Kalanchoe degremona medicinal properties. Treatment of Kalanchoe: medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Degremona. Necessary conditions for cultivation

Kalanchoe Degremona - “surgeon without a knife”

Kalanchoe ( Kalanchoe) is a plant of the Crassulaceae family, a genus of succulents. There are about two hundred different types Kalanchoe, but most of them do not have medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe Degremona is a popular indoor flower, which can be recognized by the “babies” hanging on the leaves. In Europe, the plant has been widespread since the beginning of the 20th century; here it appeared a little later, but has already gained popularity for its healing properties. The plant reproduces easily, so you can see it in many gardeners.

The leaves of Kalanchoe Degremona are strewn with children

Characteristics and composition of the plant

The natural habitat of Kalanchoe is Madagascar. There it grows as a perennial up to half a meter high. The plant has a straight stem, fleshy leaves, at the edges of which buds appear - miniature plants with small roots. These buds take root well as soon as they fall into the ground.

Kalanchoe is called the “surgeon without a knife” because the juice from the leaves heals ulcers and wounds well and helps fight inflammation. The bulk of the plant - stems and leaves - consists of this juice. The juice is rich in vitamins C and P, as well as macro- and microelements necessary for the human body: polysaccharides, flavonoids, lectins, organic acids, copper, silicon, manganese and iron.

Source: Depositphotos

Care and planting

Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant, although it can be grown in partial shade. It is advisable that daylight hours last for 10–12 hours. In summer, the plant is protected from direct sunlight. To do this, the plant is best placed on the western or eastern side. In winter, Kalanchoe can be moved to a southern windowsill.

The ideal temperature for the plant is 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, you need to ensure that moisture does not stagnate at the roots of the plant. Since Kalanchoe is a succulent by nature, it does not need additional spraying. The plant accumulates moisture well in its leaves, so excess dampness harms it. The plant needs watering when the soil dries out by at least one third. In winter, this may be only once a month. If a plant can easily survive drought, then without fresh air it will have a hard time. The room must be ventilated, especially in summer.

The flower is replanted every two to three years as the roots grow. You can take soil for succulent plants or prepare the soil yourself - take turf, humus and sand in a 2:1:1 ratio. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Source: Depositphotos

Application in medicine

In medicine, the plant is used very widely:

  • Kalanchoe helps fight colds - runny nose, ARVI, tonsillitis, early stages otitis
  • Helps strengthen hair, heal wounds, small cracks on heels, hands and teeth. Effective for treating acne and fine wrinkles.
  • Removes toxins from the body, cleanses the blood, helps with joint pain.
  • Useful in the treatment of burns, wounds, erosions, ulcers. Juice and ointment are used to treat ruptures after childbirth and cracked nipples in women.

Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of colds and runny nose

From Kalanchoe juice you can prepare a useful remedy for the treatment of a runny nose. For children, the juice is used in a lower concentration - it is recommended to dilute the juice with water.

  • To treat children, take several Kalanchoe leaves, chop them finely and pour a glass of water. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cool.
  • For adults, the juice does not need to be diluted. The leaves are not boiled, but simply pressed a little to release the juice. You can add a little water.

To treat a runny nose, juice is used in different ways:

  • Wipe the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab dipped in juice.
  • Instill a solution of juice into the nose 3-4 times a day. To treat children, the juice should be diluted with water. You can start with one drop per day, especially if you are not sure that your child has no allergies.
  • Soak cotton swabs with juice and place them in the nostrils for a minute. It is better not to carry out this procedure with small children. This method is suitable for children over 10 years old.

After instilling Kalanchoe juice into the nose, a person may begin to sneeze violently and frequently. This happens because the juice thins nasal mucus and removes it. It is not recommended for pregnant women to be treated with Kalanchoe juice, so as not to provoke abdominal cramps.

Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of wounds and inflammation

The juice of the plant is used to treat wounds, ulcers and other inflammations. For ulcerative lesions, sterile gauze is moistened with a solution of juice and novocaine - Kalanchoe juice is diluted with a 1% solution of novocaine. This is necessary so that the juice does not cause a burning sensation. Gauze is soaked in 4–5 layers.

The juice of the plant can help in the treatment of perineal tears after childbirth, cracked nipples, advanced forms of periodontitis, stomatitis or gingivitis. For treatment, the juice is carefully applied to the wound. If you are afraid of burning, mix the juice with a little water and try on a small area of ​​skin.

The plant helps with the initial stage of sore throat. To do this, you need to chew small pieces of leaves every 2 hours. In this way, the pathogenic microflora in the larynx is suppressed and the development of the disease is stopped.

To increase immunity for persistent colds, use the following remedy:

Squeeze Kalanchoe juice and mix with honey in a 1/1 ratio. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Tip: if you keep cut Kalanchoe leaves in a closed bag in the refrigerator for at least 3 days before preparing the product, the healing properties of the solution will increase.

Kalanchoe juice in cosmetology

Kalanchoe is used in the treatment of acne, fine wrinkles and unevenness on the face. To do this, wipe the face with the leaves of the plant so that the juice is released. In order to remove dark circles under the eyes, you can apply a plant leaf to them for a few minutes.

If you have blackheads on your face, you can lubricate your skin with Kalanchoe juice after cleansing your face. The juice moisturizes and tones the skin.

There is a lot of information on the World Wide Web about this amazing plant, but there is confusion regarding the types of Kalanchoe that have a healing effect. Not all sites will give you detailed and reliable recommendations, so this article will fully reveal the problem, relying on authoritative sources.

