What to do in emergency situations. Recommendations for the population in emergency situations, printable version. Create a personal response plan

How to survive in an emergency situation? This is a whole science! It is not enough to just be interested in this. You need to experience this on yourself many times, train, study. But everyone should know a few important and simple tips on how to behave and how you can help in an emergency. This knowledge can be useful if you suddenly need to hold out for some time until rescuers arrive, urgently stop the bleeding, or treat a wound with improvised means. This article will discuss how to behave so as not to risk your life.

1. Don't disappear without a trace.
If you are planning to go somewhere, go hiking in some mountains, etc., tell at least two of your buddies or friends about it. It would not be amiss to mention for what period of time you are going there. If something happens to you and you do not show up after this time, the rescuers will know where to look for you.

2. If there are a lot of people around.
If you are going somewhere where a large crowd of people is expected, the main rule in this case is to know all the entrances and exits. In case of an emergency, people usually panic and try to leave the place through the main entrance. After all, it was through him that they all came. Try to find and study the evacuation plan. Find out where the back entrance is, if there is one, and what other entrances and exits are available. This information will increase your chances of staying alive and healthy if any danger occurs.

3. If a gun is pointed at you.
Remember - only in the movies can you knock out a pistol pointed at you from a distance of 2 - 3 meters. Don't try to do this for real! An armed man will still shoot if you move even a little. And it’s unknown where the bullet might hit. Therefore, in this situation, the main thing is to remain calm and balanced. Look the threatening person in the eye - this is important. If they threaten, this does not mean that they will kill. Be calm and do what is asked of you. According to statistics, quiet and calm people live longer.

4. Stairs and steps.
While going down the stairs, many people were injured due to the fact that their hands at that time were not holding the handrail or railing, but a smartphone. Or they were even in their pockets.

5. Whistle and mirror.
These items will be very helpful if you are going into the forest. In case you get lost, know that the sound of the whistle will be heard much further and louder than your hoarse voice. And with the help of a small mirror you can “honk” them for several kilometers. Learn to give such signals, they might come in handy.

6. 333.
Everyone should know this rule. Three triplets that will help you set priorities and prolong your life. A person can live 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. Therefore, if there are no problems with air, then the first thing you need to do is provide yourself with water, and then food - somehow and someday.

7. Keep warm at all costs.
Hypothermia, or more simply hypothermia, is a bad factor in a critical situation. Therefore, it is important to keep warm by any means. Never use alcoholic beverages for this unless there is and will not be a heat source nearby.

8. Clean water.
Any water can be used for drinking. Of course, it is advisable to pre-boil it or at least filter it. The simplest device for this is charcoal and several layers of fabric. Pass the water through this filter several times, then boil it, if possible, and only then drink.

9. Snow.
You cannot eat snow to quench your thirst. You risk damaging your throat or oral mucosa. It is advisable to melt the snow to the state of water, even cold.

10. Potatoes.
It is quite possible to survive by eating only potatoes. Not “to live”, but to “survive” for a short time.

11. Condoms.
They can be used to store water. Condoms stretch well and are quite durable. Just before filling them with water, remove any grease from their surface.

12. Women's pads.
Sanitary pads are very useful if you need to bandage a wound. They perfectly absorb blood, prevent the development of bacteria and germs. The pad should be placed on the wound and covered with a cloth or suitable material.

13. Glue - moment.
Can be used instead of a patch. Suitable for minor scratches and cuts, but not for large wounds.

14. Apple cider vinegar.
Vinegar slightly kills germs. Much weaker than alcohol, of course. But still better than nothing.

15. Baking soda.
Can be used for small fires as a powder fire extinguisher. Baking soda also removes some odors and stains from clothes. But you shouldn’t count on it too much in serious situations, when it’s really about life.

