Formation of safe behavior in younger schoolchildren at the stage of entering school. Theoretical foundations for the formation of safe behavior of schoolchildren in everyday activities Formation of safe behavior

Galina Terekhova
Seminar “Formation of the foundations safe behavior in preschoolers"

Security security life activity is a priority task for the individual, society, and state. “The strategic priority of childhood policy is formation and the development of healthy lifestyle values,” emphasized the President of the Russian Federation in his message to the Federal Assembly for 2011-2013.

One of the directions formation a healthy lifestyle is to ensure security life activity of the individual, society, state. In this regard security formation life activity of children in conditions preschool educational institution is a relevant and significant problem for the pedagogical community, since it is caused by the objective need informing children about the rules of safe behavior, their acquisition of experience safe behavior at home, the importance of targeted activities in this area of ​​parents and preschool employees.

During preschool During childhood, a child becomes acquainted with a large number of rules, norms, warnings, and requirements. However, it is difficult for him to imagine the extent of their significance. Any generally accepted norm becomes an effective regulator behavior a person only when it is realized and accepted by him. However, it is necessary to highlight such rules behavior safety. These rules should be explained in detail to children, and then their implementation should be monitored. safety is not a lifestyle, but adequate behavior in unexpected situations.

Any generally accepted norm must be understood and accepted by a person, only then will it become an effective regulator of his behavior.

Upbringing security - continuous, a systematic and consistent process starting from an early age (raised by parents, continuing in the system preschool, school education. And while at all these age stages education security will not become a practical matter, the alarming statistics of child injuries will not change.

In the draft comprehensive program "Development", implemented in our preschool institution, the section is covered quite fully «» .

For forming the foundations of safe behavior for preschoolers it is necessary to organize an educational system that includes all types of activities (game, productive, cognitive, speech, physical education, music and rhythm).

Within main content, our work is integrated with such activities as play, labor, visual arts, construction, familiarization with fiction, physical education, familiarization with the environment. In an efficient way skills training safe behavior is a modeling method that contains in its structure a triad of components that provide valuable pedagogical properties: game, imitation and analysis of a specific situation.

The main goal of the work to form the foundations of security: acquaintance preschoolers with rules and regulations safe behavior to gain social experience.

To achieve this goal, we highlight the following tasks:

1. Formation ideas about situations dangerous to humans and the surrounding natural world, and ways behavior in them.

2. Introduction to the rules behavior, safe for humans and the surrounding natural world.

3. Transferring knowledge to children about the rules safe traffic which must be observed by both pedestrians and vehicle passengers.

4. Formation a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the surrounding natural world.

5. Develop independence and responsibility in children; teach children to regulate their behavioral reactions;

6. Enrich children's vocabulary and develop coherent speech.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the assigned tasks largely depends on the content of the subject-development environment created in preschool institution, which includes:

Corners security in groups;

informational corners for parents;

Educational and promotional materials;

Illustrative stands for children and adults.

For systematic work with children in MBDOU "Friendship" created "centers security» , which have the following content:

layouts: "Crossroads" "The street where I live" a series of games on the topic "Road Signs";

A series of games on the topic "Traffic light";

Attributes for a role-playing game "Road", "Bus";

Didactic materials for training; security basics;

Picture material with problematic situations on the road;

Sets of educational games "Where the Cars Go", "Evolution of Transport", "I'm good", "City Trip";

Productivity Supplies

Children's fiction and encyclopedic literature on security basics;

Albums, illustrations and photographs by security basics;

Materials on promoting knowledge for parents;

To achieve the assigned tasks I use the following forms of organization.

Game of preschool age is the leading activity of children. It is the game that gives the child accessible ways to create a reality that is inaccessible to him. The game reflects the internal need of children for active activity; it is a means of understanding the world. We carry out play-based educational activities during scheduled moments in the second half of the day as part of the joint activities of the teacher and the children. Having learned to act in simulated game situations that closely reproduce the real situation, children will feel much more confident in real conditions. The essence of the game situation is that children are placed in conditions that are close to reality. In order to prevent children's fears, « information neurosis» due to the expansion and deepening of knowledge about dangerous situations, we end every event positively. At the same time, training should not be turned into a fun game - children should take this activity seriously. Basics the content of our system is based on directions "traffic certificate", "my health", « indoor safety» , « safety and nature» , "communication with strangers". For example, situations such as, "School of Traffic Light Sciences", "The cyclist and the street", "Crossroads", "Trip out of town", “How pedestrians and drivers divided the street”, "In the yard" allow form children have literacy skills behavior on the road, develop ideas about the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of dangerous situations.

Explaining the rules of the road, we tell children what the sidewalk, roadway, intersection are for, what types of transport can be seen on the city streets, how to cross the road, introduce them to the pedestrian route (crossing "zebra", traffic light). Game situations behavior in nature: "In the Park", "Poisonous Plants", "A dog is man's friend", "Picking mushrooms and berries", "Edible - inedible" help introduce children to the beautiful and unique world of nature, children learn responsible and caring attitude towards nature (do not destroy anthills, feed birds in winter, do not touch bird nests). Children get acquainted with representatives of regional flora and fauna, while we explain that they should not forget about the dangers associated with certain plants or that arise from contact with animals.

Training elements (carried out together with a psychologist) such as, "A Stranger Rings at the Door", "Stranger in the Group", "A Stranger Calls on the Phone", "Lost in the City", "Protect yourself" teach children to act in such a situation.

We reviewed and discussed possible situations of violent behavior on the part of an unfamiliar adult, for example, he grabs you by the hand, drags you into a car, pushes you into an entrance or some building. It is necessary to explain to children how to behave in such situations: shout loudly for help and attract attention those around: “Help, help, stranger!”.

It is possible to use fairy tales with animals: "The Three Little Pigs", "Cat, Rooster and Fox". We explain to children that dangers can await them not only on the street, but also at home. They can be used at different stages of problem solving in accordance with certain pedagogical tasks.

Together with the children we play various situations: child at home alone; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; the child is at home with adults. During special play situations, we tell children that household items can also be sources of danger. Please note preschoolers for that that open windows and balconies pose a particular danger indoors.

The selected games allow us to teach children the correct behavior in extreme situations in everyday life, for example, during a fire, smoke, and familiarize children with the algorithm of actions. These are training games like "Fire alarm", “Bad for the teacher (grandmother, grandfather, etc.)- what to do?", "We are rescuers", “How to call firefighters, ambulance, police?”

