What is a dangerous situation, definition of life expectancy. Dangerous and emergency situations - abstract. What can lead to this type of situation?

Dangerous situation

We live in a world of natural, man-made, social and other dangers that often threaten our health and life. Every day, newspapers, radio and television report on yet another accident, catastrophe or natural disaster that has killed or injured people.

Social and man-made disasters are impossible to predict. Natural emergencies are the most common and can often be predicted. Natural phenomena are inevitable, since they are associated with natural processes occurring in the geographical envelope of the Earth.

The threat of natural phenomena to human life depends on the nature of natural processes and human readiness to ensure their safety.

Children need to know how to behave in such situations. But first of all, teachers must have this knowledge. The main objective of the proposed course is to familiarize teachers primary school with natural emergencies and rules of behavior during natural disasters.

In the process of life, that is, creating conditions for their existence and development, people constantly face dangers. Any practical activities human is connected with the natural environment and social reality and is potentially dangerous. The potential danger is hidden and manifests itself in the presence of certain, often difficult to predict, conditions. They make it worse and turn it into an extreme danger. If this hazard is not contained or stabilized, it will become an emergency situation (ES).

Dangers and emergency situations have a different character. Most often, they are based on natural phenomena that cause natural disasters, environmental, associated with an imbalance in human activity and the natural environment, man-made, occurring during accidents and disasters in the production sector, in transport, in communication systems, biological, manifested in epidemics , epizootics, epiphytoties, etc., and social, associated with contradictions in social relations. An analysis of recent emergencies shows that in 75-80% of cases their occurrence is associated with human activity and due to social reasons.

The progress of science and the development of the technosphere have created a number of serious threats to man and his environment. At the same time, the development of the technosphere today necessary condition survival. In addition, it is obvious that hundreds of thousands of people suffer from all kinds of emergency situations not at all because of various defects of the technosphere. The reason lies in the most complex processes of social development.

Humanity faces a number of global problems that arose during the development of civilization. This is, first of all, a demographic problem caused by overpopulation, migration, aging and is one of the root causes of a number of other global problems. This is an environmental problem with many components, including global climate change and ozone depletion. These are problems of war and peace, problems of natural disasters and man-made safety, and finally, problems of energy, depletion of non-renewable resources, poverty, employment, food shortages, inter-ethnic confrontation, religious intolerance, organized crime, terrorism, information security, healthcare, genetic safety, drug addiction, degradation of the spiritual and moral sphere, etc.

Every unresolved, unsurmounted global problem becomes possible reason disasters. And only knowledge of potential dangers allows you to take preventive measures to avoid disaster. As an example of successfully resolved global problems, one can name the acute problem of the “information explosion” in the 1960–1980s, which today has been very effectively mitigated thanks to new information technology, as well as the problem of epidemics that previously covered vast territories of the Earth, solved largely thanks to the achievements of medicine.

However, it is traditional for humanity to neglect preventive measures. Preference is given to the opportunistic needs of the moment. As a result, even dangerous trends that have already been studied turn out to be unaccounted for, and as a result, dangerous situations arise.

A dangerous situation is a combination of circumstances that, under certain developments, can lead to disaster.

In most cases, dangerous situations are created by the person himself, who violates generally accepted rules of behavior.

A dangerous situation can arise on the road if a pedestrian crosses the roadway in an unspecified place or at a red traffic light, if a person breaks the rules fire safety, if he does not comply with the rules of public safety and public order.

Dangerous situations that a person can most often encounter in everyday life, can be roughly divided into three groups.

Dangerous situations of man-made nature.

They can arise when a person communicates with technology and various technical devices. These include dangerous situations on the roads, dangerous situations when handling fire and various household appliances.

Dangerous natural situations.

They can arise due to a person’s inattention to the peculiarities of natural conditions in the region of his residence, due to violation of the rules of behavior in natural conditions at different times of the year. dangerous emergency self defense

Dangerous situations of a social nature.

They involve people violating the rules of public safety and public order.

These situations are often criminal in nature. What do we call an emergency?

An emergency is a situation that has arisen as a result of an accident or a dangerous natural phenomenon that has resulted in human casualties, caused damage to human health or the environment.

An emergency situation differs from a dangerous situation primarily in the severity of the consequences.

Emergencies are also divided into natural, man-made and social.

Natural emergencies can be caused by an earthquake, flood, hurricane, storm, tornado, landslide, mudflow, tsunami, volcanic eruption, cyclone.

Man-made emergencies can be caused by an industrial accident, explosion, transport accident, fire, hydrodynamic accident.

Social emergencies occur as a result of military operations, terrorist attacks, and epidemics.

To reduce the undesirable consequences of a dangerous and emergency situation, it is necessary to constantly learn to behave safely, that is, to anticipate dangers, be able to avoid them, and know how to behave in a dangerous situation.

