate the document date, document number, and country code.

Lines 060 “Date of document” and 070 “Document number” indicate, respectively, the date (day, month, year) and number of the document confirming the permanent location (residence) in a foreign country of the organization specified in line 020 of subsection 3.1 of Section 3.

Line 080 “Country code” indicates the digital code of the country of permanent location according to OKSM in accordance with the document submitted by the foreign organization, provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 312 of the Code.

When paying income by Russian banks and the development bank - a state corporation for operations with foreign banks, confirmation of the fact of the permanent location of the foreign bank in the state with which there is an agreement international treaty(agreement) on tax matters is not required if such location is confirmed by information from publicly available information directories. In this case, line 080 indicates the digital code of the country of permanent location (residence), based on information from publicly available information directories.

Path: main menu Directories> submenu Contractors > button

  • Face view
  • Form of ownership
  • Name
  • Full name– Filled in automatically.
  • Checkmarks buyer, supplier, competitor, partner

  • Counterparty statuses
  • Add«

6.3. Tab "Details"

Tab "Details":

  • TIN–Taxpayer identification number (for individual entrepreneurs – 12 digits, for LLCs – 10 digits).
  • checkpoint
  • OGRN
  • OKPO
  • Legal And Actual address
  • Contact phone number- Contractor's phone number.


Tab "Current accounts"


  • Account name
  • Account number
  • BIC bank- Bank identification code (after filling, click “Search Bank” - the bank name will be entered automatically).


An error occurred.

Tab "Contracts"

Tab "Contracts":

  • Tick ​​"" -If an item is ticked, this means that the contract was provided by the counterparty; if the item is not checked, this means that the contract was provided by the organization.
  • Number
  • start date
  • End date
  • Price types
  • Max. duty
  • Checkmarks Basic, Signed
  • Organization


Tab "Contact information"

  • Type
  • Meaning
  • Note

  • Surname, Name, Surname
  • Floor
  • Date of birth
  • Job title
  • Check mark " Main contact person" - This item means that this employee is the main contact person for this counterparty.

  • Type
  • Meaning– Numeric or alphabetic value of the selected contact type.
  • Note

  • Document type
  • Series– Specify the series of the document.
  • Number– Indicate the document number.
  • Issued by
  • When issued
  • Note

Russia country code for tax return

How to enter a foreign counterparty into Accounting 3.0?


They have different props instead of the inn and the program swears


(0) in normal confs (UPP) there is a non-resident checkbox


(1) no in Bukh 3.0


enter this “other” detail into your TIN and don’t worry

shuhard(2) if there are many of them - rasp if there is only one - write with loading = true GoatNoVa

(3) the program complains that the inn consists of 10 characters. A unp from 9 (Belarusian counterparty)


(5) don’t blow your mind, enter the missing characters using Alt+0160 on the digital keyboard. enjoy

GoatNoVa GoatNoVa

swears on bik


(6) How to enter a bank account? swears on bik


I don’t know how payments work here... I’ll take a look now


Fixin probably knows for sure :-))


damn. I don’t have bank accounts for Belarusians


(12) actually found the answer from 1C:

Work with foreign banks and accounts in the configuration (and other Ukrainian, and Russian ones too) is not automated. On at the moment There are no plans to introduce this feature.
Therefore, you can modify it to work with foreign banks in any convenient way.


(130) we don't worry.
Since the bank account has not been entered into the Tradebase bank account, it means that the buyer is satisfied with this set of details in TORG12.
and a bank account in Account 7.7 is not really needed at all. Bank payments to clients go directly and are loaded into the booklet; synchronization of clients by TIN. that's enough.
Is it possible for a similar thing in BP - I don't know... there are terrible rumors that Tama won't even be able to make a payment if you don't make a PP first...?


(13) Insanity grew stronger...


(15) ...but our boos are fast...


(0) BP 3.0, like all other 1C configurations, does not support foreign economic activity, i.e. You cannot enter payment details accepted for international payments.