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One popular science book describes the following case: a man went to Africa, traveled through the savannah, photographed wildlife and once came across a herd of hippopotamuses. Naturally, he could not miss this opportunity to film rare animals in their natural habitat and began to click. At some point, the hippos noticed him, and although they are herbivores, they are very aggressive animals. So, imagine the situation: he stands, unarmed, in the middle of the savannah, not a single tree around, and an unfriendly body weighing several tons is rushing towards him. What to do? He chose the only correct model of behavior: he did nothing. He just stood there. The hippopotamus was overcome by cognitive dissonance: he was accustomed to the fact that such small cunts would run away in horror as fast as he could when he, the leader of the herd of hippopotamuses, approached. But it doesn't run away. “Something is unclean here,” the hippopotamus thought, “I won’t get involved just in case.” He stopped a few meters from the man, turned around and headed back to the herd. Then, by the way, he had to fight with another hippopotamus to maintain his authority.

It’s unlikely that the man thought it all through; he was simply dumbfounded and didn’t know what to do. And this saved him: it is impossible to run away from the hippopotamus, and there is nowhere, well, not to fight with him. So, welcome: a post on the only correct actions in emergency situations. I think it might be useful. After all, some people don’t know that:

If you feel bad on a crowded street, you shouldn’t yell “I feel bad, call an ambulance,” addressing everyone at once. Because of the division of responsibility, each will expect to call the other. Instead, you need to choose one specific person and tell him to call an ambulance. In social psychology, this phenomenon is called the Jeznove effect (don’t follow the link if you don’t want to get freaked out).

When someone has an epileptic seizure, people around them usually try to open their jaw and put something between their teeth to prevent their tongue from being bitten off. This is, firstly, meaningless and, secondly, practically impossible. In such a situation, you need to kneel down and fix the head of the person with the seizure face up between them, and when he calms down, turn him to the side so that he doesn’t first break his head and then choke on vomit.

By the way, all people who fall asleep while intoxicated should be placed on their side. Due to failure to comply with this simple rule A huge number of people died and, moreover, Jimi Hendrix died.

Under no circumstances should you knock on the back of a choking person: a piece of food may sink even deeper. Instead, you need to stand behind him, wrap your arms around his body and jerk him up sharply.

You shouldn't shake your balls in front of your cat after a shower. Instead, it's better to hug him.

If you put an incandescent light bulb in your mouth, it will be impossible to remove it without the help of a doctor. But don't check it for yourself. Really, it's not worth it.

When bitten poisonous snake(for example, vipers) it is useless to try to suck out the poison directly through the wound. You must first make a fairly deep incision exactly through the bite site (or better yet, two, crosswise). But then suck the blood and poison for your health. A small amount of poison that enters the stomach is destroyed by gastric juice. Well, don’t forget that you shouldn’t have any wounds in your mouth. Otherwise it won’t be pleasant - you saved a man, but you yourself drank poison!

Coitus interruptus does not mean it is safe. Especially for the one who interrupted these people. By the way, sexual intercourse even during menstruation can cause pregnancy - use anal sex.

There is no need to check with your hands how hot the car’s brake discs are, even in winter. Don't, never. And also:
- Licking metal in the cold.
- Trying to warm up another person’s tongue frozen to the metal with your breath.
- Stick your fingers into a socket or meat grinder.
- Mix stimulants with barbiturates.
- Having detained drug dealers with a batch of white powder, check whether it is heroin by testing it on the tongue.

If you are inside a car that has fallen into water, do not try to open the door/window or break the glass - nothing will work due to the water pressure. It is better to stop panicking (if possible), sit quietly and wait until the car is completely filled with water, and at the last moment hold your breath and swim out - the pressure will equalize and you will be able to open the door without difficulty.

If you're soaked mobile phone, turn it off, take out the battery and put it all in a glass of alcohol, and then shake it off and put it in silica gel for a day (packages of silica gel can be found in new shoes, electronics, etc.).
And if there is no silica gel, put it in a package of rice. Also for a day or two.

