Exercises on special questions. Exercises: Types of interrogative sentences. Educational and methodological manual on the English language

1. Choose the appropriate answer for each question.

1. Who is the best? a) yesterday

2. Where does she live? b) two sons

3. What are you drinking? c) mine

4. When did you arrive? d) $30

5. Why did you cry? e) mineral water

6. How many kids do you have? f) a blue one

7. How much does it cost? g) by metro

8. How do you go to work? h) Jack

9. Whose mirror is this? i) because I bumped my head

10. Which hat would you like? j) in Paris

2. Ask specific questions about the following sentences, starting with the words in brackets. Pay attention to the form of the verb, as well as questions to the subject.

1. Robert’s sister likes black coffee in the morning. (What...? Whose...? What kind of...? Why...? When...?)

2. My dad went fishing to the lake with his brother twice a month. (Who...? Where...? Who...with? How often...?)

3. They will book a room at a hotel in Madrid during their honeymoon. (Who...? Where...? When...?)

4. I have just seen our neighbor in the supermarket. (Whom...? Whose...? Where...?)

5. There are five polar bears in the zoo. (Who...? How many...? What kind of...?)

6. Bob was a successful businessman because he owned 3 clothes stores in New York. (Who...? Why...? How many...? Where...?)

7. I can see hundreds of bright stars in the sky now. (Where...? When...? How many...?)

3. Express your doubt or surprise by creating disjunctive questions.

For example: Mark bought this souvenir in India. – Mark bought this souvenir in India, didn’t he? (Mark bought this souvenir in India, right?)

1. Ella misses her mother. (Ella misses her mother.)

2. Our receptionist isn’t friendly. (Our receptionist is not friendly.)

3. These skyscrapers were built before the war. (These skyscrapers were built before the war.)

4. He will run a private hospital. (He will run a private clinic.)

5. You don’t respect your boss. (You don't respect your boss.)

6. She has made a final decision. (She made her final decision.)

7. Your dog can crawl under a chair. (Your dog can crawl under a chair.)

8. Sam and Kate are going to become vegetarians. (Sam and Kate are planning to become vegetarians.)

4. For each sentence, ask one general question and several alternative ones, using the options suggested in brackets.

For example: Alice annoys me by her bright make-up. (Alice annoys me with her bright makeup.) (Ann - clothes) – Does Alice annoy you? (Alice annoys you?) Does Alice or Ann annoy you? (Alice or Anya annoys you?) Does Alice annoy you by her bright make-up or clothes? (Alice irritates you with bright makeup or clothes?)

1. They heard a noise in the living room. (They heard a noise in the living room.) (music – in the kitchen)

2. He has found two black kittens near the shop. (He found two black kittens near the store.) (three – near the office)

3. Every morning I give my son some pocket money. (Every morning I give my son some pocket money.) (daughter – every evening)

4. The cargo will be delivered next Friday by ship. (The cargo will be delivered next Friday by ship.) (Sunday – by plane)

5. The photos are in a drawer of the wardrobe. (The photographs are in the wardrobe drawer.) (the cupboard – the passports)

6. We can stay in Moscow for another week. (We can stay in Moscow for one more week.) (in Minsk – month)


1. h (Who is the best? – Jack.)
2. j (Where does she live? - In Paris)
3. e (What do you drink? – Mineral water)
4. a (When did you arrive? – Yesterday)
5. i (Why were you crying? – Because I hit my head)
6. b (How many children do you have? – Two sons)
7. d (How much does it cost? – $30)
8. g (How do you get to work? - By metro)
9. c (Whose mirror is this? – Mine)
10. f (Which hat would you like? – Blue)

1. What does Robert’s sister like? (What does Robert's sister like?) Whose sister likes black coffee? (Whose sister likes black coffee?) What kind of coffee does she like? (What kind of coffee does she like?) Why does she like black coffee in the morning? (Why does she like black coffee in the morning?) When does she like black coffee? (When does she like her coffee black?)
2. Who went fishing to the lake? (Who went fishing on the lake?) Where did he go fishing? (Where did he go fishing?) Who did he go fishing with? (Who did he go fishing with?) How often did he go fishing? (How often did he go fishing?)
3. Who will book a room at a hotel? (Who will book a hotel room?) Where will they book a room? (Where will they book a room?) When will they book a room? (When will they book the room?)
4. Whom have you just seen? (Who did you just see?) Whose neighbor have you seen? (Whose neighbor did you see?) Where have you seen our neighbor? (Where did you see our neighbor?)
5. Who are there in the zoo? (Who is in the zoo?) How many polar bears are there in the zoo? (How many polar bears are there in the zoo?) What kind of bears are there in the zoo? (What kind of bears are in the zoo?)
6. Who was a successful businessman? (Who was a successful businessman?) Why was he a successful businessman? (Why was he a successful businessman?) How many clothes stores did he own? (How many clothing stores did he own?) Where did he own 3 clothes stores? (Where did he have 3 clothing stores?)
7. Where can you see hundreds of bright stars? (Where can you see hundreds of bright stars?) When can you see stars? (When can you see the stars?) How many stars can you see now? (How many stars can you see now?)
8. Who is cooking Mexican food? (Who cooks Mexican food?) What kind of food is she cooking? (What kind of food does she cook?) Where is she cooking Mexican food? (Where does she cook Mexican food?)