Learning to use the telephone to call firefighters, ambulances, and the police requires work to prevent false calls. Please note that playing with a phone is significantly different from the real thing. situations: in the present telephone conversation the child does not see the communication partner, and the timbre of the voice in the telephone receiver is unusually original. Therefore, the ability to use a real telephone can arise and be consolidated in the process of special training, which can be entrusted to parents, explaining to them what problems the child may have.

It is necessary to explain to children that health is one of the main values ​​of life, the key to success and attractiveness in life. Necessary form children have personal hygiene skills.

By talking about the structure and functioning of the body, we draw children’s attention to its complexity and fragility, and also explain the need to take care of their body and care for it. We especially pay attention to emotional well-being preschoolers. The following situations contribute to this "How the human body works", "Beauty and Health", "Clothing and health", "Attitude towards the patient", "Actions for coughing and sneezing", “Are you all right?”. Modeling and playing out situations makes the meaning of prohibitions and methods of action clear safe behavior.

The main thing is not the child’s assimilation of meanings that are quite complex for his age, but a general understanding of the value of life and health and the relationship between lifestyle and human health. It is impossible to equip a child with ready-made recipes for all occasions. A child’s experience of a simulated situation during our trainings allows him to learn how to independently find a quick and effective solution and a way out of a difficult situation.

Basic directions in the work of teachers implementing interaction with older children preschool age on developing the foundations of safe behavior- expanding students’ understanding of what safety depends on them themselves, on compliance with certain rules (hygienic, traffic, life in a team, on the ability to anticipate and avoid possible danger. The teacher, with the help of everyday educational and play situations, continues to initiate the children’s manifestation of skills and abilities safe behavior, reveals the connection between thoughtless, careless actions and their negative consequences. When introducing children to works of art, the teacher draws attention to the need to be able to take the position of another person; choose a socially acceptable line in a given situation behavior; encourage manifestations of mutual assistance and mutual assistance among peers. One of important rules which children at this age learn - how to behave in extreme situations (in case of a fire; during a thunderstorm or hail; in case of threat of kidnapping by a stranger; in situations "home alone"). It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. After all, even an open conflict between a child and an adult or peer can in some cases be assessed positively - as a desire to defend oneself, to defend the right to one’s opinion and action. Any generally accepted norm must be understood and accepted by a person - only then will it become an effective regulator of his behavior. A straightforward, declarative requirement to comply with the rules accepted in society behavior most often turns out to be ineffective.

It is necessary to highlight such rules behavior which children must strictly follow, since their health and safety. These rules should be explained in detail to children and then monitored for their implementation. However safety and a healthy lifestyle is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street and at home, so the main task is to encourage their development of independence and responsibility. In this regard, traditional forms of education adopted in preschool educational institutions, can be used only partially and more attention should be paid to the organization of various types of activities and the children’s acquisition of experience. After all, everything that children are taught, they must be able to apply in real life, in practice.

Program « Basics of safety for preschool children» developed on basis project state standards preschool education . Based on the best Russian traditions of education and training preschoolers, considered it necessary to include new content in it, which reflects general changes in our social life (for example, section "The Child and Other People"). In accordance with modern psychological and pedagogical guidelines, it provides examples of possible activities and methodological techniques that promote more effective learning by children of the relevant material.

Defining basic content and direction of children's development, the use of various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the uniqueness of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and crime situation; at the same time main the guideline should be taking into account the life experiences of children, their characteristics behavior, preferences. To understand what exactly children know, think, feel, you can use conversations and discussions, which will avoid transferring knowledge that is already known to them or that they cannot yet use because of its incomprehensibility or distance from real life. At the same time, relying on the knowledge and ideas that children already have, adults will be able to identify areas in which special training is needed and choose an adequate methodology (activity, game, reading, conversation, cartoon).

To select specific content for the area of ​​educational field we are considering " Safety"You can use the following classification of situations that are potentially dangerous for a person, requiring him to follow certain rules behavior:

Group 1. Situations related to traffic, the operation of machines and mechanisms on city streets, on playgrounds, in agriculture, using home appliances, etc. Rules behavior that a person needs to perform in these situations.

Group 2. Situations related to rules behavior person when encountering extreme natural phenomena: earthquake, thunderstorm, storm wind, flood, dry wind, extremely hot weather, scorching sun, extremely low air temperature, threat of snow avalanches, falling icicles, etc. (depending on the climatic conditions of the area).

Group 3. Situations related to rules behavior humans in the natural environment (in the forest, in the mountains, on reservoirs, etc., including with plants (which may include poisonous flowers, berries, mushrooms, etc.), as well as in contact with wild and domestic animals (both routine and unexpected contacts should be considered).

Group 4. Situations related to rules behavior people in the premises (risk of fire, flooding, falling furniture, heavy objects, etc.).

Group 5. a) Situations associated with the danger of getting lost (in a store, on the street, at a festival, in the forest, etc.).

b) Situations related to rules behavior children when meeting strangers.

Group 6. Infectious-dangerous situations associated with compliance with hygiene rules, as well as rules for handling medications and unfamiliar substances (including food, etc.).

Working with parents.

The peculiarity of the organization of this work is the very great importance positive example in adult behavior. Therefore, parents should not only take this into account themselves, but also pay significant attention to working with parents, with whom it is necessary to achieve complete mutual understanding. Parents must realize that they cannot demand that their child follow any rule. behavior, if adults themselves do not always follow it. Different requirements for children in preschool and home, can cause them confusion, resentment or even aggression.

However, what is allowed at home does not necessarily have to be allowed in kindergarten, and vice versa. To outline this boundary, invite parents to highlight absolute prohibitions. You can review and discuss the results obtained and make a joint decision on the final list of vital rules and prohibitions. Selecting several positive regulation techniques as an example children's behavior, you can reveal them using specific examples.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the following possible areas of work for teachers with parents:

Organization of meetings (general and group) for the purpose inform- encouraging parents to work together and stimulating their active participation in it;

Familiarization of parents with the work of the kindergarten according to the proposed program (meetings, open classes, special exhibitions, thematic videos);

Organization of various events with the participation of parents (including using their professional experience medical worker, policeman, fireman);

Familiarizing parents with the results of their children’s learning (open classes, various general events, information in"parents' corners").

Thanks to the creation of such conditions, children preschool age gradually master position: it is necessary to behave in such a way as not to cause damage to yourself and other people, as well as surrounding objects - both human-made and natural objects. Children learn to recognize dangerous situations of various types and anticipate them. They have an active desire to find means and methods acceptable to everyone, which give him the opportunity to avoid dangerous situations or get out of them with the least losses.

