Children's drawing competition on the topic of fire safety. Drawing with wet film “fire. Picture about careful handling of the iron

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety with a preschooler and schoolchild? What to show in the picture?

According to statistics, 80 percent of fires occur due to careless handling of fire and electrical appliances. You need to learn fire safety rules from early childhood. In order for the child to remember them better, he is often asked to illustrate them with pictures. Also, schools and kindergartens often hold competitions for children's drawings and crafts on the topic of fire safety. So what can you draw?

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for kindergarten?

Drawings on the topic of fire safety are always conceptual and multi-component. It is quite difficult for a child of kindergarten age to draw something like this. But if his parents help him, it will be quite possible to portray:

  • house: square - walls, triangle - roof
  • window: a small square inside a larger one
  • fire: lines of red, orange and yellow
  • fireman sketchy
  • inscription "01"

Also for the baby preschool age You can offer to color a ready-made drawing on the topic of fire safety. For example, one of the following.

Coloring book for children on the theme “Fire safety”.

Coloring book for a child on the theme “if there is a fire.”

Coloring book for a child on the theme “In case of fire, call 01.”

Coloring book for a child on the topic “Careless handling of electrical appliances.” Coloring book for a child on the theme “Matches are not toys for children.”

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for school?

The student already draws quite well, and knows fire safety rules by heart. In art class, as an extracurricular assignment, or at an art exhibition, he will sooner or later be asked to draw a thematic drawing. What can you not depict?
First of all, the child can draw a fireman or fire truck. You can read about how to do this step by step in the article: "".

In the student's drawing, a fireman is putting out a fire.

The courage of firefighters is one of the themes of fire safety drawings.

The picture may also depict the famous slogan “In case of fire, call 01” in its various interpretations. The drawing is complemented by the image of a red telephone, a fire extinguisher, a fireman in a helmet, a burning house in the background, etc.

Drawing by a schoolchild “In case of fire, call 01.”

Another slogan that children learn from early years- “Matches are not a toy for children.” It can also be used as the basis for a drawing: depict a little hooligan with a box of matches and burning furniture in the room. I found a box, decided to play, struck a match, and disaster struck. Didn't know fire safety rules. But the rest know now!

Drawing by a schoolboy “Matches are not a toy for children.”

Picture for drawing “Matches are not toys for children.”

Another common cause of fires is improper handling of the gas stove in the kitchen, electrical and household appliances. Do not leave pots and pans unattended or dry laundry over the stove. You cannot use faulty household appliances, plug several powerful devices into one outlet at once, or leave them unattended. Here's another idea for a drawing.

Picture for drawing “Handle electrical appliances carefully.”

New Year's Eve can be marred by a fire if you do not follow safety rules when using crackers, sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks. To avoid trouble, children are strictly prohibited from using pyrotechnics on their own.

Picture for drawing “Pyrotechnics are not for children.”

Due to carelessness of people, fire can get out of control not only in the house. Bonfires and barbecues in nature cause fires in dry grass and forest fires. Slogan children's drawing could become “Save the forest from fire.”

Drawing by a schoolchild “Protect the forest from fire.”

IMPORTANT: There are many colorful pictures on the Internet for children on the topic of fire safety. If suddenly a student doesn’t come up with his own idea, he can choose one of these pictures to draw.

VIDEO: Children's work on the topic “Fire Safety”

How to draw a fire in a house with a pencil and a person who puts out the fire?

IMPORTANT: Be sure to explain to your child that you can extinguish a fire yourself only at the very beginning. You cannot tame a raging flame yourself, and it is quite possible to get damaged or even die. It’s better not to rely on your own strength, call the fire department.

Before drawing such a drawing, you need to think about its concept.
It is necessary to decide in which room the fire occurred. This could be a living room, in which case the TV would be a source of danger. Let the child draw something from the room's furnishings. For example, a sofa, a wardrobe and a table. They will help him with this step by step instructions in the pictures below.

If a child decides to draw a kitchen, he will most likely depict a stove, refrigerator, or dining table.

Draw a dining table step by step.

Next you should draw the fire. It's simple at first glance. It will be necessary to depict chaotically flying flames and make them three-dimensional. It is better to color the fire in several colors: red, yellow, orange, then the image will turn out dynamic.

If the picture shows a person putting out a fire, he needs to be depicted in motion. For example, running towards a flame with a bucket or fire extinguisher.
And finally, you should choose what exactly will be used to extinguish the fire:

  • bucket of water
  • fire extinguisher
  • a thick blanket (the child should know that it is strictly forbidden to extinguish a fire in an electrical appliance with water)

How to draw a poster with fire safety rules?