1. Ella misses her mother, doesn’t she?
2. Our receptionist isn’t friendly, is she/he?
3. These skyscrapers were built before the war, weren’t they?
4. He will run a private hospital, won’t he?
5. You don’t respect your boss, do you?
6. She has made a final decision, hasn’t she?
7. Your dog can crawl under a chair, can’t it?
8. Sam and Kate are going to become vegetarians, aren’t they?

1. Did they hear a noise in the living room? Did they hear a noise or music? Did they hear a noise in the living room or in the kitchen?
2. Has he found two black kittens near the shop? Has he found two or three black kittens? Has he found two kittens near the shop or near the office?
3. Do you give your son some pocket money? Do you give your son or your daughter some pocket money? Do you give your son some pocket money every morning or evening?
4. Will the cargo be delivered next Friday by ship? Will the cargo be delivered next Friday or Sunday? Will the cargo be delivered by ship or by plane?
5. Are the photos in a drawer of the wardrobe? Are the photos in a drawer of the wardrobe or the cupboard? Are the photos or the passports in a drawer of the wardrobe?
6. Can we stay in Moscow for another week? Can we stay in Moscow or in Minsk for another week? Can we stay in Moscow for another week or month?

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Exercise 1.

Put general questions to the sentences:

1. There is a tea-pot on the table.

2. I work from nine to ten.

3. We are leaving for Hamburg next Saturday.

4. I've been busy the whole evening.

5. My friend studied at the Sorbonne when he was young.

6. It's winter.

7. I can swim in cold water.

8. I had to go there in the daytime.

9. I will show you how to do it.

10. You must work hard.

11. She didn’t play well that evening.

12. I can’t read English authors in the original.

13. I wasn’t prepared to this sort of questions.


2.Do I work fromnine to ten?


10. Must you work hard?

1. Is there a tea-pot on the table?

2.Do I work fromnine to ten?

3. Are we leaving for Hamburg nextSaturday?

4. Have I been busy the whole evening?

5. Did my friend study at the Sorbonne when he was young?

6. Is it winter? 7. Can I swim in cold water?

8. Did I have to go there in the daytime?

9. Will I show you how to do it?

10. Must you work hard?

11. Didn’t she play well that evening?

12. Can’t I read English authors in the original?

13. Wasn’t I prepared to this sort of questions?

Exercise 2.

Based on these sentences, construct general questions according to the sample.

She likes classical music. -> Does she like classical music?

1. The weather is fine.

2. Her new dress is green.

3. He won’t come because he’s ill.

4. The church is 200 yards away.

5. She prefers red.

6. He comes every week.

7. The tall one is my boss.

8. She’ll come at 5 p.m.

9. He'll wait for 10 minutes.

10. Ray took the thick book.


1. Is the weather fine?

2. Is her new dress green?

3. Won’t he come?

5. Does she prefer red?

6. Does he come every week?

7. Is the tall one my boss?

8. Will she come at 5 p.m?

1. Is the weather fine?

2. Is her new dress green?

3. Won’t he come?

4. Is the church 200 yards away?

5. Does she prefer red?

6. Does he come every week?

7. Is the tall one my boss?

8. Will she come at 5 p.m?

9. Will he wait for 10 minutes?

10. Did Ray take the thick book?

N - r

    John was tired after work. ( John is tired after work .)

    We live in a small town.

    Summer has started at last.(Summer has finally begun.)

    They have already left. ( They've already left .)

    The dogs are sleeping. ( Dogs are sleeping .)

    The umbrella was broken. ( The umbrella was broken .)

N - r : Nick wants to become a lawyer . (a waiter - waiter ) – Does Nick want to become a lawyer or a waiter?

There are five eggs in the fridge. (ten – ten ) – Are there five or ten eggs in the fridge?

