Receive and hand over the key tag for the faucet. The procedure for using overhead cranes to carry out work from the platforms available on the crane. Procedure for allowing crane operators to work independently

a lock that ensures automatic shutdown of the input high-voltage switch when the key is removed to stop the induction furnace; installed in the smelter's cabinet, on the central control panel. It is used both for maintenance and repair of induction furnaces; a safety device designed to close the control circuit of a load-lifting crane in order to prevent accidents as a result of uncoordinated actions of the crane driver and slingers, as well as workers engaged in the repair and maintenance of cranes, eliminating the possibility of turning on the crane’s protective panel and controlling it by workers who do not have the right to do so . On k.m. Must be knocked out registration number lifting crane. Acceptance of the load-lifting crane by the crane operator is carried out after he receives the equipment. K.-m. Idle cranes and keys to the entrances to the crane tracks must be stored in a special box in the shift supervisor’s office. Box with k.m. Must be locked at all times. The shift supervisors, mechanics and power engineers of the workshop must have the key to the lock of the box. K.-m. Issued by the shift supervisor to the crane operator before the start of the shift. Persons responsible for issuing documents hand them over in shifts against receipt. When leaving the control cabin of a load-lifting crane during a shift, the crane operator must turn off the switch of the protective panel and remove the gear from the lock. Upon completion of work on the load-lifting crane, the crane operator is obliged to return the equipment. To the storage location in the manner established by the organization. Before taking the crane out for repairs, Handed over to the person responsible for the repair. For the period of repair (medium or major) of a load-lifting crane. Must be kept by the person responsible for repairing the crane. The name of this person must be recorded in the logbook and in the permit. If you lose your card The perpetrators are held accountable in accordance with the procedure established in the organization.

1. Key tag for crane operators indicating the tag number, crane number and workshop name. A key to a mechanical lock is attached to the tag, which is included in the system of electrical contacts in such a way that when it is locked, the linear contactor coil circuit is closed. The lock must be designed so that when the key is removed from it, the electrical contactors included in the coil circuit open. 2. Personal tags for the established contingent of repair personnel indicating the position held and the work number of the tag holder.

Management tags and personal tags are issued against signature.

The key tag is kept by the crane operator and is given to the replacement when handing over the crane. When the crane operates for one or two shifts or in the event of a shift worker’s absence, it is handed over to the shift supervisor of the workshop. A crane operator who does not have a tag for the crane he is servicing does not have the right to operate it.

When repairing equipment, the following system is installed: a) after the crane is stopped, the voltage has been removed from it and the requirements of the permit work have been met, the repair manager receives the key tag from the crane operator (before receiving it, he has no right to turn on the switch and perform any movements with a crane) and gives the crane operator his personal tag of the repair manager. After exchanging tags, the crane operator is obliged, at the command of the person who handed him his tag, to repeat the command and set the mechanisms in motion only at idle and after removing all people from the crane. The command of other persons, no matter who they are, is not carried out by the crane operator, with the exception of the “stop” command, which the crane operator must execute immediately, regardless of who issued it; b) the exchange of tags between the crane operator and the repair (inspection) supervisor occurs after completion of the work, fulfillment of the requirements of the permit and with full confidence in the readiness of the crane for start-up and the safe start of work.

If for some reason the crane operator refuses to give the key tag to the repair personnel and thereby does not allow the work to be carried out, the issue is decided in each individual case by the workshop mechanic, and in his absence, by the shift supervisor. Under all conditions, until the tag is received, maintenance personnel are prohibited from entering or performing any work on the unit. At the enterprise operating cranes, a strict procedure must be established that prohibits crane operators from leaving the key tag in the cabin when leaving the crane, handing the tag over to their assistants, students, trainees and other persons for storage, and also taking it with them.

If the crane operator violates the Rules technical operation and the Safety Rules, the head of the workshop, his deputy for equipment or a mechanic, as well as the person exercising technical supervision over the condition of the cranes and their operation at the enterprise, have the right to take away his tag and thereby deprive him of the right to operate the unit. One way or another, if the crane operator does not have a tag, regardless of the reason, the crane cannot be put into operation, and the deputy head of the equipment workshop or mechanic, and in their absence, the shift supervisor, must be informed about this.

An enterprise that operates load-lifting cranes must have a legal procedure that prevents work from being stopped or delayed due to lost tags. If, nevertheless, the crane operator has lost it, then he is temporarily given a replacement note, signed by the workshop mechanic or shift supervisor, who reports the loss of the tag to the workshop supervisor in order to impose penalties on the culprit. Usually, the following procedure is established: 1. The numbers of lost tags are declared invalid by order of the workshop. 2. The note replacing them is valid for no more than 24 hours and during this period must be replaced with a new tag. 3. Duplicate tag. Before issuing the unit, there must be an aro-label in the department of the chief mechanic of the enterprise. 4. Lost personal tags are restored in the same manner for repair managers.

