Catalog of didactic games in five educational areas. card index (junior group) on the topic. Card index of didactic games about nature Without paths, without paths

Game rules: the riddle should be descriptive, name the main, characteristic features of a given item of clothing, shoes, hats. The child who guesses first gets a chip. Be sure to explain which words helped you guess the descriptive riddle. The one who gets the most chips wins.

Game actions: make a descriptive riddle of an item of clothing, shoes, hats, guess.

Material: a diagram for describing clothing, various items of children's clothing (children's trousers, children's vests, children's T-shirts, etc.), shoes, hats, a screen (chest, “Magic bag”, etc.).

Teacher. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are preparing New Year's costumes for the holiday. I'll tell you about one of them:

“This is a headdress. It is multi-colored and round in shape. Comes in different sizes. It is made of yarn, but they can be made of leather or woolen fabric. It comes with a pompom or a visor. This headdress can be worn in cool weather, in the fall. Put it on a little sideways. (It takes).

The teacher shows the described beret. Then he invites one of the children to choose an item of clothing, shoes, hats and come up with a riddle for their friends.

"Looking for a neighbor"

Target: activate in speech the names of items of clothing, shoes, hats, stimulate the development of attention, mental operations of analysis and synthesis, speed of reaction, dexterity.

Game rules: The player who first reaches the empty chair and takes it becomes the leader. The rest of the children return to their seats. You can't push each other.

Game actions: name items of clothing, shoes, hats, their details or signs, change from chair to chair. Material: chairs.

All children sit on a rug (or on chairs in a circle). One chair is free. The player to the left of the empty seat begins the game with the words: “No one is sitting on the right. Let someone sit down with me who has...”

Further, the ending of this phrase changes with each player. For example, “... who has yellow in their clothes.” Everyone to whom these words apply (who has yellow in their clothes) jumps up from their seats and runs to the indicated chair. The first one to reach an empty chair takes it. The rest of the children return to their places.

“Whose shoe?”

Target: activate the names of shoes and ordinal numbers in speech; train children in agreeing nouns with numerals; develop dexterity and sense of humor.

Game rule: shoe items

Material: screen, carpet.

All players take off their shoes from their left foot and give them to the leader. He lays out all the shoes behind the screen in a random order in a row.

Players sit on the carpet (chairs).

The host asks each player in turn for a number, for example, “from 1 to 5.” You can specify any range of numbers.

After the player has named the number (for example, 3), the presenter counts behind the screen in row number 3 of shoes and gives it to the player. Of course, it will be an item from someone else’s pair, but the player will still have to be content with it... The next player also tries to guess the number of his pair of shoes in the row, calling any number from the given row.

This is how all shoes are disassembled. The presenter offers to put it on and, at a signal, all players jump on their left foot along the carpet (or around a chair, tables, etc.). The first player to reach the destination becomes the leader. The game can start again.

Evgenia Lazarenko

Didactic game “What to wear when?”

Target: Consolidating ideas about clothes and shoes, the purpose of things.

Tasks: Teach children to name items of clothing and shoes, clarify children’s ideas about clothing and shoes, teach them to differentiate types of clothing by season, teach them to remember the sequence of dressing. Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”, “Shoes”. Develop dialogic speech, visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory. Foster a sense of collectivism and empathy.

Progress of the game: 5 children are playing. Four of them receive a card with the season. The fifth child as a leader.

The presenter shows one card with items of clothing or shoes and asks: “When to wear this?”

The child whose season matches the given clothes or shoes takes the card and explains why he chose it.

The game continues until all the cards are gone.

There may be a continuation of the game: Didactic game “What first, what then?”

The teacher invites each participant to lay out the selected cards in the order in which they dress for the street. Explain why this or that clothing or shoes is needed.

Publications on the topic:

Game “What? Where? When?" Topic: Game “What, where, when?” Goal: to consolidate the skills of comparing, analyzing, drawing conclusions: developing curiosity, independence.

Topic: “Autumn”. Form of implementation: intellectual game “What? Where? When?” Age group: preparatory to school. Educational areas:.

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" Game “What? Where? When?" Goal: To expand students’ knowledge, develop attention and logic. Objectives: 1. Develop the ability to integrate.

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" with older children Intellectual game “What? Where? When?". Program objectives: Educational area: “Speech development” To consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy tales.

Intellectual quiz game for children of the senior group “What? Where? When?" Game “What? Where? When?" Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about nature; Through an emotional attitude, to form a sustainable interest in nature;

Consultation “How to dress a child for a walk?” In the body of a child, just like an adult, a certain amount of heat is constantly generated, which is released into the environment mainly.

Summary of GCD for speech development. Didactic game for pronunciation of sounds [M]-[M’], [B]-[B’]. Didactic game “Who left?” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. Objectives: 1. To develop the ability to clearly pronounce the sounds mm, b-b in sound combinations, to distinguish.