Kalanchoe Degremona: chemical composition of the plant

The leaves and shoots of Degremon contain properties and many biologically active substances. In particular, these include flavonoids, substances that affect cardiac muscle tone, organic acids and enzymes.

It has healing substances: vitamins, minerals, acids, trace elements such as iron, calcium, manganese, copper, aluminum, etc. Kalanchoe and its medicinal properties have a rare composition of tonic and nutrients.

Did you know?The ancient plant Kalanchoe was used as medicine by many peoples. The famous poet Johann Goethe once wrote to his friends: “Just as many new shoots are born from one Kalanchoe leaf, so from one true love new happiness can be drawn.”

Despite all the benefits of the plant, healing effect Kalanchoe Degromona and its properties have not been fully studied.

The biological activity of plant juice is primarily due to the exceptional combination chemical elements in its composition.

This means that all active vitamins of Kalanchoe have a bactericidal effect on the human body, helping to remove toxins and radioactive substances.

Substances in Kalanchoe juice give the medicinal plant astringent, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. The plant contains enzymes that act as a catalyst, and vitamin C regulates cellular metabolism and increases the level of resistance to infections.

Beneficial properties of Kalanchoe Degremona for the body

Kalanchoe Degremona juice has and has an antibacterial effect. The use of the plant is limitless: general surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology and other medical fields.

Mainly stems and leaves are used. This is one of the few plants that can purify indoor air from germs, influenza viruses and other harmful microorganisms.

Kalanchoe Degremona is the first remedy for colds and runny nose, as Kalanchoe juice promotes rapid recovery. The Kalanchoe Degremona plant is a powerful medicine against inflammation. But this is not the only useful property. Kalanchoe heals wounds, cleanses the blood and stops bleeding, and removes harmful toxins from the body.

A significant advantage is the plant’s ability to give positive energy and vigor. There are even scientific experiments in which the antiallergic and immunomodulatory properties of the plant have been proven.

The use of Kalanchoe Degremona in folk medicine

Kalanchoe is actively used as a cure for many diseases. It can be compared with, however, the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Degremona are best way combating viral diseases.

Based on Kalanchoe, Kalanquin, popular in medicine, was created, which is used in complex therapy during the treatment of gastritis and enterocolitis, and the medicine also treats burns, bedsores, frostbite and cracked nipples in nursing mothers.

Did you know? The Kalanchoe plant is called indoor ginseng. Kalanchoe Degremona came to us from Africa and has found wide use in various recipes, so the properties and uses of this unique plant are loved by many gardeners. All main groups of substances are contained in one plant. In the living room or bedroom, the Kalanchoe Degremona flower will contribute to a favorable and friendly atmosphere.

The value of the plant lies in its juice, which is found in the leaves of Kalanchoe. The leaves closest to the base of the plant are best suited for preparing a medicinal tincture.

These leaves boast more juice and are more effective. The taste of the juice is slightly bitter with a hint of sourness. As well as medicinal plant Kalanchoe has no expiration date, which is an advantage.

The juice is also useful for external use: it heals cuts, ulcers, eliminates burns - a useful remedy in a home medicine cabinet. In addition, Kalanchoe can be used as a compress, and for inflammation, egg white can be added for effectiveness.

Alcohol tincture

Often, a tincture is used to treat diseases, and the tincture not only eliminates the disease at an early stage, but also serves as a good prophylactic.

To prepare the remedy, you need to cut off the leaves and place them in a cool, dry place for 7 days. When the leaves wither a little, they need to be mashed to a mushy state. The juice is squeezed out and placed in the refrigerator for another 48 hours.

The finished juice is mixed with twenty percent alcohol 20:1 and constantly stored in the refrigerator. It is worth remembering that the storage temperature should not exceed 10 degrees plus, otherwise the tincture will lose its beneficial properties.


It is better not to use the juice on open wounds, as the procedure will not give the desired effect. You can make a special ointment from the juice that will help heal scratches, burns and other skin damage.

To prepare the ointment, you need to take fresh Kalanchoe leaves, chop them with a sharp knife and squeeze the juice into the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. After this procedure, Vaseline or lanolin is added. The ointment is stored in an airtight jar in a cool place.

In proportions, the ointment consists of: juice – 30 ml; lanolin/vaseline – 50 g. The ointment helps well with skin diseases and does not cause itching or burning.

Using Kalanchoe for cosmetic purposes

In cosmetology, Kalanchoe has medicinal properties and is primarily used for problem skin. At home, you can make a mask or lotion from the juice of the plant.

Start with cleansing: remove the skin from the leaves and lightly wipe your face. Let the healing juice absorb into the skin.

According to botanical description, Kalanchoe medicinal looks like this. It has a thick green stem and fleshy leaves with jagged edges. The flowers are collected on umbrella-type inflorescences and reach a length of several centimeters. They have small sizes. They are distinguished by an orange or pink tint. It is rare to see a flowering plant. In viviparous species, babies are formed along the edges of the leaf. New plants can grow from them. Succulents grow in height from a few centimeters to 4 meters, depending on the variety.

Kalanchoe can be used in medicinal purposes, in particular from cough. Plant-based remedies are prescribed for hemorrhoids. You can drip juice into the nose of a child or adult if they have a runny nose. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed only after consultation with a pediatrician. Despite the healing properties, recipes based on the plant also involve some contraindications.

Kalanchoe Degremona

The plant is rich a huge amount medicinal components. The most common among them are enzymes, organic acids and flavonoids, which have an effect on maintaining the heart muscle in tone.

The juice of this type has large number beneficial properties for the body and can be used as a remedy for bacteria. It is used in all medical fields.