To make a poster with fire safety rules for children or with children, you will need:

  • sheet of whatman paper (reverse side of wallpaper)
  • ruler 30 cm
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • paints, markers, colored pencils

Here are some ways:
The poster will be completely drawn. You can place several of the above thematic pictures on it at once. A sheet of whatman paper is marked so that each picture has its own place. In the center or in one of the corners the following inscriptions are placed: “Fire safety”, “In case of fire call 01”, “Fire requires careful handling”.

Picture to copy: fire safety poster for children.

You can make an applique poster, as in the example below.

Application - collage “Beware of fire!”.

Instead of a poster, they also use a collage of several drawings by children from a school class or kindergarten group.

IMPORTANT: The fire safety poster must contain not only drawings, but also the rules themselves. You can write them in verse. Poem for a poster about fire safety rules “Matches are not toys for children!”

Children's drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition

Every year, an all-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity is held among schoolchildren. fire safety"Burning bush". The purpose of the competition is to educate children about fire safety rules and to popularize the profession of firefighter among young people.

Talented children and teenagers aged 7 to 18 can take part in the competition.

They can prepare competition works (drawings, posters, crafts) on the topic:

  • careless handling of fire, children's pranks with fire
  • courage and dedication of firefighters
  • fire fighting and rescue equipment

Work for the “Burning Bush” competition.

Children's drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition.

The drawing for the “Burning Bush” competition should be on the topic of fire safety.

Competitive children's drawing.

The work and courage of firefighters is the theme of many drawings at the Burning Bush competition.

IMPORTANT: More information about the terms and conditions for creating and submitting works in 2017 can be found in the Regulations on the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity on fire safety "Burning Bush".

VIDEO: Exhibition “The Burning Bush” 2017

Ensuring the safety of the child is the responsibility of the parents. And if parents cannot be with the child all the time, he must be taught basic safety rules.

Everyone knows that matches are not toys for children, and that fire not only leads to damage or damage to property, but also often causes death or burns.

Carelessness in handling matches, lighters or electrical appliances can lead to the worst consequences.

To children, from a very young conscious age, you need to explain things that are understandable to you, and things that are incomprehensible to a child.
Teach your child basic fire safety rules!

And pictures will help you in learning :

1. Gold and first rule, which a child should be taught - "DO NOT PLAY WITH MATCHES AND LIGHTERS."

Explain with examples how dangerous this is and what consequences playing with fire can lead to. Things and surrounding objects can catch fire very quickly, even just from one spark.

2. You cannot light fireworks at home. Even sparklers cannot be lit without parents.

While children are small, you should not light sparklers at home on holidays, because... children perceive this as a signal that it is okay to do this. It’s better to go outside with your family and light beautiful sparklers and set off festive fireworks, explaining to children that only adults can do this and only on the street.

3. Sockets are not toys for children. You cannot put anything into sockets - neither pens, nor knitting needles, nor other foreign objects. Also, do not approach sockets and wires with wet handles.

4. The kitchen is one of the dangerous places in the house, because... there is a stove in it, which means there is fire.
Keep children away from the stove if possible. Explain that this is dangerous. In addition to the fact that there is an open fire (if there is a gas stove), you can spill something hot on yourself from the stove.

If older children want to help in the kitchen, explain the rules for using the stove and that what is being prepared must be constantly monitored. You can't put something on the stove and go play in another room. Before leaving the kitchen, be sure to check that all burners on the stove are turned off.

5. You cannot use electrical appliances without parental permission. Forgetting to turn off the iron or leaving it horizontally on clothes can cause it to catch fire. Also, you should not turn on the heaters or TV without your parents.

6. You should also not play with fire on the street. You can’t set fire to fluff (especially important in spring), because it flares up quickly and the flame can quickly spread throughout the entire area, harming both objects and people.
For the same reason, you cannot set fire to yellow leaves in the forest. After all, before you know it, everything will be on fire.

7. Children should be prohibited from playing near the fire.. There are often sparks from a fire that, if they fall on clothes, can cause them to ignite.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently extinguish the fire on the person, either by pouring water on him, or covering him with a blanket, or throwing him to the ground and throwing leaves at him. The main thing is to put out the fire in any way.

8. When leaving the forest, be sure to put out the fire if it was lit.
After all, the wind can spread the fire throughout the entire forest, causing harm not only to nature, but also to children who did not have time to leave the forest.

Repeat these rules with your children constantly until they learn them and understand them themselves.

What to do if a fire does start - read the next article.

