Birth date number 3 meaning. Number three - what role does it play in human life? The meaning of the number three in numerology and more

The teaching of numerology is built on the belief that each number carries not only a quantitative meaning, but also a symbolic one, personifying mystical connections between things and phenomena invisible to humans.

Principles of Numerology

Numerology ascribes to the number series from 1 to 9 magical properties. Each is a certain archetypal set of properties and concepts, and in fortune telling, it indicates certain signs of the archetype and, like the signs of the zodiac or the planets in the horoscope, is responsible for character traits.

Anything can be reduced to a single digit using basic calculations: the digits of a large number are simply added together until a single-component number is obtained. For example, 336 can be written like this: 3+3+6=12=1+2=3. Having received a three in your calculations, you study the meaning of the number 3 in numerology.

Dates and numerology

Most often, numerology does not go beyond the world of numbers and is used to determine the properties of a date. This could be the date of the event, and then the total number shows what its consequences will be. By calculating the basic number of a person’s date of birth, we can learn a little more about the properties of his character and future fate.

The calculation scheme is similar to that presented above. Let's say we need to find out the leading number for the date 07/04/2017:

  • add together: 4+7+2+1+7=21
  • add the numbers in the second circle: 2+1=3;
  • We find out what the number 3 represents in numerology by date of birth or date of event.

Exception to the rule: special numbers

Despite the fact that numerology is based on prime numbers, exceptions to the rules still exist. Many numerologists distinguish two two-digit numbers - 11 and 22. These numbers are called special and are not reduced to 2 and 4.

11 is a strong-willed number. It combines the determination of two units and borrows the desire for harmony of opposites from the two. People who have 11 in their birth symbolism are able to lead a crowd.

22 - reinforced two. It is considered the number of mystics and the Consciousness of such people is at the highest levels of development and perception. Possessing developed intellectual and magical abilities, carriers of two twos in the numerical horoscope often get lost in worldly life and cannot keep track of all its patterns.

On the other hand, this rule is not always observed. There are several options for numerological layouts that consider the situation from two sides - from the positions of numbers 11 and 22, and then from the positions of numbers 2 and 4.

Basic meanings of prime numbers

To give you an idea of ​​the entire line of numbers, we present here brief description their meanings:

  • 1 is a symbol of all beginnings. Independence, independence and self-sufficiency, sometimes stubbornness and aggressiveness.
  • 2 - duality. It can be either harmonious or conflicting.
  • 3 - instability, but not always in a negative sense. The number 3 in numerology means the instability of the triangle, expressed in a variety of shapes, “sharp” energy directed to the outside world.
  • 4 - complete stability. A square that stands firmly on the ground and is difficult to move or turn over symbolizes practicality.
  • 5 - is considered the most dynamic number, striving forward, responsible for risk and adventure.
  • 6 is divisible by 2 and 3, which means it combines the properties of even and odd numbers. The desire for absolute and gentle harmony.
  • 7 is a mystical number, a symbol of mystery, secrets, the desire to know the unknown.
  • 8 - balance and practicality. Responsible for the ability to manage material affairs.
  • 9 is the largest of all numbers. Completing the loop and combining the remaining elements.

Number 3 in numerology

The number 3 can be thought of as 2+1. It still retains the determination of the one, but it is no longer so crystal clear - the inconsistency of the two is mixed in with it. Therefore, the number 3 in numerology means instability and impermanence - the struggle and unity of opposite meanings in two seems to be heated on fire strong-willed qualities units.

On the other hand, three represents openness, versatility and versatility. The presence of three in a horoscope or numerological prediction is like a promise that everything will work out, despite doubts or internal contradictory struggles.

If one implies complete independence and loneliness, two means the union of a couple, then three is already an open, not self-contained group, ready to communicate and establish contacts.

In many ways, the troika indicates that you will have to act together and under no circumstances harm your allies - everything will turn against you. The number 3 in interpersonal relationships denotes support and exchange of energies.