This variety of this plant can be considered a first aid remedy for the first signs of a cold or runny nose. It is considered one of the most powerful means for combating inflammatory processes. Kalanchoe removes from organisms harmful substances, promotes wound healing, reduces bleeding.

Use for home treatment

In the field of traditional medicine it is houseplant has been used as a medicine for a long time for a long time. In terms of its beneficial properties, it is not inferior to aloe, but this succulent is best suited for the treatment of viral diseases. A well-known medicinal product called “Kalankhin” was created based on the juice of this plant. Given medicine has a wide range of applications. It promotes the healing of cracked nipples in nursing mothers, relieves heartburn, and relieves pain from enterocolitis and gastritis.

The second name of this flower is indoor ginseng. The origin of this species of Kalanchoe begins in Africa. It received good reviews and was in demand among flower growers. And this is understandable, since one plant contains all the main groups of substances. The flower creates a friendly and pleasant atmosphere in the apartment or house in which it is located.

The main value is the juice found in the fleshy leaves. The leaves growing at the very base of the flower are used to prepare a tincture. It is these leaves that contain the largest amount of juice, which makes the treatment even more effective. The plant juice tastes slightly sour with a bitter aftertaste. The main advantage of this type of medicine is that it does not have an expiration date; this is also typical for aloe leaves. Several medicinal forms of this plant are used:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • ointment.

The juice obtained from the leaves can be used as a remedy for external use. The components help heal wounds, remove marks left by burns, and get rid of ulcerative skin lesions. In general, this product should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Very often, a tincture of leaves in an alcohol solution is used as a rubbing. This medicine helps prevent further development of the disease in the early stages. You can use an infusion of leaves as a prophylactic. To prepare the tincture, you need to place the prepared leaves in the refrigerator for a week, then knead the wilted leaves to a pulp. The juice is separated from the resulting mass and placed in a cool place for another two days.

Cooking process:

  • You will need 20% alcohol, which is mixed with the prepared juice in a ratio of 20:1.
  • The resulting medicine must be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +10 degrees Celsius.
  • If the temperature is higher than required, the infusion will lose its beneficial qualities.

You cannot use the plant juice for applying to open wounds; there will simply be no effect. For these purposes, you need to use herbal ointment. The ointment is based on crushed fresh leaves and added Vaseline or lanolin. The finished ointment must be placed in an airtight container, preferably one that does not allow light to pass through, and stored in the refrigerator for the duration of use. An ointment is prepared in the ratio of Vaseline or lanolin 50 grams, juice 30 milliliters. The great advantage of this ointment is that it does not create itching or burning and relieves various types of skin diseases.

In cosmetology

This type of plant is used in cosmetology to combat problematic facial skin. You can make a lotion or mask at home using the juice from Kalanchoe leaves.

If you want to take care of your face at home, then the first thing you should start with is cleansing. You will need two medium or several small leaves of the flower; remove the skin from them and rub the skin of your face with massage movements. Let the juice absorb. After completing the cleansing procedure, you need to nourish the skin with cream. After the first procedures you will be able to feel the freshness and tone of your skin.

From the same plant you can prepare a lotion with a rejuvenating effect. To do this you will need a spoon of honey, juice and boiled water. All this must be mixed and allowed to brew for 24 hours. You need to wipe your face with this lotion. This allows you to give elasticity to the cells and nourish the skin. When pigmentation or freckles appear on the face, it is recommended to apply the Kalanchoe leaves themselves to the skin. To achieve the desired effect, you will have to carry out several procedures.

The use of any skin bleaching products is prohibited from applying them to the skin in the eye area. These procedures will be more effective if done before bed.

Cirrus Kalanchoe

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of this type of Kalanchoe have been used for quite a long time. Flower growers were the first to discover the beneficial properties of this plant; they noticed that the juice is good for flu and colds, perfectly heals wounds and relieves inflammation. You can use it to stop the flow of blood from a wound, relieve toothache, get rid of mastitis, just apply the mashed leaves to the sore spot.

At home, using juice obtained from the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate, you can get rid of allergic reactions on the skin. Taking the juice orally can reduce cholesterol in the blood, effectively treats the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and can also be used as a choleretic agent. If you start sneezing for no reason, this is the first sign of the flu. In this situation, freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant will come to the rescue. It is enough to drop 5-6 drops into each nostril and you will feel relief.

To cure a sore throat, you need to mix boiled water and juice in equal proportions. The resulting solution is used for rinsing; the more often you do it, the faster you can get rid of painful sensations.

If a person suffers from varicose veins, then a tincture made from Kalanchoe leaves and vodka will help him at home. Take a 500 ml bottle or jar, fill it halfway with finely chopped leaves and fill it to the brim with vodka. Place the finished mixture in a warm place for a week, shaking occasionally. Use a ready-made product to wipe your feet, starting from toes to knee joint. The duration of such treatment is usually four months, but in different cases it may be longer.

If the vitreous fluid in the eyeball becomes cloudy, you should take equal amounts of aloe, viviparus and Kalanchoe juice. Instill the prepared solution into the eyes in the morning and evening, no more than two drops in each eye. When a runny nose appears, take equal parts of Kalanchoe juice and honey. You should drink this mixture together with an infusion of St. John's wort or lemon balm, which allows your nose to quickly begin to breathe. Stomatitis is treated by gargling with the juice of this flower.

For inflammatory skin diseases, the plant juice should be used as a lotion; this type of compress should be left on the affected area for about 50 minutes. In case of otitis, it is necessary to prepare a tincture for impregnation of tampons. It is done as follows: take 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of the plant, two hundred grams of alcohol. Infuse this solution for ten to twelve days. Moisten a swab in the prepared solution and insert it into the sore ear.

