Procedure for servicing pressure vessels. Personnel servicing pressure vessels, etc. General safety requirements

Vessels operating under pressure require special operating rules and registration with Rostekhnadzor. In the article you will find detailed explanations and sample documents.

Read in the article:

Pressure vessels: definition

Pressure vessels are hermetically sealed containers designed to technological processes(chemical, thermal, others). Such equipment is used for storing and transporting gaseous, liquid and other substances and can be permanently installed at the enterprise or be mobile.

Operation of pressure vessels

The operating procedure is regulated by the order Federal service on environmental, technological, nuclear supervision dated March 25, 2014 No. 116.

The main responsibilities of the operating organization include:

  • commissioning of equipment, putting it into operation, registration with Rostechnadzor;
  • supervision of good condition and production control;
  • execution maintenance, inspection, repair;
  • decommissioning.

Regulatory regulation of production processes using equipment operating under excess pressure.

Document name

Justification – paragraph of Rules No. 116

Protocols for testing knowledge of requirements industrial safety workers servicing equipment.

Preventive maintenance schedules. They are compiled annually for the purpose of rational maintenance of equipment, timely, high-quality preventive and repair work. They are brought to the attention of department heads.

Order appointing someone responsible for the good condition and safe operation equipment under pressure, for carrying out production control.

Instructions for commissioning, maintenance and repair of pipelines.

Certificates of quality of equipment installation.

Act (technical report) on carrying out technical diagnostics, non-destructive and destructive testing.

Pressure vessels not subject to registration with Rostechnadzor

According to FPN 116 (clause 215), registration is not required, for example:

  • vessels Group I(environment - explosive or fire hazardous, or hazard classes 1.2), operating at a wall temperature not exceeding 200 ° C, in which the product of pressure in MPa (kg/cm 2) and capacity in m 3 (liters) does not exceed 0.05 (500), as well as vessels of groups 2, 3, 4 (any medium), operating at the above temperature, in which the product of pressure in MPa (kg/cm2) and capacity in m3 (liters) does not exceed 0 ,1 (10000).
  • devices for air separation units, gas separation, located inside the heat-insulating casing (regenerators, heat exchangers, condensers, adsorbers, etc.);
  • cylinders up to 100 liters inclusive, permanently installed, as well as intended for transportation or storage of compressed, liquefied, dissolved gases;
  • vessels of refrigeration units, refrigeration units as part of technological installations;
  • tanks of air electrical switches;
  • vessels for storing or transporting liquefied gases, liquids, granular bodies that are under pressure periodically when they are emptied;
  • viscine and other filters installed on gas pipelines, gas distribution stations, points, installations;
  • dryers, cloth dryers, refrigeration cylinders for paper-making, cardboard-making, drying machines, etc.

Passport for pressure vessels (sample)

The main document of the device is the passport. This is stated in adopted by the Decision Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated July 2, 2013 No. 41. Throughout the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, this normative document is decisive.

Below we provide an example of a passport.

The passport is issued by the manufacturer. It must always be available, from the moment of manufacture to disposal, that is, the entire life cycle of the device. This document must contain the date of release of the product and the seal of the enterprise. If your passport is lost, only the manufacturer has the right to restore it.

Labels for pressure vessels

According to the FNP, the equipment must be equipped with special identification marks. The exception is small cylinders for transportation with a volume of up to 100 liters.

Depending on the device configuration and location, a marking is made on it or a plate is installed. Most often they use signs. They are indicated by the following information:

  • Inventory number.
  • Allowed parameters (such as pressure, temperature).
  • Dates on which external and internal inspection of the device will be carried out, as well as hydraulic testing.

Persons who are trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to service vessels may be allowed to service vessels.

Training and testing of knowledge of personnel servicing vessels should be carried out in educational institutions, as well as in courses specially created by organizations.

Persons who have passed the exams are issued certificates indicating the name and parameters of the working environment of the vessels to which these persons are authorized to service.

The certificates are signed by the chairman of the commission.

Certification of personnel servicing vessels with quick-release lids, as well as vessels operating under the pressure of harmful substances of hazard classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76, is carried out by a commission with the participation of an inspector from Rostechnadzor of Russia, in other cases the participation of an inspector not necessary in the work of the commission.