Teaching fire safety rules is one of the most important aspects of life safety for children. Interesting colorful pictures and educational poems will help kids better understand the basics of fire safety, because children always better perceive what is interesting to them. The task of adults, be it parents, teachers or educators, is to ignite this spark of knowledge in children.

perform an important task; they turn activities with children into an exciting and, most importantly, useful process from a safety point of view.

You can also look through an interesting selection on the topic “Summer safety pictures about the rules of behavior on the water” and a selection of high-resolution images “Fire safety posters for children”.

Methods for presenting material to pictures on fire safety for children

Always try to involve kids in the learning process as much as possible. Do not reduce the lesson to a dry listing of some facts. Act out a skit, write a story and read a fairy tale, use educational games.

For example, come up with a story about how the boys Sasha and Volodya went into the forest, how one did not want to light a fire, but the second laughed at him. As the squirrels and the hedgehog warned them, but they did not listen. Let your kids complete the story, let them say what they would do in the children’s place.

Tell us about how the fire caught fire in the house of Denis’s older brother and the girl Vika. How the girl wanted to hide behind the closet, but her brother said what to do, said what would be the right thing to do. My brother learned the information at school and knows where to call in case of a fire. Do your children know?

Accompany each image with such information, and the learning process for children will be very effective.

Fire safety pictures for children – download and teach them

Picture about rules of conduct in case of fire

If there is a fire, leave the house quickly!

Call the firefighters urgently.

But you can't hide in the house,

You can't hide from the fire, friends.

Picture about careful handling of the iron

A hot iron is not a toy,

An iron is more dangerous than a gun.

Watch him more closely

Otherwise there will be a fire ahead!

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Ulyanovsk region is holding a competition of children's drawings to mark the 25th anniversary of the emergency department. A child’s imagination allows him to take a fresh look at the profession of a firefighter and rescuer: he is not only a firefighter who bravely saves people in a fire, but also a loyal friend and mentor who warns about the dangers of playing with fire. Children's works reflect the interaction of all emergency services during the liquidation emergency situations- firefighters, doctors, police. Some guys clearly illustrated the fire safety rules that both adults and children should know.

The technique used to perform the work is also varied. These include pencil drawings, appliqué, watercolor, and oil. Some contestants even came up with entire three-dimensional exhibitions. On at the moment About a hundred works have already been submitted to the competition.

The guys, mostly children of employees, send their works from all over the region. There are many drawings from Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad, several drawings were sent by pupils of the sponsored Baranovsky boarding school in the Nikolaev region, two works came from the city of Rostov-on-Don. The age of participants in the art competition is from 3 to 17 years.

The results will be summed up by a special competition commission on December 18. The awarding of the winners will take place at the solemn ceremony celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which will take place on December 25 in the concert hall of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. I.N. Ulyanova.

Sooner or later, parents send their children to kindergartens and then to schools. This is an important stage in a child’s life, but parents don’t relax either, because they have to make crafts and various thematic drawings. This article will discuss the preparation of such drawings with explanations and examples.

Before starting the task, parents need to talk with their child. For example, you need to make a picture on the topic “Security”. To do this, talk to your child. If the child is small, then explain to him what safety is, how to behave so as not to get into trouble. After the story, be sure to ask what the child learned from your story. And only after that start working.

to school, in detail with explanations and options

Safety must be in everything and the child must understand this. For example, a trip by car. The child must be fastened. This can be depicted in a picture by depicting back seat car, fastened girl. Moreover, the child takes care of the safety of his toy by fastening it with a belt.

At school, during labor lessons, boys have to work with tools. When doing this type of work, safety must be observed. In a picture dedicated to this topic, you can depict two guys, one of whom works taking care of his safety, and the other has everything scattered and works incorrectly. This illustration will serve as a clear example for children.

to kindergarten, in detail with explanations and options

Everything needs to be explained to little children using simple everyday examples. And the drawing should accordingly reflect situations from life. For example, a boy is playing with his puppy. The dog, having played out, grabbed the tablecloth with its teeth and pulled it from the table on which there was hot tea. The boy runs to the table. You can draw a crossed out circle in the upper corner as a danger sign. After all, a boy might get doused with boiling water and get hurt by shards of broken dishes.

Another example. You can depict a boy playing with boats. To do this, he poured a full bath of water and launched the ship into it. And I forgot to turn off the tap. As a result, water began to pour out onto the floor. This can lead to dire consequences. This cannot be done; the tap must be closed.

The following situation occurs quite often and entails very serious consequences. The boy played with his favorite bunny and went out onto the balcony. Continuing to play, he drops the toy and it flies down. The boy hurries to catch his pet and leans over the balcony railing. This is dangerous for his life and should not be done. You should not go out onto the balcony without adults.

Using these examples, you can make good drawings and explain to your child what safety is clearly.

