Children's drawings on the topic of fire safety. Fire safety for children: rules, pictures. Picture about rules of conduct in case of fire

By doing fire safety crafts, children not only demonstrate their skills, but also become familiar with the rules of handling fire and learn to protect property and the environment from fire. This is exactly what craft exhibitions organized in preschool and educational institutions. Of course, parents understand the importance of such events, which reveal the vision of fire safety through the eyes of children, and crafts are also made by children’s hands. And adults need to guide and help the child: after all, this topic is quite complex. We bring to your attention several master classes that parents can take note of when preparing for exhibitions in kindergarten.

DIY crafts “Fire safety” using cutting technique

Trimming is a technique, the products from which look very impressive, voluminous, and are performed so simply that even a preschool child can handle it.

Using this technique you can make the following crafts:

Craft “Fire Truck” from semolina

Making children's fire safety crafts using semolina is very useful for your little one's fine motor skills. For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • a sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Panel “Matches are not a toy for children!”

Fire safety crafts should also teach kids how to behave properly with flammable objects. This can be demonstrated using a panel, for the production of which you need:

  • matches;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • frame;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • brush.

50 more ideas for crafts on the theme “Fire Safety” for kindergarten and more

What can you do for a competition or exhibition on fire safety? Of course, a fire truck!

If you are looking for something simpler, invite your child to make an applique from colored paper.

You can also make a beautiful applique from decorative adhesive beads, which can be purchased at a craft store.

You can even make an applique out of buttons!

More complex, but very interesting, will be a three-dimensional fire engine craft, which can be made, for example, from matchboxes.

You can make a slightly simpler version.

Here are the original versions from egg trays!

A fire truck can also be made from a box.

And even a very large box!

You can use any available means as decoration.

Or you can just make do with plasticine and make a fire truck like this.

Well, the kids will be delighted with Robocar Roy!

Of course, it is worth noting the valiant work of the firefighters. Crafts can be made in the form of applications.

To simulate fire, you can use the tear-off technique.

An unusual applique against the background of a palm pattern can be made like this.

Or you can use ready-made templates, print them and make figures for fire safety lessons.

And finally, you can make a figurine of a fireman from plasticine.

It is worth drawing children's attention to the danger of fire. This is where the quilling technique can come in handy.

The fire can also be made in the form of an interesting craft.

You can also use this option.

A fire using a safe candle will look very natural.

A voluminous applique made from colored paper like this would look beautiful.

Playing with fire is dangerous and this can be reflected in such crafts.

This felt panel also looks interesting.

For city and regional exhibitions, you can make a more complex craft.

You can use a wooden house blank.

Of course, we need to draw children’s attention to the problem of protecting the forest from fire, which can be depicted in crafts.

Some elements can be made using the quilling technique.

It is easy to make such an application.

You can make such a voluminous craft from colored paper and cardboard.

Crafts made using natural materials also look impressive.

For younger children, you can offer this version of an applique craft made from colored paper.

You can also make a group craft like this.

The application can also be voluminous.

A 3D application like this will require more patience and experience.

You can't fight fires without your faithful assistant - a fire extinguisher. The craft can be made using a simple plastic bottle and the top of a spray bottle.

If you have a red bottle and a piece of hose, you can make a fire extinguisher like this.

You can also make a fire extinguisher craft in the form of a panel, for example, from salt dough coated with varnish.

To decorate the fire safety corner, you can make a “Fire Stand” craft, for example, against the backdrop of a fire truck.

And you can design fire shields in this way.

Children should not forget that playing with matches is dangerous!

As you can see, making a fire safety craft is not only not difficult, but also interesting. Such joint creativity usually brings the child very close to his parents and makes him believe in his abilities. Even if the fire safety craft doesn’t win a prize at the exhibition, don’t forget to praise your child! Your pleasant words about his work will only stimulate the desire to create.

Ensuring the safety of the child is the responsibility of the parents. And if parents cannot be with the child all the time, he must be taught basic safety rules.

Everyone knows that matches are not toys for children, and that fire not only leads to damage or damage to property, but also often causes death or burns.

Carelessness in handling matches, lighters or electrical appliances can lead to the worst consequences.