P.S. If necessary, I can help - I have a foreign economic activity configuration.

Get your work in order using the 1C configuration “IT Department Management 8”

ATTENTION! If you have lost the message input window, click Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R or the "Refresh" button in the browser.

Topic has not been updated long time, and was marked as archived. Adding messages is not possible.
But you can create a new thread and they will definitely answer you!
Every hour on the Magic Forum there are more 2000 Human.

Taxpayer code in the country of registration where to get a swift code

Prices for foreign (offshore) companies

Below is the cost of services for registering or purchasing ready-made foreign companies, including companies from offshore jurisdictions. Offshore company prices include everything necessary documents to open an account in the banks presented in our list. The cost of ready-made offshore companies corresponds to the price of a company with nominal services. The price for the annual renewal of an offshore company “with nominee services” includes the issuance of a power of attorney without an apostille.

Country of incorporationCompany registrationAnnual renewal
with the services of a “nominal” service
Bahamas1500 USD2000 USD1200 USD1800 USD
Belize1000 USD1400 USD850 USD1150 USD
British Virgin Islands (BVI)1600 USD1900 USD1350 USD1550 USD
Mauritius1400 USD2200 USD1100 USD1800 USD
Nevis1100 USD1500 USD800 USD1400 USD
Panama1100 USD1500 USD900 USD1400 USD
Seychelles1100 USD1500 USD900 USD1400 USD
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1300 USD1800 USD800 USD1400 USD
Belize (financial license)15,000 USD9,000 USD
BVI (financial license)12,000 USD8,000 USD
Mauritius (financial license)15-25,000 USD10-20,000 USD
Seychelles (financial license)12-20,000 USD10-15,000 USD
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (company for financial activities)2700 USD3500 USD800 USD1500 USD
Hong Kong2300 USD2600 USD1900 USD2200 USD
UAE3800 USD4900 USD2400 USD3200 USD
Singapore5500 USD3500 USD
England1800 USD2100 USD1200 USD1700 USD
Andorra6-11,000 EUR4-10,000 EUR
Bulgaria2300 EUR4900 EUR1200 EUR3800 EUR
Hungary2000 EUR4700 EUR1200 EUR3900 EUR
Gibraltar1700 EUR2300 EUR1200 EUR1600 EUR
Germany5000 EUR2000 EUR
Denmark5000 EUR9000 EUR2000 EUR7000 EUR
Ireland (LP)1300 EUR1900 EUR1000 EUR1600 EUR
Cyprus1800 EUR2200 EUR1000 EUR1500 EUR
Liechtenstein14000 EUR10000EUR
Luxembourg13500 EUR6500 EUR
Netherlands7000 EUR3500 EUR
Finland2800 EUR5500 EUR1500 EUR4000 EUR
Czech Republic4000 EUR5500 EUR1500 EUR3500 EUR
Estonia2000 EUR1500 EUR


  • the cost of registering European companies and their maintenance may be adjusted if there are special requirements


Filling out a counterparty (client) card in the Class365 system

6.1. Create a counterparty in the system

Path: main menu Directories> submenu Contractors > button

Create a counterparty in the system, give it the necessary details:

  • Face view– Select an individual or legal entity.
  • Form of ownership– Indicate the form of ownership of the legal entity: individual entrepreneur, LLC, CJSC, etc.
  • Name– The name of the counterparty is indicated without quotation marks and without a prefix: LLC, CJSC, etc.
  • Full name– Filled in automatically.
  • Checkmarks buyer, supplier, competitor, partner– Check the boxes that correspond to this counterparty.

6.2. Specify the counterparty status

The counterparty status is selected in the upper right corner of the window. Depending on what status is assigned to the counterparty in the general list, it will have a corresponding color mark indicating its importance for your company:

  • Counterparty statuses– Important, Not working, Permanent, Potential.
  • You can also add additional statuses that suit your wishes by clicking on the “ Add«

6.3. Tab "Details"

Tab "Details":

  • TIN– Taxpayer identification number (for individual entrepreneurs – 12 digits, for LLC – 10 digits).
  • checkpoint– Registration reason code (9 digits).
  • OGRN– Main state registration number (13 digits).
  • OKPOAll-Russian Classifier Enterprises and Organizations (8-9 digits).
  • Legal And Actual address– Indicated in the format: index, region or region, district, city, street, house, building (building), apartment, office.
  • Contact phone number- Contractor's phone number.

