Receipt for payment of state duty for a foreign passport. State duty for a foreign passport: payment methods and important rules. Nuances you need to know

State duty for new and old passports. Cost of state duty for obtaining a foreign passport in 2018.

One of the conditions for obtaining a foreign passport is payment of a government fee or state fee. Many Russians are interested in the question of the size of the mandatory payment, how to make the payment, where it can be done and whether it is possible to return the paid state duty. These questions play important role at receiving a passport. Absence money transfer may lead to refusal to issue a passport. Documents will not be accepted.

State duty- this is a mandatory payment for performing legally significant actions, it is established by law and is mandatory throughout the territory of the state and for all its subjects who are required by law to pay the duty.

The amount of state duty is established in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Today we will consider several issues regarding payment of state duties. How much does the state duty for a foreign passport in Russia cost, how to pay it, and how to return it?

Payment of the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport is made according to bank details subject Russian Federation, on the territory of which the application is submitted to the authorized bodies. The fact of payment is confirmed by a receipt of the established form, which is presented along with the original documents.

How to fill out a receipt form for payment of state duty?

The receipt always contains basic information: details of the organization for which the payment is intended, full name of the payer, date, amount and purpose of payment. The columns “Purpose of payment” and “Amount of payment” are filled out individually. This depends on what kind of passport you are applying for (old or new sample), as well as on the age of the applicant (child or adult).

If you are applying for an old-style international passport (valid for 5 years), in the “purpose of payment” column, indicate: “state fee for issuing a foreign passport.” Upon registration biometric passport: “state fee for issuing a foreign passport containing an electronic storage medium.” In both cases, if it is a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age, it is necessary to specify “child under 14 years of age.”

The “total amount” column indicates the payment amount, the amount of which must correspond to the selected document.

Let us describe the receipt form in more detail:

  • Name of the payee. We enter the organization that is the recipient of this state duty
  • INN/KPP, OKTMO code, recipient account number, BIC. These are the bank details used to pay the state fee.
  • Bank name. We indicate the name of the recipient's bank.
  • KBK. This code is an individual value for each case.
  • Full name Enter your last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Address. Address of your place of residence, place of stay or place of actual residence.
  • Name of payment. We indicate the name of the payment.
  • Date. Date of payment.
  • Total payable. The amount of state duty.
  • Signature. Your signature.

The payment name must indicate the following value:

Name Sum

The state fee for obtaining a foreign passport is 2000 rubles

The state fee for issuing a foreign passport containing an electronic storage medium is 5,000 rubles

The state fee for obtaining a foreign passport for a child is 1000 rubles

The state fee for issuing a foreign passport containing an electronic storage medium for a child under 14 years of age is 2,500 rubles

For making changes to a foreign passport (old sample) 500 rubles

To find the details for paying the state duty, you need to go to the official website of the regional Office of the Federal Migration Service and download a sample receipt. The details of the account to which the paid funds will be received will already be entered in the form. The applicant can also find out information for making the payment at a Sberbank branch.

How long is a receipt for payment of state duty valid?

A receipt confirming payment of the state duty is valid for 3 years from the date of payment.

Where and how to pay the state fee for a foreign passport?

There are several ways to pay state fees for registration of a foreign passport. It is likely that most of us do not even suspect, or perhaps have simply forgotten, that such opportunities exist. In this part of our article we will try to tell you where to pay the state fee for a foreign passport.

At the bank

To pay a payment at a Sberbank branch through a window (cash desk), you need to download a receipt form from the website of the regional FMS Office in advance and fill out all the fields. In this case, the details of the bank account to which the money will be received will already be entered in the form. The payer enters information about the purpose of the payment, his personal data (full name), the amount of the fee, checks the codes and puts a date and signature. The receipt (check) should be attached to the documents that you are going to submit to the FMS.

Via terminal

The second way to pay the fee is through a Sberbank terminal. This method of payment is very convenient. It is the simplest and most reliable. The program used by the self-service terminal is regularly updated, and the payer does not risk entering incorrect details into the Sberbank terminal or outdated codes (OKTMO, KBK).