If the presence of a foreign body in the ear causes discomfort, then the prepared tincture can be used as drops. It is better to carry out the treatment procedure at night, dropping 2-3 drops into the area of ​​pain. The ready-made tincture is also perfect for the appearance of festering wounds; in this case, it is necessary to do rinses and compresses using the ready-made infusion. It is better to store this medicine in a cool and dark place. If you feel a loss of strength or vitamin deficiency appears, then prepare a salad, which must include Kalanchoe leaves. Sinusitis or sinusitis is treated by rinsing the nasal cavity with a solution of juice and boiled water in a 1:2 ratio. After a week of treatment with this method, the disease goes away.

The benefits of Kalanchoe are obvious. The plant is used to prevent influenza, for varicose veins, periodontal disease, and for the treatment of trophic ulcers and boils. Harm occurs very rarely, mainly during self-medication. It should be used with caution by pregnant women and people prone to allergies to various compounds. Even if you have minor problems such as acne, it is advisable to follow the instructions for use.

Pointed bluish-green leaves and garlands of tiny "babies" on jagged edges. This image is most often born in the imagination when mentioning Kalanchoe. Even without knowing the full name, people imagine Kalanchoe Degremon - the most common type of this indoor plant in our country.

Description of Kalanchoe Degremona

This variety of Kalanchoe is found naturally on the island of Madagascar and in the Cape Region. In rocky dry semi-deserts wild plants can reach impressive sizes. The powerful, erect stem of Kalanchoe under favorable conditions grows to 2–4 meters in height, and as it grows, the lower leaves fall off and the stem gradually becomes lignified.

The leaves of Kalanchoe Degremona are clearly recognizable. They are fleshy, triangular in shape, and jagged. With sufficient nutrition, the leaves sometimes reach a length of 20 cm. In addition to a bluish or dark green color, they can be variegated, with brown, lilac or violet spots and stripes. On the jagged edge, rosettes of new plants are formed, which gradually develop to form a stem, a pair of true leaves and aerial roots. As a result, once in the ground, miniature bushes take root very quickly and begin to grow.

In nature, this variety of Kalanchoe blooms regularly, laying buds during the shortening daylight hours. And the pink-violet or brownish flowers that open in winter are collected in a large inflorescence located on an elongated erect peduncle.

Kalanchoe Degremon has become famous for its record endurance and ability to reproduce, as well as for the long-established healing properties of the juice and pulp of the plant.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Degremona

The most famous medicinal product is the juice obtained from the juicy, fleshy leaves of Kalanchoe.

The juice of this plant and the pulp of crushed leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing agent. Kalanchoe Degremona exhibits these medicinal properties for all kinds of skin diseases, abrasions and difficult-to-heal wounds. If you plant Kalanchoe in a garden bed at your summer cottage and replant it in a pot in winter, you will have a great opportunity to use it. healing properties all year round.

Fresh juice is a recognized natural remedy for sinusitis, acute and chronic rhinitis. In this case, Kalanchoe exhibits antimicrobial, soothing and disinfecting properties.

Official medicine fully supports and even develops folk experience. It has been proven that Kalanchoe Degremona is used in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes, during recovery from surgical interventions, in dentistry and gynecology. Juice from fresh green leaves inhibits the activity of Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci.

Today, biochemists are researching the plant’s antiviral abilities, for example, against the influenza virus. The possibility of using the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Degremona as a drug to maintain and strengthen the immune system and general resistance of the body is being studied.

Caring for Kalanchoe: photos and descriptions of basic techniques

Growing Kalanchoe Degremon at home will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. It is not for nothing that the plant, a succulent, is considered a symbol of its unique ability to reproduce and survive. It is not picky about the soil or the size of the pot, is drought-resistant and can grow in low light conditions. But all these restrictions do not pass without a trace for Kalanchoe and are reflected in its appearance.

With a lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves, as with excessively poor soil and infrequent watering, become thinner, become faded and lethargic.

What conditions and care does the plant require, how to water Kalanchoe to maintain its health and growth? Like many succulents, Kalanchoe Degremona does not need a large pot or fertile soil. To plant a plant, it is better to take ready-made soil for succulents or cacti. It is quite light, loose and, which is important for this crop, does not retain much moisture, which can lead to rotting of the roots.

If there is no ready-made soil, you can mix der in equal parts new land, sand, rotted humus and crushed gravel or brick chips. A drainage layer is needed at the bottom of the pot. It is by creating habitual living conditions for Kalanchoe Degremon, as in the photo, that you can get the best results and even admire large inflorescences of elongated flowers.

Succulents, including Kalanchoe, are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and light.

In nature, in places where these plants are found, in summer the temperature can reach 30 °C. At night, the air cools to 17–20 °C. In indoor conditions, it is especially important to prevent the temperature from falling below 15 °C and not exceeding 27 °C for a long time. In winter, for Kalanchoe Degremon, find a lighted place away from heating devices and possible drafts, while watering is reduced so that the roots do not suffer from stagnant moisture.

In summer, the bushes feel great on the balcony, veranda or in the garden. At this time, Kalanchoe, on the contrary, needs water more, and with a lack of it, it withers, the leaves sag and become noticeably thinner. To avoid mistakes with watering, before watering the Kalanchoe, it is better to check the soil moisture. If it is completely dry by one or two centimeters, then the water will benefit the plant.

Kalanchoe loves and tolerates bright light well, except for the scorching direct rays of the sun, from which the bushes will have to be shaded.