Who's wearing what?
Target. Develop observation skills and voluntary visual memory.

Progress of the game. The driving child stands in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and sing to the tune of the Russian folk song “Like ours at the gate.”

For boys:

Stand in the center of the circle and don’t open your eyes. Give me your answer quickly: What is our Vanya wearing?

For girls:

We are waiting for your answer: What is Mashenka wearing?

The children stop, and the driver closes his eyes and describes the details, as well as the color of the named child’s clothing.

Target. Learn to maintain attention and feel your partner.

Progress of the game. The children stand scattered, in front of them the driver is a child - a “telepath”. He must, without using words or gestures, contact one of the children only with his eyes and change places with him. The game continues with a new “telepath”. In the future, you can invite the children, changing places, to say hello or say something nice to each other. Continuing to develop the game, children come up with situations when they cannot move or talk, but they need to call a partner to them or change places with them. For example: “On reconnaissance”, “On the hunt”, “In the kingdom of Koshchei”, etc.

Sparrows - crows
Target. Develop attention, endurance, dexterity.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into two teams: “Sparrows” and “Crows”; then they stand in two lines with their backs to each other. The team that the leader calls catches; the team, which is not named, runs away to “houses” (on chairs or to a certain line). The presenter says slowly: “Vo-o-ro-o...”. At this moment, both teams are ready to run away and catch. It is this moment of mobilization that is important in the game.

A simpler option: the team that the leader names claps its hands or begins to “fly” scattered around the hall, while the second team remains in place.
Target. Develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy.

Progress of the game. One child, the driver, walks around the hall, making voluntary movements: stopping, raising his hand, bending over, turning. A group of children (3-5 people), like a shadow, follows him, trying to exactly repeat everything he does. When developing this game, you can invite children to explain their actions: I stopped because there was a hole ahead; raised his hand to catch a butterfly; bent down to pick a flower; turned around because he heard someone scream; etc.

Target. Develop memory, attention, imagination.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into two groups of 7-8 people. One group of “cooks” is invited to cook the first dish (which the children will offer), and the second, for example, prepare a salad. Each child comes up with what he will use: onions, carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for borscht; potatoes, cucumber, onion, peas, egg, mayonnaise - for salad. Everyone stands in a common circle - this is a saucepan - and sings a song (improvisation):

We can quickly cook borscht or soup

Chop salad or simple vinaigrette,

Prepare compote.

Here's a nice lunch.

The children stop, and the leader names one by one what he wants to put in the pan. The child who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. When all the “components” of the dish are in the circle, the host offers to prepare the next dish. The game starts over. In the next lesson, children can be asked to prepare porridge from different cereals or compote from different fruits.

Target. Train orientation in space, coordination of actions, imagination.

Progress of the game. Using a counting rhyme, a leader is selected - the “needle”, the rest of the children stand holding hands, followed by the “thread”. The “needle” moves around the hall in different directions, embroidering various patterns. The pace of movement can change, the “thread” should not break. To complicate the game, you can put obstacles on the way by scattering soft modules.

Eighth game of the Second Team Tournament.


Ivan Starikov

Andrey Shumakov

Alexander Bulavchuk

  • Ivan Starikov, teacher from Pushchino
  • Andrey Shumakov, journalist from Chelyabinsk
  • Alexander Bulavchuk, teacher from Krasnoyarsk

Progress of the game

First round


  • Crime
  • Ends with "y"
  • Archeology
  • Who's wearing what?
  • Eastern theme
  • Author!

Crime (500)

Where is this house? (500)

Cat in a poke. Subject: Where is this house?. “I’m leaving the dog park to pose,” wrote Pushkin. The house on Volkhonka, where this artist lived, is marked with a memorial plaque, but instead of a museum, there is a restaurant in the house.

Ivan plays. The bet is 500.
Player response: Kipretsky.
Correct answer: Tropinin

Ends with "y" (400)

This grandson of a native of France served in the Russian fleet, explored the Arctic, rose to the rank of admiral... And the islands in the Arctic Ocean were named in his honor.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Kotzebue.
Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Anjou

Ends with "y" (500)

Ends with "y" (500)

He nicknamed his house in Orville the “White House” long before his election as President of the Fifth Republic.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Pompidou

Ends with "y" (300)

This curly-haired acquaintance of the yard Barbos lived “in contentment and kindness,” for she walked in front of her owners on her hind legs.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Juju

Ends with "y" (200)

Ends with "y" (200)

From the 30th King of Portugal, he became the first Emperor of Brazil.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Pedro

Ends with "y" (100)

Ends with "y" (100)

He is brilliant, and big-nosed, and bare-eyed, and Filipino - and all this...