Via the Internet

You can pay the state fee through the online service on the State Services website. To complete the operation, you need to register on the portal and go to the payments section. This tab contains an item for paying all budget payments and duties. Enter in the form necessary information and set the “Pay” command. The check can be printed for submission to the Federal Migration Service.

The most interesting way, in our opinion, to pay state duty for foreign passport , which is aimed more at saving time - Sberbank - Online service.

And finally, today many MFCs in Moscow have terminals for paying state fees. Our advice: clarify this in advance so that you don’t have to run to Sberbank later.

Is it possible to return the state fee for a foreign passport?

According to the current article of tax legislation: Clauses 1,2, 4 and 5 of part 1 of Article 333.40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the state fee paid for issuing a foreign passport is subject to full or partial refund.

The procedure for returning funds paid if the issuance of a document is refused:

1. Compose an application with a request to return the funds and submit it to the FMS branch where the payment was sent. The application must include the reason for the refund.

2.A document confirming payment (bank statement, check) must be added to the application.

The period during which the payer has the right to demand a refund of the paid duty is 3 years. If the decision is positive, the return must be made within a month from the date of application.

It does not matter how the state duty was paid - through the Sberbank cash desk, via the Internet or via a terminal. The main condition is the presence of a confirming receipt after making the payment.

In case of refusal to issue a foreign passport, a refund will be made in full; in part, if a larger payment is made. The payer has the right to receive back the overpaid amount. The procedure for this is identical to the case described above.

Can a proxy pay the state fee?

Anyone can pay at any Sberbank branch, naturally, by correctly indicating all the necessary details in the receipt.

Who should or can pay the state fee for a child (under 14 years old)?

Parents, legal guardians or any adult (whom you naturally trust, again correctly indicating all the necessary details on the receipt).

What to do if you have paid for a receipt for an old-style international passport (for 5 years), but you need a receipt for a biometric international passport (10 years)?

In this case, you need to make a refund of the incorrectly paid state duty, and pay the full amount again using the correct details, with the correct indication of the purpose of payment.

Paying the fee for a foreign passport: how much does it cost in August 2018

The state fee for obtaining a foreign passport is determined by which document you need. Old and new identifiers are available: they differ in validity period and degree of protection. But for those who want to become an owner biometric passport , you will have to pay significantly more.

Changes in the cost of a foreign passport in 2018

From August 2018, obtaining an electronic means of identification for citizens of the Russian Federation will cost 5,000 ₽ for an adult and 2,500 ₽ for a child.

According to information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the increase in state duty is due to the fact that the production of documents has become more difficult. After all biometric passport is equipped with an electronic chip, which requires additional procedures on collecting and storing information. To cover the cost of servicing, we had to raise the price of a passport with an expiration date 10 years.

Difference in payment for old and new passports

As for the old type document, the cost remains the same:

  • 2,000 ₽ for an adult;
  • 1,000 ₽ for a child.

The disadvantages of the old passport include a shorter validity period - 5 years. Determining which passport is more profitable must take into account the frequency of travel. If you travel several times a year, you'll quickly run out of paper pages. You will have to order a reissue, pay money again and deal with the Federal Migration Service.

You can learn more about changes in the amount of state duty for a foreign passport from the video:

Where can I get a receipt to pay for a new international passport?

Receive a receipt for payment of state duty for new passport you can on the official website of the GUMVD.

The procedure will be as follows:

When you enter the information and click “Complete,” the service will generate a receipt form. If you wish, you will receive it by email or save the document in PDF format.

An example of filling out a receipt for paying the state fee for a foreign passport

Here is an example of how to fill out the form; details must be specified for your case

Are there any differences in the receipt for issuing documents of the old and new format?

The difference between the forms for obtaining a foreign passport of the old and new type is different purposes of payment. There are also differences in the amount, so when issuing a receipt on the GUMVD website, immediately decide on the type of document.

How to pay for the issuance of a foreign passport at the FMS

There are different ways to transfer money, so you can choose the one that suits you.

How to make a payment through Sberbank

Please contact the bank with a printed and completed form. The most common option is Sberbank, and if you wish, you will transfer money through the terminal. If necessary, ask an employee of the organization for help, since the interface is difficult to understand.

You will make a money transfer through “Sberbank online”:

If you later need to present receipts, all you need to do is print them out. There is no need to stamp it.