Don’t be surprised by the diversity of characteristics - you are just beginning to learn the intricacies of numerology.

Number 3: value by date of birth

Three people are somewhat reminiscent of triangles: they seem to pave their way with sharp angles. Swift and capable, they are often aware of their abilities in early childhood and skillfully use them, making their lives easier. They always prefer the quick and easy way. Hard and painstaking work is not their thing.

If your birth numerology is the number 3, which you received as a result of additions, but it seems to you that this description is not at all about you, do not rush to get upset. This version of the numerology horoscope is very simplified. Character and destiny are influenced by many numerical factors - right down to the time of birth. Further study of numerology will help you understand yourself in more detail.

Number 3 in esotericism and mystical practices

The symbolic meaning of three is not limited to numerological descriptions. In almost every world culture of all times, three was assigned special role in mystical practices.

Triquetra is a symbol that resembles the interweaving of three isosceles triangles with rounded sides into one. It is found in Central and Northern Europe, including among the Slavs. From possible values- an indication of the position of the sun in the sky: sunrise, zenith and sunset.

Valknut is an ancient Scandinavian symbol consisting of three intertwined and closed triangles. Scandinavian myths are characterized by frequent reference to the numbers 9 or 3: 9 different worlds, 3 norns weaving the thread of fate, 3 gods who took part in the creation of man. I often interpret Valknut as a symbol of the passage of time - past, present and future.

Goddesses are a Wiccan symbol of neo-pagans who revived ancient beliefs in the 20th century. Consists of three converging moons: waxing, full and old. Represents the trinity of the hypostases of a woman: Virgo - Mother - Crone. Characterizes the flow of any life process from origin and development through prosperity in full force to maturity, withering and dying.

And in Christian culture the image of the Trinity is strong - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which is reflected even in the popular saying “God loves the Trinity.”

The number 3 gives a person a love of life, cheerfulness, and a certain recklessness. He is easy-going and quickly adapts to any situation, striving to get as much pleasure from life as possible. A heightened sense of humor helps to survive difficult moments, and since a person with a C is an optimist by nature, he always believes that everything that happens is only for the better. He considers any experience a blessing, believing that even troubles are useful life lessons. He is not particularly at a loss for choice, letting events take their course, because most often a lot of opportunities open up before him. At the same time, he often misses the brilliant chance provided by fate. Over time, he will understand that he should not turn away from the smiles of fortune; otherwise, the bird of luck may fly into distant distances irrevocably. But, unfortunately, the realization of this comes to a person with a three in his birthday closer to old age.
A “three” person has the ability to do several things at once. He will not worry about trifles, because he can always find a new interesting activity. A person whose birthday number is 3 loves and knows how to work with his hands and prefers to express himself through creative activities. Despite some frivolity, he is inclined to keep notes on the course of events and his observations. If a person is forced to follow established rules, he will certainly monitor the strict implementation of them by others.
In an effort to get everything done, she takes on several tasks at the same time, sometimes driving herself to complete exhaustion. And although a person with the number 3 is extremely resilient, he, like no one else, needs to learn to distribute forces into different areas of application, to control his impulses to embrace the immensity in order to obtain a positive result as a result of his activities.
The “three” person is very ambitious. Always has a desire to climb to the very top of the career ladder. He is not satisfied with his subordinate position. He can be completely satisfied only when he has power over other people. That’s why he really doesn’t like being obliged to anyone. He implements his ideas passionately and does not tolerate any doubts from the outside. He strives to establish his own laws in everything. It is precisely these “three” people who make real dictators.
A broad creative nature, charm and wit, openness and a certain self-confidence, combined with a subtle sense of humor, inspire others and attract potential partners. A “troika” person needs increased attention to his own person throughout his life. He is very sociable and loves to spend time with people. Each new meeting brings him joy and arouses genuine interest. But since impermanence is part of his nature, he flutters like a butterfly from flower to flower, enjoying freedom. And even having settled on just one, he subconsciously continues to strive for new adventures. But it happens, although rarely, that, having fallen deeply in love, for a long time focuses all attention exclusively on the subject of passion.
Sometimes life makes a person born under the sign of number 3 cynical and embittered. In this case, he becomes picky and intolerant of those less energetic or, on the contrary, more successful than himself. Then all his proud, hot-tempered nature manifests itself in full glory. It is better to stay away from such a person. He will overcome bouts of blues with the help of his love of life, getting carried away, for example, by a new exciting activity, and for people in contact with him, life will no longer seem sweet for a long time. Especially if they manage to get on her tongue during this period, which is not the best for the “troika.” The vibration of the number 3 disposes its owner to wash the bones of everyone he knows, and he does not miss the opportunity to gossip with anyone, at any time, and often thereby makes many enemies for himself.
At times, even a person born under the number 3 feels driven into a corner. But if he has learned to fully express himself in at least one area of ​​activity, for example, in creative work or family relationships, then he will definitely gain peace of mind and self-confidence and will be able to feel comfortable in any environment.

