What are the problems with the Ardo washing machine? Ardo troubleshooting. Liquid accumulates under the washing machine

The Ardo washing machine has been in the house for a long time, the service life specified by the manufacturer has expired, but is still in operation. Three years ago it already broke down. The renovation turned out to be a whole epic. I had to study its components and operating algorithm almost thoroughly. I managed to cope with the repairs, but it was not easy. Therefore, you can imagine how “delighted” I was when they told me in an insinuating voice: “But the washing machine is not working.”

When I removed the side panel I saw that the belt had come off. But this is not a cause, this is a consequence. But the consequence of what had to be sorted out. The flange misalignment is obvious. Upon closer inspection (I looked inside the drum), I saw that there was a misalignment relative to the washing tank, but there was none relative to the washing drum.

During the last renovation, when I opened the panel, I saw this “picture”. The mounting location of the washing drum flange support in the side cover of the washing tub has collapsed.

I took off the cover, removed all the elements from it, bought a new one and installed it on it. I also purchased a new flange with a support for the drive belt pulley.

When disassembling a washing machine, it is imperative to take a photograph of the connection of wires coming from various components to the elements installed on the side cover of the washing machine tank. Otherwise, during assembly you will have to call a specialist from the service department.

You also need a photo of the bearing (necessarily with a number) to buy a new one if the machine has been in use for more than 3 years. The culmination of the renovation came with the start of assembly work. The thing is that it is often possible to remove a part that has become unusable without completely disassembling the equipment being repaired, but it is simply impossible to reassemble it. Moreover, as expected, I mean qualitatively. I had to completely disassemble the washing machine and then reassemble it. Everything would have been simpler and faster if I hadn’t tried to philosophize slyly from the very beginning.

This time I behaved correctly. I took everything apart right away. Here is the flange with a support for the pulley that I replaced last time.

It is still quite well preserved. I decided to leave it.

This is a flange with a support on the opposite side.

It was a shame that I didn’t listen to the advice and didn’t replace it last time (I was being greedy). It turned out to be deformed in the plane of the flange.

And besides, it doesn’t look very presentable - metal corrosion. Definitely needs replacement. I ran around half the city, to all the spare parts stores and workshops, but I couldn’t find a new one anywhere. In one place they offered a used one, but I have one myself, only a little crooked. In one of the workshops, my attention was drawn to the center of the flange, or more precisely, to the screw. If you unscrew it, the support is disconnected from the flange. That is, the unit is repairable.

I made a sketch indicating the dimensions for further production of a normal drawing and began to look for a turner. But it’s always like this, when it’s necessary, “the brick runs out, then the mortar has dried up.” I realized it won't work quickly.

I took a photo of the nameplate on the back wall of the washing machine (its information is a great help for searching on the Internet) and set out to find what I needed in the virtual space. It turned out that this may be possible (50 x 50 chances), but it will take a long time to wait for the result.

Then I picked up a brass hammer (to reduce the deformation of the metal of the part being repaired), placed the flange with its flat side on a flat, smooth and thick metal surface and slowly, with gentle blows, straightened it (made it smooth). I put everything back together in reverse order. There was no distortion. The drive belt did not fall off during operation. The washing machine has been working for three months. The washing lady received clear instructions about the inadmissibility of pushing things into the drum in clumps and in large quantities. These are the main reasons why a washing machine fails. But you still need to make a drawing and sharpen a stainless steel flange, and as thick as possible. For anyone who has to carry out such repairs, start with the operating instructions:

  • page 3 - Description of the machine
  • page 10 - Solving emerging problems

This will greatly speed up the process. Babay iz Barnaula is mastering washing machine repair.

If your Ardo washing machine for some reason does not turn on or start, do not rush to call the service center. It is very likely that this problem is completely solvable; the main thing is not to panic and act carefully in accordance with the recommendations that we will give in this article. And you will always have time to spend money on a master!

List of reasons for failure

What caused this behavior of the Ardo brand washing machine. No master will tell you offhand, you need to watch. However, initially it will be useful to determine the range of possible malfunctions that could potentially lead to such consequences. What kind of malfunctions are these?

The first two reasons from this list are jokingly called “childish” by craftsmen, although for a housewife who unexpectedly encounters a similar malfunction, they may seem quite serious. The third, fourth and fifth reasons require minor repairs. And finally, the sixth reason is the most multifaceted.