The Rostechnadzor body of Russia must be notified of the day of the examinations no later than 5 days in advance.

Periodic testing of the knowledge of personnel servicing vessels should be carried out at least once every 12 months. An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out:

when moving to another organization;

in case of changes to the instructions for the operating mode and safe maintenance of the vessel;

at the request of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor of Russia.

If there is a break in work in their specialty for more than 12 months, personnel servicing vessels, after testing their knowledge, must, before admission to work, independent work undergo an internship to restore practical skills.

The results of testing the knowledge of service personnel are documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the commission with a mark on the certificate.

Permission of personnel to independently maintain vessels is formalized by an order for the organization or an order for the workshop.

The organization must develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure instructions on the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels. For vessels (autoclaves) with quick-release lids, the specified instructions must reflect the procedure for storing and using the key-mark. The instructions must be located at workplaces and issued against signature to service personnel.

Diagrams for connecting vessels must be posted at work places.

18.4 Lighting of workplaces of industrial enterprises: natural, artificial, combined, emergency, security and duty (SNiP 23-05-95).

Natural light - illumination of premises with sky light (direct or reflected), penetrating through light openings in external enclosing structures. Natural lighting is divided into

- lateral

- upper

- combined (top and side)

Side natural lighting- natural lighting of the room through light openings in the external walls.

Overhead natural lighting- natural lighting of the room through lanterns, light openings in the walls in places where the heights of the building differ.

Combined natural lighting- a combination of top and side natural lighting.

Combined lighting - lighting in which natural lighting, which is insufficient by standards, is supplemented with artificial lighting.

Artificial lighting divided into:





Work lighting - lighting that provides standardized lighting conditions (illumination, lighting quality) in premises and in places where work is carried out outside buildings. Working lighting should be provided for all areas of buildings, as well as areas of open spaces intended for work, the passage of people and traffic. For rooms with zones with different natural lighting conditions and different operating modes, separate control of the lighting of such zones is necessary. Lighting in the workplace is standardized depending on the level of visual work. Visual work category- depends on the smallest or equivalent size of the object of discrimination in mm.

Emergency lighting - lighting for continued work in case of emergency shutdown of working lighting. Emergency lighting is divided into lighting:

- security

- evacuation

Security Lighting- lighting for continued work in case of emergency shutdown of working lighting. Safety lighting should be provided in cases where the shutdown of working lighting and the associated disruption of maintenance of equipment and mechanisms may cause:

Explosion, fire, poisoning of people

Long-term disruption of the technological process

Disruption of the operation of power stations, radio and television transmission and communication centers, control centers, pumping installations for water supply, sewerage and district heating, etc.

Violation of the regime of children's institutions, regardless of the number of children in them. The safety lighting standard is at least 2 lux.

Evacuation lighting- lighting for evacuation of people from the premises in case of emergency shutdown of normal lighting. Evacuation lighting in premises or in places where work is carried out outside buildings should be provided for:

In places dangerous for the passage of people;

In passages and staircases used for evacuation of people, when the number of evacuees is more than 50 people. etc. The evacuation lighting standard is at least 0.5 lux.

Security lighting should be provided along the boundaries of areas protected at night. The standard for security lighting is at least 0.5 lux.

Emergency lighting - lighting during non-working hours.

Artificial lighting is achieved through:

General lighting

Combined lighting


General lighting- lighting in which lamps are placed in the upper zone of the room evenly (general uniform lighting) or in relation to the location of equipment (general localized lighting).

Combined lighting- lighting in which local lighting is added to general lighting.

Local lighting- lighting, additional to the general one, created by lamps that concentrate the luminous flux directly at the workplace.

. Providing facilities with primary fire extinguishing means

463. When determining the types and quantities of primary fire extinguishing agents, the physical, chemical and fire hazardous properties of flammable substances, their interaction with fire extinguishing agents, as well as the area of ​​production premises, open areas and installations should be taken into account.

464. Equipment for technological equipment with fire extinguishers is carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications (passports) for this equipment.