6.4. Tab "Current accounts"

Without closing the window for adding a counterparty, go to the “Current Accounts” tab. After clicking the button, the system will offer to save the counterparty, click “ Yes«.

  • Account name– By default, the name of the bank will be filled in after entering the BIC; you can enter your own name of the current account (this is how the current account of the counterparty will be displayed in the lists).
  • Account number– Enter your current account number.
  • BIC bank— Bank identification code (after filling, click “Search Bank” - the bank name will be entered automatically).

6.5. Tab "Contracts"

Tab "Contracts":

  • Check mark " The contract was provided by the counterparty» - If the item is ticked, this means that the contract was provided by the counterparty, if the item is not checked, this means that the contract was provided by the organization.
  • Number– Outgoing contracts are numbered manually or automatically.
  • start date– Start date of the contract in the format dd.mm.yyyy.
  • End date– Contract expiration date in the format dd.mm.yyyy.
  • Price types– Select the price type (price list column) that will be automatically entered in outgoing and incoming documents.
  • Max. duty– Specify the maximum amount of debt. Once the counterparty exceeds this amount, the creation of new documents (invoices, orders, etc.) will be prohibited.
  • Checkmarks Basic, Signed– They are placed according to the logic of the contract.
  • Organization– If you have several own organizations(legal entities), select the required organization from this drop-down list.

Tab "Contact information"

  • Type– Select the type of contact information of the counterparty (telephone, Skype, address, email).
  • Meaning– Numeric or alphabetic value of the selected contact type.
  • Note– Here you can leave a note related to this type of contact information, for example: “call working hours from 9 to 18."

Phone numbers for sending SMS messages are taken from this section.

6.7. Tab “Contact persons”

This section is optional, but remember, the more information you have about the client, the more opportunities you have to work with him successfully.

  • Surname, Name, Surname– Indicate the full name of the counterparty’s contact person.
  • Floor– Select: Male/Female.
  • Date of birth– Specified in the format dd.mm.yyyy.
  • Job title– Position of the contact person.
  • Check mark " Main contact person» — This item means that this employee is the main contact person for this counterparty.

Tab "Contact information":

  • Type– Select the type of contact information (phone, Skype, address, email).
  • Meaning– Numeric or alphabetic value of the selected contact type.
  • Note– Here you can leave a note, for example: “home phone”.

Tab “Identification document”:

  • Document type– Select from the list or add a new one by clicking on the “Add” link in the drop-down list.
  • Series– Specify the series of the document.
  • Number– Indicate the document number.
  • Issued by– Indicate the government agency or organization that issued the document.
  • When issued– Indicate the date of issue of the document in the format dd.mm.yyyy.
  • Note– Here you can leave a note related to this identification document.


How to enter details of Russian and foreign counterparties in the 1C: Accounting 8 program (rev. 3.0)?

How can I correctly enter the details (TIN, KPP, etc.) of Russian and foreign counterparties in the 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) program?

In “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0) it is possible to specify the country of registration of the counterparty. The country of registration is the country in which the head office of the counterparty is registered. The country of registration in the configuration can only be specified if in the infobase in the section Program functionality included Controlled transactions(for CORP version) or Imported goods(bookmark Reserves) - see fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Section “Program functionality”

After enabling one of the specified options, the country of registration can be indicated in the counterparty card. For legal entities and individuals registered in the Russian Federation, the country of registration is indicated - “Russia”. When entering Russian counterparties for legal entities, the following codes are indicated:

  • OGRN.