Payment through the website “Gosuslugi”

On the State Services website, in the section for obtaining international passports, you will be given a discount. It is valid upon receipt of old and new documents; This option is available to users with a verified account.

To submit a request, follow the instructions:

After submitting the application and checking it a receipt form will appear in your personal account.

You can pay for the service online; If you wish, you can make a printout and take it to the bank.

Feedback from a client about paying state fees through “State Services”

I want to tell you how I decided to apply for a foreign passport through the well-known website “Gosuslugi”. When my husband and I were going abroad, I thought that queues were a relic of the past. Why waste time if you can arrange everything online? I found the right site and started registering. But everything turned out to be not so fast!

To begin with, I had to indicate my passport details and compulsory medical insurance policy, after which the information was sent for verification. The wait lasted for 4 hours! But it turned out that the created record also had to be confirmed: it would be impossible to do without going out of the house.

On the site I found the following information:

I chose to receive the code by Russian Post, and the letter was delivered the very next day. I entered the required combination of characters on the website and proceeded to registering the service. I chose to order a biometric passport, started filling out the fields... And then they asked me for information about everything I had been doing for the last 10 years! I myself don’t remember where I worked, especially considering that even intervals of a couple of months cannot be overlooked. I also needed an amateur photo, which I took on my phone (luckily the camera is good).

How they gave me a passport

After 3 weeks, I received an SMS on my phone and an email notification: I was invited to come to the Federal Migration Service. I took 4 photos for documents, a receipt for payment of the duty, which I paid through my personal account on the site, and an internal passport. I arrived at 9.20, as scheduled, but they saw me for 30 minutes. Later. Therefore, I advise you to take time off from work with a reserve: the record is the record, but the speed of our officials’ work does not change.

I handed in the documents, which took 4 minutes, and received a piece of paper with a work schedule. I was told that I would pick up my international passport in one of the offices on the same day, and they advised me to come at 17.00. And here my vigilance played into my hands!

I found the right office in advance and saw that that day it closed at 17.00: if I arrived at the appointed time, I would only see a closed door. As a result, I picked up my international passport only the next week: after standing in line for half an hour, I got into the office, signed and received the document in my hands.

Do I recommend using the State Services website? Yes! Although you have to stand in line, you can’t do without them when checking out in other ways. And the payment of the fee is significantly reduced, because the state duty for a foreign passport is growing. 30%, and even from 5,000 ₽ - for me that’s money!

Payment of state fees through the MFC

Payment of the state fee for a foreign passport can be made at the nearest MFC. After the State Duma adopted the relevant law, multifunctional centers received the right to accept cash from citizens.

How long is a receipt for payment of state duty valid?

After paying the state fee for the international passport, the receipt will be valid within 3 years. This means that if you did not complete the document immediately (for example, the trip was cancelled), you will be able to exercise your right later. The only condition is that you have not yet received a passport using this receipt.

You are not required to include a receipt when submitting documents. The availability of payment must be checked by employees of the authority where you applied for the document.

How to get your money back if you incorrectly paid the state fee for a foreign passport

Have you transferred more money than necessary, changed your mind about going abroad, or received a refusal from the Federal Migration Service? The paid amount can be returned: you will need to write an application addressed to the head of the Federal Migration Service, attach receipts (originals for a full refund and copies for a partial one), as well as copies internal passport or birth certificate.

The funds should arrive in your account within 1 month, but in practice you have to wait longer.

Feedback from a client of “Gosuslug”: real user experience

I hope my experience will be useful to others. I was getting ready to go on a trip abroad and submitted an application through Gosuslugi to save money. I filled out and sent the form on 02/07/2018, and paid the state fee 2 days later. The payment took 6 days, on the 17th I was invited, and I came to take photographs and submit fingerprints. After this, there was silence - the status of the application in the personal account was not updated. The flight was scheduled for March 18, 2018, so I started to worry. Called hotline“Gosuslug” and found out that “they forgot to update the status.” I didn’t understand how this could happen - the information should change automatically!

True, in the end the passport was issued on time: taking into account the holidays, it turned out to be a month. I advise you not to worry, because they are now trying to meet the deadlines. Friends say that delays are possible, but hitches are the exception, not the rule.