A person with a birthday number of “3” can achieve success in any type of activity, one way or another related to creativity. That is, as a prose writer, poet, composer, musician, artist, actor, director. The list goes on and on.

However, a “masterpiece” can be a sporting achievement, a profitable commercial enterprise, or a productive scientific idea. All these paths are open to you. And you can take your time with the final choice. Fate itself, step by step, will lead you to a profession in which your innate talents will sparkle with all its facets.

The influence of birthday number 3 on the choice of partner and family life

You are equally likely to turn your partner's life into an endless holiday and into an ongoing nightmare. Your creative gift is quite enough for both. The reason is that for people of your type, marriage is a real lottery. And it’s by no means a “win-win”.

You are so impulsive that, under the influence of a fleeting passion, you are capable of committing irreversible actions. Moreover, you will be able to convince your chosen one that the only reasonable solution is to force events as much as possible in order to “not miss a single hour of happiness.”

You will both come to your senses in the second week of your honeymoon. And this is where the “lottery” begins. If you are lucky with the compatibility of characters, life will be a holiday. And if not...

Let's look at the numbers that are present in the date of birth. The absence of one means the presence of a healthy mind. It turns out that all children born after 2000 are all sane. One unit is the EGO. The ego constantly broadcasts “I want.” A person’s desires can develop into selfishness, which is why a dosed amount of desires is important. Two or three units - a person decides all his issues himself; more than three units in the date of birth is a tyrant and tyrant. If everything: day, month and year are added up and get one, then a person does not need advice, he makes his own life, sometimes correctly.

Science, knowledge, knowledge of the world is associated with two. The absence of a two indicates a lack of energy associated with learning. It is necessary to study everything. One or two deuces allow a person to learn easily and this should be used. More than three twos - a person has energy, as a rule, these are psychics, healers, donors for vampires. The sum of the date of birth equal to two indicates the cyclical nature of life situations. Come up with new date birthday. Sometimes the sum is 11, this is a strong number, sometimes it makes sense to leave it, because it provides the opportunity to choose a progressive life, participation in risky ventures.

People without a C in their date of birth are very specific, clean housewives. Two or three threes speak of daydreaming, this is a person of mood. Three or more threes speak of stinginess and pedantry. Whoever has a three in total can live a full-blooded life, happy life, and a person is able to learn from the experiences of others.

A person without a B is in poor health and susceptible to disease. One B is not a guarantee, you need to take care of sports and your health. Two or more are potential athletes. They will have a lot of energy and will be able to succeed in sports. A sum equal to four indicates the ability to have friends, achieve fame and respect. It happens that in the process of summation the number 22 is obtained, it gives the opportunity for success in life, but with active work.

There is no A in the date of birth, but there is tension in communicating with people. Such people avoid society, but they need to communicate forcibly. One and two fives make it easy to communicate, and a person has good intuition. Three or more fives speak of a person who is able to predict events. A person with a total of five has many strange and original things in life. The personality is strong and life is long.