Rice. 2. Entering details of Russian organizations

When entering individual entrepreneurs registered in the Russian Federation, the following codes are indicated:

Rice. 3. Entering details of Russian entrepreneurs

For Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the correctness of the TIN and KPP is monitored according to the npchk.nalog.ru service. If the counterparty is registered outside the Russian Federation, then the following codes are indicated for individuals and legal entities:

  • Tax number;
  • Registration;

Rice. 4. Entering details of foreign counterparties

A tax number is a tax number assigned to a taxpayer in the country of registration, an analogue of an INN for Russian organizations.

Registration number is a registration number assigned to the taxpayer in the country of registration, an analogue of OGRN/OGRNIP for Russian organizations.

In the case when a foreign organization is registered with the tax office in the Russian Federation, it is assigned a TIN. There may be several reasons for registration: opening a branch, purchasing property in the Russian Federation, opening a current account in a Russian bank. The TIN of a foreign organization is assigned once and does not change during the entire period of activity of the foreign organization. In the event that a foreign organization has received a TIN for any of the reasons, this TIN must be indicated in the counterparty’s card.

For foreign counterparties, verification by the npchk.nalog.ru service is not performed.


The procedure for filling out the directory element Counterparties

This publication will discuss in detail, line by line, the procedure for filling out the directory Counterparties. It is very important to understand in which cases data can be filled in automatically, and in which cases the user must do it himself. And if the user fills in the data himself, then how to do this correctly? Where to get information from so as not to make mistakes? What filling features do a legal entity, an individual, a separate division and government agency? What should you pay attention to when filling out certain fields in the directory?

All this is very important. And we will talk about all this in this article. Interesting? Then let's watch!

The procedure for filling out a directory element

Type of counterparty

The counterparty type is selected from a predefined list:

  • Legal entity; PDF
  • Individual; PDF
  • Separate division; PDF
  • Government agency. PDF


The field indicates the short name of the counterparty, understandable to the user. This name will be displayed in document forms.

It is important to understand that this field does not appear in printed forms, for this purpose the data of another field is used: Full name.

Full name

This is the official name of the counterparty, which is entered in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Field Full name filled in automatically by the program based on the entered Name counterparty, but if necessary is adjusted manually by the user.

When entering new data, it is important to pay attention to the column Valid from. By default, it is automatically set to the current date. Therefore, if changes were made to 1C after the fact, then you need to change this date to the date when the name change actually took place.

After this, the new name of the organization will be printed on all printed forms, starting from the specified date.

Member of the group

The field indicates whether the counterparty belongs to a higher group, for example, Carriers.

Read more about creating groups in the article Assignment and creation. Directory Contractors

Country of registration

The field is filled in from reference book Classifier of countries of the world. The behavior of the program when working with foreign counterparties depends on this data: displaying the necessary fields in the directory card and internal checks in 1C-Reporting.

The program is “swearing” correctly! Most likely, you incorrectly indicated the Belarusian counterparty on the card Country of registration. This field must contain a value Belarus, not Russia. Set this data correctly, clear the field TIN in the “foreign” counterparty’s card and complete the check!


Taxpayer identification number, data to be filled out is taken from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

When entering TIN The program monitors the correctness of filling:

  • The TIN of a legal entity must be 10 digits;
  • The TIN must include only numbers;
  • The TIN must comply with the format approved by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

If filled out incorrectly TIN the program will not allow you to record the counterparty in the directory. If there is any doubt about the correctness TIN, then it is better not to fill it out until you receive accurate information.

Check if there is no TIN spaces. If there is one, remove it!

1C perceives “space” as one of the characters, so for a legal entity the check for length restrictions does not pass TIN in 10 characters. If there is a space (at the beginning or end TIN) the program does not cut off “empty spaces”, but counts them too. It turns out not 10 characters, but 11 or more - according to the number of spaces.

This common mistake, so you need to pay attention to this!

Tax number

Field Tax number becomes available when specified in the field Country of registration value other than Russia. It indicates the tax number assigned in the country of registration foreign company(For example, VAT number, RNN Kazakhstan, UNP Belarus- analogue of TIN in the Russian Federation).