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Cockatoo

Crime (400)

Thanks to the letters of this serial killer, DNA analysis was carried out and a monstrous assumption was made: a woman killed Whitechapel prostitutes.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Jack the Ripper

Crime (300)

At their own peril and risk, these Novgorodians made predatory expeditions on their boats, mainly to the east.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Ushkuiniki

Crime (200)

In the 1960s, the Rostov gang of Tolstopyatov brothers “worked” in masks, which is why they received this nickname.

Correct answer: "Fantômas"

Oriental theme (300)

Auction. On the facades of this Parisian building there are statues symbolizing the cities of Strasbourg and Verdun.

Andrey plays. The bet is 400.
Correct answer: Eastern station

Oriental theme (400)

The Portuguese troops had barely left the former colony when Indonesia invaded. This state achieved independence only a quarter of a century later.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: East Timor

Archeology (200)

Gold-plated glass beads found in a 5th-century Japanese tomb were produced in that empire, very far from where they were found.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Roman

Archeology (300)

Archeology (300)

The oldest rock paintings in Europe are handprints in caves in Spain. The ancient artist pressed his hand to the wall, and applied paint in this way.

Andrey answers.
Player response: Second hand.
Correct answer: Taking it into your mouth and spitting it out

Oriental theme (200)

This branch includes Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Eastern Slavs

Who's wearing what (200)

During the gold rush, this “poor man’s clothing” was extremely popular among miners: they didn’t mind getting dirty or torn.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Jeans

Who's wearing what (300)

After the appointment of Joan of Arc as commander-in-chief of the French troops, a commission of theologians from Poitiers prepared a special permit to wear it.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Men's clothing

Who's wearing what (400)

Who's wearing what (400)

From an expedition to Lapland, this naturalist, among other trophies, brought a Sami costume, in which, in fact, he was immortalized.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Carl Linnaeus

Oriental theme (500)

Art requires sacrifice (500)

Cat in a poke. Subject: Art requires sacrifice. Athena didn’t like this activity: she said her cheeks swelled up ugly. But ordinary Greek women did not disdain this activity, judging by the ancient paintings.

Andrey plays. The bet is 500.
Correct answer: Playing the flute

Author! (400)

"Don Juan", "Thus Spake Zarathustra", "Macbeth".

Correct answer: Richard Strauss

Author! (300)

"Don Juan", "The Corsair", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage".

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Byron

Author! (100)

"Don Juan", "The Magic Flute", "The Abduction from the Seraglio".

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Mozart

Author! (200)

"Don Juan", "The Miser", "Tartuffe".

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Moliere

Who's wearing what (500)

Who's wearing what (500)

Representatives of the lower castes had shorter ones: long ones were inconvenient to work with.

Correct answer: Dhoti

Oriental theme (100)

The east wind carried her straight to the house where the Banks couple and their children Jane, Michael, John and Barbara lived.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Mary Poppins

Crime (100)

Butch Cassidy, who first stole cattle and then robbed trains and banks, is compared to this noble robber.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Robin Hood

Archeology (400)

It has been under construction in Thessaloniki since 2006. The construction has not yet been completed, but about a thousand ancient tombs have already been dug up.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Metro

Archeology (500)

Archeology (500)

The seal found in Israel is more than three thousand years old. On the seal, a man fights a beast. Archaeologists consider the find to be the oldest portrait of this hero.

Alexander answers.
Player response: Hercules.
Correct answer: Samson

Archeology (100)

Recent excavations have increased the size of this army by 100 men and 12 horses.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Terracotta Army

Who's wearing what (100)

At a Las Vegas hotel, Prince Harry, having lost at billiards, was photographed in such a “suit.” Scandal!

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Adam

Round result

  • Ivan - 1 200
  • Andrey - 2 200
  • Pavel - 1 100

Second round


  • Questions from…
  • Book feasts
  • Generals
  • What were we singing about?
  • Siberian theme
  • Struggle

Book feasts (400)

At the Coquenards' dinner, they served aged chicken and bones instead of lamb. This musketeer returned home hungry and angry.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Porthos

Book feasts (600)

In the novel “Cancer Ward,” Kostoglotov, upon leaving the hospital, gave as much as three rubles for a stick of this unprecedented delicacy. And he ate it with pleasure.

Correct answer: Shashlik

Book feasts (800)

Alexander answers.
Player response: Koroviev.
Correct answer: Woland

Generals (800)

Fidgets (1,000)

Cat in a poke. Subject: Fidgets. In 1831, John Ross discovered it in the Canadian archipelago, but over the years Ross's discovery has moved north by a thousand kilometers. The route is in front of you.

Ivan plays. The bet is 1,000.
Correct answer: North magnetic pole

What we sang about (400)

“...Happy May, hello...”