To stimulate flowering, as in the photo, Kalanchoe care includes a procedure such as artificial limitation length of daylight hours. If the bush is on a light windowsill only from 8 to 10 hours a day, the rudiments of buds are laid on the tops of the shoots. Before flowering, Kalanchoe can be fed several times using a mixture for flower crops or succulents, and also ensure proper watering and care.

After flowering, a period begins when the plant recovers within a month, and then produces leaves and shoots.

At this time, not only the dried flower stalks are removed, but also the overgrown shoots that have become bare are pruned, the tops of which can be used at home for the propagation of Kalanchoe.

How to propagate Kalanchoe at home?

Very unpretentious, perennial Kalanchoe Degremona is famous for its many ways and ease of reproduction. You can get a new bush using stem cuttings and leaves, layering and numerous children that literally strew the edges of the leaves of adult plants. Before propagating Kalanchoe at home using cuttings, from the plant:

  • use a sharp knife or blade to cut off the top of a healthy shoot;
  • manually, using your fingers, carefully separate the side shoot in the leaf axil.

If such a shoot has aerial roots, this will only simplify rooting. Then the lower leaves are removed from the cutting and left for a day to dry the cut site. The finished shoot is placed in damp sand or substrate to a depth of 3–5 cm, and it is not necessary to use a temporary container. Kalanchoe Degremona takes root well, and the cuttings can be immediately planted in a permanent pot intended for them. The soil around the new plant is compacted, and after 7–10 days at a temperature of 20–25 °C.

Caring for Kalanchoe from the moment of planting consists only of timely watering.

It is no more difficult to get a plant from a tiny baby. Often, when falling, such rosettes take root on their own and form a friendly “undergrowth” under an adult Kalanchoe. Therefore, they can be immediately planted in permanent pots. And when the young shoots reach 15–20 cm in height, Kalanchoe Degremon pinch the crown, in this way causing branching and the formation of a compact bush, convenient for growing.

Video about the flower of life - Kalanchoe


Proper home care for Kalanchoe degremona

Kalanchoe Degremona is a succulent perennial crop. It belongs to the Crassulaceae family. This plant has healing properties. Its homeland is the southern countries of Asia, South Africa and Madagascar.

Description of Kalanchoe Degremona

The standing Kalanchoe bush reaches a height of 70 cm. The stem of the plant is thick and powerful. The stem has green leaves with a grayish tint.

Kalanchoe Degremona

They are shaped like a triangle. There are a lot of brood buds located on the edges. From these buds new small plants with leaves and roots develop. This is how Kalanchoe Degremona reproduces at home.

The crop is often grown at home. Since, in addition to its beautiful appearance, it also has a number of beneficial properties.

They grow on long stalks beautiful flowers. Their color is red and pink. If you provide the plant with proper care, it will delight you with flowering not only in summer, but also in winter.

Home care

Kalanchoe Degremona is unpretentious. In order for the plant to grow healthy and beautiful, certain rules must be followed.

Temperature and lighting

The culture is light-loving. Therefore, it is advisable to place the flower on the windows, where more light enters. However, in summer, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight.

Kalanchoe Degremona is a light-loving plant, so it should be placed on windows

The hot rays of the sun can damage the leaves. They take on a reddish tint. The result is burns. This is not only not beautiful, but also destructive for the flower. In summer the temperature should be about 20-25 degrees, and in winter it should be lowered to 15 degrees.

In summer, Kalanchoe can be taken out into the fresh air or onto the loggia. However, it should be protected from sunlight and precipitation. The plant is not afraid of drafts, wind and small temperature changes.

Humidity and watering at different times of the year

The plant prefers moderate watering. At different times of the year, the watering regime is different. In spring and summer, it is better to water with cool water. It is advisable to pour water into a jar and let it sit for some time. When watering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the stem. Because this leads to its rotting. In winter and autumn, water the plant should be halved. It is also good to pour water into the tray under the pot. For watering in cold weather, it is necessary to use water at room temperature.

Under no circumstances should you overwater the plant, as stagnation of water leads to rotting of the root system, as well as to the development of pests in the soil.

The soil for the plant should be loose. Under natural conditions, the culture grows on sandstones. To prepare the substrate you should take:

  1. Sand;
  2. Leaf soil;
  3. Humus soil.

All components must be taken in equal parts. You can also add some small pieces of charcoal or brick chips. Peat will also be useful.

Ready-made soil for succulents or cacti is suitable for Kalanchoe Degremona

Kalanchoe of this variety does not need frequent feeding. In winter, the plant does not need them at all. Fertilizers must be applied in late spring or July. Feeding is required during transplantation, as well as during the process of crop adaptation.

Before fertilizing the flower, the fertilizer should be diluted in hot water. Before adding it to the soil, it must be cooled.

What kind of flowerpot do you need?

Flower pots for Kalanchoe should be small in size. A good drainage layer is required. Also, there must be a drain hole at the bottom of the pot. After transplanting, the size of the pot should be slightly larger, but not significantly.


There are several ways to propagate a plant at home:

  • Children
  • Cuttings
  • Stem leaves.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe by “children” is the simplest way. This is the name given to small-sized plants that develop from brood buds located on the edges of the leaves. When they fall from the leaves, they already have roots. Therefore, the rooting process occurs at a rapid pace.

Kalanchoe Degremona has brood buds on the edges of the leaves, from which many young plants with roots are formed

The method of propagation by stem leaves is less common. The process itself is similar to propagation by cuttings, but takes longer.

There are two ways to propagate a plant from cuttings:

  1. Instrumental (by cutting off the top of the flowers with a sharp knife);
  2. Manual (by manually separating side shoots).