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety:

Fire is an element that should not be joked with. Fire is dangerous for children and adults. But, if an adult knows and does not joke with fire, then this must be explained to the child.

to school, details

Children go to school smarter and prepared. They already know about the danger of fire. Therefore, fire safety drawings for schools should be more comprehensive. This is how you can depict a forest fire. Trees with tongues of flame and animals running away from the fire. So the child will know that not only plants, but also animals suffer from fire. And in addition, they will monitor the fires during outdoor recreation.

The student already knows that firefighters fight fires and fires. This can be reflected in the drawing. It is enough to draw how firefighters extinguish a burning house. This illustration will once again remind you of the danger of fire and the difficult work of rescuers.

A fire can happen not only in the warm season outdoors, but also in winter. On New Year's Eve, older children love to play with firecrackers and firecrackers. And it would not be amiss to remind you that careless handling of them can lead to serious injuries and burns. For example, like in the following picture, which shows boys playing around with firecrackers and a woman whose coat caught fire from their hooliganism. This drawing serves as a clear example of the dangers of such entertainment.

to kindergarten, details

For kindergarten, you can prepare a number of thematic drawings on the topic “Fire Safety”. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is best to describe everyday situations. For example, a drawing depicting a boy and a girl playing with matches. Fire dances around them. This is a clear illustration that playing with matches is dangerous. A fire may occur. And explain to your child the rules for handling matches and draw a poster.

Another option is an image illustrating the handling of gas appliances. The girl tried to light the burner on the stove; as a result of her inept actions, a strong flame broke out and spread to the curtains. Using this drawing as an example, we explain to children that the stove is not a toy. You can only learn to light gas with adults. Otherwise there may be trouble.

Explaining various situations is one thing, but the child needs to be told where to go if there is a fire. The following image is quite suitable for this. The picture shows a doghouse engulfed in flames. The dog is standing by the phone and calling for help. At the top of the picture is written the firefighter telephone number “01”. So, in the form of a story or fairy tale, we tell the kid that Sharik’s dog’s house caught fire and he ran to call the fire service. This way the child will remember who needs to be called in such a situation.

How to draw a picture on the topic of road safety:

The road is a dangerous place. There is no place for entertainment and hooliganism. This must be constantly explained to children of any age.

to school with explanations

Behavior on the road must be explained to schoolchildren especially carefully. After all, during the day they are unattended by adults and make their own way from home and back. Older children may find it funny to cling to a bus or trolleybus and ride that way. It's dangerous and this situation can be shown in the figure. And be sure to tell your child that this way you can get hit by the wheels of cars driving next door.

to kindergarten with explanations

For younger children, the drawing should be understandable. Therefore, you can depict children who ran out to get the ball onto the road and a truck driving along it. This image explains the dangers of playing near the road. After all, the car will not be able to stop quickly and will hit the running children.

Also, in the form of a drawing, you can convey to the child that you can ride a bicycle, roller skates, or scooters in parks and specially designated paths. Doing this on the sidewalk near the road is dangerous. You can fall onto the roadway and end up under the wheels of a car.

How to draw a picture on the topic of traffic rules:

Every day, while taking your child to kindergarten or school, you cross roads, which means you are participants traffic.

to school in detail with explanations

Traffic rules must be discussed with children. So, crossing the road should only be done in specially designated pedestrian crossing areas. This is fully reflected in the following picture. A boy crosses the road at a zebra crossing, and at the bottom of the picture there is an inscription: “Cross the road in places where there is a pedestrian crossing!”

It’s a good idea to make sure your child knows the traffic lights. The following drawing can be made on this topic. Draw a road, sidewalk, sign pedestrian crossing and three traffic lights.

Next to each write its meaning:

  • red stop;
  • yellow get ready;
  • green you can go.

And you will draw a picture and the child will repeat the traffic lights.

to kindergarten in detail with explanations

It is better to explain traffic rules to kids using the example of their favorite cartoon characters. For example, everyone knows Smeshariki. In the picture, depict an intersection with a traffic light and Krosh, Barash and Hedgehog standing next to it. Each traffic light signal is signed. So, in a playful way, you will tell your child that his favorite characters will cross the road only when the traffic light is green. And the baby will better understand this information.

You can also draw a “zebra” where a boy and a girl are crossing the road and traffic lights are holding their hands. Looking at this drawing, the child will understand that the traffic light is his friend and helps him cross the road safely.

This article talks about various drawings on the topic of security. Examples of images are given with an explanation of what a child can understand by drawing it. Using the material presented, you will be able to explain to your child safety rules at home and on the road in a simple way and make an excellent drawing for the garden or school. Good luck.