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: "Lilies of the valley"

What we sang about (600)

“...Whenever you fail, know how to fight back. Otherwise you won’t have any luck.”

Andrey answers.
Player response: "Chance".
Correct answer: “Song about Boxing” from the film “The First Glove”

What we sang about (800)

“The road winds long, hello...”

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: "Virgin land"

What We Sang About (1,000)

“...The sun shines wisely in the sky, the ancient land is growing younger...”

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: "From Baikal to Amur"

Wrestling (1,000)

Auction. To win in the Macedonian wrestling, which is called the “Soovchar stup”, it was necessary to snatch exactly this from the enemy.

Andrey plays. The bet is 1,000.
Player response: Sheep or ram skin.
Correct answer: Shepherd's crook

Wrestling (800)

The British are sure: in the name of this technique there lives the memory of the Battle of Aboukir, where the French fleet was covered from two sides.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Double Nelson

Wrestling (600)

Four-time world judo champion Seizo Fujii visited this Soviet republic to study the national wrestling of chidaoba.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Georgia

Generals (200)

Russian troops twice deprived the "Iron Marshal" Louis Nicolas Davout of this; now one is in the Historical Museum, the other is in the Hermitage.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Wands

Generals (1,000)

At the request of the Kaluga residents, Tsar Mikhail Romanov sent him to defend the city from the claims of the Polish prince Vladislav.

Correct answer: Dmitry Pozharsky

What we sang about (200)

“Why are you standing there, swaying...”

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: "Thin Rowan"

Wrestling (400)

Half a century ago, Hawaiian Jesse Kuhaulua was the first foreigner to compete in the professional wrestling league.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Sumo

Wrestling (200)

Wrestling (200)

The film “The Fighter and the Clown” told Soviet viewers about Anatoly Durov’s friendship with him.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Ivan Poddubny

Book feasts (200)

At Christmas, Hogwarts students were treated to pudding with ice cream, butterbeer and such juice.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Pumpkin

Questions from… (200)

Questions from the technology teacher and his students

Questions from… (200)

Questions are asked by students of the Bashkir gymnasium in the village of Uchaly. I have been studying in a ship modeling club for 2 months and have already made 3 ships. I named one model “Pinta”, another “Niniya”, but what should I call the third?

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: "Santa Maria"

Questions from… (400)

This box contains tales of the gray Urals.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Malachite box

Questions from… (600)

This toy of three mirrors has been arousing interest among adults and children for a hundred years.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Kaleidoscope

Questions from… (800)

He made one boy run briskly along the sink.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Moidodyr

Questions from… (1,000)

This Soviet military leader, just like me, loved making musical instruments, in particular violins.

Correct answer: Mikhail Tukhachevsky

Siberian theme (200)

Siberian theme (200)

Its Latin name includes the word “sibiricus”.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Chipmunk

Siberian theme (400)

Two to five (1,000)

Cat in a poke. Subject: From two to five. In St. Petersburg, on the bas-relief of the metro station “Pl. Alexander Nevsky" you can see a unique image - there are five mounted warriors, and just that many horses.

Ivan plays. The bet is 1,000.
Correct answer: 4

Siberian theme (600)

Siberian theme (600)

Russian envoy Nikolai Demidov founded an art gallery and an orphanage in Florence. Residents erected a monument to Demidov with figures of art, mercy, pleasure and her.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Motherhood.
Correct answer: Siberia

Siberian theme (1,000)

Auction. According to Tatar legend, this city was founded on the site of a camp of ten thousand warriors.

Ivan plays. The bet is 3,600.
Correct answer: Tyumen

Siberian theme (800)

The 1st Siberian Cossack Regiment bore his name.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Ermak

Round result

  • Ivan - 7 200
  • Andrey - 5 800
  • Alexander - 1 300

Third round


  • Love in the movies
  • Heraldry
  • Trains
  • Museums

Wives (900)

His wife was able to revive the hungover Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov only with the help of this item.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Alarm.

Wives (600)

“How the corporals escorted Peter out of the yard quietly. And the wife rode dashingly around on horseback in front of the palace...” Whose wife did Ryleev and Bestuzhev write about?

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: About the wife of Peter III, Catherine II.

Love in the movies (1,500)

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Begbeder.

Wives (300)

Chekhov said that he needed a wife who, like the moon, would not appear in his sky every day. And I found my ideal in this Moscow Art Theater actress.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Olga Knipper.

Love in the movies (300)

Last year, “Love” by Michael Haneke was awarded this “branch”.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Palm.

Love in the movies (600)

In this film, the spouses Sergei Yursky and Natalya Tenyakova played an elderly married couple, Uncle Mitya and Grandma Shura.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: "Love and Doves".

Love in the movies (900)

Karine Foliyants transferred the plot of this novel to Russian soil. The result was the series “Two Colors of Passion.”