Reg. number

Field Registration number– the registration code in the country of registration of the foreign counterparty is indicated. Analogous to OGRN/OGRNIP in the Russian Federation.


The field indicates the reason code for registration with the tax authorities of the counterparty; the data to be filled out is taken from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

History storage checkpoint available via link Story. When changing checkpoint counterparty you need to click on the link Story and enter new data from the desired date.

In order for the changed checkpoint entered into printed forms from the required date, you need to fill out the column correctly Valid from.

By default, the date in this field is filled in automatically based on the date the changes were made. If changes are made to the program later or earlier than the actual change date checkpoint, then you need to adjust the column Valid from manually.

Yes, it would be very convenient, you are right!

But Checking counterparties in 1C only records that the counterparty is not in the Federal Tax Service database or is different from the correct one checkpoint or TIN indicated on the card.

If checkpoint changed, but you did not make changes to the counterparty card, then instead of information The counterparty is present in the Federal Tax Service database You will see the following: The checkpoint does not correspond to the data of the Federal Tax Service database.

After this you will need to change checkpoint follow the link Story from the required date.

No, when entering data using the service 1C:Counterparty, History of the checkpoint is filled in automatically with data only for the current moment in time.


Main state registration number. The data to be filled out is taken from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

This prop along with TIN And checkpoint is required to be filled out as it is used in forms 1C-Reporting.


Any additional information in text form.

Main bank account

The bank details of the counterparty are indicated for automatically filling in data in payment orders, invoices for payment, and bank statements. Therefore, it is very important to immediately and correctly indicate your bank details!

Bank account data is selected from directory Bank accounts. You can view a list of all bank accounts here Bank accounts form navigation panels in the counterparty card. PDF


When filling bank details indicates the counterparty bank in which the bank account is opened. To correctly fill out the bank in 1C, it is better to use Classifier of banks, which is filled out by downloading the bank classifier from the RBC agency website or from the ITS disk.

Account number

The counterparty's main bank account number.

Address and telephone

Address data is entered using a special address data entry form.

When the Address Classifier is loaded, the address is filled in by selecting data from the classifier in special form fields.

If Address classifier is not loaded, then the data in the form for filling out the address is entered in free form using the MORE button - Enter address in free form.

After this, the address is typed into the field Free form address.

Legal address

Legal address the counterparty is entered using the link Fill in. PDF

The legal address must strictly correspond to that indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It is very important that the legal address is filled out correctly.

Legal address data goes to 1C-Reporting, trade documents, contracts, electronic document management with regulatory authorities. Full list documents and reports using legal addresses in printed forms can be viewed here. PDF

The Rules for filling out an invoice state that the completed lines 2a and 6a “Address” correspond to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. If the address is not specified in the format, for example:

  • 109386, Moscow city, Krasnodonskayaul, house No. 3, building 1;
  • 109386, Moscow, Krasnodonskayaul, building 3, bldg. 1.

there are no grounds for refusing deductions (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2012 N 03 07 11/130).

History of legal address

The program supports storing change history Legal address counterparty via link Story, where changes are made from the desired date. PDF

The problem with changing the legal address by the developers has been solved! Now you simply enter the changed legal address using the link Story from the required date and the program perfectly understands what and when to print documents!

No, when refilling service data 1C:Counterparty, Story legal address is filled in automatically with legal address data only at the current time. Therefore, it is better to enter new legal address data manually using the link Story so that the necessary information is stored for printing old documents.

Viewing a legal address on a map

From the program you can see Legal address on the map. PDF

There are two ways to view the map:

  • Yandex.Maps; PDF
  • Google Maps. PDF

Actual address

Actual address in the counterparty card is filled in automatically according to the data Legal address.

If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then you need to uncheck the box The actual address is the same as the legal address and enter new physical address details in the address fill form.