Consultation for educators

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior of a preschool child

Teacher of MBDOU No. 24 of Ust-Labinsk

Biryukova Tatyana Vladimirovna


2. Principles of organizing psychological and pedagogical work





7. Interaction with parents

The relevance of the problem of the formation of life safety in preschool age

It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person’s life; it is during this time that health is formed and personality is formed. Childhood experiences largely determine a person's adult life. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby are the most important people in his life - parents and educators. Thanks to their love and care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he develops trust in the world and the people around him. You and I wish our children happiness. And all our attempts to protect them from troubles and adversity are dictated by this.

We want their life to be smart and festive, filled with rich content, sunny and lucky. But the main thing is to teach them to be happy. Today, the reality is that in the modern world no one is immune from social upheavals, natural disasters, environmental disasters, rising crime, or economic instability. Unfortunately our mentality« ignores» priceless human life, That's why« super task» is for children to understand: the human body is a complex, but extremely fragile creation of nature, and one must be able to take care of and protect oneself, one’s health, one’s life.

A lot can be said about the relevance of this topic and everything will be important. How to protect children's health? How can I help you understand the variety of life situations? How to teach to help each other? Having analyzed the concepts« extreme», « safety», we will understand: what is not a problem situation for an adult can become one for a child. We feel special concern for small defenseless citizens - preschool children. From the first years of life, a child’s curiosity, his activity in matters of knowledge of the environment, encouraged by adults, sometimes becomes unsafe for him. The formation of safe behavior is inevitably associated with a number of prohibitions. At the same time, adults who love and care for their children sometimes do not notice how often they repeat the words:« don't touch», « move away», « it is forbidden». Or, on the contrary, they try to explain something through long instructions that are not always understandable to children. All this gives the opposite result.

Those who have worked for a long time in kindergarten, they note that children have become dependent, lack initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know who to turn to for help, do not know how to make the right decision in extreme situations, and do not know safety rules. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of many teachers that it is impossible to raise children« alienated» from life at this stage.The main goal of instilling safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

So, the relevance of the topic is« Safety of preschoolers» is caused by the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, their acquisition of experience of safe behavior in everyday life, and the importance of targeted activities in this area.

At this stage, in accordance with FGT(one of the areas of development is « Social and personal development », and this direction includes such educational field How « Safety »).

3.3.3. Contents of the educational area "Security" is aimed at achieving the goals of forming the foundations for the safety of one’s own life and creating the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) through solving the following tasks:

- formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them;

- familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them;

- transferring knowledge to children about road safety rules as a pedestrian and passenger vehicle;

- developing a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous to humans and the natural world.

Life safety is considered as the prevention of potential danger. In concept« life safety in preschool educational institutions» researchers include protecting the life and health of children, ensuring safe conditions labor of preschool educational institutions employees, protection from environmental disasters and terrorism.

Ensuring the life safety of children in preschool educational institutions consists of developing in them basic concepts about dangers, developing the ability to predict their consequences, correctly assess their capabilities and make informed decisions about safe behavior in various situations.

The concept of safety in preschool educational institutions previously included the following aspects: protecting the life and health of children, ensuring safe working conditions for preschool educational institutions employees. But the modern world has changed its approach to the problem of security; it also includes such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism.

In some countries, such as England, Japan and Finland, school education for child safety has gradually faded into the background. It became clear that the child must be taught, first of all, in the family and kindergarten. In Finland, for example, parents whose children go to kindergarten are gathered, they are shown slides of the correct and incorrect behavior of children on the road, and they are asked to practice one or another habit necessary for the road with their children while driving on the street for the next month. For example, one of the most important is to be sure to pause before stepping from the sidewalk onto the roadway or to always switch from running to walking and cross the road only with measured steps, etc.

During the period of preschool childhood, there is an intensive development of the world as an interconnected and interdependent value world of nature, society and man; there is a process of learning the values ​​and meanings of life, forming the foundations of safe behavior.

Socialization is entry into the world of people, into a system of social connections. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor S.A. Kozlova in« Concepts of child socialization» speaks:« The process of socialization coincides with moral education. It includes the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of relationships, transformations in the practice of adequate behavior».

Social development is a multidimensional phenomenon, which also includes the process of familiarization with the basics of life safety. In this regard, relevant tasks are related not only to the communication of knowledge about life safety and the development of skills to adapt in various situations, but also to the formation of a conscious attitude towards the acceptance of existing and established values ​​in society. Social development presupposes the child’s knowledge of peers and adults and the development of communication skills. It is characterized by the level of children’s mastery of various norms and rules of behavior. As children of older preschool age master such rules and norms, they begin to regulate their behavior. The assimilation of norms and rules, the desire to follow models allow him to easily« grow in» into the culture in which he lives. The child’s internal emotional attitude to the surrounding reality is formed from his practical interactions with this reality, and new emotions arise and develop in the process of his sensory-objective activity.

It is possible to solve the assigned tasks and achieve this result by implementing a competency-based approach. ( « competence » - as characteristics of an individual who has a set of certain competencies. Depending on the type of activity or sphere of activity of an individual, the set of competencies is different, and their quality and quantity at different age stages of development of people of different social groups differs.)

Principles of organizing educational work

Before starting work, the following principles of work organization must be observed.

The principle of completeness. The content of the work must be implemented in all sections. If any section is left out of consideration, then children are not protected from certain sources of danger presented in it.

Systematic principle. The work should be carried out systematically, throughout the year, with flexible distribution of the content of the long-term plan throughout the day. It must be borne in mind that the thematic weekly plan cannot anticipate all spontaneously arising situations and issues that arise.

The principle of taking into account the conditions of urban and rural areas. It is known that urban and rural preschoolers have different experiences of interacting with the environment. Those. Each child has his own experience of understanding the sources of danger, which is determined by living conditions and family upbringing.

The principle of age targeting. When working with children of different ages, the content of training is built sequentially from simple to complex.

The principle of integration. Work on instilling safe behavior in a preschool child must be carried out in all types of children's activities, often gradually, naturally and organically integrated into the holistic pedagogical process.

The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in conditions preschool and in the family. The teacher and parent in matters of child safety must adhere to a single concept, act together, complementing each other.

Creating conditions to familiarize children with the basics of safety

Educational environment: It is necessary to create an atmosphere of warmth and emotional well-being, in which the child will feel confident and resistant to stress.

Subject environment: First of all, this is a safe environment in which there is space to familiarize the child with the basics of safety (albums, didactic games, books, layouts, various types theater, attributes for role-playing games, etc.). The playing space must be enriched with elements that stimulate the cognitive activity of a preschooler. Integration with other educational areas is necessary, which contributes to the formation of children's intellectual potential, forms such vital qualities as resourcefulness, independence, speed, dexterity, the habit of labor, mental, physical effort, confidence in their actions, and the development of empathy.