Correct answer: "Red and Black".

Wives (1,200)

She opposed the First World War, her husband, the artist Georg Zundel, in defiance of his wife, signed up as a volunteer. The matter ended with the separation of the spouses.

Correct answer: Clara Zetkin's husband.

Museums (300)

Auction. The USA National Aviation Museum was founded in 1946, and since 1966 it has had this name.

Andrey plays. The bet is 4,000.
Correct answer: Air and Space Museum

Museums (900)

The museum-apartment of this ballerina in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment is a branch of the Bakhrushin Theater Museum.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Galina Ulanova.

Trains (600)

Auction. In Russia, the carriages of such a train are painted bright red with white stripes.

Ivan plays. The bet is 3,600.
Correct answer: Firefighter

Trains (600)

In his rock musical Starlight Express, toy trains come to life in little Control's dreams.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Trains (300)

These “life-saving trains” were first used by the British during the Crimean War.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Sanitary.

Salt (300)

Correct answer: 4

Heraldry (600)

The harp and sling on the coat of arms of the Bagration princes denoted their origin from this biblical hero.

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: David.

Salt (900)

In the 1930s, endocrinologist Oleg Nikolaev was the first in the USSR to suggest adding this to salt. And the thyroid disease began to decline.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Iodine compounds.

Heraldry (300)

In heraldry there are about 200 types of them: palmate, crutch, mill, stump...

Andrey answers.
Correct answer: Crosses.

Salt (1,200)

In Bolivia, next to the world's largest salt flat, Uyuni, the San Playa Hotel was built. This is what makes the hotel unique.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: It's all built from salt crystals..

Trains (1,200)

Having bought two antique carriages at Sotheby’s, tycoon James Sherwood restored 35 more. And on May 25, 1982, this updated train set off again.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: "Orient Express".

Museums (1,200)

The world's first electrified train station has been turned into this Parisian art museum.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Museum d'Orsay.

Heraldry (1,500)

On the coat of arms of Anadyr, he holds a caught fish and smiles hospitably.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Polar bear.
Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Brown bear.

Wives (1,500)

The ancient Egyptians revered the goddess Isis as his sister and consort.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Osiris.

Trains (1,500)

Trains (1,500)

According to the order of the People's Commissariat of Railways and Communications, the three-thousandth locomotive of this series, handed over to driver Nikolai Lunin, bore the official title of “the best locomotive of the Soviet Union.”

Andrey answers.
Player response: Joseph Stalin.
Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Museums (1,500)

After the revolution, this estate near Moscow became the Tyutchev Museum; The poet's grandson became the curator of the museum.

Correct answer: Muranovo

Crimea (1,500)

The word "salt" in this language means "if".

Correct answer: Solresol

Round result

  • Ivan - 16 800
  • Andrey - 11 000
  • Alexander - 9 700

Final round

Subject: Under someone else's name

The radiogram signed by Vasiliev read: “You can set the day of relocation of Fedorov and Ivanov at your discretion.” Army commanders Vagutin and Eremenko were called “Fedorov” and “Ivanov”. From whom and to whom was the message of November 15, 1942 sent?

Ivan's answer: Stalin to Zhukov
The rate is 5,201.

Andrey's answer: Stalin Timoshenko
The bet is 5,800.

Alexander's answer: Stalin to Zhukov
The bet is 1,300.

Correct answer: Stalin to Zhukov

Game summary

  • Ivan - 22 001
  • Andrey - 5 200
  • Alexander - 11 000

Ivan Starikov is declared the winner of the game.

Complex of theatrical games

1. Educational games.


Target: Develop attention, endurance, consistency of actions.

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. When starting the game, they stand up and sit down in turns, maintaining the tempo and not interfering with each other’s actions. This exercise can be performed in different ways, coming up with interesting game situations with the children.

A) ACQUAINTANCE . From behind the screen, a favorite hero from children's fairy tales appears (Carlson, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, etc.). He wants to get to know the children and offers to stand up and say his name clearly after the previous one.

B) RADIOGRAM . Game situation: A ship is sinking in the sea, the radio operator transmits a radiogram asking for help. The child sitting on the first chair is the “radio operator”; he transmits a certain rhythmic pattern along the chain by clapping or patting the shoulder. All children take turns repeating it, passing it on. If the task is completed correctly and the last child, the “captain” of the rescue ship, accurately repeats the rhythm, then the ship is saved.


Target: Train auditory attention.

Progress of the game: Sit quietly and listen to the sounds that will be heard in the study room for a certain time. Option: listen to sounds in the hallway or outside the window.


Target: Train visual attention.