Although it has become easier to obtain a foreign passport in 2018, the state fee for issuing it is increasing. To save on payment, leave a request through the State Services website: you will pay 30% less. You can also choose the old-style option, although the validity period will be only 5 years. But the main thing is that you do not download receipts from the first portal you come across, but fill out forms on official websites. After all, there are many forms on the Internet with incorrect and outdated details, so you risk making an incorrect translation. Remember that for different regions of the Russian Federation you need to enter different details!

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To obtain a children's passport for a child under 14 years of age, you need to collect several documents. When planning a trip to other countries with small family members for the first time, you will have to go through this stage. Even if the baby is still just a baby, he still needs a passport, just like adults. It serves to confirm the identity of the owner outside of Russia. You will learn more about documents for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years old and the registration procedure in general below.

Why do you need a passport for children under 14 years of age?

For persons under 14 years of age, a foreign passport is issued for the same purpose as for adults - the opportunity to travel abroad. According to Russian law, it is required to verify the identity of a citizen in another country. Crossing the state border is possible only with a foreign passport, which can be issued in one of two options:

  1. Old model for a period of 5 years. This option is more preferable, because babies change very quickly with age, which is why identifying his personality can become problematic even after 1-2 years.
  2. New sample with biometric data, valid for 10 years. To register, you will need to pay a higher state fee, take a photo on the spot and submit fingerprints, so the baby’s personal presence will be required. Many mothers, wanting to protect their baby from visiting crowded places, still choose and recommend to others the old model.

Is the document required?

It is compulsory for minors aged 14 to 18 to make their own passport. For newborn babies this is possible at any age, but they have another option to travel abroad. The baby can travel using the parents' valid passport, but the child must be included in it. This is only possible for the old model. Entering an entry about children into biometric passports cannot be a guarantee of traveling abroad with them. It only confirms the fact of relationship. The microchip of an individual passport can contain information about only one person.

For this reason, this method is not very popular. In addition, the method of entering information about the baby into the parent’s passport has several more significant disadvantages:

  1. The baby can travel only if accompanied by a parent. You can forget about an independent trip abroad with your grandmother or to a camp.
  2. To include the baby in the mother’s international passport, it is necessary written consent father, which is sometimes difficult to fulfill due to family circumstances. In case of obtaining a visa, this condition is not required.
  3. When moving to another country, each family member is required to have a separate identity document, which is used to obtain a residence permit.

Who can issue a passport to a child?

When the person has not yet reached the age of 14 years, this document can be issued at the request of parents or legal representatives. These are the official guardian, trustee and notarized trustee. They must attach to the application documents confirming their authority to be the child’s legal representative and to draw up papers relating to him.

Legal regulation

According to the law, the issuance of a passport is regulated by several legal acts, which include the following:

  1. Federal Law No. 114, Administrative Regulations No. 320 and No. 211. The first regulates the process of traveling outside the Russian Federation. According to the regulations, a foreign passport is issued.
  2. Article 333.28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Order of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) No. 320. The amount of state duty for different types of international passports and the process of providing a receipt for payment are fixed.
  3. Clause 17 of order No. 320 of the FMS, clause 27 of order No. 21 of the FMS. They reflect information about the places where an application is submitted for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age.

What documents are needed for a child’s passport?

To obtain a foreign passport, parents or a representative of a person under 14 years of age must provide a package of documents, including the following:

  1. Completed application form. The form for it is provided at the place of application, but can be downloaded on the Internet. Its templates for obtaining international passports of different types are slightly different, but in any case you will have to enter the data of the child and the parent, who will fill out the form, entering the child’s last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, registration, etc.
  2. Original and copy of birth certificate, insert confirming Russian citizenship. The first document on the list is mandatory, because it is the main one for a child at his age. An insert confirming Russian citizenship may be required if necessary.
  3. Copies of all pages of the parent's passport. Necessary to confirm the identity of the baby's representative.
  4. Photo of the baby. The size and texture requirements are the same as for adult photography.
  5. Receipt confirming payment of the fee. Payment details can be obtained from an employee of the FMS department or the Multifunctional Center (MFC). Often the application is accompanied by a receipt for payment of the fee at the bank terminal.