To children, from a very young conscious age, you need to explain things that are understandable to you, and things that are incomprehensible to a child.
Teach your child basic fire safety rules!

And pictures will help you in learning :

1. Gold and first rule, which a child should be taught - "DO NOT PLAY WITH MATCHES AND LIGHTERS."

Explain with examples how dangerous this is and what consequences playing with fire can lead to. Things and surrounding objects can catch fire very quickly even just from one spark.

2. You cannot light fireworks at home. Even sparklers cannot be lit without parents.

While children are small, you should not light sparklers at home on holidays, because... children perceive this as a signal that it is okay to do this. It’s better to go outside with your family and light beautiful sparklers and set off festive fireworks, explaining to children that only adults can do this and only on the street.

3. Sockets are not toys for children. You cannot put anything into sockets - neither pens, nor knitting needles, nor other foreign objects. Also, do not approach sockets and wires with wet handles.

4. The kitchen is one of the dangerous places in the house, because... there is a stove in it, which means there is fire.
Keep children away from the stove if possible. Explain that this is dangerous. In addition to the fact that there is an open fire (if there is a gas stove), you can spill something hot on yourself from the stove.

If older children want to help in the kitchen, explain the rules for using the stove and that what is being prepared must be constantly monitored. You can't put something on the stove and go play in another room. Before leaving the kitchen, be sure to check that all burners on the stove are turned off.

5. You cannot use electrical appliances without parental permission. Forgetting to turn off the iron or leaving it horizontally on clothes can cause it to catch fire. Also, you should not turn on the heaters or TV without your parents.

6. You should also not play with fire on the street. You can’t set fire to fluff (especially important in spring), because it flares up quickly and the flame can quickly spread throughout the entire area, harming both objects and people.
For the same reason, you cannot set fire to yellow leaves in the forest. After all, before you know it, everything will be on fire.

7. Children should be prohibited from playing near the fire.. There are often sparks from a fire that, if they fall on clothes, can cause them to ignite.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently extinguish the fire on the person, either by pouring water on him, or covering him with a blanket, or throwing him to the ground and throwing leaves at him. The main thing is to put out the fire in any way.

8. When leaving the forest, be sure to put out the fire if it was lit.
After all, the wind can spread the fire throughout the entire forest, causing harm not only to nature, but also to children who did not have time to leave the forest.

Repeat these rules with your children constantly until they learn them and understand them themselves.

What to do if a fire does start - read the next article.

Fire is a person’s friend and helper, but if handled incorrectly, it can cause great harm. To avoid mishandling and possible unfortunate consequences, you need to teach yourself and others how to handle it. To complete the study, it is necessary not only to listen, but also see.

It is also necessary to see what to do in case of a fire in order to better understand procedure in case of fire. Examples of actions can be shown on pictures, video or real example of firefighter drills. And we can only hope that this information will help avoid fires and casualties.


Pictures fire safety They allow you to influence people’s visual memory, and are very helpful for those who do not perceive information very well by ear. They allow you to explain in detail and colorfully about the fire regime that operates in a certain territory, the rules of behavior of people, maintenance of premises and other aspects that help to avoid fires, and in case of their occurrence, to provide firefighters, dressed in special protective clothing for extinguishing, access to the affected area. fire the territory for effective combat.

A fire cannot occur if there is no contact between the ignition source and the fuel. It is on the basis of this principle that fire safety rules, which in case of danger should help firefighters extinguish the fire.

If it is not possible to isolate the ignition source and potential fuel, the building in which potentially dangerous processes occur must have automatic fire fighting equipment in the form of various alarms, emergency shutdown of equipment and automatic extinguishing systems.

To inform and remind about the need to adhere to fire safety rules, fire safety drawings, applied or glued to objects, which inform about the features of the objects’ operation.

Such different fires and their consequences

Also, with the help of fire-fighting pictures, they can inform about the conditions during fire extinguishing that special clothing can withstand, or how to interact with objects intended for extinguishing fires. Helps with this classification of types of burning substances and materials:

  • Combustion of solids;
  • Fire of liquid substances;
  • Combustion of gaseous substances;
  • Combustion of metals.