465. The choice of type and calculation of the required number of fire extinguishers at the facility (indoors) is carried out in accordance with Appendices 1 and 2, depending on the fire extinguishing ability of the fire extinguisher, the maximum area of ​​the premises, as well as the fire class.

To extinguish fires of various classes, powder fire extinguishers must have the appropriate charges:

for class A fires - ABCE powder;

for fire classes B, C, E - BCE or ABCE powder;

for class D fires - powder D.

In confined spaces with a volume of no more than 50 cubic meters. meters to extinguish fires, instead of portable fire extinguishers (or in addition to them), self-acting powder fire extinguishers can be used.

The choice of fire extinguisher (mobile or manual) is determined by the size of possible fires.

If possible fires are large in size, it is necessary to use mobile fire extinguishers.

466. When choosing a fire extinguisher with the appropriate temperature limit for use, the climatic conditions of operation of buildings and structures are taken into account.

467. If combined fires are possible, then preference when choosing a fire extinguisher is given to one that is more universal in scope.

468. In public buildings and structures, at least 2 manual fire extinguishers are located on each floor.

470. If there are several premises of the same fire hazard category, the total area of ​​which does not exceed the maximum protected area, the placement of fire extinguishers in these premises is carried out taking into account paragraph 474 of these Rules.

471. Fire extinguishers sent from the enterprise for recharging are replaced with the appropriate number of charged fire extinguishers.

472. When protecting premises with computer equipment, telephone exchanges, museums, archives, etc. the specifics of interaction should be taken into account fire extinguishing agents with protected equipment, products and materials. These premises should be equipped with halon and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

473. Premises equipped with automatic stationary fire extinguishing installations are provided with fire extinguishers at 50 percent of the estimated number of fire extinguishers.

474. The distance from a possible source of fire to the location of the fire extinguisher should not exceed 20 meters for public buildings and structures, 30 meters for premises of categories A, B and C for explosion and fire hazard, 40 meters for premises of category D for explosion and fire hazard danger, 70 meters - for premises of category D for explosion and fire hazard.

475. Each fire extinguisher installed at the facility must have a passport and serial number painted on the body with white paint.

The trigger or shut-off device of the fire extinguisher must be sealed with a disposable plastic numbered rotor-type control seal.

476. The sealing of a fire extinguisher is carried out by the manufacturer during the production of the fire extinguisher or by specialized organizations during routine maintenance or recharging of the fire extinguisher.

477. The following designations are applied to the rotary type disposable numbered control seal:

individual seal number;

date in quarter-year format;

sealing device model;

symbol of the sealing device manufacturer.

Control seals with a white rotor are used to seal fire extinguishers produced by the manufacturer.

Control seals with a yellow rotor are used to seal fire extinguishers after routine maintenance has been carried out by specialized organizations.

478. The head of the organization ensures the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishers, the frequency of their inspection and testing, as well as the timely recharge of fire extinguishers.

Accounting for the availability, frequency of inspection and timing of recharging fire extinguishers, as well as other primary fire extinguishing means, is kept in a special free-form journal.

479. In winter (at temperatures below + 1°C), water-based fire extinguishers must be stored in heated rooms.

480. Fire extinguishers placed in corridors and passages should not interfere with the safe evacuation of people. Fire extinguishers should be located in visible places near exits from premises at a height of no more than 1.5 meters.

481. To place primary fire extinguishing equipment, non-mechanized firefighting tools and equipment in buildings, structures, structures and territories, fire shields are equipped.

The required number of fire shields for buildings, structures, structures and territories is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 5.

482. Fire shields are equipped with non-mechanized firefighting tools and equipment in accordance with Appendix No. 6.

483. Water storage barrels installed next to the fire shield must have a volume of at least 0.2 cubic meters. meters and equipped with buckets.

Sand boxes should have a volume of 0.5 cubic meters. meters and equipped with a shovel. The design of the box should make it easy to remove sand and prevent the ingress of precipitation.

484. Boxes with sand, as a rule, are installed with shields in rooms or in open areas where spills of flammable or combustible liquids are possible.

For premises and external technological installations of categories A, B and C for explosion and fire hazards, a supply of sand of 0.5 cubic meters is provided. meters for every 500 sq. meters of protected area, and for premises and external technological installations of categories D and D for explosion and fire hazard - at least 0.5 cubic meters. meters for every 1000 sq. meters of protected area.