When developing the above basic provisions of the tag system, each enterprise naturally proceeds from local conditions, but all measures must be taken into account to guarantee the safety of work.


Supervision is carried out at the enterprise by a special service and bodies of the State Mining and Technical Supervision. The supervision service at the enterprise is obliged to: a) supervise the technical condition and safe operation of facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor, and take measures to prevent violations; b) ensure the availability and compliance with the Rules of technical documentation for Gosgortekhnadzor facilities and comply with the procedure for putting them into operation established by the Rules; c) comply with the procedure established by the Rules for appointing persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of Gosgortekhnadzor facilities and monitor the presence of these persons with the appropriate certificates and production instructions; d) monitor compliance with the procedure established by the Rules for admitting workers to the management and maintenance of Gosgortekhnadzor facilities and organize periodic (within the time limits established by the Rules) knowledge testing (re-certification) of these persons; e) participate in commissions for certification and recertification of maintenance and repair personnel; f) check compliance with their instructions, instructions

Gosgortekhnadzor, as well as schedules for periodic inspections and repairs of facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor; g) carry out primary, regular and extraordinary surveys of objects in accordance with the Rules and record their results in passports; h) monitor compliance with the Rules for the safe operation of facilities and participate in inspections conducted by representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor; i) hold meetings with workers and technical personnel servicing Gosgortekhnadzor facilities, as well as perform other duties determined by the requirements of the Rules and local conditions.

Employees of the supervision service have the right: a) at any time to visit workshops and areas where facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor are operated to check their condition, working conditions, compliance with safety rules by engineering and technical workers and workers; b) stop (with a seal applied) the operation of objects if there are malfunctions that threaten an accident or an accident; c) demand from persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation objects, presentation for inspection of documents related to safe and accident-free operation; d) give instructions to the heads of workshops, facilities, sections, services and set deadlines for eliminating violations; e) propose to the administration to remove them from servicing the facilities. untrained and uncertified persons or workers violating the Rules. If necessary, raise the issue of bringing the perpetrators to justice.

The responsibilities and rights of this service are developed and approved at the enterprise by special regulations.

It should be borne in mind that success at work is determined not only by the formal performance of duties and the use of rights. Employees of technical supervision services, safety departments, and other controlling departments of the enterprise must be distinguished by deep knowledge, efficiency, a creative approach to work, the ability to see the main thing, find everything new, advanced, develop it in relation to their enterprise, promptly implement it into practice, improve the organization, system of preventive work, persistently bringing the work started to completion. An important quality of any employee exercising control and supervision should be a principled approach to resolving issues. Any deviation from the made (necessarily justified) decision in creating safe conditions labor is unacceptable.

Useful information:

The tag system at the plant is being introduced for the purpose of:

Do not allow work to be performed on units and mechanisms without the knowledge of the persons operating them.

Prevent persons operating mechanisms and units from putting them into operation independently.

Ensuring the safety of the work organization and correct production interactions between persons performing these works.

The tag system provides for the use of two types of tags: a key-tag and a token-tag.

The key tag is used to allow authorized persons to operate the mechanism.

The token tag serves as a pass to work: repair, inspection, cleaning, adjustment, checking the reliability of fastening, troubleshooting problems that require stopping and disassembling the power and operational circuits of the electric drive.

At each site, a list of mechanisms must be drawn up and approved by managers, corresponding to the inscriptions on the frames of electrical cabinets, switchboards, and electric drive control panels. The list should be located at the workplace of operational electrical technical personnel and in the work log using a tag system.

The token tag is hung on the control panels of the electric drive of the mechanism, in locked distribution cabinets, at the location of the switching equipment, with the help of which the power and operational circuits of the electric drive are disconnected, where only the electrician on duty has access and unauthorized persons, including managers, are not allowed mechanisms. The presence of a token - tag at the place where it is hung means that the mechanism and its electric drive are prepared for operation. The place where the token is hung is indicated by a red triangle. In the absence of a token-tag, the red color indicates that the mechanism and its electric drive are inoperative.

All cases of transfer of tokens and tags associated with disassembling and assembling an electric drive should be recorded in a log.

A key - tag with a lock - switch is a device used to prepare the control circuits of mechanisms for switching on. Requirements for the functional operation of this device, for the tag - key:

The lock switch must be a contact system actuated by a key and operate on the principle: if there is a key in the lock switch well, the electrical circuit is closed, if not, it is open.

The design of the key-tag must be reliable and exclude: self-switching, disconnection of contacts from vibration and shock loads; possibility of defeat service personnel electric shock and turning on the switch lock with foreign objects or keys from other lock switches.