In order to learn safe behavior, you need to:

  • - solve situational problems, thinking through your behavior in different conditions;
  • - constantly improve your physical qualities while doing physical culture and sports, hardening the body;
  • - constantly cultivate strong-willed qualities and balance, which will help you maintain calm in a difficult situation and find a rational way out of it.

Some people believe that nothing bad will ever happen to them, that all troubles do not exist for them. This may be the case until a certain time. However, the most severe consequences a dangerous situation befalls a person who did not expect it and was not ready for competent actions.

When faced with a problem or an extraordinary situation, we begin to feverishly look for a way out and try to make the right decision. As a rule, all this happens later, when, unfortunately, a certain negative event has already occurred.

However, there is a way that will significantly reduce the risk in a particular dangerous situation: you just need to anticipate a possible threat in advance, prepare yourself and strictly follow the rules for ensuring your own safety.

It is easier to predict, anticipate and “insure” oneself against danger than to then eliminate its consequences.

In everyday life, most often criminogenic situations may arise associated with fraud, theft, robbery, extortion, blackmail, violence and kidnapping.

General rules safe behavior in such situations are as follows:

  • - always be alert and be able to recognize sources of danger so as not to be taken by surprise;
  • -- try to always be in good physical shape and be psychologically prepared for a possible dangerous situation;
  • - do not lose heart and look for a way out in any situation;
  • - Always have the telephone number of the nearest police station at hand;
  • -- learn self-defense techniques and, if necessary, defend yourself in the most decisive manner;
  • -- do not come into contact with strangers, especially those who arouse suspicion;
  • -- be especially vigilant and attentive in places of increased crime danger;
  • -- make it as difficult as possible for the actions of attackers, since each obstacle poses tasks for them and it takes time to resolve them;

How to avoid a dangerous crime situation.

Crime situations most often occur at night in poorly lit and sparsely populated places, in the entrances of buildings and elevators. If there is a threat, you must proceed from a real, specific situation, and do not hesitate to seek help from employees of stores, pharmacies, banks and other institutions and organizations.

When going out in the evening, there is no need to wear expensive, flashy clothes, jewelry, or take large sums of money. It is dangerous to choose a route that passes through vacant lots, deserted squares, back alleys and other deserted places. You should not accept offers for a ride or a ride from unfamiliar drivers. If you have the feeling that someone is following you, you need to make sure of this and rush to a lighted place and call people for help.

You should linger and not enter the entrance of the house if a suspicious person is following you. If there is a threat of attack, you need to attract the attention of neighbors (knock and ring doors, shout). In the event of an obvious attack, having assessed the situation, defend yourself, trying to stun and confuse the attacker. After the attack, immediately report to the police.

Having called the elevator, you should not enter it if there is already a suspicious passenger there. You cannot stand in an elevator car with your back to your fellow passenger. If you are attacked, you need to defend yourself, scream, knock on the walls of the cabin, try to press the “Call Dispatcher” and “Stop” buttons. If possible, you should try to jump out onto the site or onto the street and call for help. Once you are safe, you should call the police.

The psychological preparation of a person is important for self-defense in criminal situations. Calm and confident behavior, the ability to cope with fear and take the initiative, the desire to convince a potential aggressor of the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the situation, unexpected actions, and, if necessary, the use of self-defense techniques are a good guarantee of not becoming a victim of criminals.

We are all witnesses to the intensification of global natural processes in recent years, which manifest themselves in all kinds of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, unprecedented snowfalls, etc. Without going into research into the causes, we will talk about the consequences. And the consequences are that natural disasters cause enormous economic damage and threaten human life and health. In addition to natural disasters, today humanity itself, or more precisely, the “technosphere” created by man, poses a huge danger to humanity. The reality is that people produce toxic substances that are monstrous in their strength and use nuclear fission energy that can destroy all living things. Can civilization develop differently? Who knows? However, we are still talking about consequences.