485. Asbestos sheets, sheets made of coarse wool fabric or felt (hereinafter referred to as sheets) must have a size of at least 1 x 1 meter.

In rooms where flammable and (or) combustible liquids are used and (or) stored, the dimensions of the canvas must be at least 2 x 1.5 meters.

The canvases are stored in waterproof, lockable cases (covers, packages), allowing these products to be quickly used in the event of a fire.

These fabrics must be dried and cleaned of dust at least once every 3 months.

486. The use of primary fire extinguishing means, non-mechanized firefighting tools and equipment for household and other needs not related to firefighting is prohibited.

1. Appointment by order of the enterprise from among the most experienced engineering and technical workers certified in the prescribed manner by the commission and having the appropriate certificate:

  1. persons responsible for the proper maintenance and safe operation of pressure vessels;
  2. persons supervising the technically sound condition and safe operation of vessels.

Recertification of engineering and technical workers is carried out once every 3 years.

At the enterprise, on the basis of the Rules, provisions on their duties, rights, and responsibilities must be developed, published, and communicated against signature to the above persons.

These provisions are widely communicated to all workers involved in working with vessels.

2. Access to servicing vessels is limited to the following persons:

  1. who have reached the age of 18;
  2. who have completed theoretical and practical training under a special program;
  3. certified by a commission appointed by order for the enterprise and having the appropriate certificate for the right to work;
  4. who have been instructed at the workplace in the prescribed manner and have received instructions on the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels.

During training, certification and recertification of workers (carried out every 12 months) and during production, workers are required to clearly know and perform:

  1. rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels;
  2. requirements for the design, purpose and operating features of all serviced vessels, apparatus, devices;
  3. instructions on the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels, approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise and the chairman of the factory trade union committee. The instructions should be handed out to those instructed against signature and placed at workplaces accessible for review.

Workers servicing pressure vessels must be highly qualified to skillfully and conscientiously perform manufacturing instructions and quickly navigate difficult situations that arise during work and are not provided for in the instructions.

Monitoring of instruments and safety devices. Vascular arrest.

Importance should be given to monitoring the readings of measuring instruments and adjusting safety devices, which are carried out within the time limits given below:

  1. inspection and sealing of indicating and electrical contact pressure gauges - at least once every 12 months; at least once every 6 months - additional check of working pressure gauges with a control pressure gauge and recording of the results in a special journal.

    In addition, the personnel servicing the vessels checks the serviceability of the pressure gauges every shift by setting the needle to zero and recording the test results in the shift acceptance and delivery log;

  2. thermometers are checked at least once every 6 months using a control mercury thermometer. The results of the checks are recorded in the repair log;
  3. safety valves are checked, adjusted, and sealed in accordance with the schedule of preventive maintenance approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise, but at least once every 6 months. The results are recorded in the repair log.

In addition, according to the time limits specified in the instructions, the serviceability of safety valves must be checked by forcing them to open during operation of the vessel.

The results of the inspection are recorded in the shift acceptance and delivery log.

During operation, in accordance with the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise, periodic inspections and audits of vessels and associated pipelines are mandatory. During routine inspections and audits, in accordance with the instructions for the operating mode, a thorough check of the condition of the vessel and pipeline (external inspection), as well as the operation of safety devices, pressure gauges, thermometers, automatic interlocks, alarms, overflow and check valves, shut-off valves, and purge devices should be carried out , degree of tightening of bolted connections and grounding. If malfunctions are identified, operation of the vessel should be stopped until they are eliminated.

Operating personnel must know and comply with the requirements of the Rules, which prohibit repair work on the vessel or associated elements if they are under pressure.