If everything works out by replacing the burnt triac on the control board, then this is a repair of medium complexity. And if several semiconductor parts have burned out along with the tracks, then this is a complex and expensive repair, or replacement of the board, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

"Children's" cases

If your Ardo washing machine does not turn on or start, you need to start searching immediately
malfunctions. Where to start? And you need to start with the simplest reasons. It is easiest to check them, and the washer will remain in place. At the first stage, it will not have to be disassembled, disconnected from communications, or moved. What needs to be done?

  1. Unplug the washing machine from the socket, plug the plug of the working appliance into this socket and turn it on. This is the easiest way to check the functionality of the outlet.
  2. If the socket works, check the extension cord to which the Ardo washing machine is connected in the same way.

Be careful! Burnt and exposed wires, as well as damaged sockets, pose a real danger. Observe safety precautions when working with electrical communications.

If you find problems with the network cable, there is no need to try to repair it yourself, open the insulation, or change individual wire strands. Change the entire wire along with the plug, this will be more reliable and reliable, and most importantly safer for you and your washing machine.

The mains capacitor burned out

The Ardo brand washing machine does not turn on or start not only because of the power cord and problems with electrical communications at home, but similar problems can arise due to the FPS, the so-called interference filter or power capacitor. This semiconductor element is installed in the washing machine in order to suppress significant interference that is present in the household electrical network. And thus protect the sensitive electronics that the washing machine is stuffed with.

The interference filter is located at the end of the power cord inside the washing machine. To get it out you will have to remove the top cover of the Ardo washing machine. Unscrew the two mounting bolts, pull the cover towards you and remove it. Under the cover, in the place where the power cord fits, you will see a capacitor. We disconnect the wires from it and remove the part from the washing machine.

Attention! When performing the above manipulations, make sure that the washing machine is de-energized.

We set the multimeter to the minimum resistance value and call the capacitor. When you ring the part, you will see that the value begins to grow quite quickly until the display shows a large number or -1. This will mean that the capacitor is working. If you start the test, and the number 1 or 0 immediately appears on the display, the capacitor needs to be replaced.

We purchase a new capacitor, put it in place of the old one, connect the wires, put the lid in place, make the connection and see how the washing machine works, how it turns on and starts. If everything is correct, the repair was successful!

The on/off button is broken

The reason that the Ardo washing machine does not turn on or start may be the on/off button. Most often, this malfunction occurs in older washing machines who have already worked for 10-12 years. The probable causes of such a breakdown could be:

  • wear of the contacts, in this case, before the button breaks completely, it will start to operate every other time, or even twice;
  • contact of the button with water, liquid detergent and other chemicals;
  • oxidation of contacts due to operation in conditions of high humidity.

What do we need to do? First, let's remove the control panel of the washing machine to get to the desired button. Remove the top cover of the washing machine, unscrew all the fasteners holding the front panel and remove it. Next, we need to inspect the button contacts and test them with a multimeter. In this case, we proceed with the device exactly as described above. When the value 1 or 0 appears on the display, you can assume that the button has burned out and needs to be replaced.

For your information! On some models of Ardo washing machines, the control panel is attached to plastic latches; to remove it, you need to carefully pry them off without breaking anything.

We remove the old button, in some cases you will have to use a soldering iron, and put a new, original one in its place. We install the control panel in place, connect and check the “home assistant”. If the washing machine turns on and starts perfectly, then everything is fine, but if during the test you found that the button is working, then everything is worse than it could be - the control module has failed.

Control module problem

A failure of the control module of a washing machine is a rather serious malfunction that requires the intervention of a good specialist. It doesn’t matter whether you repair the microcircuit or change it, all this must be done by a master. If, after checking all the above details, you are convinced that this is definitely a control board, prepare your money and call a technician. Self-repair of the control microcircuit is possible only as a last resort if you have skills in working with electronics.

The probability of success in this case is small, but in this case we will not focus special attention on this issue. If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to repair the control board yourself, read the publication on the topic? Our advice on this matter is clear - contact a good service center.

If you are interested in self-repair of Ardo washing machines, it means that the machine is broken and you would like to save on repairs.

While others urge you to call a professional, we can help you do the repairs yourself. To make it easier for you to understand everything, we will look at the main breakdowns, fault codes and give detailed instructions for repairs.

FIND INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR WASHING MACHINE ARDO AVAILABLE ON OUR SITE. For free! The instructions can be downloaded or viewed online.

Typical and rare breakdowns of Ardo washing machines

Masters service centers claim that all faults in ARDO brands are divided into 2 types: typical and rare.

Typical. These are failures that are typical for all washing machines, not only the Ardo brand, but also any others. For example, in every machine the following problem can happen: water does not drain, it leaks, the drum is blocked, etc.