    He will studyFrench in Canada.(German - German)

    They arefootball fans. (hockey - hockey )

    cards . (candles - candles)

    I have madean apple-pie .

    Ann bought a nicedress yesterday.(a skirt - skirt)

    Japan. (Germany – Germany)

    They must pay forthe taxi . (the lunch - dinner )

    The post-office opensat 9. (at 8 – at eight )

    Fiona and John painttheir house m – their bedroom)

    She visited allthe museums in Istanbul.(the shops – shops)

Exercises "Types of interrogative sentences"

1. Ask general questions about the sentences.

N - r : Mary grows beautiful flowers in the garden– Does Mary grow flowers in the garden?

The weather is cold today.– Is the weather cold today?

    John was tired after work. ( John is tired after work .)

    We live in a small town.(We live in a small town.)

    Summer has started at last. ( Summer has begun , finally - That .)

    They have already left. ( They've already left .)

    My parents got married in Paris.(My parents got married in Paris.)

    She can lose her temper easily.(She can lose her temper easily.)

    The party will start in time.(The party will start on time.)

    The dogs are sleeping. ( Dogs are sleeping .)

    The umbrella was broken. ( The umbrella was broken .)

    He always gives money to homeless children.(He always gives money to street children.)

2. Ask alternative questions to the sentences using the options given in brackets.

N - r : Nick wants to become a lawyer . (a waiter - waiter ) – Does Nick want to become a lawyer or a waiter?

There are five eggs in the fridge. (ten – ten ) – Are there five or ten eggs in the fridge?

    He will studyFrench in Canada.(German - German)

    They arefootball fans. (hockey - hockey )

    Her granny can tell fortunes fromcards . (candles - candles)

    I have madean apple-pie . (a banana cake - banana cake)

    Ann bought a nicedress yesterday.(a skirt - skirt)

    This car was manufactured inJapan. (Germany – Germany)

    They must pay forthe taxi . (the lunch - dinner )

    The post-office opensat 9. (at 8 – at eight )

    Fiona and John painttheir house every five years. (their bedroo m – their bedroom)

    She visited allthe museums in Istanbul.(the shops – shops)

N - r What ( How You are you interested ?)

When ( When







    The film has just started.(What film...?)

    I have been to the doctor.(Where...?)

    She isn't sociable a. mustn't they?

    Let's dance, d. do you?

    Tom can dive well, e. is she?

3. Ask specific questions to the sentences, starting with question words in brackets.

N - r : I am interested in psychology. ( What ...?) – What are you interested in? ( How You are you interested ?)

A strange man came here last night. ( When …?)– When did the strange man come here? ( When did a strange person come here?)

    The twins were born in June. (When...?)

    We had a great time in Disneyland.(Where...?)

    Mr. Black can play chess very well.(How...?)

    The salad is not fresh. (Why...?)

    My wife prefers juice to tea.(Who...?)

    Tom orders Japanese food every Friday.(What...?)

    I meet a lot of people at work.(Where...?)

    They will have lunch at home.(Where...?)

    The film has just started.(What film...?)

    I have been to the doctor.(Where...?)

4. Select the correct ending of the separating question from the right column. Translate the questions.

Nr: 1 – e (She’s not sociable, isn’t she?)

    She isn't sociable, a. mustn't they?

    Mark was satisfied, b. do they?

    Your kids never argue with you, c. didn't she?

    Let's dance, d. do you?

    Tom can dive well, e. is she?

    Our partners must keep their word, f. won't it?

    Helen has washed up, g. doesn't she?

    You don't trust me, h. wasn't he?

    Your mum works as an accountant, i. hasn't she?

    It will be cloudy tomorrow, j. did they?

    Betty found a new job, k. can't he?

    They didn't sell their car, l. shall we?

Present simple is the easiest tense in English.


How to ask a question in Present Simple

Look at the order of the words. Click to enlarge.

To ask a question in the simple present tense, put -Do- at the beginning of the question.

Do you hear me? Can you hear me?
Do they sleep? Are they sleeping?

If you need to ask a question about Him/Her, add -s- to do

Does she sing? Is she singing?
Does he smoke? Does he smoke?

Interrogative sentences examples in present simple

1.Are they happy? Are they happy?
2. Does your dog like cheese? Does your dog love cheese?
3. Does your mum read magazines? Does your mom read magazines?
4. How do children get to school in China How do children get to school in China?
5. Does he drive a BMW? Does he drive a BMW?

6. Is he a good man? Is he a good person?
7. Do you have any pets in your class? Do you have pets in your class?
8. Does she like Brad Pitt? Does your sister like Brad Pitt?
9. Do they teach French? Do they teach French?
10. Does Kate work every day? Does Katya work every day?