The actual address data goes to 1C-Reporting, trade documents, contracts, electronic document management with regulatory authorities. Full list documents and 1C reports using the actual address in printed forms are presented in the table.

Postal address

Postal address counterparty is automatically filled in according to the data Legal address.

If the postal address does not match the legal address, then you need to uncheck the box The postal address matches the legal address and enter your postal address details in the address fill form.

The postal address information goes to 1C-Reporting, application for the import of goods, employee application for payment of benefits.

A complete list of 1C documents and reports using a postal address can be found here. PDF

There are 123 items on the list! The list of uses of a postal address in the program is quite impressive! Therefore, it is necessary to fill in the mailing address of the counterparty!


This field is used to fill in the contact telephone number of the counterparty. PDF

Yes, you can! You guess correctly! If integration with telephony is enabled, then by clicking on the button with a handset to the right of the field, you can call the specified number directly from 1C.

Everything is set up very simply. When you press the button with a picture of a handset for the first time, the program will prompt you to select a connection program .

The program is selected from the proposed list, for example, Skype.

After pressing the button with the handset and confirming the call request, the subscriber can contact the counterparty specified at this number.

That's right! Please note that your number is 10 characters long, but according to standards it should be 11. Correct the phone number with 8952221799 to the correct one, for example, +79522217990 and everything will work out!

Calling from 1C is very convenient - all information is available to everyone interested parties: managers, accountants, responsible persons. In the event that a manager working with a counterparty gets sick, quits, or is on a business trip, all contacts for communication with the counterparty are securely recorded in the program and are not lost!


This field is used to fill in the counterparty's email address. Entered Email will allow after setup Mail client account send delivery notes, invoices and other documents from 1C to the counterparty. PDF

Read more in the article Setting up sending emails

Features of filling. Individual

To enter into the directory Counterparties individuals, you need to select the type of counterparty Individual.

Let's look at the features of filling out an individual's card. They relate to filling out the details Full name, TIN, checkpoint, OGRNIP

Full name

Last name, first name and patronymic of an individual. If an individual is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), then the data in this field must correspond to the data in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. If an individual is not an individual entrepreneur, then the data in this field is filled in from an identification document, for example, Russian passport.


The identification number of an individual must contain 12 digits. When filling out, letters and spaces are not allowed. If entered incorrectly, a corresponding warning is issued.

If individuals included in the directory Counterparties- these are your employees or individuals under a contract who receive payment from the organization for their work, then make TIN definitely necessary. This information goes into personal income tax reporting.

If an individual simply receives money transfers, for example, alimony, then TIN in this case you can omit it.


Main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (Individual Entrepreneur). The number is in the notice of registration of an individual.

Series and certificate number

Series and number of the certificate, which are indicated on the form of the Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

date of issue

The date of issue of the certificate is indicated on the form of the Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

Identity document

Identity document of an individual, for example, Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A complete list of identification documents can be found here. PDF

Features of filling. Separate division

To enter into the directory Counterparties for a separate division, you need to select the type of counterparty Separate division.

Let's look at the features of filling out a separate unit card. They relate to filling out details TIN, checkpoint, OGRN, Legal address, Actual address and new fields that become active when selecting this type of counterparty.

Full name

A separate division may have its own name, different from the name of the parent organization, or may have the same name as parent organization, indicating isolation (Separate division).

Head contractor

Head contractor is an organization that owns a separate division. The data is selected from the directory Counterparties, That's why Head contractor must first be entered into this directory.


Taxpayer identification number. For a separate unit TIN filled in automatically by TIN main counterparty.


In the field checkpoint the code for the reason for registration with the tax authorities of a separate division is indicated; the information is taken from the notice of registration.

Legal address

Legal address information Head contractor.

Actual address

Information about the location of a separate unit

Features of filling. Government agency

To enter into the directory Counterparties government agency, you need to select the type of counterparty Government body.

Features of filling out a government agency card concern new fields Government body And Code, which are activated when this type of counterparty is selected.