Humanity is being challenged. Disasters, catastrophes, and emergencies send a signal: the trajectory of world development has become unstable, and the task of modern science is to find a way out and offer it to society. The symbols of the outgoing 20th century were technological progress, expanded reproduction, and extensive growth. The imperatives of the 21st century are different. Sustainability, safety, and quality are put at the forefront. Today, it is not enough for scientists to indicate a choice to society; they need to study its consequences and find out the cost of this choice before it is made. And then our and the next generations will have hope. Today our focus is on the person, people, society, and the goal of this society is protecting human life and interests. And in order to learn how to protect people, you need not only a scientific system of views on how to manage the risks of disasters and natural disasters. A specific system of program measures is needed to reduce risks and mitigate the consequences of emergency situations. And corresponding government agencies, one of which is the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  • Topic 2.
  • 2.3. Section 3. “Dangerous situations of natural and man-made nature, their prevention and protection from them.”
  • Topic 4.
  • Topic 2.
  • 3. Contents of the blocks of the distance learning course module of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Life Safety”. Block No. 1 (required to study).
  • Topic 1.
  • “Historical aspect in the study of problems of human life safety.”
  • 1.What is the role of the biosphere in the planetogenesis of the Earth?
  • 1. Are there patterns in the emergence of safety threats from life activities?
  • 1.Explain the essence of the concepts of “danger” and “safety”.
  • 1. The concept of an emergency. Mechanism and stages of development of emergency situations.
  • 1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “on the classification of natural and man-made emergencies” dated September 13, 1996 No. 1094.
  • 1). Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”
  • 1.Tasks and structure of civil defense.
  • 1. Purpose and approximate structure of the educational institution.
  • 1. A set of organizational and preventive measures in an educational institution to prevent and suppress terrorist manifestations.
  • 1. Ensuring personal safety on city streets. Formulate rules for safe behavior on city streets.
  • 13. An emergency that does not extend beyond the boundaries of a populated area is classified as:
  • 53. The biological meaning of active adaptation is:
  • 64.How should people taken hostage behave?
  • 69.What is the name of the set of measures to monitor and control the state of the environment and potentially hazardous objects, predict and prevent emergency situations (emergency situations)?
  • Lecture No. 1.
  • 1. The origin of the Universe, the evolution of the Sun and the solar system.
  • 1.1. The theory of the origin of the Universe. Modern picture of the world.
  • (Fig 4) The birth of stars.
  • 1.2. Evolution of the Sun and solar system.
  • 1.3.Theoretical fate of the Universe.
  • 2. The theory of the origin of life and the biosphere.
  • 2.1.The origin of life.
  • (Fig.8) Earth 4.5 billion years ago.
  • 2.2. Characteristics of the biosphere. Location of the biosphere.
  • 2.3. The future of the biosphere.
  • 3. Noospherogenesis (birth and evolution of the mind). The teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about the noosphere.
  • XIX century, and in geology it was proposed by the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess in 1875.
  • 1). Human settlement of the entire planet.
  • 1). Consideration of humanity as a planetary factor, a physical component
  • 1) Continuation of the cephalization process.
  • 1. Moiseev N. N. A word about the scientific and technological revolution. 2nd ed., add. - M.: “Young Guard”, 1985. - 238 p.
  • Topic 2. “Scientific research on the consequences of human activity. The world community and global problems of the new era."
  • Lecture No. 2.
  • 1. The emergence and evolution of the world of dangers. Patterns of appearance
  • 2. Prerequisites and signs of a new era.
  • 2.1. The doctrine of the noosphere and its determining role for the progressive development of mankind.
  • 2.2.Population explosion.
  • 2.4.The first signs of a new era.
  • 1).The threat from the atomic bomb and the possible consequences of a nuclear war.
  • 2).The space analogue of the nuclear threat.
  • 3. Scientific research into the global consequences of human activity.
  • 3.1.World dynamics.
  • 1900 2025 2100
  • 3.2.Limits to growth.
  • 3.3. Stability of the biosphere.
  • 4.World community and global problems of the new era.
  • 2.The essence and typology of global security problems.
  • 1).Note.
  • 2).The modern complex of security problems is a systemically built concept on the basis of modern science:
  • 1) Problems associated with the contradiction between society and the environment (the “society-nature” system);
  • 2) Social problems associated with contradictions within society (the “person – society” system).
  • Topic 4. “Scientific aspect of the formation of the Science of life safety. Theory of Security".
  • Lecture No. 3.
  • 2).Ensure creative work of students together with the teacher during the lecture.
  • 3).To cultivate in students professional and business qualities, a love for the subject, and to develop their independent creative thinking.
  • 1. Causal and historical aspect of the development of the science of life safety.
  • 2. Basic provisions, goals, objectives and practical significance of the Science of life safety.
  • 1. From the moment of his appearance on Earth, man lives and acts in conditions
  • 1. According to their origin, dangers are:
  • 2.According to the time of manifestation of the consequences of the danger, they are divided into:
  • Topic 4. “Scientific aspect of the formation of the Science of life safety. Theory of Security".
  • Lecture No. 4.
  • 1. The concept of risk. Risk classification.
  • 2. The concept of acceptable risk. Risk management.
  • 2.1. The concept of acceptable risk.
  • 2.2. Risk management.
  • 3. Principles and methods of providing security. Safety features.
  • 3.1. Safety principles.
  • 3.2.Methods of providing security.
  • 3.3. Safety features.
  • 4.2. Section 2. “Emergencies and their classification.”
  • Topic 1.
  • Lecture No. 1.
  • 1. The concept of dangerous and emergency situations. Basic concepts and definitions.
  • 2. Characteristics of emergency situations.
  • 2.1. Characteristic stages of emergency development (elements of emergency).
  • 1).Accumulation of risk factors. Experience shows that the dangers are usually
  • 2).Initiation of an emergency. This is a kind of push, a trigger for an emergency.
  • 3). The process of the emergency itself. At this stage, risk factors - energy or substance - are released and their impact on people and the environment begins.
  • 2.2. Main damaging factors of emergency situations.
  • 1).Air blast wave.
  • 2).The temperature factor is the impact of high and low temperatures that occur in certain extreme situations (Fig. 5).
  • 4).The emergence of a damaging factor of chemically hazardous substances.
  • 6).Aerohydrodynamic damaging factor, as a rule, occurs during natural disasters such as floods, typhoons and hurricanes, tornadoes, mudflows, landslides,
  • 3. Classification of emergency situations.
  • 1).Classification of emergency situations by scale of distribution.
  • 2).Classification of emergency situations by speed (rate) of spread.
  • 3).Classification of emergency situations by degree of surprise:
  • 4).Classification of emergency situations by duration.
  • 5). Classification of emergency situations by nature of origin (by
  • 4.2. Emergency situations associated with changes in the composition and properties of the atmosphere (air):
  • 4.3. Emergency situations associated with changes in the state of the hydrosphere (water environment):
  • 5.Emergencies of a social nature:
  • 5.1. Military:
  • 5.2.Terrorism.
  • 5.3.Local and regional conflicts (interethnic, interfaith, etc.)
  • Topic 1.
  • Lecture No. 2.
  • 1).Hypokinetic affective-psychogenic shock reaction (psychogenic shock) - sudden development of psychomotor retardation, up to complete immobility (affectogenic stupor).
  • 3).Hysterical psychoses:
  • 5).Reactive paranoid (psychogenic paranoid):
  • 2. Basic principles of protecting the population from emergencies in peacetime conditions.
  • 3.2. Evacuation measures.
  • 3.3. Engineering protection of the population from emergencies. Sheltering the population in protective structures.
  • 3.4. Personal protective equipment in emergency situations.
  • 1.Filters:
  • "Emergency" can also be defined as externally