Personnel servicing and monitoring the operation of vessels must know and promptly comply with the requirements of the Rules and Instructions, which indicate the reasons for the necessary stop of the operation of vessels, including: an increase in pressure in the vessel above the permitted level, despite compliance with all the requirements specified in the instructions; malfunction of safety valves; detection of cracks, bulges, significant thinning of walls, gaps or sweating in welds, leaks in rivet and bolted joints, rupture of gaskets in the main elements of the vessel; the occurrence of a fire that directly threatens the pressure vessel; malfunction of the pressure gauge and the inability to determine pressure using other instruments; reduction of the liquid level below the permissible level in fire-heated vessels; malfunction or incomplete quantity of fasteners of covers and hatches; malfunction of the liquid level indicator; malfunction of safety interlocking devices; malfunction (or absence) of control and measuring instruments and automation equipment provided for in the project; cases not listed above, but which violate the safety of the vessel.

Instructions By security labor at service vessels, working under pressure

1. General requirements security labor

1.1. Individuals who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone a medical examination, introductory briefing, initial briefing, on-the-job training and internship, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements, who have an electrical safety group of at least I and an appropriate qualification according to the tariff and qualification reference book.

1.2. When working on servicing pressure vessels, you must:

1.2.1. Perform only the work specified in the work instructions.

1.2.2. Comply with internal labor regulations.

1.2.3. Correctly use personal and collective defense.

1.2.4. Comply with labor protection requirements.

1.2.5. Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about any accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

1.2.6. Receive training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructions on labor protection, and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.2.7. Pass mandatory periodic (within labor activity) medical examinations (examinations), as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for Labor Code and other federal laws.

1.2.8. Be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and in other accidents.

1.2.9. Be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents.

1.3. When working on servicing pressure vessels, the following dangerous and harmful production factors are typical and present:

Rotating parts of equipment;

Dangerous voltage levels in electrical circuits, the short circuit of which can pass through the human body;

Lack of lighting;

Temperature rise environment near the cylinder and, as a result, an increase in air pressure inside the vessel, which can lead to rupture of the vessel.

1.4. Workers servicing pressure vessels must be provided with special clothing, safety shoes and other equipment. personal protection in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment and the Collective Agreement.

1.5. In cases of injury or illness, you must stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical facility.

1.6. For failure to comply with this instruction, those responsible will be held accountable in accordance with the law. Russian Federation.

2. Requirements security labor before the beginning work

2.1. Put on and carefully fasten special clothing and industrial footwear established in accordance with current standards in accordance with the nature of the work to be performed.

2.2. Inspect and prepare the workplace. Arrange working tools and accessories, auxiliary material in a convenient and safe order.

2.3. Check the condition of the vessels by external inspection.

2.4. Check the calibration period of pressure gauges and the proper operation of safety devices.

2.5. Repair of vessels and their functional elements under pressure is unacceptable. The pressure in the faulty vessel must be reduced to atmospheric pressure.

2.6. Report all shortcomings and malfunctions discovered during an inspection at the workplace to your immediate supervisor so that measures can be taken to completely eliminate them.

3. Requirements security labor in time work

3.1. During work it is necessary to ensure:

Maintenance of vessels by trained and certified personnel;

Fulfillment by maintenance personnel of instructions on the mode and safe maintenance of the vessel;

Carrying out timely repairs and preparing vessels for technical examination;

Inspection of vessels in working condition at a frequency established by the management of the organization;

Timely elimination of identified faults;

Maintenance personnel - tools;

Carrying out work with personnel to improve their qualifications; as well as periodic testing of his knowledge;

Storage of vessel passports and organizations’ instructions for their installation and operation;

Keeping records of vessel load hours.

3.2. The calibration interval for pressure gauges is set in accordance with the requirements of the metrological service.

3.3. The frequency of technical inspection of a receiver that is not subject to registration with Rostechnadzor, according to the approved rules, is as follows:

External inspection after 5 years;

Pneumatic pressure test after 10 years.

Pneumatic tests are carried out according to the methods and recommendations of technical organizations of vessel developers.

3.4. After completing the work, the joints are checked for leaks by soaping.

3.5. Vessels in which, upon inspection, cracks, dents, cavities and scratches with a depth of more than 10% of the nominal wall thickness, tears, gouges, and wear on the neck threads are revealed should be rejected.