Rare. Such breakdowns are associated with the brand of the machine, and depend on the technologies used in the manufacture of the SM. These include a tank overfilled with water, insufficiently heated water, and others.

Attention! According to experts, in 9 out of 10 cases, Ardo washing machines with regular and vertical loading bother owners with typical breakdowns not related to production features. This once again proves that the ARDO technique is quite reliable.

Breakdowns typical for SM Ardo

A breakdown is usually indicated by a number of signs. By carefully studying them, you can recognize the failure. Therefore, it is better to start with an overview of the signs of breakdowns that occur most often:

  • Water does not drain. This can happen for a number of reasons, including, mainly, a clogged drain system, consisting of a pipe, a drain hose and a pump (drain pump). It is extremely rare that this problem occurs due to a failure of the temperature sensor.
  • The water stopped heating. This is especially noticeable in high-temperature washing modes. You can tell that the water is not heating up by looking at cold laundry and unwashed stains on it. The failure of the heating element (heating element) causes breakdown. Limescale and scale slowly but surely destroy the part, causing it to burn out. The wasted resource of the part cannot be ruled out.
  • The drum stopped spinning - it was stuck rooted to the spot. The design of Ardo washing machines is such that the drum is driven by a special belt. If the belt falls off the pulley or breaks, the tank stops spinning. In this case, you need to correct or replace the belt.
  • Noise and “left” sounds - knocking, humming, rumble. If you hear them in operating mode, then the reason lies in the bearings. An object that has fallen into the tank often makes noise - a button, a coin, etc.
  • Water leak. The cause of a dangerous breakdown is a violation in the pump or pipes. In the most severe case, you will need to replace the bearing and seals of the Ardo washing machine.
  • Program crash. The machine does not start. All this is typical for a control module failure.

Don’t panic, you can often do without a specialist. Perhaps, having correctly identified the breakdown and its cause, you will be able to repair the washing machine yourself.

Frequent error codes for Ardo washing machines

Modern washing machines are complex devices with fault codes programmed into their microprocessors. They appear on the display whenever a fault occurs.

In the most common cases, Ardo brand SMs display the following error codes: E00, E01, E02, E03, F2, F4, F5, F13, F14.

If the Ardo washing machine showed one of the listed errors, do-it-yourself repair is possible in almost all cases, except the last one. Although, it is still possible to flash an electronic module if you have certain skills and tools.

Removing blockages (E00, E01), replacing the pump (E03, F4) in Ardo machines

Having identified a breakdown, decide immediately - you will call the workshop or repair the SM yourself. Sometimes you really don’t need to pay a repairman, because the problem is easy to fix yourself. If we are talking about a blockage, then you can handle it without outside help.

The main location of blockages is in the drain filter. To clean it, proceed in this order:

Difficulties may arise from the fact that debris often accumulates not only in the filter area, but also in other places in contact with waste dirty water: the drain hose, pump and pipes. To clean them, you need to disassemble the washing machine. If some small object gets stuck in the tank, the machine will also have to be disassembled.

Replacing and cleaning the pump (pump) is a more troublesome procedure, but quite realistic: you just need to be able to handle the tools in order to properly disassemble, and most importantly, assemble the machine.

How to disassemble an Ardo washing machine? You can get to the pump from the bottom (then the car needs to be placed on its side), or by removing the plastic strip. Cleaning the drain pump is shown in detail in this video:

If you decide that to troubleshoot the Ardo washing machine you need to clean the drain hose, proceed as follows:

Electronics repair in Ardo washing machines (F2, F13, F14)

Speaking about replacing the control board, we cannot say that it is too difficult - this is a repair of average complexity. The main problem is that you cannot always be completely sure that the entire module needs to be replaced. Often, to return the SM to working order, you just need to repair the board.

Don’t forget that the module is expensive, sometimes up to 1/3 the cost of a new washing machine. Often, when the board is completely broken, owners of Ardo washing machines decide not to suffer and buy a new SMA.

Repair is so specific that it is not enough to know how to handle a tool; knowledge in the field of electronics will not hurt here. The specialist knows 100% better what to do if the module breaks down. Don’t risk an expensive part, find a good craftsman instead.

Important! There were cases when home craftsmen changed the module with their own hands, with disastrous results: after connecting all the sensors and contacts, the new module burned out.

Replacing bearings yourself

We will talk about the most difficult type of repair: replacing bearings and seals. In this case, you need to completely disassemble the machine, take out the drum and, with some difficulty, remove the old bearings. Tools and experience are required.