Tools for teaching children safety basics

The most important means of introducing a child to the basics of safety is social reality itself. It affects the child, and the task of the adult next to the child is to help accumulate social experience, show the social world “from the inside,” help him find his place in it, and be an active participant.

Another, no less important means is the objects surrounding the child, created by human hands. They are diverse in properties, qualities and functions. And the teacher’s task is to attract the child’s attention to them, create conditions for safe interaction with the subject, and only then, for each individual child, the subject will become a means of understanding the world. It is important to get each child to understand the principles of operation of a particular device and its safety for others, hence the problem-search activity: for what and why? Over time, the child independently identifies danger in the environment.

Another means of introducing the basics of safety is fiction. It is both a source of knowledge and a description of someone's experience of interacting with the environment. For this purpose, works of various genres are used: fairy tales, short stories, poems, proverbs, riddles.(E. Khorinsky « Small match », B. Zhitkov « Fire at sea », L. Tolstoy « Fire », « Fire dogs »; S. Marshak « A story about an unknown hero », « Fire »; S. Marshak « Cat's house », « Kolobok », « The Adventures of Pinocchio », K. Chukovsky « Telephone », « Aibolit », N. Nosov « Telephone") Book illustrations are also a means of introducing children to the basics of safety.

An activity-based approach to introducing children to the basics of safety

Activity is both a condition and a means that provides the child with the opportunity to actively explore the world around him and become a part of this world himself. In the joint activity of an adult and a child, social experience is transferred: the child can see and understand what danger can be exposed by not following the rules of safe behavior, and at the same time learns to avoid dangerous situations. In activities, the child learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude and reflect this in actions and deeds in various dangerous situations. Activities give the child the opportunity to be independent in understanding the world.

Let's consider the types of activities through which a child learns the basics of safe interaction with others.

So the game. By definition. A.N. Leontief's game gives the child« ways of modeling the life around him that are accessible to him, which make it possible to master a reality seemingly inaccessible to him».

A child’s play is a good diagnostic material: the child’s games reflect the most significant events, from them one can trace what worries society, what dangers lie in wait for the child at home. Children’s actions in certain situations, their behavior, and attitudes towards each other depend on the content of the game. By reflecting the events of the surrounding world in the game, the child seems to become a participant in them, gets acquainted with the world, acting actively. In the game, children mainly reflect what particularly struck them, so it is not surprising that the theme of children's games can be a bright, but negative phenomenon or fact.

When working to form the foundations of safe behavior, the teacher needs to use all types of games: verbal-visual, board-printed, didactic, role-playing, theatrical games.

Through productive activities such as drawing. modeling, appliqué, design, children reflect the reality around them. Reflection is built on the work of the imagination, on displaying one’s observations, as well as impressions received through words, pictures and other forms of art. A preschooler combines drawing with play. There is even such a term as “drawing game” (R.I. Zhukovskaya), i.e. This is the state of a child when, while drawing, he sees himself as a participant in what he depicts. Girls drawing a situation from a fairy tale« Cat's house», They see themselves in the cat. When boys draw firefighters, they pretend to be firefighters. From how the child perceived social phenomena What kind of attitude he has will depend on the nature of the image of these phenomena, the choice of color, the arrangement of objects on the sheet, and their relationship. So« reflection activity» allows the child, with the help of fantasy, to get used to the world of adults and explore it, but it does not give him the opportunity to really, practically participate in social life. Meanwhile, it is precisely participation in the lives of adults, the acquisition of one’s own experience of relationships with children that is not in the process and regarding, for example, playing with its saving grace.« as if», and when solving vital and significant issues, they give the child the opportunity to feel like an equal member of the human community.

Cognition of the environment in children occurs through objective activity, which includes the ability to cognize the immediate environment with the help of the entire group of sensory senses. By manipulating with objects, the child learns about their properties, qualities, and then their purpose and functions, and masters operational actions. There should be objects in the child’s environment with the help of which he becomes familiar with the rules for safe handling of them.

The child’s social experience enriches learning labor activity. The child, observing the actions of adults, begins to imitate them, making attempts to sweep the floor, water the flowers, and wash the clothes. As the child acquires labor skills, he gains a sense of confidence, coupled with knowledge of safe interaction with objects, and this reduces the risk of not surviving in the absence of adults. During labor they develop strong-willed qualities, the ability to make efforts to achieve a goal is formed. And the sooner he begins to experience pleasure from his work efforts, the more optimistic he will look at the world, as he will gain confidence in his ability to overcome difficulties.

Through the child's observation of the world around him, the child's social experience is enriched. Whatever the child does, he always observes and remembers everything (the behavior of adults in dangerous situations, relationships with other people). The process of observation in a child is always active, even if outwardly this activity is expressed weakly. It is observation that contributes to understanding the world and forms a picture of the world. But unfortunately, this picture can also include negative experiences, and the task of adults is to try to set the right priorities if such an experience was obtained. Observation of the environment can be either passive or active. And if a child is a child, observes the activities, actions, relationships of people, participating in them (puts out set fire leaves, closes all water taps before going somewhere, extinguishing a lit candle), then he is included in the general emotional atmosphere, observing how adults express their mood, how they are happy and sad; adopt socially accepted forms of expressing feelings. Observation stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives rise to and reinforces the rules for handling dangerous objects.

The transfer of experience from an adult to a child occurs through learning. In process directly educational activities a child has the opportunity to acquire knowledge under the guidance of an adult who organizes the communication of knowledge and controls its assimilation by children, makes the necessary correction through conversations and reading fiction; experimentation and experiments; visual and constructive activities.

In this way, the child becomes familiar with the basics of safety through a variety of means. They become the sources of knowledge of the world. Each means is important in itself, and in connection with other means, organized into a single pedagogical process.

Methods for introducing children to safety basics

Comparison method. The comparison method helps children complete grouping and classification tasks.

Method of modeling situations. Modeling situations gives the child practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child to be able to get out of extreme situations in life. Repetition method. In direct educational activities, it acts as a leading method or methodological technique. Repetition leads to the emergence of generalizations, promotes independent formulation of conclusions, and increases cognitive activity.

Experimentation and experiences. Experimental activity gives the child the opportunity to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas. The value of this method is that it gives the child the opportunity to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas.

Gaming techniques. They increase the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings.

Writing creative stories Promotes the development of creative imagination, the use of experience, and the consolidation of knowledge.

Interaction with parents

In resolving the issue of child safety, an important role is played by the parents of the child, who should be an example and standard for the child. The principle of unity of requirements must be observed in the family and kindergarten. And here it is very important for the teacher to remember that before starting work with children on teaching them safe behavior, it is necessary to determine the readiness to cooperate with the kindergarten, as well as the level of awareness of parents in this matter. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a survey and, based on the results obtained, work with parents.