The danger that comes from fires cannot be ignored. They can tell you about the consequences drawings on fire safety, or such a small list where collected possible consequences during a fire and after its completion:

  • An open flame and sparks flying from it, which can harm unprotected areas of human skin;
  • Significant ambient temperature;
  • Toxic products released during combustion;
  • A decrease in the amount of oxygen available to humans, since large quantities are used to maintain fire activity;
  • Damage or destruction of the object in which the fire occurred;
  • Hazardous factors that manifest themselves as a result of an explosion. Among them are a flame, a shock wave, the collapse of a supporting structure, and the scattering of fragments.

Putting out fires in dangerous situation without the certainty that it will be extinguished - undesirable. A much better option would be call the firefighters who can professionally extinguish the fire, who have special clothing and special-purpose items for extinguishing at close range. Although, if there is a water supply point and a hose, you can try to put out the fire on your own from a relatively safe distance.

Important! It is necessary to remember that playing with fire is unsafe; it is not for nothing that firefighters work in special clothing that protects them from possible burns. Take care of yourself and be careful when interacting with fire dangerous objects and materials.

About children

For those who have small children drawings and pictures will be good assistants who will help teach what to do in case fire danger. Need to give basic concept about the danger of fire, toxic products that are released from the fire when a fire occurs. It is necessary to explain how all this can affect the child, talk about the consequences - overheating, deterioration in health, disturbances in breathing rhythm and heart function.

You can use the sticking method warning signs: agree on which fire safety signs indicate which cases in the pictures, and what to do in each specific case. In this way, in a playful way, you can force them to learn safety precautions and be calm for their child while the parents are away.

Examples and ideas for fire safety drawings.

Happens every year huge amount fires. The saddest thing is that our country is among the leaders in terms of the number of people affected by fires. Approximately 15 thousand people die annually as a result of fires in Russia. That is why, even from kindergarten, children need to be taught how to behave with fire.

For these purposes, children's competitions are held and kids learn not only to draw, but also remember the basic rules of handling fire. Of course, preschoolers draw quite poorly, since the goal of the lesson is not to obtain a beautiful drawing, but to prepare for school. Thanks to such drawings, the child learns to hold pencils in his hands.

You shouldn't expect a masterpiece from your baby. Your task is to tell what a fire is and for what reasons it occurs. There is no need to give impossible tasks. Can also be used for drawing paint. You can also invite kids to create drawings on the asphalt.

What can you suggest a preschooler draw:

  • burning house
  • Firefighter
  • Fire
  • And the fire department number

In kindergarten, such competitions are held infrequently, since children draw poorly. But still, they must be familiarized with the rules of conduct in case of fire. Therefore, offer children coloring books. This is a useful and educational activity. Below are samples for coloring.

School-age children are good with pencils and paints, so they can draw pictures on the theme of fires. The flight of fancy in this area is unlimited. You can draw anything. It would also be a good idea to have a reminder of who to call in the event of a fire.

Basic information and drawing ideas:

  • Children in a burning room
  • Kids with matches
  • Launching burning paper airplanes
  • Fire trucks and hydrants at work
  • Small notices about fire hazards
  • Schematic collages

Below are common themes and designs.

There are many options for making such a poster.

Poster options:

  • Volumetric. For these purposes, the technique of cutting napkins is often used. To do this, draw a shovel, a fire extinguisher and a hydrant on the poster. Everything should be simple schematically. You can print the outlines of the tools on a printer. After this, give the children the task of tearing the napkins into small pieces. You need to lubricate the inside of the tools with glue and sprinkle with napkins. Such furry instruments are painted using the tampon method, by dipping cotton wool into paint.
  • From improvised objects. They are made like the well-known birthday sweet posters. Only instead, they glue a lighter and matches onto the paper. Also, such a poster can be supplemented with inscriptions and poems.
  • Drawings. If you do not have the skill to draw, and your artistic abilities are not very good, then you can print out the drawings and stick them on paper. Such designs are decorated with sparkles or broken New Year's toys. From such manipulations, the posters will shine very beautifully in different colors.

Such a drawing is created in several stages. To begin with, pencil sketches are made. After this you can start decorating. At the very beginning, they usually draw large details, and then move on to the little things.