Registration of a passport for a child under 14 years of age

Since a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age can be issued in the form of an old or new sample, it is necessary to decide on this issue in advance, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Further instructions for registration are as follows:

  1. Prepare papers: birth certificate, citizenship insert, representative’s passport, photo, state duty receipt.
  2. Submit an application. This can be done on the government services portal or by directly contacting the Federal Migration Service or MFC. In the latter case, a queue or pre-registration is possible.
  3. Wait for the specified period and come for a ready-made document along with your civil passport.

What type of passport is best?

When applying for each type of passport for a child under 14 years of age, there are advantages and disadvantages. After studying them, the parent can make a choice. Pros and cons of the old and new model:

Type of passport for a child under 14 years of age

Old style

  • lower state duty – 1000 or 2000 rubles;
  • the presence of a child is not required during registration;
  • The appearance of children does not change that much over the period of validity.
  • Validity is limited to 5 years only.

New sample, biometric

  • validity period increased to 10 years;
  • microchip protects against counterfeiting;
  • more in demand.
  • high state duty - 1500 or 3500 rubles;
  • the presence of the baby is required;
  • cannot be done in a short time;
  • Children's appearance changes greatly over 10 years, so early replacement may be required.

Where to contact

You can apply for a passport for a child under 14 years of age in several places at once. Some of them require you to attend in person, but there are also ways to submit documents online. In general, a passport can be made:

  1. At the branch of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). To do this, the parent or official representative needs to contact the child’s place of residence.
  2. On the government services portal. After registration, you can send your application and scans of all documents electronically.
  3. In the single window service in Multifunctional center(MFC). Here the address and date of registration are not decisive. The parent can contact the department closest to their place of residence.

How to get a passport for a child under 14 years old

The procedure for obtaining a child’s foreign passport has several features that are important to consider. The first of them is photography. According to the requirements, it should be like this:

  • photo matte texture;
  • The picture shows the baby without a headdress;
  • photography with the toy is prohibited;
  • The presence of a second person in the photo is not allowed.

No photographs are required when obtaining a biometric passport. They are done directly when filing papers in a specially equipped booth. Another feature is an insert about Russian citizenship. There is no stamp confirming it on the birth certificate for children born before 2002. For this reason, an insert is necessary. For children born after 2002, this fact is confirmed by a mark on the certificate or the citizenship of the parents.

Old model for 5 years

To obtain an old-style international passport, you must contact the FMS or MFC department with the list of documents indicated above. You will need to fill out an application form on site. Its templates for the old and new samples are different, so you should carefully monitor that you are given the right one. Design sequence children's passport for a child under 14 years of age the following:

  • the child’s parent or guardian fills out a form (it can be downloaded in advance on the FMS website);
  • attaches copies of the birth certificate and his passport, photo, receipt of payment of state duty and other documents upon request;
  • transfers the specified papers to an employee of the MFC or the Federal Migration Service (Office of the Federal Migration Service);
  • after receiving the documents, he receives a certificate of acceptance of the documents and a piece of paper indicating the date and place where ready-made passports are issued.

An old-style passport ceases to be valid after 5 years, but it costs a little less - 1 or 2 thousand rubles. depending on the age of the minor. Often such a document is done very quickly, so it is possible that you will not have to wait a whole month, as specified in the law. When applying, copies of documents are attached, but due to their absence, your application cannot be refused.

New sample international passport for a child under 14 years of age

The sample application form for a biometric passport is slightly different. When submitting an application, the minor will need to be present in person to have his photograph taken in a special office. The biometric cabin takes 2D pictures and reads the distance between the pupils of the eyes. The photo is applied to a plastic card using laser engraving.

Children over 12 years of age undergo a fingerprint registration procedure. For younger children it is carried out only after the consent of the parents. Otherwise, the procedure for submitting documents is the same as in the case of an old-style passport. It just has a few features:

  • valid for 10 years;
  • the state fee for a passport is a little more - 1.5 or 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • the presence of a minor is required during registration;
  • It can take more than a month to produce a passport with a microchip, unlike the old type of document.