    an unexpected, sudden situation characterized by uncertainty, a stressful state of the population, significant economic, social, environmental, etc. damage, primarily human casualties, and as a result the need for a quick response (decision making), large human, material and time costs for carrying out evacuation and rescue operations, reducing the scale and eliminating various negative consequences (destruction, fires, etc.).

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations”

    situations of natural and man-made nature" dated December 21, 1994 N 68-FZ (as amended by Federal Law dated December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ, dated October 30, 2007 N 241-FZ, dated December 30, 2008 N 309-FZ, dated May 7, 2009 N 84-FZ, dated 25.11.2009 N 267-FZ, dated 19.05.2010 N 91).

    gives the following definition of emergency:

    An “emergency situation” is a situation in a certain territory,

    resulting from an accident, catastrophe, dangerous natural phenomenon,

    natural disaster that may result in loss of life, damage

    human health or the environment, significant material

    losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

    (edited) Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 N 309-FZ)

    Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the key when determining

    the concept of an emergency is the term “situation”, as a set of circumstances that created

    conditions under which exposure to unfavorable factors is possible, which may result in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

    The set of circumstances of conditions that create a particular situation, or position, is usually called a situation (from the Latin situs - position, location).


    Situation (from Latin situs - position, location) - A set of circumstances, conditions that create a particular situation or position (book).

    The one-act nature and uniqueness of the occurrence of many events, the confluence of all life circumstances and situations that open up to human perception and activity.

    The progress of emergencies is determined by the occurrence of dangerous and extreme

    situations of various nature, causing the impact of unfavorable factors.

    A dangerous situation is a situation associated with human activity, which is characterized by a fairly high probability of exposure to unfavorable factors on human life, caused by a phenomenon, event, (set of events) of a dangerous nature, during the development of which harm (damage) may be caused to the vital interests of a person.

    Extreme situation (lat. Extremum - extreme, limit) - a situation

    associated with human activity, which is characterized by sharp, radical and

    a sudden change in the situation accompanied by exposure to particularly

    unfavorable factors on human life.

    “Dangerous situations” and “Extreme situations” differ from each other in the speed of development, the possibility of an abrupt complication of the situation, the scale and the associated high complexity, tension and risk in the implementation of appropriate activities in these conditions, as well as the impact of particularly unfavorable factors on human life.

    Emergency response is rescue and other urgent work carried out in the event of emergency situations and aimed at saving lives and preserving people’s health, reducing the amount of damage to the environment and material losses, as well as localizing emergency zones and ending the effects of dangerous factors.

    (as amended by Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 30, 2008)

    An emergency zone is an area where an emergency situation has occurred.

    Specialized technical means of warning and informing the population in crowded places are specially created technical devices that receive, process and transmit audio and (or) audiovisual, as well as other messages about the threat of occurrence, the occurrence of emergency situations and the rules of behavior of the population.

    For the occurrence and development of an emergency, certain conditions are necessary, namely: existence of a source of “hazardous factors” or "negative factors" .


    Danger implemented in the presence of certain reasons, driving forces, called “risk factors”.

    Rice. 1 Accident at the Fokushima nuclear power plant.

    “Negative factor” is a generalized concept that covers such concepts as “ dangerous factor", "harmful factor", damaging factor".