It is important to get parents to understand that they cannot demand that their child follow any rule of behavior if they themselves do not always follow it. Their special parental responsibility is to ensure that there are as few dangerous situations as possible at home.

This issue can be resolved at a parent meeting dedicated to the problem of safety, jointly develop a work plan, then stimulate the active participation of these parents in the work on safety prevention through conversations, consultations, projects, participation in leisure activities on the topic, participation in drawing exhibitions, photo exhibitions. Inform parents in a timely manner about certain events in the group, preschool educational institution, and city events.

So, we can say that the issue of forming the foundations of life safety is relevant. This is primarily due to society’s need for a socially adapted personality. The uncertainty of the modern environment requires not only high human activity, but also his skills and ability to behave adequately. Preschool age is a period of absorption and accumulation of knowledge. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, to form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as role models for the child.


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4. Garnysheva T.P. "How to teach children traffic rules? Lesson planning, notes, crosswords, didactic games", St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press, 2010.

5. Methodological recommendations for teaching children traffic rules and safe behavior on the street, Vladimir, 2006

6. Teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads (regional standard), Kazan, 1995

7. Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children. work planning. Conversations. Games", St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press. 2010

8. Shipunova V.A. "Children's safety", 2013

  • 6. State policy to improve the quality of life of Russian citizens.
  • 7. Activities of the world community to prevent and resolve armed conflicts.
  • 8. Differentiation of the concepts of behavior and behavioral response in assessing responsibility (regulatory aspect).
  • 9. Legislation of the Russian Federation on religious associations, freedom of conscience and protection of human rights from religious extremism.
  • 10. Individual and population norm as an indicator of social adaptation of the individual.
  • 12. Comprehensive characteristics of religious extremism; concept features and methods of activity
  • 14. Motivational and mental regulation of human behavior in emergency situations.
  • Psychological readiness
  • What to do, how to act to avoid such a depressed state of people?
  • 15. Moral education of a person as a condition for reducing the risk of socially dangerous phenomena.
  • 16. Objective and subjective nature of emergencies of a social nature.
  • 17. Dangerous and emergency situation of a social nature. Patterns of manifestation.
  • 18. The concept of “population protection”. Object of protection of the population. Types of protection of the population.
  • 19. The concepts of misdemeanor and crime. Types and categories of crimes.
  • Crime severity categories
  • 20. The concept of risk. Types of risks. Risk management.
  • 22. The concept and problem of addiction (gaming, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, psychotropic) as a social danger.
  • 23. Forecasting emergencies of a social nature. Characteristics of consequences.
  • 24. Prevention of panic conditions and suicidal behavior.
  • 25. Psychological techniques for managing the functional state.
  • 26. Psychophysiological adaptation of a person to extreme conditions.
  • 27. Psychophysiological assessment of emergencies of a social nature.
  • 28. Psychophysiological assessment of human behavior before, during and after a social emergency.
  • 29. Diversity of national cultures, formation of tolerance and self-esteem.
  • 30. Development of standard hypothetical scenarios for the occurrence and development of emergency situations.
  • 31. Reducing the risk of occurrence, the number of losses and the amount of damage. Elimination of consequences.
  • 32. Modern family: problems and their solutions.
  • 33. Characteristics of socially dangerous diseases. Main trends and patterns of their occurrence and spread.
  • 34. Socially dangerous phenomena depending on the age and gender characteristics of the individual and professional affiliation.
  • 35. Socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.
  • 36. Ways to counter terrorist activities. Responsibility for organizing, attempting to commit and committing acts of terrorism.
  • 37. Means and methods of protection and self-defense in emergencies of a social nature.
  • 38. Unemployed status. Main directions of social and psychological assistance to the unemployed.
  • 39. Stress, frustration, conflict, crisis as a social danger.
  • 40. Transport accidents as a type of social incident.
  • 41. Formation of a safe type of personality.
  • 42. Functions of the state to protect the population from social emergencies.
  • 43. Characteristics and dynamics of emergencies of a social nature in Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region over the past five years.
  • 44. Characteristics and dynamics of social emergencies in the Russian Federation over the past five years.
  • 45.Characteristics of extreme mental states: stupor, panic, psychosis, fear, depression, suicidal behavior.
  • 46. ​​Characteristics of self-defense weapons.
  • 47. Characteristics of the elements of the “person-social environment” system and their management.
  • 48. Social emergencies as an object of research.
  • 49. Legal and legal aspects of protection and self-defense from socially dangerous phenomena.
  • 50. Criminal legal assessment of dangerous situations of a social nature. Types of punishments.
  • 41. Personality formation safe type.

    The idea of ​​a person with a safe type of behavior and its formation is one of the key ones in the methodology of teaching the basics of life safety. In the literature and scientific and methodological research, various aspects of the formation of a personality of a safe type of behavior are revealed, such as: stages of formation and components of personality (L.A. Mikhailov, M.V. Gordienko, etc.), methodological support for the formation process, social aspects (V P. Solomin, P. V. Stankevich, L. V. Bayborodova, E. M. However, research practically does not touch upon such aspects as the problem of motivating students to practice and master safe behavior skills, the influence of the techniques, methods and technologies of teaching used on this process, and their compliance with the age characteristics of students.

    Motivation in psychology is considered from two positions: on the one hand, as a system of factors that determine the behavior of the subject (motives, intentions, interests, needs, goals), on the other hand, as an active state of the psyche that encourages the subject to action. We will adhere to the first position, since it is consistent with ideas about social security, which in a narrow sense is interpreted as the protection of the individual, family, society and state and can be understood as the state of security of the individual, society and the state from a whole complex of different threats social, economic, political, environmental, technogenic and other nature. It is the protection of the individual, family, society and state that are the behavioral motives for a secure type individual.

    Following L.A. Mikhailov, M.V. Gordienko and other researchers, by a person of a safe type of behavior we understand a person who is safe for himself, others, his environment, ready to prevent and overcome dangerous situations, and, if necessary, to protect himself, society and nature from external threats. Among the main features of such a personality are:

    1) Social-collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

    2) Respect for the environment;

    3) Literacy in all areas of life safety;

    4) Having the skills to protect against threats from nature, people emanating from external sources and oneself.

    The content of the behavior of an individual of a safe type is determined by the presence of three main components, the unity and reality of which significantly influence the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between the individual and the human environment. Such components are anticipation of danger, avoidance of danger, overcoming danger. These components are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the subject results of mastering the basic course and in the corresponding programs.