Production time

According to the law “On the procedure for exit and entry into the Russian Federation,” a foreign passport is issued to a citizen in established deadlines registration When the applicant applies at the place of registration, the document must be produced 30 days from the date of submission. If the parent does this in another region of the country, the passport will be ready only after 2-4 months. Applicants related to classified information or state secrets should expect a document within 4-12 weeks. Passports of minor citizens are often issued even earlier than the specified deadlines.

How much does a separate passport for a child under 18 cost?

The state fee paid is determined by the type of passport and the age of the minor. For persons from 0 to 14 years old the amount is:

  • 1000 rubles – for an old-style document that expires after 5 years;
  • 1,500 rubles – for a biometric, valid for 10 years.

For older children who are between 14 and 18 years old, the state fee for both types of passports is slightly higher. It equals the following amounts:

  • 2000 rubles – for an old-style document;
  • 3500 rubles – for a new type of foreign passport.

Where to get it

To receive the finished document, you must contact the place of its submission with Russian passport and the birth certificate of the minor, because this may also be required. On the website public services You can track the status of your submitted application. This way you will know whether the document is ready or not. If the application is submitted correctly, the exact date of issue and the place where everyone receives a foreign passport will be indicated on the government services website.

Payment of state duty

The main option for paying the fee is using bank details, which can be requested at the place of application or found on the website of the local Federal Migration Service. The parent must be indicated as the payer, because he submits all the child’s documents. You can pay the receipt at a bank branch, its terminal or at the post office. Without this document, you cannot obtain a passport for a child under 14 years of age.


To everyone who decides to apply new document To travel abroad, you will need a receipt for payment of the state fee for a foreign passport. It is important to indicate the details correctly and not make mistakes in spelling. Otherwise your payment will not be taken into account. It also matters what type of passport you are applying for – biometric or regular, old-style. We will tell you where to get a sample receipt for a foreign passport, and what is the best way to make payment.

In 2019, several options are available for applying for a foreign passport for citizens of the Russian Federation. You can contact the passport office at your place of residence or submit an application electronically on the State Services portal.

In any case, you will need to transfer money to pay the state fee. This is a mandatory fee federal significance. Funds transferred for issuing passports are sent to a single account of the subject of the Federation in which the application was submitted.

Please note that the fee amounts from 08/03/2018. have changed. In a new way Tax legislation the amount due has increased. Previously, adults paid 2,000 rubles for an old-style passport, and children under 14 years old – 1,000 rubles, but for a biometric passport they had to pay more – 3,500 rubles and 1,500 rubles, respectively, for adults and children.

State duty amount

In 2019, the state fee for issuing a foreign passport is set at the following amount.

In 2019, when paying the fee through State Services, a 30% discount is provided. It will be valid until January 2019.

Registration of a biometric passport is more expensive because the price includes photographing the applicant, which is done directly at the FMS office, encoding the information and entering it into the document in the form of an electronic chip. In addition, the new passport will be valid for twice as long - you can travel with it for ten years.

It is obvious that now in order to obtain foreign passports for the whole family, you will have to spend a significant amount. In addition, children cannot be included in the new type of biometric documents issued to parents. According to the new rules, it is impossible to enter data about children into old-style passports issued after 2010.

Sometimes, under certain circumstances, FMS employees agree to include children with their parents in old passports, but this is the exception rather than the rule. You have to pay 500 rubles for entering information about children if you immediately declare your intention.

How to fill out a receipt

In order to pay the fee, you need to correctly issue a payment receipt. . Typically, the migration service website contains information about the details where money should be transferred to in your region, as well as samples of completed receipts.

It is important to correctly enter information about the person making the payment and not confuse the code budget classification(KBK). For those who apply biometric document, the BCC is the same for all regions of the Russian Federation. If you are applying for an old-style document, the code will differ by several digits. Be careful when filling out the receipt for your passport.

You need to pay on your own behalf. If a passport is issued for a child, then the child is indicated as the payer and his name and patronymic are entered. Parents and guardians are authorized to make payments on behalf of children up to the age of 14.

The bank places a payment stamp on the receipt. If you do not submit documents for registration immediately, keep the confirmation of payment. The receipt is valid for three years.