3.6. Work with the vessel must be stopped immediately:

If the pressure in the vessel has risen above the permitted level and does not decrease, despite the measures taken by the personnel;

If a malfunction of safety devices against pressure increase is detected;

If leaks, swelling, or rupture of gaskets are detected in the vessel and its elements operating under pressure;

If the pressure gauge malfunctions and it is impossible to determine the pressure using other devices;

If the safety interlocking devices are faulty.

4. Requirements security labor V emergency situations

4.1. In the event of emergencies and situations that may lead to accidents, it is necessary to:

4.1.1. Stop work immediately and notify the work supervisor.

4.1.2. Under the guidance of the work manager, promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of accidents or situations that could lead to accidents or accidents.

4.2. In the event of a fire or smoke:

4.2.1. Immediately report by phone “01” to fire department, notify workers, notify the head of the unit, report the fire to the security post.

4.2.2. Open emergency exits from the building, turn off the power supply, close the windows and close the doors.

4.2.3. Proceed to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents, unless this involves a risk to life.

4.2.4. Organize a fire brigade meeting.

4.2.5. Leave the building and stay in the evacuation zone.

4.3. In case of an accident:

4.3.1. Immediately organize first aid for the victim and, if necessary, transport him to a medical facility.

4.3.2. Take urgent measures to prevent the development of emergency or other emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on others.

4.3.3. Before the investigation of the accident begins, preserve the situation as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, breakdown or other emergency circumstances, and if it is impossible to preserve it, record the current situation (draw up diagrams , hold other events).

5. Requirements security labor By completion work

5.1. Tidy up your workspace. Turn off the equipment. Place tools and accessories in the designated place.

5.2. Take off protective clothing, inspect, clean and put in a specially designated place.

5.3. Place used rags and cleaning materials in special metal containers.

5.4. Wash your hands and face thoroughly with warm water and soap. If you perform work involving lead, be sure to neutralize the lead with a 1% solution of acetic acid before washing your hands.

5.5. Report the completion of work and all comments and shortcomings to the immediate supervisor so that measures can be taken to eliminate them.

  • Legal basis for labor protection
    • General concepts about human labor activity and working conditions
    • Russian norms labor law
    • Public Policy in the field of labor protection
    • State regulation of labor protection
    • Guarantees and compensation for employees in connection with working conditions
    • Local regulations on labor protection
    • State regulatory requirements for labor protection
      • Main types of by-laws and regulatory legal acts on labor protection
    • Technical regulation
    • Peculiarities of labor regulation for women, adolescents and disabled people
    • Responsibility for violation of the law
  • Organizational basis of labor protection
    • Rights and obligations of the employer in the field of labor protection
    • Rights and obligations of an employee in the field of labor protection
    • Occupational Safety and Health Service
    • Committee (commission) on labor protection
    • Public control over labor protection
    • State supervision and monitoring compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection
    • Labor protection office
    • Planning of occupational safety measures
    • Training and instructions on labor protection
    • Occupational safety management system in the organization
    • Certification of labor protection works
    • Regulation of labor protection in collective agreement(agreement)
  • Investigation and recording of accidents and occupational diseases
    • Analysis of the state of labor conditions and safety in the Russian Federation
    • Responsibilities of the employer in the event of an accident at work
    • The procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents
    • Features of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations
    • Classification of occupational diseases
    • The procedure for investigating and recording occupational diseases
    • The procedure for establishing the presence of an occupational disease
  • Factors influencing working conditions
    • Certification of workplaces according to working conditions
    • Hygienic criteria and classification of working conditions
    • Safety of production equipment
    • Collective protective equipment. Classification
    • Maintenance and servicing of pressure vessels
    • Carrying out work using cranes
    • Work safety at heights
    • Safety of operation of buildings and structures
    • Correspondence production facilities and products by state regulatory requirements labor protection
    • Safety of using personal computers
    • Lighting
  • Human interaction with hazardous and harmful production factors
    • Identification of hazardous and harmful factors production and risk assessment
    • Methods and means of protection against hazards of technical systems and technological processes
      • Ensuring electrical safety
      • Protection from non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation
      • Thermal radiation protection
      • Protection from ionizing radiation
      • Vibration protection
      • Acoustic protection
  • Eco-bioprotective technology
    • Sustainable development and environmental issues
    • General questions interaction between labor protection and environmental protection
    • Monitoring and management of atmospheric air quality
    • Monitoring and management of water quality and soil pollution
    • Regulatory framework environmental protection
    • Waste-free and low-waste technology
  • Material costs for labor protection
    • Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases
      • Legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases
      • Provision of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases
      • Funds for compulsory social insurance
    • Economics of occupational safety
      • Sources of financing the costs of medical examinations
      • Direct and indirect losses to ensure labor safety
      • Technical, economic and social efficiency of labor protection costs
  • Fire safety
    • General information about combustion, explosion and spontaneous combustion
    • Characteristics of fire and explosion hazards of substances and materials
    • Organizational and organizational-technical measures to ensure explosion and fire safety
    • Explosion prevention, explosion protection, fire prevention and fire protection
    • Fire extinguishing and extinguishing agents
    • Fire alarm