In this situation, there is a chance that all the water will be displaced by alcohol, and the remaining moisture will be consumed by silica gel or rice. And everything will work again.

If a person is electrocuted, do not try to pull him away with your hands - it will shock you too. use non-conductive materials such as dry wood to lift it away from the contact point. if there is only grass nearby, tear it off in a jump (your contact with the ground should not be).


If you suddenly hang on a power line, you can only hold on to one wire. when you try to handle 2, a potential difference will form, which will lead to instant frying with a crust.

also about electricity: if there are lightning bolts nearby or that same broken wire is lying around, you need to leave slowly, without spreading your legs too far apart. Ideally, press your feet and knees together and mince with your paws. you'll be safer

During a fire on the lower floors, people on the upper floors often die from smoke suffocation. If there is no way to get out, you need to quickly fill the bathtub with water and lie down in it, so that only your nose is above the water. The fact is that there is always a layer of air above the surface of the water, about three centimeters.
They told this at OBZh and cited a case when in a hotel that caught fire, the only one left unharmed was a delegation of Japanese who were trained in such things.

If something is bothering you, try not to think about it.

Never take a laxative and an insomnia medication together.

If you think another person is having a heart attack, please do not punch them in the chest as hard as you can. This is called a precordial stroke, and if a person's heart has stopped, this can save his life. And the ambulance that arrives will most likely do just that first. Another question is that you need to be able to do this.

If you urgently need to use the services of the police and you hope for their urgent arrival (for example, at night there is a danger of murder/rape on the street), you should not call the phone and call for a squad, it is better to break the nearest window. The squad that leaves when the alarm goes off will act much more quickly.

If you go to work with a severe hangover and are worried about the pronounced exhaust, then it is better to take a bottle of beer. Well, let the exhaust, but you won’t suffer all day.

If you prick your finger: you must urgently treat the injury with brilliant green, bandage it tightly, if possible, immediately consult a doctor, you must act as quickly as possible, otherwise the wound will heal on its own.

If a person has a powerful bad trip while on psychedelics, under no circumstances call an ambulance. It happens that a psychonaut is taken to a madhouse, the next morning he wakes up absolutely normal, and hangs out in the madhouse on haloperidol for several more years. Plus, you won’t be able to drive a car, own a weapon, won’t get a normal job, and other troubles. Since, as far as I know, antipsychotic drugs in our country are not available without a prescription, the best solution is to give the person alcohol to such a state that he cannot do anything except sleep. Now, if he doesn’t get better the next morning, you’ll have to call him, but until that moment - under no circumstances.

When a person is literally drowning, then he has no strength left to shout “help” and wave his arms.
If it’s quiet, it means something’s wrong.
If you swim to save him, take with you a plastic bottle, a ball, a canister, anything that floats. And when you swim up to him, first of all you throw it to him. He will cling tightly to this object, which will allow you in many cases to avoid fighting the panicker. It is not necessary that the thrown object keep the drowning person on the water. He is just a distraction.

To remove a bitten tick, you need to unscrew it counterclockwise. It is more convenient to do this with your hands rather than with tweezers. Without strong pressure, smoothly. After 30–40 repetitions of the movement, the tick will slip out of the skin. It is imperative to make sure that there are no jaw fragments left in the wound. Be sure to save the tick and get tested - the test is done quickly, in half a day. Further depending on the circumstances.

If intruders are trying to break down your door, start breaking the door from the inside - this will puzzle them.

How to protect yourself from AIDS? You need to wear a condom with antennae. Grease it with sunflower oil. Put on the second one. Lubricate it with epoxy resin. Put on the third condom. Bandage the top. Coat the bottom with epoxy resin. And most importantly - no sexual contact.

If you fart loudly on a romantic date, put your glass of wine aside, clear your throat and tell the girl - It wouldn’t have worked out for us anyway. Then get up and leave with your head held high. Under no circumstances look back. Ignorance of this simple technique made life unbearable huge amount people. And, moreover, Jimi Hendrix.