    Each emergency has its own unique causes, characteristics and development patterns. However, the rapid development of science and technology has dramatically changed the habitual rhythm of life of modern man and is placing increasingly serious demands on him in the field of safety.

    Increased neuro-emotional stress creates extreme conditions. The causes of emerging emergencies in 85% of cases are poor organization, ill-considered actions, irresponsibility, negligence, low level professional training, or, more simply put, the “human factor”.

    Unregulated human impact on large-scale processes in nature can lead to global natural and, as a consequence, man-made and social disasters(Figure 1).

    On modern stage development of mankind, due to the scale of the consequences of possible global catastrophes, the sustainable development of civilization fully depends on the establishment of a worldview on a security system based not on responding to an already occurring catastrophe, but on preventing its danger.

    Emergency prevention is a set of measures carried out in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergency situations as much as possible, as well as preserving people’s health, reducing the amount of damage to the environment and material losses if they occur.

    Rice. 2 Yellowstone Volcano USA. The frequency of eruptions is once every 10,000 thousand. years.

  • Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 64


    Dangerous and emergency situations

    Completed by Dmitry Alekseev

    student of class 10 "A"

    Samara 2010

    Introduction. 4

    1. The concept of an emergency. 5

    2. Classification of emergency situations. 7

    3. Conclusion. 9

    4. List of used literature. 10


    At all stages of his development, man was closely connected with the world around him. At the turn of the 21st century, humanity is increasingly experiencing the problems that arise when living in a highly industrialized society. Dangerous human intervention in nature has sharply increased, the scope of this intervention has expanded, it has become more diverse and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity. Almost every day in different parts of our planet so-called “Emergency Situations” (ES) arise; these are reports in the media about catastrophes, natural disasters, another accident, a military conflict or an act of terrorism. The number of emergencies is growing exponentially and has doubled over the past 20 years. This means that the number of victims and material damage is growing, both in industry and in transport, at home, in the army, etc. But the greatest danger is posed by major accidents, disasters at industrial facilities and transport, as well as natural and environmental disasters. As a result, the social and environmental consequences they cause are comparable to large-scale military conflicts. Accidents and disasters have no national borders; they lead to loss of life and, in turn, create social and political tension (example - Chernobyl accident). Potentially thousands are exploited on all continents of the Earth. dangerous objects with such volumes of reserves of radioactive, explosive and toxic substances that, in the event of an emergency, can cause irreparable losses to the environment or even destroy life on Earth.

    1. Emergency situation concept.

    The Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man-Made Emergencies” defines an emergency as “a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruptions to people's living conditions."

    An emergency situation is a condition in which, as a result of the occurrence of an emergency source at an object, a certain territory or water area, the normal living conditions and activities of people are disrupted, a threat arises to their life and health, and damage is caused to the property of the population, the national economy and the natural environment.

    The source of emergency situations is understood as a dangerous natural phenomenon, an accident or a dangerous man-made incident, widespread infectious diseases of people, farm animals and plants, as well as the use of modern means of destruction, as a result of which an emergency occurs or may occur.

    Every emergency event is preceded by certain deviations from the normal course of any process. The nature of the development of an event and its consequences are determined by destabilizing factors of various origins. This may be a natural, anthropogenic social or other impact that disrupts the functioning of the system.

    In each specific case, an emergency is determined by the operational situation. Operational situation in an emergency area is a characteristic of an emergency zone obtained at a certain point in time and containing information about its condition, the required resources received for it, the work carried out, as well as various external factors related to this event. It is also advisable to assess the situation in a particular area where there is a threat of an emergency.

    In the conceptual apparatus of emergency situations, the terms “accident”, “catastrophe”, “disaster” occupy an important place.

    Accident - an emergency event of a man-made nature that occurred for structural, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to random external influences, and consists of damage, failure, or destruction of technical devices or structures

    Production or transport disaster - major accident resulting in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences

    Dangerous natural phenomenon - a spontaneous event of natural origin, which, due to its intensity, scale of distribution and duration, can cause negative consequences for human life, the economy and the natural environment.

    Natural disaster - a catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process) that can cause numerous casualties, significant material damage and other severe consequences.

    Environmental disaster(ecological disaster) - an emergency event of particularly large scale, caused by a change (under the influence of anthropogenic factors) in the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere and which negatively affected people's health, their spiritual sphere, habitat, economy or gene pool. Environmental disasters are often accompanied by irreversible changes in the natural environment.

    1. Classification of emergency situations.

    If we take the entire set of possible emergency situations, then it is advisable to initially divide them into conflict and non-conflict. First of all, military clashes, economic crises, extremist political struggle, social explosions, national and religious conflicts, intelligence confrontation, terrorism, rampant criminality, large-scale corruption, etc. can be classified as conflict-related. Non-conflict emergencies can be classified (systematized) according to a significant number signs that describe phenomena from various aspects of their nature and properties.