Question words: who? What? Where? Where? When? Why? How many? put it at the beginning of the sentence.
What? When? Where? Who? How? How many? How much? Why?

1. What time do you go to bed? What time do you go to bed?
2. What do they like for breakfast? What do they like to eat for breakfast?
3. What is the time? What time is it?
4. What can you draw? What can you draw?
5. Where does he go on vacations? Where is he going on vacation?

6. What kind of a pen do you want? What kind of pen do you want?
7. What do you do on Sundays? What do you do on Sundays?
8. Why do you drink so much water? Why do you drink so much water?
9. When do your parents have lunch? When do your parents have lunch?
10. How many days a week does she work? How many days a week does she work?

EXERCISES ON Present Simple - asking questions

Exercise #1 Ask questions in English in the simple present tense

1. Are your parents at home?
2. What do you mean?
3. Do you remember my sister?
4. What day is it today?
5. Can you hear me?
6. Does he smoke?
7. What does a cat eat?
8. Are you working?
9. Does she care about you?
10. What time do you get up?

Correct answers to exercise #1

1. Are your parents at home?
2. What do you mean?
3. Do you remember my sister?
4. What’s the date today?
5. Do you hear me?
6. Does he smoke?
7. What does a cat eat?
8. Do you work?
9. Does she care about you?
10. What time do you get up?

Exercise #2. Fill in the missing do / does / is / are

1. Where ___ you? Where are you?
2. ___ you have a family? Do you have a family?
3. ___ you work? Are you working?
4. ___ you jog? Are you running? /in the morning or at the gym/
5. What city ___ do you live in? What city do you live in?

6. ___ you work or study? Are you studying or working?
7. Where ___ the children? Where are the children?
8. ___ she like dogs? Does she like dogs?
9. ___ he live in Japan? Does he live in Japan?
10. ___ your last name Ivanov? Is your last name Ivanov?

  • Part A. Rules.
  • Part B: Test your knowledge. Online exercises to reinforce the material.
  • Part C. How to get a bonus? (and exchange for a mark)
  • Part D. A few more rules - useful links.

Part A. Rules

You already know that there are different types of interrogative sentences:
general, special, alternative, to the subject and dividing.
Let's remember how to build them correctly.

1. General Question

- this is a question for the entire proposal. It requires an affirmative or negative answer.



Does she get up at six?
Are they working now?
Was he having dinner when you came yesterday?
Did you see him last week?
Have you done your homework?


Some verbs
(Be - am, is, are, was, were, can - could, have(has) got, must) do not use auxiliary verbs in all types of questions.


To be (am, is, are) - Are are you busy today?
Was / were - Were are you at school yesterday?
Can- Can can you help me?
Could - Could do they find the keys?
Have / has got - Have you got a pen?

. 2. Alternative Question

- offers a choice of one of two objects, actions, persons or qualities.


It is built on the basis of a general question and necessarily contains the conjunction “or” or.


Have you got a pen or a pencil?
Do you get up at 5 or at 6?
Did they buy two or three books?

3. Disjunctive or tag question

- this is a questioning, clarification of information. These are ordinary sentences, but with a special “tail”. The ponytail corresponds to the Russian “isn’t it?”, “yes?”, “truth”, “eh?”


This question has two parts:
the first part is a narrative affirmative or negative sentence;
the second part is a short general question of the opposite “polarity” with a subject pronoun.


You are busy, aren’t you?
(+) . . . . . . . . . . . (-)
She doesn't get up at 5, does she?
(-) . . . . . . . . . . (+)
He never buys flowers, does he?
(-) .. . . . . . . . . . (+)


I am your friend, aren't I?

4. Question to the subject.


Replace the subject with a question word What (What?) or Who (Who?).


Who is busy?
Who gets up at 5?
Who went to the cinema?


After interrogative words (What / Who) in a question to the subject, the verb is always in the third person singular.

5.Special Question

- a question to the secondary members of the sentence.


The question begins with a question word that replaces the minor member of the sentence to which we ask the question + word order as in general issue(those. auxiliary verb in first place).


When does she get up?
Where did they go?


What - what
Who / Whom - whom
When - when
Why - why
Where - where
How many - how much
How much - how much
How - how
Whose - whose

B. Consolidation exercises

We invite you to complete a number of online exercises on this topic.

Part C. How to get a bonus?

1) Read lesson rule No. 1.
2) Take Practice Tests (Part B of Lesson #1)
3) Answer the questions. Write down your answers in your electronic notebook.
Get acquainted