Progress and games : The teacher randomly places several objects on the table (pencil, notebook, watch, matches, coin). The driving child turns away at this time. On command, he approaches the table, looks carefully and tries to remember the location of all the objects. Then he turns away again, and the teacher at this time either removes one object or changes something in their location. The driver must accordingly either name the missing item or put everything back as it was.


Target: Develop active attention and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game: One clap at a time Children must raise their hands and, after two claps, stand up. If your hands are raised: one at a time - lower your hands, two at a time - sit down.


Target: Instill the ability to move freely in space and coordinate your actions with friends. (You must sit on the chairs after constructing the given figure at the same time.)

Progress of the game: At the teacher’s suggestion, children move around the hall with their chairs and “build” a circle (sun), a doll’s house (square), an airplane, a bus.


Target: Develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking.

Progress of the game: The players stand in a circle and join hands; leadingth - in the center. He explains the task; if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout: “Yes!”; if they don’t agree, they throw up their hands and shout “No!”

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there any fish in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak?

Does the mountain have a ridge?

Are there doors to the hole?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse rhyme?

Does it have errors?


Target: Develop memory , attention, observation, imagination, endurance.

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs in a semicircle And on the floor in Turkish style with eyes closed. The leading child comes up with and fixes the pose, showing it to the first child. He remembers and shows it to the next one. As a result, the pose of the last child is compared with the pose of the driver. Children should definitely be divided into performers and spectators.


Target: Develop voluntary attention, imagination and fantasy, coordination of actions.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into several groups of 4-5 people. A “photographer” is selected from each group. He arranges his group in a certain order and “takes pictures”, remembering the location of the group. Then he turns away, and the children change positions and positions. The “photographer” must reproduce the original version. The game becomes more complicated if you invite children to pick up some objects or figure out who is being photographed and where.


Target: Develop observation skills and voluntary visual memory.

Progress of the game: The driving child stands in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and sing to the tune of the Russian folk song “Like ours at the gate.”

For boys:

Stand in the center of the circle

And don't open your eyes.

Please answer quickly:

What is our Vanya wearing?

Or for girls:

We are waiting for your answer:

What is Mashenka wearing?

The children stop, and the driver closes his eyes and describes the details, as well as the color of the named child’s clothing.


Target: Develop attention, coordination of actions, activity and endurance.

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs or on a carpet, the teacher shows cards with a certain number of drawn matryoshka dolls. After a few seconds he says: “One, two, freeze!” There should be as many children standing as there are nesting dolls on the card (from 2 to 10). The exercise is difficult because at the moment of completing the task, no one knows who exactly will be “rising” and how many there will be. The readiness of everyone to stand up (if there are not enough “matryoshka dolls”) or sit down immediately (if he sees that there are more people standing up than necessary) effectively influences each child. As an option, children can be asked not just to stand up, but to form a round dance of a given number of children.


Target: Develop attention, endurance, consistency of actions.

Move games: Children are divided into three groups -bears, monkeys and elephants. Then the teacher calls one of the commands in turn, and the children must simultaneously perform their movement. For example,bears - stamp one foot,monkeys - clap your hands,elephants - bow. You can choose other animals and come up with other movements. The main thing is that would Each group performed their movement synchronously, communicating only with their eyes.


Target: Learn to maintain attention and feel your partner.

Move games: Children stand scattered, in front of them is a leading child - a “telepath”. He must, without using words or gestures, contact only one of the children with his eyes and change places with one of the children. The game continues with a new “telepath”. In the future, you can invite the children, changing places, to say hello or say something nice to each other. Continuing to develop the game, children come up with situations when they cannot move or talk, but they must call a partner to them or change places with them. For example: “In reconnaissance”, “On the hunt”, “In the kingdom of Koshchei”, etc.


Target: Develop attention, coordination of actions, spatial orientation.

Move games: Children walk along the hall in a chain, placing their foot only in the vacant “footprint” of the person in front. Don't rush and step on your feet. As the game progresses, children fantasize about where they are, where and why they are going, and what obstacles they are overcoming. For example:a cunning fox leads her cubs along a path where hunters have set traps; scouts walk through the swamp over hummocks; tourists cross the stream on pebbles etc. Be sure to divide the children into teams, with each team coming up with its own version.


Purpose: Develop attention and coordination.

Progress of the game: The teacher or driver names the object, if it flies, the children wave their arms like wings; if it doesn’t fly, they lower their hands. If it grows, they raise their arms up; if it doesn’t grow, they cover themselves with both hands.


Target: Develop attention, endurance, dexterity.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two teams: “Sparrows” and “Crows”; then they stand in two lines with their backs to each other. The team that the leader calls catches; the team, which is not named, runs away to “houses” (on chairs or to a certain line). The presenter says slowly: “Vo-oro-o...”. At this moment, both teams are ready to run away and catch. It is this moment of mobilization that is important in the game. A simpler option: the team that the leader names claps its hands or begins to “fly” scattered around the hall, while the second team remains in place.