    In particular, it is possible to build classification structures according to the types and types of emergency events underlying emergencies, the scale of their spread, the complexity of the situation and the severity of the consequences, the scale and levels of management bodies, forces and means involved in their elimination.

    Emergency events underlying emergencies, in turn, can be classified (systematized) according to the essence and nature of basic phenomena and processes, the most important signs of manifestation (types and types); the nature of damaging factors or sources of danger (thermal, chemical, radiation, biological, etc.); place of origin or affiliation; the main causes of occurrence (structural, production, operational, weather, geophysical, etc.); flow intensity; scale of impact (damage); the nature of the impact on the main targets (destruction, contamination, flooding, etc.); the content and nature of the consequences; longevity and reversibility of consequences, etc.

    For practical needs, it is best to construct a general classification of emergencies according to the types and types of emergency events underlying them. It will be the most general, as it reveals the essence of the phenomena that occur during emergency events and largely determine emerging emergencies.

    The classification based on the scale of distribution of emergency events is also important. It should be borne in mind that not only the size of the territory affected by the emergency is taken into account, but also its possible indirect consequences. These are, say, severe violations of organizational, economic, social and other significant connections operating over considerable distances. In addition, the severity of the consequences is taken into account, which, even with a small area of ​​emergency, can sometimes be enormous and tragic.

    Emergencies are classified depending on the number of people affected in these situations, people whose living conditions were disrupted, the amount of material damage, as well as the boundaries of the distribution zones of damaging emergency factors and situations.

    1. Conclusion.

    Emergencies typically affect large populations over large areas, and there is a high likelihood of large numbers of people affected requiring emergency assistance. In this situation, the prevention of casualties can only be facilitated by a set of measures for the medical protection of the population, including medical and evacuation, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures. Moreover, these activities must be carried out as quickly as possible and by special, professionally trained formations, which are the formations of the medical service civil defense. But besides this, the population of the affected territories themselves plays a large role in providing assistance to the victims (self- and mutual assistance), therefore there is an increasing need to train the population in the basics of civil defense

    Natural disasters can occur either independently of each other or in conjunction: one of them can lead to the other.

    All of the above causes of emergencies can exist either separately or be related to each other, and also complement each other.

    To ensure safety, in particular at work, many countries are developing special legislation, directives, standards, regulating rules and measures to prevent accidents.

    In all highly developed countries, in recent years, increasing attention has been paid to improving the training system, especially for managers of high-risk industries, various security services, examination and insurance.

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    Nizhnekamsk Medical College,

    2014-2015 academic year


    in life safety

    on the topic:Dangerous situation

    Completed by: 1st year student

    groups 9431

    Yurtaeva Valentina

    Teacher: Nurmukhametov

    Ruslan Akhadovich

    We live in a world of natural, man-made, social and other dangers that often threaten our health and life. Every day, newspapers, radio and television report on yet another accident, catastrophe or natural disaster that has killed or injured people.

    Social and man-made disasters are impossible to predict. Natural emergencies are the most common and can often be predicted. Natural phenomena are inevitable, since they are associated with natural processes occurring in the geographical envelope of the Earth.

    The threat of natural phenomena to human life depends on the nature of natural processes and human readiness to ensure their safety.

    Children need to know how to behave in such situations. But first of all, teachers must have this knowledge. The main objective of the proposed course is to familiarize primary school teachers with natural emergencies and the rules of behavior during natural disasters.

    In the process of life, that is, creating conditions for their existence and development, people constantly face dangers. Any practical human activity is connected with the natural environment and social reality and is potentially dangerous. The potential danger is hidden and manifests itself in the presence of certain, often difficult to predict, conditions. They make it worse and turn it into an extreme danger. If this hazard is not contained or stabilized, it will become an emergency situation (ES).

    Dangers and emergencies are of different nature. Most often, they are based on natural phenomena that cause natural disasters, environmental, associated with an imbalance in human activity and the natural environment, man-made, occurring during accidents and disasters in the production sector, in transport, in communication systems, biological, manifested in epidemics , epizootics, epiphytoties, etc., and social, associated with contradictions in social relations. An analysis of recent emergencies shows that in 75-80% of cases their occurrence is associated with human activity and due to social reasons.

    The progress of science and the development of the technosphere have created a number of serious threats to man and his environment. At the same time, the development of the technosphere today is a necessary condition for survival. In addition, it is obvious that hundreds of thousands of people suffer from all kinds of emergency situations not at all because of various defects of the technosphere. The reason lies in the most complex processes of social development.

    Humanity faces a number of global problems that arose during the development of civilization. This is, first of all, a demographic problem caused by overpopulation, migration, aging and is one of the root causes of a number of other global problems. This is an environmental problem with many components, including global climate change and ozone depletion. These are problems of war and peace, problems of natural disasters and man-made safety, and finally, problems of energy, depletion of non-renewable resources, poverty, employment, food shortages, interethnic confrontation, religious intolerance, organized crime, terrorism, information security, healthcare, genetic security, drug addiction, degradation of the spiritual and moral sphere, etc.