If you spilled sauce on the tablecloth at a party and want everyone to quickly forget about this embarrassment, stand up and loudly call the hostess a stupid cunt.

Don't tell women where you work and how much you earn. And if you live alone in your apartment, then don’t say that it’s yours. It’s better to explain later, and then you’ll be more loved. On the other hand, if you do not live in your own apartment, feel free to say that it is yours. The relationship may not work out in the end, but you will provide yourself with sex for some time.

If you are embarrassed to pick up a coin you found on a crowded street, pull down your pants and sit down, pretending to take a shit, and calmly pick up the find.

If you are afraid of gaining weight, drink a glass of wine before meals - it dulls the feeling of fear!

If any strange situations arise, go to bed.

If you are a lover of spicy food and suddenly grabbed a lot of chili (or other spicy delicacy), in order to calm the fire in your mouth, chew a small handful of anise.

If you find yourself in a public toilet with diarrhea suddenly rushing through you, and toilet paper SUDDENLY! ended in the last five-year period, socks will be an indispensable tool. At worst - panties or a T-shirt. This way you will be clean and save face in front of the line that greets you at the exit.

If you are a girl, and you leave the house in five minutes, and your nails, oh horror! (iron notes), not painted - for God's sake, LEAVE EVERYTHING AS IS.

If a huge dog is running or sneaking toward you, barking and growling, and you don’t like it, you shouldn’t scream and run away (unless you’re sure you’ll have time to get there). It is best to pick up any moderately weighty piece of shit and make a demonstrative swing towards the intended enemy, optionally throw and pick up a second piece of shit. If there is no bullshit at hand, it is enough to pretend that you are going to quit something. During this process, gradually move away to a safe place, without turning your back. Once you have reached a safe place or otherwise resolved the incident, thank the one who controls your destiny.

By the way, a hot soldering iron looks exactly the same as a cold one.

Keep a coil of strong rope on your balcony. In the event of a fire and it is impossible to escape through the door, it can save the life of the whole family. And learn how to knit a bow knot (Bowline) to help other family members.
Learn to tie a bow knot with one hand. It's easy. You never know when you'll find yourself on the sinking Titanic

If you are holding a cat in your arms on the street, and some asshole nearby takes it and honks the horn from his shitty Chevrolet, the cat will probably get scared. He can get scared for a million other reasons that are undoubtedly important for the cat. A frightened cat usually releases all its available (including spare) claws at an object nearby, that is, at your carcass.
Actually, advice: do not try to get the frightened cat away from you, calling the police and Greenpeace: you risk staining your tattered clothes with your own blood flowing abundantly from deep scratches. Instead, on the contrary, press the cat tightly to you for a few seconds until he retracts his claws himself and tries to wriggle out of your embrace. If the cat is yours, you will probably be able to calculate the strength of the hug in such a way that you are guaranteed to immobilize the cat without breaking anything. And if the cat is a stranger, it’s okay, because it’s his own fault, there’s no point in climbing on the hands of strangers and scratching him, it’s such a cunt, just look at him.

And the last, but very important tip:


Many people find themselves in extreme situations. This could be an earthquake, flood, fire, terrorism and much more.

In stressful situations, a person may become confused or become a combative person during an extreme situation. As a result, after experiencing horror and fear, the psyche suffers. A person needs the help of qualified specialists.

What are extreme situations

Sometimes adverse events occur to a person that affect the psyche. These are often called extreme situations. Simply put, this is a change in the usual living conditions.

When a critical situation occurs, a person develops fear that must be dealt with. After all, while he is present, people are not subject to themselves. More often strong fear covers when a person understands that a certain situation threatens life. Therefore, after the experience, a person is not able to cope with himself, with his psyche. Such people need the help of a specialist.