Some cuttings may have small aerial roots. Rooting such cuttings will be much easier and faster. They are immediately planted in pots, where they will continue to grow.

If there are no roots on the cutting, then the leaves on it need to be removed and the cut area dried. The shoots should be planted in moist soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm. You can use a pre-prepared substrate. The soil can be sand or peat. The soil around the seedling needs to be compacted a little.

No additional care is required for the seedling. Caring for it is similar to caring for an adult plant.

The plant has to be replanted quite often, since its root system grows very quickly and strongly. Transplantation is necessary for the proper growth and development of the plant, as well as for the plant to bloom abundantly.

Before planting Kalanchoe Degremona in a new container, pay attention to the condition of the root system and stems

Replanting should be done at the end of spring.

How to properly transplant?

  1. When removing a plant from a pot, be careful not to damage the roots. If the roots are stuck to the walls of the pots, it is advisable to soak them with water;
  2. In a plastic container you need to mix in different parts new land (can be purchased at the store) and old. This is necessary for better adaptation of the flower. You need to make a hole in the ground.
  3. The root system must be cleared of soil and planted in a hole;
  4. After transplantation for a week (until the plant has taken root) and after, it is important to provide the plant with proper and high-quality care.

If transplantation is carried out in winter, then good conditions must be provided for the culture. Among them: watering with warm water, high air temperature and lighting using special lamps.

At home, the flower is usually found with the following pests:

Small green insects that are found on the entire surface of the leaves are aphids. If you do not take any measures to get rid of this pest, the Kalanchoe may die. Therefore, it is important to regularly inspect the crop, removing dried and yellowed leaves. You can get rid of aphids using a solution of laundry soap or potassium soap.

As a result of damage to a flower by a pest such as scale insects, the leaves become covered with a gray coating. As a result, fungus may develop. When multiplying, these pests produce a substance in the form of mucus. Mucus can only be removed with alcohol.

Kalanchoe Degremona is affected by scale insects Aphids on the roots of Kalanchoe Degremona

You should also pay attention to the following problems:

  1. Leaf drop is a sign of nutrient deficiency;
  2. If the leaves turn yellow and fall off, it means the plant is not getting enough light. To solve this issue, you need to move the flower to the windowsill, where there is the most sun, or create additional lighting using lamps;
  3. If the leaves are large, juicy and bright, and there is no flowering, then the reason is an excess of applied fertilizers;
  4. If the plant stays for a long time in conditions of low temperatures, as well as with an excess of moisture, dark spots are likely to appear on the leaves;
  5. Drying of the flower indicates damage to the root system by pests or lack of moisture.

Medicinal properties

Kalanchoe Degremona has not only decorative qualities, but also medicinal properties.

If Kalanchoe Pinnate has been known for its healing abilities for a long time, then people started talking about Degremon only recently.

Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant is an effective and harmless medicine not only for adults, but also for children, and chewing the leaves of this miraculous flower will help save you from sore throat.

Kalanchoe Degremona is famous for its analgesic effect, it is effective for ulcerative pain, tuberculosis, wounds and ulcers

The juice from the leaves is most often used. To prepare it, you will need to grind the leaves and squeeze the juice from them. This juice will keep for about a week. To make it last longer, it can be sterilized.

For what diseases is it useful and effective to use juice from Degremona leaves?

  • In the presence of bedsores and fistulas;
  • For trophic ulcers of the legs;
  • As a therapeutic agent for purulent processes;
  • For itching in the gums, as well as bleeding gums;
  • For dermatitis.

In addition, Degremona juice has healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

A tincture of Degremona juice in water also has medicinal properties. To prepare a water tincture, you will need to take one part juice to five parts water.

This tincture will help cleanse wounds of necrotic tissue, remove pus, and also speed up healing. It is also used as a mouth rinse for diseases of the gums and throat.


Before using Kalanchoe as a remedy, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Kalanchoe juice sometimes causes a burning sensation on the skin, so it is diluted equally with a solution of novocaine
  • If you have an allergic reaction to the flower and its contents;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • If you have liver cirrhosis or hepatitis;
  • For hypotension;
  • In the presence of tumors;
  • For joint diseases.

Kalanchoe Degremona is an easy-to-care crop. With proper care you can achieve very beautiful flowering. The plant also has healing properties for humans. Thus, growing Kalanchoe at home will bring not only pleasure, but also benefits.


Kalanchoe Degremona - medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine recipes and care

Houseplants often serve not only a decorative function, but also act as indoor doctors. One of these “green friends” is Kalanchoe Degremona, this medicinal flower at home it will help cope with a runny nose, gum and skin diseases; it has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. The plant is easy to care for, so almost all lovers of greenery on windowsills grow succulents.

What is Kalanchoe Degremona

Kalanchoe daigremontiana is a herbaceous succulent plant (it stores water in its tissues) belonging to the genus Kalanchoe of the Crassulaceae family. The species came to Europe from the tropical zone (South America, South Africa, Madagascar, Asia). The stem of Kalanchoe is straight, reaches a height of 60-100 cm, the serrated leaves are fleshy, shiny, triangular in shape. The color of the leaves of the plant is gray-green, on the reverse side they are strewn with purple spots. In winter, red or pink flowers on long legs.

There are a lot of varieties of Kalanchoe, but the Degremon species has gained wide popularity. Popular names for the plant include: Goethe's flower, indoor ginseng. Kalanchoe is often called the tree of life, the mother of a thousand - a viviparous plant reproduces a large number of “children” in a short time, which can easily be planted and get a full-fledged flower.