    Every unresolved, unresolved global problem becomes a possible cause of disaster. And only knowledge of potential dangers allows you to take preventive measures to avoid disaster. As an example of successfully resolved global problems, one can name the acute problem of the “information explosion” in the 1960–1980s, which today has been very effectively mitigated thanks to new information technologies, as well as the problem of epidemics that previously covered vast territories of the Earth, solved largely thanks to medical advances.

    However, it is traditional for humanity to neglect preventive measures. Preference is given to the opportunistic needs of the moment. As a result, even dangerous trends that have already been studied turn out to be unaccounted for, and as a result, dangerous situations arise.

    A dangerous situation is a combination of circumstances that, under certain developments, can lead to disaster.

    In most cases, dangerous situations are created by the person himself, who violates generally accepted rules of behavior.

    A dangerous situation can arise on the road if a pedestrian crosses the roadway in an unspecified place or at a red traffic light, if a person violates fire safety rules, if he does not comply with the rules of public safety and public order.

    Dangerous situations that a person most often encounters in everyday life can be divided into three groups.

    Dangerous situations of man-made nature.

    They can arise when a person communicates with technology and various technical devices. These include dangerous situations on the roads, dangerous situations when handling fire and various household appliances.

    Dangerous natural situations.

    They can arise due to a person’s inattention to the peculiarities of natural conditions in the region of his residence, due to violation of the rules of behavior in natural conditions at different times of the year. dangerous emergency self defense

    Dangerous situations of a social nature.

    They involve people violating the rules of public safety and public order.

    These situations are often criminal in nature. What do we call an emergency?

    An emergency is a situation that has arisen as a result of an accident or a dangerous natural phenomenon that has resulted in human casualties, caused damage to human health or the environment.

    An emergency situation differs from a dangerous situation primarily in the severity of the consequences.

    Emergencies are also divided into natural, man-made and social.

    Natural emergencies can be caused by an earthquake, flood, hurricane, storm, tornado, landslide, mudflow, tsunami, volcanic eruption, cyclone.

    Man-made emergencies can be caused by an industrial accident, explosion, transport accident, fire, hydrodynamic accident.

    Social emergencies occur as a result of military operations, terrorist attacks, and epidemics.

    To reduce the undesirable consequences of a dangerous and emergency situation, it is necessary to constantly learn to behave safely, that is, to anticipate dangers, be able to avoid them, and know how to behave in a dangerous situation.

    In order to learn safe behavior, you need to:

    Solve situational problems, thinking through your behavior in different conditions;

    Constantly improve your physical qualities by engaging in physical education and sports, hardening the body;

    Constantly cultivate strong-willed qualities and balance, which will help you maintain calm in a difficult situation and find a rational way out of it.

    Some people believe that nothing bad will ever happen to them, that all troubles do not exist for them. This may be the case until a certain time. However, the most severe consequences of a dangerous situation befall a person who did not expect it and was not ready to act competently.

    When faced with a problem or an extraordinary situation, we begin to feverishly look for a way out and try to make the right decision. As a rule, all this happens later, when, unfortunately, a certain negative event has already occurred.

    However, there is a way that will significantly reduce the risk in a particular dangerous situation: you just need to anticipate a possible threat in advance, prepare yourself and strictly follow the rules for ensuring your own safety.

    It is easier to predict, anticipate and “insure” oneself against danger than to then eliminate its consequences.

    In everyday life, most often criminogenic situations may arise associated with fraud, theft, robbery, extortion, blackmail, violence and kidnapping.

    General rules for safe behavior in such situations are as follows:

    Always be alert and know how to recognize sources of danger so as not to be taken by surprise;

    Try to always be in good physical shape and be psychologically prepared for a possible dangerous situation;

    Don’t lose heart and look for a way out in any situation;

    Always have the telephone number of the nearest police station at hand;

    Learn self-defense techniques and, if necessary, defend yourself in the most decisive manner;

    Do not make contact with strangers, especially those who are suspicious;

    Be especially vigilant and attentive in places of increased crime danger;

    Make it as difficult as possible for attackers to act, since each obstacle poses challenges for them and takes time to resolve;

    How to avoid a dangerous crime situation.

    Crime situations most often occur at night in poorly lit and sparsely populated places, in the entrances of buildings and elevators. If there is a threat, you must proceed from a real, specific situation, and do not hesitate to seek help from employees of stores, pharmacies, banks and other institutions and organizations.

    When going out in the evening, there is no need to wear expensive, flashy clothes, jewelry, or take large sums of money. It is dangerous to choose a route that passes through vacant lots, deserted squares, back alleys and other deserted places. You should not accept offers for a ride or a ride from unfamiliar drivers. If you have the feeling that someone is following you, you need to make sure of this and rush to a lighted place and call people for help.