Target: Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction.

Progress of the game: Children stand scattered - these are monkeys. Facing them is a child – a visitor to the zoo, who performs various movements and gestures. The “monkeys,” imitating the child, exactly repeat everything after him.


Target: Develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy.

Progress of the game: One child, the driver, walks around the hall, making voluntary movements: stopping, raising his hand, bending over, turning. A group of children (3-5 people), like a shadow, follows him, trying to exactly repeat everything he does. By developing this game, you can invite children to explain their actions: stopped because there was a hole ahead; raised his hand to catch a butterfly; bent down to pick a flower; turned around because he heard someone scream; etc.

Game "COOKS" »

Target: Develop memory, attention, imagination.

Move games: Children are divided into two groups of 7-8 people. One group of “cooks” is invited to cook the first dish (which the children will offer), and the second, for example, prepare a salad. Each child comes up with what he will use: onions, carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for borscht; potatoes, cucumber, onion, peas, egg, mayonnaise - for salad. Everyone stands in a common circle - this is a saucepan - and sings a song (improvisation):

We can quickly cook borscht or soup

And a delicious porridge made from several grains,

Chop salad or simple vinaigrette,

Prepare compote. Here's a nice lunch.

The children stop, and the leader names one by one what he wants to put in the pan. The child who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. When all the “components” of the dish are in the circle, the host offers to prepare the next dish. The game starts over. In the next lesson, children can be asked to prepare porridge from different cereals or compote from different fruits.


Target: Train orientation in space, consistencyactions, imagination.

Progress of the game: WITH With the help of a counting rhyme, the leader is selected - the “needle”, the rest of the children stand holding hands, followed by the “thread”. The needle moves around the hall in different directions, embroidering different patterns. The pace of movement can change, the “thread” should not break. To complicate the game, you can put obstacles on the way by scattering soft modules.


(ear, nose, tail)

Target: Train auditory and visual attention, reaction speed, coordination of movements.

Progress of the game: Children imagine that they are in a forest school, where the teacher trains their dexterity and attention. The presenter points, for example, to the ear, nose, tail and names what he is showing. The children watch him carefully and name what he shows. Then, instead of an ear, he shows a nose, but stubbornly repeats: “Ear!” Children must quickly find their bearings and correctly name what the presenter showed.


Target: Develop memory, auditory attention, coordination of actions.

Progress of the game : Numbers from0 to 9. Then the presenter calls any phone number. ChildrenWith they come out with the corresponding numbers, in front they are built in order of the numbers in the named number.


Target: Develop memory, visual and auditory attention, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, consistency.

Progress of the game: Children sit in a circle and simultaneously perform a number of movements:

1) clap their hands in front of them;

2) clap both hands on the knees at the same time (right - on the right, left - on the left);

3) without straightening the elbow, throw the right hand to the right - up, while snapping the fingers;

4) do the same with the left hand.


Target: Develop memory, attention, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, consistency of movements, consolidate knowledge of the alphabet.

Move games: Letters of the alphabet are distributed among the children, with some children getting two letters. The presenter asks any word, for example “cat”, and says: “Let’s start.” The child who got the letter “k” claps first, the child with the letter “o” claps second, and the child gets the last With letter "t". The end of a word is indicated by the whole group by clapping or standing up.

2.Special theatrical games.

    Exercises and games for stage excuses


Target: Justify a given pose, develop memory and imagination.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to take a certain pose and justify it.

1. Stand with your hand raised. Possible answers: I put the book on the shelf; I take out candy from a vase in the cabinet; hanging up my jacket; I decorate the Christmas tree, etc.

2. Stand on your knees, arms and body pointing forward. AND I feel a spoon under the table; watching the caterpillar; feeding the kitten; I'm polishing the floor.

3. Squat. I look at the broken cup; I draw with chalk.

4 . Lean forward. I tie my shoelaces; I lift my scarf and pick a flower.


Target: Develop the ability to justify one’s behavior, one’s actions with fantasized reasons (suggested circumstances), develop imagination, faith, fantasy.

Progress of the game : Children are asked to come up with and show several options for behavior for a specific task: a person “walks”, “sits”, “runs”, “raises his hand”, “listens”, etc.

Each child comes up with his own behavior, and the steel children must guess what he is doing and where he is. The same action looks different under different conditions.

Children are divided into 2-3 creative groups, and each receives a specific task.

Group I - “sit” task. Possible options:

a) sit in front of the TV;

b) sit in the circus;

c) sit in the dentist’s office;

d) sit at the chessboard;

e) sit with a fishing rod on the river bank, etc.

Group II - “go” task. Possible options:

a) walk along the road, surrounded by puddles and mud;

b) walk on hot sand;

c) walk along the deck of the ship;

d) walk along a log or a narrow bridge;

e) walk along a narrow mountain path, etc.