How to pay the state fee

Russians can pay for their passport receipt in several ways:

  • The receipt for the international passport is filled out independently and paid at the bank branch.
    In order to use this method, you need to know the details of the FMS office at your place of residence and indicate the exact amount to be paid. There is a percentage charge for bank services, please clarify what exactly. Fees may vary from bank to bank. You may have to stand in line to see the operator.
  • Payment through a self-service terminal in Sberbank.
    This method is more convenient than others. You deposit money from a card or in cash without queuing, without overpaying for bank services. After completing the transaction, the machine will give you a receipt for payment of the state fee.
  • Using Internet banking.
    Advanced users can pay the fee without leaving home, in the personal account of their bank. If you go this route, you should be careful when entering the details of the FMS current account and do not forget to print out the payment confirmation.
  • Payment of the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport on the State Services portal.
    This method was created specifically to encourage citizens to actively use the new resource and less often contact employees in the offices of the Federal Migration Service. Important - by using this method, you can really save money. Users are provided with a discount of 30% of the contribution amount. It turns out that for a new document with biometric storage media you will pay 3,500 rubles instead of 5,000, and for an old-style international passport only 1,400 rubles, not 2,000.

But what if your plans suddenly changed, and you were unable to obtain a foreign passport for travel, but managed to pay the fee? Don't worry, by law you can get your money back within three years if you keep the receipt. In order to cancel a payment, you need to inform the bank that the service was not provided.

Residents of the Kaliningrad region have a special preferential regime for obtaining international passports. They do not need to pay a fee for issuing the document.

Features of the old-style international passport for children:

  • the document can be issued from birth;
  • validity period - 5 years;
  • state fee for registration - 1000 rubles;
  • an application for registration can be submitted both online and offline;
  • You can issue a document for children under 14 years of age without their personal presence;
  • fingerprint registration is not required;
  • can be issued urgently.

2. What documents are needed to obtain an old-style international passport for a child?

To obtain an old-style international passport for a child under 14 years of age, you will need:

  • application form;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • Any identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport foreign citizen, residence permit and so on)."> legal representative;
  • A document confirming the rights of a legal representative may be a child’s birth certificate; act of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the appointment of a guardian or trustee."> legal representative;
  • The presence of Russian citizenship in a child is confirmed, for example, by a birth certificate with a mark indicating that he or she belongs to the citizenship of the Russian Federation or an insert with a mark indicating the presence Russian citizenship to the birth certificate, previously issued international passport.">document confirming citizenship;
  • The applicant, in accordance with No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated July 27, 2010, has the right not to present a receipt for payment of the state duty for the provision of a public service, but this does not exempt him from paying it.;
  • two black and white or color photographs measuring 3.5 by 4.5 cm on matte paper and
    • aspect ratio (width and height) - 35 to 45.
    ">digital photo
  • ">

To obtain a foreign passport, a child from 14 to 18 years old will need:

  • application form in two copies;
  • A general passport is accepted as an identification document; for citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation - a previously issued international passport.">identity document child;
  • Any identification document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport of a foreign citizen, residence permit, etc.) is accepted as an identification document.">identity document legal representative;
  • A document confirming the rights of a legal representative may be a child’s birth certificate; act of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the appointment of a guardian or trustee.">document confirming rights legal representative;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty - you are obliged to pay the state duty, but the department will require a receipt from you The applicant, in accordance with No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated July 27, 2010, has the right not to present a receipt for payment of the state duty for the provision of a public service, but this does not exempt him from paying it.;
  • a previously issued passport, if your child had one and its validity period has not yet expired;
  • three black and white or color photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm with a clear frontal view of the face on matte paper and Technical requirements to the photo:
    • aspect ratio (width and height) - 35 to 45;
    • file format - JPEG, PNG, BMP;
    • The minimum size of the attached file is 10 KB, the maximum is 5 MB;
    • the photograph can be taken in 24-bit color space or 8-bit monochrome (black and white) space;
    • The minimum resolution of the attached photo should not be less than 300 DPI.
    ">digital photo
    for the application form if you apply online;
  • Details of the certificate of name change.">information about changes in personal data - if your child changed his full name or date of birth.

3. How to apply for a passport by submitting an application online?

Step 1. Serve What do you need to remember when filling out an application for a foreign passport on the government services portal?