    You should linger and not enter the entrance of the house if a suspicious person is following you. If there is a threat of attack, you need to attract the attention of neighbors (knock and ring doors, shout). In the event of an obvious attack, having assessed the situation, defend yourself, trying to stun and confuse the attacker. After the attack, immediately report to the police.

    Having called the elevator, you should not enter it if there is already a suspicious passenger there. You cannot stand in an elevator car with your back to your fellow passenger. If you are attacked, you need to defend yourself, scream, knock on the walls of the cabin, try to press the “Call Dispatcher” and “Stop” buttons. If possible, you should try to jump out onto the site or onto the street and call for help. Once you are safe, you should call the police.

    The psychological preparation of a person is important for self-defense in criminal situations. Calm and confident behavior, the ability to cope with fear and take the initiative, the desire to convince a potential aggressor of the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the situation, unexpected actions, and, if necessary, the use of self-defense techniques are a good guarantee of not becoming a victim of criminals.

    We are all witnesses to the intensification of global natural processes in recent years, which are manifested in all kinds of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, unprecedented snowfalls, etc. Without going into research into the causes, we will talk about the consequences. And the consequences are that natural disasters cause enormous economic damage and threaten human life and health. In addition to natural disasters, today humanity itself, or more precisely, the “technosphere” created by man, poses a huge danger to humanity. The reality is that people produce toxic substances that are monstrous in their strength and use nuclear fission energy that can destroy all living things. Can civilization develop differently? Who knows? However, we are still talking about consequences.

    Humanity is being challenged. Disasters, catastrophes, and emergencies send a signal: the trajectory of world development has become unstable, and the task of modern science is to find a way out and offer it to society. The symbols of the outgoing 20th century were technological progress, expanded reproduction, and extensive growth. The imperatives of the 21st century are different. Sustainability, safety, and quality are put at the forefront. Today, it is not enough for scientists to indicate a choice to society; they need to study its consequences and find out the cost of this choice before it is made. And then our and the next generations will have hope. Today our focus is on the person, people, society, and the goal of this society is protecting human life and interests. And in order to learn how to protect people, you need not only a scientific system of views on how to manage the risks of disasters and natural disasters. A specific system of program measures is needed to reduce risks and mitigate the consequences of emergency situations. And the corresponding government structures, one of which is the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    Posted on Allbest.ru


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    | Materials for life safety lessons for grade 5 | Lesson plan for the academic year | Dangerous and emergency situations in the house

    Basics of life safety
    5th grade

    Lesson 3
    Dangerous and emergency situations in the house (apartment)

    Man has always strived to build himself a home in which he could feel safe. It is not for nothing that the proverb “My home is my castle” that developed in England has spread throughout the world. But it is known that at home a person is also not protected from dangerous situations.

    Even in ancient times, people used to create homes what nature itself gave them. Caves were adapted for housing and dugouts were dug. Dwellings were built according to local conditions. Thus, in the northern regions, you can now find houses in which the entire household is united under one roof to protect it from cold and bad weather. Many tribes living in Africa build villages on stilts to protect their houses from flooding during the rainy season.

    A modern city apartment not only protects a person, but also provides him with various amenities. To make it comfortable to live in an apartment, it is necessary to supply water, gas, electricity, connect a telephone, and install a television antenna. A person can no longer imagine his life without light and water, TV and telephone. However, the presence in the apartment large quantity household equipment and household appliances creates conditions for dangerous situations to arise.

    Causes of dangerous situations in a house (apartment):

    negligence (faucet not closed, iron left on, kettle left unattended on a gas stove);

    improper handling of household appliances;

    careless handling of fire and chemicals;

    criminal situations (burglary, robbery, terrorist attack).

    In some cases, a natural disaster can also cause dangerous situations in the home. The worst thing that can happen to a home is its complete or partial destruction. It can be caused by flooding, earthquakes, avalanches in mountainous areas, and even military events or other reasons.

    What dangerous situations are possible in a house (apartment)?

    ■ Fire (as a result of faulty electrical wiring or electrical equipment, careless handling of fire);
    ■ gas explosion (as a result of a gas leak due to a stove left unturned);
    ■ flooding (as a result of a faulty water supply or due to an open tap, faulty washing machine);
    ■ poisoning (gas or chemicals);
    ■ defeat electric shock(due to violation of safety rules when using electrical appliances and electrical equipment);
    ■ destruction of building structures (as a result of an earthquake or explosion).

    Dangerous situations can and should be prevented!

    A working electrical appliance will not light up. A repaired and closed water tap will not leak. Toxic substances will not cause poisoning if stored and used correctly.

    We must strive to live without danger, learn to be prudent in everyday life. Pranks and games with dangerous objects send many children to the hospital, causing mental suffering to the parents, and physical suffering to the culprit himself.


    1. Tell us about the houses that people built before and that they are building now.
    2. What dangerous situations may arise in the house (apartment)?
    3. Name the most common causes of dangerous situations in a house (apartment).
    4. What rules must be followed to prevent an emergency from occurring in the apartment?