After a terrible episode, emotions of excitement overwhelm. There is an opinion that the release of adrenaline from the body is a good thing. However, psychologists have a different point of view. After all, if something unexpected happens, for example, a fire, a person goes into shock. After a successful outcome, a heart attack, heart attack and other unfavorable outcomes are possible. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations. The psychology of extreme situations is a problem that is very difficult to get rid of.


Extreme situations can be unexpected and predictable. For example, natural disasters cannot be expected. These situations appear suddenly. Therefore, from surprise, a person may become confused and not have time to take the necessary measures. Extreme situations are divided into the following types.

1. By scale of distribution. This refers to the size of the territory and the consequences.

  • Local situations are only in the workplace and do not extend beyond it. There may be a maximum of 10-11 injured people, no more.
  • Object situations. This is a danger in the territory, but it can be eliminated on your own.
  • Local situations. Only a certain city (suburb or village) suffers. An extreme situation does not go beyond the locality and is eliminated with its own means, resources and forces.
  • Regional. Dangerous situation extends to several nearby areas. Participate in liquidation federal services. In a regional extreme situation, there should be no more than 500 people affected.

2. According to the pace of development.

  • Unexpected and sudden (accidents, floods, earthquakes, etc.).
  • Swift. This is a very fast spread. These include fires, emissions of gaseous toxic substances, etc.
  • Average. Radioactive substances are released or volcanoes erupt.
  • Slow. These could be droughts, epidemics, etc.

Any extreme situation poses a threat to human life.

Every disaster leaves its mark on the psyche of people. Therefore, you need to be very careful and know how to react in a certain situation.

Rules of conduct

Not everyone thinks about how to behave at a certain moment. Behavior in extreme situations is very important. After all, a lot depends on it, including human life.

First of all, you need to be very calm and cool-headed. Count quickly to three and regain your breathing. Try on at the moment forget about fear and pain. Realistically assess your capabilities, strengths and the situation as a whole. Confusion, panic and indecision will only harm you under such circumstances.

Every person should always be prepared for unexpected danger. Then you can deal with it easier. You must know how to properly administer first aid. With good preparation, there is always the opportunity to save your life or those around you. Behavior in extreme situations must be controlled.


First of all, you must make sure that your home is safe and sound. Will you be able to stay in the house if there are hurricanes or earthquakes? Check wiring regularly. You must know for sure that in the event of a fire you will be able to get out of the trap unharmed.

Every family should have medicines for all occasions. We must not forget about bandages, iodine, and burn remedy. They are not needed every day, but sometimes they are simply necessary. Survival in extreme situations is a very important factor for every person.

If you have a car, it should always be ready to go. Try to store fuel for such cases.

Don't forget about spare clothes, which should be kept close to your home. Perhaps in a garage or basement. It may be old, but it will keep you warm in the cold.

If every person thinks about their safety in advance, then it will be much easier to survive in any extreme conditions.


What should a person do in extreme situations? Not everyone will be able to answer this question. One hundred to note. that extreme situations with people happen every day, so it is necessary to know the answer to this question in advance.

If a person finds a suspicious device in a public place, then it cannot be picked up, but must be reported to the police. Even anonymously. Don’t be afraid to report, because if it’s not you who gets hurt, someone else will.

In any situation, you should not give in to panic. This is the most dangerous feeling. Try to pull yourself together, calm down and act according to the situation.

There is always a way out, the main thing is to use it correctly. As a rule, there are people around you who you can turn to for help. Actions in extreme situations must be lightning fast. After all, life depends on it. If you understand that you are not able to cope, shout as long as you can so that you are heard. It is clear that not everyone will help, but at least one person will respond to your misfortune.

Memo to citizens

Every citizen needs help in extreme situations. For this purpose, there is a reminder that does not allow you to forget how to act in case of unforeseen incidents.

If you realize that something has happened to the electricity, for example, the meter is cracking or a light bulb is blinking incorrectly, then immediately turn off the power to the apartment. After all, unwanted emergency situations may occur. At the same time, it is advisable to turn off the gas and water. After this, do not hesitate to call a repairman or emergency service.