  • personal data (full name, civil passport details, email address, contact phone number) in the online application form is “pulled up” from your personal account. If you want to change them, you need to change them in your personal account;
  • Be sure to indicate registration information at the place of residence (yours and your child’s), even if you are submitting an application at the place of temporary registration or at the place of actual residence. Hiding this data is regarded as “knowingly providing false information" Your application will be refused; you will be able to re-apply for the document only after a month;
  • Failure to provide information about a change of name - both the child’s and yours - is also regarded as “providing knowingly false information”;
  • an application submitted through the public services portal is valid for six months. If during this period you do not come to the “My Documents” center with the original documents, it will be cancelled. It is impossible to generate a new application on the public services portal during this period until you receive the document.
">an application for an old-style international passport on the government services portal - only the child’s legal representative can do this. To do this, you need to be a registered user with full access rights. For children under 14 years of age and over 14 years of age, different application forms are provided.

In the online application form, enter the details of the documents required to obtain a passport and attach a digital photo. After filling out the application, check the notification settings in your personal account: the method that is convenient for you to receive notifications should be indicated there - PUSH or email.

Step 2. Wait for notification that your department has accepted your application. In April 2016, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Federal migration service was abolished. Now the services that were previously provided by the FMS are provided by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (GUVM MVD RF).


Step 3. Pay the state fee. After the application is reviewed, you will receive a notification about the opportunity to pay the state fee and a receipt. You can pay the state fee in your personal account on the government services portal (in this case there is a 30% discount) or using a receipt in any other way (without a discount).

Step 4. After paying the state fee, you will receive a notification from the portal of public services of the Russian Federation with an invitation to the department of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Employees of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are now issuing foreign passports in the premises of public service centers.

Step 5. Bring the package of documents to the “My Documents” center. The police officer will check the data of the original documents with the data specified in the electronic application.

Step 6. Wait for a notification from the government services portal that the document is ready. You can check the readiness of your passport online using the service of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Step 7

4. How to apply for a foreign passport by submitting an application in person?

The signature on the application for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age is signed by his legal representative. Teenagers from 14 to 18 years old sign the application themselves. The signature must be inside the designated field.

Step 2. Pay the state fee.

Step 3. Submit documents to the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Employees of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are now issuing foreign passports in the premises of public service centers.

Step 4. Check the readiness of the document online using the service of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. To do this, you will need to indicate the region, date of birth and document number that was provided for issuing a foreign passport.

Step 5. Receive the document. You need to contact the same place where you submitted your documents. Come for ready-made passport can be the legal representative who submitted the application, or another representative, if the corresponding column was filled in when submitting the application. It is not necessary to take your child with you. You need to have identification documents with you - yours and your child's.

5. How long does it take to make an old-style international passport?

You can apply for a foreign passport urgently if your child is seriously ill and needs treatment abroad, or if his close relative who is abroad is seriously ill or has died. In this case, along with a package of documents, you will need to submit one of the documents to the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • a letter from a health authority confirming the need for an urgent trip for treatment abroad;
  • a letter from a foreign medical organization about the need for emergency treatment and a medical report from the medical institution at the patient’s place of residence (for those permanently residing outside of Russia);
  • a telegraph message received from outside Russia confirming the fact of a serious illness or death of a close relative.

The application must be completed on paper and submitted with all necessary documents personally. It will be reviewed within three working days. You must be issued a completed international passport no later than the fourth working day from the date of registration of the application.

7. Can I choose the spelling of my first and last name?

The rules for transliterating last names, first names and patronymics in foreign passports have changed several times. But if you have valid visa, previously issued international passport, residence permit, birth certificate or other document, your full name is indicated according to the old transliteration rules; when applying for an international passport, you can ask to save them.

To do this, write a free-form application in which you indicate what your last name (or first name) should look like and why. Address the application to the head of the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Please attach a sample and copies of documents with the old transliteration to the application. The application must be submitted at the moment when you are invited to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit original documents for obtaining a foreign passport.

8. There are still questions. Where to go?

What is the difference between the old and new international passports and how to issue them for adults and children, how to change or restore the document and how to enter information about children into the international passport, as well as how to apply for a second international passport - find out in the instructions on the website portal