If you decide to try your luck and remove the bearings yourself and install new ones, this video will help you:

If the washing machine has stopped heating the water because the heating element has already exhausted its service life or is overgrown with scale and burnt out, we will replace it.

Buy a new heating element that suits your Ardo washing machine model (A 800, A 600, A 1000 x, AE 833, TL 800 EX and others) and proceed according to this scheme:

Before starting repairs, you will need to consider the main and specific faults of the Ardo top-loading washing machine. Correct diagnosis of the problem and its classification will allow successful repair work.

  • Typical . Such breakdowns of the Ardo washing machine are no different from malfunctions typical of all household appliances in this group (the door does not open, the drum does not spin, the water does not drain).
  • Rare . As a rule, such malfunctions are characteristic of the equipment of a particular manufacturer (the liquid does not heat up, water fills the drum excessively, liquid accumulates under the machine).

The Ardo washing machine is positioned as one of the most reliable and durable devices. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, specialists perform work to eliminate precisely typical faults.

The water in the drum does not heat up

This problem is typical not only for equipment with vertical loading, but also for units with a horizontal drum arrangement. As practice shows, in 95% of cases this is caused by the failure of the heating element of the structure.

In addition, such a malfunction is observed in cases where the heating circuit is broken or one of the terminals fails. This is a fairly common malfunction in washing machines that have an automatic design. In other cases, when this problem is observed, damage to the system sensors or control unit can be detected.

The only solution to this problem is to replace the heating element. It is quite difficult to do such work on your own, and it is also unsafe, so it is recommended to contact a specialist.

No water comes out after switching on

If you have a top-loading washing machine, a breakdown can often occur where water does not flow into the drum. As a rule, such a malfunction of the washing machine occurs when the tap of the water supply supplying water to the equipment itself is completely shut off.

The cause of the breakdown is the equipment valve, which has failed. As a result, water cannot enter the drum. Two elements can provoke such a malfunction:

  • control unit;
  • dirty filter.

In the first case, you will have to replace the valve mechanism, which only specialists can do. In case of breakdown for the second reason You can clean the filter from dirt yourself.

The unit fills with water above normal

The following washing machine malfunction can be characterized as excessive liquid filling into the equipment drum. There can be two reasons for this malfunction:

  • Self-draining, that is, water can be dumped into the drum almost immediately after the set is completed. This malfunction is a characteristic sequence of a previously performed incorrect connection of equipment to sewerage systems.
  • A software failure, which in many cases manifests itself as a result of problems with electronics or breakdown of any parts.

If in the first case the malfunction of the washing machine can be eliminated only by performing correct connection, then in the second you need to use the wizard to determine the specific cause of the software failure and eliminate it.

Liquid accumulates under the washing machine

Such a malfunction of the washing machine leads to the formation large quantity foam. This problem often occurs when washing with an overloaded drum. So, the foam begins to seep out through separate holes in the structure itself, and after some time it is converted into water. This causes liquid to accumulate under the washing machine.

Other causes of failure are a leak in the pipe area or a significant break in the lip element in the hatch structure. The malfunction may also be caused by poor laying of the hose supplying liquid to the structure. In rare cases, the drum itself may leak.

What causes the malfunction?

It is worth noting that a malfunction of the Ardo washing machine can be caused by two reasons:

  • Incorrect operation . Such breakdowns are often classified as mechanical. This could be damage to the case caused by a sharp fall, or the formation of plaque caused by the use of low-quality detergents.
  • Factory defects . During assembly at the factory, technical errors were made, which as a result cause malfunctions of the washing machine. For example, errors were made in the order in which equipment was assembled or rejected materials were used. Only a specialist can detect a factory defect after a detailed diagnosis.

Ardo washing machines, which have been on sale since the 2000s, offer an autotest function. It will allow you to independently determine what caused the problems in the operation of the control module. When using this function, the drum must be empty, the hatch must be closed, and the buttons must be released.

How to determine if an Ardo washing machine is faulty?

In the following video, the technician clearly shows how to detect the cause of a breakdown of a washing machine that has been in operation for more than 15 years. After checking the heating elements and the pump, the technician determined that one of the contacts connected to the engine had come loose.

Often breakdowns with the Ardo washing machine are associated with wear and tear on internal parts. In this case, there is no need to change the unit, but it is enough to replace faulty elements (heating elements, bearings, hatch cuffs). If the cause of the malfunction cannot be found, then it is best to seek help from specialists who can perform the work as efficiently and quickly as possible.