It often happens that people do not attach importance to certain little things. Because of this, fires, explosions, etc. occur. Therefore, your documents should be in one place and preferably closer to the exit. In case of danger, you must take them with you. This is the first thing that should come to a person's mind.

Money and necessary things should also be not too far from the exit. In stressful and extreme situations, there is not always time to run around the apartment and pack your bags. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance that dangerous incidents can occur at any time. You should always remember the rules in extreme situations that can help.

Extreme natural situations

It’s not only in an apartment that danger can overtake a person. There is also plenty of extreme sports in nature. Therefore, a person must be prepared for anything.

For example, you may find yourself in very uncomfortable weather conditions - severe frost and snow. The best solution- survive the cold. You can build a small cave.

Know that snow is an excellent heat insulator. Therefore, thanks to the snow cave you can wait out the cold.

Never go without water in hot weather. This is very dangerous. After all, when you want to drink, and there is no water nearby, you will be ready to do anything if only they give you a sip of a soft drink. Without water, as we know, a person cannot live long.

In natural extreme situations, you can save yourself. However, you should always remember to take precautions. Emergencies can strike a person at any time.


A person can get used to any living conditions. Even in the modern world, not everyone can make full use of water, electricity and gas. Therefore, you can also adapt to extreme situations.

Before you get used to dangerous or unusual conditions, you need to prepare yourself psychologically. To do this, read about the unknown area where you are going to go. Try to master the necessary skills.

It is very important to prepare yourself psychologically. If you doubt it, maybe it’s not time to take risks yet? An extreme life situation should not break you. Just be positive.

To make it easier for you to adapt to extreme situations, take care of food, water and warm clothing. Without the basic necessities it is much harder to survive.


People who find themselves in extreme situations need help. Each of them has a mental disorder. The consequences vary for people. Some try to forget themselves and find solace in alcohol, others become drug addicts, and still others choose to commit suicide. They all need the help of qualified specialists who will lead a person out of this state.

Psychologists will help you relieve stress, fear and return to normal life. These people cannot be condemned, because none of them is to blame for what happened. Getting rid of memories is not easy at all. If you witness a similar situation, then do not turn away from such people, but try to help them return to a past life, where they were calm and comfortable.

Every day, many people need to communicate with doctors such as psychologists or neurologists. After stress, a person ceases to exist and begins to live one day at a time. To make it easier to get through difficult days, psychologists advise:

  • Don't panic;
  • Remain calm in any situation;
  • Practice self-hypnosis more often;
  • Get plenty of rest;
  • Spend as much time as possible with friends and relatives;
  • Don't be alone.

When you see something scary in front of you, try to avoid tears and panic, and look for a way out of the current situation.

If a person who has experienced severe stress turns to a specialist, it will be easier for him to overcome the current problem. The psychology of extreme situations is very serious, so you need to pay attention to it first.


Each person reacts differently to stressful situations. Some will do everything possible to escape, others will begin to panic. It all depends on the individual person. Everyone's psyche is different. Therefore, one cannot blame those people who give up. After all, they are not to blame for their weakness. There are some extreme situations factors. These are exactly what every person should remember.

In stressful situations, a person’s body becomes exhausted, which is where many other diseases appear. In order to avoid undesirable consequences in the future, it is necessary to seek help from specialists who will help restore nervous system and return to your previous problem-free life.

Breathe deeply. Your brain cannot function properly without oxygen. Take deep, long breaths rather than short ones. If you start breathing faster, you will trigger an adrenaline rush. Continue to breathe deeply until you convince yourself that you can handle the situation. If even after a minute you don’t think you can handle it on your own, call for help. If you don't believe you can handle it, don't try because you'll probably do something wrong. Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations if, after a minute of deep breathing, you still cannot pull yourself together. There is no need to continue to breathe deeply and try to calm down, as waiting too long can be fatal. In such situations, you either act or you don’t. Choose - and you won’t be mistaken.