    The formation of these components in the process of learning life safety at school occurs in parallel, however, components such as anticipation of danger and avoidance of danger are mainly formed at the final stages of training. This is due to the fact that until the age of 10-11 years, the student is not able to systematically go beyond the available information in order to describe what else can happen. As noted by M.V. Gordienko, in terms of developing safe behavior skills, most children experience difficulties in correctly assessing the state, feelings, and intentions of people by their nonverbal manifestations (facial expressions, postures, gestures), which means that in communication they are more focused on the verbal content of messages. The activities of students of this age largely have characteristic features games: taking into account this psychological feature allows us to significantly increase the motivation of students to study life safety, which is confirmed by our pedagogical observations and analysis of learning results carried out at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 287 in St. Petersburg during the 2013/14 academic year.

    For example, 5th grade students, when studying traffic rules (this topic is included in the regional component of the subject and is studied to a greater extent than provided for in the curriculum), when given a choice of forms of activity, give preference to group forms of creative activity. One of these forms is the reflection of various situations of compliance and violation of traffic rules on posters. Factors motivating students to draw posters include interest in cars and technology, the ability to use knowledge gained not only from studying life safety, but also from films, cartoons, fiction, as well as the possibility of informal communication in the process of working on posters, the presence of game elements when their discussion. We noted the activity of students, high results in mastering educational material, as well as the fact that the acquired knowledge is used by students outside of school hours in everyday life, which corresponds to the personality traits of a safe type of behavior.

    Students in grades 6-9, compared to younger schoolchildren, have sufficient subjective experience, which makes it possible to use teaching methods and techniques that actualize it, for example, discussions, solving educational problems of an integrative nature. This is facilitated by the educational material of other subjects studied in parallel, where students become familiar with theoretical concepts that make it possible to explain the occurrence of emergency situations, physiological processes in the human body, patterns of social development and other issues directly related to safety. Among the educational subjects, we note such physics (structure of the atom and atomic nucleus, laws of mechanics, ideas about electric current and sound), chemistry (elementary ideas about the combustion process, the chemical properties of oxygen, chlorine, ammonia, acids, alkalis), biology (ideas about the relationship of processes in living organisms, metabolism and energy metabolism), history (emergency situations in the history of mankind ), computer science (ideas about information systems, sources of information).

    That is why at this stage (grades 6-9) effective forms and methods of forming a safe type of personality, along with the presentation of the material by the teacher, watching and discussing films and presentations, working with posters, teacher stories about actions in various emergency situations of natural, man-made and social nature, independent work with textbooks and information resources, are training and various extracurricular and extracurricular activities. During training and activities, students acquire skills, test and apply in practice the knowledge acquired in life safety lessons, demonstrate specific examples of safe behavior and can assess the consequences of examples of incorrect behavior in various situations. It is these forms and methods that make it possible to take into account the psychological characteristics of students of this age, and also give students the opportunity to implement such components of the personality of safe behavior as anticipating danger and avoiding danger. It is also important that it is training and various activities that can significantly increase the motivation of students to study the theoretical material of the fundamentals of life safety.

    Observation shows that training (organized evacuation, putting on chemical protective equipment, working with a map) is less interesting for students - in their process the same actions are repeated many times. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for students to maintain attention for a long time on any one action or technique, which leads to a noticeable decrease in motivation to learn. Activities and various games in this regard compare favorably with training, especially if they include activities of different content (both group and individual, taking into account the need for autonomy characteristic of this age, noted above).

    An example of a well-proven event is the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”. The game is played in many areas of the city and is very popular among schoolchildren. Held once a year. Schoolchildren go out of town in an organized manner, where they have the opportunity to show their knowledge and skills that they acquired while studying life safety in various competitions and competitions.

    Practice shows that even students who did not have the appropriate skills, having gone through all stages of the game (first aid, fire lane, civil defense, shooting, competition for knowledge and observance of traffic rules, etc.), master models of behavior and action in various situations of a natural and man-made nature.

    Taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students of a particular age and personality traits of a safe type of behavior opens up opportunities for increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to study the basics of life safety.


    Formation of safe behavior in older preschoolers through outdoor games

    “It seems to adults that children do not care about their health: if you didn’t look after them, they would all fall out of windows, drown, get hit by cars, hurt their eyes, break their legs and get pneumonia, and they themselves I know what other diseases. No. Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, but children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them, and they will be careful.”

    Janusz Korczak

    Life and health are the most important things a person has, so in order to preserve them, it is necessary to follow the rules of safe behavior. The task of us teachers and parents is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Work experience shows that only those who obtain the necessary knowledge about existing dangers, learn to recognize them in a timely manner, avoid them, contain them and reduce them can help themselves in a difficult situation. They said correctly in the old days: beware of troubles while they are not there.

    The period of preschool childhood in children is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to the occurrence of traumatic situations. Preschool children have insufficiently developed readiness for self-preservation; the ability to analyze the situation and predict the consequences of their actions is poorly developed. In this regard, there is a need to create conditions for children to develop skills and abilities to avoid danger, without suppressing their natural curiosity, openness and trust in the world. Our task is not to scare them, but to prepare them for a full life.

    The successful fulfillment of this important life function is facilitated by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: increased sensitivity, impressionability, and a playful attitude towards much of what they encounter.

    Play in preschool age is the leading activity of children. It is the game that gives the child accessible ways to model the life around him. In play, preschoolers enrich their life and sensory experiences and enter into certain relationships with peers and adults. Having learned to act in simulated game situations that closely reproduce the real situation, preschoolers feel much more confident in real conditions.

    Implementing the educational field " Physical development“In promoting safe behavior in children, I use games in the following areas: “Traffic literacy”, “My health”, “Fire safety”, and I have also developed safety rules during games.

    A characteristic feature of outdoor games is movement. Safety games for preschoolers are mostly held in the form of relay races, both during physical education classes and during sports and educational holidays.

    Children’s communication in games, “pronouncing” rules of behavior, imitation of actions with potentially dangerous objects make it possible to form children’s safety experience, cultivate courage, a desire to come to the rescue, and also improve the skills of basic types of movements. For example, during outdoor games - relay races during sports festivals By fire safety , I try to consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety rules, namely, to convey to children’s consciousness the need careful handling with fire; remember the initial actions when a fire is detected (report by phone, attract the attention of adults), develop an understanding that compliance with fire safety rules is mandatory always and everywhere, cultivate a sense of respect for the profession of a firefighter.

    So for example in the game: Fire in the hearth.

    Goal: to develop reaction speed, dexterity, spatial orientation, attention, endurance; to form a sense of courage, discipline, will and desire to win, a culture of behavior in everyday life.