Medicinal properties

Even official medicine uses the capabilities of the Degremon species: based on a perennial plant, experts have created medicinal product Kalankhin. The active substance accelerates recovery from gastritis, enterocolitis, helps in the treatment of burns, bedsores, frostbite, and stops bleeding. In its natural form, Kalanchoe has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • calming.

Kalanchoe juice is effective in the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, and ARVI. External use of the healing liquid of the plant is practiced for skin injuries and diseases: for the treatment of wounds and burns. You can lubricate the mucous membranes on which ulcers have formed with the juice. Kalanchoe ointment based on lanolin or petroleum jelly is even better - it does not cause burning or itching of the skin. You can use alcohol tincture or pure juice internally - this is how you organize the prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Use in folk medicine

This home healer helps to get rid of many problems. Diseases that Kalanchoe eliminates:

  • Runny nose. Apply juice from Degremon 4 times a day for nasal instillation: 2 drops for each nostril (for children, dilute with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio).
  • Sore throat, tonsillitis, sore gums. The juice of the plant is mixed with water (1:1), rinsing is carried out until recovery.
  • Otitis. 2 drops of alcohol tincture are instilled into the sore ear, after which the ear canal is plugged with cotton wool containing Kalanchoe juice.
  • Trophic, purulent wounds, burns. Gauze cloth is soaked in juice and bandages are made, which are changed daily.
  • Varicose veins The feet are rubbed with alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe for two weeks. Then you need to take a break and repeat the course of rubbing.
  • Insect bites, eczema, hematomas. Sore spots are lubricated with ointment.
  • Ulcer, diseases genitourinary system, weak immunity. Take a teaspoon of juice three times a day.

If you want to see fleshy stems, leaves and how Kalanchoe blooms profusely, you need to provide it with good conditions. It's not difficult at all. In summer, the comfortable air temperature for a flower is 27 degrees. In winter, the thermometer should not fall below 15°C, but it is not recommended to place the plant near heating devices. Kalanchoe does not like cold conditions, and in winter buds are still formed and flowering occurs, so you need to monitor the optimal temperature. Air humidity should not be high. It is necessary to spray the leaves sparingly and only in summer.

Degremona is a light-loving plant. In winter, it is important to provide it with bright lighting on southern or southeastern window sills. In summer, it is better to place the pot in cool shade to avoid sunburn of the leaves. If in the warm season the Kalanchoe receives light for 9-10 hours, this will have a beneficial effect on flowering. Pruning should be organized before lunch: on young shoots you need to remove 1-2 top leaves. If the stems are exhausted and the leaves become small, then pinch the flower - carefully tear off the top with scissors or fingers.


The optimal soil for the plant is neutral or slightly acidic. The easiest option is to buy ready-made soil for succulents. It is loose and light, does not retain excess moisture. You can prepare the soil yourself using the following ingredients:

  • deciduous soil - 2 parts;
  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • peat – 2 parts;
  • coarse sand or perlite – 3 parts;
  • drainage or vermiculite.


Degremona does not like excessive watering; the succulent can withstand without water for 2 weeks. In summer, the soil is moistened if it has dried out by 1 or 2 cm. In winter, the plant is watered even less often. To prevent Kalanchoe roots from rotting, you need to ensure good drainage and loose soil. The slightest stagnation of water leads to damage to the roots and the appearance of pests and fungi. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pan.


To grow Kalanchoe, you must initially select a small, heavy, stable pot. Young plants develop quickly, so they need to be replanted once a year until the age of 5 years. For the older generation, the “house” is changed less often - once every 2-3 years (guide by the roots growing into the drainage). The best time to transplant Kalanchoe is early spring. Process algorithm:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot without shaking the soil from the roots.
  2. Place the Kalanchoe in a large container and fill the voids with soil.
  3. Shake the pot lightly to compact the soil. Add more soil on top.
  4. Apply fertilizer a week after transplanting.


Kalanchoe should be fed monthly with special fertilizers for succulents. If you don’t find these on sale, take fertilizer for any plant and use half the dose given in the instructions. After removing the wilted Degremona inflorescences, be sure to apply fertilizer so that the succulent blooms next time. In winter, take a break; at this time you should not organize feeding of young and old plants.

Diseases and pests

  • Scale insects. The leaves of the plant become covered with a gray coating, as a result of which nutrition becomes difficult and a fungus develops. Mucus is removed with an alcohol solution.
  • Aphid. Small insects densely cover the leaves, which blocks the access of oxygen. If the erect stem or leaves are severely affected, trim them back. Treat the plant with laundry or potassium soap.

If Kalanchoe leaves fall off, you need to feed the succulent. If parts of the plant turn yellow, it is worth improving the lighting. The absence of flowering with a normal appearance of the succulent indicates an excess of fertilizers. Dark spots on the leaves are a consequence of low temperatures and excessive amounts of moisture. Drying of the plant is the result of a lack of liquid, damage to the roots by parasites.

Pointed bluish-green leaves and garlands of tiny "babies" on jagged edges. This image is most often born in the imagination when mentioning Kalanchoe. Even without knowing the full name, people imagine Kalanchoe Degremon - the most common type of this indoor plant in our country.

Description of Kalanchoe Degremona

This variety of Kalanchoe is found naturally on the island of Madagascar and in the Cape Region. In rocky, dry semi-deserts, wild plants can reach impressive sizes. The powerful, erect stem of Kalanchoe under favorable conditions grows to 2–4 meters in height, and as it grows, the lower leaves fall off and the stem gradually becomes lignified.