The absence of a six in the date of birth speaks of a person’s subtle nature, romance and dreaminess. With one six, a person has a strong character. For a person with two or more sixes it is necessary physical labor. A person whose birthday number sums up to six has a life full of changes, a life that is often changing, but fruitful. A person does not take care of his health. Success is only through determination and focus.

There is an opportunity to rely on the talent and creativity of people who do not have a seven in their date of birth. With one or two sevens you can succeed in any business. If there are more than two sevens, everything will work out, you don’t have to think, their task is to do it. The sum of the numbers in the date of birth equal to seven speaks of enormous efficiency in large projects, a successful life and great willpower.

No eight means no sense of duty. One eight indicates creativity and integrity. Two or more eights indicate this person's ability to serve people and achieve outstanding results. An adventurous and adventurous, active and hectic life for a person whose birth date sum is eight.

The absence of a nine indicates a lack of intelligence. One or two nines in a birthday signifies intelligence and independence. More than three nines - a person has a sense of humor, an excellent conversationalist, sometimes despising others. The sum of the birthday numbers equal to nine indicates a nature’s inclination to travel, unusual actions, and adventures.

The presence of numbers 3,6,9 makes it possible to have a vital core. Numbers 2, 5, 8 indicate a tendency to start a family. Numbers 1,4,7 allow you to have social success in any system. The presence of 1 and 7 guarantees special security and good luck, this is perseverance and excellent analytics, and if there is a person nearby who is interested in abilities the latter, you can make good capital. The numbers 1,2,3 speak about a healthy mind. About purposefulness, intuition, sustainability nervous system, the numbers 4,5,6 speak about great hard work, the numbers 7,8,9 speak about talents, and if there are two or more sevens and eights, money rains down like a golden rain. The numbers 7 and 9 speak about unsinkability, a person will come out of any conflicts with a profit. Love, analytics based on logic, it is characterized by the numbers 1,5,9, and with two nines you are obliged to become rich. The presence of a mission on earth, wisdom and wealth confirms the presence of numbers 3,5,7. Just 5 and 7 lucky and just an easy person. The presence of a one, five, six, eight is interpreted as a sign of wealth, and no special effort is required. The presence of three twos and fours indicates great energy potential. More than two threes and nines speaks of literary talent, clairvoyance, but a quarrelsome character.

The absence of numbers can be accompanied by failures in life. There are no 7, 8, 9 in the date of birth and the person is content with little, avoids any situations, and therefore lives without success, but also without luck. Workaholics do not have numbers 4, 5, 7, 8 in their birthday. Lack of money is characterized by the absence of numbers 3,6,9, a constant shortage for any projects. Complete losses accompany people who do not have numbers 4,7,6,9. Emptiness and cold, loneliness and continuous problems, constant depression in people without the numbers 3, 5, 7, migraines and mental disorders. If there are no numbers in the date of birth, you can use a lot of ways to make up for it: this is the cultivation of missing numbers, this is an assistant and a friend nearby, this is a change of day birth.

Karmana directs us to work out and acquire the missing numbers. And it is not surprising when a person without an A is forced to work as a salesman and develop communication with people. Fate forces a person lying on the sofa to get up and creatively approach the issue of his existence in this world. When they say “he has no talent” and there is no number 7, then fate forces a person to play the balalaika. Karmai guardian angels strive to fill the entire period of a person’s life with numbers as much as possible.

Write your date of birth in numbers on a line.
For example, 02/24/1963
1. Add up all the resulting numbers. For example, the same date (2+4+0+2+1+9+6+3=27). You naturally add up your numbers.

Write down the number you get somewhere separately - this is the first number in your code (I recommend writing it down right away so you don’t get confused in extra numbers later).

2. Now add the numbers that make up the first number (2+7=9). The resulting figure is your second number (add it to the first number).