    One of the players portrays Fire (wearing a half mask). He leaves his home - the hearth - and walks around the other players.

    FIRE. I am Fire, don’t touch me!

    PLAYERS (in response)

    Why did you leave the hearth,

    Has he turned into our enemy?

    FIRE: I, Fire, are your friend and enemy,

    There's no way to deal with me.

    After these words, he hisses and waves his arms, catching children who enter the boundaries of the circle where Fire lives. If the Fire catches with its “flame” (those who disturbed the peace of its hearth), it turns it into a coal and puts it in its hearth. The one who remains not caught by the last player becomes a brave Daredevil who defeated the Fire.

    During games according to traffic rules I instill in children the skills and habits of correct behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge of road signs and their purpose; I improve my actions to respond to unexpected situations.


    At one end of the hall (site) a starting line is drawn. Playing children line up around her. At the other end of the hall (platform) the driver (teacher) stands. The driver raises a green flag and says:


    The players walk towards the driver, but at the same time make sure that the green flag is still raised. If the driver raises a red flag and says “Stop!”, the players stop and freeze in place. If the yellow flag goes up, you can move but remain in place. When the green flag goes up again, the players move forward. Anyone who does not stop in time or starts moving forward at the yellow signal of the flag returns to the starting line. The winner is the one who completes the entire journey first without mistakes. Red, yellow, green. The game is aimed at attention and reaction development. Children sit on a bench (chairs) or stand. If an adult raises a green flag, children stomp their feet. If the yellow flag is raised, they clap their hands. If it’s red, they sit without moving or making a sound. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game

    Target: Creating conditions for students to develop team playing skills and develop communication skills.


    1. create conditions for children to develop dexterity, speed, and spatial orientation;
    2. expand children's knowledge about traffic rules.

    Game description:

    There are multi-colored balls in the basket. Children take balls of the desired color (red, green, yellow). At the signal, they scatter around the hall while the music plays, the children run in different directions. The music stops, the teacher says the words: One, two, three - come back the lights. Children “line up” traffic lights: green signal - squatting, ball in front of chest; yellow – standing behind green, ball at chest level; red - standing behind yellow, hands with the ball raised up. The team that most quickly and correctly assembles the “Traffic Light” wins.


    When repeating the game, the children must exchange balls and “build a traffic light” with other children.

    The general goal when playing games from this section is "My health" is the following: to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, to instill the skills of consciously following the rules of health conservation and a responsible attitude towards both their own health and the health of others.

    To achieve this goal I spend next games and relay races:

    "Microbes- Prince Apchhi throws “germs” (balls) at the children. Whoever gets hit should start sneezing and drop out of the game,”

    “Immunity”, “Find the named part of the body by touch”, etc.

    Just as mentioned above, we have developed safety rules during the games.

    Safety requirements during games.

    So, during

    GAMES WITH Catch

    The runner must:

    Look in the direction you are moving

    Avoid sudden stops

    To avoid collisions with other players, slow down your running speed and stop

    You can’t push people in front of you in the back


    The child must:

    Let those running faster pass ahead

    Do not suddenly change the direction of your movement

    Do not run outside the playing area

    Don't stop with your hands or feet against the wall


    The child must:

    Do not throw the ball at the players' heads

    Measure the force of throwing the ball at players depending on the distance to them

    Monitor the movement of players and the ball on the court

    Do not interfere with the player who was closer to him to take possession of the ball

    Do not snatch the ball from the player who first took possession of it

    Do not fall or lie on the floor in order to dodge the ball.

    Catch the ball with both hands from below


    The child must:

    Do not start the relay race without a signal from an adult

    Run the relay in your own lane

    If the inventory ends up on another team's lane, carefully pick it up, return to your lane and continue completing the task

    Do not run out of formation prematurely until the previous player has completed the task and passed the baton by touching his hand

    After passing the baton, stand at the end of your team

    During the relay, do not break ranks, sit down or lie down on the floor.

    Childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, during which health is formed and personality develops. A child takes away from childhood something that is retained for the rest of his life. Therefore, through the joint efforts of teachers, specialists and families, it is possible to raise physically healthy, strong children.

    “There is nothing more expensive than health,
    All children and adults know about it.
    So let them take care of their health
    At home, on the street, in kindergarten!

    Safe behavior. What is this?

    safety behavior child

    From the first years of life, a child’s curiosity, his activity in matters of knowledge of the environment, encouraged by adults, sometimes becomes unsafe for him. The formation of safe behavior is inevitably associated with a number of prohibitions. At the same time, adults who love and care for their children sometimes do not notice how often they repeat the words: “don’t touch,” “move away,” “no.” Or, on the contrary, they try to explain something through long instructions that are not always understandable to children. All this gives the opposite result.

    The safety formula says: anticipate danger; avoid if possible; act if necessary. For children, this formula can be rhymed in verse:

    The safety formula is:

    We must see, foresee, take into account.

    But it’s possible to avoid everything,

    And where necessary, call for help.

    T.G. Khromtsova

    It should be noted that, both in policy documents and in studies on the problem of human life safety, the concept of “safe behavior” is widely used, although there is no uniform approach to its interpretation in the literature. Stands out 3 safety behavior component a person, the unity and reality of which significantly influence the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between the individual and the environment. Such components are: anticipation of danger, avoidance of danger, overcoming danger.

    Anticipation of danger presupposes a person’s knowledge of the diversity of its sources. I.A. Shchegolev notes that the threat can come from: one’s own self: oneself, the environment, other people; from the habitat: natural, man-made, social, in a military situation. Knowing about the danger of a particular object, a person mobilizes attention and caution as a means of protection.

    Avoiding danger assumes: an idea of ​​the possible nature of the development of a dangerous situation; knowledge of safety precautions and one’s ability to overcome danger; correct assessment of the situation.

    Overcoming danger involves: skillful behavior in dangerous situations; knowledge of methods of protection and skills in their use (shelter from danger, use of methods to combat its consequences); possession of self- and mutual-help skills.

    From these positions, indicators of the experience of safe behavior are identified, reflecting the level of its formation:

    · knowledge child about the rules of safe behavior (about sources of danger, precautions and ways to overcome the threat).

    · skill act in situations of contact with potentially dangerous objects the surrounding world;

    · attitude the child’s experience and understanding of the need to take precautions and their capabilities to overcome danger.