Degremona is well recognized. They are fleshy, triangular in shape, and jagged. With sufficient nutrition, the leaves sometimes reach a length of 20 cm. In addition to a bluish or dark green color, they can be variegated, with brown, lilac or violet spots and stripes. On the jagged edge, rosettes of new plants are formed, which gradually develop to form a stem, a pair of true leaves and aerial roots. As a result, once in the ground, miniature bushes take root very quickly and begin to grow.

In nature, this variety of Kalanchoe blooms regularly, laying buds during the shortening daylight hours. And the pink-violet or brownish flowers that open in winter are collected in a large inflorescence located on an elongated erect peduncle.

Kalanchoe Degremon has become famous for its record endurance and ability to reproduce, as well as for the long-established healing properties of the juice and pulp of the plant.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Degremona

The most famous medicinal product is the juice obtained from the juicy, fleshy leaves of Kalanchoe.

The juice of this plant and the pulp of crushed leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing agent. Kalanchoe Degremona exhibits these medicinal properties for all kinds of skin diseases, abrasions and difficult-to-heal wounds. If you plant Kalanchoe in your summer cottage and replant it in a pot in winter, you will have a great opportunity to use its healing properties all year round.

Fresh juice is a recognized natural remedy for sinusitis, acute and chronic rhinitis. In this case, Kalanchoe exhibits antimicrobial, soothing and disinfecting properties.

Official medicine fully supports and even develops folk experience. It has been proven that Kalanchoe Degremona is used in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes, during recovery after surgery, in dentistry and gynecology. Juice from fresh green leaves inhibits the activity of Staphylococcus aureus and streptococci.

Today, biochemists are researching the plant’s antiviral abilities, for example, against the influenza virus. The possibility of using the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Degremona as a drug to maintain and strengthen the immune system and general resistance of the body is being studied.

Caring for Kalanchoe: photos and descriptions of basic techniques

Growing Kalanchoe Degremon at home will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. It is not for nothing that the plant, a succulent, is considered a symbol of its unique ability to reproduce and survive. It is not picky about the soil or the size of the pot, is drought-resistant and can grow in low light conditions. But all these restrictions do not pass without a trace for Kalanchoe and are reflected in its appearance.

With a lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves, as with excessively poor soil and infrequent watering, become thinner, become faded and lethargic.

What conditions and care does the plant require, how to water Kalanchoe to maintain its health and growth? Like many succulents, Kalanchoe Degremona does not need a large pot or fertile soil. To plant a plant, it is better to take ready-made soil for succulents or cacti. It is quite light, loose and, which is important for this crop, does not retain much moisture, which can lead to rotting of the roots.

If there is no ready-made soil, you can mix turf soil, sand, rotted humus and crushed gravel or brick chips in equal parts. A drainage layer is needed at the bottom of the pot. It is by creating habitual living conditions for Kalanchoe Degremon, as in the photo, that you can get the best results and even admire large inflorescences of elongated flowers.

Succulents, including Kalanchoe, are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and light.

In nature, in places where these plants are found, in summer the temperature can reach 30 °C. At night, the air cools to 17–20 °C. In indoor conditions, it is especially important to prevent the temperature from falling below 15 °C and not exceeding 27 °C for a long time. In winter, for Kalanchoe Degremon, they find a lighted place away from heating devices and possible drafts, and at the same time reduce it so that the roots do not suffer from stagnant moisture.

In summer, the bushes feel great on the balcony, veranda or in the garden. At this time, Kalanchoe, on the contrary, needs water more, and with a lack of it, it withers, the leaves sag and become noticeably thinner. To avoid mistakes with watering, before watering the Kalanchoe, it is better to check the soil moisture. If it is completely dry by one or two centimeters, then the water will benefit the plant.

Kalanchoe loves and tolerates bright light well, except for the scorching direct rays of the sun, from which the bushes will have to be shaded.

To stimulate flowering, as in the photo, Kalanchoe care includes a procedure such as artificially limiting the duration of daylight hours. If the bush is on a light windowsill only from 8 to 10 hours a day, the rudiments of buds are laid on the tops of the shoots. Before flowering, Kalanchoe can be fed several times using a mixture for flower crops or succulents, and also ensure proper watering and care.

After flowering, a period begins when the plant recovers within a month, and then produces leaves and shoots.

At this time, not only the dried flower stalks are removed, but also the overgrown shoots that have become bare are pruned, the tops of which can be used at home for the propagation of Kalanchoe.

How to propagate Kalanchoe at home?

Very unpretentious, perennial Kalanchoe Degremona is famous for its many ways and ease of reproduction. You can get a new bush using stem cuttings and leaves, layering and numerous children that literally strew the edges of the leaves of adult plants. Before propagating Kalanchoe at home using cuttings, from the plant:

  • use a sharp knife or blade to cut off the top of a healthy shoot;
  • manually, using your fingers, carefully separate the side shoot in the leaf axil.

If such a shoot has aerial roots, this will only simplify rooting. Then the lower leaves are removed from the cutting and left for a day to dry the cut site. The finished shoot is placed in damp sand or substrate to a depth of 3–5 cm, and it is not necessary to use a temporary container. Kalanchoe Degremona takes root well, and the cuttings can be immediately planted in a permanent pot intended for them. The soil around the new plant is compacted, and after 7–10 days at a temperature of 20–25 °C.

Caring for Kalanchoe from the moment of planting consists only of timely watering.

It is no more difficult to get a plant from a tiny baby. Often, when falling, such rosettes take root on their own and form a friendly “undergrowth” under an adult Kalanchoe. Therefore, they can be immediately planted in permanent pots. And when the young shoots reach 15–20 cm in height, Kalanchoe Degremon pinch the crown, in this way causing branching and the formation of a compact bush, convenient for growing.

Video about the flower of life - Kalanchoe