After the sketch is ready, coloring is carried out. It is best to use the lead for these purposes, not the pencils themselves. Using a blade, it is crumbled into a drawing (sketch) and rubbed with cotton wool. Below are examples of children's posters for a fire-themed competition.

This is an annual competition held among schoolchildren and teenagers on the topic of fire safety rules. It is worth noting that children 7-18 years old can participate. In this case, the drawings can be made with a pencil or paints. The main task is to convey to children how to behave in case of fire and teach fire safety rules.

In addition to drawings on album sheets, posters and wall newspapers can take part in the competition. Cuttings and printed sketches may not be used. Only drawings created by children are acceptable. The subject can be anything, but must indicate the danger of fire.

Children's drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition

Children's drawing for the "Burning Bush" competition

As you can see, drawings on the topic of fire safety were created in order to teach children the rules of handling fire.

VIDEO: Fire-themed drawings for children

Fire safety one of the most important components of life. Because children every day encounter objects that can cause a fire. Electrical appliances, heaters, stoves, matches and lighters, sockets and wires - all this can lead to disaster if used incorrectly. When kids grow up and go to school, parents often allow them to do simple housework themselves: heat their own food, vacuum the apartment, and so on. But guys are not always fully aware of possible threats. As an addition to this material, our website also offers you the article “Safety Pictures for Children. Careful guys”, which contains many beautiful drawings and educational accompanying text.

They will help boys and girls to more clearly study the technique of handling dangerous objects and better understand the reality of existing threats. Each coloring book comes with a color picture and an interesting commentary to make it easier for children to remember the lesson and paint the picture. You can also check out the article “Fire truck coloring book for kids. Soviet cars”, which will provide you with both drawings and descriptions of cars of that time.

Fire safety coloring pages for schoolchildren play and learn at the same time

Parents and teachers, older brothers and sisters, pay attention to the younger children. Explain to them the dangers of playing with fire. If younger schoolchildren themselves use a stove and electrical appliances, then tell them all the nuances and possible problems associated with each device. Try to show everything in practice using clear examples and check that the children have learned the lessons. Explain how to act in case of possible difficulties, where to turn off the gas, how to turn off the electricity, where to call, etc. Let each fire safety coloring book for a schoolchild become the protection that will protect him in the future from rash actions.

Let the children not only color the pictures, but also come up with a short story for each picture. This will help them understand fire safety material much better and have a good idea of ​​correct and incorrect behavior patterns. And also the consequences of rash actions.

Each fire safety coloring page for schoolchildren this is a small lesson

A match can light a small fire. But fire, unlike many other phenomena in this world, can quickly become huge and turn into a fire. For example, what harm does a spoonful of water do? You can’t drown in a spoon, you can’t drown your neighbors with a spoon, but a fire can burst out of a small match and burn the whole house. Therefore, matches and lighters are not toys for children. Follow fire safety rules!

The stove not only cooks food, it also poses a danger due to its high temperature. Do not dry things over the stove, do not throw foreign objects on it. Keep very young children away from her. If you are cooking on the stove or heating food, then do not leave it so as not to invite big trouble into your home. Every schoolchild should know that the stove is dangerous! Always be careful and everything will be fine!

Electrical appliances use electricity to operate, and current carries not only benefits, but also great danger. The devices must be used very carefully so that they do not start sparking and cause a fire. If some electrical appliance begins to emit an unpleasant odor, or smoke or spark, and you are at home, then it must be immediately unplugged from the outlet. Also, many devices get very hot, for example, an iron, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle. When you use them, be careful not to cause a fire. Do not use devices with wet hands to avoid getting an electric shock. Follow fire safety precautions, be a smart child.

Coloring book about not burning grass and poplar fluff

It's hot and warm in summer. But there is a danger of large fires. Poplar fluff and dry grass easily ignite and can quickly spread fire around, which can spread to bushes, trees, and cars. Don't play with fire on the street, be reasonable. Your pranks can lead to big trouble. A schoolboy is no longer a little preschooler! The student must understand what will happen if a river of fire suddenly breaks out under his feet. Never light the fluff!