3. Now attention. Look at your date of birth, find the first digit in it and multiply it by 2 (2X2=4). That's not all: subtract the resulting result from the first number of your personal code (in our example, 27-4 = 23). What we got as a result of subtraction is the third number.

4. Add up all the numbers that make up the third number (2+3=5). This is your fourth number. If you have a two-digit number, write it down that way.

As a result, we got the code - 279235 (you have your own).
Now, under it (or next to it, it doesn’t matter) write your date of birth - the same way you wrote it at the beginning. Now count how many ones, twos, etc. are found together in the code and in the date of birth - up to nines inclusive. It’s better to write it down separately, in a column.

And now the most interesting thing is what the resulting numbers mean in your code.

(This, it turns out, is what our personal qualities depend on - the number of digits in our code.)

So, let's look:
Units: will, self-confidence. The norm is three units. This means that the person is kind. If there are fewer units, self-esteem is low, there are probably difficulties with self-realization, such people usually give in to difficulties. If you find a lack of units in your child’s code, then it is worth teaching him self-discipline from early childhood and increasing his self-esteem in every possible way. People with a strong-willed character usually have four units, five units have strong magnetism, six are careerists, and seven are despots.

Twos: emotionality, charm, energy. Those who do not have twos in their code - energy vampires. They get tired quickly and often have mood swings. There is not enough strength for creativity. The solution is to raise energy. For example, do yoga, wear red clothes more often, etc. Two twos - ordinary energy, three - there are extrasensory abilities, four - pronounced sexuality. Those who have five twos or more are simply dangerous: such people are destructive when angry. Large quantity twos are often found among... murderers.

Threes: ability for science, talent, intuition. People with a lack of threes are very stubborn, they do not hear others, they lack flexibility and tact (Saakashvili, it turns out, does not have threes). Such people do not distinguish between where it is good and where it is bad, they are often capable of base acts, and are susceptible to flattery. People with a lack of threes cannot become inventors, but they are good performers. The fewer threes, the less intuition. If a child doesn’t have enough triples in his code, it’s worth paying attention to games that develop logic (for example, chess). Are there four triples in the code? You are a born hypnotist or have the gift of clairvoyance. Five - have sorcerers who live by the principle “a day without dirty tricks will be lived in vain.”

Fours: patience, practicality. If spouses live in constant quarrel, most likely, both do not have fours in their code. A person who doesn't have B's is a coward. He doesn't have the patience to finish what he started. And it’s also difficult to live next to such people, they are eternal grumblers. If there is at least one four in the code - you are a peacemaker, two or three - a good athlete. But if there are more than three, for some reason, he’s a liar.

Fives: refinement of nature, sincerity. No A's - a tough person. Two - very cordial. Three - indicate a penchant for preaching. Four - Mother Teresa: these people give their shirt off their backs, even if they themselves are poor.

Sixes: prudence and wealth. No sixes - people are lazy. Three sixes are very good, this is an indicator of great hard work (and not a sign of the devil). Oddly enough, four sixes no longer bode well - despite the fact that these people can be wildly charming, they are usually envious and will never tolerate other people's superiority.
Yes, and for some reason, those who have many sixes are at greater risk of colon cancer than others.

Sevens: happiness, protection of guardian angels. If there are no sevens in the code, such a person is a draft horse. He always feels guilty, cannot refuse people, and is easy to manipulate. We must learn to say “no”. Two sevens for the darlings of fate, three - a person is happy “to the point of impudence.” Four sevens have big boors.

Eights: luck and, again, wealth. Those who don’t have them, or only one, are clearly not lucky; nothing falls from the sky for them. No, they can achieve something, but only with their work and talent, that is, perseverance. But those who have two of them will have successful career growth. Three or more is very lucky in life. Children with three eights are born into rich families.

Nines: analytical skills. Everything is simple here - the more there are, the stronger these same abilities.

For many people, the fate code is not six-digit, but seven-digit. Such people are endowed with a special destiny. A bright future can await them. As a rule, such a fate code is found among show business stars, famous politicians and successful businessmen.