    Analysis of the literature allowed us to compile characteristics of a child with experience of safe behavior:

    This is a child who has formed ideas about safety

    life activity, who is motivated to protect his life and health, as well as the people around him, society as a whole. A child who knows his capabilities and believes in his own strength, follows the rules of safe behavior at home, and has experience in safe behavior at home;

    This is a child who knows: his first name, last name, home address; household appliances, tools used at home and in preschool educational institutions (iron, kettle, lamp, vacuum cleaner, meat grinder, grater (vegetable cutter), washing machine, hammer, nails, scissors, knife, needles); their purpose and rules for handling them. Such a child knows that order in the house and preschool is not only for beauty, but also for safety, so objects and toys must be put in their place. Knows possible traumatic situations that are dangerous to health and life (if you carelessly handle sharp, piercing and cutting objects, you can get hurt: cut or prick; you cannot play or use electrical appliances without permission; at home and in preschool educational institutions you can fall out of the blue, from a window, from balcony, from furniture, so care and safety should be taken). Knows how to handle scissors, a knife, nails and a hammer, a grater, a meat grinder, and a needle. Knows first aid techniques for cuts, abrasions and bruises;

    Knows how to use with care: independently - cutlery; with the permission of adults - with a needle, grater, hammer, nails; shared with adults - a meat grinder, iron and other tools and household appliances (at the discretion of the parents); ask adults to use fire hazards; in case of any trouble, tell and show the wound to adults; use the telephone (if parents are not at home) to call firefighters (01); If necessary, provide yourself with first aid for cuts, abrasions, burns, bruises, and also seek help; follow instructions from an adult in certain circumstances; distinguish between edible and inedible berries and mushrooms; exercise caution when interacting with unfamiliar animals; follow traffic rules; stay on the water, swim, behave correctly on the water; behave correctly in the sun; simply protect yourself from contact with a stranger on the street; how to behave when meeting an unfamiliar animal if it attacks;

    Provide basic help to yourself and others (wash your eyes, wound, treat it, turn to an adult for help).

    The authors of all available preschool education programs pay special attention to this area of ​​work, noting the need to develop experience in children’s safe behavior, which is interpreted as a set of knowledge about life safety rules, skills in handling potentially dangerous objects, and experiences that determine the motives of a child’s behavior. Various researchers (P. Leach, P. Statman) note the advantage of preschoolers in learning personal safety: they love rules and completely adhere to them. If the rules are forgotten or deviated by someone, then the baby instantly reacts to this. A child of this age’s desire for logic becomes an adult’s ally in teaching him safety rules.

    The main task of forming the foundations of safety is to stimulate the development of independence and responsibility in children, since safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, correct behavior in various situations.

    Ensuring the life safety of children in preschool educational institutions consists of developing in them basic concepts about dangers, developing the ability to predict their consequences, correctly assess their capabilities and make informed decisions about safe behavior in various situations.

    Security problems are rightfully considered global. That is why a new educational field has now been formed, which is called “ Life safety».

    Her goals:

    Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life;

    Formation of prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world)


    Formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them;

    Introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them;

    Transferring to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

    Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world around them

    Its main goal is to prepare the child for a safe life in environment(natural, man-made and social).

    The main sources of danger for a preschooler.

    Many safety rules arose in ancient times, when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. Over time, human living conditions have changed, and, naturally, life safety rules have also changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed communications network, large crowds of people, and the presence of household appliances and electronics.

    Let us conditionally highlight main sources of danger for children- preschooler related to his place of stay:

    Dangers he may encounter at home (or domestic);

    Dangers of contact with strangers (at home and on the street);

    The dangers that await him on the street and road;

    Dangers in nature.

    Signs that define danger, are:

    · Threat to life.

    · Possibility of causing damage to health.

    · Violation of the conditions for the normal functioning of human organs and systems.

    Dangers at home. Statistics show that most accidents occur at home. Our house, filled to capacity with various household appliances and chemicals, is often a time bomb. Injuries that a child receives as a result of accidents in an apartment include: bruises, abrasions, scratches, sprains, dislocations, burns, injuries foreign bodies(swallowing, inhalation, insertion into the nose, eyes, ears, etc.).

    Household items that are sources of potential danger to children are divided into three groups:

    Ш items that are strictly prohibited from being used (matches, gas stoves, stoves, electrical sockets, switched on electrical appliances);

    Ш objects that, depending on the age of the children, need to be taught to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife);

    Ш items that adults should store in places inaccessible to children (household chemicals, medicines, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, food acids, cutting and piercing instruments).

    The child must learn that items of the first group can only be used by adults. Here, as nowhere else, direct prohibitions are appropriate. Under no circumstances should a child independently light matches, turn on the stove, or touch switched on electrical appliances. If necessary, direct prohibitions can be supplemented with explanations, examples from literary works(for example, “Cat House” by S. Marshak), dramatization games.

    To teach children to use objects of the second group, it is necessary to organize special training sessions to develop appropriate skills (depending on the age of the children).

    Child safety issues related to subjects of the third group and the rules for their storage are the sphere of parental responsibility.

    Dangers on the street. One of the most serious problems of any city and region is road traffic injuries. To date, it has not been possible to reduce its level. As an analysis of accidents involving children conducted by the State Traffic Inspectorate shows, injuries occur due to the negligence of children, due to non-compliance or ignorance of traffic rules. The most common mistakes children make are:

    b unexpected exit onto the roadway in an unspecified place,

    ь exit due to stopped transport,

    b disobeying traffic lights,

    violating the rules of riding bicycles, etc.

    The carelessness of children on the roads depends on adults, on low level their culture of behavior. And the price for this is a child’s life.

    Dangers in nature. Natural hazards include

    · natural phenomena that pose a direct threat to the life and health of people, for example, hurricanes, floods, mudslides;

    · extreme situations;

    · plants, animals, mushrooms and other phenomena and objects.

    · Some natural hazards disrupt or impede the normal functioning of human systems and organs. Such hazards include fog, ice, heat, barometric pressure, radiation, cold, etc.

    Dangers of contact with strangers. The number of violent crimes against children, often ending tragically, is not decreasing. Statistics on sexual crimes against children are incomplete and inaccurate. The majority of such crimes (61%) are committed by mentally healthy people, and not by maniacs and psychopaths. More than 60% of rapists are under 21 years of age, and only slightly more than 10% are over 30 years of age. The vast majority of those who break the law are not strangers, but people well known to children. Of these, approximately 40% are fathers, brothers and other relatives, and 45% are friends, neighbors, teachers, and educators.

    Many kidnappers and rapists appear friendly and harmless. They are professionals in pleasing children and lulling their vigilance; they show sophisticated ingenuity. Using various pretexts, they try to lure the baby to a deserted place. Here are some of them: “Help, please, the cat ran into the basement...”, “Come on, I’ll show you the kittens in the attic,” “If you want, I’ll give you a ride,” etc. little child, without thinking about the consequences, accepts the offer or agrees to help.