Logbook for issuing and receiving key stamps.
To ensure safety especially dangerous objects A brand system may be recommended for implementation in an organization.
The branding system should apply to electrically driven cranes, electric vehicles, transfer trolleys and other means of industrial transport, to lifting equipment on special-purpose self-propelled chassis, etc.
The branding system is a system for allowing workers to work on high-risk equipment, to repair and inspect it. The system is aimed at ensuring a safe organization of work and at establishing such production relations between workers performing these works that eliminate inconsistency in their actions.
The brand system must be used to provide access to control the equipment and to prevent accidental starting of the mechanism.
The key mark is an electrical device and is designed to close the control circuit of the mechanism and is a safety device.
The registration number of the object that is equipped with the key stamp must be imprinted on the key stamp.
The key mark should be installed on mechanisms that have control posts (consoles), in which an employee operating them is constantly present during operation of the mechanisms.
The key mark must be installed on the control panels of the mechanisms. The contacts of the key switch must be included in the operating circuit of the electric drive of the mechanism in series with the contacts of the start button or switch.
The key mark must be installed on the control panel of the mechanism so that it is clearly visible and does not create inconvenience when it is turned on. It is recommended to outline the hole in the lock switch with red paint.
Changes in electrical circuit and appearance control panel caused by the installation of the key mark must be entered into technical documentation electric drive of the mechanism.
The production or acquisition of a key stamp should be organized centrally throughout the organization. A key intended for a specific mechanism should not be suitable for other equipment.
Employees operating a mechanism equipped with a stamp system must begin work only after receiving a key stamp from the person responsible for issuing it, against signature in.
At the end of the work, the employee operating the mechanism must return the key-mark to the place of storage and sign for Logbook for issuing and receiving key stamps about his surrender.

Fields to fill out Logbook for issuing and receiving key stamps:
1. No.
2. Date and time
3. Crane name, registration number
4. Full name received a key stamp
5. Personal signature
6. Full name of the person who issued the key stamp (responsible for the BPR)
7. Personal signature
8. Date and time of return of the key stamp
9. Full name of the person handing over the key stamp
10. Signature of the dealer
11. Full name of the person accepting the key-mark (responsible for the BPR)
12. Signature of the person accepting the key-stamp

Rope and chain slings must be equipped with a brand or firmly attached metal tag indicating:

· serial number of the sling according to the manufacturer’s numbering system;

· sling carrying capacity in tons;

· test dates (month, year).

It is also recommended to indicate the name of the manufacturer or its trademark. In some cases, manufacturers indicate additional information: sling designation, length, etc. In Fig. Figure 3.11 shows what sling tags might look like.

On the branch slings (see Fig. 3.10) there is a tag 1 attached to the hanging link. There are branch slings in which the marking mark is applied to the hinged link, but the tag is missing. On universal slings, the tag can be secured in a braid, the brand can be stamped on the crimp sleeve.

What types of textile slings are made?

In accordance with RD 24-SZK-01-01, the following types of textile slings are manufactured.

1. Branches (Fig. 3.12, A):

· 1ST (single-leg textile sling) - load capacity
0.5... 12.5 t;

· 2ST (two-branch textile sling) - load capacity
0.5... 15 t;

· ZST (three-leg textile sling) - load capacity 1... 20 t;

· 4ST (four-leg textile sling) - load capacity
1... 12.5 t.

2. Universal (Fig. 3.12, b-d):

· STP (textile loop sling) - load capacity 0.5... 20 t;

· STK (textile ring sling) - load capacity 0.5... 20 t;

· STKk (circular textile ring sling) - load capacity 1... 100 t.

Rice. 3.11. Sling tags

Rice. 3.12. Textile slings:

a - type 2ST; b - STP type; c - STK type; g - STKk type; 1 - textile branch; 2 - casing; 3 - fibers; 4 - label

Synthetic materials are used to make textile slings: polyester, nylon, polypropylene. Textile tape slings are sewn from flat woven tape. Round-strand slings STKk consist of many endless annular polymer fibers 3 enclosed in a protective casing (sleeve) 2. In addition to the most common types listed, textile slings and other designs are made.

What should be indicated on the label of a textile sling?

For each textile sling (see Fig. 3.12, V) a label is sewn on 4, which indicates the information necessary for its operation:

· sling designation;

· trademark of the manufacturer;

· name of the material from which the sling is made;

· load capacity of the sling when using basic methods

· working length;

· test date;

· sling number.

With what safety factor are slings made?

The safety factor is the ratio of the breaking load of the rope (chain) to the load in an individual branch of the sling. It shows how many times the tension of the sling branch should be less than the breaking load of the rope (chain) from which the sling is made.

Slings made from steel ropes must be made with a safety factor of at least 6 (six times the safety factor).

Chain slings must be manufactured with a safety factor of at least 4.

Slings made from plant and synthetic fibers must be made with a safety factor of at least 8.

ATTENTION! Despite the fact that the slings are designed with a safety margin, it is unacceptable to exceed the lifting capacity of the sling indicated on the tag.