Figure out what needs to be done and do it. Make sure you act correctly and in a timely manner. Mentally go through each chosen action and determine its consequences. Act quickly. Don't rush headlong until you calm down, but don't waste time either. Excessive haste can lead to pointless decisions and even greater waste of time. Before you do anything, make sure it's worth the effort.

Call the call number fire department or rescuers - 112, 01 or 101 (new number since 2014). Once you have made your decision, call the emergency number immediately. Your actions can help stop the situation from progressing, but no matter how well you cope, call rescuers. If you find yourself in an emergency situation with other people, then while you are making a decision, shout to someone to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Do not shout in general, but address a specific person - preferably the first one who catches your eye. If you tell a person to call, he will do it. If you simply shout “call the fire department!”, everyone may think that someone else will do it.

Follow the dispatcher's instructions and do not hang up. Help the wounded and think about what you would need if you were in their place. If there are several wounded, help those who are most seriously injured first. If you need water or cloth for dressing, ask someone nearby to bring it. Do not leave the victim unattended unless absolutely necessary.

Relax. Wait for firefighters or rescue personnel to arrive. In essence, once you have made your choice and called emergency services, there is nothing else you can do. Don't fall into complete stupor, but don't fuss either. Continue to breathe deeply and constantly remind yourself that you have already done your best. Get rid of the feeling that you have to make decisions and move on - when the specialists arrive, they will know better what to do.

What should you do first in an emergency?

1. Stay calm

Think about your actions and do not take rash steps. Gather your thoughts as you consider your next steps.

2. Create a personal response plan

Familiarize yourself with your area, find out what disasters happen there regularly, and make a plan emergency actions in the most general outline. Then, in the event of a real emergency, you will only have to make the adjustments necessary at the moment.

3. Avoid the domino principle

Don’t try to sort everything out and write down every detail (leave this activity to the paranoid). Your plan should contain the most general things:

  • Where will you take refuge in case of danger?
  • How will you evacuate if you can’t stay where you are?
  • What other escape routes are there if the first one is blocked?
  • How will you evacuate - by car, boat or otherwise. What should you do if your car breaks down at the wrong time?
  • What things should you have on hand if you have to take shelter in a house or other shelter.
  • What things will you take with you when evacuating?

These six points are usually enough to get an idea of necessary actions and make a set of necessary things.

4. Prepare an Essential Kit (or better yet, two kits)

  • First aid kit.
  • Canned food in cans and drinking water in plastic bottles (you can also have a can of coffee and a pack of tea, a box of salt).
  • Transistor radio and electric flashlight.
  • A set of spare batteries for the receiver and flashlight.
  • Matches in a sealed box, lighter, paper in case of starting a fire.
  • Tools and cutlery - at least a folding knife, spoons, forks, two or three bowls and mugs, a can opener, a light camping hatchet.
  • Medicines used regularly by family members for medical reasons (unless the instructions require storing them in the refrigerator).

It would be nice to store another bag with such a set in the trunk of a car.

Family documents and money should be kept in a specific place that is easily accessible to you.

Determine what clothes may be useful to you, and prepare a set of clothes and shoes for each family member in case of an emergency - waterproof clothes and shoes for summer, warm ones for winter. It's a good idea to have a tent and sleeping bags.

5. Don't take anything extra

However, remember: it is better to take with you more food, drinking water and medicine, two or three sets of essentials, than to carry junk that will not be so necessary in extreme conditions.