Group III - “run” task. Possible options:

a) run away, being late for the theater;

b) run away from an angry dog;

c) run when caught in the rain;

d) run, playing blind man's buff, etc.

I Ygroup - task “waving your arms”. Possible options:

a) drive away mosquitoes;

b) give a signal to the ship to be noticed;

c) dry wet hands, etc.

Ygroup - the task “to catch the little animal”. Possible options:

a) cat;

b) parrot;

c) grasshopper, etc.


Target: Develop the ability to justify one’s behavior, develop faith and imagination, and expand children’s knowledge.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to go on a trip around the world. They must figure out where their path will lie - through the desert, along a mountain path, through a swamp, through a forest, jungle, across the ocean on a ship - and change their behavior accordingly.

    Transformation games

In the theater, the spectator believes what the actor believes. Stage attitude is the ability, with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy, to change one’s attitude towards an object, place of action or partners, changing one’s behavior accordingly, and justifying the conditional transformation.


Target: Develop a sense of faith and truth, courage, intelligence, imagination and fantasy.

Progress of the game: The object is placed on a chair in the center of the circle or passed around the circle from one child to another. Everyone must act with the object in their own way, justifying its new purpose, so that the essence of the transformation is clear. Options for transforming various items:

a) pencil or stick - key, screwdriver, fork, spoon, syringe, thermometer, toothbrush, paint brush, pipe, comb, etc.;

b) a small ball, an apple, a shell, a snowball, a potato, a stone, a hedgehog, a bun, a chicken, etc.;

c) notebook - mirror, flashlight, soap, chocolate, shoe brush, game.

You can transform a chair or a wooden cube, then children must justify the conventional name of the object.

For example, a large wooden cube can be turned into a royal throne, flowerbed, monument, bonfire, etc.


Target: The same.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into 2-3 groups, and each of them comes up with their own version of transforming the room. The rest of the children guess from the behavior of the participants in the transformation what exactly the room has been turned into.

Possible options proposed by the children: shop, theater, seashore, clinic, zoo, Sleeping Beauty Castle, dragon cave, etc.


Purpose: Same.

Progress of the game: At the teacher's command, children turn into trees, flowers, mushrooms, toys, butterflies, snakes, frogs, kittens and etc.

The teacher himself can turn into an evil sorceress and transform children at will.

    Games for actions with imaginary objects or for memory of physical actions


Target: Develop imagination, initiative, attention, the ability to act in concert, and play with imaginary objects.

Move games: The room is divided in half by a cord or line. On one side are the “grandfather and three to five grandchildren” selected with the help of a rhyme, on the other side are the rest of the children and the teacher who will ask riddles. Having agreed on what the riddle will be about, the children go to their “grandfather” and “grandchildren.”

Children: Hello, gray-haired grandfather with a long, long beard!

Grandfather: Hello, grandchildren! Hello guys! Where have you been? What have you seen?

Children: We visited the forest and saw a fox there. We won’t tell you what we did, but we will show you!

Children show an invented riddle. If grandfather and grandchildren give the correct answer, the children return to their half and come up with a new riddle. If the answer is given incorrectly, the children say the correct answer and after the words “One, two, three - catch up!” they run across the line, into their home, and “grandfather” and grandchildren try to catch up with them before they cross the saving line. After two riddles, new “grandfathers” and “grandchildren” are chosen.

In riddles, children show how they, for example, wash their hands, wash handkerchiefs, chew nuts, pick flowers, mushrooms or berries, play ball, sweep the floor with a broom, etc.

Game "KING" (version of the folk game)

Target: Develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.

Move Games: Using a rhyme, a child is selected to play the role of king. The remaining child workers are divided into several groups(3-4) and agree on what they will do and what work they will be hired for. Then they approach the king in groups.

Workers : Hello, king!

King : Hello!

Workers: Do you need workers?

King: What can you do?

Workers: Guess it!

Children, acting with imaginary objects, demonstrate various professions: cooking, washing clothes, sewing clothes, embroidering, watering plants, etc. The king must guess the profession of the workers. If he does it correctly, he will catch up with the fleeing children. The first child caught becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by introducing new characters (queen, minister, princess, etc.), as well as inventing the characters of the characters (king - greedy, cheerful, evil; queen - kind, grumpy, frivolous).


Target: Develop skills in acting with imaginary objects, cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

Progress of the game: With the help of a counting rhyme, a child is selected who invites the children to the “birthday”. Guests come one by one and bring imaginary gifts.

With the help of expressive movements and conventional play actions, children must show what exactly they decided to give.

It is better if there are few guests, and the remaining children will first play the role of spectators, assessing the authenticity of the show. Then they can switch roles.