Maintenance and servicing of pressure vessels

Persons who are trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to service vessels may be allowed to service pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as vessels). Training and testing of knowledge of personnel servicing vessels should be carried out in educational institutions, as well as in courses specially created by organizations.

Periodic technical examination of registered vessels is carried out by specialists from organizations that have permission (license) from Rostechnadzor authorities to conduct technical examinations. Vessels are subject to external and internal inspections, as well as hydraulic tests.

The owner is obliged to provide keeping blood vessels in good condition And safe conditions their exploitation. For these purposes it is necessary:

  1. appoint by order, from among the specialists who have passed the knowledge test, responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the vessels, as well as one responsible for supervising the technical condition and operation of the vessels;
  2. appoint the required number of service personnel trained and certified to service vessels, as well as establish a procedure for inspection, checking the operation of fittings, instrumentation, safety and locking devices and maintaining vessels in good condition. The results of inspection and testing must be recorded in the shift log;
  3. ensure that technical examinations and vessel diagnostics are carried out in a timely manner;
  4. ensure the procedure and frequency of testing staff knowledge of instructions on the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels;
  5. provide specialists with Rules PB 03-576-03 and guidelines for the safe operation of vessels, and personnel with instructions. At the same time, the employer is obliged to ensure that specialists follow these Rules, and service personnel follow the instructions.

Persons who are at least 18 years old, fit for health, trained, certified and have certificates for the right to service vessels are allowed to service vessels.

Periodic testing of the knowledge of personnel servicing vessels should be carried out at least once a year. The results of the knowledge test are documented in a protocol. Permission of personnel to independently work on servicing vessels is formalized by order of the organization.

The procedure for emergency shutdown of the vessel and subsequent commissioning must be specified in the instructions. When repairing a vessel in accordance with the scheduled maintenance schedule, the safety requirements set out in industry rules and instructions must be observed. Repair work must be carried out by organizations licensed by Rostechnadzor.

Permission to put the vessel into operation

According to the requirements of clause 6.4.1 of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels (PB 03-576-03), permission to commission vessel subject to registration with Rostekhnadzor authorities, issued by an inspector after its registration on the basis of a technical examination and inspection, during which the following is controlled:

  • availability and serviceability (in accordance with the requirements of these Rules) of fittings, instrumentation and safety devices;
  • compliance of the vessel installation with safety regulations;
  • correct inclusion of the vessel;
  • availability of certified service personnel and specialists;
  • availability job descriptions for persons responsible for carrying out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of pressure vessels, responsible for the correct condition and safe operation of vessels;
  • instructions for operating mode and safe maintenance, shift magazines and other documentation provided for by the Rules.

Commissioning permit vessel not subject to registration with Rostekhnadzor authorities, is issued by a person appointed by order of the organization to carry out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of pressure vessels, based on the manufacturer’s documentation after technical examination and verification of the maintenance organization.

Permission to put the vessel into operation is recorded in its passport.

After the issuance of a permit for its operation, each vessel must be painted in a visible place or on a special plate with a format of at least 200 x 150 mm:

  • registration number;
  • permitted pressure;
  • date, month and year of the next external and internal inspections and hydraulic tests.

The vessel can be put into operation on the basis of a written order from the administration of the organization after fulfilling the requirements of PB Rules 03-576-03.