6. Prepare a place in advance for the prompt collection and storage of valuables and relics left behind during evacuation

Let's say there are things in the house that are of great value to the owners - for example, family heirlooms - but loading them with them during evacuation would be reckless. What should I do?
You should get yourself an airtight container so that you can quickly throw such items in there, and then hope that in your absence these things will survive the disaster. However, in most cases, the immediate cause of injury and death during emergencies is too much fiddling with property when the situation requires prompt evacuation. The healthiest solution is to take only the essentials and forget about the rest. Many families keep items that are truly heirlooms, and the loss of which would be catastrophic for the family. But, as a rule, these are things that are stored in closets and taken out from there occasionally to admire. If you are seriously afraid of their death in any disaster, then it is better to put them in a sealed metal chest rather than keep them in a closet. If you live in a rural house, then it would be better for this chest to stand in the basement - in case of an emergency this is the most reliable place where it has the best chance of surviving until your return.

7. Be prepared to receive disturbing messages

Prepare for this as soon as you receive the first warnings. This is a monotonous howl, continuously lasting from three to five minutes. Its meaning is for everyone to turn on their radios or televisions and tune them to the local wavelength to receive messages about what is happening.

8. Clarify your personal action plan for a threatening emergency and check the Emergency Kit

As you follow the news, review your personal emergency response plan in your head and consider how it might work in a reported emergency. At the same time, check the completeness of your Essential Kit and figure out what other things you might need.
If the media conveys instructions from emergency services, follow those instructions and adapt your own plan to them.

9. After receiving alarming information, do not overload communication lines

If you have a telephone, then in the event of an impending emergency, try not to call your relatives, friends and acquaintances on it. If everyone tries not to be one of the thousands of people who clog the phone lines, then thousands of people will be spared the fate of being solemnly buried as disaster victims.
In an emergency, call only emergency services, notify them of the injured, or report any new emergency or threat thereof.
But under no circumstances should you make idle calls.

10. In a calm place everyday life train and instruct your family

It is better, in quiet moments of everyday life, try to clearly instruct your family and friends about the dangers inherent in the area where they live, and how they should best behave when warning the authorities and the media about an approaching disaster. Instructions issued by various emergency services will also be useful to you.
By gently and persistently bringing such instructions to people's minds, sooner or later you will ensure that in moments of real danger you do not have to call anyone with warnings.

11. Do not leave your place of residence unless absolutely necessary.

If there are reports of an approaching disaster, do not go anywhere unless absolutely necessary. Too many people have died in cars washed away by floods, caught in pincers forest fire or a blizzard. If you still have to drive, then in the car do not turn on the cassette player with your favorite music, but turn on the radio. Catch the news. If possible, tune your receiver to the local emergency radio frequency.

12. Be careful when returning to a house that was in an emergency zone

Don't go into houses. It is possible that the building was damaged in a disaster and will fall on your head. The duty of emergency services is to inspect buildings in the emergency zone and decide whether people can return to them.

If you must enter a building, under no circumstances should you light your way with a torch or candle. Don't smoke.

Check to see if there is any smell of gas or chemicals in or around your home. If you smell suspicious odors, notify emergency services.

Don’t rush to consume your food supplies - check them: they may be contaminated (if not with chemicals, then with mold) or spoiled (for example, if they were in the refrigerator and the electricity went out for a long time).

Don't rush to use tap or well water. Be sure to follow the instructions of emergency services regarding drinking water or (if necessary) disinfecting it.

If you find yourself near a rescue operation and your help is not needed, move away.

Don't go anywhere unless absolutely necessary. Roads may be damaged or blocked. For example, there were cases when trees broken by the wind fell and crushed passing cars, or deep holes unexpectedly formed on the road. Bridges are especially dangerous after a natural disaster.

If you do have to drive, be extremely careful and do not speed up. If you come across damage along the road that poses a danger to motorists, notify emergency services as soon as possible.

13. Make sure your family is safe too

During a disaster, you should not use the phone, but as soon as it is officially announced that the worst of the ordeal is over, contact your loved ones immediately. Without hearing from you, they can contact the emergency response headquarters, and you will be added to the list of missing persons. As a result, time and effort will be spent on your detection, which may not be enough to find those who urgently need help.