Government body

Data in the field Government body selected from a predefined list:

  • Tax authority– if the government agency is the Federal Tax Service;
  • FSS body– if the government agency is the Social Insurance Fund;
  • Pension Fund body– if the government agency is a Pension Fund;
  • Other– if the government agency is another body.


Government department code. Data Branch code government agencies are indicated in the notice of registration with a government agency.

Features and secrets of working with the directory Counterparties discussed in detail in the article Top Secret! Directory Contractors


How to find out the registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia using the TIN online?

A company or individual entrepreneur can find out the registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia by TIN online in literally a couple of minutes, but subject to following a certain algorithm. Let's consider step by step instructions working with online services.

How can a legal entity find out the registration number in the Pension Fund by TIN?

How to find out by the TIN of an entrepreneur (IP) his reg. number in the Pension Fund online?

How can a legal entity find out the registration number in the Pension Fund by TIN?

Each organization has its own number in the Pension Fund of Russia, which is assigned during the process of its state registration as a legal entity. You can find out the registration number by contacting Pension Fund, for example, by making a call or visiting the establishment.

In addition, the registration number of the Pension Fund can be found in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The Federal Tax Service, when entering data about a new legal entity into the state register, simultaneously informs the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about this and requests from it an individual number for the corresponding legal entity. Subsequently, it is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This document You can request it from the tax authorities in paper form, having paid the state fee in advance. But there is a more convenient option - find out the PFR registration number by TIN online. In order to find out the number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using the TIN of a legal entity, you must:

  1. Go to the tax service website - www.nalog.ru.
  2. Find “Electronic services” and follow the link “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty.”

  1. A checkbox for searching by INN or OGRN is automatically displayed. But the system allows you to find information by the name of the legal entity.
  2. Enter the TIN and captcha in the appropriate field and click the “Find” button.

  1. The system produces a PDF file that can be downloaded by left-clicking.

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  1. In the downloaded file we find “Information about the policyholder in the Pension Fund”

Following this algorithm, it is quite simple to find out the registration number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using the TIN.

To find out the registration number from the Pension Fund of Russia using the organization’s TIN, it is enough to have access to the Internet.

See also “Opportunities to check a counterparty on the Federal Tax Service website have increased”

How to find out by the TIN of an entrepreneur (IP) his reg. number in the Pension Fund online?

Receipt method necessary information in this situation will be the same as in the case of searching for a number in the Pension Fund for a company. To find out the registration number in the Pension Fund by TIN, you need to follow the above link, go to the “Individual Entrepreneur/Peasant Farm” tab, and then use it in accordance with the algorithm for searching Pension Fund numbers by TIN, which we discussed above.


It is easy to find out the registration number from the Pension Fund of Russia using the TIN of the company or individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to use the tax office website, namely the “Electronic Services” section. After filling in the appropriate fields, the system will issue an extract from the state register, in which you can find not only the registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia, but also other information about the organization or individual entrepreneur.


Trade accounting system OKsoft - Counterparties

The counterparties directory is intended for entering information about counterparties and its subsequent use.

In the top menu of the program, click the tab Directories -Counterparties

Available functions:

- create

- edit

- delete

- update

— send registration data by e-mail to the counterparty

- reset password

- to the first entry

— previous entry

— next entry

- last entry

General tab

ID— unique number of the counterparty in the database;

Type— type of counterparty in the classification;

TIN— TIN of the counterparty;

Floor— gender of the counterparty;

Job title— position of the counterparty;

Registration date— date of registration of the counterparty in the system;

Login— counterparty login;

Secret word— a word to recover the counterparty’s password;

Inviter— Full name and ID of the counterparty who invited this counterparty to the structure;

Contact details:

Phone 1, 2, 3, 4— telephone numbers of the counterparty indicating the type of communication and text comments

Email 1, 2— email addresses of the counterparty;

Contact informationcontact information counterparty;

Servicing the counterparty is prohibited— a note about the suspension of the counterparty’s services.

email confirmed— a note confirming the counterparty’s email.